National Framework For Sediment Management
National Framework For Sediment Management
National Framework For Sediment Management
November 2021
Chapter Subject Page
Preamble 1
1.0 Composition of Sediment 2
1.1 Sedimentation in Rivers and Reservoirs 3
1.1.1 Rivers 3
1.1.2 Reservoirs 3
2.0 Basic Principles of Sediment Management 3
2.1 Reduce Sediment Yield From Watershed 3
2.2 Sediment Management in Rivers 4
2.2.1 Effect of Desiltation in reducing Floods 5
2.2.2 Extraction for Navigational purpose 6
2.2.3 Extraction for Economic Use 6
2.2.4 Indispensable Removal 6
2.3 Sediment Management in Reservoirs 7
2.3.1 Measures to Minimise Sediment Deposition in Reservoirs 7
2.3.2 Desilting of Reservoirs 8
2.3.3 Database & Survey 12
2.3.4 Retrofitting of existing Dams 12
2.3.5 Institutions and Financing 12
2.4 Sediment Management for Lakes / Water Bodies 13
3.0 Climate Change Perspective 13
4.0 Environment & Social safeguards 14
5.0 Disposal of Dredged / Desilted materials 14
6.0 Evaluation of Sediment Management Projects 15
7.0 Appraisal of Proposal 15
Sediment transport, bank erosion and associated channel mobility represent key
physical processes of rivers; their understanding is of crucial importance for defining river
restoration and management strategies. Most alluvial rivers have experienced increased
sedimentation or bed load deficit, both due to natural processes and series of human
interventions in the river catchment along the river bank and in the riparianzone. Rapid
urbanization in flood plains, encroachment of river beds, changes due to human activity
and deforestation in catchment area of rivers are causing sedimentation in rivers.
Problem of sedimentation in rivers is somewhat moderated by trapping sediment in
reservoirs. However, it results in loss of reservoir storage thereby reducing its benefits
and serviceable life.
While keeping the rivers in pristine condition is the ultimate goal, development of
civilization has always been on the banks of the rivers, to utilise blessings of the rivers
and their water. Dams and barrages have to be constructed across the river to utilise the
water resources for their sustenance by the society. Therefore, sediment issues in dams,
barrages and rivers cannot be dealt separately. For a sensible sustainable sediment
management in rivers and reservoirs, it is necessary to adopt a scientific framework for
sediment management. This national framework document highlights the key issues
related to sediment management and recommendations for policy-makers. The document
is prepared to take appropriate actions and measures by the concerned Departments and
other stakeholders.
(As per IS: 1498 - classification and identification of Soils for general engineering Purposes)
Siltation and erosion along the length of river is a natural phenomenon. However,
sediment deposition at any place in river depends on many factors such as the stages of
rivers, catchment/watershed / drainage characteristics, its size,geologicaldisposition
along the course of the river and human interventions. This is a natural process through
which river tries to reach to a stable regime condition. Similarly, sedimentation in
reservoirs is also a natural process. The detailed process of siltation/ sedimentation in
rivers and reservoirs is given at Annexure-I.Policy intervention requires due attention in
the reaches where human settlement and economic activities are extended. Sediment is
a socio-economic, environmental and geo-morphological resource, as well as a tool of
nature. However, changes in sediment quantity and quality can have a significant impact
both in rivers and reservoirs and prove to be resource as well as menace in its own
1.1.1 Rivers:
Sediment in rivers mainly contains boulders, cobbles, pebbles, sand, silt and clay.
Sand has high economic value and is a valuable material largely used in construction
works. Due to huge demand of sand, MoEF&CC, Govt. of India has come up with
“Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines – 2016.”
However, when sediment in rivers is deposited at undesirable place, it turns into a
menace. It may cause aggradation and degradation. Further, it also causes meandering, braiding
and widening of rivers, which in turn causes erosion of river banks and endangers
the embankments and settlements on the banks of rivers. Sedimentation in rivers also causes
reduction of navigable depth and rising of river beds causing drainage congestion. In such
cases, it becomes necessary to remove the sediment by mechanical means at selected places.
1.1.2 Reservoirs:
Due to reduction of velocity of water in reservoirs, part of incoming sediment
gets trapped. Sedimentation in reservoir results in loss of capacity, impacts dam safety,
risk to downstream habitation etc. By removal of sediment, life of a reservoir can be
extended, planned operational benefits can be ensured, and minimise the risk to
downstream stakeholders.
(i) De-silting of rivers for flood control is not an economically viable solution;
(ii) Dredging in general has been found to be inadequate and should not to be
resorted to, particularly in major rivers;
(iii) There are, of course, some locations such as tidal rivers, confluence points
with narrow constrictions and the likes which can be tackled by de-silting after
thorough examination and techno-economic justification;
(iv) Selective dredging is suggested depending upon local conditions; and
(v) De-silting of rivers can marginally minimize the magnitude of floods and be
effective only for a short period.
However, selective need based dredging of certain reaches of rivers coupled with
structural and non-structural measures may be considered in order to protect habitation,
agriculture land, major airports, industrial and institutional installations etc.
The importance of reservoir sedimentation management is evident when one
considers that the cost of replacing storage lost annually due to sediment deposition
throughout the world is significant. If sedimentation can be managed successfully, the
loss in reservoir storage space due to this phenomenon can be lowered and life of
reservoir can be prolonged significantly. The benefit of effective reservoir sedimentation
management is enormous.
It is possible to successfully manage reservoir sedimentation by using
comprehensive sediment management strategy coupled with measures to reduce
sediment yield from watershed, route sediments around or through storage, and recover
the lost capacity of reservoir through de-silting. Integrated management of reservoir
sedimentation is easy to manage for new reservoirs which can be integrated at
planningstage itself. In the existing reservoirs, one or combination of more than one
technique can be explored in a holistic way. None of single technique/measure can be
100% effective for long term sustainability of sediment management in reservoirs. Due
consideration shall be given to address environmental and social safeguards during the
planning stage. In addition to this, robust institution and sound financing mechanism
forms the integral part of comprehensive planning and implementation strategy for
sediment management.
The brief detail of framework for addressing sediment problems in reservoirs
aregiven in following paras.
diminished by sedimentation, sediment routing may become more feasible.
The sediment not arrested through above referred two stages, partially deposits
into reservoir and part of it is discharged downstream of reservoir (suspended and
colloidal). The deposited sediment in the reservoir is to be dredged to restore the lost
capacity upto possible extent keeping in view techno-economic feasibility.
The structural invention(s) include i.e. renovation of low-level Permanent River
Outlet with appropriate replacement provision for original valve with a new gate to allow
sluicing during high flow event, renovation of power plant penstocks by replacing few
penstock with a sluicing pipe and modifying the other penstock for electricity generation,
retrofitting of dams by providing de-silting tunnel(s), silt-bypass weir/tunnel(s), de-silting
etc. can be explored on case to case basis keeping in view engineering and economic
feasibility in providing such modifications. Such typical strategies have been
experimented in Shihmen reservoir, Taiwan.
Majority of Indian reservoirs have been built through conventional design life
approach rather than lifecycle management approach. The latter approach considers the
storage as renewable as compared to exhaustible by first one. Furthermore, abandoning
dam sites may not be affordable in any respect, as available sites for new reservoirs are
very limited. Hence, there exist ample scope and cost-effectiveness in prolonging their
Desilting plan for a given reservoir shall be comprehensive. It shall be prepared
based on latest bathymetry input along with representative sub profiling data of a given
reservoir.The basic information shall include various methods of dredging, proposed
method with justification, estimated cost and proposed dredging volume, revenue and
non-revenue models, cost benefit analysis vis-a-vis restored capacity, disposal of
dredged material with detail of sediment stacking and processing yard, method of
contract which include EPC/turnkey or work contract method, environment and social
safeguards and monitoring mechanism etc.The de-silting of Manglam dam in Kerala is
the classic example of revenue model under implementation.
Following basic principles should be followed in Desilting of reservoirs:
i. Regular monitoring of sediment deposition in reservoir should be carried out.
Integrated Bathymetry survey with sub profiling sampling needs to be done to
determine the actual quantity of sedimentation in reservoirs and estimation of the
rate of sedimentation.
ii. For reservoirs selected for potential intervention, it is necessary to perform a
diagnosis of the sedimentation problem, formulate and select the most viable
management alternative, prior to implementing the selected measures.
iii. In case, if it is not possible to utilise sediment removed by dredging/desilting /
flushing from reservoirs; a proper utilisation/disposal plan needs to be prepared,
with the consideration that it does not create any environmental, ecological and
social issues.
iv. Desiltation for restoring the lost capacity of the reservoirs may be carried out by
comparative analysis of revenue and non-revenue models. For reservoirs, which
are providing drinking water supply as well as other strategic services to country,
de-silting may be done on need basis. Also for safety of dam, it requires the de-
silting, this may be preceded to other concern keeping in view associated disaster
v. Desiltation/Dredging/Flushing in the cascade of reservoirs depends on the natural
sediment load and may be shared between reservoirs. Appropriate monitoring
mechanism along with institutional strengthening provision shall be inbuilt items in
any program of sedimentation management of reservoirs especially once the
reservoir located in lower riparian State is affected, when carried out in reservoir,
due care should be taken so that it does not affect the downstream reservoirs.
Proper consultation, with the reservoir authorities of downstream projects should
be done. In case of hydro-power plants, each project or cascade projects should
have coordinated standard operating procedure (SOP), so that to the extent
possible, sediment concentration may follow normal river regime during flushing.
vi. Desiltation / dredging work shall not affect any existing structures/ facilities.
Desiltation, especially in reservoirs shall be done in such a manner that it does not
induce any landslides and slip circle failure in case of quick drawdown conditions.
Restriction details for desiltation/dredging are placed at Annexure-IV.
vii. In financing for new facilities, sediment management measures are considered to
be an integral part of the facility cost. A life-cycle management approach shall
always be recommended. For desilting existing reservoirs, recurrent measures are
financed through O&M budget. Reclaim of live storage is to be considered as like
creating a new facility. Also, desilting for reinstating safe operation is financed like
other rehabilitation works (e.g. DRIP).
viii. Financing de-silting in cascades of reservoirs depends on the natural sediment
load and may be shared between the reservoirs. Appropriate monitoring
mechanism along with institutional strengthening provision shall be inbuilt items in
any program of sedimentation management. Also, in case de-silted material is
discharged or dumped in the downstream of dam, impacting immediate
downstream reservoir located in lower riparian State, proposed Plan may also be
shared with lower riparian State for in-principle concurrence.
ix. The dredged material is a resource and the beneficial reuse in convergence with
various concern organisation/agencies will not only bring direct economic values,
but also social and environmental merits. Hence its end useshould be part of
comprehensive action plan. The possible major use of dredged material include
land reclamation, improvement & filling, construction & protection materials (for
highways, railways, flood protection embankment etc.), top soil enhancement and
agricultural use, habitat creation and restoration, beach nourishment and shore
protection, river management (e.g. sand plug for channel closure) etc.
x. The economic analysis of long term benefits owing to consideration of dredged
sediment as a resource is an important part of feasibility report. Restored capacity
of reservoir should be considered equivalent to creation of new live storage and
apart from the intended benefits in terms of various uses of reservoir water
(irrigation, drinking water, industrial water, hydel power, fisheries etc.), thebenefits
from selling of sand for construction purpose, silt and clay for pottery and tiling
industries in the open market by the contractor should also be considered for cost-
benefit analysis. The use of revenue model shall be explored invariably. However,
in case of strategic restoration of lost capacity (like drinking water, trans-boundary
rivers etc.), even the non-revenue model may also be considered. In order to
ensure credible and bankable competitive bidding, bid document shall be
supported in terms of proposed volume and composition of dredged sediment
through a latest close interval sub bottom profiling data of reservoir.
The details about the measures that can be adopted for sediment management of
reservoir are listed in Annexure-V.
For the de-siltation activity, a proper Feasibility Report along with Environment
Management Plan to dispose the silt is required as per the guidelines provided in the
“Handbook for Assessing and Managing the Reservoir Sedimentation”, CWC, 2019.
“Operational Procedures for Assessing and Managing Environmental Impacts in Existing
Dam Projects”, Central Water Commission, November 2020 with competent level
approval of MoEF&CC, can be referred for the environmental and social safeguard issues
related to de-silting in the existing dams in context of various statutory and regulatory
Dredging/ desilting projects including all components and their techno economic
performances need to be evaluated.An ongoing monitoring program is essential for
optimizing sediment management. Short and long-term monitoring plans should be
developed as an integral aspect of the Sustainable Management Plan.
7.2 There are instances of sediment removal from dams/rivers for different purposes
and activities like for commercial purposes, restoration of storage capacity of
reservoirs, channelization of rivers, etc.Such activities generally do not fall under
regular maintenance/ upkeep or disaster management and will be governed by
this national framework.
7.3 The detailed procedure for appraisal, environmental & other clearances and
monitoring of the proposals of sand and gravel mining has been described in the
“Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines, 2016” of MoEF&CC”.
Further, the detailed Guidelines for de-silting of reservoirs, its applicability and
procedures for Environment Clearance, Forest Clearance, and Wildlife
Clearance, activity listed at Sl. No.18, Table 2.2, in the “Operational Procedures
for Assessing and Managing Environmental Impacts in Existing Dam Projects”
CWC, November, 2020may also be referred.
7.4 For de-silting/ dredging of sediment from rivers/ reservoirs; comprehensive DPR
may be prepared by the State Authority/ Project authority/ PSU/private company
etc. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) may be constituted by concerned
State for appraisal and approval of the DPR for the techno-economic viability.
Concerned regional Chief Engineer of CWC or his representative should be
included as one of members of the State TAC. Suggested composition of State
TAC is enclosed at Annexure-VI.
All rivers and streams flowing in the alluvial plains tend towards a stable flow
condition maintaining a balance between the silt load carried, silt load deposited, and the
resulting volume and velocities achieved. This is generally called a stable sediment
regime for the river. When underlying parameters of volume and velocities are disturbed,
either due to lower gradient (entering into plain reaches) or encroachment in flood plain,
widening of the channel (braiding of river streams), suspended silt particles in the river
water settle down, this is called siltation. This phenomenon is normally called
sedimentation when it occurs in a reservoir.
(i) Physical and hydrological characters of the catchment, such as slope, geology and
structures,land use, land cover, urbanisation, agricultural practices, deforestation
and forest degradation etc.,
(ii) Intensity of erosion in the catchment (sheet, rill, gully and stream channel erosion)
including over-exploitation of minerals,
(iii) Occurrence of landslides/landslips especially in hilly areas with heavy rainfall
(iv) Construction of Roads, Houses the flood plain.
(v) Quality, quantity and concentration of the sediment brought down by the river,
(vi) Size, shape and length of the reservoir and operation strategies impacting trap
efficiency of the reservoir,
(vii) Some additional sources of silt generation are as follows:
a) In rural areas, the erosion source is typically soil degradation due to intensive or
inadequate agricultural practice thereby resulting in an increased amount of silt
and clay in the water bodies that drain the area.
b) In urban areas, the additional siltation sources are construction activities and
seepage & sewage sludge discharged from household/business establishments
with no septic tanks/wastewater treatment facilities.
c) In water, the main pollution source is sediment from dredging, and the deposited
dredged material near water shore.
Further, during the floods also the rate of increase and decrease of flow is very
high. As sediment carrying capacity of river is directly proportional to the quantity and
velocity of water, during high flows lot of sediment is carried in the river which is
deposited as the flow reduces. This rapid change of flows causes erosion and deposition
at different places. This is also main cause of change of cross-sections in alluvial rivers.
Fig 1 Sedimentation in River Ganga (near Farakka) Source: Report of Morphological Study of River
Reservoirs are generally a part of the river system and quantity of sediment entering in
the reservoir is dependent on the catchment area, type of soil, vegetation cover and
gradient of river at upstream of reservoir.The river water entering the reservoir carries
sediments which settle at various reaches in the reservoir. River systems erode material
from the ground they flow over; these sediments are then transported downstream. When
a river is dammed, the velocity of the water is slowed down and thus ability to transport
these sediments is reduced. When the velocity is too low the sediments in the river water
will begin to settle out. The largest particle will settle out first, near upstream end of the
dam, and often cause what is known as backwater delta. The finer suspended colloidal
material (silts and clays) will settle out close to the dam where velocities are even lower.
Some of the finer particles will remain in suspension and will flow through/over the outlet
structures. The backwater delta will move forward towards the dam wall as time
progresses. Depending on the shape, density, viscosity, size of the particle and flow
sediment settles in a reservoir in different patterns.The layer of water containing fine
particles travel further down towards the dam as density current and may deposit there or
near the rim of the reservoir. A major secondary effect is the downstream degradation of
the river channel caused by the releases of clearer water.Siltation in rivers may or may
not be accumulative; whereas sedimentation in reservoirs is generally accumulative.
Sedimentation processes in a reservoir are quite complex because of the wide variation
in the many influencing factors. The most important being, (1) hydrological fluctuations in
water and sediment inflow, (2) sediment particle size variation, (3) reservoir operation
fluctuations, and (4) physical controls or size and shape of the reservoir. Other factors
that for some reservoirs may be quite important are: vegetative growth in upper reaches,
turbulence and/or density currents, erosion of deposited sediments and/or shoreline
deposits, and operation for sluicing of sediment through the dam.
The presence of the sediment in rivers is very important and equally beneficial. It
is important because it often enriches the soil with nutrients. This deposited sediment on
the banks and flood plains of a river which is highly mineral-rich makes excellent and the
most fertile farmlands. This even reduces the need of fertilisers and pesticides to be
used for cropping.
Areas rich in sediments are often also rich in biodiversity. They also provide the
spawning bed for fishes. Further, deltas are the wetlands that form as rivers empty their
water and sediment into oceans/seas. These deltas are important wetland habitats.
Plants such as lilies and hibiscus grow in deltas, as well as herbs such as wort, which
are used in traditional medicines. Many animals (Fish, crustaceans such as oysters)
are indigenous to the shallow, shifting waters of a delta. River sediment is an important
source of beach nourishment. Sediment starvation may result in receding riparian
zones and wetland.
Depending upon the geological formation a river passes through, the dredged
material will vary in its composition. Therefore, the suitability of the dredged material has
to be investigated/ assessed for its optimal application. Physical, engineering and
chemical characteristics of dredged material proposed for beneficial use must be
determined during the initial stages of planning. A number of standard soil properties are
used to determine the physical and engineering characteristics of dredged material. Soil
tests mainly would include grain-size analysis, Atterberg’s Limits, bulk density, specific
gravity and compaction characteristics. Engineering tests may mainly include shear
strength, compressibility and permeability parameters. The chemical characteristics
determination may include chemical constituents, cation exchange capacity, Nitrogen,
Sulphur, Heavy metals, water quality considerations, concentration, organic content and
contamination depending on the potential use.
The most common beneficial use for the dredged material is as a substrate for
habitat development which refers to the establishment and management of relatively
stable and biologically productive plant and animal habitats. This can range from wetland,
upland, aquatic to island habitats. The river dredged material, if suitable can be used for
construction, raising and strengthening of embankments, dikes, levees for bank
protection works, making raised platforms for flood proofing etc. This would serve the
dual purpose of increasing the water flow area in the river as well as a resource material
for use in river bank protection works.
Shore erosion is a major problem along the country’s coastline and one of the
most desirable, cost-effective shore protection alternative is beach nourishment, which is
usually accomplished by transporting sand/ sandy dredged material from inshore or
offshore locations by truck, hopper dredge or hydraulic pipeline to an eroding beach.
The dredged material is generally a good fill material for a variety of construction
projects and serves as foundation material for road projects. Industrial/commercial
development near waterways can be aided by the availability of hydraulic fill material
from nearby dredging activities. The use of dredged material to expand or enhance river
bank or port-related facilities has the potential benefits to the local economy.
Youthful stage-In this stage, the rivers have steep slopes and high sediment transport
In this stage following sediments management practices may be adopted-
vi. The various on-farm practices to control the soil detachment to reduce silt load
may include the following practices:
To maintain grass cover on soil
To control sediment generation through film trap
vii. Adoption of practice of bio-filter strips, field borders, sediment retention
terraces and ponds
b. Regrading & Check dams- Regrading of river bed slope and construction of
check dams may be suitably adopted for management of degradation of river beds
as per techno-economic feasibility.
c. Controlled construction activities of roads and houses also reduce the silt intake in
hilly areas.
e. Storage Reservoirs-The reservoirs are built to store water. Incidentally, these act
as settling tanks for the sediment and trap the sediment carried by the river.
Therefore, the sediment concentration of the water released from the reservoir
gets effectively reduced depending on the size of reservoir.
f. River training works such as bank protection, spurs etc. should also be made for
the vulnerable reaches to check the river bank erosion.
g. Boulder/Gravel/ Sand Mining- In this stage, boulder and gravels are deposited in
the river. If these are mined at this stage and used for construction purpose, then
Boulder/ Gravel mining can be done strictly as per following guidelines-
a. “Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines – 2016” of
b. “Sand Mining Framework” released by Ministry of Mines in March, 2018
Mature stage-In this stage, the river enters and flows in plains, meandering mostly on
bed of fine sand, has wide river bed and flood plain. Most importantly, modified through
human interventions in terms of huge quantities of water diversion/abstraction and
subjected to high degree of pollutant loads from domestic, industrial and agricultural
activities. In this stage, following sediments management practices may be adopted:-
a. River training works such as bank protection, spurs etc – River training works
are used to control the erosion of river banks. Erosion control of riverbank reduces
the sediments intake in river
c. Sand Mining - In this stage, sand is deposited in the river. If these are mined at
this stage and used for construction purpose, etc. then sand mining can be done
as per the guidelines mentioned above.
d. Desiltation/Dredging - Desilting using sluicing and flushing near water resources
infrastructure is very effective in increasing their serviceability. However, there
exist some locations such as congestion at the mouth of tidal rivers, confluence
points and the likes which can be tackled by desilting after thorough examination.
For navigation purpose also the river reaches in the waterway path can be
dredged, to have minimum draft for plying vessels. Desilting also improves the
hydraulic efficiency if done near outlets and intakes.
When the meander loop extends substantially in the lateral direction, the friction
loss over the meander length generates a head loss thereby resulting in a rise in
the flood levels. Over the course of time, when the water path around a meander
lengthens, arising to a critical level, a natural cut-off takes place. Making artificial
cut-offs (cunnette) can be utilized as a method for flood control.
It is necessary to appreciate that the desilting does not always lead to the
reduction of flood levels as the levels in the river are essentially controlled by the
hydraulic conditions obtained at the cross sections forming upstream and
downstream boundaries of the reach. The lowering of the bed level within the
reach may not have influence on them consequently leading back to drainage
problems within the season or within a few years. On the other hand, unsystematic
dredging may have effects of banks destabilisation.
Old stage-In this stage, the river experiences considerable changes in the sediment
transport and deposition, causes wide spread flooding, undergoes frequent changes in
the channel path/ delta formation.
In this stage following sediments management practices may be adopted:-
(a) Desiltation/ Dredging- In this stage, generally delta formation occurs due to
heavy siltation, which leads to drainage congestion. Generally, the mouth of river
gets choked. In these areas dredging/ desilting works may be carried out to
maintain the flow continuity and sediments transportation to sea.
(b) River training works wherever possible may be taken up for sediment
(i) A study of the river reach may be selected for desiltation/ dredging by appropriate
mathematical and/ or physical model studies by employing consistent practices.
Based on the outcome, the DPR may be prepared.
(ii) Dredging for desilting of Indian rivers may be adopted only in exceptional
circumstances or when no other sustainable alternative is available. However,
dredging for maintaining the necessary draft for maintaining the navigation may be
done as and where required. However, it shall be ensured that such dredging does
not cause any considerable pollution to river water and not harm flora and fauna.
(iii) The de-silting of any river reach needs to be justified bringing out clearly the
flooding caused due to siltation along with technical comparisons of the alternative
flood mitigation measures with “do nothing” or “proposed de-silting/ dredging”
being other options. It should invariably be associated with sediment flux studies
and morphological studies to confirm no significant adverse effect on downstream
or upstream reach of the river including the safety and effectiveness of river
crossings, water intakes, existing river bank / flood protection measures, etc. Post
dredging, sediment flux studies should also be carried out to quantify the amount
of silt likely to be deposited in future i.e. Sediment modelling studies for the river
may be done before taking up any such project.
(iv) Negative impact on ecology and environment due to desilting may also be studied
along with other studies and should be invariably made part of DPR.
(v) The quantity of sediments needed to be removed from rivers is usually very high.
Since it is very difficult to find lands for silt disposal therefore it should be ensured
that all silt removed from river should be utilized in some works in association with
concerned state government.
(vi) The proposal for desiltation/ dredging work should also contain environmentally
acceptable, practically possible silt disposal/ utilisation plan. River
gravels/sands/silts are valuable resource and could be used gainfully in
construction works, including housing, roads, embankment and reclamation works.
Since it is very difficult to find lands for silt disposal therefore it should be ensured
that all silt removed from river is utilized in some works in association with
concerned state governments. However, in the critical cases where it becomes
necessary to remove the silt for free flow of water or protection of any installation,
action may be taken up with the prior approval of the committee. Under no
circumstances, disposal should create any contamination of water bodies, harmful
to the flora and fauna existing adjacent to the disposal sites or disposed material
should come back into the river again.
(vii) Desilted material should not be used for filling up of wetlands and water bodies
including oxbow lakes, as these are important for recharging the ground water and
providing base flow in rivers during lean season.
(viii) The modus operandi for sediment disposal should be finalized before carrying out
dredging. No project should be executed before formulating a suitable and
sustainable action plan for sediment disposal and be preceded by EIA Study, as
per MoEF& CC notification to avoid damage to ecology. The methodology to be
adopted (say use of dredgers etc.) should be clearly laid down in the proposal so
that its co-relation with the environmental hazards can be made.
(ix) Normally, the funds required for dredging projects are enormous. Before
embarking on a major desilting operation in any of the rivers, the financial
implications may be discussed in detail.
(x) The dredging/de-siltation/mining activities thereby disturbing the river regime may
result into some adverse impacts, i.e., (a) River bed degradation; (b) Bank erosion;
(c) Channel widening; (d) Lowering of water surface elevations in the river
channel; (e) Lowering of water table elevations adjacent to the river; (f) Reduction
in the structural integrity of bridges, pipelines, jetties, barrages, weirs, foundations
supporting high tension lines, existing bank protection works and other manmade
structures; and (g) Loss of environmental values resulting from (a) through (e).
Restrictions as presented in Annexure V need to be enforced before planning and
executing any dredging/ desilting / mining activities. These restrictions may be
modified only after proper study and monitoring the effects of dredging / de-silting /
Here, it may be mentioned that the sluice gates which allow incoming of flood
waters in country side will be used for discharging extra water in river again when flood
levels in rivers go down. Such sluice gates will also reduce drainage congestion on
country side, if any.
River tends to achieve equilibrium on its own given the hydrology, sediment and
natural bed and bank disposition. It is necessary to provide the river sufficient flood plain
areas and lakes along the river to moderate the flood level. Any encroachment of flood
plain, reclamation of lakes or disconnection of lakes from river should be avoided. Rather,
adjoining lakes/depressions may be de-silted to increase their storage capacities. The de-
silting of lakes, etc., should be in such a manner that the sediment continuity is
maintained and should not lead to head cut that creates safety issues for the river
crossings, water intakes or river training works locally or upstream.
There is need to construct storages with sufficient flood cushion. The stored water
needs to be released during the non monsoon period in such a way that environmental
flow and silt carrying capacity of river may be maintained. This will also improve the
ecology of river.
6. Bedload management
Bedload relocation (dredging) and artificial bed load supply, etc. Flood Control
Programs - Detention basins (holding ponds), energy dissipaters in channels (culvert
outlet controls, forced hydraulic jumps, drop structures, stilling wells, etc. Land use
controls: these are used to reduce storm runoff), Embankments/dyke/levee construction,
Periodic flushing of rivers, etc may be used to control the sediments.
Check dams, settling basins, vegetation covers, agricultural practices, etc. may be
adopted to control sedimentation.
The dredging/ de-silting/ mining restrictions are intended to limit the adverse
impacts associated with it. The restrictions are intended to limit those impacts to a level
which will have limited and manageable minor effect on the morphology and ecology of
the river. These are guiding principles only and desilting works should be done after
detailed studies only. If the State Government/local bodies have any regulatory law in this
regard, conservative restriction shall be followed. However, dredging by Government
agencies like IWAI, PSUs etc. for maintaining the necessary draft for maintaining the
navigation may be done as and where required.
The barrages or weirs act as a river bed control structures across river and have
huge influence on the river bed. If they fail, it could induce unintended severe riverbed
degradation, bank erosion and channel widening due to design and other related issues.
The unregulated dredging/ desilting can result in Structural/functional failure of the
structure in addition to the ill effects on river regime. To safeguard the structural integrity
of the barrage or a weir, following restrictions shall apply:-
No dredging below the natural bed level will be allowed within 150 m distance from
the intake structures for safeguarding structural integrity. However, dredging can be
carried out, if the water flow to the intake structures has been obstructed by excessive
sedimentation. The dredging activity shall be restricted so that the water level reduction
will not lead to functional difficulties in diverting water in to the intakes.
2.3 Bridges
No dredging will be allowed below the level of top of raft/bottom of pier within 150
m of any bridge crossing to safeguard the structural integrity of the bridge. This shall not
be applied where water way has been obstructed by excessive sediment deposit and is
causing flooding of upstream reaches.
2.4 Pipelines
b) No dredging will be allowed within 150 m from any pipeline that is buried less than3 m
below the river bed. Additional restrictions may be required for any pipeline located on
or above the river bed. Such restrictions could be developed on a case by case basis.
The support structure for high tension lines passing over the river shall also be
treated as bridge piers and relevant restrictions as provided in clause.2.3 shall apply.
Restrictions regarding other manmade structures not identified in this section may be
determined on a case to case basis.
Natural rock or hard deposits located on or in the riverbed may act as riverbed
controls and/or may increase aquatic habitat diversity. The importance of rock or hard
deposit is dependent upon extent of its area, its thickness and other relevant factors.
Based on these hard deposits, river is restrained to flow along a predefined alignment.
Dredging/ de-silting/ mining shall not dislodge such hard deposits or dredging of collected
silt upstream or downstream of such hard stratum shall not in turn displace it, whereby
the river loses its control. Therefore, restrictions concerning natural rock deposits will
have to be dealt case by case basis. River Ganga flows along the important ghats of
Varanasi or elsewhere also, where it is worshipped by the people. It is held to flow along
these ghats due to peculiar alignment formed by the rock or hard strata and silt deposits
together. Hence, dredging / de-silting / mining shall be avoided at these places entirely
along the width and at least 5 km upstream and downstream of such places. However for
navigational purpose, limited dredging will be allowed in such shallow reaches as
recommended in DPR.
Reduce Sediment
Reduce Sediment Mechanical Hydraulic Impacts due to
Sediment Pass-
Sediment By-pass Excavation Excavation sediment by-passing,
Inflow from Trhough Institutional
Production flushing and reservoir
Upstream Structure
Off- Dry Drawdown
Soil Structures Channel Turbid Excavation Flushing
Erosion on Main Reservoirs Density
Control Channel Desilting process –
removal, transportation Financing
Dredging and disposal Mechanism
Stream Dispersed Drawdown Flushing
Flood By-
Bank Headwater Routing
Control Structures (Sluicing)
The measures to reduce sediment yield from watershed is common for rivers as well as
reservoirs. The approach given under Annexure-III may be referred for further details.
The other strategies for sediment management in reservoirs are described hereunder:
1 Sediment Bypass
The purpose of a bypass is to divert sediment laden flood flows around a reservoir
to downstream of the dam. By-passing a reservoir by making use of conveyance
structures (tunnel or channel) is often only feasible when favorable hydrological,
topographical and morphological conditions exist. The ideal geometry for sediment
bypass is one where the river makes a sharp turn between the point of sediment
collection and the point of sediment reintroduction to minimize the length of the
conveyance device and take advantage of the relatively steeper gradient for gravity
flow. Where that ideal condition does not exist, the technique is most practical
where the reservoir is relatively short, as there must be sufficient gradient to drive
the transport of sediment through the diversion tunnel or diversion channel.This
measure has considerable financial implication in construction of diversion
infrastructures, hence may not be preferable options for many reservoirs.
Off-channel/Offstream storage reservoirs are built adjacent to the main river channel
(e.g., a small tributary or on the flood plain). Water from the main river is diverted
into the reservoir during times of low sediment concentrations. It is an alternate
approach to sediment bypass tunnel, such that the diversions from the weir are
clear-water diversions, while sediment-laden water is left in the river to pass
downstream. Similar to sediment bypass, there needs to be sufficient gradient to
drive flow through diversion channels or tunnels to the off-channel storage feature.
One advantage of this approach is that all bed load entering into reservoirs can be
2 Sediment Pass-through
It is the technique for evacuation of sediments from reservoir. There are various
methods for pass-through described here under:
In some instances sediments can flow into a reservoir as a density current. This
phenomenon can occur when the sediment concentration in the inflow is much
higher than the water in the impoundment and/or there is a significant temperature
difference between the incoming flow and the impounded water. Under such
circumstances the density current may flow under the impounded water in the
reservoir toward the dam. If the density current is not allowed to flow through the
dam by means of low-level gates, a technique known as density current venting, it
will curl up at the dam and its return-flow will mix with the clearer water in the
reservoir. The sediment thus mixed into the clearer water will deposit with time.
Most dams have been designed with a dead storage capacity below which there are
no outlets and therefore the water in this zone cannot be used. Many designers
incorrectly assumed that sediments would naturally deposit in this dead storage.
B. Increase/Recover Volume
1. Mechanical Excavation
By dry excavation, sediment which is temporarily above water is removed from the
reservoir bed. At the upper delta area of the reservoir with coarse sediment deposits
from flood events, the reservoir bed can be dried out and excavated by lowering the
reservoir level, for instance on a seasonal basis if water level variations over the
seasons are predictable. Earth-moving equipment like bulldozer, scraper,
excavators, and trucks are used. Dry excavation in the delta may be done in
combination with installing a sediment check dam at the upstream end of the
reservoir and mechanically removing sediment captured in the check dam.
1.2. Dredging
By dredging, sediment is removed from the reservoir bed from beneath the water.
Mechanical excavators mounted on barges represent one option whereas hydraulic
dredging with use of slurry pipelines by which a mix of sediment and water is
pumped onshore is another option. Mechanical excavators are most efficient with
coarse and/or well consolidated sediment in shallow areas. While excavating and
lifting sediment from the bottom to the water surface, spill may occur, and the
softer/finer material, the more spill.
Important considerations for accessing the feasibility are the cost and efficiency of
the dredging equipment itself, power supply, the dredging operation including
synchronisation with the river flow, natural as well as released flow downstream, the
transport and disposal of the slurry and/or excavated sediment, the sediment spilling
including adverse effects this may have on the environmental conditions within the
reservoir. Transport of heavy dredging equipment, spare parts, fuel etc. to and from
the reservoir site is another consideration.
Pump energy, abrasion of equipment, and availability of nearby containment areas
(including the river downstream) are main factors which determine the feasibility of
dredging. Considering that sedimentation is of increasing concern in many
countries, substantial product development goes on and many new technologies
such as submersible dredge pumps emerge. Thus, awareness of the newest
solutions within dredging is important to identify the best technical solutions.
Every dam site has its own constraints and opportunities when it comes to desilting
and solutions may be very different for e.g. small irrigation dams and for large
hydropower reservoirs
2. Hydraulic Excavation
Two approaches to flushing exist: complete drawdown flushing and partial draw-
down flushing. Complete draw-down flushing reservoir is emptied during the flood
season), resulting in the creation of river-like flow conditions in the reservoir. Partial
draw-down flushing occurs when the reservoir level is drawn down only partially. In
this case the sediment transport capacity in the reservoir increases, but usually only
enough to allow sediment within the reservoir to be re-located, i.e., sediment is
moved from upstream locations in the reservoir basin to locations further
downstream and closer to the dam.
This technique is a variant of drawdown flushing, rather than drawing the reservoir
down so that it is acting like a river in carrying its sediment load, pressure flushing
works only to remove sediment directly upstream of the dam to keep intakes
operational. The reservoir level is not lowered, but outlets are opened to remove
sediments a short distance upstream of the outlet, creating a cone-shaped area of
scour just upstream of the outlet, the scour hole being created in a fraction of the
time it would take to refill. However, the scale of sediment removal by this technique
is much smaller than with drawdown flushing. Rather, pressure flushing serves to
reduce sediment concentrations to the intake and thereby reduce abrasion of
hydraulic structures by sediment. To maintain or restore reservoir capacity, pressure
flushing is not an effective technique.
3. Adaptive Strategies
Besides from siltation over the last decades of an ageing reservoir, the hydrological
design basis may have altered (e.g. different hydrograph inflow due to climate
change, upstream watershed characteristics etc.), and the water resource demands
downstream may also have changed considerably.
With new design criteria, consideration of new benefits and new costs (including
environmental and social safeguarding costs), definition of minimum requirements, a
redesign of the existing reservoir may therefore be considered. With relevant
modifications, a conversion of the current layout of the reservoir into a different
reservoir (although located at the same place) may be investigated.
Reconfiguration could be by dividing the existing pool into two or more interlinked
pools, some possibly off-channel. Pools could serve different purposes (flood
control, water supply for irrigation and other, hydropower, fishery, tourism etc). Each
pool will have better steering of sediment processes such as siltation of fine
sediment in some pools and coarse sediment in other (upstream) pools. Efficient
sediment handling strategies will be devised for each. The overall storage capacity
will most likely be less (as existing siltation is still there), but the remaining capacity
is better utilised.
The lifetime of the reservoir may be extended by few passive modifications of the
structures in the reservoir or addition of new structures.
Check dams upstream of the reservoir will arrest coarse sediment, which can
subsequently be dry excavated. Other guiding structures could be built in parts of
the reservoir (or sub-pools) to manipulate the flow pattern and thereby the sediment
transport and siltation pattern. Submerged guiding walls could steer the near-bed
sediment processes like fluid mud. The elevation of outlets could be increased.
Sediment screens could protect inlets. Eddy formations in front of penstocks which
cause high suspended sediment concentrations could be arrested by structural
measures to reduce coarser abrasive sediment that reaches turbines. Protective
coatings of gates, pipelines, and other equipment exposed to scour or abrasion by
The crest of the dam may be elevated to increase the storage volume, and the
elevation of the spillway can be increased and thereby modifying the overall rules of
reservoir operation. This will, however, not address the overall siltation issue, but
simply extent the lifetime of the reservoir.
The efficiency of the storage capacity allocated for different purposes must be
considered as an alternative to increase the storage volume. The feasibility of such
solutions may be many times more beneficial but may involve participation of other
stakeholders also. Examples are provided in the following.
Flood control are usually based on decades-old operating rules. With modern
technology and use of low-cost internet-of-things sensor technologies, real-time
hydrological data can be collected, processed and used as the backbone of
dynamic rule-curves.
The same real-time data technology is applicable for hydropower production, which
may also take other parameters into account in a dynamic multicriteria optimisation
using real-time data of grid demands, electricity spot pricing forecasts, as well as
conjunctive use of stored water for multiple purposes (power production during flood
prone season, or crop-growth season etc.).
The loss of water in irrigation canal systems (transmission losses), as well as the
field efficiency in the command area (equal distribution between fields, use of drip
against sprinkler irrigation etc.), and the crop efficiency of water use (crop-per-drop)
can in most cases be substantially improved. Examples of water loss of 50-80% are
not uncommon in irrigation systems and should be considered as options alongside
with desilting reservoirs. Other water-intensive activities drawing water from the
reservoir may also be optimised.
During the lean season (low flow conditions) when the reservoir is dry, silt may be
removed from the live storage area and transported to a desired location.
Environmental impact during dry excavation is generally not very high, as dry earth
is being removed.
Suggestive composition of
State Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
for Techno-economic appraisal of Sediment Management
S No Committee Composition
1 Principal Secretary(Irrigation/Flood Control/ water Resources) Chairman
2 Representative of State Finance Department Member
3 Chief Engineer of CWC of concerned basin Member
4 Representative from State Environment & Forest Department Member
5 Representative from Dept of Mining Member
6 Representative from District Administration of concerned area Member
7 Engineer- in Chief / Chief Engineer (Flood control/ Water Member-
Resources/ Navigation/ Irrigation) secretary
Note- Committee may co-opt any other member as special invitee.