Django-Pwa: Progressive Web App
Django-Pwa: Progressive Web App
Django-Pwa: Progressive Web App
This Django app will handle turning the Chair-Me web application into a progressive web app. Navigating
to Chair-Me web app on a Chrome browser will prompt you to add the app to your home screen.
Launching the app from your home screen will display your app without the browser. As such, it's critical
that your application provides all navigation within the HTML (no reliance on the browser back or forward
Progressive Web Apps require HTTPS unless being served from localhost. On development, a tool like ngrok
can be very helpful to do some live testing, since it can provide an HTTPS domain that will point to your
local application.
Install from PyPI:
Add pwa to your list of INSTALLED_APPS in
Configure your app name, description, icons and splash screen images in ```python
Inject the required meta tags in your base.html (or wherever your HTML <head> is defined): ```html {%
load pwa %}
While running the Django test server: