Action Plan For Rejuvenation of River Betwa
Action Plan For Rejuvenation of River Betwa
Action Plan For Rejuvenation of River Betwa
S.N Item Page No.
1. Analyses reports –water quality Betwa River
2. List of 17 type of Industries.
3. Letters received from Nagar Palika Parishad Mandideep & Vidisha.
NGT Case No. 673/2018: Hon’ble National Green Tribunal Central Zonal Bench New
Delhi, in the matter of Original Application No. 673/2018 (News item published in
‘THE HINDU’ Authored by Shri. Jacob Koshy Titled “More river stretches are now
critically polluted: CPCB”) passed an order on 20/09/2018.
The para 48, 49 and 50.3 of this order are relevant to comply. The para 48 states that,
“it is absolutely necessary that Action Plans are prepared to restore the polluted river
stretches to the prescribed standards". Para 49 states that “Model Action Plan for
Hindon River, already prepared by the CPCB, may also be taken into account.”
Further in para 50 (I, ii, iii) Hon’ble National Green Tribunal has issued following
i) All States and Union Territories are directed to prepare action plans within two months for
bringing all the polluted river stretches to be fit at least for bathing purposes (i.e BOD ˂ 3
mg/L and FC ˂ 500 MPN/100 ml) within six months from the date of finalisation of the action
ii) The action plans may be prepared by four-member Committee comprising, Director,
Environment, Director, Urban Development, Director, Industries. Member Secretary, State
Pollution Control Board of concerned State. This Committee will also be the Monitoring
Committee for execution of the action plan. The Committee may be called ‘’River Rejuvenation
Committee’’ (RRC). The RRC will function under the overall supervision and coordination of
Principal Secretary, Environment of the concerned State/Union Territory.
iii) The action plan will include components like identification of polluting sources including
functioning/ status of STPs/ETPs/CETP and solid waste management and processing
facilities, quantification and characterisation of solid waste, trade and sewage
generated in the catchment area of polluted river stretch. The action plan will address
issues relating to; ground water extraction, adopting good irrigation practices,
protection and management of Flood Plain Zones (FPZ), rain water harvesting, ground
water charging, maintaining minimum environmental flow of river and plantation on
both sides of the river. Setting up of biodiversity parks on flood plains by removing
encroachment shall also be considered as an important component for river
rejuvenation. The action plan should focus on proper interception and diversion of
sewage carrying drains to the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and emphasis should be
on utilization of treated sewage so as to minimize extraction of ground or surface
water. The action plan should have speedy, definite or specific timelines for execution
of steps. Provision may be made to pool the resources, utilizing funds from State
budgets, local bodies, State Pollution Control Board/ Committee and out of Central
In para 47 of the above order dated 20/09/2018, the polluted stretch of River Betwa to
be considered for rejuvenation extends from Mandideep to Vidisha. In compliance to the
above directions of Hon’ble NGT, the present report with proposed action plan is hereby
submitted for consideration.
The Betwa or Betravati is a river in Northern India, and a tributary of the Yamuna.
Also known as the Vetravati. The river originates at Jhirri Village (District Sehore) near
Bhopal and flows north-east through Madhya Pradesh and Orchha and joins Yamuna River
near Hamirpur at Ghatampur. During its travel from origin to the destination traverses a long
distance of about 654 Kms out of which a stretch of about 232 kilometres lies in Madhya
Pradesh and the rest in Uttar Pradesh. The river benefits both the States in terms of irrigation
and potable water. The flow in Madhya Pradesh from origin up to Bhojpur is very meagre
except for the monsoon season. Between Bhojpur and Vidisha again the river flow is non-
contiguous in non-monsoon season. The river demonstrates the perennial characteristics only
beyond Vidisha after confluence of small tributaries.
River Betwa originates from village Jhirri (District Sehore) about 20 Km from the
Capital. The river travels a distance of about 30 Km before it enters the Mandideep Industrial
Area region. In this patch the river flow in non-monsoon period is very low and river is
observed to be broken into small patches. On down-stream of the Mandideep also the flow is
observed to be non-contiguous during non-monsoon period; however considerable flow is
observed in river Betwa after Bhojpur due to confluence of River Kaliasot near Bhojpur and a
couple of small tributaries flowing into the Betwa from eastern part. From Bhojpur the R.
Betwa travels towards Raisen but pass by without touching the Raisen habitation. The river
enters Vidisha via Pagneshwar at Village Rangai. River Baise joins the river Betwa on the
down-stream of Vidisha near Charanteerth.
River stretch extending from the origin point at village Jhirri up to Vidisha measures about
100 Km.
During its travel from origin the river caters the water need of Mandideep, Bhojpuri, Vidisha,
and at the same time it drains the waste-water of these areas. The waste water generated from
north-eastern part of Bhopal city travels through patra nalla (joining river Halali) and collects
in the Halali dam. Over flow of Halali Dam joins River Betwa on the down-stream of
Vidisha. Similarly, the waste-water from the central and southern part of Bhopal city is
drained into River Kaliasot which joins River Betwa before Bhojpur. Thus, the major waste-
water streams / possible source of contamination mixing in the river are as follows:
Parameters Results
pH (pH Scale) 8.62
BOD (mg/l) 16
COD (mg/l) 128.4
TS (mg/l) 541
TDS (mg/l) 411
TSS (mg/l) 130
Chloride (mg/l) 135.5
This drain runs through a distance of around 3.24 Km from its origin point. The
maximum flow in this drain is around 0.05 MLD. The drain confluence with river
Betwa near New Industrial Area back side of the Hershey India Limited. The drain
carries the domestic waste-water of Mandheri Village and back-wash water of WTP
of A.K.V.N.
There are 03 water polluting industries namely, R.V.R./Nosler rubber and Hershey
India established in this catchment area. All these industries have commissioned ETPs
for the treatment of the industrial effluent. The treated waste-water is being re-utilized
by these industries for horticulture and other auxiliary utilities. Zero-discharge from
these industries is maintained.
Parameters Results
pH (pH Scale) 7.1
BOD (mg/l) 05
COD (mg/l) 59.2
TS (mg/l) 495
TDS (mg/l) 385
TSS (mg/l) 110
Chloride (mg/l) 86.39
This drain runs through a distance of around 0.9 Km from its origin point. The maximum
flow in this drain is around 0.1 MLD. The drain confluence with river Betwa near road
Bridge Nayapura village District Raisen. The drain carries the domestic waste-water of
Nayapura Village.
No industry has been set up in the catchment of this drain. The drain carries only the
domestic waste-water from the village Nayapura.
(Decimal unit)
Longitude 77 o53’67.14”E
Landmarks/Address of the Locations Near Nayapura Road Bridge
Flow if in MLD, if 0 indicate whether dry are stagnant 0.1 MLD (Max)
Parameters Results
pH (pH Scale) 6.6
BOD (mg/l) 12
COD (mg/l) 108.6
TS (mg/l) 531
TDS (mg/l) 382
TSS (mg/l) 149
Chloride (mg/l) 113.3
This drain run through a distance of around 5.54 Km. The maximum flow in this drain
has been estimated around 0.1 MLD and confluence with river Betwa behind new
industrial area to Satlapur industrial area, Mandideep, District Raisen. The drain collects
the domestic waste of Rahul Nagar and falls in river Betwa.
There are 08 water polluting industries namely, Vista Organics, Sharp Agro, Majistic
Rice, Parle Agro, Kanti Beverages, Lupin, Vardhman spanning and Dawat Foods
established in this catchment area. All these industries have commissioned ETPs / STPs
for the treatment of the industrial effluent / Domestic waste-water. The treated waste-
water is being re-utilized by these industries for horticulture and other auxiliary utilities.
Zero-discharge from these industries is maintained.
77 o55’64.64”E
Landmarks/Address of the Locations Behind Satlapur Village Area
Flow if in MLD, if 0 indicate whether dry are stagnant --
Parameters Results
pH (pH Scale) 6.8
BOD (mg/l) 19
COD (mg/l) 148.2
TS (mg/l) 936
TDS (mg/l) 512
TSS (mg/l) 424
Chloride (mg/l) 160.1
This river Tube trey of River Betwa run through a distance of around 27 Km and
confluence with river Betwa near Bhojpur Village, Mandideep, District Raisen. The
River carries the domestic waste of Kolar Road Residential area and other residential
area those establish at bank of River from Bhopal City and Mandideep city area
There are 09 water polluting industries namely, Tafe India Ltd., Sanwariya Agro Oil,
Sanwariya Rice Mill, Makson Health Care, Makson Nutrition, Crompton Greaves
(Machine Div.), Andrich Hydro, HEG Ltd. and Bhasker Spinning & Dying Mill
established in this catchment area. All these industries have commissioned ETPs /
STPs for the treatment of the industrial effluent / Domestic waste-water. The treated
waste-water is being re-utilized by these industries for horticulture and other auxiliary
utilities. Zero-discharge from these industries is maintained.
Parameters Results
pH (pH Scale) 7.95
BOD (mg/l) 2.6
COD (mg/l) 30.0
TS (mg/l) 320.0
TDS (mg/l) 284.0
TSS (mg/l) 36.0
Chloride (mg/l) 35.67
This drain run through a distance of around 5.11 Km. The maximum flow in this drain
has been estimated around 25 MLD only during monsoon rest of the period the nallah
remains dry. The drain carries the storm-water and domestic waste of part of Vidisha
city and falls in river Betwa.
There is only 01 water polluting industries namely, namely Satya Sai agro Industries
(Solvent extraction & Oil refinery) established in this catchment area. The industry
has commissioned ETP & STP for the treatment of the industrial effluent / Domestic
waste-water. The treated waste-water is being re-utilized by the industry for
horticulture and other auxiliary utilities. Zero-discharge from the industries is
Flow if in MLD, if 0 indicate whether dry are 25 MLD (Max) during monsoon
stagnant only.
Parameters Results
pH (pH Scale) 7.02
BOD (mg/l) 7.0
COD (mg/l) 48.0
TS (mg/l) 988
TDS (mg/l) 126
TSS (mg/l) 132
Chloride (mg/l) 137.79
Parameters Av.
pH (pH Scale) 7.42
BOD (mg/l) 9.0
COD (mg/l) 67.2
TS (mg/l) 1796
TDS (mg/l) 1548
TSS (mg/l) 248
Chloride (mg/l) 137.3
The interpretation of the analysis reports obtained from the analysis of samples when
compared with the standards laid down in IS 2296 revealed that:
The water quality at the origin point of the river at Village Jhirri may be classified
as ‘A’, that is, water here does not require any treatment before use. The flow at
this point is however very meagre as apparent from the picture no. 1.
Water quality at all other points in the entire stretch of river Betwa can be
classified as ‘B’ and ‘C’ during lean season when the flow in the river is not
The river is draining sewage of part of Bhopal City (through River Kaliasot),
Villages and settlements in and around Mandideep, Vidisha City. The river also
carries agriculture run-offs from its catchments during the monsoons. Owing to
above the river is exposed to biological contamination, which bring down the class
of the river to some extent.
During post monsoon when there is flow in the river the average quality of the river is
observed to be “B”. Later from November on wards the flow in the river is non-contiguous
and at some points when there is no flow in the river the water quality of the stagnant water
in patches may go down to class ‘C’. Consistent & better quality of river is expected in the
entire stretch after completion of the following proposed / under implementation plans -
Installation of the STPs on the sewage nallah in catchment of River Kaliasot and
River Betwa in Mandideep & Bhopal Region.
Channelization & installation of the STPs’ on the sewage nallahs draining Vidisha.
Augmentation of water in river so as to maintain e-flow in river.
Vidisha Region:
Currently, Vidisha city sewage is being drained through two major nallahs namely Chorghat
nalla and Jatrapura nalla. Nagar Palika Vidisha has diverted these nallas and the other small
drains and the sewage from the entire drains is collected and treated through ‘Karnal
Technology’ having a capacity of 7.02 MLD. Beside above the storm-water of the city is
drained through Pillia Nalla.
Nagar Palika Vidisha has prepared an integrated sewerage treatment system for the entire
Vidisha city. The details for the same are as follows:
Proposed STP: 03 Nos. Capacities: 7.75 MLD, 7.75 MLD & 6.75 MLD
Under the plan the entire waste-water drains including Chorghat nalla, Pillia nalla and
Jatrapura nalla are covered.
After completion of the above work no untreated or semi-treated waste-water from
Vidisha city shall mix into the River Betwa.
It is reported that the work is in progress and expected date of completion is April
Mandideep Region:
Mandideep Nagar Palika Parishad has reported that the proposal pertaining installation of
integrated sewage treatment and disposal for the entire Mandideep region has been forwarded
to ED, MPUDC for approval. Entire scheme has been included in ADB. The approval on the
same is expected from MPUDC after elections.
S. N Action Plan for rejuvenation of river Organization/Agen Time Target
Betwa cy Responsible for
Execution of the
Action plan
I. Industrial Pollution Control
(a) Inventorization of the industries in the MPPCB 03 months
catchment area of River Betwa covering
assessment on aspects relating to Status
of Consents under Water & Air Acts and
Authorization Effluent Generation, ETP
capacities and final mode of effluent
(b) Actions against the identified industries in MPPCB 03 months
operation without consents under Water
& Air Acts/Authorization under the H &
OW ( M& TM) Rules, 2016 as amended
(c) Action against the industries not installed MPPCB 03 months
ETPs or ETPs exist but not operating or
ETP outlet or treated effluent is not
complying to the effluent discharge
standards or norms
(d) Action against the red category industries MPPCB 03 months
for installation of OCEMS and not
transferring data to CPCB and MPPCB.
(e) Small scale/tiny and service providing MPPCB and Urban 03 months
units located in urban or semi-urban Local Bodies
limits like dairies, Auto Service Stations to
(Mandideep /
have a minimum provisions of O /G traps Vidisha)
(f) Prohibition of Burning of any kind of wasteDistrict 03 months
including agro-residues Administration and
Urban Local Bodies
& Agriculture
(g) Directions to all the industries which are MPPCB 03 months
observed to be not in operation or closed
or temporarily closed to remain close till
further orders.
(h)Estimation of industrial effluent MPPCB There is no
generation and the existing CETP capacity CETP in the said
and to arrive gap between the industrial polluted river
effluent/Domestic sewage generation and stretch
the existing treatment capacity.
M/s HEG Ltd, Mandideep has constructed a stop-dam on river Betwa before Bhojpur
(near the confluence point of River Kaliasot). The industry has made an agreement with
WRD (M.P. Govt) for lifting water (2500 KLD) from the river for use in captive power
production. At this point major quantum of water from R. Kaliasot is being lifted & utilized
by the industry. Thus during non-monsoon period effectively no water from Kaliasot find its
way beyond Bhojpur as the same is being lifted by the industry. Overflow from the HEG
stop-dam is observed only during monsoon.
1.1 NGT Case No. 673/2018 : Hon’ble National Green Tribunal Central Zonal Bench New
Delhi, in the matter of original application no. 673/2018 (News Item Published in the
“Hindu” authored by Shri Jacob Koshy titled” More river stretches are now critically
polluted: CPCB”) passed an order on 20/09/2018. The para 48, 49 and 50.3 of this order
are relevant to comply. The para 48 states that “it is absolutely necessary that Action
Plans are prepared to restore the polluted river stretches to the prescribed standards”.
Para 49 states that “Model Action Plan for Hindon River, already provided by CPCB,
may also be taken into account”
In para 50(i, ii, iii) Hon’ble National Green Tribunal has issued following directions:-
i. All States and Union Territories are directed to prepare action plans within two
months for bringing all the polluted river stretches to be fit at least for bathing
purposes (i,e BOD < 3 mg/L and FC < 500 MPN /100 ml) within six months from
the date of finalization of the action plans.
iii. The action plan will include components like identification of polluting sources
including functioning/ status of STPs/ETPs/CETP and solid waste management and
processing facilities, quantification and characterization of solid waste, trade and
sewage generated in the catchment area of polluted river stretch. The action plan
will address issues relating to; ground water extraction, adopting good irrigation
practices, protection and management of Flood Plain Zones (FPZ), rain water
harvesting, ground water charging maintaining minimum environmental flow of
river and plantation on both sides of the river. Setting up of biodiversity parks on
flood plains by removing encroachment shall also be considered as an important
component for river rejuvenation. The action plan should focus on proper
Page 1
interception and diversion of sewage carrying drains to the Sewage Treatment Plant
(STP) and emphasis should be on utilization of treated sewage so as to minimize
extraction of ground or surface water. The action plan should have speedy, definite
or specific timelines for execution of steps. Provision may be made to pool the
resources, utilizing funds from State budgets, local bodies, State Pollution Control
Board/ Committee and out of Central Schemes.
1.2 Correction in polluted river stretch of Khan : In para 47 of the above order dated
20/09/2018, the polluted river stretch of Khan river has been mentioned as " Kabit Khedi
to Khajrana". In fact, such stretch does not exist in the field. The Khan river originates
from Limbodi tank & meets river Kshipra at triveni sangam, Ujjain after travelling about
72 KM distance. The whole length of the river Khan is found to be polluted mostly due to
city sewage of Indore. Hence, it is respectfully submitted that the polluted stretch as
mentioned in the above order may be corrected as mentioned here in above. Thus, in the
proposed action plan, the whole length of river Khan has been considered for
rejuvenation of river Khan.
1.3 It is pertinent to mention here that, in some of the petitions filed before Hon’ble National
Green Tribunal on the above subject matter, Hon’ble National Green Tribunal, Central
Zonal Bench Bhopal had directed time to time for abatement of Pollution & up-gradation of
water quality of Kanh & Saraswati Rivers of Indore and to deeply re analyse the various
works being implemented by Municipal Corporation in this regard on Environmental
grounds. In the compliance of these orders, the concerned departments carried out various
related works for abatement of pollution of river Kanh & Saraswati. Hon’ble National Green
Tribunal passed following directions.
1.3.1 Incompliance of above directions given by Hon’ble National Green Tribunal, an inter
departmental committee comprising of Collector district Indore (Chairman),
Commissioner IMC Indore, CEO IDA Indore, RO MPPCB Indore, Joint Director DUDA
Indore, Joint Director T & CP Indore & Executive Engineer WRD Indore submitted the
report before Hon’ble NGT on 13.11.2017.
1.2.3 It is pertinent to be mention here that the work on rejuvenation of river khan is already in
progress as stated here in above and the various works related to abatement of pollution in
river khan has already been completed. The details of the same are given in following
sections of this report.
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2.1 River Khan & Various Rivers/ Nallas joining river khan
It is to be mentioned here that there are 02 rivers namely Saraswati River & Kanh Rivers in
flowing in the area and other 10 are the tributary nalas. The details of these rivers/nalas are as
Saraswati River : - It flows in two stretches as shown below and join at Badaribagh
then as one stream up to Sanjay setu where it joins river Kanh. Total length 9.46 km
within Indore city. Both the stretches mostly carry sewage of the area.
o Pipliapala to Badri Bag [Stretch-1]
o Machal Hills – Rau Talab –Bijalpur Talab – Badaribagh, Sanjay Setu. [Stretch-2]
Kanh River – It originates from Asrawadkhurd via Limbodi Talab – Kabitkhedi –
Sanwer and finally joins near Triveni in Kshipra River at Ujjain. Total length of the
river is apprx 72 km while it is only about 27.59 km in the Indore city. The river
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Khan does not has its original water & the sewage of Indore city, Mangliya &
Sanwer Town flows in it.
Piliyakhal Nalla – Is originates from Sirpur Talab to Khatipura where it joins Kanh
river – length 11.3 km. mostly sewage of the city Indore flows in it.
Palasia Nalla – It originates from Pipliyahana Talab to Bhagirath pura where it
joins Kanh river – length 8.32 km. mostly sewage of the city Indore flows in it.
Azad Nagar Nalla – It originates from Virat Nagar to Madina Nagar where it is
joint Kanh river – length 2.59 km. mostly sewage of the city Indore flows in it.
Tulsi Nagar- Talawali Chanda Nalla – It originates from Scheme No. 134
Nipaniya & passes through Talawali Chanda area & joins Kanh river near
Padaliya Bajrang village (out side the Indore city)– length 7.25 km within city.
Mostly sewage of the city Indore flows in it.
Khajarana-Bhamori Nalla – It originates from Mitreshwar Hanuman Mandir &
passes through Khajarana marg, MIG Gurudwara, gram-Bhamori, Bapat Square
(MR-10) & joins River Khan near 12 MLD STP Kabitkhedi.
Narvar Nala – It originate from gram-Narvar & flows through the industrial area
sanwer road Indore and joins river khan at Dhankhedi after travelling about 22
Kms of distance. This Nalla carries industrial waste and domestic waste of the area.
However, Nagar Nigam Indore has intercepted this Nalla near sector-F of I/A of
Sanwer Road and a CETP of 04 MLD has been established to treat the waste water.
Bhowrasala Nala – It originate from AGL station gram-Bhowrasala & flows
through Bhowrasala industrial area & joins Narvar Nala at downstream of Kumedi.
Arvindo College Nala – It originates from the area near Arvindo College & flows
through Lav Kush Chouraha & joins Bhowrasala nala near Akash Global Ltd.
Shakkar khedi Nala – It originates from village-Shakkar khedi area & joins river
Khan at d/s of Shakkar khedi.
Katkia nala – This nala originates from Rajoda area & meets river Khan near
Sanwer Town. At present the nala is not polluted however the care be taken so that
no sewage of Sanwer town flows in it.
Page 4
Khan R.
Kshipra R.
Katkiya Nalla
joining River Khan
at Sanwer
Narwar Nalla
Mixing into Khan
at Dhankhedi Khan R.
Narwar Nalla
Chandrabhaga R.
Pipliya Khan R.
palla Tank
Saraswati R. Limbodi
Page 5
It is an important aspect for revival of river Khan in context of its utility as it is Non-
perennial River. The ultimate goal for beneficial use of river will determine the level of
actions to be taken for maintaining the water quality. In the above application OA no.
673/2018, Hon'ble National Green Tribunal passed the order that "All States and Union
Territories are directed to prepare action plans within two months for bringing all the
polluted river stretches to be fit at least for bathing purposes (i,e BOD < 3 mg/L and FC
< 500 MPN /100 ml) within six months from the date of finalization of the action plans."
Thus accordingly to achieve above goal, the various stake holders viz. Nagar Nigam
Indore, Water Resources Department etc. has been asked to submit the action plan
considering the order of Hon'ble NGT as stated above. For achieving the river quality fit
for bathing purposes, it is essential that there should be minimum flow available in the
river during whole of the year, to get sufficient dilution for treated domestic waste water
(BOD < 10mg/litre). Keeping above in mind, Nagar Nigam Indore has made the action
plan for improvement of catchments of Limbodi Pond, Bilawali Pond, Piplyapala Pond,
Hukma Khedi Pond, Sirpur and Mundi Pond. In fact all these ponds are water feeder pond
to river Khan.
Also, the industrial effluents generated from the catchment of river Khan which
ultimately joining and contributing to the pollution load in river Khan should be treated to
meet the effluent discharge standards stipulated under Schedule-VI of the Environment
(Protection) Rules, 1986 and to reuse the treated waste water for cooling/horticultures and
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Comparative suggested criteria for bathing in river Khan is given in the following Table-1.
River Khan being intermittent river, the action plan for maintaining water quality will be
different from that of the perennial rivers. Presently, the river Khan and its tributary
Saraswati are carrying mostly domestic waste water generated in the municipal limit of
Indore. Also various nallas (10 nos) which carry the sewage meet to river Khan at
different locations. There are 05 ponds namely Limbodi, Bilawali, Hukmakhedi,
Pipliyapala Pond & Sirpur Pond in the upstream of river Khan & Saraswati. In fact the
over flow of these ponds is discharged into above rivers. With the passage of time these
ponds & there catchment area has come into danger & the catchment improvements of
these ponds are also needed. Therefore, the action plan for prevention and control of
pollution of river Khan has been drafted based on the directions given by this Hon’ble
National Green Tribunal as mentioned here in above.
Page 7
5.1 Field Survey
The field recon survey is carried out to see the pollution level and current status of Khan
River. The physical survey is conducted from Indore city up to the confluence of Khan River and
Shipra River at the 3 Km. upstream of Ujjain at Triveni. During the field survey the following
observations were made.
1. The length of Khan River from its origin near Ralamandal, Indore up to its confluence with
Shipra River at Triveni, Ujjain is about 72 kms. The length of Khan River within Indore
City would be around 21 Kms.
2. The following important Nallas / Rivers are meeting with the Khan River within Indore
Municipal Corporation limits.
3. There are in total 468 various sewer outfalls meeting into Khan Rivers directly or through
other channels in form of river or nallas. Out of these, about 314 outfalls are live outfalls
which discharge the sewage into the river Khan.
4. There are several Stop / Check Dams at various locations along the Khan rivers, namely
Kayatkhedi, Panchpipalai, Ramvasa, Jamalpura etc. to store the water for the irrigation
purpose and to facilitate the downstream village for drinking water sources.
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Page 9
5. There are 03 Sewage Treatment Plants located at Kabitkhedi Indore to treat the waste water
of City Indore. The Capacity of these STPs are 245 MLD, 78 MLD & 12 MLD
respectively. The Sewerage network of the city Indore is yet to be completed hence only
part of the Sewage about 150 MLD is reaching to these plants for treatment and rest of the
waste water that is about 170 MLD is directly flowing in river khan. Finally, the river
carries partially treated sewage from Indore to the confluence at Triveni at the 3.0 kms.
upstream of Ujjain City.
6. At present, the local farmers along the Khan River, are using the water from the Khan river
for farming. Since, it has high nutrient value, it is good for irrigation / farming but on the
other side, since, it is in form of partially treated sewage, it carries millions of e-coli
bacteria with it and hence, it is not safe for irrigation purpose.
7. As described earlier, the farmers used the water from Khan River to irrigate their fields,
approximately 90% of running water (including partially treated sewage) is being used for
farming. Hence, practically there was hardly any flow (approximately 15 MLD) in the river
except rainy season. This can be seen in the photographs here below.
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Page 11
10 Khan river at Zoo (Kamla Nehru Park) Khan River 7.6 08 40 498
11 Khan River at North Toda bridge Khan River 7.35 90 166.6 1415
12 Khan river at Rambagh after confluence Khan River 7.63 47 232.32 711
with Saraswati
13 Khan river at Bhagirathpura Khan River 7.91 10 50 488
14 Khan river at Kabitkhedi Khan River 08 15 70 850
15 Khan River at Shakkar khedi Khan River 8.01 12 60 845
16 Khan River at Dhankhedi Khan River 7.52 8 55.68 828
17 Khan River at Darjikaradiya Khan River 7.35 10.12 43 907
18 Khan river at Sanwer Khan River 8.02 12 50 730
19 Khan River at Badodiya khan at Shahda Khan River 7.7 3.8 34.56 638
20 Khan at Jamalpura Khan River 8.4 10 66.64 713
21 Khan at Ramvasa Khan River 7.9 12 58 762
22 Khan at RaghoPipliya Khan River 7.79 16 74.25 88.9
23 Khan at Triveni before confluence to Kshipra River 7.81 10 48 674
Kshipra river
Page 12
Along the river Khan & its catchment, MPPCB Indore collected 209 nos. ground
water samples from 60 sampling locations during 2016-17 & 2017-18. 58 out of 60
ground water sampling locations are located within Indore Municipal Corporation
Area and 02 ground water sampling locations are located outside IMC area. The
ground water samples collected from afore-said locations were analysed for
parameters such as Sulphates (SO4), Fluoride (F) and as well as heavy metals such as
Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Iron (Fe), Nickel (Ni), Zinc (Zn) and
Manganese (Mn) in Regional Laboratory, MPPCB, Indore. Water Quality Monitoring
Results of ground water samples collected by the teams is given in the Table-5.
Minimum and maximum concentration of SO4, Fluoride and heavy metals and no. of
GW sampling locations not complying with the IS 10500-2012 drinking water
specifications (acceptable limits), as amended is given in Table 5.
Analysis results of Ground Water Samples for General Parameters and Heavy
Metals in mg/l
Details Total
No. SO4 F Cd Cu Pb Fe Ni Zn Mn
Minimum 7.94 BDL ND BDL 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.006 BDL 0.001
(in mg/l)
Maximum 255 1.40 ND 0.001 0.007 0.72 0.01 0.141 0.72 0.029
(in mg/l)
No. of
locations 04 31 00 00 00 05 00 00 03 00
exceeding the
IS 10500-2012
Drinking Water
200 1.0 0.003 0.05 0.01 0.3 0.02 5 0.1 0.05
Acceptable Limit
(in mg/l)
Analysis results of the ground water samples collected from 60 sampling locations in
Indore region reveals that the samples w.r. to Sulphate (SO4), Fluoride (F), heavy
metals such as Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Iron (Fe), Nickel (Ni), Zinc
(Zn) and Manganese (Mn), Total Chromium (Cr) are in the order of 7.94 to 255mg/l,
BDL to 1.40 mg/l, Not Detectable, BDL to 0.001 mg/l, 0.001 to 0.007mg/l, 0.001 to
0.72 mg/l, 0.001 to 0.01 mg/l, 0.006 to 0.141 mg/l, BDL to 0.72 mg/l and 0.001 to
0.029 mg/L respectively.
Page 13
7.1 Work taken up so far in order to upgrade the Kanh & Saraswati rivers of Indore
7.1.1 Solid Waste Management Practices - By adopting the best SWM practices in the city
and creating the awareness in the public - not to dump house refuse, debris and
demolished material in & along the river and not to dispose the sewage directly in the
rivers or water streams. Indore stood no.1 in cleanliness amongst all cities in India. The
following are the details of works done under SWM.
Page 14
Page 15
Page 16
• Previously there are 1180 Bin-point in the city and 450 open plots where waste is
being dumped.
• IMC had Eliminate all the 1180 Bin-point and clear all 450 open plot locations.
• IMC has implement spot fines for waste dumped on open plots/points (Both
Commercial & Residential).
Page 17
7.1.3 Cleaning & dredging of rivers – It is being regularly done and so far about 12.0 km
Saraswati river and 13 km Kanh river has been cleaned, dredged and widened also.
As per the directives issued by NGT vide order no. 46 dated 19.07.2017 to take up the
work from upstream i.e. from near Hanuman Mandir, Zoo hence from Azad Nagar
barrage / gated weir to Jagannath bridge in a length about 2.5km in Kanh river has
been taken as a Pilot Project for upgradation of Kanh river in which following
activities are going on -
i- Dredging and cleaning of river including widening protection of river banks i/c the
construction of retaining walls as per requirement.
ii- Rejuvenation of all old heritage structure by traditional methods – in this work all
the old Ghats, 5 old dug wells which were ruined and filled up, are being restored
Page 18
iii- Rejuvenation of old stop dams (barrages / gated weir) constructed at the time
of Holkar State – there are 05 stop dams which are proposed to be renovate.
i- Azad Nagar
ii- Hanuman Mandir
iii- Parsi Mohalla
iv- Jagannath Bridge
v- Dhobi Ghat
Page 19
Rejuvenation of old stop dams (barrages / gated weir) constructed at the time of
Holkar State (Cont……) –
The above pilot project shall take about 4 months to complete. On the basis of
above work other site shall be taken up for up-gradation.
7.1.4 Diversion of sewer outfalls from Kanh & Saraswati rivers and main Six nallas
namely Palasia, Piliyakhal, Bhamori, Tulsi Nagar, Azad Nagar & Shakkarkhedi -
(i) Tapping of Secondary Sewerage outfalls joining in kanh & saraswati rivers &
connect to primary line to carry the waste to STP for treatment : Work is in
progress and about 80% work has been completed. Out of about 128 outfalls
86 outfall has been trapped & 19 km sewerage line has been laid. Work likely
to be completed upto Jan. 2019. The cost of this work is Rs. 59.0 Cr.
Page 20
7.1.5 Sewerage Treatment Plants and Common Effluent Treatment Plant – The
details are as below-
Page 21
Municipal Corporation with the help of MPPCB has conducted many raids on the
polythene manufacturers and sellers and also traders. Municipal Corporation has
seized about 150 Tons of banned polythene. This action has resulted the pollution
control in the catchment of river Kanh & Saraswati.Municipal Corporation has
observed more than 50% reduction of polythene waste in its MSW.Municipal
Corporation has also banned the interested transportation of polythene. IMC has issued orders for imposing the fines on open defecation, littering of MSW,
open urination and spiting in public places, open chemical waste disposal and
movement of cattle in public places.
7.1.7 Plantation including fencing along the bank of rivers in order to improve the
There is a proposal for thick plantation all along the river bank by various species
plants in order to improve the environment and to stop the further encroachment along
the bank and to reduce the soil erosion. At so many places fencing is also being done
in order to save the plants from animals. Plantation is being proposed with three year
maintenance. In the Smart City area landscaping type plantation is being adopted.
Still the plantation at following places looking to the availability of the space has
been done.
Page 22
Page 23
a. Surveyed so far along Kanh & Saraswati River – 2917Nos.
b. Encroachment Removed
• C.P. Shekhar Nagar – 1318 Nos.
• Shankar Bag – 06 Nos.
• Tejpur Gadbadi – 42 Nos.
• New Prakash Nagar – 240 Nos.
• Near Chandrabhaga (Champabag Pool) – 15 Nos.
Total – 1621 Nos.
The above removed families have been shifted in the houses constructed under
BUSP at Ahirkhedi and Nainod.Due to non availability of the housing unit
encroachment is not being removed. Still at following places, under Housing program
construction is going on.
1 Bada Bangarda, Budaniya 2136 Nos. Dec. 2018 (Expected Date of Completion)
2 Bada Bangarda Ext. 384 Nos. Dec. 2018 (Expected Date of Completion)
Page 24
8. Proposed action plan- Short term & Long term action and the
identified authorities for initiating actions and the time limits for
ensuring compliance.
The short term and long term action plans and the implementing
agencies responsible for execution of the action plans and the time limits are
given in table as below :-
Page 25
(d) Actions against the MPPCB/CPCB Within 06
Identified industries in Months
operation without
Consents under Water
& Air
under the H & OW (M
& TM) Rules 2016 as
Page 26
2 Sewage Treatment & Disposal Plan
(e) Repair of existing stop IMC Indore Within six Work in progress
dams Bijalpur dam, months
AWASA Dam, Imitish
nagar, baramath, nahar
Bhandar, ghanghour
ghat, Dhobi ghat.
Page 27
3. Protection of Sirpur Pond& its water quality
(b) Fencing of Sirpur Pond IMC Indore Completed Work completed (45
Page 28
Shakkarkhedi) of city to completed upto Jan.
primary line. 2019.
(Simhasth/IMC Fund)
Remaining work of
four nallas shifted to
AMRUT project.
Phase-1 project of Rs. 270 cr is already under process of implementation. The details of
works are as under
5.1 Interception & Diversion of Sewage with STP in river Khan from d/s of Limbodi Pond to
Radhaswami (Palda)
5.2 Interception & Diversion of Sewage with STP in river Khan & Azad nagar nala from d/s
of Radhaswami (Palda) to Zoo
Page 29
5.3 Interception & Diversion of Sewage going into Rajendra Nagar Nala joining river
Saraswati at Amitesh nagar & construction of STP.
(e) Laying of Sewer Line in IMC Indore Scheme is Cost of work Rs.
Sch. No. 71 industrial already under 16.00 Lakhs. Work in
area implementation progress. To be
completed in 06
Page 30
6. Phase-2:- DPR has been Prepared for following works & submitted for approval under
AMRUT Project of Rs. 1299.42 cr.
6.1 Interception & Diversion of Sewage going into Sirpur talab joining river kanh by Piliakhal
nalah & construction of STP.
(a) Laying of Sewer lines in UADD/IMC Indore Scheme made After allotment of
the area (Sirpur, & Submitted fund (Within 3
Ahirkhedi village, and for approval. years)
adjoining colonies)-46
6.2 Interception & Diversion of Sewage going into Tulsi Nagar Nala joining river kanh at
Mangliya & construction of STP.
(a) Laying of Sewer lines in UADD/IMC Indore Scheme made After allotment of
the area Arandiya & Submitted fund (Within 3
village and adjoining for approval. years)
colonies, - 73 Kms.
6.3 Interception & Diversion of Sewage going into Bhourasala nala to Narval Nala & joining
river kanh & construction of STP.
(a) Laying of Sewer lines in UADD/IMC Indore Scheme made After allotment of
the area Rewati village, & Submitted fund (Within 3
Bhourasala village and for approval. years)
adjoining colonies - 12
6.4 Interception & Diversion of Sewage going into Kanadiya nala & joining river Kshipra &
construction of STP.
(a) Laying of Sewer lines in UADD/IMC Indore Scheme made After allotment of
the area Bicholi Mardana & Submitted fund (Within 3
village, Bicholi Hapsi for approval. years)
village, Kanadiay village
and adjoining colonies -
95 Kms.
Page 31
(b) STP near (Kanadiya UADD/IMC Indore
village) - 25 MLD
6.5 Interception & Diversion of Sewage going into narval nala & joining river Kanh &
construction of STP.
(a) Laying of Sewer lines in UADD/IMC Indore Scheme made After allotment of
the area Bada Bangarda & Submitted fund (Within 3
village chotta Bada for approval. years)
Bangarda village and
adjoining colonies, - 52
6.6 Interception & Diversion of Sewage going into Tulsi Nagar Nala joining river kanh at
Mangliya & construction of STP.
(a) Laying of Sewer lines in UADD/IMC Indore Scheme made After allotment of
the area Talawalichanda & Submitted fund (Within 3
village , Lasudi mori for approval. years)
village and adjoining
colonies , - 12 Kms.
6.7 Rehabilitation and Up gradation of Existing 78 & 12 MLD STPs. discharge treated water
in kanh river
Reuse of 200 mld effluent UADD/IMC Indore Scheme made After allotment of
of existing 245 mld STP & & Submitted fund (Within 3
proposed STPS in Phase- for approval. years)
1&2 for garden, flushing,
horticulture & fire fighting
Page 32
i/c construction of 15 nos
OHT & pipe network of 500
Page 33
units in Operation
without obtaining of
(f) To ensure rain water CGWA/M.P. Ground Within 06
harvesting by the Water Months
industrial commercial Department/T&CP/M
and other institutions
CI/Local bodies
and groundwater
recharging with only
clean water be
encouraged by
Page 34
(b) Strengthening of WRD Indore Within six
existing pond viz. stone months
pitching of bunds,
plantation etc.
Page 35
3. Catchment improvement of Bilawali Pond
Page 36
Report on Prevention & Control of pollution in River Chambal
An Action Plan for Rejuvenation
S. No. Description
1 Introduction
2 Water Quality
3 Details of Industries
1. Introduction:-
The Chambal River is a tributary of the Yamuna River in central India, and
thus forms part of the greater Gangetic drainage system. The river flows
north-northeast through Madhya Pradesh, running for a time
through Rajasthan, then forming the boundary between Rajasthan and
Madhya Pradesh before turning southeast to join the Yamuna in Uttar
Pradesh state.
It is a legendary river and finds mention in ancient scriptures.
The perennial Chambal originates at janapav, south of Mhowtown,
near manpur Indore, on the south slope of the Vindhya Range in Madhya
Pradesh. The Chambal and its tributaries drain the Malwa region of
northwestern Madhya Pradesh, while its tributary, the Banas, which rises in
the Aravalli Range, drains southeastern Rajasthan. It ends a confluence of
five rivers, including the Chambal, Kwari, Yamuna, Sind, Pahuj,
at Pachnadanear Bhareh in Uttar Pradesh state, at the border
of Bhind and Etawah districts.
The Chambal River is considered pollution free and hosts an amazing
riverine faunal assemblage including 2 species of crocodilians – the mugger
and gharial, 8 species of freshwater turtles, smooth-coated otters, gangetic
river dolphins, skimmers, black-bellied terns, sarus cranes and black-
necked storks, amongst others.
The 960 kilometres (600 mi) long Chambal River originates from the
Singar Chouri peak on the northern slopes of the Vindhyan escarpment, 15
kilometres (9.3 mi) West-South-West of Mhow in Indore District, Madhya
Pradesh state, at an elevation of about 843 metres (2,766 ft). The river
flows first in a northerly direction through Madhya Pradesh (M.P.) for
about 346 kilometres (215 mi) and then in a generally north-easterly
direction for 225 kilometres (140 mi) through Rajasthan. The Chambal
flows for another 217 kilometres (135 mi) between M.P. and Rajasthan and
a further 145 kilometres (90 mi) between M.P. and Uttar Pradesh(U.P.). It
enters U.P. and flows for about 32 kilometres (20 mi) before joining
the Yamuna River in Jalaun District at an elevation of 122 metres (400 ft),
to form a part of the greater Gangetic drainage system.
From its source down to its junction with the Yamuna, the Chambal has a
fall of about 732 metres (2,402 ft). Of this, around 305 metres (1,001 ft) is
within the first 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) reach from its source. It falls for
another 195 metres (640 ft) in the next 338 kilometres (210 mi), where it
enters the gorge past the Chaurasigarh Fort. During the next 97 kilometres
(60 mi) of its run from the Chaurasigarh Fort to Kota city, the bed falls by
another 91 metres (299 ft). For the rest of its 523 kilometres (325 mi) run,
the river passes through the flat terrain of the Malwa Plateau and later
the Gangetic Plain with an average gradient of 0.21 m/km.
The Chambal is a rainfed catchment with a total drained area up to its
confluence with the Yamuna of 143,219 square kilometres (55,297 sq mi).
The drainage area resembles a rectangle up to the junction of the Parvathi
and Banas Rivers with the Chambal flowing along its major axis. The
Chambal Basin lies between latitudes 22° 27' N and 27° 20' N and
longitudes 73° 20' E and 79° 15' E. On its south, east and west, the basin is
bounded by the Vindhyan mountain ranges and on the north-west by
the Aravallis. Below the confluence of the Parvathi and Banas, the
catchment becomes narrower and elongated. In this reach, it is bounded by
the Aravalli mountain ranges on the North and the Vindhyan hill range on
the south
The Vindhyan scarps, in the northwest, flank the left bank of the Chambal,
and subsequently, is mainly drained by it. The Chambal rising within about
6 km of the Narmada River appears as a consequent on the Mesozoic
surface, superimposed on the scarps, and cuts straight through them, with
subsequent tributaries on the softer shales. The River Chambal and its
tributaries Kali Sindh and Parbati have formed a triangular alluvial basin,
about 200–270 metres (660–890 ft) above the narrow trough of the lower
Chambal in Kota. It is a typical anterior-drainage pattern river, being much
older than the rivers Yamuna and Ganges, into which it eventually flows.
The tributaries of the Chambal include KShipra, Choti Kalisindh, Sivanna,
Retam, Ansar, Kalisindh, Banas, Parbati, Seep, Kuwari, Kuno, Alnia, Mej,
Chakan, Parwati, Chamla, Gambhir, Lakhunder, Khan, Bangeri, Kedel and
According to Crawford (1969), the Chambal river valley is part of the
Vindhyan system which consists of massive sandstone, slate and limestone,
of perhaps pre-Cambrian age, resting on the surface of older rocks. Hillocks
and plateaus represent the major landforms of the Chambal valley. The
Chambal basin is characterised by an undulating floodplain, gullies and
ravines. The Hadauti plateau in Rajasthan occurs in the upper catchment of
the Chambal River to the southeast of the Mewar Plains. It occurs with the
Malwa plateau in the east. Physiographically, it can be divided into
Vindhyan scarp land and Deccan Lava (Malwa) plateau. According to
Heron (1953), the eastern pediplain, occurring between the Vindhyan
plateau and the Aravalli hill range, contains a thin veneer of Quaternary
sediments, reworked soil and river channel fills. At least two erosional
surfaces can be recognised within the pediplain are the Tertiary age. The
Vindhyan upland, the adjoining Chambal valley and the Indo-Gangetic
alluvial tract (older alluvium) are of Pleistocene to Sub-recent age. Badland
topography is a characteristic feature of the Chambal valley, whereas
kankar has extensively developed in the older alluvium.
Measure taken by different government agency to minimize pollution
in Chambal River:-
1- The Municipal council of Nagda has prepared DPR of Rs. 61.40 Crore
for the sewerage line & treatment of domestic waste water generated
from Nagda Town. The Municipal council Nagda vide their letter no.
7778 dated 26-10-2018 informed that the project has been pending for
sanction &further tendering in M.P. Urban Development Company
Bhopal (MPUDC) after sanction the project will be execute in three
year time. Annexure – 1.
2-Water resources department Ujjain informed that Bairrage cum
diversion scheme of Rs.64.14 Cr. is proposed at Ninawada kheda
(about 7 km downstream of Nagda town). Water after collection may
be used for dilution purpose of polluted water coming from Nagda
town. Annexure – 2.
3- M/s Grasim Industry Ltd. (SFD) Nagda has submitted action plan to
fulfill zero discharge condition till January 2021 enclosed as per
Annexure – 3.
4- Project has been prepared & submitted for sanction by Regional
Office M.P. Pollution Control Board, Ujjain of Rs 1.14 Crore of title
“Study of Underground water quality in adjacent villages of River
Chambal from village Piploda (Distt- Ujjain) to village – Tal (Distt-
Ratlam) “for Comprehensive study of quality & assessment of
underground water. The copy of letter written to Board office are
enclosed as per enclosed Annexure – 4.
5- PHED & the M.P. Jal Nigam Maryadith Periyogna has prepared
scheme of Rs 29.29 Crore to supply potable water in affected village
along the bank of Chambal River. PHED sent detailed of contaminated
hand pump vide their letter no. 621 dated 27-10-2018.The detailed are as
per Annexure – 5.
Regional Office, Ujjain has also issued letter in reference to concerned
department in reference to NGT Case No. OA 673/2018 is enclosed as
per Annexure -6.
2. Water Quality:-
Report on Prevention & Control of pollution in River Kshipra
An Action Plan for Rejuvenation
S. No. Description
1 Introduction
2 Water Quality
1. Introduction:-
In Sanatan dharma and Vedic culture, rivers have a unique place. Rivers
are treated as mothers. Our rivers are not silent. They speak of their age
old experiences. They keep human emotions alive. Our ancestors kept an
unending relation with rivers and succeeded in evolving a spiritual
dialogue with them as a result of which, these rivers also dedicated
themselves in the process of refining humanity.
Our tradition admires, adores and worships the purity and holiness of
rivers. Rishis of Vedic period sang verses in praise of these rivers. These
verses inspired the successive generation which through their toil realized
the dreams of their ancestors and in this way achieved glorious destiny of
our civilization and culture.
Though the Western poet hailed the purity of rivers, there is a distinctive
difference in the Western and Indian view of rivers.
In England, they praised mighty Thames but they talked of only the utility
of the river. Neither do they attached any idea of spiritual meaning to the
existence of rivers like we do with Ganga, Yamuna and Narmada that they
became lifelines of our collective spiritual, cultural and ancient
civilization experience
Kshipra River, flowing since the times of ancient India to the present age
has been witnessing ups and downs of cultural and spiritual evolution as
well as rise and fall of dynasties that flourished on its banks.
It originates not out of a mountain cave, but out of the womb of the earth
and flows on the surface. Hence sorrows, happiness, expectations and
aspirations of common people have been intermingled in its waters. This is
the reason; it is called „Lok Sarita‟, the river of the masses.
It has been sprinkling its water at the holy feet of Lord Mahakal since time
immemorial and has become a living symbol of our faith.
Kshipra is a witness to that great feeling which defines humanity itself
after every twelve years when great religious congregation Simhasth
Kumbh Mahaparv is celebrated here which is the great spiritual experience
of Indian culture.
Kshipra seems to awaken us as a mentor of holiness, penance and
conviction to maintain the eternal Indian tradition. Kshipra is a carrier of
our evergreen cultural legacy.
Majority of Indian rivers flow towards the south but Kshipra is a
„Uttargami‟ (north flowing) river. Chambal is a tributary of Kshipra. This
fact has been mentioned in the „Skandpuran‟ also.Sanskrit literature is full
of Kshipra grandeur. We find Kshipra‟s mention in Yajurveda
also.Sanskrit literature is full of Kshipra grandeur. We find Kshipra‟s
mention in Yajurveda also. There a Vedic Rishi has remembered Kshipra
calling – ‘Kshipre awe payha’. The river also found a place of honour in
Mahabharata, Bhagwat Puran, Brahma Puran, Shiv Puran, Ling Puran and
Waman Puran also.
Great poet Kalidas praised Kshipra in words like „Kshiprawatah
Priyatamiva Prarthanachatukarah‟. Rishi Vashishtha calls it a river of
Holy dip in Kshipra during Simhasth Kumbh Mahaparv has a special
significance because here the festivals of Kumbh and simhastha both
A legend has it that Atri Rishi did rigorous penance for 3000 years at
Ujjain. Throughout this period he held his arms upward. When he
completed his penance and opened his eyes he saw that two great bands of
light emerging from his body. The first one went to the sky and it is said it
converted into the moon and the other band of light went downward to
earth and took the form of river Kshipra.
Kshipra is also called „Somvati‟. There is a very famous story in the
„Dasham Skand‟ of Bhagwat. When Lord Krishna finished his education
at „Sandipani Ashram‟ he offered his „Guru Dakshina‟ to the Guru Patni,
the wife of the master Sandipani. She asked him to return her son to life
who had drowned in a river.
Lord Krishna obeyed the order of Guru Patni and thus paid Guru
Dakshina, the offering a student pays as a token of his gratitude towards
his master.
Such legends and stories are part and parcel of the waters of Kshipra.
Another interesting legend has it that once Lord Mahakaleshwar was very
hungry. Like a holy sage, he went for begging. But he didn‟t get anything
for a number of days. Then he went to his colleague deity Lord Vishnu..
But Lord Vishnu instead of offering alms, showed his index finger. Lord
Shiva lost his patience and he pierced the finger with his Trishul. The
finger started bleeding profusely. Seeing this, Lord Shiva calmed down
and he kept a human skull under the bleeding finger to collect flowing
blood in it. When the bowl of skull got filled, blood started overflowing
and this led to the birth of river Kshipra.
Banks of Kshipra have been witnessing so many religious congregations
over the ages, though Kshipra today is not what it has been described in
our ancient literature. It doesn‟t have that great flow and it has become
polluted to a great extent. But for the first Simhasth Kumbh Mahaparv of
new millennium, People of Ujjain are determined to free the Kshipra of
pollution and maintain its flow as a result of this the river seems to be
shimmering with happiness on being restored its pristine glory.
Kshipra has surrounded the city of Ujjain from three sides. It enters the
city through south-eastern end and then it establishes intimacy with every
nook and corner of the city before taking beautiful turns at „Triveni‟ and at
the road leading to Chintaman Ganesh temple.
Then it is blessed at the Mahakal and Harsiddhi temples. In front of Lord
Mahakal its waves seem to be dancing and when it reaches towards
Durgadas‟ Chhatri at Chakra Tirth, It reminds us of the world famous
Manikarnika „ghats‟ of Kashi.
Then it passes by Bhartrihari cave, Peer Machhinder, Garha Kalika and
Kal Bhairav, and telling glimpses of Sandipani Ashram and Ram Janardan
Mandir, it reaches Mangalnath.
Then it takes turn to Siddhavat and after that surrounds Kaliadeh Palace.
At Kaliadeh Palace, it takes so many beautiful turns, which are worth
seeing. Then it comes to the centre of the town and pays obeisance to Lord
Mahakal at Mahakal Temple. The banks of „ghats‟ which witness beauty
of Kshipra has become immortal in the golden pages of ancient history of
These spellbinding banks of Kshipra have many ancient temples, which
seem to tell the glory of Kshipra.
Pious, sacred and full of religious significance, the river Kshiprais in fact
salvation-granting Ganga of Malwa on the banks of which
famous Simhasth Kumbh Mahaparv, the great religious congregation,
takes place every twelve years.
Kshipra is not merely a river; it is a living symbol of faith, believe and
inner experience of Millions of devotees across the Globe. Millions of
Devotees comes here and aspire for salvation by taking holy dip in this
sacred “Kshipra River”. Mythological references have it that a few drops
of “AMRIT” (Nectar) -the mortal drinks of the Gods-spilled into the
sacred river during the conflict between the Gods and demons. Bearing
this legend, the holy river has been flowing like „Amrit Dhara„ (the stream
of nectar or ambrosia)and because of this holy men, sages and sadhus feel
gratified by taking holy dip in this sacred river.
Chambal River
Kshripa River
Gambhir River
3. Proposed Short Term and Long Term Action plan for Rejuvenation
of River Kshipra:-
Sl. Action plan for Organisation/ Time Present
rejuvenation of river Agency Target Status
Kshipra Responsible for
Execution of the
Action plan
1. Industrial Pollution Control
(a)Inventorisation of MPPCB Within three Water
the industries in the months polluting
catchment area of industry
River Kshipra covered
covering assessment under
on aspects relating different
to status of consents Environment
under water & Air al Acts
Acts and
Effluent Generation,
ETP capacities and
final mode of
effluent discharges
(b) Action against MPPCB Within three All water
the identified months polluting
industries in industries
operation without are already
consents under covered
water & Air under
Acts/Authorization different
under the H & OW ( Environment
M& TM) Rules, al Acts
2016 as amended.
(c)Action against the MPPCB Within three
industries not install month
ETP or ETPs exist
but not operating or
ETP outlet or treated
effluent is not
complying to the
effluent discharge
standards or norms
(d) Action against MPPCB Within three Such type
the red cat. Industry month of industry
for installation of are not
OCEMS and not situated in
transferring data to Ujjain
(e)Small scale/tiny and MPPCB Within three Notice serve
service providing month to different
unit located in urban auto service
or semi urban limits station &
like Auto service most of
stations to have a them have
minimum provision installed
of O & G traps minimum
provision of
O & G traps
(f) Prohibition of State Gov. / Within three Action
Burning of any kind District/ local month already
of waste including Authorities taken by
agro residues local
ion for
burning of
(g) Direction to all MPPCB Within three
the industries which month
are observed to be
not in operation or
closed or
temporarily closed
to remain close till
further order from
(h) Estimation of MPPCB Within three No existing
Industrial effluent month CETP
generation and the
existing CETP
capacity and to
arrive gap between
the industrial
effluent generation
and the existing
treatment capacity
(i) Channelization of MPPCB /District Within six No existing
industrial effluent to Collector month CETP
CETPs for ensuring /DIC/Municipal
treatment to comply corporation Ujjain
with the discharge
(j) Identification of State Within two
suitable site within Government/ years
Industrial estates, MPPCB /District
Execution and Collector
Commissioning of /DIC/Municipal
Adequate Capacity Corporation
CETPs Ujjain.
II Sewage Treatment And Disposal Plant
(a)District wise Municipal Work is Beside
estimation of total corporation already in present 52
sewage generation Ujjain progress & MLD
existing treatment likely to sewage
capacities, complete treatment at
quantum of within 2 sadawal
disposal of years Ujjain and
sewage presently another STP
through drains and of 92.5
the gaps in sewage MLD
treatment capacity Capacity
Proposed at
Details are
as per
annexure -1
(b) To undertake Municipal Sewer Work
measurement of corporation is already in
flow of all the Ujjain progress &
drains presently likely to
contributing complete
pollution load in within 2
river Kshipra and years.
to formulate Concrete
detailed project and Tiles
report (DPR) for fixing work
each drain and at Ram
corresponding Ghat.
town Details are
as per
annexure -8