Foreign Policy of Pakistan

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Foreign policy of pakistan

A country's foreign policy, also called the foreign relations policy, consists of self-interest strategies
chosen by the state to safeguard its national interests and to achieve its goals within international
relations milieu.[citation needed] The approaches are strategically employed to interact with other
countries. In recent times, due to the deepening level of globalization and transnational activities, the
states will also have to interact with non-state actors. The aforementioned interaction is evaluated
and monitored in attempts to maximize benefits of multilateral international cooperation. Since the
national interests are paramount, foreign policies are designed by the government through high-level
decision making processes. National interests accomplishment can occur as a result of peaceful
cooperation with other nations, or through exploitation. Usually, creating foreign policy is the job of
the head of government and the foreign minister (or equivalent). In some countries the legislature
also has considerable oversight.Chapter 10 - The Foreign Policy of Pakistan
* Foreign Policy
* Pakistan's Relations with the United States.
* Relations of Pakistan with India.
* Pakistan and Kashmir Issue.

Q.1. Define Foreign Policy and what are the principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy?

* 1 Introduction
* 2 Definition of Foreign Policy
* 3 Pakistan's Foreign Policy in Light of Quaid-e-Azam's Words
* 4 Basic Goals of Pakistan's Foreign Policy
* 5 Guiding Principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy
* 6 Conclusion
No country today can think of a life independent of other nations. Every country has to develop
relations with other countries so as to meet its requirements in economical, industrial and
technological fields. It is thus necessary for every country to formulate a sound foreign policy. Pakistan
is an important third world country, in its developmental stage. It also has formulated her foreign
policy keeping in mind its geography, politics and economics.

Definition of Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy can be defined as
Relations between sovereign states. It is a reflection of domestic politics and an interaction among
sovereign states. It indicates the principles and preferences on which a country wants to establish
relations with another country
Pakistan's Foreign Policy in Light of Quaid-e-Azam's Words
The father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam defined Foreign Policy towards other countries of the world in
1948, as follows

Our Foreign Policy is one of friendliness and good-will towards all the nations of the world. We do not
cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation. We believe in the policy of honesty and fair
play in national and international dealings and are prepared to make our utmost contribution to the
promotion of peace and prosperity among the nations of the world. Pakistan will never be found
lacking in extending its material and moral support to the oppressed and suppressed peoples of the
world and in upholding the principles of the United Nations Charter

Basic Goals of Pakistan's Foreign Policy

1. Maintenance of territorial integrity.

2. Maintenance of its political independence.

3. Acceleration of social and economic development.

4. Strengthening its place on the globe.

5. Keeping cordial and friendly relations with all countries.

Guiding Principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy

Following are the basic principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy

1. Protection of Freedom and Sovereignity

Pakistan came into being after great sacrifices of million of Muslims. Like any other country, she also
considers with deep regard the need for preservation of its independence and does not allow any
country to harm its freedom. Therefore, the principle of protection of independence and sovereignity
is the corner stone of Pakistan's Foreign Policy.
2. Cordial Relations with Muslim Countries

Pakistan always tries to establish cordial and friendly relations with Muslim countries. It has always
moved its concern against Israel, India and U.S.S.R capturing Palestine, Kashmir and Afghanistan
respectively. She has shouldered high responsibilities and used her influence for safeguarding the
rights of the Muslims. Pakistan is also an active member of the Islamic Conference.

3. Non-Interference in Internal Affairs of Other Countries

Pakistan has sought to establish normal and friendly relations with all countries especially in
neighbouring countries, on the basis of universally acknowledge the principle of national sovereignity,
non use of force, non-interference in the internal affairs of states.

4. Implementation of U.N Charter

Pakistan's policy is to act upon UN charter and to support all moves by the UN to implement it.
Pakistan has been the member of UN since the year of its birth.
5. Promotion of World Peace

Pakistan's policy is to promote peace among nations. It has no aggressive designs against any country.
Neither does it support any such action. Pakistan has always held that the international disputes
should be settled through negotiations rather than non-battlefield.

6. Non-Alignment

Pakistan follows the policy of Non-Alignment i.e. to keep away from alignment with any big power
bloc, and avoids taking sides in the cold war. It has also given up its association with SEATO and CENTO
and was included in NAM in 1979.

7. Support for Self-Determination and Condemnation of Racial Discrimination

Pakistan is a stomach supporter of the right of self-determination and has been in the fore front of
efforts to eliminate colonialism and racism. It has advocated the right of self-determination of

8. Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament

Pakistan is deeply conscious of the fact that international peace and security cannot be achieved and
sustained in the world with arms. Disarmament is the imperative condition for truly durable peace in
the world. Pakistan has a vital stake in promotion of disarmament both in the nuclear and
conventional fields. It is included in the principles of its foreign policy that a collective endeavour by
countries at the regional level to promote disarmament and enhance security at the lowest possible
level of armaments is an indispensable result to their advocacy of global disarmament.

9. Member of International Organization

Pakistan had become the member of the British Commonwealth with the time of its establishment. In
addition it is the member of United Nations (U.N), Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), Organization of
Islamic Conference (OIC), Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), South Asian Association for
Regional Co-operation (SAARC), Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), and D-Eight. Being a
member of International Organizations the objectives of Pakistan are to struggle for world peace, to
unify the Muslim countries and to promote regional co-operation.
The guiding principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy are rooted in the country's Islamic ideology, its rich
cultural heritage and historical experience. As an Islamic and non-aligned country, Pakistan supports
Islamic causes and firmly upholds the above mentioned principles, which hold out the promise of a
just and equitable world order in which nations can live in peace and security.
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Originally Posted by anny khan 

A country's foreign policy, also called the foreign relations policy, consists of self-interest strategies
chosen by the state to safeguard its national interests and to achieve its goals within international
relations milieu.[citation needed] The approaches are strategically employed to interact with other
countries. In recent times, due to the deepening level of globalization and transnational
activitieASEANs, the states will also have to interact with non-state actors. The aforementioned
interaction is evaluated and monitored in attempts to maximize benefits of multilateral international
cooperation. Since the national interests are paramount, foreign policies are designed by the
government through high-level decision making processes. National interests accomplishment can
occur as a result of peaceful cooperation with other nations, or through exploitation. Usually,
creating foreign policy is the job of the head of government and the foreign minister (or equivalent).
In some countries the legislature also has considerable oversight.Chapter 10 - The Foreign Policy of
* Foreign Policy
* Pakistan's Relations with the United States.
* Relations of Pakistan with India.
* Pakistan and Kashmir Issue.

Q.1. Define Foreign Policy and what are the principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy?
* 1 Introduction
* 2 Definition of Foreign Policy
* 3 Pakistan's Foreign Policy in Light of Quaid-e-Azam's Words
* 4 Basic Goals of Pakistan's Foreign Policy
* 5 Guiding Principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy
* 6 Conclusion
No country today can think of a life independent of other nations. Every country has to develop
relations with other countries so as to meet its requirements in economical, industrial and
technological fields. It is thus necessary for every country to formulate a sound foreign policy.
Pakistan is an important third world country, in its developmental stage. It also has formulated her
foreign policy keeping in mind its geography, politics and economics.

Definition of Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy can be defined as
Relations between sovereign states. It is a reflection of domestic politics and an interaction among
sovereign states. It indicates the principles and preferences on which a country wants to establish
relations with another country
Pakistan's Foreign Policy in Light of Quaid-e-Azam's Words
The father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam defined Foreign Policy towards other countries of the world
in 1948, as follows

Our Foreign Policy is one of friendliness and good-will towards all the nations of the world. We do
not cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation. We believe in the policy of honesty and
fair play in national and international dealings and are prepared to make our utmost contribution to
the promotion of peace and prosperity among the nations of the world. Pakistan will never be found
lacking in extending its material and moral support to the oppressed and suppressed peoples of the
world and in upholding the principles of the United Nations Charter

Basic Goals of Pakistan's Foreign Policy

1. Maintenance of territorial integrity.

2. Maintenance of its political independence.

3. Acceleration of social and economic development.

4. Strengthening its place on the globe.

5. Keeping cordial and friendly relations with all countries.

Guiding Principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy

Following are the basic principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy

1. Protection of Freedom and Sovereignity

Pakistan came into being after great sacrifices of million of Muslims. Like any other country, she also
considers with deep regard the need for preservation of its independence and does not allow any
country to harm its freedom. Therefore, the principle of protection of independence and sovereignity
is the corner stone of Pakistan's Foreign Policy.
2. Cordial Relations with Muslim Countries

Pakistan always tries to establish cordial and friendly relations with Muslim countries. It has always
moved its concern against Israel, India and U.S.S.R capturing Palestine, Kashmir and Afghanistan
respectively. She has shouldered high responsibilities and used her influence for safeguarding the
rights of the Muslims. Pakistan is also an active member of the Islamic Conference.

3. Non-Interference in Internal Affairs of Other Countries

Pakistan has sought to establish normal and friendly relations with all countries especially in
neighbouring countries, on the basis of universally acknowledge the principle of national
sovereignity, non use of force, non-interference in the internal affairs of states.

4. Implementation of U.N Charter

Pakistan's policy is to act upon UN charter and to support all moves by the UN to implement it.
Pakistan has been the member of UN since the year of its birth.

5. Promotion of World Peace

Pakistan's policy is to promote peace among nations. It has no aggressive designs against any
country. Neither does it support any such action. Pakistan has always held that the international
disputes should be settled through negotiations rather than non-battlefield.

6. Non-Alignment

Pakistan follows the policy of Non-Alignment i.e. to keep away from alignment with any big power
bloc, and avoids taking sides in the cold war. It has also given up its association with SEATO and
CENTO and was included in NAM in 1979.

7. Support for Self-Determination and Condemnation of Racial Discrimination

Pakistan is a stomach supporter of the right of self-determination and has been in the fore front of
efforts to eliminate colonialism and racism. It has advocated the right of self-determination of
8. Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament

Pakistan is deeply conscious of the fact that international peace and security cannot be achieved and
sustained in the world with arms. Disarmament is the imperative condition for truly durable peace in
the world. Pakistan has a vital stake in promotion of disarmament both in the nuclear and
conventional fields. It is included in the principles of its foreign policy that a collective endeavour by
countries at the regional level to promote disarmament and enhance security at the lowest possible
level of armaments is an indispensable result to their advocacy of global disarmament.

9. Member of International Organization

Pakistan had become the member of the British Commonwealth with the time of its establishment.
In addition it is the member of United Nations (U.N), Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), Organization of
Islamic Conference (OIC), Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), South Asian Association for
Regional Co-operation (SAARC), Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), and D-Eight. Being
a member of International Organizations the objectives of Pakistan are to struggle for world peace,
to unify the Muslim countries and to promote regional co-operation.
The guiding principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy are rooted in the country's Islamic ideology, its rich
cultural heritage and historical experience. As an Islamic and non-aligned country, Pakistan supports
Islamic causes and firmly upholds the above mentioned principles, which hold out the promise of a
just and equitable world order in which nations can live in peace and security.

 Pakistan Relations and forign policy

Pakistan is the second largest Muslim country in terms of population (after Indonesia), and its status as a
declared nuclear power, being the only Islamic nation to have that status, plays a part in its international
role. Pakistan is also an important member of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

Pakistan is an active member of the United Nations. Historically, its foreign policy has encompassed
difficult relations with the Republic of India; especially on the core-issue of Kashmir, over which it has
fought two wars. However it has had long-standing close relations with its other neighbors Afghanistan,
Iran and China, extensive security and economic interests in the Persian Gulf and wide-ranging bilateral
relations with the United States and other Western countries.

Wary of Soviet expansion, Pakistan had strong relations with both the United States of America and the
People's Republic of China during much of the Cold War. Today, the two countries remain Pakistan's
closest allies.

It was a member of the CENTO and SEATO military alliances. Its alliance with the United States was
especially close after the Soviets invaded the neighboring country of Afghanistan. In 1964, Pakistan
signed the Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) Pact with Turkey and Iran, when all three
countries were closely allied with the U.S., and as neighbors of the Soviet Union, wary of perceived
Soviet expansionism. To this day, Pakistan has a close relationship with Turkey. RCD became defunct
after the Iranian Revolution, and a Pakistani-Turkish initiative led to the founding of the Economic
Cooperation Organisation (ECO) in 1985. For several years prior to the staged November 2008 Mumbai
attacks, Pakistan's relations with India had been gradually improving, which opened up Pakistan's
foreign policy to issues beyond security. An increasingly important actor on the world scene, Pakistan
formed the "Friend of Pakistan" group which includes important countries such as Australia, Britain,
Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the
United States, the United Nations and European Union


Pakistan shares a long and porous border with Afghanistan (also called the Durand Line). The border is
poorly marked. The problem is exacerbated by cultural, historical, linguistic, ethnic and political ties
crossing close relations between peoples who live on both sides of the border. This is further
complicated by the fact that many of the Pashtun tribes on both sides of the border are often married
and refuse to recognize it much to the frustration of both the Afghan government and the Pakistani

Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the Pakistani Government played a vital role in
supporting the Afghan resistance and assisting refugees. Social and health indicators dropped
considerably during this period as Polio and Tuberculosis, previously eradicated from the country, were
re-introduced and the country became awash with drugs, weapons, prostitution rings and increased
incidences of crime and violence. After the Soviet withdrawal in February 1989, Pakistan, with
cooperation from the world community, continued to provide extensive support for displaced Afghans.
In 1999, the United States provided approximately $70 million in humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan
and Afghan refugees in Pakistan, mainly through multilateral organizations and NGOs.

Pakistani strategists view Afghanistan in a fraternal matter and vice versa, despite the support of anti-
Pakistani elements in recent history; this has led Pakistani analysts to hope that Afghanistan could
provide "strategic depth" in the event of a war with neighboring India. For this reason Pakistan strives to
have friendly relations with Afghanistan. Furthermore, many Pakistanis saw in Afghanistan and Afghans
a common bond based on religion, history, culture, language and ethnic ties. At various times, Pakistan
has backed the mujahideen factions as suited its interests, against its perceived enemies.

In the 1950s, there were suggestions of a possible formation of a confederation between Afghanistan
and Pakistan, a move supported by Zahir Shah, the Afghan king along the lines of the original Afghan
Empire founded by Ahmed Shah Abdali. Many Afghans and Pakistanis want to see improved relations
which they feel are a necessity for both countries to fulfill their destiny, often what one country lacks,
the other has an excess of. Scholars point out that it is not an issue of if the two countries unite, but
rather of when they unite as both countries have historically always worked together and been a single
political entity.
The overthrow of the Taliban Regime in November 2001 has seen strained relations between
Afghanistan and Pakistan.

People's Republic of China

Main article: Sino-Pakistan relations

In 1950, Pakistan was among the first countries to break relations with the Republic of China or Taiwan
and recognize the People's Republic of China. Following the Sino-Indian hostilities of 1962, Pakistan's
relations with the PRC became stronger; since then, the two countries have regularly exchanged high-
level visits resulting in a variety of agreements. China has provided economic military and technical
assistance to Pakistan.

Favorable relations with China have been a pillar of Pakistan's foreign policy. China strongly supported
Pakistan's opposition to Soviet involvement in Afghanistan and was perceived by Pakistan as a regional
counterweight to India and the USSR. The PRC and Pakistan also share a close military relation, with
China supplying a range of modern armaments to the Pakistani defence forces. Lately, military
cooperation has deepened with joint projects producing armaments ranging from fighter jets to guided
missile frigates. Chinese cooperation with Pakistan has reached high economic points with substantial
investment from China in Pakistani infrastructural expansion.


Pakistan extended diplomatic recognition to the Kyrgyz Republic on December 20, 1991. A Protocol for
the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan was signed on May 10, 1992.
Pakistan's diplomatic resident Mission at Ambassadorial level was established at Bishkek in August 1995.

There have been high level visits from both sides in last ten years. In December 2000, the Chief
Executive of Pakistan extended an invitation to Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev to pay a State visit to
Pakistan. The invitation was accepted by the President of Kyrgyzstan.

Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan co-operate with each other in various fields for the promotion of trade and
economic relations between the two countries. A few Pakistan nationals have established their business
concerns in the fields of hoteling, pharmacy and tourism in Kyrgyz Republic.

During the visit of Minister of State for Economic Affairs in December 1991, an export credit of US$ 10
million was offered to Kyrgyzstan for the establishment of pharmaceutical factory at Bishkek. An
agreement was signed in May 1993. On the request of Kyrgyzstan, keeping in view of friendly and
brotherly relations with Kyrgyzstan, the Government of Pakistan rescheduled the loan repayment and
prolonged its payment for the next six years. An agreement on rescheduling was signed accordingly.

One of the achievements in the economic co-operation between the two countries is the opening of the
branch of the National Bank of Pakistan at Bishkek. The main aim of the bank is to boost the trade and
economic relations between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan. The National Bank of Kyrgyzstan took a decision to
issue the license for the branch of the National Bank of Pakistan to open the accounts for local
individuals from January 1, 2002. Before, the National Bank of Pakistan was authorized to open the
accounts for the companies and organizations only. Within one year after the opening, this branch has
become the profit-earning unit. After some time, the bank would be able to extend small credit facility
to the local population. The National Bank of Pakistan has also offered a regular training programme for
the Kyrgyz Bankers.

Pakistan is extending all possible help for Kyrgyz nationals under the Technical Assistance programme in
the field of education, diplomacy, banking, English language and postal services, etc.

More than 200 Pakistani students are enrolled at various educational institutions in Kyrgyzstan on self-
finance basis. Some of the medical students have already completed their studies and returned to

The leadership of the Kyrgyz Republic has demonstrated keen interest to have more bilateral cultural
cooperation and people to people contact by establishing sister city relationship with the cities of
Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan. Establishment of sister city relationships between Quetta- Bishkek and Osh-
Sialkot are under consideration by the two sides.

Both the countries have expressed their desire to conclude a Cultural Agreement with the aim of
developing relations and mutual understanding between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan. A draft Cultural
Agreement is under consideration.

A draft Agreement between APP and "Kabar" news agency of Kyrgyzstan is also under consideration.

The Government of Pakistan has agreed to present a printing press to be used for production of
literawre solely for Islamic purposes to the Muftiat of Kyrgyzstan.

Being the members of OIC and ECO, Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan support each other on various global and
regional issues as well as during the elections to the key posts in the international organizations.

Republic of Turkey

There is a remarkable coalescence of views between Turkey and Pakistan on major issues of regional
and global significance, particularly since both have been allied to the United States. The two countries
have always extended full support to each other on several issues. Pakistan fully supports the cause of
the Turkish Cypriot people and Turkey has backed the cause of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Their
tensions over supporting rival factions during the Afghan civil war were reduced by the US-backed
overthrow of the Taliban regime.

The two countries have also cooperated over the issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina and have adopted
joint positions on this issue at the international fora. The prime ministers of the two countries took a
joint trip to Sarajevo in 1993 to express solidarity with Bosnian Muslims. Both countries also sent peace-
keeping forces to Bosnia.

The two countries have worked closely with each other in the context of the Economic Cooperation
Organization (ECO) as well. Pakistan actively participated in the second ECO summit in Istanbul in July
1993. Similarly the Turkish delegation to the third ECO summit held in Islamabad in 1995, was led by
President Demirel and extended full support to the strengthening of the important regional organization
which includes all Central Asian countries and Azerbaijan. High level exchange of visits

The frequency of high level visits between Turkey and Pakistan has been one of the key factors in
maintaining close ties between the two countries. Prime Minister of Pakistan Mohtrama Benazir Bhutto
paid a three-day visit to Turkey in December 1993. President of Pakistan Sardar Farooq Khan Leghari
also visited Turkey in September 1994. President of Turkey Suleyman Demirel paid a three-day official
visit to Pakistan in 1995 and received a warm and enthusiastic welcome from the people of Pakistan. A
number of agreements for increased cooperation between the two countries were signed during these
visits. Defence cooperation

The commanders of the Armed Forces of the two countries exchange regular visits. There are regular
programs of exchange of officers and training. The two countries have also purchased some defence
related equipment from each other.

In the field of economy and trade relations between the two countries have been somewhat limited.
However over the last few years, both countries have made conscious and sustained efforts to improve
their economic relations. The Turco-Pakistan Joint Economic Commission which meets at the ministerial
level to strengthen economic relations, held its 10th session in Ankara in September 1995 and adopted a
comprehensive protocol to promote economic and commercial cooperation between the two countries.

Cooperation between the private sectors of the two countries is on the increase. Some major contracts
have been awarded to the Turkish companies such as STFA. Other Turkish companies are also planning
to enter the large Pakistani market. Cultural and educational cooperation

Cultural relations between Turkey and Pakistan are governed by a Cultural Cooperation Agreement.
Specific cultural exchange programs are prepared under the agreement. The last protocol was signed in
November 1992, for the years 1993-96. There have been a number of cultural exchange between the
two countries which include visits of cultural troupes, participation in photographic, arts & crafts
exhibitions and children's festivals. The Embassy of Pakistan in Ankara has also organized a number of
cultural activities and Single Country Exhibitions to highlight the similarities and the diversity between
the two cultures.


Historically, Iran was the first nation to recognize Pakistan. Since then, Pakistan has had close
geopolitical and cultural-religious linkages with Iran. Relations between the two countries have existed
since ancient times when the Pakistani region was part of the large Persian Empire. Persian is still
considered the cultural language of Pakistan and most of Pakistan's national anthem is written in that
language. Persian was the lingua franca of India up to 1843 before the British abolished its use in favour
of Urdu and English. Relations between Iran and Pakistan peaked in the 60's and 70's under the Shah
with considerable joint ventures and assistance provided by Iran to Pakistan. Iran is also a popular
tourist spot for Pakistan's Muslims, notably its Shia population which represents about 20% of Pakistan
population of 170 million people. Low period have occurred, however, strains in the relationship
appeared in the 1980s, when Pakistan and Iran supported opposing factions in the Afghan conflict. Also,
some Pakistanis suspect Iranian support for the sectarian violence which has plagued Pakistan.
Furthermore, many Pakistani's were disappointed when much of Iran's nuclear research was stated as
having originated from Pakistan, this despite the fact that Iran's nuclear program was started some 20
years before that of Pakistan's. Nevertheless, Pakistan pursues an active diplomatic relationship with
Iran, including recent overtures to seek a negotiated settlement between Afghanistan's warring factions.
Pakistan also supports Iran's use of Nuclear Technology for peaceful purposes. Both countries are
endeavering to improve and strengthen bilateral trade and commerce between them. On January 27,
2006, Pakistan, Iran, and India agreed to start work on IPI gasline which Pakistan needs to shrink the gap
of Demand and supply of energy in Pakistan to maintain economic growth. India has consistently stalled
the talks asking for more time under the duress of the United States, but Pakistan and Iran have agreed
to go ahead with the project even if India doesn't participate thus highlighting the two countries
commitment to the project. Relations, however, once again have become strained over the ongoing
Afghan conflict. The Afghan Republic has consistently accused Pakistan's intelligence of supporting
insurgents and contributing to an unstable Afghanistan. President Ahmadinejad vowed on an official
visit to Kabul to stand by its cultural traditional neighbor at "all times, even when facing confusion from
neighbors", referring to his support for Afghanistan over Pakistan in the many border skirmishes and
diplomatic upheaval. Iran's president has also accused Pakistani agents of masterminding the suicide
bombing in south-east of the country targeting a group of the elite Revolutionary Guards force. The
attack which has been blamed on the Sunni resistance group, Jundullah claimed forty two lives

Palestinian Territories
Main article: Pakistan–Palestine relations
Relations between Pakistanis and Palestinians are considered to be very close and warm as Islamabad
advocates for an independent Palestinian state and an end to the on-going illegal[3][4] Israeli
occupation of its territories. As its official stance that it does not consider to recognise the so-called
State of Zionist regime, which is advocated for a two state solution as the best solution to the conflict
and if it was acceptable to the plan by its own peoples of that country. Pakistan is one of the 100
countries to recognise Palestine as a Nation-state since the Palestinian Declaration of Independence on
November 15, 1988

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Main article: Pakistan-Saudi Arabia relations
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has helped Pakistan in many fields since Pakistan gained independence in 1947.
Since the inception of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia has provided Pakistan with assistance in the form of fuel
credit, fuel donation, loans, aid, donations, and gifts. Most famous example of Saudi Arabia's
relationship with Pakistan is the Faisal Mosque, the National Mosque of the country in Islamabad,
Pakistan. More recently, Saudi Arabia has given Pakistan hundreds of millions of dollars as a donation for
the 2005 Earthquake in Pakistan. In fact, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was the number one donor,
having contributed $600 million.

United States of America

President of the United States George W. Bush with President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf at the
Aiwan-e-Sadar, Islamabad during March 2006
The Consulate-General of Pakistan in Houston is Pakistan's diplomatic station in unincorporated Harris
County, Texas, United StatesHistorically, no ally of the United States has faced as many sanctions from
the US as Pakistan.[citation needed] The United States established diplomatic relations with Pakistan in
1947 with the appointment of the first Ambassador, Paul H. Alling, on September 20, 1947.[5] Since the
Eisenhower administration, however, Pakistan and the US began developing more cozy relations. The
American agreement to provide economic and military assistance to Pakistan and the latter's
partnership in the Baghdad Pact, CENTO and SEATO strengthened relations between the two nations. At
the time, its relationship with the U.S. was so close and friendly that it was called the United States'
"most-allied ally" in Asia.[6] Pakistanis felt betrayed and ill-compensated for the risks incurred in
supporting the U.S. - after the U-2 Crisis of 1960, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev had threatened the
nuclear annihilation of Pakistani cities. The U.S. suspension of military assistance during the 1965 Indo-
Pakistan war generated a widespread feeling in Pakistan that the United States was not a reliable ally.
Even though the United States suspended military assistance to both countries involved in the conflict,
the suspension of aid affected Pakistan much more severely. Gradually, relations improved and arms
sales were renewed in 1975. Then, in April 1979, the United States cut off economic assistance to
Pakistan, except food assistance, as required under the Symington Amendment to the U.S. Foreign
Assistance Act of 1961, due to concerns about Pakistan's nuclear program.

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 highlighted the common interest of Pakistan and
the United States in peace and stability in South Asia. In 1981, the United States and Pakistan agreed on
a $3.2-billion military and economic assistance program aimed at helping Pakistan deal with the
heightened threat to security in the region and its economic development needs. With U.S. assistance -
in the largest covert operation in history - Pakistan armed and supplied anti-Soviet fighters in
Afghanistan, eventually defeating the Soviets, who withdrew in 1988.

Recognizing national security concerns and accepting Pakistan's assurances that it did not intend to
construct a nuclear weapon, Congress waived restrictions (Symington Amendment) on military
assistance to Pakistan. In March 1986, the two countries agreed on a second multi-year (FY 1988-93) $4-
billion economic development and security assistance program. On October 1, 1990, however, the
United States suspended all military assistance and new economic aid to Pakistan under the Pressler
amendment, which required that the President certify annually that Pakistan "does not possess a
nuclear explosive device."
Under intense pressure from U.S., Pakistan moved reluctantly to ally itself with the United States in its
war against Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. It provided the U.S. a number of military airports and bases,
for its attack on Afghanistan. In subsequent military operations, Pakistan has reportedly arrested and
killed several hundred Taliban and Al-Qaeda operatives.[7] Since this strategic re-alignment towards U.S.
policy, economic and military assistance has been flowing from the U.S. to Pakistan and sanctions have
been lifted. In the three years before the attacks of September 11, Pakistan received approximately $9
million in American military aid. In the three years after, the number increased to $4.2 billion.[8] In June
2004, President Bush designated Pakistan as a major non-NATO ally, making it eligible, among other
things, to purchase advanced American military technology. In May, 2006, The Bush administration
announced a major sale of missiles to Pakistan, valued at $370 Million USD

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Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be
challenged and removed. (June 2009)

Indo-Pakistani relations
Since independence, relations between Pakistan and India have been characterized by rivalry and
suspicion. Although many issues divide the two countries, the most sensitive one since independence
has been the status of Kashmir.

Roots of Conflict
At the time of independence and the departure of the British from South Asia, the princely state of
Kashmir, though ruled by a Hindu Maharajah, had a majority Muslim population. At first, the Maharajah
hesitated in acceding to either Pakistan or India in 1947, but when tribesmen armed by Pakistan with
the overt support of regular troops began invading occupied Kashmir, the Hindu Maharajah had no
option other than to call upon India to repel the invasion and annexed the territory. Following the
invasion, the Maharajah offered his allegiance to India. Pakistani troops still continue to occupy the
Northern and Western portion of Kashmir referred to as Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (P.O.K.) in India and
Azad Kashmir in Pakistan. India and Pakistan agreed with UN resolutions which called for a UN-
supervised plebiscite to determine the future of Kashmir. But Pakistan has refused to remove their
troops from Pakistan occupied Kashmir and have thereby frustrated carrying out the plebiscite.

Indo-Pakistani War of 1965

Full-scale hostilities erupted in September 1965 when Pakistan attacked India forcing India to attack
Lahore in retaliation. Hostilities ceased three weeks later, following mediation efforts by the UN and
interested countries at a time Lahore, one of the most important cities in Pakistan was on the brink of
falling to the Indian Army. In January 1966, Indian and Pakistani representatives met in Tashkent, and
agreed to attempt a peaceful settlement of Kashmir and their other differences.

Indo-Pakistani War of 1971

During the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, the Pakistan Air Force carried out bombing raids on different
airfields in India. India was thus drawn into the civil war between the East Pakistanis of Bengal and the
Pakistanis of the West, and started helping anti-Government rebels to liberate East Pakistan to form
Bangladesh. The war ended in a humiliating defeat for Pakistan in which 90,000 Pakistani soldiers were
taken prisoner by India. Large parts of Pakistani territory were also captured by India. Pakistan President
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi met in the mountain town of Shimla, India in
July 1972 for the Shimla Accords. India magnanimously agreed to return the large swathes of Pakistani
territory captured by India and repatriate the 90,000 captured Pakistani prisoners of war. They agreed
to a "Line of Control" (ceasefire line) in Kashmir resulting from the December 17, 1971 cease-fire, and
endorsed the principle of settlement of bilateral disputes through peaceful means. In 1974, Pakistan and
India agreed to resume postal and telecommunications linkages, and to enact measures to facilitate
travel. Trade and diplomatic relations were restored in 1976 after a hiatus of five years.

Nuclear Arm Race

India's nuclear test in 1974 generated great uncertainty in Pakistan and is generally acknowledged to
have been the impetus for Pakistan's nuclear weapons development program. In 1983, the Pakistani and
Indian governments accused each other of aiding separatists in their respective countries, i.e., Sikhs in
India's Punjab state and Sindhis in Pakistan's Sindh province. Tensions diminished after Rajiv Gandhi
became Prime Minister in November 1984 and after a group of Sikh hijackers were brought to trial by
Pakistan in March 1985. In December 1985, President Zia and Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi pledged not
to attack each other's nuclear facilities. A formal "no attack" agreement was signed in January 1991. In
1986, the Indian and Pakistani governments began high-level talks to resolve the Siachen Glacier border
dispute and to improve trade.

Indo-Pakistani Cold War

Bilateral tensions increased in early 1990, when Kashmiri separatists from Pakistan occupied Kashmir
backed by the Pakistan's ISI perpetrated violence in Indian Kashmir. Subsequent high-level bilateral
meetings relieved the tensions between Pakistan and India, but relations worsened again after terrorist
bombings in Bombay, in March 1993. Talks between the Foreign Secretaries of both countries in January
1994 resulted in deadlock.

Improvement in Relations
In the late 1990s, the Indo-Pakistani relationship veered sharply between rapprochement and conflict.
After taking office in February 1997, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif moved to resume an official dialogue
with India. A number of meetings at the foreign secretary and Prime Ministerial level took place, with
positive atmospherics but little concrete progress. The relationship improved markedly when Indian
Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee traveled to Lahore for a summit with Sharif in February 1999. There
was considerable hope that the meeting could lead to a breakthrough. However Pakistan surreptitiously
occupied certain border areas forces in Kashmir. By early summer, serious fighting flared up in the Kargil
sector. The fighting lasted about a month till the Pakistani forces were driven out of the areas that had
been surreptitiously occupied by them.

Relations between India and Pakistan continued to be strained when Pervez Musharraf came to power
on October 12, 1999 Pakistani coup d'état. India alleged that Pakistan provided monetary and material
support to Kashmiri militants, a charge which Pakistan has always denied even in the face of direct and
insurmountable evidence.

War on Terror
In 2001, following the 9/11 attacks, the United States formed an alliance with Pakistan in its War on
Terror to use its air bases for operations against Afghanistan and preferring to confer on Pakistan the
title of Major Non-Nato Ally. However, as Musharraf would later reveal in his book In the Line of Fire,
Pakistan was coerced in joining the coalition against Taliban in Afghanistan. According to Mussarraf,
Richard Armitage, then the Deputy Secretary of State, threatened to bomb Pakistan back to stone age if
it did not join the war on teror.[9]

Musharraf dropped his insistence that no issues could be discussed until the Kashmir issue was fully
solved. Bilateral meetings between the two sides resulted in new people-to-people contacts. Air services
and cricket matches were restored. Trains started plying between Sindh and Rajasthan. Bans on Indian
movies and TV channels were eased in Pakistan.

Transport links across the Line of Control in Kashmir were reopened. More importantly the intelligence
services and armies of the two countries started to cooperate in identifying terrorists who threatened
attacks. On June 20, 2004, both countries agreed to extend a nuclear testing ban and to set up a hotline
between their foreign secretaries aimed at preventing misunderstandings that might lead to a nuclear
war. In 2007 the two countries agreed to start flights between their capitals. Legal trade between the
countries reached 2 billion dollars. After the Mumbai terror attacks in 2008, the already fragile relations
have once again worsened.

It's Not Over 'til I Win

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