This document provides instructions for a watershed modelling exercise involving a conceptual daily water balance model. Students are asked to:
1) Apply a 4-parameter lumped water balance model to their assigned watershed using provided climate data and manually adjust parameters to fit streamflow.
2) Calibrate and validate the model parameters automatically using calibration tools.
3) Analyze local and global sensitivity of the model parameters and inputs to improve model performance.
The exercise involves developing the initial water balance model in Week 1, calibrating and validating it in Week 2, and conducting sensitivity analysis in Week 3 to fine-tune the model. Matlab code for the conceptual WatBal model is provided to perform the daily
This document provides instructions for a watershed modelling exercise involving a conceptual daily water balance model. Students are asked to:
1) Apply a 4-parameter lumped water balance model to their assigned watershed using provided climate data and manually adjust parameters to fit streamflow.
2) Calibrate and validate the model parameters automatically using calibration tools.
3) Analyze local and global sensitivity of the model parameters and inputs to improve model performance.
The exercise involves developing the initial water balance model in Week 1, calibrating and validating it in Week 2, and conducting sensitivity analysis in Week 3 to fine-tune the model. Matlab code for the conceptual WatBal model is provided to perform the daily
This document provides instructions for a watershed modelling exercise involving a conceptual daily water balance model. Students are asked to:
1) Apply a 4-parameter lumped water balance model to their assigned watershed using provided climate data and manually adjust parameters to fit streamflow.
2) Calibrate and validate the model parameters automatically using calibration tools.
3) Analyze local and global sensitivity of the model parameters and inputs to improve model performance.
The exercise involves developing the initial water balance model in Week 1, calibrating and validating it in Week 2, and conducting sensitivity analysis in Week 3 to fine-tune the model. Matlab code for the conceptual WatBal model is provided to perform the daily
This document provides instructions for a watershed modelling exercise involving a conceptual daily water balance model. Students are asked to:
1) Apply a 4-parameter lumped water balance model to their assigned watershed using provided climate data and manually adjust parameters to fit streamflow.
2) Calibrate and validate the model parameters automatically using calibration tools.
3) Analyze local and global sensitivity of the model parameters and inputs to improve model performance.
The exercise involves developing the initial water balance model in Week 1, calibrating and validating it in Week 2, and conducting sensitivity analysis in Week 3 to fine-tune the model. Matlab code for the conceptual WatBal model is provided to perform the daily
Content Conduct a streamflow modelling analysis of your assigned watershed in the Bern Oberland region with a simple conceptual watershed model at the daily scale. Perform automatic calibration of the parameters, validation of the model, and analyze local/global parameter sensitivity. ET P M Qs S: soil water storage (mm) Smax: maximum capacity of the soil water storage reservoir (mm) dS Sgw: groundwater storage (mm) S P M ET Perc dt S max P: precipitation (mm d-1) Perc M: snowmelt (mm d-1) ET: evapotranspiration (mm d-1) Perc: percolation (mm d-1) S gw Qgw Qs: surface runoff (mm d-1) Qgw: groundwater runoff (mm d-1)
Watershed Modelling – Exercise 2 2
Developing a daily water balance model (WEEK 1) Apply the 4-parameter lumped water balance model from the lecture to your basin with the provided climatic data. Adjust parameters manually to get a visually good fit. Analyze the basin annual water balance. Improve the 4-parameter model by changing or adding one feature or hydrological component.
Watershed Modelling – Exercise 2 3
Calibration/validation of the water balance model (WEEK 2) Calibrate the parameters of the model. Validate the model.
Local/global parameter sensitivity (WEEK 3)
Conduct a local sensitivity test to the model’s parameters. Conduct a global sensitivity test to the inputs and parameters of the model. Fine-tune the model parameters following the results of the sensitivity test.
Watershed Modelling – Exercise 2 4
Matlab Use Matlab version 2019a or newer. Include the Financial Toolbox and Global Optimization Toolbox when you install the software. The WatBal model is coded in two files: WatBal.m – is the model envelope that includes reading the inputs to the model, pre-processing them and model initialization. WatBal_core.m – a function that receives climatic and hydrological variables and parameters as inputs, computes the water balance at daily steps and the Goodness-of-Fit (model outputs).
Watershed Modelling – Exercise 2 5
WatBal model % Compute Snow melt if T_b(i) > Tsm M(i) = min(k*(T_b(i)-Tsm),SC(i-1)); end % Compute Snow cover (SC) SC(i) = SC(i-1) - M(i) + S(i); % Compute ET with routine by Hamon if T_b(i) > 0 delta = 0.4093*sin((2*pi/365)*Jday(i)-1.405); omega_s = acos(-tan(2*pi*Lat/360).*tan(delta)); Nt = 24*omega_s/pi; es = PETa*exp(PETb*T_b(i)./(T_b(i)+PETc)); PET(i) =(2.1*(Nt.^2).*es)./(T_b(i)+273.3); ET(i)=(Ss(i-1)./Smax).*PET(i); end
Watershed Modelling – Exercise 2 6
WatBal model The model is set for the Latterbach catchment. But not yet calibrated! You should be able to run it as is (but – Matlab version, OS, etc.). You can use other software – e.g. Python, R – if you would like (should be self- coded). Example – How to run the model.
Watershed Modelling – Exercise 2 7
Developing a daily water balance model (WEEK 1) Apply the 4-parameter lumped water balance model from the lecture to your basin with the provided climatic data. Adjust parameters manually to get a visually good fit. Analyze the basin annual water balance. Remember – the model is not yet calibrated! Improve the 4-parameter model by changing or adding one feature or hydrological component.