List of Master Formats-Getcert Pvt. LTD
List of Master Formats-Getcert Pvt. LTD
List of Master Formats-Getcert Pvt. LTD
Conformity Assessment- Requirements for bodies certifying ISO/IEC 17065 Jun-96 NA NA 15/09/2012
products, processes and services
3|Document control and record control OM-NPOP SOP 01 02/09/2019 1 0 00/00/0000
4| Internal audit OM-NPOP SOP 02 02/09/2019 1 0 00/00/0000
5|Management review OM-NPOP SOP 03 02/09/2019 1 00/00/0000
15] Sufficient human resources, recruitment, training & evaluation OM-NPOP SOP 13 02/09/2019 1 0 00/00/0000
- Wild Collection- NPOP FM-07
- ‘Attestation- NPOP FM- 07
Exit Interview FM-08
Free lance contract FM-09
Review Notification-NPOP FM-10
71 Review Notification - - NPOP FM-10
72|Closure of NC Checklist FM-11
73 Attestation Decision FM-12
7 isal Form FM-13
nt Book FM-14
Confidential - GCPL FM 15
Conflict of interest- GCPL FM 16
Internal Audit FM-18
Internal Audit Deviations FM-19
Minutes of Ma review FM-20
Plant Cert Table FM-21 -OGG
Product From- Attestation FM-22
Product Approval From- Single & Multiingredient Product NPOP FM-22 NPOP 02/09/2019 00/00/0000
Risk Assessment FM-23
Sam Document FM-24
Sanction NPOP FM-25
of FM-26
Internal Audit Schedule FM- 27
Witness Audit FM-28
Calander-GCPL FM-30
Internal Rules, Terms & References of Certification Committee CC-ToR 02/09/2019 00/00/0000
Internal Rules, Terms & References of Impartiality Committee IC-ToR 02/09/2019 00/00/0000
Internal Rules, Terms & References of Management Committee MC-ToR 02/09/2019 00/00/0000
Corrospondance Address
On- Site Address
Contact Details of Responsible Person Landline | Mobile | E-mail |
|Project Funded By If Other, Mnetion Source
Is this unit/ farm was under certification If yes, mention name of CB, year of certification, most
earlier? recent certificate and non-compliance letter if any
i's this unit/ farm under duel/ multiple If yes, mention name of CB, year of certification, most
certification? recent certificate and non-compliance letter if any
Is the certification to this unit/ farm ever If yes, mention name of CB, year of certification, reason
been denied, suspended, withdrawn or
for the same and non-compliance letter or other record
Details of Production Site
Total Land Under Cultivation (Ha.) Land Under Organic Management Land Under Conventional
(Ha.) Management (Ha.)
Survey Numbers of the Plots Latitude and Longitude of the
Under Certification Plots Under Certification
Mention the last date of application of prohibited/ disallowed/ restricted substances as per Chapter 3;
Annex 1, Annex 2 of NPOP and if applicable as per §205.203, §205.204, §205.206, §205.601, §205.602;
to the unit/ farm under certification?
Please Submit the Floowing
|Farm/ Unit Map r PAN Card Number of Responsible Person
|Pan Card Number of the Unit (If any) co ADHAR Card Number of Responsible Person m
Rev. Date: 00/00/0000 _—Rev. No: 00 Getcert Pvt. Ltd. Date of Initial Issue: 02/09/2019
Genral Information- Crop Production FM-O1 (CP)
Input Management
Please mention the details of inputs being used in the production unit including e.g. Seeds, Seedling/ Planting Material, Fertilizer, Pesticide, Insecticide,
Fungicide, Rodenticide, Herbicide, Plant Growth Regulator/ Stimulator, Growing Medium, Microbial Preparation, Herbal Preparation, Substances used for
Seed Treatment and Other
Rev. Date: 00/00/0000 Rev. No: 00 Getcert Pvt. Ltd. Date of Initial Issue: 02/09/2019
Genral Information- Crop Production FM-O1 (CP)
Resistant Chemicals Control
Release of Predator Residue Treatment
Maintainance of Rotation Treatment
Mechanical of Soil
Weedicide Weedicide
of Land
Precaution and Separation Measures to Avoid Comingling/ Contamination of Organic Farm/ Crop/ Produce
From Conventional/ Conversion Farm/ Prohibited During Harvesting During Storage
of Buffer Zone (Crop/ Type/ Size)
Company Profile
Rev. Date: 00/00/0000 Rev. No: 00 Getcert Pvt. Ltd. Date of Initial Issue: 02/09/2019
its Genral Information- Crop Production FM-01 (CP)
32-4 Cerce
Operator's Declaration
The information given in the application is true to the best of my knowledge. In event of deviation from the practices mentioned above, | understand
that, it may lead to additional checks and/ or denial of certification by Getcert Pvt. Ltd.
Date: Name and Signature of the Operator/
Place: Operator's Representative
Rev. Date: 00/00/0000 Rev. No: 00 Getcert Pvt. Ltd. Date of Initial Issue: 02/09/2019
FM-01 (OGG)
SetVcert Genral Information- Organized Grower Group
Pan Card Number of the ICS/ Mandator PAN Card Number of Responsible Person
Corrospondance Address
On- Site Address of ICS
Contact Details of Responsible Person Landline | Mobile | E-mail |
Project Funded By If Other, Mnetion Source
Required Certification- Standard/ Scheme and Category
Is this unit/ farm was under certification If yes, mention name of CB, year of certification, most
earlier? recent certificate and non-compliance letter if any
Is this unit/ farm under duel/ multiple If yes, mention name of CB, year of certification, most
certification? recent certificate and non-compliance letter if any
Fungicide, Rodenticide, Herbicide, Plant Growth Regulator/ Stimulator, Growing Medium, Microbial Preparation,
Herbal Preparation, Substances used for
Operator's Declaration
The information given in the application is true to the best of my knowledge. In event of deviation from the practices mentioned above, | understand that,
it may lead to additional checks and/ or denial of certification by Getcert Pvt. Ltd.
Date: | | Name and Signature of the Operator/
Place: | | Operator's Representative
Pan Card Number of the Unit/ Project PAN Card Number of Responsible Person
Processing Unit Capacity (MT/Day) Management
of Unit Subcontract
|Name and Address of Storage Unit; If
Project Funded By |if Other, Mnetion Source
Is this unit/ farm was under certification iF yes, mention name of CB, year of certification, most
earlier? recent certificate and non-compliance letter if any
Is this unit/ farm under duel/ multiple |If yes, mention name of CB, year of certification, most
certification? recent certificate and non-compliance letter if any
Uv T
Treatment Heat Treatment
Please Mention
Treatment Heat Treatment
Please Mention
of Practices:
M torent ni Pressure Water Treatment
y e? Substances by Std.
Quality Management
For every product/ input entering the unit is the conformity of
If applicable, are records of accounts, stock and finance material, what are the measures
maintained for conventional/ conversion activities? steps implemented?
Company Profile
Operator's Declaration
The information given in the application is true to the best of my knowledge. In event of deviation from the practices mentioned above, | understand
that, it may lead to additional checks and/ or denial of certification by Getcert Pvt. Ltd.
Date: Name and Signature of the Operator/
Place: Operator's Representative
Is this unit under duel/ multiple If yes, mention name of CB, year of certification, most
certification? recent certificate and non-compliance letter if any
Under Certification
Additional Product
Status | (repacking, sundrying, | Name
T Pheromone T.
Treatment Treatment
and Air
Steam Treatment
Pressure Water Hose UV Treatment
Pressure Air Hose
Substances by Std. Pottasium
Essences of Plants Other
Steam Treatment
for equipment/
Pressure Air
machinery cleaning?
Essences of Plants Other
During Reciept and Storage of Organic Material During Labellinging and Packaging During Off Site Storage; If any
Are product labels/ drafts submitted to Getcert for approval? | If not submit the same
Company Profile
Operator's Declaration
The information given in the application is true to the best of my knowledge. In event of deviation from the practices mentioned above, | understand
that, it may lead to denial of certification.
Date: Name and Signature of the Operator/
Place: Operator's Representative
Is this unit/ farm was under certification If yes, mention name of CB, year of certification, most
earlier? recent certificate and non-compliance letter if any
Is this unit/ farm under duel/ multiple If yes, mention name of CB, year of certification, most
certification? recent certificate and non-compliance letter if any
List down the endangered/ threatened plant and animal species in the collection areas?
and of Collection Sites
Are documentory
proofs available that the collection area has not received any prohibited/ restricted substance as per NPOP for last three
Are documentory proofs available that the collection do not affect habitat of target and other species and also do not affect the
sustain. of the collected jes and area?
d areas of collection, it's boundries, areas to be left from collection,
Are the collectoes aware of target s; of collection, de: areas of collection, sustainable prectives of collection?
Due to Contamination Sources (Agri. Land, industry, mines, Due to equipment and machinery During Transport
Company Profile
The information given in the application is true to the best of my knowledge. in event of deviation from the practices mentioned above, | understand that, itmay
lead to additional checks or denial of certification by Getcert Pvt. Ltd.
Date: ~~ Name and Signature of the Operator/
L___Place:__ | Operator's Representative
| For the Use of Getcert Pvt. Ltd. Only
if any