Lesson Plan: Aims: Educational, Instructive

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Lesson Plan

Subject: English
Date: 28.09.2020
Form: 5th”B’ form
Teacher: Zhadan Leonid
Theme: “The world of sport
Type of lesson: mixed
Time: 45 min.
Competences: 1.Communicative competence
-developing of oral speech.
2.Reading competence
-reading an unknown text with appropriate stress, intonation and fluency.
3.Writing competence
-writing a project about sport.
1. practice talking about sports
2. practice using tag questions
3. practice role play
4. practice reading for specific information

Aims: educational, instructive;

- to discuss about sport; the role of the sport in our lives.
- to study new words, to enrich vocabulary , to read the text;
- to develop the reading, listening, writing and speaking skills;

Written interaction: 4.2. Providing a complete and clear description of a person

4.4. Editing short texts based on familiar topics.
Visual aids: Textbooks, copybooks, pictures, computer,, blackboard, computer, TV.
Methods and techniques: direct, brainstorming, communicative, audio-visual.
Forms of pupil’s activity: frontal, individual, oral.
Stages of the Competences Teacher’s activity Pupils’ activity Visual aids and Time
Lesson materials,

1.Evocation Warming-up T: Good morning boys and girls! Glad to see you! Good morning, teacher! Fine, Communicative 2 min.
Today we continue our work at the theme “Sports”. thank you. Audio-lingual
We shall revise the material of our previous lessons
and speak about sports. We shall find out what sports Thousands years ago ancient
you like or maybe dislike. Greeks said: “A sound mind is in Direct M.
a sound body.” Millions of people Checking the
- What did the ancient Greeks say thousands of years who go in for sports know from pupil’s 2 min.
Speaking ago? their own experience that this knowledge
- Is this statement true or false? famous saying is true. Copybooks
- What do people who do not play sports prefer? At the same time a great number
of people don’t go in for sports.
Some of them realize that sport is
useful but prefer watching sport
on TV to going in for it
- I like to play football Direct method
- I like to play tennis
- I don’t like to play checkers

So, at the lesson we shall speak about sport activities.

Listening, 7 min.
Now we’ll read the new words and you make up Pupils repeat new words after blackboard
Realization writing,
expressions. teacher.
Speaking Match the words in English and in Russian. Students complete the task with
Катание на роликах
new words.
Skiing Плавание
Swimming Гибкий
Hiking Велоспорт

Cycling Катание на коньках

Skating Катание на лыжах

Reading skills
Tournament Горный туризм

Improve Мускулы

Keep fit Улучшать ALM, GTM

Muscles Турнир Books

Flexible Быть в хорошей форме

The teacher shows in presentation different pictures 5 min.

with the names of different shops and tells pupils to
Listening write down the new words in their vocabularies.


Hockey puck[ ˈhɒkɪ pʌk]- хоккейная шайба

Outdoor sport[ ˈaʊtdɔː spɔːt]- спорт на открытом
Indoor sport[ ˈɪndɔː spɔːt]- Спорт в помещении

Reflection Presentation 6 min.
Now please match the words related to indoor sport
and to outdoor sport.


Speaking Pupils compose a dialogue based

5 min.
on questions.
Dialogue 1. Answer the questions. Make up the dialogue:
1. What kinds of sports are popular in Moldova?
2. Are you against or for sports?
3. Do you prefer going in for sports or watching it on
4. Is sport a part of our everyday life?
5. Is sport important to you?  play football(footballer),
6. What is your favorite kind of sport? cricket(batsman),
7. Who is the best sportsman in your class? tennis(tennis player); 4 min.
 go swimming(swimmer),
2. People who go in for different sports have
different names. How do we call people who:
 play football(footballer), cricket(batsman),  ride a bike(cyclist)
tennis(tennis player);
 go swimming(swimmer), jumping(jumper),
running(runner), windsurfing(surfer),
 ride a bike(cyclist)? Picture
Books 5 min.
Listening • Это игра для двух или четырех
игроков, которые отбивают мяч
Speaking 1. Guess what kind of sports it is. Translate the
ракетками по сетке. (большой
sentences into Russian.
теннис) GTM
• Это летняя игра, в которую
 It is a game for two or four players who hit a
ball with rackets across a net. ( lawn tennis) играют на траве две команды с
 It is a summer game played on a grass field by мячом, битами и калитками.
two teams with a ball, bats and wickets. (крикет)
(cricket) • Это игра, в которую играют два
 It is a game played by two or four persons with или четыре человека маленьким
a small hard ball which is struck with clubs into твердым мячом, который забивают
holes. (golf) клюшками в лунки. (гольф)
 It is a way of traveling or going on foot. • Это способ путешествовать или
идти пешком. (ходьба) Books
• Это командная игра с овальным Copybooks
 It is a team game played with oval ball. (rugby,
football) мячом. (регби)
 It is a game played on a table using round wood • Это игра на столе с
bats and a small plastic ball. (table tennis) использованием круглых
деревянных бит и небольшого
пластикового мяча. (настольный

Running, swimming, football, tennis,

5 min.
Listening Listen to the story about Paul and the sports that he ALM
does. Paul loves sports. He does some sport every day.
Group work After school on Mondays, he goes running with some
friends for about half an hour. Then he goes swimming
before he goes home for dinner. He also plays in two
school teams. On Wednesdays he plays football at
school and on Friday evening he plays in the table
tennis team. On Saturday and Sunday mornings he Books
goes swimming again. He also cycles to school every Copybooks
day except Sunday. On Sunday afternoon, he does his
favorite sport – sleeping!

Feedback Teacher asks students to make conclusion what they have spoken about. 1 min.

Extention Teacher explanes homework. Ex 7p. 79 and to learn the new words. 1 min.

Evaluatio Teacher says that he is pleased with the students work and evaluates them. 2 min.

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