11 - Chapter 1
11 - Chapter 1
11 - Chapter 1
1.0 Introduction
1.9.2 Culture
1.9.3 Discourse
1.9.4 Practice Scope Limitations
1.0 Introduction:
is through communication that the outside world knows you, understands what
you are and values you for your ideas and vision. Communication depends on
and continuous.
process. Things are static, bound in time and unchanging while processes are
human lift. It is communication that enables one to lead one's day to day life.
image; visual or verbal, from the perception area of the brain of the sender to
the perception area of the receiver. What the sender wants to communicate
depends upon his brain perception and what the receiver wants to receive
depends upon his brain perception. Hence the five senses; hearing, sight,
good communication.
(Indian Context):
The researcher feels that this over view will help her for better
the communication was through sounds and gestures. They were used to
convey feelings of joy, fear and sorrow. As time passed by, smoke signals
historic men used different arts form like paintings and sculptures to
sculptured in the walls of caves or on rocks. For e.g., Lord Shiva as the
the union of the thumb and the forefinger of the left hand, simultaneously
individual soul and the supreme self. The forefinger personifies "human
being", thumb "Eshwara" (God); the other three fingers personify "ego",
"karma" (fatality) and "maya" (illusion). Theory of "Karma" says you should
consider yourself responsible for your present state instead of throwing the
Lord Krishna teaches warrior that the core of communication is reaching the
knowledge. The situation thus created by Arjuna, forced Lord Krishna to shed
his role of charioteer and revert to the status of "Acharya" (Perceptor). This
resulted in the change of Arjuna's relation with Lord Krishna - from
Gita, Dharma (Public Relations) is the value that unites man to man, employer
other human beings for his humanization. Therefore to sustain the very
shape minds that shape events, was developed through new discoveries.
levels of the society. With the advancement of science and technology, people
have become more and more aware of the advantages of communication. This
quantities of information.
With the growth of communication, many experts felt the need for
perspective of communication.
doing something to someone. The action view believes that words have a
effective communication, provided the right words are used to convey the
right message.
tennis match. In the process of communication, the turns take place between
mutual and reciprocal causality. Myers and Myers say that human
the doing skills of the sender is or the purpose of changing the behaviour of
In Ping-Pong Theory there is linear cause and effect where cause is the
1) Transmission model.
. 2) Constitutive model.
which the meanings are placed in symbolic messages and are transported from
constitutive model.
ongoing process that symbolically forms and re-forms our personal identities.
our social relations, our common world of meaningfiil objects and events, our
ideas and techniques and our routine ways of expressing these socially
model says that the social practice of communication is inseparable from the
across effectively.
in late 1940's spread into every intellectual tradition or trend in any way
linguistics, anthropology, sociology, psychology and philosophy were
1) Classical rhetoric communication theory has come from the idea that
signs and sign systems to mediate across the gaps between subjective points.
(physical signs such as spoken or written words) and their meanings, the
structure of sign systems, and particular way of using (or misusing) signs.
Phenomenology looks to the authenticity of our communication existence with
cells, plants and animals, the human brain and nervous system, social group,
beliefs and emotions. Social behavior many a times not only displays the
influence of the psychological factors but also modifies them. The participants
changes the participants, and leads to collective outcomes that would not
6) Socio-cultural communication theory, which derives from twentieth century
reproduces shared meanings, rituals and social structures. That is, society
causes most of our social problems and the only possible cure.
The author Robert T. Craig (2000) concludes that these seven
can also be viewed in other ways so that the seven traditions could be
distinguished differently.
aspects of power.
Man always had a quest, spirit and a thirst for knowledge and is always
curious about the universe he lives in. This urges him to undertake research
activities which lead to new inventions. Along with new inventions,
instinct to communication to his fellow beings about the new inventions. This
telephone, radio etc. the invention of paper and the printing press was a major
made with the invention of the film. Thereafter, cinema became a prime
aesthetic values. It is inevitable that every individual should cope up with all
conceptualizes communication as social interaction and influence. Man has
social life possible. The most prominent among all these systems of
process. The process of communication starts from day one, i.e.fi-omthe time
the infant is bom. The infant's first cry is its method of communication to the
infant is communicating its presence. During the first few months of a child's
life, the communication is only through the vocal form (laughter, crying,
exclamations, joy, fear etc.) and through gestures. As the child grows, it starts
to use words, and this ability gradually develops into sentences. The
communication ability in the child grows side by side with the development in
general cognitive capacity (put forth by Piaget). As the child grows up, its
urge for communication with the world increases. This situation arises from
the child's curiosity to know about the near and dear ones, friends,
surroundings and to gain attention towards oneself Thus the social interaction
1.6. Essentials for the Process of Communication :
SMCR Sequence
information starts.
Channel is that route that by which one person tries to get some idea
from his or her own mind into the mind of someone else. The channels chosen
Effect is any outcome, predicted or not, desirable or undesirable wiiich
can be said to result from the SMCR Sequence. This can be seen in altered
• It must use signals that are understood in the same way by both the source
• It must arouse needs in the receiver and suggest some ways of satisfying
many aspects of communication such as purposes, styles and types which are
discussed here.
the same. Similarly, body movements may provide information that someone
information. Thus, an important aspect of communication is the idea of
Krishna's intention was to clear off Arjuna's mental cobwebs and motivate
him to pursue his duty in the battlefield as a warrior. Similarly, there are
problems in knowing whether or not the matter that has been communicated is
being received and whether or not it has been received accurately. These
Aggressive Inhibition
Aggression is the expression of feelings, needs and ideas at the
expense of others. Aggressive communication does not take into account the
other person's ideas and feelings and also it devalues the other person.
needs and ideas. It is expressed in such a way that such communicators are not
receiver. The chart given below shows the various types of communication.
f 1
According to organizational
structure (formal system of According to expression
communication in an
f f T
Formal Informal Verbal Para Non-Verbal
(language) Language
21 Formal Communication :
and can be conveyed by a simple glance, nod, smile or gesture, and sometimes
getting some idea from his/her own mind into the mind of someone else. The
22 Modes of Communication :
Language • Verbal
Mode ^ Paralanguage
^ ^ ^ ^ Oral
• Para Language: Sounds of words. This term refers to the emphases, tone,
one's self
d. Mass Communication: involves messages sent from mass sources in
media and channels. According to him codes refers to the way a sign system is
24 Characteristics of a Good Verbal Communication :
exact syllables.
and organization of the message will help the speaker to raise the
• Variation in the intonation patterns: The variations in the pitch i.e. the
rising pitch, the falling pitch and the dividing pitch of the sound will
help the speaker to create interest and hold attention of the listeners.
• Tone and Style: The message must appeal not only to the intellect but
also to the heart of the listener. The words impart the intended meaning
when they are spoken with the tone and style that suit the occasion.
The 'tone' of the voice gives the listener an idea about the 'feelings'
25 Non-verbal Communication :
are media through which artists convey their ideas, concepts and feelings. The
artist is the sender or the source and the one who observes or admires it is the
the message that the artist wants to communicate. The "Chinmudras" form of
Clothing, Jewellery
Object Language
Art Objects
26 Characteristics of a Good Non-Verbal Communication :
• Ability to convey the right message to the receiver - the art form or the
the sender in action, as well as the inflexions of voice. This refers to the
unspoken messages and signals that one conveys with the body. For e.g.
gestures, postures, facial expressions, eye contact, bodily contact or touch etc.
important for presenters. Bryan (2001), agrees that body language is a form of
authority" (Bryan 2001:115). She identifies open arm gestures and finger
1.8.2. Channels of Communication in Technological Terms :
machine, computer with modem and the facsimile machine are used not only
in the business world but also at the domestic level. Communication became
faster and simpler with the development of science and technology. Modem
technology assists the accurate and speedy flow of information between the
sender and the receiver. The channel chosen will depend upon the nature and
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1.9 Recent trends in Communication Studies :
• technology
• culture
• discourse
• practice
1.9.1 Technology:
has become an essential commodity that can be transferred from any medium
to any other. Twenty years ago the television and the telephone were clearly
1.9.2 Culture:
cultural diversity and change has become visible everywhere. Every branch of
1.9.3 Discourse:
1.9.4 Practice:
more practical theories for tiie cultivation of better and more reflective
communication practices.
Every living being has its own way of communicating with each other.
achieves the desired action - of reaction. One has to be confident in what one
graduate from an Engineering course are exposed to the outside world. Here
the convincing power of the engineers plays a vital role. This can be achieved
the students. Hence, if the engineering students are given training from the
first year itself in oral communication their confidence level can be improved.
skills in Engineering classes" discusses the importance of oral communication.
They are of the opinion that oral communication exercises should be spread
students who come out of +2 level and enter the engineering college are
which they lack inspite of being good in content knowledge. This defect
students feel disappointed and dispirited once they come out of the oral
examination. There were many instances where the students have failed in the
Engineering, Dhankawadi, Pune, is that for the last five years the failure
percentage in oral examination was about 20%. This affects the students'
overall results and they fail to get promoted to the next year. Thinking of this
Interaction with the students made the researcher realize that the
and body language. On helping the first year engineering students to improve
their communication skill, the researcher is helping the students to impart their
the audience in the seminar and verbal communication for their viva voce,
seminar and project presentations along with their body language. It will
psychology of understanding of people, postures and gestures etc. This
> Some simulations will be conducted with the group for practice
> Subject knowledge - especially basics of the subject and modem trends
> Feedback from the student groups (acting as the examiner and the
> How to go about references.
- Development of tool
IV) Engineering Students : For the tool development l" year engineering
1.12.4 Objectives of the Research :
engineering students.
3. Confidence of the groups from experimental group will be higher than the Scope:
of students other than engineering students. More and more students will be Limitations: