Consignment Form: Office Use (Firefly Express Tracking Number)

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Office Use (Firefly Express Tracking Number)


1 Consignment Details

Shipment Type Flight No

Destination Airport Arrival Time

2 Delivery Information

Sender Residential Receiver Residential

Name Name
Company Company
Address Address

City Postcode City Postcode

State State
Phone Phone
Email Email

3 Item Details
No Description Qty Weight(KG) Insurance (optional) Yes

Remark / special instruction (optional)

Total weight (kg)

Quantity of items Amount due (RM)

4 Declaration/ Consignment Agreement

I hereby agree to Firefly Express Terms and Conditions. Firefly Personnel

I also acknowledge that the information provided by me is accurate and this consignment does not contain any dangerous, hazardous or prohibited items
in accordance to Firefly Express Terms and Conditions

Signature & Date Signature & Date:

5 Acknowledgement by the receiver

Receiver Firefly Personnel

I acknowledge receipt of the items as listed in good order and condition

Signature & Date Signature & Date:

Guide to Completing a FY EX Consignment Form

Part 1 : Consignment Details (office use)

Consignment Type Please indicate consignment type ( document, box, fragile, perishable, etc)
Airport Dissembark Please indicate which airport to be delivered (PEN,AOR,TGG,etc)
Flight No Please indicate Flight No (FYXXXX)
Arrival time Please indicate flight arrival time

Part 2 : Delivery Information *(customer to fill in full details)

Name Please indicate your name
Company Please indicate your company name/residental name
Phone Please indicate your contact number
Email Please indicate your email address
City/state/postcode Please indicate your address in detail

Part 3 : Item Details *(Customer to fill in on item description section only)

Description of Service Please indicate full description of consignment, nature of good
Insurance Please indicate IF consignment insurance covered
Weight (kg) Please indicate the weight of individual items
Quantity Please indicate number of units
Special Instruction Please indicate IF any special instruction to the operation
Amount Total amount payable to Firefly by sender
Part 4 : Declaration / Consignment Agreement
Please obtain endorsement / signature from the customer

Part 5 : Acknowledgement by the receiver

Firefly to provide tracking number for each form & parcel

Part 6 : Office use

Receiver to sign for acknowledgement once the consignment is received.
The followings are the terms and conditions entered between you, as the Sender liable in any manner whatsoever if it is discovered that the item posted was lost,
and Firefly Express ("FYEX"). By using FYEX's service, the Sender is agreeing damaged and/or delayed due to the failure of the Sender in ensuring that item
that the Terms and Conditions shall apply from the time that FYEX accepts the posted has been labelled and addressed clearly and legibly and wrapped neatly,
Item and the Sender shall be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions securely and safely notwithstanding the acceptance of FYEX for the posting of
herein, with or without signing the Sender Declaration on Consignment Form. the item. The Sender is solely responsible and liable for all charges, costs and
"Items" means all documents or parcels which may be carried by any means that expenses including but not limited to transportation charges and possible
FYEX chooses. surcharges, customs, duties, assessments including any fees related to our
prepayment of the same, government penalties and fines, taxes and lawyers fee's
1. Posting of Original and/or Official documents and legal costs and any costs which may be incurred in returning the shipment or
warehousing, whilst pending disposition of the same.
Posting of original and/or official documents, including but not limited to any
national identity registration card, passport, birth / marriage certificate, cheque The Sender shall not be a passenger of Firefly on the same flight number,
book, road tax, academic certificates, company tender, legal document, and/or destination and day of FYEX’s service.
other original and/or official documents, are sent at the Sender's own risk. FYEX
shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the loss and/or damage of any 5. Declaration of the content
original and/or official documents.
Contents and value of items must be declared in a correct and complete form and
2. Posting of Dangerous Goods and Prohibited Items manner. FYEX reserves the right to refuse any posting charge, refund or
compensation in the event any information in the consignment note is misleading,
Posting of any Dangerous Goods as defined by Firefly General Conditions of incomplete, illegible, confusing, inconsistent with the contents and actual value
Carriage and Conditions of Contract under the clause (8.1) and the International of the item being declared during posting.
Air Transport Association (IATA), Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) which
includes any amendments, updates or supplements that may be issued from time 6. Insurance
to time) or Prohibited Items (means any goods and/or items that are prohibited by
the laws, regulations and/or authority of the country of origin and/or country of FYEX does not offer all risk insurance on items. FYEX recommends that the
destination) are totally prohibited. FYEX reserves the right to amend or change senders obtain such insurance.
the classes' of goods or items which are categorized as Dangerous Goods or
Prohibited Items at any time without prior notice. FYEX reserves the right to 7. Airport to airport
refuse posting of Items at any time and at its sole and absolute discretion if FYEX
deems or considers that the contents or any part of the contents of the said item is Item are accepted for shipment from their receipt at airport office at the place of
dangerous or prohibited good or item whether or not the said posting has been departure to the airport at the place of destination or the respective facility as
accepted by FYEX. FYEX shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever in the designated by the Senders. The designation of the airport for FYEX’s services are
event FYEX decides not to accept posting and/or to continue with posting and/or on domestic destination operated by Firefly airlines as published by us.
if any posting is returned, destroyed or detained by any relevant authority.
8. Item acceptance
3. Exception of posting prohibited items
FYEX’s undertakes to transport, subject to the availability of suitable equipment
Posting of any Dangerous Goods and/or Prohibited Items would only be allowed and capacity, all shipments, unless otherwise excluded by FYEX's regulations
if (i) all the necessary and required approvals, permissions and clearances have and provided:
been obtained from all relevant authorities.(ii) the posting of the Dangerous (i) The transportation, or the exportation or importation thereof is not
Goods and/or Prohibited Items have been declared and accompanied with all prohibited by the laws or regulations of any country to be flown from, to
original supporting documents evidencing the said approval, permission and or over;
clearance. FYEX reserves the right to refuse posting at any time at its sole and (ii) Item are packed, labeled and described in a manner ready for carriage
absolute discretion if FYEX deems or considers that the declaration and/or the as required by the issuing Carrier and any subsequent Carrier;
accompanying supporting documents are incomplete, insufficient and/or (iii) Item are accompanied by the requisite shipping documents;
inadequate, whether or not the said posting has been accepted by FYEX. FYEX (iv) Item are not likely to endanger aircraft, persons or property, or cause
shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever in the event FYEX decides not to annoyance to passengers;
accept posting and/or to continue with posting and/or if any posting is returned, (v) To the extent permitted by law the Carrier reserves the right without
destroyed or detained by any relevant authority. assuming any liability to refuse carriage of cargo when circumstances so

If, in our absolute discretion, the item exceed allowance is accepted for FYEX,
4. Sender's obligation the Sender shall pay an excessive charge at the rates published by us (which rates
may be changed or varied at any time and from time to time and will be available
The Senders is required to declare the contents of your parcels in a complete, upon request and at our check-in counters).
accurate and correct manner to our counter staff for acceptance. Posting of any
Dangerous Goods as defined by Firefly General Conditions of Carriage and 9. Price
Conditions of Contract under the clause (8.1) , International Air Transport
Association (IATA), International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) and Civil The prices of delivery rates that include airport-to-airport service are correct as
Aviation Act 1969(Act3) under the Dangerous Goods Regulation (DGR) which published by us. FYEX have the right to charge a Delivery Fee, which may be
includes any amendments, updates or supplements that may be issued from time subject to change, depending on the services FYEX are providing.
to time are totally prohibited. FYEX reserves the right to refuse posting of such
items that are prohibited by law at any time or at its sole and absolute discretion 10. Payment
if FYEX considers that such items could pose a risk to health, safety, property or
the environment in any manner whether or not such items have been accepted for All charges applicable to a shipment are payable in cash or credit card at the time
posting. In such event, FYEX reserves its right to take necessary actions to, of acceptance thereof by the FYEX’s personnel, i.e. a shipment on which the
including but not limited to, dispose of or destroy detain nor the refund the charges are to be paid by the Sender, or at the time of delivery.
postage costs such item as permitted under the laws or directed by the relevant FYEX have the right to cancel the carriage of the shipment upon refusal by the
authority. Sender, to pay the charges or portion thereof so demanded, without Carrier being
subject to any liability therefore.
The Sender is responsible to ensure that the item posted has been labelled and
addressed clearly and legibly and wrapped neatly, securely and safely for 11. Collection and Unclaimed Item
transportation and able to withstand the handling of courier. FYEX will not be
It is the Sender duty to notify the Recipients the delivery and collection of the The Recipient must lodge complain and/or claim for any damaged and/or partial
items as evidenced in the Air Waybill or Shipment record. The Recipient must loss of contents or Items to the Firefly airport operation. FYEX reserves the right
accept delivery of and collect the item at the airport of destination unless delivery not to entertain any claim from the Sender if there is no complaint lodged by the
service to the address of the Consignee has been arranged for between the Sender Recipient to Firefly airport operation.
and FYEX’s. Any complaint and/or claim for damaged/ partial loss of contents/ lost Item must
Delivery to the Recipient shall be deemed to have been affected when FYEX’s be made in writing to FYEX within 30 days from the date of posting and the
has delivered to the Recipients or his agent any authorization from FYEX’s complaint and/or claim must be submitted together with (a) proof of posting; (b)
required to enable the Recipient to obtain release of the shipment. a copy of the Sender or recipient's official identification document. FYEX shall
Failure of the Recipients to claim the item within the maximum of 48 hours be entitled not to entertain any complaint and/or claim received after the
subjected to the Goods specification upon its arrival at the airport of destination, Complaint and/or Claim Deadline without any liability whatsoever to the Sender.
FYEX’s may immediately take such steps as it sees fit for the protection of itself
and other parties in interest, including but not limited to the destruction or 17. Severance
abandonment of all or any part of the item, the sending of communications for
instructions at the cost of the Sender, the storage of the shipment or any part If any of the above clauses are not enforceable for any reason whatsoever, it
thereof at the risk and cost of the Sender, or the disposition of the shipment or any would not prevent the validity and enforceability of the other Terms and
part thereof at public or private sale without notice. Conditions herein.

12. Cancelation 18. Variation of Terms and Conditions

The Sender are not permitted to make any changes or cancellation after the It is hereby agreed that the terms and conditions herein may be altered, varied,
security clearance and completion of payment. In the event the flight is cancelled substituted and/or added to from time to time or at any time by FYEX at its
or rescheduled due to causes beyond our control such as, but not limited to, force absolute discretion without prior notice. Such alteration, variation, substitution
majeure, war, meteorological conditions incompatible with the operation of the and/or addition shall take effect on the date on which FYEX declares it to be
flight concerned, security risk, unexpected flight safety shortcoming or strikes, effective. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole
FYEX will not be liable to you in any way whether directly or indirectly for any discretion.
cost and/or losses incurred and shall be under no immediate obligation to comply
although FYEX shall make reasonable efforts to assist you as best as we can in Contact us
the prevailing circumstances. If you have any questions about these Terms, you may contact us via one of the
following methods:
13. Delayed Delivery
Email address :
FYEX will make every reasonable effort to deliver items in accordance with
FYEX transit time. However, these delivery schedules are not binding and do not
form part of the contract. FYEX is not liable for any damages, costs or loss caused
by delays. FYEX to contact senders due to the flight delay on the updated FYEX’s
transit time with the right communication channel.

14. Circumstances beyond FYEX control

FYEX shall not be liable for any loss for lost, damage, failure or delayed delivery
caused by matters or circumstances outside and/or beyond the control and/or
power of FYEX. These include but not limited to:

(i) Act of God, natural disaster such as earthquake, hurricane, flood and
(ii) War, embargo, aeroplane accident
(iii) Fire or robbery
(iv) Electrical or magnetic damage to, or erasure of, electronic or
photographic images, data or recordings; any defect or characteristic
related to the nature of the item, even if known to FYEX
(v) Local, regional and/or global epidemic and/or pandemic that is
affecting the country/ destination for FYEX and resulted in air travel
restriction and/or changes in flight schedule, and;
(vi) Items that are seized or detained by the Customs department or any
other relevant authority of the country of origin and/or country of

The Sender is solely responsible for any tax, duty, fines or penalties that imposed
by the Customs Department or any other relevant authority of the country of
origin and / or country of destination.

15. Consequential damage

FYEX shall not be liable for any consequential damages, including but not limited
loss arising from loss of contract, profit, revenue, income whether such loss or
damage is special or indirect and even if the risk of such loss or damage was
brought to FYEX's attention before or after acceptance of the items by FYEX. or
other indirect cost, caused by any delay, damage or loss of content in the Item
(whole or part of the content) or the Item.

16. Complaint and/or Claim for Damaged and/or Partially Lost of


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