Resource Kit: Eimagining Development: Youth Perspectives For A Better World

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A virtual dialogue series towards the Economy of Francesco

28 August-25 September 2020


This Resource Kit is meant to help guide participants and observers throughout the
Reimagining Development​ series. Participants and observers are highly encouraged to read
and familiarize themselves with the ​foundational​ ​materials ​that serve as the conceptual
building blocks for discussions, and to further enrich their knowledge through the
supplementary materials.

The resource kit can be accessed through this online folder:

Part 1: Setting the Context

Foundational materials
1. Public letter of Pope Francis calling for the Economy of Francesco
In May 2019, Pope Francis invited young people around the world to convene in an
event to help “change today’s economy and to give soul to the economy of
tomorrow”. This serves as the basis for the Economy of Francesco process and the
event proper in Assisi, Italy in November 2020.

2. Laudato Si’
The second encyclical of Pope Francis, which focuses on the interconnectedness of
Creation, all forms of life, and how we choose to live. It has been described by many
as a “wake up call” for humanity to the ecological crisis happening around the world.
Indeed, it’s subtitle reads, “On Care for our Common Home”.

3. SDG Booklet
This booklet provides an overview of the United Nations Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 global goals adopted in 2015 that are meant to guide the
world towards a more sustainable future by 2030.

Supplementary materials
1. IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C
2. Eco-Spirituality: A Foundation for Ecological Justice
3. Towards the Economy of Francesco: A Dialogue with Filipino Youth for a More Just

Part 2: Digging Deeper

Foundational materials
1. Sustainable Development Goals and Laudato Si’: Towards Eco-Solidarity
This handbook prepared by Living Laudato Si’ Philippines highlights the
interconnections of the SDGs and Laudato Si’.

2. Querida Amazonia (Beloved Amazonia)

In February 2020, Pope Francis released this post-synodal apostolic exhortation in
response to the Synod for the Amazon held in October 2019. In it, he describes the
importance of the Amazon globally as one of the great biomes of the world, and
expounds on his four dreams for the Amazon – social, cultural, ecological, and

3. Learnings from a Crisis in the Time of COVID-19

This editorial describes the ecological foundations of the ongoing COVID-19
pandemic, and shows how global solidarity might be one of the keys in solving it and
other interrelated crises.

Supplementary materials
1. COVID-19 and Building a New Normal
2. Sustainable Development Goals and Laudato Si': Towards Ecological Solidarity
3. Sustainable Development Report 2020
4. Tribals Seeking Opportunity away from the Land
5. Connecting Voices, Connecting Laudato Si’: Action 2021

Part 3: Weaving a Common Thread

This part shall be formed through the recommendations of participants and observers
during and in-between sessions. Online links to suggested readings, videos, graphics,
podcasts, and other materials may be listed ​here​.

Book suggestions
1. Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth
2. This Changes Everything - Capitalism v/s The Climate - Naomi Klein

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