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Januari 2018
Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
Sifak Indana
Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Gedung C3 Lt 2, Jalan Ketintang, Surabaya 60231, Indonesia
Email: sifi_999@yahoo.co.id
The research aimed to identify the validity, practicality, and readability of authentic assessment instruments.
The research is based on the model of research development research development research and development (R
& D) consisting of six steps and potential, the collection of information, product design, validation of the
product design, the revision of the product design, the limited test. To collect the data held in SMAN 1 Cerme
on August involving as many 16 students of XI heterogeneous. Data collection method uses the validation and
methods of observation. An analysis of the results of the data analysis using instrumen validation, the analysis of
the activity of students, an analysis of the performance/practices, the student responded, and readability analysis.
Based on the research done show results validation an instrument assessment seen from domain the contents
with the feasibility 86.67%. Seen from domain construction with the feasibility 83.3%. In domain language after
dipersentase its feasibility of 87.5%. Based on the results of the recapitulation of the activity of students who
have been carried out by an observer it can be seen that the activity of students achieved a score of with the
percentage 96.8 % or it can be said very practical. On the outcome of an instrument authentic assessment
readability have a score with the level of 10 from 5 samples have been taken. Based on the analysis of the data
can be inferred that the aspect of the criteria for validation in the category of very good/ perfectly valid, and
based on the aspect of practicality in the category of very practical, and from the perspective of readabilityt the
same level in the category of 10 so that equivalent to class X high school.
Key word : Authenthic Assessment, Enviromental Changes, 2013 Curriculum.
Education in Indonesia is inseparable from course of the tests in 2013 Curriculum teachers
a system that is required to be able to educate assessing overall based on process and product
students into the next generation of good nation. A resulted students as a attitude to competence,
system will create a quality education for the judgment to competence knowledge, the
future. A system is called the Curriculum. The competence of knowledge.
Curriculum in Indonesia continues to be improved The only difference is in the measurement
in order to create a better and optimal quality of of learning outcomes school tuition this needs the
education. At the moment the Indonesian world ability and teachers greater then appraise the
education using the Curriculum 2013 version 2016 outcome of students learning. Because the
as guidance 2013 Curriculum have a particular assessment is a technique evaluation which should
approach in the process of learning. This be done in a proper possible way in the process of
oncoming is the scientific approach manifested in pembelajaan teachers in school (Poerwati and
learning activities namely observe, one another, Amry, 2013). A judgment is expected in 2013
collect the data, association, and communication. Curriculum is also a comprehensive assessment of
This approach is a characteristic who made 2013 the core competence I until the core competence
Curriculum different from Curriculum in effect in IV which consisted of the aspect of attitude, the
indonesia before. The difference that can be seen aspect of skill, cognitive and facets. Although on
real are the judgments study results teachers give improving Curriculum carried out by the
for students participants. This assessment have a government namely 2013 Curriculum version
difference in contrast to the previous Curriculum. 2016 not charged directly study results school
On KTSP Curriculum, teachers assessing for tuition of competence I and II but assessment
measuring competence students cognitive to the study results this must be done by teachers to
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optimize study results school tuition so that the difficult to undertake an evaluation of student
measurement of all competence can be measured participants. Based on this information also shows
by the optimal and thorough. In line with it, there that the assessment to measure all the
are research conducted by Nurjananto and competencies possessed by learners has not been
Kusumo (2015) found that instrument assessment assessed authentically. The process of spots like
that can be used to measuring the competence this should not be tolerated because the role of
school tuition, the attitude, cognitive, and skills judgment is very conducive to learning that in a
are the judgments autentik and instumen of this classroom.
assessment in of implementation phase for points The material change of environment a class
realibilitas instrument of 0.86 and instrument of X Senior High School at the 2013 Curriculum
assessment autentik that has been declared valid, were the subject of that studies regarding the
realibel, and effective. changes to existing the environment and the third
The assessment of authentic as an activity most common cause, and the impacts from such
measuring a result of working school tuition that change beneath their feet yet. The material of
concentrates the last the evident and something which to be contained in chapter change of
that was supposed to can it be valued the teacher environment for poor people with recognition of
who was responsible of the ability of that is owned an of the concept and body of knowledge about
by school tuition, essentially and perfectly morally the environmental changes that can occur and the
good the process as well as the results of by the effect that imagination the strong desire of in real
use of a variety of instruments the assessment of life that must be easily swayed and led away by
that can be adjusted with the demands of the workers participating in primary school students.
competence which is valid (Kunandar, 2013). The The concept of and knowledge not thereby escape
assessment of authentic must also be able to their doom was pretty direct about the life of
describe the ability of the measures and the school tuition who demands of students for of
behaviour, skill, and knowledge that has not yet being directly involved in and understood by the
been owned or has been possessed by school school tuition to make it capable in applied in the
tuition, the ability of school tuition in applying to life of to support his truthfulness. Supported by
display his knowledge, and all other forms of research conducted by Purnomo; et al, (2013) who
(Majid, 2015). Based on this shows that showed that material environmental changes were
assessments by authentic in addition to providing a the subject of environmental changes is the
any weighing the demands of the position 2013 material of which requires mastery of knowledge
Curriculum, the assessment of authentic also know to assess, attitude, and skills possessed by
how to discern and competencies implemented students. In the past teachers is more focussed
shares will be held school tuition essentially and students to know the subjects given by teachers
perfectly morally good aspects concerning the and ignoring the aspect of the attitudes and skills.
achievement of the measures and the behaviour, This of course contrary to the demand for 2013
skill, and cognitive. Not only that is it based on the Curriculum, basic competence to pay back so that
meaning of built with the sweat of it can be seen a judgment is expected to allow good assessment
that, the assessment of authentic also know how to can run in order to optimize the learning outcomes
discern and school tuition in the aspect of the can run students in an optimal level because there
performance and the product of a result of was the assessment conducted in by only borders
working school tuition. In Permendikbud number on damascus on one of the aspects world before
104 years 2014 well described that assessments by that eventually it cognitive.
authentic is a form of the assessment of that which Based on it above shows that the
is willed school tuition on the other hand inconsistency between the Curriculum over a bill
displayed the measures and the behaviour, use which is in is not implemented. It is certainly
knowledge and skill acquired of learning in measures should be taken to make it easier for
performing a duty on situations that indeed. This teachers in making changes in terms of judging
shows that assessments by authentic is needed students in order the concept, the principle,
teachers to judge capability owned by school assessment and procedures can be an irreducible
tuition thoroughly and also the process of (Dinar, 2016). This of course teachers need
collecting the various data that can be describing authenthic assessment format that is appropriate
the development of students known by teachers to for can evaluate. So student all at learning
prove that school tuition follow the process outcomes, of course is required the development
learning correctly and appropriate (Majid, 2015). of authentic assessment instruments eligible to be
Standart of the scoring in 2013 Curriculum used in order to optimize the learning outcomes
that requires teachers to assess all competence students on any material change of environment.
owned by school tuition to the teacher can find it
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