Fluid Mechanics: Bernoulli's Equation Validation

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Republic of Yemen

Sana'a University
Faculty of Engineering
mechatronics Engineering Department

Fluid mechanics
Practical report
Bernoulli's Equation Validation

Eng. Hussam Al-khateeb

Done by:
Dheia Ahmed Al-kubari
Ac. No:201970313
This experiment is about Bernoulli’s theorem. The objective of
this experiment is to demonstrate the Bernoulli’s theorem. This
experiment uses the Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration
Apparatus. The apparatus contains venture meter, pad of
manometer tube, pump, and water tank equipped with pump
water controller, water host and tubes. This experiment uses the
venturi meter to measure the fluid flow through a pipe. The
venturi tube has converging and diverging portion that function
of increasing and decreasing the velocity of fluid and lower and
higher the static pressure respectively. The experiment is
conducted with different flow rates starting the first after the
level pressure of each manometer h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 is
equal and stable. The flow rate was taken as the water indicator
reached at 5 liters of water level. Level pressure of each
manometer is measured as head loss. from the experiment
conducted, we observed than when fluids move at higher
pressure to lower pressure, the velocity increases. There are
differences on the speed of the flow and the pressure when we
use Bernoulli’s equation and continuity equation to calculate
velocity. Thus, we concluded that the Bernoulli’s theorem is
accepted. The experiment was successfully and the objectives
are obtained.

Energy presents in the form of pressure, velocity, and elevation
in fluids with no energy exchange due to viscous dissipation,
heat transfer, or shaft work (pump or some other device). The
relationship among these three forms of energy was first stated
by Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782), based upon the conservation
of energy principle. Bernoulli’s theorem pertaining to a flow
streamline is based on three assumptions: steady flow,
incompressible fluid, and no losses from the fluid friction. The
validity of Bernoulli’s equation will be examined in this
experiment. Bernoulli’s theorem provides a mathematical means
to understanding the mechanics of fluids. It has many real-world
applications, ranging from understanding the aerodynamics of
an airplane; calculating wind load on buildings; designing water
supply and sewer networks; measuring flow using devices such
as weirs, Parshall flumes, and venture meters; and estimating
seepage through soil, etc.

Objectives of the excrement:

Investigate the validity of Bernoulli’s theorem as applied to the
flow of water in a tapping circular duct.

We will take a particle from the flow stream, then we will study the
forces acting on it, see the figure.

This table shows the relation between pressure head and kinetic
head, therefore the total head in order to validate Bernoulli’s
Each section has a different cross section area which means each
section have its own pressure and velocities, As the Bernoulli’s
equation shows as the pressure head increases the velocity
decreases and vice versa. From the calculation it is very clear
that with decrease in cross-section of the flow velocity increase
and pressure decrease. Difference in the theoretical and
measured value it can be said that water is not an ideal fluid.
Height of water in the final column was not equal to the initial
values which show that there are friction losses in water particle.
This type of information is very useful in the case if nozzles, jets
and diffusers.

At the end we conclude that the experiment was valid enough to
proof Bernoulli's theorem of conservation of energy along a
streamline. Error incorporated was due to random errors as well
as factors not considered in Bernoulli's equation such as: The
points were slightly off the same line, so they were not perfectly
along the same streamline Frictional losses existed since there is
contact between fluid and solid surface. The experiment is done
and its objectives are got, as well as the team work.

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