Ngeles Niversity Oundation: AUF Vision, Mission, Core Values

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AUF Vision, Mission, Core Values


Inspired by the teaching and tradition of the Catholic Church, the Angeles University Foundation envisions to emerge as a center of excellence in
instruction, research, and community extension services in the region and in the global community.


To realize its vision, the University is committed to the “total development of man for God and humanity”

Core Values

Mabuti, Magaling at may Malasakit sa Kapwa

Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO)

Descriptors/Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO)
Graduate Attributes
AUF seeks to produce graduates who:

1. Values-Oriented ● Embrace Christ’s way of life through moral living and social accountability

● Adhere to truth and Catholic values amidst conflicting value systems

● Practice Fairness, honesty and integrity in all aspects of life

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● Demonstrate positive disposition, maturity and courage, rooted in Catholic values, in the face of adversity

2. Socially and ● Engage in advocacies of life, cultural heritage and the environment
Responsible ● Demonstrate concern through active involvement in socio-civic activities

● Promote and practice inclusion (race, gender, exceptionalities, IPs, etc.)

● Apply knowledge and skills in addressing social issues and concerns

3. Professionally ● Demonstrate expertise in their field of specialization and are proficient in the practice of their profession
● Are proficient in oral and written communication through various media

● Are adept at collaborating with colleagues and other institutions

● Pass examinations administered by government and professional organizations

4. Critical and ● Critically analyze and evaluate arguments and evidence (e.g. collect, analyze and interpret data and information, generate and
Creative Thinker test hypothesis, synthesize and organize information)

● Apply innovative methods in solving problems

● Generate ideas/ products/ artwork/ methods/ approaches/ perspectives appropriate to the discipline

● Have knowledge of research methodologies in their disciplines and capacity to interpret findings

5. Lifelong Learner ● Practice the value of further learning and professional development

● Quickly adapt to the demands of the profession

● Actively seek growth in moral, spiritual, socio-civic, and physical aspects of their lives

● Participate in collaborative learning while respecting individual dignity and human diversity

6. Globally-Oriented ● Have global and international perspectives on their disciplines

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● Are adept at collaboration with people from different cultures

● Have awareness, knowledge and skills to interact effectively in culturally or linguistically diverse contexts

● Respect other perspectives while adhering to their beliefs and values

Program Educational Objective (PEO)

Program Educational Objectives (PEO) ILO

Graduates of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, within four years after graduation shall demonstrate: 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. peer-recognized competence together with the ability to articulate that competence and use it for contemporary problem
solving in the design, critical analysis, and evaluation of various fields of civil engineering such as Structural, Geotechnical, ✓ ✓ ✓
Water, Transportation, and Construction Engineering;

2. commitment in the civil engineering profession, locally and globally, by contributing to the ethical, competent, and creative
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
practice of engineering or other professional careers;

3. leadership with teamwork, interpersonal skills and initiative to ethically advance professional and organizational goals,
✓ ✓
facilitate the achievements of others, and obtain substantive results; and

4. sustained learning and adapting to constantly changing demands of the profession through further learning and professional


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Course Code : BOHASA

Course Title : Basic Occupational Health and Safety

Course Type : Lecture

Credit Units : 3 units

Contact Hours : 3 hours lecture per week

Pre-requisites : 3rd Year Standing

Co-requisites : None

Course Description: This course tackles key Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) concepts, principles and practices that are foundational
knowledge requirements applicable in almost all industries. Specifically, it assists learners in identifying the key elements in
the OSH situation both here and abroad; determine existing and potential safety and health hazards; identify the range of
control measures; discuss pertinent provisions of Philippine laws that refer to occupational safety and health; explain key
principles in effectively communicating OSH; identify components of effective OSH programs and demonstrate some skills
in identifying hazards and corresponding control measures at the workplace.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) and its Relationship to PEO and ILO
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) PEO

A graduate of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering must attain: 1 2 3 4

a. apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems ✓

b. design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data ✓

c. design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints in accordance with standards ✓

d. function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams ✓ ✓

e. identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems ✓

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f. understand professional and ethical responsibility ✓

g. communicate effectively engineering activities with the engineering community and with the society at large ✓

h. understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context ✓

i. recognize of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning ✓

j. know contemporary issues ✓

k. use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice ✓ ✓

l. know and understand engineering and management principles as a member and leader of a team, and to manage projects in a
✓ ✓
multidisciplinary environment

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) and its Relationship to PLO

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Program Learning Outcomes*

After completing the course, the student must be able to: a b c d e f g h i J k l

CO1 - Understand the importance and the value of safety. I I I

CO2 - Know the health hazards and their prevention. I I I

CO3 – Identify and mitigate or prevent hazards. I I I

CO4 - Apply the concepts and principles of safety in engineering practice. D D D D

*Level: I – Introductory, E – Enabling, D – Demonstrated

Topic Hours/Weeks CLO Teaching/Learning Activities Assessment Tools

● Introductory Concepts Week 1 CO1 ● Lecture ● Assignments

CO2 ● Class Discussion ● seatwork

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● Video Presentation ● Quizzes

● Occupational Safety Week 2 CO1 ● Lecture ● Assignments

CO2 ● Class Discussion ● Seatwork

● Video Presentation ● Quizzes

● Industrial Hygiene Week 3 CO2 ● Lecture ● Assignments

● Class Discussion ● seatwork

● Video Presentation ● Quizzes

● Control Measures for OSH Hazards Week 4 CO3 ● Lecture ● Assignments

● Class Discussion ● seatwork

● Video Presentation ● Quizzes

● Occupational Health Week 5 CO2 ● Lecture ● Assignments

● Class Discussion ● seatwork

● Video Presentation ● Quizzes

MIDTERM EXAMINATION Week 5 ● ● Major Examination

● Personal Protective Equipment Week 6 CO3 ● Lecture ● Assignments

● Class Discussion ● Seatwork

● Video Presentation ● Quizzes

● OSH Programming Week 7 CO1 ● Lecture ● Assignments

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● Class Discussion

● Video Presentation ● Seatworks

● Quizzes

● Training of Personnel on OSH Week 8 CO4 ● Lecture ● Assignments

● Class Discussion ● Seatwork

● Video Presentation ● Quizzes

● OSH Legislation Week 8 CO1 ● Lecture ● Assignments

● Class Discussion ● Seatwork

● Video Presentation ● Quizzes

● Plant Visit Simulation Week 9 CO4 ● Lecture ● Assignments

● Class Discussion ● Seatwork

● Video Presentation ● Quizzes

FINAL EXAMINATION Week 9 ● Major Examination

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Assessment and Grading System:

Criteria Prelim Equivalent Grade Mid Term Equivalent Grade Final Equivalent Grade

I. Lecture

Class Standing

Quizzes 60%
60% 60% 40%
HW/SW/BW 30% 70% 70% 70%

Other Requirements 10%

Major Exam 40% 40% 60%

II. Laboratory / Fieldwork

Report 60% 60% 40%

30% 30% 30%
Exam 40% 40% 60%

a. Preliminary Grade

Preliminary Grade=Transmuted Prelim Equivalent Raw Grade

b. Mid Term Grade

Mid Term Grade=Transmuted Prelim Equivalent Raw Grade

c. Final Grade

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( Preliminary Raw Grade )+ ( Mid Term Raw Grade )+(Final Raw Grade)
Final Raw Grade=

F inal Grade=Transmuted Final RawGrade

Performance Targets

● At least 75% of the class should get a passing grade of 75% for assignments, research, actual performance and all activities other
than quizzes.
● At least 60% of the class should get a passing grade of 75% for the quizzes.
● At least 50% of the class should get a passing grade of 75% in major examinations.
● At least 80% of the class should get a passing grade of 75% for the laboratory exercises and/or final projects.
● At least 50% of the class should get a final grade of 75%.

Course Policies and Standards

Attendance: Every student is required to attend not less than 80% of total number of class hours required per semester.

A student who has incurred more than 20% absences of the total class hours required will be given a mark of Failure due
to Absences (FA).

Absences from classes, whether excused or not, do not absolve the student from complying with the lessons covered
during the absence. A student who is absent from class must present to the faculty AUF Form-CEA-02 (Excuse Slip)
together with a letter from parents stating the reason for absence. A medical certificate duly certified by the University
Physician must support absence due to illness. The Dean decides whether a student’s absence is excused or not.

A student who is late in reporting to class by more than fifteen (15) minutes shall be considered absent. However, the
student may be allowed to stay. AUF Form-CEA-02 (Excuse Slip shall be required before a student is readmitted to the
same class).

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Honesty: Copying other student’s work during quizzes and major examinations, and submission of copied
assignment/research/projects or committing the act of plagiarism shall be given a grade of zero (0), and is subject to
disciplinary action.

Submission of Work Output: Deadlines shall be strictly imposed.


1. Friis, R. 2016. Occupational Health and Safety for the 21 st Century. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
2. Sherratt, F. 2016. Unpacking Construction Site Safety. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
3. Miller, C. 2016. Ugly's electrical safety and NFPA. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
4. Spellman, F. 2015. Safety and Environmental Management, 3rd Edition. Lanham, Maryland: Bernan Press
5. Goetsch, D. 2015. Occupational Safety and Health: For Technologists, Engineers, and Managers, 8 th Edition. Upper Saddle River, New
Jersey: Pearson.

1. June 26, 2020.
2. June 26, 2020.
3. June 26, 2020.
4. June 26, 2020.
5. https:// June 26. 2020.

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Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Mr. Westly G. Juco Dr. Ruel V. Reyes Engr. Jerrence S. Taguines

Date: June 26, 2020 Date: June 29, 2020 Date: June 30, 2020

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