Tunnel Field Effect
Tunnel Field Effect
Tunnel Field Effect
I. INTRODUCTION along with the two main types of tunneling in Section IV.
This is followed by an overview of different approaches
The tunnel field-effect transistor (TFET) is a semicon- to model the TFET operation in Section V. The main
ductor device aimed at low-power logic applications that performance challenges for TFET are then presented in
employs band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) as a carrier in- Section VI. In Section VII, different material options
jection mechanism to obtain a subthermionic subthresh- for TFET are considered. The subsequent sections are
old swing (SS). In particular, it relies on the energetic devoted to various implementation options that are be-
filtering of the tail of the electron Fermi-Dirac distribu- ing researched to improve the TFET performance, such
tion to go below the fundamental 60 mV/dec SS limit at as dopant pockets (Section VIII), specific gate configura-
room temperature of a metal-oxide-semiconductor FET tions (Section IX) and strain (Section X). Section XI dis-
(MOSFET). The goal is to combine a low leakage cur- cusses attention points upon using the TFET in a circuit.
rent with a low SS to allow the TFET to be more energy Finally, Section XII gives a brief update on experimental
efficient than a MOSFET. work in literature. Section XIII concludes the article and
Research in TFET has been driven by the fundamen- provides a future outlook.
tal power issues encountered by MOSFET as device scal-
ing continues along the path of Moore’s law. This law,
in its most common formulation today, states that the
number of electronic components per chip resulting in
a minimum component cost, doubles approximately ev- The inherent trade-off between ION and IOFF for de-
ery two years1,2 . Also, the rise of mobile applications creasing VDD lies at the heart of the power density is-
and the Internet of Things, which contain a plethora of sue of MOSFET-based logic. This can be understood
always-on sensor nodes, has increased the demand for by looking at the total dissipated power of a circuit of
devices with low supply voltage (VDD ) and low-leakage MOSFET-based logic gates, which consists of a static
operation3,4 . The TFET aims to fulfill this demand by and a dynamic component9 :
exploiting the quantum mechanical phenomenon of tun- 2
Ptot = Pstatic +Pdynamic = Ng IOFF VDD +αCtot VDD f (1)
neling. Although it is a leakage mechanism for MOS-
FET in today’s scaled architectures, tunneling enables with Ng the amount of gates, α the fraction of active
the TFET to go beyond the inherent ON-current (ION ) gates, Ctot the total load capacitance of all gates and f
- OFF-current (IOFF ) trade-off that hampers the low- the switching frequency. Based on Eq. (1), a key element
power performance of the MOSFET. Several challenges in the so-called Dennard scaling of MOSFET, proposed
still remain, however, before TFET can be implemented in 197410 , is the reduction of VDD as the physical tran-
as a low-power replacement for MOSFET. sistor dimensions are decreased with every new genera-
Several excellent overview works exist which summa- tion in order to maintain a constant power density (note
rize the TFET state-of-the-art or go into more detail on that although Ctot decreases, the VDD reduction also re-
specific TFET topics5–8 . This article aims to give a broad sults in an increase of f ). The threshold voltage (Vth ) is
overview of the TFET field, with a distinct focus on de- decreased accordingly to maintain sufficient ION , which
vice physics and architecture options. For more details, is proportional to (VDD - Vth )x . The Dennard scaling
the reader is invited to consult the references which are paradigm has enabled the continuation of Moore’s law
included in each section. The article is structured as fol- until the end of the 20th century. However, Dennard
lows. First, the power issue of the MOSFET, which the scaling eventually leads to an untenable increase in the
TFET seeks to solve, is outlined in Section II. Next, the static power component, as the OFF-state leakage is ex-
basic operation of the TFET is explained in Section III, ponentially dependent on Vth 5 :
IOFF ∼ e nkT /q (2)
power is consumed in the OFF-state. The rising power V
density leads to issues with cooling and reliability.
The origin of the exponential dependence in Eq. (2)
is the Fermi-Dirac distribution of the charge carriers in
the source region. In the subthreshold regime, also called I
weak inversion, a potential energy barrier in the MOS-
FET channel region prevents low energy carriers in the
source from flowing to the drain contact. However, the
high energy carriers in the exponential tail of the distri- V (V)
bution can still diffuse over the barrier in a process called
thermionic emission. This leads to an exponential depen-
dence of the drain-source current IDS on the gate-source FIG. 1. Schematic transfer characteristics of a MOSFET with
voltage VGS 11 : an ideal SS and a steep slope device with a sub-60 mV/dec
VGS −Vth
SS, illustrating that the SS determines IOFF . Scaling of the
IDS ≈ ID0 e nkT /q for VGS < Vth (3) threshold voltage Vth increases the OFF-current IOFF expo-
with ID0 the current at VGS = Vth .
The inverse of the slope of Eq. (3) determines the
trade-off between ION and IOFF . It is called the sub- junction’, aimed at investigating subband splitting and
threshold swing (SS) and is used as a metric for the many-body effects in quasi-2D systems15 . However, it
switching steepness of the device. SS is defined as the was not until 1987 that BTBT was suggested as the work-
increase in VGS that is required to increase IDS with one ing principle of a transistor in a DRAM trench transistor
order of magnitude5,10 , and can be expressed as: cell16 . Major research efforts started after 2004, when
a carbon nanotube TFET was demonstrated with a sub-
VGS Cd kT 60 mV/dec SS at room temperature17 and the use of het-
SS = ≈ 1+ ln(10). (4)
log10 IDS Cox q erostructures was conceptually introduced18 . Since then,
significant research efforts have been invested worldwide
At room temperature (T = 300 K), the SS of a MOSFET in improving the TFET performance by optimization of
is therefore theoretically limited to about 60 mV/dec. In the device architecture and material system.
actual implementations, non-idealities result in SS val-
ues which can be significantly higher. Fig. 1 illustrates
graphically that the value of the SS determines the inter-
section with the VGS = 0 V axis, which corresponds to
IOFF . IOFF increases exponentially as Vth is decreased
and the curve shifts leftwards. As IOFF becomes unac- A. Basic structure and operating principle
ceptably high, it prevents further concurrent scaling of
VDD and Vth and hence leads to aforementioned power The basic TFET structure is similar to that of a MOS-
density issues in highly scaled technologies. The under- FET: it contains two contact regions and an intrinsic or
limit on the SS makes this a fundamental trade-off. lowly doped channel region, covered by a gate dielec-
Several new transistor concepts have been proposed to tric and a gate contact (see Fig. 2(a)). In contrast to a
break the ION -IOFF trade-off by having a SS lower than MOSFET, however, the TFET contact regions have an
the MOSFET limit. Examples include concepts which opposite doping polarity, resulting in a p-i-n profile. In
use negative capacitance12 , impact-ionization13 and me- an nTFET, the p-type region acts as the source region,
chanical switches14 . However, these concepts give rise to while in a pTFET, the n-type region acts as the source.
hysteretic behavior and typically require a high operating Many variations on the basic configuration are possible,
voltage (> 1 V) at one of the transistor contacts. with different gate overlaps or doping profiles. These
will be discussed in Sections VIII to X. First, the work-
The TFET is a new transistor concept, compatible ing principle will be explained for a basic p-i-n nTFET in
with CMOS technology, that has been proposed for being a semiclassical picture. In this discussion, it is assumed
capable of having a SS lower than the MOSFET limit. that the doping is such that the Fermi-level in the source
This is possible because the TFET relies on quantum is aligned with the valence band edge.
mechanical BTBT instead of thermionic emission as the The TFET operates by enabling and preventing BTBT
carrier injection mechanism. The basic TFET structure between the source and the channel region by modula-
was first proposed in 1978 as a ’surface channel tunnel tion of the electrostatic potential in these regions with
-4 V = 0.5V
Source Drain
p i n
I (A/ m)
0.7V -8
10 subthreshold
0V 0.5V
-0.5 1.2 -12
(c) eV 10
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
1.0 V (V)
VDS = 0.5V GS
E (eV)
19 -3 19 -3 20 -3
1x10 cm 5x10 cm 1x10 cm
-20 0 20 40 60 80
x (nm) 0.5 f
The low SS of the TFET originates from the energetic
I (A/
filtering effect of BTBT carrier injection. Fig. 4(a) illus- 0.8
0.5 1.7V
A. Semiclassical
v v
A common semiclassical approach to the solution of the
time-independent Schrödinger equation is the Wentzel-
-0.5 Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation. The reason-
ing behind WKB starts from the one-electron wave func-
(a) In Ga As (b) Si tion ψ in zero electric field, which corresponds to a con-
-1.0 0.53 0.47
(a) (b)
Ec )&
E x1 x2 !"#
κx0 *
E ''
x %&
5 6.,2 / ! 01,2 / 5
3 3
FIG. 8. (a) Real and imaginary 2-band k·p band structure of 4
3$! ,$-./
bulk InAs for zero perpendicular momentum (ky = kz = 0).
Indicated are the conduction (co) and light hole (lh) bands.
(b) Energy band diagram, superimposed with the imaginary FIG. 9. Real and imaginary 30-band k·p band structure of
band structure at a given energy E. The WKB transmission bulk In0.53 Ga0.47 As. Indicated are the conduction (co), light
probability is calculated from an integral of this imaginary hole (lh), heavy hole (hh) and split-off (so) bands.
per unit volume, which is then integrated over the full de- B. Quantum mechanical
vice volume. In this approach, device simulators search
for tunnel paths which connect points of sufficient poten- A fully quantum mechanical simulation approach en-
tial difference to allow for tunneling. Carriers are gener- tails the solution of the Schrödinger equation in some
ated by the BTBT process at the endpoints of the tun- form. In TFET modeling, the most commonly used is
nel paths. An expression for the generation rate can be the time independent one-electron form:
derived from Eq. (10) by assuming the distribution func- 2
tions for the carriers to be step functions, corresponding −h̄ 2
Ĥψ(r) = ∇ + Ve (r) + Vc (r) ψ(r) = Eψ(r) (17)
to a temperature of 0 K. This effectively decouples the 2me
carrier distribution functions from the transition rates.
with me the free electron mass, E the total energy,
For the Kane model, the following generation rate for-
Ve (r) the external applied potential energy and Vc (r) the
mula is commonly used:
D crystal potential energy of the lattice. The solution of
F −B Eq. (17) generally occurs in two steps. First, the wave
GKane = A exp (11) function is decomposed onto a reduced basis. This is be-
F0 F
cause the complicated nature of Vc (r) prevents the direct
where F is the electric field, F0 is 1 V/cm, D is a param- solution of Eq. (17) for ψ. The choice of basis corre-
eter that is taken 2 for direct bandgap materials and A sponds to a particular band structure model. For TFET,
and B are parameters defined as: the most commonly used models are the k·p-based enve-
1/2 lope function method and the orbital-based tight-binding
gmR (qF0 )2
Adirect = (12) method. Once the Hamiltonian has been written in the
πh2 (EG )1/2
chosen basis, the second step is to construct a linear sys-
1/2 tem or an eigenvalue problem, the solutions of which can
π 2 mR (EG )3/2 be used to extract desired quantities like currents and
Bdirect = (13)
qh carrier densities. The two main approaches for this step
where g is a factor for the spin and valley degeneracies. are the wave function method and the non-equilibrium
Corrections that reintroduce the non-zero temperature Green’s function (NEGF) method.
distribution functions afterwards have been developed33 . A first band structure model is the envelope function
Extensions of Kane’s model have been made to describe method, which expands the wave function on the solu-
indirect phonon-assisted transitions as well27 . For indi- tions of the Schrödinger equation in bulk36 :
rect BTBT, D in Eq. (11) is 2.5 and A and B are modified X
to25 : ψ(r) = Fn (r)Un (r), (18)
g(mc mv )3/2 (1 + 2NPH )DP2 H (qF0 )5/2
Aindirect = 5/4 7/4
(14) where the Un (r) form a complete set of orthonormal ba-
221/4 h5/2 mR ρPH EG sis functions with the periodicity of the lattice and Fn (r)
1/2 3/2
are slowly varying envelope functions, which contain only
27/2 πmR EG Fourier components in the first Brillouin zone. The index
Bindirect = (15)
3qh n runs over all bands considered in the description. In-
where mv (mc ) is the valence (conduction) band den- serting the expansion of Eq. (18) into Eq. (17) and using
sity of states effective mass, NPH = 1/ [exp(PH /kT) − 1], the properties of the set Un (r), namely orthonormality
DPH and PH are respectively the occupation number, and completeness, the following system of equations re-
the deformation potential and the energy of the relevant sults (a detailed derivation can be found in the work of
phonons and ρ is the mass density. To obtain the BTBT Burt36 and Van de Put et al.34 ):
current, the generation rate of Eq. (11) is integrated over −h̄2 2 ih̄ X X
the device volume: ∇ Fn (r) − pnm · ∇Fm (r) + Hnm (r)Fm (r)
Z 2me me m m
IDS = q GdV (16) +Ve (r)Fn (r) = EFn (r)
with dV an elementary volume. The same approach can
be followed for the WKB approximation33 . where the external potential Ve is assumed to vary slowly
The disadvantage of semiclassical methods is that they on the scale of a unit cell, like the envelope functions.
neglect certain quantum phenomena which result from The pnm are known bulk k·p interband momentum ma-
the wave-like character of the electron, since they do not trix elements. They describe the coupling strength, and
directly solve the Schrödinger equation in the full de- hence BTBT, between bands n and m. Hnm are the
vice region. Important examples for TFET include field bulk Hamiltonian matrix elements, which correspond to
or size-induced confinement effects, which can effectively known bulk band edge energies. The main advantage of
increase the bandgap, and resonances and reflections in Eq. (19), compared to Eq. (17) is therefore that the crys-
regions of high field, which respectively increase or de- tal potential Vc (r) has been replaced with known material
crease the transmission probability34,35 . parameters.
An alternative band structure description, called the transmission probabilities and currents. Similar to the
tight-binding method, consists of expanding the wave semiclassical case, the current can be calculated from the
function on Bloch sums of localized atomic orbital-like transmission probabilities directly with Eq. (10), or more
functions, instead of on extended bulk solutions37–39 : approximated by first converting to a generation rate and
using Eq. (16). To include the effect of the carrier con-
ψ(r) = N − 2 Cn exp(ik · Ri )φn (r − Ri ) centration on the potential energy profile, the calculated
n i carrier densities can be used to calculate a new potential
=N − 21
Cn,i φn (r − Ri ) (20) energy profile with the Poisson equation, which in its
turn can be used to calculate a new carrier density. This
loop is then repeated until self-consistency is reached.
where φn is a Löwdin orbital with quantum number n, Instead of solving Eqs. (19) and (21) directly as in
located on the atom at position Ri . N is the num- the wave function method, an alternative is to calculate
ber of primitive unit cells in the crystal and serves as the non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF)38,47 . In an
a normalization constant. Cn,i = Cn exp(ik · Ri ) are NEGF approach, Eq. (17) is rewritten as:
the expansion coefficients, which serve a similar pur-
pose as the envelope functions Fn of Eq. (18). Inserting (EI − Ĥ − Σ̂S/D )G = I (22)
the expansion of Eq. (20) into the Schrödinger equation
with G the Green’s function, Ĥ the Hamiltonian in the
P (17), multiplying from the left with the Bloch sum
∗ chosen basis and Σ̂S/D the self-energies of the source and
j exp(−ik · R )φ
j m (r − Rj ) and integrating over the full
drain contacts. The self-energy terms are added to in-
crystal, the following system of equations is obtained:
clude the open boundary conditions. Just like the wave
X Z X function, G contains all relevant device information. The
Cn,i−j φ∗m (r − Rj )Ĥφn (r − Ri )dr = Cn,i−j E advantage of the NEGF approach is that other interac-
i,j i,j tions can be included in a rather straightforward manner
(21) by adding the corresponding self-energy term. E.g. for
with Cn,i−j = Cn exp(ik · (Rj − Ri )). The integrals in electron-phonon interactions:
Eq. (21) can be replaced by parameters available in liter-
ature, similar to the pnm elements in the envelope func- (EI − Ĥ − Σ̂S/D − Σ̂el−ph )G = I (23)
tion approach.
For both the envelope function method and the tight- with Σ̂el−ph the self-energy for the electron-phonon
binding method, the inclusion of more basis functions interaction38 . In this way, rethermalization, phonon-
results in a more accurate band structure that can cap- assisted tunneling and other scattering processes can be
ture a larger part of the first Brillouin zone. If enough described. To avoid having to calculate the inverse of a
bands are included such that the full first Brillouin zone large matrix (EI − Ĥ − Σ̂S/D − Σ̂el−ph ), methods have
is captured, the model is called a full-zone model. For the been developed that calculate only the relevant entries in
envelope function method, this corresponds to a 30-band the Green’s function matrix, such as the contact block re-
basis40,41 , for the tight binding method to the sp3 d5 s∗ duction (CBR) method48 and the recursive Green’s func-
basis set42 . With more basis functions, also the coupling tion (RGF) method38 .
between the different bands is captured more accurately A separate quantum-mechanical framework based on
(compare e.g. Fig. 8 with Fig. 9). wave functions has also been established for phonon-
To solve Eq. (19) or Eq. (21) for an actual device assisted tunneling23 . It was shown that the current can
in which current enters and leaves through the source be determined from solving Eq. (19) for each band sep-
and drain contacts, open boundary conditions are re- arately. Two distinct sets of wave functions are then
quired. For TFET simulations, the quantum transmit- obtained for the conduction band and the valence band.
ting boundary method (QTBM) is often used43 . QTBM The transmission probability is calculated based on the
imposes that the electric field is zero in the contacts in overlap of the wave functions of the two bands, combined
the transport direction. The wave function is then known with the interaction probability with a phonon of the ap-
to take the form of a plane wave in that direction. It is propriate momentum.
this form which is imposed as a boundary condition on
the system.
With the appropriate boundary conditions, Eqs. (19) C. Semiclassical versus quantum mechanical
and (21) can be discretized and solved for the enve-
lope functions and tight binding coefficients respectively. Compared to semiclassical approaches, quantum me-
This direct solution approach is called the wave function chanical models are typically computationally more ex-
method. Available numerical techniques include finite pensive, but include the effects of the wave-like nature of
difference methods44 , finite element methods45 , spectral the electron, such as confinement and reflections in re-
methods46 and others. The envelope functions and the gions of high field or at a heterojunction. Quantum sim-
tight binding coefficients can be used to calculate im- ulations should therefore be preferred in cases where con-
portant device characteristics such as carrier densities, finement is expected to be strong, e.g. for TFETs with
10 SC The TFET ION is typically lower than that of a MOS-
QM FET. This is due to the tunneling barrier, which all
= 0.6V charge carriers have to overcome before they can drift
I (A/ m)
Tomioka et al.53 10−3 Mayer et al.54 10−6 10 I
Dewey et al. 55
10 Morita et al. 56
57 −4
Sarkar et al. 10 -8
Huang et al. 58
<10−6 avg
Kim et al. 59
<10−6 -10
10 I
which is derived from an approximation of the tunnel 10
E (eV)
0.0 c
E (b) E
Fp Fn
To obtain a low leakage power, IOFF should be suffi- trap
ciently small. IOFF is composed of the reverse leakage E
current of a p-i-n diode, consisting mainly of SRH pro-
cesses, minority carrier diffusion, and possibly some TAT -20 0 20 40
0 60 80
if the other two mechanisms are sufficiently small. Addi- x (nm)
tionally, parasitic TFET mechanisms such as ambipolar
current and direct source-drain tunneling can increase
FIG. 12. Energy band diagrams of the tunnel junction of
IOFF . For low-power applications, the ITRS roadmap
an In0.53 Ga0.47 As TFET showing (a) TAT and (b) SRH pro-
sets the target for IOFF at 10 pA/µm, with IIOFF ON
> 105 . cesses, which contribute to the TFET IOFF . The green lines
SRH, similar to TAT, is a trap-assisted process in represent localized trap energy levels, the red wavy lines are
which carriers are generated via localized trap levels thermal steps and the black solid line corresponds to a tun-
through phonon-assisted thermal steps when the electron neling step.
and hole densities are out of equilibrium (see Fig. 12(b)).
In contrast to TAT, SRH has a weak field dependence
and so does not impact the SS. However, if the trap den- IV (Section VII A) and compounds from group III and V
sity is sufficiently high, it can increase IOFF . Similar to of the periodic system of elements (Section VII B). Multi-
TAT, the remedy is to decrease the trap density. ple of these materials can be combined in a heterostruc-
The ambipolar current is determined by the efficiency ture (Section VII C). 2D materials are a new class of
of BTBT at the channel-drain junction. This means it materials, which is also gaining interest for TFET appli-
can be reduced by taking opposite measures as those sug- cations (Section VII D).
gested in Section VI A to increase ION , viz. a reduction
of F and EG and an increase in mR at the channel-drain
tunnel junction. F can be reduced by lowering the drain A. Group IV materials
doping, at the expense of increasing the resistance. EG
and mR depend on the material choice and cannot be Silicon is the most prevalent material in today’s MOS-
varied independently from the source in a homostruc- FETs for logic applications, and has therefore also been
ture, but they can be in a heterostructure (see Section extensively studied for TFET. Si has the distinct advan-
VII C). Another option is to introduce a gate-drain un- tage of being a well-known, abundant material that can
derlap region, which decreases the influence of the gate be obtained with a very low density of defects in the bulk
on the channel-drain junction64 (see Section IX B). Using of the material as well as at the gate dielectric interface.
a combination of these techniques, the ambipolar current Established fabrication infrastructure and processes ex-
can be kept to acceptable levels. ist in industry for a wide variety of process steps. This
Direct source-drain tunneling occurs when charge car- includes high quality oxide growth and high concentra-
riers can tunnel from source to drain, even when the de- tion doping. Si is also interesting for TFET because of
vice is in the OFF-state. This occurs when the tunnel its large conduction band DOS, which limits the source
paths in the OFF-state are too short or provide insuffi- doping degeneracy in pTFETs (the importance of which
cient attenuation to suppress the carrier tunneling proba- is discussed in Section VI B).
bility. Direct tunneling is particularly important in mate- However, Si is a relatively poor material for BTBT
rials with a small EG and mR and in configurations with and consequently, Si TFETs typically have a small ION .
a short channel. In vertical architectures, increasing the A first cause is the relatively large EG of 1.12 eV, which
channel length is a straightforward way to reduce the results in a low tunneling probability (see Section VI A).
source-drain tunneling. In planar configurations, how- Although beneficial for IOFF , the low tunneling rate is
ever, a longer channel length also increases the device detrimental for ION . Secondly, Si is an indirect bandgap
footprint. material, which reduces the overall efficiency of BTBT.
The smallest EG is measured between the valence band
maximum at the Γ-point and the conduction band val-
VII. MATERIAL CHOICE ley minimum along the ∆-direction40 . These two points
in the E-k diagram are not at the same k-value, which
To overcome the challenges outlined in the previous means they correspond to a different crystal momentum
section, different material options are being considered h̄k. A tunneling transition between these two points re-
for TFET. Of particular interest are materials from group quires a phonon to provide the necessary crystal momen-
tum. This makes it less probable for a given energetic Straddled Staggered Broken
separation than a direct transition, in which the start Ec1 Ec1 Ec1
and end points of the tunneling process are at the same Ec2
k-value, therefore requiring no phonon. In Si, the indi- Ev2
Ev1 Ev1 Ev1
rect transitions are dominant, since the bandgap at the Ev2 Ec2
Γ-point is much larger at 3.4 eV, making direct transi-
tions very improbable25 . Ev2
As an alternative to Si in group IV of the periodic
system of elements, Ge is more suited for BTBT. It has
a smaller indirect bandgap than Si of 0.66 eV. Unlike Si, FIG. 13. Types of band edge alignments at a heterostructure
tunnel junction. In a straddled alignment, Ec1 > Ec2 and Ev1
the direct bandgap at the Γ-point is only slightly larger at
< Ev2 . In a staggered alignment, Ec1 > Ec2 and Ev1 > Ev2 .
0.8 eV. Consequently, once the band bending is such that In a broken alignment, Ev1 > Ec2 . The green arrows indicate
direct transitions are allowed, they will dominate over the the effective bandgap at the tunnel junction. For the broken
indirect transitions and improve ION 25,65 . However, as configuration, the effective bandgap is negative.
discussed in Section VI C, a smaller bandgap facilitates
ambipolar tunneling at the channel-drain junction, which
is an important leakage mechanism in TFET. IOFF will tion VII C. Thirdly, a low electron effective mass means
therefore generally be larger than for Si implementations, a low DOS in the conduction band compared to Si. This
but it is expected that acceptable levels of IOFF can be exacerbates the ION -SS trade-off for pTFET for increas-
reached. ing source doping, discussed in Section VI B. Solutions
Since it belongs to the same group as Si, Ge can also exist in the form of dopant pockets, as discussed in Sec-
be used in an alloy with Si, forming Six Ge1−x , with x tion VIII.
the Si mole fraction. x determines the band structure,
including the bandgap and the relative importance of the
indirect and direct processes. A rather abrupt transition C. Heterostructures
occurs from Ge-like to Si-like behavior above x=0.225 .
The control over the band structure through x can be The material options discussed so far assume that the
used to find a compromise between improving ION , and active region of the device consists of only one material.
reducing IOFF . For such a configuration, an important issue in the ma-
terial choice is the link between ION and IOFF , with the
desired improvement of the former also inducing an un-
B. Group III-V materials wanted increase in the latter. A way to decouple the two
is to combine two materials in a heterostructure, such
Beyond group IV, a host of materials suited for TFET that the material in the source is different from the ma-
can be found in the group of III-V materials, which are terial in the channel and the drain.
compounds of elements from group III and group V. A heterostructure configuration has an extra degree of
They are actively researched as future channel materi- freedom: the band edge alignment at the tunnel junction.
als for MOSFET, because they can exhibit high elec- The alignment is determined to a first approximation by
tron mobilities compared to Si66 . III-V materials show a the electron affinity of the two constituent materials, and
wide variety of band structures, with bandgaps varying is classified as straddled, staggered or broken, as shown
from 0.17 eV for InSb up to 3.28 eV for GaN67 . The in Fig. 13. The effective bandgap which determines the
same variety can be found in the effective masses. The tunnel path lengths at the tunnel junction is determined
possibility of a small bandgap and small effective mass, by the alignment and not by the bandgaps of the individ-
combined with the direct nature of most III-V materi- ual materials. A hetero-TFET can therefore combine a
als, makes them interesting candidates for improving the very small effective bandgap at the source-channel junc-
TFET ION . Important examples which have been studied tion, enabling a high ION , with a large bandgap at the
for TFET applications are binary compounds like InAs, channel-drain junction, maintaining a low IOFF . Fig. 14
GaSb, InP and ternary compounds like Inx Ga1−x As and illustrates the performance improvement for a staggered
GaAsx Sb1−x 7 . heterojunction compared to a homojunction. The mate-
Nevertheless, III-V materials also present significant rial of the source can also be chosen to have a large DOS,
challenges. Firstly, they are much less known than Si, associated with a large bandgap, to limit the source dop-
so it is challenging to obtain high-quality materials and ing degeneracy. This can be done without increasing the
gate dielectrics with a low defect density66 . Secondly, effective bandgap at the tunnel junction, so long as the
the material properties that allow for a high ION also band alignment remains favorable68 .
raise IOFF undesirably. A small bandgap combined with In the special case of a broken band alignment, there
a low effective mass facilitates both ambipolar and di- is no forbidden region through which the carrier has to
rect source-drain tunneling. This issue can be alleviated tunnel. This enables a high transmission probability and
with the use of a heterostructure as discussed in Sec- is hence beneficial for ION . It is still unclear, however,
10 E
Hetero 0.5
E (eV)
-5 V = -1V
10 V = 0.3V GS
v -0.5V E
I (A/
10 0.0
0 20 40
x (nm)
-11 (a) (b)
0.6 0.9 0.6 0.9
V (V)
FIG. 15. Energy band diagram at the tunnel junction of a
V (V) GS
GaSb/InAs heterostructure TFET with a broken band align-
ment in the OFF (dark lines) and ON-state (light lines). VGS
FIG. 14. QM simulated transfer characteristics for a is -1 V and -0.5 V respectively. Indicated is a leakage path in
In0.53 Ga0.47 As (bandgap of 0.73 eV) homostructure TFET the OFF-state. The red wavy line represents a thermal step.
and a GaAs0.5 Sb0.5 /In0.53 Ga0.47 As heterostructure TFET. The dashed line represents the quasi Fermi level for the holes
The heterostructure is lattice matched and has a staggered in the source (EFp ). The source doping is 5x1019 cm−3 .
band alignment with an effective bandgap of 0.29 eV. The
TFET is a double gate configuration with an EOT of 0.6 nm,
a body thickness of 10 nm and a source doping of 5x1019 cm−3 .
(a) Unshifted and (b) shifted characteristics such that the VGS
at which IOFF is 1x10−11 A/µm coincides. This shift can be
accomplished by a proper choice of gate workfunction. abling excellent gate control. In addition, it is expected
that low defect densities can be obtained with no dan-
gling bonds or roughness at the surface.
whether a broken gap alignment will allow for a suffi-
ciently low IOFF , since phonon-assisted leakage paths ex-
ist in the OFF-state69,70 . This is indicated in Fig. 15: The most studied 2D-material is graphene, but since it
after transitioning from source to channel, a rethermal- is a semi-metal, it does not have a bandgap and is there-
ization step can enable the electron to pass over the po- fore not suited for TFET as such. However, a bandgap
tential barrier in the channel, resulting in an increased can be introduced by symmetry-breaking operations such
IOFF . The importance of this leakage current is influ- as patterning the graphene into nanoribbons, or by stack-
enced by the quantization in the triangular wells at the ing two layers and applying an electric field73 . This al-
junction and the interaction strength with the available lows the bandgap to be tuned, either by controlling the
phonons. size of the ribbon or the strength of the electric field.
Depending on the choice of materials, heterostructures
can be either lattice-matched or lattice-mismatched. Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) form an al-
In the first case, both materials have the same lat- ternative to graphene in 2D TFET applications. TMDs
tice constant. The materials can be grown epitax- are a class of 2D materials with chemical formula MX2 ,
ially without any stress at the heterojunction. No- with M a transition metal and X a chalcogenide. In con-
table examples include In0.53 Ga0.47 As/InP (straddled) trast to graphene, TMDs do exhibit a variety of relatively
and GaAs0.5 Sb0.5 /In0.53 Ga0.47 As (staggered). In the sec- large bandgaps. They can be used as the channel mate-
ond case, the mismatch of lattice constants results in a rial of an atomically thin TFET74–76 (see Fig. 16(a)), or
non-uniform stress profile arond the tunnel junction, as layers of different TMDs can be stacked as a heterostruc-
in the case of GaSb/InAs (broken). The stress has an ture, bonded by Van der Waals interactions. Tunneling
impact on the local band structure (see Section X). The then occurs in the overlap region of the layers, perpen-
build-up of stress can also result in interfacial defects at dicular to the gate (see Fig. 16(b)). Such 2D heterostruc-
the junction if relaxation sets in71 . ture TFETs are predicted to combine high ION and low
IOFF in the same way as bulk heterostructures77 . TMDs
can also be combined with a bulk semiconductor, such
D. 2D materials as MoS2 on Ge57 (see Fig. 16(c)). Challenges that re-
main for 2D materials are the development of large area
2D materials are an alternative to the bulk semi- defect-free production, good ohmic contacts and tech-
conductors described in the previous sections, and niques to obtain high doping levels72,78 . As a result of
are being investigated for both MOSFET and TFET these challenges, only few experimental 2D TFETs with
applications72 . 2D materials are atomically thin, en- sub-60 mV/dec SS have been realized (see Fig. 30).
Bottom gate shift of the BTBT onset to lower VGS and a reduction of
the stretching effect on the SS, discussed in Section IV A.
Gate An optimum exists for the pocket thickness (Tpo , see
TMD Fig. 17(a)). The strength of the built-in field, and conse-
Bulk Drain quently the improvement in ION , increases with Tpo (see
Source Fig. 20(a)). However, if the pocket is so thick that the
concentration of free carriers in the pocket becomes large
(close to the doping level in the source) and is larger than
FIG. 16. TMD TFET configurations. (a) homojunction TMD the concentration in the channel at the onset of tunneling,
TFET74–76 , (b) 2D heterojunction TMD TFET, also called
the abrupt onset is deteriorated by a potential barrier in
a Thin-TFET77 and (c) 3D-2D heterojunction bilayer TMD
TFET, also called ATLAS-TFET57 . The arrows indicate the the channel82 (see Fig. 20(b)). At the first moment of
direction of the tunneling paths. cross-over between valence and conduction band, a dip
is present in the energy bands at the tunnel junction,
followed by a bump in the channel. For such a config-
VIII. DOPANT POCKETS uration, a further increase in VGS only marginally goes
toward increasing the band bending at the tunnel junc-
tion, but is consumed largely by a further increase of the
To improve SS and/or ION , another design option is to carrier concentration in the pocket. The structure is then
use dopant pockets. A dopant pocket is a localized region effectively a p-n diode in series with an n-i-n MOSFET. A
of doping, which locally modifies the device electrostat- good estimate for the optimal Tpo is the depletion width
ics. In a TFET, they can be used both in point tunneling at the tunnel junction79,82 . Note that for configurations
(Section VIII A) and line tunneling (Section VIII B) con- with a large body thickness, a thick pocket can cause an
figurations. uncontrolled tunneling current through the body of the
A pocket can also be used to mitigate the deteriorat-
A. Pocketed pointTFET ing effects of a large source doping degeneracy on the SS.
The doping in the source is kept low, except for a pocket
In a pocketed pointTFET, a counterdoped pocket is at the source side of the source-channel junction. This
added at the interface between source and channel to pocket retains the built-in electric field, while the lower
improve both ION and SS (see Fig. 17(a)). This forms a p- doping in the rest of the source reduces the degeneracy83 .
n-i-n doping profile in an nTFET, and a n-p-i-p profile for SS is consequently improved, while ION is maintained.
a pTFET. Compared to a p-i junction, the built-in field The source pocket can be combined with a counterdoped
at a p-n junction is larger, corresponding to a stronger pocket at the channel side, resulting in a p− p+ n+ in con-
built-in band bending and hence an onset at lower VGS figuration. This approach is particularly useful for III-V
and the potential for a higher ION 79–82 . As shown in the pTFET in which the source consists of a material with a
band diagrams of Fig. 18, for a properly designed pocket, low conduction band DOS, as discussed in Section VI B.
the enhanced band bending induces an abrupt transition
from long to very short tunnel paths at tunneling onset,
compared to more gradual shortening seen in a standard B. Pocketed lineTFET
p-i-n/n-i-p configuration. In the transfer characteristics
this results in an improvement of SS, as shown in Fig. 19. In a pocketed lineTFET, a pocket is introduced to mit-
An additional effect of the pocket is that it reduces the igate the impact of FIQC and to reduce the sensitiv-
impact of FIQC on the pointTFET performance. The ity to the gate-channel overlap (see Section IV B). The
strong built-in electric field at the tunnel junction forces pocket is located in the source region, underneath the
the tunnel paths in a direction more parallel to the gate gate-source overlap and adjacent to the source-channel
and induces tunneling before a strong band bending to- junction (see Fig. 17(b)). Similar to the pocketed point
wards the gate, causing FIQC, is induced. The result is a TFET, the doping type of the pocket is opposite to that
V =0.5V V =0.5V
1.0 DS 1.0 DS
c c c c
E (eV)
v v
E T E T =6nm
v po v po
E 0.8V E
Fp Fp 0.8V 0.0
Fp Fp 4nm
-0.5 V =0.5V
(a) No pocket (b) Pocket 0.5V
(a) (b)
-20 0 20 40 -20 0 20 40 -20 0 20 40 -20 0 20 40
x (nm) x (nm) x (nm) x (nm)
FIG. 18. Energy band diagrams of a In0.53 Ga0.47 As TFET FIG. 20. Energy band diagrams of an In0.53 Ga0.47 As TFET
in the OFF (dark lines) and ON-state (light lines). VGS is around onset of BTBT. The source and pocket doping is
respectively 0.3 V and 0.8 V. (a) A no-pocket configuration 5x1019 cm−3 . The EOT is 0.6 nm, with a body thickness of
and (b) a configuration with a 4 nm thick pocket at the source- 20 nm. (a) Impact of increasing Tpo (0 nm, 2 nm and 4 nm)
channel junction as in Fig. 17(a). The source and pocket for a constant VGS of 0.5 V, showing an increasing electric
doping is 5x1019 cm−3 . The EOT is 0.6 nm, with a body field at the tunnel junction. (b) Comparison of an optimal
thickness of 20 nm. The dashed line represents the quasi Tpo of 4 nm to a larger Tpo of 6 nm at onset, with the latter
Fermi level for the holes in the source (EFp ). showing a potential bump in the channel. VGS is respectively
0.5 V and 0.3 V. The dashed line represents the quasi Fermi
level for the holes in the source (EFp ).
-3 Homo pocket
10 V = 0.3V
Hetero pocket
V =0.5V
1.0 E
I (A/
-7 c c
0.9V 0V
v v
(a) (b)
10 Fp Fp
0.6 0.9 0.6 0.9
V (V) V (V)
Line 2nm
W F − χe + Esub q(Npo + Ns )Tpo 1
V onset = − + ... Point
q Cox Cox -7
V = 0.5V
s 10 DS
q(Npo + 2Ns )Tpo
Eg + Esub
× 2qs Ns + − q 2 Ns2 Tpo2
q 2s
I (A/
provided the pocket is fully depleted, with WF the work
function of the gate, χe the semiconductor electron affin-
ity, Npo and Ns respectively the doping level of the pocket -11 (a) (b)
and the source and Esub the energy level of the first sub- 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.8
V (V)
band in the potential well underneath the gate, which GS
shown in Fig. 23. 10
The presence of the counterdoped pocket also re-
duces the unwanted lateral point tunneling component
by blocking the shortest lateral tunneling paths closest to -9 (a) (b)
the gate, since the source-channel p-i junction is locally 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.8
IX. GATE STACK CONFIGURATION the EOT. A second aspect is the degree in which a given
variation in gate voltage moves the equipotential lines in
As discussed in Section VI, the gate control is an essen- the device closer together and hence increases the electric
tial factor in the BTBT efficiency. Gate control is char- field locally. By tuning both aspects, the gate control at
acterized by two aspects. The first aspect is the portion a tunnel junction can be enhanced or decreased.
of the gate voltage observable in the semiconductor, after To improve TFET performance for conventional logic
the voltage drop over the oxide. This is directly related to applications, it is advantageous to enhance the gate con-
(a) Gate the electric field now increases both due to a larger total
voltage drop between source and gate, and because the
tunneling moves closer to the source where the equipoten-
Source p i n Drain
tial lines are more closely spaced, and the electric field is
higher. The result is a beneficial impact on the SS. This
effect is enhanced further for a MuG or GAA structure
(b) as illustrated in Fig. 26(a).
Further scaling of the body thickness has an additional
Source p i n Drain beneficial impact on the gate control. As the gates move
closer together, the curvature of the equipotential lines
becomes more pronounced, and the electric field hence
increases. As explained in the previous paragraph, this
benefits the SS of a pointTFET as illustrated in Fig. 27
for a pocketed point TFET. For a double gate lineTFET,
Source p i n Drain
the body scaling does not benefit performance above a
certain minimum body thickness, as the gate depletes the
Gate source locally underneath the gate and tunneling starts
from close to the undepleted source region (see Fig. 21),
FIG. 24. (a) Single gate, (b) double gate and (c) gate-all- which is at source voltage. Hence, the two depleted
around TFET configuration. source regions underneath the two gates are disconnected
in the lineTFET.
Although body scaling can improve performance, size-
trol at the source-channel tunnel junction (Section IX A), induced quantum confinement (SIQC) effects become
and to decrease it at the channel-drain junction (Sec- more important as the body thickness is scaled to di-
tion IX B). The former improves the TFET SS and ION , mensions comparable to the exciton Bohr radius of the
while the latter reduces the ambipolar current and CGD . material91,92 . SIQC results in a global increase of the
In this section, gate configurations addressing both re- material bandgap, and hence an increase in tunnel path
quirements are discussed. lengths. As discussed in Section VI, this can be detri-
mental for ION and can consequently undo some of the
advantage that comes with improved gate control. In
A. Improving source-channel BTBT particular, a GAA structure is more affected by SIQC
than a MuG or SG configuration as it is confined in two
A first way to improve the gate control at the source- directions. Fig. 26(a) shows this can even result in a
channel junction is to decrease the EOT, which increases smaller ION for the GAA configuration than for the DG
the electrostatic potential drop in the semiconductor. configuration. Similar to the case of FIQC, materials
Like a MOSFET, the TFET performance therefore bene- with small effective masses are more affected by SIQC.
fits from the introduction of high-k materials as the gate Specific care must be taken when scaling the body
dielectric86–88 . thickness of lineTFET or pointTFET configurations, to
A second way to improve the gate control at the prevent excessive depletion of the source region82,93 . Un-
source-channel junction is to go from a single-gate (SG) derneath the gate-source overlap, a depletion region ex-
to a multi-gate (MuG) to a gate-all-around (GAA) tends into the source, with a maximal extent in the ON-
configuration89,90 (see Fig. 24), an approach which is also state (as explained in Section III A). If the body of the
applied to MOSFET. This requires a transition from a device is too thin, the depletion regions of different gates
planar to a protruding structure. A multi-gate configu- touch even before the device reaches the ON-state, result-
ration can be implemented as a finFET, where the gate ing in depletion of the source over the full body thickness.
covers three sides of the device body. Going further, the For a lineTFET, this means no more tunnel paths per-
TFET body can be realized as a horizontal or vertical pendicular to the gate are available. Only much longer
nanowire (NW), with the gate wrapped around. non-orthogonal tunnel paths are available and the cur-
The tighter gate control can be seen when comparing rent drops accordingly (see Fig. 27). Since the lineTFET
the electrostatic profile of a single gate to that of a dou- operation depends on the gate-source overlap, the body
ble gate configuration89 (see Fig. 25). When a second thickness can therefore not be scaled below a certain crit-
gate is added, the equipotential lines are curved more ical thickness. This thickness is determined by the sum
strongly. A consequence is that the electric field close to of the depletion lengths underneath the gate-source over-
the source region is enhanced and hence the tunnel path laps in the ON-state. The depletion lengths themselves
lengths are reduced, improving ION . The electric field is are determined by the doping level of the source and of
now increasing towards the source region. Therefore, a the pockets, if present. In a pointTFET, depletion over
given increase in VGS results in a larger increase in elec- the full body thickness increases the tunnel path lengths,
tric field than in the single-gate configuration, because resulting in a drop in current for high VGS . In this case,
20 point: line:
(a) (b)
30nm 30nm
0.85 V
z (nm)
20nm 20nm
10 -7 15nm 15nm
10 10nm 10nm
V = 0.5V
I (A/ m)
-0.5 V DS
0 Tbody
FIG. 25. Electrostatic potential profiles at the source- 10
channel junction for a (a) single gate and (b) double gate
In0.53 Ga0.47 As p-i-n TFET at a VGS of 1 V and a VDS of
0.5 V. Six contour lines have been highlighted in each config-
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5
V (V)
S p i n D
A common approximate model to study the effect of
strain on the band structure is the deformation potential
(b) WF 1 WF 2 model98 . The strain due to the deformation is assumed
to be small and gradually varying, such that the effect on
S p i n D the energy band edges can be treated as if it were a small
applied electrostatic potential. The shift in the band
(c) Gate edges then varies linearly with the strain components:
S p i n ∆En = Ξij εij (28)
FIG. 28. Gate stack configurations for a p-i-n TFET aimed at with En the band edge of band n, εij the elements of the
reducing ambipolar behavior. (a) Short gate, (b) dual metal strain tensor and Ξij the so-called deformation potential
work functions and (c) dual EOT dielectric. constants, available in literature. The deformation po-
tential model can be directly applied in semiclassical ef-
fective mass-based simulators as a correction on the band
junction for a maximal tunnel barrier in the OFF-state. edges.
Strain can be introduced into more complex band
The same can be achieved by reducing the EOT only at structure models as well. In the k·p-model, strain can
the source-channel junction, while retaining a large EOT be incorporated by the addition of a strain interaction
at the channel-drain interface95 (see Fig. 28(c)). This can term as proposed by Pikus and Bir99 , which includes the
be implemented with different physical oxide thicknesses, deformation potential constants of Eq. (28). In the tight-
or with a high-k dielectric at the source side and a low-k binding approach, the integrals of Eq. (21) are adjusted
dielectric at the drain. based on the strain-induced change in bond lengths and
angles100 . The introduction of strain in these models ac-
counts for both the shift in band edge energies and the
change in effective masses. Strained band structure mod-
X. STRAIN els can be used in fully quantum mechanical simulations,
but are also useful to extract band edge energies and
effective masses, which serve as inputs to semiclassical
Similar to a MOSFET, mechanical strain impacts models101 .
TFET performance. This is a result of the effect
strain has on the band structure (Section X A), an ef-
fect which can be incorporated in TFET models (Sec- C. Strain in TFET
tion X B). Strain can be externally applied as a per-
formance booster, and is also intrinsically present at a Since TFET operation depends heavily on the band
lattice-mismatched heterojunction (Section X C). structure, strain affects the TFET performance. Strain
can be induced intentionally like in a MOSFET, e.g.
by external stressors, to improve ION by reducing EG
and mR 102 (see Section VI A). Similarly, the shifting
of the band edges due to strain can induce a more fa-
A. Impact of strain on the band structure
vorable band alignment at a heterojunction103 (see Sec-
tion VII C). Specifically in indirect materials, the relative
Mechanical strain can have an important effect on shift of conduction band valleys can render the material
the band structure of a semiconductor, since it alters direct104 . This is of particular interest in Ge, where the
the bond lengths and changes the crystal symmetry96 . difference between the indirect and direct bandgaps is
Firstly, strain warps the curvature of the energy bands, small.
and hence influences the effective masses. This effect is Under uniaxial or biaxial strain conditions, however,
exploited in MOSFETs to increase carrier mobility, by the valence band DOS is reduced due to the splitting of
choosing a strain configuration such that the effective heavy and light hole bands. This is a result of a reduc-
masses in the transport direction are decreased97 . Sec- tion of crystal symmetry. The smaller valence band DOS
ondly, strain shifts the relative positions of valley edges, increases the source doping degeneracy and can hence re-
such that the bandgap changes. Thirdly, as a result of sult in an SS degradation (see Section VI B). The degra-
broken symmetries, strain lifts certain energy band de- dation can be prevented with a lowly doped source region
generacies, which modifies the DOS. Most notably, strain in combination with a highly doped pocket at the tunnel
can lift the degeneracy between the heavy and light hole junction, as discussed in Section VIII A. Fig. 29 illus-
valence band. trates using k·p-based quantum mechanical simulations
Hetero p-n-i-n VDS = 0.3V applications, both the source-channel and channel-drain
Hetero p-p-n-i-n strained junction have to be optimized to obtain similar ION and
10-3 VDS = 0.3V SS. This stands in contrast to conventional logic applica-
tions, in which the channel-drain tunneling is suppressed
(Section IX B). In digital circuits, the ambipolarity can
I (A/Pm)
G amplifier for example, exhibits both positive and nega-
-9 tive small-signal gain, depending on the bias point106 .
10 S p- p+ n i n D This allows it to function as both a common-source and
G common-drain amplifier, without changing the physical
(a) (b)
10-11 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.9
B. Asymmetrical structure
FIG. 29. QM simulated transfer characteristics of the un-
strained pocketed GaAs0.5 Sb0.5 /In0.53 Ga0.47 As pointTFET
of Fig. 19 compared with a p− p+ n+ in version of this TFET Unlike a MOSFET, the TFET has an asymmetrical
(inset). The latter TFET is under a uniform tensile biaxial source and drain doping and therefore behaves signifi-
strain of 500 MPa and has a p-type pocket of 4 nm and and cantly different for a positive or negative VDS polarity107 .
an n-type pocket of 3 nm, both with a doping of 5x1019 cm−3 . As the p-i-n diode is reverse biased in normal TFET oper-
The source doping is 5x1018 cm−3 . The TFET is a double gate ation, the sign of VDS is fixed to positive for nTFET and
configuration with an EOT of 0.6 nm and a body thickness negative for pTFET. When properly designed, the dom-
of 10 nm. The strain was included in the quantum mechan- inant current is BTBT-based with leakage mechanisms
ical simulations using a k·p-based model. (a) Unshifted and as described in Section VI C. Reversing the sign of VDS
(b) shifted characteristics such that the VGS at which IOFF is
brings the p-i-n diode in forward bias. At small forward
1x10−11 A/µm coincides. This shift can be accomplished by a
proper choice of gate workfunction.
bias, the current is typically negligible compared to the
current at similar reverse bias, except for designs with
sufficiently high source doping such that (Esaki-) tunnel-
ing becomes significant108 . Even then, a drop in current
that with this approach uniform strain can be used to
is typically present upon increasing VDS as the tunneling
further improve performance103 .
decreases, before the forward bias diode diffusion current
Strain can also be inherently present in a TFET, e.g.
reaches sufficiently high values to become dominant.
at the heterojunction of two lattice mismatched materi-
als. The strain profile in this case is very non-uniform, The asymmetrical TFET conduction can be a concern
making it difficult to predict the exact impact on the for Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) circuits. In
TFET performance. standard 6-transistor (6T) SRAM cells, the two access
transistors are required to conduct current in two direc-
tions. The asymmetrical conduction leads to unaccept-
able read and write static noise margins and hence in-
stability of the SRAM cell109 . Alternative SRAM cell
designs with increased number of transistors have been
Certain TFET features require additional care when proposed to circumvent this issue109,110 .
designing circuits. The most important are the am- Weak conduction in one direction also prevents the dis-
bipolar effect (Section XI A), the asymmetrical structure charging of transient noise signals that appear on a circuit
(Section XI B), the Miller capacitance (Section XI C) and node through capacitive coupling111 . These signals can
the superlinear onset in the output characteristics (Sec- at times become very large and significantly surpass VDD
tion XI D). and therefore be detrimental to device reliability. Also
the circuit timing suffers from these excessive noise sig-
nals. To alleviate this issue, the forward Esaki tunneling
A. Ambipolar effect current present at low VDS can be used to evacuate the
excess charge. This requires a sufficiently high degener-
The TFET ambipolarity can result in an increased acy in the source.
switching leakage in a TFET inverter, but can just as Several other logic circuits, like the basic inverter, are
well be used to design more compact digital and ana- mostly unaffected by the asymmetry. It is even possible
log circuits if the positive and negative switching of for specific basic circuits to exploit the unidirectional-
the gate voltage to turn on the tunneling current is ity to redesign the circuit with fewer transistors than in
exploited105,106 . For good ambipolar behavior in these conventional CMOS, e.g. the pass-gate multiplexor111 .
XIII. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK promising candidate to circumvent the increasing power
issues in scaled MOSFET technologies. The main chal-
lenges for TFET are to obtain a low average SS, a high
In this article, the TFET was discussed from the per- ION and low IOFF , or stated differently: a high I60 , and
spective of device physics. The basic operating princi- this for both nTFET and pTFET. Accurate predictive
ple based on BTBT enables the TFET to obtain a sub- models are required to meet these challenges, with quan-
60 mV/dec SS at room temperature. This makes it a
I (
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
V (V)
sGe DG | 1V [119]
FIG. 30. Experimental transfer characteristics in literature of nTFET and pTFET. Only curves with an SS lower than
70 mV/dec have been included. The legend includes the material system (s-prefix stands for strained), gate configuration and
VDS . The legend entries are ordered according to the intersection of the corresponding curves at a VGS of -0.2 V and 0.2 V.
Also indicated is the target value for I60 mentioned in Section VI B. This figure is an updated version of Fig. 2 of Lu et al 7 .
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