RCC Design of Stem: Input Data

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1) Design ultimate bending moment at bottom of stem = 3.63 TM
2) Concrete Mix 25 N/mm^2
3) Reinforcement Fe 500 N/mm^2
4) Overall thickness provided 400.03 mm
5) Cover to the centre of main steel 50 mm
6) Total axial force on stem ( Ultimate ) = 9.52 Tonne
7) Design ultimate bending moment at I st checking level of Abt. = 3.63 TM
8) Top width of wall 300

As per clause 15.7 of CBC stem is designed as slab according clause 15.5

Design ultimate bending moment at bottom of Stem = 3.6 tm / full abt. Length
= 3.6 tm/RM
Design ultimate bending moment at bottom of Stem. = 3.63 tm/RM
Design ultimate bending moment at Ist ch. Lvl. of Stem. = 3.6 tm/RM
( Assuming factor of safety as per Table 12 of CBC )

To calculate depth of section :- ( As per IS 456 )

Effective Depth d = = 102.6 mm < 350.03 ok
0.138 fckb

0.5 fck b d 4.6 Mu

Ast for under-reinforced section = 1- 1-
fy fck b d2

= 242.0 mm^2
Ast at first checking level = 242.0 mm^2 Eff. Depth d= 350.00
Check for Mu as per CBC Railway cl.
1.1 fy Ast
Mu = 0.87fyAst Z ; Z = 1 - xd
fck b d

Z = 344.70

Mu = 36284604.2 Nmm = 3.63 TM > 3.63 TM

Spacing of 16 mm dia steel on tension side = 830.47 mm c/c
( In one layers ) say 150 mm c/c B3
0.383 %
Spacing of 16 mm dia steel on tension side = 830.43 mm c/c
At first checking lvl. say 150 mm c/c B2
0.383 %
( At 2.800 mt from top of wall )
Spacing of 16 mm dia steel on tension side = 250.00 mm c/c
At second checking lvl. say 180 mm c/c
( At 7.000 mt from top of wall )

1 RCC-stem
Use 0.12 % steel on cmpr. side parellel to main reinforst.= 420.03 mm^2
( Below first ck. Lvl. )
spacing of 10 mm dia steel on compression side = 187.0 B5
Say 150 mm c/c
Use 0.12 % steel on tension side Distribution= 360.02 mm^2
spacing of 10 mm dia steel on tension side = 218.0 B1
Say 200 mm c/c
Use 0.06 % steel on compr. Distribution = 180.008 mm^2
spacing of 8 mm dia steel on compression side = 279.098 B4
Say 200 mm c/c

Factored shear on stem = 3.77 Tonne/ total length ( sesmic )

= 3.77 Tonne/RM
Ultimate shear on abutment Vu = 3.77 Tonne/RM

Shear stress " v " = Vu / bd = 0.108 N/mm^2

Permissible shear stress as per table 15 & 16 of CBC = 0.450 N/mm^2 "SVc"
0.383 % steel
As v is more than 0.450
Shear reinforcement is given by CBC Cl.
Use 4 legs/mt. 8 dia steel
Asv 0.87fyv
Sv = = 1514.80
b(v+0.4-SVc )
Provide four legged stirrups 8 mm dia at spacing = 200 mm c/c
( four legs / RM ) ( Spacing shall not be more than " d " as per cl. )
% steel if stirrupse are considered as distribution steel = 0.13 % > 0.12 %
As v is less than 0.450
No shear reinforcement is required as per Cl.


Factored shear on stem = 3.8 Tonne/ total length

Shear stress " v "= Vu / bd = 0.108 N/mm^2
Permissible shear stress as per table 15 & 16 of CBC = 0.524 N/mm^2 "SVc"
for M25 & 0.191 % steel
As v is more than 0.524
Shear reinforcement is given by CBC Cl.
Use 4 legs/mt. 12 dia steel
Asv 0.87fyv
Sv = = -12079.90 S1
b(v+0.4-SVc )
Provide four legged stirrups 12 mm dia at spacing = 400 mm c/c
( four legs / RM ) ( Spacing shall not be more than " d " as per cl. ) okay

As v is less than 0.524

No shear reinforcement is required as per Cl.

2 RCC-stem

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