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; Sample answer: The nut is congruent to the

4-3 Congruent Triangles opening for the  in. socket.

Show that polygons are congruent by identifying In the figure, .

all congruent corresponding parts. Then write a
congruence statement.


All corresponding parts

of the two triangles are congruent. Therefore, 4. Find x.
By the definition of congruence, QR = LM.

All corresponding parts of the two polygons are

5. Find y.
congruent. Therefore,
3. TOOLS Sareeta is changing the tire on her bike and By the definition of congruence, . 
the nut securing the tire looks like the one shown.  
Which of the sockets below should she use with her Substitute.
wrench to remove the tire? Explain your reasoning.

CCSS REGULARITY  Find x. Explain your
in.; Sample answer: The nut is congruent to the reasoning.

opening for the  in. socket.

In the figure, .
Since and , corresponds to

eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 1

4-3 Congruent Triangles

CCSS REGULARITY  Find x. Explain your 8. PROOF Write a paragraph proof.

reasoning. Given: WXZ   YXZ, XZW   XZY,

Since and , corresponds to
We know that , also
 by the Reflexive Property. We also 
know and by the
Third Angles Theorem, .So,
 by the definition of congruent 

Show that polygons are congruent by identifying

all congruent corresponding parts. Then write a
7.  congruence statement.

Since and , corresponds to
. By the Third Angles Theorem, .
, , ,
8. PROOF Write a paragraph proof. corresponding parts of the two triangles are
Given: WXZ   YXZ, XZW   XZY, congruent.


SOLUTION:   corresponding parts of the two triangles are congruen

We know that , also
 by the Reflexive Property. We also 
know and by the
Third Angles Theorem, .So,
 by the definition of congruent 
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 2
polygons. 11. 
Show that polygons are congruent by identifying
4-3 Congruent Triangles
corresponding parts of the two triangles are congruen

14. y
By the definition of congruence, .
SOLUTION:   Substitute.
corresponding parts of the two triangles are

15. z
12.  By the definition of congruence, ED = UT.
SOLUTION:   Substitute.

All corresponding parts of the two polygons are


Polygon BCDE  polygon RSTU. Find each 16. w

By the definition of congruence, BC = RS.
13. x  
By the definition of congruence, .

17. SAILING To ensure that sailboat races are fair, the

boats and their sails are required to be the same size
and shape. Refer to the figure on page 260.
a. Write a congruence statement relating the
triangles in the photo.
14. y b. Name six pairs of congruent segments.
c. Name six pairs of congruent angles.
By the definition of congruence, . SOLUTION:  
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 3
4-3 Congruent Triangles

17. SAILING To ensure that sailboat races are fair, the

boats and their sails are required to be the same size
and shape. Refer to the figure on page 260.
a. Write a congruence statement relating the
triangles in the photo. 19. 
b. Name six pairs of congruent segments. SOLUTION:  
c. Name six pairs of congruent angles.  
  Let p be the measure of an unknown angle in the
upper triangle. So,
Solve for p .
  Since the corresponding angles are congruent, the
triangles are congruent.

Find x and y.  
Add the above equations.

Since vertical angles are congruent, y = 40. The sum
of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180. So,
2x + 2x + 40 = 180.  
  Substitute x = 4 in .
Solve for x.

The given triangles are similar by AA, so
Let p be the measure of an unknown angle in the
Consider the triangle at right. In that triangle, by the
upper triangle. So,
Triangle Angle-Sum Theorem,
Solve for p .
eSolutions the corresponding
Manual angles are congruent, the
- Powered by Cognero Page 4
triangles are congruent.
Triangle Angle-Sum Theorem,

4-3 Congruent Triangles
21. PROOF Write a two-column proof of Theorem 4.3.
Solve the equation  for y.         

Statements (Reasons)
To solve for x, substitute  in  1.  and  (Given)
. 2.  and   (Def. of  )
3.   ( Sum
4.  (Trans. 
5.  (Subst.)
6. F (Subt. Prop.)
7.  (Def. of  )

22. PROOF Put the statements used to prove the

statement below in the correct order. Provide the
reasons for each statement.
Congruence of triangles is symmetric. (Theorem 4.4)
To solve for y, substitute  in 

21. PROOF Write a two-column proof of Theorem 4.3.


Statements (Reasons)
1.  and  (Given)
eSolutions Manual -  and 
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3.   ( Sum
4.  (Trans. 
5.  (Subst.)
4-3 Congruent F (Subt. Prop.)
7.  (Def. of  )

22. PROOF Put the statements used to prove the CCSS ARGUMENTS  Write a two-column

statement below in the correct order. Provide the proof.
reasons for each statement. 23. Given:  bisects  B.
Congruence of triangles is symmetric. (Theorem 4.4)
Prove: A   C


Statements (Reasons)
1.  bisects  , . (Given)
2.  (Def. of angle bisector)
3. are right angles. ( lines form
rt. .)
4.  (All rt.  are .)
5.  (Third   Thm.)

24. Given: P   T, S   Q



Statements (Reasons)
1. ,
2.  (Symm. Prop.)
3.  (Trans. Prop)
4.  (Symm. Prop.)
5.  (Trans. Prop.)
6.  (Vert.   are  .)
7.  (Def. of  s)

25. SCRAPBOOKING Lanie is using a flower-shaped

corner decoration punch for a scrapbook she is
CCSS ARGUMENTS  Write a two-column working on. If she punches the corners of two pages
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 6
proof. as shown, what property guarantees that the punched
designs are congruent? Explain.
23. Given:  bisects  B.
4.  (Symm. Prop.)  because congruence 
5.  (Trans. Prop.) of angles and segments is transitive. Thus,
6.  (Vert.   are  .)  by the definition of congruent 
4-3 Congruent Triangles triangles.
7.  (Def. of  s)

25. SCRAPBOOKING Lanie is using a flower-shaped 27. Congruence of triangles is reflexive. (flow proof)

corner decoration punch for a scrapbook she is
working on. If she punches the corners of two pages
as shown, what property guarantees that the punched Given:
designs are congruent? Explain. Prove:


Sample answer: Both of the punched flowers are
congruent to the flower on the stamp, because it was
used to create the images. According to the
Transitive Property of Polygon Congruence, the two
stamped images are congruent to each other because
they are both congruent to the flowers on the punch.
ALGEBRA Draw and label a figure to represent
PROOF Write the specified type of proof of the the congruent triangles. Then find x and y.
indicated part of Theorem 4.4.
26. Congruence of triangles is transitive. (paragraph 28.  , AB = 7, BC = 9, AC = 11 + x, DF =
proof) 3x – 13, and DE = 2y – 5


Since the triangles are congruent, the corresponding

Proof: sides are congruent.
We know that  Because   
corresponding parts of congruent triangles are
congruent, ,
 We also know that 
 So  ,
 by CPCTC. 
 because congruence  Similarly, AB = DE.
of angles and segments is transitive. Thus,
 by the definition of congruent 

27. Congruence of triangles is reflexive. (flow proof)

That is, y = 6.
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 7

29.  , m L = 49, m M = 10y, m S=

70, and m T = 4x + 9
4-3 Congruent Triangles That is, y = 6.

ALGEBRA Draw and label a figure to represent 29.  , m L = 49, m M = 10y, m S=

the congruent triangles. Then find x and y. 70, and m T = 4x + 9
28.  , AB = 7, BC = 9, AC = 11 + x, DF =
3x – 13, and DE = 2y – 5 SOLUTION:  


Since the triangles are congruent, the corresponding

angles are congruent.
Since the triangles are congruent, the corresponding  and  .
sides are congruent.
By the definition of congruence .

So, .
Similarly, AB = DE. Use the Triangle Angle Sum Theorem in .

By the definition of congruence .
That is, y = 6.

29.  , m L = 49, m M = 10y, m S=

70, and m T = 4x + 9
That is,
30.  , JK = 12, LJ = 5, PM = 2x – 3,
= 67, = y + 4 and = 2y – 15

Since the triangles are congruent, the corresponding

angles are congruent.
 and  .
By the definition of congruence .

Since the triangles are congruent, the corresponding

eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero angles and corresponding sides are congruent. Page 8
So, .
4-3 Congruent Triangles
That is,

30.  , JK = 12, LJ = 5, PM = 2x – 3, 31. PENNANTS Scott is in charge of roping off an area

= 67, = y + 4 and = 2y – 15 feet for the band to use during a pep rally. He is usin
pennants that are congruent isosceles triangles.
SOLUTION:   Refer to the figure on page 259.
a. List seven pairs of congruent segments in the phot
b. If the area he ropes off for the band is a square, h
pennant string need to be?
c. How many pennants will be on the string?

Since the triangles are congruent, the corresponding b. Substitute the value of area in the formula for area
angles and corresponding sides are congruent. solve for its side.


The length of each side is 10 ft. Since the perimeter
the perimeter is 4(10) or 40. So 40 ft of pennants stri
c. Each pennant is 4 inches wide and they are place
So, there are 2 pennants for each foot of rope. So, 4
pennants per foot means that 80 pennants will fit on t

32. CCSS SENSE-MAKING In the photo of New

York City's Chrysler Building,
  X   R, T
  Z, Y   S, and
Refer to the figure on page 261.
31. PENNANTS Scott is in charge of roping off an area
feet for the band to use during a pep rally. He is usin
pennants that are congruent isosceles triangles.
Refer to the figure on page 259.
a. List seven pairs of congruent segments in the phot
b. If the area he ropes off for the band is a square, h
pennant string need to be?
c. How many pennants will be on the string?
SOLUTION:   a. Which triangle, if any, is congruent to
 Explain your reasoning.
b. Which side(s) are congruent to  Explain your 
  c. Which angle(s) are congruent to G? Explain
b. Substitute the value of area in the formula for area your reasoning.
solve for its side.
a. is congruent to . The
corresponding parts of the triangles are congruent,
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero therefore the triangles are congruent. Page 9

The length of each side is 10 ft. Since the perimeter b. is congruent to . We are given that
the perimeter is 4(10) or 40. So 40 ft of pennants stri your reasoning.
  c. GEOMETRIC If possible, draw two equilateral
c. Each pennant is 4 inches wide and they are place triangles that have the same area but are not
So, there areTriangles
4-3 Congruent 2 pennants for each foot of rope. So, 4 congruent. If not possible, explain why not.
pennants per foot means that 80 pennants will fit on t d. GEOMETRIC If possible, draw two rectangles
that have the same area but are not congruent. If not
32. CCSS SENSE-MAKING In the photo of New possible, explain why not.
York City's Chrysler Building, e. GEOMETRIC If possible, draw two squares
  X   R, T that have the same area but are not congruent. If not
  Z, Y   S, and possible, explain why not.
Refer to the figure on page 261. f. VERBAL For which polygons will the following
conditional and its converse both be true? Explain
your reasoning.
If a pair of __________ are congruent, then they
have the same area.
a. If two triangles are congruent, then their areas are
a. Which triangle, if any, is congruent to  
b. If the areas of a pair of triangles are equal, then
 Explain your reasoning.
the triangles are congruent; false; If one triangle has
b. Which side(s) are congruent to  Explain your  a base of 2 and a height of 6 and a second triangle
reasoning. has a base of 3 and a height of 4, then their areas are
c. Which angle(s) are congruent to G? Explain equal, but they are not congruent.
your reasoning.  
SOLUTION:   c. No; sample answer: Any pair of equilateral
triangles that have the same base also have the same
a. is congruent to . The height, so it is not possible to draw a pair of
corresponding parts of the triangles are congruent, equilateral triangles with the same area that are not
therefore the triangles are congruent. congruent.
b. is congruent to . We are given that d. yes; sample answer:
, and  corresponds with 
 Since corresponding parts of congruent 
triangles are congruent,
c.  is congruent to  G. We are given that
 and  corresponds with e . No; any pair of squares that have the same area
Since corresponding parts of congruent triangles are have the same side length, which is the square root
congruent, of the area. If their areas are equal, they are
problem, you will explore the following statement. f. Regular n-gons; If two regular n-gons are
The areas of congruent triangles are equal. congruent, then they have the same area. All regular
a. VERBAL Write a conditional statement to n-gons have the same shape, but may have different
represent the relationship between the areas of a pair sizes. If two regular n-gons have the same area, then
of congruent triangles. they not only have the same shape but also the same
b. VERBAL Write the converse of your conditional size. Therefore, they are congruent.
statement. Is the converse true or false ? Explain
your reasoning. 34. PATTERNS The pattern shown is created using
c. GEOMETRIC If possible, draw two equilateral regular polygons.
triangles that have the same area but are not a. What two polygons are used to create the pattern?
congruent. If not possible, explain why not. b. Name a pair of congruent triangles.
d. GEOMETRIC If possible, draw two rectangles c. Name a pair of corresponding angles.
that have the same area but are not congruent. If not d. If CB = 2 inches, what is AE? Explain.
possible, explain why not. e . What is the measure of D? Explain.
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 10
e. GEOMETRIC If possible, draw two squares
that have the same area but are not congruent. If not
possible, explain why not.
congruent, then they have the same area. All regular diameter, radius, or circumference. Sample answer:
n-gons have the same shape, but may have different Two circles are the same size if they have the same
sizes. If two regular n-gons have the same area, then diameter, radius, or circumference, so she can
4-3 Congruent
they not onlyTriangles
have the same shape but also the same determine if the hoops are congruent if she measures
size. Therefore, they are congruent. any of them.

34. PATTERNS The pattern shown is created using 36. WRITING IN MATH Explain why the order of the
regular polygons. vertices is important when naming congruent
a. What two polygons are used to create the pattern? triangles. Give an example to support your answer.
b. Name a pair of congruent triangles. SOLUTION:  
c. Name a pair of corresponding angles.
Sample answer: When naming congruent triangles, it
d. If CB = 2 inches, what is AE? Explain. is important that the corresponding vertices be in the
e . What is the measure of D? Explain. same location for both triangles because the location
indicates congruence. For example if  is 
congruent to  then  , , and

37. ERROR ANALYSIS Jasmine and Will are

evaluating the congruent figures below. Jasmine says
that  and Will says that 
. Is either of them correct? Explain.
a. Hexagons and triangles are used to create the
b. Sample answer:
c. Sample answer:  and  are corresponding
d. AE is 4 in. Sample answer: Because the polygons
that make the pattern are regular, all of the sides of
the triangles must be equal, so the triangles are
equilateral. That means that CB is equal to AC and
CE, so AE is 2(CB), or 4 inches.
e. m is 60. Sample answer: Because the triangles
are regular, they must be equilateral, and all of the
angles of an equilateral triangle are 60. SOLUTION:  
Both; Sample answer: corresponds with ,
35. FITNESS A fitness instructor is starting a new corresponds with , and corresponds
aerobics class using fitness hoops. She wants to with .  is the same triangle as   and
confirm that all of the hoops are the same size. What
 is the same triangle as 
measure(s) can she use to prove that all of the hoops
are congruent? Explain your reasoning. 38. WRITE A QUESTION A classmate is using the
SOLUTION:   Third Angles Theorem to show that if 2
To prove that all of the hoops are congruent, use the corresponding pairs of the angles of two triangles are
diameter, radius, or circumference. Sample answer: congruent, then the third pair is also congruent. Write
Two circles are the same size if they have the same a question to help him decide if he can use the same
diameter, radius, or circumference, so she can strategy for quadrilaterals.
determine if the hoops are congruent if she measures SOLUTION:  
any of them. Sample answer: Do you think that the sum of the
angles of a quadrilateral is constant? If so, do you
36. WRITING IN MATH Explain why the order of the
think that the final pair of corresponding angles will
vertices is important when naming congruent
be congruent if three other pairs of corresponding
triangles. Give an example to support your answer.
angles are congruent for a pair of quadrilaterals?
Sample answer: When naming congruent triangles, it 39. CHALLENGE Find x and y if .
is important that the corresponding vertices be in the
eSolutions location for both
- Powered triangles because the location
by Cognero Page 11
indicates congruence. For example if  is 
congruent to  then  , , and
Sample answer: Do you think that the sum of the Substitute  in 
angles of a quadrilateral is constant? If so, do you
think that the final pair of corresponding angles will
be congruentTriangles
4-3 Congruent if three other pairs of corresponding
angles are congruent for a pair of quadrilaterals?

39. CHALLENGE Find x and y if . CCSS ARGUMENTS Determine whether each

statement is true or false . If false, give a
counterexample. If true, explain your
40. Two triangles with two pairs of congruent
corresponding angles and three pairs of congruent
corresponding sides are congruent.

If two triangles are congruent, then their True; Sample answer: Using the Third Angles
corresponding sides are congruent. Theorem, the third pair of angles is also congruent
and all corresponding sides are congruent, so since
CPCTC, the triangles are congruent.

  41. Two triangles with three pairs of corresponding

Substitute  in  congruent angles are congruent.
False; a pair of triangles can have corresponding
angles congruent with the sides of one triangle longer
than the sides of the other triangle; for example;
, , , but corresponding
sides are not congruent.
Substitute  in 

CCSS ARGUMENTS Determine whether each

statement is true or false . If false, give a
42. CHALLENGE Write a paragraph proof to prove
counterexample. If true, explain your
reasoning. polygon ABED  polygon FEBC.
40. Two triangles with two pairs of congruent
corresponding angles and three pairs of congruent
corresponding sides are congruent.
True; Sample answer: Using the Third Angles
Theorem, the third pair of angles is also congruent
and all corresponding sides are congruent, so since
CPCTC, the triangles are congruent.

eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 12

We know that  and 

Sometimes; while equilateral triangles are
equiangular, the corresponding sides may not be
4-3 Congruent Triangles congruent. Equilateral triangles will be congruent if
one pair of corresponding sides are congruent.

42. CHALLENGE Write a paragraph proof to prove 44. Barrington cut four congruent triangles off the
polygon ABED  polygon FEBC. corners of a rectangle to make an octagon as shown
below. What is the area of the octagon?

A 456 cm
B 528 cm2
C 552 cm
D 564 cm2
We know that  and  First find the area of the rectangle. Then find the
 By the reflexive property,  area of one triangle that was cut from the rectangle.
   and  since all right Subtracting the areas of the 4 triangles from the area
of the rectangle will give the area of the octagon.
angles are congruent. Since  are both   
perpendicular to ,  (Theorem 3.8). 
and because alternate interior
angles are congruent to each other. Since all
corresponding parts are congruent, polygon ABED  
 polygon FEBC.

43. WRITING IN MATH Determine whether the

following statement is always, sometimes, or never
true. Explain your reasoning.
Equilateral triangles are congruent. The area of four congruent triangle is 4(18) or 72
cm , since four triangles are congruent.
Sometimes; while equilateral triangles are
equiangular, the corresponding sides may not be
congruent. Equilateral triangles will be congruent if
one pair of corresponding sides are congruent.
So, the correct choice is B.
44. Barrington cut four congruent triangles off the
45. GRIDDED RESPONSE Triangle ABC is congruent
corners of a rectangle to make an octagon as shown
below. What is the area of the octagon? to . The vertices of  are A(–1, 2), B(0,
3) and C(2, –2). What is the measure of side
Triangle ABC is congruent to  Since the 
corresponding parts are congruent,
has end points A(–1, 2) and C(2, –2).
A 456 cm
B 528 cm2 Substitute.
C 552
eSolutions cm - Powered by Cognero
Manual Page 13
D 564 cm2

4-3 Congruent Triangles

So, the correct choice is B. So, the correct choice is H.

45. GRIDDED RESPONSE Triangle ABC is congruent 47. SAT/ACT Mitsu travels a certain distance at 30
to . The vertices of  are A(–1, 2), B(0, miles per hour and returns the same route at 65 miles
3) and C(2, –2). What is the measure of side per hour. What is his average speed in miles per hour
for the round trip?
SOLUTION:   A 32.5
Triangle ABC is congruent to  Since the  B 35.0
corresponding parts are congruent, C 41.0
D 47.5
has end points A(–1, 2) and C(2, –2).
E 55.3

Substitute. To find the average speed in mph, we need to know
the total distance traveled and the total time it took to
travel it. Since we are not given a specific distance, 
assume that he travels 390 miles (390 is the LCM of
30 and 65).
Then the time for onward journey is or 13 hours

2 and the time for the return journey is or 6 hours.

46. ALGEBRA Which is a factor of x + 19x – 42?  
F  x + 14 So, he traveled 780 miles in 19 hours.
J   x – 14
Find the factors of –42 that have a sum of 19.  
The correct choice is C.

Find each measure.

48. m 2
So, the correct choice is H. SOLUTION:  
47. SAT/ACT Mitsu travels a certain distance at 30 Here,
miles per hour and returns the same route at 65 miles Solve.
per hour. What is his average speed in miles per hour
for the round trip?
A 32.5
B 35.0
C 41.0 49. m 1
D 47.5 SOLUTION:  
E 55.3
There are two different ways to find .
SOLUTION:   Method 1  Exterior Angles
To find the average speed in mph, we need to know By the Exterior Angle Theorem, 
the total distance traveled and the total time it took to
travel it. Since we are not given a specific distance, 
eSolutions that- Powered
Manual he travels 390 miles (390 is the LCM of
by Cognero Page 14
30 and 65).  
Then the time for onward journey is or 13 hours Method 2  Triangle Angle-Sum
Solve. In the figure,

4-3 Congruent Triangles


measures of the sides of  and classify 
SOLUTION:   each triangle by the measures of its sides.
There are two different ways to find . 51. J(–7, 10), K(15, 0), L(–2, –1)
Method 1  Exterior Angles
By the Exterior Angle Theorem,  SOLUTION:  
Use the Distance Formula to find the lengths of
has end points J(–7, 10) and K(15, 0).
Method 2  Triangle Angle-Sum
In the figure, Substitute.

has end points K(15, 0) and L(–2, –1).


50. m 3
In the figure,
has end points L(–2, –1) and J(–7,10).

measures of the sides of  and classify 
each triangle by the measures of its sides.
51. J(–7, 10), K(15, 0), L(–2, –1)
SOLUTION:   No two sides are congruent. So, it is scalene.
Use the Distance Formula to find the lengths of
. 52. J(9, 9), K(12, 14), L(14, 6)
has end points J(–7, 10) and K(15, 0). SOLUTION:  
Use the Distance Formula to find the lengths of
Substitute. has end points J(9, 9) and K(12, 14).


eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 15

has end points K(15, 0) and L(–2, –1).
4-3 Congruent
No two sidesTriangles
are congruent. So, it is scalene. Here, JK = LJ. This triangle has two congruent
sides. So, it is isosceles.

52. J(9, 9), K(12, 14), L(14, 6) 53. J(4, 6), K(4, 11), L(9, 6)
Use the Distance Formula to find the lengths of Use the Distance Formula to find the lengths of
. .
has end points J(9, 9) and K(12, 14). has end points J(4, 6) and K(4, 11).

Substitute. Substitute.

has end points K(12, 14) and L(14, 6).  
has end points K(4, 11) and L(9, 6).

has end points L(14, 6) and J(9,9).
  has end points L(9, 6) and J(4,6).


Here, JK = LJ. This triangle has two congruent
sides. So, it is isosceles.

53. J(4, 6), K(4, 11), L(9, 6)  

Here, JK = LJ. This triangle has two congruent
SOLUTION:   sides. So, it is isosceles.
Use the Distance Formula to find the lengths of
54. J(16, 14), K(7, 6), L(–5, –14)
has end points J(4, 6) and K(4, 11). SOLUTION:  
Use the Distance Formula to find the lengths of
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 16
Substitute. has end points J(16, 14) and K(7, 6).
Always; a linear pair is a pair of adjacent angles with
Here, JK = LJ.
4-3 Congruent This triangle has two congruent
Triangles noncommon sides of opposite rays.
sides. So, it is isosceles.

54. J(16, 14), K(7, 6), L(–5, –14) 56. If two angles are supplementary, then one of the
angles is obtuse.
Use the Distance Formula to find the lengths of SOLUTION:  
. Sometimes; two angles that each measure 90 are
supplementary and neither angle is obtuse. 
has end points J(16, 14) and K(7, 6).
57. CARPENTRY A carpenter must cut two pieces of
  wood at angles so that they fit together to form the
Substitute. corner of a picture frame. What type of angles must
he use to make sure that a 90° corner results?
The corner of a picture frame is 90 degrees.
Complementary angles are two angles with a sum of
90 degrees, so the carpenter should use
complementary angles.
has end points K(7, 6) and L(–5, –14). 58. Copy and complete the proof.


has end points L(–5, –14) and J(16,14).


No two sides are congruent. So, it is scalene.

Determine whether each statement is always,

sometimes, or never true.
55. Two angles that form a linear pair are
Always; a linear pair is a pair of adjacent angles with
noncommon sides of opposite rays.

56. If two
eSolutions angles
Manual are supplementary,
- Powered by Cognero then one of the Page 17
angles is obtuse.

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