Medical Biology: T I L Ea A K - 1 G A M A Ta
Medical Biology: T I L Ea A K - 1 G A M A Ta
Medical Biology: T I L Ea A K - 1 G A M A Ta
T I L E a a
K -1 G a M a Ta
Test Items for Licensing Examination: “Krok-1 General Medi-
cal Training: Medical Biology” (For Medical Students) / Compiler
O. Yu. Smirnov. – Sumy: Electronic Edition, 2017. – 352 pp.
This book includes 1561 test items in cytogenetics, classical genetics, mo-
lecular genetics, medical genetics, population genetics, general biology, protozool-
ogy, helminthology, and entomology. These questions are in a database of medical
license examination "Krok-1", some questions are developed by compiler; also all
questions, which were used during license examinations from 2001 till 2016, are in-
The book has been developed for students and teachers of medical, pediat-
ric, medical-and-prophylactic, and stomatological faculties.
Comments and notes are given to some test problems. Special attention is
given to errors in tests.
Introduction 4
Cytology and Cytogenetics 5
Classical Genetics 49
Molecular Genetics 81
Medical Genetics 128
Population Genetics and Evolution 205
General Biology 211
Protozoans 246
Helminths 280
Arthropods 330
Mixed Questions on Parasitology 347
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 4 Smirnov O.Yu.
E am test Krok-1 contains 200 q estion on medical biolog , h man
anatomy, cytology&histology, microbiology, human physiology, patho-
physiology, pathologic anatomy, pharmacology, and biochemistry; approx-
imately 16 18 of them are questions on medical biology. Students have 200
minutes for answering.
All tests on medical biology were received from the Testing center of
Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine (, selected
from the book named Collection of tasks for preparing for test examination
in natural science “Krok-1 General Medical Training (V. F. Moskalenko,
O. P. Volosovets, I. E. Bulakh, O. P. Yavorovskiy, O. V. Romanenko, and
L. I. Ostapyuk, eds. K.: Medicine, 2006) and from exam booklets (2001
2015), and then were reviewed and reorganized.
Five answers from which only one answer is correct are given to each
test. Correct answer is marked by plus. Working with tests, close marks
near answers by a piece of paper. Choose the answer (or finished state-
ments) that fits best and then check your answer.
Many mistakes in these tests were corrected (for example, we use the
term DNA repair in this book instead of reparation , Edwards' syn-
drome instead of Edward's syndrome etc.). Comments and notes are gi en
to some test problems. Special attention is given to errors in tests.
In 2011, students studying stomatology received incorrect test question:
Premolar teeth absence is inherited as an autosomal dominant factor. Par-
ents with normal dental system gave birth to a child with lacking premolar
teeth. What is the probability of giving birth to children without this pa-
thology (%) in this family? Answer 75% was proposed as correct. However,
normal parents must have aa genotype, and it is NOT possible for them to
give birth to a child with dominant trait with such probability. Child with
dominant trait can appear as a result of gametic mutation or in the case of
incomplete penetrance (when one of parents can have Aa genotype but re-
cessive trait).
Oleg Smirnov
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 5 Smirnov O.Yu.
6. The single fragment, which came off a long arm of the chro-
mosome of group C, was revealed in a metaphase plate from cul-
ture of lymphocytes of the patient with flu. During what period of
mitotic cycle this mutation occurred?
G1 period
G2 period
+ S period
7. The additional chromosome from group E was revealed in a
metaphase plate from the culture of lymphocytes of the child vac-
cinated against smallpox. Analyse this fact and choose to what
type this mutation belongs:
+ heteroploidy
8. Tissue of testes was taken for laboratory investigations. Ac-
cording to one of classifications, cells of this tissue belong to the
renewed cellular complexes. Analyse probable states of cells in
this tissue:
cells divide only mitotically
cells divide by meiosis only
cells increase in sizes only
+ cells divide at first mitotically, and then meiotically
cells divide at first meiotically, and then mitotically
9. The strong linkage between two X chromosomes was formed in
oocytes under the influence of a mutagen. Formation of what set
of chromosomes in an ovum it can lead to?
47 chromosomes
23 or 24 chromosomes
24 or 25 chromosomes
+ 22 or 24 chromosomes
46 chromosomes
10. Microorganisms that belong to prokaryotes, have such struc-
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 7 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ nucleoid
endoplasmic reticulum
11. During chromosome disjunction at a stage of maturing of
spermatogenesis, the X chromosome did not separate from the Y
chromosome. What can be a karyotype of future individual if the
normal ovum will be fertilized by such spermatozoon?
45, XO
46, XX
46, XY
47, XYY
+ 47, XXY
12. In order to analyse the karyotype, a cell culture was influ-
enced by colchicine, which destroys the spindle of division. At
what stage was the mitosis stopped?
+ Metaphase
13. The somatic cell of the man, which is in metaphase of mitotic
division, is visible on the histologic preparation. How many chro-
mosomes are a part of a metaphase plate, if we will consider that
each chromosome contains two sister chromatids?
+ 46 chromosomes
92 chromosomes
48 chromosomes
23 chromosomes
24 chromosomes
14. Thymine with radioactive label was added to a nutrient medi-
um with the cells capable to division by mitosis. About what large
amount of thymine, which is determined in nuclei of cells at auto-
radiographic investigation, can indicate?
About small number of cells that are in interphase
+ About large number of cells that are in the synthetic period of interphase
About high mitotic activity
About small number of cells that are in the pre-synthetic period of inter-
About a large number of cells that are in interphase
15. One of the reasons of rheumatism in man at the cellular level
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 8 Smirnov O.Yu.
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: During the analysis of
the mitotic stage in the onion root cells, a cell, in which spiralized chromosomes were placed
in the equatorial zone, was revealed. What mitotic stage is the cell at?
Other incorrect answers: anaphase; telophase.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 11 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Synthesis of protein
Synthesis of carbohydrates
Synthesis of lipids
Synthesis of mineral substances
30. The somatic diploid cell entered mitosis, and then normal pro-
cess of mitosis was interrupted with colchicine. At what stage
process of mitosis was interrupted, and what set of chromosomes
will be present in the nucleus?
Anaphase, 2n
Anaphase, 4n
+ Metaphase, 2n
Metaphase, 4n
Telophase, 2n
31. The cell organelle has its own protein synthesizing system.
Name it:
Golgi apparatus
endoplasmic reticulum
+ mitochondrion
32. Products of metabolism are excreted from a cell through Golgi
complex as a result of connection of its membrane structure with
plasmalemma. What is the process?
+ Exocytosis
Active transport
33. Nucleoli of nuclei in culture of tissues were damaged by nu-
clear radiation. Restoring of what organelles in cytoplasm of cells
becomes problematic?
+ Ribosomes
Golgi complex
Endoplasmic reticulum
34. During mitotic cell division, a scientist can see the phase when
the nuclear envelope and nucleolus disappear, the centrioles are
placed on the opposite poles of the cell and chromosomes are in
the form of a thread ball freely placed in the cytoplasm. What
stage of mitotic cycle is the cell at?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 12 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Prophase
35. Salts of heavy metals introduced into experimental animals
during 24 days. Study of preparations of liver under electronic
microscope revealed destruction of mitochondria in hepatocytes.
With large confidence it is possible to claim that in hepatocytes
such processes are broken:
protein synthesis
+ energy metabolism
lipid metabolism
synthesis of carbohydrates
water absorptions
36. In a cytogenetic laboratory, the karyotype of a healthy man
was studied. 46 chromosomes were seen in each somatic cell.
How many autosomes does each cell include?
+ 44
37. It is established that human karyotype is presented by 46
chromosomes, each consisting of two chromatids. At what stage
of mitosis the karyotype is defined?
+ Metaphase
38. The cell of the laboratory animal was overdosed with Roent-
gen rays. As a result, albuminous fragments formed in the cyto-
plasm. What cell organoid will take part in their utilization?
+ Lysosomes
Endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi complex
Cells centre
39. 46 chromosomes were revealed on karyotype examination of
the 5-year old girl. One of the 15th pair of chromosomes is longer
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 13 Smirnov O.Yu.
During exam in 2012, this question contained the phrase "One of the 15th pair of chromo-
somes is longer than usual due to connected chromosome from the 21 pair"; such question is
incorrect, because after fusion of two chromosomes total chromosome number must be 45. In
the book Collec ion of asks , this question (question No. 103) has correct phrase "due to
joining a part of chromosome of the 21 pair"; such correct question was present during exam
in 2016 (in Russian).
Another possible answer "aneuploidy".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 14 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ ribosomes
cell center
smooth ER
44. The cell of an ovary is in the S period of interphase. At this
time such event occurs:
spiralization of chromosomes
+ DNA replication
ATP accumulation
division of chromosomes
synthesis of nuclear membrane
45. The oogenesis is divided into three periods: reproduction,
growth and maturing. Cells that entered growth period are called:
+ primary oocytes
secondary oocytes
primary polocytes
46. A cell was affected by a substance which broke the integrity of
lysosome membranes. What can happen to the cell as a result?
+ Autolysis
47. To diagnose human chromosomal disorders in order to ana-
lyse the karyotype, a cell culture is influenced by colchicine – a
substance which destroys the spindle of division. At what mitotic
stage is the karyotype studied?
+ Metaphase
48. Mitosis is the basic mechanism of a cell that provides the de-
velopment of organisms, their regeneration and reproduction. It
is possible because this mechanism is responsible for:
Formation of polyploid cells
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 15 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Equal distribution of chromosomes between daughter cells
Irregular distribution of chromosomes between daughter cells
Change of genetic information
49. Transcription in a cell occurs in euchromatin sites. What
changes in cytoplasm of cells appear in the case of increase in
amount of euchromatin?
Number of polysomes decreases
Part of agranular endoplasmic reticulum increases
Activity of a cell center decreases
+ Number of ribosomes increases
Activity of lysosomes increases
50. A patient has an acute pancreatitis which can develop into
pancreas autolysis. The dysfunction of what organelles can cause
this pathology?
+ Lysosomes
51. In course of practical training students studied a stained blood
smear of a mouse with bacteria phagocytosed by leukocytes.
What cell organella completes digestion of these bacteria?
+ Lysosomes
Granular endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi apparatus
52. Studying of highly condensed chromosomes of the dividing
cell is carried out. At what stage of mitotic cycle process of cell
division was interrupted for this purpose?
+ Metaphase
53. During cell cycle, chromosomes can be both one-chromatid
and two-chromatid. In the dividing cell, one-chromatid chromo-
somes are revealed. In this case, such phase of cell cycle was
In the book Collec ion of asks , the term "divergency" is used (this is a mistake).
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 16 Smirnov O.Yu.
Another possible answer: "formation of ribosome subunits".
Another possible answer: "disjunction of daughter chromosomes". In the book Collec ion of
asks , the incorrect term "divergence of daughter chromosomes" is used (this is a mistake).
Another possible answer: "formation of nucleolus".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 17 Smirnov O.Yu.
58. The scraping of mucous of the mouth was taken by the spatu-
la for laboratory investigations. Analyse probable conditions of
these cells:
divide only mitotically
only increase in sizes
divide by meiosis and amitosis
+ divide mitotically and by amitosis
divide mitotically; polyteny is observed
59. The study of the female karyogram shows that the centro-
mere in X chromosome is placed near the centre. What do we call
such chromosome?
+ Submetacentric
60. Indicator of intensity of mutational process in human is the
sister chromatid exchange – SCE. This process happens at a
interphase before meiosis
+ prophase of mitosis
metaphase of mitosis
metaphase of the first meiotic division
anaphase of the second meiotic division
61. One of characteristics of a cell for anaphase of mitosis is 4n
4c. It is caused by fact that in this phase such event occurs:
association of sister chromatids
formation of tetrads
despiralization of chromosomes
+ chromatid disjunction to the cell poles
exchange of regions of sister chromatids
62. Feature of meiosis in oogenesis is existence of a specific
stage, which is absent in spermatogenesis. How this stage is
+ Dictyotene
Such term is not used in the world.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 18 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ They are genetically inert sites of chromosomes that contain spiral chroma-
They are sites where transcription occurs
They are sites of decondensed chromatin
They are sites that are invisible in interphase under a light microscope
They are genetically active sites
68. During the examination of the cell structure, a globular
monomembranous organelle, which contains hydrolytic enzymes,
was found. This organelle is known to provide intracellular diges-
tion and protective reactions of the cell. What organelle is it? 1
Endoplasmic reticulum
+ Lysosome
69. Chromosomes of eukaryotic cells consist generally of chroma-
tin – a complex of double-stranded DNA and five fractions of his-
tone proteins forming nucleosomes. What histone stabilizes nu-
cleosome structure?
+ H1
70. Human karyotype is studied when a cell is at metaphase.
What do we call the substance that can stop the cell division at
this stage?
+ Colchicine
Potassium chloride
71. During the examination of pancreatic gland cells under an
electronic microscope, an organelle has been found which con-
sists of cisterns, canals, closets and is connected with plasma-
lemma. What organelle is it?
In the book Collec ion of asks , another similar question is also present: In a cell a ball-
shaped monomembranous organelle that contains hydrolytic enzymes has been studied. What
organelle is it?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 20 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Endoplasmic reticulum
72. In one of phases of spermatogenesis, the changes of a nucle-
us and cytoplasm of spermatids causing formation of mature sex
cells are observed. Name a gametogenesis phase:
+ formation
73. Microfilaments and microtubules are known to include tubulin
proteins, which take part in the formation of the division spindle.
In what period of the mitotic cycle are tubulin proteins synthe-
Postmitotic period of interphase
Synthesis period (S) of interphase
+ Postsynthesis period (G2) of interphase
Presynthesis period (G1) of interphase
74. There is an organelle near the nucleus which consists of two
cylinders built of microtubules. The cylinders are situated perpen-
dicularly to each other. The organelle is a component of the mi-
totic spindle of division in animal cells. What organelle is this?
Endoplasmic reticulum
+ Centrosome
75. An intensive aerobic process of energy formation and accumu-
lation in the form of high energy ATP bonds takes place in the
cells of muscular tissue. In which organelle does this process oc-
In the peroxisome
In the endoplasmic reticulum
In the lysosome
+ In the mitochondrion
In the centriole
There is a mistake in this question in the book Collec ion of asks the term "centriole" is
used in this book. Structure that contains a pair of cylinders (i. e. a pair of centrioles) is called
the centrosome.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 21 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Telophase I
Anaphase I
Telophase II
Metaphase II
87. It is known that cell cycle consists of several consecutive
transformations in a cell. On one of stages there are processes
preparing DNA synthesis (the quantity of RNA and protein in-
creases). During what period of cell life it occurs?
+ G1 (pre-synthetic)
88. Organoids are the constant differentiated cytoplasm regions,
which have certain structure and functions: endoplasmic reticu-
lum, ribosomes, lysosomes, mitochondria, lamellar complex, cell
center, microtubules, and plastids. What cellular components are
discovered by means of an electronic microscope?
Lamellar Golgi complex
+ Hyaloplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes
89. Cytogenetic investigations showed that each chromosome is
differentiated on two types of sites, different in coloring. Sites
which are poorly painted by nuclear dyes, received the name:
nucleolar organizer
+ euchromatin
90. Mitochondria are two-membrane organoids; lysosomes and
Golgi complex are one-membrane organoids. What organoids of a
cell have no membrane?
Lysosomes, mitochondria
+ Ribosomes, centrosome
Peroxisomes, ribosomes
Golgi complex
91. Under influence of colchicine solution on the cell culture, a
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 24 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Maturing
101. Chromosomes are pair structures in all species. Such set of
chromosomes is called diploid. How the diploid set of chromo-
somes of a cell is called?
+ Karyotype
102. During the cell cycle, regular changes in quantity of genetic
material happen. What is the period, when the replication of DNA
happens, called?
+ Interphase
103. On the preparation painted by hematoxylin and eosin, dark
blue grains and clots of chromatin are visible in the nucleus. In
what phase of cellular cycle the nucleus is?
+ Interphase
104. During anaphase, chromosomes (each containing one chro-
matid)1 are placed on the poles of the cell. How many chromo-
somes does the cell have during the anaphase?
+ 92
105. In intensively functioning cells (for example, of liver), the in-
crease in chromosome number is often observed. What process
There is a mistake in this question in the book Collec ion of asks incorrect word com-
bination "monochromatic chromosomes" is used in this book.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 27 Smirnov O.Yu.
happens in a cell?
+ Endomitosis
106. There is an organelle in human cells. The functions of this or-
ganelle are the formation of lysosomes, the secretion of glycopro-
teins, carbohydrates, lipids, and the formation of yolk granules
during the oocytes maturation. What is this organelle called?
Endoplasmic reticulum
+ Golgi apparatus
107. The second division of meiosis resembles mitosis very much.
But there are some differences. In what features metaphase of
mitosis differs from metaphase of the second division of meiosis
in the man?
Additional DNA synthesis occurs in metaphase of meiosis
Chromosomes move to opposite poles in metaphase of meiosis, and chro-
matids move in metaphase mitosis
Additional DNA synthesis occurs in metaphase of mitosis
There are 46 chromosomes in the metaphase plate of the second division
of meiosis, and there are 23 chromosomes in the metaphase plate of mi-
+ There are 23 chromosomes in the metaphase plate of the second division
of meiosis, and there are 46 chromosomes in a metaphase plate of mito-
108. Secretion of glycoprotein mucin that forms mucus is reduced
in the patient. Disturbance of functions of what organoids can
cause this phenomenon?
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
+ Golgi complex
109. Among microorganisms, prokaryotes and eukaryotes differ in
features of cellular structure. What microorganisms among men-
tioned below are prokaryotes?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 28 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Bacteria
110. Long cylinders with diameter about 24 nanometers are pre-
sent in animal cells. They are formed from dimers of the protein
tubulin and play an important role in maintenance of a certain
form of the whole cell and its organoids, and also take part in
transport of macromolecules and organelles. They provide chro-
mosome disjunction during cell division. Define these organelles:
+ microtubules
endoplasmic reticulum
111. In the medico-genetic center, the doctor applied a method of
differential painting according to Giemsa for identification of
chromosomes of each pair; then all chromosomes got specific al-
ternation of light and dark bands. The graphic representation of
chromosomes taking into account their form and coloring has the
+ ideogram
gene pool
112. Moving of the daughter chromatids to the poles of the cell is
observed in the mitotically dividing cell. At what stage of the mi-
totic cycle is this cell?1
+ Anaphase
113. Different cellular organelles are characterized by an unequal
set of enzymes that is associated with specificity of the functions,
which are carried out by them. What organelle contains digestive
enzymes only?
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: During the mitotic divi-
sion in a cell we can observe the separation of chromatids towards the opposite poles. What
stage of the cell cycle takes place in the cell?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 29 Smirnov O.Yu.
Lamellar complex
+ Lysosome
Endoplasmic reticulum
114. At some diseases, changes that are followed by damages of
integrity of membranes of lysosomes occur in cells. What changes
will happen in cells?
Process of mitosis will be broken
Process of translation will be broken
Damage of the process of transcription will occur
+ Autolysis will occur
Accumulation of substances by cell will occur
115. Three new mutant genes appeared in the oocyte I. Name the
maximum number of zygotes which can receive these genes:
+ one
116. The patient with poisoning got to clinic. It is established that
detoxication mechanisms are disturbed in his organism. With
change of functions of what listed organoids this defect is associ-
+ Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Golgi complex
117. Destruction of mitochondria was revealed in a cell at investi-
gation of the diffraction pattern. What process in a cell can be
broken thereof?
Nuclear division
Synthesis of carbohydrates
+ Oxidation of organic substances
118. Four phases are distinguished in mitosis. In what phase hu-
man cell has 92 chromosomes, each of them containing one
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 30 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Anaphase
119. The number of cells, which entered a phase of DNA synthesis
of a mitotic cycle within a day, was 20% less, than number of the
cells that entered the previous mitosis. Where cells got to?
Remained in mitosis
Died in the process of apoptosis
+ Remained in the G1 period or entered G0 phase
Entered G2 phase
Were lost owing to necrosis
120. Name organoids that are present in cells of bacteria:
digestive vacuoles
+ ribosomes
121. Glycogen and proteins are actively synthesized in cells of
healthy liver. What types of organelles are well developed?
Cell center
+ Granular and agranular ER
Golgi complex
122. By means of electronic microscopy, it is recorded that the
surface of the majority of cells forms numerous microscopic out-
growths of cytoplasm. What process actively happens in these
Protein biosynthesis
Biological oxidation
+ Phagocytosis
ATP synthesis
123. Somatic cells of the man are diploid (2n chromosomes). Nev-
ertheless, polyploid cells of red marrow (megakaryocytes) can
have up to 64n chromosomes. What is the mechanism of their
+ Endomitosis
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 31 Smirnov O.Yu.
124. There are cellular and noncellular forms of life. What of the
forms, which are listed below, belong to the noncellular forms?
+ Viruses
Blue-green algae
125. Colchicine, which blocks "assembling" of proteins of achro-
matinic spindle, influenced a cell. What stage of mitotic cycle will
be broken?
+ Anaphase
G1 period of interphase
G2 period of interphase
126. Decrease in level of albumine and fibrinogen was revealed in
the patient's blood. Decrease of the activity of what organelles of
hepatocytes most possibly causes this phenomenon?
+ Granular ER
Agranular ER
Golgi complex
127. Synthesis of histone proteins in a cell is artificially blocked.
What structure of a cell will be damaged?
+ Nuclear chromatin
Golgi apparatus
Cellular envelope
Nuclear envelope
128. During the inspection of a girl's karyotype, a shortened arm
of the 20th pair chromosome was found. What do we call this mu-
+ Deletion
Monosomy on the 20 chromosome
129. Cells of human liver and kidneys contain numerous orga-
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 32 Smirnov O.Yu.
Golgi apparatus
139. Amitosis is a direct nuclear fission of a cell at which the in-
terphase condition of the nucleus remains, nucleoli and nuclear
membrane are well noticeable. During amitosis, chromosomes do
not visible, and their uniform distribution is not occurred. As a re-
sult of amitosis, genetically different cells are formed. In what
human cells amitosis is the normal phenomenon?
+ Cells of skin epithelium
140. Mitotic division of cells of epithelium of oral cavity is studied.
It has been established that the cell contains a diploid set of
chromosomes. Each chromosome consists of two most spiralized
chromatids. Chromosomes are located in the plane of the cell’s
equator. This picture is characteristic for such stage of mitosis:
+ metaphase
141. Under the influence of gamma-radiation a fragment of a
chromosome has turned by 180°. What chromosomal mutation
has taken place?
+ Inversion
Intrachromosomal translocation
Interchromosomal translocation
142. Animal cells are capable to the active movements, for exam-
ple, to the ameboid movements. What structures of a cell provide
such mobility of cells?
Cytoplasm microtubules
Intermediate microfilaments
+ Actin microfilaments
Cell center and microtubules of a spindle of division
143. At a certain stage of cell cycle, homologous chromosomes
reach cell poles, undergo despiralization; nuclear membranes are
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 35 Smirnov O.Yu.
148. Malarial plasmodium has a set of chromosomes 1n=12, its
cells propagate in human body by schizogony. The number of
chromosomes in the nucleus of plasmodium, which reproduces in
cells of human liver, will make:
+ 12
149. Small cells are found in a sample of tissue of embryonic ova-
ry. Some of them divide mitotically. What stage of oogenesis is
+ Multiplication
150. Colchicine (the substance isolated from the plant Colchicum
L.) stops process of mitosis. What exactly in the mechanism of
mitosis is broken by colchicine?
Division of centrioles of a centrosome
+ Formation of mitotic spindle
Dissolution of a nuclear membrane
Doubling of chromosomes
Cytoplasm division
151. A tissue sample of benign tumor was studied under the elec-
tron microscope. A lot of small (15–20 nm) spherical bodies, con-
sisting of two unequal subunits were detected. These are:
Golgi complex
+ ribosomes
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
152. The culture of tumor cells shows fast cellular division by di-
rect cleavage of a nucleus. Formation of threads of a spindle and
condensation of chromatin are not revealed. How this type of cell
division is called?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 37 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Amitotic division
153. At the laboratory experiment, the leukocyte culture was
mixed with staphylococci. Neutrophile leukocytes engulfed and
digested bacterial cells. This process is termed:
facilitated diffusion
+ phagocytosis
154. Granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus are well
developed in some cells. What main function is carried out by
these cells?
+ Protein secretion
Phagocytosis and digestion of engulfed particles
Energy development
Transfer of nervous stimulation
Production of protein
155. Golgi complex exports substances from a cell due to the fu-
sion of the membrane saccule with the cell membrane. The sac-
cule contents flows out. What process is it?
Active transport
All answers are false
Facilitated diffusion
+ Exocytosis
156. Life cycle of a cell includes the process of DNA autoreduplica-
tion. As a result of this process, monochromatid chromosomes
become bichromatid. This phenomenon is observed within the fol-
lowing period of the cell cycle:
157. On an electron micrograph a scientist has identified a struc-
ture formed by eight histone proteins and a part of DNA molecule
which makes about 1.75 revolutions around the molecules. Which
structure has been identified?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 38 Smirnov O.Yu.
Elementary fibril
+ Nucleosome
158. While studying maximally spiralized chromosomes of human
karyotype, the process of cell division was stopped in the follow-
ing phase:1
+ metaphase
159. A cell at the stage of mitotic anaphase was treated 2 by col-
chicine that inhibits chromosome separation to the poles. What
type of mutation will be caused?
+ Polyploidy
160. Normal actively dividing cells of human red bone marrow are
analyzed. What number of cell's chromosomes is typical for G 1
+ 46
161. It is established that toxic effect of cyanides is shown in inhi-
bition of cellular respiration. What organoid of a cell is sensitive to
these poisons?
+ Mitochondria
Cell center
Golgi complex
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: During the cell division
we can see the maximum amount of condensed chromosomes. At what stage of the cell cycle
is the process of the cell division stopped?
In the exam booklet the word "stimulated" was used. But colchicine does not stimulate cellu-
lar processes!
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 39 Smirnov O.Yu.
By pinocytosis
By means of diffusion (on a concentration gradient)
By means of osmosis
172. In a laboratory, the group of researchers experimentally re-
ceived mutant cells without nucleoli. Synthesis of what com-
pounds will be broken in them first of all?
Transport RNA
+ Ribosomal RNA
173. The system of intracellular tubules and tanks, which is divid-
ed on rough and smooth, is revealed in eukaryotic cell under
electronic microscope. It provides isolation of fermental systems
and is necessary for their subsequent involvement in the coordi-
nated reactions. What organelles are continuations of this system
and directly depend on its functioning because convert the sub-
stances synthesized in it into more complex compounds?
+ Golgi complex
174. In what sequence the following processes happen during mi-
tosis in animals and plants: 1. Nuclear envelope destroys. 2.
Chromosomes move to the middle part of the cell (equator). 3.
Microtubules join kinetochores. 4. Daughter chromosomes sepa-
1, 2, 3, 4
2, 3, 1, 4
4, 3, 2, 1
+ 1, 3, 2, 4
3, 1, 2, 4
175. When studying cells of a pancreas at the subcellular level,
disturbances of functions of concentration, dehydration and com-
paction of products of intracellular secretion, and also of synthesis
of polysaccharides, lipids, and enzymes are revealed. What orga-
nelles are responsible for these processes?
+ Golgi complex
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 42 Smirnov O.Yu.
Endoplasmic reticulum
176. For studying of heredity at the molecular level, parasitic
forms, which can invade bacterial cell without causing its lysis
during certain time, are used. They are often similar to tadpoles,
consist of a head and a tail, they cannot be seen under light mi-
croscope. What forms of the organization of living things these
parasites belong to?
+ Bacteriophages
177. During investigation of culture of tissue of malignant tumor,
cell fission that happened by formation of constriction of a nucle-
us without achromatinic apparatus was revealed; also nuclear en-
velope and nucleoli remained. What type of cell division occurred
in the studied malignant tumor?
+ Amitotic division
178. Substances are excreted from a cell as a result of connection
of membrane structure of Golgi apparatus with a plasmatic mem-
brane. Content of such structure is thrown out of cell borders.
This process has the name:
+ exocytosis
179. Experimental studying of a new medical preparation revealed
its blocking effect on assembly of proteins tubulins, which are the
basis of spindle in dividing cells. What stage of a cellular cycle is
broken by this preparation?
Synthetic period
Telophase of mitosis
Postmitotic period of interphase
Premitotic period of interphase
+ Anaphase of mitosis
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 43 Smirnov O.Yu.
Agranular ER
185. During oogamy, one ovum ripens, grows, then the follicle
bursts and the ovum (an oocyte of the II order) comes to uterine
tubes. What number of chromosomes and DNA the ovum has at
this time?
1n 1c
2n 2c
+ 1n 2c
2n 4c
4n 4c
186. The mutagen influenced a cell and partially destroyed a spin-
dle of division. The karyological analysis was carried out. Calcula-
tion of chromosomes in a metaphase plate showed existence of
49 chromosomes. How this mutation is called?
+ Heteroploidy
187. The important role in the process of protein biosynthesis be-
longs to the ribosomal RNA forming a structural skeleton of ribo-
somes. And where formation of ribosomal RNA occurs?
In cytoplasm
+ In nucleoli
In mitochondria
In lysosomes
In a cell center
188. Three periods are distinguished in interphase of cellular cy-
cle. During S phase of cellular cycle occurs:
+ DNA replication
amitotic division
189. The preparation destroying a spindle influenced on culture of
mitotically dividing cells in experiment. It has led to damage of:
postsynthetic period
formations of a nuclear envelope
doubling of chromatids
despiralization of chromosomes
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 45 Smirnov O.Yu.
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: The electronograms of
the rat's liver cells demonstrate some bimembraneous oval structures, the internal membrane
of which forms cristae. What organelles are these?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 46 Smirnov O.Yu.
protein hydrolysis
204. Cytogenetic analysis established that the patient had the 47,
XYY karyotype. The extra chromosome in the karyotype has a
centromere located very close to one of the chromosome ends so
that one chromosomal arm is much shorter than the other one.
Such a chromosome is called:
+ acrocentric
submetacentric with a satellite
205. The recombination of genetic material is reached by several
mechanisms one of which is the crossing over. At what stage of a
prophase of the first meiotic division it occurs?
+ Pachynema
206. During the period of presynthesis of mitotic cycle, synthesis
of the enzyme DNA-dependent DNA polymerase in a cell was bro-
ken. What effects it can lead to?
Disturbance of spindle formation
Disturbance of cytokinesis
+ Disturbance of DNA replication
Reduction of duration of mitosis
Disturbance of chromosome disjunction to poles
207. The chromosome, which has p and q arms with identical
length, was revealed in female set of chromosomes. What mor-
phological type this chromosome belongs to?
+ Metacentric
Such term is not used in the world.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 49 Smirnov O.Yu.
1. The woman with I (O) rh– blood type married the man with IV
(AB) Rh+ blood type. What variant of blood type and Rhesus fac-
tor can be expected in children?
+ III (B) Rh
I (O) rh
IV (AB) Rh
I (O) Rh
IV (AB) rh
2. Phenotypically identical anomalies can be caused by genotypi-
cal as well as environmental factors influencing an embryo. For
example, congenital cataract can be autosomal recessive disease
or the result of infection of German measles or influence of ioniz-
ing radiation during the early period of pregnancy. How changes,
which occur under the influence of environmental factors and re-
peat the traits of an organism with another genotype, are called?
Multiple alleles
Incomplete penetrance
+ Phenocopies
Pleiotropic action of genes
3. In what of marriages rhesus incompatibility of mother and a
fetus is possible?
+ rr RR
RR rr
Rr Rr
Rr rr
4. The blind girl, whose parents, brothers and sisters were blind
too, married the blind young man, whose brother and sister were
blind too, but other family members – mother, father, two sisters
and brother – were able to see. From this marriage 8 children
were born, which were able to see. Analyse a pedigree and name
the reason of the birth children, who are able to see, in blind par-
pleiotropic action of genes
+ genocopies
multiple alleles
incomplete penetrance
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 50 Smirnov O.Yu.
Other possible incorrect answers "Ontogenetic", "Correlative".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 51 Smirnov O.Yu.
13. Rh-negative mother has the first blood type; father has the
third blood group and is Rh-positive. What blood types are possi-
ble in children if the father is heterozygous on the first trait?
The first and second Rh-positive
The first and third Rh-negative
The first and second Rh-negative
+ The first and third Rh-positive
The second and third Rh-positive
14. Inheritance of blood types is defined by a type of gene inter-
action. Parents have the second and third blood types, and their
child has the first blood type. What type of interaction of genes is
the cornerstone of this phenomenon?
+ Complete dominance
Incomplete dominance
Interaction of polymeric genes
Complementary interaction of genes
15. A married couple consulted a specialist at the genetic consul-
tation about probability of having children with haemophilia. Both
spouses are healthy, but the wife's father has haemophilia. In this
family hemophilia may be passed to:
daughters only
all the children
half of daughters
+ half of sons
both sons and daughters
16. Genes A and B are linked incompletely. What recombinant
gametes are formed by Drosophila female with AB//ab genotype?
+ Ab, aB
B, b
AB, ab
A, a
Aa, Bb
17. The female albino (trait is inherited on autosomal recessive
type), who has normal blood clotting and I (O) blood type, ad-
dressed in genetic consultation. What of the listed genotypes is
the most probable for this woman?
H h
AA ii X X
+ aa ii X X
Aa I i X X
A A h h
aa I I X X
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 53 Smirnov O.Yu.
18. The part of erythrocytes of the man has crescent shape; he
did not know about it before conscription. HbS hemoglobin was
found in his blood along with HbA hemoglobin. What type of in-
teraction of genes is characteristic of this pathology?
+ Incomplete dominance
Complete dominance
19. At parents with what genotypes children with all blood types
of ABO system can be born?
I I I i
I i I I
I i I I
+I i I i
ii I I
20. Brown eyes of man is dominant trait, blue eyes is recessive
trait. The blue-eyed man, which parents had brown eyes, married
the brown-eyed woman, whose father had blue eyes and mother
had brown eyes. What the most exact ratio can be present in
their children?
1:2:1 in genotype
3:1 in phenotype
2:1 in phenotype
1:2:1 on in phenotype
+ 1:1 in genotype
21. Significant role in human pathology belongs to so-called phe-
nocopies, which resemble genetically caused changes on the
manifestation and are caused by an adverse effect of any factors.
At what stage phenocopies arise?
During spermatogenesis in the father
During oogenesis in the mother
During fertilization
At the time of delivery
+ During implementation of genetic information
22. The phenomenon of interaction of polymeric genes, as one of
kinds of interaction of nonallelic genes, consists in dependence of
the degree of trait manifestation on different dominant genes.
What of the genotypes given below best of all corresponds to in-
teraction of polygenes?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 54 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ A1A1A2A2a3a3
23. The child's father is Rh-positive with the second blood type
and homozygous, mother is Rh-negative with the first blood type.
What phenotypes and genotypes can be present in children?
Homozygous Rh-negative with the first blood type
+ Heterozygous Rh-positive with the second blood type
Homozygous Rh-positive with the second blood type
Homozygous Rh-negative with the second blood type
Heterozygous Rh-positive with the first blood type
24. Albinism is inherited as autosomal recessive trait. Albino child
was born in a family where both parents are healthy. What is the
probability of the birth of the normal child?
+ 75%
25. Two boys were mixed in maternity hospital. Parents of one of
them had I and IV blood types, parents of the second had II and
IV blood types. Investigations showed that children have I and IV
blood types. The forensic medical examination established that
one of boys is the extramarital. What genotypes parents of the
child with I blood type should have?
+I I I I
26. Red hairs is recessive trait, black hairs is dominant trait. At
what marriages children with red hairs will be born with probabil-
ity of 25%?
aa aa
Aa aa
AA aa
+ Aa Aa
27. Normal pigmentation of human skin (C) dominates over albi-
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 55 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Y
+ 25%
32. The daughter of the color-blind man marries the son of other
color-blind man, and these spouses distinguish colors normally.
What is the greatest probability of appearance of daltonism in
their children?
+ 25%
33. Healthy parents have a son with phenylketonuria 1, but owing
to a special diet he has normal development. What type of varia-
bility is his normal development connected with?
Mutational variability
Combinative variability
+ Modificative variability
Genotype variability
Inherited variability
34. Father suffers from migraine (dominant trait), and mother is
healthy. Father has normal hearing, mother also is normal, but
she has recessive allele of deafness. What is the probability of the
birth of children with both diseases if the father is heterozygous
on both genes?
+ /8
35. The bud appeared from a plant cell in which the mutation oc-
curred, and then shoot with new properties was formed. At what
reproduction new properties will be inherited by descendants?
Sexual with fertilization
Sexual without fertilization
+ Vegetative
Spore formation
36. One of parents of healthy husband has diabetes, and both
parents of wife are sick. What percent of children will be similar
There is a mistake in this question in the book Collec ion of asks incorrect phrase
"Parents with normal health have an ill with phenylketonuria son" is used in this book.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 57 Smirnov O.Yu.
Another variant is "ontogenetic".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 58 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Analyzing
Not linked
45. Four blood types of ABO system in human are defined by in-
teraction of three genes of one locus: i, IA, and IB. How many
genotypes and phenotypes they form?
Three genotypes and three phenotypes
Three genotypes and four phenotypes
Four genotypes and four phenotypes
+ Six genotypes and four phenotypes
Six genotypes and six phenotypes
46. In human population of the city N, among all people who has
dominant gene of schizophrenia, 35% have an apparent clinical
picture. This characteristic of a gene is called:
+ penetrance
47. In numerous experiments, homozygous or heterozygous or-
ganisms are crossed between themselves. Then quantitative
manifestations of traits are analyzed in progeny. Define, what the
method is used:
+ hybrid
48. There is a unicellular organism, which is characterized by a
set of chromosomes 2n=8 and breeds in the asexual way. Genetic
variety of individuals in population will make (without mutations):
+ 1 type
8 types
128 types
32 types
256 types
49. IV blood type was revealed in the donor. Phenotypically it is
characterized by existence of:
antigens A and antibodies beta
antigens B and antibodies alpha
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 60 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ antigens A and B
antigens A and antibodies alpha
antibodies alpha and beta
50. Owing to viral infection, one person had changes of a pheno-
type, which are similar to mutations, but did not change a geno-
type. This phenomenon is called:
+ phenocopy
long modification
51. In a family, there were 7 healthy children who were born at
different times. They differ phenotypically. Their differences are
caused by:
+ combinational variation
frequency of occurrence of a dominant gene
different karyotypes
frequency of occurrence of a recessive gene
52. The mass of the man is controlled by several pairs of genes
that are not linked. The more dominant genes in a genotype, the
more body weight of the man. It is an example of:
monogenic inheritance
+ interaction of polymeric genes
complete dominance
53. Blood types of Rh system in man are defined by interaction of
two alleles of one gene. These alleles form and define:
three genotypes and four phenotypes
four genotypes and two phenotypes
six genotypes and four phenotypes
six genotypes and six phenotypes
+ three genotypes and two phenotypes
54. Choose an autosomal recessive trait of the man among listed
pigmentation of skin
+ blood type I of ABO system
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 61 Smirnov O.Yu.
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: In a family of students
from Africa a child with signs of anemia was born. The child died within a short time. It was
found that the child's erythrocytes were shaped like a sickle. What genotypes may the parents
have if they have a light form of anemia?
There is a mistake in this question in the book Collec ion of asks incorrect word com-
bination "The law of unit characters" is used in this book.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 62 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Gene expression
64. At what blood types of parents on Rhesus factor system, Rhe-
sus factor incompatibility is possible during pregnancy?
+ +
Wife is Rh (homozygote), husband is Rh (homozygote)
+ +
Wife is Rh (heterozygote), husband is Rh (heterozygote)
- +
+ Wife is rh , husband is Rh (homozygote)
- -
Wife is rh , husband is rh
+ +
Wife is Rh (heterozygote), husband is Rh (homozygote)
65. Chromosome aberrations and changes of chromosome num-
ber can arise at different stages of individual development. What
can be the reason that the organism, which can be called a full
mutant, was formed?
+ Mutant gametes of parents
Mutant gametes of father
Mutant gametes of mother
Gametes of parents the normal
Wrong second division of zygote
66. Children with normal hearing have been born by deaf and
dumb parents with the genotype DDee and ddEE. What is the
form of gene interaction between the genes D and E?
+ Complementarity
Complete dominance
67. Some clinically healthy people can feel anemia symptoms in
the conditions of high mountains. Blood test can reveal sickle-
shaped erythrocytes. What is the genotype of such people?
c c
+ Aa
c 2
This answer (in the book Collec ion of asks ) is not good. The answer "expressivity" is
2 C c C
Other possible answers: X X , X Y.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 64 Smirnov O.Yu.
68. The woman who needs in urgent blood transfusion got to hos-
pital. Analysis showed that the woman has I blood type, rh-.
What blood type and Rhesus factor her husband should have that
her son could become a donor for her?
+ I (O) rh
IV (AB) rh
Correct answer is not present
IV (AB) rh
69. One of the parents is suspected of having phenylketonuria re-
cessive gene. What is the risk of giving birth to a child with inborn
+ 0%
70. It is known that the gene responsible for development of
blood groups according to ABO system has three allelic variants.
If a man has IV blood group, it can be explained by the following
variability form:
+ combinative
71. Spouses, where the wife has normal structure of a hand and
the husband has polydactyly, consulted a doctor with such ques-
tion: whether inheritance of this anomaly by their future child is
possible, if their first child has normal structure of a hand? The
gene of polydactyly is known to be dominant. What is the proba-
bility of the birth of the six-fingered child at these spouses?
+ 50%
72. Rhesus incompatibility occurs during transfusion to the recipi-
ent of Rh-positive blood of the same group on ABO system if
blood of this recipient:
contains agglutinogen A
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 65 Smirnov O.Yu.
is Rh-positive
contains beta agglutinin
contains agglutinogen B
+ contains no Rh factor
73. Woman applied to the medico-genetic consulting centre for in-
formation about the risk of haemophilia in her son. Her husband
has been suffering from this disease since birth. Woman and her
parents are healthy (don't have haemophilia). Is the boy likely to
have the disease in this family?
25% of the boys will be ill
All boys will be ill
+ All boys will be healthy
50% of the boys will be ill
75% of the boys will be ill
74. Changes of chemical structure of a gene can appear in its dif-
ferent sites. If such changes are compatible to life, i.e. do not
lead to death of organisms, they remain in gene pool of the spe-
cies. How different variants of one gene are called?
+ Multiple alleles
75. Phenylketonuria that, as a rule, leads to death at six-month
age is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Achievements of
modern medicine allow to prevent serious consequences of dis-
turbance of phenylalanine metabolism. The woman, who was
cured of phenylketonuria, married the healthy man. Define the
highest probability of the birth of the viable child with phenylke-
tonuria in this family:
+ 50%
76. Mutagenic factors can have specific form of influence. For ex-
ample, acridines induce shift of reading frame due to inserts or
losses of nucleotides. How the mutations associated with increase
or reduction of genetic material are called?
Genocopies and phenocopies
Leading and lagging behind
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 66 Smirnov O.Yu.
this gene
Father is heterozygous on the gene of hemoglobinopathy, mother has no
this gene
+ Both are heterozygous on the gene of hemoglobinopathy
Both are homozygous on the gene of hemoglobinopathy
Both parents have no gene of hemoglobinopathy
91. The family has the child with blood type O (I). What are pos-
sible genotypes of parents of this child?
+ IAi and IBi
IAIA and ii
IAIB and ii
IAIB and IAi
IAi and IBIB
92. There are two healthy children in a family, and the third was
born with phenylketonuria which is inherited on autosomal reces-
sive type. What is the probability of the birth of the child with
PKU in this family?
+ /4
93. Celiac disease is inherited on autosomal recessive type.
Treatment consists in withdrawal of cooked cereals and bread,
which contain gliadin, from a diet of children. What form of varia-
tion is caused by treatment of the child with celiac disease by
means of withdrawal certain products from a diet?
+ Phenotypic
94. Violation of chromosome disjunction or change of their struc-
ture during cleavage of a zygote leads to appearance of cellular
clones with different karyotypes among normal blastomeres. How
this phenomenon is called correctly?
Chromosome aberration
+ Genetic mosaic
Gene mutation
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 70 Smirnov O.Yu.
During exam in 2009 (among students studying stomatology), incorrect name "Hurtnup" was
Incomplete dominance.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 71 Smirnov O.Yu.
A 0 B 0
+ II (I I ) and III (I I )
A A B 0
II (I I ) and III (I I )
0 0 B 0
I (I I ) and III (I I )
0 0 A B
I (I I ) and IV (I I )
B 0 A B
III (I I ) and IV (I I )
100. Cystinuria in humans shows itself in form of cystine stones in
kidneys (homozygotes) or else an increased rate of cystine in
urine (heterozygotes). Cystinuria is a monogenic disease. Specify
the type of interaction between cystinuria genes and normal rate
of cystine in urine:
Complete dominance
+ Semidominance
101. Features of inheritance of blood types in man in the case of
"Bombay phenomenon" are caused by recessive epistasis. What
genotype the man with blood type I can have?
A 0
I I Hh
I I Hh
+ I I hh
102. Five married couples addressed to clinic for women. They
want to know, whether there is a threat of development of hemo-
lytic disease in their children. In what case the risk of developing
of rhesus incompatibility is the highest?
Wife is DD (first pregnancy); husband is Dd
Wife is Dd (second pregnancy); husband is Dd
Wife is Dd (third pregnancy); husband is DD
+ Wife is dd (second pregnancy); husband is DD
Wife is dd (third pregnancy); husband is dd
103. The child, who is sick with sickle-cell anemia, has some
pathological signs: anemia, increased spleen, damages of skin,
heart, kidneys, and brain. How multiple action of one gene is
Polygenic inheritance
+ Pleiotropy
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 72 Smirnov O.Yu.
104. In the case when one of parents has blood type O, and the
other has AB, the child can have a blood type:
O, AB, A, B
+ A, B
O, A, B
105. The young couple gave birth to the child with different color
of the right and left eyes. How this phenomenon is called?
Chromosome aberration
+ Somatic mutation
Modification variation
Combinational variation
106. It is known that the gene responsible for development of an
abnormal shape of teeth is dominant and is not sex-linked. The
sick guy has big teeth which project forward. The brother and the
sister of this guy have teeth of usual form and position. What var-
iation is observed in this family?
+ Combinational
107. Rh-positive heterozygous woman with IV (AB) blood type and
Rh-negative homozygous man with II (A) blood type (antigenic
ABO system) get married. What is the probability of the birth of
Rh-positive child with III (B) blood type in this family?
+ 0%
108. At what interaction of genes the inhibitory gene only inhibits
action of other gene and does not determine development of a
certain trait?
+ Epistasis
Incomplete dominance
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 73 Smirnov O.Yu.
Modification variation
118. Mother has II blood type, and father has IV blood type of
ABO system. Father and mother are Rh-positive, and both grand-
fathers are Rh-negative. What blood type is impossible in their
The second
The third
+ The first
The fourth
119. What type of regulation of sex by means of sex chromo-
somes is characteristic for man?
XO type
ZW type
ZO type
+ XY type
WO type
120. Rh-negative woman with IV (AB) blood type and Rh-negative
man with I (O) blood type (antigenic ABO system) get married.
What is the probability of the birth of Rh-negative homozygous
child with III (B) blood type in this family?
+ 0%
121. Four blood types of ABO system are determined by inher-
itance of three alleles of one gene (IO, IA, IB). Alleles of IA and IB
in heterozygotes define the fourth group. Name a form of interac-
tion between genes, which takes place in the case of inheritance
of the fourth blood type.
+ Codominance
Complete dominance
Interaction of polymeric genes
122. During a surgery, there was a need of massive blood transfu-
sion. Blood type of injured person is III (B) Rh +. What donor
Another possible incorrect answer is "Complementarity".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 76 Smirnov O.Yu.
needs to be chosen?
IV (AB) Rh
IV (AB) rh
II (A) Rh
+ III (B) rh
I (0) rh
123. Let us assume that one pair of alleles controls development
of crystalline lens, and the second pair – development of retina.
In this case, normal sight will be result of interaction of genes
which is called:
incomplete dominance
+ complementation
124. In what of the given cases, danger for the patient can arise
during blood transfusion?
Rh recipient will receive Rh blood
+ Rh recipient will receive Rh blood
+ +
Rh recipient will receive Rh blood
Rh recipient will receive Rh blood
In none of the listed cases
125. Environmental factors can cause changes of phenotype,
which copy the traits of another genotype. Such changes are
shown with high frequency at certain (critical) stages of ontogen-
esis and are not inherited. What name such changes have?
Long modifications
+ Phenocopies
126. The child was born in heterozygous parents with II (A) and
III (B) blood types according to the ABO system. What is the
probability that the child has I (O) blood group?
+ 25%
127. A wide cleft between incisors of both mother and father is the
dominant feature. They are both homozygous. What genetic
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 77 Smirnov O.Yu.
In the book Collec ion of asks , another similar question is also present: Galactosemia is
an autosomal recessive character. What genotypes may healthy parents have if their baby has
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 78 Smirnov O.Yu.
AA and Aa
+ Aa and Aa
aa and aa
132. The boy has large fissure between cutters. It is known that
the gene that is responsible for development of such anomaly is
dominant. The sister of this boy has teeth of usual position. This
girl according to her genotype will be:
dominant homozygote
+ recessive homozygote
133. The man with color blindness addressed to genetic consulta-
tion. It is X-linked recessive trait. What is the probability of ap-
pearance of color-blind children in his family, if such allele is ab-
sent in the genotype of his wife?
+ 0%
134. One of variants of coloring of tooth enamel in men is defined
by interaction of two allelic genes as incomplete dominance.
These genes form and define:
three genotypes and four phenotypes
four genotypes and four phenotypes
six genotypes and four phenotypes
+ three genotypes and three phenotypes
six genotypes and six phenotypes
135. Formation in human cells of interferon, which is a protein
produced for protection against viruses, is associated with inter-
action of genes. What of the listed types of gene interaction caus-
es synthesis of interferon?
+ Complementary action
Complete dominance
Interaction of polygenes
136. It is known that the gene responsible for the development of
the MN blood groups has two allelic states. If the gene M is con-
sidered as the initial gene, the allelic gene N appeared due to:
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 79 Smirnov O.Yu.
DNA repair
DNA replication
crossing over
gene combination
+ mutation
137. One of variants of coloring of tooth enamel in men is defined
by interaction of two allelic genes as incomplete domination. How
many phenotypes are defined by these genes?
+ Three
138. Examination of newborns in one of the Ukrainian cities re-
vealed a baby with phenylketonuria. The baby's parents don't suf-
fer from this disease and have two other healthy children. Specify
the most likely parents' genotype with phenylketonuria gene:
AA aa
Aa aa
+ Aa Aa
aa aa
139. A woman was infected with rubella virus during pregnancy1.
The child was born with developmental malformations, namely
cleft lip and palate. The child's genotype is normal. These mal-
formations are manifestation of:
+ modification variability
combinative variability
chromosomal mutation
140. An underage patient has signs of achondroplasia (dwarfism).
It is known that this is a monogenic disease and the gene that is
responsible for the development of such abnormalities is a domi-
nant one. The development of that child's brother is normal.
Specify the genotype of the healthy child:
Another possible variant: "A female suffered rubella during pregnancy.".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 80 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ aa
141. The antigen A, which is controlled by IA allele, and the anti-
gen B, which is a product of expression of IB allele, are present at
the same time in erythrocytes of the person with the fourth blood
group (IAIB genotype). What example of gene interaction this
phenomenon represents?
Incomplete dominance
+ Codominance
142. If a trait is determined mostly by genetic factors, the per-
centage of concordance between the twins is much higher in
monozygotic twins than in dizygotic ones. What is the percentage
of blood group concordance in monozygotic twins?
+ 100%
143. Parents are deaf-mute, but deafness of the wife depends on
an autosomal recessive gene and in the husband arises owing to
long reception of antibiotics in the childhood. What probability of
the birth of the deaf child in this family, if the father is homozy-
gous on the allele of normal hearing?
+ 0%
Or semidominance.
Or polymery.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 81 Smirnov O.Yu.
1. During the biochemical analysis of human cells, DNA that dif-
fers in its structure from chromosomal DNA was received. This
nucleic acid was received from:
Golgi complex
smooth endoplasmic network
+ mitochondria
2. Solution of radioactively labelled leucine was added to nutrient
medium where cells of animals are grown up. After a while, high
concentration of this labelled amino acid was found by radioau-
tography method near certain organoids. These organoids can be:
smooth endoplasmic network
Golgi apparatus
cell center
+ ribosomes
3. Under the influence of mutagen, the composition of some tri-
plets in a gene was changed but the cell continued the synthesis
of the same protein. What characteristics of the genetic code can
it be connected with?
Triplet nature
+ Degeneracy
4. Spiralization of chromosomes has great biological value, as:
reactions of transcription are accelerated
activization of DNA occurs
+ process of chromatid disjunction is facilitated
DNA inactivation occurs
reactions of transcription are slowed down
5. Part of the DNA chain turned 180 degrees as a result of gam-
ma radiation. What type of mutation took place in the DNA chain?
+ Inversion
or colinearity.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 82 Smirnov O.Yu.
6. Human cells were influenced by ultraviolet radiation, and as a
consequence of this the DNA molecules had been changed 1. Nev-
ertheless, by means of specific enzymes the DNA structure was
renewed. What do we call this phenomenon?
+ Repair
Reverse transcription
7. Process of translation has a direct bearing on mechanisms of
implementation of hereditary information – on gene expression.
The beginning of this process in prokaryotes is associated with
binding of specific amino acid to the peptide center of ribosome.
What of the listed below amino acids is the first in a molecule of
the synthesized protein?
+ Formylmethionine
8. It was proved that a molecule of immature mRNA (precursor
mRNA) contained more triplets than amino acids found in the
synthesized protein. The reason for that is that translation is
normally preceded by:
+ processing
In the book "Collec ion of asks ", the word "destroyed" is used (this is a mistake). During
exam in 2016, such question was present: "Cells of a person working in the Chornobyl Exclu-
sive Zone have undergone a mutation in DNA molecule. However, with time the damaged in-
terval of DNA molecule has been restored to its initial structure with a specific enzyme. In this
case the following occurred: ". This question is bad. First, the term "damaged fragment" is
correct, but "damaged interval" is vary bad translation from Ukrainian or Russian. Second, if
mutation has occurred, it can NOT be repaired because no enzymes can recognize a muta-
tion. Only reverse mutations can restore previous phenotype.
Another possible answer: duplication.
Another possible answer: initiation.
Another possible answer: termination.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 83 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ 54
19. Transversion has occurred in the mRNA molecule that codes
for synthesis of chain of hemoglobin A: the purine nucleotide
was replaced with the pyrimidine nucleotide. It has led to damage
of structure of hemoglobin molecule: valine appeared in the 6 th
position of chain instead of glutamic acid. Clinically it is mani-
fested as such disease:
ha a e ia
ha a e ia
+ sickle-cell anemia
Minkowsky Shauffard disease
20. In genetic engineering, different mechanisms of introduction
of an artificial gene to a cell of the recipient are used. In what
method of the listed below viruses are used for this purpose?
+ Transduction
21. Specify, what molecular mechanism of mutations is induced
by nitrous acid:
+ reaction with amino groups of purines and pyrimidines
formation of gaps in DNA chains
formation of thymine dimers
formation of mistakes in bonds of DNA with protein
blocking of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase
22. Labelled amino acids alanine and tryptophane were injected to
a mouse in order to study localization of protein synthesis in its
cells. The labelled amino acids will be accumulated near the fol-
lowing organellas:
agranular (smooth) endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi apparatus
+ ribosomes
cell center
23. The substance blocking work of DNA polymerases was added
into a nutrient medium for cultivation of cells. What process is
There is a mistake in this question. Correct answer must be 55 because we must add the
stop codon.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 86 Smirnov O.Yu.
or colinearity.
During exam for students studying stomatology (2010), incorrect term "affiliation" was used.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 90 Smirnov O.Yu.
It should be emphasised that promoter, terminator, and operator are NOT genes, but they
are regulatory regions of genes!
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 91 Smirnov O.Yu.
coagulation of DNA
52. The promoter is known to be responsible for joining the RNA
polymerase enzyme and initiating the transcription. At that site
deletion of two nucleotide pairs has taken place. What conse-
quences could it have?
+ Lack of protein synthesis
Formation of abnormal proteins
Synthesis of protein in unlimited quantities
Formation of normal protein
Short finish of protein synthesis
53. Scientists established amino acid sequence in the molecule of
ribonuclease enzyme. How this sequence is encoded in a cell?
Sequence of exons in DNA molecule
Nitrogenous bases in DNA
+ Sequence of nucleotides of the appropriate site of the sense strand DNA
Sequence of introns in DNA
Alternation of exons and introns
54. According to the hypothesis of lactose operon (Jacob, Monod,
1961), in Escherichia coli the lactose, which gets into a cell from
the environment, acts as an inducer. In what way does the lac-
tose induce the synthesis of enzymes that decompose it, that is
turn on the operon?
+ It combines with the repressor protein
It combines with the operator gene
It combines with the regulator gene
It combines with the promoter
It combines with the structural gene
55. Let's assume that pro-RNA and mature mRNA were extracted
from a nucleus. What of them is mature?
Full copy of two chains of DNA
+ Lacks introns
Full copy of matrix chain of DNA
Lacks exons
Lacks several triplets
56. Hemoglobin of the adult man (HbA) is the tetramer protein
consisting of two chains and two peptide chains. What name
such structure of this protein has?
In the book Collec ion of asks , the term "operator gene" is used. Correct term is "gene
operator" or "operator". Instead of "It combines", the phrase "It binds" must be used.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 93 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Quarternary
57. The antibiotic rifamycin, which is used for treatment of tuber-
culosis, influences certain biochemical processes. Name them:
+ inhibits RNA polymerase at initiation stage
inhibits DNA polymerase at initiation stage
inhibits DNA ligase
inhibits aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
inhibits action of protein factors during protein synthesis
58. Scientists Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod proposed the
general scheme of a structure of the genetic apparatus of prokar-
yotes (operon model) in 1961. What is the role of protein re-
pressor in this model?
+ Binds to operator
Binds to promoter
Activates structural genes (cistrons)
Binds to terminator
Inactivates proteins synthesized according to the program of structural
59. Chemical substance, which blocks work of the enzymes that
take part in despiralization of DNA, was introduced into a cell.
What processes and during what period of mitotic cycle of a cell
are broken?
DNA replication in metaphase
Despiralization of chromosomes and formation of a nuclear envelope in tel-
ophase are broken
Division of a site of centromere into separate chromatids in anaphase
+ DNA replication in the synthetic period
Daughter chromosomes do not reach cell poles in anaphase
60. One of DNA chains consists of nucleotides: ATC-ACC-GAC-
GTT… What sequence of nucleotides is on the second chain of this
DNA molecule?
61. During conjugation of bacteria of two strains A and B, it was
established that gene Str was transferred on the 3rd minute of
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 94 Smirnov O.Yu.
conjugation, gene Bac – on the 5th minute, and gene Ins – on the
9th minute. It indicates such phenomenon as:
degeneracy of genetic code
mosaicism of nucleoid in bacteria
+ linear arrangement of genes
existence of processes of reparation
exon-intron organization of a genome
62. During translation, a few ribosomes, placed along the mRNA
molecule at a certain distance from one another, join each mRNA
simultaneously. What do we call the translation complex that
consists of one mRNA molecule and some ribosomes which are
placed on it?
+ Polysome
63. You are studying functioning of the bacterial operon. The op-
erator has been released from the repressor 1. Immediately after
this the following process will start in the cell:
+ transcription
64. Such research with bacteria from different strains was con-
ducted. U-shaped tube in the lower part was divided by the bac-
terial filter. In one its half there were bacteria E. coli, which con-
tain the enzyme that splits lactose, and a prophage (gene lac+).
In other half there was a strain that has no this enzyme (gene
lac–). After a while the analysis of cells of the second strain was
performed; it was found that lac+ forms appeared among them.
What substance has caused the transduction phenomenon?
Incorrect sentence was present in the site (2013): "The operator gene
has been released from the repressor gene."
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 95 Smirnov O.Yu.
adaptive enzymes
high oxidation-reduction potential of nutrient medium
recombinant vaccines
constructive enzymes
+ nitrogenous bases
71. Erythrocytes of the patient with heavy form of hemolytic
anemia have sickle form. What is the molecular reason of devel-
oping of this disease?
Disturbance of haem synthesis
Disturbance of synthesis of porphyrins
+ Replacement of glutamic acid by valine in beta chain of hemoglobin
Disturbance of synthesis of beta chain of hemoglobin
Disturbance of synthesis of alpha chain of hemoglobin
72. What enzyme of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is asso-
ciated with the mechanism of reverse transcription?
+ Revertase
RNA polymerase
73. Solution of thymine (T) with radioactive label was added to
nutrient medium where human cells are cultivated. Labelled thy-
mine will be found by radioautography in:
endoplasmic network
Golgi apparatus
+ mitochondria
74. What is main mechanism of action of antineoplastic antibiot-
Alkylation of RNA and DNA
Inhibition of cellular division in metaphase
Incorporation into DNA and RNA molecules instead of natural compounds
Competitive inhibition of DNA metabolism
+ Formation of stable complex with DNA of a tumor cell
75. According to the model of double DNA helix that was suggest-
ed by Watson and Crick, it was established that one of chains
would not be lost during replication and the second chain would
be synthesized complementary to the first one. What mechanism
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 97 Smirnov O.Yu.
of replication is it?1
+ Semiconservative
76. Lesion by Rous sarcoma becomes possible only if information
about the structure of RNA-containing virus is introduced into the
genome of the host cell. What enzyme has to be present in struc-
ture of oncogenic virus of Rous sarcoma?
+ Reverse transcriptase
DNA gyrase
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
DNA-dependent RNA polymerase
RNA replicase
77. Pigmentation of human skin intensifies under the influence of
ultraviolet radiation. It results from change of:
number of chromosomes
structure of chromosomes
structure of genes
+ activity of genes
activity of ribosomes
78. RNA of the AIDS virus penetrated into a leucocyte and forced
a cell to synthetize viral DNA by means of reverse transcriptase.
This process is based upon:
+ reverse transcription
operon repression
reverse translation
operon depression
79. The chemical composition of human DNA molecules as carriers
of genetic information is analyzed. Monomers of these biopoly-
mers are:
+ nucleotides
nitrogenous bases
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: DNA double spirals,
which were formed as a result of replication, consist of one maternal chain and one daughter
chain. What do we call this way of replication?
Incorrect term "convariant replication" was present in the site (2013).
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 98 Smirnov O.Yu.
amino acids
80. What researches of the listed below served as the first proof
of the leading role of DNA in storage and transfer of hereditary in-
Morgan's researches
Investigation of Watson and Crick
+ Investigations of Griffith and Avery
Mendel's researches
Investigations of Jacob and Monod
81. It was determined that the mRNA triplet sequence totally cor-
responded to the amino acid sequence in the polypeptide chain.
What do we call this characteristic of the genetic code?
Triplet nature
+ Collinearity
82. Oncogenic RNA viruses were introduced into an organism of
experimental animal. By means of what enzyme replication of
their genome occurs?
DNA ligase
+ RNA-dependent DNA polymerase
DNA polymerase
DNA-dependent RNA polymerase
83. It was established that exons of the human gene (DNA mole-
cule) contain 9000 nucleotides. What amount of amino acids is
present in the polypeptide that is coded by this gene?
+ About 1500
About 3000
About 9000
About 4500
About 12000
84. Antibiotics, which inhibit biosynthesis of nucleic acids and pro-
teins, are used in clinical practice as antineoplastic and antibacte-
rial drugs. What mechanism of action is the most probable for an-
tibiotics with antineoplastic activity?
They block the center of binding of aminoacyl-tRNA in the aminoacyl center
or colinearity. Question is not good, because colinearity is NOT the property of the genetic
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 99 Smirnov O.Yu.
of a ribosome
They bind a large subunit of ribosomes and inhibit translocation of a ribo-
some along mRNA
They bind a large subunit of ribosomes and inhibit activity of peptidyltrans-
They bind a small subunit of ribosomes and inhibit elongation process
+ They form stable complexes with DNA and inhibit processes of replication
and transcription
85. One of the stages of protein synthesis is recognition of a co-
don and anticodon. The second triplet of mRNA is UAU. What
complementary triplet is found in tRNA?
86. It is known that the genetic code is degenerate and has triplet
nature. What nucleotide can be changed in the coding triplet
without loosing its sense?
+ Third
Second or third
First or second
87. Life cycle of the cell is divided into the periods. In the S period
of an interphase, replication occurs. Why the S period is much
shorter (6–10 hours), than time necessary in experiment for DNA
replication 1 cm long?
Due to higher activity of replication enzymes in a cell
It is the result of chromosomal organization of genetic material
Due to DNA replication from two ends of a chromosome
Due to DNA replication in different directions from a replication point
+ Due to dividing of chromosomal DNA into replicons
88. RNA viruses of measles were revealed in an organism of the
patient. By means of what enzyme an increase in number of mol-
ecules of virus RNA in this patient occurs?
DNA ligase
DNA-dependent RNA polymerase
+ RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
Reverse transcriptase
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 100 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ repair
109. Phenylketonuria is the hereditary disease caused by a point
mutation. This is the change of:
number of chromosomes in diploid set
number of genes
+ molecular structure of a gene
number of chromosome sets
structures of a single chromosome
110. One of the main characteristics of a living being is ability to
reproduction. On what level of living organisms organization does
this process happen on the basis of matrix biosynthesis?
+ Molecular
111. thalassemia is a disease which is characterized by insuffi-
cient production of chains of globin. It was found that excess of
pro-RNA and deficiency of mRNA of globin are observed in cells
of patients. What stage of gene expression is broken in these
+ Processing
112. During the analysis of DNA fragment synthesized in the pro-
cess of polymerase chain reaction, it was revealed that it contains
180 nucleotide pairs. What amount of monomers of protein is en-
coded by this fragment?
+ 60
113. During oral test of students on the subject "Molecular Biolo-
gy", the teacher asked a question: "Why the genetic code is
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 105 Smirnov O.Yu.
In exam booklets, this sentence was written as follows: "This structure-functional organiza-
tion of the gene caused transcription peculiarities."
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 106 Smirnov O.Yu.
it was found that the sequence of amino acid residues, which are
connected by peptide bonds, forms:
+ primary structure of protein
secondary structure of protein
tertiary structure of protein
quarternary structure of protein
-structure of protein
124. Duration of addition of one amino acid to a polypeptide chain
in bacterial cell under optimum conditions makes approximately
/20 second. How much time cell needs to synthesize polypeptide,
which is encoded by gene having 1200 nucleotide pairs?
/20 s
400 s
+ 20 s
/2 s
125. tRNA molecules have two active centers. The molecule of
amino acid is attached to one of them, and the aminoacyl-tRNA
complex is formed. The second active center consists of three nu-
cleotides and is called:
aminoacyl center
amino peptidyl center
peptidyl center
+ anticodon
126. Skin of patients with xeroderma pigmentosum is extremely
sensitive to sunlight, and skin cancer can develop. Hereditary in-
sufficiency of enzyme UV endonuclease is the reason of this con-
dition. What process is broken as the result of this defect?
DNA replication
+ DNA repair
reverse transcription
127. Quinolones – inhibitors of enzyme DNA gyrase – are used for
treatment of urogenital infections. What process is broken under
the influence of quinolones first of all?
+ DNA replication
Recombination of genes
Amplification of genes
DNA repair
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 108 Smirnov O.Yu.
Reverse transcription
128. All types of RNA take part in the process of gene expression.
Determine RNA and its function by such traits: it has 300–3000
nucleotides, its weight is from several hundred thousands to two
million Dalton, it exists in the form of two fractions (mature and
its precursor) and it is localized between two subunits of ribo-
rRNA provides transcription
tRNA defines initiation process
rRNA provides removing of protein from a ribosome
tRNA takes part in activation of amino acids
+ mRNA takes part in translation
129. The part of gene mutations as inserts and losses of nucleo-
tide pairs in DNA molecule occurs due to unequal crossing-over;
frequency of this crossing-over increases considerably under the
influence of chemical and physical mutagenic factors. How the
minimum quantity of the genetic material, which is lost or ac-
quired owing to unequal crossing-over and induces mutation, is
+ Recon
Replicative fork
130. Examination of initial molecular structure of hemoglobin re-
vealed substitution of the glutamic acid by valine. What inherited
pathology is it typical for?
+ Sickle-cell anemia
Minkowsky Shauffard disease
131. There are different levels of regulation of gene expression in
eukaryotic cell. At what level process is controlled by enhancers?
+ Transcription
Posttranslational modification
132. The patient needs a large amount of proteins. What prepara-
tion needs to be applied?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 109 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Increasing translation
Reducing translation
Reducing transcription
Increasing replication
Reducing replication
133. The increase in quantity of new growths was revealed on skin
of the woman after stay in a solarium. Damage of nucleotide se-
quence owing to influence of ultraviolet rays was the cause of ap-
pearance of new growths. Damage of what listed processes led to
appearance of new growths?
+ DNA repair
Formation of mutations in DNA
Termination of DNA synthesis
DNA replications
134. Increase in formation of immunoglobulins owing to increase
in synthesis of appropriate mRNAs was revealed in the child re-
covering after flu. What process of the listed below leads to in-
crease in amount of protective proteins?
DNA mutation
+ Transcription
DNA repair
DNA replication
Termination of DNA synthesis
135. Some mRNA triplets (UAA, UAG, UGA) code no amino acids,
but in the process of reading of information they serve as termi-
nators, in other words, they are able to stop the translation. What
are they?
+ Stop codons
136. The patient with sickle-cell anemia has crescent shape of
erythrocytes due to replacement of glutamic acid by valine in a
hemoglobin molecule. What is the main defect of hereditary ma-
Structural chromosomal defect
Mutation of changing of chromosome number
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 110 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Gene mutation
137. Tryptophane for tryptophane operon is the compound that
blocks this operon. How tryptophane blocks an operon?
Binds to operator
Binds to regulatory gene
+ Binds to protein repressor
Binds to promoter
Binds to structural gene
138. The gene, which encodes the polypeptide chain, consists of 4
exons and 3 introns. When processing is over, the mature mRNA
consists of nucleotides, which are complementary to:
3 introns
2 exons and 1 intron
1 exon and 1 intron
+ 4 exons
4 exons and 3 introns
139. It is known that when one nucleotide in DNA is replaced, only
one amino acid in peptide can be replaced. What property of ge-
netic code is proved by this fact?
+ Nonoverlapping of the code
Degeneracy of the code
Universality of the code
Triplet structure of the code
Specificity of the code
140. In an organism, nitrogenous acid, which causes oxidizing de-
amination of the nitrogenous bases of nucleotides, is synthesized
from nitrates, nitrites and nitrosamines. It can lead to a point
mutation – replacement of cytosine to:
+ uracil
141. A mutation of a structural gene did not lead to replacement
of amino acids in protein. It shown such property of genetic code
+ redundancy
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 111 Smirnov O.Yu.
transcription in mitochondria
+ translation in mitochondria
158. It was found that some compounds, for instance fungi toxins
and some antibiotics can inhibit activity of RNA polymerase. What
process will be disturbed in a cell in the case of inhibition of this
+ Transcription
159. It is known that the structural part of genes of eukaryotes is
characterized by alternation of sense sites and sites that are not
informative. What is the name of sites that has no information
about sequence of amino acids in polypeptide?
+ Introns
160. It was established that not all point mutations like replace-
ment of a base pair serve as the reason of change of amino acid
in a polypeptide. Thanks to what property of genetic code it is
+ Degeneracy
Triplet structure
161. What organic compounds play a role of messengers between
DNA molecules, which are carriers of genetic information, and
polypeptide chains, which are elementary traits?
162. The flow of substances, energy and information constantly
passes through a human body. Reading and realization of genetic
information at the molecular level are associated, first of all, with
properties of:
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 115 Smirnov O.Yu.
amino acids
+ nucleic acids
mineral substances
163. During epithelium regeneration of mucous membrane of oral
cavity, DNA replication (selfreproduction) occurred according to
semiconservative mechanism. Nucleotides of the new DNA chain
are complementary to:
+ Maternal chain
Sense codons
DNA polymerase enzyme
RNA polymerase enzyme
164. It is known that some chemical compounds (bromine prepa-
rations, proflavin and other) are capable to cause mutations like
deletions. To what such mutations will lead if damages happen in
a structural site of a gene?
Replacement of nucleotides of DNA
Inversion of sites of DNA
+ Damages of reading frame
Replacement of several nucleotides
The genetic code will not change
165. Genetic polymorphism serves as basis for interpopulation and
intrapopulation variation of people, which is shown in irregular
distribution on the planet of some diseases, severity of their clini-
cal course, different degree of predisposition to them, and drug
effect. What consequences for people action of mutational pro-
cess, which results in genetic and phenotypic polymorphism, has?
Frequency of appearance of mutations in human population decreases
Accumulation of homozygotes in large populations occurs
Action of natural selection and genetic drift is excluded
+ Hereditary variety is a barrier to organ transplantation
Possibility of death of zygotes and embryos in each next generation of
people decreases
166. It is known that the sequence of triplets in DNA defines an
order of amino acids in a protein molecule. What is the property
of genetic code?
+ Colinearity
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 116 Smirnov O.Yu.
167. Synthesis of protein on a ribosome begins with formation of
initiation complex that includes:
tRNA with phenylalanine
tRNA with alanine
tRNA with tyrosine
tRNA with leucine
+ tRNA with methionine
168. It is known that the structural part of genes of eukaryotes is
characterized by alternation of sense sites and sites that are not
informative. What is the name of sites containing information
about sequence of amino acids in polypeptide?
+ Exons
169. The linear structure of protein, which does not have metabol-
ic activity, was formed on a ribosome. In the process of "matur-
ing", it can lose end amino acids, form tertiary and quarternary
structures, connect to carbohydrate or lipidic molecules. How pro-
cesses of transformation of initial structure of polypeptide and
formation of metabolic active proteins are called?
Induced translation
Protein termination
Polypeptide elongation
+ Posttranslational modification
170. Process of conjugation was established in bacteria; during
this process, the cytoplasmatic bridge is formed between bacte-
ria; plasmids are transferred through this bridge from the donor
cell to the recipient cell. What is value of this process?
Provides exchange of substances between cells
Promotes activization of mutational process
+ Provides transfer and recombination of genetic material
Increases heterozygosity
Liquidates undesirable mutations
171. The man is the carrier of AIDS virus, which belongs to RNA-
containing viruses. Synthesis of virus DNA occurs in cells of this
person. A basis of this process is:
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 117 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Reverse transcription
172. Ultraviolet rays break integrity of DNA molecules and lead to
formation of pyrimidine dimers, which cause mutations. Why the
irradiated cells survive much better on light, than in the dark?
Excision repair occurs
+ Photorepair occurs
Mitosis is activated
Recombinational reparation occurs
DNA polymerase is activated
173. It is known that -carotene, vitamins C and E reduce sponta-
neous damages of DNA. What group these substances belong to?
+ Antimutagens
174. The gene for alanine tRNA was synthesized for the first time
by H. Khorana in 1970. This gene consisted of 77 nucleotide
pairs, had no regulatory part and therefore did not function. The
gene for tyrosine tRNA, which was synthesized by Khorana later,
functioned as real gene. What sites of a gene were synthesized in
Structural genes
Regulatory gene
+ Promoter and terminator
175. Formation of RNA molecules on DNA matrix is called:
+ transcription
posttranslational modification
176. Infectious diseases are treated with antibiotics streptomycin,
erythromycin, and chloramphenicol. They inhibit the following
stage of protein synthesis:
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 118 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ translation
177. Synthesis of DNA begins from the primer. The primer is:
+ oligoribonucleotide
dATP (deoxyadenosine triphosphate)
DNA fragment consisting of 40 nucleotides
178. All RNA types are synthesized in the form of RNA precursors
that are exposed then to maturing (processing). One of stages of
processing is splicing. Splicing is:
+ cutting of sites that are not informative (introns) and binding together of in-
formative sites (exons)
addition of 7- e h g a i e he 5 -end
addition of 100 200 e id e f ade ic acid he 3 -end
chemical modification of the nitrogenous bases
fragmentation of RNA
179. Under the influence of solar radiation, in DNA of human skin
such structures are most often formed:
replacements of nucleotides
+ thymine dimers
chromosome mutations
one-stranded DNA
180. In the cells of the patient with AIDS, which are affected with
HIV virus, activity of enzyme revertase is revealed. What nucleic
acid is synthesized with participation of this enzyme?
181. Streptomycin was used for treatment of an infectious dis-
ease. Synthesis of what substances will be suspended by action of
this antibiotic?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 119 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Proteins
182. In experiment, increase of activity of beta galactosidase after
addition of lactose into culture medium with E. coli was shown.
What site of lactose operon becomes unblocked from a repressor
under these conditions?
+ Operator
Structural gene
Regulatory gene
183. Rifamycin was prescribed to the patient with tuberculosis of
lungs. It inhibits enzyme RNA polymerase at stage of initiation of
the process:
+ transcription
184. Translation begins with an initiation phase, when AUG codon
encoding methionine binds to complementary anticodon of tRNA.
Specify this anticodon.
185. Process of protein biosynthesis is energy-dependent. Specify,
what energy-rich substratum is used in this process at an elonga-
tion stage.
186. In structure of an operon of DNA of prokaryotes, there is a
site to which RNA polymerase is attached in the phase of initiation
of transcription. Find the name of this site.
Primary transcript
+ Promoter
Regulatory gene
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 120 Smirnov O.Yu.
Structural gene
187. The concept about transfer of hereditary information in the
direction "DNA–RNA–protein" was the central dogma of molecular
biology. How hereditary information is transferred in retroviruses?
RNA DNA protein
DNA protein RNA
DNA DNA RNA protein
DNA RNA protein
+ RNA DNA RNA protein
188. Process of transcription occurs in a cell of pathogenic bacte-
rium. What serves as matrix for synthesis of one molecule of
Entire DNA molecule
+ Site of one chain of DNA
One entire chain of DNA molecule
The chain of DNA molecule lack of introns
The chain of DNA molecule lack of exons
189. In some regions of South Africa, there is a spread of sickle-
cell anemia, in which erythrocytes have sickle shape due to sub-
stitution of glutamic acid1 by valine in the hemoglobin molecule.
What is the cause of this disease?
Genomic mutation
Crossing over
Disturbance of mechanisms of genetic information realization
+ Gene mutation
190. As a result of intoxication, enzymes providing splicing are not
synthesized in the epithelial cell of mucous membrane of oral
cavity. What is the reason of the termination of protein biosyn-
thesis in this case?
ATP is not synthesized
rRNA is not synthesized
Amino acids are not activated
Transport of amino acids is broken
+ Mature mRNA is not synthesized
191. In a genetical laboratory in course of work with DNA mole-
cules of white rats of Wistar's line, a nucleotide was substituted
for another one. As a result, only one amino acid was substituted
This question was present in the site (2013) and contained a mistake:
"substitution of glutamin by valine".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 121 Smirnov O.Yu.
It is not correct. DNA replication occurs before cell division, in interphase. (This question was
during exams in 2013, 2014, and 2015).
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 124 Smirnov O.Yu.
RNA polymerase
+ Helicase
DNA polymerase
205. Nowadays about 50 minor bases have been found in the
tRNA structure besides the main four nitrogenous bases. Choose
the minor nitrogenous base:
+ dihydrouracil
206. The students studied peculiarities of genetic code and found
out that there are amino acids corresponded by 6 codons, 5 ami-
no acids – 4 different codons. Other amino acids are codified by
three or two codons and only two amino acids are codified by one
codon. What peculiarity of genetic code did the students find out?
+ Redundancy
Triplet code
207. Tuberculosis can be treated by means of combined chemo-
therapy that includes substances with different mechanisms of
action. What antituberculous medication inhibits transcription of
DNA into RNA2 in mycobacteria?
+ Rifampicin
Para-aminosalicylic acid
208. Nucleolar organizers of the 13–15, 21, 22nd human chromo-
somes contain about 200 cluster genes that synthesize RNA.
These chromosomal regions contain the information on the fol-
lowing type of RNA:
i. e. degeneracy.
In the site (2013), incorrect phrase "transcription of RNA into DNA"
was present.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 125 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ rRNA
209. A doctor was addressed by a 30-year-old man. There is a
probability of the patient being HIV-positive. To clarify the diag-
nosis the doctor proposed to perform polymerase chain reaction.
The basic process in this kind of investigation is:
gene mutation
chromosome mutation
genetic recombination
+ gene amplification
210. Patients with xeroderma pigmentosum are characterized by
abnormally high sensitivity to ultraviolet rays leading to skin can-
cer that arises owing to inability of fermental systems to repair
damages of the hereditary material of cells. With disturbance of
what process this pathology is associated?
+ DNA repair
Gene conversion
DNA recombination
Gene complementation
DNA reduplication
211. A process of translation occurs in a cell. When the ribosome
reaches UAA, UAG or UGA codons, synthesis of a polypeptide
chain comes to an end. These codons in the process of polypep-
tide biosynthesis are not recognized by any tRNA and therefore
serve as a signal of:
posttranslational modification
beginning of transcription
+ termination
212. As a result of treatment of viral RNA with nitrous acid, UCA
triplet mutated to UGA triplet. What kind of mutation occurred?
Nucleotide deletion
+ Transversion
During exams for students studying stomatology in 2014 and 2015, the answer "Transition"
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 126 Smirnov O.Yu.
Nucleotide insertion
213. A large number of different tRNA molecules, which transport
amino acids to a ribosome, was revealed during cytologic investi-
gations. The number of different tRNAs in a cell will be equal to
the number of:
amino acids
proteins synthesized in a cell
different types of mRNAs
+ triplets coding for amino acids
214. 28-years-old patient with bacterial pneumonia was adminis-
tered a course of erythromycin treatment. It is known that anti-
bacterial properties of erythromycin are determined by the ability
to bind with free 50S subunit of a ribosome. Synthesis of what
substances is blocked by this antibiotic in bacterial cells?
+ Proteins
215. Ability to divide is characteristic of procaryotic and eukaryotic
cells. Procaryotic cell division is different from that of eukaryotic,
but there is one molecular process that is the basis of both types
of division. Name this process.
+ DNA replication
Gene amplification
216. Genetic information is stored in DNA but DNA does not participate di-
rectly in protein synthesis within cells. What process ensures transfer of
genetic information into polypeptide chain?
+ Translation
Formation of rRNA
Formation of tRNA
Formation of mRNA
217. Defects in a DNA molecule can develop under the influence of physi-
cal factors. For instance, ultraviolet irradiation can cause formation of di-
mers. Dimers are two adjacent pyrimidine bases joined together. Name
these bases:
adenine and thymine
guanine and cytosine
adenine and guanine
+ thymine and cytosine
guanine and thymine
218. Patients suffering from xeroderma pigmentosum have extremely pho-
tosensitive skin due to disrupted excision repair. Specify the process that is
affected in such patients:
Synthesis of mRNA
Maturation of mRNA
+ Repair of DNA molecule
Synthesis of protein primary structure
Intron excision and exon linking
219. In the course of evolution, molecular mechanisms for correction of
damaged DNA molecules were developed. This process is called:
+ repair
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 128 Smirnov O.Yu.
1. Three chromosomes of the 13th pair were revealed at the new-
born child with multiple defects of a skull, extremities and internal
by means of karyotyping method. The diagnosis was established:
Edwards' syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome
Down syndrome
+ Patau syndrome
Turner's syndrome
2. A 14-year-old girl has some abnormalities: her height is lower
than that of the girls of the same age, the signs of puberty are
absent, her neck is very short, her shoulders are wide. During the
cytogenetic analysis, the lack of one X chromosome was found.
The girl has normal intellectual development. What disease does
the girl have?
+ Turner's syndrome
Down's syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
Patau syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome
3. A healthy woman who had viral roseola during pregnancy gave
birth to a deaf baby with a normal karyotype and genotype. The
baby's deafness is a manifestation of:
+ Phenocopy
Gene mutation
Combinative variability
Chromosomal aberration
4. The 14-year-old girl lags behind in physical and intellectual de-
velopment, has small height and wide thorax resembling a shield;
secondary sexual characteristics are absent. Barr's bodies are not
present. What is the mechanism of this disease?
Genetic defect of synthesis of gonadotrophin
Genetic defect of synthesis of sex hormones
+ Disturbance of disjunction of sex chromosomes in meiosis
The acquired insufficiency of somatotropin (growth hormone)
5. Sex chromatin was detected during examination of buccal epi-
thelium of a man. What chromosomal disease this is characteris-
tic for?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 129 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Klinefelter's syndrome
Down syndrome
Trisomy on the X chromosome
Hypophosphatemic rickets
Turner's syndrome
6. The patient has the long growth of extremities, extended
"arachnoid" fingers, defects of crystalline lens of an eye, anoma-
lies of cardiovascular system. Intelligence is normal. What traits
this patient can have still?
Cleft soft and hard palate
+ Maldevelopment of connective tissue
Underdevelopment of gonads
Flat face and wide nose bridge
Underdevelopment of the lower jaw
7. The 15-year-old boy of tall height, with delay of intellectual
development and the delayed sexual maturity has XXY karyotype.
How many Barr's bodies are in his cells?
8. In medical consultation, the family tree of the patient with al-
kaptonuria is constructed. He is 12 years old. What symbol is
necessary to be used for designation of the proband?
To shade or paint over a symbol (square)
To draw a horizontal hyphen over a square
To put an exclamation mark or an asterisk near a square
+ To draw an arrow near a square
To put the dot inside a square
9. In what family there is a high risk of development in the new-
born of acholuric jaundice at the second childbirth?
The wife is Rh-positive, the husband is Rh-negative, the first child is Rh-
The wife is Rh-positive, the husband is Rh-negative, the first child is Rh-
The wife is Rh-negative, the husband is Rh-positive, the first child is Rh-
The wife is Rh-positive, the husband is Rh-positive, the first child is Rh-
+ the Wife is Rh-negative, the husband is Rh-positive, the first child is Rh-
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 130 Smirnov O.Yu.
10. Down syndrome was found in the 6-year-old child. However,
the chromosomal analysis showed, that not all cells have an ab-
normal karyotype. How this phenomenon is called?
Incomplete penetrance
Incomplete domination
+ Mosaicism
Variable expressivity
11. The woman of 25 years is pregnant for the third time; she got
to clinic with threat of induced abortion. What combination of
Rhesus factor in her organism and in a fetus can be the cause of
rh in the mother, rh in the fetus
Rh in the mother, rh in the fetus
+ +
Rh in the mother, Rh in the fetus
+ rh in the mother, Rh in the fetus
It is impossible to define
12. The karyotype of mother contains 45 chromosomes. It was
established that it is associated with translocation of the 21 st
chromosome on the 15th one. What disease most likely will be
present in the child (the father's karyotype is normal)?
Klinefelter's syndrome
+ Down syndrome
Patau syndrome
Morris' syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
13. "Cat's cry" syndrome – the "mewing" voice timbre – has ap-
peared in the child immediately after the birth. What was found
after investigation of a karyotype of this child?
Additional Y chromosome
Deficiency of X chromosome
Additional 21 chromosome
+ Deletion of short arm of the 5 chromosome
Additional X chromosome
14. Narrow shoulders and wide pelvis, underdevelopment of tes-
tes, high voice, gynecomasty, and infertility are characteristic for:
Down syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
+ Klinefelter's syndrome
Patau syndrome
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 131 Smirnov O.Yu.
Turner's syndrome
15. In the 5-year-old child, tyrosine metabolism is broken. It
leads to lesion of nervous system and mental deficiency, but is
easily treated by the special diet prescribed at early age. What is
this disease?
+ Phenylketonuria
16. At what disease heterozygotes are resistant to malaria?
+ Sickle-cell anemia
17. The child's birth is not recommended to the woman of 43
years because of high probability of chromosome syndrome in the
child. Why such restriction does not concern men?
+ Stage of prophase of I meiotic division in women is very long
Ovum is motionless
Limited number of oocytes of the first order
During oogenesis, only one ovum is formed, but not four ova
During oogenesis, formation stage is absent
18. The truncated extremities, small skull, flat wide nose bridge,
narrow palpebral fissures, the hanging fold of an upper eyelid, a
monkey fold, and mental retardation are characteristic for:
Turner's syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome
+ Down syndrome
trisomy X
19. Positive reaction of the Følling test, musty specific odour of
urine and sweat, retarded motor and mental development from
6-month age, and lightening of hairs are characteristic for:
Turner's syndrome
+ phenylketonuria
Patau syndrome
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 132 Smirnov O.Yu.
25. In a family, the father has hemophilia and daltonism at the
same time. You are a doctor of genetic consultation. Analyse pos-
sible variants of inheritance of these anomalies:
+ both genes will be received by girls
the gene of hemophilia will be received by boys
both genes will be received by boys
the gene of daltonism will be received by girls
both genes will be received by children irrespective of sex
26. The woman prematurely gave birth to the dead boy. What
reason of spontaneous abortion is the most frequent?
Gene mutation
+ Chromosome aberration
Incompatibility on Rhesus factor
Infection of mother
27. By what method it is possible to diagnose heterozygous carri-
er state of the pathological gene if the dose effect for the speci-
fied allele is observed, and expressiveness of a trait in pheno-
types of dominant homozygote and heterozygote are different?
Genealogical method
Cytogenetic method
+ Biochemical method
Twin study
Population-statistical method
28. Disturbance of synthesis of tyrosine, adrenaline, noradrena-
line, and melanin are observed in the patient. Mental deficiency is
expressed. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Hepatocerebral dystrophy (Wilson's disease)
+ Phenylketonuria
Family amaurotic idiocy (Tay-Sachs disease)
29. The woman with monosomy on the X chromosome addressed
to genetic consultation. Daltonism was revealed in her organism.
Choose her karyotype and genotype:
d d
45, X X
46, X 0
45, X 0
46, X 0
+ 45, X 0
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 134 Smirnov O.Yu.
Klinefelter's syndrome
35. In human, hemophilia is encoded by the recessive gene linked
with X chromosome. Future spouses addressed to genetic consul-
tation: the healthy young man marries the girl, which father had
hemophilia and mother and her relatives were healthy. What is
the probability of manifestation of the mentioned trait in sons
from this marriage?
+ 50%
36. The pregnant woman, who worked in the harmful factory, ad-
dressed to genetic consultation because she has the bases for ex-
citement concerning the birth of the abnormal child. After carry-
ing out of amniocentesis, there was a question about induced
abortion. Doctors explained the woman that her future child will
not be viable and will have defects in a structure of heart, kid-
neys, and digestive system, cleft soft palate and cleft hard palate,
and underdevelopment or lack of eyes. About what disturbance in
a karyotype one can talk in this case?
Polysomy X
Monosomy X
Trisomy Y
+ Trisomy 13
Trisomy 21
37. A 20-year-old tall young man of asthenic constitution, who
demonstrates signs of hypogonadism, gynecomastia, and dimin-
ished production of semen, has been found having a 47, XXY kar-
yotype. What do we call such chromosomal syndrome?
Shereshevskiy Turner
Wiskott Aldrich
+ Klinefelter
Down's syndrome
38. One of the forms of rickets is inherited in the autosomal dom-
inant way. This disease is a result of: 1
This question has bad answers because aneuploidy and polyploidy are changes in the num-
ber of chromosomes, and these three types of mutations are chromosomal mutations.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 136 Smirnov O.Yu.
During exams (2009, 2011), incorrect word combination "corresponds with" was used.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 137 Smirnov O.Yu.
43. Owing to disturbance of meiosis, such types of ova were
formed in the woman: 22+XX, 22+0. What diseases are possible
in her daughters if man's spermatozoa have normal set of chro-
Trisomy X and Down syndrome
Turner's syndrome and Klinefelter's syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome and trisomy X
Klinefelter's syndrome and Down syndrome
+ Turner's syndrome and trisomy X
44. Healthy parents have got a fair-haired, blue-eyed girl. Irrita-
bility, anxiety, sleep and feeding disturbance developed in the
first months of the infant's life. Neurological examination revealed
developmental lag. What method of genetic investigation should
be used for the exact diagnosis?
Twin study (Gemellary)
+ Biochemical
45. During the analysis of the woman's buccal mucosa epithelium
cells, no sex chromatin1 was found. Which of the below men-
tioned diseases can it be?
Edwards' syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome
Down's syndrome
+ Turner's syndrome
Patau syndrome
46. Parents with suspicion on a chromosomal disease of the child
addressed to the medico-genetic center. During karyotyping of
the child, translocation of additional chromosome 21 on the 15 th
chromosome was revealed. The doctor established the diagnosis:
translocation form of Down syndrome. Damage of what structure
of the chromosome has caused developing of this disease?
In the book Collec ion of asks "sexual chromatin". Similar question is present in the
Section "Pathophysiology": A doctor consulted a woman with defects of physical and sexual
development. Microscopy of mucosa cells in the oral cavity did not reveal any sex chromatin in
the nuclei. What kind of chromosomal pathology does it characterize? Answers: Shereshev-
skiy Turner syndrome; Down's syndrome; Recklinghausen's disease; Klinefelter's syndrome;
trisomy on X chromosome.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 138 Smirnov O.Yu.
Short arm
Long arm
Secondary constriction
+ Telomeric region
47. During clinical examination of the pregnant woman, the in-
crease in the content of phenylalanine in blood was revealed. How
it can affect the child?
Development of galactosemia is possible
+ Development of mental retardation is possible
Development of Wilson's disease is possible
No influence
The child's birth with Down syndrome is possible
48. A 18-year-old man with asthenic body constitution (tall, nar-
row shoulders, broad pelvis) and with poor hair on his face came
to the geneticist. There was marked mental retardation. The pre-
liminary diagnosis was Klinefelter's syndrome. What method of
medical genetics can confirm the diagnosis?1
+ Cytogenetic
Twin study
49. The girl of 18 years with complaints to lack of menstruations
consulted a doctor. During examination, such traits were re-
vealed: height is 140 cm, short neck with characteristic folds of
skin ("neck of a sphinx"), big shoulders, narrow pelvis, lack of
secondary sex traits, and underdevelopment of ovaries. What
provisional diagnosis can be established?
Patau syndrome
Morris's syndrome
+ Turner's syndrome
Down syndrome
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: An 18-year-old young
man is tall and has narrow shoulders, a large pelvis, an adult woman pattern of hair distribu-
tion, and oxyphonia. Mental retardation is also present. Based on these symptoms, the provi-
sional diagnosis of Klinefelter's syndrome was made by a doctor. What genetic method can
confirm the diagnosis? Answers: a) Cytogenetic; b) Pedigree analysis; c) Study of twins;
d) Biochemical; e) Population-statistical. In addition, another similar question is present in this
book: A teenager with the provisional diagnosis of Klinefelter's syndrome came for advice to a
genetic consultation. What genetic method does the doctor have to apply to make a correct
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 139 Smirnov O.Yu.
Klinefelter's syndrome
50. Woman with the first blood type and normal blood clotting
married the man is ill with hemophilia and has the second blood
type. At what genotypes of parents the child, who has the first
blood type and is ill with hemophilia, can be born in this family?
H H h
ii X X I iX Y
H h A A h
ii X X I I XY
ii X X I I X Y
H h h
+ ii X X I iX Y
H H A A h
ii X X I I XY
51. The man of 26 years complains of infertility. Objective traits:
height of 186 cm, long extremities, gynecomasty, hypoplasia of
testicles; Barr's bodies are found in scraping of mucous mem-
brane of a cheek. Klinefelter's syndrome is diagnosed. What
mechanism of chromosomal anomaly takes place at this disease?
Chromosome deletion
+ Nondisjunction of heterochromosomes in meiosis
Inversion of a chromosome
Nondisjunction of chromatids in mitosis
52. Phenylketonuria was revealed in the child. What of the listed
methods of treatment need to be used?
Hormonal therapy
Surgical treatment
Removal of toxic substances from an organism
+ Dietotherapy
Medicinal therapy
53. With damage of structure of what cellular organelles, storage
diseases appear?
+ Lysosomes
Golgi complex
54. Trisomic, translocation, and mosaic forms of Down's syndrome
are known. What method of human genetics can be applied to
differentiate these forms of Down's syndrome?
Study of twins
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 140 Smirnov O.Yu.
Pedigree analysis
+ Cytogenetic
55. It is known that, during application of the method of determi-
nation of sex chromatin, calculation of number of Barr's bodies in
the painted smear of buccal epithelium (mucous membrane of a
cheek) allows to establish precisely human karyotype. What kary-
otype will be present in woman if two Barr's bodies are present?
48, XXXY
47, XXY
46, XX
48, XXXX
+ 47, XXX
56. Studying of prints of epidermic ridges of fingers of hands
(dactyloscopy) is used in criminalistics for identification of the
personality, and also for diagnostics of genetic anomalies, in par-
ticular, of Down syndrome. What layer of skin defines identity of
+ Papillary
57. A 40-year-old pregnant woman underwent amniocentesis. The
examination of fetus karyotype revealed 47,XY,+21. What pa-
thology of the fetus was found out?
Patau's disease
Klinefelter's syndrome
+ Down's syndrome
Schereschevsky Turner's disease
58. Positive reaction of urine with 10% solution of chloride of iron
was revealed in the child after the birth. For what hereditary pa-
thology it is characteristic?
Diabetes (hereditary form)
+ Phenylketonuria
Another answer: "Genealogical".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 141 Smirnov O.Yu.
59. Choose what of the diseases listed below has is based on de-
struction of normal process of DNA repair after ultraviolet radia-
+ xeroderma pigmentosum
simple ichthyosis
60. Spouses, who after three-year married life had no children,
addressed to genetic consultation. During examination of the
husband, the underdevelopment of testes and lack of spermato-
genesis was revealed. He has narrow shoulders, wide pelvis, and
undeveloped muscles. What of the listed karyotypes this man
46, t13.13
46, 5p
45, XO
47, 21+
+ 47, XXY
61. A 1.5-year-old child has mental and physical lag, decolorizing
of skin and hair, decrease in catecholamine concentration in
blood. When a few drops of 5% solution of trichloroacetic iron had
been added to the child's urine it turned olive green. Such altera-
tions are typical for the following pathology of the amino acid me-
+ phenylketonuria
62. The woman addressed to genetic consultation concerning de-
viations of physical and sexual development. During microscopy
of cells of a mucous membrane of a mouth, sex chromatin was
not revealed. For what chromosomal pathology it is characteris-
+ Turner's syndrome
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: A few months after birth
a child developed symptoms of the CNS disorder. The skin and hair became lighter. The solu-
tion of 5% trichloroacetic ferric lactase, added to fresh urine, gives it olive-green coloring.
What kind of hereditary disorder is characterized by these manifestations? Answers: tyrosino-
sis; alcaptonuria; fructosuria; phenylketonuria; albinism.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 142 Smirnov O.Yu.
Klinefelter's syndrome
Down syndrome
Recklinghausen's disease
Trisomy of the X chromosome
63. Need to carry out identification of the personality appears pe-
riodically in forensic medical practice. The method of dactyloscopy
is used for this purpose. Explain what structure defines individual
drawing of skin of human fingers:
features of the structure of reticular layer of derm
structure of epidermis and derm
+ features of the structure of papillary layer of derm
features of the structure of epidermis
structure of epidermis, derm, and hypoderm
64. Mother and father of future child are healthy. The method of
amniocentesis determined a fetus karyotype: 45, XO. What syn-
drome can be expected in a newborn baby?
Patau syndrome
+ Turner's syndrome
Syndrome "superwoman"
Cri du chat syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
65. The child of 10-month age, whose parents are brunettes, has
fair hairs, very light skin, and blue eyes. Externally at the birth he
looked normally, but for the last three months disturbance of cer-
ebral blood flow, lag in intellectual development were observed.
The reason of such state is:
+ phenylketonuria
sharp porphyria
66. The young man of tall height, with increased lower jaw and
projected superciliary arches, was surveyed in genetic consulta-
tion in connection with problems in training and antisocial behav-
ior. The karyotype 47, XYY is revealed. What is the disease?
Edwards' syndrome
Patau syndrome
+ Syndrome "superman"
Turner's syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome
67. Father and son in a family are sick with hemophilia A. Mother
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 143 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ 50%
77. Men owing to abuse of alcohol can have nondisjunction of sex
chromosomes in meiosis. What hereditary diseases can be caused
by this situation in descendants?
Klinefelter's syndrome
Trisomy on the X chromosome
Turner's syndrome
Any hereditary diseases
+ Klinefelter's syndrome and Turner's syndrome
78. One of forms of cystinuria is caused by an autosomal reces-
sive gene. However, raised cysteine contents in urine are ob-
served in heterozygotes, whereas stones in kidneys are formed in
recessive homozygotes. What form of cystinuria is possible in
children in the family, where the father has this disease and
mother has raised content of cysteine in urine?
+ Both (formation of stones and raised content of cysteine in urine)
No listed form
Formation of stones
Raised content of cysteine
Raised content of cysteine and lack of both forms of cystinuria
79. In a maternity hospital, a child with numerous development
anomalies was diagnosed with Patau syndrome. What genetic
method can confirm this diagnosis?
Pedigree analysis
+ Cytogenetic
Study of twins
80. At what disease it is possible to determine heterozygous carri-
er state by method of load tests?
+ Galactosemia
Down syndrome
Patau syndrome
81. A man with the problem of sterility appealed to a genetic con-
sultation. During the analysis of the cheek mucosa epithelium one
Barr body was found in each nucleus of most cells. In neutrophil
nuclei, they found one "drumstick" in each. Which syndrome can
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 146 Smirnov O.Yu.
III (B), Rh
I (O), Rh
+ II (A), Rh
86. In a maternity hospital a child with numerous development
anomalies of the internal organs, such as the heart, kidneys, di-
gestive system, was born. A doctor suspected Edwards' syn-
drome. What genetic method can confirm this diagnosis?
Study of twins
Pedigree analysis
+ Cytogenetic
87. A number of methods is used in human genetics. What of the
listed methods gives the chance to estimate extent of influence of
heredity and environment on development of a trait?
Cytogenetic method
+ Twin study
Biochemical method
Dermatoglyphic method
Genealogical method
88. In 1950s in Western Europe, women who had taken thalido-
mide (soporific) bore a few thousands of babies with underdevel-
opment or absence of extremities and transgression of the skele-
ton. What nature did the pathology have?
Chromosomal mutation
+ Phenocopy
Chromosomal aberration
Gene mutation
89. What of the listed human diseases is hereditary and mono-
Stomach ulcer
+ Hemophilia A
90. An 18-year-old girl has body disproportion: wide shoulders, a
narrow pelvis, shortened low extremities, wing-like skin folds on
the neck, underdeveloped ovaries. During the laboratory analysis,
neither "drumsticks" in the neutrophil nuclei nor Barr bodies in
the nuclei of the buccal epithelium cells were found. Dermato-
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 148 Smirnov O.Yu.
glyphics method revealed that her atd palmar angle is 66°. What
provisional diagnosis can be made in this case?1
+ Turner's syndrome
Down's syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome
Patau syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
91. A girl with the provisional diagnosis of Turner's syndrome
came for advice to a genetic consultation. Which genetic method
can confirm this diagnosis?
Pedigree analysis
Hybridization of somatic cells
+ Sex chromatin test
Study of twins
92. A 28-year-old female patient consulted a gynecologist about
sterility. Examination revealed underdeveloped ovaries and uter-
us, irregular menstrual cycle. Analysis of sex chromatin revealed
two Barr's bodies in most somatic cells. What chromosome dis-
ease is the most probable in this case?4
Turner's syndrome
+ Triple X syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome
Patau's syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
93. A baby has such pathology: anomaly of the lower jaw and the
larynx development accompanied by voice changes resembling a
cat's cry. Moreover, the baby has microcephaly, heart trouble,
and four fingers. A likely cause of such anomaly is the deletion of:
short arm of the 11 chromosome
short arm of the 7 chromosome
In the book Collec ion of asks , another similar question is also present: An 18-year-old
girl complained to a doctor of the absence of menstruation. The patient had such features: 140
cm in height, a short neck with typical folds ("neck of sphinx"), wide shoulders, a narrow pelvis,
absence of secondary sexual characters, underdeveloped ovaries. What was the provisional
diagnosis of the girl?
Another possible answer: Cri du chat (cat cry) syndrome.
Another possible answer: Morris's syndrome.
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: A 28-year-old woman
saw a physician because of infertility. Underdevelopment of the ovary and the womb, disorder
of the menstrual cycle were diagnosed. During the test of buccal epithelium cells it appeared
that most of their nuclei had two Barr bodies. The neutrophil nuclei had two "drumsticks" each.
What provisional diagnosis can we make in this case?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 149 Smirnov O.Yu.
short arm of the 9 chromosome
+ short arm of the 5 chromosome
short arm of the 21 chromosome
94. Four-year-old girl has dislocation of crystalline lenses, long
and slender fingers, hereditary heart disease, and high level of
oxyproline (amino acid) in urine. All these defects are caused by
anomaly of connective tissue. For what disease these clinical
symptoms are characteristic?
+ Marfan's syndrome
95. Down syndrome is the most widespread of all syndromes as-
sociated with chromosomal anomalies. Characteristic symptoms
of Down syndrome are shortening of extremities, small skull,
anomalies of a structure of the face, narrow palpebral fissures,
epicanthus, mental retardation, frequent damages of a structure
of an internal. In the case of Down syndrome caused by trisomy
of the 21st chromosome, the main diagnostic method is:
genealogical method
+ cytogenetic method
biochemical method
population-statistical method
96. The child, who was born in late marriage, has the small
growth, lag in intellectual development, thick "geographical"
tongue, narrow palpebral fissures, flat face with wide cheekbones.
What sort of disturbance has caused development of the de-
scribed syndrome?
Birth injury
+ Chromosomal pathology
Intrauterine immune conflict
Intrauterine intoxication
Intrauterine infection
97. In genetic consultation, it was established that heterozygous
carrier mother gave a mutant gene to half of sons who are sick,
and half of daughters who are phenotypically healthy carriers and
can transfer a recessive gene together with the X chromosome to
the next generation. What gene from the listed diseases can be
transmitted by the daughter?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 150 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Hemophilia
98. Lack of B lymphocytes and sharp decrease in amount of im-
munoglobulins of the main classes were revealed in blood of the
sick boy. The diagnosis of congenital agammaglobulinaemia is
made. Owing to what event this hereditary disease has appeared,
if parents of the patient are healthy, and cases of the disease in a
pedigree are not observed?
Somatic mutation in the patient
Mutation in somatic cells of parents
Incomplete penetrance of a gene in parents
+ Mutation in sex cells of parents
Generative mutation in the patient
99. There is repeated pregnancy. Mother has O blood type, she is
Rh-negative, and both fetuses have II blood group and are Rh-
positive. By what variant there can be conflict?
Incompatibility on A-antigen
+ Incompatibility on Rh-system and ABO system
Incompatibility on other systems
Incompatibility on B-antigen
100. The lymphatic edema of extremities and surplus of skin on
the neck is revealed in the newborn girl. There are no "drum
sticks" in neutrophils. What is your diagnosis?
Klinefelter's syndrome
Down syndrome
Patau syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
+ Turner's syndrome
101. Three sons grew up in a family where the father had hyper-
tensive disease. One of them worked as the air traffic controller,
the head of flights at the large international airport with high in-
tensity of the movement. Two other sons lived in rural areas and
had professions of the beekeeper and the plant breeder. The dis-
patcher at mature age got sick with a heavy form of hypertensive
disease. This disease was absent in other sons, but small raising
of blood pressure was only occasionally noted. To what group of
genetic diseases it is necessary to carry hypertensive disease in
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 151 Smirnov O.Yu.
this family?
Monogenic disease
Chromosomal disease
+ Multifactorial disease
Genomic disease
Disease of nonheritable character
102. During determination of a blood type on ABO system anti-
gens A and B were revealed. This blood can be transfused to the
persons having such group:
+ IV
everything listed
103. The provisional diagnosis – phenylketonuria – was made to
the child in maternity hospital. What results of biochemical inves-
tigation will confirm the diagnosis?
Deposition of urine acid salts in joints
+ Disturbed synthesis of tyrosine, adrenaline, noradrenaline, and melanin
Accumulation of lipids in nervous cells, retina of an eye, and liver
Disturbed carbohydrate metabolism
Disturbed copper exchange
104. In genetic consultation, the analysis of linkage groups and
localization of genes in chromosomes was carried out. Thus the
method was used:
+ hybridizations of somatic cells
population-statistical method
twin study
genealogical method
dermatoglyphic method
105. A healthy woman, who had had viral roseola during pregnan-
cy, gave birth to a baby with a cleft lip and cleft palate. The baby
has a normal karyotype and genotype. This anomaly can be the
result of:
+ Influence of teratogenic factor
Gene mutation
Chromosomal aberration
Chromosomal mutation
Combinative variability
106. The pregnant woman is on consultation. The doctor for the
prognosis of health of the expected child can use a genetic meth-
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 152 Smirnov O.Yu.
method of crossing
+ amniocentesis
twin study
biochemical method
dermatoglyphic method
107. During the checkup of an 18-year-old boy, some physical and
psychical development defects are found. They are as follows:
eunuchoidism, female lipopexia and an adult woman pattern of
hair distribution, muscular hypoplasia, mental deficiency. Using
the cytogenetic method, the karyotype of the patient was deter-
mined. Which karyotype was it?
47, XY, 21+
45, XO
47, XY, 18+
47, XYY
+ 47, XXY
108. The translocation of a site of the 22nd chromosome on the
other chromosome is revealed in the patient's leukocytes. Such
mutation leads to development of:
Turner's syndrome
Down syndrome
+ chronic leukemia
syndrome "cry of a cat"
109. The heterozygous carrier state of a semilethal allele, which
has dose effect, was established in the patient; expressiveness of
this allele in homozygotes and heterozygotes is different. This
fact was established by means of a method:
cytogenetic method
population-statistical method
mapping of chromosomes
twin study
+ biochemical method
110. Rhesus-negative woman with I (O) blood type is pregnant
with the Rh-positive fetus having A blood type. To prevent a sen-
sitization of Rh-negative mother by Rh-positive erythrocytes of a
fetus, she needs to enter intravenously for 72 hours after the de-
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 153 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ anti-D globulin
Rhesus agglutinins
111. A human has galactosemia – a disease of accumulation.
Which genetic method can we use to diagnose the case?
+ Biochemical
Study of twins
Pedigree analysis
112. The 22nd human chromosome has different mutant variants –
monosomies and trisomies, deletions of a long arm, and translo-
cations. Each mutation has the clinical variant of manifestation.
By what method it is possible to define variant of a chromosome
Biochemical method
+ Cytogenetic method
Twin study
Dermatoglyphic method
113. The patient has a mutation of the gene that is responsible for
hemoglobin synthesis. It has led to development of the disease
sickle-cell anemia. How the pathological hemoglobin revealed at
this disease is called?
+ HbS
114. During the examination of an 18-year-old girl, such features
as underdeveloped ovaries, wide shoulders, a narrow pelvis,
shortened low extremities, a "neck of sphinx" were determined.
There was no mental deficiency. A doctor suspected Turner's syn-
drome. With what genetic method can this diagnosis be con-
+ Cytogenetic
Study of twins
Pedigree analysis
115. The child had the special "mewing" voice timbre in the early
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 154 Smirnov O.Yu.
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: The pathoanatomic in-
spection of a newborn boy's dead body showed the following abnormalities: polydactyly, mi-
crocephaly, a cleft lip and cleft palate, hypertrophy of the parenchymal organs. These symp-
toms are typical of Patau syndrome. What is the cause of this disease? Answers: a) Trisomy
on the 21st chromosome; b) Trisomy on the 18th chromosome; c) Trisomy on the 13th chromo-
some; d) Trisomy on X chromosome; e) Monosomy on X chromosome.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 157 Smirnov O.Yu.
In the book Collec ion of asks , incorrect term "divergence" is used (this is a mistake).
Another possible variant is "an ovum", but in humans, a secondary oocyte is fertilized.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 158 Smirnov O.Yu.
Cell center
+ Golgi complex
132. Albinos badly sunbathe – they get burns. Disturbance of me-
tabolism of what amino acid is the cornerstone of this phenome-
Glutamic acid
+ Phenylalanine
133. Mucopolysaccharidosis belongs to storage diseases. Due to
the lack of enzymes, cleavage of polysaccharides is broken. In-
crease of their secretion with urine and accumulation in one of
cell organoids are observed in patients. What organoids mucopol-
ysaccharides are accumulated in?
In Golgi complex
+ In lysosomes
In endoplasmic reticulum
In mitochondria
In the cell center
134. Mother of the child consulted the dermatologist with com-
plaints to existence of dark spots on ears, nose, and cheeks of
the child. Urine when standing on air became black. What is the
most probable diagnosis?
+ Alkaptonuria
Down syndrome
135. During the examination of a baby boy, a pediatrician noticed
that the baby's crying was similar to a cat's cry. Besides, the ba-
by had microcephaly and abnormality in heart development. By
means of the cytogenetic method, it was found that the baby's
karyotype was 46, XY, 5p–. At what mitotic stage was the karyo-
type of the baby examined?
+ Metaphase
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 159 Smirnov O.Yu.
136. The woman on the 16th week of pregnancy addressed to ge-
netic consultation. By drawing up a pedigree, it became clear that
her husband from first marriage has a child, which is ill with phe-
nylketonuria. What method will allow to define existence of phe-
nylketonuria in a fetus?
Cytogenetic method
Genealogical method
+ Amniocentesis
Twin study
137. Specify the reason of developing of the hereditary diseases
which received the name "storage disease":
+ absence of certain enzymes in lysosomes
absence of certain enzymes in mitochondria
absence of certain enzymes in ER
absence of certain enzymes in Golgi apparatus
absence of certain enzymes in a nucleus
138. The analysis of the fetus's amniotic fluid cells for the pres-
ence of sexual chromatin shows that the majority of their nuclei
have two Barr bodies each. Which inherited disease can this baby
Down's syndrome
+ Trisomy on X chromosome
Turner's syndrome
Patau syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
139. The woman worked some time at the factory under harmful
working conditions. She gave birth to the child with cleft lip and
cleft palate. What factor served as the reason of defect develop-
Mechanical influence on a fetus
Alimentary factor
Increase in body temperature of the pregnant woman
Infectious disease
+ Radiation
140. During the cytogenetic analysis, a patient was found to have
cells with chromosome number 46,XY and 47,XXY in the same
proportions. What did the doctor diagnose?
Down's syndrome
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 160 Smirnov O.Yu.
Morris's syndrome
Patau syndrome
+ Klinefelter's syndrome
Turner's syndrome
141. Watching the child for 1.5 years, mother began to notice lag
in intellectual development. After careful examination, phenylke-
tonuria was established in the child. The cause of this disease can
+ damage of structure of structural genes of a transcript
monosomy on the X chromosome
insufficient number of mitochondria in cells
additional chromosome from the 21st pair of autosomes
other reason
142. The genealogical method of human genetics provides collec-
tion of information, drawing up and the analysis of pedigrees.
How the person which pedigree needs to be made is called?
Subject of research
+ Proband
143. There is a direct dependence of rules of inheritance of anti-
genic specificity and genetic conditionality of manifestation of
immune reactions in the human body. What science studies these
+ Immunogenetics
Ecological genetics
144. For a number of hereditary diseases, which were considered
incurable, possibility of suppression of their phenotypic manifes-
tation was established due to the development of medical genet-
ics. At present it most of all concerns:
+ phenylketonuria
145. It is known that molecules only of one type of antibodies are
synthesized in each B lymphocyte; these molecules are encoded
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 161 Smirnov O.Yu.
Trisomy on the 21 chromosome
+ Trisomy on X chromosome
Trisomy on the 18 chromosome
Monosomy on X chromosome
155. A patient has phenylpyruvic acid in the blood and urine.
Based on this, the diagnosis of phenylketonuria is made. What
genetic method is used?
Pedigree analysis
Study of twins
+ Biochemical
156. Mother is Rh-negative. She gave birth to the Rh-positive
child with symptoms of hemolytic disease. What cells of the sick
child are destroyed in this case?
+ Erythrocytes
B lymphocytes
T lymphocytes
157. A sick child has disturbance of lipid exchange, which is ac-
companied by the increase of lipid concentration in the blood se-
rum and the accumulation of the substance in the nerve cells.
Some dysfunctions of the higher nervous system are also pre-
sent. What hereditary disease can such symptoms be typical of?
+ Tay Sachs disease
Edwards' syndrome
Marfan's syndrome
158. During the examination of a newborn, the diagnosis of
Down's syndrome was made. What is the main cause of this pa-
Trisomy on the 13 chromosome
+ Trisomy on the 21 chromosome
Trisomy on X chromosome
th 2
Trisomy on the 18 chromosome
Monosomy on X chromosome
During exam in 2016, another question with the same answers was used: "A 2-year-old boy
is diagnosed with Down syndrome. What chromosomal changes can cause this disease?"
Another possible incorrect answer: "Monosomy on the 1st chromosome".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 164 Smirnov O.Yu.
Another possible incorrect answer that is used in the book Collec ion of asks : "Undiver-
gence of sex chromosomes", but the word "undivergence" does not exist (this is a mistake),
the term "nondisjunction" must be used!
In the collection of tests, the word "hypertrophy" is present in this place.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 165 Smirnov O.Yu.
47, XXY
46, XY
+ 45, XO
164. "Cat's cry" syndrome is characterized by the underdevelop-
ment of laryngeal muscles, "miaowing" voice timbre, psychomo-
toric immaturity1 of a child. This disease is the result of:
duplication of a fragment of the 5 chromosome
st th
translocation of the 21 chromosome on the 15
+ deletion of the short arm of the 5 chromosome
deletion of the short arm of the 21 chromosome
inversion of a fragment of the 21 chromosome
165. Spouses with the 9-month-old child who has hypotrophy, but
is mentally normally developed, consulted a hospital. The child is
ill almost since the neonatal period: he has pertussoid spasmodic
cough. Since five months, after adding of food, frequent defeca-
tion with large amount of light-coloured fecal masses with an un-
pleasant odour were appeared. The increase in liver is noted. Ac-
cording to laboratory data, concentration of sodium and chlorine
in sweat is increased. About what disease one can think?
Amaurotic idiocy of children
+ Mucoviscidosis
Duchenne's dystrophy
166. The frequency of heterozygotes with a genome of phenylke-
tonuria in the population of Ukraine is 3%. What method of ge-
netical investigation is used for revealing early phenylketonuria of
a newborn?
+ Biochemical
167. The 3-year-old child is hospitalized in children's clinic in a se-
rious condition with hemoglobinopathy (sickle-cell anemia). Re-
placement of glutamic acid by what amino acid in the chain of
globin is the cornerstone of formation of pathological hemoglobin
in this case?
Attention! In the book Collec ion of asks , the incorrect word "immaturation" is used (this
word does not exist).
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 166 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Valine
168. The child with Down syndrome and karyotype of 46 chromo-
somes was born in healthy parents. However, one of chromo-
somes from the D group had the extended short arm. What is the
cause of illness of the child?
Monosomy on the 21 pair of chromosomes
+ Unbalanced translocation of an excess 21 chromosome
Trisomy on 21 pair of chromosomes
Balanced translocation
Trisomy on the 15 pair of chromosomes
169. Green color of urine after addition of 5% FeCl 3 solution was
revealed in the mentally retarded child. Disturbance of metabo-
lism of what amino acid, the positive result of this diagnostic test
indicates to?
+ Phenylalanine
170. The boy with splitting of an upper jaw ("cleft lip" and "wolf
mouth") was born in the 45-year-old woman. During additional
examination, considerable disturbances of nervous and cardiovas-
cular systems and of sight were found. By investigation of a kary-
otype, the trisomy on the 13th chromosome was diagnosed. What
syndrome is present in the boy?
Klinefelter's syndrome
Turner's syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
Down syndrome
+ Patau syndrome
171. The patient with complaints to intolerance of solar radiation
consulted a doctor. He has burns of skin and disturbance of sight.
Provisional diagnosis is albinism. Disturbance of metabolism of
what amino acid is present in this patient?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 167 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Tyrosine
172. A 32 y.o. man is tall; he has gynecomastia, adult woman
pattern of hair distribution, high voice, mental deficiency, sterili-
ty. Provisional diagnosis is Klinefelter's syndrome. In order to
specify diagnosis it is necessary to analyze:
blood group
+ karyotype
173. It is widely known about Rhesus factor conflict in the situa-
tion when mother is rh– and child is Rh+. Why it does not happen
on the contrary?
The fetus produces very few antibodies
The organism of mother is not sensitive to fetus's antibodies
Fetus is not sensitive to mother's Rhesus factor
+ Foetus does not produce antibodies yet
All listed factors are important
174. The baby, who is the second child in a family, had hemolytic
disease of the newborn that is caused by rhesus incompatibility.
It is known from the anamnesis that the first child is Rh-negative.
What are genotypes of parents?
Wife is heterozygous; husband is homozygous on the gene of Rhesus fac-
tor negativity
Wife is homozygous on the gene of Rhesus factor negativity; husband is
homozygous the gene of Rhesus factor positivity
+ Wife is homozygous on the gene of Rhesus factor negativity; husband is
Wife and husband are homozygous on the gene of Rhesus factor negativity
Wife and husband are homozygous on the gene of Rhesus factor positivity
175. During examination of teenage children in a military registra-
tion and enlistment office, the young man with certain deviations
of psychosomatic development was revealed, namely: asthenic
structure of a body, increase in mammary glands, and decrease
in intelligence. He was directed to genetic consultation for specifi-
cation of the diagnosis. What karyotype will be revealed?
46, XY, there are no Barr's bodies
+ 47, XXY, one Barr's body
47, XXY, two Barr's bodies
45, XO, there are no Barr's bodies
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 168 Smirnov O.Yu.
181. Karyotype of the woman is 47 chromosomes, two Barr's bod-
ies are revealed in the nucleus of somatic cell. Endocrine patholo-
gy is observed: insufficient function of ovaries with lack of follicles
that causes infertility and primary or more often secondary
amenorrhea. What disease is indicated by this phenotype?
Patau syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome
Turner's syndrome
+ Trisomy on the X chromosome
182. Healthy parents with unremarkable family history have the
child with multiple developmental defects. Cytogenetic analysis
revealed the trisomy 13 in the somatic cells (Patau syndrome).
What phenomenon has caused the defects?
Somatic mutation
Dominant mutation
Chromosomal mutation
Recessive mutation
+ Abnormal gametogenesis
183. Examination of cell culture got from a patient with lysosomal
pathology revealed accumulation of great quantity of lipids in the
lysosomes. What of the following diseases is this disturbance typ-
ical for?
+ Tay Sachs disease
Wilson disease
184. A woman who was sick with rubella during the pregnancy
gave birth to a deaf child with hare's lip and cleft palate. This
congenital defect is an example of:
Down's syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
Patau's syndrome
This answer can also be considered as correct answer because abnormal gametogenesis
leads to the numerical chromosomal mutation (trisomy) that causes Patau syndrome.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 170 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ phenocopy
185. Digestion and bile flow are broken in the child; increased re-
lease of chlorides with urine is observed. Mucoviscidosis is diag-
nosed. Damage of components of what cellular structure takes
place in this disease?
+ Cellular membrane
Nuclear membrane
Endoplasmic reticulum
186. Man with karyotype 46,XY has female phenotype with devel-
oped external secondary sex traits. According to this information
the doctor established provisional diagnosis:
+ Morris' syndrome
Down syndrome
syndrome "superman"
Klinefelter's syndrome
Turner's syndrome
187. What is hemophilia?
Acceleration of blood clotting
Destruction of erythrocytes
Slowdown of blood clotting
Increase in time of bleeding
+ Absence of blood clotting
188. Usage of thalidomide by pregnant women in the 1950s led to
the birth of thousands of children with defects of skeleton (lack of
extremities). This congenital defect is the result of:
gene mutation
+ modifications
189. The underdevelopment of ovaries is observed in the sick
woman, thus the trisomy on the X-chromosome (karyotype XXX)
is found. How many Barr's bodies will be determined in somatic
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 171 Smirnov O.Yu.
Blastomogenic effect
Teratogenic effect
Fetotoxical effect
Embryotoxical effect
195. Examination of a 12-year-old boy with developmental lag re-
vealed achondroplasia: disproportional constitution with evident
shortening of upper and lower limbs as a result of growth disorder
of epiphyseal cartilages of long tubular bones. This disease is:
inherited, sex-linked
inherited, recessive
+ inherited, dominant
196. Dark spots indicating the formation of homogentisic acid are
found on diapers of the newborn child. With disturbance of me-
tabolism of what substance it is associated?
+ Tyrosine
197. Sex chromosomes of a woman didn't separate and move to
the opposite poles of a cell during gametogenesis (meiosis). The
ovum was impregnated with a normal spermatozoon. Which
chromosomal disease can be found in her child?
Patau's syndrome
+ Turner's syndrome
Cat cry syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
Down's syndrome
198. A boy referred to a genetics clinic was found to have one
drumstick in blood neutrophils. The boy is likely to have the fol-
lowing syndrome:
+ Klinefelter's
Trisomy X
199. A couple had a child with Down's syndrome. Mother is 42
years old. This disease is most probably caused by the following
impairment of prenatal development:
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 173 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ gametopathy
non-specific fetopathy
specific fetopathy
200. Cytogenetic examination of the patient with reproductive
dysfunction revealed normal karyotype 46,XY in some cells, but
most of cells have karyotype of Klinefelter's syndrome – 47,XXY.
Such phenomenon of cell heterogeneity is called:
+ mosaicism
201. Two-year-old child who has impairment of intellectual and
physical development and suffers on frequent vomiting after
meal, was taken to the hospital. Phenylpyruvic acid was defined
in urine. What consequence of disturbance this pathology has?
+ Metabolism of amino acids
Carbohydrate metabolism
Water-salt exchange
Lipid metabolism
Phosphorus-calcium metabolism
202. The man with daltonism married the healthy woman whose
father had daltonism and mother is healthy, and patients with
daltonism are not present among her relatives. Define probability
of the birth of children sick with daltonism in this family.
+ 50%
203. The 14-year-old boy has high growth with eunuchoid propor-
tions of a body, narrow shoulders, wide pelvis, the hypodermic
basis is excessively developed, pilosis in a pubis zone is of female
type, penis has normal size, and intelligence is considerably low-
ered. What pathology should be suspected?
Trisomy on the X chromosome
+ Klinefelter's syndrome
During exams in 2010 and 2011 this answer was replaced by "monomorphism".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 174 Smirnov O.Yu.
Down syndrome
Turner's syndrome
Edwards' syndrome
204. The 35-year-old woman had car accident and got brain con-
cussion. Soon after discharge from the hospital, the first disorders
of mentality appeared, which became deeper, and in a year the
diagnosis were made to her – schizophrenia. Studying of a pedi-
gree showed that schizophrenics are also present among her
cousins and second cousins. In this case schizophrenia is:
congenital disease
hereditary disease
the acquired disease
+ disease with hereditary predisposition
remote consequence of a trauma
205. During examination of the patient, who complains of general
weakness and bone pain, the diagnosis "chronic myeloleukemia"
was established. Name the chromosomal anomaly typical for the
majority of cases of this disease.
Duplication of the 21 chromosome
th nd
+ Translocation of the 9 chromosome on the 22 chromosome
st th
Translocation of the 21 chromosome on the 15 chromosome
Partial deletion of the 12 chromosome
Full deletion of the X chromosome
206. Fructosemia is the hereditary disease caused by sharp de-
crease of the activity of enzyme fructose-bisphosphate aldolase.
This disease meets frequency of 1:20000 in the population. On
what type fructosemia is inherited?
X-linked dominant inheritance
X-linked recessive inheritance
Holandric inheritance
Autosomal dominant inheritance
+ Autosomal recessive inheritance
207. The newborn child has such symptoms: spasms, vomiting,
jaundice, specific odour of urine. The doctor-geneticist stated
suspicion about hereditary disease of metabolism. What method
of investigation needs to be used for statement of the exact diag-
nosis in the absence of DNA diagnostics?
+ Biochemical
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 175 Smirnov O.Yu.
Twin study
208. High palate, wrong growth of big teeth with defects of tooth
enamel was revealed in the young man who has high growth (187
cm). During investigation of buccal scraping by means of lumi-
nescent microscopy, two Y chromosomes were revealed. This
anomaly is the result of:
+ trisomy
209. The pregnant woman for the first time consulted the doctor
of genetic consultation concerning possible hereditary pathology
in her future child. What method will be the first during her ex-
Twin study
+ Genealogical
210. Mohr's syndrome is inherited as dominant and is followed by
numerous anomalies of development of a skeleton (brachydac-
tyly), disturbance of teeth formation, hypodontia, etc. What
method of human genetics will be used by the doctor for differen-
tiation of this pathology from possible genocopy and for the prog-
nosis of possible pathology in descendants?
+ Genealogical
Twin study
211. People with Down syndrome have anomalies of front part of
a skull, including hypoplasia of the upper jaw, high palate, the
wrong growth of teeth. What karyotype is characteristic for the
man with Down syndrome?
47, XY, +18
47, XXY
+ 47, XY, +21
48, XXXY
47, XXX
212. Children with congenital heart diseases, deafness and cata-
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 176 Smirnov O.Yu.
ract were born in six women, who were ill with viral disease (ru-
bella) in the first third of pregnancy. What result of influence of
the virus is observed in this case?
Recombination of genes
+ Teratogenic
213. Hypertrichosis of auricles is caused by a gene that is localized
in Y-chromosome1. Father has this feature. What is the probabil-
ity that son will have this anomaly?2
+ 100%
214. The diagnosis Turner's syndrome was established to the sick
woman. Karyotype is 45,XO. What number of sex chromosomes
is present in this set?
+ One
Forty four
Forty five
215. There is ichthyosis in the family pedigree. This feature ap-
pears in each generation and is typical only of male. What type of
inheritance does this feature have?
Recessive, X-linked
Autosomal dominant
Autosomal recessive
+ Y-linked
Dominant, X-linked
216. In marriage of the healthy woman and man, who has vitamin
This information is out of date. According to more careful study, this trait is autosomal (some
families hid their affected female members).
In the book Collec ion of asks , another similar question is also present: An excessive ear
pilosis (hypertrichosis) is determined by the gene, which is localized in Y chromosome. A man
has got this feature. What is the probability of his having a son with such a feature? Answers:
75%; 0%; 25%; 35%; 100%. Authors propose the answer "100%" as correct but this is a mis-
take. When you ask about probability that parents will have a son with a feature, you should to
calculate this probability among ALL children and correct answer must be 50%. Hence authors
do not propose correct answer at all.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 177 Smirnov O.Yu.
D-resistant rickets, all sons are healthy, and all daughters have
this disease. Establish type of inheritance of the specified pathol-
autosomal recessive
autosomal dominant
recessive, linked with X chromosome
+ dominant, linked with X chromosome
linked with Y chromosome
217. During a prophylactic medical examination, a 7-year-old boy
was diagnosed with daltonism. His parents are healthy and have
normal color vision, but his grandfather on his mother's side has
the same abnormality. What is the type of the abnormality inher-
Autosomal dominant
Sex-linked dominant
+ Sex-linked recessive
Autosomal recessive
Incomplete dominance
218. The child with hemophilia – the serious recessive illness,
which is linked with sex, was born in healthy parents. What is
characteristic for X-linked recessive type of inheritance?
Sick father always has all sick daughters and healthy sons
+ The trait appears in half of sons of heterozygous mother, who is a carrier,
and sick daughter always has sick father
Sick man always has sick father and sick brothers
The trait appears in all sons of heterozygous mother, who is a carrier, and
women have no such disease
Sick father always has all sick sons and healthy daughters
219. A proband, his three sons, his brother and father have syn-
dactyly2. His sisters and two daughters do not have this sign.
What is the character of the inheritance of this sign?
+ Holandric
Autosomal recessive
Autosomal dominant
Dominant, X-linked
Recessive, X-linked
220. It is known that, except autosomal, there is sex-linked inher-
itance. What is characteristic for inheritance of the recessive
In the book Collec ion of asks and in some exam booklets "semidominance".
Another possible disease in the question is ichthyosis.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 178 Smirnov O.Yu.
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: Due to the results of
the pedigree analysis a geneticist found out that a feature becomes apparent in each genera-
tion, a male and a female inherit this feature with the same frequency, both parents transmit-
ting this feature to their children. What type of inheritance does this feature have?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 179 Smirnov O.Yu.
Recessive, X-linked
Dominant, X-linked
229. A couple has a son with haemophilia. The parents are healthy
but the maternal grandfather also has haemophilia. Specify the
type of inheritance:1
Autosomal recessive
Dominant, sex-linked
+ Recessive, sex-linked
Autosomal dominant
230. Hypertrichosis is the Y-linked character3. The father has hy-
pertrichosis, and the mother is healthy. In this family, te proba-
bility of having a child with hypertrichosis is:
+ 0.5
231. During the pedigree analysis of a family with such an inherit-
ed pathology as transgression of enamel formation, it was found
that the disease appeared in each generation. It is inherited by
daughters from fathers. What type of inheritance can we observe
in this case?
+ Dominant, X-linked
Recessive, X-linked
Autosomal dominant
Autosomal recessive
232. A man suffering from a hereditary disease married a healthy
woman. They got five children, three girls and two boys. All the
girls inherited the father's disease. What is the type of the dis-
ease inheritance?
Autosomal recessive
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: A child, ill with hemo-
philia, has been born to healthy parents, but the mother's grandfather had hemophilia, too.
What type of inheritance does this feature have?
In the exam booklet (2012) the answer "semidominance" was present but we replaced it.
This information is out of date. According to more careful study, this trait is autosomal (some
families hid their affected female members).
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 181 Smirnov O.Yu.
Recessive, X-linked
+ Dominant, X-linked
Autosomal dominant
233. Pedigree analysis showed that the proband's disease oc-
curred in each generation, affected a relatively big number of
sibs, both men and women. What type of inheritance does it point
Autosomal recessive
Dominant, X-linked
Recessive, X-linked
+ Autosomal dominant
234. The study of the genealogy of a family with hypertrichosis
(hirsutism or pilosis) has demonstrated that this trait is manifest-
ed in all generations only in men and is inherited by son from his
father. What is the type of hypertrichosis inheritance? 1
X-linked recessive
+ Y-linked
X-linked dominant
235. During employment to the chemical and pharmaceutical en-
terprise, some men who did not feel odour of hydrocyanic acid
were revealed. What type of inheritance is characteristic for this
Linked with Y chromosome
Linked with X chromosome, dominant
+ Linked with X chromosome, recessive
Autosomal recessive
Autosomal dominant
236. Frequency of cardiovascular diseases constantly increases in
human populations because these diseases are:
+ multifactorial
autosomal dominant
linked with X chromosome
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: In a family pedigree
hypertrichosis (excessive pilosis of the auricle) is observed. This feature appears in each gen-
eration and is typical only of men. What type of inheritance does this feature have?
In the site (2013), incorrect phrase was used: "connected with Y-chro-
mosome". The term "Y-linked" must be used. Also information about hypertrichosis is out of
date. According to more careful study, this trait is autosomal.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 182 Smirnov O.Yu.
autosomal recessive
237. A geneticist analyzed the genealogy of a family and found
that both males and females may have the illness, not across all
the generations, and that healthy parents may have ill children.
What is the type of illness inheritance?
+ Autosomal-recessive
X-linked recessive
X-linked dominant
238. In genetic consultation, spouses asked a question about
probability of the birth of children with X-linked form of rickets.
The father is healthy, but mother and the grandmother from the
maternal line have this disease. Vitamin-D resistant rickets can
appear in:
daughters only
+ half of daughters and sons
sons only
all children
the correct answer is absent (all children will be healthy)
239. Healthy woman from two of her marriages has three sons af-
fected by daltonism. Both of her husbands are healthy. What is
the most possible type of inheritance of this disease?
Autosomal recessive
Autosomal dominant
Linked with Y chromosome
+ Recessive, linked with X chromosome
Dominant, linked with X chromosome
240. As a result of prophylactic medical examination, a 7-year-old
boy was diagnosed with Lesch–Nyhan syndrome (only boys are
affected). His parents are healthy but his grandfather by his
mother's side suffers from the same disease. What is the type of
disease inheritance?
Autosomal recessive
Dominant, sex-linked
Autosomal dominant
+ Recessive, sex-linked
Another possible answer is "semidominance", but it is not a type of inheritance.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 183 Smirnov O.Yu.
241. The healthy young woman, which father suffers from Taybi
syndrome (multiple anomalies of the face and skeleton, abnormal
growth of teeth), consulted the doctor-geneticist. The disease is
inherited as the X-linked recessive one. Predict the birth of the
sick child for this woman if her husband is healthy.
+ 25%
242. During oogenesis, the cell with unbalanced number of chro-
mosomes – 22 chromosomes – was formed; X chromosome is
absent. What probability of appearance of the child with Kline-
felter's syndrome if this cell will be fertilized by a spermatozoon
with normal number of chromosomes?
+ 0%
243. 16-year-old girl consulted the stomatologist concerning dark
enamel of teeth. When studying a family tree, it was established
that this pathology is transmitted from the father to all girls, and
from heterozygotic mother to 50% of boys. What is the type of
inheritance of this disease?
Dominant, linked with Y chromosome
Recessive, linked with X chromosome
Autosomal dominant
+ Dominant, linked with X chromosome
Autosomal recessive
244. A female patient sought medical-genetic consultation. Physi-
cal examination revealed pterygium colli deformity (webbed
neck), broad chest, underdeveloped breasts. Study of buccal epi-
thelium cells revealed no X-chromatin in the nuclei. This indicates
that the patient has the following syndrome:
+ Turner's
245. Hairs grow intensively on edge of auricles of the man and his
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 184 Smirnov O.Yu.
260. Parents of the child consulted the doctor-geneticist for more
precise definition of the diagnosis. During research of the child,
liver pathology (cirrhosis, high content of copper) and movement
disorders were determined. What hereditary disease of metabo-
lism disorder is available in the child?
Tay Sachs disease
Lesch Nyhan syndrome
+ Wilson Konovalov's disease
Niemann Pick disease
Gaucher disease
261. The sweat test – investigation of the content of chlorine and
sodium in sweat – was carried out to the two-year-old girl with
suspicion on molecular hereditary disease. It was established that
their concentration exceeds norm by 5 times. For what hereditary
disease it is characteristic?
+ Mucoviscidosis
262. The patient among somatic cells with normal karyotype has
cells with trisomy on 21 st pair. What is the mechanism of this mu-
nondisjunction of chromosomes of the 21 pair during oogenesis
+ nondisjunction of chromosomes of the 21 pair during mitosis
nondisjunction of chromosomes of the 21 pair during spermatogenesis
structural chromosome aberration
gene mutation
263. Specify, what set of sex chromosomes is present in the
woman if the mass of sex chromatin is not revealed in nuclei of
the epithelium of mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
+ XO
264. During examination of the two-month child, the female pedi-
atrician paid attention that crying of the child resembles cat's cry;
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 188 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Maple syrup urine disease
269. In the case of disturbance of metabolism of one of amino ac-
ids, the diagnosis is confirmed by direct determination of activity
of histidase in a horn layer of skin or in liver tissue. What heredi-
tary disease one can talk about?
+ Histidinemia
270. What hereditary disease is characterized by association of
cirrhosis, dystrophic processes of a brain and reduction of the
content of ceruloplasmin?
Tay Sachs disease
Niemann Pick disease
+ Wilson Konovalov's disease
Marfan's syndrome
Gilbert's disease
271. Karyotype of the patient's with Turner's syndrome is studied.
Cell fission is stopped at metaphase stage of mitosis. How many
chromosomes are present at this stage in one metaphase plate?
43 autosomes + 2 X chromosomes
+ 44 autosomes + 1 X chromosome
44 autosomes + 2 X chromosomes
45 autosomes + 0 X chromosomes
42 autosomes + 3 X chromosomes
272. During investigation of cells of buccal epithelium of the mu-
cous membrane of a cheek, no mass of sex chromatin was re-
vealed in the male patient. What is possible diagnosis?
+ Normal man
Klinefelter's syndrome
Turner's syndrome
Syndrome "superman"
Morris' syndrome
273. The woman gave birth to two babies. The provisional diagno-
sis was made to one child: syndrome of "cat's cry", which is char-
acterized by the "mewing" voice timbre. By means of what meth-
od it is possible to confirm or disprove this diagnosis?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 190 Smirnov O.Yu.
Biochemical method
Twin study
+ Cytogenetic method
Population-statistical method
274. By means of a cytogenetic method, the patient's karyotype
with Klinefelter's syndrome 47,XXY is studied. How many masses
of sex chromatin are present in a nucleus of one cell in this case?
+ One
No mass
275. Galactosemia is an autosomal recessive disease, which leads
to injury of brain, liver, and eyes if the child remains on breast-
feeding. What method of genetic examination needs to be applied
to exact establishment of the diagnosis?
Twin study
Genealogical method
Hybridizations of somatic cells
+ Biochemical method
Cytogenetic method
276. Phenylketonuria is an autosomal recessive disease at which
disturbance of phenylalanine metabolism is characterized by vari-
able expressivity. What is the main method of prevention and
treatment of this disease?
Application of a diet without amino acids
+ Application of a diet with low concentration of phenylalanine
Use of special medicines
Application of herbs
Application of a diet without fats
277. By means of cytogenetic method, the woman's karyotype
with syndrome X trisomy was established: 47,XXX. How many
masses of sex chromatin are present in a nucleus of one cell in
this case?
No mass
+ Two
278. During oogenesis (meiosis I) in the woman, the oocyte II
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 191 Smirnov O.Yu.
287. Blood test showed that the patient has abnormal hemoglobin
S and erythrocytes have abnormal shape. The patient complains
of increased fatigue. What is the most probable diagnosis?
+ Sickle-cell anemia
288. Disturbance of normal color perception is the recessive trait
linked with X chromosome. Mother is the carrier of the gene of
daltonism, and the father is the color-blind person. In this family
the probability of the birth of the child with abnormal color per-
ception will make:
+ 0.5
289. The provisional diagnosis – Turner's syndrome – was made
to the girl. The karyotyping is carried out. On the anaphase stage
of mitosis, the number of chromosomes in one cell will make:
+ 90
290. Analysis of amniotic fluid that was obtained as a result of
amniocentesis (puncture of amniotic sac) revealed cells with the
nuclei that contain sex chromatin (Barr's body). What can it be
evidence of?
Genetic disorders of fetus development
Development of male fetus
+ Development of female fetus
291. According to the phenotypic diagnosis, a female patient has
been provisionally diagnosed with X-chromosome polysomia. This
diagnosis can be confirmed by cytogenetic method. What karyo-
type will allow to confirm the diagnosis?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 194 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ 47,XXX
292. During medico-genetic counseling, it was revealed that he-
mophilia skips generation and appears in males only. What meth-
od of medical genetics was used for this purpose?
Twin study
+ Genealogical method
Cytogenetic method
293. Niemann–Pick disease is the hereditary disease caused by
disturbance of metabolism of lipids. Accumulation of sphingomye-
lin in liver, brain, spleen, kidneys, and skin is noted. Girls and
boys are ill equally. The disease appears during the first months
of life and leads to death in early children's age. What is the type
of inheritance of this disease?
Autosomal dominant
X-linked dominant
X-linked recessive
+ Autosomal recessive
294. 19-year-old girl has such group of clinically revealed traits:
low height, sexual infantilism, lag in intellectual and sexual devel-
opment, heart disease. What is the most possible reason of this
Trisomy on the 13 chromosome
Trisomy on the 20 chromosome
Partial monosomy
Trisomy on the 18 chromosome
+ Monosomy on the X chromosome
295. The analysis of a genealogy of the family with cases of teeth
anomaly (dark enamel) showed that the disease is transmitted
from mother to daughters and sons equally, and from the father
only to his daughters. What is the type of inheritance of this trait?
Autosomal recessive
X-linked recessive
Autosomal dominant
+ X-linked dominant
296. The child with cleft lip and cleft palate, anomalies of thumbs
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 195 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Patau's syndrome
305. A group of students has representatives of different races.
One of the students has straight black hair and overhanging skin
fold of superior eyelid – epicanthus. What race does this student
most probably represent?
+ Mongoloid
306. Tetracycline taking in the first half of pregnancy causes ab-
normalities of fetus organs and systems, including tooth hypo-
plasia and alteration of their colour. What type of variability is the
child's disease related to?
+ Modification
307. A 1.5-year-old child was taken to the hospital. The examina-
tion revealed dementia, disorder of motor functions regulation,
hypopigmentation of skin, high rate of phenylalanine in blood.
What is the most probable diagnosis?
Down's syndrome
+ Phenylketonuria
308. Tricho-dento-osteal syndrome is one of ectodermic dyspla-
sias, which is characterized by damage of teeth, hair, and bones.
The analysis of a family tree revealed existence of pathology in
each generation in men and women. On what type this syndrome
is inherited?
Autosomal recessive
Recessive, X-linked
+ Autosomal dominant
Dominant, X-linked
309. A 25-year-old patient consulted a doctor about dysmenor-
During exam in 2007, incorrect word "Europeoid" was used.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 198 Smirnov O.Yu.
Marfan's syndrome
314. For some hereditary diseases that were incurable earlier,
possibility of curing by means of substitutive dietotherapy has
appeared with development of medical genetics. At present it
most of all concerns:
+ phenylketonuria
315. The man consulted a doctor concerning infertility. He has
high height, decrease in intelligence, and underdevelopment of
sexual glands. Sexual chromatin (1 Barr's body) is revealed in an
epithelium of mucous membrane of oral cavity. About what pa-
thology one can think?
+ Klinefelter's syndrome
Adrenogenital syndrome
DiGeorge syndrome
Cushing's syndrome
316. The woman was infected with a measles virus during preg-
nancy. The child was born with malformations, which are called
cleft lips and cleft palate. These defects are manifestation of:
combinational variation
chromosome mutations
+ modification variation
317. The man addressed to genetic consultation concerning infer-
tility. In nuclei of the majority of cells of epithelium of mucous
membrane of a cheek, one Barr's body was revealed. The cause
of such state can be:
Trisomy X
Turner's syndrome
Down's syndrome
+ Klinefelter's syndrome
Trisomy Y
318. A mother had been taken synthetic hormones during preg-
nancy. Her daughter was born with hirsutism 1 formally resem-
Excessive hairiness.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 200 Smirnov O.Yu.
Turner's syndrome
Down's syndrome
323. The man according to the recommendation of the andrologist
addressed to genetic consultation concerning deviations of physi-
cal and mental development. The following was objectively estab-
lished: high growth, asthenic constitution, gynecomasty, and
mental retardation. By microscopy of cells of a mucous mem-
brane of a mouth, sexual chromatin (one Barr's body) was re-
vealed in 30% of cases. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Cushing's syndrome
Down syndrome
DiGeorge syndrome
Recklinghausen's disease
+ Klinefelter's syndrome
324. For diagnosing of some chromosomal diseases, determination
of sexual chromatin is used. Name the disease, for which this de-
termination is necessary:
Down syndrome
E trisomy
+ Turner's syndrome
Bruton's disease
325. An individual is characterized by rounded face, broad fore-
head, a mongolian type of eyelid fold, flattened nasal bridge,
permanently open mouth, projecting lower lip, protruding tongue,
short neck, flat hands, and stubby fingers. What diagnosis can be
put to the patient?
+ Down's syndrome
Super male
Turner's syndrome
Klinefelter's syndrome
326. A healthy woman has three sons affected by color blindness
who were born after her two marriages. Children of her both hus-
bands are healthy. What is the most possible pattern of inher-
itance of this disease?
+ X-linked recessive
X-linked dominant
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 202 Smirnov O.Yu.
19. In the population, the part of Rh-positive people is 84%, and
Rh-negative is 16%. What frequency of the recessive allele of the
gene d is in this population?
+ 0.4
20. In ancient times in Egypt, marriages between relatives of the
first degree of relationship (brother-sister) were observed that led
to the birth of mentally retarded and sick children. How such
marriages are called?
Positive assortative
+ Incest
Negative assortative
21. A malarial plasmodium – the pathogen of vivax malaria – has
two strains: southern and northern. They differ by the duration of
their incubation period: the southern has short and the northern
– long one. What selection works in this case?
+ Cutting
22. People, who live in different areas of Earth, differ phenotypi-
cally: Negroids, Mongoloids, and Caucasians. With what form of
selection this can be explained?
Stabilizing selection
+ Disruptive selection
Artificial selection
Directional selection
Sexual selection
23. In population of inhabitants of Odessa region, the dominant
gene of the positive Rhesus factor meets with frequency 0.6; the
recessive gene of lack of Rhesus factor – 0.4. How many percent
of heterozygotes are present in this population?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 210 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ 48%
24. In some populations, which are isolated in their reproduction,
genes frequencies can differ considerably. Therefore, the frequen-
cy of the blood type II (A) among Indians of a tribe "black legs"
makes 80% and among Indians of the State of Utah makes 2%.
What elementary evolutionary factors define such differences?
Selection in favor of heterozygotes
+ Founder effect and genetic drift
Population waves
Mutations and natural selection
Stabilizing selection and isolation
25. Studying incidence in the Crimean population, doctors-
geneticists came to conclusion that the number of patients with
phenylketonuria and heterozygotes on this gene increased in re-
cent years. What law was used for determination of genetic struc-
ture of the population?
G. Mendel
+ Hardy-Weinberg
T. Morgan
N. Vavilov
Haeckel Muller
26. Analysis of the family history of children with Van der Woude
syndrome revealed that in their families one of the parents had
the typical for this syndrome defects (cleft lip and palate, lip pits
regardless of gender). What is the type of inheritance of this syn-
Autosomal recessive
X-linked dominant
X-linked recessive
+ Autosomal dominant
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 211 Smirnov O.Yu.
1. As a result of expression of some genome components, the
embryo cells acquire typical morphological, biochemical, and
functional properties. Name this process:
+ differentiation
2. The multiple sclerosis was revealed in the man of 72 years.
During this disease, the reactions directed against tissues the
central nervous system develop. What is the disease?
+ Autoimmune
3. During experiment with a frog blastula, one blastomere was
removed at a stage of 16 blastomeres. The isolated cell continued
to develop normally and gave rise to a new embryo. What im-
portant property of blastomeres was shown?
Formation of poles of an embryo
+ Totipotency
Ability to differentiation
Formation of germ layers
Ability to embryonic induction
4. During the postembryonic development in a man's organism
some age-related changes occur. They are skin elasticity loss,
visual and hearing impairment. What do we call the period of in-
dividual development when such changes occur?
+ Aging
First mature
5. In a transplantation centre, a patient has been transplanted a
heart. What cells of the immune system can influence the graft
Plasma cells
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 212 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ T lymphocytes
B lymphocytes
6. In a certain time of day, the increase in blood clotting is ob-
served in man. What biological regularity can explain this phe-
Physiological regeneration
Reparative regeneration
+ Biological rhythms
Regeneration and genotype
7. Antibiotic actinomycin D is known to have no toxic effect on
the maternal organism; on the other hand, it impairs the for-
mation of tissues and organs of ectodermic origin in the embryo
organism. A woman was taking actinomycin D during pregnancy.
What organs or systems of the fetus can be impaired as a result?
Sex glands
Skeleton muscles
Locomotion system
Urogenital system
+ Nervous system
8. How highlands conditions influence development and passing
of life cycle by a man?
Accelerate all stages of postnatal development
Do not influence menarche, but reduce the period of starting of menopause
+ Slow down processes of puberty and aging
Change human biorhythms
Slow down processes of puberty and strengthen aging processes
9. At the stage of blastocyst, the beginning of a human embryo
implantation into the womb wall was recorded. What term of em-
bryogenesis does it occur at?
10 12 days
3 4 days
+ 6 7 days
24 26 days
30 35 days
10. Existence of life at all its levels is defined by structure of the
lowest level. What level of the organization provides existence of
a cellular level of life?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 213 Smirnov O.Yu.
Population and species
+ Molecular
11. During the postembryonic development of a human, two lor-
doses and two kyphoses are formed. It can be explained as the
human ability to:
+ walk vertically
12. In parallel experiments on rats, which were subjected to long
direct solar radiation, and rats, which were in the chambers
closed by glass, development of tumors on hairless parts of skin
in animals that were in open chambers. With influence of what
factors listed below this phenomenon is associated?
Solar heat
Biological carcinogens
+ Ultraviolet radiation
Infrared radiation
Exogenous chemical carcinogens
13. Skin of the donor was repeatedly transplanted to the woman
of 38 years, but it was rejected much quicker, than after the first
transplantation. This reaction happens due to activity of part of
thymocytes, which:
+ have immunological memory
are capable to absorb and digest pathogenic bacteria
have antihistaminic action
stimulate reproduction of B lymphocytes
turn B-lymphocytes into plasmablasts
14. The tissue slice from region of chronic stomach ulcer was sent
to pathomorphologic office. During histologic research, necrosis,
granulation tissue, excessive development of sclerous tissue and
metaplasia of an epithelium were revealed in the wall of ulcer.
What type of regeneration these changes indicate to?
+ Pathological regeneration with disturbance of change of phases
Reparative regeneration substitution
Physiological regeneration
Reparative regeneration restitution
15. At a definite stage of embryogenesis, the mother's and fetus's
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 214 Smirnov O.Yu.
20. In the process of anthropogenesis, a number of changes of
skull, throat, brain is observed in man in comparison with mon-
keys. What of these signs are associated with development of the
articulate speech first of all?
Stronger projection of a brain skull concerning the plane of the face
More developed parietal parts
Increase in the sizes of hemispheres of a brain
Reduction of the sizes of canines
+ Growth of precentral and frontal gyri
21. The composition of blood in man has changed at long stay in
highlands conditions. What changes are observed in blood?
The amount of gamma globulins increases
Viscosity of blood decreases
The number of leukocytes increases
The number of thrombocytes increases
+ The number of erythrocytes and the content of hemoglobin in them in-
22. Toxic agents of an animal origin are used in small doses with
the medical purpose. For treatment of what disease it is most ex-
pedient to use snake poison, which is rich in coagulants?
Bronchial asthma
+ Hemophilia
23. For studying of features of a structure of human body, de-
pending on object for studying, scientists use different anthropo-
logical methods: somatometry, osteometry, somatoscopy, etc.
Choose, what from described methods first of all belongs to cra-
Preparing of masks, dental models
Studying of the head shape
Measuring of the remains of bones of the body
+ Measuring of skulls
Using of models
24. The newborn has multiple malformations. What of the listed
defects has phylogenetic conditionality?
Natural dislocation of hip
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 216 Smirnov O.Yu.
Spinal curvature
Reduced jaw
+ Additional ribs on cervical vertebras
25. On autopsy of a still-born infant, heart abnormalities have
been revealed: ventricles are not separated, a single arterial
trunk originates from the right part. For what class of vertebrates
is such heart construction characteristic?
+ Amphibian
26. Relationships between organisms, which are connected with
food, lead to appearance of food chains. Each food chain includes,
as a rule, no more than 4–5 levels because, due to energy losses,
the general biomass of each subsequent level is about 10 times
less than the previous one. What of the listed organisms needs to
place on a top of an ecological pyramid?
+ Plague bacteria
27. What functional indicators of an organism do not decrease
when aging, but, on the contrary, increase?
+ Cholesterol level in blood
Hormonal activity of thyroid gland
Contractile ability of cardiac muscle
Visual acuity
Activity of enzymes
28. Recently, increase of concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere
is observed. What biological consequences this change in gas
structure of the atmosphere can lead to?
Exhaustion of the ozone layer that protects all living things from radiation
+ Creation of "greenhouse effect", warming of climate on the planet, thawing
of ices in Polar Regions
Harm to plants
Falling of sulfuric and nitric acids with rain, dew, snow, hoarfrost
Falling of global sea level
29. A newborn child has microcephalia. Doctors consider that this
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 217 Smirnov O.Yu.
In the collection of test questions in the Internet site (2013) as well as
during exam in 2006, incorrect terms "leaf", "leaves", "ectoderma", "entoderma", and "meso-
derma" were used instead of "layer", "layers", "ectoderm", "entoderm", and "mesoderm". Dur-
ing exam in 2016, correct terms were used.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 218 Smirnov O.Yu.
Processes of metabolism
+ Heartbeat and breath
DNA replication
34. Operation on heart transplantation was performed to the sick
person with congenital heart disease. In 24 hours, process of re-
jection of a donor transplant began. What provided this process?
T lymphocytes killers
T lymphocytes helpers
T lymphocytes suppressors
+ Antibodies (immunoglobulins)
35. The serious hereditary disease of skin – lack of sweat glands
(anhidrosis) – was revealed in the child; thereof important func-
tions of skin – perspiration and thermal control – are broken. This
defect is a consequence of disturbance during embryogenesis of
anlage of:
+ ectoderm
36. During various inflammatory processes in the man, the num-
ber of leukocytes in blood increases. This regularity is manifesta-
tion of:
+ adaptation
37. The part of a liver was removed in the man after trauma. The
left part of a liver regenerates to the normal sizes, but its form
remains changed. What regeneration takes place?
Compensatory hypertrophy
+ Regeneration hypertrophy
Substitutive hypertrophy
38. In experimental conditions, the eye bubble was transplanted
under skin of ventral area of an embryo (G. Spemann, 1901).
What operation consequences will occur?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 219 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Fishes
44. A patient has been badly burnt; as a result, he has skin de-
fects. To liquidate these defects, the surgeons have grafted a
piece of skin from another part of the patient's body. What type
of transplantation is it?
+ Autotransplantation
45. Nuclei of blastula cells were transplanted into denucleated ova
of a frog. Normal embryos developed from an ovum in 80% of
cases. Explain this phenomenon:
it happens due to inactivation (stable repression) of groups of genes
nuclei of cells had lost genetic information
there is no loss of genes in the process of cell differentiation
+ nuclei of blastula cells are genetically full (totipotent)
nuclei of cells contain the same number of different genes, as well as in im-
pregnated egg
46. There is a theory that mitochondria are descendants of pro-
karyotic cells that at a certain stage of evolution penetrated into
cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells and live at present in symbiosis with
host cells. This theory is confirmed by the fact that in mitochon-
oxidizing phosphorylation occurs
+ biosynthesis of protein begins with formylmethionine
cristae are present
double membrane is present
cycle of citric acid occurs
47. During the ontogenesis, there appear some changes in a hu-
man organism: the vital capacity of his lungs decreases, his arte-
rial pressure increases, and the progress of atherosclerosis takes
place. What do we call the period of individual development in
which all these changes happen?
+ Elderly
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 221 Smirnov O.Yu.
First mature
48. As a result of road accident, the 36-year-old patient got an
open fracture of bones of a shin. During the process of union, the
excess bone callosity was formed in the place of fracture. What
type of regeneration the formation of this callosity should be re-
ferred to?
+ Pathological regeneration
Reparative regeneration
Physiological regeneration
49. The patient is prepared for operation of kidney transplanta-
tion. All try to find a donor. What antigens of the donor and recip-
ient from the listed ones have the greatest value for successful
MN blood type system
ABO blood system
Rh system
Duffy system
+ HLA system
50. Pulmonary stagnation was revealed in the five-month girl.
During examination, connection between ascending aorta and
pulmonary artery, which in norm is observed in some amphibious
and reptiles, was found. What is a congenital malformation?
Defect of interatrial septum
Defect of interventricular septum
Development of the right arch of aorta
+ Nonclosure of the Botallo's duct
Transposition of main vessels
51. In experiment, processes of transcription in nuclei of nervous
cells were blocked in the head end of an embryo of a frog at a
neurula stage. To what congenital defect it can result in?
+ Anencephalia
Nonclosure of hard palate
Spinal hernia
Cleft lip
52. During autopsy of the young man who was the driver and died
after road accident, the doctor-pathologist was surprised with the
considerable size of heart, which almost twice surpassed normal
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 222 Smirnov O.Yu.
66. At parents who are sick with alcoholism, children are born the
dead or have a deep mental deficiency, strabismus, with cleft
palate and heart diseases (fetal alcohol syndrome). During what
period these disturbances can occur?
+ Formations of gametes
Postembryonic period
Embryonic period
Gastrulation stage
Stage of organogenesis
67. The gastrulation, or formation of germ layers of an embryo,
happens in the different ways. By what way the ectoderm and en-
toderm in man are formed?
+ Immigration and delamination
Invagination and delamination
68. Choose, what components of primary anlages remain in sexu-
al system of females of amniotes:
Muller's and Wolffian ducts
+ Muller's duct and rudiments of ductules of a head kidney
Wolffian duct
rudiments of ductules of a primordial kidney
all answers are wrong
69. Transplantation of a kidney to the patient according to vital
indications was carried out. Less than in a month, the patient died
owing to rejection of the transplanted organ. Incompatibility on
what system became the rejection reason?
Rhesus factor
Erythrocytic antigens
70. Development of the general adaptation syndrome and stress
in an organism is followed by a complex of nonspecific reactions.
What of stages of stress is critical and can lead to development of
diseases of dysadaptation?
Alarm stage
Resistance stage
Tolerance stage
Anxiety stage
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 226 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Exhaustion stage
71. Representatives of a certain human population have the elon-
gated body, height variability, reduced volume of muscles, ex-
tended extremities, reduced thorax in sizes and volume, in-
creased perspiration, lowered indicators of base metabolism and
fat synthesis. What adaptive type of people this population be-
longs to?
Arctic adaptive type
Adaptive type of a zone of temperate climate
+ Tropical adaptive type
Intermediate adaptive type
Mountain adaptive type
72. The man has strongly developed musculoskeletal system, the
large sizes of a thorax, the raised content of mineral substances
in bone tissue, high level of hemoglobin, proteins (albumine and
globulins) and cholesterol in blood, ability of an organism to oxi-
dize metabolism products is increased, the energy metabolism is
strengthened, thermal control is stable. What is adaptive type?
Adaptive type of a zone of temperate climate
Mountain adaptive type
Intermediate adaptive type
Tropical adaptive type
+ Arctic adaptive type
73. In an experimental laboratory, a pig's kidney has been grafted
to a cow. What do we call this way of transplantation?
+ Xenotransplantation
74. Restoration of the lost organ begins with lysis of the tissues
adjacent to a wound, intensive reproduction of cells of regenera-
tion rudiment; differentiation of cells leads to formation of an or-
gan. What type of regeneration it is a matter of?
+ Epimorphosis
Regeneration hypertrophy
75. How natural processes of change of biogeocenosis occur?
Owing to increase in number of individuals in population
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 227 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Endomorphosis
95. The inspector of forest protection found the forest lake, which
is completely filled up with garbage. In the protocol, the disturbed
ecosystem was specified. What natural system was destroyed?
Ecological niche
+ Biogeocenosis
96. In cells of human body, intensity of synthesis of DNA and RNA
is reduced, synthesis of necessary proteins and mitotic activity is
slightly broken. To what period of ontogenesis such changes most
likely correspond?
Teenage age
+ Advanced age
Young age
Beginning of mature age
Youthful age
97. In the case of repeated skin transplantation from the same
donor, process of rejection in the recipient happened much quick-
er, than after the first transplantation. With existence of what
cells this is associated?
+ T lymphocytes
Stem cells
98. For people who live in highlands conditions long ago, many
adaptations are characteristic. What of the following adaptations
is not typical for inhabitants of mountains?
The raised content of hemoglobin
Increase in vital capacity of lungs
+ Reduction of length of feet in comparison with length of hands
Strengthening of pulmonary ventilation
The increased content of myoglobin in muscles
99. A young man complains about urination disorder. Examination
of the external genitals revealed that the urethra was split on top
side and urine could flow out of this orifice. What anomaly of the
external genitals development is it?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 232 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Epispadia
100. How the organ transplantation from one man to another is
+ Allotransplantation
101. The human body is influenced at the same time by different
socioecological factors, thus action of one factor depends on the
force and modifying influence of other factors. This regularity has
the name:
ecological valency
effect of compensation
+ interaction of factors
restrictive factor
102. Toxic substances, which are present in poison of snakes,
have different properties. What property is used when snake poi-
son is used as remedy?
+ To increase blood clotting
103. During embryonal development, the process of realization of
genetic information and of the development of an organism can
be broken by some chemical compound; as a result, malfor-
mation occurs. How such compound is called?
+ Teratogen
104. For the purpose of myocardium infarction treatment, a pa-
tient was injected with embryonal stem cells derived from the
same patient by means of therapeutic cloning. What transplanta-
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 233 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Artificial parthenogenesis
118. The birth of two, three, four and even seven uniovular twins
in a man is associated with fact that the isolated blastomere de-
velops in a full-fledged organism. What name this phenomenon
Embryonic induction
Labile differentiation
The decoding organization
+ Totipotency
Stable differentiation
119. In embryogenesis of a man, as well as of vast majority of
vertebrata, six pairs of branchial arteries from which reach ves-
sels of the fourth pair are the best developed. What human vessel
is homologous to this pair of branchial arteries?
+ Left arch of an aorta
Right arch of an aorta
Pulmonary artery
Superior vena cava
120. Strict restriction in stay time at the height over 800 meters
above sea level without oxygen cylinders exists for the man.
What factor is limiting for life in this case?
+ Partial pressure of oxygen in air
Level of ultraviolet radiation
Humidity level
Force of terrestrial gravitation
121. The four-year-old girl has three bones in the hand thumb in-
stead of two ones. The similar structure of a thumb is present in
amphibians and reptiles. How this anomaly of development is
+ Polyphalangism
122. In applied medicine of Ukraine because of shortage of human
donor material, the transplantation problem is solved over thirty
years by use of organs and tissues of an animal origin (valves of
heart of a pig, connective tissues of pig and cow origin, etc.).
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 237 Smirnov O.Yu.
Entoderm and mesoderm
Entoderm and ectoderm
135. Ecological factors directly or indirectly influence activity of
organisms. What abiotic factor on the planet is primary in ensur-
ing trophic needs of all living beings?
+ Light
Ionizing radiation
136. In experiments with development of a toad when the embryo
was at a stage of two blastomeres, V. Roux killed one blastomere,
and another left intact, but normal development of an embryo
was broken. Why?
Owing to totipotency of blastomeres
+ Owing to embryonic induction
Owing to disturbance of gene regulation
Owing to disturbance of metabolism intensity
Owing to disturbance of differentiation of blastomeres
137. The family came to hospital with symptoms of poisoning: ab-
dominalgia, strong diarrhea and continuous vomiting, thirst,
spasms of gastrocnemius muscles, and hemoglobinuria. Symp-
toms of poisoning were shown in 10 hours after the use of mush-
rooms that had a white cap in the form of a hand bell, with a di-
ameter of 10–12 cm. A stem has white sagging ring under a cap.
What mushrooms caused poisoning?
Fly agaric
+ Amanita phalloides
Boletus satanas
Inonotus obliquus
138. Examination of a pregnant woman who has been taking alco-
hol revealed disturbed anlage of ectoderm during the fetal life.
What derivatives of this germ layer1 have defects?
Bowels epithelium
+ Neural tube
During exam in 2007, incorrect term "leaf" was used instead of "germ layer".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 241 Smirnov O.Yu.
Sexual glands
139. The maldevelopments happening at a zygote stage during
prenatal ontogenesis are called:
+ gametopathies
140. It was established that intensity of basal metabolism of the
healthy person has a daily rhythm of fluctuations. Specify its cor-
rect circadian rhythm.
+ It gradually increases during daylight hours and decreases at night
It gradually decreases during daylight hours and raises at night
It is low during daylight hours and high at night
It is high during daylight hours, decreases in the first half of night, and it is
high in the second half of night
It is low during daylight hours, raises in the first half of night, and it is low in
the second half of night
141. Development of teeth of the person was studied during the
embryonic and postembryonic period. It was established that
they are derivatives of:
entoderm and mesoderm
only mesoderm
+ ectoderm and mesoderm
only ectoderm
ectoderm and entoderm
142. The newborn child was revealed to have congenital malfor-
mations of digestive system that is associated with action of tera-
togenic factors at the beginning of pregnancy. What of germ lay-
ers teratogen influenced on?
All layers
Endoderm and mesoderm
+ Endoderm
143. During examination of external genitals of the boy, full clos-
ing of urethra at above was revealed. The urethral canal remains
open from below in the form of a small fissure. What type of de-
velopmental anomaly of external genitals is observed in this
+ Hypospadias
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 242 Smirnov O.Yu.
144. The provisional diagnosis "multiple sclerosis" was made to
the person as a result of perversion of immune reaction. You will
carry this disease to:
+ Autoimmune
145. During heart transplantation from one person to another,
graft immunity is suppressed for prevention of rejection with the
infrared radiation
+ immunodepressants
146. In human populations, some people have three generations
of teeth during their life instead of two generations. This is mani-
festation of the law:
+ biogenetic
of independent inheritance
of homological rows of hereditary variation
of embryonic induction
147. A physician collects the patient's history of the postembryon-
ic period of ontogenesis from birth to puberty. In this case we are
talking about:
first period of adulthood
senile age
second period of adulthood
advanced age
+ juvenile period
148. Examination of uterine cavity revealed an embryonated ovum
that wasn't attached to the endometrium. The embryo is in the
following stage of development:
+ Blastocyst
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 243 Smirnov O.Yu.
149. An embryo has signs of disturbed process of dorsal meso-
derm segmentation and somite generation. What part of skin is
most likely to have developmental abnormalities?
Sebaceous glands
+ Derma
Sudoriferous glands
150. During embryogenesis, the epithelial band also known as
vestibular plate gives rise to development of vestibule of mouth.
What biological mechanism of the programmed death of cells
provides growth of buccolabial sulcus from epithelial plate?
+ Apoptosis
151. It is known that people who permanently live in highland
have an increased concentration of erythrocytes per each blood
volume unit. Owing to this fact blood can optimally fulfil the fol-
lowing function:
amino acid transport
haemostasis participation
+ gas transport
maintenance of acid base balance
maintenance of ionic equilibrium
152. During embryogenesis, trophoblast develops into a rudimen-
tary organ that has endocrinal function. What rudiment is it?
Yolk sac
+ Villous chorion
Umbilical cord
153. A 30-year-old patient has undergone keratoplasty in the
transplantation centre, cornea has been taken from a donor, who
died in a road accident. What kind of transplantation was per-
+ Allotransplantation
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 244 Smirnov O.Yu.
154. Research of an organism of the inhabitant of Pamir revealed
a high level of standard metabolism, extension of a thorax, in-
crease of oxygen capacity of blood due to increase in erythro-
cytes, and high hemoglobin content. To what adaptive ecological
type it is necessary to refer this person?
+ Mountain
155. The pediatrician noticed absence of the act of defecation at
the newborn child within the first day. What malformation this
fact indicates?
Esophageal atresia
Cleft lip
Esophageal diverticulum
+ Anal atresia
Jejunal diverticulum
156. Reduction of compact and spongy substances of a bone tis-
sue is observed at the person. Facial part of a skull changes, the
gray hair appears, skin loses elasticity. At what stage of ontogen-
esis there are these changes?
+ Senile age
Youthful age
Teenage age
157. Indigenous population of Pamir has the following characteris-
tic features: high rate of base metabolism, elongated tubular
bones, wide rib cage, high blood oxygen capacity due to in-
creased number of erythrocytes, high hemoglobin level. What
type of ecological adaptation is it?
– Temperate
– Arctic
– Tropical
+ Mountain
– Subtropical
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 245 Smirnov O.Yu.
1. In the preparation of red marrow punctate painted according
to Romanowsky, intracellular small oval little bodies were re-
vealed, 3 microns in size; a nucleus occupy 1/3 cells, inside there
is a nucleolus. What the diagnosis can be?
+ Visceral leishmaniasis
2. The woman gave birth to the dead child with numerous mal-
formations (incompletely separated auricles and ventricles, mi-
crophthalmos, microcephaly). What protozoan disease could
cause intrauterine death of a fetus?
+ Toxoplasmosis
3. Inflammation of urogenital tracts was revealed in the patient.
In a smear from a mucous membrane of a vagina, oval cells with
large nucleus, an edge at the end of a body and an undulating
membrane were revealed; flagella are located at the forward end.
Name this disease:
+ trichomoniasis
4. Antelopes from coast of Lake Victoria were delivered in a zoo
of one of the cities of Ukraine. Trypanosomes were revealed in
blood smears of animals. What the most appropriate preventive
measures need to be carried out?
+ Preventive measures are not necessary
To take blood smears from persons who were in contact with animals
To cure animals
Quarantine measures
To kill animals as carriers of trypanosomes
5. The patient with provisional diagnosis "amebiosis" got to office
of infectious diseases hospital. For laboratory diagnostics it is
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 247 Smirnov O.Yu.
There is a similar question, but the blood smear was investigated, and the wrong answer
was "Balantidium" instead of "Trichomonas".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 251 Smirnov O.Yu.
Giardia lamblia
Entamoeba gingivalis
Entamoeba histolytica
Amoeba proteus
+ Balantidium coli
25. The child of 14 years with normal development was hospital-
ized with the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. Infection could happen:
+ through hands contaminated by oocysts
by swallowing cysts with water
through injuries of skin (through scratch)
through mucous membranes of a nose
26. The female student complains of stomach pain, appetite loss,
liquid stool with mucus impurity. Oval masses of 12 microns with
a double envelope, and 2–4 nuclei inside were found in excre-
ments. What is it?
Cyst of amoeba
Tissue form of amoeba
+ Lamblia cyst
Minute form of amoeba
27. A patient has typical symptoms of malaria: wasting fever, ex-
haustion. These attacks repeat after certain intervals of time.
What stage of Plasmodium is in the patient's blood?
+ Merozoites
28. Foreign student who arrived from India addressed to policlinic.
Vegetative forms of dysenteric amoeba were found in excre-
ments. Name the most probable way of penetration of the causa-
tive agent to the patient's organism:
+ alimentary
This answer is not good (it's difficult to find merozoites on the slide, because they are present
in the blood before the attack during very short period). Correct answer must be "trophozo-
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 252 Smirnov O.Yu.
Another variant: The patient had been staying for a long time on business in one of African
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 253 Smirnov O.Yu.
Dysenteric amoeba
33. The dead child with numerous malformations was born at the
woman. What material needs to be investigated for confirmation
of the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis?
+ Placenta and histologic cuts of organs of fetus
Mother's stool
Immunological test of mother's blood with antigen
Contents of intestines of fetus
Punctate of an internal of mother
34. Protozoans, which move by means of protrusions of ectoplasm
and had phagocytosed erythrocytes, were found in fresh bloody
and mucous excrements of the patient with dysfunction of intes-
tines. What species of protozoans was found most possibly?
Trichomonas hominis
Toxoplasma gondii
+ Entamoeba histolytica
Balantidium coli
Lamblia intestinalis
35. Pear-shaped protozoans of 10–20 microns in size were found
in liquid excrements. They have 5 flagella and quickly move. The
undulating membrane and large nucleus are noticeable. The body
has an axostyle at the end of a cell. What protozoan was found?
Entamoeba coli
+ Trichomonas hominis
36. The patient has large ulcers (10–15 cm) on the lower extremi-
ties, which are painful at palpation, with large sanioserous exu-
date. A month ago, he was in rural areas of the Asian country
where sand flies and rodents live. Name the disease and its caus-
ative agent:
+ zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis, Leishmania major
kala azar, Leishmania donovani
trypanosomosis, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense
allergic reaction to stings of sand flies
anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis, Leishmania tropica
37. Existence of Entamoeba histolytica forma minuta was estab-
lished among intestinal microflora by careful laboratory investiga-
tions of intestines content of healthy man. Under what conditions
amebiosis can develop in this person?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 254 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Leishmania major1
Trypanosoma cruzi
Plasmodium falciparum
Toxoplasma gondii
42. The tsetse fly (Glossina palpalis), which just left a pupa, has
sucked blood of the person sick with African sleeping sickness. In
a week the same fly bit the healthy person, but he did not get
sick with trypanosomosis because:
+ development of the invasive stage of trypanosome in an organism of a fly
needs 20 days
this person did proper preventive vaccination in due time
vector of the causative agent of trypanosomosis is not tsetse fly, but sand
fly is
the person had congenital immunity
trypanosomosis is natural and focal disease, and repeated sting happened,
obviously, outside the natural focus
43. During investigation of a blood smear of the patient with sus-
picion on malaria taken in the remission period, plasmodia were
not revealed. In what period of the disease it was necessary to
take blood, and what preparations should be prepared for confir-
mation of the diagnosis?
Microscopic investigation of the smear of peripheral blood taken in fever
Microscopic investigation of blood drop taken during remission
Infection of laboratory animals with patient's blood taken in any period
+ Microscopic investigation of blood drop and smear of peripheral blood, tak-
en in the attack period
Serological investigations during any period
44. What clinical picture can be observed in the patient with ter-
tian malaria (infecting agent is Plasmodium vivax), if we will to
measure temperature every day and mark days when it raises?
40 37 37 40 37 37
+ 40 37 40 37 40 37
40 37 37 37 40 37 37 37
40 40 37 40 40 37 40 40 37
40 40 40 37 40 40 40 37
45. A patient consulted a doctor because of complaints of general
weakness, pain in bowels, indigestion, frequent cases of bloody
diarrhea (3–5 times a day). Laboratory analysis showed that the
Old Latin name is Leishmania tropica major.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 256 Smirnov O.Yu.
Similar question can have answers with common English names of causative agents.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 257 Smirnov O.Yu.
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: A woman gave birth to
a dead baby with a lot of failures of development. What protozoan disease could cause the fe-
tus's death?
Another possible answer "Giardiasis".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 260 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Leishmania
69. Due to the birth of the child with numerous malformations
(microcephaly, idiocy etc.), spouses consulted the genetic consul-
tation. The woman during pregnancy was ill, but she did not use
mutagens and teratogens. Karyotype of parents and child is nor-
mal. A doctor has found that the family keeps a cat in the apart-
ment. What can be a probable cause of malformation of the new-
born child?
Woman had leishmaniasis during pregnancy
Woman had dysentery during pregnancy
Woman had balantidiasis during pregnancy
Woman was ill trichomoniasis during pregnancy
+ Woman had toxoplasmosis during pregnancy
70. A patient with attacks of wasting fever and the body tempera-
ture rising up to 40°C was admitted to an infectious department
of a hospital. The attacks repeated rhythmically every 48 hours.
It was known from anamnesis that the patient had recently re-
turned from South Africa where he had been staying for 3 years.
What was the causative organism of the disease?
Agent of Gambian trypanosomiasis
Agent of giardiasis
Agent of quartan malaria
Agent of toxoplasmosis
+ Agent of tertian malaria
71. The diagnosis of amebiosis is made in case of identification in
excrement of:
cysts with four nuclei
uninuclear cysts
minuta forms
cysts with eight nuclei
+ large tissue forms
72. The patient has blood feces, 3–10 and more times per day.
What protozoan disease can be present in the patient?
In the book Collec ion of asks , incorrect word combination "four-days' malaria" is used.
In the book Collec ion of asks , incorrect word combination "three-days' malaria" is used.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 262 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Amebiosis
73. Visceral leishmaniasis is revealed in the child from Central
Asia. Name internal organ in which parasites can be located:
spinal cord
+ red bone marrow
74. What clinical picture can be observed in the patient with quar-
tan malaria (Plasmodium malariae is an infecting agent), if we will
to measure temperature every day and mark days when it raises?
40 37 40 37 40 37
40 37 37 37 40 37 37 37
40 40 40 40 37 40 40 40 40 37
+ 40 37 37 40 37 37
40 40 37 37 40 40 37 37
75. A doctor is staying in one of Asian countries taking care of 10-
year-old sick children. The symptoms of the disease are: exhaus-
tion, fever, anemia, hepatomegaly, and splenomegaly. As there
are a lot of mosquitoes in this country, the children are likely to
be sick with:
+ visceral leishmaniasis
76. Examination of the duodenal contents revealed some pear-
shaped protozoa with two nuclei and four pairs of flagella. The
organisms had also two axostyles1 between the nuclei and a ven-
tral adhesive disc. What representative of protozoa was found in
the patient?
+ Lamblia
Intestinal trichomonad
supporting filaments.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 263 Smirnov O.Yu.
Another possible answer: phlegm.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 266 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Trichomonas vaginalis
Trichomonas buccalis
Lamblia intestinalis
91. Patients with similar complaints applied to the doctor: weak-
ness, pain in the intestines, and disorder of GIT. Examination of
the faeces revealed that one patient with four nucleus cysts
should be hospitalized immediately. For what protozoa are such
cysts typical?
+ Dysenteric amoeba
Intestinal amoeba
92. For the purpose of parasitological confirmation of the diagno-
sis and for isolation of the causative agent of infantile leishmania-
sis, sternal puncture of bone marrow of patients was carried out.
What causative agent can be revealed in marrow preparations
(choose the Latin name)?
Leishmania tropica minor
Leishmania donovani
+ Leishmania infantum
Lamblia intestinalis
Trypanosoma cruzi
93. A woman who had two miscarriages came to a maternity wel-
fare centre1. Which protozoan illness could provoke the miscar-
+ Toxoplasmosis
94. The patient having the painless ulcers covered with brown-red
crusts on the open part of a body consulted a doctor. After re-
moval of these crusts, the surface covered with granulations was
opened. During microscopic investigation of preparations stained
according to Romanowsky-Giemsa, microorganisms of spherical
and oval shape were revealed. Duration of a disease was more
than one year. What microorganism can cause this disease?
In the book Collec ion of asks , incorrect word combination "women's consultating centre"
is used.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 267 Smirnov O.Yu.
Lamblia intestinalis
Leishmania tropica var. major
Trichomonas hominis
+ Leishmania tropica var. minor
Leishmania donovani
95. During microscopy of smear of human feces, eight-nuclear
cysts were revealed. What protozoan they belong to?
+ Intestinal amoeba
Intestinal trichomonad
96. Nausea, vomiting, frequent (20 times per day) liquid stool
with impurity of mucus and blood are observed in the patient.
During microscopic investigation of excrements, the vegetative
forms, having 2 nuclei and cilia, and uninuclear cysts were found.
What most probable diagnosis can be assumed for this patient?
+ Balantidiasis
97. During examination of the pregnant woman, Trichomonas
vaginalis was revealed. In what biological form this parasite is
usually present in a human body?
Cyst with 4 nuclei
+ Trophozoite
Cyst with 8 nuclei
Uninuclear cyst
98. Examination of a man revealed a protozoan disease that af-
fected brain and caused vision loss. Blood analysis revealed uni-
cellular half-moon-shaped organisms with pointed end. The caus-
ative agent of this disease is:
+ Toxoplasma
99. Patients with complaints to general weakness, pain in intes-
tines, and disorder of digestion got to hospital. During investiga-
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 268 Smirnov O.Yu.
tion of excrements, cysts with four nuclei were found. For what
protozoan such cysts are characteristic?
Intestinal amoeba
Oral amoeba
+ Dysenteric amoeba
100. Parasitic protozoans were found in the cavities of carious
teeth. It is determined that they belong to the Sarcodina class. It
is considered that they can cause some complications at stomato-
logic diseases. These monocellular organisms are:
Entamoeba coli
Amoeba proteus
Entamoeba histolytica
Lamblia intestinalis
+ Entamoeba gingivalis
101. When doctors of sanitary and epidemiologic station inspect
workers of the sphere of public catering, they often reveal
asymptomatic carrier condition when clinically healthy person is a
source of cysts that infect other people. During parasitizing of
what causative agent in human this is possible? 1
Malarial plasmodium
+ Dysenteric amoeba
Dermatotropic Leishmania
Viscerotropic Leishmania
102. In the woman's anamnesis, there were two miscarriages. The
third pregnancy ended in a birth of a baby with a lot of malfor-
mations (upper extremities were absent and lower extremities
were underdeveloped). The presence of what protozoans in the
woman's body could cause such abnormalities?
Entamoeba histolytica
Giardia intestinalis
Balantidium coli
Trichomonas hominis
+ Toxoplasma gondii
103. The patient has fever with increase of temperature up to 39–
40°C twice a day, increase of spleen and liver. Blood test showed
During exams in 2007, 2008 and 2009 (among students studying stomatology), incorrect
question was used: "What causative agent cannot parasitize in such a way?"
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 269 Smirnov O.Yu.
Ring trophozoites
+ Merozoites
108. The woman with complaints, which are characteristic for in-
flammatory process in vagina, consulted the gynecologist. What
species of protozoans can cause these complaints?
Plasmodium malariae
Toxoplasma gondii
+ Trichomonas vaginalis
Entamoeba coli
Lamblia intestinalis
109. During investigation of the smear of cerebrospinal fluid
painted on Romanowsky, mooned protozoans with the narrowed
end, blue cytoplasm and red nucleus were revealed. About what
disease one can talk?
+ Toxoplasmosis
110. Man who lived in the endemic focus, had tertian malaria. In
one and a half years after moving to other district, he got sick
with malaria again. What is the most probable form of this dis-
Long-lasting infection
+ Recurrence
Secondary infection
111. A patient working at a pig farm complains of paroxysmal ab-
dominal pain, liquid feces with admixtures of mucus and blood,
headache, weakness, and fever. Examination of large intestine
revealed ulcers from 1 mm up to several cm in diameter, feces
contained oval unicellular organisms with cilia. What disease
should be suspected?
+ Balantidiasis
112. Give an example of a natural and focal disease that is caused
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 271 Smirnov O.Yu.
by flagellates.
+ Trypanosomosis
113. There are free-living and parasitic forms among unicellular or-
ganisms. Diseases, which are caused by parasitic unicellular organ-
isms, have the general name:
+ protozoan diseases
114. The patient with complaints to abdominalgia, frequent liquid
excrements with impurity of mucus and blood consulted a doctor.
During investigation of excrements, vegetative forms of protozo-
ans of 30–40 microns in size, which contain a large number of the
phagocytized erythrocytes, were revealed in smears. What proto-
zoan disease is present in this patient?
+ Amebiosis
115. Some of the protozoans form cysts in difficult environments.
Specify such animal:
malarial plasmodium
intestinal trichomonad
+ dysenteric amoeba
vaginal trichomonad
116. Oval monocellular animals covered with short cilia were re-
vealed in excrements of the patient with disorder of digestive
tract. Their cytoplasm contains two pulsing vacuoles, micro- and
a macronucleus. To what disease these signs indicate?
+ Balantidiasis
Another possible answer is "Giardiasis".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 272 Smirnov O.Yu.
Viscerotropic leishmaniasis
117. The pregnant woman has a suspicion on toxoplasmosis. What
effective method of diagnosis of toxoplasmosis will confirm the
Polymerase chain reaction
Clinical blood test
+ Blood microscopy
DNA analysis
Kassoni's reaction
118. African sleeping sickness is found in the patient. What insect,
when biting the patient, could transmit to him the causative
agent of this disease?
Typhoid fly
Stable fly
+ Tsetse fly
Bed bug
119. Cysts of protozoans were revealed in smears of feces of the
patient. What types of listed below they can belong to?
+ Lamblia intestinalis
Trichomonas tenax
Trichomonas hominis
Chilomastix mesnili
Trichomonas vaginalis
120. After sting of sand fly, ulcer was formed on the face of wom-
an living in Turkmenistan. After microscopy of discharge from ul-
cer, the diagnosis was made: dermatotropic leishmaniasis. What
stage of Leishmania was found in cells of skin of the patient?
+ Nonflagellated
With pseudopodia
121. By studying smear from urinogenital tracts of the man under
the microscope, the laboratory assistant has found protozoans
having the following traits: pear-shaped body of 20 microns in
size, 4 flagella, undulating membrane, a nucleus, vacuoles, and
an axostyle. Define this parasite.
+ Vaginal trichomonad
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 273 Smirnov O.Yu.
Intestinal trichomonad
122. During three pregnancies, abortions are observed in the
woman. By examination, it was noted that the woman spent holi-
days in the south of Ukraine for a long time; she lived in a family
where there was a cat. What parasite this woman could catch so
that it can be the cause of abortions?
+ Toxoplasma
123. During sanitary inspection of a reservoir in which children
from a recreation camp bathe, oval cysts of 50–60 microns in size
in the diameter, in which 2 nuclei (large and small) are visible in
the cytoplasm, were revealed. What cysts of protozoans were
found in water?
+ Balantidium
124. Protozoans of pear-shaped form that have body length of 6–
13 microns were found during microscopic investigation of dis-
charge from gums of the patient having periodontosis. There is
one nucleus in the cell, 4 flagella are located on the forward end,
undulating membrane is present. What protozoa were found in
the patient?
+ Trichomonads
125. The patient in a serious condition, with symptoms of dehy-
dration, intestines pains, anemia, and blood diarrhea got to infec-
tious diseases hospital. The doctor suspected existence of amoe-
bic dysentery, but the diagnosis during laboratory investigation
was not confirmed. What protozoan disease, except dysentery,
can cause similar symptoms in human?
+ Balantidiasis
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 274 Smirnov O.Yu.
126. The female patient complains of bad dream, the reduced
working capacity, an itch, feeling of heartburn around genitals,
purulent foamy discharge. During differential diagnostics, unicel-
lular organisms of a pear-shaped form with 4 flagella and a thorn
on the opposite end of a body were revealed. What is a species of
Lamblia intestinalis
Trichomonas hominis
+ Trichomonas vaginalis
Toxoplasma gondii
Entamoeba gingivalis
127. Recently the disease of toxoplasmosis quite often meets at
newborns. What is the reason of it?
Non-compliance of rules of personal hygiene
Hereditary factors
Environment factors
Birth injuries
+ Intrauterine infection from sick mother
128. During microscopic investigation of fresh excrements of the
patient with complaints to frequent liquid excrements with blood
("crimson jelly"), large cells with one nucleus and the phagocyt-
ized erythrocytes were revealed. What protozoan is such morpho-
logical structure typical for?
Giardia lamblia
Campylobacter jejuni
Toxoplasma gondii
+ Entamoeba histolytica
Balantidium coli
129. The woman with complaints to drowsiness, fast fatigue, ex-
haustion, and fever consulted a doctor. It is known that she re-
turned from travel across Africa recently. What main method of
laboratory investigation is necessary for making the diagnosis?
+ Microscopic research of blood smears and punctate of lymph nodes
Biochemical research
Immunological reactions
Clinical blood test
Biological method
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 275 Smirnov O.Yu.
Common inhabitation
135. A lymph node punctate of a patient with suspected protozoal
disease was examined. Examination of the stained specimen
(Romanowsky's stain) revealed some crescent bodies with point-
ed end, blue cytoplasm and red nucleus. What protozoans were
revealed in the smears?
Visceral leishmania
+ Toxoplasmas
Malarial plasmodia
Dermotropic leishmania
136. Cysts were found in the feces of a restaurant worker. They
had 4 nuclei of the same size. Which of the protozoans did the
cysts belong to?
Entamoeba coli
Balantidium coli
+ Entamoeba histolytica
Trichomonas vaginalis
Toxoplasma gondii
137. A gynaecologist was examining a patient and revealed symp-
toms of genital tract inflammation. A smear from vagina contains
pyriform protozoa with a spine, flagella at their front; there is al-
so an undulating membrane. What disease can be suspected?
+ Urogenital trichomoniasis
Intestinal trichomoniasis
138. The patient with inflammation symptoms in a mouth consult-
ed the stomatologist. Protozoans with changeable shape of a
body, which changes owing to formation of pseudopodia, were
revealed in smears taken from a surface of teeth and gums. The
size of a body is 6–30 microns. Specify a species of a protozoan.
Intestinal amoeba
Dysenteric amoeba
Intestinal trichomonad
+ Oral amoeba
139. The patient had felt weakness, headache, and periodic tem-
perature increase in 15 days after return from many months
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 277 Smirnov O.Yu.
Other possible incorrect answers: precipitation test, Widal test, and Wassermann test.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 278 Smirnov O.Yu.
1. What is used as diagnostics of trichinosis from listed laboratory
Analysis of feces on the presence of eggs of helminths
Analysis of urine on the presence of eggs of helminths
Identification of parasites and their eggs in scraping from perianal area
Analysis of duodenal contents on the presence of eggs of helminths
+ Biopsy of muscles
2. The patient has enlarged liver, nausea, increased temperature,
and hepatic colics. Large (140×80 micron) yellow oval eggs with
lid are found in feces. What disease can be present?
+ Fascioliasis
3. The patient, who lived in Western Siberia, complains of weak-
ness, loss of appetite, nausea, headache, and pain in right hypo-
chondrium. He likes to eat fish and pork. What helminthosis
should be expected?
+ Opisthorchiasis
4. The sanitary station forbade sale of batch of fish infected with
plerocercoids. These larvae can cause:
+ diphyllobothriasis
5. The child uneasily sleeps, gnashes teeth during dream, and
scratches perianal area. Thin white worms 1 cm long with pointed
ends are revealed. About what helminthosis one can think?
+ Enterobiasis
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 281 Smirnov O.Yu.
Onchocerca volvulus
Paragonimus ringeri
21. Long white tape of helminth, which proglottids have width
larger than length and have dark rosette-like mass in their cen-
ter, was revealed in stool of the patient. How the disease is
+ Diphyllobothriasis
22. Roundish colourless masses with double yellowish envelope
and three pairs of hooks in the middle part were incidentally re-
vealed in stool of the patient. Threadlike structures are absent.
Make the diagnosis:
+ taeniasis with T. saginata or T. solium
23. Accidents of opisthorchiasis were revealed in the settlement
located on the bank of Dnieper River. For the purpose of preven-
tion, the sanitary station is obliged to warn inhabitants that they
to boil meat well
+ to boil and fry thoroughly fish
to boil drinking water
to pour boiling water over vegetables and fruit
not to catch crayfish
24. A 26-year old female consulted a doctor about having stool
with white flat moving organisms resembling noodles. Laboratory
analysis revealed proglottids with the following characteristics:
long, narrow, with a longitudinal canal of the uterus with 17–35
lateral branches on each side. What kind of intestinal parasite
was found?
Hymenolepis nana
Taenia solium
+ Taeniarhynchus saginatus
Diphyllobothrium latum
Echinococcus granulosus
25. The dog tapeworm was revealed during autopsy of laboratory
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 285 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Hymenolepiasis
31. White helminths of 5–10 mm were revealed in stool; at the
anterior end, they have expansion of gullet that resembles a bub-
ble. Eggs are not found in stool, but are found in scraping from
perianal folds; they are colourless, asymmetrical, and oval. What
is the diagnosis?
Hookworm disease
+ Enterobiasis
32. A patient came to a stomatological department complaining of
pain in the chewing muscles. It was known from anamnesis that
he was fond of hunting and often ate meat of wild animals. The
encysted larva of what parasite was found in the result of muscle
biopsy of the patient?
Ancylostoma duodenale
Taenia solium
Dracunculus medinensis
+ Trichinella spiralis
Wuchereria bancrofti
33. The patient with complaints to periodically developing diar-
rhea, loss of weight, pain in abdomen consulted a doctor. Earlier
he had an itch of skin of feet. Then cough and fever appeared. A
month ago, the patient was on a business trip in China. During
investigation of stool, oval transparent eggs with thin envelope
and the size of 55×30 micron and with larva were found. What
helminthosis can be present?
+ Hookworm disease
34. During sanitation inspection of carcasses on meat-processing
plant, fascioliasis was revealed. What was taken for the analysis?
+ Liver
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 287 Smirnov O.Yu.
35. The student from Yemen has abdominalgia, temperature, and
early he had itch, weakness and headache. At home, she bathed
and washed in a pond. The most probable disease is:
+ schistosomiasis
36. A helminth 2 m long was found in the feces of a patient after
drug treatment. The helminth's body consisted of segments, has
a little head with hooks and four suckers. Which helminth did the
patient have?
+ Taenia solium
Taenia saginata
Hymenolepis nana
Echinococcus granulosus
Diphyllobothrium latum
37. 42-year-old patient after business trip to India complains of
cough with abundant sputum, with blood impurity, breast pain, a
dyspnea, and weakness. What helminthosis should be expected
+ Paragonimiasis
38. A child complains of general weakness, loss of appetite, a
troubled sleep, itching in the perianal area. The provisional diag-
nosis is enterobiasis. In order to specify this diagnosis it is neces-
sary to perform:
duodenal contents analysis
immune diagnostics
biopsy of muscle tissue
+ scraping from perianal folds
39. 26 year-old female patient complains of weakness, nausea,
abdominal distension, and diarrhea. Sometimes she saw whitish
rectangular masses 0.3×1.5 cm in stool and on bed linen. Make a
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 288 Smirnov O.Yu.
provisional diagnosis:
+ taeniarhynchosis
40. White segmented helminths 1 cm long are revealed in excre-
ments after dehelmintization. Four suckers and rostellum with
hooks in two rows are noticeable on a head. Determine a disease:
+ hymenolepiasis
41. The patient with complaints to general weakness, headache,
nausea, vomiting, and liquid stool with impurity of mucus and
blood, consulted a doctor. During microscopy of duodenal con-
tents and fresh stool, mobile larvae were revealed. What is the
most probable diagnosis?
+ Strongyloidosis
Hookworm disease
42. After expulsion of helminth from intestines, the ovary with
two lobes is found in its hermaphroditic proglottid. It is morpho-
logical feature of:
Hymenolepis nana
Opisthorchis felineus
+ Taeniarhynchus saginatus
Schistosoma haematobium
Taenia solium
43. Cysticercosis is revealed in the patient of the ophthalmologic
office. Infection occurred with:
larvae of Ascaris lumbricoides
larvae of Taenia solium
eggs of Enterobius vermicularis
+ eggs of Taenia solium
larvae of Hymenolepis nana
44. White helminth of 4 cm, with thick posterior end, is revealed
in the vermiform appendage. Eggs are found in excrements, they
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 289 Smirnov O.Yu.
have lemon-shaped form with plugs on poles with the size 50×30
micron. Make the diagnosis:
+ trichocephaliasis
taeniasis with T. saginata or T. solium
45. During veterinary examination of pork, fluid-filled cysts re-
sembling rice grain were found. Such meat is not subject to sale
as it is infected with larvae of:
Echinococcus granulosus
+ Taenia solium
Diphyllobothrium latum
Echinococcus multilocularis
Taeniarhynchus saginatus
46. The patient has weakness, decrease in working capacity,
headache, nausea, salivation, and stomach pain. Anemia is re-
vealed in blood; gray wide oval operculated eggs of 80 microns
are revealed in feces. What is the disease?
+ Diphyllobothriasis
47. The patient complains of weakness, vertigo, disorder of diges-
tion, vomiting, and epileptic attacks. Before this, he used the pork
bought from individuals. What helminthosis is characterized by
these symptoms?
+ Cysticercosis
Malayan filariasis
48. The pale patient has weakness, headache, vertigo, feeling of
weight in stomach, and anemia. Sometimes he saw red worms of
1 cm in size in stool. Earlier he had itch of feet and urticaria.
What is possible diagnosis?
Intestinal schistosomiasis
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 290 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Ancylostomiasis
49. Roundish eggs of 50 microns with colourless oncospheres and
threadlike structures are revealed in 12-year-old boy with com-
plaints to abdominalgia, disorder of digestion, uneasy dream, and
nausea. What is diagnosis?
+ Hymenolepiasis
Taeniasis or taeniarhynchosis
50. For prevention of what helminthosis it is necessary to follow
rules of personal hygiene?
+ Echinococcosis
51. The patient from Eastern Siberia with the complaint to pain in
his liver got to hospital. Eggs of about 30 microns, which resem-
ble seeds of cucumbers in their shape, are found in feces. What
diagnosis can be made to the patient?
+ Opisthorchiasis
52. A family has a big dog. What helminthosis one can catch from
+ Echinococcosis
53. Larvae of what cestode can parasitize in human muscles?
Beef tapeworm
Dwarf tapeworm
+ Pork tapeworm
54. Choose the correct life cycle for Opisthorchis felineus:
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 291 Smirnov O.Yu.
59. During investigation of excrements of the patient on existence
of eggs of helminths, Fasciola eggs are revealed. Whether the
available information is enough for the doctor to make the diag-
nosis "fascioliasis"?
It is necessary to take blood for analysis
To assign repeated research of excrements in 8 hours
+ To assign repeated research of excrements in 5 7 days, having excluded a
liver from a diet
It is necessary to take duodenal contents
To assign repeated research of excrements in 5 7 days, having excluded
vegetables from a diet
60. The patient was treated for anemia. The course of treatment
led to relief, but not to recovery. Fragments of the body of broad
tapeworm were found in stool. What stage of development was
+ Plerocercoid
Stage of segmented body
61. Schistosomes belong to the most widespread tropical hel-
minths. Despite sanitary and epidemic measures, in the countries
of Africa, Asia and South America number of patients with schis-
tosomiasis strongly increased for the last decade. What reasons
facilitate this?
+ Land reclamation
Pollution of reservoirs
Resistance of schistosomes to drugs
Illiteracy of the human population
The use of fish in food
62. During microscopy of excrements of the patient who came
back to Ukraine from Eastern Siberia, the small yellowish eggs
reminding cucumber seeds were revealed. The doctor made the
diagnosis: opisthorchiasis. In what way infection has occurred?
When eating meat of wild mammals
By drink of not boiled water
When eating sea fish
When eating fresh-water crayfish and crabs
+ When eating fresh-water fishes
63. Breast pain and blood spitting appeared in the sheep breeder
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 293 Smirnov O.Yu.
In the book Collec ion of asks , this question is written as follows: A woman came to a
doctor complaining of general weakness, epigastric pain, indigestion. After the examination of
the patient anemia connected with vitamin B12 deficiency was found. It was known from anam-
nesis that living in the Far East she used to eat caviar. Laboratory analysis showed that the
feces contained eggs of helminth which were oval-shaped, yellow, and had an operculum on
one of the poles. What disease did the patient have?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 295 Smirnov O.Yu.
71. The treatment of a patient with pneumonia didn't relieve his
condition. He began complaining of stomachache, vomiting, indi-
gestion, worsening of his general state. The analysis of the feces
revealed oval-shaped helminth's eggs covered with a thick tuber-
culate envelope. What diagnosis can be made basing on the
above mentioned data?
+ Ascariasis
72. During blood test of the patient with parasitic disease (helmin-
thic invasion), in blood we can find increase of:
+ eosinophils
73. The child addressed to policlinic with complaints to general
weakness, headache, cough with excretion of phlegm, sometimes
with blood streaks. During examination, helminth larvae were re-
vealed in sputum. For what parasitic invasion it is characteristic?
+ Ascariasis
74. In the region where episode of trichinosis is registered, it is
necessary to reveal all persons infected with trichinosis. What
method of diagnostics needs to be applied?
+ Immunological reactions
Analysis of saliva
Feces analyses
Biopsy of muscles
75. Two children with pinworms were revealed in kindergarten.
What preventive measure needs to be held to avoid infection of
other children?
To boil meat and fish well
Nothing is necessary
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 296 Smirnov O.Yu.
a condition?
+ Ascariasis
81. A patient with the preliminary diagnosis of trichinosis was ad-
mitted to a hospital. Consuming of what food could cause that
+ Pork
82. Five clinical forms of cysticercosis are distinguished: epileptic,
pseudo tumor, hypertension with hydrocephaly, pseudo-paralytic,
and disturbance of cerebral blood flow. The reason of any form of
cysticercosis is that human is:
obligate final host of armed tapeworm
+ facultative intermediate host of armed tapeworm
obligate final host of unarmed tapeworm
facultative intermediate host of unarmed tapeworm
final host of liver fluke
83. Larvae of what nematodes migrate through human blood-
stream during their development cycle?
+ Hookworm, Trichinella, ascarid
Whipworm, threadworm, filariae
Ascarid, pinworm, assassin worm
Pinworm, American hookworm, ascarid
Whipworm, hookworm, threadworm
84. Fragments of a helminth were found in the feces of a patient
after drug treatment. These fragments had a tape-like segmented
structure. The width of the segments exceeded their length. In
the centre of the segment there was a rosette-shaped uterus.
Which helminth did the patient have?
+ Diphyllobothrium latum
Taenia solium
Taenia saginata
Alveococcus multilocularis
Hymenolepis nana
85. In the spring of 1999 after the use in food of pork without of
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 298 Smirnov O.Yu.
Clonorchis sinensis
94. The patient with complaints to cutaneous itch, urticaria, and
increased temperature got to infectious diseases hospital. During
examination, infiltrates in lungs, bronchitis, and eosinophilic leu-
kocytosis in blood, which reached 50%, were revealed in the pa-
tient; larvae of 0.2–0.5 mm in size were found in excrements.
About what helminthosis we can talk?
+ Strongyloidosis
95. The patient was in long business trip in Sudan. In a month
upon return, he consulted the ophthalmologist with complaints to
pains in eyes, edemata of eyelids, lachrymation, and temporary
weakening of sight. Helminths with transparent threadlike body
and 50–70 mm in size were found under the eye's conjunctiva.
What diagnosis the doctor can make?
Malayan filariasis
+ Loiasis
96. The patient with complaints to pain in liver and nausea con-
sulted a doctor. Oval eggs of 130–145 microns, with the thin,
smooth and well expressed envelope were revealed in his excre-
ments. Color of eggs is yellowish. An internal content is granular
and uniform. The lid is visible on one pole. What helminth pos-
sesses these eggs?
Lancet fluke
+ Liver fluke
Cat liver fluke
Dog tapeworm
Broad tapeworm
97. The patient for three weeks has frequent diarrheas, which
quite often alternate with constipations. The doctor suspected
strongyloidosis. What material needs to be directed for laboratory
investigation for finding of the causative agent and confirmation
of the diagnosis?
+ Phlegm, duodenal contents, excrements
Excrements, urine
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 301 Smirnov O.Yu.
Strongyloides stercoralis
+ Enterobius vermicularis
Trichocephalus trichiurus
103. During the examination, a patient was diagnosed with opis-
thorchiasis. With what food could the patient get the agent of
Cysticercosis beef
Dirty vegetables
Cysticercosis pork
Dirty fruit
+ Undercooked fish
104. Father bought some pork at the market. What disease may
the members of his family catch supposed this meat didn't pass
the veterinary control?
+ Teniosis
Beef tapeworm infection
Liver fluke infection
105. During microscopy of scraping from perianal folds, the col-
ourless eggs having the shape of asymmetrical ovals and the size
of 50×23 micron, were revealed at the child. What helminth pos-
sesses these eggs?
Ascarid (Ascaris lumbricoides)
Hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale)
Whipworm (Trichuris)
+ Pinworm (Enterobius)
Dwarf tapeworm (Hymenolepis nana)
106. A patient consulted an urologist about pain during urination.
Analysis of his urine taken in the daytime revealed eggs with a
characteristic sharp point. It is known from the anamnesis that
the patient has recently returned from Australia. Some relatives
living with her had the similar condition. What is the most likely
Intestinal schistosomiasis
+ Urogenital schistosomiasis
Japanese schistosomiasis
107. During the operation, white helminths 40 mm long with a
thin filiform anterior part of the body were found in the appendix.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 303 Smirnov O.Yu.
In the book Collec ion of asks "cysticercus were found" (this is a mistake).
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 304 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Cysticercosis
112. This nematode is characterized by direct development with-
out migration. Eggs need in 25–30 days for maturing in the soil.
The use of vegetables, berries or drinking water contaminated by
mature eggs can lead to infection of the person. What is a species
of helminth?
+ Whipworm
Dog tapeworm
Broad tapeworm
113. A mother of a 5-year-old girl found filiform helminths 0.5–1
cm long with sharp tips on the child's nightwear. She brought
them to a laboratory. Which disease did these parasites cause?
+ Enterobiasis
114. 18 patients in a serious condition (high temperature, edema-
ta of the face and neck, muscle pain) at the same time got to re-
gional hospital. Two persons soon died. Poll of patients revealed
that all of them are residents of one village, and they were on a
family holiday of the fellow villager a week ago. What parasitic
disease can be suspected?
+ Trichinosis
115. During the examination of a man who has recently come
back from Africa, intestinal schistosomiasis is diagnosed. How
could the pathogenic organism penetrate into the organism of the
While eating meat
While eating fish
+ During river swimming
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 305 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Schistosoma
130. Some residents of one village who has identical symptoms:
edemata of eyelids and face, severe muscular pain, high tem-
perature, and headache, consulted a doctor. All sick residents
were guests at a wedding where dishes were prepared from pork
three weeks ago. The doctor suspected trichinosis. What method
will help to confirm the diagnosis?
Analysis of feces on the presence of eggs of helminths
Blood test
Analysis of urine
Analysis of a phlegm
+ Immunological
131. Why drugs dissolving proglottids or causing vomiting as well
as manipulations, which can cause reversed peristalsis (introduc-
tion of a probe), are not be allowed to prescribe for patients with
The listed factors accelerate development of sexually mature form of hel-
These factors serve as the reason for autoreinfection
Such actions of the doctor lead to sensitization of an organism of the pa-
+ The listed factors help eggs to get to acid environment, lead to dissolving of
their envelopes and release of a germ (oncosphere)
Such actions of the doctor help to delay of helminth in intestines
132. What invasive stage of Echinococcus granulosus?
Vegetative form
Encapsulated metacercaria
+ Egg
133. The group of miners with complaints to weight loss, head-
ache, apathy, darkening in eyes, anemia, disorder of digestion,
itch of skin, and dermatitis, consulted a doctor. Oval eggs with
thin transparent envelope of 55–75 microns × 34–40 microns in
size were revealed in excrements of patients. With what helminth
miners could be infected?
+ Assassin worm
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 309 Smirnov O.Yu.
134. Name a parasite, development of fluid-filled cysts of which in
a human body can lead to strong headache, hearing disorder,
vestibular frustration, paresis, and sight loss:
dwarf tapeworm
+ armed tapeworm
unarmed tapeworm
rat tapeworm
Echinococcus multilocularis
135. A 35-year-old man came to a doctor complaining of epigas-
tric pain. As it appeared, the patient was fond of fishing and often
ate raw fish. Eggs of helminths were found in the patient's feces.
The eggs were dark and oval-shaped with an operculum on one of
the poles, 30×15 micrometers in size. Which helminthiasis did the
patient have?
+ Opisthorchiasis
136. In life cycle of parasites, the unique phenomenon is the free-
living stage of development. For what helminth this phenomenon
is characteristic?
+ Strongyloides stercoralis
Trichocephalus trichiurus
Enterobius vermicularis
Dracunculus medinensis
Taeniarhynchus saginatus
137. Cardinal difference of Echinococcus multilocularis from a dog
tapeworm is the shape of a uterus. What form uterus of Echino-
coccus multilocularis has?
+ Spherical
With diverticula
With lateral branches
138. The patient suffers over 10 years from edemata of the lower
extremities with their significant increase. During examination in
the hospital, sharp disturbance of lymph outflow was established.
What diagnosis was made?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 310 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Wuchereriasis
139. During dehelmintization, the big piece of the helminth with
segmented body was found in the patient. Length of a proglottid
exceeds its width. In the center of a proglottid, an ovary with
three segments is localized. What is a species of helminth?
+ Taenia solium
Schistosoma mansoni
Hymenolepis nana
Fasciola hepatica
140. By contact with a dog, a man can catch echinococcosis. What
is decisive in diagnosis of echinococcosis in the person?
Analysis of feces on the presence of eggs of helminths
+ Immunological reactions
Blood test
141. A tourist who was staying in Eastern Asia had been hospital-
ized to a therapeutic department with suspected pneumonia. Dur-
ing the examination of the patient's sputum and feces, the eggs
of Paragonimus ringeri were found. With what food could the pa-
tient get the pathogenic organism?
+ Undercooked crabs
Unboiled water
Undercooked fish
Undercooked pork
Dirty fruit and vegetables
142. The patient with suspicion on a venereal disease, because he
had severe pains during urination and blood in urine, consulted
the doctor. From the anamnesis, it became clear that the patient
worked in India on rice fields. During investigation of urine after
centrifugation, eggs of helminths with a spine on a back pole
were revealed. What disease is diagnosed for the patient?
+ Bilharziasis
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 311 Smirnov O.Yu.
143. When opening a liver of the dead person, mass in the form of
roundish bubble with a smooth surface 5 cm in diameter was re-
vealed. A large number of small bubbles with transparent colour-
less content is localized in its cavity. Liver tissue around the bub-
ble is sclerotized. What diagnosis is most probable?
+ Hydatid echinococcosis
144. Choose typical features of flat worms:
+ body cavity is absent, the space between organs is filled with parenchyma
the digestive system consists of three parts with an anus
the nervous system is presented by ganglia and nerve trunks
separate sexes; difference in an external structure between males and fe-
males exists
eggs of all helminths need water for development
145. Patients from one family were admitted to hospital. Clinical
symptoms of a disease are edemata of eyelids and face, fever,
eosinophilia, headache, and muscle pain. The disease began for
the 10th day after eating sausage and fat, which were sent by rel-
atives from Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine. What parasitic disease
is most probable?
+ Trichinosis
146. One of the tourists who came back from travel across South-
east Asia was hospitalized with suspicion on pneumonia because
of he had red-brown phlegm with blood impurity, fever and the
general serious condition. During stay abroad, the tourist often
ate crayfish and crabs. During research of phlegm and feces,
golden-brown eggs with the size of 90×60 microns were found.
What disease is present in the patient?
+ Paragonimiasis
147. The patient has dermatitis, disorder of a digestive tract;
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 312 Smirnov O.Yu.
Another possible answer is Trichuris.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 314 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Strongyloidosis
160. In one of Polessia1 regions, there was an outbreak of helmin-
thiasis manifested by cramps and facial edemata. The developed
preventive measures in particular included ban for eating infested
pork even after heat processing. What helminthiasis was the
+ Trichinosis
161. The patient with complaints to edemata of eyelids and con-
junctiva, severe pain in the left eye, consulted a hospital. During
surgical intervention, the roundworm about 60 mm long was re-
moved from her eye. It was established that recently she was in
Africa where she went according to the tour. Name a possible
vector of the causative agent of this disease.
Mosquito Mansonia
Buffalo gnats
+ Gadfly of the genus Chrysops
Human flea
Sand fly
162. The patient came to clinic with complaints to pain in breast,
dyspnea, weakness and cough with phlegm with blood impurity.
From the anamnesis, it is known that it was some months in
business trip in the Far East and often ate crayfish, crabs. What is
the provisional diagnosis?
+ Paragonimiasis
163. During additional examination, small asymmetric eggs 26–30
microns long, having lids and small tubercle on the opposite ends,
are revealed in excrements of the patient with mechanical jaun-
dice and bright manifestation of allergic reactions. From the an-
amnesis, it is known that the patient living in the Western
Name of the wooded district in the eastern European country (Ukraine, Russia etc.).
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 316 Smirnov O.Yu.
3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 1
+ 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5
172. Koreans got used crustaceans for culinary processing in such
manner that is unusual for Europeans, – they subject crayfish,
crabs and shrimps only to "cold" processing, filling in them with
marinade. What trematodiasis can people catch by eating these
+ Paragonimiasis
Intestinal schistosomiasis
173. The foreign female student with complaints to feeling of
weight in the bottom of an abdomen, and also with complaints to
excretion of insignificant amount of blood at the end of an urina-
tion, consulted the urologist. During microscopy of sediment of
urine, yellow eggs about 140 microns in size, with terminally lo-
cated spine are revealed. What diagnosis will be made by the in-
+ Schistosomiasis
174. It is known that in the case of opisthorchiasis and diphyllo-
bothriasis, the invasive stage is located in fish, and the analysis
of eggs of helminths is used for laboratory diagnostics. However,
in the case of diphyllobothriasis, a symptom that is not character-
istic for opisthorchiasis exists. What is this symptom?
+ Anemia
Increasing of body temperature
Muscular pains
175. What sequence of developmental stages of an ascarid from
the moment of an invasion of the person? 1. Female lays eggs in
intestines. 2. Swallowing of invasive egg. 3. Migration of larvae
through the blood system. 4. Development of larva in egg, which
is in soil. 5. An exit of larva from egg and its passing through a
gut wall to the bloodstream. 6. Swallowing of larvae and their de-
velopment in intestines into sexually mature forms. 7. Migration
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 319 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Ascaris lumbricoides
Trichocephalus trichiurus
Fasciola hepatica
194. During dehelmintization of a patient, long fragments of a
helminth having a segmented structure were revealed. Mature
proglottids of 30 by 12 mm were rectangular; closed uterus was
in the form of a stem with 17–35 lateral branches. Define a spe-
cies of a helminth.
+ Unarmed tapeworm
Dog tapeworm
Dwarf tapeworm
Armed tapeworm
195. Geographical distribution of opisthorchiasis coincides with an
area of a fresh-water mollusk which is the intermediate host of
this trematode. What is a mollusk?
+ Bithynia
196. During examination, the foreign citizen was found to have
loiasis. In what way he could catch?
When swimming in the river
Using fish as food
Through dirty hands
+ By stings of gadflies
By stings of mosquitoes
197. Hookworm disease – the serious illness which is followed by
exhaustion, anemia, intestines dysfunction, and dermatitis. What
contingent of the population is most subject to infection with this
Health workers
Employees of meat-processing plants
+ Miners
Employees of pig farms
198. The patient had elephantiasis more than 10 years; this dis-
ease is caused by wuchereriasis. Blood for the analysis was taken
from the patient for the exact diagnosis in what time of day?
In the morning
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 324 Smirnov O.Yu.
In the afternoon
In the evening
+ At night
Time does not matter
199. Larva of what helminth migrates with blood flow into the liv-
er, heart, and lungs?
+ Ascaris lumbricoides
Alveococcus multilocularis
Echinococcus granulosus
Taenia solium
Taeniarhynchus saginatus
200. The patient with complaints to temperature increase, pain in
the right hypochondrium consulted a doctor. The patient is fond
of fishing and often uses dried fish. What of listed parasites could
cause a disease?
Fasciola hepatica
+ Opisthorchis felineus
Dicrocoelium lanceatum
Paragonimus westermani
Clonorchis sinensis
201. Manifestations of chronic hepatitis and pancreatitis with peri-
odic exacerbations are observed in the patient who worked some
years in China. What parasite could cause a disease?
Opisthorchis felineus
Fasciola hepatica
Dicrocoelium lanceatum
+ Clonorchis sinensis
Paragonimus westermani
202. During dehelmintization of the patient, helminth up to 2 me-
ters long was excreted with feces. Helminth's body is segmented,
white colored; length of proglottids exceeds width. The small
head with four suckers and hooks is revealed. Define species of
Dog tapeworm
Dwarf tapeworm
Beef tapeworm
+ Pork tapeworm
Echinococcus multilocularis
203. The patient consulted with the complaint to the general
weakness, headache, nausea, liquid excrements with impurity of
mucus and blood. At microscopy of excrements, barrel-shaped
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 325 Smirnov O.Yu.
208. Patient was revealed to have intestinal impassability, bad ap-
petite, nausea, vomiting. The anemia associated with lack of B 12
vitamin is established. What parasite of human small intestine
causes this pathology?
Dwarf tapeworm
Dog tapeworm
+ Broad tapeworm
Echinococcus multilocularis
209. The patient within three years was treated without any result
about considerable decrease in acidity of gastric juice. He was
depressed by emergence of proglottids on linen and bed, which
moved and crept out of an anus by oneself. What is the most
probable diagnosis?
+ Taeniarhynchosis
210. A patient has been preliminarily diagnosed with paragonimi-
asis. This disease is caused by lung flukes. The causative agent
entered into the patient's body through:
eating unwashed vegetables
+ eating half-cooked lobsters and crabs
contact with an infected cat
eating half-cooked or dried fish
drinking raw water from open reservoirs
211. Mother with the child consulted the pediatrician; she has
found on child's linen small white worms of threadlike form with
the pointed ends, about 1 cm long. From the story of mother: the
child sleeps uneasily, in a dream gnashes teeth, often scratches
anal area. Define a type of helminth:
+ pinworm
armed tapeworm
assassin worm
212. The person who has a cat with opisthorchiasis consulted the
familiar doctor. He wants to know how members of his family can
catch this disease?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 327 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Whipworm
217. The preliminary diagnosis was made to the patient: para-
gonimiasis. This disease is caused by a lung fluke. The causative
agent entered into the patient's organism during:
the use in food of dirty vegetables
contact with a sick cat
the use in food of half-baked or sun dried fish
+ the use in food of half-baked crayfish and crabs
drink of unboiled water from open reservoirs
218. A man visited Lebanon. Soon after return, he felt pain and
heaviness in the perineum and suprapubic region. On examina-
tion, he was diagnosed with urogenital schistosomiasis. In what
way could he become infected?
+ By swimming in contaminated water
By eating unwashed fruit and vegetables
By eating insufficiently salted fish
By eating undercooked meat of cattle
By eating undercooked meat of crayfish and crabs
219. The fisherman caught fish from the river, slightly roasted it
on a fire and ate, almost half-baked. In some weeks, signs of
damage of a liver and a pancreas appeared. The laboratory anal-
ysis of excrements showed the presence of small eggs of hel-
minth. What trematodosis did the fisherman possibly catch?
+ Opisthorchiasis
220. In case of some helminthiases, an affected person can detect
helminth himself because mature segments of the causative
agent are able to crawl out of the anus. This is typical for the fol-
lowing disease:
Pork tapeworm infection
+ Beef tapeworm infection
221. Short-term pneumonia is revealed at the patient. Migration
of larvae of what helminth can lead to this disease?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 329 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Ascarid
Dwarf tapeworm
Echinococcus multilocularis
222. Malignant anemia was found in the patient. Therapy by in-
tramuscular inoculation of B12 vitamin gave short unstable effect
of improvement of blood composition. The patient is the inveter-
ate fisherman and often uses fish that he caught and dried. What
diagnosis can be assumed?1
+ Diphyllobothriasis
223. A concerned mother addressed a pediatrician with complaints
of her child suffering from frequent stomachaches, loss of appe-
tite, nausea, constipation. Feces analysis detected rounded eggs
with double envelopes and oncospheres localized in their centers.
The child was diagnosed with hymenolepiasis. Specify the type of
infection transmission, considering that the invasion intensity was
extremely high:
+ autoinvasion
immediate contagion
Other possible versions of answers are: pernicious anemia (Addison's anemia); diphylloboth-
riosis; paragonimiasis; thalassemia; elliptocytosis.
Another possible answer: sexual.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 330 Smirnov O.Yu.
1. What is a characteristics of arthropods?
The secretory system consists of protonephridia
+ The chitinous cover is an exoskeleton
The blood system is absent
The respiratory system is absent
They have nonsegmented cylindrical body
2. A sick man with high temperature and a lot of tiny wounds on
the body has been admitted to the hospital. Lice have been found
in the folds of his clothing. What disease can be suspected?
+ Epidemic typhus
3. The geologist who is in the center of spring-summer encephali-
tis has found on his body a small being from the phylum Arthrop-
oda. What can be dangerous as an encephalitis vector?
+ Imago of Ixodes tick
Clothes louse
Bed bug
Black cockroach
Imago of the tick of the family Gamasoidea
4. Two cows died from anthrax in the settlement, and in a week
one child of 14 years got sick. In what most probable way he
Through contact with a dog which protected herd
Through the food contaminated by typhoid and screwworm flies
Through a sting of a dog flea
Through stings of louses
+ Through a sting of Stomoxys fly
5. The blood-sicking jumping insects that are small (2–3 mm)
and flattened laterally are revealed indoors. Their worm-shaped
larvae develop in floor cracks. Causative agents of what human
disease can be most likely revealed in the digestive system of
these insects?
Sleeping sickness
+ Plague
Chagas' disease
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 331 Smirnov O.Yu.
Relapsing fever
6. A patient came to a doctor complaining of itching between the
fingers and on the abdomen, which intensified at night. After the
examination of his skin, rash and thin grey stripes were found.
What pathogenic organism could produce such symptoms?
Ixodes ricinus
+ Sarcoptes scabiei
Ornithodorus papillipes
Dermacentor pictus
Ixodes persulcatus
7. On the head of the worker of a livestock farm a big wound with
necrotic tissue is present. During management of the wound,
worm-shaped larvae of 1 mm in size were removed. What disease
can be diagnosed?
+ Myiasis
8. The patient complains of a strong itch. Scratches and small
wounds are present on his body. In business trip, he did not
change linen, the whitish insects having three pairs of extremities
with claws are found in seams of linen; their body is flattened
from a back. Define a species of a parasite:
itch mite
bed bug
+ clothes louse
human flea
9. In Africa, damages of an eyeball which are caused by round-
worms from the genus Onchocerca are registered among season-
al workers. Against representatives of what genus of flies it is
necessary to take measures for elimination?
+ Simulium
10. Infection of human with epidemic typhus occurs:
during a sting of a tick through saliva
during a sting of louses through saliva
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 332 Smirnov O.Yu.
During exam in 2006, incorrect word "miasis" was used.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 333 Smirnov O.Yu.
this parasite?
Buffalo gnats
Tsetse fly
+ Kissing bug
25. In the Crimea the papataci fever is distributed (temperature
40°, pains in muscle, joints, and eyes; headache, change in num-
ber of blood cells are observed for 2–5 days). What insects carry
a disease?
Buffalo gnats
+ Sand flies
Typhoid and screwworm flies
26. After the examination, a patient was diagnosed with Russian
spring-summer encephalitis. How was the patient infected?
By means of itch mite's bite
By means of malaria mosquito's bite
By means of soft tick's bite
By means of sand fly's bite
+ By means of hard tick's bite
27. What insects are capable to distribute cutaneous and visceral
+ Sand flies of genus Phlebotomus
Anopheles mosquitoes
buffalo gnats of genus Simulium
Biting midges of Ceratopogonidae family
Gadflies of Tabanidae family
28. A 40-year-old man who lives in a pise-walled house came to a
laboratory. He found dark-grey arthropods with a long oval body
and a somewhat pointed front end in the wall chink. The mouth
apparatus of the arthropod were placed in the notch of the abdo-
men surface. The arthropod had 4 pairs of ambulatory legs, the
sexual opening was placed at the level of the first pair of legs.
What arthropod is it?
Ixodes ricinus
Ixodes persulcatus
+ Ornithodorus papillipes
Sarcoptes scabiei
Dermacentor nuttali
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 336 Smirnov O.Yu.
During the exam in 2010 and in the site (2013), this answer was
"mosquito", but in appropriate Russian question, answer was "sand fly" (Phlebotomus). An-
swers "mosquito" and "malarial mosquito" are very similar. During the exam in 2004, answers
were as follows: house fly, tsetse fly, stable fly, blow fly (Wohlfahrtia magnifica), and triatomic
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 337 Smirnov O.Yu.
Another answer: "Screwworm fly".
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 338 Smirnov O.Yu.
of a nose
By penetration of causative agents into blood through a conjunctiva of eyes
38. A patient came to a dermatologist complaining of ulcers which
appeared on his face and neck skin surface. After the laboratory
examination of the ulcers, mobile wormlike parasites were found.
Specify a causative agent that caused this disease.
+ Follicle mite
Itch mite
Human flea
Larva of Wohlfahrtia fly
39. A crimson papule has appeared on the face of student who
came back from Turkmenistan, and this papule has turned into an
ulcer in 10 days. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is revealed in the pa-
tient. What representative of arthropods is a carrier of the causa-
tive agent of this disease?
+ Sand fly
Tsetse fly
Malaria mosquito
Human flea
40. The typhoid fly got to a hospital office. What causative agents
of diseases it can mechanically transmit?
+ Cholera, dysentery, typhoid fever
Relapsing fever
41. Rodents are the reservoirs of causative agents of leishmani-
ases – diseases that are natural and transmissible. If the person
got to the leishmaniasis natural focus, he needs to avoid stings
+ sand flies
blood-sicking flies
42. The homeless person with wounds on the head is hospitalized
in city policlinic. During management of wound, larvae of insects
were revealed. Choose an insect which larvae parasitize on a
body of people:
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 339 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Wohlfahrtia
sand fly
43. In laboratories of rickettsial diseases, volunteers as source of
food for louses are used for studying of biology of the causative
agent of typhus. Feeding of the louses that are infected with the
causative agent of typhus occurs through a special grid in which
cells louses are placed. Putting a grid to a hip of the donor, louses
are given the chance to suck his blood; however, infection of the
person with typhus thus does not happen. It is explained by:
resistance of the donor
lack of an invasive stage of the causative agent
+ lack of the mechanism of infection rubbing in of excrements in the injured
lack of enough causative agent
different antigenic structure of the causative agent and donor
44. The littered, uncleaned cellars and attics often serve as habi-
tats of homeless cats. After visit of such room, the girl felt many
stings and an intolerable itch in feet. What arthropods used this
girl as the source of food?
+ Fleas
45. During routine inspection of schoolchildren, the doctor has
found white bright eggs that are densely glued to hair on the
head of several pupils of one class. What representative is the
causative agent of this disease?
+ Head louse
Human flea
Pubic louse
Bed bug
Typhoid fly
46. A patient has acne and inflammatory alterations on facial skin.
Microscopic examination of scrapings from the affected areas has
revealed living porrect vermiform arthropods 0.2–0.5 mm large
with four pairs of short extremities in the front part of their bod-
ies. What is the laboratory diagnosis?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 340 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Demodicosis
47. What arthropods suck blood?
+ Ticks of Ixodidae family
Sarcoptes scabiei
House flies
48. A patient with suspicion on epidemic typhus was admitted to
the hospital. Some arachnids and insects have been found in his
flat. Which of them may be a carrier of the pathogen of epidemic
+ Lice
49. At examination of the patient who lived in Central Asia, the
diagnosis – a tick-borne relapsing fever was made. The causative
agent of this disease could get to the patient's organism through
a sting of:
dog tick
+ Ornithodorus
taiga tick
malaria mosquito
50. While on holiday in the countryside, a boy found a spider with
the following morphological characteristics: body length of 2 cm,
round black abdomen with two rows of red dots on its dorsal side;
four pairs of segmented extremities covered with tiny black hairs.
Identify this arthropod:
+ Karakurte (Latrodectus)
51. The patient consult the doctor about abdominalgia, vomiting,
disturbance of defecation. The doctor made the diagnosis of in-
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 341 Smirnov O.Yu.
Blattella germanica
64. The patient with complaints to disorder of digestion, weak-
ness, vomiting, pains in intestines consulted the gastroenterolo-
gist. During analysis of gastric contents larvae of botflies are re-
vealed, during analysis of a mucous membrane of a stomach its
inflammation is revealed. What disease is most probable for this
Cutaneous myiasis
+ Intestinal myiasis
65. At medical examination on the head of some patients insects
of 2–3 mm in size of gray color with deep cuts on each side of a
body were revealed. What are these ectoparasites?
+ Head louses
Bed bugs
Clothes louses
66. In fur farms and zoos, fleas quite often bite the workers who
are looking after animals. Causative agents of what disease they
can transmit?
Relapsing fever
+ Plague
67. Among insects that can be in housing constantly or temporari-
ly, specific and mechanical carriers of causative agents of diseas-
es exist. What arthropod among listed below is a mechanical car-
rier of the causative agent of diseases?
Human flea
Head louse
Bed bug
+ German cockroach
Clothes louse
68. Medical examination of some youths revealed in their axillary
regions grey insects 1.0–1.5 mm large, with short broad body
covered with hairs. What insects were revealed?
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 345 Smirnov O.Yu.
Head louse
Bed bug
+ Pubic louse
Itch mite
69. According to the data of WHO, for about 250 millions of Earth
population fall ill with malaria. This disease is mostly spread in
tropical and subtropical regions. Range of its spread falls into the
areal of the following mosquitoes:
+ Anopheles
A des
70. After a thorough examination the patient who had returned
from Central Asia to Ukraine was diagnosed with spring-summer
encephalitis. Its pathogen might have entered the body through
the bite of the following arthropod:
dog louse
itch mite
Ornithodorus papillipes
+ taiga tick
71. Workers consulted a hospital on the fact that they found para-
sites of gray color, about 3 mm long on their bodies. They caused
unpleasant irritation of skin, there were itch, pain, papules of blue
color, and hemorrhages in places of stings. At certain workers
temperature rose. What disease is most probable?
+ Pediculosis
Cutaneous myiasis
72. A man lives in the area of dermal leishmaniasis distribution.
He hasn't been inoculated against this disease because of his
having contraindication against it. What insects' bites should this
man avoid?
Another possible answer: clothes louse.
During exam for students studying stomatology (in 2013), this answer was indicated as cor-
rect one, but this is a mistake! Dog louse Linognathus piliferus does not transmit encephalitis.
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 346 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Sand flies
Stable flies
73. In the South and Central America, a certain species of trypa-
nosomes, which is a vector of Chagas disease, is distributed.
What of the listed organisms is a specific vector of the causative
agent of this disease?
Tsetse fly
Sand fly
+ Triatomine bug
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 347 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ Trichinosis
5. A patient with suspicion to liver abscess arrived to surgical of-
fice. It was established that the patient was in business trip in
Cuba for a long time, frequently had sharp gastrointestinal dis-
eases. What disease can be assumed at the patient, what meth-
ods of research need to be used for diagnostics?
Ascariasis; to study excrements (Kato method) on the presence of eggs
(big size, 50 80 microns, mammillated surface)
Echinococcosis; to carry out roentgenoscopy, X-ray analysis, ultrasonogra-
Alveococcosis; to carry out roentgenoscopy, X-ray analysis, ultrasonogra-
Giardiasis; to study smears of excrements microscopically
+ Amebiosis; to study excrements microscopically
6. A woman who was infected with toxoplasmosis during preg-
nancy has born a child with multiple congenital defects. This is a
result of:
+ teratogenesis
chemical mutagenesis
biological mutagenesis
7. 40-year-old patient who have lost sight on the left eye earlier,
consulted the oculist about deterioration of sight on the right eye.
What parasitic disease can be suspected?
+ Toxoplasmosis
8. All hollow organs of the patient are expanded, the traces re-
minding stings with indurations are present on the body surface.
The patient was more than two months in the territory of the
South American country where he caught armadillos for a zoo.
Define a disease:
+ nervous form of Chagas' disease (trypanosomosis)
infection with an American hookworm
allergic reaction to stings of mosquitoes
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 349 Smirnov O.Yu.
9. The patient who arrived 10 months ago from the Asian country
where he worked at building of water accumulative constructions
was hospitalized in clinic with edema of the right lower extremity.
In some days a bubble appeared on a surface of skin, asthmatic
attacks, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, and then unconsciousness
were developed. What reason of these symptoms?
Chemical burn
Sting of a scorpion
+ Dracunculosis
10. The local who never left his favourite dog was the conductor
of scientific expedition across India. With what invasive diseases
members of expedition can be infected by the contact with this
dog as an invasion source?
Taeniasis, balantidiasis
Lambliosis, trypanosomosis
+ Echinococcosis
Dicroceliasis, amebiosis
Trichomoniasis, fascioliasis
11. The patient consulted a doctor concerning the increasing signs
of lesion of the central nervous system. The patient was in busi-
ness trip in the Central Africa for a long time. What disease can
be assumed?
+ Trypanosomosis
12. Choose, what disease is caused by pinworms:
+ enterobiasis
sleeping sickness
13. The shepherd with head wounds consulted the village medical
assistant's point. During examination of wounds, deep damage of
soft tissues with local places of gangrenous changes and larvae of
flies were revealed. Choose the name of a disease:
skin leishmaniasis
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 350 Smirnov O.Yu.
+ tissue myiasis
14. Mosquitos' bites caused the appearance of ulcers on the hu-
man's skin; the ulcers were observed under a microscope. The ul-
cer's contents analysis revealed nonflagellated protozoans. What
disease is this?
+ Cutaneous leishmaniasis
Visceral leishmaniasis
15. Toxoplasmosis is diagnosed for the pregnant woman. It is
known that it can lead to development of malformation in a foe-
tus. With what it can be associated?
With possible development of a generative mutation
With possible development of autoimmune reactions
With inflammatory processes in tissues of a fetus
+ With teratogenic influence
With possible development of somatic mutations
16. The patient has frequent liquid stool with impurity of blood,
pain in a rectum. What parasitic disease needs to be suspected?
+ Amebiosis
17. What species belongs to Arachnoidea?
+ Ixodes persulcatus
Typhoid fly
Trichinella spiralis
Bed bug
18. The patient to whom the diagnosis "malaria" was made after
examination, addressed to policlinic. However, according to the
patient, last 5 years he did not visit the countries in which this
disease is distributed. Call a possible way of infection:
fecal and oral
owing to a sting of the infected sand fly
owing to a sting of tsetse fly
contact and household
Krok-1 Tests – Medical Biology 351 Smirnov O.Yu.
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"К -1. Зага а а а дг в а"
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К м ' е е ве а О. Ю. См ва
208.What group of organisms has the ring and Lin ear molecules of DNA creating chromosomes
of a simple structure?(having no histones)
209.cells of human red bone marrow which belong to a cellular complex that constantly divides,
are investigated.what process provides genetic identity to these cells?
210.under the influence of radioactive radiation in a dose 5 grey,red bone marrow was
damaged.what determines sensitivity of red bone marrow to ionising radiation?
211.In a tissue specimen of endometrium ,separate epithelial cells are visible in which
chromosomes create a plate located in the equatorial plane .in what period of cell cycle are these
212.Molecular level process of spontaneous passive transport of water soluble molecules across
cell membranes is modeled.the molecules move across cell membranes from an area of higher
concentration toward an area of lower concentration via specific transmembrane integral
protein.this transport does not directly require chemical energy from ATP hydrolysis.which of the
following transport mechanisms is most likely mentioned?
+facilitated diffusion
213. A team of medical students is perform ing research on phases of cell cycle . During one of
the mitotic phases , the cell is nearly done dividing , the chromosomes decondense and two
nuclei begin to form around them . Which of the following phases most likely takes place in the
cell ?
+ Telophase
214. Long - term taking of medicines can affect cells of the liver . Particularly , it can cause
marked hypertrophy of agranular endoplasmic reticulum due to the following function of this
organelle :
215. In which of the following nuclear structures is DNA actively transcribed to rRNA ?
+ Nucleolus
216. Beginning with protein synthesis in membrane - bound ribosomes , hepatocytes se crete
proteins into the circulation via which of the following mechanisms ?
143. Primary microcephaly , which is a monogenic autosomal recessive disease , is diagnosed for
a girl . A brother of this girl has normal development . What are genotypes of par ents of these
children ?
Correct answer : . Aa x Aa
144. Parents have normal hearing , their two daughters and son have congenital deafness , and
other 5 children are healthy . What is the pattern of deafness inheritance ?
145. In a chromosome region , genes are located in such sequence : ABCDEFG . As a result of
radioactive radiation , rearrangement occurred , then a chromosome region has the following
structure : ABDEFG . What mutation occurred ?
339. A karyotype of a female organism with trisomy syndrome --47 , XXX - is analysed . By
drawing up an ideogram of this set , such number of pairs of homologous chromosomes will be
present : Correct answer : 23 pairs
340. Malformations of a foetus can be caused by such diseases of mother as rubella , syphilis ,
toxoplasmosis , cytomegaly , herpes , clamidiasis . What form of variability such malformations
belong to ? Correct answer : Modification
341. The diagnosis Klinefelter's syndrome was made to a patient . The karyotype at this disease is
47 , XXY . In this set , there will be such number of gonosomes : Correct answer : three
342. A woman with A ( II ) , Rh - negative blood gave birth to a child with B ( III ) , Rh - positive
blood . Hemolytic disease of the newborn is diagnosed for the child . What is the most probable
cause of the development of this disease ? Hereditary Correct answer : Rhesus incompatibility
343. Cytogenetic analysis allowed to deter mine a patient's karyotype -47 , XY , +21/46 , XY .
Such state is called : Correct:mosaicism
344. Nondisjunction of autosomes occurred in a woman during meiosis. An ovum with the
additional 18th chromosome was formed . The ovum was fertilized by normal spermatozoid .
Future child will have such syndrome : Correct answer : Edwards
345. A mother of the 2 - year - old child , who has lag in physical and intellectual development ,
addressed to a medico - genetic consultation . What method of research will allow to exclude
chromosomal pathology ? Correct answer Cytogenetic
346. A patient with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy comes for genetic counseling , Afcounter
the family history taking , the genetic counselor constructs pedigree , which displays a dis tinct
mode of inheritance : his disease is transmitted only from affected females to their off spring .
Both males and females are affected . None of the offspring of an affected male is affected .
Which of the following modes of inheritance is identified by the counselor ? Correct answer :
220. In the process of evolution, molecular mechanisms for correction of damaged DNA
molecules were developed. This process is called:
Ans. repair
221. A 15-year-old young man complains of general weakness, dizziness, fast fatigue. During
investigation, erythrocytes with changed shape are revealed, their number is reduced. Provisional
diagnosis: sickle-cell anemia. What type of a mutation causes development of this pathological
222. A young family came for genetic counseling to identify the father of their child. The husband
insists that the child does not resemble him at all and cannot possibly be his. Polymerase reaction
method for person identification is based on the following:
224. During research of cells, high content of aminoacyl-1RNA synthetase was found in their
cytoplasm. This enzyme provides such process in a cell:
226. Due to deficit of UV endonuclease, DNA repair is broken and such disease appears
227. During DNA replication, one of its chains is synthesized with delay. What defines this feature
of synthesis?
228. At first in a nucleus of eukaryotic cel, the pre-MRNA molecule, which is complementary to
exons and introns of a structural gene, is synthesized. But then mRNA, which is complementary
to exons only, arrives ribosomes. It testifies that such process takes place in a nucleus:
Ans. processing
159. Parasitizing of several species of para- sites in a patient's body was suspected. How such
set of parasites occupying an organism is called?
Ans. Parasitocenosis
160. An embryo of a lancelet is on one of development stages during which the number of its cells
increases, but the total amount of an embryo practically does not change. At what stage of its
development there is an embryo?
Ans. Cleavage
161. A newborn boy was found to have hydrocephaly. Doctors consider that this malformation is
caused by teratogenic factors. What germ layers are affected by teratogen?
Ans. Ectoderm
152. During sanitary assessment of a pond, where children from a recreation summer camp take
their swims, oval cysts 50-60 microns in diameter with 2 nuclei visible in their cytoplasm
(macronucleus and micronucleus) were detected. What protozoa do these cysts belong to?
Ans. Balantidum
220. The provisional diagnosis was made to a patient: paragonimiasis. This disease is caused by
lung fluke. The causative agent entered into the patient's organism during:
227. A patient with complaints of weakness, nausea, and anemia addressed to a doctor. He
specified that used in food fresh-salted caviar 3 months ago. With what helminthosis the person
could get sick?
Ans. Diphyllobothriosis
228. Fragments of helminth were found in feces of a patient after drug treatment. These fragments
had a tape-like segmented structure. The width of segments exceeded their length. There was a
rosette-shaped uterus in the centre of the segment. Which helminth did the patient have?
229. During dehelmintization, a 3.5-meter- long tapeworm was excreted from the patient's
intestine. There are 4 suckers and hooks on the scolex of this helminth. Mature segments of
tapeworm are immobile and have up to 12 lateral uterine branches. What is disease?
230. A shepherd, who tended to the flock of sheep with his dogs, gradually developed pain in the
chest and bloody expectorations. X-ray revealed spheric helminth larvae in the patient's lungs.
Specify helminth that could be the causative agent of this discase:
Ans. Echinococcus
231. Eggs of liver fluke are found in patient's excrements; however, a doctor did not hurry to make
a diagnosis and suggested to repeat the analysis after exclusion of beef liver from the patient's
dict. What led the doctor to make such decision?
232. A patient with the provisional diagnosis 'diphyllobothriosis' came to a hospital. Usage of
which products could cause this disease?
Ans. Fish
233. A man came to hospital in a severe condition: facial edemas, myalgia, high temperature, and
respiratory distress. Case history revealed that the patient's family consumes untested pork
regularly. What helminth can be the cause of such symptoms?
74. A woman with complaints of skin itching and puffiness of eyelids addressed to an
ophthalmologist. During examination, a worm-like arthropod with size of 0.4 mm is revealed.
Continuous scutum covers the forefront of a body; the body has cross stripes. Legs are short,
tarsi have two claws. What diagnosis a doctor can make?
Ans. Demodicosis
75. A woman with a child, having a gangrenous wound on the head, addressed to a hospital.
During investigation, a doctor found white worm-shaped maggots in a wound. What insect could
deposit them?
Ans. Wohlfahrtia
24. A patient has complaints of acute abdominal pain of cramp-like character, frequent urges to
defecate, and liquid bloody stool with mucus. Laboratory examination of smears of excrements
revealed organisms of a changeable shape, which contain erythrocytes. What disease is
Ans. Amebiasis
25. Malignant anemia was found in a patient. Therapy by intramuscular inoculation of B2 vitamin
gave short unstable effect of improvement of blood composition. The patient is the inveterate
fisherman and often uses fish that he caught and dried. What diagnosis can be assumed?
Ans. Diphyllobothriasis
Medical biology
(Each answer can be used once, more than once of not at all)
Choose the proper term from the right column to each type of a chromosome.
Match each phrase from the left column with the proper term from the right column.
Artificial selection
Natural selection
Choose expression from the right column that best fits each of the following statements:
Bean pods bome by a plant are never Inheritable and non heritable variation
the same in length or weight
inheritable variation
artificial selection
For creation of the chromosomal map by means of the analyzing crossings, distances between pairs of
separate genes are defined. In one of experiments, it was found that the crossing-over indicator
between genes A and B makes 8%, and between genes B and C makes 20%. What is the distance
between genes A and C?
1. 28%
Medical biology
2. 12%
3. 28% or 12%
4. 12% or 20%
5. 8% or 12%
6. 8% or 20%
possibility of the birth of the child with the disease or healthy child in the case of marriage of this boy,
when he grows up, with the woman who is heterozygous on the gene of phenylketonuria?
(Each answer can be used once, more than once o not at all.)
Determine type of gene interaction by using known genotype and phenotype of an organism for each
Complete dominance
Bb Genotype - B phenotype
Match each phrase from the left column with proper term from the right column.
Medical biology
Ne ai a e diffe e g acc di g Ch Da i he
Ne ai a e diffe e acc di g J La a k he
The woman, who in the first trimester of pregnancy appeared in a zone with a high radiation
background, gave birth to boys - uniovular twins.
Polydactyly was revealed in one of them and elliptocytosis was revealed in the second boy. Both traits
are dominant, but they are absent in twins parents.
What is the probability of inheritance of new traits by children of these twins if they marriage normal
Turner syndrome
Short stature and webbed neck
Medical biology
Choose expression from the right column that besi fits each of the following statements:
Gill slits are found in the chick embryo. Embryological evidence of evolution
Match each phrase from the left column with the proper term from the right column.
Match each phrase from the left column with the proper term from the right column.
(Each answer can be used once, more than once or not at all.)
Toxoplasmosis Sporozoans
Trichomonas Flagella
Leishmaniosis Flagella
Trypanosomosis Flagella
Malaria Sporozoans
Amebiasis Sarcodina
Balantidiasis infusorians
Match each phrase from the left column with the proper name of the parasite from the right column
(Each answer can be used once, more than once or not at all.)
Amebiasis Cyst
Malaria Sporozoite
Leishmaniosis Promastigote
Balantidiasis Cyst
Toxoplasmosis (from a cat) Oocyst
Trypanosomiasis Promastigote
Trichomonosis trophozite
dicrocoeliasis Trematoda
taeniasis Cestoda
lveococcosis Cestoda
opisthorchiasis Trematoda
diphyllobothriasis Cestoda
dirofilariasis Nematoda
trichocephalus Nematode
nanophyetiasis Trematoda
(Each answer can be used once, more than once is not at all.)
Enterobius egg
Hymenolepis larya in the environment
coracidium Cestoda
cercaria Trematoda
sporocyst Trematoda
redia Trematoda
plerocercoid Cestoda
oncosphere Cestoda
microfilaria Nematode
miracidium Trematoda
Match each phrase from the left column with the proper term from the right column.
Opisthorchis fish
Taenia Ma a ea
Alveococcus Ma a fece
Trichinella Ma a ea
Dicrocoelium insect
Diphyllobothrium fish
Enterobius Another man
(each answer can be used once, more than once or not at all)
Anemia can develop during some helminthoses, especially in the case of intensive invasion and in
children. What diseases are these?
1. Trichocephalosis
Medical biology
2. Trichinellosis
3. Dracunculiasis
4. Enterobiasis
5. Ancilostomose
6. Ascariasis
7. Diphyllobothriasis
8. Hymenolepiosis.
Analysis of smear preparations from perianal skin revealed eggs of some helminths. Such helmin can
1. paragonimiasis
2. trichinellosis
3. Taenia saginata infection
4. dracunculus
5. enterobiasis
6. ascariasis
7. onchocerciasis
8. Taenia solium infection
(Each answer can be used once, more than once or not at all.)
paragonimiasis sputum
schistosomiasis (S japonicum urea
ascaris (larval stage) sputum
ascanasis (adult stage) saliva
Taenia solium infection feces
trichinellosis muscles
brugiosis Blood
opisthorchiasis Feces
schistosomiasis (S. haematobium) urea
Medical biology
1. metagonimiasis
2. Taenia saginata infection
3. alveococcosis
4. trichinellosis
5. diphyllobothriosis
6. enterobiasis
7. hymenolepiasis
8. ascariasis
9. Taenia solium infection
(Each answer can be used once, more than once or not at all.)
Will be a hermit, enjoying a completely self sustained life by the edge of a lake with your sheepdog and
sheep. Which of the following Platyhelminthes are you most likely to contact?
1. Hymenolepis nana
2. Fasciola hepatica
3. Clonorchas sinensis
Medical biology
4. Paragonimus westermani
5. Echinococcus granulosus
6. Diphyliobothrum latum
7. Taenia solium
8. Taenia saginata
For each parasite given, select its most common body location in humans.
(each answer can be used once, more than once or not at all)
borrelia Ixodes
Plasmodium Anopheles
Leishmania Phlebotmus
Loa Chrstops
Trypanosome cruzi Triatoma
Medical biology
Yersinia Xenopsylia
Onchocerca Simulium
Trypanosome brucei Glossina
Match each phrase from the left column with the proper term from the right column.
Match each phrase from the left column with the proper term from the right column.
1. Transcription
2. Translation
3. Restriction
4. Reverse transcription
5. DNA repair
6. DNA replication
7. Ligation
Medical biology
Establish sequence of event s at which the lactose operons of Escherichia coli bacterium turns on;
Choose the number for each of the 7 statements to make the right sequence;