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Ministerul Educaţiei și Cercetării Științifice

Centrul Naţional de Evaluare şi Examinare


9 iulie 2015

Probă scrisă
Limba și literatura engleză
• Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.
• Timpul de lucru efectiv este de 4 ore.

SUBIECTUL I (30 de puncte)

A. Read the following text, identify and comment on the point(s) of view adopted by John
Fowles. (15-20 lines) 15 points

"In my opinion, no."

The old man turned. "Maurice?"
Conchis spoke, staring at me. "I think we are all agreed that he has been an admirable subject for
our purposes, but he has masochistic traits that will get pleasure even out of our discussion of his
faults. In my opinion our further interest in him is now both harmful to him and unnecessary."
The old man looked up at me. "Under narcosis it was discovered that you are still strongly attached
to Dr. Maxwell. Some of us have been concerned about the effect that the loss of the young
Australian girl, for which, I may also tell you, you feel deeply guilty in your unconscious, and now
the second loss of the mythical figure you know as Lily, may have on you. I refer to the possibility
of suicide. Our conclusion has been this: that your attachment to self-gratification is too deep to
make any other than a hysterical attempt at suicide likely. And against this we advise you to
I gave a sarcastic bow of thanks. Dignity, keep some remnant of dignity.
"Now... does anyone wish to say anything more?" He looked both ways down the table. They all
shook their heads. "Very well. We have come to the end of our experiment." He gestured for the
"board" to stand, which they did. The "audience" remained sitting. He looked at me. "We have not
concealed our real opinion of you; and since this is a trial we have of course been acting as
witnesses against ourselves. You are, I remind you once again, the judge, and the time has now
come for you to judge us. We have, first of all, selected a pharmakos. A scapegoat."
He looked to his left. Lily took off her glasses, stepped round the table and came and stood at the
foot of the dais in front of me, with a bowed head; the white woolen dress, a penitential. Even then
I was so stupid that I saw some fantastic new development; a mock wedding, some absurd happy
ending... and I thought grimly what I would do if they dared try that on.
"She is your prisoner, but you cannot do what you like with her, because the code of medical
justice under which we exist specifies a precise type of punishment for the crime of destroying all
power of forgiveness in the subject of our experiments." He turned round to Adam, who stood near
the archway. "The apparatus."
Adam called something. The other people behind the table stood to one side; in a compact group,
facing the "students," with the old man at their head. Four black-uniformed men came in. They
quickly moved the sedan-coffin and two of the tables, so that the center of the room was left free.
The third table was lifted in front of me, beside Lily. Then two of the men left and returned carrying
a heavy wooden frame, like a door frame, on bracketed legs. Six or seven feet up, at the top of the
uprights, were iron rings. Lily turned and walked to where they set it, some halfway down the room.
She stood in front of it and held up her arms. Adam handcuffed her wrists to the rings, so that she
was crucified against it, with her back to me. Then a kind of stiffened leather helmet, with a down-
projecting back piece that covered the nape of her neck, was put on her head; a protector.
It was a flogging frame.
Adam then left; returned in two seconds.
I could not see what he was holding at first, but he swung it loose as he came towards me. And I
understood; I understood the incredible last trick they were playing.

Pagina 1 din 3
Probă scrisă la limba și literatura engleză Varianta 2
Ministerul Educaţiei și Cercetării Științifice
Centrul Naţional de Evaluare şi Examinare

It was a stiff black handle ending in a long skein of knotted lashes. Adam unraveled two or three
that were tangled, then laid the foul thing on the table, handle towards me. Then he went back to
Lily — everything was carefully planned to be in this sequence — and pulled down the zip in the
back of her dress to her waist. He even unhooked the bra, then folded it and the dress carefully
aside, so that her bare back was fully exposed. I could see the pink lines on her skin where the
strap had crossed.
I was the Eumenides, the merciless Furies.
(John Fowles, The Magus)

a. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not alter the word in any way. You must use between three and six words,
including the word given. 5 points

1. Things have changed in a way that we didn't expect.

There.......................................................... events. TURN

2. Your excuses are beginning to sound unconvincing to me.

Your excuses are................................. as I'm concerned. THIN

3. Driving there is not as quick as taking the train.

You'll get there more .......................... rather than drive. QUICKLY

4. I really feel sad when I see you so upset.

Seeing you ..................................... sad. WHAT

5. No matter what you do, I intend to marry Tia.

I have every ................................................ you do. WHATEVER

b. Choose the correct answer. 5 points

1. My grandfather enjoys ___ very good health. Actually, he _____ a journey around the world
once he _____ grandmother ____ joining him.

A. a / considers having / will convince / of

B. - / is considering to take / talks / in
C. a / is considering doing / persuades / into
D. - / is considering making / has talked / into

2. He made it clear that when he ________ the project he ________ on for 5 days, he
________ paint the town ______.

A. would finish / has been working / would / purple

B. had finished / had been working / would / red
C. would have finished / was working / would / orange
D. finished / had been working / was to / blue

3. I can’t understand why you didn’t ____ the agreement we ____. If you ___, none of this ___

A. keep to / had made / had / would crop up

B. keep at / reached at / would / would have cropped up
C. keep on / had reached / did / wouldn’t come up
D. keep with / arrived at / would have / would have come up

Pagina 2 din 3
Probă scrisă la limba și literatura engleză Varianta 2
Ministerul Educaţiei și Cercetării Științifice
Centrul Naţional de Evaluare şi Examinare

4. Until your finances are in the ____, it’s not a good idea to take ____ a loan. So, I’d rather you
___ your fiancee such a (n) ____ gift.

A. profit / up / wouldn’t give / valuable

B. red / off / shouldn’t give / luxuriant
C. black / out / didn’t give / extravagant
D. increase / on / didn’t offer / invaluable

5. You’ll have to ________ if you want to get rid of ache. Don’t put ________ seeing your

A. take out your tooth / up

B. get your tooth filled / off
C. take out your tooth / off
D. get your tooth filled / up

c. Specify and illustrate five uses of the Present Tense Continuous. 5 points

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (30 de puncte)

a. Present and discuss three advantages of using groupwork in class. 12 points

b. Devise a reading activity based on the text in SUBJECT I. 18 points

i. Specify the time limit and the type(s) of classroom interaction.

ii. Mention the learning objectives/outcomes and the competence(s) targeted by the learning
iii. Describe the procedure.
iv. Specify the teacher’s role(s).

III.TÉTEL (30 pont)

Az oktatási folyamat- fogalmi elemzés és összefüggés tanulás-tanítás-értékelés között.

Pagina 3 din 3
Probă scrisă la limba și literatura engleză Varianta 2

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