APA Style 7th Edition Quick Guide: In-Text Citations Quick View

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In-Text Citations Quick View

Narrative Citations, Parenthetical Format,

Narrative Citations, Parenthetical Format,
Type of Citation Subsequent Citations Subsequent Citations
First Citation in Text First Citation in Text
in Text in Text

APA Style 7th Edition 1 work by 1 author Siegel (2004) Siegel (2004) (Siegel, 2004) (Siegel, 2004)

Quick Guide 1 work by 2 authors Hunt and Wilkins (2007) Hunt and Wilkins (2007) (Hunt & Wilkins, 2007)
(Hunt & Wilkins,

1 work by 3 or more
APA Style authors
Baxter et al. (2005) Baxter et al. (2005) (Baxter et al., 2005) (Baxter et al., 2005)

The Publication Manual of the American Psycho- Groups (readily identi- Centers for Disease (Centers for Disease
logical Association, 7th edition is used by social sci- fied through abbrevia- Control and Prevention CDC (2007) Control and Prevention (CDC, 2007)
ence disciplines. The APA manual sets the rules on tions) as authors (CDC, 2007) [CDC], 2007)
how to format a research paper, formatting of the Groups (no abbrevia- University of Southern University of Southern (University of Southern (University of South-
sources used, and how information should be pre- tion) as authors California (2010) California (2010) California, 2010) ern California, 2010)
Harlow (1999) and
Harlow (1999) and (Harlow, 1999; Smith, (Harlow, 1999;
2 or more works Smith (2001)
In-Text Citations Smith (2001) 2001) Smith, 2001)

Appear in the body of your paper, and identify the 2 or more works by 1
Jones (2009a) Jones (2009a) (Jones, 2009a) (Jones, 2009a)
author in the same
source of an idea or quotation. In-text citations Jones (2009b) Jones (2009b) (Jones, 2009b) (Jones, 2009b)
typically include WHO (author) and WHEN
("Understanding in-
(publication year). "Understanding infor- "Understanding infor- ("Understanding infor-
Work with no author formation overload,"
If a source doesn’t have a publication date, use mation overload" (n.d.) mation overload" (n.d.) mation overload," n.d.)
“n.d.” for “no date.” Secondary Source
Freud (1916) ... (as cit- Freud (1916) ... (as cited (Freud, 1916, as cited in (Freud, 1916, as cited
Direct quotes also include the specific location of with year of primary
ed in Jones, 2003) in Jones, 2003) Jones, 2003) in Jones, 2003)
the quote. Typically it’s “p. #” for page number, but source
may deviate based on source type. Secondary Source
Freud (as cited in Jones, Freud (as cited in (Freud, as cited in Jones, (Freud, as cited in
without year of prima-
In-text citations have two style options. Narrative 2003) Jones, 2003) 2003) Jones, 2003)
ry source
citations include the author as part of the narrative
Personal Communica- J.Smith (personal com- J.Smith (personal com- (J. Smith, personal com- (J. Smith, personal
but place the year of publication in parentheses
tion (Do not include in munication, March 19, munication, March 19, munication, March 19, communication,
next to the author and page number at the end of a Reference page) 2016) 2016) 2016) March 19, 2016)
direct quote in it’s own set of parentheses. Paren-
Brown v. Board of Brown v. Board of (Brown v. Board of Edu- (Brown v. Board of
thetical citations place author, year and page num- Court Decision
Education (1954) Education (1954) cation, 1954) Education, 1954)
ber (where applicable) at the end of a idea or quote
within parentheses. Violence Against Wom- Violence Against Wom- (Violence Against Wom- (Violence Against
Federal Statue
en (1994) en (1994) en, 1994) Women, 1994)
Reference Examples Academic Integrity
Source Type In-text Citation Reference List Academic honesty is essential to an
university community’s purpose and
Book with one author (Richardson, 1999). Richardson, V. (1999). Teaching gerontological social work: A compendium of model pursuits. Thus, academic integrity is
syllabi. Council on Social Work Education. expected of all USC students. A stu-
Chapter from an edited (Rappaport, 1999). Rappaport, B. A. (1999). On-site school-based mental health clinics: 15 years of expe- dent’s academic work and conduct
book rience in Orange County, California. In A.H. Esman, & L. T. Flaherty, (Eds.), Adolescent should always represent the stu-
psychiatry: Development and clinical studies, (pp. 91-100). The Analytic Press. dent’s personal effort and thus be
above reproach. Those who are
Organization/corporation (American Psycho- American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American
dishonest impair their own intellec-
as author logical Association Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000
tual and personal growth and devel-
[APA], 2020).
opment and undermine the integri-
Journal article with doi (Fink & Hummel, Fink, J., & Hummel, M. (2015). With educational benefits for all: Campus inclusion ty of the community that nurtures
2015). through learning communities designed for underserved student populations. New them.
Directions for Student Services, 2015(149), 29–40. https://doi.org/10.1002/ss.20115
Online newspaper article (Logan, 2014). Logan, T. (2014, December 21). Highland Park residents feel the squeeze of gentrifi- Reference List
cation. The Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/business/realestate/la-fi-
 Starts on a new page after the
body of your paper titled Refer-
Thesis, from a commercial (Nicometo, 2015). Nicometo, D. N. (2015). Increasing international education to develop culturally com- ences (before appendix)
database petent social workers: Social media recommendations for social work abroad pro-
 References follow a Who,
gram 501(c)3 (Order No. 1597712). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
When, What and Where for-
Global. (1717577238).
Multiple pages from the (American Psycho- American Psychological Association. (2019a). Careers in psychology. https://
www.apa.org/careers/index  Includes ALL sources cited and
same website, organization logical Association
quoted within your paper
as author [APA], 2019a)
American Psychological Association. (2019b). Psychology topics. Retrieved from (except personal communica-
(APA, 2019b). https://www.apa.org/topics/index tion or interviews)
(APA, 2019c).  Listed alphabetically by first
American Psychological Association. (2019c). About APA. https://www.apa.org/
about/index author

 Only authors last name and

Additional Resources from USC Libraries initials are provided
 APA Publication Manual, 7th edition. Doheny Memorial Library BOOKSTACKS BF76.7 .P83  Pay attention to capitalization
 APA Style Guide, 7th edition: https://libguides.usc.edu/APA7th and proper use of ¡Italics.

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