Multi Pressure Systems
Multi Pressure Systems
Multi Pressure Systems
A single stage vapour compression refrigeration system has one low side pressure (evaporator pressure)
and one high side pressure (condenser pressure). The performance of single stage systems shows that
these systems are adequate as long as the temperature difference between evaporator and condenser
(temperature lift) is small. The temperature lift can become large either due to the requirement of very
low evaporator temperatures and/or due to the requirement of very high condensing
temperaturesExamples:In frozen food industries the required evaporator can be as low as –40 0C, while in
chemical industries temperatures as low as –150 0 C may be required for liquefaction of gasesOn the high
temperature side the required condensing temperatures can be very high if the refrigeration system is used
as a heat pump for heating applications such as process heating, drying etc.
As the temperature lift increases the single stage systems become inefficient and impractical
With the increase in pressure ratio volumetric efficiency decreases and hence the refrigeration capacity
decreases and work of compression increases. Also the volumic refrigeration effect also decreases. The
compound compression employ when pressure ratio between evaporator & condenser is greater than 4 or
Examples: in a dairy plant refrigeration may be required at –30 0C for making ice cream and at 2 0C for
chilling milk. In such cases it may be advantageous to use a multi-evaporator system with the low
temperature evaporator operating at –30 0C and the high temperature evaporator operating at 2 0C
A multi-stage system is a refrigeration system with two or more low-side pressures. Multi-stage systems
can be classified into:
The slope of constant entropy lines on the p-H diagram decreases for the isentropic away from the
saturated vapour line. Thus the multi stage compression with intercooling is one effective method of
reducing work of compression by working on isentropic closer to saturation curve
Two methods employed during multi staging are i) flash gas removal, and ii) intercooling
One of the problems with high temperature lift applications is the high quality of vapour at the inlet to the
evaporator. This vapour called as flash gas develops during the throttling does not contribute to
the refrigeration effect as it is already in the form of vapour, and it increases the pressure drop in the
evaporator.It is possible to improve the COP of the system if the flash gas is removed as soon as it is
formed. One way of improving the performance of the system is to remove the flash gas at an
intermediate pressure using a flash tank
The specific work input, w in reversible, polytropic compression of refrigerant vapour is given by
From the above expression, it can be seen that specific work input reduces as specific volume, v1 is
reduced. At a given pressure, the specific volume can be reduced by reducing the temperature. This is
the principle behind intercooling in multi-stage compression. Instead of compressing the vapour in a
single stage from state 1 to state 2’, if the refrigerant is compressed from state 1 to an intermediate
pressure, state 2, intercooled from 2 to 3 and then compressed to the required pressure (state 4),
reduction in work input results. If the processes are reversible, then the savings in specific work is
given by the shaded area 2-3-4-2’ on P-v diagram.
Intercooling may not be always possible using water-cooled heat exchangers as it depends on the
availability of sufficiently cold water to which the refrigerant from low stage compressor can reject
heat. Water cooling is commonly used in air compressors. Intercooling not only reduces the work
input but also reduces the compressor discharge temperature leading to better lubrication and longer
compressor life
Water Intercooling
For Flash Intercooling the compressed vapours from the lower stage are led and bubbled through the
liquid flash chamber and a part of liquid evaporates which goes to higher stage along with the
Intercooling using liquid refrigerant from condenser in the flash tank may or may not reduce the
power input to the system, as it depends upon the nature of the refrigerant. This is due to the fact that
the heat rejected by the refrigerant during intercooling generates additional vapour in the flash tank,
which has to be compressed by the high stage compressor. Thus the mass flow rate of refrigerant
through the high stage compressor will be more than that of the low stage compressor. Whether total
power input to the system decreases or not depends on whether the increased power consumption due
to higher mass flow rate is compensated by reduction in specific work of compression or not. For
ammonia, the power input usually decreases with intercooling by liquid refrigerant; however, for
refrigerants such as R12, R22, the power input marginally increases. Thus intercooling using liquid
refrigerant is not effective for R12 and R22. But one benefit of intercooling is the reduction in
compressor discharge temperature, which leads to better compressor lubrication and its longer life
It is also possible to intercool the refrigerant vapour by a combination of water-cooled heat exchanger
and the refrigerant liquid in the flash tank. As a result of using both water-cooling and flash-tank, the
amount of refrigerant vapour handled by the high-stage compressor reduces leading to lower power
consumption. However, the possibility of this again depends on the availability of cooling water at
required temperature
One of the design issues in multi-stage compression is the selection of suitable intermediate
pressureFor a two-stage air compressor with intercooling, the optimum intermediate pressure,
a) Quality of refrigerant entering the evaporator reduces thus giving rise to higher refrigerating effect,
lower pressure drop and better heat transfer in the evaporator
b) Throttling losses are reduced as vapour generated during throttling from Pc to Pi is separated in the
flash tank and recompressed by Compressor-II.
There are many applications where refrigeration is required at different temperatures. For example, in a
typical food processing plant, cold air may be required at –300 C for freezing and at +7 0C for cooling of
food products or space cooling. One simple alternative is to use different refrigeration systems to cater to
these different loads. However, this may not be economically viable due to the high total initial cost.
Another alternative is to use a single refrigeration system with one compressor and two evaporators both
operating at −300 C. But operating the evaporator at –30oC when refrigeration is required at +7 0C is
thermodynamically inefficient. In addition to this there will also be other difficulties such as: evaporator
catering to space cooling (7 0C) may collect frost leading to blockage of air-flow passages, if a liquid is to
chilled then it may freeze on the evaporator and the moisture content of air may become too low leading
to water losses in the food products. In such cases multi-stage systems with multiple evaporators can be
This system also uses individual expansion valves and a pressure regulating valve (PRV) for reducing the
pressure from that corresponding to the high temperature evaporator to the compressor suction pressure.
The PRV also maintains the required pressure in high temperature evaporator (Evaporator-II). Compared
to the earlier system, this system offers the advantage of higher refrigeration effect at the high
temperature evaporator. However, this advantage is counterbalanced by higher specific work input due to
the operation of compressor insuperheated region. However, this system is still preferred to the earlier
system due to proper operation of high temperature evaporator
The advantage of this system compared to the system with individual expansion valves is that the
refrigeration effect of the low temperature evaporator increases as saturated liquid enters the low stage
When one or more evaporators are in operation t very low temperatures and individual compressors
are installed then compound compression can be used for effective power saving with multiple
arrangement of expansion valves and flash inter cooling . The flash chamber is maintained at the
pressure of the high temperature evaporator.
Superheated vapour from the low-stage compressor is cooled to the saturation temperature in the flash
tank. The low temperature evaporator operates efficiently as flash gas is removed in the flash tank. In
addition the high-stage compressor (Compressor-II) operates efficiently as the suction vapour is saturated.
Even though the high stage compressor has to handle higher mass flow rate due to de-superheating of
refrigerant in the flash tank, still the total power input to the system can be reduced substantially,
especially with refrigerants such as ammonia
The total power requirement can be reduced by the use of an individual compressor for each evaporator
and by multiple arrangement of expansion valve. This parallel operation of evaporators is called
sectionalizing. There may be separate condenser for each compressor or common for the plant.
Since only one refrigerant is used throughout the system, the refrigerant used should have high
critical temperature and low freezing point
The operating pressures with a single refrigerant may become too high or too low. Generally only
R12, R22 and NH3 systems have been used in multi-stage systems as other conventional working
In a cascade system a series of refrigerants with progressively lower boiling points are used in a series
of single stage units. The condenser of lower stage system is coupled to the evaporator of the next
higher stage system and so on. The component where heat of condensation of lower stage refrigerant
is supplied for vaporization of next level refrigerant is called as cascade condenser. this system
employs two different refrigerants operating in two individual cycles. They are thermally coupled in
the cascade condenser. The refrigerants selected should have suitable pressure-temperature
characteristics.An example of refrigerant combination is the use of carbon dioxidein low temperature
cascade and ammoniahigh temperature cascade.It is possible to use more than two cascade stages.In
practice, matching of loads in the cascade condenser is difficult, especially during the system pull-
down. Hence the cascade condensers are normally oversized.
i. Since each cascade uses a different refrigerant, it is possible to select a refrigerant that is best suited
for that particular temperature range. Very high or very low pressures can be avoided
ii. Migration of lubricating oil from one compressor to the other is prevented