Re-Examining The Relationship Between Inflation, Exchange Rate and Economic Growth in Nigeria
Re-Examining The Relationship Between Inflation, Exchange Rate and Economic Growth in Nigeria
Re-Examining The Relationship Between Inflation, Exchange Rate and Economic Growth in Nigeria
2 (2018)
Adekunle O. Ahmed1
Abstract: This paper re-examining the relationship between inflation, exchange rate and economic growth in Nigeria. The
study used annual time series data from 1981 to 2016 sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin (CBN). The
study employed ARDL Model to test for short and long run relationship among the variables. The empirical results show that
there is long run relationship among the variables. The short run result reveals that only inflation has a negative relationship
with economic growth in Nigeria. The indirect relationship between inflation and economic growth requires urgent attention
by government because variation in exchange rate translate to export and import of goods and services will be associated
with inflation as the fluctuation in exchange rate leads to upward and downward trend in price.
Keywords: ARDL; Exchange rate; Inflation; Economic growth
1. Introduction
Issues on exchange rate movement and inflation on economy has remained an interesting puzzle in the
literature. Given the implications of such movement on the economic growth, it required an adequate
attention to be tackled by any government in most developing countries, especially in Nigeria, where
exchange rate has remained devastated while the problem of high inflation persists.
Nigeria as a country has experimented many policies within the scope of fixed and exchange rate
systems over the years. The objective of change in policies within time is to stabilize price and attain
other crucial macroeconomic goals (Ezeh & Obi, 2016).
Inflation has unstable movement in Nigeria as a result of changing in government. Maintaining a
moderate inflation rate has been a global objective of regulatory bank of Nigeria (CBN) since the
Structural Adjustment Period (SAP) (Afolabi & Efunwoye, 1995).
It is important to state that changes in exchange rate and inflation influenced investment decision as
well as economic growth of a country. Local firms as well as those involved in international trade will
increase their level of investment, especially, if the exchange rate and inflation rate are at moderate
level (Razin & Collins, 1997). The aim of this paper is to re-examine the empirical relationship
between inflation, exchange rate and economic growth in Nigeria.
2. Literature Review
Numerous studies have been done to show the possible effect of exchange rate and inflation on
economic growth.
Department of Finance, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, Corresponding author:
Journal of Acco unting and Ma nagem ent ISSN: 2284 – 9459 J AM vol. 8 , no. 2 (2018)
Razin and Collins (1997) examined the relationship between economic growth and real exchange rate,
considering investments and tradable products sector as channels through which the RER deviation
may affect economic growth. They came to the conclusion that only a very high overvaluation seems
to be associated with slower economic growth, while moderate to high (but not too high)
undervaluation of real exchange rate appears to stimulate economic growth.
Eichengreen and Lablang, (2003) carried out a research on twelve countries over a period of 120 years
and found strong inverse relationship between exchange rate stability and economic growth. They
concluded that the results of each estimates strongly depend on time period and the sample. Schnabel
(2007) identified robust evidence through panel estimation that the exchange rate stability is
associated with more growth in the European monetary unit (EMU) periphery. The evidence according
to him is strong for emerging Europe which has moved to more stable environment. Odili (2015)
examined the Macroeconomic Variables and Exchange rate Dynamics in Nigeria. They employed a
multiple econometric tools which revealed a negative relationship between exchange rate volatility
and the manufacturing performance. Jin (2008) carried out a comparative study of exchange rate
stability and volatility and found out that the appreciation of the exchange rate increases the gross
domestic product (GDP) in Russia while it reduces the gross domestic product (GDP) in Japan and
China. Razazad, Haghir and Behrooznia (2011) identified in Iran that during stagnation and low price
period that the depreciation of currency have positive and significant effect on real GDP while
depreciation of currency have significant effects on real GDP in high price period. Aliyu (2011) found
out that appreciation of exchange rate exerts positive influence on real economic growth in Nigeria.
Carrera and Vuletin (2003) analysed the relationship between exchange rate regimes and short term
volatility of the effective real exchange rate. They tried to set out the relative importance of these links
specifically by analysing the exchange rate regimen influence on real exchange rate (RER) volatility
using a dynamic panel date analysis. A sample of 92 countries for the period 1980-1999 was
considered. The study revealed that other variables influences real exchange rate (RER) volatility and
it also analysed the persistence of shocks in real exchange rate (RER). The study further found
evidence of more openness, acceleration in per capita Gross Domestic Product (GPD) growth,
reduction and volatility. Evidence from the study also supports the view that the analysis of the
dynamics of the exchange rate regime needs to differentiate between developing and developed
countries. Benita and Lauterbach (2007) studied the daily volatility of exchange rate between the
United States of America dollar and 43 other currencies in 1990-2001. This study used several
macroeconomic variables to proxy for the domestic economy uncertainty, wealth and openness to
international markets as controls in the analysis. The main findings of the study were that exchange
rate volatility was positively correlated with real domestic interest rate and with the degree of the
central bank intervention. In the panel, the study finds positive correlation between exchange rate
volatility, real interest rates and the intensity of the central bank intervention.
In Nigeria, studies have been conducted to estimate exchange volatility as was predicated in the
studies of Akpokodje, 2009. Aliyu, 2011, Obaseki, 2001, Ogunleye, 2009, Olowe ,2009, Yinusa and
Akinlo, 2008. Most of the studies in exchange rate volatility in Nigeria measure the impact of
exchange rate volatility on trade balance with little attention to other macroeconomic variable shocks.
Akpokodje (2009) explored the export and import effect of exchange rate volatility with specific
reference to the non-communuate Finnaciere Africaine (Non-CFA) countries of Africa during the
period 1986-2006. The study revealed a negative effect of exchange rate volatility on exports and
imports in the selected African countries. The adverse effect of the exchange rate volatility in the
Journal of Acco unting and Ma nagem ent ISSN: 2284 – 9459 J AM vol. 8 , no. 2 (2018)
sample countries found in the study suggests the need for policy interventions that will help minimize
and where possible eradicate exchange rate volatility. Also Yinusa (2008) investigated the relationship
between nominal exchange rate volatility and dollarization in Nigeria by applying Granger Causality
Test for the period 1986-2003 using quarterly data. The study reported a bi-causality between them but
the causality from dollarization to exchange rate volatility appears stronger and dominant. He
however, concluded that policies that aim to reduce exchange rate volatility in Nigeria measures that
specifically address the issue of dollarization. But the exact measure of exchange rate volatility in the
study was not reported.
From the reviewed of empirical literature, it is cleared that there is scanty literature on relationship
between exchange rate, inflation and economic growth in Nigeria. The previous studies either show
the effect of inflation on economic growth or the effect of exchange rate on economic growth. Hence,
this study bridges the gap in literature.
3. Research Method
The analysis of the relationship between exchange rate and inflation in the economic growth process is
often achieved using regression analysis which can be explicitly or implicitly stated based on a
theoretical framework of endogenous models (King & Levine, 2004). Thus, the level of impact of
exchange rate and inflation on the economic growth of Nigeria is assumed to be influenced by several
variables as “y” which represents the official gross domestic product (GDP) and “x” which include
among others, inflation (INFLA) and Exchange rate (EXCH) .If these assumptions are right, then a
multiple linear regression analysis could be adopted and specified thus;
GDP = Gross Domestic Product
INFLA = Inflation
EXCH = Exchange rate
GDP = α + β1INFLA + β2EXCH + ut (ii)
The ARDL model specification is;
GDP = ut (iii)
GDP = ut (iv)
GDP= ut (v)
Obtain the error term as
Wt= GDPt– (β1INFLAt-1 + β2EXCHt-1) (vi)
3.1. A Priori Expectation
Independent Variable Full Name Expected Sign
INFLA Inflation -/+
EXCH Exchange rate -/+
Journal of Acco unting and Ma nagem ent ISSN: 2284 – 9459 J AM vol. 8 , no. 2 (2018)
Journal of Acco unting and Ma nagem ent ISSN: 2284 – 9459 J AM vol. 8 , no. 2 (2018)
ARDL(1, 0, 2)
ARDL(1, 0, 0)
ARDL(1, 0, 1)
ARDL(1, 0, 3)
ARDL(2, 0, 2)
ARDL(1, 1, 1)
ARDL(1, 1, 2)
ARDL(2, 0, 0)
ARDL(1, 1, 0)
ARDL(2, 0, 1)
ARDL(1, 1, 3)
ARDL(2, 0, 3)
ARDL(1, 0, 4)
ARDL(2, 1, 0)
ARDL(2, 1, 1)
ARDL(3, 0, 2)
ARDL(2, 1, 2)
ARDL(1, 2, 1)
ARDL(1, 2, 0)
ARDL(1, 2, 2)
From the Bounds testing (ARDL) in table 2 above, it is cleared that the F-Statistic is higher than the
lower and upper bound limits. It is concluded that there is long-run co-integration relationship among
the variables and the Akaike information depicts the automatic selection is 4 and shows the
combination of the lag period and the effects on each variables. This means that jointly the exogenous
variables are significant. Therefore, the study proceeds to short run relationship of the variables.
Table 3. Short run Error Correction Model Result using ARDL Approach (1981-2016)
Cointegrating Form
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
D(EXCH) 0.039772 0.022605 1.759458 0.0494
D(INFLA) -0.112701 0.087828 -1.283203 0.2099
D(INFLA(-1)) 0.132584 0.088426 1.499367 0.1450
CointEq(-1) -0.858973 0.173032 -4.964228 0.0000
Cointeq = GDP - (0.0463*EXCH -0.0273*INFLA + 1.0675 )
short run dynamics of the variables. The ECM coefficient must be negative, less than one and
significant at 5%. Our results validate these properties because the coefficient of the ECM is -0.85,
less than one and using probability value of the ECM, the study affirms that it is highly significant
with p = 0.0000.
4.5. Stability Test
This study adopts stability test in order to confirm the stability of the econometric model employed in
the study. In this regard, the study used CUSUM and CUSUM sum of Square which confirm that our
model is reliable and good for policy implications as result that the blue line fall within the red line.
90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16
CUSUM 5% Significance
90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16
Journal of Acco unting and Ma nagem ent ISSN: 2284 – 9459 J AM vol. 8 , no. 2 (2018)
5. Concluding Remarks
This study re-examining the relationship between exchange rate, inflation and economic growth in
Nigeria. The ARDL results obtained show that there is positive relationship between exchange rate
and GDP in the short run and this result is in line with apriori expectation. It technically means that an
increase in exchange rate will lead to increase in GDP. The inflation has expected sign but it is non-
significant. This is because in view of exchange rate variations, export and import of goods and
services will be associated with inflation as the fluctuation leads to upward and downward trend in
prices. The study established that exchange rate and inflation need more adequate attention and
supervision by government since Nigeria has propensity to grow it GDP.
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