Summative Test 1 Grade 11 English For Aacademic and Professional Purposes Name: - Grade and Section
Summative Test 1 Grade 11 English For Aacademic and Professional Purposes Name: - Grade and Section
Summative Test 1 Grade 11 English For Aacademic and Professional Purposes Name: - Grade and Section
English for Aacademic and Professional Purposes
1. This method is moving the eyes through the text to get its main idea of a text.
A. Scanning C. Browsing
B. Skimming D. Glancing
6. A ton of worry was lifted from the beggar’s back when he received the alms.
A. Formal C. Informal
B. Jargon D. Figurative
7. Upon arriving at the crime scene, the police declared that the victim already assumed room temperature.
A. Formal C. Informal
B. Jargon D. Figurative
11. John was called the elephant of the class for his clumsiness.
A. Formal C. Informal
B. Jargon D. Figurative
13. Janie’s dog wasn’t feeling well today. He did not want to go out for his walk and did not eat his food. She threw his toy
across the yard hoping he would run to fetch it, but he just sat there.
A. The dog doesn’t want to play
B. The dog isn’t hungry
C. The dog is sick
D. The dog lives in the yard
14. Blair and Natalie are not speaking to each other today. It was weird sitting at their table during lunch while they were
glaring at each other. I hope they make up soon; we are three best friends and I don’t want to choose sides.
A. Blair and Natalie had a fight
B. I ate lunch alone
C. I didn’t do my homework
D. Blair is glaring at Natalie
15. Julio decided to stay up and watch television instead of studying for his History exam. Today, when it was time to take
the test, he looked at the paper and could not answer any of the questions. He swore that from this day forward he would
always study for tests.
A. Julio did not study for his history exam
B. Julio had an exam
C. Julio likes to watch TV
D. Julio doesn’t like History
1. “If you want something done, give it to a busy person.” Initially that advice sounds strange, but people with energy and
ambition often get things done. Throughout time, it has been proven that people with ambition accomplish things that others
thought were impossible. Whether a person wants to set a world record or rise to the top, ambition is the one quality that is
most needed.
A. The ways in which ambition affects social life
B. The negative effects of ambition
C. How to have ambition
D. The value of ambition
2. Cats are affectionate, cute, and independent. Unlike dogs, cats can stay alone if you go away on a trip. They do not need
to be walked and are easy to potty train. Also, cats do not bark, so your neighbors will not have any noise to complain
about. If someone wants to have a pet, a cat is great choice.
A. Cats are independent
B. Dogs are a lot of work
C. Cats are great pets
D. Pets are hard work
3. Exercise is crucial to our lives. Doctors recommend we exercise at least two times a week. Exercise does not necessarily
need to be done in the gym; it can consist of an outdoor walk or bike ride. It not only controls weight, but it combats many
health conditions and diseases. Another added benefit to exercise is its mood boosting qualities.
A. Bike riding is good exercise
B. The importance of exercise
C. Exercise can be done anywhere
D. Gyms are bad
4. Baseball has been a part of Americans’ lives for over 100 years. In 27 out of 50 American cities, there are 29 professional
teams and thousands of minor league teams. Most Americans attend more baseball games than any other professional
sport games. Baseball is not only part of American life but also part of slang, fashion, music, and movies.
A. The importance of baseball stadiums
B. The reasons why baseball slang is used
C. Minor league baseball
D. Baseball in America
5. Tea is the world’s second most popular drink after water. Tea is a big part of the Chinese culture. A Chinese saying
identifies the seven basic daily necessities as fuel, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea. According to Chinese legend,
tea was invented accidentally by the Chinese Emperor Shen Nong in 2737 B.C. China is one of the main producers of tea,
and tea remains China’s national drink.
A. Why tea is so popular
B. The importance of tea in the Chinese culture
C. The health benefits of tea
D. Drinking water is good for you
6. Tsunamis, large ocean waves caused by underwater earthquakes, can be deadly and destructive. For example, in
December 2004, an underwater earthquake triggered a massive tsunami throughout the Indian Ocean. The tsunami killed
more than 200,000 people and caused billions of dollars of damage to the coasts of numerous Southeast Asian countries.
A. tsunamis
B. Underwater earthquakes cause tsunamis.
C. Tsunamis, large ocean waves caused by underwater earthquakes, can be deadly and destructive.
D. The tsunami killed more than 200,000 people and caused billions of dollars of damage to the coasts of numerous
Southeast Asian countries.
7. Even today, the U.S. Supreme Court does not reflect the U.S. population. It was 1967 before the first black justice was
appointed. It was 1981 before the first woman was appointed to the Court. It was 1986 before the Court had its first justice
of Italian descent. No person of Hispanic or Asian descent has yet been appointed as a member of the Court.
A. Even today, the U.S. Supreme Court does not reflect the U.S. population.
B. It was 1967 before the first black justice was appointed.
C. No person of Hispanic or Asian descent has yet been appointed as a member of the Court.
D. It was 1981 before the first woman was appointed to the Court.
8. High achievement motivation affects people's choice of occupation and job success. (High achievement motivation refers
to the psychological need for success in school, sports, occupations, or other competitive situations.) People with high
achievement motivation often go into occupations that provide rewards for individual achievement, such as sales,
engineering, architecture, or law. Moreover, people with high achievement motivation tend to go into occupations that
realistically match their abilities. For this reason, they have little anxiety or fear of failure. And when success is achieved,
they enjoy the fruit of their labor more than the average person.
A. Moreover, people with high achievement motivation tend to go into occupations that realistically match their abilities.
B. For this reason, they have little anxiety or fear of failure.
C. High achievement motivation affects people's choice of occupation and job success.
D. High achievement motivation refers to the psychological need for success in school, sports, occupations, or other
competitive situations.
9. Autocratic leaders are hands-on leaders who keep strict control over group members and their activities. They ask few
questions, make the decisions, give orders, and are likely to use coercion to make others carry out their assignments.
Laissez-faire leaders are hands-off leaders who leave most of the decisions to the group and tend not to get involved.
Democratic leaders encourage group participation in decision-making and problem solving. Their style falls between the
other two extreme.
A. Democratic leaders are more effective than autocratic leaders.
B. There are three leadership styles.
C. Autocratic leaders are strict, laissez-faire leaders are hands-off leaders, and democratic leaders encourage group
participation in decision-making.
D. Employees prefer to work with democratic leaders.
10. Are Americans today waiting longer to get married? According to 2003 Census Bureau figures, the answer is yes. The
Associated Press reports that one-third of men are still single when they reach age 34 and that nearly one-quarter of women
are still single at that age. Compared with data for 1970, these figures are four times higher. In 1970, the percent of never-
married men aged 30-34 was 9 percent; the rate has risen to 33 percent. The percent of never-married women increased
from 6 percent to 23 percent. The typical marriage age for men in 2003 was 27.1 years, up from 25.3 in 1970. The typical
age for women rose from 20.8 to 23.2.
A. Are Americans today waiting longer to get married?
B. Men marry at a later age than women do.
C. Americans today are waiting longer to get married.
D. More men than women are still single at age 34.
11. A recent survey revealed some shocking results. One in five teens does not know that if you take out a loan, you must
pay interest in addition to repaying the loan. One teen in four has the mistaken notion that financial aid will take care of all
their college expenses. And one teen in three thinks that Social Security payments will provide all the money they need
when they retire.
12. Novels and short stories are types of fiction. Drama is another example. Fairy tales and fables are also fiction. It is a
type of narrative writing that comes from the imagination of the author rather than from history or fact.
A. There are many types of literature.
B. Novels, short stories, drama, fairy tales and fables are types of fiction.
C. Fiction is a type of narrative writing that comes from the imagination of the author rather than from history or fact.
D. Novels and short stories are types of fiction.
13. How far is it to the Sun? It's so far that it's hard to comprehend. In actual distance, it's approximately 93 million miles.
The distance changes slightly as the Earth travels around the Sun. Suppose it were possible to take a jetliner there.
Traveling at a little over 550 mph, it would take nearly 20 years to get there. Even if you could travel at 25,000 mph, it would
take five months to reach the Sun.
A. How far is it to the sun?
B. It's so far to the Sun that it's hard to comprehend.
C. In actual distance, it's approximately 93 million miles to the Sun.
D. It takes a long time to get to the Sun, no matter how you travel.
14. Computer viruses are scary. If an attacker gets control of your computer, they can snoop through your files, steal your sensitive
information, and even use your computer’s webcam and microphone to spy on you. But just because there are scary things on the
Internet, doesn’t mean that we should stay off of the Internet. Instead, practice safe habits such as installing virus protection. Virus
protection will not protect you against all attacks, but it may stop the most common ones. It also helps to keep your software up to date.
Software updates close security holes. By installing updates from software providers, you will have a stronger system. Perhaps the
most important thing that you can do is to be smart about how you browse. Don’t click on suspicious links and don’t open attached files
unless you are expecting them. The Internet can be a dangerous place, but you’ll be safer if you take a few precautions.
A. Description C. Exposition
B. Narration D. Argumentation
15. Viruses can mess up computers and make them run slowly. If you’ve ever gotten a virus on your computer, you may have
wondered why someone would go through all of that trouble just to ruin your computer. There are two reasons why people spread
viruses: money and power. If someone infects your computer with a virus, they can make money by stealing your sensitive information
and selling it to identity thieves. Or, they can gain power by using your computer to attack other computers and websites to take them
offline. Your computer makes an attractive target to cybercriminals because they can use it to gain money and power.
A. Cause and Effect C.Comparison&Contrast
B. Illustration D. Process
16. Getting a new phone is a really cool feeling, but your phone can’t do much without applications. In order to get the most from your
new phone, you need to download apps. To do this you will need a data connection. Some plans allow you to get data from your phone
network. If your plan lets you to do this, you can connect to web services anywhere that your phone gets a signal. If your plan does not
let you to do this, you will need to connect your device to a Wi-Fi network. Free Wi-Fi can be found at coffee shops, laundry mats, and
other public locations. Once your phone is receiving data, go to the application store on the device. Use the search or browse functions
to find fun, interesting, or useful programs. Once you have found an application that you want to try, click the button to download and
install it on your device. Not all applications are free, so make sure that you know how much the app costs before agreeing to download
it. Also, if you are under the age of 18, get your parent’s permission before downloading anything. You’ll like your new phone so much
more once you have some cool apps.
A. Cause and Effect C.Comparison&Contrast
B. Illustration D. Process
17. Most mobile phones sold today have an operating system that was either designed by Apple or Google. Apple makes the iOS
operating system powering their iPhones and iPads. Google makes the Android operating system that can be found on many different
mobile phones and tablets. Both of these operating systems allow users to connect to app stores and download applications. To launch
these applications, users press small square buttons that appear on their home screens. One major difference between these two
operating systems is that Apple makes all of its own hardware. That is to say, the iOS operating system only appears on products
18. Have you ever wondered what the inside of a volcano looks like? Deep underground is a magma chamber. The magma chamber is
under the bedrock of the earth’s crust. The conduit or pipe runs from the magma chamber to the top of the volcano. The conduit
connects the magma chamber to the surface. Most volcanoes also have a crater at the top. Volcanoes are quite a sight, and you can
enjoy this site all over the universe. Volcanoes are found on planets other than Earth, like the Olympus Mons on Mars.
A. Description C. Exposition
B. Narration D. Argumentation
19. Dinosaurs existed about 250 million years ago to 65 million years ago. This era is broken up into three periods known as the
Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. The Triassic Period lasted for 35 million years from 250-205 million years ago. Planet Earth
was a very different place back then. All the continents were united to form one huge land mass known as Pangaea. The Jurassic
Period was the second phase. The continents began shifting apart. The time scale for this famous period is from 205 to 138 million
years ago. The Cretaceous Period was the last period of the dinosaurs. It spanned a time from 138 million to about 65 million years
ago. In this period the continents fully separated. However, Australia and Antarctica were still united.
A. Description C. Exposition
B. Narration D. Argumentation
20. Once you adopt a pet from the Animal Rescue League, it will quickly become a part of your family. If you are thinking of adopting a
pet, you might consider choosing a dog or a cat. Dogs and cats can bring lots of happy times to a family, and they can be excellent
companions for a person who lives alone or someone who has lost a loved one. Dogs are also a wonderful source of protection. Cats
are funny, and they may help to calm people down when they are sad or mad.
A. Description C. Exposition
B. Narration D. Argumentation