Rocks and Minerals Practice s2c PDF
Rocks and Minerals Practice s2c PDF
Rocks and Minerals Practice s2c PDF
Rocks and Mineral Practice
6. Base your answer to the following question on the block diagrams of four rock outcrops, A, B, C,
and D, located within 15 kilometers of each other. The rock layers have not been overturned.
7. A human fingernail has a hardness of approximately 10. Which element, found in both biotite mica and
2.5. Which two minerals are softer than a human muscovite mica, makes up the greatest percent by
fingernail? volume of Earth's crust?
(A) sulfur and fluorite (A) nitrogen (B) silicon
(B) graphite and talc (C) potassium (D) oxygen
(C) calcite and halite
(D) pyrite and magnetite
11. The diagram below shows a rock with deformed
structure and intergrown crystals.
8. Which process led to the formation of thick salt
deposits found in the bedrock at some locations in
New York State?
(A) runoff (B) melting
(C) condensation (D) evaporation
The rock was probably formed by
(A) volcanic lava that cooled on Earth's surface
9. Which mineral is commonly mined as a source of (B) sediments that were deposited on the ocean
the element lead (Pb)? floor
(A) gypsum (B) quartz (C) a meteor impact on Earth's surface
(C) magnetite (D) galena (D) heat and pressure that changed a preexisting
12. Where are the Earth's sedimentary rocks generally 16. Dolostone is classified as which type of rock?
(A) foliated metamorphic rock
(A) deep within the Earth's crust (B) nonfoliated metamorphic rock
(B) as a thin layer covering much of the (C) chemically formed sedimentary rock
continents (D) land-derived sedimentary rock
(C) in regions of recent volcanic activity
(D) along the mid-ocean ridges
17. Which sedimentary rock could form as a result of
13. Base your answer to the following question on the
(A) shale (B) limestone
photograph below. The photograph shows several
(C) conglomerate (D) sandstone
broken samples of the same colorless mineral.
21. The photograph below shows the texture of a rock 23. Base your answer to the following question on the
composed of various minerals as seen through a pictures of four rocks shown below. Magnified
microscope. views of the rocks are shown in the circles.
26. Base your answer to the following question on the graph below, which shows the crustal
temperature and pressure conditions under which three different minerals with the same chemical
composition (Al 2SiO5) crystallize.
Under which crustal temperature and pressure conditions will andalusite form?
(A) 700°C and 8000 atmospheres (B) 500°C and 2000 atmospheres
(C) 600°C and 4000 atmospheres (D) 300°C and 6000 atmospheres
27. Which rock is composed of the mineral halite that formed when seawater evaporated?
(A) dolostone (B) limestone (C) rock salt (D) rock gypsum
29. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below, which represents a rock
composed of cemented pebbles and sand.
30. Which mineral is the major component of drywall? 32. The diagram below shows four rock samples.
(A) muscovite mica (B) talc
(C) calcite (D) selenite gypsum
35. Base your answer to the following question on the table below, which shows the characteristics of
four different mineral samples.
Which two mineral samples most likely have a similar internal arrangement of atoms?
(A) gold and halite (B) gold and galena
(C) galena and halite (D) galena and quartz
37. The table below shows some properties of four different minerals.
38. Base your answer to the following question on the map and cross section below. The shaded areas
on the map represent regions of the United States that have evaporite rock layers (layers of rock
formed from the evaporation of seawater) under the surface bedrock. The cross section shows the
generalized structure of the area in which the evaporite layers are found in New York State.
39. How are the minerals biotite mica and muscovite 40. Which diagram best represents a sample of the
mica different? metamorphic rock gneiss? [Diagrams show actual
(A) Biotite mica is colorless, but muscovite mica
is not. (A)
(B) Biotite mica contains iron and/or magnesium,
but muscovite mica does not.
(C) Muscovite mica scratches quartz, but biotite
mica does not.
(D) Muscovite mica cleaves into thin sheets, but (B)
biotite mica does not.
41. The cartoon below presents a humorous look at
42. Base your answer to the following question on the graph below and on your knowledge of Earth
The graph shows the temperature, pressure, and depth environments for the formation of the three
major rock types. Pressure is shown in kilobars (kb). Letters A through D identify different
environmental conditions for rock formation.
At what pressure and temperature is sand most likely to be compacted into sandstone?
(A) 2 kb and 150°C (B) 6 kb and 200°C
(C) 10 kb and 400°C (D) 12 kb and 900°C
44. The graph below shows the depth and temperature conditions in Earth's interior under which
carbon becomes either the mineral graphite or the mineral diamond.
Compared to the depth and temperature conditions under which graphite forms, describe the
difference in the relative depth and relative temperature conditions under which most diamonds
45. Base your answer to the following question on the cross section below and on your knowledge of
Earth science. The cross section represents rock formations that exist in the southwestern part of
the United States. Names of the faults and rock units are indicated on the diagram.
Formation A consists of three thin sandstone lavers interbedded with shale layers. Hornfels and
quartzite are found at the top of formation A. Describe how the hornfels and quartzite formed.
46. Base your answer to the following question on the rock cycle diagram below.
State the specific names of rocks A, B, and C in the diagram. Do not write the terms
"sedimentary," "igneous," and "metamorphic."
47. Base your answer to the following question on the cross section below. Letters A through H
represent rock units in which overturning has not occurred.
48. Base your answer to the following question on the information below.
A student on a field trip in New York State collected a sample of metamorphic bedrock
containing bands of coarse-grained crystals of plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene, quartz, and mica.
Identify the metamorphic rock found by the student.
Carbon may be the most important element on our planet because it is the chemical building
block of all living things. The element carbon is formed in dying stars and scattered when the
stars explode. Our solar system formed from such star remnants. Pure carbon comes in several
forms, which include the minerals graphite and diamond (hardness = 10), and the fossil fuels
bituminous coal and anthracite coal. Almost all diamonds are mined from igneous rocks that
originate at an approximate depth of 150 kilometers under immense pressure. Most graphite is
formed through the metamorphism of organic material in rocks closer to Earth's surface.
Identify two uses for the mineral graphite.
50. A family wants to use rock materials as flooring in the entrance of their new house. They have
narrowed their choice to granite or marble. Which of these rocks is more resistant to the physical
wear of foot traffic and explain why this rock is more resistant.