NCP-Resubmission - Mercado, Alyssa Marie R.
NCP-Resubmission - Mercado, Alyssa Marie R.
NCP-Resubmission - Mercado, Alyssa Marie R.
Submitted by:
Alyssa Marie R. Mercado
Submitted to:
Jose Henry T. Lansangan, RN, PhD
Subjective Imbalanced Short term: 1. Promote 1. This will Goal met:
data: nutrition: intake of help the Goal was met
The patient’s less than After 1 day of water for at patient’s body after 1 day of
mother body nursing least 2-8 to perform nursing
verbalizes: requirements intervention, oz/day important intervention
“She does r/t the patient through IV functions such AEB the
not want to inadequate will be able to fluid as absorption patient’s ability
play with her amount of regain her to regain her
siblings” nutrients as appetite to 2. Record 2. To track strength and
manifested eat food intake whether the appetite to eat
“She only by very thin patient is by showing
drinks and pale eating too interest to food
condensed appearance much or not or milk.
milk mixed alongside enough food
with water as with diarrhea for her age.
a milk Goal partially
substitute 3. Encourage 3. This will met:
because we the family become a Goal was
cannot afford members to huge help in partially met
to buy milk give increasing the after 1 day of
supplements” companion to patient’s nursing
the patient appetite intervention
“She doesn’t when they AEB the patient
want to eat” feed her. was somehow
able to regain
Objective 4. Promote 4. This will her appetite by
data: small but help in having little
The patient frequent reducing the interest to food
has a thin feeding to the feeling of or milk.
body type patient fullness and
may improve Goal unmet:
The patient food intake Goal was unmet
looks very after 1 day of
pale 5. Educate 5. This will nursing
the family help the intervention
The patient members to patient to be AEB the patient
has frequent provide a more still shows loss
diarrhea pleasant favourable in of appetite and
environment eating shows no
interest on food
or milk.
The patient’s
weight is 8.9 Reassessment
lbs statement:
Reassess the
The patient’s patient and give
length is 20.1 another 1 day
inches to regain the
appetite to eat
following the
average body
weight of an 8-
4. Monitor 4. This will month-old baby
and record help you in which is 17.5
the color and having clues to lbs.
consistency the nutrient
of the absorption of Goal unmet:
patient’s the patient. Goal was unmet
stools after 1 month of
5. Refer the 5. Dieticians intervention
patient and are AEB the infant’s
the family professionals remained body
member to a that has weight of 8.9 lbs
dietician for greater and the inability
further knowledge to reach the
assessment when it comes average body
to the weight of an 8-
recommended month-old baby
nutritional which is 17.5
value of foods. lbs.
Reassess the
patient and give
an extra 2
weeks to reach
the average
weight of an 8-
month-old baby
following the