An Experimental Study On Efficiency & Cost Analysis of Pellucid Concrete

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Roll No.:- 1454841
September, 2016







Submitted by



Under the Guidance


Surya School Of Engineering & Technology




I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the thesis entitled “AN


CONCRETE” by “ABDUL BASIT JALAL BHAT” in partial fulfillment of requirement

for the award of degree of M. Tech. (Civil Engineering) submitted in the Department of Civil


under PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, JALANDHAR is an authentic record of my

own work carried out during a period from under the supervision of Er. DIVIYA

DIWAKER. The matter presented in this thesis has not been submitted in any other

university/institute for the award of M. Tech. Degree.

Signature of student

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of our


Signature of Supervisor

The M. Tech. Viva-Voce Examination of ABDUL BASIT JALAL BHAT has been held on

__________ and accepted.

Signature of HoD Signature of External Examiner


Pellucid concrete is a concrete based material with light transmitting properties, which is

obtained by using plastic optical fibre in it. Light is transmitted through the fibre from one end

to another end which results into a lighting pattern on the other surface, depending on the fibre

diameter and percentage used. Plastic optical fibres transmit light so effectively that there is

virtually zero percent loss of light. Use of pellucid concrete increases the visual appearance of

the structure but there is a little increase in the cost of structure.

Optical fibre of diameter 0.2 mm and 0.5mm is used in this study. The amount of optical fibre

used is 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2% by weight of cement. Experiments which shows the behavior

of pellucid concrete that were carried out to check its properties i.e. compressive strength,

flexural strength, light transmission & workability are compression test, flexure test, slump test

and light transmission test. While performing experiments fibre were placed parallel as well as

perpendicular to the load applied, so as to check the compressive strength in both forms.

Compressive strength increased continuously in parallel loading with major strength change on

addition of 1% plastic optical fibre, while in perpendicular loading it decreased after 1% use of

plastic optical fibre. Flexural strength also increased continuously but major change was seen

on addition of 1% plastic optical fibre.

To check light transmission through pellucid blocks, light transmission test was carried with

the help of Lux metre. Cost analysis has also been done in this study, to check whether cost of

pellucid concrete increases or decreases.


I express my sincere gratitude to my guide Er. DIVIYA DIWAKER, Professor Civil

Engineering Department, Surya School of Engineering and Technology, for their invaluable

guidance, proper advice and constant encouragement during the course of my work in this

Seminar report.

I thank the entire faculty and staff of Civil Engineering Department, Surya Educational

Charitable Trust,Shambu Barier for their help and moral support.

At last but most important I am highly thankful to my family for their love, support and care.



Candidate’s declaration i

Abstract ii

Acknowledgement iii

Table of contents iv

List of figures vii

List of tables x


1.1 General 1

1.2 Principle 2

1.3 Index of Refraction 2

1.4 Total Internal Reflection 3

1.5 Optical Fibre 6

1.6 Usage of Pellucid Concrete Blocks 8

1.7 Disadvantages 10

1.8 Few Major Examples 10


2.1 Literature Study 12

2.2 Problem Formulation


3.1 General 21

3.2 Objectives 21


4.1 Ordinary Portland Cement 22

4.1.1 Chemical Composition 23

4.2 Aggregate 24

4.2.1 Fine Aggregates 25

4.2.2 Coarse Aggregates 26

4.3 Optical Fibre 26

4.4 Mix Design 27

4.5 Manufacturing Process 27


5.1 Test For Compressive Strength 28

5.1.1 Purpose 28

5.1.2 Making of Test Specimens 29

5.1.3 Apparatus 30

5.1.4 Preparation of Cube 30

5.1.5 Curing 32

5.1.6 Test Procedure 33

5.2 Test For Flexural Strength 34

5.2.1 Apparatus 34

5.2.3 Flexural Test Machine 35

5.2.4 Casting 35

5.2.5 Table Vibrator 36

5.2.6 Curing Tank 36

5.2.7 Testing 37

5.3 Light Transmission Test 37

5.3.1 Apparatus 37

5.3.2 Test Procedure 38

5.4 Workability Test 38

5.4.1 Test Procedure 38

5.4.2 Preparation of Concrete 38

5.5 Cost Analysis 39


6.1 Compressive Strength Test 41

6.2 Flexural Strength Test 45

6.3 Workability 47

6.4 Light Transmission Test 47

6.5 Cost Analysis 48





Figure No. Title Page No.

Figure 1.1: Principle of Optical Fibre 2

Figure 1.2: Total internal Reflection 3

Figure 1.3: Light Transmission through POF 4

Figure 1.4: Optical Fibre Bush 6

Figure 1.5: Internal View of POF 7

Figure 1.6: Pellucid Concrete Ceilings 8

Figure 1.7: Wall of Restaurant 8

Figure 1.8: Person Behind Wall 8

Figure 1.9: Pellucid Concrete Stair. 8

Figure 1.10: Pellucid Concrete Decors 9

Figure 1.11: European Gate Day & Night View 10

Figure 1.12: European Gate 10

Figure 1.13: The Luccon Gate in Austria 11

Figure 1.14: A Close View of Luccon gate 11

Figure 4.1: Cement 22

Figure 4.2: Fine Aggregate (Sand) 24

Figure 4.3: Coarse Aggregate 25

Figure 5.1: Compressive Testing Machine 28

Figure 5.2: POF Frame 29

Figure 5.3: POF Oriented in Mould 30

Figure 5.4: Pictorial View of Mould 6x6 31


Figure No. Title Page No.

Figure 5.5: Pictorial View of Mould 5x5 31

Figure 5.6: Casted Pellucid Cube 32

Figure 5.7: Cracked Cube 33

Figure 5.8: Beam Specimen. 34

Figure 5.9: Four Point Loading 35

Figure 5.10: Table Vibrator 36

Figure 5.11: Curing Tank 36

Figure 5.12: Slump Cone 39

Figure 6.1: Graph for Compressive Strength Test Results After 7-Days for 0.2mm 41

Figure 6.2: Graph for Compressive Strength Test Results After 7-Days for 0.5mm 41

Figure 6.3: Graph for Compressive Strength Test Results After 14-Days for 0.2mm 42

Figure 6.4: Graph for Compressive Strength Test Results After 14-Days for 0.5mm 42

Figure 6.5: Graph for Compressive Strength Test Results After 28-Days for 0.2mm 43

Figure 6.6: Graph for Compressive Strength Test Results After 28-Days for 0.5mm 43

Figure 6.7: Comparison Between Different Loading After 7-Days for 0.2mm 44

Figure 6.8: Comparison Between Different Loading After 7-Days for 0.5mm 44

Figure 6.9: Comparison Between Different Loading After 14-Days for 0.2mm 44

Figure 6.10: Comparison Between Different Loading After 14-Days for 0.5mm 44

Figure 6.11: Comparison Between Different Loading After 28-Days for 0.2mm 45

Figure 6.12: Comparison Between Different Loading After 28-Days for 0.5mm 45

Figure 6.13: Graph for Flexural Strength Test After 7-Days 45


Figure No. Title Page No.

Figure 6.14: Graph Flexural Strength Test After 14-Days 46

Figure 6.15: Graph Flexural Strength Test After 28-Days 46

Figure 6.15: Lux Reading Using Artificial Light 47

Figure 6.15: Lux Reading Using Sunlight 47

Figure 6.15: Cost Analysis for Pellucid Concrete (M20) 48


Table No. Title Page No.

Table 4.1: Composition Limits of Ordinary Portland Cement 23

Table 4.2: Bogue’s Compounds 24

Table 4.3: Sieve Analysis 25

Table 4.4: Optical Fibre Percentage Used 26

Table 4.5: Mix Design 27

Table 6.1 Compressive Strength Test Results After 7th Day 41

Table 6.2 Compressive Strength Test Results After 14th Day 42

Table 6.3 Compressive Strength Test Results After 28th Day 43

Table 6.4 Flexural Strength Test Results After 7th Day 45

Table 6.5 Flexural Strength Test Results After 14th Day 46

Table 6.6 Flexural Strength Test Results After 28th Day 46

Table 6.7 Result Obtained by Workability Test 47

Table 6.8 Light Transmission Test 47

Table 6.9 Cost Analysis 48




Civil engineering has achieved advancement in the field of construction, few people were having

misconception about civil engineering as a branch of science which deals with civilization. But,

when the time passes the construction of engineering structures, like underground roads, bridge,

elevated road, landmark buildings, skyscrapers and many other building structure have taken place.

While considering economic growth, in this time there is an extensive growth that is why high

consumption and high pollution. So the time has come when this modern world should have energy

saving technologies practically in developing countries. Dealing with the external structure that are

prone to external environmental effects like rain, snow, wind, storms and chemical action on

structures cause economic losses and some serious casualties once damaged. Keeping all these things

into one's mind engineers are trying to build structures that should include, self diagnose smart

concrete, self compacting concrete, self lining smart concrete, soundproof concrete, self repairing

and so on. All these are economic characters but cannot posses energy saving. For energy saving a

different material known as Pellucid concrete is developed, which can impart a different feature in

concrete and has energy saving as well as economical. The pellucid concrete has the ability to

transmit light, so it can be said that it is a light emitting concrete. Pellucid concrete is the only

revolutionary material that was marketed as Litron. The pellucid concrete was first developed in

2001 by Hungarian architect Aron Losonezi at the technical university of Budapest. Pellucid

concrete can be precast blocks of different size. In pellucid concrete, which is commonly known as

transparent concrete, optical fibre are casted into concrete to transmit light, either naturally or

artificially through pellucid panel. The fibre concrete runs parallel to each other so light between the

two surfaces of concrete embedded together. It has two major components which are used in

construction & sensing.

Concrete is commonly used material in civil engineering which is an advantage of rich raw

materials, low cost and simple production process and optical fibre has good light guiding which can

transmit sunlight according to predesign road without light-heat, light-electrical or photo chemical

process. While combining the advantages of both concrete and optical fibre, that has a functional

material, with important value of application for construction and sensing.


An optical fibre is a cylindrical dielectric wave length that transmits light along its axis by the

process of total internal reflection. It is made of fibre that is surrounded by a cladding layer and that

are made up of dielectric material. In order to receive the optical signal, the refractive index of the

core must be always greater than the cladding and the boundary must be always between the core

and cladding may either be abrupt in graded- index fibre, in step index.

Fig 1.1: Principle of Optical Fibre

1.3 INDEX OF REFRACTION (Refractive index)

The passing of light through a material is called as index of refraction or refractive index. Everyone

knows the fact that light travels fast in vacuum as compared to outer space. The light travels about

300000 kilometers in vacuum i.e. 186000 miles per second. Dividing speed of light in vacuum by the
speed of light outer medium the refractive index is calculated for that particular medium. Refractive

index of vacuum is always equal to one. The silica is used for typical cladding for

telecommunication with an index of 1.444 to 1500 nm with doped silica with index 1.4475. When

light travels slowly in the medium, which means there is larger index of refraction. While noticing

this we have one rule of thumb that is used for the signal using optical fibre for communication

which travels 200000 kilometer per second. The signal that travels 1000 kilometers in fibre will take

5 milli seconds to reach the communication which means that there is the process of coding and

decoding of the voice which can be noticed between the one speaker and other who hears it which is

most probably between the distance they are communicating.


When light travels in an optical dense medium hits the boundary at steep angle, the light is

completely reflected and is called total internal refraction. it is used in optical fibres to restrict light

in the core. When light travels through the fibre Core it form back and forth of the boundary between

the core and cladding.

Fig 1.2: Total Internal Reflection

The light must strike the boundary with an angle that is always greater than the critical angle and it is

known as acceptance cone of the fibre. The maximum angle from the fibre axis at which light may
enter the fibre, so that it will extend the maximum angle of sine is the numerical aperture of the

fibre. When numerical aperture is larger then there is less persecution of splice and that fibre should

be worked with small numerical aperture. Small numerical aperture is mostly single mode fibre.

Sensing is the main point of optical fibres.

Optical fibers sensors are used to measure pressure, temperature, strain and other parameters. Its tiny

size and best thing about it is that no electrical power is needed at the remote location gives the fiber

optic sensor an edge over conventional electrical sensor in many applications. Optical fiber sensors

for pressure and temperature have been manufactured for down-hole measurement in oil wells. The

fiber optic sensor is works well in this environment as it is functioning at temperatures too high for

semiconductor sensors. Optical fiber sensor can also be used as optical gyroscope which is in use in

the many aircrafts for navigation purposes. Strain, pressure, temperature in other qualities can be

measured by sensors of optical fibres, as their property is to modulate the intensity, wavelength or

polarisation or transmit time of light in the fibre.

Fig 1.3: Light Transmission through POF

Fibers are widely used in illumination purpose. They are used as light guiding path in medical and

other fields where bright light needs to be brought on a target without a clear line-of-sight path.

Mostly these are done with the tip of the optical fibre that is highly localised. The plastic optical fibre

tips are used for insertion into blood vessels i.e. through hydrodermic needle i.e. fibre can be used for

micro as well as nanofabrication technologies, so they do not cross the microscopic boundary of the

fibre tape. Plastic optical fiber is also used in imaging optics. A bundle of fibers is used, sometimes

along with lenses, for endoscopy, which is used to view objects through a tiny hole. Plastic optical

fibre can be used as a decorative agent for decorating building & other structures like statues,


When the light passes through optical fibre, it has higher strength than that of glass rod in concrete,

so optical fibre with different proportion based on the weight of cement is used and optical fibre is

mixed with concrete to produce pellucid concrete. The technique of pellucid concrete was widely

appreciated when it was regulating strength as regular concrete with light transmission up to 20

metres thick. The concrete fibre plays a vital role in the strength of the cube. So in general there is

larger compressive strength of fibres when placed in parallel position as compared to fibre which

was placed perpendicular to load. Testing is carried in both orientations of the load. As references

from literature review, the pellucid concrete with optical fibre has high strength than with the glass

rod in the concrete, hence optical fibre with different proportion based on the weight of cement is

preferred. The pellucid concrete block is successfully produced by mixing large amount of glass

fibre into concrete. The concept of light transmitting concrete in the form of a widely applicable new

building material was of great appreciation. This concrete has the same strength as regular concrete

and will continue to transmit light through walls up to twenty meters (twenty-two feet) thick. The

orientation of fibre in the cube plays a vital role in the strength. In general, the orientation of fibre

parallel to the load has high strength than the fibre perpendicular to the load. The testing is carried

out in both orientations of fibre parallel to the load and fibre perpendicular to the load.


The design and application of optical fibre is known as fibre optics. This is the field of science and

engineering which deals with the optical fibre. These are mostly used in fibre optic communication,

which helps in the transmission of longer distance and which have higher bandwidths than other

forms of communication. In optical fibre, fibres are used which replace metal wires, as signals

travels in optical fibres has less loss and are immune to electromagnetic interference. These are

wrapped in bundles, as they can vary images, that are visible in particular area. these are also used

for lighting purpose.

Fig 1.4: Optical Fibre Bush

Sensor and fibre cases are specially designed so that they must have a good guiding property when

they have to transmission light and can arrange the light to redesign road without light heat, light

electrical or photochemical process and photoelectric effect that is used for the study of stress

distribution of structures.

Silica is mostly used for making class-A optical fibre but fluorozirenate, fluoroaluminate and

chalrcogenic glasses are also mostly used for the construction of plastic optical fibre, and they also

help in longer wavelength infrared or other specialized applications. the refractive index of silica and

fluoride is about 1.05 but chalcogenides have 3 refractive index that is very high. The index between

Core and cladding is less than 1% of POF with core dia 0.5 mm or larger. POF has higher 1 dB/m

than glass fibre and high attentnnatiom limit of POF based system.

The wide range of wavelength that exhibits better optical transmission is due to the presence of

silica. It has 1.5 um in the infrared portion of spectrum. This is due to the fact that silica has low

absorption and scattering losses of the order of 0.2dB/ km.

Fig 1.5: Internal View of POF

This is possible only if silica has such a low absorption loss as possible. This form of silica is used

for making integrated circuits and discrete transistors. In order to achieve high transparency in the

1.4 um region, hydroxy groups is achieved by maintaining low concentration.


• It is used for front doors in order to see the residents if there is someone standing outside.

• Places in houses & other buildings where light is not able to reach properly, pellucid concrete

can be used there.

• They are used in pubs, restaurants, clubs and canteens to notice the number of persons that

are inside.

Fig 1.6: Pellucid Concrete Ceilings Fig 1.7: Wall of Restaurant

• It helps to reduce a great deal of lighting in the office

• It can be used in speed bumps in parking lots & road marking.

Fig 1.8: Person Behind Wall Fig 1.9: Pellucid Stair Case

• It can be used in footpaths that add to scenic beauty and helps the safe walking during night.

• It is used in staircase, subways and Airports which during times of power cuts reduce load on

backup system.

• Its used as decorative material like book shelves, sun shades, tables and statues.

• Pellucid concrete blocks can be used on security walls giving enhanced security.

• They are also used in places like schools, museums and prison Cells as they add safety.

• It is also used on panels of receptions desks to give an appealing look.

Fig 1.10: Pellucid Concrete Decors

The best source of light that is free of cost is natural sunlight, if the walls have pellucid concrete, it

will be illuminated like natural sunlight. The best advantage of pellucid concrete is for green

buildings. Now a day’s pellucid concrete is a blessing. The room which is made of pellucid concrete

on its walls saves a lot of energy in the form of lighting as well as indoor concrete walls. The best

use of optical fibre is that it acts as insulators in the cold countries that saves a lot of energy in these

countries and also helps in saving money. In present, with indoor thermal systems, green structures

thus made saving energy, but in the illumination fields it is very difficult. There is still a lot of

research going on in this field to improve in the industrial use. Pellucid concrete can play an

important role in schools, museums and prisons as the security and supervision in the concerned

department. It’s here that the personality of a person is seen & thus protecting their privacy as well.

Pellucid concrete plays an important role as far as structural building is concerned.

If a single rectangular block of pellucid concrete is placed in the building it makes it beautiful. From

the above point of view its clears that use of pellucid concrete can be beneficial in terms of saving

electricity and money. It is also very much stronger than the glass and has the same characteristics of

normal concrete blocks and that it is a good replacement.


• Optical Fibre is delicate material.

• During casting concrete procedure needs to be done.

• If the integrity of the optical fibre is not properly strands it can break within the product and

result will be that it will lose all its property.

• This technique is new thus its material is little worrisome & not readily available.


Pellucid concrete is the new concept in this modern era only few people new its advantages and


Fig 1.11 Day & Night View of Gate Fig 1.12 European Gate

The first and largest project of this technology is known as European gate in 2004. It was very

important as it marks celebration of Hungary joining the European Union. It is located at the public

entrance of fortress monster in the Hungarain town of Komarom, this piece of architecture is the

most impressive art of lighting display only by using pellucid concrete.

Fig 1.13 The Luccon gate in Austria

Fig 1.14 A close view of Luccon gate




A.Losonczi (2001) Hungrain architect Aron was the first who developed the pellucid concrete in

2001 at Technical University of Budapest. The pellucid concrete comes in precast blocks of different

size. In pellucid concrete which is also known as light transmitting concrete, Optical Fibre strands

are passed into the concrete to transmit light by either naturally or artificially through pellucid

panels. This material can be used in the wide range of architectural and interior design applications,

which includes cladding and dividers. the fibre in the concrete runs parallel to one another

transmitting light between the two surfaces of the concrete component in which they are embedded

Optical Fibre transmit light so efficiently that there is almost no loss of light conducted through the

fibres. the concrete mixture is made up of fine materials only i.e it contains no coarse aggregates.

plastic Optical Fibre (POF) and ROCALITE micro concrete are needed for making pellucid


Zhi Zhou et at. (2006) According to this paper the surface roughness in certain sections and light

guiding performance of concrete materials is completely determined by the internal POF area ratio.

A specific exhibition rather than just a construction materials POF based pellucid concrete could be

regarded as an art which would be used in museums also.

L.F.Boswell et al. (2006) in this paper, they developed optical fiber sensors has been developed and

validated using reinforced concrete beam & concrete cylinder tests. The sensors are subjected to

static, fatigue, thermal loading and reinforcement test. The sensors are directly attached to structure

that measures the correct strain and temperature. They also measured the moisture of the concrete.

The sensors have been subjected to thermal, fatigue and static loading within reinforced concrete

structures and have shown good results. The sensors attached directly to structures have measured

temperature and strain with a accuracy upto ±2° centigrade and ±1 microstrain respectively and

while monitoring fatigue loading of reinforced concrete beam the dynamic strains of approximately

3000 microstrain is measured. The results achieved indicate that the optical fibre can withstand large

and sudden changes in the applied load to the test structure, which proves it to be robust.

M.Mahadikhani et al. (2008) in this paper, it was reported that optical fiber can be used for the

accuracy of structures and determining the quality of parameters like welding residual stresses

monitoring, moisture monitoring, bridge monitoring, crack monitoring, strain monitoring and stress

monitoring. The non destructive tests under long term loading which has the ability to fail are other

application of optical sensors. Optical fibre sensors have high sensibility and accuracy in measuring

average strain, stress and temperature of structures at different places.

Jianping (2011) in this paper the author reports that across the study of excellent properties of light

guiding and elasto-optic effect of Optical Fibre the POF volume ratio to concrete is proportion to

transmission and evaluate the effectiveness of smart pellucid concrete and they concluded that

pellucid concretes good light guiding property. The amount of the POF has seriously influenced the

compressive strength of the corresponding concrete. The anti-permeability of the concrete has also

been reduced by the POF.

Varsharainaet et al. (2013) in this paper the author reports that in modern construction and

consumption of energy with eco-friendly way is developed in the building aesthetic. The main

purpose of using sunlight as a light source is to reduce the power consumption of illumination and to

use the optical fibre to stands the stress of structures and also this concrete as an architecture of
purpose for good aesthetic view of the building. this kind of building materials can integrate the

concept of green energy saving with the usage of self sensing property of functional materials.

B.F.Bashbash et al. (2013) while going through this study, it was noticed that compressive strength

increase when fibre content increase until 4%, then compressive strength decrease at 6% fibre

content. But the concrete have maximum compressive strength after 7 days at 4% fibre content,

because the larger fibre content decrease the bonds between concrete. But 28 days result have to be

taken in consideration. From the results of 28 days, it's noticed that compressive strength decrease as

fibre content increase, that return to decrease weight for concrete with fibre. On the other hand, the

results shown that the larger diameter has high compressive strength for the same fibre content. The

28 days results is the best indication for research work so conclude that the best diameter is 3mm and

the more fibre content the weaker compressive strength.

J.Shen et al. (2013) In this paper the author concluded by saying that the pellucid concrete has good

light guiding property and the ratio of plastic optical fibre volume to concrete is proportion to

transmission. The pellucid concrete does not loose its strength with the use of POF and also it has

very vital property for the aesthetical point of view. It can be used for the good looking architectural

appearance of the building. In this paper also the author concluded with showing importance to the

eco friendly buildings. Green buildings would get an easy accreditation under daylight savings with

the use of pellucid concrete.

M.N.V.P.Bhushan et al. (2013) In this paper the author reports that pellucid concrete blocks can be

used in different ways and used into many forms and be highly advantageous. The only drawback

would be its high cost. That doesn’t stop architects from using it. Any structure with a small hint of

pellucid concrete is bound to make people look after it and make them stand in awe. Apart from the

attraction aspects, there is also the security and supervision advantages for using pellucid concrete.
In this paper also the author concluded with showing importance to the eco friendly buildings. Green

buildings would get an easy accreditation under daylight savings with the use of pellucid concrete.

Large and tall office buildings can use the sunlight when the ceilings are made up of pellucid

concrete. Energy savings as well as heat insulation adds to its amazing properties. Pellucid concrete

is the future of construction industry. It is the smart way of optimizing and utilizing sunlight.

S.Paul et al. (2013) In this paper the light guiding property of pellucid concrete with the POF

volume ratio of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 6% by using the incandescent lamp and halogen lamp

separately. It can be seen that the transmittance of each type of pellucid concrete almost keeps stable

at whole wavelength, and the linear relationship between the POF volume ratio and its transmittance

is good. For the incandescent lamp, the corresponding transmittances are 0.41%, 0.82%, 1.22%,

1.72%, 2.15% and 2.59%, for the halogen lamp, the transmittances of the six ratio translucent

concrete are 0.29%, 0.59%, 0.98%, 1.41%, 1.83% and 2.36%; respectively. The Plastic Optical

Fibres absorb much light scattered by incandescent lamp than that by halogen lamp.

In this paper the freezing & thawing was seen that the mass of pellucid concretes almost are

unchanged in 25 times freezing and thawing cycle and the maximum loss rate of mass is about 0.4%.

It was also observed that the compressive strength of each type of translucent concrete have greatly

decreased after 25times freeze-thaw cycle, and the maximum loss rate of compressive strength is

about 42% comparison with that without bearing the function of freeze-thaw for the same type of


N.R.Nagdive et al. (2013) in this paper, pellucid concrete was fabricated with optical fiber by

inserting it in mortar, which in turn helps in the light transmittance ability of optical fiber. Sunlight is

used as the main source of light. The main highlights of this paper are, pellucid concrete has a good

light managing property, its weight is same as that of conventional concrete, light passes easily no

matter how big block is and it reduce the electricity cost.

V.Raina et al. (2013) in this paper author reported that pellucid concrete has good light guiding

property & the light passing through it depends upon its volume. The concrete does not loose its

properties by the addition of plastic optical fibre, infact it adds to the beauty of it.

A.A.Momin et al. (2014) In this paper the compressive strength of pellucid concrete was found to be

ranging between 20-23N/mm with optical fibre specimen and the compressive strength was found to

be ranging between 24-26N/mm with glass rods specimen, which shows that the concrete confirms

the compressive strength for M20 grade concrete.

Light transmittance of pellucid concrete samples was found to be 0.2 to 1.50 % for glass rod

specimens and 7.0 to 10.0 % for optical fibre specimen. The transparency of concrete specimens with

glass rods is less as compared to the specimens with glass fibre .

Hence the study shows that the transparency of light is possible in concrete without affecting its

durability, as the optical rods and glass fibres act as fibre reinforcement thereby enhancing the

appearance and also enhances strength.

A.B.Sawant et al. (2014) in this paper the result analysis of compressive strength showed that for

M30, the compressive strength of Pellucid Concrete (4%) is reduced by 30%, 20%, 18% for

3days,7days and 28days respectively that of normal concrete. For achieving best mean between

compressive strength and percentage of optical fibres laid in cube and trial cubes with different

percentage of fibres (1% to 5%) are casted. 4% fibre gives optimum percentage of optical fibres to be

used. Regarding Transmission in this paper it was reported that the transmission of light increases

with the increase in percentage of optical fibre. The maximum intensity of light passing through the

pellucid block for 1% of fibre is 149.8 lux at box face similarly, for 2% of fibre is 219 lux , for 3% of

fibre 247 lux, 4% of fibre 250.5 lux, for 5% of fibre is 278 lux. It was concluded that keeping both

durability & light transmittance in view 4% plastic optical fibre is satisfactory.

Regarding Cost from the payback analysis it clearly shows that a wall of 16 block (0.360 sqm area)

constructed then the saving of electricity bill is 838.03/-Rs. So the payback period for excess amount

invested for light transmitting block will be recovered in 3.5 years for domestic consumption and 2.1

years for commercial and industrial consumption.

P.M.Shanmugavadivu et al. (2014) in this paper the efficiency of the pellucid concrete is studied by

comparing its strength with the normal M20 grade concrete and the test results proved that the

efficiency is more. The pellucid concrete can be used for decorative purpose. The major purpose of

pellucid concrete is created as a model and the light transmission is made of the illuminating side of

the concrete. Hence the application of optical fibre will make the concrete decorative as well as can

make the structurally efficient.

A.Karandikar et al. (2015) in this report the transmission of light for the various pellucid concrete

specimens was seen to increase with the amount of increase in plastic optical fibers used. The

compressive strength started decreasing at a steady rate once the percentage of optical fibers by

volume was increased within the concrete samples. In this report the best value for use can be

calculated as 0.9374% optical fibers by volume, which gives a compressive strength as high as

20N/mm2 having mix design of 1:3.

S.Ravivarman et al. (2015) In this paper the mix proportions used are as follows: Cement – 360kg,

Sand – 560kg, Fibre – 4.5kg, Water – 190 lit. The compressive strength remained between 15N/mm2

to 25N/mm2 which is quite good. While as the flexural strength remained between 2.5N/mm2 to


R.Pradheepa et al. (2015) In this paper after the usage of 2% of optical fibre in concrete the

compressive strength of concrete after 28 days is 25.66 N/mm² and the compressive strength of
mortar is 22.15 N/mm². But on usage of 4% of optical fibre in concrete the compressive strength of

concrete is 27.14 N/mm² and the compressive strength of mortar is 24 N/mm². It proved that the

compressive strength of concrete with optical fibre will increase with increase the usage of optical

fibre. But didn’t provide the upper limit of POF to be used. Finally the author concluded that after

using of 4% of optical fibres the compressive strength increased.

M.Sangeetha et al. (2015) In this paper the efficiency of the pellucid concrete is studied by

comparing its strength with the normal M20 grade concrete and the test results proved that the

efficiency is more. The pellucid concrete can be used for decorative purpose. The major purpose of

pellucid concrete is created as a model and the light transmission is made of the illuminating side of

the concrete. Hence the application of optical fibre will make the concrete decorative as well as can

make the structurally efficient. According to this paper the main advantage pellucid concrete is

reducing the self-weight of the structure.

P.Gaurao et al. (2015) studied that the pellucid concrete is a new innovative material. Based on

excellent properties of light transmission and its elasto-optic effect, long term durability based on

freezing and thawing test and chloride ion penetration test, self- sensing property based on stress

elasto-optic effect test & the light guiding based on white light test are made respectively. The

experiments results show that the pellucid concrete has good transparency, self-sensing &

mechanical properties. They concluded that the pellucid concrete is aesthetically good looking.

Plastic optical fibre based pellucid concrete could be regarded as an art which can be used in

museums and specific exhibitions rather than just a construction material.

S. Kumar (2015) In this paper the results obtained from the compressive test shows that with the

increase in the optical fibre there is a increases in the compressive strength of the concrete as the

POF acts as reinforcement. Also there is also a upper limit given i.e a gradual increase in the
Mechanical properties of the concrete by increasing the optical fibre up to 0.25% and on further

more addition of the POF there is a decreases the strength parameters.

It is also note worthy that compressive strength of the concrete is higher when the optical fibre is

parallel to the load applied than the optical fibre perpendicular to the load applied. Compressive

strength of the concrete is increased by 22.99% of the normal concrete mix for 0.25% of optical

fibre. The tensile strength of the concrete is increased by the 83.95% for the 0.25% of optical fibre.

Thus, using of plastic optical fibre will transmit light and also eventually increases the strength of the


S.L.Pagliolico et al. (2015) in this paper pellucid concrete panels obtained through the combination

of a high resistance self-compacting mortar with coarse waste glass scraps were manufactured and

analyzed. Scrap glass inclusions were declared as non-reactive under the accelerated Alkali-Silica

Reaction test as it showed an insignificant expansion, less than 0.01%. The prototypes were then

characterized in terms of light transmittance performances. The light transmittance resulted in the

range between 1.3% to 4.9%, as a function of the glazed hollows blocks. A test carried in a room

during daytime with two side internal walls made of Beton Crystal showed increase in light

transmittance by 5%, as compared to walls having two sides opaque. The result proved a good

potential of Beton Crystal to be used in buildings for various applications. The use of Benton Crystal

is more compatible to inner walls as compared to outer envelope components. Infact this should not

be used on outer walls due to the difficulty in coupling it with insulating and other components of an

exterior walls.

H.M.Sonawane et al. (2016) in this paper, the author reports about optical fibre sensors, which are

divided into two categories i.e extrinsic & intrinsic. In extrinsic light has to leave the fibre to reach

outside the sensing region & return back to the fibre while as in intrinsic sensor light doesn’t leave

the fibre as it is itself sensing element. With optical fibre sensor technique measurements like
physical (stress, strain, temperature, displacement), chemical & biological (food control, water

purification) can be measured & have vast application in the field of engineering.

S.Luhar et al. (2016) in this paper author carried test for compression & found that the results where

approximately same with slight variation. She also found compressive strength of 38.77 N/mm2 for

conventional concrete & 36.70N/mm2 for pellucid concrete.

P.Bishetti et al. (2016) in this report compressive strength of pellucid concrete was found by testing

on specimen made of mix design 1:1.24:1.78. in this paper it was found that compressive strength

got continuously decreased from 43.55M/mm2 for conventional concrete to 40.20M/mm2,

36.67N/mm2 & 31.10N/mm2 when plastic optical fibre was used in 0%, 1%, 3% & 5% respectively.


It was revealed that the construction industry is seeing competition by many ways to attract people

towards new designs. Transmittance of light is one of the positive part in pellucid concrete to attract

masses for its use.

A critical review of literature reveals little work has been done in this field so far. Experiments have

been performed using mix design M25 and M30. Thus a problem is adopted for mix design M20 to

check strength in compression, flexural strength & to check the best alignment of plastic optical fibre

with respect to load applied i.e. parallel loading & perpendicular loading.




Sunlight can be helpful for buildings, if the walls are made up of pellucid concrete which illuminates

it from natural sunlight. Pellucid concrete has the property to impart a different feature in concrete,

which is energy saving as well as economical. The building can be declared green building if

pellucid concrete is used in its construction, because it saves lot of electricity & is eco-friendly.


In this present work plastic optical fibre is used to form pellucid concrete and to compare/analyze its

different properties i.e. compressive strength, flexural strength, light transmission with respect to

conventional concrete by performing following test.

• Compression test on compression testing machine (CTM).

• Flexure test on flexural testing machine (UTM).

• Workability test with slump cone.

• Light Transmission test with the help of Lux metre.

• Cost analysis with respect to conventional concrete.



The commonly used cement is of grade 43. The material which has adhesive and cohesive properties

is known as cement. As these properties of cement help it to have bonding between the other parts

that is minerals which in turn acts as a single part. As far as cement is concern it has large number of

cementious material.

Fig 4.1: Cement

While dealing with the construction purpose, cement restrained to stones, bricks, sand are building

blocks. The principal content is lime and as far as building is considered calcareous cement is used.

The most important property of the cement is setting, after mixing it with water by which chemical

reaction takes place which results in releasing heat of hydration that is why it is sometimes called

hydraulic cement. Hydraulic cement is made up of silicates and aluminates of lime. They are

classified into 3 categories portland cement, natural cement & high aluminium cement.
There are many methods by which the oxide compositions of cement at various stages during the

manufacturing process can be determined. Few are listed below

• Thermal analysis

• X-ray diffraction

• Electron microscope analysis

• Optical microscopy

• Chemical analysis

4.1.1 Chemical Composition

Lime, silica, Alumina and iron oxide are the raw material of cement that are used for the its

manufacturing. When the oxides interact with one another within the kiln at high temperature they

form complex compounds. These oxide compositions are responsible for influencing the various

properties of cement, in addition to this there is change in cooling and finess of grinding too.

Table 4.1: Chemical Composition of Cement

Oxide Per cent content

CaO 60–67

SiO2 17–25

Al2O3 3.0–8.0

Fe2O3 0.5–6.0

MgO 0.1–4.0

Alkalies (K2O, Na2O) 0.4–1.3

SO3 1.3–3.0

The raw materials when subjected to high temperatures combine with each other to form complex

compounds. This is larger based on R.H. Bogue’s work and hence it is called “Bogue’s

Compounds”. The four compounds usually regarded as major compounds are listed in table below

Table 4.2: Bogue's Compound

Name of Compound Formula Abbreviated Formula

Tricalcium silicate 3CaO.SiO2 C 3S

Dicalcium silicate 2CaO.SiO2 C 2S

Tricalcium aluminate 3Cao.Al2O3 C3A

Tetracalcium aluminoferrite 4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3 C4AF


The most important constituent of concrete are aggregate. These helps the concrete to reduce

shrinkage and effect economy. Aggregates was first considered as inert but now it has been

recognized that some of the aggregate are chemically active and has a chemical bond. This is well

Fig 4.2: Fine Aggregate (Sand)

known fact that aggregates occupy 70-80 percent of the volume of concrete that in turn has various

characteristics and properties of concrete that are to be considered.

4.2.1 Fine Aggregate

In light transmitting concrete we use a concrete sand that is both crushed and rounded. It is necessary

that the minimum amount of fine aggregate arising from binders and sand musk be used to avoid its

segregation. Sand is naturally available in the form of Rock and mineral particles and should be free

from impurities such as vegetation and gravels. The zone of fine aggregate is determined by sieve

analysis. As per the Indian standards the zone obtained is zone-II.

Table 4.3: Sieve Analysis

I.S. Sieve designation % of passing as per IS (zone II) % of passing

10mm 100 100

4.75mm 90-100 95.88
2.36mm 75-100 88.4
1.18mm 55-90 68.6
600 micron 35-59 35.7
300 micron 8-30 12.6
150 micron 0-10 4.0

Sand passing through IS 2.36mm Sieve is used for casting all the specimens.

Fig 4.3: Coarse Aggregate

4.2.2 Coarse Aggregate

When gravel, slag, crushing of parent rock, to include natural rock, expanded clay and shales are

combined together they forms coarse aggregates. It has the conforming characteristics of having

hard, strong, durable, particulars too. Where the aggregate having size always less than 12 mm are



An optical fibre is a cylindrical dielectric wave length that transmits light along its axis by the

process of total internal reflection. it is made of fibre that is surrounded by a cladding layer and that

are made up of dielectric material. in order to receive the optical signal, the refractive index of the

core must be always greater than the cladding and the boundary must be always between the core

and cladding may either be abrupt in graded- index fibre, in step index.

Silica:- The wide range of wavelength that exhibits better optical transmission is due to the presence

of silica. It has 1.5 um in the infrared portion of spectrum. This is due to the fact that silica has low

absorption and scattering losses of the order of 0.2dB/ km. This is possible only if silica has such a

low absorption loss as possible as well ability in Ultra Pure Silicon.

Table 4.4: Optical Fibre Percentage Used

Sample Percentage

Sample 1 0%

Sample 2 0.5%

Sample 3 1%

Sample 4 1.5%

Sample 5 2%

Ratio for mix design M20 is (1:1.8:2.74).

Table 4.5: Mix Design

Ingredients Kg/cum

Cement 400

Fine Aggregate 722

Coarse Aggregate 1095

Water 192

Ratio 1:1.8:2.74:0.48


In this report M20 mix design was used during all the experimental work. The manufacturing process

of pellucid concrete is almost same as normal concrete. The only difference is that optical fibres are

spread throughout the concrete mixture. Strands of optical fibres are cast into concrete to transmit

light, either natural or artificial. Pellucid concrete is produced by adding certain amount of

percentage plastic optical fibres by volume into the concrete mixture. The concrete mixture is made

from fine materials as well as coarse aggregate. Thickness of the optical fibres can be varied between

2 µm and 2 mm to suit the particular requirements of light transmission. Automatic production

processes use woven fibres fabric instead of single filaments. Smaller or thinner layers allow an

increased amount of light to pass through the concrete. After casting, the material is cut into different

sized blocks of the specified thickness and the surface is then cautiously polished, which makes

concrete glossy.




By definition, the compressive strength of a material is that value of uniaxial compressive stress

reached when the material fails completely. The compressive strength is usually obtained

experimentally by means of a compressive test.

5.1.1 Purpose

• The compressive strength of a concrete is the tool which is used by engineers to check the

Fig 5.1: Compressive Testing Machine

quality of concrete.

• As it is simple, so it is used for so many years, by casting and testing cubes, the compressive

strength of concrete can be uses at work site.

• It is used to check whether the concrete has developed the required strength which is to be

used at site.

5.1.2 Making of Test Specimens

• The test specimen cubical in shape shall be 150mm x 150mm x 150mm in size.

• The maximum size of fine aggregate of not more than 4.75mm, as it can be used in smaller

specimens of particular ratio of diameter.

• The diameter of coarse aggregates should not be more than 20mm, so that it can pass through

IS Sieve.

5.1.3 Apparatus

Fig 5.2: POF Frame

Cube moulds, universal testing machine, optical fibres, ply wood.

5.1.4 Preparation of Cube

• Casting: First of all cement, sand is weighed according to mix design and is mixed dry with

trowels. After that coarse aggregates are added to the cement, sand mix and all the ingredients

are mixed thoroughly to give a homogeneous mixture. Water is now added to it and mixed very

keenly to produce good concrete.

• Preparation of Mould: The mould is prepared and the faces of plywoods are drilled at a

Fig 5.3: POF Oriented in Mould

Fig 5.4: Pictorial View Of Mould 6x6

Fig 5.5: Pictorial View Of Mould 5x5

uniform spacing so that they can hold the optical fibre in place during casting concrete into the beam

mould. The drilled plywoods are faced and placed in opposite to each other so that the orientation of

optical fibre will maintain in a single direction.

The fibres are now cutted according to desired length (250-300mm) and passed through these drilled

holes in plywood. Cube moulds are oiled inside so that sticking of concrete on mould walls will not

occur. Now put the concrete into the mould very carefully, so that fibres will not get displaced or

disoriented. As the mould is very sensitive for compaction table vibrator is used. Three specimen are

test for a particular sample (i.e 0.5%,1%,1.5%,2% POF) & average value is taken as final.

Fig 5.6: Casted Pellucid Cube

5.1.5 Curing

After 24 hours of casting, the cube specimen are kept in curing tanks or in water tank.

5.1.6 Test Procedure

• Cubes already formed are taken out from water tub or curing tanks.

• Wipe out water from cubes.

• Place a cube in between plates of UTM.

• Lower the upper plate till it touches with cube.

• Start the machine.

• Draw the load on cube at 140 kg/cm2/minute.

• The load is applied first in parallel direction to optical fibres & the values are noted and then

load is applied in perpendicular to optical fibres for another cube.

• Values are denoted till cube gets failed.

Fig 5.7: Cracked Cube

The values of compressing strength can be calculated as

Compressive Strength (MPa) = Failure Load / Cross Sectional Area.


This test is also known as modulus of rupture test. This test is performed on beams with two point or

three point loadings. This test actually determines the flexural strength of concrete. Flexural strength

may be defined as maximum stress at the outermost fibre on either the compression or tension side of

the specimen. This is calculated from the slope of stress verses strain deflection curve.

5.2.1 Apparatus

A beam mould of size 700x150x150 mm

Fig 5.8: Beam Specimen for Flexure Test

5.2.3 Flexural Test Machine

The bed of machine is provided with 2 steel rollers 38 mm in diameter, on which the beam specimen

rests. The load is applied through two similar rollers mounted at the third point of supporting span

that is 20 cm centre to centre. The load is passed equally through two steel rollers. In four point bend

tests, the maximum flexural stress is spread over the section of the beam between loading points

Fig 5.9: Four Point Loading

5.2.4 Casting

First of all cement, sand is weighed according to mix design and is mixed dry with trowels. After that

coarse aggregates are added to the cement, sand mix and all the ingredients are mixed thoroughly to

give a homogeneous mixture. Water is now added to it and mixed very keenly to produce good


The beam mould is prepared and the faces of plywoods are drilled at a uniform spacing so that they

can hold the optical fibre in place during casting concrete into the beam mould. The drilled plywoods

are faced and placed in opposite to each other so that the orientation of optical fibre will maintain in

a single direction. The fibres are now cutted according to desired length(900-950mm) and passed

through these drilled holes in plywood. Now put the concrete into the mould very sensitively, so that

fibres will not get displaced or disoriented. Compaction is done with the help of table vibrator.

5.2.5 Table Vibrator: It is a vibrating device used for compaction. Using tamping rod in

pellucid block might damage plastic optical fibre hence table vibrator was used for compaction.

Fig 5.10: Table Vibrator

5.2.6 Curing: After 24 hours of casting, specimens are kept in curing tanks or in water tank.

Fig 5.11: Curing Tank

5.2.7 Test

The beam specimen are demoulded from the mould and the beam spicemen are wiped with dry cloth

and are kept in between the rollers and load is now applied on it at a rate of 140 kg/cm2/minute till

the specimen fails. The readings are noted down and the flexural strength is finding out by below

given formula

Flexural Strength = pl/bd2


a = the distance between the line of fracture and the nearer support, measured on the center line of

the tensile side of the specimen

b = width of specimen (cm) d = failure point depth (cm)

l = supported length (cm) p = max. Load (kg)


This is important test to determine the main property of concrete for which it has been made i.e this

concrete is used to transfer the light through it.

5.3.1 Apparatus

A wall of cubes, two big sized card boards, lamp and lux meter.

Those cube which are casted for compressive strength test can be used to perform light transmission

test & then for compression test.

5.3.2 Test Procedure

• Make a wall of cubes in such a manner that optical fibres in direction of light.

• Cover the wall by card boards on both sides.

• Place a lamp on one side and a lux meter on another side.

• Record the light transmitting through wall by lux meter.

This will indicate the efficiency of light transmitting concrete.


Workability of concrete can be performed through slump test as it can measure the stiffness and

consistency of the concrete.

5.4.1 Test Procedure

The mould which is made for the test specimen, is of the form of frustum cone having following


Top diameter = 10cm

Bottom diameter = 20cm

Height = 30cm

Thickness = 1.6 (min)

5.4.2 Preparation of concrete

• The slump cone mould is used for carrying out a test.

• As the cone should be kept on a water proof surface.

• The cone has fresh concrete which is filled in 3- stages.

• Every layer is tampered 25 times with a rod of standard dimensions.

• At 3rd stage, concrete is struck off to the top of mould.

• Then mould is lifted vertically upwards, with twisting motion, so that concrete cone is not disturbed.

• Then the fall/decrease in height is measured as compared to cone i.e called slump value.

Fig 5.12: Slump Cone


The use of Pellucid concrete is gradually getting attention day by day due to its decorative effect, this

gives way for large quantity of optical fibre. As it is a well-known fact that is optical fibre can be

recycled. The brightness of indoor environment is entirely maintained by artificial lighting, which

has consumed a large number of resources. The usage of optical fibre with cement will increase the

cost of concrete, but with the use of fibre cost on artificial lighting & electricity can be directly

reduce. The plastic optical fibres available are of different kinds with different diametre &

different material. In this study ordinary optical fibre used for communication & decorative

purpose which are available in market for 800rs/0.0032 cum is used. (the value in cum are

calculated after calculating the total size of plastic optical fibre included in package of 800Rs)

Cement 415 per bag of 50kg

Sand 1060 per cum

Coarse aggregates 1413 per cum,

Accordingly the total value is calculated with a slight variation of ±5 Rs.


Table 6.1: Compressive Strength Test Results After 7-Days
Compressive Strength after 7-Days
Plastic Optical Strength in N/mm2
Fibre % Used Load Applied Parallel to Optical Load Applied Perpendicular to
Fibre Optical Fibre
Ordinary Concrete 18.60
Dia. Of POF in mm 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5

0.5% POF 19.51 19.84 19.37 19.6

1.0% POF 20.90 21.62 20.40 21.10
1.5% POF 21.82 22.75 20.20 20.85
2.0% POF 22.95 23.60 19.15 19.22

C O M P R E S S I V E S T R E N G T H A F T E R 7 - D AY S
Transparent Concrete Load
25 Parallel(0.2mm)
Strength in N/mm2

20 Transparent Concrete Load

15 Perpendicular(0.2mm)

10 Ordinary Concrete

0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
POF % Used

Fig 6.1: Graph for Compressive Strength Test Results After 7-Days for 0.2mm

C O M P R E S S I V E S T R E N G T H A F T E R 7 - D AY S
Transparent Concrete Load
25 Parallel(0.5mm)
Strength in N/mm2

20 Transparent Concrete Load

Ordinary Concrete

0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
POF % Used

Fig 6.2: Graph for Compressive Strength Test Results After 7-Days for 0.5mm

6.1.2 Compressive Strength Test 14 Days
Table 6.2: Compressive Strength Test Results After 14-Days

Compressive Strength after 14-Days

Plastic Optical Strength in N/mm2
Fibre % Used Load Applied Parallel to optical Load Applied Perpendicular to
Fibre optical fibre
Ordinary Concrete 24.10
Dia. Of POF in mm 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5

0.5% POF 24.89 25.35 24.51 24.70

1.0% POF 26.85 27.45 26.15 26.85
1.5% POF 27.65 28.50 25.66 26.28
2.0% POF 28.22 29.37 23.95 24.18

C O M P R E S S I V E S T R E N G T H A F T E R 1 4 - D AY S

Transparent Concrete Load

30 Parallel(0.2mm)
Strength in N/mm2

25 Transparent Concrete Load

20 Perpendicular(0.2mm)

15 Ordinary Concrete
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
POF % Used
Fig 6.3: Graph for Compressive Strength Test Results After 14-Days for 0.2mm

C O M P R E S S I V E S T R E N G T H A F T E R 1 4 - D AY S

Transparent Concrete Load

35 Parallel(0.5mm)
Strength in N/mm2

30 Transparent Concrete Load

25 Perpendicular(0.5mm)
20 Ordinary Concrete
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
POF % Used

Fig 6.4: Graph for Compressive Strength Test Results After 14-Days for 0.5mm

6.1.3 Compressive Strength Test 28 Days
Table 6.3: Compressive Strength Test Results After 28-Days

Compressive Strength after 28-Days

Plastic Optical Strength in N/mm2
Fibre % Used Load Applied Parallel to optical Load Applied Perpendicular to
Fibre optical fibre
Ordinary Concrete 26.70
Dia. Of POF in mm 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5

0.5% POF 27.15 28.16 26.93 27.05

1.0% POF 29.61 30.21 28.20 28.89
1.5% POF 30.26 31.44 27.85 28.16
2.0% POF 30.75 32.13 25.91 26.35

C O M P R E S S I V E S T R E N G T H A F T E R 2 8 - D AY S

Transparent Concrete Load

35 Parallel(0.2mm)
Strength in N/mm2

Transparent Concrete Load
25 Perpendicular(0.2mm)
Ordinary Concrete
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
POF % Used

Fig 6.5: Graph for Compressive Strength Test Results After 28-Days for 0.2mm

C O M P R E S S I V E S T R E N G T H A F T E R 2 8 - D AY S

Transparent Concrete Load

35 Parallel(0.5mm)
Strength in N/mm2

30 Transparent Concrete Load

25 Perpendicular(0.5mm)
20 Ordinary Concrete
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
POF % Used

Fig 6.6: Graph for Compressive Strength Test Results After 28-Days for 0.5mm

Graphical Comparison of Compressive Strength Test while applying load parallel &

6.1.4 Comparison for Parallel & Perpendicular Loads After 7-Days

7-Days Comparison for Parallel & 7-Days Comparison for Parallel &
Perpendicular Loads (.2mm) Perpendicular Loads (.5mm)
24 25
21 15
20 10
18 5
17 0
0.50% 1% 1.50% 2% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%

Parallel Load (.2mm) Parallel Load (.5mm)

Perpendicuar Load (.2mm) Perpendicuar Load (.5mm)

Fig 6.7: Comparison After 7-Days for 0.2mm Fig 6.8: Comparison After 7-Days for 0.5mm

6.1.5 Comparison for Parallel & Perpendicular Loads After 14-Days

14-Days Comparison for Parallel & 14-Days Comparison for Parallel &
Perpendicular Loads (.2mm) Perpendicular Loads (.5mm)
29 35
28 30
27 25
24 15
23 10
22 5
21 0
0.50% 1% 1.50% 2% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%

Parallel Load (.2mm) Parallel Load (.5mm)

Perpendicuar Load (.2mm) Perpendicuar Load (.5mm)

Fig 6.9: Comparison After 14-Days for .2mm Fig 6.10: Comparison After 14-Days for .5mm

6.1.6 Comparison for Parallel & Perpendicular Loads After 28-Days

28-Days Comparison for Parallel & 28-Days Comparison for Parallel &
Perpendicular Loads (.2mm) Perpendicular Loads (.5mm)
32 35
28 20
26 15
22 0
0.50% 1% 1.50% 2% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%

Parallel Load (.2mm) Parallel Load (.5mm)

Perpendicuar Load (.2mm) Perpendicuar Load (.5mm)

Fig 6.11: Comparison After 28-Days for .2mm Fig 6.12: Comparison After 28-Days for .5mm


Table 6.4: Flexural Strength Results After 7-Days

Flexural Strength after 7-Days Flexural Strength after 7-Days

LTC (0.2mm
Plastic Optical Strength in dia.)
Fibre % Used Kg/cm2 LTC (0.5mm
35 dia).
Strength in Kg/cm2

Ordinary Concrete 26.62 25
Dia. Of POF in mm 0.2 0.5 15
0.5% POF 27.64 28.15 5
1.0% POF 29.47 30.29
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
1.5% POF 30.80 32.02 POF % Used

2.0% POF 31.72 33.35

Fig 6.13: Graph Flexural Strength Test After 7-Days

6.2.2 Flexural Strength Test After 14 Days

Table 6.5: Flexural Strength Test Results After 14-Days

Flexure Strength after 14-Days Flexural Strength after 14-Days

LTC (0.2mm
Plastic Optical Strength in dia.)
Fibre % Used Kg/cm2 45 LTC (0.5mm
40 dia).

Strength in Kg/cm2
Ordinary Concrete 30.43 35
Dia. Of POF in mm 0.2 0.5 20
0.5% POF 39.59 41.20
1.0% POF 42.89 43.36 0
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
1.5% POF 43.54 44.23 POF % Used
2.0% POF 44.12 45.46

Fig 6.14: Graph Flexural Strength After 14-Days

6.2.3 Flexural Strength Test After 28 Days

Table 6.6: Flexural Strength Test Results After 28-Days

Flexural Strength after 28-Days

Flexural Strength after 28-Days
LTC (0.2mm
Plastic Optical Strength in dia.)
60 LTC (0.5mm
Fibre % Used Kg/cm2
50 dia).
Strength in Kg/cm2

Ordinary Concrete 36.31 40

Dia. Of POF in mm 0.2 0.5
0.5% POF 47.12 49.77 10
1.0% POF 50.38 51.10 0
1.5% POF 51.40 52.42 0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
POF % Used
2.0% POF 52.12 53.14
Fig 6.15: Graph Flexural Strength After 28-Days
6.3 Workability
The workability of the concrete is determined by conducting the slump cone test and the observed
slump is 86mm.
Table 6.7: Result Obtained by Workability Test

Grade Slump in mm
M20 (1:1.8:2.74) 86

6.4 Light Transmission Test

Table 6.8: Light Transmission Test (in lux)

Percentage used Using Artificial Using Sunlight

0.2mm 0.5mm 0.2mm 0.5mm

0.5% 86 101 79 97
1% 178 286 153 244
1.5% 264 361 231 321
2% 371 492 330 460

Using Artifical Light Using Sunlight

600 500
Lux Meter Reading
Lux Meter Reading

300 250
0 0
0.50% 1% 1.50% 2% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
0.2mm 86 178 264 371 0.2mm 79 153 231 330
0.5mm 101 286 361 492 0.5mm 97 244 321 460

Fig 6.16: Lux Reading Using Artificial Light Fig 6.17: Lux Reading Using Sunlight


Table for Cost Analysis of M20 Grade Concrete (Conventional and Plastic Optical Fibre Concrete)

for 1 cum

Table 6.9: Cost Analysis For Pellucid Concrete (M20)

Material Coarse Plastic Total Cost

Cement Sand Aggregates Optical in Rs

Addition Fibre

0% 3500 550 1250 0 5300

0.5% 3483 547 1244 1250 6524

1.0% 3465 545 1238 2500 7748

1.5% 3448 542 1231 3750 8971

2.0% 3430 539 1225 5000 10194

Graphical representation of Cost Analysis of M20 Grade Concrete (Conventional and Plastic

Optical Fibre Concrete) for 1 cum

Cost Analysis Pellucid Concrete

Cost in Rs

0% 0.50% 1% 1.50% 2%
POF % Used
Plastic Optical Fibre Concrete Ordinary Concrete

Fig 6.18: Cost Analysis for Pellucid Concrete (M20)




An optical fibre is a cylindrical dielectric wave length that transmits light along its axis by the

process of total internal reflection. It is made of fibre that is surrounded by a cladding layer and that

are made up of dielectric material. concrete is commonly used material in Civil Engineering which is

an advantage of rich raw materials, low cost and simple production process where as optical fibre has

good light guiding which can arrange the sunlight transmit according to pre design road without

light-heat, light-electrical or photo chemical process. While combining the advantages of both

concrete and optical fibre, that has a functional material, with important value of application for

construction and sensing.


• Compression Test

Compression test is done by applying load on cube in parallel as well as perpendicular direction to

the plastic optical fibre (Ref. Table 6.1, 6.2, 6.3). It was noticed that in parallel loading strength

increases continuously while in perpendicular loading strength increases upto 1% of plastic optical

fibre then it decreases abruptly. In parallel loading maximum strength change was noted when 1%

plastic optical fibre is added. It was also noted that strength obtained was more when load is applied

parallel as compared to perpendicular loading.

• Flexural Strength Test

In this test the strength is increasing continuously (Ref. Table 6.4, 6.5, 6.6) in both cases i.e 0.2mm

dia of plastic optical fiber as well as 0.5mm of dia of plastic optical fiber. In each (0.2mm & 0.5mm)

plastic optical fiber strength goes on increasing. Here also the max. change in strength was noted on

addition of 1% plastic optical fibre to the concrete.

• Light Transmission Test

In Light transmission test there will be an increase in the light passing through the block as there is

an in increase plastic optical fibre content (Ref. Table 6.8). The transmission of light through light

transmitting block is dependent on diametre of optical fibre used i.e more light passes through

0.5mm dia than 0.2mm dia.

• Cost Analysis

The Pellucid concrete has the beautifying properties that in turn attracts the new generation, but

increase in the cost of optical fibre will directly affect its use, so cost is increasing with the addition

of optical fibre with concrete (Ref. Table 6.9). Eventually to select the optimum percentage of

optical fibre, the maximum amount of strength is noticed at 1% to 1.5% and at that percent there is

lesser optical fibre consumption that is affordable too, so 1% to 1.5% content of POF should be

preferred. One cum of pellucid concrete with 1% plastic optical fibre by weight of cement will cost

Rs7750 approx.


• Tests for sensing can be carried out, which will be a revolutionary thing in civil engineering.

• Test for signal transfer for telecommunication can be performed on pellucid concrete.

• Test with different mix design (i.e M15,M25,M30) can be performed.

• Tests with plastic optical fibre more than 2% can be done, for the purpose of more transmission

of light although it will add upto the cost but where more light is needed, it can be used.

• Optical fibre sensor can be built-in to check temperature of building.


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