Class - Prep: The Three Little Pigs' (Link Given

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• Hope Plan 1 received by you was a good learning experience for your ward. The
following plan will be started after the completion of the first plan.
• Please maintain a folder of the worksheets / activities which will be submitted once the
child rejoins the school.

Plan – 2
Uploaded on – 23rd March’20
To be completed by – 27th March’20
STORY TIME Children to listen to the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’ from the given video
( ), once again. Let us also listen to this poem
based on the same story. (Link
given . Now, look around and
observe how your house is built. Also observe the designs of different houses in
your locality.

ENGLISH Please watch the video ‘The Phonic Song’

Now, its time to recapitulate the letters you already know, by doing the
given worksheet where you will circle small letters matching with the big
ones. (worksheet given)

NUMBER WORK Please watch the video – ‘Big and Small’

Let us now do this simple worksheet and circle the smaller objects.
(Worksheet given)

PATTERN WRITING Now, pick up your pencil and get ready to join the dots in order to write
standing lines. (Worksheet given)

EVS Hey kids, we all have similar features but still we all look different. This is
because we all are unique ! Lets watch this
video( and enjoy.

Activity : It’s selfie time kids! Celebrate your uniqueness. Draw your own
face on the mobile worksheet with correct features eg. Boys – short
hair; girls – long hair, eye balls – black /brown.

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