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Footing Design




Steel Grade = G30 fyk= 300 fcd=fyk/1.5 260.87

Concrete Class C =25 fck= 20 fct=0.67*fyk/1.5 8.93

Tensile Strength of Concrete fctd = 0.35*(fc)^0.5/1.5 1.04

Allowable punching resistance of
Vup (Kpa) 0.5fctd(1+50*r ) 730.45 rmin = 0.002
Allowable bearing Capacity of the
soil s (Kpa) 280.00
For Factored Load
Allowable wide beam shear
resistance of concrete vud (KN/m2) 0.4fctd(1+50*r ) 584.36

STRAP Footing Group SF- 1
 
Foundation depth df(m)= 2.50
Unit weight of soil, gs (KN/m )= 3
17.00 
Super-structural Unfactored load P1 (KN) 550.00  
P2 (KN) 1056.00
Geometric Dimension STRAP BEAM
 
Column Spacing S (m) = 4.50
  
Column width c1 (m)= 0.40
c2 (m)= 0.40  
x (m) = 0.000
ei(m)= 0.4 Initial assumption for e,
ef(m)= 0.6 ei= 0.7
S'(m) = 3.80

Analysis Results
[SM R1=0]=> S'*R1-S*P1=0 R1=P1*S/S'= 651.45

[SFY=0]=> R1+R2- P1+ P2=0 R2= P1+ P2-R2= 954.55

Footing Dimension F1 L1=2(e+C1/2)= 1.20 Use:- 1.20

B1=R1/L 1 * s all = 1.94 Use:- 2.00

F2 B2 2 =L2 2 =R2/ s all, B 2= 1.85 Use:- 1.90

Square Footing

  Shear Force Moment Contact Pressure per meter width

S1 108.57 M1 0.0 r1 542.9

 
S2 -441.43 M2 215.4 r2 517.0
 

 
S3 101.45 M3 8.6 M max /Zero Shear Force Pt (i)
 
S4 101.45 M4 -232.6 i 0.98
  
 S5 578.72 M5 -351.2

 S6 -477.28

Awetu strap footing

Footing Design



Material Quality
Strap Beam Design-------Flexural Reinforcement

Design Moment M d =M 3 (KN-m/m) 8.55 At the Face of footing pad

Assume Depth of Strap Beam d(m)= 0.60

Assume Width of Strap Beam b(m)= 0.30 Width of column or above

N M/Fcd*b*d^2 0.009

B 1-(1-2N) 1/2 0.009

As B*fcd*b*d/fyd 54.89

Minimum Area of Steel Asmin 0.5/fyk*b*d 501.00

Diameter of Steel F(mm) 16.00 201.14

No. of Bar # As/a 3.49

Final Flexural Reinforcement Use 4 F16

Strap Beam Design -------Shear Reinforcement

Design Shear V d =S 3 (KN) 101.45 At the Face of footing pad

Concrete Capacity , Vc V c =0.25 f ctd k 1 k 2 b w d= 47.67 k1 1.02

Shear Carried by Stirrup, Vs V s =V d -V c = 53.77 k2 1.00

Stirrup Spacing ,S S=A v df yd /V s= 412.81 Stirrup F 10 Av= 157.0

Final Shear Reinforcement Use F 10 @150

Footing Pad Design-------Depth Requirement (using wide-beam shear & max. shear from above calculation)

For Footing with column-1

A) Punching Shear(To find d)

Concrete Shear resistance Vsr= Vsr=(2(c1+d/2)+(c1+d))dvcp 397.95
Perimeter due to soil reaction V= V=P1-(c1+d/2)(c1+d)das 441.70
Equating the above to calc. for d d(m)= 0.3020
D= D=d+0.05= 0.3520 Use D(m)= 0.50
B)Wide Beam Shear(For check d)
Shear Force at distance d from C1= S'2=S2*(i-(d+C1/2))/I 147.37
Wide beam shear stress(Vus)= Vws=Sf/B1d= 163.74 OK
For Footing with column-2
A) Punching Shear(To find d)
Concrete Shear resistance Vsr= Vsr=(2(c2+d)))dvcp 508.03
Perimeter due to soil reaction V= V=P1-(c1+d/2)(c1+d)das 866.49

Equating the above to calc. for d d(m)= 0.4227

D= D=d+0.05= 0.4727 Use D(m)= 0.50
B)Wide Beam Shear(For check d)
Shear Force at distance d from C1= S'5=S5*(J-(d+C2/2))/J 252.17 J= 1.15
Wide beam shear stress(Vus)= Vws=Sf/bd= 294.93 OK

Awetu strap footing

Footing Design



Material Quality
Footing Pad Design-------Flexural Reinforcement REMARK &ASSUMPTIONS
For Footing with column-1
Design Moment M max (KN-m/m)= 215.36
N = =(Mu*10E+6/fcd*b*d^2) 0.119
B= =1 -(1 - 2*N)^0.5 0.127
As= =B*fcd*B*d/fyd 1959.09
Minimum Area of Steel Asmin= 0.5/fyk*b*d 751.50
Diameter of Steel F(mm)= 12.00 113.14
Spacing for As S= Asig*1000/As 57.75
Spacing for Asmin Asig*1000/Asmin 150.56
Final (BOTTOM REINF.) Use F12 c/c 150

Design Moment M max (KN-m/m)= 50.40

N= =(Mu*10E+6/fcd*b*d^2) 0.028
B= =1 -(1 - 2*N)^0.5 0.028
As= =B*fcd*B*d/fyd 435.49
Minimum Area of Steel Asmin= 0.5/fyk*b*d 751.50
Diameter of Steel F(mm)= 12.00 113.14
Spacing for As S= Asig*1000/As 259.81
Spacing for Asmin Asig*1000/Asmin 150.56
Final (TOP REINF.) Use F12 c/c 150

For Footing with column-2

Design Moment M max (KN-m/m)= 351.24
N= =(Mu*10E+6/fcd*b*d^2) 0.194
B= =1 -(1 - 2*N)^0.5 0.218
As= =B*fcd*B*d/fyd 3357.94
Minimum Area of Steel Asmin= 0.5/fyk*b*d 751.50
Diameter of Steel F(mm)= 12.00 113.14
Spacing for As S= Asig*1000/As 33.69
Spacing for Asmin Asig*1000/Asmin 150.56
Final(BOTTOM REINF.) Use F12 c/c 140

Design Moment M max (KN-m/m)= 42.35

N= =(Mu*10E+6/fcd*b*d^2) 0.023
B= =1 -(1 - 2*N)^0.5 0.024
As= =B*fcd*B*d/fyd 365.08
Minimum Area of Steel Asmin= 0.5/fyk*b*d 751.50
Diameter of Steel F(mm)= 12.00 113.14
Spacing for As S= Asig*1000/As 309.91
Spacing for Asmin Asig*1000/Asmin 150.56
Final(TOP REINF.) Use F12 c/c 140

Awetu strap footing

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