Final English Poetry The Compilation of Poetry
Final English Poetry The Compilation of Poetry
Final English Poetry The Compilation of Poetry
All praise is due to Allâh, the Lord of the Worlds. The first thanksgiving is sent to the Almighty,
Allah SWT: The Greatest Creator and Best Motivator who has determined everything in His
hands, so that not a single speck of dew, and a handful of human souls are free from His
provisions. Thank you for giving strength, and health every day, so that we can complete the
final semester examination paper in the English Poetry course entitled: The compilation of
Thank you to parents for their love, encouragement, prayer, advice, motivation, and
material sacrifice. We don't forget to thank Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum. for the knowledge that
has been given to us this semester. It is fortune, and happiness for us to have great lecturers
like you. We cannot do anything to repay all their kindness, but I hope that God will always
And to our friends "Barisan Deadliner" who have encouraged us every day. May Allah
SWT bestow his gifts in each of our good deeds, and His gifts to us.
The author realizes that this paper is far from perfect due to the limited experience and
knowledge of the author. Therefore, the authors expect all forms of advice and input even
constructive criticism from various parties. likewise the COVID-19 pandemic is soon over.
Table of Content
PREFACE ......................................................................................................................... 2
TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER I ...................................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 4
A. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ............................................................................ 4
B. PAPER QUESTION ................................................................................................ 4
C. SIGNIFIANCE OF STUDY ...................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II ..................................................................................................................... 6
THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK.......................................................................................... 6
A. DEFINITION OF POETRY ...................................................................................... 6
B. DEFINITION OF LIVING ....................................................................................... 6
C. DEFINITION OF MENTAL HEALTH & ILLNESS ................................................... 7
CHAPTER III COMPILATION AND THE RESULT ............................................................ 8
IQVA SEPTIASARI ........................................................................................................ 8
INTAN AYU MAYESTIKA ........................................................................................... 14
RESHINTYA KURNIA WULANDARI........................................................................... 18
HAIFA RAHMA ........................................................................................................... 25
WORKS CITED .............................................................................................................. 26
is still continuing to develop. Literary work is an art form that is written through the language.
The one of type from literature is poetry. Poetry is as universal language and kind of verbal or
written language that is structured rhythmically and is meant to tell a story, express any kind
of emotion, idea, or state of being (Ollila dan Jantas; Ollila dan Jantas).
Poetry has the beauty of diction, majas, rhyme, and rhythm contained in a poem. In a
poem it also has implied meanings to convey to his readers. Therefore, it is not surprising that
in one poem it has its own distinct values that differ from other poems. In making a poem we
are freed to express the words that want to be a work of poetry. By pouring the form of
expression that is contained in the form of words and sentences, it raises various themes in
Despite the form of a poem, we can do an analysis of a poem to look for implied
meaning or other meanings. In analyzing a poem, we can do it gradually, that is from the title
to finally find a message that we can take from a poem. Therefore, with the creation of this
paper, we will analyze some poems from the theme of life, health and pain. In addition to
fulfilling the final exam, but also so that we can better know about any poem with the theme
of life, health and pain, and can learn how to analyze a work of poetry.
Based on the explanation above, the paper question is formulated as follow:
2. How are the results about poetry analys with that themes?
This paper is expected to increase the reader’s knowladge about literature, particulary in
poetry and to provide an analys information about one of themes poetry, namely the theme
Poetry is a type of literature based on the interplay of words and rhythm. It often employs
rhyme and meter (a set of rules governing the number and arrangement of syllables in each
line). In poetry, words are strung together to form sounds, images, and ideas that might be too
Poetry was once written according to fairly strict rules of meter and rhyme, and each
culture had its own rules. For example, Anglo-Saxon poets had their own rhyme schemes and
meters, while Greek poets and Arabic poets had others. Although these classical forms are still
widely used today, modern poets frequently do away with rules altogether – their poems
generally do not rhyme, and do not fit any particular meter. These poems, however, still have
physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and
community roles; ability to deal with physical, biological, psychological, and social stress".
(Wikipedia, 2020)
The most widely accepted definition of health was set out in the Preamble to the Constitution
of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1946. WHO encourages an holistic concept of health,
defining health as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence
of disease or infirmity’ (WHO). This definition includes mental and social dimensions and moves the
According to WHO now on, World Health Organization, a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (ResearchGate)
Illness (or sickness) is a more subjective concept related to personal experience of a disease.
illness on the other hand is defined is seen by Kleinman as the socio-cultural dimension within which
a person experiences disease. Susser in 1973 tried to define the term “illness” by referring it to the inner
sense of an individual’s feeling unwell. According to him, illness does not refer to any explicit pathology,
but refers to a person’s subjective understanding of it, such as discomfort, tiredness, or general malaise.
We can even regard the concept of sickness as such a notion that combines the biomedical model
Wanting to Die
I did not think of my body at needle point.
Anne Sexton, “Wanting to Die” from The Complete Poems of Anne Sexton (Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
1981). Copyright © 1981 by Linda Gray Sexton and Loring Conant, Jr. Reprinted with the permission of
Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc.
Source: The Complete Poems of Anne Sexton (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1981)
"Wanting to Die" was written on February 3, 1964 by Anne Sexton. The poem consists
of thirty-three lines into eleven sets (three lines of verse). In this poem, Anne Sexton
openly expressed her thoughts regarding her obsession with death and the constant
battle with suicide. The speaker describes herself walking unconsciously through life,
she is unimpressed and unaffected by the world around her. Sexton personified suicide,
giving him the characteristics of life as if conniving that he could not control it.
In the next two diets, she further explained that he "i have nothing against life"
and did not hate the "grass blades" which symbolized the vitality of the living world;
she just loved the promise of death more. She uses a very interesting simile from
carpenters who say that "suicides have a special language," he said, and "like
carpenters, they want to know which tools. They never ask why build." This parable is
a very strong analogy of death and suicide which highlights her own attitude towards
her; all she questions is how to die, and never why she died.
In the ensuing next due diligence, the speaker described her reoccurrence and
suicide struggle by saying that she had "the enemy, eaten the enemy, have taken on his
craft, his magic.’’ The repetition of the word "enemy" emphasizes the fact that he is
aware of how serious and evil the thought of suicide is, but while it is like "magic"; it
fascinated him. SHe wanted to die, but saw no physical signs or symptoms from his
said that suicide became the person she influenced. Consuming them fully, both
physically and mentally. And although not all suicides are successful, the flow is almost
addictive drug - "... a drug so sweet." She uses "children" as a simple metaphor for
innocence; something that the trials and upheavals of her life had robbed her, and that
At the end of the poem, she tried to justify about the reasons for contemplating
suicide. The first three describe the perception of people who commit suicide about life
as a kind of "drug." Although the pleasure is "very sweet," life makes "body at
needlepoint.” ; life addiction, like drug addiction, prevents a person from seeing the
harsh reality of life. Life as an illusion, the speaker emphasized, making him "already
[betrayed] the body" before he even attempted suicide. Furthermore, death has been
waiting, "year after year," to "undo an old wound" and release the speaker from the
body that had become "prison." Life is a kind of suffering ("wounded") only known by
suicide when they are "balanced there" between life and death. Even love, the main
reason for living, cannot provide sufficient reason for suicide to stay alive; love is an
but your own pain, the rest of the world and all
other life
don't matter.
"A poem about Pain" tells about the pain caused by the speaker father. The pain
experienced by the speaker is so deep that it makes it indifferent to life in the world.
The phonetic device in this poem is a simile in the phrase "just as my father." The
speaker does this by drawing the reader's attention to the comparison by using the
words "as". Then, hyperbole of the verse " When the pain you're in is so great you can’t
think about or pay attention to anything but your own pain, the rest of the world and
all other life" On the devices of grammar there is a repetition of "pain." This poem
focuses on the pain experienced even though the speaker friends have a deeper and
even more physical pain compared to his own pain. The speaker wants to care about
the pain of his friends, but it feels useless and is not important for his life.
Seeing from the title i have not been able to conclude what the subject of the poem is. After i read
slowly and repeated it several times, i just understood this poem tells of the futile life of an old woman.
The title of this poem relates to the first line of this poem which explains the age of the old woman,
who for eighty-eight years only spent her life lying on the bed and had to take medication continuously.
In the first stanza of the fifth line, using visual imagery, which is "shrunken doll". And also the sixth
line uses organic imagery in the word "yearning". I imagine the narrator in this poem is an old man who
tells of his best friend who is lying awaiting death. The rhymes used in this poem are assonance and
consonance which are repeated at the end of each sentence in a stanza with the structure a-b-c-c-b-a.
The conclusion of this poem is about a woman who waits for her death after eighty-eight years of life
in vain and hopes for healing and happiness. He continued to lie in bed with his never-ending illness,
When I read the title I immediately thought about being grateful for the disease being
suffered. The subject in this poem in my opinion is someone who is struggling with a
his child. The rhyme structure on each row is a-b-a-b-c-d-c-d-e-e-d. The type of rhyme
used is assonance. The type of figurative language used in the seventh line is a
metaphor, "suffering and pain" is figured like "hell". In the sixth line "light shinning"
is a metaphor for "healing". There is a visual imagery on the sixth line, "light shining
past the doorway of your pain". The conclusion of this poem is about an encouragement
to keep the spirit in surviving the illness, and always thank God for all that he has
given. Enjoying the time he would spend with his illness, and also convincing himself
Not to Keep
BY ROBERT FROST (1874-1963)
By seeing the title “Not to Keep”, we will think the poem give an information that
should not to be keep or save, something that can be enjoyed temporarily. From the
title, we still don’t know who is the subject being discussed, and when we read the title
is still imply multiple possibilities happened. When we read the poem, we better read
it slowly to feel the words even though the writer used simple words. I can imagine
the speaker in this poem is a man who know the condition of the woman. The subject
in this poem is a woman who wait her husband or son comeback to her. She worried
if her husband or son were dead when they brought to home. The themes in this poem
is talk about living and illness, because i can imagine that the subject has overthinking
about her husband or son. The word “enough” is imagine that she doesn’t want to
overthinking again. In this poem, there is no rhyme, many run-on lines, the halting
rhythm and the simple words create the impression of natural everyday. In the second
stanza, the poem used figurative language type dramatic ironic, because the writer
showed how dreadful the experience must have been to her. In the first stanza, the
writer describe that the woman was shadowed with hope that her husband or son can
be safe and nothing happened. In the line 11, there is organic imagery in the word
“Wasn’t she glad now? Everything seemed won” because she was glad that she still had
all, her husband or son still alive. In the line 15, there is visual imagery in the word “A
bullet through and through” because she saw the bullet through his breast, she got
panic and shock at that moment happened. In the line 20, there is visual imagery in
the word “She dared no more than ask him with her eyes” because she could not ready
if the second trial happened with her husband or son. In the line 22 in the word “And
with his eyes he asked her not to ask” because he doesn’t wanted her to become worry
and better didn’t ask anything. The mood when read the poem is negative, because i
can imagine how the writer describe about the woman. The woman like uneasy life
waiting for news of her husband or son. She seemed like has trauma attacking her, so
she was unable to control her anxiety. The message i can learn from this poetry
sometime we have to control our thoughts, so we don’t excess thoughts that can cause
us stress.
I Could Touch It
She lay on the couch with a heated sack of rice on her belly,
sometimes dozing, sometimes staring out the window at the olive tree
as it broke into tiny white blossoms, as it swelled into bitter black fruit.
one perched on the toilet lid, one on the side of the tub,
laughing and talking through their foamy mouths,
toothbrushes rattling against their teeth.
Like sage gives its scent when you crush it. Like stone
is hard. They were happy and I could touch it.
By seeing the title “I Could Touch It”, we will think the poem give an information that
something can be touch, but the writer didn’t say the detail what is it to be touched.
In each line the poem is long who made the poem move fast, because each line has
comma to separate the other word, so it cause to stop for while. I can imagine who
tell the poem is a husband because the writer said “when my wife and my son”. The
poem give a clue speaker’s personality that he like pays attention moment to his wife
and son. The subject in this poem is his wife and his son. There is no has repetition
words and meaning. The poem has connotation in line three with the word “at the
olive tree”, the meaning is symbol of peace. There is any devices of sound alliteration,
assonance, and repetition in some words. The poem used breaks in each stanzas, but
it doesn’t make affect to the structure of meaning’s that poem. The rhyme of poem
still relate with the content. In line three used figurative language symbol in the word
“olive tree”, the meaning is symbol of peace. In line four used figurative language
simile “as” in the word “as it broke into tiny white blossoms, as it swelled into bitter
black fruit.” In line 18 used figurative language simile “like” in ter word “Like sage
gives its scent when you crush it. Like stone”. The poem used dramatic ironic too,
because it appears feel symphathetic to the reader with that condition. Then, imagery
poetry. In line 2 and 3, the poem used visual imagery in the words “She lay on the
couch with a heated sack of rice on her belly,” and “sometimes dozing, sometimes
staring out the window at the olive tree” because the speaker looked at activities of
his wife. In line 6, the poem used organic imagery in the word “I wished” because the
speaker has hope in the deepest of himself. In line 10, the poem used kinesthetic
imagery in the word “When I passed the open bathroom door” because the speaker
was walking and it must be used his foot to walk passed the door. In line 11, the poem
used visual imagery in the word “to see them brushing their teeth,” because when the
speaker passed the bathroom door, he look at them was brushing their teeth. In line
12, the poem used kinesthetic imagery in the word “laughing and talking through
their foamy mouths,” because laugh ing and talking its include reflex movement. In
line 13, the poem used olfactory imagery in the word “Like sage gives its scent when
you crush it.” because to scent sage is using noise to smell that. In line 14, the poem
used organic imagery in the word “They were happy” because happy is a feeling that
comes from ourself. Still in line 14, the poem used too kinesthetic imagery in the
word “I could touch it” because to touch something we used muscle in our body.
Then, when read this poem, i am feeling negative mood because i imagine its
something sad poem about a man who as a husband and father, but he has a high
selfish. Which unconsciously it slowly destroyed his family and the man seems lost
direction and can only hope that everything will be fun as before and he can touch his
wife and son again. From this poem we can learn that don’t be someone who has high
There are expressions that indicate, that the atmosphere of a poem is a theme, each
poem has a theme in general only has one theme that surrounds the whole poem. So
in the interpretation of the themes in the poem must interpret as a whole. Then, when
we examine the poem entitled "Misunderstanding", the title of the poem used is quite
in harmony with contained in the contents of the poem. The title, contains the meaning
family, and so on. So, it has not shown the specifications of the objects in this poem.
In the sentence "So let misunderstanding spread" contained in the first stanza,
it’s sufficient to explain the subject of the poem, that someone who having a problem
due to a misunderstanding of the people around him. However, in this poem, it doesn’t
show the background, nor time. There is little to explain about the attitude taken when
an attitude that strives to be tolerant in living life, ignoring and not caring about what
other people think of him. He would rather be quiet and let it flow. In this poem, there
is the use of the word figurative (metaphor) in the phrase "Birds in the sky can teach
you another kind of wisdom". In addition there is also a figurative (simile) contained
in the sentence "As your soul is growing new wings", because it implies the meaning
of the parable which also uses the conjunction "as". The algorithm in the poem
‘Misunderstanding’ is the word “you” which is a binding of several lines, so the lines
seem to be wavy causing rhythm. Furthermore, there is also imagery in the sentence "
or to be enamored with beautiful women " in line nine, beautiful classified as visual
imagery. Then, the mood in this poem is positive, because of its calm nature and invites
And finally, the message of the poet contained in the poem, that is that we
always be patient in living life, tolerant, and continue to motivate to rise to be better
and eliminate all negative thoughts in us. The fact is not everything can be explained,
To Be Held
To be held
by the light
By seeing and trying to understand the poem entitled "To Be Held ", the title raised is
less relevant to the contents contained in the poem. The tittle doesnt give any
possibilities of this poem contention other than that. And classified as short poetry.
However, the formation of language formation and the word is quite interesting. The
right placement of diction. There isn't word which is often repeated. The subject drawn
from this poem is "me" who wants himself to be always useful to others. In this poetry
there is no rhyme. Then, there is the figurative word personification at line 3 in the
sentence "to be a tree drinking the rain," on line 12, there is organic imagery in the
sentence "the thirsty need" and visual imagery in sentence and the green slide of
mineral”. This poem develop a positive mood because its content is dominated by
motivational words that can affect the reader's feelings become more excited. Besides
that's all, this poem contains a message and influential. Therefore, the reader was
David Budbill, "A Poem about Pain" from Tumbling toward the End. Copyright ©
2017 by David Budbill. Reprinted by permission of Copper Canyon Press,
Hilda Raz. "Now" from Divine Honors copyright © 1997 by Hilda Raz and reprinted
by permission of Wesleyan University Press.
Ollila, B., & Jantas, J. (2011, 4). The Definition of Poetry. Dipetik Juni 25, 2020, dari
Poetry Foundation. (2018, April). Dipetik June 23, 2020, dari
Poetry Foundation. (2018, April). Dipetik June 23, 2020, dari
Poetry Foundation. (2018, April). Dipetik June 23, 2020, dari
Poetry Foundation. (2018, April). Dipetik June 23, 2020, dari
Poetry Foundation. (2018, April). Dipetik June 23, 2020, dari
Poetry Foundation. (2018, April). Dipetik June 23, 2020, dari
Poetry Foundation. (2018, April). Dipetik June 23, 2020, dari