Management Accounting

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Course: Management Accounting

Course Code: 19-PGDM-02

Faculty: Dr. Alok Chhajer
Credits: 03
Hours Per Week = 03
Trimester: 01
Cohort = 2020-22



 To understand basic accounting concepts and terminologies

 To analyse financial statements and make informed investing decisions
 To use accounting information while making managerial decisions
 To appreciate the recent developments and trends in management accounting

Module 1: Introduction To Accounting Concepts 8 Hours

Introduction, Meaning and definition, understanding forms of Business Organizations,
Objectives, Purpose & Users of Accounting information, Branches of Accounting, Basic
terminologies, Fraud and Ethical Issues in accounting, Basic accounting conventions and
GAAP, Accounting Policies

Case Study: 1 Corporate Accounting Fraud: A Case Study of Satyam Computers Ltd; PP 26-
38, Open Journal Of Accounting, M L Bhasin

Case Study: 2 Practical case to Introduce and apply Managerial accounting Concepts,
Sundra Gates & Megan Commerce, Texas A & M University Commerce

Module 2: Financial Statement Analysis 8 Hours

Components of Financial Statements – Statement of P&L Account, Balance Sheet and Cash
Flow Statement; Notes to accounts
Objectives of financial statements analysis, Sources of information, Standards of comparison,
Quality of earnings, Window dressing, Methods of financial statement analysis, Analysing
financial statements using Ratio Analysis and Du-Pont Model; Cash flow statement analysis-
Computation of Cash from Operations; understanding annual reports

Practical Application: Analysis of Annual Reports of Titan Ltd and Bata India Ltd.

Module 3: Accounting for Decision Making 8 Hours

Marginal Costing – Definition & Application; distinction between marginal costing and
absorption costing; Break Even Analysis - Contribution, P/V Ratio, Margin of Safety; Decision

making under marginal costing system – make or buy decisions, export decisions, sales mix

Case Study: 1. Sybergrid Solution, VCP Analysis, Page No. 16.56, Management Accounting-
Text, Problem & Cases, Khan & Jain, McGraw Hill Publication.

Case Study 2: 16.C.3 Amit Automobile Service Station (AASS) Break Even Analysis, Page
no.16.58, Management Accounting- Text, Problems & Cases, Khan & Jain, McGraw Hill

Module 4: Contemporary Accounting Practices 06 Hours

IFRS, Human Resource Accounting, Forensic Accounting, Environmental Reporting, Corporate

Social Reporting, Target Costing, Life Cycle Costing


 Narayanaswamy R, Financial Accounting – A Managerial Perspective, Sixth Revised
Edition, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Publication (2017)
 Jain P.K and Khan M.Y, Management Accounting- Text, Problems and Cases, Sixth
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication (2017)
 S.N Maheswari & S.K Maheswari, Corporate Accounting, Sixth Edition, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Limited (2018)

 Prasanna Chandra, Finance Sense- Finance for Non- finance Executives, Fifth
edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, (2017)

The course will be delivered using a combination of Lectures, Class Discussions, Case-
based Learning, Numerical Problems and Student Presentations

Mid-term 20
Presentation / Assignment 10
Case Study (Group) 10
Attendance & Class Participation 10
Final Term 50
Total Marks 100

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