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Welding — Basic
welded joint details in
Part 1: Pressurized components

ICS 25.160.40


BS EN 1708-1:2010

National foreword

This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 1708-1:2010. It

supersedes BS EN 1708-1:1999 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee WEE/-/1, Briefing committee for welding.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions
of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity
from legal obligations.

This British Standard Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication

was published under the
authority of the Standards
Policy and Strategy Date Comments
Committee on 31 January
© BSI 2010

ISBN 978 0 580 55503 9

BS EN 1708-1:2010



ICS 25.160.40 Supersedes EN 1708-1:1999

English Version

Welding - Basic welded joint details in steel - Part 1: Pressurized


Soudage - Descriptif de base des assemblages soudés en Schweißen - Verbindungselemente beim Schweißen von
acier - Partie 1: Composants soumis à la pression Stahl - Teil 1: Druckbeanspruchte Bauteile

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 28 November 2009.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the
official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels

© 2010 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 1708-1:2010: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN 1708-1:2010
EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Contents Page

Foreword ..............................................................................................................................................................3
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................4
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................4
3 Requirements .........................................................................................................................................4
3.1 Selection of detail ..................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Joint preparation (geometry and size).................................................................................................5
3.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................................................5
3.2.2 Joint preparation geometry ..................................................................................................................5
3.2.3 Weld sizes ...............................................................................................................................................5
3.3 Presentation ...........................................................................................................................................5
3.4 Removal of internal sharp edges in branch bores .............................................................................5
3.5 Preparation of holes in shell for set-through branches.....................................................................6
3.6 Welds for smooth transition .................................................................................................................6
3.7 Oblique and tangential branches .........................................................................................................6


Table 1 — Butt joints of different thickness ................................................................................................... 7

Table 2 — Branches without compensation rings ....................................................................................... 11

Table 3 — Branches with compensation rings ............................................................................................. 23

Table 4 — Sockets and couplings.................................................................................................................. 25

Table 5 — Flanges ........................................................................................................................................... 27

Table 6 — Jacketed vessels ........................................................................................................................... 31

Table 7 — Tube to tube plate connection...................................................................................................... 42

Table 8 — Flate end or tube plate to shell connections .............................................................................. 46

Table 9 — Internal diaphragms and separators ........................................................................................... 53

Table 10 — Supports and non-pressure parts .............................................................................................. 54

Table 11 — Special shell to head end connections ..................................................................................... 61

Table 12 — Weld ring seal .............................................................................................................................. 62

Table 13 — Pipe details ................................................................................................................................... 64

Table 14 — Block flanges ............................................................................................................................... 70

BS EN 1708-1:2010
EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

This document (EN 1708-1:2010) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 121 “Welding”, the
secretariat of which is held by DIN.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by July 2010, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the
latest by July 2010.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document supersedes EN 1708-1:1999.

EN 1708, Welding — Basic weld joint details in steel, consists of the following parts:

 Part 1: Pressurized components

 Part 2: Non internal pressurized components

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

BS EN 1708-1:2010
EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

1 Scope
The purpose of this European Standard is to exemplify commonly accepted welded connections in pressure
systems. It does not promote the standardization of connections that may be regarded as mandatory or
restrict development in any way. Stress analysis rules should be considered if necessary.

This standard contains examples of connections welded by:

 Manual metal-arc welding with covered electrode (111);

 Submerged arc welding (12);

 Gas shielded metal arc welding (13);

 Tungsten inert gas arc welding; TIG-welding (14);

 Plasma arc welding (15)

processes (process numbers according to EN ISO 4063) in steel pressure systems. Other processes by

This standard covers welded joint details in steel, but can be applied to other metallic materials. In such cases
the shape and dimensions of the weld should be checked.

The estimation of the suitability of welded connections for special service conditions, for example corrosion
and fatigue are not specially considered.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

EN ISO 4063, Welding and allied processes — Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers
(ISO 4063:2009)

EN ISO 5817, Welding — Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding
excluded) — Quality levels for imperfections (ISO 5817:2003, corrected version:2005, including Technical
Corrigendum 1:2006)

EN ISO 9692-1:2003, Welding and allied processes — Recommendations for joint preparation — Part 1:
Manual metal-arc welding, gas-shielded metal-arc welding, gas welding, TIG welding and beam welding of
steels (ISO 9692-1:2003)

EN ISO 9692-2:1998, Welding and allied processes — Joint preparation — Part 2: Submerged arc welding of
steels (ISO 9692-2:1998)

3 Requirements

3.1 Selection of detail

Connections are not considered to be equally suitable for all service conditions, nor is the order in which they
are shown indicative of their relative characteristics. In selecting the appropriate detail to use from the several

BS EN 1708-1:2010
EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

alternatives shown for each type of connection, consideration shall be given to existing fabrication and service
conditions that pertain.

3.2 Joint preparation (geometry and size)

3.2.1 General

The limitations quoted in weld profiles and sizes are based on commonly accepted practice, but they may be
subjected to modifications if required by special welding techniques or design conditions, which should be
included in the design documents and in the welding procedure specifications (WPS).

3.2.2 Joint preparation geometry

Examples of recommended joint preparation geometry (e.g. bevel angles, root radius, presence of backing
strips, root faces) are referred to EN ISO 9692-1 when applicable and to EN ISO 9692-2 relative to
submerged arc welding process. Missing dimensions of preparations are in accordance with EN ISO 9692-1.

In case where full penetration butt joints are indicated, it is intended that they shall be back chipped or gouged
and back welded, or alternatively that the welding procedure shall be such as to ensure sound, effective root

For relevant difference of thickness (generally a difference of about 3 mm (see Table 1, no. 1.1.1 to 1.1.6)
could be considered relevant; in any case the thickness of material shall be taken into account, as well as the
shape of the joint) of parts to be butt welded, the thickest element shall be shaped with a slope of 1:5 up to
1:2. Smoother transition of wall thickness is applicable in severe service conditions.

3.2.3 Weld sizes

The thickness of welds (in particular of fillet welds), which are not determined by their profile, are based on the
assumption that the connection need not be stronger than the connected parts.

3.3 Presentation

Figure 1 — Transversal section Figure 2 — Longitudinal section

The drawings of the nozzle and branch connections (see Tables 2 and 3) show a transversal section of the
connection (see Figure 1) and a longitudinal section of the connection (see Figure 2).

3.4 Removal of internal sharp edges in branch bores

It will be noted that the internal edges on the bores of branches are shown partially radiused (for example see
Table 2, no. 2.1.6) because a stress concentration occurs at this point. The rounding of the edges is
recommended when the branch connection is subjected to severe service conditions like fatigue, creep and
stress corrosion.

BS EN 1708-1:2010
EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

3.5 Preparation of holes in shell for set-through branches

In case of set-in and set-through branches (according to Table 2, no. 2.2 and no. 2.3) holes in the shell may
be cut and profiled in two ways as follows:

 The depth of the grooves h1 and h2 may be constant around the hole as shown in Figure 3.

h1, h2 depth of the grooves

Figure 3 — Preparation of holes in the shell

 The roots of the joint preparations may be in one plane, as for example when they are machine drilled, in
which case the depths of the grooves will vary around the hole as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 — Preparation of holes in the shell

3.6 Welds for smooth transition

In some cases it is convenient to foresee a fillet weld providing smooth geometric transition from the surface
of one welded part to the surface of the other one, e.g. from branch to shell. Its purpose is to soften the notch
effect in the branch-shell edge and therefore the throat thickness is not presented on the figure concerned.

3.7 Oblique and tangential branches

The welded connections are contained in Tables 1 to 13. Regarding branches, the oblique and tangential
ones are not specially considered as their preparation is similar to that reported on Tables 2 and 3 for radial
branches. Only some significant cases are therefore considered (see Table 2, no. 2.2).

NOTE 1 The welds are only blackened in the following tables when the figures do not give information about the
dimension of the values for the preparation.

NOTE 2 It is not intended that the values of the dimension given in the tables should be measured precisely but rather
the general philosophy should be applied.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 1 — Butt joints of different thickness

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

1.1 Butt joints in plates of different thickness

1.1.1 α ≤ 30° In case of severe service 1.5 and 2.3

conditions, the design shall be in
t1 < t2 accordance with Figures 1.1.2
and 1.1.3.
e ≤ 0,1 t1
max. 2 mm (for one side welding)
1.1.2 α ≤ 30° 1.5, 2.3 and 2.5.2
t1 < t2

1.1.3 α ≤ 30° for ultrasonic test 1.5, 2.3 and 2.5.2

h > 3 t1, but min. 20 mm
t1 < t2
for radiographic test h ≥ t1

1.1.4 α ≤ 30° see 1.1.1 2.5.1

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 1 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
1.1.5 α ≤ 30° 2.5.1

1.1.6 α ≤ 30° for ultrasonic test 2.5.1

h > 3 t1, but min. 20 mm
for radiographic test h ≥ t1

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 1 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
1.1.7 longitudinal weld:
h1 ≤ 0,15 t1; maximum
3 mm
h2 ≤ 0,3 t1; maximum
6 mm
t2 - t1 ≤ 0,3 t1; maximum
6 mm

circumferential weld:
h1 ≤ 0,2 t1; maximum
5 mm
h2 ≤ 0,4 t1; maximum
10 mm
t2 - t1 ≤ 0,4 t1; maximum
10 mm

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 1 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
1.1.8 Fully penetrated or sealing run

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 2 — Branches without compensation rings

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
These connections include the provision of compensation by thickening of the branch and/or shell.

2.1 Set-on branches (for special branch connections see 13.2)

If the shell is stressed in direction of the thickness, it should be examined for laminations before setting on the branch.

2.1.1 t1 < 0,5 t2 1.9.1 or 1.11 one side

45° ≤ α ≤ 60° welding

2.1.2 45° ≤ α1 ≤ 60° These details are recommended 2.9.1, 2.9.2 or 2.11
only where the bore of the branch
30° ≤ α2 ≤ 45° is readily accessible for welding.
The joint should be back-gouged
from the side most accessible
and suitable for this purpose
generally from the outside.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 2 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
2.1.3 α1 = 30° See 2.1.2
α2 = 45°

2.1.4 no gap  Joints generally used for 1.9.1 or 1.11 one side
small branch to shell welding
c ≥ 1,5 mm
diameter ratios.
r ≥ 5 mm
 Diameter d to be bored out
α = 30° after welding to remove the
weld root, in order to ensure
sound weld.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 2 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
2.1.5 10 mm ≤ l ≤ 15 mm Joints generally used for small 1.11 one side welding
branch to shell diameter ratios.
h ≥ 3 mm
30° ≤ α ≤ 45°

2.1.6 For branches up to Generally used for the

approximately 100 mm attachment of branches to thick-
bore. walled shells.
1 mm ≤ b ≤ 3 mm

h ≤ 5 mm
c = 1 mm
r = 7 mm
α1 ≤ 45°
α2 ≤ 45 °

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 2 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
2.1.7 h ≤ 3 mm The sizes of the fillet welds
should be based on the loads
transmitted, paying due
attention to other fabrication
and service requirements.
2.1.8 r = 3 mm For tubes or nozzles up to
approximately 100 mm bore
E = 6 mm
and 6 mm wall thickness t.
F = 1,5 mm
α = 30°
1 = Profile to meet
design requirements

2.1.9 A = 5 mm For tubes or nozzles up to and

including 150 mm bore and
B = 5 mm
wall thickness t over 6 mm and
C = 5 mm up to and including 13 mm.
F = 1,5 mm
G = 0,5 mm
α = 30°
1 = Profile to meet
design requirements

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 2 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
2.1.10 A = 30 mm Tube panel connections only
Dimensions in millimetres applicable to tubes up to
B = 1,5 mm
100 mm bore and 6 mm wall
H ≥ 3 mm thickness t.
M ≥ 10 mm
N = 5 mm
W ≥ 2 mm
r = 6 mm
α = 30°
1 = Fin material
2 = Weld access hole
(filled after welding
tube to header)
2.1.11 F = 2 mm For all tube and nozzle sizes.
G = 1,5/2,0 mm
T = 16 mm max.
45° ≤ α ≤ 60°

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 2 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

2.2 Set-in branches (for special branch connection see 13.2)

As a general recommendation all set-in branches should be welded on the inside of the shell as shown e.g. in Figures 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 if they are accessible
for the purpose, otherwise preference should be given to set-on branch connections as shown e.g. in Figure 2.1.1.
2.2.1 a = 0,5 t1 For partial penetration welded 1.11 and 3.1.1
h = t1
Generally used when t1 is less
r ≥ 8 mm than t2/2. For smaller diameter
branches attention is drawn to
b ≤ 1 mm the details shown in Table 3
which may provide a preferable
10° ≤ α ≤ 20° solution.

2.2.2 3 mm ≤ a = 0,5 t1 For partial penetration welded 3.1.1 and 3.1.2

a1 < 0,7 t1
Limited application:
b ≤ 1 mm
 Internal diameter of shell
≤ 200 mm;

 wall thickness of branch t1

≤ 5 mm.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 2 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
2.2.3 a ≥ 5 mm For partial penetration welded 3.1.2 and 1.11
a 1 ≤ 0,7 t1
b ≤ 1 mm
10° ≤ α ≤ 20°
r ≥ 8 mm

2.2.4 3 mm ≤ a = 0,5 t1 For full penetration welded 3.1.2 and 1.11

a1 ≤ 0,7 t1
b ≤ 1 mm

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 2 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
2.2.5 h1 = 0,6 t1 For partial penetration welded 2.11
h2 = t1
b ≤ 1 mm
r ≥ 8 mm

2.2.6 t1 ≥ 3 mm For full penetration welded 1.9.1 and 1.11

t2 ≤ 3 t1
For joints which are accessible
40° ≤ α ≤ 60° from one side only.

2.2.7 t2 ≤ 3 t1 For full penetration welded 2.9.1, 2.9.2 and 2.11

30° ≤ α ≤ 45°
2 mm ≤ b ≤ 3 mm
2 mm ≤ c ≤ 4 mm

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 2 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
2.2.8 45° ≤ α ≤ 60° For full penetration welded
2 mm ≤ b ≤ 3 mm
2 mm ≤ c ≤ 4 mm

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 2 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
2.2.9 45° ≤ α ≤ 50° To be welded from both sides.

2.2.10 3 mm ≤ a ≥ 0,5 t1
45° ≤ α ≤ 60°
2 mm ≤ b ≤ 4 mm

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 2 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

2.3 Set-through branch

2.3.1 a = 0,5 t1 Generally used when t1 is less 4.1

than t2/2.
b ≤ 1 mm

2.3.2 h = 0,6 t1 For partial penetration welded 2.11

m ≥ t1

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 2 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
2.3.3 m ≥ t1 For full penetration welded 2.9.1 and 2.11

2.4 Extruded branch connections (for special branch connections see 13.2)

2.4.1 m ≥ t1 Conventional butt joint will be 1.5

used to weld the branch
1 conventional butt joint connection to the shell, and may
not necessarily have the form
Example of application:
Surface coating, e.g. internal
rubber lining.

2.5 Butt welded branches

2.5.1 1 conventional butt joint 2.5.1, 2.5.2

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 3 — Branches with compensation rings

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
Compensation rings should be fitted to the shell and vent holes should be provided in them. The thickness of the compensation ring should preferably not
exceed the thickness of the shell.

3.1 Set-on branches

3.1.1 5 mm ≤ a = 0,5 t3, 1.9.1 or 1.11 and 1.10

b ≥ 7 mm
α ≥ 15°
1 for shell to branch
joints, see Table 2

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 3 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

3.2 Set-in branches

Gap between branch and shell. It is recommended that the gap between the branch and the shell, also the compensation ring, should not exceed 3 mm.
Wider gaps increase the tendency to spontaneous cracking during welding, particularly as the thickness of the parts joined increases.
Internal compensation ring. Set-in branches with a single compensation ring has been shown with the ring on the outside of the shell, which is the normal
case. Similar connections may be used for the attachment of internal compensation ring in the formed end of pressure vessel and in spherical vessel.
3.2.1 5 mm ≤ a = 0,5 t3 Compensation of the branches 2.9.1, 2.11 and 1.10
with big wall thickness is
b ≥ 7 mm preferred to compensation rings.
The reinforcements
shall be checked by
30° ≤ α ≤ 45° For shell to branch joints, see calculation.
β ≥ 20° Table 2 in Figure 2.2.7 Reinforcements by
nozzles with higher wall
thickness shall be
preferred to discoidal
α = 60°
a = 0,5 t3
h > 0,7 t3
t3 < t2

a = 0,7 t3
2 mm ≤ b1 ≤ 4 mm
b2 ≥ 7 mm
β ≥ 20°
z ≈ 0,3 t3

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 4 — Sockets and couplings

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

4.1 Sockets and couplings

4.1.1 m = 1,5 mm Small couplings in 4.1.1 to 4.1.3 3.1.1 and 4.1.3

inclusive may be attached to
shells by the connections and
(with the exception of 4.1.3) by
any other appropriate joint shown
in Figures 2.3.1 to 2.5.1.
Applications especially for
attachments, e.g. temperature
and pressure sensors.
Not suitable when crevice
corrosion is expected.
4.1.2 see 4.1.1 4.1.3

4.1.3 m = 1,5 mm see 4.1.1 3.1.2 and 1.9.1

Not suitable when crevice
corrosion is expected.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 4 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
4.1.4 m = 1,5 mm Applications especially for
attachments, e.g. temperature
and pressure sensors. Not
suitable when crevice corrosion is

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 5 — Flanges

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

Due to distortion it may be necessary to machine the flange-face after welding.

The clearance between the bore of the flange and the inner diameter of the branch shall not exceed 2 mm.
In the case of thick set-on flanges a radial vent hole through the flange may be useful.

5.1 Flanges (t is the tube thickness)

5.1.1 After machining flange to Face and back welded flange. 1.11 and 2.11
final thickness.
For partial penetration welded
h1 ≥ 0,7 t connection.
h2 ≥ 0,7 t

5.1.2 1 conventional butt weld Welding neck flange. 1.5 or 1.3

Refer to Table 1 from 1.1.1 to

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 5 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
5.1.3 Loose flange. 2.11 and 1.9.1

5.1.4 a1 = 0,7 t Fillet welded flange. 3.1.2 and 3.1.1

a2 = 0,7 t
b ≤ 2 mm
m ≥ 3 mm
4 mm ≤ t ≤ 10 mm

5.1.5 h1 ≥ 0,7 t
h2 ≥ 0,7 t
45° ≤ α1 ≤ 60°
α2 = 30°

Table 5 (continued)

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
5.1.6 r = 7 mm
h1 ≥ 0,7 t
h2 ≥ 0,7 t
45° ≤ α1 ≤ 60°
10° ≤ α2 ≤ 20°

5.1.7 r = 7 mm
10° ≤ α ≤ 20°
a ≥ 0,7 t
h ≥ 0,7 t

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 5 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
5.1.8 a ≥ 0,7 t 1.4
5 mm ≥ m = 0,5 t
b ≥ 5 mm
n ≥ 5 mm
α = 15°

5.1.9 1 conventional butt weld For lower pressures and smaller 1.3
pipe diameters or pipes in
stainless steel with flange made
of carbon steel.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 6 — Jacketed vessels

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

It is recommended that the gap between the shell of the vessel and the jacket or blocking ring should not exceed 3 mm. A blocking ring should be machined
to a circumferential length not more than 5 mm greater than that of the vessel. Wider gaps increase the tendency to spontaneous cracking during welding,
particularly as the thickness of the parts increase.

6.1 Attachment of jackets

6.1.1 1 jacket  As service conditions

become more severe,
2 shell change to full penetration
2 mm ≤ b ≤ 4 mm weld;

45° ≤ α1 ≤ 60°  in difficult situations,

35° ≤ α2 ≤ 60° chamfering the blocking ring
will help to avoid cracking;

 if the shell plate is stressed

in direction of its thickness, it
shall be examined for
laminations before welding
the jacket.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 6 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
6.1.2 a ≥ 0,7 t see 6.1.1 4.1.3 and 1.5
b ≤ 2 mm

6.1.3 t2 ≤ 15 mm
45° ≤ α ≤ 60°
or as calculated
1 sealing run

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 6 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
6.1.4 2 mm ≤ b ≤ 4 mm see 6.1.1 2.9.1
45° ≤ α ≤ 60°

6.1.5 3 mm ≥ a ≥ 0,7 t 1.9.1

α = 45°

6.1.6 α = 45° 2.9.1 and 1.9.1

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 6 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

6.2 Blocking rings

6.2.1 a = 0,5 t Alternative ring to shell weld 4.1.3

detail permissible when t does
b ≤ 2 mm not exceed 15 mm

6.2.2 1 see Figure 5.1.1 for 2.11

weld size and profile

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 6 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

6.3 Intermediate connections between shell and jacket

6.3.1 d≥2m 2.8 and 1.9.1

6.3.2 3 mm ≥ a ≥ 0,7 t 4.1.3 and 1.9.1

45° ≤ α ≤ 60°
b = 2 mm

6.3.3 1 circular ring with vent For use on pressure vessels, 3.1.2 and 3.1.1
holes when there is no risk of corrosion.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 6 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
6.3.4 45° ≤ α ≤ 60° for b) and c) = For use on 3.1.2 and 3.1.1
pressure vessels, when there is
Dimensions defined by no risk of corrosion.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 6 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

6.4 Branch connections

6.4.1 Inside shell accessible for Not applicable for alternating 1.9.1
welding. bend stress, e.g. effected by
temperature difference between
α = 45° inner vessel and outer shell of the

6.4.2 May be welded from the It is necessary to ensure good 1.9.1 and 1.3
outside only. access to the weld between inner
shell and branch.
α1 = 60°
Not applicable for alternating
α2 = 45° bend stress, e.g. effected by
temperature difference between
inner vessel and outer shell of the

6.4.3 1 gap 2 mm to 3 mm These details are for use only 1.9.1

when it is necessary for the
2 good access to the
jacket to extend up the branch.
weld between the inner
shell and branch is
α = 45°

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 6 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
6.4.4 If the branch to shell weld see 6.4.3 1.3 and 1.9.1
has to be welded on both
sides, the branch jacket
shall be made of two
halves. Note welding
I – II – III – IV.
α = 45°
6.4.5 f ≥ 20 mm 4.1.3

6.4.6 f≥r 1.9.1

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 6 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
6.4.7 These branch connections are 4.1.3 and 1.9.1
preferably used in the heads of
jacketed vessels. Some of the
details may also be applied in
other region of the jacketed
Not applicable for alternating
bend stress, e.g. effected by
temperature difference between
inner vessel and outer shell of the
6.4.8 10° ≤ α ≤ 20° For use on pressure vessels,
when there is no risk of corrosion.
b = 5 mm
n > 2 mm

6.4.9 1 conventional butt weld 2.5.2 or 2.6 and 1.5

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 6 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

6.5 Alternatives to full jackets

Preformed elements welded to shell. Good accessibility is required for welding.

6.5.1 1 shell 1.9.1
α = 45°

6.5.2 α1 = 45° 1.9.1

α2 = 60°
2 mm ≤ b ≤ 3 mm

6.5.3 t ≤ 2,6 mm

6.5.4 3 mm ≥ a ≥ t Full penetration.

α = 45°
c ≤ 1 mm
t ≥ 2,6 mm

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 6 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
6.5.5 t > 2,6 mm Full penetration. 1.9.1
2 mm ≤ b ≤ 4 mm
α = 45°

6.6 Staybolt connections

To have the possibility of detecting cracks in the bolt.

6.6.1 1 alternative weld Staybolt normal arrangement. 1.9.1 and 1.9
preparation to 2

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 7 — Tube to tube plate connection

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
Tubes are welded to tube plates by several processes like manual metal-arc welding and mainly by partly and fully mechanized TIG-welding.
It is advisable to examine the tube plate for laminations before machining.
Tubes shall closely fit their holes.
Care should be taken to ensure that the tube ends and tube plate holes are clean before welding.
The holes in the tube plates shall be deburred.
If two runs are welded, the second run shall fully overlap the first one.

7.1 Tube to tube plate connection

7.1.1 t ≤ 2,6 mm
0 mm ≤ x ≤ 2 mm

7.1.2 t > 2,6 mm 3.1.1

x ≥ 6 mm

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 7 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
7.1.3 t > 2,6 mm
t ≤ h ≤ 1,5 t
x = h - 1 mm

7.1.4 h≈t
x = h - 1 mm
t ≥ 5 mm
45° ≤ α ≤ 60°

7.1.5 w=t
1,5 mm ≤ m ≤ 2 t
t ≥ 5 mm
α = 30°

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 7 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
7.1.6 w=t 1.1
1,5 mm ≤ m ≤ 2 t
for t < 5 mm

7.1.7 w=t Internal bore welding.

x = 0,5 w Only for fully mechanized TIG-
0,5 mm ≤ m ≤ 2 t
h = 0,5 t

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 7 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
7.1.8 x = 0,5 w see 7.1.7
h = 0,5 t
1,5 mm ≤ m ≤ 2 t

7.1.9 l ≥ 1,5 t

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 8 — Flate end or tube plate to shell connections

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

8.1 Flat end or tube plate to shell connections

When using details like 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3, 8.1.7, 8.1.8, 8.1.9 special care shall be taken to ensure that the end plate is not laminated.
8.1.1 a ≥ 0,7 t Accessible for welding on both 4.1.3
sides of the shell.

8.1.2 2.9.1 or 2.11

8.1.3 a ≥ 5 mm Typical connections used in the 1.9.1

construction of waste heat
α = 45° boilers, economizers and

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 8 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
8.1.4 t2 ≤ 15 mm For thin tube plates and for thick 3.1.1
t = t1
45° ≤ α ≤ 60°

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 8 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
8.1.5 a ≥ 0,7 t 4.1.3

1.9.1 and 2.10

Alternative joints details



EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 8 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
8.1.6 a ≥ 0,7 t 2.10
1 Instead of a cylindrical
extension and a transition
weld, the protruding part
may be machined off.

8.1.7 n ≥ 2 mm Permissible only for low static 1.4

loading and when there is no risk
Greater values of α are to of corrosion.
be related to lower values
of b and vice versa, e.g.:
α = 10° and
b = 15 mm
α = 40° and
b = 5 mm

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 8 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
8.1.8 a ≈ 3 mm See 8.1.7 3.1.1
Greater values of α are to
be related to lower values
of b and vice versa, e.g.:
α = 10° and
b = 15 mm
α = 40° and
b = 5 mm

n ≥ 2 mm

8.1.9 n ≥ 3 mm The shape of the groove in the 1.5

flate end shall be designed
depending on the service
conditions. Not accepted for
collectors in power plans.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 8 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
8.1.10 di ≤ 600 mm
rik ≥ 0,3 eh,
but also rik ≥ 5 mm

8.1.11 rik ≥ 0,3 es,

but also rik ≥ 5 mm

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 8 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
8.1.12 di ≤ 600 mm Not recommended for use if
cyclic loading is expected to

8.1.13 di ≤ 600 mm Not recommended for use if

cyclic loading is expected to

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 9 — Internal diaphragms and separators

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

9.1 Internal diaphragms and separators

Stationary vessels only, suitable for differential pressure.

9.1.1 Only for use when there is no risk 3.1.2
of corrosion.

9.1.2 a ≥ 0,7 t3 Only for use when there is no risk 1.5 and 3.1.2
of corrosion.
25 mm ≥ n ≥ 2 t3
10 mm ≥ b ≤ 0,5 t1
m ≥ t3 + 5 mm
α = 30°

9.1.3 Conventional butt welds. 2.5.1 and 2.2

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 10 — Supports and non-pressure parts

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
Influence of non-pressure parts. The welding consumables, the material and design of the non-pressure parts shall be such as to avoid unfavourable
influencing the quality of the pressure loaded parts. This applies in particular with respect to high yield-strengths materials.
Doubling plates. Doubling plates shall be used when attachment of non-pressure parts directly to the shell would cause unacceptable stress
Slots. In the case of slots, it shall be wide enough to allow a continuous fillet weld.
Welding after final post-weld heat treatment. Welding of vessels, which have already been heat treated, is not permitted.
Lifting facilities. Lifting facilities shall be made of the material which will avoid brittle fracture in low ambient temperatures.
Vent holes. Where doubling plates are fitted before stress relief one or more vent holes shall be drilled in the plate.
Corner radii. Corners of doubling plate to be radiused to not less than three times thickness.

10.1 Supports for vessels

10.1.1 Vertical intermediate plate could 1.9.1

be necessary.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 10 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
10.1.3 a1 = 0,5 t2
a2 ≥ 0,5 t3
for t1 ≤ 15 mm, t2 = t1
for t1 > 15 mm, t2 < t1
f ≥ 10 mm

If the saddle is to be welded on

the shell the following conditions
shall apply:
for t1 ≤ 15 mm,
t2 = t1
for t1 > 15 mm,
t2 < t1
a ≤ 0,7 t1
Stiffener plates with or without mousehole The weld shall be continued
around the connecting part with
r ≥ 30 mm.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 10 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
10.1.4 a ≥ 4 mm For small vertical vessels.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 10 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

10.2 Supports for jacketed vertical vessels

10.2.1 r ≥ 10 mm All welds are circumferential.

m = 20 mm One vent hole required in the
doubling plate.
t1 ≤ t2 ≤ 1,5 t1
a1, a2 = a
t1, t2 = t
a ≤ 0,7 tmin

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 10 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

10.3 Non-pressure parts

10.3.1 a1, a2 = a Lifting lug for heavy loads.

t1, t2, t3 = t
a ≤ 0,7 tmin
t1 ≤ t2 ≤ 1,5 t1
1 vent hole

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 10 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
10.3.2 a1, a2 = a
t1, t2, t3 = t
a ≤ 0,7 tmin
t1 ≤ t2 ≤ 1,5 t1
r ≥ 10 mm
1 vent hole

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 10 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
10.3.3 a1, a2 = a
t1, t2, t3 = t
a ≤ 0,7 tmin
a3 = 0,5 t1
t3 ≤ t2 ≤ 1,5 t3
1 vent hole

10.3.4 1 vent hole

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 11 — Special shell to head end connections

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

11.1 Joggle point

11.1.1 t ≤ 8 mm Only for use when there is no risk

of corrosion, fatigues, vibration
and service conditions.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 12 — Weld ring seal

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

12.1 Weld ring seal

12.1.1 α = 120° Buttering on the flange side may

be necessary at the location
m = 5 mm where the fillet weld is to be
n = 6,5 mm made.
q = 15 mm
t = 3,5 mm

12.1.2 α = 120° Buttering on the flange side may

be necessary at the location
β = 20° where the fillet weld is to be
t = 4 mm made.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 12 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
12.1.3 α = 120° Buttering on the flange side may
be necessary at the location
m = 5 mm where the fillet weld is to be
q = 15 mm made.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 13 — Pipe details

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
Pipe butt joints.
Butt joints incorporating backing rings.
Permanent backing rings may be used for butt welding of pipes that do not carry corrosive fluids provided proper precautions are taken to ensure freedom
from non-metallic inclusions and root cracks. They are not recommended in case of fatigue load.
These precautions include the following:
 The gap between the ring and the bores of both pipes shall be kept to a minimum and in no case should exceed 0,4 mm. This will require the pipe ends
to be bore trimmed by machining for roundness, and fit.

 Particular attention should be paid to such factors as the root gap, the root face, the thickness of the backing ring and the welding procedure.

 The backing ring should not cause the joint to be restrained whilst contracting.

 The misalignment is contained in EN ISO 5817.

 In the case of corrosion, fatigue or creep the use of backing rings is generally not recommended.

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 13 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

13.1 Socket joints

Socket joints are permitted on pipes with external diameter lower than 80 mm, with the dimensions indicated on 13.1.1.
Socket joints are anyway excluded:

 for steel pipes special applications;

 in parts exposed to fumes or to flame radiation;

 in those cases in which the service conditions, with particular regard to corrosion and fatigue stress, compromise the socket joint safety, in the opinion
of the manufacturer.

13.1.1 d3 ≤ 80 mm 3.1.2
c ≥ 1,25 t
s ≥ 1,5 t
m ≥ 10 mm
b1 ≥ 1,5 mm
b2 ≥ 1 mm

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 13 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

13.2 Special branch connections

In case of corrosion, fatigue, vibration service conditions the use of backing rings is generally not recommended. For normal cases see Table 2.
13.2.1 2 mm ≤ b ≤ 4 mm Equal set-on branch with bevel
(for unequal branch connections
1 mm ≤ c ≤ 3 mm
see Table 2).
45° ≤ α ≤ 60° 1 When the hole in the main pipe
is thermal cut the ledge illustrated
should be removed by grinding if
required. Alternatively, if the hole
in the main pipe is prepared by
machining this ledge will not be
13.2.2 The maximum angle β of Set-on sloping unequal branch
slope should be 30° from with bevel.
the normal. Where the
angle is greater than 30°
special consideration
shall be given to joint
design and fabrication.
α ≥ 45°
2 mm ≤ b ≤ 4 mm
1 mm ≤ c ≤ 3 mm

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 13 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
13.2.3 1 3 mm ledge obtained Set-on sloping equal branch with
when thermal cutting hole bevel.
in main pipe, see
condition in 13.2.1.
2 Alternative profile. Main
pipe ground locally to
improve access.
2 mm ≤ b ≤ 4 mm
1 mm ≤ c ≤ 3 mm
α1 = 45°
α2 ≥ 35°
β ≤ 30°

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 13 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
13.2.4 α1 ≥ 60° Equal set-in branch.
α2 ≥ 45°
2 mm ≤ b ≤ 4 mm
1 mm ≤ c ≤ 3 mm

13.2.5 The maximum angle β of Unequal set-in sloping branch.

slope shall be 30° from
the normal. Where the
angle is greater than 30°
special consideration
shall be given to joint
design and fabrication.
α ≥ 45°
2 mm ≤ b ≤ 4 mm
1 mm ≤ c ≤ 3 mm

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 13 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
13.2.6 2 mm ≤ b ≤ 4 mm see 13.2.5
1 mm ≤ c ≤ 3 mm

α1 ≥ 45°
α2 ≥ 60°
α3 ≥ 45°
α4 ≥ 35°
β ≤ 30°

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 14 — Block flanges

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

14.1 Inserted block flanges

14.1.1 4 mm ≤ t2 ≤ 10 mm For spherical, shell and plane

without additional stress
a = 0,7 t2
h ≥ t2

14.1.2 4 mm ≤ t2 ≤ 30 mm
without additional stress
a = 0,7 t2
h ≥ t2
45° ≤ α ≤ 60°

14.1.3 2 mm ≤ b ≤ 4 mm

h = 0,5 t2
z ≈ 0,3 t2
45° ≤ α ≤ 60°

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 14 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
14.1.4 2 mm ≤ b ≤ 4 mm Flange shall be flush inside (e.g.
discharging spout)

z ≈ 0,3 t2
1 Flange shall be ground
flush inside (e.g.
discharging drain)
45° ≤ α ≤ 60°
14.1.5 DW = D + (1,5 to 2) × t2min Universal for spherical and plane
slab without limiting of wall
1 conventional butt weld thickness t2, particularly for
additional stress

14.1.6 2 mm ≤ b ≤ 4 mm For spherical, shell and plane

slab during one-sided load.
z ≈ 0,3 t2
45° ≤ α ≤ 60°

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 14 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-

14.2 Added block flanges

14.2.1 a = 0,5 t2 ≥ 5 mm For spherical, shell and plane

z = 0,7 t2, whereas t2 slab, if
shall be measured
completely h ≤ 3 mm
t2 ≤ 30 mm
Tapped hole carry out as tapped
thorough hole or tapped blind
For h ≤ 1 mm (e.g. inspection
glasses) is
a = 0,5 t2 ≥ 3 mm.
14.2.2 h2 ≤ 3 mm, otherwise fit For spherical and shell, if
a = 0,5 t2 ≥ 5 mm
h1 ≤ 15 mm
z = 0,7 t2, whereas t2
shall be measured t2 ≤ 30 mm
Tapped hole carry out as tapped
e = 0,5 t2, at least 10 mm thorough hole or tapped blind

EN 1708-1:2010 (E)

Table 14 (continued)

Reference to
Application/ EN ISO 9692-1:2003
no. Figure Note
condition and EN ISO 9692-
14.2.3 h2 ≤ 3 mm, otherwise fit For spherical and shell, if
t1 ≈ t2
a = 0,5 t2 ≥ 5 mm h1 ≥ 15 mm
a1 = 0,5 t2 ≤ 6 mm t2 ≤ 30 mm
z = 0,7 t2, whereas t2
shall be measured Tapped hole carry out as tapped
completely thorough hole or tapped blind

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