Ururka Dastuur Tusaale

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Dastuurka uyaala urukan

Qodobka kowaad:

Magaca iyo Astaanta Ururka

Ururka Dhalinyarada Gabooye ( Isbadel Samee si Timaadadu U Fiicnato)



Golaha Sare

Golaha Fulinta


Gudoomiye Agaasima Xoghayaha Afayeenk Lataliyaha Maaliyada

kuxigeebnk ha Guud a

Arimaha Arimaha Caafimaadk Horumaruinta Nabad iyo Qayba Tashiga Xiriirka Odayasha
Dibada Waxbarad a Aadamiga Xuquuqda Dhaqanka

Qodobka Sedexaad:

Ururka Dhalinyarada Gabooye maaaha Urur loogu talagaley in laga helo faaido mana aha Urur
Dawladeed mana aha uru siyasadeed, Ururkani wuxuu ka shaqeynayaa gudaha wadanka
SOMALIA iyo calaamka oo dhan. Ururkan waxaa aas aasey oo dhidibada utaagey dhalinyaro
mutacalimiina ah oo kula nool wadamo kaladuwan, sababta loo aas aaseyna waxey tahey kadib
markii ay arkeen dhibaatada haysata Bulshada Gabooye ee dhamaan ku nool Gobalada Dalka
SOMALIA iyo gud ahaan caalamka oo dhan, iyadoo aan helin wax xuquuq ah habayaraate oo ku
saabsan arimaha bulshada.

Aragtida iyo Hiigsiga uu leeyahey Ururku

Ururka Dhalinyarada Gabooye wuxuu dooonaya in uu arko Bulshada Gabooye oo Ku nool aqoon
sareysa xallada cafimaad iyo in ay kunooolaadaan xuquuqda adamiga heerka ugu wanagsan.


Ururka Dhalinyarada Gabooye waxaa ka go anin ay abuuraan urur kashaqeeya sidii loo
horumarin lahaa cafimaadka waxbarashada iyo in ay ka shaqeeyaan nabada iyo xuquuqda
adamiga si ay u horumariyaan islamarkaana wax uga badalaan xaalada dhaqaale iyo tan
bulshaba ee Umadda Gabooye ee dhamaan Gobolada Dalka Somaliya iyo caalamka.

Xarunta Dhexe ee Uuruka

Qodobka afaraad:

Golaha sare ee ururku wuxuu ka koobnaanayaa dhinacyo badan oo ay kujiraan dadka xubnaha
kamidka ah kuwaaso xaq uleh in codeeyan islamarkana la doorto iyadoo la raacayo shuruucda
iyo qawaaninta u dagsan Ururka.

Sharciga ama Shuruucda Golaha sare ee Ururka

1) Eegista iyo xulista cida noqonaysa Golaha fulinta

2) In ay iska soo saaraan islamarkaana iska sooxulaan musharaxa ugu haboon in uu
noqdo Gudoomiyaha fulinta

3) In ay maamulaan iskuna dubaridaan arimaha iyo nidaamka sooxulista musharaxiinta
4) In ay cayimaan kuna dhawaaqaan wakhitiga ay doorashadu dhaceyso
5) In soo diyaariyaan ayna meel dhigaan niadaamka iyo shuruudaha looga baahan yahey

Shaqadda Golaha Saree e Ururka

1) deginta siyaasada guud iyo qorshaha ururka si ururku ugaadho himilooyinka uu leeyahey
2) in ay go aan ka gaadhaan fikir kasta oo ay soo jeediyaan golaha sare islamarkaana ay
ka gaadhaan qaraar kaba dambeys ah
3) diyaarinta iyo horimarinta talaabooyinka laqaadayo qorsho ficileysan iyo miisaaniyada
guud ee Ururka
4) gudbinta fikirka iyo wax ka badalista dastuurta, siyaasada iyo nidaamka islamarkaana
ugudbiyaan golaha sare
5) qiimeynta habdhaqanka iyo kormeerka barnaamijyada ururka
6) Gudbinta warbxinta, riboodhka sanadlaha, miisaaniyada iyo soo jeedinta qorshayaasha
7) In ay ufududeeyaan qaybaha kaladuwan ee daneeyaasha ururka in ay wax ku
darsadaan ururka

Qodobaka Shanaad:

Golaha Fulinta waxey ka koobnaa nayaan

a) Gudoomiyaha
b) G Kuxigeenka
c) Bulshada/agaasimha
d) Maamulka\maaliyada
e) xoghayaha Guud
f) lataliyaha
g) Afayeenka

ShaqadaGolaha Fulintu

A) HawlahaLacag Ururinta

1. waxey masuul kayihiin sidii kor loogu qaadilaha qoraalada loo soo jeedinayo deeq
bixiyaasha iyo hayadaha
2. waxey masuul ka yihiin in si joogta ah ula xiriiran deeqbixiyaasha iyo hayadaha

3. in ay gacanta ku ahayaan guud ahaan hawlaha lacag ururinta
4. waxey masuul kayihiin lacag ururinta xubnaha ama qaybaha gudaha ee ururka
5. Mas'uulka ah in la dhiso shirarka ay lacag ugu uruurinayso bulshada degaanka, dadka
ganacsig ah, hay'adaha deeqda bixiya iyo kuwa kale ee la xidhiidha hay'adaha
6. Waxey masuul kayihiinin ay abuuraan hawlaha dhalinkara dakhli in uu soo xareeyo
7. In ay curiyaan maamul barnaamij oo lacag uruurin ah
8. Waa in ay ka dhaadhiciyaan sidii ay bulshada deegaanka uaga qayb qaadan lahayd
ilamarkaan wax ugu darsan laheyd barnaamijka hirgalinta mashruuca
9. Waa in laga dhaadhiciyaa sidoo kale ganacsatada deegaanka sidii ay uga qayb qaadan
lahaayeen kulamada fool ka foolka ah

B) Kormeerka Dhaqaale

1.Waxey ka masuul yihiin dhamaan wixii ku saabsan dhaqaalaha ururka

2.Waxey masuul kayihiin diyaarinta miisaaniyada ururka
3.Waxey kale oo masuul kayihiinilaalinta kharashka miisaaniyada golaha fulinta loo
4.Waa in ay yihiin in lagu kalsoonaan karo nidaamka hubinta
5.Waxey ka masuul yihiin dhaqaalaha kubaxaya ururka
6.Waa in ay warbixin ka soo saaraan mudada lacageed ee ururka
7.Waxey masuul kayihiin diyaarinta dib u eegista mudada dhaqaale

C) Ololaynta iyo Udoodista

1. In ay warbixin siiyaan golaha fulinta/goudoomiyah/agaasimaha guud

2. Waxey masuul ka yihiin horumarinta sumcada ama sawirka ururka iyo muqaalku guud.
3. Waa in ay ka warhayaan oo ay lasocdaan xeerarka iyo qawaaninta xarunta
4. In ay soo abaabulaan isku soo baxyo Dadweyne oo lagu taageerayo ururka
5. Waa in lala kulmo daneeyaasha ururka iy qaybaha kala duwan sanadkiiba laba jeer ama
6. In laqabto shi jaraaid oo wargalin iyo warbixn /inform/feedback/ sanadkiiba laba jeer
7. Qoraal loo qoro warbaahinta bishii mar
8. Waa in ay ka shaqeeyaan arimaha la xiriira isku xirka iyo dhaqaale ururinta bishii mar

E) Helitaanka wax gashi Kuhaboon oo Laga helayo daneeyaasha Ururka

1. In lala kulmo bulshad deegaanka fool ka fool lixdii biloodba mar

2. Waa in ay qiimeun ku sameeyan waxey bulshadu dareemeyso si joota ah
3. Waa in ay la yeeshaan dood/falaqyn daneeyaasha ururka si ay u helaan fikirkoda
4. Waa in adeeg la siiyo bulshada oo la qiimeya

5. Waa in ay diyaariyan sanduuq electronic ah oo loogu talagaley in daneeyaasha ku ridaan
6. In laqabto shi jaraaid si macluumad looga helo daneeyaasha, warbaahinta iyo wararka
quseeya ururka
7. In lahelo aragtida warbaahinta

Qododbka Lixaad:

A) Shaqada Gudoomiyaha

1. In uu ogalaado miisaaniyada sanadlaha ee ururka

2. In uu hubiyo dhamaan waraaqaha lacag bixinta
3. In uu ogalaado lacag bixinta kaashka ah
4. In uu ogalaado amar bixinta jegyada kubaxa magac ururka
5. In uu ogalaado lacagta rasiidka foojarka
6. In u ogalaado dhamaan iibsashada nidaamka tartanka
7. In uu gudoomiyo dhamaan nidaamka tartanta
8. In uu oglaado dhamaan heshiisyada qandaraasyada
9. In uu saxiixo heshiisyada lala galayo deeq bixiyaasha
10.In uu maamulo dhamaan warqadaha ururka
11.In uu ogalaado dhamaan warbixinta dhaqaale
12.In u soo bandhigo dhaqaalah sanadlaha iyo barnaamijyada warbixinta loona
gudbiyo golaha sareégolaha fulinta

Qodobka Todobaad:

A) Ururka Dhalinyarada Gabooye qofka xubinimada kamid noqonaya waa in

uu fuliya shuruudaha soo socda

1. Qofku waa in uu ahaada dada sharciga

2. Waa in uu qofku degan yahey deegaanka ama ama wadanka ururka ka dhisan

3. in qofku yahey qof ixtiraam kuleh bulshada
4. Waa in uu yahey qof leh ganacsiga ama shaqo mihniyad leh

Qodobka Sideedaad:

Ganaaxa Shaqaalaha/xil ka qaadista

xil ka qaadista waxaa laga yaabaa in xubin kasta oo ku lug leh anshax xumo soo socda
inta lagu jiro xilliga hanuuninta iyo waxqabadka

1. Isticmaalka daroogada, khamriga iyo qaadka iyo waxyaabo kale oo la

2. Waraaqaha Ururka oo laga been abuuro ama faalso laga dhigo
3. Khiyaamada shaqda iyo bulshada
4. Ku xadgudubyada sharciga iyo xeerarka uyaala Ururka

Qodobka Sagaalaad:

Xalinta Khilaafaadka waxaa lagu xalinyaa iyadoo la raaco ereyadan soo


2.0 Micanaha erayada

Wiiqitaan - dhibaato, dhibaato

Waxaa laga filaya - la saadaalin karo
firfircoon - wanaagsan, taageere
Waxa kale oo qayb - Muhiimka ah
Hantida - qof qiimo leh, tayada ama xirfad
Strategy - Talaabooyinka si loo ogaado sida ugu wanaagsan

Qodobka Tobanaad:
Wax ka Badalista Dastuurka

1. Wax kabalista dastuurka waxa badli kara sedex meelood laba meelood xubnah
2. Waxa kabadlista dastuurka waxa badelikara dadtuurka wahkti kasta oo loo bahdo
3. Arimah aan lagu xusin qodobadad dastuurka in gebi ahanba waa in dhacaan

Article One.

The name the LOGO of the Organization

Gabooye Youth League (Change Today For Better Future)

Article two.


General Assembly

Board of Directors


Deputy Director General Spokes Advisory Treasure

Chairperso General Secretary Person Person

Foreign Education Health Human and Peace & Consultation Elders Relation
Affairs Sector Sector Development Human Rights sector

Article three

G Y L Foundation is non-profit non-governmental local and international organization operating
in All over the world. This organization was established by a group of intellectuals resident in
different countries after getting the problem of this Regions marginalized community of having
no civil services and non-touchable rights.


G Y L desires to realize GABOOYE community will live in high educational and health
status and enjoy a life with high standers of human Rights Respect


G Y L is committed to create a solid foundation for the health and education services
and to promote peace and human rights in order to upgrade social and economic
Condition of the community in every region, Somalia and the world.

The headquarters of the organization is in U K (United Kingdom)
Banaadir Region Somalia and has sub-offices in Puntland and Somali Land Region and
also plans to have other offices inside and outside of the worldin the future (Insha
Article Four.
The General Assembly of the organization shall be composed of various stakeholders
including the target community members who are entitled to vote duly and constituting a
quorum but exclude some non-touchable dissections.

Rules of the organization assembly are:-

1. Review selection criteria for prospective Board members.
2. Pro-actively solicit potential candidates for the nomination process.
3. Oversee and monitor the nomination process.
4. Announce the complete slate in a day prior to the election.
5. Put in place an appropriate process for dissemination of the candidates’ information.
Duties of the general Assembly:-

1. Set the overall policy and strategies for achieving of the organizational goals

2. Execute the decisions and resolutions of the general assembly.

3. Prepare and develops the annual program, action plan and general budget of the
4. Submit suggestions on amendments of the bylaws and policy and procedures manuals
to the General Assembly.
5. Conduct participatory evaluation and monitoring of the organization’s programs.
6. Submit annual audited accounts, reports, budget, plans and proposals to the General
7. Facilitate the various stakeholders to forward their input to the organization.

Article Five.
2 Board of Directors consist on:

a) Chairman

b) Vice Chair

c) Social

d) Ad/finance

e) G secretary

f) Advisory

g) spokesperson

Article Five
Duties of Board are:
 b) Fundraising Activities
1. Responsible to improve written proposals to the donors/agencies
2. Responsible to contact regularly to the donors/ agencies
3. Have overall control of fundraising activities
4. Responsible for collecting membership fee or internal contributions
5. Responsible to establish fundraising meeting to local community, business
People, donor agencies and other relate agencies
6. Responsible to create income-generated activities
7. Enables G L Y to generate fundraising program governance
8. Shall persuade local community to contribute and participate for the project
9. Shall persuade local business people face-to-face meetings and.

c) Financial Oversight:

1. Responsible for all financial matters of the organization.

2. Responsible for preparing the budget of the organization.
3. They also in charge of keeping the expenditure of the board with the budget allocated.
4. They are reliable for checking the recording methods and procedures.
5. They are responsible for running cost of the organization.
6. They periodically produce financial reports of the Organization
7. They are responsible for preparing budget review statement by the end of financial

d) Lobbying and Advocacy:

1. Report to the Director of the Organization once a month.

2. Be responsible to improve the image of the organization.
3. Be aware of the rules and regulations of the center.
4. Mobilize public rallies in support of organization course.
5. Meet stakeholders in twice a year or more.
6. Hold press conference to inform and seek feedback from them in twice a year or More.
7. Write to the media once a month.
8. Work out on an issues relating to networking and fund rising once a month.

e) Obtaining Appropriate Inputs from Stakeholders:

In order to get appropriate inputs from Stakeholders, G L Y BOD shall:

1. Meet the community face to face by every 6 months

2. Assess the communities’ feelings regularly.
3. Have discussions with the stakeholders to get feed back
4. Give service to the community and evaluate it
5. Prepare Electronic suggestion boxes for the stakeholders to put their view
6. Hold press conference to get information from the stakeholders Publishes and
disseminates reports to the stakeholders for feed back
7. Get view from media

Article Six.  

Duties of the executive director

a. Executive Director

1. Authorize Annual Budget for the Organization

2. Verify all supporting documents payment Voucher
3. Approve the Cash Disbursement Voucher
4. Approve the Pay Order/Check
5. Approve Cash receipt Voucher
6. Approve All Purchase Order from bidding process
7. Chair all tender process (Bidding)
8. Approve all Contract Agreement with contractors
9. Sign G L Y agreement with Donors
10. Manage all the G L Y correspondence
11. Approve all Financial Report
12. Presents Annual Financial and Program Reports to the Board of Trustees

Other duties will be explained governance manual, management and finance well

Article Seven.

a) Membership:

G L Y has members selected through the following criteria and shall be open to all
persons fulfilled:
1. Persons of legal age
2. Presently residing in the country and or.
3. Well-respected persons in the community
4. Either a successful businessman or practicing professional or Religious Leader

Article Eight.

Staff suspension.

G Y L may dismiss any member involved in the following misconduct during the
orientation and activity period;

1. Use Drug, alcohol and Khat and other prohibited things.

2. Falsification of G L Y documents.
3. Dishonesty on the job and Community.
4. Violation of G L Y rules and regulations

 Article Nine.

Dispute management

To achieve risk prevention and ensuring the sustainability of the organization


Jeopardize - Bother, trouble

Anticipated - Predictable
Pro-active - Positive, supporter
Integral - Essential
Assets - valuable person, quality or skill
Strategy - Steps to determine the best way

Article Ten.


1. Amendments of the constitution may be made by a vote of two-thirds of the

members present.
2. We can make an amendment of this constitution onany time needed.
3. Matters not covered by the articles that are virtually to happen are in the 7
N. B.

0What I have prepared is partial completed so it needs to be discussed and make sure that it is
suitable to our Community and how they can adopt for the regulations so now it is the first
hand let us review and correct again.


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