Year - Round: B. Core Behavioral Competencies (Dep-Ed)
Year - Round: B. Core Behavioral Competencies (Dep-Ed)
Year - Round: B. Core Behavioral Competencies (Dep-Ed)
Strengths Development Needs Action Plan (Recommended Developmental Intervention) Timeline Resources
Objective 8. KRA 3 Objective 8. KRA 3 Enhance the quality of Applying new learning from Learning and
education in several ways: by attending seminars/ Development Team
Selected,developed, Use computer effectively in increasing learner motivation Workshops.
organized and used range of different ways to and engagement, by
Year - round
appropriate teaching and improve teaching and learning: facilitating the acquisition of Use of ICT classroom Supervisors/ School
learning resources, by individual pupils by group and basic skills, and by enhancing teaching-learning to provide Heads/ Master
including ICT, to address by teacher focus discussion. teacher training. oppurtunities for students to Teachers
learning goals. operate, store, manipulate,
and retrieve information,
encourage independent and
active learning.