Superintendent Field Log Sheet 1

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Cloud State University

Field Experience Daily Log
Delana Smith

Date Activity Competency Hours Site

5/28 Meeting with Bemidji  Curriculum 1 hour Bemidji
District Curriculum Planning and School District
Director and Development Office
6/3 Integrating American  K-12 4 hours Bemidji
Indian Culture Leadership Middle School
Workshop Middle  Diversity
School and High School Leadership
Lang. Arts and Social  Curriculum
Studies Planning and
 Instructional
6/10 Bemidji Schools STEM  Curriculum 1 hour Bemidji State
Cultural Integration Planning and University
 K-12
8/7 Online Elementary  Organizational 5 hours Northern E
Handbook Management
8/8 Scheduling  Organizational 3 hours Bemidji
Management School District
8/12 Data Day  Policy and Law 4 hours Bemidji
 Organizational School District
Management office
8/14 Special Ed. Law  Policy and Law 4 hours Bemidji
School District
8/26 Back to School Staff  Communication 1.5 hours Northern E
1/23 Law Seminar  Policy and Law 7.5 hours Hampton Inn
2/13 MN Statues for  Policy and Law 7 hours Northern E
Education  Communication
Cultural Competency
Training Presentation
2/14 Staff Development Day  Organizational 8 hours Northern E
3/9 Safety and Support Plan  Communication 9 hours Bemidji High
Searches  Organizational School
Online Learning Management AEC
program for students  Judgement and
3/11 Site Team  Organizational 8 hours Bemidji High
Tennessen Warning Management School
Manifest meeting  Communication
K9 search
3/17 Staff meeting  Organizational 12 hours Northern E
Covid Planning Management Bemidji
Scheduling/ruling  Communication School District
Emergency Worker  Judgement and Office
Child Care Problem
 Political
Influence and
6/4 Covid School Hybrid  Organizational 9 hours Northern E
Model planning Management
Equity planning for  Judgement and
students Problem
8/11 District Leadership  Communication 10 hours Bemidji High
Meeting  Policy and Law School
Curriculum Director  Organizational Northern E
Staff Meeting Management
Covid Restrictions
8/17 School Board Meeting  Political 4.5 hours Online
8/28 Updates  Communication 2. hours Northern E
Back to School Plans  Organizational
Cutting Classrooms for Management
the school year
Reassignment of staff
Transfer ************** ***************** 100 hours ***********
1/4/21 Planning with Tim Lutz,  Communication 1.5 hours Bemidji
Bemidji District District Office
1/5/21 Bemidji Leadership  Communication 1 hour Google Meets
Meeting  Organizational
1/13-14/21 World Indigenous Forum  14 hours Online
(7 hours
each day)
1/21/21 Legal Seminar  Policy and Law 3 hours Online
1/25/21 Bemidji School Board  Political 3.5 hours Bemidji
Meeting Influence District
Hours 123
2/22/21 Bemidji School Board  Political 2 hours Bemidji
Meeting Influence District
2/25/21 Meeting with Dr.  Communication 1 hour Zoom Meeting
Johnson and Mr. Lutz
2/26/21 Bemidji State University  Communication 1 hour Zoom Meeting
American Indian  Political
Advisory Meeting with Influence
President Hensrud
Hours 127
3/3/21 Region 8 Superintendent  Communication 1 hour Zoom Meeting
Meeting  Judgement and
 Political
3/10/21 Region 8 Superintendent  Communication 1 hour Zoom Meeting
Meeting  Judgement and
 Political
3/15/21 Bemidji School Board  Political 3 hours Bemidji
Meeting Influence District
 Judgement and YouTube
Problem Channel
3/17/21 Region 8 Superintendent  Communication 1 hour Zoom Meeting
Meeting  Judgement and
 Political
3/24/21 Region 8 Superintendent  Communication 1 hour Zoom Meeting
Meeting  Judgement and
 Political
3/25/21 Bemidji Referendum  Judgement and 1 hour Google Meets
Steering Committee Problem
 Political
Influence and
 Communication
3/31/21 Region 8 Superintendent  Communication 1 hour Zoom Meeting
Meeting  Judgement and
 Political
Hours 136
4/6/21 Bemidji District  Communication 1.5 hours Google Meets
Leadership Meeting  Organizational
 Judgement and
4/8/21 Bemidji Special School  Political 1.5 hours Bemidji
Board Meeting Influence and District
Governance YouTube
 Judgement and Channel
4/14/21 Deer River School  Organizational 3 hours Deer River
District Meeting with Management High School
Supe. Jeff Pesta  Judgement and
Indian Ed. Problem
Potential Growth in analysis
Leadership in district:
Focus on American
Indian students.
4/14/21 Bemidji Referendum  Judgement and 1 hour Google Meets
Steering Committee Problem
4/16/21 Phone meeting with Tim.  Communication 0.5 hour Phone Call
Potential project
4/19/21 Bemidji School Board  Political 2.5 hours Bemidji
Meeting Influence and District
Governance YouTube
 Communication Channel
4/21/21 Region 8 Superintendent  Policy and Law 1 hour Zoom Meeting
Meeting  Judgement and
4/28/21 Region 8 Superintendent  Policy and Law 1 hour Zoom Meeting
Meeting  Judgement and
4/29/21 Meeting with BRIC  Judgement and 1.5 hours Zoom Meeting
Staff. Move forward, Problem
overcome bias, train Analysis
staff, Native American  Communication
student focus,
incorporating cultural
4/30/21 Phone meeting with  Communication 0.5 hour Phone Call
Rochelle Johnson,
Superintendent Cass
Lake Bena Schools
Set up some time to
Hours 148
5/5/21 Region 8 Superintendent  Communication 1 hour Zoom Meeting
Meeting  Judgement and
5/12/21 Region 8 Superintendent  Communication 1 hour Zoom Meeting
Meeting  Judgement and
5/17/21 Bemidji School Board  Political 2 hours Bemidji
Meeting Influence and District
Governance YouTube
 Communication Channel
5/18/21 Cass Lake Bena  Communication 8 hours Cass Lake
Shadowing  Organizational Bena District
Management Office
 Judgement and CLB High
Problem School
Analysis CLB Middle
5/19/ 21 Cass Lake Bena  Communication 8 hours CLB District
Shadowing  Organizational Office
Staffing issues Management
Leadership meeting  Judgement and
Open Positions Problem
FMLA Analysis
5/20/21 Cass Lake Bena  Policy and Law 8 hours CLB District
Shadowing  Communication Office
Discipline notices  Organizational CLBMS
Facility Assessment Management
Delegating tasks  Judgement and
Arbor Program Problem
Follow up at Middle analysis
5/21/21 Cass Lake Bena  Communication 8 hours CLB District
Shadowing  Organizational Office
Meetings Management CLBMS
Creating change  Judgement and
ESSER Funds Problem
Follow up on phone calls Analysis
and emails
Middle School
Employee of the Year
5/24/21 Cass Lake Bena  Communication 8 hours CLB District
Shadowing  Organizational Office
Employee absences Management CLBMS
Changing language  Judgement and
Meeting with architect: Problem
facilities check and Analysis
referendum planning.  Policy and Law
State Statutes  Political
Licensing Influence and
Lobbying discussion Governance
Letter of Assignments
for staff
5/25/21 Summer School  Communication 8 hours CLB District
Funding: Application  Organizational Office
Met with Indian Management CLBHS
Education Director  Judgement and CLBMS
Went through Calendar. Problem
Negotiations analysis
Sourcewell Meeting
Personnel Issues
Plan return of distance
learners’ equipment
5/26/21 Discussion: importance  Communication 8 hours CLB District
of keeping a call log with  Organizational Office
date and time of calls Management
Region 8 Supe. Meeting  Judgement and
Continue and follow up Problem
on summer school analysis
application.  Policy and Law
Schedule meeting to visit
school program in
Hinckley, MN.
Work on Tenure List to
be presented at board
5/28/21 Cass Lake Bena  Communication 8 hours CLB District
Shadowing  Organizational Office
Alternatives to Management CLBHS
Suspension  Judgement and CLBMS
Transportation visit and Problem CLBES
discussion of needs for analysis CLB
department  Policy and Law Transportation
Middle school walk facility
through and issue with
involvement of law
High school summer
school packets
Elementary walk through
and end of the year
Hours 216
6/1/21 Details Summer School:  Communication 8 hours CLB District
2 sessions, curriculum,  Judgement and Office
teachers, pre-post Problem
assessment, teacher Analysis
training on program that  Organizational
will be used, room Management
assignments,  Political
mailings/communication, Influence and
attendance, supplies. Governance
Discussion with 12
month employee:
schedule for summer and
other assignments.
Title 1 funding.
Impact Aid
Finance Meetings
Principals screen
Covid Related Guidance
for Summer School:
CDC, safe learning plan
College in the
Classroom: collaboration
with Itasca Community
College, district teacher
with masters degree in
agreement with the
Curriculum Review:
every 4th year
Staff Development:
approve teachers, help
them be the best they can
6/3/21 Staffing: needs, postings  Communication 8 hours CLB District
Facilities: narratives for  Judgement and Office
ESSER II funds Problem
Cass County Child Analysis
Intiative meeting:  Organizational
sourcewell, special Management
schools table until next  Political
meeting, mental health Influence and
for students, home Governance
visiting, health families
Meeting with Staff: 5
year planning facilities,
communication, signs,
Facilities: Esser II funds,
ventilation system, scope
and sequence,
disinfecting system
Reviewed plan to spend
Esser II money
6/4/21 Activities for summer  Communication 8 hours CLB District
school: Thursdays field  Judgement and Office
trips, collaborate trips. Problem
Unemployment packets Analysis
Free and Reduced:  Organizational
School district is approx. Management
90%, Title grants, Title 9  Political
Email incident with one Influence and
of the unions’ president: Governance
had IT remove email
immediately, sent the
email to all staff.
Importance of knowing
school district policies
6/7/21 Alternative to  Communication 8 hours Hinckley High
Suspension  Judgement and School
Meeting with staff: Problem
Principal directed. Analysis
Tiered system  Organizational
Students are separated Management
from peers, lunch is at a  Political
separate time, bathroom Influence and
breaks at a separate time. Governance
Meeting with
Superintendent: funding,
communication, gives
students and teachers
break, 1-45 days,
relationship, and skill
building, no more ISS.
Meeting with Principal:
referrals (teachers need 3
interventions before
sending students to
principal), PBIS,
Restorative Justice,
Northfield 9th grade
academy (catch up on
credits), place of support,
suspensions now are
more criminal activity
(fights, drugs,
firecrackers, selling),
cooling off time,
service/therapy dogs.
6/8/21 Connect with School  Communication 8 hours CLB District
Board Chair.  Judgement and Office
Set up interviews: Problem
location, day, and time. Analysis
Webmaster: 1 hour into  Organizational
day, larger stipend, Management
contract out, 5-6 updates  Political
daily, updated material- Influence and
send reminders to Governance
principals to update and
review website.
Meeting with Middle
School teacher: MN
Science standards
updates, proposal with
changes, timelines,
curriculum review, 6th
science, online
Meeting with Tribal
College Basketball
Coach: use of gyms,
agreement with tribal
college and school
district, basketball camps
to include high school
players, separate boys
and girls
6/9/21 Review Esser II  Communication 7 hours CLB District
Discussion on Audit,  Judgement and Office
when and how to Problem
conduct an audit, Analysis
reporting.  Organizational
Payroll issue: Management
investigate, track emails,  Political
and call to verify. Influence and
Duty free lunch. Governance
School Calendar, meet
and confer by April 1,
set calendar for next
school year.
Summer School logistics
6/9/21 ESSER III Funding  Communication 1 hour Bemidji
American Rescue Plan  Judgement and District Office
Mental Health Issues: Problem
how to support with lack Analysis
of resources,
consistency, behavior
specialist, coordinate
services, support groups
for students.
Average $4 million per
year for 3 years, one
time funding-fiscal cliff
Intention of money is to
plan for learning loss.
How will we fill the
needs? What is plan A,
B, and C?
Authentic and organic
6/10/21 Community: relations,  Communication 8 hours CLB District
make community feel  Judgement and Office and
welcome, work together. Problem CLB HS
Assistant sets up travel, Analysis
register for conferences,  Organizational
and pay with district Management
credit card.  Political
SMART Systems Influence and
training: UFARS, chart Governance
of accounts the state
wants to be used, codes,
how to navigate the
6/11/21 Safe Return to In-Person  Communication 8 hours CLB District
Learning Plan: CLB re-  Judgement and Office
opening plan, review Problem
other districts, call other Analysis
supe. on their plan, share  Organizational
info., condensed CLB Management
Safe School Plan into
safe return to in-person
learning plan.
Meeting with Business
manager: who’s doing
ESSER app?, How to
submit document or who
does the plan go to?
Staff incident: review
video footage,
investigate complaint.
Important to keep
calendars from previous
years to review what you
need to be doing
throughout the year.
Salaries: how to
determine salaries for
new hires, years of
experience, lanes, and
6/15/21 Arbor Program Brochure  Communication 3 hours Home
6/16/21 Summer School: Check  Communication 8 hours CLB District
in, met with students,  Judgement and Office
attendance, and Problem CLB HS
registration. Analysis
Agenda for board  Organizational
meeting, working board Management
session, packets for
working session.

6/21/21 Chat About: radio show,  Communication 4 hours Bemidji

preview of school board  Judgement and District Office
agenda (once a month on Problem
the morning of the Analysis
school board meeting  Organizational
SEL: Empower U Management
information meeting:  Political
online class once a week Influence and
students meet with a Governance
need for mental health-
tiered approach.
Principal evaluation
6/21/21 MSBA: Model  Communication 4 hours CLB District
Handbook  Judgement and Office, CLB
Policy Updates Problem HS
Summer School Analysis
Updates: met with  Organizational
Summer school Management
coordinator, counselor  Political
and ALC teacher Influence and
Draft amendment to Governance
contract for grounds
Review boiler licenses
for custodians
Instant Alert: notify
families of new safe
learning plan, ask for
families to comment on
the plan (ESSER III
Go over staffing with
Admin. Assistant.
DIRS reporting to state
6/21/21 Bemidji School Board  Political 2.5 hours Bemidji
Meeting Influence and District
Governance YouTube
 Communication Channel
6/22/21 Early Childhood  Communication 4 hours Bemidji
meeting: pre-school  Judgement and District Office,
screening, check in, Problem BHS, Bemidji
Kindergarten Analysis Transportation
registration.  Organizational
Bemidji High School: Management
met with Athletic  Political
Director and Janitors. Influence and
Bemidji Transportation Governance
Office: visit with staff,
discussion about
administration riding on
the routes. Discussed the
importance of including
transportation staff in
discussions of property
and buildings. They need
to have input on the
design of the parking lots
and bus access to
Phone meeting with
High School Assistant
Principal: Handbook,
policy, and language.
Issue was brought up
during previous school
board meeting. Flags
were one of the items,
kids were using political
flags as capes.
Discussion on first
amendment rights of
students with guidance
Discussed the
importance of having a
good relationship with
your assistant.
Community Ed.
Coordinator Evaluation
6/22/21 Staffing: set up  Communication 4 hours CLB District
interviews, look up  Judgement and Office
licenses, find posted Problem
positions Analysis
Follow-up with summer  Organizational
school. Management
Negotiation: proposal
from staff member,
figure salary and
benefits, prepare for
negotiation meeting
Review teacher
handbook and salary

6/23/21 Review Sped. Ed.  Communication 8 hours CLB District

Positions needed.  Judgement and Office
Referendum: go for in Problem
February Analysis
Review agenda for board  Organizational
meeting Management
Create Facilities
Manager position
Principal’s meeting:
update principals of what
is happening in the
district, collaboration
needed with High
School, ALC, and
counselors, discussion of
how to support staff and
gave examples-asked
each principal if they
needed anything or had
Phone meeting with
Board Chair: asked to
schedule special board
meeting, new hires,
handbooks, and agenda
Meeting with teacher of
the Arbor Program, visit
new classroom area.
Middle School: staffing,
subs, and programing.
Call staff member to see
his preference: “get the
right person in the right
seat on the bus.”
Rochelle, her theory on
making her schools run
smooth. Make sure the
staff are happy.
Follow-up with
elementary principal:
complimented how he
handled constructive
criticism during the
meeting, cover letters:
make sure to proof-read
and have right district.
Apptegy: webmaster,
build website and app,
cost, overview of
DIRS: reporting,
certified this school
year’s report on the
MDE website
6/24/21 Look at hiring policy.  Communication 8 hours CLB District
Phone meeting with  Judgement and Office
Business Manager: Problem
Budget, looking at Analysis
enrollment for 2021-  Organizational
2022, board approved Management
budget for next school  Political
year, reduction and Influence and
starting funds for next Governance
school year, reserve, all
subject to change with
Check in with Summer
School Coordinator:
some kids dropped but
have finished their credit
recovery, 10 still in
middle school and 26 in
high school.
Meeting with new
middle school principal:
staffing, interview
committee, positions that
need to be filled,
logistics of the middle
HOURS 325.5

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