Watervex: I W P A F C

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WATERVEX is a permeability reducing admixture for use
with all type of mortar and concrete mixes. It is Appearance:
particularly suitable for use in ready mixed concrete and Turbid yellow liquid
all types of structural concrete. It is also usefully
employed in precast concrete involving use of wet and Specific gravity:
semi dry concrete. 1.04 at 25oC
Chloride content:
FEATURES Nil to BS 5075
WATERVEX is formulated from carefully selected raw
materials and is manufactured under controlled Non-toxic.
conditions to give a consistent product. The ingredient
present is WATERVEX forms a thin hydrophobic layer Compatibility with cement:
within pores and voids of concrete to provide maximum WATERVEX can be used with all types of portland
reduction in permeability without any unwanted side cement. It can also be used in mix designs containing fly
effects. ash and microsilica.
When tested in accordance with B.S 1881, part 122,
water absorption was found to be reduced approximately Compatibility with other admixtures:
50% of control value. Compatible with other Ahlia admixtures, if added
separately to the mix. WATERVEX should not be
USES premixed with other admixtures.
WATERVEX can be used for the preparation of watertight
concrete employed in construction of water retaining Shelf life:
structures, concrete roofs, basements, tunnels, sea walls, At least 18 months if stored in tightly closed containers
tanks, swimming pools, construction in humid at normal ambient temperature.
atmospheric conditions etc.
WATERVEX is suitable for damp proofing screeds in DIRECTIONS FOR USE
bathrooms, kitchens, and external render.
WATERVEX is supplied ready for use. Trials should be
conducted on site using the actual concrete mix to
ADVANTAGES determine the exact quantity of WATERVEX to be
 WATERVEX prevents capillary action and reduces admixed, so as to produce waterproof concrete
permeability in concrete and permanently protects it conforming to the particular standards. Good concrete
against dampness and under water pressure. practice must be followed at all times.
 Imparts to the mortar or concrete the properties of
an impermeable material without restraining the Dosage:
breathing of structure. 1.0 liter per 100 kg of cement weight (It is advisable to
 Reduces the quantities of water needed in the mix add other approved water-reducing admixture to achieve
due to its plasticizing properties, thus strength and required workability and concrete properties).
impermeability of concrete will be improved.
 Sulfate attack is reduced, as the sulfate bearing Dispensing:
ground water being resisted. Best by a dispenser into the gauging water or directly
with water into the mixer.
An overdose of double the recommended dose of
WATERVEX can result the retardation of initial set of
concrete. The ultimate strength of the concrete will not
be impaired if properly cured.

Rev.: 02 Mar 2015 Page 1 of 2 Ref No.: ACC/R&D/1503/CAP/0094



WATERVEX is non-toxic and non-flammable. Splashes to WATERVEX is supplied in 205 liter barrels and 20 liter
eyes should be washed immediately cans.
with abundant water. It is advisable to use goggles and
gloves while handling WATERVEX. STORAGE
Preferably store in closed conventional containers,
protected from extreme weather conditions.

Our Technical Service Department is available at any time to advise you in the correct use of this product or any other Ahlia products.
Note: The information presented herein is based on the best of our knowledge and expertise for which every effort is made to ensure its
reliability. Although all the products are subjected to rigid quality tests and are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture, no
specific guarantee can be extended because results depend not only on quality but also on other factors beyond our control.
As all Ahlia Technical Data Sheets are updated on a regular basis, it is the user responsibility to collect most recent issue.

Rev.: 02 Mar 2015 Page 2 of 2 Ref No.: ACC/R&D/1503/CAP/0094

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