Tilapia Fillet Specification Sheet 2018: Description

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Tilapia Fillet Specification sheet 2018

Description: shallow skinned tilapia Fillet 3-5oz

Pack size: 2/5 lbs, 18/1lb Master Net Wt.:10 lbs, 18 lbs
INTENDED USE: General public for cooked use (not intended for raw consumption)

Purpose: Firms processing farm raised Tilapia Fillet for sale must comply with: (1) the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) mandatory HACCP regulation, and (2) the product
specifications identified in this sheet. (Note: U.S. seafood importers are required by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration HACCP regulation as of December 18, 1997, to implement
seafood product specifications related to potential safety hazards) Product specifications are
designed to ensure that the product is not adulterated under section 402 of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act because it may be injurious to health or have been processed under
insanitary condition.

Raw Material
Latin name: Oreochromis niloticus
Method of Catch: Farm Raised

Raw Material Requirements

1. Use only raw material with good odor and flavor characteristics of the specie.
2. Use only raw material with firm texture, characteristic of the specie properly handled.

Note: The farmed tilapia shall have stopped being fed minimally 24 hours prior to harvest,
free of food residue in the intestines. Live purged tilapia to be transported to the processing
plant in oxygen pumping water tanks. All fish must be energetically alive before unloading
and bleeding.

Processing Information

CO treated: Co treated the alive raw fish in the water tank for 20-30 minutes.

Filleting &Trimming: Filleting the fish, skinning and v-cut to remove pin bones. Fillet is
shallow skinned, Hand trim fillets for removal of all remaining defects, including remaining
outer skin, black membrane, white velum, bruises, blood spots, viscera, bones, etc. close V-
cut prior to freezing. Green hued fillets are to be rejected.
If the product is held at internal temperatures above 70°F (21°C) during processing: exposure
time should ordinarily be limited to two hours.

Coating: Use potable water only. Individual portions are to be coated as evenly as possible
target 6 - 8 % glaze. Eliminate doubles with sufficient spacing or agitate as necessary.
% glaze = (weight glazed - de-glazed weight) × 100 / weight glazed
To insure net weight, set fill weight by dividing target net weight by 1 - (% glaze/100).

Packing: Fillet is placed in transparent poly bag and Individually Vacuum Packed. Put IVP
fillets into 10lbs master carton, then close and tape master, place immediately in cold storage.

Freezing: Tray frozen portions must be placed in a single layer. Product exiting the freezer
must be -18°C (0°F) or Colder.

Note: Portions must have as much of the underside touching the freezing surface as possible
to produce as flat a portion as possible. Portions with ragged edges must also be smoothed
prior to freezing. Minor lateral splits or V-cuts must be closed before freezing.

Shipping Requirements
Product must be maintained at 0 degrees F or below (-18 degrees Celsius) during storage and

Finished Product Microbiological Testing Requirements

m - Counts below "m" are acceptable.
M - Counts greater than "M" are unacceptable,
n - The number of samples required to be tested per lot.
c - The number of samples per lot allowable between "m" and "M"

Test Required m m M c n Method Reference *

Standard Plate Count 200,000/g 500,000/g 1 3 FDA BAM Ch. 3
Total Coliform 100 MPN/g 1,000 MPN/g 1 3 FDA BAM Ch. 4
CP Staph Aureus <100/g 100/g 1 3 FDA BAMCh.12
E. Coli 4 MPN/g 10 MPN/g 1 3 FDA BAM Ch.4
Salmonella Negative/25g 0 3 FDA BAM Ch.5
Listeria Monocytogenes Negative/25g 1 8 FDA/BAM Ch. 10

Potential Chemical Hazards

(1) Environmental Chemicals and Pesticides
The FDA tolerance, action and/or guidance levels listed in the following Table must not be
exceeded. Moreover, if there is a likelihood the levels could be exceeded, suppliers may need
to process Tilapia under an appropriate HACCP plan to assure legal levels are met.
Environmental Chemical Contaminant and Pesticide Tolerances, Action levels, and
Guidance levels

Deleterious Substance Level Food Commodity Reference

Aldrin/Dieldrina 0.3 ppm All fish Compliance Policy Guide sec. 575.100
Chlordane 0.3 ppm All fish Compliance Policy Guide sec. 575.100
Chlordeconeb 0.3 ppm All fish Compliance Policy Guide sec. 575.100
DDT, TDE, DDE 5.0 ppm All fish Compliance Policy Guide sec. 575.100
Diquatd 0.1 ppm All fish 40 CFR 180.226
Glyphosated 0.25 ppm Fin fish 40 CFR 180.364
Fluridoned 0.5ppm Fin fish 40 CFR 180.420
Simazined 12 ppm Fin fish 40 CFR 180.213a
Toxic elements:
Methyl Mercuryf 1 ppm All fish Compliance Policy Guide sec. 540.600
/Heptachlor Epoxidee 0.3 ppm All fish Compliance Policy Guide sec. 575.100
Mirex 0.1 ppm All fish Compliance Policy Guide sec. 575.100
Biphenyls (PCB’s)d 2.0 ppm All fish 21 CFR 109.30
2,4-Dd 1.0 ppm All fish 40 CFR 180.142

Unsanctioned drugsf No residue All fish Sec 615.200

Compliance Policy Guide
Sulfamerazine No residue All fish 21 CFR 556.660

Paralytic shellfish poison 0.8 ppm All fish sec 540.250 Compliance Policy Guide,
(80ug/100g) and Compliance Program 7303.842
Saxitoxin equivalent
Amnesic shellfish poison 20ppm domoic acid All fish Compliance Program 7303.842
The action level for aldrin and dieldrin are for residues of the pesticides individually or in
combination. However, in adding amounts of aldrin and dieldrin, do not count aldrin or
dieldrin found at below 0.1 ppm.
Previously listed as Kepone, the trade name of chlordecone.
The action level for DDT,TDE and DDE are for residues of the pesticides individually or in
combination. However, in adding amounts of DDT, TDE and DDE, do not count any of the
three found below 0.2 ppm.
The levels published in 21 CFR & 40 CFR represent tolerances,rather than guidance levels
or action levels.
The action level for heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide are the pesticides individually or in
combination. However, in adding amounts of heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide, do not count
heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide found at below 0.1 ppm.
Sanctioned drugs are approved drugs and drugs used under an INAD.
Note: the term “fish” refers to fresh or saltwater fin fish, crustaceans, other forms of aquatic
animal life other than birds or mammals, and all mollusks, as defined in 21 CFR 123.3(d).
2) Aquaculture Drugs

FDA has determined that unregulated drug use in farm-raised products poses a potential health hazard.

Unapproved drugs: Unapproved drugs such as chloramphenicol and other unapproved chemical
additives are adulterants according to FDA regulations and are not allowed for food use in the U.S.
Antibiotic residues must not be present.

3) Food Additives and Allergens

No unapproved food additives are allowed. We specifically require testing for melamine on a periodic
basis ( to be agreed) and we expect our approved processing facilities to acquire assurances from feed
suppliers that lot by lot testing is undertaken for Melamine.

Potential Biological Hazards

FDA & EPA Safety Levels in Regulations and Guidance

Product Level Reference

All fish Salmonella species- presence of organism Sec.555.300

Zero tolerance
All fish Staphylococcus aureus – 1. positive for staphylococcal Compliance Program 7303.842
enterotoxin, or 2. Staphylococcus aureus level is equal to or
greater than 104/g ( MPN).
All fish Clostridum botulinum – 1. Presence of viable spores or Compliance Program 7303.842
vegetative cells in products that will support their growth; or
2. Presence of toxin.

Potential Physical Hazards

All fish Hard or sharp foreign object – generally 0.3”(7mm) to 1.0” Sec 555.425
(25mm) in length Compliance Policy Guide

Note: the term “fish” refers to fresh or saltwater fin fish, crustaceans, other forms of aquatic animal
life other than birds or mammals, and all mollusks, as defined in 21 CFR 123.3(d).

The signatures below indicate an authorized company official has read

these product specifications and agrees to comply with them.

/Zhou Mingjuan GM/总经理 OCT.11, 2018

_____________________ ____________ ____________
Authorized Signature Title Date
Company Officer

/Long Yujing QA Manager/品控总监 OCT.11, 2018

____________________ _____________ ____________
Authorized Signature Title Date

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