4-5 Proving Right Triangles Congruent

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translation to the right maps it onto the other triangle.

4-5 Proving Right Triangles Congruent Yes; HA; rotate the first triangle 90 degrees
counterclockwise and translate to the right.

Determine whether each pair of triangles is PROOF Write a two-column proof.

congruent. If yes, include the theorem or 3. Given:
postulate that applies and describe the series of bisects .
rigid motions that map one triangle onto the Prove: △EFH ≅ △GFH

The triangles are congruent by LA. A horizontal
reflection maps one triangle onto the other. SOLUTION:

Yes; LA; horizontal reflection

The triangles are congruent by HA. A rotation of the
first triangle 90 degrees counterclockwise and then a
translation to the right maps it onto the other triangle.

Yes; HA; rotate the first triangle 90 degrees
counterclockwise and translate to the right.

PROOF Write a two-column proof.

3. Given:
bisects . 4. Given:
Prove: △EFH ≅ △GFH ∠A and ∠C are right ∠s.
Prove: △ABD ≅ CDB


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The triangles are congruent by HA. A reflection in
the hypotenuse maps one triangle onto the other.

4-5 Proving Right Triangles Congruent Yes; HA; reflection in the hypotenuse

4. Given:
∠A and ∠C are right ∠s.
Prove: △ABD ≅ CDB
There is not enough information provided to prove

No; not enough information to determine congruency

PROOF Write a two-column proof.

ANSWER: 7. Given:


Determine whether each pair of triangles is

congruent. If yes, include the theorem or
postulate that applies and describe the series of ANSWER:
rigid motions that map one triangle onto the

5. 8. Given:
SOLUTION: E is the midpoint of and .
The triangles are congruent by HA. A reflection in Prove:
the hypotenuse maps one triangle onto the other. SOLUTION:
Yes; HA; reflection in the hypotenuse

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There is not enough information provided to prove
4-5 Proving Right Triangles Congruent

8. Given: 9. Given:
E is the midpoint of and .
Prove: Prove:


Which pairs of corresponding parts need to be
congruent to prove △ABC ≅ △MNP using the
indicated theorem?

10. LA

Sample answer:
9. Given:

Prove: 11. LL



12. HA
Sample answer:

13. HL
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4-5 Proving Right Triangles Congruent
Sample answer:

13. HL PROOF Write the specified type of proof.

15. two-column proof for the Hypotenuse-Leg Theorem
SOLUTION: (Hint: Use the Pythagorean Theorem.)

Sample answer:

14. Write a two-column proof.

Given: ∠B and ∠D are right angles. SOLUTION:

Prove: △ABC ≅ △CDA


16. paragraph proof for the Leg-Leg Theorem

PROOF Write the specified type of proof.

15. two-column proof for the Hypotenuse-Leg Theorem SOLUTION:
(Hint: Use the Pythagorean Theorem.)
We are given that and ∠E
and ∠S are rt. ∠s. Because all right angles are
congruent, ∠E ≅ ∠S. Therefore, by SAS, △DEF ≅

SOLUTION: We are given that and ∠E
and ∠S are rt. ∠s. Because all right angles are
congruent, ∠E ≅ ∠S. Therefore, by SAS, △DEF ≅

eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero 17. two-column proof for the Leg-Angle Theorem Page 4
(Hint: There are two possible cases.)
We are given that and ∠E
and ∠S are rt. ∠s. Because all right angles are
4-5 Proving ∠E ≅
Right ∠S. Therefore,
Triangles Congruentby SAS, △DEF ≅
17. two-column proof for the Leg-Angle Theorem
(Hint: There are two possible cases.)


18. paragraph proof for the Hypotenuse-Angle Theorem

It is given that △QRS and △XYZ are right triangles
with right angles ∠S and ∠Z. Because all right
angles are congruent, ∠S ≅ ∠Z. It is also given that
∠Q ≅ ∠X and . Therefore, △EDG ≅
△EFG by AAS.

It is given that △QRS and △XYZ are right triangles
with right angles ∠S and ∠Z. Because all right
angles are congruent, ∠S ≅ ∠Z. It is also given that
∠Q ≅ ∠X and . Therefore, △EDG ≅
△EFG by AAS.


brother are painting a house. The brothers’ ladders
are each the same length. If they both place the
bottom of their ladders an equal distance away from
the house, will each ladder reach to the same height
on the house? Justify your argument. Refer to the
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photo on page 323.
It is given that △QRS and △XYZ are right triangles congruent because the ladders are placed the same
with right angles ∠S and ∠Z. Because all right distance from the house. So the triangles are
angles are congruent, ∠S ≅ ∠Z. It is also given that congruent by HL. The corresponding legs along the
∠Q ≅ ∠Right
4-5 Proving Therefore, △EDG ≅
X and Triangles .Congruent wall are congruent by CPCTC, so the ladders reach
△EFG by AAS. to the same height on the house.

19. CONSTRUCT ARGUMENTS Craig and his 20. CRITIQUE ARGUMENTS Carlos sees two right
brother are painting a house. The brothers’ ladders triangles that have congruent hypotenuses and
are each the same length. If they both place the concludes that they are congruent by HA. Is he
bottom of their ladders an equal distance away from correct? If not, show a counterexample.
the house, will each ladder reach to the same height
on the house? Justify your argument. Refer to the SOLUTION:
photo on page 323. Carlos is not correct because the HA Theorem
requires a pair of congruent acute angles. Congruent
SOLUTION: hypotenuses and right angles are not sufficient to
The wall of the house is perpendicular to the ground, determine congruency.
so the triangles formed by the house, ground, and
ladders are right triangles. The hypotenuses are Counterexample: a triangle with sides of 3, 4, and 5
congruent because the ladders are the same length. units and a triangle with sides of approximately 3.54,
The corresponding legs along the ground are approximately 3.54, and 5 units.
congruent because the ladders are placed the same
distance from the house. So the triangles are ANSWER:
congruent by HL. The corresponding legs along the No; The HA Theorem requires a pair of congruent
wall are congruent by CPCTC, so the ladders reach acute angles. Congruent hypotenuses and right
to the same height on the house. angles are not sufficient to determine congruency.
Counterexample: triangle with sides of 3, 4, and 5
ANSWER: units and a triangle with sides of approximately 3.54,
Yes; The wall of the house is perpendicular to the approximately 3.54, and 5 units.
ground, so the triangles formed by the house, ground,
and ladders are right triangles. The hypotenuses are 21. CHALLENGE Triangle ABC is equilateral.
congruent because the ladders are the same length. Segment AD cuts the triangle in half, making two
The corresponding legs along the ground are congruent right triangles with acute angles of 30° and
congruent because the ladders are placed the same 60°. Write a paragraph proof to show that if the
distance from the house. So the triangles are shorter leg of a 30-60-90 triangle is equal to x, then
congruent by HL. The corresponding legs along the the hypotenuse is 2x and the longer leg is .
wall are congruent by CPCTC, so the ladders reach
to the same height on the house.

20. CRITIQUE ARGUMENTS Carlos sees two right

triangles that have congruent hypotenuses and
concludes that they are congruent by HA. Is he
correct? If not, show a counterexample.
Carlos is not correct because the HA Theorem
It is given that divides △ABC into two right
requires a pair of congruent acute angles. Congruent
triangles with acute angles of 30° and 60°, so
hypotenuses and right angles are not sufficient to
△ACD ≅ △ABD. by CPCTC, and CD
determine congruency.
= BD by the definition of congruent segments. CD +
Counterexample: a triangle with sides of 3, 4, and 5 BD = CB and CD = x , so by substitution, CB = 2x.
units and a triangle with sides of approximately 3.54, Because △ABC is equilateral, , and CB =
approximately 3.54, and 5 units. AC by the definition of congruent segments. AC is
2 2
the hypotenuse of △ADC, so (CB) + (AD) = (AC)
by the Pythagorean Theorem. That gives x + (AD)
No; The HA Theorem requires a pair of congruent 2 2
acute angles. Congruent hypotenuses and right = (2x) by substitution, which simplifies to AD =
angles are not sufficient to determine congruency. .
Counterexample: triangle with sides of 3, 4, and 5
units and a triangle with sides of approximately 3.54, ANSWER:
approximately 3.54, and 5 units. It is given that divides △ABC into two right
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triangles with acute angles of 30° and 60°, so
21. CHALLENGE Triangle ABC is equilateral. △ACD ≅ △ABD. by CPCTC, and CD
Segment AD cuts the triangle in half, making two = BD by the definition of congruent segments. CD +
2 2
acute angles. Congruent hypotenuses and right the hypotenuse of △ADC, so (CB) + (AD) = (AC)
angles are not sufficient to determine congruency. 2 2
by the Pythagorean Theorem. That gives x + (AD)
Counterexample: triangle with sides of 3, 4, and 5 2 2
units andRight
4-5 Proving a triangle with sides
Triangles of approximately 3.54,
Congruent = (2x) by substitution, which simplifies to AD =
approximately 3.54, and 5 units. .

21. CHALLENGE Triangle ABC is equilateral. 22. REASONING Suppose that an acute angle and one
Segment AD cuts the triangle in half, making two leg of a right triangle are congruent to an acute angle
congruent right triangles with acute angles of 30° and and one leg of another right triangle. Are the
60°. Write a paragraph proof to show that if the triangles congruent? Explain.
shorter leg of a 30-60-90 triangle is equal to x, then
the hypotenuse is 2x and the longer leg is .
There is not enough information given. If the
congruent acute angle and leg are corresponding, the
triangles can be proved congruent by LA. If the parts
are not corresponding, the triangles cannot be proved

Not enough information is given. If the congruent
SOLUTION: acute angle and leg are corresponding, the triangles
can be proved congruent by LA. If the parts are not
It is given that divides △ABC into two right corresponding, the triangles cannot be proved
triangles with acute angles of 30° and 60°, so congruent.
△ACD ≅ △ABD. by CPCTC, and CD
= BD by the definition of congruent segments. CD + 23. OPEN-ENDED Angle C of △ABC is a right angle,
BD = CB and CD = x , so by substitution, CB = 2x. and ∠F of △DEF is a right angle. The hypotenuses
Because △ABC is equilateral, , and CB = of both triangles are congruent. What additional piece
AC by the definition of congruent segments. AC is (s) of information would be necessary to conclude
2 2
the hypotenuse of △ADC, so (CB) + (AD) = (AC) that the two triangles are congruent?
2 2
by the Pythagorean Theorem. That gives x + (AD) SOLUTION:
2 2
= (2x) by substitution, which simplifies to AD = To determine if they are congruent, you would need
. either .

It is given that divides △ABC into two right Either .
triangles with acute angles of 30° and 60°, so
△ACD ≅ △ABD. by CPCTC, and CD 24. WRITING IN MATH Explain how the
Pythagorean Theorem could be used to confirm LL
= BD by the definition of congruent segments. CD +
and HL.
BD = CB and CD = x , so by substitution, CB = 2x.
Because △ABC is equilateral, , and CB = SOLUTION:
AC by the definition of congruent segments. AC is By the Pythagorean Theorem, the sides of a right
2 2
the hypotenuse of △ADC, so (CB) + (AD) = (AC) 2 2
triangle are always in the relationship a + b = c . If
2 2
by the Pythagorean Theorem. That gives x + (AD) a and b are given (LL), then there is one value for c.
2 2 Therefore, the hypotenuses must be congruent and
= (2x) by substitution, which simplifies to AD =
the triangles are congruent by SSS. Similarly, if a and
c are given (LH), then there is one value for b. The
other legs must be congruent and the triangles are
22. REASONING Suppose that an acute angle and one
congruent by SSS.
leg of a right triangle are congruent to an acute angle
and one leg of another right triangle. Are the ANSWER:
triangles congruent? Explain.
By the Pythagorean Theorem, the sides of a right
triangle are always in the relationship a + b = c . If
There is not enough information given. If the a and b are given (LL), then there is one value for c.
congruent acute angle and leg are corresponding, the Therefore, the hypotenuses must be congruent and
triangles can be proved congruent by LA. If the parts the triangles are congruent by SSS. Similarly, if a and
are not corresponding, the triangles cannot be proved c are given (LH), then there is one value for b. The
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero other legs must be congruent and the triangles arePage 7
congruent by SSS.
Not enough information is given. If the congruent 25. What congruence rule can be used to prove △ABC
To determine if they are congruent, you would need
either . The correct answer is choice B.

4-5 Proving Right Triangles Congruent ANSWER:
Either . B

24. WRITING IN MATH Explain how the 26. In △TUV, ∠T is a right angle, and in △XYZ, ∠X is
Pythagorean Theorem could be used to confirm LL a right angle. To prove that △TUV ≅ △XYZ by LL,
and HL. what pieces of information do you need to know?
By the Pythagorean Theorem, the sides of a right
2 2 2
triangle are always in the relationship a + b = c . If B
a and b are given (LL), then there is one value for c.
Therefore, the hypotenuses must be congruent and C
the triangles are congruent by SSS. Similarly, if a and
c are given (LH), then there is one value for b. The D
other legs must be congruent and the triangles are
congruent by SSS. SOLUTION:
To prove the triangles congruent by LL, you would
ANSWER: need to know whether corresponding sides are
By the Pythagorean Theorem, the sides of a right congruent. So, you would need to know that
2 2 2 .
triangle are always in the relationship a + b = c . If
a and b are given (LL), then there is one value for c.
Therefore, the hypotenuses must be congruent and The correct answer is choice C.
the triangles are congruent by SSS. Similarly, if a and
c are given (LH), then there is one value for b. The ANSWER:
other legs must be congruent and the triangles are C
congruent by SSS.
27. In △ABC, ∠A is a right angle. In △DEF, ∠D is a
25. What congruence rule can be used to prove △ABC right angle. For each given statement, which theorem
≅ △DEF? can be used to prove congruence? If not enough
information is provided, write not enough


B HA c.
D The triangles might not be congruent. d.

In the figure, it is given that both triangles are right
triangles, angles B and E are congruent, and their SOLUTION:
hypotenuses are congruent. So, HA (Hypotenuse- a. There is not enough information provide to prove
Angle) can be used to prove the triangles congruent. congruence.
b. Given the information provided, HA can be used
The correct answer is choice B. to prove congruence.
c. Given the information provided, HL can be used
ANSWER: to prove congruence.
B d. Given the information provided, LA can be used
to prove congruence.
26. In △TUV, ∠T is a right angle, and in △XYZ, ∠X is e . Given the information provided, LL can be used
a right angle. To prove that △TUV ≅ △XYZ by LL, to prove congruence.
what pieces of information do you need to know?
A a. not enough information
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b. HA
B c. HL
d. LA
a. not enough information
The correct answer is choice C. b. HA
c. HL
4-5 Proving Right Triangles Congruent d. LA
C e. LL

27. In △ABC, ∠A is a right angle. In △DEF, ∠D is a 28. Use the information in the diagram.
right angle. For each given statement, which theorem
can be used to prove congruence? If not enough
information is provided, write not enough


b. a. Are the triangles congruent? Explain.

c. b. Describe a series of rigid motions that can map
△ABC onto △DEF.
e. a. △ABC ≅ △DEF by LA.
b. Translate △ABC horizontally so that
a. There is not enough information provide to prove
congruence. coincides with . Then rotate △ABC 90°
b. Given the information provided, HA can be used clockwise so that all corresponding parts coincide
with △DEF.
to prove congruence.
c. Given the information provided, HL can be used ANSWER:
to prove congruence.
a. Yes, △ABC ≅ △DEF by LA.
d. Given the information provided, LA can be used
b. Sample answer: Translate △ABC horizontally so
to prove congruence.
e . Given the information provided, LL can be used that coincides with . Then rotate △ABC 90°
clockwise so that all corresponding parts coincide
to prove congruence.
with △DEF.
29. Are the triangles congruent? Explain.
a. not enough information
b. HA
c. HL
d. LA
e. LL

28. Use the information in the diagram.

There is not enough information given. The
congruency marks are not on corresponding parts, so
the triangles may be congruent, but they may not be.

Not enough information is given. The congruency
a. Are the triangles congruent? Explain. marks are not on corresponding parts, so the triangles
may be congruent, but they may not be.
b. Describe a series of rigid motions that can map
30. MULTI-STEP △WXY is an equilateral triangle.
△ABC onto △DEF. The distance from Y to Z is 42 feet.
a. △ABC ≅ △DEF by LA.

b. Translate △ABC horizontally so that

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coincides with . Then rotate △ABC 90°
clockwise so that all corresponding parts coincide
with △DEF.
marks are not on corresponding parts, so the triangles
by the Reflexive Property, and
may be congruent, but they may not be.
because they are sides of an equilateral
4-5 △WXY isCongruent
Right Triangles an equilateral triangle. triangle. So, △WYZ ≅ △WXZ by HL.
The distance from Y to Z is 42 feet. b. 84 ft
c. 72.7 ft
d. 3053.4 ft2

31. The hypotenuses of two right triangles are congruent

and have lengths 21 – 2x and 3x + 1. The
corresponding legs have lengths 5 and x + 1.
Determine whether the triangles are congruent
Justify your answer.
a. Write a paragraph proof to show △WYZ ≅ SOLUTION:
Because the hypotenuses are congruent, 21 – 2x =
3x + 1.
b. Find the length of .
Solve for x.
c. Find the length of .

d. Find the area of △WXY.

a. △WYZ and △WXZ are right triangles.
Substitute 4 for x to determine if the corresponding
by the Reflexive Property, and legs are congruent.
because they are sides of an equilateral
triangle. So, △WYZ ≅ △WXZ by HL.

b. WX is twice the length of YZ, or 2(42) = 84 ft.

Since the corresponding legs have the same length,
c. Use the Pythagorean Theorem. the triangles are congruent by HL.

Yes; x = 4, so the corresponding legs have the same
length and the triangles are congruent by HL.

So, the length of WZ is about 72.7 ft.

d. Use the area formula.

So, the area of △WXY is 3053.4 ft .

a. △WYZ and △WXZ are right triangles.
by the Reflexive Property, and
because they are sides of an equilateral
triangle. So, △WYZ ≅ △WXZ by HL.
b. 84 ft
c. 72.7 ft
d. 3053.4
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31. The hypotenuses of two right triangles are congruent

and have lengths 21 – 2x and 3x + 1. The

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