Biographies of The Mothers of Believers

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 The first lady to enter the household of the Prophet ((PEACE BE UPON HIM)) after the
passing away of Hazrat Khadija.

 Her mother was Shammoos from the tribe of Bannu Najjar, a branch of the Quraish.

 Her father was also from a branch of the Quraish, Banu’Amer bin Loii.

 All her husband’s brothers, Hazrat Sohail, Hazrat Sahel, Hazrat Hatib and Hazrat Saleet
had the honour of being companions of the Prophet (PEACE BE UPON HIM).

 Once the Holy Prophet ((PEACE BE UPON HIM)) was settled in Madinah after emigration,
he sent Hazrat Zaid bin Haris and Hazrat Abu Rafia to Makkah with some camels and 500
Dirham to bring all the member of his family. Thus, Hazrat Saudah came to Madinah
along with the daughters of the Holy Prophet ((PEACE BE UPON HIM)).

 Hazrat Saudah was a tall, healthy woman with a great sense of humor. She had a slow
lumbering walk because of her build and when she went with the Holy Prophet ((PEACE
BE UPON HIM))on Hajj she took special permission to leave for Muzdalifah earlier so as
to avoid the crowds.

 She lived to the ripe old age of 80 and passed away during the Caliphate of Hazrat Umar
bin Khattab.

 Hazrat Ayesha said about her: “I did not wish seeing any women except Saudah bint
Zam’ah if I could be in her skeleton.”


 She was among the first to accept Islam and also had the distinction of emigrating twice,
fist to Abyssinia and then to Madinah. Her life is a beacon for all Muslim women


 She was first married to her cousin, Sakram bin Amar

 Her husband died , leaving her widow with a son

 She was the only Muslim in her family

 She needed help and support

 The Prophet (PBUH) married her.

 She was a very simple and pious lady.

 She was of meek and humble nature as well as kind and affectionate

 Holy Prophet(pbuh) referred to her as the most charitable and generous of his wives.

 She was a devout person and was very punctual about her hours of prayers. She had
sound knowledge of religious matters. There are five authentic Ahadis attributed to her.

 She migrated in first year of Hijra and gave up her turn in favour of Hazrat Aisha

 Hazrat Sawdah followed Holy Prophet(pbuh) directives so much after his death that she
never left her house even for Hajj and Umrah.

 Five traditions are said to be narrated by her.

 She is distinguished for her sense of duty and obedience

 She died in 22nd year of Higrah

 She was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi


 Hazrat Zainab was Daughter of Khuzaymah bin Abdullah the next to be married to the
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

 She was first married to Abdullah bin Jahsh (RA)
 Her husband died at Battle of badr
 Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) married after a year after she was widowed to give her
shelter and protection
 The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) married her in Ramadan, 3 A.H.


 She was a very good lady.
 She took extreme care of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
 And never let Him and His children to be upset or fell loneliness.
 Hazrat Zainab spent very liberally on the poor.
 She was known as Umm-ul-Masakin (mother of the poor) even before Islam.
 She lived with the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) for eight months only, as she died in
Rabi-ul-Akhir, 4 A.H.
 The Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) himself led her funeral prayers
 She is buried in Jannat-al-Baqi
Hazrat Zainab and Hazrat Khadija are the two wives of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) who
died during his life time. All the other wives lived on after him and died later.
 Mother name: Umaima bint Abdul Muttalib
 Acceptance of Islam: Early converts
 Died: At the age of 53
 1st cousin of the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him)
 Married to Zaid bin Haris
 She did not want to marry Zaid since he was a slave but she did so on Prophet (Peace be
Upon Him)’s insistence
 However her marriage with Hazrat Zaid was unsuccessful and they got divorced
 Then the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) proposed to marry her
 She was initially reluctant but got married after orders to do so came in the Quran
 “Then when Zaid had dissolved (his marriage) with her _____, we joint her in marriage
to thee _____, “(33:37)
 Bought along a dowry of 400 Dirhams
 Used to do needle work to meet expenses
 After the death of the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him), she refused to take allowance from
the state and gave it to the needy
 Was the first one to die after Prophet (Peace be Upon Him)’s death in 20 AH
Character and Personality
 Hazrat Zainab was very particular about her prayers and fast.
 She was extremely generous.
 She used to earn her living herself and would spend her money on the poor.
 Generous, Pious, Helpful, benevolence
 At the time of her death she left only her residential house as legacy because whatever
was received by her was distributed among the poor.
 This house was later on purchased for 50,000 dirhams by the Umayyad Khalifa Walid bin
Abdul Malik for the extension of the Holy Prophet’s mosque.
 Her original name was ‘Barra bint Haris’ but after marriage to the Holy Prophet
Muhammad(PBUH) it was changed to Jawairiyah bint Haris.
 Her full name was Barra bint Haris bin Abi Zara bin Habib bin Aiz bin Malik bin Jazima.
 She came from Banu Mustaliq.
 Her father was the leader of the tribe, Haris bin Abi Zara.
 She died in Rabi-ul-Awwal 50 AH/670 AD at the age of 65.
 She was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.
 She was first engaged to her cousin Musfah bin Sufwan.
 Her tribe Banu Mustaliq attacked the Muslims in Shaban 5 AH/ December 626AD but
they were defeated in the Battle of Marisa.
 Her husband Musfah bin Sufwan was killed by the Muslims in this battle.
 Hazrat JawairiyahRZ was taken as a captive in this battle.
 When the captives were distributed, she was given to Hazrat SabitRZ bin Qais.
 She wanted to be set free.
 As she was already a Muslim, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) paid her ransom.
 He offered to marry her and she accepted his proposal.
 She married the Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)in Shaban 5 AH/ December 626AD.
 Her age at the time of marriage was 20 years. The Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)was
57 years old.
Significance of this marriage
 It was ordered by Allah
 It is highlighted in Quran (33:37)
 It negated the uncivilized custom of Arabia
 It established the law of permissibility to marry former wife of adopted son.
 Hazrat Jawairiyah RZ was a very religious-minded lady.
 She was a very learned woman.
 She was known for her long prayers and constant fasts.
 She had a great thirst for knowledge.
 After the marriage, all 600 prisoners of war from Hazrat Jawairiyah’sRZ tribe, Banu
Mustaliq were released by the Muslims.
 Muslims did this because they did not like that any member of the family of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad’sPBUH wife to remain a slave.
 She also persuaded her entire tribe to accept Islam.
 Therefore she became a source of blessing for her tribe.
 7 Ahadis are attributed from her.
 Hazrat AishaRZ, another wife of the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH said about Hazrat
JawairiyahRZ: “I did not see any lady who became a source of blessing for her
tribesmen more than Jawairiyah because hundreds of her tribesmen were liberated
from slavery from her action.”
 She is significant as she managed to first release and then converted her whole tribe
into Muslim.
 Hazrat Umm e Habibah was the daughter of Abu Sufyan,
 First married to Ubaidullah bin Jahsh in Mecca.
 The couple embraced Islam, and then immigrated to Abyssinia due to persecution by
the Quraish.
 One night she saw her husband (in a dream) in the most ugly and obnoxious form.
 The next day she came to know that he had turned Christian.
 She, however, remained a Muslim and was therefore separated from him.
 She was now all alone in exile.
 The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) sent her an offer of marriage through the King Negus,
who sent a woman named Abrahah to her with the message.
 she was so happy with the good news that she made over the bracelets and other
jewellery that she was wearing to the woman in gratification.
 King Negus represented the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Nikah  ceremony, and gave her
400 dinars as her portion and many other things in dowry from himself.
 He also gave a feast and dinars as gift to all those who were present in the ceremony.
 The Negus then dispatched her to Medina, with her dowry and other gifts such as
perfume, etc.
 This marriage took place in 7 A. H. (Her father was not a Muslim then).
 She most probably died in 44 A.H.
 Hazrat Umm e Habibah proved very helpful to the Holy Prophet PBUH.
 She urged others to follow the commands of the Holy Prophet PBUH.
 Looked after widows and orphans.
 She was the narrator of sixty five traditions.
 She faced many difficulties for the sake of Islam and in the reward the Holy Prophet
PBUH married her.
 Hazrat Safiyah-the daughter of Hayi
 belonged to a Jewish tribe named Banu Nazir.
 She was first married to Salam bin Mishkam who divorced her.
 At the time of Khyber, she was captured by the Muslims as she was a jew.
 The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) paid a reasonable sum of money to Hazrat Dahya as
ransom, and said to Safiyah: “You are now free; if you like you can go back to your
tribe or can be my wife.”
 She said: “I longed to be with you while I was a Jew. How can I leave you now, when I
am a Muslim?”
 She died in Ramadan, 50 A. H.,
 When she was about 60.
 Hazrat Safiyah was a very nice lady.
 She used to serve the companions of the Holy Prophet pbuh and many traditions have
been quoted by her.
 She was very intelligent and full of knowledge and wisdom.
 She was often known as the storehouse of knowledge and wisdom.
 She was the daughter of Harith bin Hazan.
 Her original name was Barrah
 Later renamed Maimunah by the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) .
 She was first married to Masud bin Amr.
 After her divorce she re-married before she became Umm ul Mominin.
 The Holy Prophet married her in 7 A.H
 She had intended to start living with her when in Mecca after performing ‘Umrah but, as
Quraish did not allow him to enter Mecca, he called her over to him in the same place
on his return journey.
 Many years later she died and was buried exactly at the same place in 51 A. H. (when
she was 81).
 This is a strange coincidence that at a certain place during one Journey she is married, at
the same place on the return journey she starts living with the Prophet Mohammad
(PBUH) and at the very place during another journey she dies and is buried.
 Hazrat Maimunah was the most pious,
 The most mindful of her kith and kin, among the Prophet Mohammad’s (pbuh) wives.
 She was seen either engaged in Salaat or in domestic work.
 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) called her the ‘Symbol of Goodness’ because of her piousness
and humbleness.
 Prophet Muhammad PBUH sent a letter to Muqawqis, the Byzantine Governor of
Alexandria Egypt, in 7 A.H, telling him about Islam and inviting him to become Muslim.
 After having read the letter, Muqawqis treated the emissary of the Prophet well and
 in honor of the Prophet he sent two concubines, one eunuch, 1,000 gold pieces,
garments, fabric, perfume and some other gifts along with his answer.
 It is claimed that although Muqawqis admired this faith, he did not convert to Islam due
to his fear of the Byzantine Emperor.
 These two concubines, named Maria and Serene, were invited by the Prophet to
embrace Islam when they were on the way to Medina or when they were in Medina.
 Maria married the Prophet and bore a baby boy, Abraham, one year later. Although it is
disputed at what age Abraham died.
 Hazrat Maria was approx 20 years old when she reached Medinah in the year 628/9 AD.
She was very fair, beautiful kindhearted and a charitable woman.
 Maria; passed away in 16 A.H. Umar ibn Khattab led her funeral prayer.


 Hazrat Rehana belonged to the famous Jewish tribe of Banu Quraiza which was besieged
by the Holy Prophet ((PEACE BE UPON HIM)) in 5 A.H. when it indulged in open and
insolent treachery at the time of the Battle of the Ditch. As all the men of this tribe were
killed in line with the verdict of the arbitrator, Hazrat Sa’d bin Muadh, and their children
and women were taken slaves, one of the girls captured by the Muslims was Hazrat
 The Holy Prophet ((PEACE BE UPON HIM)) freed her when she embraced Islam and then
married her.
 She was a very noble, pious and a dignified lady who rendered valuable services to the
 cause of Islam.
 She was a generous, helpful and a kind person who always went out of the way to help
the needy and the poor.
 She lived for ten years after the death of the Holy Prophet ((PEACE BE UPON HIM)).

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