Latin American Energy and Infrastructure Finance Forum: 5 Annual
Latin American Energy and Infrastructure Finance Forum: 5 Annual
Latin American Energy and Infrastructure Finance Forum: 5 Annual
Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsors
Book before
February 4th to
Save $300
5th Annual Latin American Energy and In
Since its inception in 2007, delegates at Project Finance Unparalleled networking opportunities, both at the
Magazine's Latin American Energy and Infrastructure conference and at more informal networking lunches
Finance Forum have seen over 180 speakers and mingled and drinks receptions
with hundreds of fellow attendees. The 5th annual conference The full deal-making chain featuring: government
will explore upcoming opportunities in the region and review agencies, concessionaires and developers, lenders, private
the major developments of the prior year. The event will include: equity firms, lawyers, consultants and many others
Groundbreaking market knowledge from industry leaders Case studies including Proin, Odebrecht's Norbe VIII & IX
through presentations and panel discussions and Schahin's Lancer drillship
Euromoney Seminars reserve the right to alter the venue and/or speakers. Euromoney Seminars and Trade Finance are divisions of Euromoney Trading Ltd.
5th Annual Latin American Energy and Infrastructure Finance Forum • March 17th and 18th, 2011 • Biltmore Hotel at Coral Gables, Miami
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Administrative information
Venue: Cancellation policy: All bookings are considered Registration fee: The registration fee includes
Biltmore Hotel binding on receipt of booking form. Payment is participation in the conferences, lunches and
1200 Anastasia Avenue required on receipt of subsequent event invoice documentation material, which will be available
Coral Gables unless the registration is made on or after March 3rd, in electronic format the night before the event.
Miami FL 33134 2011, when payment must be made at the time of Please use your username and password in order
USA registration. This is a prepaid event. If you cannot to access them. All bookings are considered binding
Telephone: +1 305 445 1926 attend you must cancel your registration in writing on receipt of the booking form.
Fax: +1 305 913 3110 no later than March 3rd, 2011 to receive a refund
minus a 10% administration charge. We cannot For immediate information on this and
Travel and Accommodation: accept verbal cancellations. Cancellations made related events, please call our hotlines
after this time are liable for the full conference fee.
We suggest you send a substitute to attend in your USA toll free (free from within the USA)
place at no extra cost. (USA) +1 800 437 9997
For all accommodation please contact the reservations or (USA) +1 212 224 3570
team at Banks Sadler on +44 (0) 1904 682639 or Cannot attend? Please pass this brochure on to
a colleague or you can purchase the online or Telephone: (UK) +44 (0)20 7779 8999
documentation for $799. If your company is registered or alternatively email:
Banks Sadler have negotiated preferential room within the EU please supply your VAT number.
rates on behalf of all Euromoney delegates and look
forward to assisting you with the best accommodation
for your budget. For further information on sponsorship or
exhibition opportunities please contact
David Samuel, Tel: US +1 212 224 3466,