Refining and Degumming For Oil

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The document discusses the refining and degumming processes used to purify crude edible oils for human consumption.

The main factors important to an efficient refining operation include the source oils supply and composition, receiving and storage techniques, type of refining system selected, processing conditions and equipment used, and control methods used for yield and quality performance.

Consistently poor yields can be caused by frequent start ups and shut downs from short refining runs, discontinuous refining due to plugging filters or centrifuge bowls exceeding design capacity, and improper processing conditions.

Refining and Degumming Systems for Edible Fats and Oils

ROY A. CARR, Hunt-Wesson Foods, Inc., 1645 West Valencia Drive, Fullerton, California 92634

ABSTRACT Composition
Crude edible fats and oils contain variable amounts Crude edible oils consist primarily of triglycerides, or
of nonglyceride impurities, such as free fatty acids, triacyl glycerols, which are esters resulting from the union
non-fatty materials generally classified as "gums," of one unit of glycerine with three units of fatty acids. This
and color pigments. Most of these impurities are de- is the portion of the crude oil, approximately 95%, that we
trimental to end product fresh and aged quality char- wish to recover and use as neutral oil in the manufacture of
acteristics, hence must be eliminated by a purification finished products. The remaining nontriglyceride portion
process before the finished fats and oils are suitable contains variable amounts of impurities, such as free fatty
for human consumption. The object of this process is acids (FFA), n o n f a t t y materials generally classified as
to remove these objectionable impurities with the "gums," phospholipids (phosphatides), tocopherols, color
least possible loss of neutral oil and tocopherals. Key pigments, sterols, meal, oxidized materials, waxes, moisture
theoretical and practical factors for degumming and and dirt. Most of these impurities are detrimental to
refining crude edible oils are discussed with particular finished product color, flavor, foaming and smoking sta-
reference to processes, flow charts, control systems bility; hence, must be separated from the neutral oil by a
and analytical testing requirements. In addition to purification step. Of these impurities, our primary concern
typical large volume oils, such as soya and cotton, is with the adequate removal of the F F A and phosphatides.
techniques are also reviewed for smaller volume oils, As the name suggests, F F A is the a m o u n t of fatty acid,
including palm, laurie and corn. occurring naturally or produced during storage or process-
ing, which exists in edible oils as a distinct chemical unit in
an uncombined state. The quantity of F F A present is a
INTRODUCTION good measure of the quality of the crude oil, as well as the
The primary system used to purify crude edible source purified oil. Some crude oils, such as palm oil, may contain
oils is the conventional caustic soda refining process, in as much as 5% F F A by the time they are readied for pro-
which a solution of sodium hydroxide is continuously cessing. F F A c o n t e n t can be lowered by alkali treatment or
mixed with crude oil and separated as soapstock from the by other methods to be described later.
neutral oil by centrifugal action. As an option, crude soy- Phosphatides consist of polyhydric alcohols combined
bean oil may be degummed before refining by a water treat- with fatty acids, phosphoric acid, and a nitrogen-containing
ment, followed by centrifugation to remove the hydrated compound. Their primary classifications are phospho-
gums. glycerides, phosphoinositides, and phytosphinogosines.
If oils are not adequately refined, subsequent operations Lecithin and cephalin are c o m m o n phosphatides found in
such as bleaching, hydrogenation, winterization and deo- edible oils. In lecithin, the nitrogen base is choline, while
dorization will be troublesome, and finished products will hydroxyethylamine is the nitrogen base for cephalin. Soy-
fail to meet quality objectives. Inefficient refining will also bean, corn, cottonseed and rapeseed are the major oils
reduce the yield of neutral oil and adversely affect manu- which contain significant quantities of phosphatides. Alkali
facturing profits. Hence, the refining process has the treatment used for F F A reduction is also capable of remov-
greatest impact on the quality and economic performance ing most of the phosphatides from these crude oils.
of today's edible oils manufacturing facilities. On the other hand, tocopherols are important minor
Factors important to an efficient refining operation in- constituents of vegetable oils. They perform the important
clude the source oils supply, composition, receiving and function of serving as natural antioxidant protectors of oil
storage techniques; type of crude oil purification system keeping quality by retarding the development of rancidity.
selected; processing conditions and equipment used in the One of the tocopherols is referred to as Vitamin E. Proper
selected system; and control methods used for yield and processing allows most of the tocopherols to remain in the
quality performance during processing~ Each of these fac- finished oils. Animal fats, however, lack natural tocopherols
tors will be reviewed for their effect on refinery per- and require the addition of antioxidant agents. Thus, the
formance. object of the purification step is to remove the objection-
albe impurities, with the least possible damage to the
SOURCE OILS neutral oil and tocopherols, and m i n i m u m loss of oil during
Of all edible fats and oils available to the world, and Receiving
more specifically the United States, soybean oil is by far Domestic crude oils are generally purchased and graded
the most important factor in the supply of source oils to for quality according to industry-accepted rules, such as the
refiners. At the present time, consumption of soybean oil in National Soybean Processors Association Trading Rules
North America is higher than all other sources of fats and Book, or the Trading Rules by the National Cottonseed
oils combined. Cottonseed, laurie (coconut and palm ker- Products Association. Prior to the unloading of crude oils
from tank cars, trucks or barges, a representative sample is
nel), corn, palm, peanut and safflower oils are also used by taken for comparison with the official loading sample of
U.S. refiners. On a worldwide basis, soybean oil contributes the lot submitted by the mill. Soybean oil, as one example,
approximately 31% of the total production of vegetable is usually evaluated by the American Oil Chemists' Society
oils. By 1985, projections of USDA data indicate that soy- (AOCS) methods for percent FFA, neutral oil loss,
bean oil's share may increase to over 34% of the total. bleached color, odor and green color. Hard fats receipts,
Sunflower and rapeseed oils, combined with soybean oil, such as tallow and palm oil, can be damaged by extended
will probably supply more than half of the world's produc- heating periods in colder climates, prior to unloading. An
tion of edible oils. Other oils of international importance unloading shed with heated agitators can reduce the heat-
are palm, laurie, cottonseed, peanut and olive oils. ing/unloading period from two days to ca. five hours.


Following these sampling and analytical steps, the mized and the loss in quality is reduced. Oil storage under
weighed recepts should be segregated by oil type, color, nitrogen is desirable because of the stability protection. It is
F F A or refining loss, and, as necessary, by the previous good practice to periodically m o n i t o r oils in extended
history of the supplier. Some companies assign their quality storage for F F A , bleached color, peroxide value and moist-
control (Q.C.) department the responsiblity of authorizing ure content. Lots showing deterioration trends should be
the unloading of all receipts. If p o o r quality receipts are refined promptly.
significant, a supplier/quality monitoring system will high- Storage tanks should be empty, free of foreign matter,
light the suppliers causing the problem. An ongoing segrega- with coils tested for leaks, before filling with new oil. Tank
tion and blending program will minimize the complications design should include side-entering agitators, a cleanout
of the purification steps due to variability in the raw ma- manhole at ground level, bottom-filling capability, adequate
terials. inventory and temperature measuring equipment. S~aao
pressure to the rheating coils should_ .he_ 01~sig m a ~ m u m
Storage and the flow controiied by~ temperature indicator con-
Storage of crude oils is necessary to build up sufficient troller (TIC). Where possible, provide separate piping and
inventories to minimize oil losses associated with frequent tank systems for expensive oils with critical physical prop-
start ups and shutdowns during short refining runs. The erties. Provide adequate insulation and heating to piping
storage objective is to eventually deliver oil to the refining and tanks used to handle oils in colder climates. Tank farm
operation as close as possible to the quantity and quality of design should provide the capability of blending degummed
the crude oils received. and nondegummed oils prior to refining.
Problems can start from the moment crude oils are
unloaded. Physical loss of oil can be caused by faulty piping CRUDE OIL PURIFICATION
design, leaking valves and inadequate volumetric or weigh-
ing equipment. Cross-contamination of oils can occur from Crude oils which have been carefully graded, segregated
pumping errors due to operator mistakes, p o o r equipment, and stored are now ready for the first processing steps
or faulty system design. Improper storage conditions will towards their conversion to finished products. The ob-
result in significant quality degradation from F F A rise, jective of this step is to refine or cleanse the crude oils of
color reversion or fixation, and damage to the oils' natural undesirable impurities, with minimum loss of the neutral
keeping quality or shelf life. Quality degredation during oils and natural tocopherols. We use the term "refining" for
storage is generally caused by moisture, temperture, metal any purification treatment designed to remove free fatty
soaps, oxygen and equipment condition or design. acids, phosphatides, gums or other gross impurities in the
Moisture is to be avoided for several reasons, the most oil.
i m p o r t a n t being that it causes fat hydrolysis with a result- The primary crude oil processing system used in the U.S.
ing rise in F F A . This deterioration will produce higher re- to achieve this objective is a combination of degumming
fining losses, hence higher processing costs for crude oils. and caustic soda centrifugal refining. Crude oil m a y be de-
Contamination by moisture can also degum soybean oil in gummed before refining by a water treatment followed by
the storage tanks. In order to keep moisture content low, centrifugation to remove the phosphatides as hydrated
the moisture of the crude oil should be carefully checked gums. Crude or degummed oil is treated with caustic soda
when received. Any crude with a high moisture (e.g., above to saponify impurities, which are subsequently removed as
0.1%) should be rejected or used as soon as possible after soapstock by a primary centrifuge. The refined oil is
receipt. Heating coils must be kept in good repair to pre- washed to remove the last traces o f soap in a secondary
vent moisture leakage into storage tanks, and the storage centrifuge~ Refined, water-washed oil is finally dried under
tanks should be rubbed out regularly to prevent a buildup vacuum and is ready for additional processing, usually
of moisture and sludge. bleaching.
Oils should be stored at as low a temperature as possible. P r o c e s s o r s h a v e the o p t i o n of approaching this
When stored in proper tanks which will not be used for purification step in two ways. Soybean oil phosphatides can
some time, they should be allowed to cool down to ambi- either be recovered as valuable by-products through de-
ent temperature. Those oils in tanks from which pumpings gumming, or considered as bothersome impurities which
are being made regularly should be kept liquid at a tem- must be removed from the oil to produce finished products
perature just high enough to prevent graining. This is with satisfactory quality attributes.
usually on the order of 5 C above the c o m p l e t e melting
p o i n t of the stock. The rate of oxidation of an oil increases DEGUMMING
rapidly as temperature increases. A general rule is that for
each 10 C increase in storage temperature, the oxidation Degumming is the treatment of crude oils with water,
rate triples. Additionally, with elevated temperatures, water salt solutions or dilute acids such as phosphoric to remove
solubility increases in the oil, and the rate o f hydrolysis phosphatides, waxes and other impurities. Some crude oils,
increases, causing an increase in the rate of F F A rise and such as soybean, contain significant quantities of phos-
metal soap formation. phatides. Degumming exploits the affinity of phosphatides
During processing, oils contact metal surfaces of storage for water by converting them to hydrated gums, which are
and handling equipment in the presence of F F A and mois- insoluble in oil and readily separated by centrifugal action,
ture. All metals, with the exception of aluminum and Because of a strong demand (ca. 100,000 tons per year) for
nickel, exert varying degrees o f catalytic p r o o x i d a n t effect. the lecithin emulsifying agent derived from the hydrated
This detrimental effect is accentuated by increases in gums, crude soybean oil is frequently degummed prior to
temperature and the formation of metal soaps by the inter- refining. This soybean oil by-product is the only current
action o f metals with F F A . commercial source of lecithin used as eumulsifiers in mar-
Storage or handling activities which increase the chances garine, salad dressings, shortening, peanut butter and many
of oxygen coming into intimate contact with the oil should other products.
be eliminated. A tzP.j.9_~ oil g,xn--a-bsorb.~2~._.l~y~volume of The principal phosphatides, lecithin and cephalin, are
oxygen when stored under ~ r . If any significant portion of triglyceride compounds with one fatty acid radical replaced
this abffbrbe-d- a i r reacts with the oil, flavor deterioration b y phosphoric acid. The position of this phosphoric acid
will result. When storing oil under air, tanks should be filled radical is important. When it is attached to an outer carbon
completely so that the oil surface-to-volume ratio is mini- link with the glycerol molecule, it is termed an Alpha-

Lipoid. If found in the center position, the c o m p o u n d is Physical Refining

called a Beta-Lipoid. Alpha-Lipoids are hydrateable and When dealing with high F F A and low phospholipid con-
may be removed by water degumming prior to caustic re- tent crude oils, physical refining, or steam refining, can
fining. The Beta-Lipoids are not hydrateable and cannot be provide an economic advantage over caustic refining~ In
removed during degumming. Europe, physical refining of high-FFA oils has been utilized
Degumming by batch water treatment followed by for many years to deacidify source oils down to lower F F A
centrifugation is commonly practiced in the U.S. Water, levels of 0.2-0.5%, prior to the traditional caustic refining
at ca. 2% of the oil volume, is contacted with crude process. Domestic interest in this system increased coin-
soybean' 0il by mechanical agitation in a mix tank. cidental to the rise in palm oil's share of the world edible
Agitation is continued for ca. 3 0 _ ~ n u t e s at 60-70 C to oils market. A fullscale plant was constructed in 1973 at
complete gum hydration, being careful to prevefit air Portland, Oregon, to steam refine crude palm oil.
entrainment during mixing. In a continuous hydration The process, similar to deodorization, is a steam distilla-
system, the preheated oil is treated with water and mixed in tion of water-degummed and bleached oil. Source oil is
a hold tank for ca. 15 min. The hydrated gums are a com- pumped through a deaerator to a deodorizer-deacidifier
plex mixture consisting mainly of phosphatides, neutral oil with a dwell time of cao One hour at 2 6 0 C and 1 mm
and water, while the degummed oils are unaltered chemi- mercury vacuum. Injection of steam volatilizes most of the
cally from the neutral oil in the source crude oils. It is free fatty acids, which are condensed and collected in a
important to add only the a m o u n t of water necessary to tank separate from the neutral oil.
precipitate the gums, as any water excess causes un- When used with high-acidity crude oils, physical refining
necessary oil losses through hydrolysis. Phosphatide re- can reduce the loss of neutral oil in by-products, reduce the
moval efficiency can range from 80 to 95% of the crude oil n u m b e r of unit operations in the purification process and
content. eliminate the acidulation problems associated with the
Following hydration, the contents of the mix tank are soapstock by-product produced by alkali refining. On the
pumped to degumming centrifuges, such as the De Laval other hand, this process is not as successful as alkali refining
SRPX-317. The mixture of oil and gums continuously in readily achieving low F F A contents in the refined oil and
separates into sludge and degummed oil phases. Initially, satisfactory oil colors during the subsequent bleaching step.
the centrifuge oil discharge pressure control valve is ad- Thorough removal of prooxidants and phosphatides is
justed to obtain a 40% to 50% moisture content in the crucial to preparing quality oils by steam refining techni-
sludge phase for satisfactory separation. Back pressure is ques.
then fine-tuned to achieve the desired characteristics in the
sludge and degummed oil phases. Hermetic centrifuges can Miscella Refining
deliver 65% to 80% Acetone Insoluble (A.I.) gums on a dry Facilities with an existing oilseed solvent extraction
basis without sacrificing quality in the degummed oil. system may find miscella refining to be an advantage by
Residual unhydratable phospholipids remaining in using one solvent recovery unit for both purposes. I t c a n be
degummed oil must be subsequently removed by an Alkali performed by either a continuous or a batch process for
refining process. most U.S.-utilized fats and oils such as soybean, cottonseed,
The sludge phase from the centrifuges is vacuum dried palm, safflower, sunflower, tallow and coconut~
at ca. 90 C for 1-2 rain. by semibatch and continuous The process usually starts with the blending of one to
drying film evaporators to a 0.5% moisture level, then two parts of an inert solvent with one part of source oil for
cooled to 50 C prior to pumping to the lecithin work refining in a mix tank~ Two solvents are presently being
tank. Residence time and temperature control are critical to used commercially in miscella refining. Hexane is used in
the production of light colored products. Approximately the De Laval, Ranchers and De Smet systems and acetone
7% soybean oil and 3% vegetable fatty acids are blended in the Vaccarino Process. The blend may then be treated
with the lecithin in the work tank to obtain fludity at room with chemicals to condition gums and pigments prior to the
temperature. As an option, this final blend can be bleached addition of caustic soda. Properly conditioned miscella is
with peroxides prior to filling for sale as lecithin. For com- homogenized, heated to 65 C, cooled to 45 C and then
mercial food-grade lecithin, the crude oil should be filtered passed through a centrifuge to separate the two phases into
prior to the degumming operation. refined miscella and soapstock. The former, or light phase,
Degummed oil from the centrifuge is passed continuously is filtered and either stripped of hexane to produce the
through a vacuum dryer and on to degummed oil storage. It refined oil or passed on to the next miscella-based process
may then be sold as degummed crude oil or transferred to such as winterization.
the refining process. Removal of gums prior to alkali re- Miscella refining, when compared to conventional
methods, can result in lower refining losses, lighter colored
fining often improves the overall yield, because phospha- oil and elimination of the need to water wash and vacuum
tides act as emulsifiers in a caustic sotution and increase the dry refined oil. Today, more than a dozen plants are mis-
quantity of neutral oil entrained in the soapstock. cella refining vegetable oils around the world.


Another refining method, used by a n u m b e r of refineries
Of all the unit operations to which vegetable oils are in Europe, is the Zenith Process. After a pretreatment with
subjected during conversion to finished products, the re- concentrated phosphoric acid, followed by sludge removal
fining process has the most impact on quality and economic if necessary, the oil is neutralized as droplets, rising by
performance. If oils are not adequately refined, subsequent gravity through a lye column. The alkali lye is weak and
operations such as bleaching, hydrogenation, winterizing, keeps the formed soap in solution. This virtually eliminates
deodorization, etc. will be troublesome, and finished the formation of emulsions and any saponification of
products will fail quality standards for fresh and aged per- neutral oil. It: is claimed that water washing of the neutra-
formance. Inefficient refining will also reduce the yield of lized oil is not necessary, that the yield is very much im-
finished products and adversely affect manufacturing proved and that the quality of the refined oil is excellent~
profits. Commercial worldwide purification systems include
physical refining, miscetla refining, the Zenith process and Alkali Refining
alkali refining. Despite the development of other techniques such as the

"soda ash," "modified soda ash," "caustic soda-soda ash," provide sufficient time to prepare the crude oil batch, test
" a m m o n i a , " "miscella," and "steam refining" systems, the the oil and select the appropriate refining conditions. Prior
vast majority of refiners in the U.S. are currently using the to the refining start up, the crude oil in the day tank should
conventional caustic soda refining method. The present be evaluated for F F A , Neutral Oil or Cup Loss, and Bleach
system is the result of a gradual application of science to Test on cup refined oil.
the basic art of batch refining in open kettles as practiced Crude oils with significant levels of phosphatides, such as
during the first third of this century. soybean oil, are usually treated with 300 to I000 ppm of
The key technological breakthrough was the develop- food-grade, 75% phosphoric acid, at least four hr' prior to
ment of a "conventional caustic soda refining" process in the refining step to increase the efficiency of phosphatide
which a solution of sodium h y d r o x i d e was mixed with removal during caustic refining~ The Phosphoric acid also
crude oil and separated b y centrifugal action in a con- acts as a sequestering agent b y combining with metal ions in
tinuous process. This new continuous refining system be- the oil, retarding their catalytic potential for oxidizing the
came a commercial reality in 1932o The primary advantage neutral oil and facilitating their removal during subsequent
of the continuous process over the batch process is a processing.
markedly reduced contact time between oil and caustic. For o p t i m u m refining performance, the acetone insolu-
This, in turn, reduces the saponification of neutral oil and ble or phosphatide content of degummed soybean oil
results in a higher yield. Plants with daily capacities of 20 should be below 9.3%,. When this level is exceeded, de-
tons or more will generally use the continuous system in gummed oil should be blended with nondegummed soybean
preference to the batch refining method. oil to 1.0% minimum acetone insoluble level. Crude oils
Through the years, refining efficiency of this basic such as palm, palm kernel, coconut and corn should be
system has been improved by (a) upgrading the average rapidly heated b y an in-line heater to 82-88 C immediately
quality of crude oils by selective breeding and milling ad- before they are pumped through a Cuno type crude oil
vances; (b) evaluating the effects of variables in each re- filter to the caustic-oil mixing step.
fining step (c) providing improved equipment for flow con-
trol, pumping, heat exchange, mixing, separation and Caustic Storage and Preparation
instrumentation. As a result, today's commercial caustic Refiners usually receive concentrated caustic at 50~ in
soda refining system is a relatively simple operation with tank cars or tank wagons and unload the contents to the
the necessary flexibility to efficiently refine all the crude caustic storage tank. Prior to the refining run, concentrated
oils presently utilized in the U.S. caustic is transferred to the caustic dilution tank and
blended with water to obtain the desired concentration.
CONVENTIONAL CAUSTIC SODA REFINING SYSTEM After thorough mixing, the strength is checked with a
h y d r o m e t e r by the operator. When on target, a sample is
Basic Process submitted to the laboratory for percent NaOH and degree
The following is a summary of the system. Crude oils are B~, prior to startup. Some installations utilize a caustic
received in t a n k cars, tank trucks, barges, or from the water proportionating system, such as the Bran & Lubbe
degumming operation. Receipts are sampled, graded and metering unit, to replace the caustic dilution tank. Diluted
then transferred to appropriate storage tanks. As needed, caustic of the desired concentration is pumped through a
they are pumped by oil t y p e to a day tank in preparation strainer, heat exchanger as necessary, and flow indicator/
controllor, to the caustic-oil mixing "T."
for refining. Crude oil from the day tank is continuously
Key control points for caustic preparation are concen-
mixed with a proportioned stream of dilute caustic soda
solution and heated to obtain a break in the emulsion. tration, flowrate or "treat," and temperature. Selection of
Soapstock is continually separated from the neutral oil by control levels is determined by the type of crude oil to be
centrifugal action. The resultant refined oil is mixed with refined, l a b o r a t o r y tests, past refining experience with
hot, soft water and again centrifugally separated to remove similar oils and refining equipment available. In general, the
small amounts of residual soap. This water-washed refined minimum a m o u n t of the weakest strength caustic necessary
oil, containing traces of moisture, is then passed through a to achieve the desired endpoint control is used to minimize
continuous vacuum-drying stage and on to the refined oil saponification of neutral oil and prevent "three-phasing" or
storage tank. emulsions during separation.
Caustic strengths of 17 to 18~ Bd are usually prescribed
Five key factors determine the success of any edible fats
for oils other than palm, p alm.k~rnel and. coconut. The
and oils refining operations (1) uniform feedstock; (2)
latter require weaker caustic of ca. 12 ~ Bd_to optimize
p r o p e r quantity o f refining reagent; (3) p r o p e r mixing o f centrifugal separation, reduce saponification o f neutral oil
reagent and oil; (4) p r o p e r residual contact time and tem- and minimize emulsions.
perature control; and (5) efficient centrifugation. Each of The treat selected for the crude oil to be refined will
the unit operations within the caustic soda process will now
vary with the F F A content of the oil and the level of
be reviewed for features important to the overall refining caustic "excess" over "theoretical," determined for each oil
type from previous experience. The theoretical quantity of
Crude Oil Preparation caustic is based on the ratio of molecular weights of sodium
hydroxide to oleic acid. Most oils are refined with 0.10% to
Crude oils are p u m p e d from segregated storage to 0.13% excess, but there are important exceptions. Laurie
t e m p o r a r y holding tanks (day tanks) by oil type, quality
and quantity, as necessary for p r o d u c t i o n planning require- and palm oils require a minimal excess of ca. 0 02%, because
m e n t s . Because feedstock uniformity is essential to they are refined for F F A reduction purposes only. Cotton-
steady-state refining operation, these day tanks should be seed oil is primarily refined for color reduction and requires
equipped with slow speed, side-entering agitators. This is a larger excess, ca. 0.16%. Diluted caustic, for use with
particularly important for phosphatide-containing source lauric and palm oils, is usually preheated to 65 C to minimize
oils, such as nondegummed soybean oil. Tanks should be emulsion formation in the separators.
sized to provide homogeneous batches of crude oil, suffi- A smooth, reproducible flow of caustic to the mixing T
cient for 24 hr minimum continuous refining runs. is of prime importance to efficient refining. Pulsating
Smaller batches increase refining losses from frequent start delivery will carry through the mixers and produce varying
ups and shutdowns. Several day tanks m a y be necessary to mixture densitites in the separators. Refiners now utilize

ratio units with proportional band, reset, and rate action to m a r l y insoluble soap, meal, free caustic, phosphatides and
achieve a nonpulsating reagent delivery to the crude oil. small quantities of neutral oil.
This ratio controller permits only the specified q u a n t i t y of Centrifugal separation is several thousands times faster
caustic to enter the crude oil stream, even if there are fluc- than gravity separation used in batch refining, and the
tuations in the crude oil flow. In addition, rotometers are s e p a r a t i o n efficiency is controlled primarily by the
installed in the reagent line for visual observation and temperature of the oil-caustic feed. The basic principle is
emergency manual control. Prompt, accurate readings of oil that an object in flight will travel in a straight line unless
and caustic flow rates are essential for the refining operator prevented b y an outside force. F o r example, a weight twirl-
to control his refining efficiency. ing on a string will exert a force away from the center of
rotation. The string pulls back on the weight, causing it to
Caustic-Oil Mixing take a circular path. The faster the spin, the greater the
A f t e r the caustic reagent has been p r o p o r t i o n e d into the force generated, until the force becomes great enough to
crude oil at the mixing T, it must be sufficiently blended to break the string.
insure adequate contact with the free fatty acids, phospha- A centrifuge contains a bowl or hollow cylinder turning
tides and color pigments. Caustic reacts as follows with free on its axis. As the flow of material to be treated by cen-
fatty acids to form soapstock, while hydrolyzing phos- trifugal force enters this rotating bowl, it is forced outwards
phatides and removing unsaponifiable m a t t e r from the to the disc stack. The flow then separates and the soap,
crude oil: having a heavier specific gravity, is thrown out to the bowl
periphery. The lighter specific gravity phase, which is the
RCOOH + N2OH = RCOONA + H20. desired neutral oil, is disPlaced to the center of the bowl
and eventually discharges from the neck of the top disc. In
After mixing, the soap-oil blend is heated as necessary to a the meantime, the soap phase flows over the top disc and
temperature selected for o p t i m u m separation in the refining out the soapstock discharge port.
centrifuges. In either a top feed or b o t t o m feed centrifuge, the com-
The usual mixing system provides a high speed, inline position of the phases can be adjusted b y changing the
mixer for all oils, plus an optional b a n k of dwell mixers for position of the neutral zone, or interface, in the centrifuge.
soft oils, such as soybean. Suitable piping connections are In the old atmospheric centriguges, zone changes were ob-
supplied to allow the inclusion to zero to four dwell mixers tained b y modifying the diameter o f the heavy phase dis-
in the mixing system. Lauric and palm oils are refined b y charge p o r t and using various ring dam sizes. Most
the "~or~-~' " M i x ".....process
....... which requires low speed, short centrifuges in the U.S. are now of the pressure or hermetic
t~hae mixing with only the tnline mixer. This mixture type, in which zone changes can be readily achieved by
should be immediately delivered to the separator, to mini- adjusting the back pressure applied to the light phase dis-
mize emulsification and saponification of neutral oil. Soft charge. Regardless of the system employed, complete sepa-
oils receive high speed mixing by the inline mixer to obtain ration of the two phases can never be achieved.
intimate contact between the caustic and oil. The gums are F o r good operation, the interface should be near the
h y d r o l y z e d b y water in the caustic solution and become midpoint between the center and periphery of the bowl. Its
insoluble in the oil. Inline mixing is followed by a delay position depends upon the refined oil discharge back pres-
period in a number o f d w d l mixers, varied to achieve the sure. Increasing this back pressure reduces the soap content
refined oil endpoint control. Soybean oil usually requires in the oil phase, but increases the neutral oil lost in the
three dwell mixers for adequate phosphatide removal One soapstock. Conversely, reducing the back pressure decreases
additional mixer is generally used for cottonseed oil to the neutral oil loss in the soap phase, but increases soap in
maximize color removal. refined oil to a level which is b e y o n d the capacity of the
Once the mixing operation has been completed, the subsequent water-washing step. Key factors improving the
soap-oil mixture should be delivered to the separators at a completeness of separation are: (a) greater difference in
temperature suitable for optimum separation. Most soft oil specific gravity of the phases; (b) lower viscosities, (c)
mixtures are heated to 74 C to provide the thermal shock higher temperature; (d) shorter travel distance for the heavy
necessary to " b r e a k " the emulsion of the oil-caustic-soap particles; (e) increased centrifugal force, and (f) longer
mass. Too high an oil temperature during the addition of centrifuge dwell time.
caustic can increase the saponification rate of neutral oil F o r centrifuge start up conditions, most refiners use re-
and reduce the yield of refined oil. The degree of refining is fined oil back pressure guidelines selected from previous
controlled b y the caustic treat, plus the caustic-oil mixing refining experience. Once the process starts to line out,
temperature and time. Hard oils, such as palm and lauric refined oil back pressure is carefully adjusted until the re-
oils, should bypass the caustic-oil heater. fined oil, as viewed through a lighted sight glass, becomes
Some refiners use pH to ensure that the reaction mixture slightly turbid from included soap particles. A high speed
contains the proper caustic treat before it is sent to the test tube centrifuge m a y then be used to determine the
refining centrifuge, pH targets will range from 9.8 for l a u r c quantity of heavy phase left in the refined oil. The spin test
oils to 10.8 for cottonseed oil. Periodic monitoring, either provides a rapid guide to separation efficiency and back
manually b y the operator or b y a continuous pH unit, mini- pressure adjustment. Spin test evaluations and back pres-
mizes under refining and excess losses from neutral oil sure adjustments are continued until the sga9 content in
emulsification, saponification and entrainment. the refined oil is compatible with water-washing capability,
usually 300 p p m maximum.
Soap-Oil Separation Low loss oils, such as degummed soybean oil, should be
All of the previous operations are in preparation for the separated b y centrifuges equipped with bowl flush units to
primary separation step, the key t o refinery yield ef- dilute the viscous soap phase. Thick, sticky soapstock from
ficiency. F r o m the caustic-oil mixer, the resultant soap- the refining centrifuge can reduce separation efficiency by
in-oil suspension is fed to high speed centrifuges for separa- increasing the soap phase back pressure or blocking the
tion into light and heavy density phases. These separators soapstock discharge line. Hot water m a y also be added t o
are designed to divide suspensions of insoluble liquids and the soap discharge p o r t to lower soapstock viscosity to the
solids in suspension with different specific gravities. The desired level for satisfactory centrifuge operation.
light phase discharge is comprised of refined oil containing Separation efficiency for palm and palm kernel oils is
traces of moisture and soap, while the heavy phase is pri- usually improved b y metering water 0r b r i n e i ~ 0 the soap-

in-oil suspension as the mixture enters the refining centri- the equipment presently utilized to achieve these require-
fuge. Water is generally used for crude oils containing less ments. In addition to their efficiency and flexibility, her-
than 6% FFA. For higher F F A content crude oils, a 10% metic centrifuges provide a closed, air free system which
sodium chloride brine solution may be used at flow rates eliminates the risk of oxidizing the oil during refining. For
not exceeding 5% of the crude oil throughput. The "Ultra- example, peroxide values of all-hermetic refined oils are
Short-Mix" method can be used for high acidity palm and ca. 0.2 m.e. vs. 2 to 4 m.e. values for batch refined oils.
laurie oils to shorten contact time further by introducing
caustic directly into the hollow spindle of the centrifuge. Centrifuges
Once steady state is achieved, key control features such Typical hermetic centrifuges are the De Laval VO, SRG
as flow rates, temperatures and pressures should be fre- and PX series. VO hermetic machines, such as the VO 194,
quently monitored and adjusted as necessary. Permanent are widely used by vegetable oil processors for lower
log sheets for processing data and equipment maintenance volume applications. The interface between the light and
are very important for long term satisfactory performance. heavy phases is controlled by varying the back pressure of
The refined oil phase, containing minute quantities of soap, the light phase discharge. Capacity of the VO 194
is pumped continuously from this primary refining step to is ca. 5000 Ibs/hr. SRG-214 hermetic machines, with
the secondary refining stage, namely, water washing. ca. four times the capacity of the VO 194, can be used
Soapstock or "foots" formed during the alkali neutrali- in vegetable oil refining wherever the VO 194 is used,
zation of F F A and removed during this primary centri- except for miscella refining. The B-214 is used for water-
fugation can be sold to soapmakers for further pro- washing in larger refineries, due to its large capacity of ca.
cessing, or can be split by sulfuric acid to form a 40,000 lbs/hr. It uses the same principle of balanced
mixture of crude FFA, phospholipids, proteins and other columns as the SRG-214, b u t since it is not hermetic, it
impurities. This mixture can be sold to animal feed manu- differs in the method of controlling the interface location.
factures as "acidulated soapstock" or used as a raw material To vary the interface position in the bowl, the diameter of
for the production of purified products, such as fatty acids. the discharge ring must be changed. The ring traps the
heavier layer of water in the bowl, thereby confining the
Water-Washing, Vacuum Drying and Storage lighter layer of oil under the top disc for discharge from the
Refined oil from the primary centrifuge is reheated as center of the bowl. PX hermetic machines are used to
necessary t o 88 C. Hot softened water, or recovered steam separate liquids with high solids content and are designed
condensate, is proportioned into the refined oil at a rate of for self cleaning operation. When solids build up in the
10 to 20% by weight of the oil flow. This water-oil combi- bowl, a bottom sliding section is hydraulically opened to
nation passes through a high speed inline mixer to obtain discharge the solids from the bowl. Within a few seconds,
intimate contact for maximum soap transfer from the oil to the bowl bottom section returns to its original position and
the water phase. The soapy water-oil mixture continues normal operation is resumed. Throughput capacity, depending
through secondary separators, such as a De Laval B-214-C upon the type of feed product and centrifuge selected,
centrifuge. Similar to the action of the refining centrifuge, varies from the range of 25,000 to 50,000 lbs/hr.
water-washed oil is discharged as the light phase and the Refining centrifuges are often equipped with breakover
soapy water solution is the heavy phase. The water- warning systems or automatic sealing devices to minimize
washing operation removes ca. 90% of the soap content high loss of oil in the soap phase during periodic disruptions
in the refined oil and a single washing pass is usually suf- in the neutral zone balance. A breakover occurs when the
ficient. Wash water temperature is important to efficient interface suddenly moves toward the bowl periphery and
separation in the centrifuge, while the water-wash flow rate no longer contains the column of oil under the top disc.
controls soap removal and oil losses in the wash water. Large amounts of oil are discharged through the soap outlet
The control of the water-washing separator is easier than in a partial breakover. When a total breakover occurs, the
the refining centrifuge and trouble is seldom serious. Break- large oil flow quickly forces all the soap from the bowl and
over will occur only because of carelessness, such as the use all the oil follows through the soap outlet port. Breakovers
of an oversize discharge ring, poor refining conditions, low can happen when the centrifuge bowl is clogged, the refined
oil or water temperatures, emulsion in refined oil or an oil outlet back pressure is too high, or the refined oil
excessively dirty bowl. The only critical factors are the temperature or caustic concentration drops considerably.
selection of the correct discharge ring and the relationship Breakovers can usually be corrected by quickly opening
of the temperatures of the oil and the water. The wash the back pressure valve and readjusting until the soapstock
water must be as hot as, or preferably 5 t0.8 C hotter than, and refined oil are discharging properly. The bowl may have
the oil to prevent emulsions, Problems, such as emulsion or to be reprimed or back flushed to correct large breakovers.
very high soap content in the washed oil, are typically
caused by improper separation at the refining centrifuge. PE R FORMANCE
Washed oil at c a . 82 C is passed through nozzles
Refinery performance control systems should be de-
into the evacuated sectiori of a continuous vacuum
dryer, which controls the moisture content of the washed signed to monitor the refining yield efficiency over the
system, evaluate the quality level of the refined oil and
oil below 0.1%. A typical dryer operates at 70 cm Hg and is
initiate prompt adjustment of processing conditions for out
equipped with high level alarm and automatic shutdown
capability. Before entering the refined oil storage tank, of control incidents.
the dried oil is continuously cooled to ca. 49 C. If Yield
extended storage is necessary, a nitrogen blanke=t ma3?be
applied to the surface of the oil to minimize oxidation. Refining efficiency is generally considered to be the
yield of dry neutral refined oil as a percentage of the avail-
able neutral triglyceride content of the crude oil. The
EQUIPMENT former is either measured volumetrically and adjusted as
The overall refining equipment package should be de- necessary for temperature by specific gravity tables, or
signed and selected for its capability of producing a high weighed by scale tanks. Crude oil quantity is determined in
yield of quality product, with operating flexibility to a similar manner and then adjusted to available neutral tri-
handle all types of edible fats and oils. For most refining glyceride by a laboratory loss evaluation~ The laboratory
installations, hermetic centrifuges are the cornerstone of loss method, and hence the efficiency terminology, varies

with the oil type. Gum-containing crude oils, such as soy- control station. Any response delay will increase the
bean, are usually evaluated by the chromatographic method amount of time that the process operates out of control.
for lab loss, and the refining efficiency is expressed as the Some refiners reduce this feedback lag by utilizing the Sodi-
ratio of neutral oil produced over the calculated neutral oil um Balance Method for estimating loss at the primary cen-
in the crude oil. The lab loss basis for cottonseed and corn trifuges. Metering equipment, such as the Elliott or Sullivan
oils is the AOCS cup loss method, and refining efficiency is system, can be used to Compare flowrates of crude oil input
expressed as "savings over cup." Palm and laurie oils re- with refined oil output for instantaneous estimates of refin-
fining efficiency is controlled by the refining factor, a ratio i n g loss performance at any time throughout the run.
of plant loss to F F A content of the crude oil. Despite all the improvements in equipment and instru-
Key features requiring close supervisory control are mentation, the prime control factor is the attentiveness of
properly calibrated tanks, accurate daily inventories of the refinery personnel. Various motivation techniques have
stocks in all refinery vessels, stock transfer control systems been tried, but the best approach is to provide management
to eliminate overfilling tanks or mixing stocks, and a re- feedback for operating personnel to increase job satisfac-
sponsive maintenance program to prevent stock leaks from tion and knowledge. Yield and quality control can be im-
valves and piping connections. Improper refining conditions proved by involving operators in refining efficiency goal
can also lose neutral oil through excess saponification, setting, providing trend charts for tracking performance and
emulsions and process upsets. During refining, the diluted clearly defining corrective actions for out of control in-
caustic supply and the caustic-oil feed to the primary cen- cidents. The same approach can be utilized to upgrade the
trifuge should be checked for sodium content at least once responsiveness of the plant maintenance program to plant
per shift. Soapstock should be monitored for neutral oil equipment problems.
content at least every four hours. Wash water from the
secondary centrifuge should be composited over a shift and Troublesh ooti ng
analysed for neutral oil content. Periodic process control problems will arise, and operat-
ing personnel should be trained to quickly identify causes
Quality of these problems from the symptoms observed.
Refined oil quality standards are established for each oil Consistently poor yields c a n be caused by frequent start
type, compatible with the finished product quality objec- ups and shut downs from short refining runs, discontinuous
tives of the individual company. Final refined oil control refining due to plugging filters or centrifuge bowls exceed-
samples are generally taken downstream from the vacuum ing the centrifuges design capacity and improper processing
dryer. At this point in the process, moisture content of the conditions. Excess neutral oil loss to soapstock may be due
oil should not exceed 0.1%. In most c a s e s r 0 . 0 5 % F F A and to high centrifuge back pressure, improper feed tempera-
50 ppm soap content maximums are the primary endpoint tures or caustic flow and plugging of centrifuge bowls. High
limits for all refined oils. Phosphatide containing crude oils, neutral oil loss in the wash water can be caused by the use
such as soybean, are also controlled by the residual gum of an improper ring dam or low water-oil feed temperature.
level. These gums precipitate when the refined oil sample is High refined oil F F A or bleach color indicates under-
treated with acetone. The quantity of precipitate can then refining, which can be due to low caustic strength or flow,
be measured by visual comparison with a standard tube or insufficient caustic-oil mixing, or a rise in crude oil F F A or
by nephelometric equipment, to determine whether or not temperature. Conversely, a refined oil bleach color signifi-
the oil is fully refined. In the base of cottonseed oil, com- cantly lower than the crude oil refined and bleach color
pleteness of refining is also controlled by comparing indicates unnecessary overrefining. If high soap content is
laboratory bleach test colors of plant refined oil vs. a observed in the vacuum dried oil, check primary centrifuge
similar test on the laboratory refined crude oil samples. refined oil solids by a spin test and adjust back pressure as
necessary. Also investigate for low wash water rate and the
Feedback oil-water mixing temperature. High moisture content in the
In order for refinery personnel to adequately control dried oil is usually due to low vacuum in the vacuum drier,
yield and quality performance, process instrumentation and poor separation at the water wash centrifuge or improper
analytical information should be promptly returned to their oil-water mixing temperature.

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