Ed 2100 Syllabus

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Bemidji State University

ED 2100: Child Development and Learning

3 Credits
Contact Information:

Instructor: _______________________________
Office: _______________________________
Office Hours: _______________________________
Telephone: _______________________________
E-mail: _______________________________

Course Description:

Child development and learning from prenatal through adolescence. Emphasis on developmental domains,
brain development, and learning: physical (including health practices), cognitive (including language), and
social/emotional (including cultural). Observing, assessing and documenting children’s development and
learning are included.


Berk, L. E. & A. B. Meyers. (2016) Infants, children, and adolescents. (8th ed.) Boston: Pearson.

Cohen, D., Stern, V., & Balaban, N., (2008 or 2016 ). Observing and recording the behavior of young children.
(5th or 6th ed.) New York: Teachers College Press.

Pica, R. (2015). What if Everybody Understood Child Development? Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Committee on How People Learn, A Targeted Report for Teachers, Center for Studies on Behavior and
Development, and National Research Council (2005). How students learn: History, math and science
in the classroom. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.—Available online.

Grades will be based on the percentage of points you earn in the course: 90 percent and over = A, 89 to 80
percent = B, 79 to 70 percent = C, 69 to 60 percent = D.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will:
 Examine and demonstrate understanding of theories and research related to child development and
 Demonstrate understanding of typical development of children from birth through adolescence in the
areas of physical, social, emotional, cultural and cognitive development.
 Demonstrate understanding of core principles of how children learn content knowledge.
 Demonstrate skills in observing, recording, describing, and analyzing children’ behaviors and learning
as they relate to child development.
 Recognize and describe issues that impact the growth, development and learning of children.
Major Content Areas:
 Currently accepted theories of development relevant to prenatal through adolescence.
 Developmental milestones prenatal through adolescence.
 Core principles of how children learn.
 Observing, recording, describing, and analyzing children’s development and learning.
 Current issues related to child development and learning.

Students are required to read assigned text and be prepared to discuss the material in class. In addition,
students will be required to complete the following:

• Participation in daily and online activities such as discussions of child development, posting video links,
reflective writings, mini-quizzes or mini-presentations. 20% of grade.

• Child Observation and Analysis. 35% of grade.

• Child Development Application Project. 15% (Choose How Students Learn Project, Coming of Age
Project, OR Issues Project)

• Quizzes/Exams. 30 % of grade. Scheduled throughout semester


Week: Topic:
Week 1 What is Child Development?
Week 2 Major Theories of Child Development
Week 3 Genetics/Prenatal Development
Week 4 Infants and Toddlers (Physical/Cognitive/Brain Development)
Week 5 Infants and Toddlers (Social/Emotional)
Week 6 Observing, Documenting and Assessing Children
Week 7 Preschoolers (Physical/Cognitive/Brain Development)
Week 8 Preschooler (Social/Emotional)
Week 9 Middle Childhood (Cognitive, Physical, Brain Development)
Week 10 Middle Childhood(Social/Emotional)
Week 11 How Students Learn Content Knowledge
Week 12 Implications of Emerging Theories (ACEs, Epigenetics)
Week 13 Adolescence (Physical/Cognitive/Brain Development)
Week 14 Adolescence (Social/Emotional)
Week 15 Current Issues in Child Development
Week 16 Final Exam

Time expectations:
Instruction Delivery Mode Hours of in class “Seat Expected hours of course work outside of class
Time” per credit per credit
Online (Synchronous AND 75 minutes Synchronous 3 hours/week for 15 weeks
Asynchronous) meeting per week.
Equivalent asynchronous
content per week.

Academic Integrity:
BSU students are expected to practice the highest standards of ethics, honesty and integrity in all of their
academic work. Any form of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating and misrepresentation) may
result in disciplinary action. Possible disciplinary actions may include failure for part or an entire course as well
as suspension from the University. It is suggested that students review BSU’s statement on academic integrity
found within the Student Code of Conduct.

Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom:

We at Bemidji State University believe the classroom is an environment where civility, human dignity and
respect is maintained. Any variation from this for example yelling or saying profanity at an instructor or
another person in the classroom, or any other loud, lewd, belligerent or obnoxious behavior resulting in a
disruption from teaching, and learning are violations of the Code of Conduct and will not be tolerated. If this
occurs, you will be asked to leave the classroom not to return until you meet with the University Conduct
Officer and you could be subject to a judicial hearing.

Extended Leave Procedure:

If student has to be away from class from an extended period of time (more than two class sessions) for
medical emergencies or a funeral, you are asked to contact the Student Life and Success Office where a leave
notice will be given to your faculty. This notice informs the faculty of your departure and return date back to
campus. This leave does not absolve you from any assignment you have due during your leave. You are to
make arrangements with your instructors of when to complete any assignments due during the leave period.
You can complete a leave form as this website https://www.bemidjistate.edu/offices/student-life-

Students with Special Needs:

[Include a statement on student accommodations and accessibility. The appropriate contact information is
included below.]
BSU is committed to making all educational programs, course materials, services and activities sponsored by
the University accessible to individuals with disabilities. Students requesting accommodations due to a
disability or other need for access should contact Accessibility Services as soon as possible.  Accessibility
Services is located at Decker Hall 202.  PH: 218.755.3883 or email: accessibility@bemidjistate.edu.  This
information is also available through Minnesota Relay Services at 800.627.3529. 

Tutoring availability:
BSU is committed to assisting our students in their academic endeavors and has in place the Advising Success
Center as a valuable resource. The Center is located in Decker Hall 202.
The Minnesota State system has updated the online tutoring service available to our students.  We are now
partnering with Tutor.com to offer 24/7 online tutoring, which will connect students with an expert tutor for
extra assistance one-on-one. Online tutoring services can be accessed through the main page in D2L and your
course page, by clicking on the tutor.com link, located in the “HelpLinks” menu.
All students will receive 15 hours of tutoring at no cost.  Tutoring services cover a variety of subject areas
including math, writing, accounting, economics, biology, languages and nursing.  Additional time may be
purchased by students directly through tutor.com.

Mental Health and Counseling:

Students may experience mental health concerns or stressful events that may lead to diminished academic
performance. The Student Center for Health & Counseling is available to assist you with concerns and can
include stress relief services. They can be reached in Cedar Hall, First Floor. Phone: (218) 755-2053.

Accessibility statement:
Upon request this document can be made available in alternate formats. Please contact Accessibility Services
at 755-3883.

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