B.SC - II Practice Questions
B.SC - II Practice Questions
B.SC - II Practice Questions
A multivibrator is an electronic
circuit used to All of the
implement_________ Oscillator Timer Flip-flop Mentioned
Operational Amplifier consists of Very High Very Low
the following features Very High Input Output
______________. Gain Impedance Impedance all are correct
The output of the sweep and time sinusoidal cosine both sinusoidal saw tooth
base generator will waveform waveform and saw tooth waveform
be____________ waveform
An ideal operational amplifier has infinite output zero input infinite All of the
__________ impedance impedance bandwidth Mentioned
How the slew rate is represented? V/ms V/s V/µs mv/S
The ratio between differential gain Differential-
and common-mode gain is mode Common-mode
called:______ Amplitude rejection rejection Phase
An Operational Amplifier can
amplify ____________ AC Signal DC Signal AC & DC Signal none of these
In op-amp, the signal applied at
inverting terminal appears at the
output terminal with a
phase_____ degree. 0 90 180 45
The two input terminals of an Positive and Inverting and ans non
opamp are labeled as___________ High and low negative non inverting differential
If a Sawtooth wave is fed to a
differentiating circuit, the output Triangular Sawtooth Rectangular
will be________ wave wave wave None of these
A differential amplifier is capable DC input AC input AC & DC input None of the
of amplifying___________ signal only signal only signal Mentioned
If output is measured between Dual Input Dual Input Single Input Single Input
two collectors of transistors, then Balanced Unbalanced Balanced Unbalanced
the Differential amplifier with one Output Output Output Output
input signal is said to be
configured as___________
If output is measured one Dual Input Dual Input Single Input Dual Input
collector terminal of transistors, Balanced Unbalanced unBalanced Unbalanced
then the Differential amplifier with Output Output Output Output
one input signal is said to be
configured as___________
Considered as a free-running monostable bistable astable none of these
The output of an RC integrator is
taken across the ___________ Diode Capacitor Resistor Source
How many types of multivibrators
are? 2 3 4 5
Astable multivibrator is ________
in any state. Stable Unstable Saturated none of these
Astable circuit acts as a/an Relaxation
____________ Amplifier oscillator Multiplexer Demultiplexer
Monostable multivibrator can also Full astable multivibra Full bistable
be termed as ____________ multivibrator tor multivibrator none of these
Bi-stable multivibrat both Astable
What is a square wave generator? multivibrator or and Bistable none of these
Circuit which consist of a quasi- monostable Astable
stable state is called________ bistable circuit circuit multivibrator none of these
The internal circuitry of the 555
timer consists of ________, an R-S
flip-flop, a transistor switch, an two
output buffer amplifier, and a a voltage comparator
voltage divider amplifier s a peak detector none of these
In 555 timer, reset is present at
pin _____ 1 4 8 2
When 555 timer is configured as
an astable multi Vibrator, its duty internal external All of the
cycle is determined by resistors resistors inductors Mentioned
one input is
and signal is both inputs are
When a differential amplifier is the output is applied to connected the output is
operated single-ended,______ grounded the other together not inverted
Find the output voltage of an ideal
op-amp. If V1 and V2 are the two VO= VO=
input voltages VO= V1-V2 Ad×(V1-V2) Ad×(V1+V2) VO= V1×V2
A circuit whose output is
proportional to the difference
between the input signals is
considered to be which type of Common-
amplifier? mode Differential Operational none of these
When the feedback is applied to
the OP Amplifier then it works as Open Loop Closed Loop Variable Loop
_______. Mode Mode Mode none of these
The ratio between the Open Loop
Gain and Common Mode Voltage
is called ____________. Slew Rate CMRR Double Ended Stable
The frequency of DC Signal is
____________. Infinite Zero MHZ GHZ
A circuit that removes positive or
negative parts of waveform is All of the
called_____________ clamper clipper integrator Mentioned
In RC high pass circuit input signal
is connected to _________ Resistor R Capacitor C Diode D None of these
In sweep generator, Sweep rate is Resistor R Capacitor C Diode D None of these
controlled by a _________
Sweep generator works on the Resistor R Capacitor C Diode D None of these
principle of __________
When a UJT is turned ON, the Remains the Is Is increased None of these
resistance between emitter same decreased
terminal and lower base terminal
IC 741 consist ________ pins 4 8 16 40
In which region a transistor acts as cut off region active saturated none of these
a closed switch? region region
If output is measured one Dual Input Dual Input Single Input Single Input
collector terminal of transistors, Balanced Unbalanced Balanced Unbalanced
then the Differential amplifier with Output Output Output Output
two input signal is said to be
configured as___________
high pass R-C Low pass R- Low pass R-C High pass R-C
circuits with a C circuit circuit with a circuit with a
large time with very Large time very small
An integrator is a____________ constant small time constant time constant
A clamping circuit Is also voltage or d.c restorer amplitude none of these
called_______ current limiter selector
In which region a transistor acts as cut off region active saturated none of these
an open switch? region region
Sweep rate is controlled by a capacitor resistor diode inductor
The UJT may be used as A sawtooth rectifier Multiplexer Demultiplexer
16. In astable multivibrator, if
___________ generator
charging time constant is equal to
discharging time constant, the
cycle is______
100% 50% 75% 25%