A Short Note On The Drag Correlation For Spheres
A Short Note On The Drag Correlation For Spheres
A Short Note On The Drag Correlation For Spheres
Short Communication
A Short Note on the Drag Correlation for plus four more, not given here are the best
Spheres available approximation to the standard drag
curve for Re < 106.
The need for such a complicated regression
R. TURTON and 0. LEVENSPIEL equation is questioned in this note. For this
Chemical Engineering Department, Oregon State purpose, the goodness of fit of the Clift et al.
Univereity, Corvallis, OR 97331 (U.S.A.) equation to the 408 data points reported in
(Received February 5.1986) the literature [ 13 - 311 was compared with
the goodness of fit of two very much simpler
equations. The first, eqn. (l), was originally
proposed by Gilbert et al. [5], while the
For the past 80 years or so, considerable second, eqn. (2), was proposed by Clift and
attention has been paid to the determination Gauvin [9]:
of terminal velocity and drag coefficient for
falling spheres, with numerous attempts at &=XReY+Z (1)
developing theoretically based expressions to
relate the drag coefficient with Reynolds &= $(l+AR@)+ ’ (2)
number. The application of such expressions l+DR#
is limited to the low Reynolds number range
(Re < 200). Outside of this range, empirical The constants for eqns. (1) and (2) were
relationships must be used. A comprehensive chosen so as to minimize the sum of squares
review of the available correlations [l - 111 is error Q, defined below:
given by Clift et al. [ 121, who present a new
correlation based on a critical review of Q = (lw,,G, - h&d2 (3)
published data. This correlation consists of six The resulting constants and values of Q for
polynomial equations with a total of 18 fitted eqns. (1) and (2) are given in Table 2. These
constants, and is reproduced in Table 1. Clift results are compared with those for the Clift
et al. [ 121 claim that this set of six equations, et al. correlation.
Drag correlation from Clift et al. [ 121
Re range Correlation
1600 < Re < 1.2 x lo4 l‘%OCD = -2.4571+ 2.5566w - 0.9295w2 + 0.1049w3
where w = logloRe
Comparison of drag correlation equations
The final best-fit equations are and the comparison with the data is displayed
in Figs. 1 and 2.
Cn = 27.2Re0*s2’ + 0.427 (4) It is evident from Fig. 1 that the three-
and constant equation does not correlate the data
very well at high Reynolds number. This is
cn = g (1 + 0.173Re0*657) because this equation form will always be a
monotonically decreasing function, while the
experimental data show a minimum CD-value
0.413 at a Reynolds number around 5000 with Cn
+ 1 + 16300Re-‘*09 increasing for Reynolds numbers greater than
e, = mgg + 0.427
,,,, ,I ,/,,,,, I, I
Stokes law
I- 24
0.1 ’
I 2 4 6 IO 2 4 6 100 2 4 6 lo3 2 4 6 104 2 4 6 105 2
dsph “t p9
Re= cc
Fig. 1. Experimental data for drag coefficients of spheres as a function of Reynolds number and least-squares
correlation for the three-parameter equation (eqn. (1)).
IO expression
7 6 Equation 5: Five constant
u) NC
“2 4
-0 2
0” 6
0. I
I 2 4 6 IO 2 4 6. 100 2 4 6 lo3 2 4 6 lo4 2 4 6 lo5 2
dsph ut pg
Re= ~
Fig. 2. ,ExperimentaI data for drag coefficients of spheres as a function of Reynolds number and least-squares
cokelakon for the five-parameter equation (eqn. (2)).
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