Stretching Exercises: Shoulder
Stretching Exercises: Shoulder
Stretching Exercises: Shoulder
Box 660
85 Sierra Park Road
Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
Stretching Exercises
This handout illustrates some basic range of motion exercises for the shoulder.
They should be performed within your comfort zone unless otherwise instructed.
Unless your doctor feels that you have adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder, these
exercises should not cause pain. These exercises can be used for almost all
shoulder problems as maintaining range of motion is very important. This handout
and these exercises are only a general template and should be supplemented by the
physical therapy program prescribed by your doctor. If at any time you are
uncertain about what to do, or you have new or increasing pain, please consult
your physician or therapist.
Pendulum Exercises
Bend forward and allow your arm to hang free, then
gently begin to swing your body and arm in a circular
This allows for early range of motion without stressing
the shoulder muscles. It can be done in the early post-
operative period or soon after a fracture.
Tummy rubs are another gentle motion that can be performed early after injury or
surgery. While either seated or standing, simply rub your abdomen in a circular