Histamina Metabolismo Ing.
Histamina Metabolismo Ing.
Histamina Metabolismo Ing.
THERE IS GENERAL AGREEMENT that histamine is * Some recent discoveries about the formation,
involved in a number of biological phenomena. For storage and catabolism of histamine are re-
this reason scientific interest in histamine continues viewed. Histamine is formed by decarboxylation
of histidine and stored principally in the mast
after more than fifty years of study. This paper is cells of connective tissue. Human lung and fa-
intended to provide a review of some recent dis- cial skin are particularly rich in histamine.
coveries about the formation, storage and catabo- When histamine is injected intravenously, sim-
lism of histamine. ulating spontaneous release, it is rapidly metab-
olized and excreted.
Histamine is produced by the enzymatic decar-
boxylation of the amino acid histidine. In experi-
mental animals less than 10 per cent of injected The cellular histamine is found within the mast
histidine and less than 1 per cent of ingested histi- cell granules with a concentration of about 25 /%jugm
dine is converted to tissue histamine. This newly per cell in ox liver capsule.8 Rat mast cells contain
formed intracellular histamine is released slowly an average of 32 /u/cgm per cell.3 Most human mast
from the tissues, with a biological half-life of about cells are in connective tissues, the number varying
50 days.9 Since only a small portion of ingested his, from 20 to 120 cells per five high power fields.
tidine is converted to histamine, the supply of histi- Chronic inflammation increases and acute inflamma-
dine in the diet has little effect on stores of histamine tion decreases the number of mast cells seen.
in tissues.4 Graham and coworkers6 carefully measured the
A wide variety of organisms possess the enzyme distribution of histamine among the various formed
histidine decarboxylase which catalyzes this con- elements of human blood. By far the greatest concen-
version. Bacterial histidine decarboxylase is respon- tration (1 jtq-gm per cell) was found in basophils,
sible for the appearance of histamine in putrefying much lower than that of tissue mast cells. The high
organic matter such as the rotted ergot from which blood histamine levels observed in chronic myelo-
Barger and Dale isolated histamine as the biologi- cytic leukemia have been correlated with a high baso-
cally active material in 1910.1 The concentration of phil content.12 Data on other human tissues are
histamine in animal tissues parallels local concen- comparatively sparse. The highest tissue concentra-
trations of histidine decarboxylase; and the histi- tions are found in facial skin (30.4 [tgm per gm),
dine decarboxylase activity can be correlated with lung (33 ,.ugm per gm), stomach (14 ,ugm per gm)
tissue mast cell concentration.5 Histamine formation and duodenum (14 ,ugm per gm) .
by human cells was recently demonstrated by Hart- After its intracellular formation (by histidine de-
man, using basophils from humans with myeloge- carboxylase) histamine remains inactive within
nous leukemia.7 mast cell granules even after cellular disruption and
Large species differences have been found in the differential ultracentrifugation. Three hypotheses as
histamine content of mammalian tissues. Some ani- to the nature of this intracellular binding have been
mals, like the dog, have most of their histamine in presented. Peptide bonds to protein, ionic bonds to
mast cells in the connective tissue capsules of vis- heparin, or binding or adsorption to lecithin may
ceral organs. Others, like the rat, have most of their be involved. Heparin and histamine will form a
histamine in the mast cells of skin and subcutaneous precipitate in vitro which resembles the mast cell
tissues. The rabbit is unique in that relatively large granules. Conversely, lecithinase activation seems
amounts of histamine are found in the platelets. to be instrumental in producing histamine release.
Thus, generalizations from experimental animal At present, the mode of binding remains unknown.
studies must be made with caution. The degradation of endogenous histamine follow-
From the Department of Medicine, University of California School ing its release from cellular stores has not been
of Medicine, Los Angeles 24 (Beall), and the Department of Medi- directly studied due to the technical difficulties
cine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle (Van-
Arsdel) . involved. Instead, most studies have involved the
The work here reported was supported in part by Grant No. E-15 10
of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. intravenous or subcutaneous injection of trace
Presented before the Section on Allergy at the 90th Annual Session
of the California Medical Association, Los Angeles, April 30 to May
amounts of histamine. Isotopic labeling of hista-
3. 1961. mine has aided the identification of metabolites.
VOL. 95. NO. 4 * OCTOBER 1961 237
CH2CH2 are excreted following administration of radioactive
histamine. In humans apparently both pathways of
catabolism are used. Schayer10 found most of the
HISTAMINE radioactive histamine excreted as me-ImAA by
CH22COOH CH2CH2 healthy young males.10 Our studies with a group of
hospital patients and normal males demonstrated
ImAA as the principal metabolite.2 There were no
IMIDAZOLE ACETIC ACID i,4-METHYLHISTAMINE consistent variations in the amounts of the metabo-
lites found in patients with asthma, "histamine"
headaches or Laennec's cirrhosis.
[.nCH2COOH The catabolism of histamine is thus a process
which proceeds rapidly and completely and there is
CH3N N no evidence that it is ever altered significantly in
vivo in man. Histamine metabolizing enzymes re-
Figure 1. Pathways of histamine catabolism. main surprisingly active even in extensive paren-
chymatous diseases.
Injected radioactive histamine is rapidly cleared Department of Medicine, UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles 24
from the plasma and the metabolic products are REFERENCES
rapidly excreted in the urine.2 There is no ap-
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There are two main pathways of histamine catab- Med., 102:307-318, 1955.
olism (Figure 1). First, histamine may be oxidized 6. Graham, H. T., Lowry, 0. H., Wheelwright, F., Lenz,
to imidazole-4(5) -acetic acid (ImAA) through imi- M. A., and Parish, N. H., Jr.: Distribution of histamine
among leukocytes and platelets, Blood, 10:467-481, 1955.
dazole-4(5) -acetaldehyde. Much of the resulting 7. Hartman, W. J.: Histidine decarboxylation in leukemic
ImAA is then conjugated with ribose, leading to basophils, Fed. Proc., 19:10, 1960.
urinary excretion of both ImAA and ImAA ribo- 8. Riley, J. F.: The Mast Cells, Edinburgh, Livingstone,
side." In the second pathway, histamine is methyl- 1959.
ated at the ring imino-nitrogen to form 1,4- 9. Schayer, R. W.: Biogenesis of histamine, J. Biol. Chem.,
199:245-250, 1952.
methyl-histamine. This is followed by oxidation of 10. Schayer, R. W., and Cooper, J. A. D.: Metabolism of
the side chain, presumably through the correspond- CX4 histamine in man, J. Appl. Physiol., 9:481.483, 1956.
ing aldehyde to 1,4 methylimidazoleactic acid (me- 11. Schayer, R. W.: Catabolism of physiological quanti-
ImAA). ties of histamine in vivo, Physiol. Rev., 39:116-126, 1959.
12. Valentine, W. N., Lawrence, J. S., Pearce, M. L., and
There is some species variation in the amounts Beck, W. S.: The relationship of the basophil to blood his-
of the various radioactive metabolic products that tamine in man, Blood, 10:154-159, 1955.
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