6 Prosiding ICM2E 2017

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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2

(ICM2E 2017)


Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzan, M.Pd., M.Sc

Prof. Dr. Syafrizal, M.Si
Prof. Dr. Ismail Bin Mohd, ISPEM
Fridgo Tasman, S. Pd., M. Sc
Anggit Reviana Dewi Agustyani, M.Pd


Dr. Irwan, M.Si

Dr. Yerizon, M.Si
Drs. Hendra Syarifuddin, M.Si., Ph. D
Dr. Dony Permana, M.Si


AUGUST, 27th - 29th , 2017

International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Message from the Rector of Universitas Negeri Padang

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me great happiness to extend my sincere and warm welcome to the all participants of
the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)

On behalf of Universitas Negeri Padang, let me welcome all of you to the conference in
Bukittinggi, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. We believe that from this scientific meeting,
all participants will have time to discuss and exchange ideas, findings, creating new
networking as well as strengthen the existing collaboration in the respective fields of
expertise. In the century in which the information is spreading in a tremendous speed and
globalization is a trend.

Universitas Negeri Padang must prepare for the hard competition that lay ahead. One way to
succeed is by initiating and developing collaborative work with many partners from all over
the world. Through the collaboration in this conference we can improve the quality of our
researches as well as teaching and learning process in mathematics, science and technology.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to mathematics department on mathematics

and science faculty and organizing committee who have organized this event. This is a great
opportunity for us to be involved in an international community. I would also like to extend
my appreciation and gratitude to keynote speakers, parallel keynote and participants of this
conference for their contribution to this event.

Finally, I wish all participants get a lot of benefits at the conference. I also wish all
participants can enjoy the atmosphere of the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra.

Thank you very much

Prof. Ganefri, Ph.D


International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Message from Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences

Universitas Negeri Padang

Rector of Universitas Negeri Padang

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences
Head of Graduate Program in Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences
Head of Department in Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences
Distinguished Keynote Speakers
Organizers of this conference
Dear participants
Ladies and gentlemen

I am delighted and honored to have this opportunity to welcome you to International

Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017), which is hosted by
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Padang.
As the Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Science, I wish to extend a warm welcome to
colleagues from the various countries and provinces. We are especially honored this year by
the presence of the eminent speaker, who has graciously accepted our invitation to be here as
the Keynote Speaker. To all speakers and participants, I am greatly honored and pleased to
welcome you to Padang. We are indeed honored to have you here with us.

The ICM2E 2017 organization committee has done a great work preparing this international
conference and I would like to thank them for their energy, competence and professionalism
during the organization process. For sure, the success I anticipate to this conference will
certainly be the result of the effective collaboration between all those committees involved.
This conference is certainly a special occasion for those who work in education, mathematics,
science, technology, and other related fields. It will be an occasion to meet, to listen, to
discuss, to share information and to plan for the future. Indeed, a conference is an opportunity
to provide an international platform for researchers, academicians as well as industrial
professionals from all over the world to present their research results. This conference also
provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences,
to establish research relations and to find partners for future collaboration. Hopefully, this
conference will contribute for Human and Natural Resources.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all delegates for their
contribution to the ICM2E 2017.
Thank you,

Dean of The Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences

Prof. Dr. Lufri, M.S.

International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Message from the Chairman of Organizing Committee

First, I would like to say welcome to Bukittinggi Indonesia. It is an honor for us to host this
conference. We are very happy and proud because the participants of this conference come
from many countries and many provinces in Indonesia.

Ladies and gentlemen, this conference facilitates researchers to present ideas and latest
research findings that allows for discussion among fellow researchers. Events like this are
very important for open collaborative research and create a wider network in conducting

For all of us here, I would like to convey my sincere appreciation and gratitude for your
participation in this conference.

Thank you very much

Dr. Irwan, M.Si



Pelindung : Rector of Universitas Negeri Padang

(Prof. Ganefri, Ph.D)
Penanggung Jawab : Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences
(Prof. Dr. Lufri, M.S)

Steering Committe : Drs. Hendra Syarifuddin, M.Si., PhD

Muhammad Subhan, M.Si
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzan, M.Pd., M.Sc
Dr. Edwin Musdi, M.Pd

Organizing Committee
Ketua : Dr. Irwan, M.Si
Wakil Ketua : Media Rosha, M.Si
Sekretaris : Yenni Kurniawati, M.Si
Wakil Sekretaris : Fridgo Tasman, S.Pd, M.Sc
Bendahara : Dra. Fitrani Dwina, M.Ed
Meira Parma Dewi, M.Kom
Kesekretariatan : Fitri Mudia Sari, M.Si (Koordinator)
Atus Amadi Putra, M.Si
Anggit Reviana Dewi Agustyani, M.Pd
Dina Fitria, M.Si
Elvi Silvia, S.Si
Doni Fisko, S.Si
Seksi Publikasi : Dr. Yerizon, M.Si (Koordinator)
Dr. Doni Permana, M.Si
Dr. Armiati, M.Si
Dra. Helma, M.Si
Seksi Acara : Drs. Syafriandi, M.Si (Koordinator)
Dra. Sri Elniati, M.A
Heru Maulana, M.Si

Seksi Konsumsi : Minora L Nasution, M.Pd (Koordinator)

Mirna, M.Pd
Dra. Jazwinarti, M.Pd
Seksi Perlengkapan dan Dokumentasi:
Suherman, S.Pd., M.Si (Koordinator)
Riri Sriningsih, M.Si
Mulyadi, S.Si

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Seksi Transportasi dan Akomudasi:

Drs. Yarman, M.Pd (Koordinator)
Drs. Mukhni, M.Pd
Defri Ahmad, S.Pd., M.Si
Yusmet Rizal, M.Si
Seksi Dana : Dr. Ali Asmar, M.Pd (Koordinator)
Dra. Arnellis, M.Si
Dra. Nonong Amalita, M.Si.
Seksi Tamu : Dra. Elita Zusti Djamaan, M.A (Koordinator)
Dra. Dewi Murni, M.Si
Khairani, M.Pd

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

GEOMETRYIN PARABOLIC AND HIPERBOLIC MATERIALS ............................................... 12
Ali Asmar ................................................................................................................................. 12
STUDENT LEARNING STYLE ................................................................................................. 18
Amelya Sri Emina1 Ahmad Fauzan1 Lufri2 ........................................................................... 18
REALISTIC MATHEMATICS EDUCATION ............................................................................. 22
Arnellis1 Ahmad Fauzan1 Yerizon1 Made Arnawa2 .............................................................. 22
MIND MAPPING ...................................................................................................................... 32
Basman Abdullah, Yerizon, Hardeli ...................................................................................... 32
MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (RME) APPROACH ................................................................ 42
Dini Alindra, Ahmad Fauzan, Ali Asmar ............................................................................... 42
APPROACHES REALISTICMATHEMATIC EDUCATION (RME) ........................................... 50
Efrata Gee 1 Ahmad Fauzan 1 Atmazaki 2.............................................................................. 50
AT SMPN 8 PADANG .............................................................................................................. 59
Elita Zusti Jamaan1 Diana Nomida2 Zulfiati Syahrial2 ......................................................... 59
PRIME IDEALS IN B-ALGEBRAS ............................................................................................ 69
Elsi Fitria, Sri Gemawati, Kartini ........................................................................................... 69
CONSTRUCTIVISM .................................................................................................................. 77
Fithri Hidayati, I Made Arnawa, Hendra Syarifuddin,.......................................................... 77
REALISTIC MATHEMATIC EDUCATION (RME) APPROACH............................................... 81
Fitriana1, Edwin Musdi 1, Azwir Anhar2 ................................................................................ 81
.................................................................................................................................................. 89
1Hanifah, 2Nur Aliyyah Irsal................................................................................................... 89
Hayati Nufus, Yerizon, Ali Asmar ........................................................................................... 96

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL ......................................................................................................... 101
Helma .................................................................................................................................... 101
SMP NEGERI SOUTH NIAS REGENCY ................................................................................. 111
Hestu Tansil La'ia, Armiati, Hendra Syarifuddin ............................................................... 111
EXTENDING).......................................................................................................................... 125
Indartia Yuana Arizal1 Edwin Musdi1 Syahrul Ramadhan2 .............................................. 125
STUDENTS OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ................................................................................ 130
Irwan, Yuriska Mayasari ...................................................................................................... 130
Izzatur Rahmi, I Made Arnawa, Lufri .................................................................................. 142
STRATEGY ............................................................................................................................. 147
Lara Yulia Sastri1 Edwin Musdi2 Hardeli3 ........................................................................... 147
SMP ........................................................................................................................................ 152
Lativa Dwi Desika ................................................................................................................. 152
Layla Fadhilah, Yerizon, Darmansyah ................................................................................. 170
Lilik putriani, Irwan, Dony Permana .................................................................................. 177
Lita Lovia, Lucky Heriyanti Jufri, Dewi Estetikasari .......................................................... 183
Maiyastri1 Dodi Devianto1 Efa Yonedi2 ............................................................................... 189
Media Rosha .......................................................................................................................... 196

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


CONSTRUCTIVISM APPROACH ........................................................................................... 206
Metha Husya Notika 1Yerizon 2Yuni Ahda.......................................................................... 206
TOGETHER (NHT) ................................................................................................................ 211
Mira Dwinda Sari, Ahmad Fauzan, Lufri ............................................................................. 211
SKILLS (HOTS) IN LEARNING MATHEMATICS .................................................................. 217
Nadia Alkhaira, Yerizon, Budhi Oktavia ............................................................................. 217
Nike Marta Yola, Edwin Musdi, Dony Permana ................................................................... 226
KNOWLEDGE ........................................................................................................................ 232
Nikmatul Husna, Ahmad Fauzan, Latisma Dj ..................................................................... 232
ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................. 242
Nonong Amalita, Yenni Kurniawati, Dina Fitria................................................................. 242
LINEAR ALGEBRA PROBLEMS ............................................................................................ 250
Nur Aliyyah Irsal, Hanifah ................................................................................................... 250
Remmi Adi Putra1 Yerizon1 Latisma Dj2 ............................................................................. 257
PROBLEMS ON THE PARTICIPANTS ................................................................................. 266
Reni Septriwati1I Made Arnawa1 Atmazaki2 ...................................................................... 266
UNDERSTANDINGOF CLASS X SMA NEGERI 12 PADANG ................................................ 272
Reri Seprina Anggraini, Atus Amadi Putra, Mirna ............................................................. 272
WITH SAINTIFIC APPROACH .............................................................................................. 282
Resi Novita Sari, Irwan, Yerizon .......................................................................................... 282
NEWMAN’S ERROR ANALYSIS (NEA) ................................................................................ 286

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Rika Septianingsih1, Irwan1, Budi Oktavia2 ........................................................................ 286

MEANS TO SOLVE FUZZY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION*.................................................... 291
Rini Yanti1 Alyauma Hajjah2 ................................................................................................ 291
PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT IN STT PAYAKUMBUH ..................................................... 300
Rini Yunita, Ramacos Fardela .............................................................................................. 300
Riri Putri Yanni, Ahmad Fauzan, Edwin Musdi .................................................................. 313
................................................................................................................................................ 322
Riry Sriningsih, M. Subhan, dan Minora Longgom Nst ...................................................... 322
Risnawati, Dini Wahyuningsih ............................................................................................ 327
Riza Silfia, Irwan, Edwin Musdi ........................................................................................... 332
Sabrina Indah Marni, Mashadi, Sri Gemawati .................................................................... 340
CREATIVE THINKING AT PADANG ..................................................................................... 345
Saddam Al Aziz, Ahmad Fauzan, Irwan .............................................................................. 345
SELF-EFFICACY .................................................................................................................... 355
Siti Ambarwati, Ahmad Fauzan, Ahmad Fauzi ................................................................... 355
CONNECTIONS ABILITIES ................................................................................................... 362
Suci Kurnia Wati, Edwin Musdi ........................................................................................... 362
USING GUIDED DISCOVERY................................................................................................. 369
Suci Putri M, Edwin Musdi, Yuni Ahda ............................................................................... 369

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


OF GUIDED DISCOVERY ....................................................................................................... 373
Sulis Ulianty S, Ali Asmar, Budhi Oktavia ........................................................................... 373
Susanti1 I Made Arnawa1 Agustina2.................................................................................... 377
SMA PADANG ........................................................................................................................ 384
Utari Oriyenta Mulia1, Ahmad Fauzan1, Irwan1 ................................................................. 384
REVIEWED FROM EARLY SKILL OF MATHEMATIC .......................................................... 389
Vivi Afdarni1, Irwan1, Hendra Syarifuddin1 ....................................................................... 389
ABILITY ................................................................................................................................. 396
Wahid Umar1, Didi Suryadi2, Jozua Sabandar2, and Turmudi2 ......................................... 396
GUIDED DISCOVERY ............................................................................................................ 411
Wulan Firma Putri1, Irwan1, Edwin Musdi1 ....................................................................... 411
................................................................................................................................................ 415
Yulia Oktavianda1, Armiati1, Irwan ..................................................................................... 415
SMP/MTs BATUSANGKAR ................................................................................................... 428
Zulmen Suhendri .................................................................................................................. 428

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Ali Asmar
Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri
Padang, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics, Mathematics of Education

This research aims to identify students' difficulties in solving analytic geometry
problems on parabolic and hyperbolic materials. The analytical geometry is one of the
main subjects. The subject of this research is the second semester student of Mathematics
Department at Universitas Negeri Padang. Type in this research is descriptive research.
type in this research is qualitative approach. The data collection techniques in this
research is by the method of documentation, tests and interviews. Data analysis is done by
comparing data of analytic geometry test result and interview result. From the result of
the research, it can be concluded that students' difficulties in solving the analytical
geometry problem of parabolic and hyperbola matter are difficulty in memorizing the
formula used to do the given problem. Difficulty in determining the steps of the given
problem and difficulty in understanding the purpose of the given question.

Index Terms— Analitic of difficulties, parabolic, hyperbola

Education that is able to support future development is education that has the
ability to develop the potential of learners, so that they can face and solve the problem
of life. The government has conducted improvements to improve the quality of
education in various types and levels, including improvements in the curriculum in
universities, striving to improve the ability of mathematics, especially in analytical
geometry courses taught in the mathematics department at the Universitas Negeri
Analytic geometry is a continuation course of geometry that studies the plane
and space, as stated Muhassanah (Yuwono, 2016: 2). This course aims to develop the
ability of students in understanding the concept and applying it into the form of exercise
questions. The analytical geometry of the field is one of the compulsory subjects that
must be taken by Mathematics students. On the curriculum structure, the courses are in
the second semester. Especially the course content: (1) Parabola, and (2) Hiperbola,
In general, the material has been previously studied in high school. Based on
interviews conducted by researchers with lecturers of analytic geometry courses
obtained in the Academic Year 2016/2017 the number of students who graduated in
the field of analytical geometry field that is less than 70% of the 44 people the number
of students who take courses Analytical Geometry.
Students are still having difficulty in applying the concept especially parabolic
and hyperbola material. Furthermore, the results of interviews conducted with some

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

students obtained information that they are still difficult in applying the concept,
especially for parabolic and hyperbolic matter. Students are also not used to describe
parabolic and hyperbolic equations on plane if given different equations.
Based on the pre-liminary observations by researchers, factors causing the
number of students who score below the average are: ability to remember, ability to
understand concepts, and learning difficulties.
Referring to the results of research Muhassanah (Yuwono, 2015: 113) argues
that the difficulties of students in solving the problem of analytic geometry is
memorizing the formula used to do the given problem, the difficulty in determining the
steps of solving the problem given and difficulties in understanding the purpose of the
given question.
Based on those problem, the researcher is interested to conduct research on the
analysis of the types of student difficulties in solving analytic geometry as well as the
analysis of factors causing students to have difficulty in completing analytic geometry
on parabolic and hyperbola materials

a. Analytical Geometry
In this course students will learn about Cartesian Coordinate, Conical Sliced,
Equation tangent and normal line, coordinate coordination and rotary field space.
Students will learn to understand and can explain the material of analytic geometry of
both plane geometry and space geometry.
b. Parabola
Parabola is the place where the dots are located to a certain point equal to the
distance to a particular line (direktriks).
c. Hyperbole
Hyperbole is the place of the points that the difference of point distance to two
particular points has a fixed value. These two specific points are called the focus of

This approach uses descriptive qualitative research. This research was
conducted on the students of Mathematics Study Program semester two academic year
2016/2017 Faculty of Education and Natural Sciences at Universitas Negeri Padang.
Techniques used in data collection in this study is Documentation includes the
results of student tests on Final Exam Semester Even academic year 2016/2017 in the
course of Analytical Geometry and Interviews in this study using semi-structured
interview. Where in determining the subject of the interview is taking some two
semester students who get poor results on the final exam in the course of Analytical
Geometry and students who have high ability.
Students who take the course of Analytical Geometry in the majors of
mathematics amounted to 44 people. Students are divided into two groups namely high
and low groups. The researchers took the test results of each group at random to
analyze the form of difficulty. Data analysis technique used in this research is
qualitative, that is descriptive method.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


Data analysis result of Final Examination of Analytical Geometry obtained based
on result obtained by student after doing Final Exam Semester Even 2016/2017. Data
obtained in the form of a written answer sheet that is the result of student work on the
questions given by the exam supervisor. Problem to be analyzed is about parabola and
hyperbola problem.
Here is an example of questions and answers Final Exam Semester Even
Academic Year 2016/2017 and its completion on parabolic material:

Picture 1. Student's Answer (Low Ability) On Parabolic Material

Based on Figure 1 it is known that the answer of low-ability students on parabolic

material is still not appropriate. Students are still mistaken in describing the satellite
dish. In addition, the concept of the student about the equation of rotation on the
parabola is still lacking. Students only understand the basic concepts of parabolic
equations that surround the x axis. Supposedly, the equation also involves the z axis.
Students have difficulty in solving the problem because students can not remember
which formula to be able to solve UAS problem. This is seen in the following high-ability
student responses.

Figure 2. Student Answers (High Ability) On Parabolic Materials

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Based on Figure 2 it is known that the concept of students is correct. This can be
seen from the way the students describe the parabola and analyze the given problem.
Here is an example of questions and answers Final Exam Semester Even Academic Year
2016/2017 and its completion of hyperbolic material:

Picture 3. Student's Answer (Low Ability) On Hyperbole Material

Based on Figure 3 above it is known that the students are mistaken in finding the
value of the coefficient c. This results in the point of coordinates of the cusp point being
false. Students should apply the formula a2 + b2 = c2. The exact concept and completion
are done by the highly skilled student shown in the following figure.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Picture 4. Student's Answer (High Ability) On Hyperbole Material

Based on Figure 4 above it is known that students have understood the concept
of hyperbole well and write the answer systematically. Students are able to sort the
steps that will be used in problem solving.
Based on the Final Test Result of Even Semester of Academic Year 2016/2017
and interview with student, hence obtained data about difficulties experienced by
student in completing Analytical Geometry that is:
a. Output / Output Difficulty.
The difficulty of output is that students have difficulty in solving the problem because
students can not remember which formula to solve UAS problem. The statement is in
line with the opinion Kurniawati (2013) that if students fail to remember the formulas
and procedures that students memorized then thay will not successfully solve the
b. Visual-Spatial Difficulty or Ordering.
Visual-Spatial Difficulties or Ordering is the students have difficulty in sorting the steps
used to solve problems or understanding the concept of the matter of Final Exam in the
course of Analytical Geometry. This statement is similar to Lee's opinion (Fatokun,
2016: 19), argues that the three ways in which students experience misgivings of the
concept (2) Students are interested in unique explanations for various phenomena, and
(3) The everyday language of society often directs students to have different views.


a. Conclusion
Based on the results of the analysis that has been done by researchers there are some
conclusions from the difficulties experienced by students, among others.
1) Output / Output Difficulty
The difficulties of output is that students unable to remember the analytic geometry
formula, since the formula of analytic geometry is too long. Students tend to forget the
formula of analytic geometry, when students are given practice questions by lecturers.
Habits of students who are not good, students learn by mastering the knowledge of rote
learning without applied to the exercise questions.
2) Visual-Spatial Difficulty or Ordering
Visual-spatial or sequential difficulties include student difficulties in sequencing the
steps used to complete analytic geometry. Students have difficulty in determining the
steps because students have difficulty to understand the concepts that exist in the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

b. Suggestion
For the next researcher should familiarize the students in doing the exercises
related to understanding the concept so that students do not have difficulty when
doing the test questions.

Fatokun, K.V.F. 2016. “Instructional Misconceptions of Prospective Chemistry Teachers
Gordah., Nurmaningsih., & E. K. 2015. “Analisis Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis
Mahasiswa Pada Materi Kuliah Geometri Analitik di Program Studi Pendidikan
Matematika IKIP PGRI Pontianak”. Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika dan Sains,
4(2): 195-206.
Pawestri., Soeyono., Kurniawati, I., & U. 2013. “Analisis Kesulitan Pembelajaran
Matematika Dengan Pengantar Bahasa Inggris Pada Materi Pokok Bentuk
Logaritma Kelas X Imersi SMA Negeri Karangpandan Karanganyar 2012/2013”.
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Solusi, 1(1):1-7
Pradika, K. 2014. “Analisis Faktor Eksternal Penyebab Kesulitan Belajar Mata Pelajaran
Matematika Siswa Kelas VII MTS Amal Sholeh Kecamatan Getasan”. Skripsi.
Salatiga: UKSW FKIP.
Sari, E. P. 2015. “Faktor Penyebab Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Kelas X pada Mata pelajaran
Geografi”. Jurnal Eka Purnama Sari. Lampung: FKIP Universitas Lampung. A
Sugiyono. 2010. “Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan
R&D)”. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Yuwono, M. R. 2016. “Analisis Kesulitan Mahasiswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Geometri
Berdasarkan Taksonomi Bloom dan Alternatif Pemecahannya”. Beta, 9

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Amelya Sri Emina1 Ahmad Fauzan1 Lufri2

1Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
2BiologyEducation Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Korespondensi: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: Srieminaamel@Gmail.Com/Amelyasriemina@Yahoo.Co.Id

This study aims to describe the mathematical representation of students in
solving problems on math problems in terms of Student Learning Styles of auditorial,
visual, and kinestetik. This type of research is qualitative research. The procedure used to
select the subject was randomized from two classes, with nine subjects consisting of three
subjects of auditorial style (high, medium, and low), three visual style subjects (high,
medium and low level), and three subject styles Kinesthetic (high, medium, and low) levels
and learning styles are analyzed. Validation of data is done using triangulation time. The
description of mathematical representation is based on students' work in solving math
problems. There are four technical indicators of mathematical representation that are
used as a measure in analyzing student work results. The method used to find out the
representation of students' mathematical representation with the type of learning style in
solving the problem is to solve problems and interviews.

Keywords: mathematic representation, learning style.

Mathematics has an important role in various aspects of life. Many problems and
activities in life that can be solved by using mathematics such as counting and
measuring. Because it has an important role then math is taught in all levels of
education, ranging from elementary school to college and is a science learned since
ancient times until now. This is because mathematics is one area of science that can
improve a person's ability to think logically, creatively, critically, scientifically, and
quickly and precisely in making decisions, but to achieve it requires a good
understanding and mathematical competence.
Objectives achieved in the mathematics lessons according to National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) in 2000 are students must have five mathematical
abilities namely: 1) learning to communicate (mathematical communication), 2)
learning to reason (mathematical reasoning), 3) learning To solve problems
(mathematical problem solving), 4) learn to engaitkan ideas (mathematical connection),
5) learn to present the ideas (mathematical representation). For mathematical
representation has been included in the objective of learning mathematics in school in
the Ministerial Decree no. 23 of 2006 (Depdiknas, 2007). The role of mathematics
learning and mathematics objectives is very important in improving representational

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

The ability of representation is one of several mathematical abilities students

should possess. The mathematical representation itself is a person's way of thinking
things out and communicating mathematical ideas in a certain way. In addition,
representational skills are very useful for students to solve a problem in mathematics.
As Brenner (Neria and Amit, 2004: 409) notes that "successful problem-solving
processes depend on skills presenting problems such as constructing and using
mathematical representation of representations into words, graphs, tables, and
equations, solving and manipulating symbol."
The ability of representation is very important in the learning activities, but
based on the results of literature studies conducted found that the ability of student
representation is still low, one of the results of research conducted by Gilbert Febrian
Marulitua Sinaga 2016, from 43 students only 13 students who complete The ability of
representation, of the percentage of mastery. The ability of the mathematical
representation to be observed is based on the student's learning style. Learning styles in
research are divided into three categories: visual, auditorial and kinestetik.
According to Sperry Smith (Gallenstein, 2005: 28), Bruner's 3 way
representation application in mathematical learning is to physically perform
mathematical activities using manipulative, mental mental activity by thinking in terms
of visual, auditorial or kinesthetic clues, and ultimately capable Use the number symbols
with their meaning. This implies that when students want to demonstrate the ability of
their mathematical representation to solve math problems, students try to recall their
previous knowledge so that they can get directions to solve the problem. The guidance
that students can represent is a visual, auditorial or kinesthetic activity based on the
knowledge they get beforehand. From the description implies that visual learning style,
auditorial and kinestetik also contribute to the students' mathematical representation.
Based on the above description, it can be concluded that there is a gap between
what is desired with what is happening in the field. So it is deemed necessary to analyze
students' mathematical representation abilities based on visual, auditorial, and
kinesthetic learning styles in solving mathematical problems.

This study included a type of literature study. Where literature study is the way
used to collect data or data sources related to the topics raised in a study. This study
contains about the ability of mathematical representation and learning styles of
students. The sources are obtained from journals, books, articles, research reports and
internet sites.


Representation is a configuration. In general, representation is a configuration
that can present an object in a way. Cai, Lane, & Jakabcsin (in Sabirin, 2014: 34)
revealing representation is a way that a person uses to communicate answers or
mathematical ideas in question. The representation generated by the students is an
expression of the mathematical ideas or ideas that students display in an attempt to find
a solution to the problem they are facing as a result of the interpretation of their mind
(NCTM 2000: 67).
Basically in the process of learning achievement, a teacher needs to design the
process or learning activities that take into account the characteristics of students such

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

as the tendency of student learning styles. Inside each student has a different learning
style to absorb and receive information. According to Bobby DePorter (2014), knowing
these different learning styles has helped teachers everywhere to be able to approach
all or almost all by conveying information with different learning styles. Bobby DePorter
divides these learning styles into three groups: visual learning groups that access
learning through visual imagery, auditorial learner groups that access learning through
auditory imagery and kinesthetic learning groups that access learning through motion,
emotion and physical learning. Whatever style is chosen, the learning style differences
show the fastest and best way for each student to absorb an outside information. In
learning, each student has different learning styles or styles to concentrate on the
process, mastering difficult and new information through different perceptions. In other
words each student is assumed to have a choice of individual learning styles to help
them learn in a conditioned situation. So that the factors of learning style differences
will likely affect the students' mathematical communication skills in resolving the
questions given. According to DePorter, et al (2014) learning style is the key to
developing performance in work, school, and in interpersonal situations. Ghufran
(2013) states that learning styles are an approach that explains how individuals learn or
how each person approaches to concentrate on the process, and mastering difficult and
new information through different perceptions. According to Yaumi (2013) style or
learning pREFERENCES can be seen to affect the process and learning outcomes. Style is
individual for everyone, and to distinguish one person from another. Thus, in general
the learning style is assumed to refer to the personalities, beliefs, choices and behaviors
used by the individual to assist in their learning in a conditioned situation so as to be
able to see the ability of the mathematical representation of the students in completing
Math problems.

The ability of representation is one of several mathematical abilities students
should possess. The mathematical representation itself is a person's way of thinking
things out and communicating mathematical ideas in a certain way. In addition,
representational skills are very useful for students to solve a problem in mathematics.
Learning styles are an approach that explains how individuals learn or how each
individual approaches to concentrate on the process, and mastering difficult and new
information through different perceptions. Physically doing mathematical activity using
manipulative, doing mental activity of mathematics by thinking with visual memory,
auditorial or kinesthetic instruction, and finally able to use symbol of number with its
meaning mean learning style come coloring ability of mathematical representation from
student student.

Ann Assad, Dorothy. 2015. “Task-Based Interviews in Mathematics: Understanding
Student Strategies and Representations through Problem Solving.” International
Journal of Education and Social Science www.ijessnet.com Vol. 2 No. 1; January
Depdiknas. (2007). Kajian Kebijakan Kurikulum Mata Pelajaran Matematika. Jakarta:
Depdiknas Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan PusatKurikulum.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

DePorter, Bobbi, Mark Reardon, Sarah Singer-Nourie. 2014. Quantum Teaching:

Orchestrating Student Succes. Terjemahan Nilandari. Kaifa, Bandung.
Gallenstein, Nancy L. (2005). Engaging young children in science and mathematics.
Journal of Elementary Science Education. 17(2): 27-41.
Ghufran, M. Nur dan Rini Risnawati.S. 2013. Gaya Belajar Kajian Teoretik.Pustaka
Pelajar, Yokyakarta.
NCTM. (2000). Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA : NCTM.
Yaumi, Muhammad. 2013. Prinsip-Prinsip Desain Pembelajaran. Kencana, Jakarta.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Arnellis1 Ahmad Fauzan1 Yerizon1 Made Arnawa2

1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Negeri Padang Indonesia
2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Universitas Andalas

The goal of research is to influence learning trajectories at differential in mathematics
school. The method was design research conducted in the pilot experiment. Students who
are involved a student attending in XI MIA SMA10 Padang. The instrument is observation
sheet, test, and local instructional trajectories which is developed in the form of student
activity sheet. Based on the observation the using of learning trajectories has a success
activity. The test result shows that there is improvement students’ the high order thinking
skills after attending the class by using the realistic mathematics education on differential.
The percentage of the effect of quiz with post test of 37.0%

Keywords: learning trajectories, high order thinking skill, realistic mathematics


Differential function is one material that has very many applications both in
mathematics itself, as well as in other branches of science such as in biology, physics,
chemistry, technology, economics and so on. While this material is a material that is
difficult to understand by students. Some studies suggest that the inability of students to
gain an understanding of the concept of derivative functions, which resulted in the
ability to think less. This is also supported by teachers, Thomson (2008) said that the
interpretation of math teachers did not used Bloom as a guide to write higher-order
thinking skills test items. This study shows teachers tend to guess the level of thinking
of a problem, the percentage of teachers on average 68% make a matter of lower order
thinking on the math test. The proposed learning trajectory can make the mathematical
learning process more profitable (Steffe, 2004).The point of view of the learning path
has not provided a framework for thinking about the learning process (Simon & Tzur,
2004).Based on the results of interviews with a number of high school students at SMA
10 Padang was the difficulty comes from problems in learning mathematics in school,
including: math problems that involve many formulas and ability to think is still at a low
level, understanding of mathematics just the symbols in writing on paper alone has not
been able to implement it in real life, and the concept of every material in the subject of
mathematics itself is not fully understood by the students in daily life. In today's
mathematics learning problems in daily life are only used to apply concepts and are not
used as a source of inspiration for discovery or concept formation. As a result, between
mathematics in the classroom with the in everyday life as if was separated, so that

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

students were less understanding of the concept. (I Gusti Putu Suharta: 2002).
Therefore, I used mathematical learning process the realistic mathematics education in
student activity sheet to explain the influence the learning process and high order
thinking skills.

Problem of Research
Seeing this situation, the problem of research “do efforts to improve the quality of
mathematics learning process using realistic mathematics education, especially on the
differential functions as a student activity in learning and is there any interaction
between students' high order thinking skills?" To answer the above problems, the
approach that can accommodate both is to create learning trajectory using Realistic
Mathematics Educations (RME) approach. Realistic mathematics learning begins with
real-world introduction in order to facilitate students in learning mathematics. In
addition, students are also given the opportunity to discover for themselves the
mathematical concepts presented in everyday life so that learners can solve problems
related to the derived material of function which ultimately the students are able to high
order thinking level.

Research Focus
Learning Trajectory (LT) is a way to describe pedagogic and didactic aspects in
lectures in mathematics. The relationship between teacher and student in aspect of
pedagogic, student and the material in didactic. LT is made anticipation of what might
happen, both the thinking process of students who will get the learning of mathematics.
Learning trajectory used is still a hypothesis or alleged so-called LT and is a bridge
between the theory of teaching and learning process in the real class (Bakker, 2004).
Based on the theory of teaching, formulated various mathematical ideas that become
the focus in the learning stage. The contextual problems corresponding to the
mathematical ideas were then developed for classroom derived learning. This is
supported from the research (Arnellis, 2016) states that learning trajectory developed
effectively used in studying calculus especially differential to develop the ability of
mathematical thinking of high level of student. This paper discusses how to have
produced learning trajectory (LT) which valid based on Realistic Mathematic Education
so that it can be used to build students' high thinking ability in understanding
differential function. In this study, the design of the LT used as a guideline
implementation of learning activities that are implemented in the form of lesson plans
so as to serve as a guide research design.
High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is ability to think high level defined was by
Tran Vui (2001) as follows higher order thinking occurs when a person takes new
information, analysis rearranges and extends this information to create a purpose or
find few possible answers. With HOTS students will learn more in-depth knowledge is
thick, students will understand the concept better and can distinguish the idea or the
idea clearly, argued with good, capable of solving the problem, able to construct the
explanation, capable of hypothesized and understand complex things become more clearly.
This shows that can be studied, HOTS can be taught on the students, with HOTS
troubleshooting capabilities students can be improved. Furthermore said that there is
a difference learning outcomes that tend to memorize and learning HOTS that uses a

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

high level of thinking. Thinking means using analytical capability, evaluation, and
such create required in daily life.
To develop high-order mathematical thinking skills LT students need to be
implemented on learning, in accordance with the characteristics of students learning. In
implementing LT accompanied by appropriate student activity sheets that enable
students to develop high order mathematical thinking skills. The result of Sarah's
research (2006) showed that the submission of high-level questions has an effect on the
improvement of student ability in handling mathematics problems that require high
order thinking.
Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). Students can follow the four stages of
developing the model by creating, a concrete model, then a semi-abstract model, and
finally creating an abstract model. Through the principle of developing the model
independently, students are expected to solve realistic problems given. According to
Freudenthal (in Gravemeijer, 1994a), the activity of mathematics means being
associated with reality through problem situations. The term "reality" means that the
problem situation is best demonstrated to learners. So what they learn is no longer an
abstract thing, but it becomes concrete for learners.
In Realistic Mathematics Education, mathematics is learning activities are
conducted by using real world and formed the ideas of learners in doing mathematical
problems. According to Freudenthal (Gravemeijer, 1994), RME also has five
characteristics, namely:
1. Using heading contextual problems; Learning's exactly what happened here with
contextual issues to enable learners to use previous experience and knowledge of its
beginning directly, starting from the formal system.
2. Using heading vertical instruments such as models, schematics, diagrams, and
individuated; This means that learners make their own models in resoursces'
contextual problems is is the relationship between the real-world situational models
screened acres relevant to the environment of learners into the mathematical
3. Using heading the contribution of learners; A great contribution in the learning
process is was much bigger to come from the learner, not the teacher. This means
that all the thoughts or opinions of learners acres noticed or appreciated.
4. Interactive learning process; Interaction forms such as negotiation, explanation,
justification, approval, question, or reflection acres used to achieve the informal
mathematical knowledge form that the learners find themselves.
5. Related to other topics; In RME the integration of mathematics learning units is
essential. By integrating it will make it easier for learners to solve the problem.
To see the implementation of the above characteristics, the use of RME is implemented
on the activities of students in learning process on student activity sheets. Freudenthal
(1991) discusses the possibility of bridging this formal informal gap in learning or
making introducing the concept is easier as he suggests don’t teach a formulating
before the introduction of Calculus through a specific learning process

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


General Background of Research

The method used is design research (Cobb & Gravemeijer, 2008). Design
research consists of “… a family of methodological approaches in which instructional
design….” which is done in teaching experiment stage. During the learning experiment,
LT serves as a guideline as a researcher what will be focused in the learning process,
interview and observation. Researchers need to adjust the LT with learning activities
that are guided by the lesson plans. The research approach is started the experiment,
that is thinking about the learning path that will be done by the students.
Sample of Research
Sample of research come from students who study mathematics in class XI MIA
SMA 10 Padang in the form of learning activities of learners.
Instrument and Procedures
The main research instrument was the LT differential function. Data were
collected mainly from student written responses to learning tasks in student activity
sheet. The tasks included five quizzes for assessing result of at the end in student
activity sheet. The effectiveness of LT performed post-test. Preparation of test questions
based on HOTS indicators. Furthermore data from post-test result is analyzed
quantitatively. The purpose of this analysis is to investigate the influence whether the
learning tasks in quiz of student activity sheet can be achieved by the learners.
Data Analysis
Data were collect from activity of RME in student activity sheet is analyzed
quantitatively with percentage technique. The purpose of this analysis is to know
whether the characteristics of RME can be achieved by the student. Data analysis based
on post test is done by giving a quiz at the end of activity in solving the problem of HOTS
and strategies used in accordance with predetermined indicators. Quantitative data
processing is done through two main stages.
1. The first stage: test statistics requirements needed as the basis in the hypothesis
testing, namely normalitas test the spread of the data and test the homogenitas
2. The second stage: test whether the the influence of the interaction to high order
thinking skills of the differential function in accordance with quiz at the end of
learning activity by using in RME


Description of Data
Description of data in student activity sheet and HOTS students’ score were
obtained after being given learning process on the sample, which is student in the class
of XI MIA of SMA 10 Padang is followed by figure below:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


Meeting I
25 Meeting II

20 Meeting III

15 Meeting IV

10 Meeting V

Contextual Vertical Contribution Interactive Related

Figure 1: Comparison of Distribution of Student Activity in Each Meeting

60 Quis 1

Quis 2
40 Quis 3
Quis 4
Quiz 5
Analysis Evaluation Create

Figure 2: Comparison of Development of Quiz Student’s

Based on the figure above, described are about the development of student
activity during the study. Data obtained from the quiz of five meetings on the learning
process with RME approach can be seen in the above diagram and the development of
student activity are fluctuates. In this case there are two of the characteristics in RME,
using contextual problem and related to other topics have low percentage. Furthermore
development of students' high order thinking ability, the score is at value of 50 to 80,
although there is a decline in the value of the evaluation indicators at Quiz 3 and 4.
Analysis of Data
The analysis of data aims is done through two main stages.
The first stage: test statistics requirements needed as the basis in the hypothesis testing,
namely normalitas test the spread of the data.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Normal Probability Plot

(response is post test)





-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30

In the above diagram is shown the normal distribution if the plot follows a
straight line
To see the influence of the interaction to high order thinking skills of the
differential function in accordance with quiz at the end of learning activity by using in
RME. Consider the following table

Table 1. Regression Analysis: Post Test versus Quiz

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 1 3130.23 3130.23 18.79 0.000
Error 32 5330.71 166.58
Total 33 8460.94

The regression equation is post test = 31.6 + 0.336 quiz

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 31.634 5.165 6.12 0.000
Quiz 0.33632 0.07759 4.33 0.000

S = 12.9068 R-Sq = 37.0% R-Sq(adj) = 35.0%

Based on above table is obtained by the value of constant coefficient 31.63 and
dependent variable coefficient (quiz) 0, 3363 then obtained regression equation. Post
test = 31.63+ 0.3363 × quiz. It means that there is a positive influence between the quiz
and the post test value. This means that each increase of 1 unit of quiz variable resulted
in an increase in post test value of 31.63+ 0.3363 = 31.9663. Based on the value of P that
is 0.000 compared with α = 0.05 means there is influence between quiz and post test.
That is there is significant influence between quiz variable with post test variable. In
consider the value of R-sg = 37.0%, means the effect of quiz with post test of 37.0%,
besides there are other factors that affect the post test variable.

The process of analyzing and explaining are not only on the factors that support
the success of learning, but also on some allegations of unresponsive learning. After
learning by apply the LT of function derivative with RME approach which begins with
contextual problem, horizontal mathematization, and vertical mathematization that
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

runs well in accordance with the plan and learning objectives to be achieved. Activity at
first meeting 1 aims to introduce the basic concept of derivative function that is given
two problems in the real world. Based on student activity in worksheet, using
contextual into problem and related to other topics are low percentage. At the end of
first meeting was given a quiz, and the result of mean score quiz 55.5. The second
meeting the learner began to solve the contextual problem related to derivative in their
own way. This is a situational stage and learners perform a process of horizontal
mathematization (Gravemeijer: 1994).Score in second mean score quiz is 69.5.
Contextual problems are given at meeting 3 according to the learning objectives. The
students are able to make a graph of function. After being able to develop models
informally (horizontal mathematization) become to differential form, student are to be
interactive, this is showed the highest percentage 31.016%, and score of mean quiz is
67.92. The fourth meeting, the learners are directed to think formally (vertical
mathematization). In vertical mathematization, learning also begins with contextual
problems, but in the long run learners can devise specific procedures that can be used to
solve similar problems directly without the help of context. Based on student activity,
percentage of related to other topics were decreased to be 10.9%, and mean score of
quiz were 70.75
Learning activities carried out at the final meeting were given few real problem
in other case student using related to of a derivative formulate. The mean score of quiz
were 79.17. In general learning with the RME approach is a learning that requires the
activities of learners. This is evident from the involvement of learners in various
activities such as contribute of learner, and presentations in front of the class to explain
their work and interactive learning process have high percentage. In learning using the
RME approach, each learner is free to use their own strategy (the use of student
contribution results) in solving the problems contained in the student activity sheet. In
this study, seen from the work of student activity each learner has a strategy or own
views that are different from the opinions of his friends in class discussions. Activities to
develop students' understanding of logarithms are used as examples of RME design
principles. Also Geist, Webb & van der Kooij (2011) attest to the usefulness of RME in
informing a more student-centered design in mathematics class.
The post-test results showed that there is a influence in students' high-order
thinking skills on the derivative function. The effect of between mean score of quiz and
post test only 37.0%, besides there are other factors that affect the post test variable.
Therefore, some students were explored that the value of the test post was in the low,
medium, and high group. The students delivered a number of opinions after the post
test activities.
Student 1: I understand the real problem, but it is difficult to understand mathematics
model, to the
reason of this "just adds me to be confused, I can’t analysis".
Student 2: I find the way, but it is confusing and requires many prerequisites, associated
Mathematics lesson in class X
Student 3:"... I can’t state its function, because I don’t evaluate a model and the
between the real-world situational models, but if it's a test material. I should be
ready to

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

study hard.”
Student 4: "It made me have to discuss with my friend to think about how derived
formulas to
transcendent functions".
Student 5: "The material is highly relevant and helps create the mind and think critically
Student 6: "I think the teacher should focus more on the worksheet by taking notes
more details
to learners and students can interact ".
Student 7: "Maybe certain aspects should be explained before the question is asked".
Student 8: Given hints of relevance to other topics. For example some other field
problems in
one theme is derivative
Student 9: Remarked, “Your program in student activity sheet was very challenging. I
realized that
I have a shortage in mathematics”
Overall, students feel that activities using LT in the form of worksheets with RME
help them understand the basic concept of differential function better. "LT is useful in
terms of revising the formal aspects of the derivative that I learned in previous lessons".
But there is a gap between a student’s prior knowledge and the formal world of Calculus
(Tall 1991; Tall & Meija-Ramos 2004) Some students interested in RME investigative
activities because they help in HOTS thinking. When asked about how well the activities
can help in their preparation for the formal form of the derivative function?, some
students agree as shown by the "good" response. Suggestions for improvement include
giving more detailed notes and explanations. When asked about learning difficulties,
students mention the definition of differentiation by using a limit, a function graph to
indicate there are differentiated functions and some are not. All the difficulties
mentioned are related to conceptual understanding, since they have always used direct
differential formulas

Based on the results of the data analysis, concluded:
1. Student activity in the derived function LT learning using the RME approach has
increased by the first meeting to the fifth meeting, although there are some activities
that increase unstable.
2. The potential impact of functional derived LT is to improve the thinking ability of
high-level learners. In the beginning learners are still difficulty in understanding the
material and solve contextual problems. After doing research like this, the ability to
think learners had been increased. That is, if learners learn with LT like this then it
will increase the ability of high-level learners.
3. There are many real problem in physic, chemistry, biology, economics, and so on,
how to create learning trajectory so that related to topics in differential

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Gratefulness to headmaster of SMA 10 Padang and mathematics teachers had been
supported by facilities in this research.

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Matematis Tingkat Tinggi Siswa SMAN 10 Padang pada Pembelajaran Matematika
Menggunakan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik. (Hypothetical Learning
Trajectory Calculus and Higher OrderMathematical Thinking Ability Students SMAN
10 Padang on Mathematical Learning by Using Realistic Mathematical Approach).
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Bakker, A ((2004).Design Research in Statistics Education: On symbolizing and
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Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Learning and Teaching (pp. 68-
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Freudenthal, H. (1991). Revisiting Mathematics Education - China Lectures. .Dodrecht:
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Gravemeijer, K.P.E. (1994). Developing Realistic Mathematics Education. The
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I Gusti Putu Suharta. ( 2002). Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI):
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tanggal 29 November 2012.
Sarah Elizabeth Gegen, (2006) The Effects Of Higher-Level Questioning In A High School
Mathematics Classroom Thesis Department of Curriculum and Instruction and the
Faculty of the Graduate School of Wichita State University
Simon, M.A, & Tzur, R. (2004). Explicating the Role of Mathematical Tasks in Conceptual
Learning: An Elaboration of the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory. Mathematical
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Steffe, L. P. (2004). On the Construction of Learning Trajectories of Children: The Case of
Commensurate Fractions. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 6(2), 129–162.
Tall, D. O., & Meija-Ramos, J. P. (2004). Reflecting on post Calculus-reform. Paper
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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Group 12: Calculus, in 10th International Congress of Mathematics Education,

Copenhagen, Denmark.
Thompson,Tony. (2008)Mathematics Teachers’ Interpretation of Higher Order Thinking
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Netherlands: Introducing Logarithms Using Realistic Mathematics Education.
Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College. Spring-Summer.Volume 2.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Basman Abdullah, Yerizon, Hardeli

Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Correspondence: Jl.Prof.Dr.Hamka Air Tawar Padang 25131

The ability of mathematical communication is the way to share ideas and explain an
understanding to others or other learners.At the high school level, the mathematical
communication ability of the learners is less attention, the lack of attention is seen from
the weakness of students' ability to communicate mathematically.The learning process
applied by teachers is less support to improve the ability of mathematical
communication.This study aims to explain the M-APOS approach with the help of mind
mapping to improve students' mathematical communication skills.The modified AP-APOS
approach of APOS theory consists of actions such as actions, processes, objects and
schemas.Mind Mapping is one of the stimulus to be used in component of M-APOS
approach to improve students' mathematical communication ability.Indicators of
mathematical communication capabilities consist of (1) Stating situations, drawings,
diagrams or real objects into symbol languages, ideas or mathematical models;(2)
Explaining ideas, situations, and mathematical relations both orally and in writing;(3)
Listening, discussing, and writing about mathematics;(4) Reading with the understanding
of a written mathematical representation;And (5) Revisiting a mathematical description
or paragraph in its own language This type of research is a literature study.

Keywords: M-APOS approach, Mind Mapping, Mathematical Communications


The 2013 curriculum was developed using several philosophies one of which
education is to build a present life and a better future from the past with various
intellectual ability, communication skills, social attitudes, care and participation to build
a better society and nation life. Curriculum 2013 has the competence of graduates in
one of them is to create a communicative learner. Problems identified in learning
mathematics obtained information that the mathematical communication skills of
learners need to be improved again. Learners should be able to convey ideas, opinions
that come from within them either in the form of drawings, diagrams, graphs or writing
mathematics to be delivered to others either verbally or in writing, because in
mathematics there are many symbols that need To be understood. The genetic
decomposition of a concept is a structured set of mental constructs that may illustrate
how the concept can develop in the minds of individuals (Asiala et al 1996)
Basically, the success of a learning is influenced by many factors, such as learning
model, learning strategy or learning material. Information received should encourage

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

learners to develop the ability to think and communicate in processing the problems
Rippi Maya and Utari Sumarmo (2011) in his research say there are some
problems that there are some difficulties in solving mathematical problems, namely:
a. Learners can not produce an example
b. Learners can not explain the concept to a simpler concept form
c. Learners do not understand the standard mathematical notation and language
d. Learners do not know to start a proof
e. Understanding the concept of learners is not satisfactory to start a proof
f. Lack of understanding of students to the mathematical notation that they use are
not clear or membingun g kan language of mathematics
g. Learners can not look for links between concepts, definitions, theorems and
between relevant theorems and definitions.
Seeing the above problems then the teacher should be able to create a learning
environment that centered on learners who can improve mathematical communication
skills of learners. Solutions that can be used are learning to use the M-APOS-assisted
approach of mind mapping.
The APOS theory was introduced by Cottrill et al (1996). This theory focuses on
analyzing internal mental structures and mechanisms constructed and used by
individuals because he is thinking of mathematical concepts. All mathematical
conceptions can be understood as actions, processes, objects or schemes. (M. Arnawa,
2007). There are four characteristics of APOS theory, namely (1) that mathematical
knowledge is constructed through mental constructs: actions, processes, objects and
organizing it in schematics. (2) using the computer. (3) using cooperative learning
groups and (4) using the ACE learning cycle (activities, class discussions and exercises).
The M-APOS approach is a modification of the APOS approach that not only uses
computers, but can be other learning resources, such as LKPD, textbooks and so on.
Assessment of students' mathematical communication ability can be measured
based on indicators of mathematical communication ability of learners. The purpose of
this study is to describe the approach of the M-APOS aided mind mapping can improve
communication skills mathematical learners.

This study uses literature study research, explained that the M-APOS-assisted
approach of mind mapping Can improve the mathematical communication ability of
learners. Activities undertaken in this literature study is, literature analysis approach to
M-APOS, mind mapping literature analysis, literature analysis mathematical
communication skills and analytical approach to M-APOS relationship mind mapping
aided in improving the communication skills of mathematical learners.


The APOS approach has been widely used in research, as a developmental
perspective or as an evaluation tool even both. The APOS approach focuses on a model
of what might happen to a person's mind as he is learning to try a mathematical concept
and use this model to evaluate the success and failure of learners in solving math

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

a. M-APOS Approach
The APOS theory (Dubinsky & McDonald, 2001) suggests that each individual
must have the proper mental structure to understand the mathematical
concepts. The mental structure refers to the possible actions, processes, objects
and schemes needed to learn the concept. (Dubinsky, 2010; Weller et al, 2003).
According to Weller, Arnon and Dubinsky (2009) the components of the M-APOS
approach are:

1. Action
Action is a reaction to a given stimulus where the individual feels as an external.
In addition the concept of this action is when learners perform calculations and
transformation of mathematical objects as a result of external stimuli such as entering
numbers for variables in the formula, he can also perform many step algorithms by
triggered by the previous step (Marcela, 2009). Action is a transformation of mental
objects to acquire other mental objects. A person is said to experience an action when a
person is focusing his mental processes on trying to understand a given concept.
2. Process
The process is the mental structure that performs the same operations as the
action, but the whole is done based on individual thinking, or when learners can reflect
actions, two or more processes can be coordinated to form new processes (Marcela,
Individuals who have been able to decipher the concept of constructing process
or even reverse steps of transformation without actually doing it. In contrast to the
action, process perceived by the individual as a matter of internal and under the control
of the individuals themselves.
3. (Object)
The object is that if one becomes aware of the process as a totality, be aware that
the transformation can act either it explicitly or in the imagination of a person can be
said the individual has packed the process into a cognitive object. Or when the need
arises to transform the process and can take action to find out the results of the actions
and processes that have been done (Marcela, 2009).
In this case it is said that the process has been summarized (encapsulation) into
a cognitive object. A person is said to have had a concept of a concept of mathematical
object if he had been able to treat the concept as a cognitive object which includes the
ability to take action on the object and provide a reason or explanation of its properties.
Then the individual also has been able to parse an object back into a process as it came
from when the nature of the object will be used.
4. Schema (Schema)
A scheme A mathematical topic often involves many actions, processes, and
objects that need to be organized and connected into a coherent framework. Meanwhile,
according to Marcela (2009), the scheme is a coherent structure of a concept that has
been studied that can be used in problem solving.
Based on the theory of APOS and the teaching and learning hypothesis is a
recurring cycle consisting of three components of ADL or ACE: (A) activities, (C) class
discussions, and (E) exercises performed outside the classroom (Asiala, et al, 1996). For
this discussion that is when learners do not have prerequisite construction, it becomes

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

very difficult for them to develop the scheme. For that there should be a special
emphasis on scheme development, giving learners the opportunity to experiment with
different types of sets and binary operations so that they develop flexibility in thinking
about other existing structures.
According to M. Arnawa (2007: 145) states that differences in learning outcomes
of learners using APOS compared to traditional ways are:

No APOS Theory Traditional

1 Topics are designed on the step-by-step
development of mental actions, processes, Topics not specifically designed
objects and schemes. Learners are actively generally refer to textbooks or notes,
involved in learning mathematics. Mathematical learners receive information passively,
ideas (definition, lemma and theorem) found in mathematical ideas are given in ready-
learners through the findings of facts in made form.
laboratory activities
2 The role of the lecturer / instructor as a The role of lecturer / instructor as a
facilitator, ie support group or whole-class transformer of knowledge, ie lecturers
learning, scaffolding, for example asking or giving / instructors directly explain the idea
directions. of mathematics
3 The existence of multi-direction interaction
between students and also students and One or two ways of interaction
lecturers. Learners learn from colleagues through involving the teacher
groups and discussions

b. Mind Mapping
Mind Mapping is a learning strategy that emphasizes the research process and
the recording of what is thought to combine text and images are visualized in the form
of a map. This strategy will help learners to store information in the cognitive structure
of the brain to make the information more durable in memory. It can increase students
'mastery of learning materials and improve students' mathematical communication
skills in absorbing information from everyday life into math languages with their
respective mind maps.
The mind map (mind mapping) is how the brain processes information delivered
in the form of communication. Communication requires the brain to seek, sort, choose,
formulate, tidy up, organize, connect and mix the ideas with words that have meaning
so that they can be understood. They can be expressed in pictures, symbols, images
(impressions), sounds and feelings.
Bobbi De Porter (2004: 153) suggests that mind maps are the whole brain
utilization technique by using visual images and other graphical infrastructure to form
an impression. Tony Buzan (2008: 6) also found the mind mapping is the easiest way to
enter information into the brain and to retrieve information from the brain. Based on
the above opinion, it is concluded that mind map helps learners to utilize the brain
optimally so that information last long in memory. The use of color, movement, images,
contrast, organizational decisions, the information encoded in our mental map (Eric
Jensen, 2008: 134). Michael Michalco in Tony Buzan (2010: 6) states that mind maps
will help:
1. Activate the whole brain.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

2. Takes the mind out of mental tangles.

3. Allows us to focus on the language.
4. Helps show relationships between sections of mutually exclusive
5. Provides a clear picture of the whole and the details.
6. Allow us to group concepts, help us to awaken them.
7. It requires us to focus on the subject that helps divert information from
short-term memory to long-term memory.
Steps in making mind maps, (Bobbi De Porter, 2009: 157) and (Buzan: 21-
23) can be summarized:
1. Make a horizontal mind map.
2. Starting from the center of a piece of blank paper.
3. Use an image for the central idea.
4. Use color on all mind maps.
5. Make the branches of the mind map curved rather than straight lines.
6. Use one key in the line.
7. Write important ideas with bigger letters.
8. Write down the keywords / phrases in each branch, develop them to add details.
Based on these steps the learner is required to communicate the material as a
whole to the map formulated from the central topic to the more detailed branches.
Thus, it can be identified the advantages of this mind map, ie
1. Learners can communicate clearly the central topics to the more specialized and
demanding learners explore the capabilities they have to be able to think more
creatively and systematically.
2. Balancing the left brain and right brain learners.
3. Gives a clear picture of the whole and the details.
Then, while the benefits of learning to use a mind map that is (Bobbi De
Porter, 2009: 47):
1. It's flexible because whenever you can add information.
2. Your attention becomes focused because you are concentrating on big
ideas, and still do not forget the small details.
3. Your understanding increases and gives you great notes for study.
4. And just admit it is fun!
c. Mathematical CommunicationAbilityof Students
In the context of learning, communication is an important means for a teacher in
conducting a learning process where the teacher will build understanding of learners
about the material to be taught. Through teacher communication as the source of
conveying information to a receiver (learners) by using symbols of good oral, written,
non-verbal language. Instead, learners will convey various messages as a response to
the teacher resulting in two-way communication in order to improve communication
success to achieve learning objectives.
Mathematical learning also requires communication ie mathematical
communication. Mathematical communication according to the Ministry of Religious
Affairs in Fauzan (2010: 26) is "the ability to declare and interpret mathematical ideas
orally, written, tables or graphs". In further, according to the National Center for
Teaching Mathematics (NCTM) in Fauzan (2010: 27), revealed the mathematical
communication is:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

1. Communication where mathematical ideas exploited in a variety of

perspectives, helping to sharpen the thinking of learners and improve the
ability of learners in mathematics see various linkages material.
2. Communication is a tool to "measure" the growth of understanding, and
reflect an understanding of mathematics learners.
3. Memalui communication, learners can organize and condition of their
mathematical thinking.
4. Communication between learners in the learning of mathematics is essential
for: constructing mathematical knowledge, the development of problem-
solving and reasoning improvement, improving self-confidence, and
improved social skills.
5. "Writing and talking" can be a very significant (powerful) to form an inclusive
mathematics community.
Masykur and Abdul (2009: 51) say that communication that occurs in
mathematics can occur in the real world, the abstract structure of a system, and
mathematics itself is a form of communication used for the development of
mathematics. NCTM related to the development of mathematical communication skills,
there are some benefits gained by learners, namely (ahmad fauzan, 2010: 28):
1. Model situations with oral, written, drawing, graphically, and
2. Reflect and clarify in thinking about mathematical ideas in various
3. Develop an understanding of mathematical ideas including the role of
definitions in mathematics.
4. Using reading, listening, and writing skills to interpret and evaluate
mathematical ideas.
5. Examine mathematical ideas through conjecture and convincing reasons.
6. Understand the value of the notation and the role of mathematics in the
development of mathematical ideas.
Baroody there are at least two important reasons that make communication in
mathematics learning should be the focus of attention, namely (a hmad fauzan, 2010:
1. Mathematics as language, mathematics not only as a tool to think, solve
problems, tools to find patterns, or completing math problems, but also "an
invaluable tool for communicating a variety of ideas Clearly, precisely and
2. Mathematics learning as a social activity, as a social activity in mathematics
learning, interaction among learners as well as teachers and learners'
communication is an important part for the "nurturing of
children'smathematical potential."
The communication role of mathematics in mathematics expressed by the
Greenes and Schulman, namely (ahmad fauzan, 2010: 28):
1. Central power for learners in formulating mathematical concepts and
2. Capital success for learners to approach and investment in the exploration
and settlement of mathematics.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

3. Containers for students to communicate with their friends to obtain

information, share thoughts and meetings, brainstorming, assess and refine
ideas to convince the others.
Assessment of mathematical communication ability of learners that can be
measured based on indicators of mathematical communication ability of learners.
(Utari, 2010; 4) that is:
1. Stating situations, drawings, diagrams, or real objects into language,
symbols, ideas, or mathematical models;
2. Describe ideas, situations, and mathematical relations both orally and in
3. Hear, discuss, and write about mathematics;
4. Reading with the understanding of a written mathematical representation;
5. Revisit a mathematical description or paragraph in its own language
Based on the above, M-APOS approach can improve students' mathematical
communication ability. It can be seen from the component approach developed M-APOS,
in the presence of M-learning approach APOS this mind mapping assisted learners can
train himself in accordance with the indicators contained in the mathematical
communication skills. Indirectly, APOS M-aided approach of mind mapping can be used
as a means to convey or understanding of the concept or teaching materials (Edi and Ali,
2003: 6). Each component of the M-APOS-assisted approach of mind mapping are
presented to encourage students to communicate mathematically in expressing
concepts that they find and understand.
d. RelationshipApproachM-
APOSAssistedMindMappingImproveCommunication Skills Mathematical
The M-APOS approach can detect further who mastered the concept of
mathematics better, ie if one can further explain the concept then it is at a better level.
In the meantime, if M-APOS's mental construction of a mathematical concept has been
well constructed by individuals, it can be used to make a solid prediction of the
individual succeeding in using the mathematical concept in solving a problem.
M-APOS approach components can be combined with mind mapping strategy. It
aims to learners able to draw conclusions based on their own thoughts. Basically, mind
mapping is how the brain processes information. Thus, the M-APOS-aided approach of
mind mapping can improve mathematical communication skills. It can be seen from the
component approach assisted M-APOS developed mind mapping. The components are :
1. Component action (action) aims to make learners are able to construct their
own knowledge based on problems given. Indirectly, the students are
required to be able to organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking
and communicating. In the components of this action learners do the various
activities of which complements the questions provided by the teacher, to
register what was understood, noting what is being studied, calculate
appropriate teacher-directed, tells the experience of the everyday life of the
concepts learned, citing a concept , Pairing or matching, reading about
concepts to be learned, memorizing or beginning to understand the concepts
of a learned mathematics and so on. Activity at this stage of this action could
improve the indicators of mathematical ability is declared the situation,
drawings, diagrams or real objects into the language of symbols, ideas or

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

mathematical models (1), read with understanding a written mathematical

representation (4);
2. Process components intended that learners are able to seek and find through
a systematic process of thinking. Indirectly, students were asked to express
mathematical ideas in a coherent and clear. They Able to express opinions
orally and in writing. Thus, students were asked to communicate orally and in
writing in the learning process. At this stage of the process the learner
reclaims what is understood, defines something into the language of
mathematics, calculates according to his own thinking, explains or describes
lightly a mathematical concept, examines, conducts experiments (exercises)
with other things, plans what to do To solve a mathematical problem, to
exemplify what is already understood by others, to operate a concept that has
been understood and many other activities. From some of the activities
undertaken it can improve the mathematical communication ability of some
indicator that is revealing a description or mathematical paragraph in its own
language (5), stating situations, drawings, diagrams or real objects into
symbol language, idea or mathematical model (1) , Reading with the
understanding of a written mathematical representation (4), listening,
discussing and writing about mathematics (3), explaining ideas, situations and
mathematical relations in oral or in writting (2);
3. Object component intended that learners are able to conduct group
discussions and serve as a forum for students to communicate with the their
friend to obtain information. In the component of this object learners perform
some of the activities of which describe or explain in words clearly and in
detail, identify or define the characteristics of an object (object), named
something with a variable, classify, categorize, classify and compare
something, Analogy, making something new based on existing examples,
applying a principle, calculating or predicting, considering, making
hypotheses, generalizing, expressing opinions, imagining, fantasizing,
maintaining opinions accordingly that have been understood and so forth. In
the object components, it can improve the indicators of the ability of
mathematical communication among them to explain ideas, situations and
relationships mathematics verbally or article (2), read with the understanding
of mathematical representations in writing (4), declare the situation,
drawings, diagrams or real objects into the language of symbols , ideas or
mathematical models (1), Reveal back one paragraph description or
mathematics in the language itself (5), Hearing, discuss and write about
mathematics (3).
4. Component Schema (scheme) aims to make students able to use mathematical
language appropriately in various mathematical expression based on real
objects, pictures, diagrams and tables are presented. It aims to make the
students capable of making communication as a tool to "measure" the growth
of understanding, and reflect an understanding of mathematics learners. Then,
these components are presented with mind mapping so that the information
communicated through the mind map will be more durable in the cognitive
structure of learners. The scheme train the learners to perform synthesizing
activities combines different meanings so that it is a harmonious unity,

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

connects or associates various mathematical concepts, reveals cause, creates

models in accordance with the understanding of mathematical concepts,
designs and creates relationships of several mathematical concepts, makes
sketch, create maps, charts, or diagrams, organize and compile into a single
section so regular. In this regard could improve the indicators ability
mathematical communication among reading with the understanding of
mathematical representations in writing (4), To express a mathematics
paragraph in the language it self (5), To explain situation, drawings, diagrams
or real objects own into the language of symbols, the ideas or mathematical
models (1), describes ideas, situations and relationships verbal math or
writing (2).

The study describes the approach of the M-APOS mind mapping it improves
mathematical communication skills of learners. The advantages of using M-APOS theory
for learners are active involvement (social interaction), the opportunity to communicate
mathematically, the informal classroom atmosphere of freedom to ask questions, the
closer relationships of learners with teachers, the opportunities to solve mathematical
problems and instructors attend continually the learners access their respective
abilities especially their mathematical ability.
An approach should facilitate the development of mental structures on process
and level objects. While the focus on symbolic structures should aid the conception of
objects. If the scheme organizes and correlates the relevant actions, processes and
objects, so this should be part of the learning. Theoretically approach aided M-APOS
mind mapping can improve mathematical communication skills of learners, as
evidenced by each activity on the M-APOS increased support for each indicator
kamampuan existing mathematical communication.

Ahmad Fauzan.2010. Classroom-Based Assessment in Mathematics Learning. Padang:
Universitas Negeri Padang
Arnawa, M, et al. Applying the theory apos 2007. To improve students abilities Abstract
To PROVE in elementary algebra. J. Indones. Math. Soc. (MIHMI) Vol. 13, No. 1
(2007), pp. 133-148.
Asiala, M. et al. (1997). "The development of students' graphical understanding of the
derivative". Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 16 (4), 399-431
Bobbi De Porter and Mike Hernacki, (2004). Familiarize Learning Quantum Learning
Comfortable and Enjoyable, Bandung: Kaifah
Bobbi De Porter, (2009). Quantum Note-Taker (Make Meaningful, Make It
Unforgettable). Bandung: Kaifa.
Dubinsky, E and Tall, D. (2002). "Reflective abstraction in advanced mathematical
thinking". In, Tall, Advanced mathematical thinking. Boston: Kluwer
Dubinsky, E. & McDonald, M. (2001). "APOS: A Constructivist Theory of Learning in
Undergraduate Mathematics Education Research". Dalarn D. Holton (ed.). The
Teaching and Learning of Mathematics at University Level. Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Publishers.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Ed Dubinsky and Robin T. Wilson. High School Students' Understanding Of The Function
Concept. Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Eric Jensen, 2008. Brain-Based Learning (Ability Based Learning Brain). Jogyakarta:
Student Literature.
Marcela Parraguez and Asuman Oktaç.2009. Construction of the vector space concept
from the viewpoint of APOS theory.Www.elsevier.com/locate/laa
Masykur and Abdul Halim Fathani.2009. Mathematical Intelligence (The Smart Way to
Train the Brain and Tackle Learning Difficulties). Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.
Maya Rippi and Utari Sumarmo. 2011. Understanding and Proving Mathematical
Abilities: With the Undergraduate Student Experiment By Using Modified Moore
Learning Approach. IndoMS. JME Vol. 2 No. 2. pp. 231-250
SUMARMO, Utari, Thinking and Disposition Mathematically: What, Why and How
Developed Learners, (2010), (Online:
http://www.scribd.com/doc76353753/Berfikir-Dan-Disposisi Math-Utari-
Sumarmo, (accessed on March 4, 2013)
Tony Buzan.2008. Mind Map to Enhance Creativity. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tony Buzan.2010. Smart Books Mind Map. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Dini Alindra1, Ahmad Fauzan1, Ali Asmar1

1Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School, UNP
Correspondence: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar Padang, 25131
Email: dinialindra@yahoo.co.id

This study aims to examine a learning approach that can be minimize students'
mathematics communication errors in solving mathematics problems. Difficulties of
students in learning mathematics seen from the error in solving mathematics problems.
Mistakes occur because students have difficulty interpreting information and conveying
ideas from a mathematics problem in writing. Ideas must be conveyed through processes
so that students are expected to find the right strategy in solving a mathematics problem.
Today, students have not fully maximized their mathematics communication skills in
solving a mathematics problem. This is because learning designed by teachers does not
help students maximize their mathematics communication skills. As a result, students
make mistakes in communicating the information provided in solving mathematics
problems. The solution is used as an alternative to minimize the communication errors of
mathematics communication through Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach.
The RME approach encourages students to understand and explain contextual problems,
solve problems, compare, and conclude. Mathematics activities built on the application of
the RME approach in learning can help teachers maximize mathematics communication
skills and minimize student errors in solving a mathematics problem. The research method
used research literature study by collecting various information about Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME) approach and mathematics communication errors.
Keywords: Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach, mathematics
communication errors

Mathematics learning in the 2013 curriculum give emphasis skills in the
application of mathematics, both in everyday life and in helping to learn other science.
Given the importance of mathematics, many ways that can be done in an effort to
improve the quality of mathematics education in order to create a human who has
knowledge and expertise in the field of mathematics, among these efforts is to maximize
the way students in obtaining learning. In the process of learning mathematics should
be more than just receiving information, remember and be able to solve a problem.
However, students must actively find ideas to really understand and ready to apply the
knowledge they have. Activity and readiness of students in learning is one of the factors
that influence success in creating learning activities.
Students' success in learning is usually measured based on student learning
outcomes. However, today's student learning outcomes are still far from being expected.
This can be seen based on the facts from the results of research Trens In Mathematics
and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 in Lukman Jakfar, et al. (2015), junior high school

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

students ranked 36 out of 39 countries in the world. The study results of the Program
for International Student Assessment (PISA) also shows that Indonesian students are
ranked 64 out of 65 countries in the world. This result is not much different from TIMSS
2015 which was just published by Kemendikbud December 2016 and showed the
achievement of Indonesian students in Mathematics field ranked 46 from 51 countries
in the world. It proves that student learning outcomes Indonesia is still very low
compared to other countries in the world.
According Mulyadi (2010), low student learning outcomes is one indication of
symptoms of learning difficulties. Learning difficulties can be interpreted as a condition
in a learning process characterized by certain obstacles to achieve learning outcomes.
Difficulties of students in learning mathematics seen from the error in solving
mathematics problems. Soedjadi, et al in Moma (2008: 24) said that difficulty is the
cause of the error. Error students in solving mathematics problems including one of the
factors that affect the low learning outcomes. Maya and Utari (2011) revealed in his
research that students do not understand the standard mathematics notation and
language mathematics, the lack of students' understanding of the notation and the
mathematics language used is unclear or confusing and the students can’t find the
connection between the concepts, definitions, the relevant theorems in solving
mathematics problems. And according to Zetriuslita (2013: 127) students difficult to
write or model what is known, who was asked from a given problem. In general, the
error that occurs in the solution of the problem is not just the end result but also the
process of completing it. The activity of processing information based on the given
problem requires the students' mathematics skills.
One of the most important mathematics skills in solving the problem is the skills
of mathematics communication. According to BSNP (2006: 140), communication
includes one of the abilities that become the objective of learning mathematics in the
curriculum that is communicating ideas with symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media
to clarify the situation or problem. Likewise with the 2013 curriculum also has the
competence of graduates is to create students who are communicative. The skills of
communication in mathematics is the skills to include and contain opportunities to
communicate in the form of: reflecting real objects, images, ideas, or graphs; modeling
situations or problems in everyday life, and responding to a problem in a convincing
argument through the language of mathematics.
The skills of mathematics communication has an important role in learning
mathematics, because the skills of mathematics communication will help students in
sharpen the way of thinking and sharpen the skills to see the various relationships of
mathematics material in everyday life. Armiati (2011) revealed that the skills of
mathematics communication is still a weak point of students in learning mathematics.
Furthermore, Fauzan in Zetriuslita (2013: 129) suggests the low level of students'
mathematics communication skills caused by the practice of learning in schools that
indicate a "shift" of mathematics learning objectives. NCTM in Yosmaniarti, et al (2012:
66) asserted that in order to support effective learning, teachers should build
mathematics communication in the classroom so that students feel free to express their
ideas and answers. Without the skills of mathematics communication then students can
not solve the problem even though students have high problem solving skills. Thus, the
error in solving mathematics problems is influenced by the mathematics
communication skills possessed by the student.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

In connection with the above, it is necessary to consider how to develop

students' communication skills in the learning process. One of them by applying a
learning approach that uses the application of mathematics in everyday life is the
approach of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). This is in line with the opinion of
Nanik and Budi (2013: 3) in his research reveals that the application of Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME) approach in learning can involve students directly so as
to improve thinking and implementation because students really understand the
concept being studied. In line with that opinion, the application of Realistic Mathematics
Education (RME) approach in learning can make students actively involved. Active
student involvement in learning is driven by the elements contained in the approach:
students are required to understand contextual issues, explain contextual problems,
solve contextual problems, compare answers, and conclude.
The learning process with Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach can
help students develop students' mathematics communication skills. The development of
students' mathematics communication skills can minimize the communication errors of
mathematics when solving mathematics problems. Thus, the approach of Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME) in learning is indicated to minimize the students'
mathematics communication error in solving mathematics problems.

This study included a type of literature study. The study of literature is the way
used to collect data and sources related to the topics raised in a study. These data
sources contain: Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach and mathematics
communication errors. The sources are obtained from journals, books, articles, research
reports and internet sites.


Difficulties of students in learning mathematics seen from the error in solving
mathematics problems. Error students in solving mathematics problems including one
of the factors students have difficulty in learning mathematics. This is in line with
Soedjadi's opinion, et al in Moma (2008: 24) says that difficulty is the cause of error.
According to Budiyono in Wardi Syafmen, revealed that the forms of mistakes made by
students in solving mathematics problems are concept errors, data use errors, data
interpretation errors, technical errors and conclusion errors. The error occurs when
students are given a contextual problem, when solving the problem they are unable to
identify what is known, what is asked, and how to solve it. This happens because
students do not have the skills to communicate in mathematics. One of them is the skills
of mathematics communication that must be owned by students is the ability of
students to convey ideas from a mathematics problem. According to NCTM in Zetriuslita
(2013: 128), in the development of mathematics communication skills there are several
indicators that must be achieved by students: the ability to express mathematics ideas
through oral, written, and demonstrate and visualize it; the ability to understand,
interpret, and evaluate mathematics ideas both orally and in other visual forms; and the
ability to use terms, mathematics notations and structures to present ideas, illustrate
the relationships of situational models.
The indicators of mathematics communication error can be obtained based on
the form of errors in solving mathematics problems that are matched with indicators of

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

students' mathematics communication skills. The student's mathematics

communication error can be formed in several indicators, namely:
1. Concept Error
Indicators: the error of determining mathematics ideas to answer the problem and
the use of ideas by students is not in accordance with the conditions of the
preconditions of the formula.
2. Using Data Error
Indicators: do not use data that should be used in the form of drawings, diagrams,
or tables, errors entering data into images, diagrams, or tables and adding
unnecessary data to create images, diagrams, or tables.
3. Interpretation Data Error
Indicators: errors in declaring ordinary language in mathematics language or
mathematics symbols and errors in interpreting symbols, graphs, and tables, into
math languages.
4. Technical Error
Indicators: error calculation of solutions of problems using images, charts, tables,
and algebraically, manipulation of ideas, situations, and declaring solutions of
problems using images, diagrams, tables algebraically.
5. Conclusion Error
Indicators: do the inferences without drawings, diagrams, correct supporting
tables and do the inferences of statements that are not in accordance with logical
mathematics ideas.
Based on indicators of mathematics communication errors above is expected to
identify forms of mathematics communication errors students in solving mathematics
problems. Mathematics communication errors can be minimized by maximizing
students' mathematics communication skills. The skills of students' mathematics
communication does not just come into existence by it self. This requires a process that
helps students to become familiar with expressing mathematics ideas both orally and
writing. The thinking process of students to find the right strategy in solving a problem.
Therefore, the application of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach in
learning is considered to provide an opportunity for students to communicate in
Lessons learned using Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach Treffer
in Aryadi Wijaya (2011: 21) must meet the following characteristics: context usage, use
of models for progressive mathematization, students' constructions, interactions and
interrelationships. Besides the characteristics of Aryadi Wijaya (2011: 21) also reveals
five main principles in Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach, which is
dominated by contextual problems, attention is given to the development of models,
situations, schemes and symbols, Of students, so students can make learning
constructive and productive, meaning students produce their own and construct
themselves (which may be algorithms, rules) so as to guide students from the level of
informal mathematics to formal, interactive mathematics as a characteristic of the
learning process of mathematics and 'Intertwinning' between the topics or between
subjects or between 'strands'.
Each learning approach has a procedure or implementation steps that are
structured according to their characteristics. The steps of applying the Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME) approach in the lesson that Zukardi discusses in Ayesha

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

(2007: 20), the first thing done is to prepare the realistic problem; students are
introduced to learning strategies that are used and introduced to realistic problems;
then students are asked to solve the problem in their own way; students try different
strategies to solve the problem according to their experience, can be done individually
or in groups; then each student or group presented their work in front of the class,
students or other groups responding to the work of the presenters; teachers observe
the course of class discussions and provide feedback while directing students to get the
best strategy and finding more general rules or principles; and after reaching agreement
on the best strategy through class discussion, the students are drawn to the conclusion
of the lesson at the time. In the end the students' learning must do the evaluation
questions in the form of formal mathematics.
Based on the principles and characteristics of realistic based learning as well as
taking into account the opinions that have been stated above, it can be compiled a step
of learning mathematics with Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach, that is:
Step 1: Understand the contextual issues provided.
At this stage, students are given the opportunity to ask the unknown
problem. Then, students use the contextual problem as a starting point in
Step 2: Explain the contextual problem.
If in understanding the problem of students experiencing difficulties, then
the teacher explains the situation and condition of the problem by providing
clues or suggestions as necessary, limited to certain parts of the problem that
has not been understood.
Step 3: Resolve the issue.
Students describe the contextual problem, interpret the existing
mathematics aspects of the problem and think about the bulk-breaking
strategy. Further solving the problem in its own way based on the initial
knowledge it has, so that possible differences in the completion of students
with each other. Teachers observe, motivate, and provide limited guidance,
so that students can obtain solutions to these problems.
Step 4: Compare the answers.
The teacher asks the students to form groups in pairs with their on-board
friends, working together to discuss solving individual-solved problems
(negotiating, comparing, and discussing). Teachers observe the activities of
the students, and provide assistance if needed.
Step 5: Conclude.
From the results of class discussions, teachers direct students to draw
conclusions from a concept / principle formulation of the topics studied.
Characteristics that appear in this step is the interaction between students
with teachers.
The learning process using Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach is
expected to maximize the mathematics communication skills that are possessed when
solving a problem. Thus, the approach of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) is
expected to minimize students' mathematics communication errors in solving
mathematics problems. The steps of learning mathematics with the approach of
Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) is very appropriate to minimize students'

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

mathematics communication errors when solving a problem. Compliance can be seen in

the following table 1:

Table 1. Connection Steps of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach

for Minimize Students Mathematics Communication Errors

Mathematics Communication Steps of Realistic Mathematics

Error Indicators Education (RME) Approach
1 Concept Error Through the step of understanding the
Indicators: the error of determining given contextual problems can minimize
mathematics ideas to answer the the mistakes of students' concepts in
problem and the use of ideas by solving mathematics problems. This
students is not in accordance with the happens because students are accustomed
conditions of the preconditions of the to understanding the problem and
formula. determining mathematics ideas to answer
the problem and the use of ideas by
students so that according to the conditions
of the prerequisites of the formula.
2 Using Data Error Through the step of explaining the
Indicators: do not use data that should contextual problem can solve the errors of
be used in the form of drawings, using student data in solving mathematics
diagrams, or tables, errors entering problems. This happens because students
data into images, diagrams, or tables are accustomed to using only data that
and adding unnecessary data to create should be used and needed based on
images, diagrams, or tables. existing problems. Students use data that
should be used in the form of drawings,
diagrams, or tables,
entering data into images, diagrams, or
tables and don’t adding unnecessary data
to create images, diagrams, or tables.
3 Interpretation Data Error Through the step of solving the problem
Indicators: errors in declaring ordinary can minimize the mistake of interpretation
language in mathematics language or of student data in solving mathematics
mathematics symbols and errors in problems. This happens because students
interpreting symbols, graphs, and are accustomed to solving and declaring
tables, into mathematics languages. everyday language in mathematics
languages or mathematics symbols and
errors in interpreting symbols, graphs, and
tables, into the language of mathematics.
4 Technical Error Through the step of comparing the answer
Indicators: error calculation of can minimize the technical errors of
solutions of problems using images, students in solving mathematics problems.
charts, tables, and algebraically, This happens because students compare
manipulation of ideas, situations, and answers with other friends so students are
declaring solutions of problems using able to analyze the calculations of problems
images, diagrams, tables algebraically. using images, charts, tables, and
algebraically, manipulating ideas,
situations, and declaring solutions of
problems using images, diagrams, tables

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Mathematics Communication Steps of Realistic Mathematics

Error Indicators Education (RME) Approach
5 Conclusion Error Through concluding steps can minimize the
Indicators: do the inferences without conclusion errors of students in solving
drawings, diagrams, correct supporting mathematics problems. This happens
tables and do the inferences of because students are accustomed to draw
statements that are not in accordance conclusions from the learning done so that
with logical mathematics ideas. students are able to do inferences with
drawings, diagrams, tables supporting the
correct and make inference statements in
accordance with logical mathematics ideas.

Based on the above table, researchers believe that by applying the Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME) approach in learning can minimize the mathematics
communication error in solving mathematics problems. This is supported by Ahmad
Fauzan (2002) study which states that teachers themselves recognize that there is a
positive change in student behavior after they follow RME-based learning. Likewise
with Yosmarniati, et al. (2012: 67) states that the application of learning with realistic
mathematics education approach is effective to improve student learning outcomes in
this case more focused on students' mathematics communication skills. Student activity
in solving mathematics problems using PMR approach shows that students are able to
present statement or problem in matter into mathematics language, explain the strategy
of solving a mathematics problem, and present solution of math problem in detail and
correct. Based on the above description and supported by relevant books, articles,
research reports and internet sites, it is assumed that applying Realistic Mathematics
Education (RME) approach in learning be able solve the mathematics communication
error of students in solving mathematics problems.


Mathematics communication error can be minimized by using Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME) approach in learning. The steps of applying the Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME) approach in learning are considered to provide an
opportunity for students to communicate mathematics optimally. Optimal mathematics
communication skills can minimize the mistakes students interpret information and
convey ideas of a mathematics problem. This shows that the steps of Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME) approach can be minimize the students' mathematics
communication errors in solving mathematics problems.
Based on literature studies that have been done, the authors suggest:
1. To minimize the communication errors of mathematics students can use Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME) approach as an alternative used in learning.
2. For the next writer to analyze students' mistakes in solving mathematics problems
from various other mathematics skills that can be minimized by using Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME) approach.

Ahmad Fauzan. 2002. Applying Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) in Teaching
Geometry in Indonesian Primary Schools. Doctoral Dissertation. Enschede:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

University of Twente Freudenthal, H. (1991). Revisitting Mathematics

Education. China Lectures. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher.
Armiati. 2011. Improving the Competence of Reasoning, Mathematics Communication
and Student Emotional Intelligence through Problem Based Learning.
Dissertation: Doctorate at SPS Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung:
Aryadi Wijaya. 2011. Realistic Mathematics Education An Alternative Approach to
Mathematics Learning. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
BSNP. 2006. Content Standards for Basic and Secondary Education Units: Basic
Competency Standards and Basic Competencies of SMP/ MTs. Jakarta: Ministry
of National Education.
Maya Rippi and Utari Sumarmo. 2011. Mathematics Understanding and Proving
Abilities: Experiment with Undergraduate Student by Using Modified More
Learning Approach. IndoMs.J.M.E. Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 231-250
Moma, La. 2008. Analysis of Class VI Elementary School Element in Completing the Long
Measurement. Ambon: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Mulyadi. 2010. Diagnosis of Learning Difficulties. Yogyakarta: Gaung Persada Press.
Nanik Nurviani, Budi Murtiyasa. 2013. Improving the Activity and Metacognitive Skills
of Learners in Mathematics Learning by Using Realistic Mathematics Education
Strategy (RME). Online journal. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University of
Nyimas Aisyah, et al.. 2007. Development of Elementary Mathematics Learning. Jakarta:
Directorate General of Higher Education.
Wardi Syafmen. Identify Student Error in Solving Mathematics Problem in SMA (Case
Study of SMAN 11 Kota Jambi). Journal online Jambi: Mathematics Education
Program PMIPA FKIP University of Jambi.
Yosmarniati, et al. 2012. Efforts to Improve Students' Mathematics Communication
Skills through Realistic Mathematics Education Approach. Journal of
Mathematics Education, Part 3, Vol. 1 No. 1. Pg. 64-69
Zetriuslita. 2013. The Role of Problem Based Learning in Developing Mathematics
Communication Skills of Secondary School Students. Education and Teacher
Perspective, Vol IV, No. 8. ISSN 1411-3570.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Efrata Gee 1 Ahmad Fauzan 1 Atmazaki 2

1 Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
2 Indonesian Language Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Correspondence: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: Efratagee2709@Gmail.Com

The lack of a problem solving ability will affect the success of learning. This
happens because the teaching is designed by a monotonous teacher on a single method of
the lecture method so as to create an atmosphere of learning is dominated by teachers. In
addition, it is very rare to confront students on the problems of life whose solution
requires mathematics. As a result, the potential that is in the learners in mastering the
concept of mathematics can not develop maximally so when given the problem of
problem solving ability is not able to solve it. The solution is used as an alternative in the
improvement of mathematical problem solving ability of students through the
approach Realistic Mathematic Education. The RME approach is an approach that
creates a learning mathematics rather than simply transferring mathematical concepts
from teachers to learners, but learners themselves who reinvent the mathematical ideas
and concepts through the exploration of real problems. The submission of contextual
problems, learners are gradually guided to master mathematical concepts. Learners are
also expected to use the power of reason to solve a problem presented. The research
method used is research literature study that is by collecting various information about
RME approach. After conducting literature studies citing data on the RME approach from
various sources so it is suspected that the RME approach can improve students'
mathematical solving abilities.

Keywords: RME Approach, Mathematical Problem Solving Ability.

One of the problems in education in Indonesia is the weakness of the learning
process (Sanjaya, 2007). Learning problems can not be separated from the ability of
low-ability problem solving. Reality also shows that the problem solving ability of
mathematics owned by learners in Indonesia at this time each classified as low. Based
on the results of the TIMSS (Trends International Mathematics Science Study) 2015 note
that Indonesia is ranked 45th of the 50 countries was limited to 2% at the high level,
and 0% in the advanced level. While the results of the PISA survey in 2015 put
Indonesia on the order of 63 of 69 countries in the field of mathematics.
From both the survey results and the studies that have been done by Wardani
and Rumiati (2011:1) stated that one of the factors causing among others learners in
Indonesia are generally not trained in solving problems with characteristics such as
questions on TIMSS and PISA. Characteristics of these problems, requires learners to

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

use reasoning, argumentation and creativity in solving the problem of test in the form of
problem solving. This is in accordance with the report of Kemendiknas (Sindi, 2012: 7)
We weak learners in doing the questions Which requires problem-solving, arguing and
communicating abilities. Along with that, Arti Sriati (1994: 4), revealed that the
mistakes of learners in doing math problems are as follows:
1. The concept's mistake is understanding Abstract ideas.
2. A Strategy error is an error happens if learners choose the path Which is not exactly
pointing to Street Dead end.
3. The error count is an error Calculate mathematical operations.
Mistakes in solving math problems greatly affect the problem solving ability of
learners. Furthermore, Sudiarta (2006) identifies the main factors causing the low
ability of problem solving mathematics of learners, that is the learning that has been
done so far has not been able to develop the ability of learners in matters of
mathematical ideas appropriately.
Problem solvingshould be the central point of the mathematics curriculum and
become an integral part of learning mathematics (Depdiknas, 2006).Therefore, required
innovative approaches to the study of mathematics in solving problems (problem
solving). Problem-solving strategies can guide learners in the learning
process. Schommer-Aikins, Duell & Hutter (2005) points out "In short, our results
support the hypothesis that belief in quick / fixed learning may guide students in their
choice of problem-solving strategies and the amount of time they spend on solving
mathematical problems . "Learning to approach problem-solving in essence using
mathematical skills and knowledge of learners in solving mathematical problems which
refers to Polya (1985), including understanding the problems, plan solutions, solve the
problem according to plan, and check the results.
The low mathematics achievement of learners is caused by many factors, one of
which is the learner factor that learners have problems comprehensively or partially in
learning mathematics. In addition, learning mathematics of learners is also not
meaningful so that understanding and understanding of learners about the concept of
mathematics is still weak. One of the problems in learning mathematics in junior high
school, among others, low ability of learners in solving mathematical problems are
packed in the form of questions.
Most learners have difficulty in applying mathematical concepts in everyday
life. They also revealed that mathematics is difficult, unattractive and less meaningful
because mathematics is not related to real life but always there are formulas, numbers,
variables that make them not really know what the use of the material is taught. This is
due to the way teachers teach less involving learners in constructing new knowledge
based on experience and very rarely confront the learners on the problems of life whose
solution requires mathematics. In addition, learning designed by teachers is still
conventional, teachers tend to use one-way teaching that only uses lecture methods that
create an atmosphere of learning is dominated by teachers. Although in this learning
learners can listen to statements that are pleased with the concept of mathematics, but
there is an impression that the active is the teacher itself, while the learners only as a
listener explanation of the teacher while recording the information provided. Such
learning resulted in learners tend to memorize formulas and stages of mathematical
problem solving. As a result, the potential that is in the learners in learning and
mastering the concept of mathematics can not develop maximally so when given the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

problem with a slightly high level of ability / a different problem with the example of
students unable to answer correctly and make learning math not yet running Effectively
and not yet on target.
The role of educators (teachers) in the learning process is necessary for math
learning feels good. Teachers play an important role in providing responsive
development instructions to help learners gain the knowledge, skills and dispositions
necessary for success (Bell & Pape, 2014). Teachers are required to determine the
alternative of a learning approach that empowers learners so as to eliminate abstract
impressions from math lessons and the impression not only memorize, but encourage
learners to construct knowledge based on the discovery of their own learners. In
addition, it should be able to bring learners on learning that refers to real life in their
environment. To eliminate the abstract impression in mathematics learning, it must
make learning more fun, active, and creative.
Based on the above, it is one of the alternatives that we believe can solve the
problem is with the approach Realistic Mathematic Education (RME). Realistic
mathematics education is a learning process in mathematics education were introduced
and developed in the Netherlands in 1970 by the Freudenthal Institute. According to
Freudenthal (Gravemaijer, 1994) mathematics is a human activity, so that learners
should be given an opportunity to reinvent to the mathematical objects with the
guidance of teachers. In RME, the process of developing mathematical concepts and
ideas starts from the real world. The real world is by no means concrete physically and
visually, but it also includes what the mind of a child can imagine (Hobri, 2008:
156). RME learning does not begin with the provision of the theorem / definition /
formula, but asks students to find their own theorem / definition / of the
formula. RME uses contextual problems as a starting point in learning mathematics.
Math classroom exploration is emphasized on the interrelation between
mathematical concepts and the experience of everyday children. One of the
mathematics learning that begins from the experience of everyday learners and
applying mathematics in everyday life is realistic mathematics learning. This study is
based on the concept of Freudenthal (1991) that mathematics must be connected with
reality, to be close to the learner, relevant to the life of society, and the material must be
transmitted as human activity. This means that mathematical materials should be the
activities of learners and provide opportunities for learners to find math through
practice that is done on their own and in accordance with the cognitive level of learners.
Learning with the RME approach begins with the use of phenomena and real
application of the learners. The given problem is a contextual problem. In solving
contextual problems, learners are guided constructively until they understand the
mathematical concepts they learn, through the rediscovery of mathematical concepts
and formulas. To achieve the objective of rediscovery of mathematical concepts and
formulas, it is carried out with investigation activities and all learners will learn
mathematics informally, and end with formal learning. Learning like this, will provide a
positive value for the development of learners, especially in problem-solving
activities. Discovery of the concept back through learning mathematics informally,
learners will be faced with a variety of real problems, especially non-routine
questions. This will train students' way of thinking in solving mathematical
problems. So based on the above description it is assumed that the learning

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

approach Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) can improve mathematical problem

solving ability of students.

This study included a type of literature study. With literature study is a way used
to collect data and sources related to the topics raised in a study. The data sources
containing: a mathematical problem solving ability, approach Realistic Mathematic
Education (RME). The sources are obtained from journals, books, articles, research
reports and internet sites.


Problem solving is an integral part of mathematics learning, so it should not be
released from the learning of mathematics. In line with that, NCTM (2000) states that
problem solving has two functions in mathematics learning. First; Problem solving is an
important tool to learn math. Many mathematical concepts can be effectively introduced
to learners through problem solving. Second; Problem solving can equip learners with
the knowledge and tools so that learners can formulate, approach, and solve
problems.Therefore, effort in improving problem solving ability is very important for
every teacher.
Furthermore, Mayer defines problem solving as a multiple step process with the
problem solver having to find the connection between his past experience and the
problem he is now facing and then act to solve it (Kirkley, 2003). Therefore, in problem-
solving activities an approach is needed that is able to relate the life experiences of
learners with new knowledge to be learned. This is particularly appropriate if the
learning is applied learning by using approach Realistic Mathematic
Education. According to Susanto (2014:205) RME is one of the learning approach of
mathematics oriented to learners, that mathematics is human activity and math have to
be connected significantly to context of everyday life of learners with experience of
learning which oriented to things that real (real). Furthermore, According to Baker
(1970) that the main principle of RME is that mathematics should always be meaningful
to learners. The term 'realistic' stressed that the situation should issue 'experientially
real' for learners. This does not necessarily mean that the problem situation is always
encountered in everyday life. Learners can experience abstract mathematical problems
as real when the mathematics of the problem is meaningful to them.
Mathematical learning by using the RME approach will be oriented to real issues
especially those related to the lives of learners. Such an approach will make it easier for
learners to digest and understand every thing learned in mathematics. Because the
example of the problem taken not far from his life. Such learning will transform the
abstract mathematical property to a concrete or real thing. Not only that, through RME,
mathematics learning will create a fun and meaningful because learners are not only
demanded on the mastery of the concept alone but rather the ability to solve the
problems of mathematics and the way of thinking in solving any mathematical
Furthermore, in the RME, the mathematics is seen as a human activity (human
activity), so that the learning activities carried out by using a real context and appreciate
the ideas of learners in working on mathematical problems. Gravemeijer (1994),

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

suggests three principles associated with Realistic Mathematics Education

(RME), namely:
1. Guided reinvention and mathematical progressive. Guided discovery may also be
inspired by informal settlement procedures. Then an informal strategy is useful to
lead to more formal procedures. To support the process of obtaining various solution
procedures, it is expected to follow the learning path through progressive
mathematization process.
2. Didactical phenomenology. Situations in didactic phenomenology on mathematical
topics are applied to investigate two things, namely uncovering the application part
and completing progressive mathematization process.
3. Self-developed models. This principle is used to bridge the distinction between
informal knowledge and formal mathematics.
The three principles above, are very appropriate in improving the problem
solving skills of learners. Discovery of the concept of return demanded by teachers is
needed in problem-solving activities. In solving the problem also, given the opportunity
to learners in solving the problems of mathematics informally means that each learner
is given the freedom to solve math problems in his own way. This is done to get a varied
settlement. Furthermore, some of the solutions are considered following the
mathematical procedure and serve as the final solution of the problem. It is also
disclosed by Holmes (1995) that through problem solving learners are encouraged to
explore, take risks (with assumptions and strategies selected), share success stories and
failures (in obtaining the settlement), and mutual questioning strategies and results
obtained Another learner.
Furthermore, according to Freudenthal (in Gravemeijer, 1994), RME also has five
characteristics, namely:
6. Using contextual problems; Learning begins with contextual issues to enable learners
to use previous experience and knowledge of its beginning directly, starting from the
formal system.
7. Using vertical instruments such as models, schematics, diagrams, and symbols; This
means that learners make their own models in solving contextual problems which is
the relationship between real-world situational models that are relevant to the
environment of learners into the mathematical model.
8. Using the contribution of learners; A great contribution in the learning process is
expected to come from the learner, not the teacher. This means that all the thoughts
or opinions of learners are noticed or appreciated.
9. Interactive learning process; Interaction forms such as negotiation, explanation,
justification, approval, question, or reflection are used to achieve the informal
mathematical knowledge form that the learners find themselves.
10. Related to other topics; In RME the integration of mathematics learning units is
essential (essential). By integrating it will make it easier for learners to solve the
The five characteristics of the RME approach have conformity to the problem
solving indicator. According to NCTM (1989:209) indicators of problem-solving skills in
learning mathematics are:
1. Formulate the problem
The RME approach uses contextual issues. In formulating the problem on learning
RME does not start from the formal system but the issues raised must be in

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

accordance with the reality or environment of life faced by learners in their daily life
that is understood and easy to imagine.
2. Use various strategies to solve problems
In the RME approach, the strategy used in solving mathematical problems, namely
through vertical instruments such as model schemes, diagrams, and symbols. The
strategy is used by learners as a bridge to understanding his new knowledge related
to his real life.
3. Solve the problem
To solve mathematical problems in learning RME is given the widest opportunity to
learners to construct their own knowledge through vertical instruments in solving
mathematical problems encountered.
4. Check and interpret results
This section corresponds to RME characteristics that require the interaction of
learners with teachers and learners with other learners. Interactions such as
negotiation, justification of approval, question, or reflection are used to achieve an
informal mathematical knowledge form that the learners find themselves. Teachers
should provide opportunities for learners to communicate their ideas through
interactive learning.
5. Generalize the solution
In RME learning, after reaching agreement on the best solution through class
discussion, learners are invited to generalize the solution as a conclusion of the
solution of mathematical problems encountered.
Based on the above table, then the description of mathematics learning by using
the RME approach to improve the problem solving ability of mathematical learners can
be described in a diagram as follows:

Real Situation

In-app Mathematization
mathematization and Reflection

Abstract and formalization

(De Lange, 1987: 72)

Based on the above, so the researchers believe the approach Realitic Mathematic
Education (RME) in mathematics can improve mathematical problem solving ability of
students. This is also supported by the results of research conducted by Syaiful (2012)

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

in his research concluded that learning using RME approach, can improve the ability of
problem solving math. Aktvitas learners in solving the problem of problem solving skills
of mathematics shows that learners who get the learning with PMR approach is better
than the learners who received learning with PMB. The responses and attitudes of
learners towards learning using the PMR approach are very positive. Followed by the
results of the study by Nila Kesumawati (2009) revealed that the improvement of
mathematical problem-solving ability of learners who received learning with PMR
Approach better than learners who received learning with a conventional approach
when viewed from each school ranking and the combination. Through the PMR
approach is able to grow the atmosphere of the class become more dynamic, democratic
and cause a sense of fun in learning mathematics.
It has also been investigated by earlier researchers Fauzan (2002), Armanto
(2002), Lubis (2016), Kwon, et. Al (2013), Stephan & Cobb (2013), Rangkuti (2015),
Yulinasari (2016), and Sary (2016). Based on the results of relevant studies so that
researchers believe the approach Mathematic Realitic Education (RME) in the learning
of mathematics will improve mathematical problem solving ability of students. Based on
the above and is supported by some relevant previous researchers then estimated by
applying the learning approach Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) can enhance
problem solving abilities.


Approach Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) can enhance the problem
solving mathematical learners due to the approach Realistic Mathematic
Education (RME) is an approach that puts the reality and experience of the learner as a
starting point of learning in which learners are given the opportunity to construct their
own knowledge of mathematics formally through problems -the realities of reality. The
realistic problems that are given during the learning process give a descriptive influence
to the learners so that learners can solve problems from understanding the problem,
designing problem solving strategies, performing calculations and re-examining the
results given.
Based on literature studies that have been done, the authors suggest:
1. To improve mathematical problem solving ability of students, teachers can use the
approach Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) as one of the alternatives that are
used in mathematics.
2. It is expected to analyze more deeply on the problem-solving indicators of the RME
3. For the author, the next in order to examine more knowledgeable about the
approach Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) in enhancing the ability to think
mathematically more apart from the problem-solving ability.

Amelia, Sindi (2012). Pengaruh Accelerated Learning Cycle Terhadap Kemampuan
Pemecahan Masalah Dan Koneksi Matematis Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama
(Studi Kuasi-Eksperimen Pada Salah Satu SMP Negeri Di Pekanbaru).Tesis
Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika UPI Bandung.Tidak Dipublikasikan.
Arti Sriati. 1994, Kesulitan Belajar Matematika pada Siswa SMA (Pengkajian Diagnosa),
Jurnal Kependidikan, Yogyakarta.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Bakker – Utrecht . 2004. Design research in statistics education: On symbolizing and

computer tools / A.CD-β Press, Center for Science and Mathematics Education –
(CD-β wetenschappelijke bibliotheek; nr. 50; 2004). Dissertation Utrecht
University. – With REFERENCES. – With a summary. – Met een samenvatting in
het Nederlands.
Bell, C. & Pape, S. J. (2014). Scaffolding the development of self-regulated learning in
mathematics classrooms. Research in Middle Level Education. (Online). Diakses
pada 6 Agustus 2016, dari
De Lange, J. 1987. Mathematics Insight and Meaning. Utrecht: OW & CO.
Depdiknas. 2006. Kurikulum Satuan Tingkat Pendidikan. Jakarta. Depdiknas.
Depdiknas. (2006). Standar isi untuk satuan pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Jakarta:
Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan.
Fauzan, Ahmad. 2002. Applying Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) inTeaching
Geometry in Indonesian Primary Schools. Doctoral Dissertation. Enschede:
University of Twente Freudenthal, H. (1991). Revisitting Mathematics Education.
China Lectures. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher.
Gravemeijer, Koeno. 1994. Developing Realistic Mathematics Education. Utrecht:
Freudenthal Institute.
Guberman, R., & Leikin, R. (2013). Interesting and difficult mathematical problems:
Changing teachers’ views by employing multiple-solution tasks. Journal of
Mathematics Teacher Education, 16(1), 33-56.
Haryono, Didi. 2014. “Filsafat Matematika”, Penerbit. Alfabeta CV. Bandung.
Hobri. 2008. “Realistic Mathematics Education (RME): Konsepsi dan Pelaksanaanya”.
Tidak diterbitkan. Makalah. Jember: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Jember.
Kirkley, J. 2003. Principles for Teaching Problem Solving. Indiana University: PLATO
Learning, Inc.
Kwon, O. N,et.al (2013). Design research as an inquiry into students’ argumentation and
justification: focusing on the design of intervention. Plomp, T. Nieveen. N (Eds),
Educational design research Part B: Illustrative cases (p 223-238) (the
Netherlands institute for curriculum development). Enschede. SLO.
Lester, F. K. (2013). Thoughts about research on mathematical problem-solving
instruction. USA: Indiana University, Bloomington.
NCTM. 1989. Principle and Standard for School Mathematics. Reston: The National
Council of Teacher Mathematics, Inc.
NCTM. 2000. Principle and Standard for School Mathematics. Reston: The National
Council of Teacher Mathematics, Inc.
Kesumawati, Nila. 2009. “Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah
MatematisSiswa SMP Melalui Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik”.
(Artikel online). Didapat dari http://eprints.uny.ac.id/7049/1/.pdf. Internet :
Diakses pada 06 Desember 2016.
Polya, George, ((1985), How To Solve It 2nd ed Princeton University Press , New Jersey.
Sary, Defi Widya. 2016. “Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Topik Bilangan Bulat
Berbasis Pendekatan Realistic Mathematics Education untuk Kelas IV Sekolah
Dasar”. Tesis. Padang: UNP.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Sanjaya, W. (2007). Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan,

Jakarta: kencana Prenada Media Group.
Schommer‐Aikins, M., Duell, O. K., & Hutter, R. (2005). Epistemological beliefs,
mathematical problem‐solving beliefs, and academic performance of middle
school students. The Elementary School Journal, 105(3), 289-304.
Syaiful. (2012). Metakognisi siswa dalam pembelajaran matenatika realistik di sekolah
menengah pertama. Edumatica, 2(1), 1-13.
Sudiarta. 2006. Pengembangan dan Implementasi Pembelajaran Matematika
Berorientasi Pemecahan Masalah Kontekstual Open-Ended untuk Siswa Sekolah
Dasar: Jurnal Pendidikan Pengajaran UNDIKSHA Singaraja, Volume 39, Edisi
Khusus Desember 2008.
Susanto Ahmad, 2014. Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran, Penerbit: Kencana, Prenada
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Wardhani S. dan Rumiati. (2011). Instrumen Penilaian Hasil Belajar Matematika SMP:
Belajar dari PISA dan dan TIMSS. Yogyakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional:
Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Elita Zusti Jamaan1 Diana Nomida2 Zulfiati Syahrial2

1Mathematics Department of FMIPA UNP
2Educational Technology Department of UNJ

This study investigated the effect of scientific approach and entry behavior to the
mathematical critical thinking abilities student’ in junior high school at SMPN 8 Padang.
The population is all students who study at SMPN 8 Padang level as high as grade class
VIII. The sample in this study is randomly selected from the study population numbering
64 people in two groups .The research is held in August 2016 semester of the school year
2016/2017. The method used is quasi experimental with 2 x 2 design by level. Sixty four
students were assigned randomly into instruction with scientific approach group and
directed instructional group. The two groups exposed were expected to have a high and
low score in entry behavior for mathematical critical thinking abilities. However, there
was significant effect was found between the mean posttest scores of the scientific
approach and directed instructional in the mathematical critical thinking abilities. The
result of the research were : 1) mathematical critical thinking abilities student’ with
scientific approach was better than direct instructional, 2) there was an interaction
between scientific approach and prior kwowledge to mathematical critical thinking
abilities student’, 3) mathematical critical thinking abilities from students with high entry
behavior and scientific approach was better than direct instructional, 4) mathematical
critical thinking abilities from student with low entry behavior and scientific approach
was no different than direct instructional.

Keywords: Scientific approach, entry behavior, mathematical critical thinking abilities

The quality of the results of student learning in the mathematics lesson is an
indication that the specified learning goals achieved in accordance with the
expectations. hope to be achieved is the selection and use of your mathematics teaching
that right. Teachers must be able to select the approach to learning and teaching
materials is the right time because the approach to learning and teaching materials that
right on being alone is one of the efforts in optimizing the results of student learning.
The reality on the ground is different from the one expected from the results of the
observations made on the Mathematics lessons at SMP 8 Padang, seen during the
learning process is still not optimal. The learning process that happens in the
school information focused on teachers. Started learning from the teachers to explain
the subjects information provide examples of questions and at the end of the lesson
provide exercise to the students. The questions given to the students is usually in the
form of the questions that are routinely, so having difficulty completing the questions

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

vary which require critical thinking. Learning that makes the students less active and
does not independently and always waiting for an answer from the teacher so that the
students only receive and less well trained in build knowledge itself in solving the
questions of mathematics presented in the subjects. Therefore, mathematics teaching
activities such as this does not show the ability to think critically students so that the
students learning less satisfactory results. This is seen when doing observation,
where given 2 fruit questions test the ability to think critically to 63 students in 2
classes VIII SMPN 8 Field which contains the indicator critical thinking mathematically
namely identify, draw conclusions and evaluate. The results of these observations
indicate that the ability to think critically students still low handles as shown in table 1
Table 1. The results of the test the ability to think critically mathematically
The students of class VIII SMP 8 Padang
The The Number of Students The
question The indicator Score Score Score Average
Score 0
of no 1 2 3 Scores
1 A. Collect and arrange
the required 3 37 17 6 1.4
B. Evaluate the statement 7 28 26 2 1.3
C. Draw conclusions 11 23 29 - 1.3
D. Test the conclusion 17 27 13 6 1.1
2 A. Evaluate the
5 37 18 3 1.3
B. Collect and arrange
the required 6 19 36 2 1.5
C. Draw conclusions 5 34 20 4 1.4
D. Test the conclusion 9 39 12 3 1.1

Based on the table 1 seen that the average scores of the test results show is still a
little percentage number of students achieve maximum score of 3. This shows that the
ability to think critically mathematics students who represented by the four indicators
are not optimal. The average score of the ability to think critically is obtained on the two
questions is to collect indicator and arrange the required information with the average
1.5 score, evaluate the statement 1.3, draw conclusions 1.4, and test the conclusion
obtained 1.1. This shows that the ability to think critically mathematics is represented
by the four indicators are not optimal.
One of the weakness of the learning process is conducted until this time is less
than the effort to raise the ability to think critically students. Each of the process of
learning mathematics more encouraging students over a number of the subjects.
Learning is done is abstract and theoretically obtained through exercises so that the
students knowledge built over the process of the habit. This causes the students did not
get the opportunity to improve their ability to think improves that ultimately students
memorise only all the concept without understanding the interpretation.
In addition, seen from the learning process used teachers still dominant uses
learning. In this learning, teachers is seen as a source of knowledge and the students
only need to accept that knowledge without must be actively involved in the learning
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

process maximum in class. This impact on the low ability to think

mathematically students as explained above. According to Polla (2001: 48)
"mathematics education in Indonesia, seems to need the reformation especially in
terms of the learning activities. This time so many students complain and assume that
mathematics is very difficult and is a scourge, as a result they did not enjoyed even
hate on math. If there needs to be a movement to make a fundamental change in
mathematics education, especially from learning strategies and its approach". This
means, need to reform in mathematics teaching approach from usually centralized
activity on teachers to the situation that made the center of attention is the students.
The teacher as a facilitator and mentor while students as that led not only copy the
following examples without understanding the concept of mathematical prowess.
The main principles of mathematics teaching is to improve and prepare the
students to learn the useful for students and aims to switch from the paradigm of
teaching mathematics to learn mathematics, the relevance of the students actively in
learning must be supported by the organised learning activities that specifically so that
the students can perform "doing math" to find and build mathematics with facilitated
by teachers.
One of the approaches that were supposed to be able to resolve the problem is
the scientific approach. The scientific approach is an approach in mathematics teaching
respect of mathematics as a human activity. The apparel scientific approach dimension
composition observation, logic, discovery and the explanation of a truth where the
learning process must be guided by the values, principles, or scientific criteria. The
scientific approach to load the steps 5M namely observing, ensnared, try, associate and
communicate (Kemendikbud, 2013: 10). To support the scientific approach, it is
important to note some of the things that the prior to knowledge of mathematics (PKM)
students, and the problems faced in the students. Teachers should also be able to collect
and identify the PKM is owned by the students before starting the lesson. Prior to
knowledge of mathematics as early competence should have mastered the students
before a series of mathematics teaching next. Knowledge beginning this is a preliminary
readiness of students in receiving learning that will be delivered and is part of the
integrated from the new learning. This is done because of the relevance and
connectedness between the PKM that is owned by the subjects that will be studied.
In order to get the ability to think critically mathematical good then PKM
students must also be good. PKM is owned by the students can be known when has done
measurement and assessment on students before the lesson. This can be deduced that
the early ability have two characteristics, namely : (1) as a precondition for learning to
face the next lesson, and (2) has a relationship with the results of learning mathematics
in the materials and tasks mathematics teaching next.
On the scientific approach suspected that more benefit is that the students in the
PKM and low. This is because the steps scientific approach based on the development
of creativity and learning theories that involve cognitive processes and affective, and
can grow the jealousy of learning and the potential of the creative potential. As
known that generally in mathematics teaching that to the attention of the teachers is
that the students who have high ability, while the students with the ability to
PKM is low and that generally in class rank is low and less gain attention. Therefore,
scientific approach is suspected to accomodate the desire of all students to show the
potential capabilities that he possessed.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Meanwhile for the students who are on high rank class through scientific
approach also will develop the ability to think critically mathematically. But the
development of the ability is allegedly not because the factors learning approach but
because of factors students who already versed. Pay attention to the explanation above,
in general can be said that the scientific approach with attention to the early
knowledge of mathematics is expected to improve the ability to think critically
mathematical students. Based on the explanation above then the problem formulated as
follows; The main problem in this research is how junior high school students'
critical thinking ability on mathematics based on scientific approach and students'
entry behavior?

Critically Mathematically Think Ability
Learning is a process that based on the activity of thinking. The person in the
activity of thinking shows the level of the ability to think. The activities of thinking
students will occur when the students have to be aware that certain material is not easy,
students must know the material, compare what he saw and always see and analyze the
material from a variety of a different perspective.
Ennis revealed that critical thinking is thinking that reasonable and reflective
focusing to decide what must be trusted or done. In receiving an information that can be
trusted a person must be able to think critically to know the truth from the information
received Ennis mentioned that critical thinking includes two things namely dispositions
critical thinking critical thinking dispositions and the ability to think critically (critical
thinking abilities). More clearly Vieira mentions " abilities refer to the more cognitively
intact and disposition aspects to the more affective". (Abilities ability) more refers to the
cognitive aspects, while dispositions (dispositions) more refers to the affective aspects.
Based on this it can be concluded the ability to think critically started to resolve
the issue with a specific purpose and then analyze, generalize, organize ideas based on
the existing information and deals give the conclusion in solving problems on a
systematic basis with the correct arguments. According to Richard W. Paul, critical
thinking is the process of discipline intellectually where someone is actively and
skillfully understand, applying, analyzing, synthesize and evaluate the various
information that he or she take from the experience, observation, reflection which he
did, logic or the communication that he did. So someone who think critically will
always active in understand and analyze all the information he found.
Rudnik Krulik and proposed that that including critical thinking in mathematics
is thought that test, questioned, connect, and evaluating all aspects of that is in a
situation or a problem. Critical thinking allows students to find the truth in the midst of
a massive influx of Genesis and the information that surrounds them every day. Critical
thinking is a systematic process that allows students to formulate and evaluate beliefs
and their own opinions.
Critical thinking in Learning Mathematics is a process of cognitive or mental
actions in an effort to acquire knowledge of mathematics based on the logic of
mathematics. Based on the explanation of the explanation that has been advanced
formulated the sense of the ability to think critically mathematics is the ability to think
critically begin with solving problems with a particular purpose and then analyze,

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

generalize, organize ideas based on the existing information and deals give the
conclusion in solving problems on a systematic basis with the correct arguments.
The other opinion related to the ability to think critically indicator
including, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference. In this research will use the
indicator the ability to think critically is supported by the results of the research
that has been measuring the ability to think critically students in solving mathematics
problems using the ability to think critically indicator developed by Facione
1. The Scientific approach
The scientific approach is learning that adopted the steps scientists in building
knowledge through scientific method. This learning encourage the students to better
able to apply the steps 5M namely observing, ensnared, try, asosiasi and mengomu-
nikasikan (Depdikbud, 2013:9). Each step is explained as follows.
1) Observe
Observe the preference method learning process (meaningfull learning). In the
activity of observing teachers open widely and vary the opportunity to the students to
make observations through the activities: see, catching, heard and read. Teachers
facilitate students to make observations, train them to note (see, read, hearing the
important thing from an object or objects.
Observing activities with the aim of learning is closely related to the context of the
real situation faced in life. The process of observing the fact or phenomena include
finding information, see, hear, read and/ or catching (Depdikbud, 2013:9). The students
are given a phenomenon or fact, and the students were asked to observe the
phenomenon or the facts presented. The activities observed make students feel
challenged and arise curiosity about the materials to be learned.
2) Mutual Inquiry
After the students observe the fact or phenomenon that is given, then teachers
encourage and direct the students to make up questions based on the fact or
phenomenon that is observed. If the students have not been able to give the question
then the teachers can be fishing for students with questions that encourage students to
think and draw up a question.
Ensnared activities done as one of the process of building the knowledge of the
students in the form of the concept, principles, procedures of the law and the theory, to
think metakognitif. The aim is that the students have the ability to think high level
(critical thinking skill) critically, logical and systematic. (Depdikbud, 2013:9). The
activities done by the students accompanied by ensnared guidance teachers is expected
to encourage them to build their own knowledge in the form of the concept, principles,
procedures of the law and the theory. The process of mutual inquiry can be done
through activities such as discussion and group work and class discussions. The practice
of group discussions provide room freedom of expressing their ideas/ ideas with their
own language.
3) Gather information or experimenting/try
After the students are able to draw up the question the next step is to encourage
the students to answer their own questions. This activity is trying to stage. Try activities
aimed to strengthen the understanding of the concept of the principles or the existing
procedure in learning materials. A good learning is learning which directs the students
to try to own find the concept, the principles and procedures so that they can train to

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

develop the ability to think and to strengthen their understanding of the material
4) Associate/processing information
After the students are trying to with how to collect data and data processing next
students analyzing data that has been processed and make the conclusion. Mengasosiasi
activities demanding students create own conclusions from the concept of the principles
and procedures that are on the subjects that are being studied. This mengasosiasi
activities also train the logic and critical thinking students in analyzing the answers
from the problems and given question /make the conclusion from the answers.
5) Communicate
The next activity is to write or tell what is found in the activities of the search for
information, associate and find the pattern. The results were presented in class and
assessed by the teacher as a result of student learning or student groups. In teaching
students not only required how can understand the matter and solve the problems
given but students also must be able to communicate ideas/ ideas or answers that they
have both orally and in writing.
Prior to Knowledge Mathematics
Prior to Knowledge Mathematics (PKM) is the knowledge of mathematics
students before conducted learning. The knowledge of mathematics is covers the matter
of school mathematics is the ability to start to learn about the matter of
mathematics next. Reigeluth explains the ability of the beginning is all the
competencies on the bottom level (sub tasks) that should have been mastered
before students begin a special learning demolishes absolutely immigrant to working
competency in the ability of the early. According to Cecco, early capability is the
knowledge and skills that has been owned by the students before he advance to the
next level. Therefore the ability of the beginning of an important part of cognitive
ability next. Students who have knowledge of the early conditional have the possibility
to follow and implement the next learning tasks.
In learning mathematics in schools, PKM owned school students consists of
knowledge of the various units of the adjacent mathematics study the important matter
as numbers, geometry and algebra that has learned, if seen from the multitude of units
of the adjacent each of the mathematics study the important matter that has studied the
students from primary school, appear that the early knowledge of mathematics is very
much and very varied but if seen from the conception of mathematics as a system, then
PKM to every important matter of study can be grouped into the :
a) The initial knowledge about the association of the object of mathematics,
b) The initial knowledge about the relationships between objects the association of
mathematics, and
c) The initial knowledge about the operations that can be done between objects - the
object of the association of mathematics.
Objects or elements of the association of mathematics such as specific numbers, letters,
and various other algebra forms can be found on every system of mathematics. Types of
relationships as well as similarities, and operations such as addition and multiplication,
can be found on every system of mathematics. Based on the explanation above can be
stated that the association, relations, and the basic operation this is the first important
knowledge in learning mathematics schools. The initial knowledge to work as a

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

knowledge of the prerequisites that have a very important role in determining the
readiness of student learning.
There are various opinions from experts about understanding pengetahunan, i.e.
as follows: Jonasen and Gabrowski stated that the initial knowledge is the knowledge,
skills or capabilities that brought students into the learning process. Dochy research in
Tri Dyah Prastiti about knowledge beginning to find that the knowledge of the
beginning students contributed significantly to the score leaderboard post-test or
learning gains. Based on the above opinions, it can be concluded the initial knowledge is
a combination of the attitude, experience, skills and knowledge that belongs to the
students as capital in the learning activities that have a significant contribution to the
earnings results (achievements) learn. The experience and skills that belong to the
students is obtained before the students do the learning process at that time.
Teachers should be able to collect and identify the PKM is owned by the students
before starting the lesson.PKM of mathematics as early competence should have
mastered the students before a series of mathematics teaching next. Knowledge
beginning this is a preliminary readiness of students in receiving learning that will
be delivered and is part of the integrated from the new learning.
To determine the knowledge level of the beginning of mathematics students
need to be done before measurements learning process. The effort to the measurement
of the PKM can be done with the test both orally and in writing. The use of the PKM test
can be used to find out whether the students have the appropriate knowledge or not.
The results obtained from the PKM test can be used as a prerequisite to follow the
activities of learning mathematics. This is done because of the relevance and
connectedness between the PKM that is owned by the subjects that will be studied.
In order to get the ability to think critically mathematical good then PKM
students must also be good. PKM is owned by the students can be known when has
done measurement and assessment on students before the lesson. This can be deduced
that the early ability have two characteristics, namely : (1) as a precondition for
learning to face the next lesson, and (2) has a relationship with the results of the study
in the materials and learning tasks next.

This research is experimental research. The method used is quasi experimental.
The population is all students who study at SMPN 8 The U.S. level high u.s. grade class
VIII The sample in this study is randomly selected from the study population numbering
64 people in two groups VIIIA and VIIIB. It is selected do we stop? Because it has low
scores . Sixty four students were assigned randomly into instruction with scientific
approach group and directed instructional group. The two groups were exposed was
much bigger to have a high and low score in entry behavior for mathematical critical
thinking abilities. The instruments used in this study include mathematics test, test of
mathematical skills in critical thinking and the PKM of students' test. The data analysis
in hypothesis testing used t-test.
This research quasi-experiment because researchers do the giving of the
treatment to the subject of research for the next want to know the influence of the
treatment. The treatment is a scientific approach to learning in the classroom
experiments and learning directly on the control class class. Free variables in this
research is a scientific approach to learning and teaching directly. The class is taught

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

with scientific approach is the class experiment, while the class is taught by learning
directly is the control classes. This is done to know more deeply the influence of
the scientific approach and knowledge of the PKM students to the ability to think
critically mathematical students. The design of the experiment that is used is a non-
equivalen posttest-only control group design that merged with the design 2 x 2 namely,
two groups PKM students (high and low), and two approaches ( Scientific and directly).
The population of this research is that the students SMP 8 field. Affordable
population is the students of class VIII who follow the process of mathematics teaching
in the second semester odd years 2016/2017 lessons. The sampling is done with the
technique of multi stage random sampling with steps as follows: (1) select
random from 8 class VIII SMP 8 Padang, (2) select random two classes of a class that is
not a superior class to be the class of treatment this research, (3) select random where
the class experiment and control classes given the test to know the knowledge of early
mathematics high and low scores from the test and then rated from the highest score
and lowest, then taken as much as 27 percent of groups as a group of early knowledge of
mathematics high and 27% lower group as a group of early knowledge of mathematics
low. To collect data in this research used two test technique , namely the test consists of
a set of questions to measure and know the early knowledge of mathematics students,
test the ability to think critically mathematically. Test techniques in collecting data
using two kinds of instruments made by the researchers namely (1) test the ability to
think critically mathematical, (2) test the initial knowledge of mathematics students.
Quantitative data analysis techniques performed for each candidate data groups in
accordance with its problems. Quantitative data processing is done through two main
3. The first stage: test statistics requirements needed as the basis in the hypothesis
testing, namely normalitas test the spread of the data and test the homogenitas
4. The second stage: test whether or not the difference from each of the groups and the
influence of the interaction of the ability to think critically mathematical knowledge
of the beginning of mathematics in accordance with the hypothesis that has been put


Prior to Knowledge of mathematics (PKM) students is the knowledge that belongs
to the students before the learning process takes place. Early knowledge of mathematics
is the value of the test the ability of mathematics students in the first semester I and II in
class VII SMP.
To know the equality of the sample research done statistical analysis test the
difference between the average scores of the early knowledge of mathematics. Prior to
test the difference between the average, first test done and homogenitas normalitas
varians data, and get the conclusion that the sample comes from a population of
berdistribusi normal. From the analysis of the data obtained that there was no
significant difference between the PKM students who obtain scientific approaches to
learning and the students who get direct learning.
The ability to think critically Mathematical Students

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

The results of the test Data the ability to think critically mathematically
described and analyzed based on scientific approach and knowledge of PKM students.
Comparison of the ability to think critically mathematically based on the PKM students
can be seen in figure 1. From the picture 1 seen that based on the PKM students, the
ability to think critically students who get PS learning is still better than the students
who obtain lesson DL.

Math Critical Math Critical

Thinking Thinking
40 40
20 20
Scientific High PKM
10 0
0 Low PKM
Direct 12 - 16 - 20 - 24 - 28 -
12 - 16 - 20 - 24 - 28 - 15 19 23 27 31
15 19 23 27 31

In the figure above an average of the ability to think critically Mathematically

based on the PKM. Based on the hypothesis 1, after done the calculation and analysis
about homogenitas normalitas, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference
in the ability to think critically mathematically between the students who get PS
learning and the students who get the DL learning means that the ability to think
critically mathematical students who get PS lessons better than the ability to think
critically mathematical students who are taught in DL.
From the hypothesis 2, after data homogenitas test the ability to think critically
based on the PKM students, then seen whether there is a difference between critical
ability mathematically based on the PKM students through t test. From the test results
can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the ability to think critically
mathematical students when based on the PKM students.
On the hypothesis 3, first seen homogenitas varians capability data critical
thinking mathematically as a result of the interaction between the PKM students and
saintific approach . From the results of the test calculations obtained statistics
conclusion that PKM students give a significant impact against the difference between
the ability to think critically mathematical students. So the scientific approach to give a
significant impact on the ability to think critically mathematically.
From the value of F and the value of sig concluded there was no interaction
between PKM students with scientific approach to the ability to think critically
mathematically. In other words the students who get scientific approach learning seen
from PKM students get a better value in the ability to think critically mathematically
compared with students who have learning PL on each category PKM.

1. There is a significant difference in the ability to think critically mathematically
between the students who get PS learning and the students who get scientific

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

approach lessons better than the ability to think critically mathematical students
who are taught in direct learning.
2. There is a significant difference in the ability to think critically mathematical
students when based on the PKM students.
3. Scientific approach to give a significant impact on the ability to think critically

Robert H Ennis, 2011. The Nature of Critical Thinking: An Outline of Critical Thinking
Dispositions and Abilities. (University of Illinois), p. 1
Rui Marques Vieira. dkk, 2011 “Critical Thinking: Conceptual Clarification and Its
Importance in Science Education”. (Science Education International, 22(1),hh 43 –
Hawa Liberna, 2014 “Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa Melalui
Penggunaan Metode Improve Pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua
Variabel”. (Jurnal Formatif Vol.2 No.3, 2014), hh.190-197
Fachrurazi, 2011 “Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa Sekolah Dasar ”,
(Jurnal Edisi Khusus, No. 1, Agustus 2011), h. 81
Peter A Facione, 2017 “Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why It Counts”. 2015
www.insightassessment.com, (diakses 5 April 2017),hh. 5-7.
Inayatul, Fithriyah. 2016 Cholis Sa’dijah & Siswono, “Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir
Kritis Siswa Kelas IX-D SMPN 17 Malang. Konferensi Nasional Penelitian
Matematika dan Pembelajarannya (KNPNM I), Universitas Muhammadiyah
Surakarta, 12 Maret 2016.
M Reigeluth, 1983. Instructional Design Theories and Models. London: (Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 1983)
J.P De Cecco, 1968. The Psychology of Learning and Instructional: Educational
Psychology. Englewood Cliff, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc, 1968)
Aleks Maryunis, 1998. Pengetahuan Awal Matematika Sekolah. (Padang: Universitas
Negeri Padang, 1998),h.21
Harsono, 2008. Peran Prior Knowledge dalam Problem Based Learning, (Yogyakarta:
Pusat Pengembangan Pendidikan UGM, Tidak diterbitkan,2008)
Dyah Tri Prastisi, 2007. Pengaruh Pendekatan Pembelajaran RME dan Pengetahuan
Awal Terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi dan Pemahaman Matematika Siswa
SMP Kelas VII, (Jurnal Didaktika, Vol. 2 No. 1 Maret 2007).

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


Elsi Fitria1, Sri Gemawati1, Kartini1

1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, University of
28293, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
*Email: elsifitria823@gmail.com

B-algebra is a subclass of K-algebra, which is constructed of a noncommutative
group. So that, we find the concept of B-algebra by the properties of the group. If there is a
subgroup in the group, hence there is B-subalgebra in the B-algebra. In this paper, we
constructed the concept of prime ideals in B-algebras based on the concept of prime ideals
in BCI and BCK-algebras.The result are definingan ideal in B-algebra and a prime ideal in
B-algebra. Also, we discussed some of it’s properties. Then, we have proved several
theorems about the relationship between a prime ideal and a maximal ideal in B-algebra.

Keywords: B-algebras, B-subalgebras, ideal, prime ideal

A group is a non-empty set with a binary operation such that the following
properties hold:associative law, existence of an identity element, and existence of an
inverse [2]. While, a ring is a non-empty set with two binary operations of sum and
multiplication, such that the following properties hold: assosiative law of multiplication,
distributive law, and a ring is a commutative group of addition operation [2]. Group and
ring are algebraic structures that often discussed by several authors.
The new algebras are found in the development of abstract algebra. In 1996, Y.
Imai and K. Iseki introduced the development of the algebraic structure called BCK-
algebra. In the same year, K. Iseki introduced the new idea called BCI-algebra, that is
generalization from BCK-algebra. In 2002, J. Neggers and H. S. Kim constructed a new
algebraic structure. They took some properties from BCI and BCK-algebra be called B-
algebra. A non-empty set X with a binary operation ∗ and a constant 0 satisfying some
axioms will construct an algebraic structure called B-algebra.
The concepts of B-algebra have been disscussed, e.g., a note on normal
subalgebras in B-algebras by A. Walendziak in 2005, Direct Product of B- algebras by
Lingcong and Endam in 2016, and Lagrange's Theorem for B-algebras by JS. Bantug in
2017. Earlier, in 2010, N. O. Al-Shehrie applied the notionof left-right derivation in BCI-
algebra [10] to B-algebra and obtained some related properties [7]. Then, in 2012,
notion of prime ideal was introduced by R.A. Borzooei and O. Zahiri in the article
entitled "Prime Ideals in BCI and BCK-algebras".They found a new definition of prime
ideal in BCI-algebra and some of its properties. In this article, we apply the concept of
prime ideals in BCI-algebra to B-algebra and we attempt to apply some its properties to
B-algebra. So, this article discuss about the definition of prime ideal in B-algebra, and we
investigate some of its properties.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


This research is literature study by studying the text books and journals related
to the prime ideals in ring, prime ideals in BCI and BCK–algebras, and the concepts of B-
algebra. The methods used in this research are as mention below:
1. Study the concept of B-algebra and its properties introduced by J. Neggers
and H. S. Kim.
2. Study the condition of a subset is a B-subalgebra.
3. Construct the concept of ideal in B-algebra based on the concept of ideal in
BCI and BCK-algebra that discussed by Borzooei and O. Zahiri.
4. Investigate the condition an ideal in B-algebra that is: let S a non-empty
subset of B-algebra (X; ∗, 0) with a constant 0 and b element of S. If b is
operated with a from the right and the result is also an element of S, hence a
also element of S.
5. Investigate the prime ideal in B-algebra (X; ∗, 0) by taking a proper subset of
X and constructed based on the concept of prime ideal in BCI-algebra.
6. Prove some related theorems.

I. BCI, BCK, and B-Algebras

The related definition to B-algebra, BCI and BCK-algebras will be discussed in the
beginning of the study.
Definition3.1. [4] A B-algebra is a non-empty set 𝑋 with a constant 0 as identity
element and a binary operation ∗satisfying the following axioms:
I. 𝑥 ∗ 𝑥 = 0,
II. 𝑥 ∗ 0 = 𝑥,
III. 𝑥∗𝑦 ∗𝑧 =𝑥∗ 𝑧∗ 0∗𝑦 ,
for all 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 ∈ 𝑋.
Example 3.1.[4] Let 𝑋 = {0, 1, 2} be a set with Cayley table as follows:
Table 1
* 0 1 2
0 0 2 1
1 1 0 2
2 2 1 0
As known 0 ∈ 𝑋and 1, 2 ∈ 𝑋, it can be seen from the Table 1 that is 2 ∗ 0 = 0, 2 ∗ 2 = 0
and 1 ∗ 2 ∗ 0 = 1 ∗ 0 ∗ 0 ∗ 2 = 2 satisfying the three axioms B-algebra.
Then,(𝑋; ∗ ,0) is B-algebra.
Theorem 3.2 [4] Let(𝑋; ∗ ,0) is B-algebra,then for all 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 ∈ 𝑋,
I. 𝑦∗𝑧 = 𝑦∗ 0∗ 0∗𝑧 ,
II. 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑦 = 𝑥,
III. if 𝑥 ∗ 𝑧 = 𝑦 ∗ 𝑧 implies 𝑥 = 𝑦,
IV. 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 ∗ 𝑧 = 𝑥 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑧 ∗ 𝑦.
I. For all 𝑦, 𝑧 ∈ 𝑋, using axiom II and III B-algebra we obtain:
𝑦∗𝑧 = 𝑦∗𝑧 ∗0 (by axiom II)
𝑦 ∗ 𝑧 = 𝑦 ∗ (0 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑧 ). ∎ (by axiom III)
II. For all 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 ∈ 𝑋, let 𝑧 = 0 ∗ 𝑦, using axiom I, II, and III we obtain:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

𝑥∗𝑦 ∗ 0∗𝑦 = 𝑥∗( 0∗𝑦 ∗ 0∗𝑦 ) (by axiom III)

𝑥∗𝑦 ∗ 0∗𝑦 =𝑥∗0 (by axiom I)
𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑦 = 𝑥. ∎ (by axiom II)
III. For all 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 ∈ 𝑋, since 𝑥 ∗ 𝑧 = 𝑦 ∗ 𝑧, implies 𝑥 ∗ 𝑧 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑧 = 𝑦 ∗ 𝑧 ∗ (0 ∗ 𝑧)
and thus from II it follows that 𝑥 = 𝑦. ∎
IV. For all 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 ∈ 𝑋, from I and axiom II:
𝑥 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑧 ∗ 𝑦 = 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 ∗ 0 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑧 , then
𝑥 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑧 ∗ 𝑦 = 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 ∗ 𝑧 .∎
Theorem3.3 [4] If(𝑋; ∗ ,0) is B-algebra, then the following conditions hold: for
all 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 ∈ 𝑋,
I. 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 = 0 implies 𝑥 = 𝑦,
II. 0 ∗ 𝑥 = 0 ∗ 𝑦 implies x=y,
III. 0 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑥 = 𝑥.
I. For all 𝑥, 𝑦 ∈ 𝑋, since 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 = 0, implies 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 = 𝑦 ∗ 𝑦, by applying Theorem 3.2
(III) then 𝑥 = 𝑦.∎
II. For all 𝑥, 𝑦 ∈ 𝑋, using axioms of B-algebra, we obtain:
0=𝑥∗𝑥 (by axiom I)
0= 𝑥∗𝑥 ∗0 (by axiom II)
0 = 𝑥 ∗ (0 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑥 ) (by axiom III)
since 0 ∗ 𝑥 = 0 ∗ 𝑦, then
0= 𝑥∗ 0∗ 0∗𝑦
0= 𝑥∗𝑦 ∗0 (by axiom III)
0=𝑥∗𝑦 (by axiom II)
𝑥 = 𝑦.∎ (by axiom I)
Definition 3. 4. [11] A nonempty subset S of B-algebra X is called a subalgebra (B-
subalgebra) of X if 0 ∈ 𝑆and𝑎 ∗ 𝑏 ∈ 𝑆 for all 𝑎, 𝑏 ∈ 𝑆.
Example 3.2. Let 𝑋 = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 .Define the binary operation “∗” on X by the
following table:
Table 2
* 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 2 1 3 4 5
1 1 0 2 4 5 3
2 2 1 0 5 3 4
3 3 4 5 0 2 1
4 4 5 3 1 0 2
5 5 3 4 2 1 0

It is easy to prove that (X; ∗, 0) is a B-algebra. Let𝑆 = {0, 1, 2}, we have 0 ∈ 𝑆, 1, 2 ∈ 𝑆,

and based on the Table 2 that is 1 ∗ 2 = 2 ∈ 𝑆. Then S closed to binary operation ∗,
hence S is B-subalgebra.

Definition 3.5. [9] A B-algebra(X; ∗, 0) is said to be commutativeB-algebra if

𝑎 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑏 = 𝑏 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑎 , for any 𝑎, 𝑏 ∈ 𝑋.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Example 3.3. Let 𝑋 = 0, 1, 2 be a set with the following table:

Table 3
* 0 1 2
0 0 2 1
1 1 0 2
2 2 1 0

It is easy to prove that (X; ∗, 0) is a B-algebra. We have 0, 1, 2 ∈ 𝑆, and based on the

Table 3 that is 1 ∗ 0 ∗ 2 = 2 ∗ 0 ∗ 1 = 0. Then (X; ∗, 0) is a commutative B-algebra.
Teorema 3.6. [4] If(X; ∗, 0) is a commutative B-algebra, then
I. 0 ∗ 𝑥 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑦 = 𝑦 ∗ 𝑥,
II. 𝑥 ∗ 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 = 𝑦,
III. 0 ∗ 𝑥 ∗ 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 = 𝑦 ∗ 𝑥2 ,
for any 𝑥, 𝑦 ∈ 𝑋.
Teorema 3.7. [13] LetX andY B-algebra and 𝑓: 𝑋 → 𝑌B-homomorphism from X into Y.
Then 𝑋/𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 ≅ 𝐼𝑚(𝑓). In particular, if f is surjective then 𝑋/𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 ≅ 𝑌.
Definition 3.8. [9] A BCI-algebra is an algebra (𝑋; ∗ ,0) satisfying the following axioms:
I. 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 ∗ 𝑥 ∗ 𝑧 ∗ 𝑧 ∗ 𝑦 = 0,
II. 𝑥 ∗ 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 ∗ 𝑦 = 0,
III. 𝑥 ∗ 0 = 𝑥,
IV. 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 = 0 and 𝑦 ∗ 𝑥 = 0 imply 𝑥 = 𝑦,
for all 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 ∈ 𝑋.
BCI-algebra X called BCK-algebra if satisfying𝟎 ∗ 𝒙 = 𝟎, for all𝑥 ∈ 𝑋.
Example 3.4. Let 𝑋 = {0, 1, 2, 3, } be a set with Cayley table as follows:
Table 4
* 0 1 2 3
0 0 0 2 2
1 1 0 2 2
2 2 2 0 0
3 3 2 1 0

We have 0 ∈ 𝑋 and 1, 2, 3 ∈ 𝑋. Let 𝑥 = 1, 𝑦 = 2, 𝑧 = 3 then from the table we

obtain 1 ∗ 2 ∗ 1 ∗ 3 ∗ 2 ∗ 3 = 2 ∗ 2 ∗ 0 = 0 ∗ 0 = 0 (axiom I), 1 ∗ 1 ∗ 2 ∗ 2 =
1 ∗ 2 ∗ 2 = 2 ∗ 2 = 0 (axiom II), 1 ∗ 0 = 0 (axiom III) and 1 ∗ 1 = 0 , 1 = 1 (axiom IV).
Hence,(𝑋; ∗ ,0) isBCI-algebra.
A non-empty subset S of BCI-algebra (X; ∗, 0) is called a subalgebraof X if
𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 ∈ 𝑆, for any 𝑥, 𝑦 ∈ 𝑆. The set 𝑃 = 𝑥 ∈ 𝑋 0 ∗ 0 ∗ 𝑥 = 𝑥 is called P-semisimple
part of BCI-algebra X and X is called a P-semisimpleBCI-algebra if 𝑃 = 𝑋(see [8]).
Definition 3.9. [8] Let I be a nonempty subset of BCI-algebra X containing 0. I is called
an ideal of X if 𝑦 ∗ 𝑥 ∈ 𝐼 and 𝑥 ∈ 𝐼 imply 𝑦 ∈ 𝐼, for any 𝑥, 𝑦 ∈ 𝑋.
Definition 3.10. [8] A proper ideal I of BCI-algebra X is called prime if 𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 ⊆ 𝐼
implies 𝐴 ⊆ 𝐼 or 𝐵 ⊆ 𝐼, for all ideals A and B of X.
Example 3.5. [8] Let 𝑋 = 0, 1, 2, 𝑎 . Define the binary operation “∗” on X by the
following table:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Table 5
* 0 1 2 𝑎
0 0 0 0 𝑎
1 1 0 0 𝑎
2 2 1 0 𝑎
𝑎 𝑎 𝑎 𝑎 0
Then (X; ∗, 0) is a BCI-algebra and { 0 , 0, 1, 𝑎 , 0, 2, 𝑎 , {0,1,2}} is the set of all proper
ideals of X. Since 0, 1, 𝑎 ∩ 0, 2, 𝑎 = {0, 𝑎} ⊆ {0, 2, 𝑎}, and {0, 2, 𝑎} ⊆ {0, 2, 𝑎}. Hence,
{0, 2, 𝑎} is a prime ideal of X. By the similar way, 0, 1, 𝑎 and 0, 1, 2 are prime ideals of
Theorem 3.11.[3] Every a commutativeB-algebra is a BCI-algebra.
The converse of this theorem may not true in general.
Example 3.6. [3] Let 𝑋 = 0, 1, 2, 3 be a set with the following table:
Table 6
* 0 1 2 3
0 0 0 3 3
1 1 0 3 2
2 2 3 0 1
𝑎 3 3 0 0
Then it is BCI-algebra, but not a commutative B-algebra, since 3 ∗ 0 ∗ 2 = 0 ≠ 2 ∗ (0 ∗
Theorem 3.12.[3] Every commutative B-algebra is a P-semisimple BCI-algebra.
The converse of this theorem is true in general.

II. Main Result

R.A. Borzooei and O. Zahiri have been discussed the definition of ideal and prime
ideal in BCI and BCK-algebras. In a similar way, we obtain the definition and some
theorems of ideal and prime ideal in B-algebra. Some other similar properties from BCI-
algebras as a base of this definition.
Definition 4.1. A non-empty subset S of B-algebra X iscalledideal of X if:
I. 0 ∈ 𝑆;
II. 𝑏 ∈ 𝑆and𝑎 ∗ 𝑏 ∈ 𝑆, implies 𝑎 ∈ 𝑆, for any 𝑎, 𝑏 ∈ 𝑋.
Clearly, {0} is an ideal of B-algebra X. An ideal S calledproperideal if 𝑆 ≠ 𝑋 and is
called closedideal if 𝑎 ∗ 𝑏 ∈ 𝑆, for all 𝑎, 𝑏 ∈ 𝑆. The least ideal of 𝑋 containing 𝐼, the
generated ideal of X by I and is denoted by 𝐼 .
Example 4.1. Let 𝑋 = {0, 1, 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐, 𝑑}is B-algebra with Cayley table as follows:
Table 7
* 0 1 𝑎 𝑏 𝑐 𝑑
0 0 𝑎 1 𝑏 𝑐 𝑑
1 1 0 𝑎 𝑐 𝑑 𝑏
𝑎 𝑎 1 0 𝑑 𝑏 𝑐
𝑏 𝑏 𝑐 𝑑 0 𝑎 1
𝑐 𝑐 𝑑 𝑏 1 0 𝑎
𝑑 𝑑 𝑏 𝑐 𝑎 1 0

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Let 𝑆 = {0, 1, 𝑎}, so 0 ∈ 𝑆. From the table, we have 1 ∈ 𝑆 and 𝑎 ∗ 1 = 1 ∈ 𝑆, so 𝑎 ∈ 𝑆.

Hence, S is an ideal of X and since 1 ∗ 𝑎 = 𝑎 ∈ 𝑆 , then S a B-subalgebra. We will be
checked, are every ideals in B-algebra is B-subalgebra?.
Example 4.2. Let 𝑋 = (𝑍; −, 0) with “−” subtraction operation of integers 𝑍. Then, it is
easy to prove that X is B-algebra. Let 𝐼 = 𝑍 + ∪ {0} is a subset of 𝑋 with 𝑍 + is positive
integers, so 𝐼 is an ideal of 𝑋. Since 3, 4 ∈ 𝐼 and 3 − 4 = −1 ∉ 𝐼, hence 𝐼 is not a B-
subalgebra of X.
So, every ideal in B-algebra is not always B-subalgebra. From the definition of B-
subalgebra that is closed of binary operation “∗” and the closed ideal in B-algebra, we
obtain that every B-subalgebra is closed ideal in B-algebra.
Definition 4. 2. LetX is a B-algebra. A proper ideal M of X is called a maximal ideal of
Xif 𝑀 ∪ {𝑥} = 𝑋, for any𝑥 ∈ 𝑋\𝑀, where 𝑀 ∪ {𝑥} is an ideal genearted by 𝑀 ∪ {𝑥}. M
isan maximal ideal of X ifandonly if 𝑀 ⊆ 𝐴 ⊆ 𝑋 implies that 𝑀 = 𝐴 or 𝐴 = 𝑋, for any
ideal A of 𝑋.
Example 4.3. Let 𝑋 = {0, 𝑎, 𝑏} be a B-algebra with Cayley table as follows:
Table 8
* 0 𝑎 𝑏
0 0 0 𝑏
𝑎 𝑎 0 𝑏
𝑏 𝑏 𝑏 0
We obtain the set of all proper ideal of X is { 0 , 0, 𝑎 , 0, 𝑏 }. Let 𝐴 = 𝑎 = {0, 𝑎} and
𝐵 = 𝑏 = {0, 𝑏}, then A and B are maximal ideals of X, becausetherearenoother ideal of
X thatcontaining A and B ratherthanitself.
Let 𝐴 is an ideal of B-algebra 𝑋. Then relation 𝜃 is defined 𝑥, 𝑦 ∈ 𝜃 ⟺ 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦, 𝑦 ∗
𝑥 ∈ 𝐴 is a congruence relation on X, denoted 𝐴𝑥 for 𝑥 = 𝑦 ∈ 𝑋 (𝑥, 𝑦) ∈ 𝜃 . So, 𝐴0 is a
closed ideal of B-algebra 𝑋. Let 𝑋/𝐴 = 𝐴𝑥 𝑥 ∈ 𝑋 , then (𝑋/𝐴; ∗, 𝐴0 ) is a B-algebra with
𝐴𝑥 ∗ 𝐴𝑦 = 𝐴𝑥∗𝑦 , for all 𝑥, 𝑦 ∈ 𝑋.
Lemma 4.3. Let A and B ideals of B-algebra X such that 𝐴 ⊆ 𝐵. Denote 𝐵/𝐴 =
𝐴𝑥 ∈ 𝑋/𝐴 𝑥 ∈ 𝐵 . Then
I. 𝑥 ∈ 𝐵 if and only if𝐴𝑥 ∈ 𝐵/𝐴, for any 𝑥 ∈ 𝑋.
II. 𝐵/𝐴 = 𝐴𝑥 ∈ 𝑋/𝐴 𝑥 ∈ 𝐵 is an ideal from 𝑋/𝐴.
III. Let A isaclosedideal of X. If I and J are the set of all ideal of X and𝑋/𝐴,
respectively, then, the map 𝑓: 𝐼 → 𝐽, is defined by 𝑓 𝐵 = 𝐵/𝐴 is a bijective map.
The invers of 𝑓 is the map 𝑔: 𝐽 → 𝐼, is defined by 𝑔 𝐵 =∪ 𝐴𝑥 𝐴𝑥 ∈ 𝑋 .
Definition 4.4. A proper ideal S of B-algebra X called primeideal of X if 𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 ⊆ 𝑆
implies 𝐴 ⊆ 𝑆 or 𝐵 ⊆ 𝑆, for all ideals A and B of X.
Theorem 4.5. IfMmaximal ideal of B-algebra 𝑋, then M is a prime ideal of 𝑋.
Proof. Let the sets I and J be two ideals of X. Since M maximal ideal of X, then 𝐼 ∩ 𝐽 ⊆ 𝑀.
Assume 𝐼 ⊈ 𝑀 and 𝐽 ⊈ 𝑀, so there is 𝑖 ′ , 𝑗 ′ ∈ 𝑀, so that 𝑖 ∈ 𝐼 and 𝑗 ∈ 𝐽. Thus,
𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ 𝐼 ∩ 𝐽 ⊆ 𝑀. This is imposible, because 𝑖, 𝑗 ∉ 𝑀. Then, it must be 𝐼 ⊆ 𝑀 or 𝐽 ⊆ 𝑀.
Hence, M is aprime ideal of X.
Example 4.4. Let“−” subtraction operation in integers, so that 𝑋 = (𝑍; −, 0) is B-
algebra. If 𝑍 + is positive integers and 𝑍 − negative integers, then the subsets
𝐸1 = 𝑍 + ∪ {0} and 𝐸2 = 𝑍 − ∪ {0} are two maximal ideals of X. We will be discussed are
𝐸1 and 𝐸2 is the prime ideal of X or not. Let 𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 ⊆ 𝑍 +, if 𝐴 ⊈ 𝑍 + and 𝐵 ⊈ 𝑍 + then
𝑎, 𝑏 ∈ 𝑍 +, so that there exists −𝑎 ∈ 𝐴 and −𝑏 ∈ 𝐵 such that −𝑎, −𝑏 ∈ 𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 ⊆ 𝑍 + ∪ {0}.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

This is impossible, because 𝑍 + is positive integers, it must be 𝐴 ⊆ 𝑍 + ∪ {0} or

𝐵 ⊆ 𝑍 + ∪ 0 . So, 𝐸1 is a prime ideal of X. Let 𝑃 ∩ 𝑄 ⊆ 𝑍 −, if 𝑃 ⊈ 𝑍 − and 𝑄 ⊈ 𝑍 − then
there exists −𝑝, − 𝑞 ∈ 𝑍 − such that 𝑝, 𝑞 ∈ 𝑃 ∩ 𝑄 ⊆ 𝑍 − ∪ {0}. This is impossible, because
𝑍 − is negative integers, it must be 𝑃 ⊆ 𝑍 − ∪ {0} or 𝑄 ⊆ 𝑍 − ∪ 0 . So, 𝐸2 is a prime ideal
of X.
Theorem 4.6. Let X is a B-algebra. 𝑀1 , 𝑀2 , … , 𝑀𝑛 and 𝑀 are maximal ideals of X such
that 𝑛𝑖=1 𝑀𝑖 ⊆ 𝑀. Then there exists 𝑗 ∈ {1, 2, … , 𝑛}, such that 𝑀𝑗 = 𝑀.
Proof. Since 𝑀 is a maximal ideal of X, it can be seen from Theorem 4.5 M is
aprimeideal of X, so that 𝑛𝑖=1 𝑀𝑖 ⊆ 𝑀 then there existx 𝑗 ∈ {1, 2, … , 𝑛} so that 𝑀𝑗 ⊆ 𝑀.
Since 𝑀𝑗 is maximal ideal of X either, then 𝑀𝑗 = 𝑀.
Let X and Y are B-algebra. The mapping 𝑓: 𝑋 → 𝑌 is called homomorphism of B-
algebra or B-homomorphism if 𝑓 𝑥 ∗ 𝑦 = 𝑓 𝑥 ∗ 𝑓 𝑦 , for all 𝑥, 𝑦 ∈ 𝑋. A B-
Homomorphism called B-monomorphism if f is one-to-one and B-epimorphism if f is onto.
A B-homomorphism𝑓: 𝑋 → 𝑌 called B-isomorphism if f is one-to-one and onto (bijection),
and labeled by 𝑋 ≅ 𝑌. If 𝑓: 𝑋 → 𝑌B-isomorphism so 𝑓 −1 : 𝑌 → 𝑋 also B-isomorphism. Let
𝑓: 𝑋 → 𝑌B-homomorphism, then the subset 𝑥 ∈ 𝑋 𝑓 𝑥 = 0𝑌 of X is called kernel of B-
homomorphismf labeled by 𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 , then 𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 is closed ideal of X. AB-homomorphism
is one-to-one if and only if 𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 = 0 (see [13]).
Theorem 4.7. Let X and Y are B-algebra and 𝑓: 𝑋 → 𝑌B-epimorphism, then
I. Let A a closedideal of X and B aideal of X containing A. If B is a prime ideal of X
then 𝐵/𝐴 is a prime ideal of 𝑋/𝐴.
II. Let A is a prime ideal of X and 𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 ⊆ 𝐴, then 𝑓(𝐴) is a prime ideal of 𝑌.
I. Let A is a closed ideal of X and B is an ideal of X containing A, such that 𝐴 ⊆ 𝐵.
Since B is a ideal of X, thenfromLemma 4.3 (II) 𝐵/𝐴 is a ideal of 𝑋/𝐴. Let 𝐼 and 𝐽
are ideals of 𝑋/𝐴 such that 𝐼 ∩ 𝐽 ⊆ 𝐵/𝐴, then there exists 𝐾 and 𝐿 be ideals of 𝑋
so that 𝐼 = 𝐾/𝐴 and 𝐽 = 𝐿/𝐴, thus 𝐾/𝐴 ∩ 𝐿/𝐴 = (𝐾 ∩ 𝐿)/𝐴 ⊆ 𝐵/𝐴. If B is a
prime ideals of X then 𝐾 ∩ 𝐿 ⊆ 𝐵 so that 𝐾 ⊆ 𝐵 or 𝐿 ⊆ 𝐵, then 𝐾/𝐴 ⊆ 𝐵/𝐴 or
𝐿/𝐴 ⊆ 𝐵/𝐴. Hence, 𝐵/𝐴 is a prime ideal of 𝑋/𝐴.
II. It is known X and Y are B-algebra and 𝑓: 𝑋 → 𝑌 is B-epimorphism. A is a prime
ideal of X and 𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 ⊆ 𝐴, it means 𝐴/𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 . Since 𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 is a closed ideal of X,
thenfrom (I) can be concluded 𝐴/𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 is a prime ideal of 𝑋/𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 . Since
𝑓: 𝑋 → 𝑌B-epimorphism, then from Theorem 3.5, we obtain 𝑋/𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 ≅ 𝑌.
Moreover, 𝐴/𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 ≅ 𝑓 𝐴 , can be concluded that 𝑓(𝐴) is a prime ideal of 𝑌.

From the discussion above, it can be concluded as below:
1. The definition of ideal in B-algebra is equivalent to ideal in BCI-algebra. Also,
the definition of prime ideal in B-algebra is equivalent to prime ideal in BCI-
2. Every a B-subalgebra of B-algebra X is a closed ideal of X and its convers is true.
3. Every a maximal ideal of B-algebra 𝑋 is a prime ideal of 𝑋.
4. Let X and Y are B-algebra and 𝑓: 𝑋 → 𝑌B-epimorphism. LetA isa closedideal of X
and B anideal of X containing A. If B is a prime ideal of X, then𝐵/𝐴 is a prime
ideal of 𝑋/𝐴.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

5. Let X and Y are B-algebra and 𝑓: 𝑋 → 𝑌B-epimorphism. Let A is a prime ideal of

X and 𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓 ⊆ 𝐴, then 𝑓(𝐴) is a prime ideal of 𝑌.

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[13] Y. H. Kim, On Medil B-algebra, J. Appl. Math. & informatics, 32(2014), 849-856

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Fithri Hidayati1, I Made Arnawa, Hendra Syarifuddin1,

1MathematicsEducation Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Korespondensi : Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email : 1hidayatifithri@Yahoo.Co.Id

This study aims to discuss an alternative theory that is suitable to improve
students' critical thinking skills at a low level of high school. One of the causes of the lack
of critical thinking ability of students because during this time in student learning tend to
be passive and students are less involved in finding the concept. Therefore needed a way so
that teacher can increase activity and ability of critical thinking of mathematics that is
through constructivism based learning. The method used in this research is literature
research that is by collecting data about constructivism based learning on students'
critical thinking skills from various sources such as relevant research, books, etc. After
conducting literature studies by citing data from various sources it is suspected that the
learning-based constructivism can improve students' critical thinking skills at the level of
Senior High School.

Kata Kunci :Constructivism, Ability Think Critically.

Mathematics is a tool for developing ways of thinking. Mathematics is needed,
both for everyday life and in the face of scientific and technological progress. Therefore,
math lessons need to be given to each learner since elementary school. According to
Depdikbud (1991: 1), one of the goals is given mathematics in primary and secondary
education, that is to "prepare students to be able to use mathematics and mathematical
mindset in everyday life".
Mathematics as a basic science learned in every level of education has a function
that is as a tool, mindset, and science. Mathematics plays an important role in shaping
critical thinking skills, logical, creative, and able to work together. Classroom learning
should consider students' mathematical thinking skills as learning outcomes.
Various efforts are made by the government to improve the quality of quality
mathematics education, such as improving the quality of mathematics teachers,
completing educational facilities and infrastructure, preparing student and teacher
handbooks, and improving the curriculum. But the various efforts that have been done
have not shown satisfactory results. This can be seen from many students get low score
and not yet comprehend the concept of mathematical maximally.
In a study conducted by Novia (2014), the teacher once assigned the students to
make some flat drawings and then asked to be able to name the properties and lower
the flat wake-up formula itself. This is done in the hope that students can understand
the deeper mateti. Then teachers and students draw conclusions and students are given
some critical thinking skills. The result of the answer shows that the average of the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

students' critical thinking skill test reaches 39.72 and only 5 students are able to solve
the problem well enough. Most responded briefly with no clear analysis and evidence
(not outlining the answers in detail). This leaves the teacher dissatisfied and continues
to improve. Students are not critical in solving existing problems. These findings
indicate the low quality of students' understanding of mathematics. Students solve
many problems without a deep understanding. As a result, students' critical thinking
skills do not develop.
The solution given to students' critical thinking skills is improved by providing a
constructivism-based learning. Construtivism learning is learning that requires students
to participate actively, self-study ability, develop their own knowledge actively, while
the teacher only as facilitator and mediator and learning process.

This study included a type of literature study. Where literary study is the way used
to collect data or sources related to the topics raised in a study. These data sources
contain: Student's critical thinking skills and constructivism-based learning. These
sources are obtained from journals, theses and internet sites.


The ability to think critically is a very essential ability, and function effectively in
all aspects of life. Therefore, this critical thinking ability becomes very important in
nature and must be instilled early in school, at home and in the community. In the
learning process to achieve optimal results are required to think actively. This means
that the optimal learning process requires critical thinking from the learner. Therefore,
critical thinking is very important in the process of learning activities.
Critical thinking is an intellectual thought process in which thinkers deliberately
assess the quality of their thinking, thinkers using reflective, independent, clear, and
rational thinking. According to Halpen (in Achmad, 2007), critical thinking is
empowering skills or cognitive strategies in setting goals. The process is traversed after
setting goals, considering, and referring directly to the goals-is a form of thinking that
needs to be developed in order to solve problems, formulate conclusions, gather
possibilities, and make decisions when effectively using all those skills in the right
context and type. A person who studies mathematics is expected to develop into a
person who is able to think critically and creatively to ensure that he is on the right
track in solving mathematical problems faced or mathematical material being studied,
and ensure the truth of the thinking process that takes place.
By always being a critical individual in learning mathematics, one will be
triggered to be creative. To gain clarity or to distinguish between right and wrong, one
will seek solutions by using alternative strategies. Critical thinking demands effort,
caring about accuracy, willingness, and attitude not easily giving up when faced with
difficult tasks. Likewise, the critical thinking requires an openness to new ideas. Indeed
this is not something that is easy, but must and still be implemented in an effort to
develop thinking skills (Fisher, 2010).
According to Wahidin (Mahanal: 2007), there are several advantages gained
from learning that emphasize the critical thinking skills process, namely:
a. Learning is more economical, namely that what is gained and its teaching will
last long in the minds of students

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

b. Tend to increase the spirit of learning and enthusiasm both in teachers and in
c. Students are expected to have a scientific attitude
d. Students have the ability to solve problems both in the process of teaching and
learning in the classroom or in the face of real problems that will be
According to Effendi (2010: 110) "constructivism approach is an approach that
emphasizes the importance of students building their own knowledge through active
involvement in the learning process". Most of the time the learning process takes place
based on student activity.
According to Akhras (2000: 344) which states that“ constructivist theories of
learning emphasise an active and autonomous role for the learners to construct their own
understanding through interacting in an environment in wich the knowledge of the
domain is not explicitly separated from the context in wich it applies”.
Constructivism learning is a learning that develops students' thinking in order to
gain meaningful learning by working alone and constructing their own knowledge.
According Suparno (1997: 69) elements of constructivism as follows:
1) Orientation. Students are given the opportunity to develop motivation in learning a
topic. Students are given the opportunity to make observations on the topic to be
2) Elicitation. Students are helped to express their ideas clearly by discussing, writing,
making posters, and so on. Students are given the opportunity to discuss what is
being observed, in the form of writing, pictures or posters.
3) Restructuring Ideas. In this case there are three things.
a) Clarify ideas that are contrasted with the ideas of others or friends through
discussion or through the gathering of ideas. Faced with other ideas, one can be
aroused to reconstruct his ideas if they are unsuitable or otherwise, become
more convinced when the idea fits.
b) Building a new idea. This happens when in the discussion the idea is contrary to
other ideas or the idea can not answer the questions asked by friends.
c) Evaluating his new ideas with experiments. If possible, it would be better if the
newly formed idea was tested with a new experiment or problem.
4) Use of ideas in many situations. Ideas or knowledge that have been formed by
students need to be applied to various situations encountered. This will make the
student's knowledge more complete and even more detailed with all kinds of
5) Review, how the idea changed. It can happen that in the application of his knowledge
to the daily situation, one needs to revise his idea either by adding a description or
perhaps by changing it more fully.
From the above explanation and the literature study it can be assumed that
constructivism-based learning can develop students' critical thinking skills.

From the above allegations allegedly constructivism-based learning can improve
students' critical thinking skills. The elements of consrtuctivism namely:
 Orientation is a phase to give students the opportunity to generate motivation for the
material they will learn.
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

 Elicitation is a phase to help learners explore their ideas

 Restructuring ideas consisting of clarification of the phases for students to contrast
the ideas that students have with their friends through discussions, building new
ideas when discussing ideas in opposition to other ideas, evaluating new ideas with
different activities or experiments.
 The application of ideas is a phase for the party to apply the knowledge it has had in
various situations encountered
 Review is a phase for students to apply their knowledge to everyday situations.

Akhras, Fabio N and John A. Self. 2000. System Intelligence in Constructivist Learning.
Internasional Journal of Artifical Intelligence in Education. (Online),
Achmad, Arief. 2007. Memahami Berpikir Kritis. [online]. Tersedia:
http://researchengines. com/1007arief3.html.
Ahmatika, Deti. Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Dengan Pendekatan
Inquiry/Discovery. Universitas Islam Nusantara
Asnur, Ika Rahma Yanti. 2014. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika
Berbasis Konstruktivisme Untuk Kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Tesis. Program
Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Padang
Depdikbud. 1994. Kurikulum Pendidikan Dasar. Jakarta : Dirjen Dikdasmen.
Effendi, Mawardi. 2010. Istilah – Istilah Dalam Praktik Mengajar & Pembelajaran.
Padang: UNP Press.
Fisher, Alec. 2009. Berpikir Kritis Sebuah Pengantar. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Mahanal, Susriyanti, dkk. 2008. Penerapan Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah dengan
Strategi Kooperatif Model STAD pada Mata Pelajaran Sains untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis. Malang : Jurnal PenelitianLembaga Penelitian UM
Novia. 2014. Peningkatan Aktivitas Dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Kelas VI A SD
Agnes Padang Melalui Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Games
Tournament. Tesis. Konsentrasi Pendidikan Matematika Program Studi
Teknologi Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Padang.
Suparno, Paul. 1997. Filsafat Konstruktivisme Dalam Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Fitriana1, Edwin Musdi 1, Azwir Anhar2

1 Mathematics
Education Department of Postgraduated School
2 Biology
Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Correspondence: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: fitriana.siigashu@gmail.com

This research is based on the low ability of students' mathematical reasoning. This
is because the learning process is tended to be monotonous and separate from everyday
experience. Learners are focused to remember the formula and when given the problem
with a higher level of ability with different problems learners are not able to finish it well.
Teachers' learning has not been able to make learners use their reasoning well to solve
math problems. While reasoning is a basic ability that must be possessed learners. So we
need a suitable alternative theory to improve students' mathematical reasoning ability.
The solution is used as an alternative in improving students' reasoning ability through
Realistic Mathematic Education approach. The principle of RME is guided discovery,
learning starts from a context close to the learner, and problem solving by the learners
themselves can make it active and understand the mathematical material. The research
method used is literature study that is by citing data about RME approach from various
sources so it is suspected that RME approach can improve students' reasoning ability.

Keywords : RME Approach, Ability Reasoning.

Education is a series of empowerment process of potential and individual
competence to become a qualified human being. According to the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia number 20 of 2003 article 3 on the national education system, the purpose of
national education is to develop the potential of learners to become knowledgeable,
capable, creative, independent, and become a democratic and responsible citizen. This
process also prepares students to be able to explore, discover and forge their potential,
and develop it. According to Ihsan (2003: 11) "Learners (guided party) has the potential
to develop". Education must be designed so that the achievement of educational
objectives and human resources (HR) generated can compete in the middle of
globalization competition and able to support the national development (Soyomukti,
2008: 5). Mathematics is a science that plays an important role in education. Math is
able to develop critical thinking skills, creative, systematic and logical that can help
humans in understanding and resolving various problems.
According to NCTM (2000) there are 5 basic mathematical skills that must be
possessed by learners, namely problem solving, reasoning and evidence,
communication, connection and representation. Teachers' learning has not been able to
make learners use their reasoning well to solve math problems. While reasoning is a

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

basic ability that must be possessed learners. This is in accordance with the results of
PISA tests and evaluations (Programme for International Students Assessment)
initiated by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in
2015 and released December 6, 2016 the performance of Indonesian students is still
relatively low. The achievement score of Indonesian students for mathematics is ranked
63 out of 69 countries evaluated. The rating and average score of Indonesia does not
differ greatly from previous PISA test results and surveys in 2012 which are also in the
low material mastery group. PISA survey results are also supported by the results of
TIMSS (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study) survey in 2015 Indonesia occupies
the position of 45 of 50 participating countries.
Another study conducted by Dewi (2014) and Saputra 2009 (2009) states that
learners tend to be passive in following the learning. Teachers are still focused on
existing teaching materials. Teachers provide the material procedurally that causes less
process in the students to digest the subject matter and less support the occurrence of
processes in students to digest the material actively and konstuktif. So learners are not
challenged to learn the material. The material presented is less associated with the real
world that is close to the daily life of learners. Consequently what is gained by learners
is limited to what is presented in teaching materials used by teachers, so the knowledge
they gain does not develop. Another consequence that arises if the problem is left to
pass is the ability of students' mathematical reasoning in solving the problem will not
develop and increase.
Mathematics is a lesson that requires teachers to engage learners actively in the
learning process. Students should not be considered as passive recipients who only
accept the concept by simply using certain formulas and procedures to solve a problem.
Learners are given opportunities and guided into situations to reinvent concepts in
their own way. The goal is to condition learners into learning situations and relate
concepts to the experience of everyday learners.
Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach is an approach that we can use
in teaching mathematics. RME in Indonesia is known as Indonesian Realistic
Mathematics Education (PMRI). RME has been developed in Indonesia since 2001. RME
is a theory of learning to teach mathematics which was first developed in the
Netherlands in 1970 by the Freudenthal Institute. Freudenthal emphasizes the concept
of mathematics as a human activity (Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, 1996). Human activity
is related to real life, the real term not only means according to fact but also means as a
situation the problems facing students have meaning for them. For that need an effort
exploration of various situations or contexts tailored to the cognitive abilities of
learners in learning mathematics.
The principle of RME is guided discovery, learning starts from a context close to
the learner, and problem solving by the learners themselves can make it active and
understand the mathematical material. Learners are given a real problem for them and
given the opportunity to solve them. Surely this activity can form the experience for
each learner. This experience can create a mathematical understanding. This is in line
with Freudental (1991: 95) which states that mathematics must be associated with
problems from situations close to the learner.
Realistic Mathematics Education based learning design is considered capable of
answering mathematical problems that use context in real life and close to learners.
Afri's (2017) study concluded that the application of learning path with RME approach

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

can improve students' mathematical reasoning ability. This is in line with previous
research by Fauzan (2002) and Rangkuti (2015). Based on the above description, it is
expected that learning with Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach can
improve students' reasoning ability.

This study included a type of literature study. The study of literature is a way to
collect data and sources related to the topic raised in a study. The data sources contain
reasoning skills and Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach. The sources are
obtained from journals, books, articles, research reports and internet sites.


Mathematical reasoning is one of the abilities expected of learners in learning
mathematics (NCTM, 2000). Reasoning comes from the word of reason which has a
meaning of consideration about good bad, thinking power or activities that require a
person to think logically. Mathematical reasoning (Ahmad Thontowi, 1993: 78) is a
logical process of thinking in the face of problems by following the provisions of the
existing provisions. The process of mathematical reasoning ends with a conclusion. So
concluded that reasoning is a process of high-level mathematical thinking to draw
conclusions based on ideas that have been proven scientifically. Mathematical reasoning
is needed to determine whether a mathematical argument is right or wrong and is used
to construct a mathematical argument. Basically any math problem solving requires
reasoning ability. Through reasoning learners are expected to see that mathematics is a
logical or logical study. Thus students feel confident that mathematics can be
understood, thought, proved, and can be evaluated.
Sumarmo (2013: 128) reveals that student indicators have mastered the ability
of mathematical reasoning are as follows:
1. Drawing logical conclusions.
2. Giving an explanation of the model, fact, nature, relationship or pattern.
3. Use relationship patterns to analyze situations, create analogies, generalizations,
and construct conjectures.
4. Applying for an example.
5. Follow the rules of inference, check the validity of arguments, prove and
compose valid arguments.
6. Establish direct proof, indirect proof, and proof by mathematical induction.
Indicators of mathematical reasoning ability according to NCTM (2000: 56) are:
1. Recognizing and believing that giving reason (reasoning) reason and form of
proof is a fundamental aspect in learning mathematics.
2. Creating and re-examining predicted mathematical estimates.
3. Develop and evaluate mathematical statements and proofs.
4. Selecting and using various forms of reasoning and verification methods.
Based on some opinions of experts above, it is concluded that the reasoning ability
indicators are:
a. Construct or assess mathematical conjecture / argument.
b. Doing math manipulation.
c. Give explanation by using the concept and its properties.
d. Describe the logical conclusion of a number of ideas and their relevance.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

e. Find the pattern or nature of mathematical phenomena to make generalizations.

Dienes (1971) states that "Everybody knows that mathematics is an abstract

subject". Mathematics becomes a problem because of its abstract learning, so it takes a
learning process that can turn something abstract into concrete. Math classroom
exploration is emphasized on the interrelation between mathematical concepts and the
experience of everyday children. Freudenthal (1991) says that when children are
separated from their daily experiences, the child will quickly forget and can not apply
mathematics. Therefore, for learners to have good mathematical reasoning skills
required an approach that can connect the life experiences of learners with new
knowledge to be learned. One of the mathematics learning that begins from the
experience of everyday learners and applying mathematics in everyday life is realistic
mathematics learning.
According to Susanto (2014: 205) RME is one of the learning approach of
mathematics oriented to learners, that mathematics is human activity and math have to
be connected significantly to context of everyday life of learners with experience of
learning which oriented to things that real (real). Furthermore, According to Baker
(1970) that the main principle of RME is that mathematics should always be meaningful
to learners. The term 'realistic' emphasizes that the problem situation should be
'experientially real' for learners. This does not necessarily mean that the problem
situation is always encountered in everyday life. Learners can experience abstract
mathematical problems as real when the mathematics of the problem is meaningful to
Mathematical learning by using the RME approach will be oriented to real issues
especially those related to the lives of learners. Such an approach will make it easier for
learners to digest and understand every thing learned in mathematics. Because the
example of the problem taken not far from his life. This kind of learning will transform
the abstract mathematical property to the concrete or the real. Not only that, through
RME, mathematics learning will create a fun and meaningful because learners are not
only demanded on the mastery of the concept alone but rather the ability to solve the
problems of mathematics and the way of thinking in solving any mathematical
In RME, the mathematics is seen as a human activity (humanactivity), so that the
learning activities carried out by using a real context and appreciate the ideas of
learners in working on mathematical problems. Gravemeijer (1994), suggests three
principles associated with Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), namely:
1. The rediscovery under guidance (guided reinvention) and mathematical
progressive (progressive mathematization). Guided discovery may also be
inspired by informal settlement procedures. Then an informal strategy is useful
to lead to more formal procedures. To support the process of getting the
procedure varied solutions, are expected to follow the progressive learning
through the mathematical process.
2. Didactic Phenomenology (didactical phenomenology). Situation in the didactic
phenomenology of applied mathematics topics to investigate two things,
uncovering parts of the application and complete the process of progressive

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

3. Development of self-developed models. This principle is used to bridge the

distinction between informal knowledge and formal mathematics.

The principle of RME is appropriate for improving students' mathematical

reasoning abilities. The discovery of the concept of return demanded by the teacher is
needed in reasoning activities. This is triggered by the horizontal and vertical process of
mathematization done in solving contextual problems in RME. The process of horizontal
mathematization can train students' reasoning abilities inductively, as they are given
the opportunity to reason using their own ideas. These informal ideas are speculated by
the teacher to develop into more mathematical (formal) ideas through a vertical
mathematical process. This conditioning has encouraged the development of students'
deductive reasoning.
As the operationalization of the three main principles of RME above, according to
Freudenthal (in Gravemeijer, 1994), RME has five characteristics:
1. Using contextual issues (The Use of Context); Learning begins with contextual
issues that enable learners to use their previous experience and initial
knowledge directly, not starting from the formal system. Contextual issues raised
as initial materials in learning must be in accordance with the reality or
environment faced by learners in their daily life that is understood or easily
imagined. According to Treffers and Goffre (in Suherman et al., 2003: 49-150),
the contextual problem in RME has four functions:
a. to help learners in the formation of mathematical concepts.
b. to form a basic mathematical model in support of mathematical learner
pattern patterns.
c. to utilize reality as the source and domain of mathematical applications.
d. to train the ability of learners, especially in applying mathematics to real
situations (reality). Reality is meant here is the same as contextual.
2. Using vertical instruments such as models, schemes, diagrams, and symbols (use
models, bridging by vertical instruments); The term model relates to situations
and self-built mathematical models, which are a bridge for learners to create
their own models from real to abstract situations or from informal to formal
situations. This means that learners make their own models in solving contextual
problems which is the relationship between real-world situational models that
are relevant to the environment of learners into the mathematical model. So in
the process of horizontal mathematization can go to vertical matematisasi.
3. Using student contribution; Learners are given the widest opportunity to
develop informal strategies that can lead to the construction of various
procedures to solve the problem. In other words, a large contribution in the
learning process is expected to come from learners, not from teachers. This
means that all the thoughts or opinions of learners are noticed or appreciated.
4. Interactivity: Optimizing the learning process through interaction among
learners, students with teachers, and learners with facilities and infrastructure,
is important in RME. Interaction forms such as negotiation, explanation,
justification, approval, question, or reflection are used to achieve the informal
mathematical knowledge form that the learners find themselves. Teachers
should provide opportunities for learners to communicate their ideas through
interactive learning.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

5. Associated with other topics (intertwining); The various structures and concepts
in mathematics are interrelated, so that the linkage or integration of topics or
subject matter needs to be explored to support meaningful learning. Therefore in
RME the integration of mathematics learning units is essential. By integrating it
will make it easier for learners to solve the problem. In addition, with the
integration of learning, the learning time becomes more efficient. This can be
seen through a given contextual problem.

The characteristics of RME above are well suited to achieving reasoning

indicators in enhancing students' reasoning abilities. Based on the description above, so
that researchers believe by applying the approach of Realitic Mathematic Education
(RME) in learning mathematics can improve students' mathematical reasoning ability.
This is in accordance with Fauzan (2013) research that RME has a better effect than
conventional approach in improving reasoning ability. This is triggered by the
horizontal and vertical process of mathematization done in solving contextual problems
in RME. The process of horizontal mathematization (solving mathematical problems
using informal ideas) can train students' reasoning abilities inductively, as they are
given the opportunity to reason with their own ideas. These informal ideas are
speculated by the teacher (through the next contextual questions) to develop into more
mathematical (formal) ideas through a vertical mathematical process. This conditioning
has encouraged the development of students' deductive reasoning.
Further Research Ramadoni (2016) which shows that the design of learning that
is developed by using the approach of Realitic Mathematic Education is effective in
terms of impact of students' mathematical reasoning ability. It also can grow a positive
attitude that learners love to learn, the more creative, learners start accustomed to
reasoning and increased student interaction. Steffani's research (2017) shows the
learning path, RPP and IT media developed using the RME approach effectively and can
develop students' mathematical reasoning abilities.
This has also been studied by previous researchers namely Fauzan (2002),
Kwon, et. Al (2013), Rangkuti (2015), Yulinasari (2016), and Sary (2016). Based on the
description and supported by some relevant previous researcher, it is assumed that
applying Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) learning approach to mathematics
learning will improve students' mathematical reasoning ability.


The Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach can improve students'
mathematical reasoning abilities because the Realistic Mathematic Education (RME)
approach is an approach that puts the reality and experience of learners as the starting
point of learning in which learners are given the opportunity to construct their own
formal mathematical knowledge through problem- The realities of reality. Based on
literature studies that have been done, the authors suggest:
1. Teachers can use Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach as one of the
alternatives used in mathematics learning to improve students' mathematical
reasoning ability.
2. The next author should examine more broadly the approach of Realistic
Mathematic Education (RME) in improving the ability of other mathematical
thinking than the ability of reasoning.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Baker, Arthur. 2003. Design Research on How it May Support the development of Syimbols
and Meaning in Mathematic Education. Freudhental Institute, Uthrecht
Dewi, Ika Abshita. 2014. “ Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Persamaan Dan Pertidaksamaan
Linier Satu Variabel dengan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik Untuk Siswa Kelas
VII Semester 1”. Skripsi tidak diterbitkan. Yogyakarta. FMIPA Universitas Negeri
Dienes, Zoltan P., 1971. An Example of The Passage from the Concrete to theManipulation
of Formal Systems. Educational Studies in Mathematics 3.337-352; D. Reidel,
Dordrecht- Holland.
Erman, Suherman dkk. 2003. Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Kontenporer. Bandung:
JICA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Fauzan, A. (2002). Applying Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) in Teaching
Geometry in Indonesian Primary Schools. Doctoral Dissertation. Enschede:
University of Twente.
Freudenthal, H. (1991). Revisting Mathematics Education. Dordrecht: KluwerAcademic
Gravemeijer, K. 1994. Developing Realistic Mathematics Education. Utrecht: Freudenthal
Ihsan, Fuad . 2003 . Dasar-Dasar Pendidikan. Jakarta : Rineka cipta.
Kwon, O. N,et.al (2013). Design research as an inquiry into students’ argumentation and
justification: focusing on the design of intervention. Plomp, T. Nieveen. N (Eds),
Educational design research Part B: Illustrative cases (p 223-238) (the
Netherlands institute for curriculum development). Enschede. SLO.
NCTM (2000).Principles and standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Rangkuti, Ahmad Nizar. 2015. Pengembangan Alur Belajar Topik Pecahan di Sekolah
Dasar dengan pendekatan PMRI. Padang: Program Pascasarjana.
Ramadoni. 2016.Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Topik Barisan Dan Deret Berbasis
Realistic Mathematics Education di Kelas IX SMP. Program Studi Magister
Pendidikan Matematika. Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Padang.
Saputra, Aluysius Pandu. “ Keefektifan Implementasi Pembelajaran Matematika dengan
Pendeatan PMRI terhadap hasil belajar pada materi Pokok persamaan linier satu
variable siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 26 Kota Semarang Tahun Pelajaran
2008/2009 ” Skripsi tidak diterbitkan. Malang : FMIPA Universitas Negeri
Soyomukti, Nurani 2010. Pendidikan Berperspektif Globalisasi. Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz
Sari, Steffani Komala. 2017. ”Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Statistika Berbasis IT
Menggunakan Pendekatan Realistic Mathematics Education Untuk Kelas VIII SMP”.
Tesis. Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Padang.

Sary, Defi Widya. 2016. “Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Topik Bilangan Bulat
Berbasis Pendekatan Realistic Mathematics Education untuk Kelas IV Sekolah
Dasar”. Tesis. Padang: UNP.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Sumarmo, Utari. 2013. Berpikir dan Disposisi Matematik serta Pembelajaran. Bandung:
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Thontowi, Ahmad. 1993. Psikologi Pendidikan. Bandung: Angkasa
sVan den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M & Buys, K (2005).Young Children Learn Measurements
and Geometry. A. Learning Trajectory With Intermediate Attainment Targets For
The Lower grades In Primary Schools. Amersfoort, the Netherlands:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Hanifah1, Nur Aliyyah Irsal1

1Mathematics Education FKIP Universitas Bengkulu
email: 1)hanifah@unib.ac.id, 2)nairsal@unib.ac.id

In Transformation Geometry, students are required to have spatial visualization
capabilities and geometric reasoning for mathematical proofing, which in reality is still be
an obstacle for them. Therefore the researchers implemented a Mathematics Learning
Model based on APOS Theory (APOS model) in the Geometry Transformation course in
order to found out how this model could give a positive effect on students. This APOS model
integrated the use of computers, small groups learning, and payed attention on the APOS
(Action, Process, Object, Schema) mental constructions which students make in
understanding a mathematical concept. The syntax of this model consists of phases:
orientation, practicum, Group Discussions, Classroom Discussions, Exercise and
Evaluation. The Supporting system used was APOS Model Worksheet and Geogebra
software. The subjects of this study were the fifth semester of mathematics education
students in A class of FKIP University of Bengkulu. The study was conducted in three cycles
of Classroom Action Research process for the dilation, half-turn and composition of
transformation subjects. Data on this study were obtained from test sheets, questionnaires,
and observations. The result of this research showed that APOS model had give the positive
effect in Transformation Geometry lectures based on the student learning result, students’
activities and student's responses to APOS model.

keywords : APOS-model, classroom action research, transformation geometry

The transformation geometry is important to be studied for supporting the
problem solving process (NCTM, 2000; Maharajh, et al., 2008). This, according to
Patterson, (1973 in Albab, 2014) can enrich students' thoughts, imaginations and
experiences in concepts of symmetry, congruence, parallel lines and others. Hollebrands
(2003 in Guven, 2012) also bring up three main reasons for measuring the geometry of
transformation: 1) giving opportunity to remember important mathematical concepts
(such as function and symmetry); Enables students to view mathematics as an
interconnected discipline; And 3) provide an opportunity to participate in high-level
reasoning activities using various representations.
Besides being important, the Transformation Geometry course is a course that has
a high degree of difficulty. According to Edwards (1997 in Albab, et al., 2014), one is
required to have spatial visualization ability and geometric reasoning for mathematical
proofing in transformation Geometry.
Based on previous experience of Transformation Geometry learning, students are
still having difficulties in applying the concepts of geometric transformation in solving
problems due to forgetting the theories they’ve learned earlier. Students are still having
difficulties in making visualization of mathematical problems. Lack of visualization

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

capability can leads to the difficulties in analysis and problem solving, as well as
proofing the properties of Transformation Geometry.
In our view, the practice of problem solving and analysis process by making spatial
visualization should not be separated by the study of theory in understanding the
concepts of geometry transformation. This is because visualization of the problem itself
is an important point for students in the process of understanding, reasoning and
geometric proofing. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a learning model that emphasizes
practicum and problems discussions in the Transformation Geometry course, unlike
previous experience, where practicum activities are more applicative, after several
meetings studying the concepts and theories.
One of the learning models that can solve the problems in this transformation
geometry is the APOS Model. This model was developed in previous studies for Calculus
learning (MPK-APOS). The syntax of this APOS Model consists of phases: Orientation,
Practicum, Group Discussion, Class Discussion, Exercise and Evaluation. (Hanifa, 2015).
APOS model itself is developed based on APOS learning theory, which integrates the use
of computers, study in small groups, and pay attention to the mental constructions
made by students in understanding a mathematical concept. These mental
constructions are: action, process, object , and schema abbreviated as APOS (Dubinsky,
2001). This model APOS syntax will be implemented in Transformation Geometry
course by integrating the use of Geogebra computer application.
Geogebra is an application with complete and dynamic geometry transformation
features and supports the manipulation of geometry objects. With this application,
students will be helped in making visualization of the problems, making it easier in the
analysis process (Thohirudin, et al., 2016). Majerek (2014) said that Geogebra helped
solve mathematical learning problems such as the difficulty of illustrating mathematical
concepts precisely as well as the subject matter and mathematical graphics that are
static when drawn on paper, thus not favoring generalization. Therefore, the purpose of
this study aims to find out how the implementation of APOS Model can provide a
positive effect for students in the course of Transformation Geometry. The following
APOS model is implemented in this research.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Figure 1. APOS Model in Mathematics Course (Hanifah, 2015)


This research uses the classroom action research procedure, with three stages in
each cycle (planning, implementation and observation, reflection) (Arikunto, 2013).
This research was conducted in three cycles on the fifth semester of mathematics
education students in A class of FKIP University of Bengkulu, that was on dilation, half-
turn and composition of transformation course. The data were analyzed by descriptive
qualitative. Data obtained from questionnaire, observation, and test result.


In the APOS Model, students work in small groups, Geogebra assisted,
complemented by APOS Model-Based Worksheets consisting of: Practical Worksheet
(LKP), Manual Worksheet (LKM), Class Discussion Sheet, and Exercise.
Three cycles of lecturing that have been implemented showed positive effects on
learning outcomes, activities, and student responses in the Transformation Geometry
course. The following diagram shows the practicality of the worksheet and the student's
response to the learning with the APOS Model that has been implemented.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


83 82.29

80.77 Cycle 1
79.94 Cycle 2
80 79.44
Cycle 3


Practicality Response

Figure 2. The average score of worksheet practicality and student's response

Student learning outcomes in each cycle can be seen from the practicality of the
worksheet. The average practicality of the worksheet has increased in each cycle. In
cycle 1, in the dilatation material, APOS Worksheet was at the practical category (79.94
points). The description of The student learning outcomes in cycle 1 is as follows.
a) The four groups have not been able to observe that the center of dilation is the
point of intersection of lines connecting the origin and the result point. This is
because they were mistaken about the concept of lines and segments. When in LK
they were asked to connect the origin and the result point with a line, but they only
connect the points with a segment, so that for particular positions of object, there
were no intersection points of those segments.
b) Five groups difficult to explain the difference of transformation result with scale k
and scale 1 / k;
c) Three groups have difficulty in explaining the nature of similar transformations;
d) All of the groups had difficulty completing the exercises on LK due to less of time.

The worksheet reached the very practical category (80.77 points) in the second
cycle of the course for half-turn material. The following are description of student
learning outcomes in this cycle.
a) All of groups were able to illustrate the relationship of the origin, the result point
and the center point of the half-turn transformation, but other two groups didn’t
always draw it in every image of the half-turn transformation process.
b) All of groups were able to find the algebraic formula for determining the
coordinates of the result point of the half-turn transformation. Even there were
several alternative approaches in determining it, those are: 1) by analyzing the
relationship pattern of coordinate number of origin and result point, 2) using the
concept of reflection, and 3) using the concept of midpoint. This is what is expected
in learning using APOS theory, that students can construct their own mathematical

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

schemes based on the actions, processes and objects they experience and
explore(Suryadi, 2010).
c) Only one group has difficulty in explaining the properties of half-turn
d) All of groups still feels lack of time. This is due to the interference from other
lecturers so that our course were late to be implemented.
The practicality of the worksheet again increases in the third cycle, with 82,29
points of practicality, the worksheet is in very practical category. In this cycle, students
had been able to build a scheme of understanding independently. Two groups have
showed a deep understanding in completing the worksheets, they add the supporting
rationales and theorems to prove the results of the transformation very well. Bhagat &
Chang (2014) stated that integrating Geogebra in learning can bridge students'
understanding with geometry learning.
However, some obstacles are still encountered in the lectures of this third cycle,
among others:
a) Only two groups correctly draw the vector in step 7 of the Practicum Worksheet.
Two groups mistakenly draw vectors as segments, and four groups do not draw
them at all. Although the Geogebra procedure had been done correctly.
b) The composition transformation was complex, so the students become careless and
felt the time given is not masksimal for discussion.
Learning outcomes data was also obtained from test scores given at the last
meeting of learning. Overall, 77% of students obtained the test results with a score
between 70 and 95 points. Based on the results of the test, the average of student score
was 75.85 points which is in effective category.
Student learning outcomes are certainly caused by the positive response of
students to learning this APOS Model. Figure 1 shows that student responses are in
good category starting from cycle 1 with average questionnaire 79.44 points. This
response continues to increase in excellent rates in cycle 2 (80.49 points) and cycle 3
(83.64 points). The increasing of student response also appears in student activities that
have increased in each cycle.
Based on student activity observation on cycle 1, the following results were
a) Ten students still doing other activities outside the task, for example do not pay
attention to the explanation of lecturers and exit the room.
b) One group can not cooperate well in groups.
c) Five groups still had minimal interaction and minim in putting forward opinions in
the group, there is still a domination of smart students.
d) The Initiatives to present the results of their group discussions in front of the
classroom still come from certain individuals, not by group agreement.
Some students’ activities have improved, but there were also obstacles that occur
that affect student activity on cycle 2. Here are the result of observations.
a) 75% of students arrived late due to the interference of other lecturers who have
schedules before the course of Geometry transformation.
b) 5 students still do other activities outside the task, such as not paying attention to
the explanation of lecturers and out of the room.
c) All of groups had been able to cooperate well.
d) Only 2 groups are still dominated by smart students.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

e) Initiatives to present the outcomes of the discussions ahead are no longer from
certain individuals, but based on the group agreement. During the presentation,
there was good cooperation from all the group members in explaining, writing on
the board, and responding to other group questions.

The enhancement of student activity is better in cycle 3. Active discussion occurs

among students in building their understanding scheme independently. Lecturers
facilitate lectures by providing assistance in the form of questions that lead to student
thoughts and analysis. In this cycle, the lecturer gives more attention to the students
who in the previous cycles were less active. With the right encouragement and
assistance, the course can be active and conducive. In the phase of class discussions
almost all groups volunteered to be the first group to present their group works. Very
active students make lecturers overwhelmed in facilitating the discussion of each group.
Fortunately the course was held with two lecturers as a team, so it helps the course of
lecturing activities with the majority of students who are already active.
The reflection on each cycle be the basis for the improvement of the action given
in the next cycle. The following actions are applied in cycle 2 based on reflection on
learning outcomes, student responses and activities on cycle 1.
1) Dissolve 1 group that can not cooperate in cycle 1, and incorporate its members into
other groups that have already seen their group cooperation. This is done so that
each member can follow the pattern of cooperation of other groups that have been
formed, so they can learn and cooperate well.
2) Organize the seating of each group so that the smart students are in the middle, so
that they can better share the discussion with their group mates.
3) Correcting the Worksheet to be completed according to the time available. In cycle 1,
each stage of object transformation is described in each work box. For cycle two, all
stages of object transformation are described in one work box only. So students do
not have to repeat some of the same images on some work boxes. In addition, the
work box provided to draw the results of Geogebra execution was also be enlarged.
Apperception of lines and angles is reinforced in the introduction of learning .

Furthermore, in cycle 3, the following actions are applied as improvement of

lecture based on reflection on cycle 2.
1) Changing the course schedule that is not disturbed other previous courses.
2) Replace a larger room with an easy chair position.
3) Distribution of groups is maintained, so no adaptation and cooperation among
members increases.
4) Designing Worksheets to be completed according to the time available.
5) Giving more motivation to passive students to be more active in discussing and
confident in presentation.

Implementation of APOS model can give a positive effect on learning outcomes,
activities and student responses on lectures Geometry Transformation. These positive
effects can be obtained by:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

1) Designing Worksheets in accordance with the phases of the APOS Model, with
steps students can understand, facilitating the exploration and formation of
understanding schemes, and appropriate with the time available.
2) Integrating the use of geogebra at the practicum phase as efficiently as possible.
3) Dividing the group heterogeneously based on students' abilities, skills and
4) Facilitating students with help questions that lead to the establishment of
schemes independently.
5) Giving more attention and motivation to less active students.

Albab, I. U., dkk. 2014. Kemajuan Belajar Siswa pada Geometri Transformasi
Menggunakan Aktivitas Refleksi Geometri. Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan,
Oktober 2014, Th. XXXIII, No.3.
Arikunto. 2013. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Bhagat, K. K., & Chang, C. Y. 2014. Incorporating GeoGebra into Geometry learning-A
lesson from India. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology
Education, 2015, 11(1), 77-86.
Dubinsky. 2001. Using a Theory of Learning in College Mathematics Courses. Coventry:
University of Warwick
Guven, Bulent. 2012. Using dynamic geometry software to improve eight grade
students’ understanding of transformation geometry. Australasian Journal of
Educational Technology 2012, 28(2), 364-382.
Hanifah. 2015. Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Kalkulus Berdasarkan Teori
APOS. Disertasi. Program Pascasarjana UNP. Tidak dipublikasikan
Maharajh Nalini, Brijlall Deonarain, dan Govender Nadaraj. 2008. Preservice
mathematics students’ notions of the concept definition of continuity in
calculus through collaborative instructional design worksheets. African Journal
of Research in SMT Education, Volume 12 Special Edition 2008, pp. 93-106.
Majerek, Dariusz. 2014.Application of Geogebra For Teaching Mathematics. Advances in
Science and Technology Research Journal Volume 8, No. 24, Dec. 2014, pages 51–
54. DOI: 10.12913/22998624
NCTM. 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics.
Suryadi. 2010.Menciptakan Proses Belajar Aktif: Kajian Dari Sudut Pandang Teori
Belajar Dan Teori Didaktik1. Makalah disajikan pada Seminar Nasional
Pendidikan Matematika di UNP , 9 Oktober 2010
Thohirudin M., Maryati, T K., & Dwirahayu G.2016. Visualisation Ability of Senior High
School Students with Using GeoGebra and Transparent Mica. The 3rd
International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education 2016. IOP
Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 824 (2017) 012043.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Hayati Nufus1, Yerizon1, Ali Asmar1

1Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Correspondence: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: hayatinufusbundaraihan@gmail.co.id

The purpose of learning math is to enable the students to think logically. As the
result students are able to understand the existing math concepts beside understanding
the formula given or strengthening given by the teacher. For almost all of the problems
faced by the student, it is found that by using the reasoning ability, the students were be
able to solve it. One of the alternative respounding the students’ limitation is by using the
M-APOS. As it is known, M-APOS is implemented with ADL cycle (Activities, class
discussions, exercise). The method used in this study was the literature study. From the
study, allegedly M-APOS can develop students' mathematical reasoning abilities. Action is
an action or action where students receive external stimuli. The indicators of the
reasoning skills are developed on serving statement by oral mathematics, writing,
drawings and diagrams, filed allegations. The process is students repeat and reflect an
action. In the process of reasoning the ability of reasoning suggests and performs
mathematical process. Furthermore, the object is to understand the process to its fullest
and can realize it. In this object indicator draw conclusions, compile evidence, reasoning or
evidence against some solutions. The scheme is that students were able to connect multiple
actions, processes, and objects. In terms of developing the reasoning ability, the students
were able to draw conclusions and find Patterns or properties of mathematical
phenomena to make generalizations.

Keywords: M-APOS theory, the student reasoning ability

Learning mathemathics requires the ability to fix and change the fact and skill,
besides emphasizing more on the importance of assuming, communicating, solving
problems and think logically.This means that learning mathematic is not only learning it
as a fixed and unchanging collection of facts and skills, but it must be an emphasis on
the importance of conjecturing, communicating, problem solving and logical reasoning
(Conway & Sloane in Achmad Mudrikah, 2016).
Basically, doing math process is equal to an action, where, when students
perform these actions in a regular way, called a process. When students realize and
understand, coding them into an object, actions, processes, then objects are arranged in
a coherent thought called a scheme.
The purpose of learning mathematics is to help students to think logically. So
that students are able to pass the concepts in mathematics toward the real life. and his
students are also able to assume the level of thinking. Math and reasoning are two
things that cannot be separated, the material will be easily understood with

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

mathematical reasoning. Bein entiled by the reasoning abilities the students will
possibley allow students complete a given problem.
Febrivanny (2014) found that students among 25 student it is only 6 students
can completed in reasoning abilities (28%) . It means that the ability of students is still
low in case ofreasoning. Theoretically, the students' reasoning ability tend to be low
because they have limitation to manipulate the “evidence”. Ministry of Education (2006:
42) disclosed a reasoning math ability as one of the goals of mathematics learning is to
use reasoning on the pattern and nature of the pattern, perform manipulation to make
generalizations, compile evidence or explain mathematical ideas and statements.
M-APOS is assumed as on the sollution in term of increasing the reasoning
ability. M-APOS is a modification APOS theory (Action, Process, Object, Scheme).
According to Dubinsky five types are important in Piaget's process describes how new
objects, new processes, scheme can only develop abstract in mathematics consists of:
generalization, interiorization, encapsulation, coordination and reversals. (Dubinsky, E
& Tall in Murdrikah, 2016).
The M-APOS method were implemented through cycles ADL (Activities, class
discussions, exercise). The process includes: learning phase activity, class discussion
phase and doing the exercise. In the activity phase is given in the form of a task through
worksheets participants, then the results of the task will be discussed in the next

This research is categorized as literature research which means to use the lit to
collect data or resources associated with the topic to study. This research contains
about reasoning ability and M-APOS method.


APOS theory and its application to practice teaching is based on the following
assumptions: Assumption of mathematical knowledge: mathematics knowledgeg of an
individual existence tendency to respond to situations perceived math problem and its
solution to reflect on the social context and construct or reconstruct a mental structure
that will be used in solving the existing problems (Dubinsky, 2010). Hypothesis on
learning: an individual does not learn math concepts directly, he needs the mental
structures to understand a concept (Piaget, 1964).
APOS theory is a theory of learning that integrates computers in learning, paying
attention to the students’ mental construction. These mental constructions are action,
process, object, schema (scheme) shortened to APOS (Dubinsky & McDonald in Arnawa,
2009). According to Dubinsky the five types are important in Piaget's process in
describing how new objects, new processes, scheme can only develop abstract in
mathematics which consists of: generalization, interiorization, encapsulation,
coordination and reversals. (Dubinsky, E & Tall, D. in Murdrikah, 2016).
The APOS theory is implemented using the ADL cycle (Activity, Class discussion,
Exercise). In the learning there are phases of activity, class discussion phase, training
phase. APOS Theory also has many uses in teaching mathematical materials such as
arithmetic, algebra, and calculus. Although APOS is a theory that can be used in teaching
a variety of mathematical material but APOS is not appropriate to use in teaching

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

materials geometry. However APOS is giving his great contribute cognition

understanding of mathematics students (David Tall, 1999).
M-APOS is a modification of APOS where the M-APOS method colors the students
tasks, learner's worksheet (LKPD). M-learning process is combined with APOS, using
ADL cycle (activity, class discussions, exercise). In the training phase of APOS uses
computer while on M-APOS uses LKPD. The class discussion phase and the exercises
also colored by APOS.
M-APOS was used as a solution to improve or develop mathematical reasoning
skills . In the Ministry of Education (2006: 42) disclosed the mathematical reasoning
ability is one learner's goal is to use mathematical reasoning on the pattern and nature
of the pattern, perform mathematical manipulation in making generalizations, compile
evidence, or explain the ideas and statements in mathematics.
Herdian (2010: 1) argued that "the reasoning is a mental process in developing
the minds of some fact or principle." According to Fauzan (2012) The ability of
reasoning in mathematics is an ability to use the rules, properties or mathematical logic
to obtain a correct conclusion, reasoning can not be separated from the reality, because
the mind is a reality, namely “ the law of reality” that is in line with the rules of thinking
and with a clear basis in reality.
PPPG team in Fauzan (2012) the reasoning includes (1) Presents a mathematical
statement, either orally, in writing, drawings and diagrams, (2) Asking alleged
(conjectures) (3) Perform mathematical manipulations, (4) Draw conclusions, compile
evidence, reasoning or evidence against several solutions, (5) Drawing conclusions from
statements, (6) Checking the validity of an argument, (7) Finding the pattern or nature
of the symptoms of mathematical generalization. According to Fauzan (2012) reasoning
can be classified into two types: inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. Inductive
reasoning can be interpreted as a general or drawing the specific conclusion is based on
the data that was observed. Some activities that belong to inductive reasoning include:
(a) transductive which draw conclusions from the case or the special nature applied to
other special cases. In general, transductive is considered as the low-level of thinking
ability. (b) An analogy is a general conclusion based on both the data process and the
similarities. (c) Generalization is a general conclusion based on a number of the data. (d)
Expected answers, solutions and tendency. Deductive reasoning can be interpreted
withdrawal based on the agreed rules.
According to the theory of APOS, the concept of mathematics is built like an
experiment to transform a real form or an object. Here are the descriptions of APOS
(Arnon and Dubinsky, 2009): Action: The first thing students experience in a
transformation is action \ students react to the stimuli coming from outside. For
example, students show the nature of the curiosity or do the task given by the teacher.
By having the curiosity as the respound to the stimulation provided by the teacher, the
students' reasoning ability will be reactively work because students think by
responding logically. In this action, is done through oral mathematics, writing, drawings
and diagrams and proposed conjecture which will be used or developed. In the phase of
process students repeat and reflect the actions which incorporated into the mental
process. A process is a mental structure that performs the same operation as an action,
but it is entirely work in the students’ mind. Paticularly, students can imagine
performing transformations or action without explicitly doing each step. The indicator
is if the students do reasoning and do math better. Object: if students understand the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

process that was optimally done and can realize it, it means that the student is doing the
process of cognitive object. Scheme: This happen when the students can connect some
actions, processes and math objects coherently. In the term of scheme students will be
able to draw conclusions and find the pattern or nature of the mathematical
generalization. Considering both the explanation, and literature studies above, it can be
expected that M-APOS can develop and improve students' math skills.

From the description suggest that M-APOS can improve or develop students'
reasoning abilities. Action is the act or actions after the students receive stimuli from
the outside. In action, the indicator reasoning ability is shwn by presenting statements
by oral mathematics, writing, drawings and diagrams, and filed allegations. The process
occure at this stage is by repeating and reflecting on an action. The ability of reasoning
suggests and performs mathematical manipulates. The object is to understand the
process to its fullest and can realize it. The indicators are to draw conclusions, compile
evidence, reasoning or evidence against some solutions. The scheme is that students are
able to connect multiple actions, processes, and objects. In this scheme indicator
developed reasoning ability, draw conclusions and find pattern or mathematical nature
to create generalizations.

Borji, Vahiddan Michael.Gr. Voskoglou. TheAPOS 2016. Applying Theory to Study the
Student Understanding of Polar Coordinates. American Journalof Educational
Research 2016, Vol.4, No.16, 1149-1156
Depdiknas.2006. Guidelines for the Preparation of Education Unit Level Curriculum in
Elementary School
Dubinsky, E. (2010, January). The APOS Theory Of Learning Mathematics: Pedagogical
Applications And results. Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of
the Southern African Association for Researchin Mathematics, Scienceand
Technology Education. Durban, SouthAfrica.
Fauzan, Ahmad. Modul2_Kemampuan 2012. Reasoning and Communication, (online),
(www.evaluasimatematika.net )
Herdian .2010. Mathematical Reasoning Ability, (online),
(http://hardy07.wordpress.com/Kemampuan-Penalaran-Matematis )
Janu. H, Sulis. 2014. Design of Learning Model of Logic and Algorithms Based on APOS
Theory. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 3 (2),
Mudrikah, Ahmad. 2016. Problem-Based-Learning Associated by Actio n -Object-Proces-
Schema (APOS) Theory to Enhance Student's High Order Thingking
Mathematical Ability. International Journal of Research in Education and Science
(IJRES), 2 (1), 125-135.
Piaget, J (1970). Piaget's Theory (Translated By G.Cellerier And Jonas Langer; With the
Assistance Of B.Inhelder And H.Sinclair). InP.H.Mussen (Ed.), Carmichael's
Manual Of Child Psychology, Vol.1 (3rded.) (Pp.703-732). New York: Wiley &

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Maharaj, Aneshkumar. AnAPOS Analysis of Students' Understanding Of the Conceptof a

Limit of a Function. School of Mathematical Sciences. University of KwaZulu -
Tall, David. 1999. Reflections on APOS theoryin Elementary and Advanced Mathematical
Thinking. Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of PME, Haifa, Israel, 1, 111-118.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Mathematics Department, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Mathematics is an important science for life and other knowledge. In other
knowledge, mathematics is often used as a tool for thinking and solving problems. For this
reason, mathematics learning should integrate related sciences and real problem solving.
In this way, the mathematics learning is realistic, interesting and meaningful. However,
the reality shows that mathematics learning material used by the students in grade XI
senior high school has not been associated with other sciences and everyday life. As a
solution to this problem is to develop contextual mathematics teaching material
integrated related sciences and realistic. The purpose of research is to produce a
contextual mathematics teaching material integrated related sciences and realistic for
students grade XI senior high school.The specific purpose is to determine effectiveness of
contextual mathematics teaching material integrated related sciences and realistic The
research method used is development research, that is a method to produce a certain
product and test the effectiveness of the product. The research result is an effective
contextual mathematics teaching material integrated related sciences and realistic
produced. Thiscontextual mathematics teachingmaterial is effective in terms of the
learning result achieved by the students, that is the change of student learning outcomes.

Index Terms :Effectiveness, mathematics, contextual, related sciences, realistic

The lessons that teachers need to apply in the 21st century are four principles.
First, student-centered learning. Second, learning takes place collaboratively. Third,
learning has context. Finally, schools are integrated with the community.In the 2013
curriculum, mathematics is one of the required subject. This is because, mathematics is
one of the basic science used to support other sciencessuch as physics, chemistry,
computers, and others. In addition, mathematics is a universal science that underlies the
development of modern technology.
Mathematics has an important role in various disciplines and advances the
human mind. Mathematics is not only a tool for mathematics itself, but many of its
concepts are indispensable to other sciences. Seeing the importance of mathematics is
not surprising that mathematics has been studied extensively and fundamentally since
primary school education.
The Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 2006 on content
standards states that subjects of mathematics need to be given to all learners from
elementary school to equip learners with logical, analytical, systematic, critical and

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

creative thinking skills, and the ability to cooperate. Appendix Permendiknas Number
22 of 2006 states that learning mathematics should be started with the introduction of
problems that fit the situation (contextual problem). By posing contextual problems,
students are gradually guided to master mathematical concepts. This suggests that in
the learning of mathematics should be started with the introduction of problems
appropriate to the learning situation and also involves the active role of students in the
learning process.
Mathematics also plays an important role in human life. Mathematics is
essentially a thought process that involves constructing, applying abstractions, and
connecting ideas networks logically. These ideas often arise out of necessity in solving
the problems of science, technology, and everyday life. It means there is a very close
relationship between mathematics and science. Science provides problems that need to
be investigated and analyzed with mathematics, while mathematics provides a useful
tool for analyzing data. Often the abstract patterns learned in mathematics are very
useful in science. The significance of mathematical concepts is evident when used in
solving problems of science, technology and everyday life. In view of this, in
mathematics teaching in schools, teachers should link mathematics lessons with other
subjects, technology, and everyday life.
The reality in the field shows that the learning of mathematics has been an
independent lesson that is separate from other knowledge. Mathematics learning in
schools is highly theoretical and mechanistic. Mathematics learning only emphasizes
mathematical theories and concepts without its application to other fields such as
economics, science, technology, and everyday life. Such learning causes students not to
know for what they are learning math. In other words math subjects felt less meaningful
to his life. As a result, the learning of mathematics felt less meaningful for the students
so that they could cause them less interest in mathematics.
Mathematics learning in practice usually begins with an explanation of concepts
accompanied by examples, followed by practice questions. This approach of learning is
dominated by the presentation of mathematical problems in a closed form of
mathematical problems formulated in such a way that it has only one correct answer
with one solution. In addition, these closed issues are usually presented in a structured
and explicit manner, beginning with what is known, what is being asked, and what
concepts are used to solve the problem. Ideas, concepts and patterns of mathematical
relationships as well as strategies, techniques and problem solving algorithms are given
explicitly, so students can easily guess the solution. This kind of learning approach tends
to only train basic mathematics skills in a limited and isolated way.
Another fact that is found is that the problems presented in most books do not
relate mathematics to the context of everyday student life so that the learning of
mathematics becomes distant from student life. In other words, math learning becomes
less meaningful. Less significant learning for students in mathematics lessons is thought
to be the cause of the low interest and achievement of students' math learning.
Mathematics plays an important role in human life. Much of life can not run
without a mathematical role. For example, in terms of economics are widely used
mathematical formulas namely arithmetica social, percentage (fractional) and
comparison. Construction of a building, bridge, overpass, requires trigonometric
principles (angles in triangles). Calculating the distance of a place and its relation to the
speed of a vehicle, calculating the area of a yard, weighing the weight of a sack of rice or

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

volume of one gallon of water, determining the direction of qibla or other place (with
the science of the spherical triangle) and other human activities that can not be
separated from the use of mathematical formulas. How important mathematics in
Mathematics as a basic science plays a very important role in developing science
and technology, because mathematics is one means of scientific thinking is needed to
cultivate the power of reason, logical, systematic and critical way of thinking [2]. Every
beginning of human life mathematics is a tool to overcome every problem facing the
environment. The contribution of mathematics to the development of science is clear
that even without math IPA will not develop. This is due to the fact that IPA relies on
induction methods. By the method of induction alone it is impossible to know the
distance between the earth and the moon or the earth in the sun, even to declare the
circumference of the earth alone is almost impossible.
Mathematics is useful in science for explaining natural events. For example in
physics, there are at least three functions of mathematics. First, mathematics as a
symbol or symbol. The role of mathematics in physics to express the term physics such
as acceleration is denoted by a. Second, mathematics as a concept map. For the
mathematical example used to describe the average velocity depends on two other
concepts of moving objects and the time required by the object. Third, mathematics as a
mechanism of thinking. For example [3], mathematics can be used to convert a law into
a new statement.
Mathematics education should be linked to real-world contexts. Mathematics
learning that offers realistic learning characteristics is Realistic Mathematics Learning
(PMR). This learning model is an innovation in mathematics learning that has been
applied in Indonesia since 1998 and continues to be developed to date [4]. PMR is a
mathematical learning approach that uses real situations or contextual problems in
accordance with the reality or environment encountered and has been conceived or
imagined by students. RME is a theory of teaching and learning in mathematics
education that must be associated with reality because mathematics is a human activity.
This means [5]that math must be close to the child and relevant to everyday life.
In general, realistic mathematics learning has five characteristics. First, using the
context, meaning that in realistic mathematics learning the daily environment or
knowledge that has been owned by students can be used as part of contextual learning
materials for students. Secondly, using a model, meaning that problems or ideas in
mathematics can be expressed in the form of models, both models of real situations and
models leading to the abstract level. Third, using student contributions, meaning
problem-solving or concept-finding is based on student idea contributions. Fourth,
interactive, meaning the learning process activity is built by the interaction of students
with students, students with teachers, students with the environment and so on. Fifth,
integrated with other learning topics, meaning that different topics can be integrated so
as to generate an understanding of a concept simultaneously [4].
Learning must start from something tangible in the PMR, so that students can
engage in a meaningful learning process. In the process the role of teachers only as a
mentor and facilitator for students in the process of reconstructing ideas and
mathematical concepts. In mathematics learning, students can develop knowledge and
understanding of mathematics if given space and opportunity for it. Students can re-
construct the findings in the field of mathematics through the activities and exploration

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

of various problems, both problems in everyday life, as well as problems in mathematics

itself. Inside the PMR students are expected to be not just active individually, but there
is a joint activity among them. This is called interactivity [6].
The PMR emphasizes to bring mathematics to meaningful teaching by relating it
in real-life daily life that is realistic. Furthermore, students can solve the problem by
directly using the concept they have or students solve the problem by changing into a
mathematical model and then using the concept that has been owned to solve the
problem. Through learning activities with PMR [7] approach students can develop math
problem solving skills.
There are three key principles in realistic mathematics learning that can be used
as a basis in designing learning. First, guided discovery and increasing mathematical
process. Based on the principle of discovery, students are given the opportunity to
experience the same process as the process when mathematics was discovered. The
history of mathematics can be used as a source of inspiration in learning
materials.Second, a phenomenon containing didactic charge. Based on this principle the
presentation of mathematical topics contained in the learning of realistic mathematics
presented on two considerations are: 1). Raises the variety of applications that must be
anticipated in the learning process and 2), its suitability as being influential in the
progressive mathematizing process. Mathematical topics presented or contextual issues
that will be raised in learning must consider two things namely the application. Third,
the formation of the model by the students themselves. Based on this principle of
learning [8] while working on contextual problems students are given the opportunity
to develop their own models that serve to bridge the gulf between their informal and
formal math knowledge.
Based on the principles and characteristics of RME, in general four steps need to
be done by teachers in implementing RME learning. Step 1 is to understand the
contextual problem. The teacher gives contextual problems according to the subject
matter the student is learning and then asks the students to understand the given
problem. Step 2 is solving contextual problems, students describing contextual
problems, interpreting the mathematical aspects of the problem, and thinking about
problem-solving strategies. Furthermore, students work to solve problems in their own
way based on their initial knowledge. Step 3 is to compare and discuss answers.
Teachers provide time and opportunity for students to compare and discuss their
answers in groups, then compare and discuss in class discussions. At this stage, students
can be courageous to express their opinions even if they differ from others. Step 4 is to
conclude. Based on the results of class discussions [9], the teacher gives the students the
opportunity to draw conclusions of a concept or procedure related to the realistic
problem being solved.
One alternative solution to solve the problems that have been disclosed is to
develop contextual mathematics teaching materials to integrate related knowledge and
realistic approach. With this solution, learning takes advantage of real-world situations,
engages students actively, and links mathematics with other relevant knowledge.
Learning enables students to build and develop ideas and understanding of
mathematical concepts widely and deeply, understand the interrelation of mathematics
with other fields of science, and be able to apply to various issues of life and life.
The existence of teaching materials is needed in a learning activity. How steady
the teachers implement a new curriculum when prepared teaching materials and

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

teachers as well as student teaching materials. Teachers' materials include general

guidebooks and special guidebooks. Both as a teacher handbook in providing
motivation, develop creations, explore the potential in the learning process to students.
Student teaching material [10] is a student handbook as much as possible interesting,
fun, bringing students more eager to learn and learn.
The idea of research of development of contextual mathematics teaching
material to integrate related knowledge, there is a preliminary study result, that is
Helma et al. [11], with the title of improving students' mathematical thinking logic
through the implementation of a structured problem-solving strategy using PLT in class
XI SMAN 1 Singkarak. The results showed that the application of structured problem
solving strategy using PLT can improve mathematical thinking logic of grade XI SMAN 1
Singkarak students.In addition, based on questionnaires given to students obtained
information that PLT can help students' learning readiness and motivate students in
doing the exercises and homework.
A person's learning outcomes are determined by the factors that influence them.
One of the factors that exist outside the individual is the availability of teaching
materials that make it easy for the individual to learn, resulting in better learning [12].
Based on the results of this study can be argued that the use of teaching materials in
learning to provide various facilities for students so that an effect on student learning


The type of research that will be conducted is Research and Development (R &
D). R & D is a research method used to produce a particular product, and test the
effectiveness of the product. The development model used is Borg and Gall. Borg and
Gall stated that the development research procedure basically consists of two main
objectives of developing a product and testing the effectiveness of the product in
achieving its goals.
Product effectiveness test activity conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Payakumbuh. In
product effectiveness test used experimental research method. The experimental class
is class XI MIPA 6 and the control class is class XI MIPA 8.
The instrument used to determine the effectiveness of the use of contextual
mathematics teaching materials integrates the related knowledge and realistic in
learning is the test result sheet. The data analysis used was comparative analysis using
t-test and Mann-Whitney test.


After the product development, tested the effectiveness of the product in
achieving the goal. Prior to experimenting on two classes, namely class XI MIPA 6 and
class XI MIPA 8, first seen the ability of both classes. The initial capability of the two
classes can be seen from Odd semester student learning result of academic year
2016/2017 as in Figure 1 below.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Odd Semester Students Learning Results


Learning Results

40 XI MIPA 6

20 XI MIPA 8

0 10 20 30 40

Figure 1. Odd Semester Students Learning Results Of

Academic Year 2016/2017 of class XI MIPA 6 and XI MIPA 8

To see if both classes have the same initial capabilities, the following steps are followed.
a. Testing data normality odd semester students learning result of class XI MIPA 6 and
XI MIPA 8.The hypothesis is
H0 : data of student learning result followthe normal distribution
H1 : data of student learning result does not followthe normal distribution
Test statistic used is The Anderson-Darling. The Anderson-Darling test statistic is
defined as
A2 = N(1/N) (2i1)(lnF(Yi) + ln(1F(YN+1-i)
where F is the cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution and Yiare the
ordered observations. The result of normality test for student learning result data of
class XI MIPA 6 can be seen in Figure 2 below.

Probability Plot of XI A6
Mean 65.54
StDev 16.64
95 N 37
AD 0.611
P-Value 0.104



20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Figure 2. Normality Test for Odd Semester

Student Learning Result Data of Class XI MIPA 6

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Student learning result data of class XI MIPA 6 can be concluded to be normal

distribution. It is seen from the P-value obtained, that is 0.104, greater than the error
level given. In this case, the error level given is 0.05.
The result of normality test for student learning result data of class XI MIPA 8can
be seen in Figure 3 below.

Probability Plot of XI A8
Mean 63.67
StDev 13.94
95 N 36
AD 0.221
P-Value 0.819



30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 3. Normality Test for Odd Semester

Student Learning Result Data of Class XI MIPA 8

Student learning result dataof class XI MIPA 8can be concluded to be normal

distribution. It is seen from the P-value obtained, that is 0,819, greater than the error
level given. In this case, the error level given is 0.05
b. Examine the similarity of variancestudent learning result dataof class XI MIPA 8 and
XI MIPA 8.The hypothesis is
H0 : 26 = 28
H1 : 26 ≠ 28
Test Statistic used is F-test. The F-test statistic is defined as
F = (s26) / (s28)
where s26 is the variance of student learning result dataclass XI MIPA 6 and s28 is the
variance of student learning result dataclass XI MIPA 8. The result of F-test is 1.43 with
P-value obtained 0.297. This means, the variance of the student learning result dataof
class XI MIPA 6 is not different from the variance of the student learning result dataof
class XI MIPA 8.
c. Testthe similarity of means student learning result dataclass XI MIPA 6 andXI MIPA
8.The hypothesis is
H0 : 6 = 8
H1 : 6 ≠ 8
Test statistic used is t-test. The result of t-test is 0.52 with a P-value of 0.604.
This means that the means of the student learning result dataclass XI MIPA 6 is not
different from the means of the student learning result dataclass XI MIPA 8.
Thus, it can be concluded that both sample classes have the same initial capability

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

After contextual mathematics teaching materials integrated related sciences and

realistic are given to the learning in class XI MIPA 6, then the student learning outcomes
of the two sample classes are shown. The test value of student learning outcomes from
both classes can be seen as in Figure4 below.

Students Learning Results

Learning Results

40 XI MIPA 6
30 XI MIPA 8
0 10 20 30 40

Figure 4. Students Learning Results

of class XI MIPA 6 and XI MIPA 8

To look whether the value of the test results of students learning class XI MIPA 6 is
different from the value of the test results of students learning class XI MIPA 8, then
performed the following steps.
a. Testing data normality students learning result of class XI MIPA 6 and XI MIPA 8.The
result of normality test for student learning result data of class XI MIPA 6 can be seen
in Figure 5 below.
Probability Plot of XI A6 P
Mean 82.78
StDev 7.015
95 N 36
AD 1.111
P-Value 0.006



65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Figure 5. Normality Test for Student

Learning Result Data of Class XI MIPA 6

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Data test result of student learning class XI MIPA 6 can be concluded not normal
distribution. It can be seen from the P-value obtained, that is 0.006, smaller than the
given error level. In this case, the error rate given is 0.05
The result of normality test for student learning result data of class XI MIPA 8can
be seen in Figure 6 below.
Probability Plot of XI A8 P
Mean 68
StDev 10.03
95 N 36
AD 1.141
P-Value <0.005



40 50 60 70 80 90

Figure 6. Normality Test for Student

Learning Result Data of Class XI MIPA 8

Data value of test result of student learning class XI MIPA 8 can be concluded not
normal distribution. It is seen from the P-value obtained, ie <0.005, smaller than the
given error level. In this case, the error rate given is 0.05.
The data of test result of student learning result of class XI MIPA 8 and class XI
MIPA 8 are not normally distributed. To test the similarity of students' ability in both
classes after having contextual mathematics teaching materials integrated related
sciences and realistic, median equality test was used.
b. Test the similarity of median student learning result dataclass XI MIPA 8 and class XI
MIPA 8.The hypothesis is
H0 : 6 = 8
H1 : 6 ≠ 8
Statistic test used is Mann-Whitney test. The result of Mann-Whitney test is
1812.0 with P-value obtained 0.0000. This means that the median student learning
result dataof class XI MIPA 6 is different from the median student learning result dataof
class XI MIPA 8.
Thus, it can be concluded that the two sample classes have unequal ending capabilities.
Thus, contextual mathematics teaching materials integrated related sciences and
realistic produced increase the student learning outcomes.

The research result is an effective contextual mathematics teaching material
integrated related sciences and realistic produced. Thiscontextual mathematics

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

teachingmaterial is effective in terms of the learning result achieved by the students,

that is the change of student learning outcomes.

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Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika. Jurnal Formatif, 5 (2): 12-133.
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(PMRI) Kelas VII Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
Volume 7, No. 2.
[3] Standbrough. 2009. The Role Mathematics in Physics. Batesville, Community School
[4] Anita, Ika Wahyu. 2015. Analisis Penerapan Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis
PMRI Pada Sekolah Dasar Kelas II di Kota Bandung. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan
Dasar Volume I, Nomor 1.
[5] Supardi, U.S. 2012. Pengaruh Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Terhadap Hasil
Belajar Matematika Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Belajar. Cakrawala Pendidikan, Juni
2012, Th. XXXI, No. 2
[6] Diba, Farah, dkk. 2009. Pengembangan Materi Pembelajaran Bilangan Berdasarkan
Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Untuk Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal
Pendidikan matematika, Volume 3, No. 1.
[7] Muchlis, Effie Efrida. 2012. Pengaruh Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik
Indonesia (PMRI) Terhadap Perkembangan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah
Siswa Kelas II SD Kartika 1.10 Padang. Jurnal Exacta, Vol. X. No. 2.
[8] Harini, Susie. 2015. Pengembangan Realistik Sebagai Pilihan Dalam Peningkatan
Pemahaman Konsep Pengujian Hipotesis. Jurnal Iqtishoduna Vol. 5 No. 1.
[9] Murdani, dkk. 2013. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan
Pendekatan Realistik Untuk Meningkatkan Penalaran Geometri Spatial Siswa.
Jurnal Peluang, Volume 1, Nomor 2
[10] Sukastomo, Djoko. 2004. Upaya Membangun Dunia Pendidikan. Suara Merdeka.
[11] Helma, dkk. 2006. Peningkatan Logika Berpikir Matematika Siswa Melalui
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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Hestu Tansil La'ia1, Armiati1, Hendra Syarifuddin1

1MathematicsEducation Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Correspondence: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: Hestutansil@Gmail.Com

Ability of Problem Solving (APS) andAbility of Mathematical Communication
(AMC) isessential in the achievement of the objectives of the learning of mathematics. But
in fact, in the process learning that happen lately capability APS and AMC students in
school is still very low in particular SMP Negeri in South Nias Regency. In addition, in the
process of learning, students have been lazy and feel less interested in following
instruction. Most confused myself and looks like the following learning besides they do not
understand it. This is apparent from the results of the exams of the semester grade VIII
SMP Negeri in South Nias Regency on 22 June 2017, most students difficult to solve
problems concerning the APS and AMC, so that shows the APS and AMC of the students is
low. This is because the given learning strategies teacher is conventional learning. Based
on the results of research that has been done by previous researchers, solutions to improve
the APS and AMC students in the writing of this learning approach is to apply Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME). Where the RME approach creates learning is contextual,
invites students to the neighborhood where he resides and connect it to math. The results
can improve the APS and AMC students and creates a fun learning. The methods used in
this research is a research study of literature by collecting data the results of the research
on the application of the RME, APS,AMC and learning motivation of students from a
variety of sources such as relevant research, books, journals, etc. After conductinga study
of the literature then alleged APS and AMC through the approach of learning motivation
of RME is very good compared with the APS and AMC through conventional learning.

Keywords: Approach RME,Ability of Problem Solving, Ability of Mathematical

Communication, and Learning Motivation.

Education is a container in shaping the character of each individual to reach
something that's called learning. Dictionary Of Education (Ihsan Fuad, 2005:4) States
that education is a process by which a person develops the ability of attitudes and forms
of behaviour within the community in which he lives, a social process in which a person
is exposed to the influence of the environment chosen and controlled (especially coming
from school) so he can gain developmental experience or ability of the individual
resources. Education in schools that goes on in particular is a place where students are
guided through a variety of activities to develop knowledge in order to become a useful
human being.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Mathematics is one of the subjects that must be followed by all students and
become a determinant of success a student (Armiati, 2015:75). Most students assume
math is not difficult, the lessons interesting and less rewarding. As a result when the
execution of the test, most students cheating resorting of confusion and his friend
(Armiati, 2015:75). It can be seen from the results of an observation that has been made
by researchers against two junior high school in South nias Regency i.e. class VIII SMP
Negeri 1 Telukdalam and class VIII SMP Negeri 3 Maniamolo. Based on data obtained
from the results of interviewing teachers and students, student learning and outcomes
observation learning-related problems such as problem-solving and mathematical
communication, its average was 63.8 and 60.6 it still under KKM i.e. 65. In addition
students are encouraged in doing only a matter of compliance provided teachers and
guided by a book without understanding and observing the learning goals and purpose.
So the students interpret whether material benefits that he learn? How to do in real life?
In addition how to troubleshoot and solve problems of mathematical communication?
This greatly affects student learning outcomes i.e. If the student is confronted with
problems such as problem-solving ability and mathematical communication related to
everyday life will make students overwhelmed and hard to understand, but the
questions he already learned. Then through the learning approach that will be applied
by the researchers in this study, can help improve the ability of the mathematical
problem solving of students as well as their learning motivation, because in this
approach, students demanded more to the environment and real life. Thus the great
student learning motivation will it affect the ability of problem solving and
mathematical communication students.
Problem-solving ability has long been the focus of major attention in learning
math in school. As an example the Nation Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM,
2000) in the United States in 1980 initiated problem solving should be the main focus of
the mathematics school. In addition institutions such internasioanal survey research
Programe International Student for just my Assesment (PISA) in 2015 is also
conducting a survey on a regular basis to see the capabilities of the mathematical
problem solving of students who in it is the process of using the power and benefit of
mathematics in solving problems, which is also the method of discovery solutions
include the stages of problem solving.
In the learning of mathematics, often lack the motivation of learning students
because students have the burden of learning a lot. Lace high motivation of learning
math students are often associated with the success or failure of students in learning.
Students who are actively seeking a job well done, and compare the results with others.
One of the factors that influence student learning motivation are characteristics of the
subjects studied. In this case it may be suspected that the motivation of learning
students against mathematics is a highly influential factors towards the learning results
of student learning. This affects the ability of the mathematical problem solving of
students declined. Related to the above, the researcher trying to do a research on
learning math with the title "Influence Approach Realistic Mathematics Education
Toward the ability of problem solving and Mathematical Communication Grade VIII
JUNIOR in terms of the motivation of learning". In addition to approach learning,
mathematical problem-solving ability of the students in terms of their learning
motivation as well. The problem will be answered through this paper is:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

1. What is the mathematical problem-solving abilities of students through the learning

approach to realistic Mathematics Education is better than on the mathematical
problem solving ability students through conventional learning?
2. If there is a difference in the ability of problem solving learning motivation of
students with high, medium and low?
3. What is the mathematical communication skills of students through the learning
approach to realistic mathematics edication is better than on the mathematical
communication skills of students through conventional learning approach?
4. If there are differences of mathematical communication ability with students
learning motivation high, medium and low?

This research includes the types of research studies literature. Where is the
study of literature is the way used to spool the data or resources related to the topics
raised in a research. The sources of the data contains: the ability of problem solving,
mathematical communication skills, pendekatanrealistic of the mathematics education
student learning and motivation. The resources obtained from journals, books, articles
and research reports on internet sites.

RME is the mathematical learning theory developed on the basis of thought
Freudenthal in 1973. He said that mathematics is a human activity and should be linked
to reality. Freudenthal argued that students cannot be seen as passive recipients of
mathematics already so. Mathematics education should be directed at the use of the
variety of situations and opportunities that allow students rediscover (reinvention)
math based on their own efforts. RME is an approach to learning mathematics-oriented
process Real world mathematical process (Mathematization) which is often
encountered in everyday life. This approach to Theory is based on the view of
Freudenthal that mathematics is a human activity and must be connected with reality
(Hirza B, 2014:29). In addition Freudenthal (Mercure, 2003:10) convinced that the
structure of mathematics is not a fixed datum, but that they appear from the reality and
extending constantly in the process of individual and collective learning. In other words,
in the RME students are viewed as active participants in the process of teaching and
learning that takes place in the context of social class.
According to Gravemeijer (Hirza, 2014:30), there are three key principles
realistic mathematics education (RME), namely: (1) guided reinvention and progressive
mathematization, (2) didactical phenomenology and (3) self-developed models.
1. Guided reinvention and progressive mathematization.Rediscovery in social
interactions can also be inspired by the informal resolution procedure. Informal
strategies useful to reach a more formal procedure. To support the process of
getting the procedure varied solutions, is expected to follow the learning through
the process of progressive mathematization i.e. horizontal mathematization and
vertical mathematization process. Horizontal mathematization resolution is the
process of contextual problems in the real world by using mathematical language
and symbols, and in their own way. De Lange (Wijaya, 2012:42) Divide the
mathematization into two, namely horizontalmathematization and vertical
mathematization. Horizontal mathematization with regard to the process of

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

generalization. Horizontal mathematization process can be accomplished through

activities: (1) identification of mathematics in the form of a general context, (2)
skematisasi, (3) formulation and visualization problems in a variety of ways, (4) a
search order and relationships, and (5) the transfer of real problems into
mathematical models. While the vertical mathematization activities can be either
(1) the representation of a relationship into a formula or rule, (2) evidentiary order,
(3) adjustment and the development of mathematical models, (4) use of
mathematical models which vary, (5) Combinations and integrating mathematical
models, (6) the formulation of a new mathematical concept, and (7) Wijaya
(2012:43). Both the mathematization process is illustrated in Figure 1 below:

Formal mathematical systems



Elaborated Horizontal

Contextual questions
Figure 1 Matematisasi Horizontal and vertical

Thus it can be said that there are two approaches in learning math
mathematics maths i.e., horizontal and vertical. Math related activities horizontal
students who maintained its position from the world of reality into a world of
symbolic math, while the vertical system of mathematics was in it.
2. Phenomenology didactical. The situation in the phenomenology of didactic about
topics of mathematics applied to investigate two things, namely to uncover parts of
the application and complete the process of progressive mathematization. The
phenomenon is the process of didactic activities of students in learning the
concepts, principles, or other materials related to the mathematics that derived
from contextual issues and have a range of possible solutions.
3. Development of the model itself (self-developed models). This principle is used to
bridge the differences between the informal knowledge with formal mathematics.
There are four phases where students in learning mathematics that is the real
situation, the model of the situation of the real problem, mathematical model, and
his formal form (Trefferrs in Musdi, 2012:40). As the third main principle of RME
operasionalisasi on top, according to Freudenthal (Gravemeijer, 1994:114-115),
RME have five characteristics:
a. Using contextual issues (The Use of Context). Learning starts with contextual
issue of allowing students to use previous experience and knowledge he has
directly, not from the formal system. Contextual issues raised as a preliminary
matter in learning should correspond to reality or the environment faced by
students in the daily is already well understood or easily imagined. According to

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Treffers and Goffre (Suherman, 2001:149-150), the problem of kontektual in the

RME has four functions, namely: (1) to help students in the creation of
mathematical concepts, (2) to form the foundations of mathematics model in
favor of the mindset of students math, (3) to make use of reality as the source
domain and applications of mathematics, and (4) to train student’s ability,
especially in applying mathematics in real situations (reality). The reality in
question here is the same with contextual.
b. Using the vertical instruments such as models, schemes, diagrams, and symbols
(use models, bridging by vertical instrument). The term model deals with
situations and mathematical models that are built by the students themselves
(self developed models), which is the bridge for students to create their own
models of the real situation to the abstract or from informal to formal situations.
This means that students create their own model in solving a problem is the link
between contextual model real-world situations that are relevant to the
student's environment into a mathematical model. So in the process of
horizontal mathematization can go to vertical mathematization.
c. Use the contribution of students (student contribution). Students are given the
opportunity to develop the existence of various informal strategies can drive on
construct a variety of procedures to solve the problem. In other words, a great
contribution in the learning process is expected to come from students, instead
of the teacher. This means that all the thoughts or opinions of students very note
or appreciated.
d. Interactive learning (interactivity). Optimizing the learning process through
interaction between students, students with teachers, and students with
facilities and infrastructure is important in RME. The forms of interaction as
negotiations, explanation, justification, approval, questions, or reflection is used
to achieve a form of informal mathematical knowledge discovered by students.
Teachers should provide opportunities to students to communicate their ideas
through interactive learning process. Related to other topics (intertwining).
Various structures and concepts in mathematics pedagogy, so that linkages or
integrating intercultural topics or subject matter need to be explored to support
in order to make learning more meaningful. Therefore in the RME integrating
math lesson units is essential (vital). With the integration that will make it
easier for students to solve the problem. In addition with the integration in the
learning, learning time is becoming more efficient. This can be seen through the
contextual problem is given.

Based on the above description, the student first exposed to problems in

everyday life. Then the teacher leads the students in developing the necessary
compliance with the given problem, so that students can construct their own
knowledge. Students are given the freedom to integrate with each other, including
teachers and integrate with existing learning media. Thus, it is expected that large
contributions from students.
Some approaches to excellence RME (Pithaloka, 2011:24) that is as follows:
1. Students build their own knowledge so that it is not easy to forget the knowledge he
will have

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

2. Be able to make learning more meaningful and short, since learning starts from
contextual issues, so that the students do not get tired to learn
3. Give freedom to the students to develop problem-solving strategies, so hopefully
can get varied strategy
4. Can motivate students to learn
5. Foster cooperation in the Group
6. Make the students use its own way different from others in solving problems
7. Train students ' courage having to explain the answer
In addition, some weakness of the approach to RME as follows:
1. Because it's already accustomed to being given information in advance, then the
student is still a difficulty in finding the answer
2. Takes a long time especially foe students weak
3. Students are clever sometimes impatient to await his friend who haven't finished
4. Need props that correspond to the learning situation when it
Ability of problem solving is the main results should be from a process of
learning mathematics or in other words the problem solving is an integral part of all
math learning. Mathematical problem solving is the process that uses the power and
benefit of mathematics in solving problems, which is also the method of discovery
solutions include the stages of problem solving. The existence of a series of activities
performed students in problem solving in finding ideas and idea, surely will give
benefits to students. Problem-solving benefits according to Fauzan (2012) in module
math evaluation include: (1) students will learn that there are many ways to solve a
problem (divergent thinking) and there is more than one solution might from a
reserved, (2) students are trained to perform exploration, thinking and bernalar
comprehensive, logically, (3) develop the ability to communicate, to form social values
through group work, (4) students will be actively involved in the pembelejaran and will
more often posited ideas (5) students have more opportunities to use and demonstrate
Mathematics knowledge and skills they have, (6) the confidence of students in learning
mathematics will increase, (7) provides an opportunity to develop reasoning, and (8)
students will gain a rich learning experience, so the atmosphere of the class more
Cognitive research on the last twenty years have produced a different problem
solving model. In 1983, Mayer (in Sutarto, 2009:59) distinguish three characterized the
resolution as follows:
1. Solving the problem is cognitive activity but abstracted in the behaviour or conduct
2. Troubleshooting generating behavior that ushered in the completion
3. Problem solving is a process that includes manipulation of prior knowledge of
Problem solving stimulate motivation against intellectual progress, creativity
and mental behavior aimed at creating a better structure of his knowledge. As a result,
the problem of developing the curiosity and spirit of research indicates the usefulness of
the subject taught by solving concrete problems. " (Curtains inCăprioară D, 2015:1860).
According to the NCTM (1989:209) indicator of the ability of problem solving in
learning mathematics are: (1) formulating the problem, (2) use a variety of strategies to
solve the problem, (3) solve problems, (4) investigate and interpret the results, and (5)

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

the generalized solution. The same thing expressed by Sumarno (2003:23), indicators of
such ability of problem solving as follows:
1. Identify the elements that are known, asked, and the adequacy of the required
2. Formulate mathematical problems or devise mathematical models
3. Implement a strategy to resolve the various problems (a type and a new problem)
within or outside of mathematics
4. Explain or interpret the results according to the origin of the problem
5. Using mathematics in meaningful
From some of the above indicators, as for who becomes the indicator that
shows the ability of problem solving in this research include:
1. Understand the problem
2. Prepare a settlement plan
3. Carrying out settlement
4. Summing up the answers
In order to make an assessment of the student's problem solving capabilities
can be done as best as possible, it is not only an indicator of mathematical problem
solving ability are required but also need a scoring rubric. Scoring rubric for
mathematical problem solving capability can be seen in table 1 below:

Table 1. Rubric Scoring Ability Of Problem Solving

Indicators/student response
Score Understand The Step-by-step Implement The Summing Up The
Problem Solution Solution Answers
Do not know and can There is no plan in There is no carry out No conclusion
not be detailing the solution settlement
elements contained
in the problem
Less know and There is a Already implement the There is
detailing the settlement plan but solution not appropriate kesimoulan but it
1 elements contained does not solution plans as well as doesn't match the
in the issues correspond to the the breathtaking result is original problem
discussed problem not correct
Knowing the There is a plan but Already carry out There are
elements are there lacking in settlement in accordance conclusions da in
2 but not clearly accordance with with the settlement plan accordance with
detailing settlement but the result is not true the origin of the
problems problem
Find out and There are plans of Already implement the There are
detailing the penyelesaiaannya solution in accordance conclusions and
3 elements contained and in accordance with the settlement plan in accordance
in the problem with the problem and the correct results with the origin of
clearly the problem
Max score = 3 Max score = 3 Max score = 3 Max score = 3

The application of mathematics to solve problems in the real world, called mathematical
modeling can be understood as a complex process containing several stages including:
understanding the situations such as learning, the development of a mathematical

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

model that describes the core of significant elements and relationships involved in that
situation, the application of the mathematical model to solve the problem, a contextual
interpretation of the results provided by the model applied (Crahay in Căprioară D ,
Mathematical problem solving is a very important capability that must be
mastered in order to afford students apply the concepts and use of skills in a variety of
new situations. According to Nesher et al (Bae Seh 2015:2, Y), solve problems in
mathematics often refers to the ability to infer new information from a specific
data.According to Polya (Suherman, 2003:91), there are four steps in the finish
problem-solving, namely:
1. Understand problems, concerns what is known of da are asked
2. Compile settlement plan, which can be realized by write the mathematical sentence
3. Implementing the settlement, after the students collect data that there are then the
students carry out appropriate strategies for getting results
4. Looking back, which includes proving that answer is right and concluded the results
The troubleshooting steps above can be illustrated as shown in Figure 2. Steps
in resolving the problem solving Polya described more details will be explained through
the steps according to Fauzan (2012) in mathematical learning evaluation module.
These steps is to understand the problem, interpreting issues, visualize relationships
between sub problems, makes allegations of solutions to problems while predicting the
answer and counting in arithmetic and compare the results with the predictions.


Understand the problem

Create a design

Implement a design



Figure 2. Stages Of Problem Solving According To Polya

Mathematical communication is a very important part of mathematics.

Communication is a way of sharing ideas and clarifying comprehension. Through
communicationide can be mirrored, improved, discussed, and developed. Baroody (Aufa
M, 2016:323) says there are at least two important reasons why the mathematics of
communication needs to be cultivated among students, namely: (1), mathematics as a
language, (2) learning mathematics as a social activity. Thus, the activities of
mathematical communication and the means of social good thinking ability to get
recommendations by experts in mathematics education to continuously cultivated and
improved between students.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

According to the National Center Teaching Mathematics (NCTM, 1996;

Broody, 1993; Miriam, et al, 2000) mathematical communication is:
1. Communication of mathematical ideas exploited in variety of perspectives, helping
to sharpen the student's way of thinking and sharpen students ' ability in seeing a
variety of mathematical material linkages;
2. Communication is a tool "to measure" the growth of understanding; understanding
of and reflect on math students;
3. Through communication, students can organize and consolidate their mathematical
4. Communication between students in learning mathematics is crucial to:
pengkonstruksian mathematical knowledge, problem-solving, development and
improvement of reasoning, fostering confidence, as well as the improvement of
social skills.
5. "Writing and talking" can become very meaningful (powerful) to form an inclusive
mathematics community.
According to the Greenes and Schulman (1996:159) mathematical
communication is the ability to:
1. Mathematical ideas Expressed through speech, writing, demonstrations and paint
his visually in different types
2. Understand, interpret, and evaluate ideas that are presented in writing, orally, or in
visual form
3. Construct, interpret, and connecting diverse representations of ideas and their
According to sullivan & Mousley (Ansari B, 2003:17) mathematical
communication not just proclaimed through writing but more broadly i.e. students '
ability in terms of speaking, explained, described, heard, ask, mengklarifikasikan, in
collaboration (sharing), writing and finally report what has been learned. This is in
accordance with the opinion of Frege (Constanta O & O, Lucian 2012:69)
bahwakeberhasilan or communication failure is the problem of the relationship
between the speaker and the listener fill minds. Research on effective communication
mainly focuses on the process-oriented approach where the focus is on the message
transfer, coding and analysis.
Owens (Kabael T, 2012:810) questioned the reasons why students become
reluctant when they reach higher grades while they are eager to learn math at early
school. Owens emphasized that teachers need to know where in the curriculum to
introduce vocabulary and how to make the connection with the knowledge of students
to support the use of appropriate vocabulary in math class. It becomes one of the
aspects of the problem on the ability of mathematical komunakasi students.Ability of
mathematical communication of students of class VIII SMP Negeri in South Nias
Regency seen from five aspects of communication according to Baroody (Ansari: 2003)
i.e. representing, hearing, reading, discussion and writing still do not meet the
indicators that will be achieved.
To measure the mathematical communication indicators according to the
NCTM already reflect the ability of mathematical communication of students in more
detail again consecrated in Depdiknas (2004). The indicator that shows the ability of
mathematical communication students are:
1. The ability to present oral math statements, written, pictures and diagrams

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

2. The ability ask the alleged

3. Mathematical manipulation capability
4. The capability of compiling evidence, giving reasons, to the truth solutions
5. The ability of drawing conclusions
6. Check the validity of an argument
7. Find a pattern or trait in making generalization
From the explanation above, seen that the ability of mathematical
communication occurs if active learning students ride the oral or written. Ability of
mathematical communication students can be developed if students are able to connect
the real objects, pictures, diagrams and the events of daily life into the ideas and
symbols of mathematics. This is in accordance with the principles of the approach to
Based on the above indicators related ability of mathematical communication
presented by the NCTM, not all used in this research. The indicators used are: (1) to
draw the situation problem and solution of the problem stated in the form of pictures,
(2) perform the manipulation of mathematics, (3) draw conclusions, and (4) use of
mathematical language and symbols correctly. Based on indicators presented above,
ability of mathematical communication scoring rubric can be seen in table 2 below:

Table 2 Ability of mathematical communication Scoring Rubric

Student Response
The Linking the real objects, Explain the situation and relation Expressed in the language
scale images, and diagrams into of mathematics orally or in of everyday events or
of the mathematical ideas writing with real objects, images, mathematical symbols
graphs and algebra
0 No answer No answer No answer
There is an answer, but it is The answer is no, but less precisely The answer is no, but less
less precise in connecting explain the situation, and the precise language in everyday
1 real objects, pictures and relation of mathematics orally or in events declared or
diagrams into mathematical writing with real objects, images, mathematical symbols
ideas graphs and algebra
Can connect to real objects, Can explain the situation, and the Can be expressed in the
images, and diagrams into relation of mathematics orally or in language of everyday events
2 mathematical ideas precisely writing with real objects, images, or mathematical symbols
but wrong answer graphs and algebra with right but correctly, but the wrong
wrong answer answer
Can connect to real objects, Can explain the situation, and the Can be expressed in the
images, and diagrams into relation of mathematics orally or in language of everyday events
3 the idea of mathematics but writing with real objects pictures, or mathematical symbols
there is a little mistake graphics or algebra but there is a bit correctly, but there is a bit of
of a wrong answer a wrong answer
The answer is true, being The correct answer, able to explain The correct answer is able to
able to connect the real ideas, situations, and mathematical declare the event a day day
4 objects, pictures and relationships, oral or writing, with in languages or
diagrams into mathematical real objects, images, graphs and mathematical symbols
ideas algebra
Uno (2010:23) explains, the term motivation comes from the word meaning a
motive power found in the individual, which causes the individual to act or do. Motive
cannot be observed directly but can be interpreted in the vagaries of the Act, in the form
of stimulus, encouragement or the emergence of a certain behaviour. Motives and

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

learning are the two things that influence each other. The motivation of learning can
arise due to intrinsic factors, such as the desire and wishes success and boost learning
needs, hopes and ideals. According to Sardiman (2003:75), the motivation of learning
can be defined as the overall propulsion power within the student learning activities
that give rise, ensuring continuity of learning activities that provide direction on
learning activities, so that the desired goals by the subject of the study it can be
achieved. Advanced Higgins and Kruglanski (Pintrich, 2003:668) mentions a number of
other potential basic needs or desires that may play a role in motivating students, but
also noted the importance of developing criteria for determining what defines basic
needs or wants. This means that in learning, if material or knowledge gained as the
basic needs then through motivation that is inside the students will bring up new
According to Mc. Donald (Hamalik o., 2005:158) "motivation is energychange
within the person characterized by affective arousal and anticipatory goal reaction,"
meaning that the motivation is the change in energy (private) someone who is
characterized by the onset of feelings and reactions to achieve the goal. Thus students
are able to take responsibility for learning and engage in activities which allow for
setting himself (María D, 2014:43).
The learning motivation of students can be measured using instruments
question form. As for indicators of motivation in students learning composing grating
now learning motivation based on the characteristics of students who are motivated
according to Sardiman (2003:83), which are:
1. Persevering in the face of a mathematical task. Students will gain a good learning
results if students have always been diligent in doing the tasks given teacher. It can
be seen from the spirit of learning, make the task and fear of penalty from the
teacher if it is not working on the task
2. Resilient facing difficulty in math lessons. If students have difficulty in solving the
problem and less understanding of the materials, the business they do is direct: no
despair, keep trying to find an answer, ask a teacher, ask friends and looking for
other sources of mathematics books.
3. Shows interest in an assortment of problems in mathematics. If students have a
strong interest to learn maths then they will: direct the mind, energy and time to
learn, not learning because the instruction or coercion of another person, will
feeling happy and excited in learning
4. Prefer to work independently. Traits of students who prefer to work independently
are: likes to complete the task on their own and learn or understand the lessons
also prefer to own
5. Quickly bored on a math assignment routine. Students who are motivated more
breathtaking if: the teacher gives a different task issue and teachers provide
different levels of difficulty
6. Can maintain his opinion
7. Happy searching and solving problems of mathematics, namely as solve problems
existing in the book though not told the teacher, solve problems in other books of
the same material and discussion of love to make a matter itself and finish it.
Of the seven indicators above, indicator 1 and 2 show the motivation of
students in the face of adversity. While the indicator is 3 to 7 shows the motivation of
students in learning.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

The study was based on results of research that has been done by previous researchers
1. Sadiana Lase/1204220 (2014) with the title of the research "the influence of
Realistic mathematics education Approach Toward the understanding of
Mathematical concepts and communication skills of students of class VIII SMP
Negeri Subdistrict Lahewa North Nias". As for that being the results of the research
are: Understanding the concept of ability of mathematical communication and
capable students early high, medium and low approach using PMR, better
understanding of concepts and ability of mathematical communication-capable
students early high, medium and low by using conventional approaches
2. Riza Aptafia/1203738 with the title of the study: "the effect of contextual learning
against the ability of problem solving and mathematical communication grade VIII
SMP Negeri in the shadow Year Lessons 2013/2014". With the results of research:
the ability of problem solving and mathematical communication learning by
learning from both the greater ability of the contextual problem-solving and
mathematical communication through conventional learning.
3. Susriani/19638 (2012), with the title of the study: "improvement of Ability of
mathematical communication, problem solving, and activity of Students through
Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) in class X1 SMA Negeri 4 Soweto". With the
results of the study: there is an increased ability of mathematical communication
from cycle to cycle I II i.e. 42.8% primarily on indicators to understand or the
concept and the principle against reserved in full. Thus can disimpilkan learning
approach that RME can enhance communication skills, problem solving, math and
activity of students in class X1 SMA Negeri 4 Pekanbaru


RME is a math-oriented learning approach on the process on mathematicsin
the real world, which is often ecperienced in everyday life. The approach of RME is
suitable in learning mathematics especially for shildren equal SMP. This helps children
solve problems such as problem solving and communication strings by tying it into the
environment or real life. In addition to increase the learning motivation of students.
Based on the study of literature has been done then the author suggests:
1. For teachers of mathematics subjects, as a material consideration in planning
process of learning by using learning approaches to increase RME the ability of
problem solving and mathematical communication in terms of the learning
motivation of students.
2. For other researchers, as a reference in the conduct of research relevant to this

Ahmadi, 2003. Psikologi Belajar. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Armiati, 2015. Implementasi Pendekatan Saintifik Pada Pembelajaran Matematika
Sebagai Sarana Melakukan Revolusi Mental Siswa. Prosiding Semirata 2015
Bidang MIPA BKS-PTN Barat. Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak. UNP Padang
Hal 74-85

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Arsaythamby, V & Zubainur, Cut M. 2014. How A Realistic Mathematics Educational

Approach Affect Students’ Activities In Primary Schools? Procedia Journal - Social
and Behavioral Sciences 159 (2014) 309 – 313
Aufa, M. dkk. 2016. Development of Learning Devices through Problem Based Learning
Model Based on the Context of Aceh Cultural to Improve Mathematical
Communication Skills and Social Skills of SMPN 1 Muara Batu Students. Journal of
Education and ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) Vol.7, No.24, 2016
Bae Seh Y. dkk. 2015. Mathematical Word Problem Solving Ability of Children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder and their Typically Developing Peers. Journal. J Autism Dev
Disord DOI 10.1007/s10803-015-2387-8.
Căprioară D. 2015. Problem Solving - Purpose And Means Of Learning Mathematics In
School. Journal. Social and Behavioral Sciences 191 (2015) 1859 – 1864.
Constanta O & Lucian O. 2012. Equations, Functions, Critical Aspects and Mathematical
Communication. Journal. International Education Studies; Vol. 5, No. 5; 2012 ISSN
1913-9020 E-ISSN 1913-9039 Published by Canadian Center of Science and
Depdiknas. 2004. Peraturan Dirjen Dikdasmen No, 506/C/PP/2004. Jakarta: Ditjen
Dikdasmen Depdiknas.
Gravemeijer. 1994. Developing Realistic Mathematics Education. Utrech: Freudenthal
Heuvel M. & Panhuizen. 2003. The Didactical Use of Models In Realistic Mathematics
Education: An Example From A Longitudinal Trajectory On Percentage. Journal.
Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Hirza, B. dkk. 2014. Improving Intuition Skills With Realistic Mathematics Education.
Journal IndoMS-JME, Volume 5, No. 1, January 2014, pp. 27-34
Ihsan, F. 2005. Dasar-dasar Kependidikan. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta
Kabael T. 2012. Graduate Student Middle School Mathematics Teachers’
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Social and Behavioral Sciences 55 ( 2012 ) 809 – 815.
Mikarsa, 2007. Pendidikan Anak di SD. Buku Materi Pokok PGSD4302. Jakarta:
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NCTM. 2000. Curriculum and Evaluation Standard of School Mathematics. Reston. VA:
Hamalik, Oemar. 2005. Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bumi Aksara. Jakarta.
Pintrich R.P. 2003. A Motivational Science Perspective on the Role of Student Motivation
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Suherman dkk. 2003. Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Kontemporer. Bandung: JICA

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Sutarto, 2009. Majalah PMRI (Vol. VII No. 4). Bandung: Institut Pengembangan
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Wijaya, Ariyadi. 2012. Pendidikan Matematika Realistik. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Indartia Yuana Arizal1 Edwin Musdi1 Syahrul Ramadhan2

1Magister Of Mathematics Education
Universitas Negeri Padang
Jln. Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar, Padang 25131

This study aims to discuss an alternative theory that is suitable to improve the
problem solving ability of students at the level of junior high is still low. The low problem-
solving ability is caused by the lesson that teachers use less to train the students desire in
solving math problems. In line with the current 2013 curriculum where students are
required to be active in learning, then one model that can increase student activity is the
CORE model (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, and Extending). Connecting is the stage
where students are invited to connect new knowledge to be learned with prior knowledge
by giving students questions to develop student ideas about the material to be delivered.
Next organizing is when students are expected to organize their knowledge to solve the
problems given by the teacher. At the Reflecting stage students are expected to re-explain
the knowledge they have acquired. And at the Extending stage students can expand their
learned knowledge and then apply it in further problems.

Keyword: CORE Model, Problem Solving Ability

Learning is a two-way interaction between teacher and student as well as theory
with practice. Learning in schools has certain goals set in the curriculum. In achieving
these objectives required support facilities. This is in line with Hamalik's opinion (1999:
57) which states that "Learning is a combination that is composed of human elements,
materials, facilities, equipment, and procedures that affect each other in achieving
learning goals". So in learning, which is required not only teachers and students, but
also how to make the learning process work well. Therefore, the materials, facilities, or
strategies of teachers in teaching also need to be considered.
Mathematics has a different understanding according to experts. But in essence has
the same meaning. According to Suherman (2003: 19) mathematics is the science of
logic about the form, order, magnitude and concepts associated with each other. This is
reinforced by Soedjaji (2000: 11), he states that "Mathematics is the knowledge of
logical structures". Both experts agree that mathematics is the science of logical
thinking about something that has a form or pattern of interconnectedness. So it can be
concluded that mathematics is a science that contains concepts related to each other
that helps us think logically.
Mathematics learning is an effort to help students to achieve the goals of learning
mathematics through teaching and learning process that is held actively, creative,
interactive, inspiring, fun, challenging, and motivating students. One of his efforts is by

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

using a suitable teaching-learning strategy. Therefore, teachers should select and use
models, strategies, approaches, methods and techniques that engage students actively
in learning, both mentally, physically and socially.
Associated with education in the context of learning then the teacher will be
confronted with the students. To form students who have a broad and comprehensive
knowledge of teachers must create a conducive learning atmosphere and fun, in
addition teachers must apply strategies or learning models that can help students to
map the material in memory by making the link between the material and draw
conclusions on any given material .
In the curriculum 2013 which students are required to take an active role in the
learning process. Activities that make students participate actively and reflect on what
they learn can be done in the form of discussion. Setyowati (2011) states that
"Discussion is an activity that two or more people attend to share ideas and experiences
and expand knowledge." Discussion method is a way of teaching by linking topics or
problems that trigger discussion participants to try to reach or obtain a decision Or
mutually agreed opinions (Nursidik, 2008).
Calfee et al. (Jacob, 2005: 13) proposes a learning model that uses discussion
methods to influence the development of knowledge by involving students called the
CORE model (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Exending). Harmsen (2005) states that
these elements are used to link old information with new information, organize varying
materials, reflect on everything students learn and develop the learning environment.
1. Connecting.
Connect language means connecting, connecting, and connecting. Connecting is an
activity of connecting old information with new information or between concepts. The
old and new information that will be linked to this activity are old and new concepts. At
this stage students are invited to connect new concepts to be studied with the old
concept they have, by giving students questions, then students are asked to write
related things from the question.Katz and Nirula state that with Connecting, a concept
can be linked to other concepts in a class discussion, where the concepts to be taught
are related to what the students already know. In order to play a role in the discussion,
students must remember and use the concepts they possess to connect and construct
their ideas.
Connecting is closely related to meaningful learning. According to Ausabel,
meaningful learning is the process of linking new information or material with concepts
that already exist in a person's cognitive structure. The cognitive structure is
interpreted by Ausabel as the facts, concepts and generalizations the learners have
learned and remembered. By learning meaningfully, students' memories become strong
and learning transfers are easy to achieve. Connection (connection) in relation to
mathematics can be interpreted as an internal and external relevance. Internal linkage
is the relationship between mathematical concepts that are related to the mathematics
itself and the external relationship that is the relationship between mathematical
concepts with everyday life.
According to NCTM, if students can connect mathematical ideas, then their
understanding will be more profound and lasting. Bruner also argued that in order for
students to study mathematics more successfully, students should be given more
opportunities to see the links between theorems and theories, the topics and topics,
concepts and concepts, as well as between branches of mathematics. Thus, to learn a

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

new mathematical concept, in addition to being influenced by the old concept that has
been known to students, past learning experience of the students will also affect the
learning process of mathematical concepts. Because, someone will be easier to learn
something when learning is based on what has been known to the person. Because,
someone will be easier to learn something when learning is based on what has been
known to the person.
2. Organizing
Organize language means organizing, organizing, organizing, and organizing.
Organizing is the activity of organizing the information obtained. At this stage the
students organize the information they acquire such as what concepts are known, what
concepts are sought, and the interconnectedness between any concepts found in the
Connecting stage to be able to build their own (new concept) knowledge. To be able to
organize the information it acquires, each student can exchange opinions within his
group by creating concept maps so as to form new knowledge (new concepts) and gain
a good understanding.
3. Reflecting
Reflect by language means to describe, imagine, reflect, and reflect. Sagala reveals
reflection is a way of thinking backwards about what has been done in terms of learning
in the past. Reflecting is an activity to rethink the information already obtained. At this
stage students rethink the information they have acquired and understood at the
Organizing stage. In the discussion activities, students are given the opportunity to
rethink whether the results of the discussion / results of group work at the organizing
stage is correct or there are still errors that need to be corrected.
4. Extending
Extend language means extending, delivering, extending, giving, and extending.
Extending is a stage where students can expand their knowledge of what has been
gained during the learning process takes place. The extension of knowledge must be
tailored to the conditions and abilities of the students. The extension of knowledge can
be done by using the concept that has been obtained into new situations or different
contexts as the application of concepts studied, either from concept to other concepts,
other fields of science, or into everyday life. In the discussion activities, students are
expected to expand their knowledge by working on questions related to the concepts
learned but in new situations or different contexts in groups.
Problem solving is a process done to solve problems, while problems are challenging
questions and can not be resolved (solved) in routine procedures that are known to the
perpetrator. So the ability to solve the problem is a capability that the learners have in
the process to solve a problem. Dikdasmen no. 506 / C / PP / 2004 (Fadjar: 14)
describes indicators that indicate problem solving, among others:
a. Shows an understanding of the problem
b. Organize data and select relevant information in troubleshooting
c. Presents math problems in various forms
d. Choose the right approach and problem solving method
e. Develop problem-solving strategies
f. Create and interpret the mathematical model of a problem
g. Solve non-routine problems
Problems in learning mathematics is a question that must be answered or
responded to. But not all automated questions will be a problem. A question will be a

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

problem only if the question indicates a challenge that can not be solved by a routine
procedure known to the perpetrator.

This study included a type of literature study. Where literature study is the way used
to collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study. These data sources
contain: Mathematical problem solving abilities and CORE Model Theory. These sources
are obtained from journals, books, research report articles and internet sites.


Solution is a process done to solve a problem, While the problem is a challenging
question and can not be Solved (solved) by routine procedures that are known to the
perpetrator. So Problem-solving ability is a capability possessed Learners in the process
of solving a problem. In solving the problem of problem-solving abilities should be done
with several stages as follows (Fadjar, 2009: 4). Problem solving is a part of teaching
and learning strategy that is very important especially in teaching and learning
activities of mathematics. This is as stated by Hudojo (2005: 130) states that problem
solving has an important function in teaching and learning activities in mathematics.
Connecting is the stage where students are invited to connect new knowledge to be
learned with prior knowledge by giving students questions to develop student ideas
about the material to be delivered. Next organizing is when students are expected to
organize their knowledge to solve the problems given by the teacher. At the Reflecting
stage students are expected to re-explain the knowledge they have acquired. And at the
Extending stage students can expand their learned knowledge and then apply it in
further problems.


The main task of the teacher is to teach students, which is to condition the students
to learn actively so that their potential (cognitive, affective, and konatif) can develop
with maximum. With active learning, through participation in every learning activity,
will be trained and formed the competence of the ability of students to do something
positive that will ultimately shape the life skill as the provision of life and livelihood. In
order for the above to be realized, teachers should know how students learn and master
the various ways to membelajarkan students. One of the models that support student
activeness in learning is CORE model. This CORE learning model can improve students'
problem solving skills with the following problem solving indicator indicators:
1. Connecting can increase the ability to understand the problem. Because students
are led to connect old knowledge with new knowledge. So students can
understand the problem.
2. Organizing can improve the ability to organize information and select the
relevant information in problem solving.
3. Reflecting can improve students' ability to understand the problem, so that
students can restate the problem in various forms.
4. Extending can develop problem solving strategies and make interpretation of
mathematical models of a problem so that students can solve existing problems.
Based on literature studies that have been done, the authors suggest:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

1. For teachers and educators who want to improve students problem solving skills
then CORE model is one alternative that can be applied to learners.
2. For the next writer wishing to write about the CORE model it is advisable to
examine how to improve students' mathematical abilities by using CORE models
at other levels or on other mathematical skills.

Hudojo, H., (2005), Pengembangan Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran Matematika,
Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang.
Shadiq, F. 2009. Kemahiran Matematika. Yogyakarta: Depdiknas.
Jacob, C. 2005. Pengembangan Model ‘CORE’ dalam Pembelajaran Logika
dengan Pendekaan Reciprocal Teaching bagi siswa SMA Negeri 9 Bandung dan
SMA Negeri 1 Lembang (Laporan Piloting). Bandung: FPMIPA UPI.
Harmsen, D. 2005. Journal Critique. [Online]. Tersedia pada www.\\
tsclient\\A]DanielHarmsen.html, diakses tanggal 23 Maret 2017.
LitaYunita. (2016). Pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis model core untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematis dan self efficacy siswa. Tesis,
FMIPA UNILA [Online]. Tersedia: digilib.unila.ac.id.pdf. diakses tanggal 23
Maret 2017.
Hamalik, Oemar. 1999. Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran. Bandung : Bumi Aksara.
Soedjaji, R. 2000. Kiat Pendidikan Matematika Di Indonesia. Jakarta : Direktorat Jenderal
Pendidikan Tinggi
Suherman, Erman, dkk. 2003. Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Kontemporer.
Bandung: JICA.
Nursidik,Y.(2008). Metode Diskusi Pembelajaran. [Online]. Tersedia:
diskusipembelajaran.html [23 maret 2017].

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Irwan, Yuriska Mayasari

Mathematics Department FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang
Jln. Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar, Padang, Indonesia
Email: irwan.math.165@gmail.com

Problem solving is a very important skill in mathematics learning. Problem solving
skills are used in learning and solving problems. In fact, the problem solving skills of
students is still low. Students should get the opportunity to develop his skills in problem
solving. One of the efforts to improve the problem solving skills of students is to develop
mathematics lesson equipment based on problem-based learning (PBL). The purpose of
this development effort is to produce mathematics lesson equipment based on PBL are
valid, practical and effective.This development research uses a Plomp model consisting of
three phases namely: preliminary, prototyping, and assessment. Subjects were students of
class VIII SMPN 25 Padang. The results of validity of the data analysis showed that
mathematics lesson equipment based on PBL has fulfilled valid criteria in terms of content
and construct. The lesson equipment have been consider as practical in terms of feasibility,
convenience, and time because the lesson equipment can be applied in mathematics
learning activities. The lesson equipment has also been effective since they can enhance the
problem solving skills. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the mathematics
lesson equipment based on PBL which were conducted to students of class VIII in the first
semester was valid, practical, and effective.

Keywords: problem based learning, lesson equipment, problem solving skills, plomp model

Mathematics is a universal science which has an important role in a variety of
disciplines underlie the development of modern technology, social issue, economics,
science, and promote human thought. The contribution of mathematics can be seen
from the simple thing like using numbers as quantifiers until usage in solving complex
problems. The purposes of mathematics learning given at school level are as follow;
students have critical thinking skills, logic, creativity, problem solving skills and the
ability to convey ideas and familiarize themselves with mathematics; understand
mathematical concepts, explain the link among the concepts and apply them flexibly,
accurately, efficiently and appropriately in problem solving; develop an attitude which
appreciates the usage of mathematics in life, such as having curiosity, attention and
interest in learning mathematics itself, as well as being tenacious and confidence to
solve problems in daily life or in the real world [1], [2].
The implementation of educational purposes needs a kind of learning which can
help students to be trained in dealing with any problems related to the real world
issues. Considering the importance of math learning and the objectives of learning the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

subject, then the ability to think can be developed maximally in the process of learning
mathematics at schools. The current way of learning mathematics at school still does
not provide opportunities for students to develop the ability to think.
One of the indicators which shows the quality of education in Indonesia tends to
be low is the result of the International research of learners 'achievements' in the POM
(Project Operation Manual) BERMUTU program (Better Education Through Reformed
Management and Universal Teacher Upgrading), [1]. Based on the research conducted
by Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), an International study in
reading on children around the world sponsored by The International Association for
the Evaluation Achievement in 2011, showed that the average reading ability of
Indonesian children are at 42th out of 45 participating countries. Indonesia gained a
score of 428 on the international average score is 500. It means that the reading ability
of Indonesian children is still relatively low. Based on the results of studies conducted
on students grade VIII Junior High School by Trends International Mathematics and
Science Study (TIMSS) which organized by the International Association for the
Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) in 2011 in case of the mathematical
ability, they predicated Indonesia on 38th of the 42 participating countries. Indonesia
earned an achievement score of 386 on the International average score is 500. From a
study conducted by the Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA) which
organized by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) or
the organization for economic cooperation and development in 2012. From the result of
study conducted by PISA, it said that Indonesia is still not able to show great
achievements in the areas of reading, science and mathematics. Indonesia was only
reached 64th rank out of 65 participating countries in the field of mathematics. Results
of the International studies have shown that reading ability and math skills of the
students in Indonesia are alarming.
Teaching material in the education system is one tool that is very important in
determining the success of learning. By the availability of interesting teaching materials,
hopefully it can increase the interest and motivation of students to read a book. Reading
frequently will cause them being faster to understand the intent which is asked to them
and increase their accuracy in doing the tasks. International scale test results can be
used as illustration of mathematical ability of students on a national scale. A test on the
ability of students nationally can be measured through a national exam. National exam
is the standard evaluation system of primary and secondary education nationally and
the equal quality of education levels among regions conducted by the Educational
Assessment Centre. In junior high school, the standards of passing grade from year to
year are increased, such as, in 2015 a passing grade is at least 5.50 for each subject, and
the average of all national exam subjects is at least 5.50, and the national exam will no
longer be the sole determinant of graduation for the students. Since school exam also
determines the graduation with a ratio of 50:50.
Subject which causes students cannot pass the standard of passing grade in
national exam is mathematics. The lowest average grade of students at national exam in
2015 was on math. Math in national exam averagely decreased from 61.00 in the
previous year to 56.27. This math score averagely showed unsatisfactory results, when
it is compared with the minimum completeness criteria. Many grades of students were
under the minimum completeness criteria that should be 80. It was probably because
their mathematical ability was still low.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

The learning process at schools currently cannot increase their ability. The
learning process is still centered on the teacher so that students are less concerned with
learning. There are still many teachers at school who do not fully carry out what should
be done to develop the ability of learners. More students mostly engage in activities that
are not related to mathematics in the learning process. Therefore, there should be
improvement in the learning process through lesson equipment.
Based on observations of some junior high schools in Padang, that were in SMP 15,
SMP Sabbihisma and SMP 25 in May 2015, it was found that the lesson equipmentwas
still not able to create active students. It could be seen from the lesson plan (RPP) used
by the teachers. Lesson plan (RPP) used still did not provide strategies that actively
engage them. The ways of learning which had been created were about routine
activities, namely: students are given the concept, the example of tasks related to the
concept, and they are asked to do exercises that exist in printed books. If this is done
constantly then they might feel tired and less motivated during the learning process.
Based on interviews with some of the junior high school teachers in Padang, it was
obtained that the teachers had not designed lesson plan (RPP) which is oriented
students and they had not used their own students worksheet (LKPD). LKPD used was
only as additional exercises for the students. In the learning process, teachers had not
planned a process that could make them active in learning. In explaining the lesson, the
teacher only goes straight to the concept of the topic and shows the examples of
questions. This way of learning makes students being passive in learning. There were
students who asked the teacher to re-explain the concept taught previously when they
did exercises and some asked about the results of the counting. However, most students
who sat at the back were busy with their own business.
During the observation, students at grade VII answered two questions. From the
answer sheets, there were found around 60% of students’ wrong answer on question
number 1 and about 75% of students’ wrong answer on question number 2. The
questions given to students were as follows:
1. The surface of a rectangular pool has a size of 20 m x 8 m. Around the pool, there is
a path with a width of 2 m which rectangular tile with a size of 20 cm will be
assembled. How many tiles are used?
2. Mr. Suto has a rectangular garden with a size of 15 m x 30 m. There will be a fence
as high as 1 m created around the garden. If each meter takes 85 pieces of brick,
how many bricks are needed to build a fence?
From student’s answer sheets, it can be seen that most of the students still cannot
understand the ideas of the questions. This situation is in line with the students’
difficulties in understanding questions presented in a story. They are really difficult to
solve and sketch it, and they are also difficult to interpret the questions in the form of
mathematics. Many students are confused in doing the task, so that they answered
wrongly as it is not as expected. In addition, most of them answered that question with a
similar error. It proves that they do not understand and are not confident with their
own answers. They prefered to cheat on their friends’ answers rather than trying to find
the answers themselves. Lack understanding of concepts in mathematics from students
and their difficulties in doing the tasks might be because teachers have not planned
their teaching plan maximally yet which is to encourage students to think and engage
them actively.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Components of lesson plans which hold an important role is teaching materials.

Teachers should be able to choose teaching materials from a variety of learning
resources and organize them into teaching materials, so that the standard of
competency (SK) and the Basic Competency (KD) could be achieved well. Presentation
of teaching materials should be in accordance with the learning model that has been in
the lesson plan. The guidances used by the students to understand the learning
information acquisition are one of them arranged in the form of Students Worksheet
(LKPD). LKPD contains instructions for students to undertake activities clearly. LKPD
drafting is done by considering the characteristics, materials and cognitive skills of the
One of teaching materials which could enrich student’s knowledge and could be as
resources for them is LKPD. LKPD is additional teaching materials that can be used by
teachers as a means to enhance students’ skill in solving the problem and as additional
tasks for the students. Based on the observations at LKPD, it could be seen that there
has been no LKPD that guide students to meet the concept of learning through solving
everyday problems. The current use of LKPD is more likely to lead them memorizing
formulas rather than constructing their own knowledge to get the formula and
understanding of the subjects. It causes the concepts and principles of mathematics will
be easily forgotten by them and characters of logical thinking, critic, honesty, hard
working, curiousity, independence and confidence do not develop on them optimally.
Therefore, it takes LKPD which directs students to find a concept and principle so that
they can construct their own knowledge.
The learning process which is undertaken by teachers should be able to lead active
students in learning. The learning process should be centered on learners who may be
assisted by the availability of LKPD. LKPD is additional teaching materials that can be
used by teachers as a means to add more activities for students in finding mathematical
concepts. Students were only accustomed to get any knowledge from teachers. It can
lead the students always depends on the teacher. Therefore, teachers must prepare
lesson plans that can make their students more active and participate using their ability
to learn.
PBL based learning is a kind of learning undertaken to train students in critical
thinking and to be trained in solving problems. Lesson equipment based on PBL is
expected to open up the minds, to develop ideas, as well as to improve the creativity to
think of the students. PBL based learning can accommodate students’ knowledge in
learning and improve their ability in mathematical problem solving of the problems
faced by them in their daily lives. A problem-based learning strategy is a learning
strategy which confronts the students on practical issues as a foothold in learning or in
other words, they learn something through the issues[3]. Mathematics learning with the
application of problem-based learning model proves its successfulness and its quality
because it gives higher results of students’ achievements compared to conventional
Lesson equipment based on PBL does not only help students to understand the
concepts, but it also helps students to understand the application of the material into
everyday problems. Lesson based on PBL can "enhance the learning activities of
students, help them how to transfer their knowledge to understand the problems in the
real world and encourage them to do their self-evaluation toward both the results and
the learning process"[5],[6], [7]. Through lesson based on PBL, students think to solve

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

problems, find ideas and make decisions. They will understand more because they
engage directly by being active in fostering new knowledge, so that they will remember
longer all the concepts and principles. "A kind of learning which is oriented on solving
problems such as problem-based learning is an effective learning to enhance the
potential of the students"[8], [9].
In the process of learning, there was a change from students’ behaviour to be
positive. Changes in behavior include aspects of knowledge, understanding, skills and
values. "The learning process is a physical or mental activity that takes place in an active
interaction with the environment that results a change of knowledge, understanding,
skills and values of attitude. The change is a constant reactive and permanent"[10]. It
can be concluded that in order to overcome these problems, mathematics learning
should be flexible, various and meet the standards.
Based on the description of the problem, a research was conducted in order to
produce mathematics lesson equipment based on PBL at grade VIII in odd semester that
met the criteria of validity, the practicality and effectiveness. The effectiveness of the
equipment was seen from the problem solving skills of the students. Indicators in
problem solving used here were as follow: (1) Identify the elements that are known, and
questioned the adequacy of the required elements, (2) Formulate a mathematical
problem, (3) Implement the strategy to resolve the problem and (4) Re-examine the
results which were obtained.

This research was a development study using Plomp models, ranging from the
initial preliminary research, development phase or prototyping stage and assessment
stage[11]. To obtain the valid lesson equipment based on PBL, the preliminary research
was carried out. Based on the analysis in the preliminary research, the lesson
equipment based on PBL was designed. Ppreliminary research consisted of a needs
analysis, curriculum analysis, analysis of learners and analysis of concepts. In the
development or prototyping stage, lesson equipment based on PBL was designed. In the
prototyping stage, the formative evaluation was done. The development phase or
prototyping stage consisted of prototype 1, i.e self-evaluation and the expert review;
prototype 2, i.e the evaluation of one-on-one; prototype 3, i.e the evaluation of small
groups, and prototype 4 which was the result. Lesson equipment based on PBL which
have been designed was self-evaluation and validated by expert review. Validation of
this lesson equipment was done by three Mathematics professors, one professor from
Education Technology and another professor from Indonesian. Once the lesson
equipment based on PBL is validated, the evaluation of one-to-one, the evaluation of
small groups and field test were done to see the practicality. In the assessment stage, a
field test at class VIII SMPN 25 Padang was conducted to look at the practicalities and
effectiveness. The data were collected through the validation sheets, questionnaire
sheets of teachers’ and students’ responses, observation sheets of the enforceability of
RPP, the interview sheets and the results of problem solving skill tests of the students.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


1. Preliminary Investigation Phase
In the initial investigation phase, firstly the researcher did the needs analysis, the
curriculum analysis, the analysis of learners and the concepts analysis. The description
of the initial investigation phase could be as follow:
a. Need Analysis
At this stage, the researcher gathered information on issues related to the
problems faced by students in learning mathematics. Gathering information activity was
carried out by interviewing some of the students and teachers. Besides, the researcher
also did an observation toward the lesson equipment used by the teachers and so the
teaching and learning activities.
As a result from the need analysis, it was found that the lesson equipment of
mathematics was not optimally used. The results of interviews with some mathematics
teachers, there was found that they have implemented a variety of mathematical
methods in the learning process but it has not run optimally. Lesson plan (RPP) used by
teachers has not facilitated students to improve their ability. Students Worksheet
(LKPD) used were more likely presenting the concepts and principles directly without
explaining how to get it so that students were not accustomed to use thinking skills to
solve a problem scientifically. Thus, the school needs valid, practical, and effective
mathematics lesson equipment.
b. Curriculum Analysis
The process of analyzing the curriculum was aimed to determine whether material
(SK and KD) about SPLDV and the theorem of Pythagoras which is stated on the
curriculum is in accordance with the expected competencies, whether the material is
sufficient to achieve the purpose of learning, and whether the material has been ordered
well. The curriculum analysis was focused on analyzing the standards of competence
(SK) and basic competence (KD) listed on content standards. Analysis curriculum was
intended as a guide in the development of mathematics lesson equipment based on PBL
for students at grade VIII. The results of the analysis of this curriculum was used as the
basis for formulating the indicators of learning achievement in developing the lesson
equipment based on PBL for students at grade VIII in first semester.
In order to achieve the good learning indicators, the guidance of teachers is
needed and the teaching materials that are used can facilitate the students in order to
understand the concepts well. Based on the analysis of SK and KD then the order
changing was made. It was done to adjust the level of difficulty and the relationship
between concepts. Based on the level of difficulty, completing SPLDV was more difficult
than creating a mathematical model of everyday problems associated with SPLDV.
Therefore, the researcher slightly altered the order of the teachinga and learning
process, so that students know and be able to create a mathematical model of the
problems associated with SPLDV before completing SPLDV.
c. Student Analysis
This stage was aimed to determine the quality of each student that can be used as
a guidance in designing the learning equipment. The focus of the activities carried on
analyzing the students was about how students’ characteristics include the level of
thinking, the power of abstraction, the inclination to learn, and how the provision of
students’ skills to use the lesson equipment. The age of students in class VIII ranged
between 13-14 years. Piaget from his research stated that in this age range, the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

cognitive development of students has been already at the stage of formal operations
[12]. At the stage of formal operations, children are able to perform reasoning using
abstract things.
Results from the analysis of learners were done as a basic foundation of
development in designing the lesson equipment from the language level and the level of
difficulty of the problem. The first result showed that the students had a high curiosity.
Secondly, most of students did not pay attention to the teacher's explanation during the
course. Thirdly, they were easy to forget about the concepts that have been studied.
Fourth, when they were asked to take notes of the lessons that have been explained,
most of them did not do it. They rather drew something which was not related to the
lesson on their book. Fifth, students liked the discussion. Sixth, they liked being in a
group when they went buying something to the canteen. Lesson equipment based on
PBL is a learning that can implement the cognitive phase of students who has started to
think scientifically. In the learning process used lesson equipment based on PBL,
students learn in groups and do discussion in order to understand the concept, so that
these activities can facilitate students who like working in groups and doing discussion.
Students who have high curiosity will try to find solutions to the problems with their
own ways and discuss it with friends. At the end of the activity, students were asked to
make a conclusion toward the material which has been learned.
d. Concept Analysis
Analysis of the concept was aimed to determine the content and subject matter
required in the development of lesson equipment by identifying the main concepts
taught, detailing and arranging them systematically. The learning material in the first
semester is the factorization of algebra tribe, functions, the equation of straight line,
SPLDV and the Pythagorean theorem.
2. Development phase or Prototyping
a. Designing lesson equipment
Designing the mathematics lesson equipment based on PBL was based on the
analysis of the initial investigation phase. The result of this design would produce
prototype 1. The lesson equipment designed here was referred to the learning
characteristics of PBL. The following description of the lesson equipment based on PBL.
1) Designing Lesson Plan (RPP)
A lesson plan is designed systematically which contains the writing components of
it listed on Permendiknas 41 of 2007 about the standard process for primary and
secondary education. In creating the lesson plan, there are some principles that must be
counted, namely; The lesson plan is designed based on the individual differences among
students, the learning process was designed with a focus on students to encourage their
motivation, interests, creativity, initiative, inspiration, independence and enthusiasm
for learning. Besides, it is designed to develop their fondness in reading, their reading
comprehension and their expression in a variety of different forms of writing, and to
provide feedback and follow-up to them. The lesson plan is prepared by paying
attention to the link and the integration between SK, KD, learning materials, learning
activities, indicators of achievement on competencies, assessment, and learning
resources in the integrity of the learning experience. It is also well-prepared by
considering the application of information technology and communion in an integrated,
systematic and effective ways in accordance with the circumstances. It is prepared for
every KD and it can be implemented in one meeting or more. The researcher designed a

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

piece of the lesson plan for each meeting which was adapted with the scheduling system
in the education unit.
Core activities in the lesson plan were based on syntax of learning PBL based. PBL
learning phase began with the orientation of students to the problems. In this stage,
they faced a problem that was associated with a concept that would be studied. The
second phase of the PBL learning was organizing students to learn. At this stage, the
students tried to understand and examine the problems so that they could understand
the concepts which has been learned. The third phase of PBL based learning is guiding
the investigation of individuals and groups. At this stage, students are trained to put out
ideas in the discussion and respect the opinions of members in other groups. They are
invited to solve problems about everyday life related to SPLDV. Tasks which were given
made students understand more the concept of subjects deeply and meaningfully, so
that the concepts which have been learned were memorable. The fourth phase was
developing and presenting the work. At this stage, the students presented the results of
group discussion. The fifth phase was analyzing and evaluating the problem-solving
process. At this stage learners responded to the results shown by their friends.
2) Designing LKPD
LKPD based on PBL has several components, namely the title, SK, KD, indicators,
learning objectives, LKPD instructions, problems, work steps, and exercise. LKPD has
attractive pictures based on a given problem to understand the concept which is being
studied. LKPD is designed with various and bright colors. On the bottom of each page at
LKPD, there has motivation words that aims to give spirit and to occure awareness for
students in order to learn more seriously. LKPD began by presenting the questions or
problems that aimed to help them to relate the observed phenomenon with a concept
that would be constructed. Further to practice problem-solving ability of students to
identify the elements that were known, questioned, and the adequacy of the elements
needed, formulate the problem, solve the problem, draw conclusions and recheck the
results obtained. LKPD uses simple and communicative language and also based on the
level of students communication, so that the presentation of the material in LKPD is well
understood. The questions in LKPD were prepared with clear sentences so as to direct
the students get the expected response.
b. Prototype 1
Results of designing the lesson equipment at an early stage is called the prototype
1. Furthermore, the equipment was validated to obtain valid equipment. Two steps
involved in the validation of the lesson equipment, namely validity construct by doing
self evaluation and content validity evaluation by discussing the lessons to 3 experts.
Here are the descriptions of the results of prototype validation from lesson equipment
that has been designed.
1) Self-evaluation Lesson Equipment
The first activity undertaken after designing the lesson equipment was to examine
the equipment by the researcher. Before consulting and discussing it with the experts,
formerly a self-evaluation to the lesson equipment that has been designed was
conducted. In general, most errors occurred at typing, sentences which were not clear in
meaning and the punctuation errors. For example in the lesson plan, an error occurred
in the repetition of the word "students can". On the lesson plan, it was written "learners
can can". Errors in punctuation were such as, after the punctuation, there was no gap
given within one space. In LKPD, shape colors used caused the writing became unclear,

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

it also has been already revised. After self evaluation toward lesson equipment was
done, futhermore bthe revision process was done. The revisions were consulted and
discussed with expert or competent experts.
2) The Validation Results of Lesson equipment by Experts
The lesson equipment was validated by five validator whom three of them were
mathematician professors, one of education technology lecturer and one of Indonesian
lecturer. In the lesson plan, the aspects which were observed were the aspect of
identity on the lesson plan, indicators of competencies achievement, learning objectives,
teaching materials, models, approaches, strategies and learning methods, steps of
learning activities, learning resources, assessment, writing language, and benefit of the
lesson plan.
During the validation process, there were several revisions suggested by the
validators. Based on the advice from validators, there were some points that needed to
be improved, namely in terms of writing the acronym of the lesson plan title, the writing
time allocation which was not in accordance with the steps of learning activities, and
writing learning objectives that have not been arranged as ABCD (audience, behavior,
condition, degree). Then on the concluding section of learning, there should be written
further learning materials that will be learned by the students. After the revision was
done, the validator gave an assessment of the lesson plans which has been designed.
The average results of validation for the lesson plan were in the range of 81% to
the range of 100%, that was with very valid criteria. The overall validity of the lesson
plan was about 90.23% categorized as very valid. Thus, it can be concluded that the
aspects of lesson plan components based PBL were valid.
In LKPD, the aspect observed was dikdatik or presentation, the material aspects
and the content, linguistic aspects, and the graph aspects or display. During the
validation process, there were several revisions suggested by the validator. After the
revision was done, the validator gave an assessment on the LKPD. LKPD validation of
dikdatik or presentation aspects as well as the material aspects and contents was done
by three mathematics lecturers. The average results of dikdatik aspects validation and
the material aspects of the LKPD were in the range of 81% to the range of 100% which
were very valid. The results of the validation illustrated the everyday problems
presented in LKPD related to the learning objectives and displayed pictures that could
help students to understand the concepts. It can be concluded that LKPD has valid from
dikdatik aspects and the material aspects.
LKPD validation toward the language aspects was carried out by a lecturer from
Indonesian subject and S3 student of UNP. The average results of the validation on the
language aspects toward LKPD were in the range of 61% -80% with the criteria as valid
enough. The results of the validation illustrated that the use of sentences in LKPD has
been in accordance with the rules of good Indonesian. The sentences that were used
could engage students to think logically because it has been adapted to the language
level of students. It can be concluded that LKPD has been valid from the language
aspects. LKPD validation of graph aspects or display was done by a professor of
educational technology. The average results of the validation on the graph aspect
toward LKPD were in the range of 81% to 100% with the criteria as very valid. It can be
concluded that LKPD has valid in the graph aspects or display. The value of LKPD
validity overall was about 86.08% categorized as very valid. It can be concluded that
LKPD based PBL was valid.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

c. Prototype 2
Activities performed on prototype 2 were to test the practicalities of learning
equipment. Practicalities test was aimed to determine the extent of the benefits, the
ease of its use and the efficiency of time on the use of equipment based on PBL by the
students. Evaluation was done by asking the students commented on LKPD that has
been designed. LKPD was given to students of SMPN 25 Padang grade VIII.6 – one of a
capable student and two others were in low-ability. They were asked to read and do
LKPD. One-to-one evaluation was conducted by 7 times of meeting. Activities
undertaken were such as observing the instructions which were difficult to understand
by learners on LKPD, noting comments, suggestions, sentences which were difficult to
understand from the presentation and questions toward LKPD from the students.
After learning used LKPD based PBL was implemented, then interviews were
conducted to determine the practicality of LKPD. The results of the analysis from
interviews illustrated that the presentation on LKPD was very interesting and helpful
for the students in order to understand the material. The use of language in LKPD could
be well understood and the pictures on the cover page were removed. The questions
contained on LKPD were categorized as in the medium level. Besides, in doing the tasks,
most of students were less scrupulous in summing, subtracting, multiplying, and
dividing. Based on the analysis of the interviews, the revision was conducted.
Once the revision process of LKPD was complete, the revision of the prototype 2
was done based on the advices from the students. The revised results at prototype 2
were called the prototype 3. Next, the practicality test of LKPD based PBL was done.
Practicalities test was aimed to determine the extent of the benefits, the ease of its use
and the efficiency of time in using LKPD based PBL by teachers.
d. Prototype 3
Activities performed on the third prototype were to test the practicality of the
lesson equipment by evaluating small group. Evaluating the small group was done by
practicing the lesson equipment which has been designed at a group of students
consisted of nine. The revised result of the prototype 3 was called prototype 4.
Evaluation of small group was done among students who had medium and low level of
capability at SMPN 25 Padang grade VIII.6. Evaluation of small group was conducted by
7 times of meetings.
Based on interviews conducted to the nine students, it was found that the
effectiveness and the efficiency of time needed in doing the tasks on LKPD has been
enough. They thought that parts which provided the potential of failure in using LKPD in
actual class was on the classroom management that was in managing students in order
to have seats based on their each group. To anticipate these conditions, the researcher
and teachers worked together in managing the classroom so that students did not spend
a long time to sit in their groups. Furthermore, in terms of implementation, students
were able to use LKPD easily, although there was still a question arised during their
work on LKD.
In terms of presentation on LKPD, it has been interesting by providing problems in
daily life, despite initially students found it difficult because they seldom did questions
illustrated in a story. However, they seemed enthusiastic to try. They thought that in the
design of learning, learning strategy use questions related to everyday life was quite
interesting, those questions helped them to solve the problems and to make
conclusions. Activities that were used in LKPD were interesting, the presentation of

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

pictures and illustrations on LKPD eased them to understand the concept of the
material which was being learned. Students were less accustomed to convey their own
opinion, if on the LKPD, there was a command that asked students to convey reasons.
Moreover, in solving the problem, they were less careful in completing it.
e. Prototype 4
After the results of the revision on the individuals and small groups evaluation
gotten, then it was followed by field test (prototype 4) at grade VIII.7 of SMPN 25
Padang. The field test of the lesson equipment based on PBL in large classes was done as
much as 7 meetings. During the testing of a large class, the researcher was assisted by
one teacher and one observer. Teachers taught using the lesson equipmentwhich has
been designed. The observer was in charge of observing the implementation of lesson
equipment based on PBL by using questionnaire sheets of implementation observation.
Data practicalities of lesson equipment based PBL were obtained from a
questionnaire of teachers and students and observation of learning implementation.
The effectiveness of the leraning equipment was seen from the ability of students in
solving the problems.
In the first meeting, the students still were not familiar in writing the lists of the
elements that were known in a given problem, and then doing double-check toward the
correctness of the answers which has been obtained, and they were not used to write
the conclusion of any given problem. They directly wrote the solution of the given
problem, without specifying the elements that were known, then double-checked the
truth of the answers, and wrote the conclusion from the settlement of the problem.
The development of problem-solving skills of students in the second meeting has
begun to change, but students still did not use to write the conclusion of problem
solving. In the third meeting until the last meeting, the development of the ability of
problem solving on the students has been in accordance with the indicators expected
and has increased in every meeting. Indicators of problem solving were as follow: a).
Identify the elements that are known, being asked and adequacy of the elements which
is needed b). Formulate a math problem, c). Implement strategies to solve problems,
and d). Re-examine the results obtained.


Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that lesson
equipmentdesigned based on Problem Based Learning has a valid, practical, and
effective use to improve problem-solving abilities of students of grade VIII. Based on the
conclusions above, the lesson equipmentbased on Problem Based Learning can be used
as a guide for teachers in implementing the learning to improve mathematical ability of
the students.

[1] Barrett, T. 2005. Handbook of Enquiry and Problem Based Learning: Irish Case
Studies and International Perspectives. Galway: Aishe Reading.
[2] Kemendikbud. 2013. Materi Pelatihan Guru Implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Jakarta:
Institution Of Developmentof Human Resources, Education, And Cultures And
Quality Insurance Instituation.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

[3] National Council of Teacher of Mathematic. 2000. Principles and Standards for
School Mathematics. Reston, VA: Author.
[4] Noor Hisham Jalni, Lai Chee Sern. 2015. The Example-Problem-Based Learning
Model: Applying Coqnitive Load Theory. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
[5] Plomp, T dan N. Nieveen. (2013). Educational Design Research. Enshede:
Netherlands Institute for Curriculum Development (SLO).
[6] Ratnaningsih. 2003. Pengembangan KemampuanBerpikir Matematik Peserta
didikSMU Melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah. Tesis. Graduate Program of
[7] Sanjaya, Wina. 2007. Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan.
Jakarta: Kencana.
[8] Saraswari, E. 2011. Problem-Based Learning, Strategi metakognisi, dan
Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Peserta didik. Tekno-Pedagogi. Vol. 1 No. 2.
[9] Stewart Mennini. 2007. Small-group problem-based learning as a complex adaptive
system. University of New Mexico.
[10] Suherman, Erman. 2003. Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika kontemporer.
Bandung: FMIPA UPI
[11] Wena, Made. 2011. Strategi Pembelajaran Inovatif kontemporer. Jakarta: Bumi
[12] Winkel, W. S. 1996. Psikologi Pengajaran. Jakarta: Gramedia.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Izzatur Rahmi, I Made Arnawa, Lufri

Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Korespondensi: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: izzaturrahmi3@gmail.com

Mathematics is one of the science which is required in human life, as through
learning mathematics man trained in order to think critically , logical , systematic , and
can solve the problems they have in daily life .National council of teachers of mathematics
( NCTM , 2000 ) formulate some the purpose of learning mathematics. One of them is learn
to solve problems (problem solving ). Based on the purpose , reflected that the problem
solving an important aspect in learning mathematics. Effort to improve problem solving
skill by designed a learning more involving interaction students actively and invention on
learning so that can dig potential and improve the ability available. One of the learning
that is expected to facilitate students in improving the problem solving ability of
mathematics is guided inquiry learning with Concrete Representational Abstract (CRA)
approach. The research method used is literature study. Based on the study, guided inquiry
learning with Concrete Representational Abstract approach (CRA) is expected to develop
students' mathematical problem solving skills.

Keywords: guided inquiry, Concrete Representational Abstract approach, problem


Mathematics is one of the necessary science in human life, because through the
learning of human math is trained in order to think critically, logically, systematically,
and can solve problems faced in everyday life. Therefore, mathematics is studied at all
levels of education from elementary school to university. In addition, mathematics also
become one of the graduation of students from elementary school to middle school.
Education Ministerial Regulation No. 22 of 2006 on content standards for
elementary and secondary education units generally explains that the subjects of
mathematics aims to enable learners to have the following skills: (1) Understanding
mathematical concepts, explaining interconnectedness between concepts and applying
concepts or algorithms, Flexible, accurate, efficient, and precise, in problem solving; (2)
using reasoning in patterns and traits, performing mathematical manipulations in
generalizing, compiling evidence, or explaining mathematical ideas and statements; (3)
solve problems that include the ability to understand problems, design mathematical
models, model and interpret solutions obtained; (4) communicate ideas with symbols,
tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify circumstances or problems. (5) has an
attitude of appreciating the usefulness of mathematics in life, which has a curiosity,

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

attention, and interest in learning mathematics, as well as a tenacious attitude and

confidence in problem solving.
In relation to the objectives of mathematics subjects, NTCM (2000) also
emphasizes five process standards that must be achieved by middle school students,
namely problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and
representation. Based on the objectives of the mathematics course and the NCTM
standard, the ability to solve mathematical problems is one of the abilities that must be
achieved by students in learning mathematics.
With regard to the importance of mathematical problem solving abilities, the
PISA study results show that the mathematical ability of Indonesian students is still low.
This can be seen from the results of the last PISA 2015. Based on these results the
performance of Indonesian students is still relatively low. The average score of
achievement of Indonesian students for mathematics is ranked 62 out of 70 countries
evaluated with an average score of 386, while the average international score is 490.
The rating and average Indonesian score is not much different from the test results And
previous PISA surveys in 2012 which are also in the low material mastery group.
(University of Surabaya, 2016).
In line with the results of PISA above, research conducted by Aulia Rahmah
(2016) also shows that the problem solving ability of students is still low. Of the 32
students given problem solving skills only 12 students were able to complete correctly.
In other words only 37.5% of students are complete.
In order to achieve good mathematical problem-solving skills required a proper
learning and approach in mathematics learning. One of solution that is supposed to
improve mathematical problem solving abilities is guided inquiry model (Ahmad
Afandi, vol 8, 2013). Guided inquiry learning will be more effective if accompanied by
Concrete Representational Abstract (CRA) approach (Lisa Dwi Afri, 2015).

This study included a type of literature study. Where literature study is the way
used to collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study. This research
contains about the ability of problem solving mathematics, guided inquiry, and Concrete
Representational Abstract (CRA) approach.


Based on the results of literature studies that have been done, Solving the
problem according to Joni in Suharsono cited Wena (2011) is a process of acquiring
information that occurs in one direction from the outside into the students, but as a gift
of meaning by students to experience through the process of assimilation and
accommodation To develop his cognitive abilities. Gagne in Wena (2011) states that
problem solving is a process of finding a combination of a number of rules that can be
applied in an effort to cope with the new situation.
The process of solving the problem according to Polya (1973) took place with
several stages as follows: (1) Understanding problem. In this step the student must be
able to understand the problem. (2) Device a plan. In this step students make a plan of
completion by linking the data that are known either in the form of calculation,
measurement or constructing (drawing) to complete the data that is not yet known. (3)
Carry out the plan. In this step the student executes the plan. Implementing the plan is

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

easier than designing the plan, because at this stage the student will execute the
previously planned plan in the previous stage. (4) Look Back. In this last step review the
solution or test the solutions that have been obtained.
Bell (1981) says that "the inquiry model is the process of investigating and
examining a situation in a search information and truth. Inquiry processes are used in
science and mathematics to extend and organize knowledge ". The inquiry learning
model used in this study adapted the inquiry learning model stage proposed by Bell
(1981) as follows: (1) Presenting the problem. (2) Create a settlement procedure and
collect information (3) Analyze data and (4) Make a conclusion.
Based on troubleshooting steps and inquiry learning process above is known
that the process of inquiry learning and problem-solving process has a relationship that
is the same learning process that will produce the same ability indicators. Inquiry
process according to Bell (1981) in the stage presents the problem. Problems presented
by teachers should be able to encourage students to investigate. In the early stages
students are trained to understand the problem by reading the given problem,
repeating the problem given in their own language, knowing the data provided. At this
stage students are trained to have "understanding problem" skills.
The next is the stage of making a procedure and collect information. Students
investigate the known and unknown data of the problem to assist in the preparation of a
problem-solving plan. The stage of making the procedure of completing and collecting
information is the same as the stage of a plan in the problem-solving process, after the
problem is given the students investigate the unknown and unknown data of the
problem so that the student has a picture of completion in conducting the investigation.
The third stage of inquiry is to analyze the data, that is, after the students know
the known data and the students do not know the data analyzes (the students
determine the formula used, create the picture / table / graph) the same stage with
"carry out the problem" in the process Problem solving students discussed carrying out
all the problem-solving plans that have been made to make a solution conclusion to the
given problem.
The last stage of inquiry learning is to make a conclusion that is to make a
conclusion, and to test the conformity of the solution that has been made with the actual
solution. The stage is the same as the look back stage in the troubleshooting phase.
Guided inquiry learning has several advantages, namely: a) Students can
participate actively in the learning presented. B) Grow and simultaneously instill
inquiry attitude. C) Support students' problem solving abilities. D) Providing a vehicle
for interaction between students, as well as students with teachers, so students are also
trained to use good and correct Indonesian. E) The material studied can attain a longer
capability level because students are involved in the process of finding it (Widdiharto,
2004). This is evidenced by the increased ability of students' mathematical problem
solving. Students who are learning with guided inquiry have better problem-solving
abilities than students with conventional learning (Yenny Meidawati, vol.1, 2014).
The Concrete Representational Abstract Approach (CRA) is an intervention for
mathematics teaching suggested by research to improve students' mathematical
performance with learning disabilities. Witzel (2005) argued that the CRA approach
means students are invited to participate in the concrete, representational and abstract
stages. At the concrete stage, students are invited to recognize or discover concepts
directly through the manipulative visuals of concrete objects, followed by pictorial

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

representation of concrete object manipulation and ending in the third stage of solving
math problems indirectly using abstract notation.
The use of a problem-based CRA approach creates a meaningful learning process
for students through the problems presented. Mathematical problem solving skills of
students who gain learning with a CRA approach are better than students who have
received conventional learning. This is because the problem-based CRA approach
presents an active classroom atmosphere, as all students will be involved in learning
(Reni Pebriani, 2016).
From the above explanation and literature study it can be expected that guided
inquiry learning and Concrete Representational Abstract approach (CRA) can develop
and improve students' math problem solving skills.

From the description above it is known that inquiry learning has the linkage of
indicators with problem-solving ability. While the CRA approach can help students in
solving a problem. Therefore, it is suspected that guided inquiry learning and Concrete
Representational Abstract (CRA) approach can develop and improve students' math
problem solving skills. The guided inquiry step consists of (1) formulating the problem,
(2) formulating the hypothesis, where the hypothesis is a temporary answer to the
question or solution of the problem that can be tested with the data, (3) Collecting data,
where the teacher guides the students to determine the steps, Data collection steps
using Concrete Representational Abstract (CRA) approach, (4) Data Analysis, and (5)
Making Conclusions.

Afandi, Ahmad . 2013. Pendekatan Open-ended dan Inkuiri Terbimbing ditinjau dari
Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Representasi Multipel Matematis. Jurnal
Pendidikan Matematika. Vol.8, No.1,(1-11)
Aulia Rahmah. 2016. Pengaruh Penggunaan Teknik Curah Gagas (Brainstorming)
Terhadap kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Komunikasi matematika Siswa
Kelas VIII SMP Kecamatan Padang Utara. Tesis. UNP
Depdiknas. (2006). Peraturan Pemerintah RI Nomor 23, Tahun 2006, tentang Standar
Dwi Ari, Lisa. 2015. Penerapan Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Dengan Pendekatan
Concrete-Representational-Abstract Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan
Pemecahan Masalah Dan Adversity Quotient Siswa Smp. Tesis. UPI
La Iru, La Ode Safiun Arihi. 2012. Analisis Penerapan Pendekatan, Metode, Strategi, dan
Model – model Pembelajaran. DIY : Multi Presindo
Meidawati, Yenny. Pengaruh Pendekatan Pembelajaran Inkuiri Tebimbing Terhadap
Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa SMP. Jurnal
Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol. 1 No. 2, artikel 1
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2000). Principles and standarts for school
mathematics. reston: the national council of teachers of mathematics inc.
Pebriani, Reni. 2016. Penerapan pendekatan Concrete-representational-abstract (cra)
Berbasis masalah terhadap Kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Sanjaya, W. 2008. Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan.

Jakarta: Kencana
Surabaya, Universitas. 2017. Sekelumit Dari Hasil PISA 2015. (Online).
Trianto. 2007. Model-model Pembelajaran Inovatif Berorientasi Kontruktivistik. Konsep,
Landasan Teoritis-Praktis dan Implementasinya. Jakarta: Penerbit Prestasi
Wardhani, Sri.2008. Analisis SI dan SKL Mata Pelajaran Matematika SMP/MTs untuk
Optimalisasi Tujuan Mata Pelajaran Matematika. Yogyakarta : Pusat
Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan
Widdiharto, Rahmadi M.A .2004. Model-model Pembelajaran Matematika SMP,
Yogyakarta. Dirjen Dikdasmen PPPG Matematika.
Witzel, B. S. (2005). Using CRA to teach algebra to students with math difficulties in
inclusive settings. Learning disabilities: a contemporaryjournal, Vol.3, No.2, 49-60.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Lara Yulia Sastri1 Edwin Musdi1 Hardeli2

Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Korespondensi: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: Larayulia04@Gmail.Com

This study aims to develop students' mathematical communication skills using the
ACE strategy. Communication skills are understood as a form of information delivery
activity. In communicating math includes the skills or ability to read, write, review and
respond to information. Students are actively involved in doing math, thinking of ideas
orally and writing, charting, graphics or talking and listening to other students in sharing
ideas, strategies and solutions. The ACE (Activities, Class discussion, Exercise) strategy
focuses on activities, class discussions and exercises aimed at introducing concepts,
proposing and applying the concepts already obtained. ACE provides students the
opportunity to be creative, gain intuition, and experience in math. This strategy is to make
it easier for students to learn systematically, effectively and efficiently in facing various
problems in communicating. After conducting literature studies by citing data from
various sources it is suspected that ACE strategy can improve students' mathematical
communication ability.

Keywords: ACE Strategy, Communication Skill

Mathematics is one of the sciences whose functions and applications are needed
for many life issues, including for the development of science and technology (Science
and Technology). Given the importance of mathematics in life then the subjects of
mathematics are given to all learners starting from elementary school. As contained in
the contents standard for mathematics subjects in Permendikbud No. 58 of 2014 stated
that mathematics subjects should be given to all learners starting from elementary
school, to equip learners with logical, analytical, systematic, critical, innovative and
creative thinking , And ability to cooperate. These competencies are needed so that
learners can have the ability to acquire, manage, and utilize information to live better in
an ever-changing, uncertain, and highly competitive state. So the introduction of
mathematics that it has to be steady begins since elementary school.
The purpose of learning mathematics in schools so that learners have adequate
mathematical skills, so that the various competencies are expected to be achieved
properly and optimally. For that, learning mathematics in schools need to be directed to
help learners use their intellectual power in the learning process.
To bring up the necessary mathematical skills tools to explore the beauty of
mathematics. NCTM (2000) describes that to be able to understand and use
mathematics required mathematical power (mathematical power), Which includes the
ability to explore (exploration), put reason logically (reasoning), solve problems not

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

routine (problem solving), Communicating mathematics (communication), connecting

ideas within and between mathematics (conection), and other intellectual skills.
Each learning objective of mathematics is the formation of reasoning ability in the
learner that is reflected through the ability to think critically, logically, systematically,
and have objective, honest, discipline in solving a problem both in the field of
mathematics, other fields, or in everyday life.
The role of learning mathematics and mathematics goals is very important in
improving communication skills. The ability to communicate becomes one of the
conditions that play an important role because it helps in the process of composing the
mind, connecting ideas with other ideas so as to fill in the lack of things in the whole
network of learners' ideas. Mathematical communication is the ability to communicate
ideas with symbols, graphs or diagrams to explain the situation or problem. In the
assessment of mathematical communication the assessed aspect is the ability of
learners to declare and interpret mathematical ideas orally, in writing, or in
demonstrations (Suyitno, 2005).
Communication skills are very important things in the learning activities, but
based on the results of literature studies conducted many found that the communication
skills of students is still low, one of the results of research conducted by Fitria Pratama
Ningsih 2016, from 25 students only 6 students who complete In communication skills,
from a complete percentage of 28% completion. It can be seen that the communication
ability of students is still low. So many learners are not able to solve problems that exist
in mathematics.
The communication ability of learners is low because learners have not been able
to explore the ideas and concepts of the problem, so as not to describe good
communication. One indicator of communication is to explain the situation ideas and
mathematical relations orally or written with real objects, images, graphics and algebra.
So that learning goes well that can encourage learners in using the mindset. So it
takes a teacher's creativity in creating learning methods that can improve mathematical
communication skills of learners so that the purpose of learning mathematics can be
achieved. Therefore, in this literature study the author provides a solution to improve
the mathematical communication skills of learners one that can be used by teachers is
learning with Activity strategy, Classroom discussion, and Exercise (ACE). ACE learning
consists of activity, classroom discussion and exercise, in which learners are actively
involved physically and mentally and there are activities that can bring learners to
discover their own principles on the material being studied.
ACE learning (activities, classroom discussion, exercise) is an implementation of
learning based on APOS theory (action, process, object, schema) developed by
researchers in the United States (RUMEC). The learning of ACE includes three steps of
learning activities: ACE activities, class discussions and exercises aimed at introducing
concepts, proposing and applying the concepts already obtained. This strategy provides
the learners to learn systematically, effectively and efficiently in dealing with various
teaching materials (Nurlaelah, 2003).
Based on the problems that have been stated above is suspected that ACE strategy
can improve students' mathematical communication ability.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

This study included a type of literature study. Where literature study is the way
used to collect data or data sources related to the topics raised in a study. This research
is about improving mathematical communication ability and ACE strategy.


Communication is a way of sharing ideas and clarifying understanding, then
through communication ideas are reflected, corrected, discussed, and changed.
Communication skills need to be intensively presented so that learners are actively
involved in learning and eliminate the impression that mathematics is a foreign and
frightening lesson. The ability of mathematical communication is also very important
because mathematics is basically a language with terms and notations term until the
concepts are formed and understood and manipulated by learners. According to Barody
(Yonandi, 2010) there are two reasons why mathematical communication is important,
namely: (1) mathematics as language, meaning that math is not just a thinking tool.
Mathematics helps to find patterns, solve problems, but math is also an invaluable for
communicating a variety of ideas, precisely, and succinctly and (2) mathematics is
learning as social activity, The meaning is as a social activity in the learning of
mathematics, as well as the interaction between learners, teacher communication with
learners, teacher communication with learners is an important part in learning
mathematics in an effort to guide learners understand the concept or find a solution a
With regard to this mathematical communication, Sumarmo (2003: 24) provides
indicators of mathematical communication, namely:
a) Connecting real objects, images and diagrams into mathematical ideas
b) Explain the situation ideas and mathematical relations both orally and in writing
with real objects, images, graphs and algebra
c) Stateing everyday events in language or mathematical symbols
d) Listening, discussing and writing about mathematics
e) Read written mathematical presentations and compile relevant statements
f) Creating conjectures, formulating arguments, formulating definitions and
g) Explain and make math questions learned.
ACE learning (activities, classroom discussion, exercise) is an implementation of
learning based on APOS theory (action, process, object, schema) developed by
researchers in the United States (RUMEC). ACE cooperative learning approach is a
productive model because learners are actively involved physically and mentally. ACE
learning basically embraces constructivism, especially constructivism developed by
Vygotsky, social constrructivism. According Dubinsky, E. et al (1994) knowledge and
understanding of mathematics that learners are the result of construction and
interaction of learners with others in dealing with mathematical problems.
ACE's strategy includes: the activities of learners can reduce abstract concepts to
more concrete, ie by exploring examples or not examples related to the concept as well
as with the properties of the concept (Asiala et al, 1997). Subsequent activities are
learners given the task to form a mental construction that is expected to learners gain
experience to find something about the material learned in groups cooperatively. Class
discussion activities, learners conduct group discussions to present the findings of new

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

concepts about the material being studied. In this step learners are given the
opportunity to exchange information so as to achieve the same understanding of a
learned concept. The teacher acts as a facilitator and a motivator in directing the
discussion. Learners are expected to express opinions or ask questions based on
previously understood concepts. In the exercise stage, learners are given the
opportunity to apply the concepts that have been mastered by learners in solving some
problems in mathematics. With this activity learners will gain a lot of experience about
how the vagaries of the application of concepts in solving a problem.
By applying ACE learning repeatedly, learners better understand the concepts
discussed, can develop learning activities of learners to express opinions, ask questions,
and conclude so that eventually there is increased activity and learning outcomes
(Asiale et al, 2000) . Thus, ACE learning provides opportunities for learners to creativity,
gain intuition, and gain experience in math and as a solution to improve students'
mathematical communication skills.

ACE strategy is a learning method that can improve students' mathematical
communication skills. Through the activities of learners can reduce abstract concepts to
be more concrete, that is by exploring examples or not examples related to the concept
and with the properties of the concept. Classroom discussion activities of learners
conduct group discussions to present the findings of new concepts about the material
being studied. In the exercise stage, learners are given the opportunity to apply the
concepts that have been mastered by learners in solving some problems in

Asiala, Mark. et al . 2000. A Framework for Research and Curriculum Development in
Undergraduate Mathematics Education.. Research in Collegiate Mathematics
Education II, CBMS Issues in Mathematics Education
Asiala,M. 2000.AFrameworkforResearchand Curriculum Development inUndergra-
duace Mathematics Education: Research II, Ohio:CBMSIssues in Mathematics
E. Dubinsky. 1994. A theory and practice of learning college mathematics, in (A.
Schoenfeld, ed.) Mathematical Thinking and Problem Solving. Hillsdale: Erlbaum.
Irwan. 2009. Penerapan Siklus ACE Menggunakan Media Peta Konsep Untuk
Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pembuktian. Binjai: University Press
NCTM. (2000). NCTM: Principles and Standars for School Mathematics.
http://krellinst.org/AiS/textbook/Manual/stand/NCTM_stand.html. [20 Juni
Nurlaelah, Elah. 2003. Penggunaan Progran ISETL Dalam Pembelajaran Aljabar.
Suyitno, Amin. 2005. Dasar-dasar dan Proses Pembelajaran Matematika I. Semarang:
Jurusan matematika UNNES

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Sumarmo. U. 2003. Pembelajaran Keterampilan Membaca Matematika pada Siswa

Sekolah Menengah dan Calon Guru. Bandung: makalah seminar nasional MIPA,
Voskoglou, Michael Gr. An Application of the APOS/ACE Approach in Teaching the
Irrational Numbers. Journal of Mathematics Sciences & Mathematics Education
Vol. 8 N0.1

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Lativa Dwi Desika

Universitas Negeri Padang, thyva.desika@gmail.com

Communication ability is a very important skill in mathematics learning. In fact,
the problem solving skills of students is still low. There areseveralfactors causingthelow
ability. One of themis the unavailability of lessonss equipments whichfacilitatesstudents
togrow and developmathematical lesson equipment based on guided discovery. One of the
efforts to improve communication ability of students is to develop mathematics lesson
equipment based on guided discovery. The purpose of this development reseach is to
produce mathematics lesson equipment based on guided discovery which are valid,
practical and effective. This development research uses a Plomp model, subjects were
students of class VIII SMPN 12 Padang and validation was done by the experts in
mathematics, technologi of education and languange. The practicality of the lesson
equipment was seen from the results of the practicality questionnaire of the
implementation of learning and questionnaire of students and teachers. The effectiveness
was analyzed from the results test communication ability of the students. The results of
this development reseach the mathematics lesson equipment based on guided discovery
approach were valid, practical, and effective.

Keywords – Guided discovery, lesson equipment, communication ability, plomp model

One of the subjects that is always taught in every level of education is mathematics.
Mathematics is taught from early childhood education to university level. Mathematics
is also a science that underlies the development of science and technology, so
mathematics is seen as a structured science and integrated patterns of study and
relationships, and the science of thinking to understand the world around. This is in
accordance with NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathenatics) which states that
there are 5 (five) basic skills that must be mastered by students and one of them is the
ability of mathematical communication [1]. De Lang in Shadiq reveals Mathematical
communication is an ability that must be mastered by students [2]. Asikin expresses
mathematical communication can be interpreted as a dialogue that occurs in a
classroom environment that connects students' thinking with teachers or students with
students, so that the transfer of messages about mathematical material learned between
teachers and students or among students in the classroom can be realized [3]. But in
fact the mathematical communication skills of these learners is still not optimal. This is
evident from several studies that have been done before. Among research conducted by
Kurniasari mention that only about 14,28% or only four student in MTs in Surabaya
who have ability of communication of mathematics classified in very good category [4].
In Mahrani's study of preliminary findings in one junior high school in Aceh found
that students' mathematical communication skills were still low, with only 4 students

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

out of 45 students or 8.89% who were able to make mathematical models with
complete completion of the steps and correct answers by category Well, 15 students
from 45 students or 33.33% were able to make mathematical models with the
completion of incomplete steps and correct answers with sufficient categories, and 26
students from 45 students or 57.78% of the students could not make the same
mathematical model [5].
Yusra & Saragih in his research also found "Reality found in the field for students'
mathematical communication ability of the attention is still small, so the mastery of the
competence for the students is still low.From the student's answer, it can be seen that
the students only answer questions directly, not focused and difficult When they are
asked to explain the students can not express how to get answers, the students just look
at the numbers and add them directly From the student's answer it can be concluded
that the student has poor mathematical communication skills in communicating
answers [6].
Based on observations at SMPN 12 Padang held on 16-18 November 2016, not
optimal mathematical communication ability of learners cause low result learners
learners. This indicates that the average score of indicators of mathematical
communication ability is still low. This shows that the mathematical communication
ability of learners who are represented by the four indicators are experiencing
problems. Because the average score that must be obtained learners for each indicator
has not been maximized. The average number of students' mathematical
communication skills only reached 5.48 out of the 12 maximum scores that the learner
should achieve.
Based on the results of interviews with some of the students of class VIII SMPN 12
Padang, SMPN 39 Padang and SMPN 25 Padang obtained information, they assume that
the math lesson is difficult. Learners should memorize the many formulas and are often
confused when given a different matter than what the teacher explained. And based on
the questionnaire of student responses that students who are still reluctant to ask if
they feel difficulty in learning and students also still think less understand the material
explanation given by the teacher.
Based on the results of observations on how to teach teachers obtained some
information, first learning activities undertaken by teachers have been referring to the
effort membelajarkan learners but the role of teachers is still so dominant that learners
have not got enough space to construct his own knowledge. Second, the learning done
by the teacher has not familiarized the learners to communicate the knowledge
possessed by the students. In addition, learning activities also have not facilitate
learners in training communication skills such as in the teacher's efforts to make
learning tools are familiarized to the problems that are created to train students'
communication understanding.
Another problem that is seen is the learning devices used by teachers not in
accordance with the needs and characteristics of students. Teachers already have their
own LKPD to be used by students, but because many hours of lessons teachers use to
teach materials every day, then LKPD made not yet maximal. The material presented is
very succinct so that learners do not see the process to find the concept
In addition to support the development of LKPD required other learning tools such
as Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). Feel the results of teacher interviews and
observations that researchers do RPP that already contain the correct components, but

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

not complete steps approach that is in the curriculum 13. In RPP teachers in Data
Processing activities have not elaborated in detail the activities of students to find a
concept , The RPP teachers only instructed students to do LKPD. The material given in
class VIII even semester there are 4 pieces of material. According to interviews with
teachers of mathematics that exist in SMPN 12 Padang, the most difficult material to be
understood by circle students, opportunities and statistics.
One of the mathematical skills to be achieved by learners is the ability of
mathematical communication. In communicating math includes the skills or ability to
read, write, review and respond to information. Nila Kesumawati in his research
mentions mathematical communication is one of the capabilities students must possess
because communication is a very important part in mathematics and mathematics
education [7]. In the application of learning mathematics, communication occurs
through a learning process in which learners are actively involved to share ideas with
other students in doing mathematical problems and think and express other opinions
related to mathematical concepts / materials. Agus Prianto conduct research with title
of Study Material Algebra and Mathematical Communication Student obtained by
conclusion that students can deepen formally about elements of algebra emphasis of
mathematical ability through discussion with aim of student able to write idea, explain
and give mathematical argument to other student and will listen Ideas or opinions of
other students [8]. Further research conducted by Viseu and Oliveira concluded that
students who do math communication that can encourage the creation of a fun learning.
Both orally and in writing, students put forward a mathematical idea by speaking,
writing, and describing it and explaining the mathematical concept well. Its meaning is
to state the idea of math by speaking students can reinforce a deep understanding of
mathematical concepts [9].
Further research conducted by Tinungki GM with the title of The Mathematics
Communication Ability in the Subject of Probability Theory obtained conclusion of
mathematical communication ability has a significant correlation with learning, thus,
the students' understanding with Mathematical communication can be done well [10].
Masrukan also conducted a research entitled Analysis of Mathematical Communication
Ability Through 4K Model Based on 7th Graders' Personality Types, it was concluded
that teachers should familiarize and guide students to make conclusions in writing
using their own words [11].
Thus, the communication of mathematics in the learning process is when the
teacher involves learners actively in finding and expressing ideas that exist in the
learners themselves against the concept given. Sumarmo provides indicators of
mathematical communication skills such as:
1. Connecting real objects, images and diagrams into mathematical ideas.
2. Explain the situation ideas and mathematical relations both orally and in writing with
real objects, images, graphs and algebra.
3. Declare everyday events in language or mathematical symbols.
4. Listening, discussing and writing about mathematics.
5. Read written mathematical presentations and compile relevant statements.
6. Creating conjectures, formulating arguments, formulating definitions and
7. Explain and make mathematical questions that have been studied [12].

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

But the authors conclude and select some indicators of mathematical communication
skills that will be used, trained and assessed in this study, namely:
1. Connecting real objects, images, and diagrams into mathematical ideas
2. Describe ideas, situations, and mathematical relationships, orally and in writing with
real objects, images, graphs and algebra
3. Declare everyday events in language or mathematical symbols
4. Create conjectures, construct arguments, formulate definitions and generalizations
One alternative teaching materials that can be developed for learners is the Student
Work Sheet (LKPD). The learner's worksheet is a teaching material as a complement or
supporting tool for the implementation of learning that can contain the material or
steps to complete the task. This is in accordance with Prayitno's opinion that LKPD is a
means to convey the concept to learners either individually or in small groups that
contain instructions for conducting various activities.
LKPD mathematics used by schools has been able to facilitate learners in the
learning process, but can still be improved to train students' mathematical
communication skills. In an effort to improve the function of LKPD mathematics it is
necessary to develop a LKPD mathematics that not only presents the basic concepts
only in learning mathematics but also able to improve students' mathematical
communication skills.
Learning-based model of discovery learning is one of the lessons that bepijak on
constructivist philosophy. Guided discovery learning model is an appropriate choice for
improving students' mathematical communication ability because according to
Suherman the advantage of learning with guided discovery among other active learners
in thinking and reasoning to find the final result [13]. In addition learners can
communicate their thoughts about the ideas clearly and precisely. Mathematics is
considered a "universal language" with unique symbols so that everyone in the world
can use to communicate mathematical information even though their native language is
different. Something gained in this way will be more meaningful and longer
remembered. This opinion is reinforced by the results of research conducted by Yulianti
et al with that mentions that teachers should use guided discovery models in learning
mathematics for students to be active and creative. In learning that uses guided
discovery models, it provides opportunities for learners to be actively involved,
improves learning objectives, fills each other in solving problems, and helps learners
come up with ideas, concepts and skills they have learned to discover new knowledge.
The application of guided discovery learning with contextual approaches can improve
student learning outcomes [14].
Several studies using guided discovery methods are research conducted by Sherly
Adrila Fitri to conclude that mathematical learning based on guided discovery method
can improve the problem solving ability of students mathematics class VII SMP [15].
Apriadi. S.F in its research the conclusion of mathematical learning by using guided
discovery method has been effective to improve students' mathematical representation
[16]. In'am and Hajar in his research entitled Learning Geometry through Discovery
Learning Using a Scientific Approach concluded that teachers in these activities became
more innovative and teachers' abilities increased. Meanwhile, student learning
outcomes use discovery learning and during the course of this learning can be very good
[17], in his research Maarif. S entitled Improving Junior High School Students'
Mathematical Analogical Ability Using Discovery Learning Method obtained the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

conclusions of improving the mathematical abilities of the analogy of students who

received better discovery learning methods than students who studied with expository
methods [18].
Furthermore, Siti Nurhayati also developed a mathematics learning tool with the
title of Research Development of Mathematics Learning Tool Topics The lines on
Triangle through Process Skill Approach Based on Discovery Learning Method in Class
VIII SMP have fulfilled valid, practical, and effective criteria [19]. Researchers feel the
need to conduct further research because the research focuses only on the subject of the
lines on the triangle so that the development of learning tools based on discovery-based
mathematics discovery of other subjects still require research. Yoppy Wahyu Purnomo
in his research concluded that the learning outcomes using guided discovery models
were excellent and students 'creativity was also improved [20], Research conducted by
Rosydiah also stated that learning by using guided discovery methods can improve
students' learning activities and learning outcomes [21] . Arynda also conducted a
research and concluded that the application of guided discovery learning with
contextual approach can improve student learning outcomes. In addition there is also
an increase in the average of the final grade of students, which increases from. 74.49 to
81.24 [22].
Further research conducted by B. Tompo under the title The Development of
Discovery-Inquiry Learning Model to Reduce the Science of Misconceptions of Junior
High School Students also explains that the knowledge gained by guided discovery
model shows several advantages. One of them is long remembered by the students
because in the discovery model guided by students who experienced it themselves.
Guided discovery also guides students to deeply investigate concepts but also to
familiarize students in solving problems [23]. In a study conducted by Haohao Wang
and Lisa Posey under the title An Inquiry-Based Linear Algebra Class stated that the
guided discovery-based learning obtained by students' math scores increases. This is
reflected in their ability to build mathematical proof logically. In particular, students
grow better in solving more complex problems with their own background of
knowledge [24]. Yuliani and Saragih in his research entitled The Conclusion and
Conclusion of Islamic Junior High School of Medan obtained the conclusion of the
process of solving the student's answers to problem solving, concept comprehension,
critical thinking, and Students' mathematical abilities with guided discovery models are
more varied and better [25].
Applying guided discovery models in the classroom, there are several procedures
that should be implemented in general teaching and learning activities. Syah in Hosnan
explain the stage of guided discovery model as follows: 1. Stimulation (giving stimulus)
2. Problem Statement 3. Data Collection 4. Data Processing 5. Verification 6.
Generalization (Interesting Conclusion) [26].
The formulation of the problem in this research is "How are the characteristics of
learning-based mathematics learning model of guided discovery learning that is valid,
practical, and effective to improve the mathematical communication ability of VIII
students of SMP 2nd Semester" ?, so that the objectives to be achieved in this research
are to produce Learning device based on guided invention learning model that is valid,
practical and effective to improve mathematical communication skill of VIII grade 2
junior high school students.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Further research conducted by B. Tompo under the title The Development of

Discovery-Inquiry Learning Model to Reduce the Science of Misconceptions of Junior
High School Students also explains that the knowledge gained by guided discovery
model shows several advantages. One of them is long remembered by the students
because in the discovery model guided by students who experienced it themselves.
Guided discovery also guides students to deeply investigate concepts but also to
familiarize students in solving problems [23]. In a study conducted by Haohao Wang
and Lisa Posey under the title An Inquiry-Based Linear Algebra Class stated that the
guided discovery-based learning obtained by students' math scores increases. This is
reflected in their ability to build mathematical proof logically. In particular, students
grow better in solving more complex problems with their own background of
knowledge [24]. Yuliani and Saragih in his research entitled The Conclusion and
Conclusion of Islamic Junior High School of Medan obtained the conclusion of the
process of solving the student's answers to problem solving, concept comprehension,
critical thinking, and Students' mathematical abilities with guided discovery models are
more varied and better [25].
Applying guided discovery models in the classroom, there are several procedures
that should be implemented in general teaching and learning activities. Syah in Hosnan
explain the stage of guided discovery model as follows: 1. Stimulation (giving stimulus)
2. Problem Statement 3. Data Collection 4. Data Processing 5. Verification 6.
Generalization (Interesting Conclusion) [26].
The formulation of the problem in this research is "How are the characteristics of
learning-based mathematics learning model of guided discovery learning that is valid,
practical, and effective to improve the mathematical communication ability of VIII
students of SMP 2nd Semester" ?, so that the objectives to be achieved in this research
are to produce Learning device based on guided invention learning model that is valid,
practical and effective to improve mathematical communication skill of VIII grade 2
junior high school students.


A. Preliminary Research Results
In the preliminary stage of research is a preparatory phase consisting of needs
analysis, curriculum analysis, and concept analysis, and learner analysis. At this stage
the collection of information about the problems contained in the learning mathematics.
Needs analysis is done by observing the implementation of learning activities,
interviewing mathematics teacher and students of class VIII SMPN 12 Padang, SMPN 39
Padang and SMPN 25 Padang, observation of learning implementation, giving
questionnaires to learners and early ability test of mathematical communication of
Based on interviews with teachers, the conclusion is that in the process of learning
mathematics, teachers are more likely to use conventional learning because it is
considered more effective in the use of time and learners more quickly understand the
material taught because it is directly on the important points only. For methods used by
teachers in classroom learning have also not varied, teachers already exist using guided
discovery methods but not in accordance with the steps found in guided discovery.
LKPD used by teachers is obtained from certain institutions, LKPD is not so help
learners to practice doing mathematics problems both at school and at home, but LKPD

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

is not able to optimize the ability of learners to train students' mathematical

communication skills, because The material contained in LKPD is only a summary of
material and formulas in the form so that students forget more quickly when solving the
problem -soal, activities in the existing LKPD not yet optimal train students to find the
concept of mathematics. The teacher agrees with the development of LKPD that can
help learners to discover and understand concepts and train students' mathematical
communication skills through teacher-led discovery activities. For the LKPD
specification to be developed, the teacher hands it on the learner's wishes to be its
users. To get information about the product specifications desired by the students, the
researcher gave questionnaires to 90 students in class VIII in some junior high schools
in Padang, SMP 12 Padang, SMPN 25 Padang and SMPN 29 Padang, each school is
limited to 1 class only Which were distributed questionnaires. From the results of
questionnaires that learners in the less active learning students and are reluctant to ask
if there is difficulty in learning and students are still there are reluctant to record what
is conveyed by the teacher. When teachers teach students also still think less
understanding of material explanations provided by the teacher and there are still
students who do not hear the explanation conveyed by the teacher. Students also rarely
repeat lessons at home and if there is a student task is not optimal in understanding the
material. In school teachers rarely use existing LKS in learning. In the teaching materials
that will be used the students are more interested in the blue color more doniman with
writing Cambria and Comic Sans MS. According to student teachers also rarely
reminded the material that was learned at the beginning of learning, how to teach
teachers in feel by the students is also less precise. At the end of the learning the teacher
also has not provided enough space for the learners to draw the conclusions more
independently. At the end of the lesson also the teacher very rarely reminded the
material that will be learned at the next meeting. Based on the observation sheet, it can
be concluded that the existing learning tools already contain KI and KD but the existing
tools have not covered all the components of the curriculum, the tools have not used the
curriculum-recommended model, the existing tools have not helped the students find
the concept of learning, LKPD according to the students is not very interesting , LKPD
used does not support the implementation of the learning process, LKPD used also there
is a language that is less clear for students, so that students become inactive in the
learning process. In addition, from the test results seen that still a small percentage of
learners who obtained the ideal score. This shows that the mathematical
communication ability of learners, each represented by four indicators is still not
Curriculum analysis is conducted on the study of the curriculum 2013 for the
subjects of mathematics class VIII SMP semester 2. In general there is no change in the
Basic Competency that has been determined Analysis of the curriculum in question is
the development of indicators using guided discovery based learning to organize the
material and determine the learning objectives To be achieved at every meeting. All
indicators in the designed have been adapted to the KD and indicators of mathematical
communication skills but can not be separated from the contextual content.
Conceptual analysis aims to determine the content and subject matter needed in the
development of learning tools, by identifying key concepts taught, detailing and
organizing them systematically. The arrangement of material to be presented on the
subject. Statistics for the size of the data spread starts from the mean, median and mode

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

materials. For the data centering measure starting from the range, then the quartile and
the interquartile range, because to seek interquartile range must first find the quartile
Student analysis was conducted to examine the characteristics of the students in
grade VIII SMP. This analysis is used as a consideration in designing learning tools
based on guided discovery which includes cognitive level, age, learning style, and
motivation on mathematics subjects, and analysis done on some students of class VIII
SMP. The analysis is done on the students of class VIII SMPN 12 in semester 2 of
academic year 2016 / 2017. The first characteristic is obtained that learners are formal
operation stage. Students are aged in the range of 11-14 years. Based on Piaget's
research, it is concluded at this age that a child's cognitive development has been in the
formal operation stage. At the stage of formal operation, the child is able to solve
problems, and reasoning by using abstract things. The use of concrete objects is no
longer necessary. Budiningsih argued that the main characteristic of development at
this stage is the child has started to think abstractly and logically. Scientific thinking
models with the ability to draw conclusions, interpret, and develop hypotheses have
been shared by children at this stage. Characteristics of the second learner, based on
interviews and observations made, it is known that learners prefer to learn with peer
tutors. This is seen when the learning process takes place, if learners do not understand
the subject matter taught by the teacher, then most learners prefer to ask with friends.
According to learners, asking with friends who have understood can help them to
understand the material learned. Students tend to ask their friends, and do not dare to
ask directly to the teacher. The third characteristic is that the learners are less
concentrated and not even focus on the learning process delivered by the teacher. Many
learners who tell stories with friends sebangkunya discuss outside the subject matter
when the teacher explains the subject matter in front of the class. At the moment the
teacher admonishes them to pay attention to what the teacher explained, but after a few
minutes later they will return to tell their friends. The fourth characteristic is that most
learners like to group when doing an activity, for example the teacher gives the exercise
of the students prefer to do the exercises together with their friends instead of working
individually. This character indicates that learners prefer to do an activity together.
Furthermore, based on the results of interviews with learners obtained data about the
work of parents, daily activities of learners and hobby learners. In general the work of
the parents of the learners is self-employed, and the activities done at home are playing
and helping the parents. Based on the character encountered, the researchers feel the
need to develop LKPD-based learning model of guided discovery that can accommodate
the character possessed learners in a positive direction in the learning process. LKPD-
based guided discovery is a learning resource that can accommodate the learner's
characteristic of discussing or in guided discovery phases, and not focusing on what the
teacher describes during the learning process. Learning by using LKPD based guided
invention invites learners to be active from the beginning of the learning process. In
addition LKPD based guided discovery will also guide learners to actively construct
their knowledge independently, and in guidance to find a concept.
B. Learning Tool Design Results
1. Designing RPP
The Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) serves as a guide for teachers in
delivering learning materials. RPP is systematically designed which contains the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

components of RPP writing as stated in Permendikbud No.22 of 2016 on Process

Standard [28].
The learning activities presented in the RPP refer to guided discovery-based
learning integrated with the use of guided discovery-based LKPD. Presentation of the
RPP's identity, core competencies, basic competencies, competency achievement
indicators, learning objectives, teaching materials, approaches, models, learning
methods, time allocation, learning resources and assessment are similar to RPP in
Introduction is an early activity in a learning meeting aimed at focusing the
attention of learners to actively participate in the learning process. Learning activities
are accompanied by time allocation to facilitate teachers to implement the learning
process. In this preliminary activity is an orientation stage that is the initial activity to
raise the motivation of learners in the learning process by creating a fun activity to do
question and answer and convey the benefits of learning a subject matter.
The core activity is a learning process to achieve the learning objectives. In the core
activity, the teacher first instructs the learner to sit in the group, then the learner is
confronted with some problems related to the material he / she is studying. Then from
the problem learners discuss with their friends, then teachers stimulate learners to
construct their own concept of the material by providing questions based on the images
given. With this it can develop the learner's thinking to do more meaningful learning
activities by way of self-study, finding your own, and constructing your own new
knowledge and skills that must be possessed. This step is on problem statement, data
collection, data processing, verification and generalization.
Furthermore, the teacher asks one group to present the results of the group
discussion in front of the class and provide the opportunity for the students to ask
questions or respond to the explanation of the presentation group of this activity on
Verification, and generalization. After the group discussion the learners are asked to do
the exercises given to see the learners' understanding of the material they have learned.
Learning ends with concluding activities that can be done in the form of making a
summary or conclusion about the material that has been learned, and the teacher
inform the material to be learned at the next meeting and the teacher to assess the work
of the learners.
2. Designing LKPD
Presentation of materials on LKPD begins with Teachers able to start PBM activities
by asking questions, book reading suggestions, and other learning activities that lead to
problem-solving preparations. Stimulation at this stage serves to provide a learning
interaction condition that can develop and assist learners in exploring materials
Furthermore, the competency test contained in LKPD aims to train students'
mathematical communication skills. LKPD uses simple and communicative language
and in accordance with the communication level of learners, so that the presentation of
the material on LKPD can be well understood. The questions in LKPD are arranged with
clear sentences so that they can direct LKPD students designed with varying color and
bright to get the expected answers.
a. Self Evaluation Results
The first activity undertaken after designing the learning device is self-examined by
the researcher. Before consulting and discussing to the experts, self-evaluation (self
evaluation) first to the learning device that has been designed. There are four aspects

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

that are evaluated in the RPP, namely the RPP contains the steps of guided discovery,
the accuracy of typing, the use of appropriate words and terms and proper use of
punctuation. In LKPD there are seven aspects evaluated: LKPD already contains guided
discovery steps, correct typing, proper use of words and terms, proper use of
punctuation, proper text size, precise placement of images and unpredictable
availability of place for problem solving .
In LKPD errors many of the use of proper punctuation and accuracy of typing as
weight of weight should be weight, class should be separated into the writing class, Sevi
Name should be Selvi, the use of punctuation at the end of the sentence does not use the
point, the problem should be the problem, The Marching Band should be in the
Marching Band inclined, as it is an English term. In the RPP errors such as at the end of
many sentences without the use of punctuation marks, the first RPP identity in School /
Madrasah should be School only. Furthermore imterkuartil jangauan should be written
in interkuartil range, Problems on the problem of writing in uniform, if first use writing
the letter Cambria so on also use the letter Cambria.
b. Experimental Tool Validation Results Expert
Invention-based math-based learning device is validated by 5 experts, namely 3
lecturers of mathematics, 1 lecturer of educational technology and 1 lecturer of
Indonesian language. In the RPP aspects observed are the components and format of
RPP, the identity of the RPP, the formulation of indicators of achievement of
competence, the formulation of learning objectives, approaches and methods of
learning, teaching materials, selection of learning resources, details of learning steps,
assessment, language and writing and RPP benefits.
During the validation process there are several revisions suggested by the validator.
Based on the suggestion of the validator there are some things that need to be improved
in terms of writing the abbreviation of the title of RPP, numbering steps of learning
activities, the end of the learning section please write the next material that will be
learned by the learner and the penalaian section there is no clear scoring way. After the
repair is done, the validators provide an assessment of the RPP that has been designed.
Overall the RPP was developed on valid criteria with an average of 0.764 validity
index. Thus, it can be concluded that this guided discovery-based RPP is valid.
Validation of LKPD to some aspect that is presentation aspect, content feasibility,
linguistic aspect and aspect of kegrafikaan or appearance. During the validation process
there are several revisions suggested by the validators. After the repairs are made, the
validators provide an assessment of LKPD. Data analysis of content aspect validation
results / contents of LKPD obtained validity index of 0.83 with valid category. this
means LKPD can help learners to improve their mathematical communication skills.
And than in the aspect of kegrafikaan or display this in the validation by one
lecturer Educational Technology, data analysis results validation aspects of graphics or
display with the validity of the index obtained 0.74 with valid categories. The next
aspect is the language aspect. This language aspect is validated by one Indonesian
lecturer with a validity index of 0.80 with a valid category.
The average LKPD overall validity index of all aspects is 0.79 with valid category.
Thus, it can be concluded that LKPD-based guided discovery has been valid in terms of
content, look and language. After the validation process is completed, it is performed
according to the validator's suggestion.
c. Results One to One Evaluation

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Individual evaluation is done by asking three students to try to fill LKPD. All three
are students of class VIII.6 SMPN 12 Padang, the three learners have different abilities
that is one high-ability person, one medium-skilled and one low-ability person. The
aspects observed in LKPD are the part of the usage manual, the problem section, the use
of the term, and the questions that are difficult for the learners to understand in LKPD.
They were asked to try to fill out the LKPD after which they were asked to comment on
the LKPD given.
At the first meeting with the average material (mean) there is a revision in LKPD,
there is addition of information on understanding the amount of data and a lot of data
and average. Prior to the revision of the written statement to find the average value,
first Ananda must know the meaning of the amount of data and a lot of data, after the
revision added information so it is written to find the average value, first Ananda must
know the meaning of the amount of data and many data. Find as much information as
possible about the number of data and a lot of data !,, as well as the meaning of the
average, there is a revision to LKPD by adding information. Before the written revision
can we find the average value on the problem I earlier? What do you know about the
average value of a dataset? Then after the revision to be written can we find the average
value on the problem I was? Seek as much information as possible about the meanings
of the averages of the data set.
At the first meeting also observed improving the communication ability of learners
by observing the exercises of students who are high-ability, moderate and low. For
highly skilled students can already declare daily events in mathematical language. The
student has precisely written exactly the average symbol (x ̅), the amount of data (Σ▒ x)
and lots of data (n).
At the second meeting with median matter (middle value). The revised aspect omits the
word datum on the question in LKPD, because students do not know the datum and are
replaced with the word value.
At the second meeting was also observed improving the communication skills of
learners by observing the exercise of highly capable students have been able to connect
the diagram into mathematical ideas. For students with moderate and low ability. For
students who are capable of being able to connect the diagram into mathematical ideas
but the explanation is not logically arranged.
Third meeting with material mode. There is still a revision of LKPD where students
must find that the value of the mode can be more than one so in add the information on
LKPD. Before the written revision After Ananda knows the definition of the mode value
in problem I, can Ananda determine the mode value of problem II. What is the value of
mode in problem II? Try to explain! After the written revision After Ananda knows the
definition of the mode value in problem I, can Ananda determine the mode value of
problem II. What is the value of mode in problem II? Try to explain! According to
Ananda whether the value of the mode can be more than one? Try to explain!
At the third meeting also observed improving the communication skills of learners
by observing the exercise of highly capable students have been able to connect the
diagram into mathematical ideas. For students with moderate and low ability. For
skilled sisswa are able to connect diagrams into mathematical ideas but the explanation
is not logically arranged.
Fourth meeting with reach material. There are still revisions to LKPD-based guided
discovery about commands or questions to get students to conclusions.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

At the fourth meeting also observed improving the communication skills of learners
by observing highly skilled student exercises have been able to connect the diagram into
mathematical ideas. For students with moderate-to-moderate abilities are also able to
link diagrams into mathematical ideas
The fifth meeting with the quartile material and the interquartile range. From the
results of observation at the time students do LKPD 5 students provide comments,
among others, there is a mistake in the word "problem 1". So that revision is made.
Furthermore there is an error in writing the word Ananda, previously written you.
At the fifth meeting also observed improving the communication skills of learners by
observing highly skilled student exercises can already connect diagrams into
mathematical ideas. For skilled sisswa are able to connect diagrams into mathematical
ideas but the explanations are not logically arranged. For low-ability students not yet
able to connect digrams into mathematical ideas.
At the sixth meeting also observed improving the communication skills of learners
by observing the exercise of highly capable students have been able to connect the
diagram into mathematical ideas. For middle and low-ability students, it can link
diagrams to mathematical ideas but the explanations are not logically arranged.
d. Small Group Evaluation Results
The activity is to test the practicality of instructional tools by small group
evaluation (small group). Small group evaluation is done by practicing instructional
tools that have been designed on a group of learners consisting of 8 people. This small
group evaluation was conducted on students of class VIII.6 SMPN 12 Padang with high
ability, moderate, and low. This evaluation is done for six meetings there are some
revisions to the device such as the commands that exist on LKPD based guided
The first meeting with the average material (mean) In the preliminary activities of
the students are given stimulus by the teacher about the problems associated with a
number of students who are weighing the body with the number of students 20 people.
The learner looks enthusiastic in filling out an answer column that contains the question
"find the average score of SMPN Pemuda", as well as for one-to-one problems, the
learner looks enthusiastic about writing the information and writes down what problem
the story asks.
When they understand the second problem, learners seem to be hesitant, they ask
"what is the answer immediately?", Then the teacher gives guidance to follow every step
- the step of his activities first, because in every step of the activity will directly answer
the problem. When learners follow every step of activities in LKPD, learners are
confused with the first question and the second question, for the one student question
asking "do we just write the information alone?", Then the teacher gives guidance that
for the problem of our one only Write down important information only, therein lies the
steps of guided discovery, after being given the problem and then write down the
information or important data contained in the problem. Then there are students who
add that if you have written information, there should be a question or a problem. It
becomes a note for researchers to add questions in LKPD. Learners also hesitantly
answered the third question. Written or calculated also to find the average value.
Because there are learners who only write the data only, do not not add up so that the
author revises the calculate the amount of data and a lot of data from the above
problems. So is the average.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

In the matter of the exercises given at the end of the learning that contains the
problem of mathematical communication has seen an increase. This can be seen from
the acquisition of scores for questions 1 and 2 with indicators indicating symbols into
everyday life. Of the 8 students, for the problem no.1 seven people who get a score of 4
and one person get a score of 2. For the matter no.2 seven people get a score of 4, This
means 100% of students who got the ideal score.
Based on the results of the analysis of 8 students who do the exercise questions on
LKPD, 6 students or 75% complete means the value of learners above the determined
KKM score and 2 students or 15% have not completed meaning that the value of
students still below KKM.
The second meeting took place on March 25, 2017 at the first lesson, discussing
material on the median. At the second meeting, students can understand LKPD well and
finish LKPD in accordance with the time specified. At the time the teacher provides a
median stimulation, in terms of determining the number of houses in the middle.
Learners seem enthusiastic to comment and write their answers in the fields that have
been provided. In step problem statement (problem giving) seen learners in their group
can discuss each other, brainstorm, give each other respond in menyelesaiakan problem
and step - step in activity LKPD.
In this second LKPD there are doubts for high-performing learners when following
the steps of activities in solving the second problem, so that revision is made. The
addition of such information is after the learners write down information or things that
are known and usually learners also write down what was asked. So the authors add a
revelation of what is asked or what problems can Ananda meet in the illustration above
story !. For a matter of data revision made in the matter of written stories made using
diagrams of stems.
In the matter of the exercises given at the end of the learning that contains the
problem of mathematical communication has seen an increase. This is evident from the
acquisition of scores for questions 1 and 2 with indicators linking diagrams into
mathematical ideas. Of the 8 students, for a matter of no.1 six people who got a score of
4, two people got a score of 2. For question no.2 five people got a score of 4 and 2 people
got a score of 2, This means 87% of students who got the ideal score.
Based on the results of the analysis of 8 students who do the exercise questions on
LKPD, 6 students or 75% complete means the value of learners above the determined
KKM score and 2 students or 15% have not completed meaning that the value of
students still below KKM.
The third meeting took place on the date after school home March 31, 2017 using
LKPD 3 discussing the material about "mode". In the third LKPD there is doubt for low-
ability learners when following the steps of activities in solving the second problem, so
that the revision is made. The addition of such information is after learners write down
information or things that are known and usually learners also write down what was
asked. So the authors add a revelation of what problems Ananda encountered in the
illustration above? Previously written After reading the above problem Write down the
information Ananda knows from the problem I! Then revised on the second issue.
Learners still do not understand write down the information or in the know, learners
only meuliskan short answer so that written revision after reading the problem above,
write what information in the know from problem II berdasrkan tebel didtribusi age
Marching Band Member! Previously learners just write the information alone.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

In the matter of the exercises given at the end of the learning that contains the
problem of mathematical communication has seen an increase. This is evident from the
acquisition of scores for questions 1 and 2 with indicators linking diagrams into
mathematical ideas. Of the 8 students, for a matter of no.1 six people who got a score of
4, two people got a score of 3. For question no.2 five people got a score of 4 and 3 people
got a score of 2, This means 100% of students who got the ideal score.
Based on the results of the analysis of 8 students who do the exercises on LKPD, 8
students or 100% complete means the value of learners above the KKM value.
The fourth meeting took place on April 1, 2017 after going home from school using
LKPD 4 discussing "reach" materials. There are still some revisions, in the statement can
Ananda determine the range, learners are capable of asking sedanng what is meant is to
determine the understanding of the range, so the authors make revisions sehungga
written statement After knowing what the definition of coverage calculate the range of
the above I? With revision to write the largest value and the smallest value, it is revised
by replacing its command to determine the smallest value and the biggest value of the
problem I. Further revision of exercise problems by replacing the previous data in the
form of a matter of certita to form a bar chart.
In the matter of the exercises given at the end of the learning that contains the
problem of mathematical communication has seen an increase. This is evident from the
acquisition of scores for questions 1 and 2 with indicators linking diagrams into
mathematical ideas. Of the 8 students, for a matter of no.1 six people who got a score of
4, two people got a score of 3. For question no.2 five people got a score of 4 and 3 people
got a score of 2, This means 100% of students who got the ideal score.
Based on the results of the analysis of 8 students who do the exercises on LKPD, 8
students or 100% complete means the value of learners above the KKM value.
The fifth meeting in terms of understanding the mathematical concepts of some
students seems to give their opinion on the term quartile and interquartile range. The
terms they understand not from the teacher but from examples of problems given in
LKPD, through the problems they provide definitions and examples of the terms
according to their respective understanding - each. In LKPD five and six there are
doubts for high-performing learners when following the steps in solving the second
problem, so that revision is made. The addition of such information is after learners
write down information or things that are known and usually learners also write down
what was asked. So the authors add a revelation of what is asked or what problems can
Ananda meet in the illustration above story !. Furthermore students also asked whether
the data should still be in the order between the smallest value and the middle quartile
value? So that revision is done to sort the lowest value data up to median value! So that
the command is added Once Ananda finds the median or middle quartile (Q2), sort the
data from the lowest to Q2!
In the matter of the exercises given at the end of the learning that contains the
problem of mathematical communication has seen an increase. This is evident from the
acquisition of scores for questions 1 and 2 with indicators linking diagrams into
mathematical ideas. Of the 8 students, for the number no.1 five people who scored 4,
two people got a score of 2 and one got a score of 1. For question no.2 four people got a
score of 4, 2 people got, This means 56.25% Students who got the ideal score.
Based on the results of the analysis of 8 students who do the exercise questions on
LKPD, 6 students or 75% complete means the value of learners above the determined

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

KKM score and 2 students or 15% have not completed meaning that the value of
students still below KKM.
C. Results of Assessment Phase
At this stage field tests are conducted to see the effectiveness and effectiveness of
guided discovery-based learning devices.
1. Practicality of Guided Instruction Based Learning Device
The results of revisions to individual and small group evaluations were followed by
field tests in grade VIII.4 SMPN 12 Padang. Testing of discovery-based learning tools
guided by large classes was conducted 6 meetings. During a large class trial, researchers
were assisted by one teacher and one observer. Teachers teach with tools that designers
have designed. Observer in charge of observing the implementation of learning with
guided discovery based learning tools using observation sheet implementation.
Observations made on the learning process, the class situation, the interaction that
occurs, in general the activities of teachers and learners.
Practical data of learning-based learning-based learning tools were obtained from
teacher and student questionnaires and observation of learning implementation. The
results of a large class field trial of the practice of learning-based learning tools based on
the detailed discovery are obtained as follows.
a. Result of Questionnaire Praktikalitas by Learners.
The average overall value of LKPD practicality obtained from the questionnaire of
students is 82.77 with very practical category based on the criteria of practicality. From
the results of questionnaire analysis filled by LKPD students interesting, can be well
understood, can motivate learners to learn math, easily understand the concept and
solve the problem well. Thus it can be concluded that LKPD based guided discovery is
practical for use in learning mathematics in class VIII SMP.
b. Result of Practical Questionnaire by Master
Questionnaire of learning device learning toolality is given to Mathematics teacher
of class VIII SMPN 12 Padang after learning is done. Generally, the average result of
questionnaire of teacher response to learning device based on guided discovery is 86,78
with very practical category. From the results of questionnaire analysis filled by
teachers, learning tools easy to use, interesting, can be understood well, can help
teachers present material and time is used enough. Thus, it can be concluded that the
learning tools used are practical.
C. Observation Results of the Implementation of Guided Instruction-Based RPP
The practicality of the implementation of RPP is 81.70 with very practical criteria.
Thus it can be concluded that this guided discovery RPP has been practically used and
implemented by teachers in learning mathematics class VIII SMPN 12 Padang.
Based on the one-to-one evaluation, small group, and filed test activities, each step
has revised and revised the learning tools. From the observation of the implementation
of learning activities and questionnaires given to learners, teachers, as well as observers
of learning tools used can be concluded that the guided learning of mathematics-based
learning guided practical use in learning mathematics.
2. The effectiveness of Guided Instruction Based Learning Devices
The effectiveness of instructional tools viewed from the results of mathematical
communication ability of learners. Invention-based learning-based learning tools can be
said to be effective if able to test the ability of students' mathematical communication

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

ability 75% above KKM. Problem test given as many as 4 pieces of questions. Problem
test validated to 3 lecturers of mathematics education.
Based on the results of the analysis of 34 students who took the test, 29 students or
85% complete means the value of learners above the determined KKM value and 5
students or 15% have not completed meaning the value of students are still below the
KKM. Furthermore from the average class of learning using guided discovery-based
learning tools that is 90.11 means that have been clasical classical show.
On the indicators Connecting images to mathematical ideas 86.71% of learners
managed to get an ideal score, meaning that most learners are able to connect images
into mathematical ideas that have been studied correctly and using the right notation or
term. Some learners who have not achieved the ideal score because it does not connect
the image into the mathematical idea that is in their answers there who do not
understand how to read bar charts or lines on the issue. Furthermore the ideal score on
indicator Declare everyday events in language or mathematical symbols is also achieved
by 82.35% of learners. Some learners who have not achieved an ideal score are caused
by two things: an incomplete or partial answer is still wrong.
In the indicators make conjecture, formulate the argument, formulate the definition
and generalization only 52.94% of students who achieve score 4, but 2.94% of students
have reached the score 3 and 44.11% got a score of 2. Learners who mostly got score 2
because an incomplete answer, such as the identification of information that is known
and asked to be incomplete or absent, does not answer the estimate of the number
being asked, and no interpretation of the calculation result has been done. This means
that most learners have been able to make conjectures, formulate arguments, formulate
definitions and generalizations on statistical materials.
Development of LKPD based guided discovery is said to be effective if more than
75% of learners get the value of ≥ KKM. Based on the result of final test analysis, it can
be concluded that the use of guided discovery based learning device has been effective
since it has been more than 75% who got the value above KKM.


Based on the results of data analysis that has been done can be concluded that
guided invention-based learning device designed has been valid, practical, and effective
use to improve mathematical communication ability of class VIII SMP students. Based
on the above conclusions, the guided discovery-based learning tools can be used as a
guide for teachers in implementing learning to improve the mathematical
communication skills of learners.
Increased mathematical ability can be seen in One-to One Evaluation by doing
observation to answer exercise problem on LKPD which is done by students who have
high ability, moderate, and low by using indicator ability of mathematical komuniksi.
Viewed whether students can properly declare daily events in symbols in mathematics,
students can link diagrams into mathematical ideas correctly and logically and students
can construct conjectures appropriately. Small Group Evaluation by looking at the ideal
score score (score 4 and score 3) for each item in the LKPD-based guided discovery
exercise using mathematical communication ability indicators. Furthermore, seen from
the KKM completeness, if the test results of mathematical communication ability of the
learner 75% above KKM. Field Test by looking at the ideal score score (score 4 and
score 3) for each item in the LKPD-based guided discovery exercise using mathematical

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

communication ability indicators. Furthermore, seen from the completeness of KKM if

the test results of mathematical communication ability of learners 75% above KKM.

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Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Layla Fadhilah1, Yerizon1, Darmansyah2

1Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Correspondence: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: Layla.Fadhilah@Yahoo.Com

The aims of this study is to discuss an alternative theory that is suitable to use to
improve the problem solving skill of students at the level of junior high that still low.One of
the causes that make students’s problem solving skill still low is the theory of learning that
teachers use was couldn’t improving desire of students in solving math problems. The
alternative theory to improve the problem solving skills of student in this study is the M-
APOS theory.Theory of M-APOS is a modification of the theory of APOS (Action-Process-
Object-Scheme). Modification is on the activity phase, where the activities in the computer
labs on the APOS model are replaced by the students's work sheet (LKPD). The method
used in this study is a study of literature studies, that is by collecting data about M-APOS to
problem-solving skill from various sources such as relevant research, books, etc. After
conducting literature studies by citing data from various sources, it is suspected that M-
APOS theory can improve students' problem solving skills at Junior High School level.

Keywords:M-APOS theory, problem solving skill

Mathematics is a subject that has important roles and functions for students in
every level of education ranging from elementary school (SD) even up to university for
some majors. There are many reasons why mathematics has an important role or
function for students. As stated by Cornelius (in Abdurrahman, 2012: 204) that there
are five reasons for the need to learn mathematics because mathematics is (1) a clear
and logical means of thinking, (2) the means to solve problems of everyday life, (3)
Patterns of relationship and generalization of experience, (4) means to develop
creativity, and (5) means to raise awareness of cultural development.
Furthermore Cockroft (1982: 1) argues that mathematics needs to be taught to
students because (1) Mathematics is regarded by most people as being essential, (2)
Mathematics is only one of many subjects which are included in the school curriculum,
(3) Mathematics provides a means of communication which is powerful, concise and
unambiguous, (4) Mathematics can be used to present information in many ways, (5)
Develop powers of logical thinking, accuracy, and spatial awareness, and (6) Give
satisfaction to attempt to solve challenging problems).
Because mathematics has many functions in life, including for junior high school
students and to achieve all that it is compiled the purpose of learning mathematics in
junior high school that content has similarities with the purpose of learning
mathematics at high school level and Vocational high school. All the objectives of
mathematics learning are contained in Permendiknas No.22, 2006 whose contents are:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

(1) Understanding the concepts of Mathematics, explaining interconnectedness and

applying concepts or algorithms, flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately, in
problem solving;(2) Using reasoning on patterns and traits, performing mathematical
manipulations in generalizing, compiling evidence, or explaining mathematical ideas
and statements; (3) Solve problems that include the ability to understand problems,
design mathematical models, solve models and interpret the solutions obtained; (4)
Communicating ideas with symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify
circumstances or problems; (5) Appreciate the usefulness of mathematics in life, which
has a curiosity, attention, and interest in learning mathematics, as well as a tenacious
attitude and confidence in problem solving.
From the purpose of learning mathematics above one of the most important part
is student problem solving abilities. As expressed by Hudojo (2005: 130) that problem
solving has an important function in teaching and learning activities in mathematics.
Through problem solving students can practice and integrate the concepts, theorems
and skills learned. Furthermore he also said that teaching students to solve problems
allows students to be more analytical in making decisions in life.
Although problem-solving skill is very important in teaching and learning
activities of mathematics, but based on the results of literature studies conducted by the
author by way of analyzing previous studies of junior high school students, found that
the problem solving ability of junior high students is still low.This is derived from the
results of research conducted by Hoiriyah (2014), that of 40 students there are 70% of
students who have not been able to write what is known and asked, 75% of students
have not been able to plan the problem resolution, 80% of students have not been able
to do Calculations correctly, and 90% of students have not been able to review
procedures and outcomes.
The low skill of mathematical problem solving of students is caused by several
factors, one of them is the less innovative teacher in choosing the model, the method,
the approach, the strategy and the learning technique which can increase the students'
desire in solving the math problem.As expressed by sudiarta in sarbiyono (2016), the
main factor causing low skill of mathematics problem solving of student, that is learning
which has been done so far not able to develop problem solving skill of student.
Based on the above problems then we should be as an educator able to create
learning that can improve students problem solving skills so that the purpose of
learning mathematics can be achieved. Because the solving skill can be achieved when
students are exposed to conditions that can elicit students' desire to practice their
problem-solving skills, the condition is raised during the learning process.This means
that a teacher must choose theories, models, methods, approaches, strategies and
learning techniques that can improve student problem solving skills.
The use of various theories and learning models in teaching becomes imperative
for a teacher when doing the learning process in the classroom. The requirement is
contained in Permendiknas no. 16 year 2007 about the standard of academic
qualification and teacher competence, competence related to the use of various model
or approach in teaching is pedagogic competence.Therefore, in this literature study, the
writer gives solution one of learning theory that can support and improve the problem
solving ability of mathematics student of SMP that is M-APOS theory.
The M-APOS theory is a modification of the theory of APOS (Action-Process-
Object-Scheme). Modifications are made to the activity phase, where the activities in the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

computer lab on the APOS model are replaced by the assignment of the recitation
assignment given before the learning begin. Recitation tasks are presented in the form
of student activity sheets that guide and assist students in reviewing concepts or solving
mathematical problems.
Based on the problems that have been found above, it is assumed that M-APOS
learning theory can improve students' problem solving Skill And therefore the authors
conducted a study using literature study method entitled "Improving Problem Solving
SkillOf Student by Using M-APOS Theory".


This study included a type of literature study. Where literature study is the way
used to collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study. These data sources
contain: Mathematical problem solving abilities and M-APOS Theory. These sources are
obtained from journals, books, research report articles and internet sites.


Problem solving is a part of teaching and learning strategy that is very important
especially in teaching and learning activities of mathematics. This is as stated by Hudojo
(2005: 130) states that problem solving has an important function in teaching and
learning activities in mathematics. Through problem solving students can practice and
integrate the concepts, theorems and skills learned. Furthermore he also said that
teaching students to solve problems allows students to be more analytical in making
decisions in life.
In other words, when a student is trained to solve a problem, the student will be
able to make a decision because the student becomes skilled about how to gather
relevant information, analyze information and realize how much research needs to be
In problem solving should be considered the steps in the solution. According to
Polya (1973: 5), there are four main stages in the process of mathematical problem
solving, that is: First, we have to understand the problem; we have to see clearly what is
required. Second, we have to see how the various items are connected, how the
unknown is linked to the data, in order to obtain the idea of the solution, to make a plan.
Third, we carry out our plan. Fourth, we look back at the completed solution, we review
and discuss it.
Meanwhile, according to Krulik and Rudnick (in Carson, 2007: 7) said that there
are five steps that can be done in solving the problem, that is: 1) Read and think
(membaca dan berpikir), 2) Explore and plan (mengeksplorasi dan merencanakan), 3)
Select a strategy (memilih suatu strategi), 4) Solve (memecahkan masalah), dan 5)
Review and extend (meninjau kembali dan mendiskusikan).
Further the steps of problem solving is according to Dewey (in Carson, 2007: 7):
1) Confront problem (mengenali masalah), 2) Diagnose or define problem (mendiagnosa
dan mendefinisakan masalah), 3) Inventory several solutions (perumusan beberapa
solusi), 4) Conjecture consequences of solutions (dugaan solusi), dan 5) Test
consequences (mencobakan).
Based on the description of the troubleshooting steps mentioned above it can be
seen that the activity in the second and third steps of Krulik and Rudnick is similar to
the second step of solving Polya problem. While the first and second step activity of

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Dewey is the same as the first step of solving Polya problem. A comparison of the
troubleshooting steps from the three opinions above is summarized in the following
Table 3.1 Comparison of Problem Sloving Steps
Krulik dan Rudnick Polya Dewey
1. Confront Problem
1. Understand The
1. Read And Think Problem
(Membaca Dan Berpikir) (Memahami 2. Diagnose Or Define Problem
Masalah) (Pendefinisian)

2. Explore And Plan

(Mengeksplorasi Dan 2. Devise A Plan
3. Inventory Several Solutions
Merencanakan) (Membuat
3. Select A Strategy Rencana)
(Memilih Suatu Strategi)
3. Carry Out The
4. Find An Answer
Plan 4. Conjecture Consequences Of
(Menemukan Suatu
(Melaksanakan Solutions (Menduga)
5. Review And Extend 4. Look Back
5. Test Consequences
(Meninjau Kembali Dan (Memeriksa
Mendiskusikan) Kembali)
Although there are different indicators of problem-solving skill from some experts,
the ones that will be discussed in this literature study are indicators of problem-solving
skills according to their methods. Here are the troubleshooting steps according to Polya
along with the problem solving indicator.
Table 3.2 Problem Solving Indicators of Polya
Steps of Problem
Problem Solving Skill Indicators
Solving By Polya
Understand The Identify the adequacy of data to solve a related problem.
Devise A Plan Create related plan solutions
Resolving the problem in accordance with the plan that has
Carry Out The Plan
been made in solving related problems.
Look Back See if the results to be obtained can be viewed at a glance
According to Eka Lestari Gifts (2015), the M-APOS learning model is a model of
learning based on the modified APOS (Action-Process-Object-Scheme) theory.
Modifications are made to the activity phase, where the activities in the computer lab on
the APOS model are replaced by the assignment of the recitation assignment given
before the learning takes place.Recitation tasks are presented in the form of task sheets
(LKPD) that guide and assist students in reviewing concepts or solving mathematical
The sense of action, process, object and schema according to (Arnon and
Dubinsky, 2009): (1) Action: The first thing students perceive in experiencing a
transformation is action or action, ie students react to stimuli coming from outside,
Students show the nature of the curiosity or do the task given by the teacher.(2)
Process: at this stage students repeat and reflect an action, the action may be

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

incorporated into the mental process. A process is a mental structure that performs the
same operation as an action, but fully in the mind of the student. In particular, students
can imagine performing transformations or actions without having to do each step
explicitly. (3) Objects: If the student understands the process done maximally and can
realize it then the student can be said to have put the process into the cognitive object
(4) Scheme: students are said to have done the scheme if the students are able to
connect some actions, processes and objects about a mathematical material coherently.
Based on the above, the following will be discussed how M-APOS theory can
improve students problem solving skills. The first stage in learning using M-APOS is
Action, where action is a reaction to the stimulus given where the individual feels as an
external. Besides this concept of action is when learners perform calculations and
transformation of mathematical objects as a result of external stimuli such as entering
numbers for variables in the formula, he can also perform many step algorithms by
triggered by the previous step (Marcela, 2009).When students receive external stimuli
and take various actions to receive the stimulus as a whole, for example when the
teacher gives LKPD to the learners then gladly and pernuh antusuias learners to read
and understand the commands of the LKPD then this can improve the indicator of the
ability of splitting The first problem, that is understanding the problem. Because at the
stage of understanding the malasah learners are expected to be able to identify the
adequacy of data to solve a related problem.
The process, which is the mental structure that performs the same operations as
the action, but is entirely based on individual thinking, or when learners can reflect
actions, two or more processes can be coordinated to form new processes (Marcela,
2009). In this process activity learners have initiated repeated actions to finalize the
problem-solving plan that existed in LKPD or tasks assigned by the teacher. This means
that in the activity of this process the students are able to understand the problem and
plan the problem solving. So at the stage of the process can increase the first and second
problem solving inidikator that is understanding the problem and plan the settlement,
because at this stage students have done the action repeatedly, when students have
done the action then the students have tried to understand the problem and if students
already understand the problem Then the student will try to plan the problem. So in the
process activities can improve indicators understand the problem and plan for problem
Next is the Object. The stages of an object occur if one becomes aware of the
process as a totality, realizing that the transformation can act either it explicitly or in the
imagination of a person can be said the individual has packed the process into a
cognitive object. Or when the need arises to transform the process and can take action
to find out the results of the actions and processes that have been done (Marcela, 2009).
At this stage learners have repeatedly perform Action and Process until finally students
find the results of action and process activities. This means that when stedents are at
the stage of the object then learners have done activities to understand the problem,
plan the completion, and do the settlement plan. This happens because at this stage
learners have gone through the action and process activities, meaning that students are
able to understand the problem and plan the problem solving, then the object learners
try to implement the problem solving plan to be able to solve the problem. So at the
stage of the object can improve indicators understand the problem, plan the problem
solving, and carry out the problem solving.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

And the last is Scheme, according to Marcela (2009) scheme is a coherent

structure of a learned concept that can be used in problem solving. This stage is a
complex stage of M-APOS activity means that in this stage learners have been able to
solve the problem because it has done the action, process, and object. And hereinafter in
this stage learners can find a general conclusion and solution of the problem that is by
trying to solve other problems similar to previous problems so that learners can re-
examine the settlement of the problems that have been done in the previous stage. So
the scheme can improve all the indicators of the problem solving ability of the learners
because at the stage of the student scheme has gone through all stages of M-APOS.
The following is a chart of the relationship between M-APOS and the problem solving
skill indicator.



Figure 3.1. Relationship Between M-APOS and
Problem solving skill Indicators
This is also supported by the results of research that has been done by Gifts Eka
Lestari (2015) at the junior level which concluded that the improvement of students'
mathematical problem solving skills whose learning with the M-APOS learning model is
better than the students whose learning with conventional learning model using
Expository methods. It can be seen from the analysis of index data from the two classes
which shows that the improvement of problem solving ability of the experimental class
mathematics is better than the control class.
Furthermore, it is also supported by the opinion of Dubinsky (in Aneshkumar
Maharaj, 2010) which states that APOS Theory and its application to teaching practice is
based on the following assumptions: The mathematical knowledge assumption, in
which an individual's mathematical knowledge of the tendency to respond to situations
of perceived mathematical problems and their solutions with Contemplating in a social
context and building or reconstructing the mental structure to be used in solving
existing problems.
This means that learning with M-APOS approach will increase the problem solving
ability of learners. Based on the above description and supported by some relevant
previous research, it is expected that the problem solving ability of junior high school
students can be improved by using M-APOS theory.


M-APOS theory is a learning theory that can improve the problem solving skill of
students. The relationship between each section on M-APOS with the indicators of
problem solving skill are as below:
- Action can improve the ability to understand the problem

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

- Process can improve the skill to understand the problem and devise a plan
- Object can improve the skill to understand the problem, devise a plan, and carry
out the plan
- Scheme can improve the skill to understand the problem, devise a plan, carry out
the plan and look back.
Based on literature studies that have been done then the authors suggest:
1. For teachers or educators who want to improve students problem solving skills
then the theory of M-APOS is one alternative that can be applied to students.
2. For the next writer who wants to write about M-APOS it is suggested to study how
to improve students' mathematical ability by using M-APOS at other level, such as

Abdurrahman, M., (2012), Anak Berkesulitan Belajar: Teori, Diagnosis, dan Remediasinya,
Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.
Carson, J., (2007), A Problem With Problem Solving: Teaching Thinking Without Teaching
Knowledge, The Mathematics Educator, Vol. 17, No. 2, 7–14.
Cockroft, W. H., (1982), Mathematics Count, Commercial Colour Press, London.
nsand results. Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Southern
African Association for Researchin Mathematics,Scienceand Technology
Hoiriyah, D., (2014), Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematik dan Self-
Efficacy Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah di MAN 1
Padangsidimpuan, Tesis, FMIPA UNIMED [Online]
http://www.repository.unimed.ac.id, 09 Mei 2015
Hudojo, H., (2005), Pengembangan Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran Matematika,
Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang.
Lestari, KaruniaEka. 2015. PenerapanModel PembelajaranM-Apos Untuk
MeningkatkanKemampuanPemecahanMasalah Matematis Siswa SMP. Jurnal
Pendidikan Unsika. Volume 3 Nomor 1. ISSN: 2338-2996
Maharaj, Aneshkumar. 2010. AnAPOS Analysis of Students’ Understandingof the
Conceptof a Limit of aFunction. School of Mathematical Sciences. University of
Parraguez, Marcela dan Asuman Oktac. 2009. ConstructionOfThe
VectorSpaceConceptFrom The ViewpointOfAPOSTheory.Linear
AlgebraanditsApplications432 (2010)2112–2124
Polya, G., (1973), How To Solve It, A New Aspect of Mathematical Method, Princeton
University Press, Princeton.
Sarbiyono. 2016. Penerapan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik Terhadap Kemampuan
Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa. JRPM, I(2), 163-173. ISSN:2503 – 1384
Weller,K.,Arnon,I.,&Dubinsky,E.(2009). Preserviceteachers' understanding
oftherelationbetween a fraction orinteger and its decimal

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Lilik putriani1, Irwan, Dony1 Permana1

Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Correspondence : Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: Lilik.putriani1993@gmail.com

This study aims to analyze the skills of solving mathematical problems of class X
high school students based on multiple intelligence on PBL learning which is viewed from
students' early mathematical skills. Problem solving is a process of finding solutions to
problems related to learning materials using existing knowledge. Problem solving is an
exercise for students to deal with something that is not routine and then try to solve it. In
solving a problem, students must combine and connect previously acquired
understandings. Multiple Intelligenceis the different skills and talents of a student to
create a product and solve problems in learning.Multiple intelligence is needed to
facilitate students to learn a material because the material is delivered in accordance with
the prominent intelligence in the students. Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a learning
model that departs from a student's understanding of a problem, finds an alternative
solution to the problem, then chooses the right solution to be used in solving the problem.
This approach will focus the analysis of students 'ability in solving problems of
mathematical problem solving based on multiple intelligence on PBL learning which is
viewed from students' early mathematical skills. Thus, by looking at early mathematical
skills students can analyze the skills of solving mathematical problems based on Multiple
Intelligence on PBL learning.

Keywords: Problemsolving, Multiple Intelligence, Problem Based Learning.

Mathematics is one branch of science that is very close to everyday life. This
statement is consistent with the opinion of Chambers (2008: 8), which states that
"mathematics is characterized as a tool for solving problems, the underpinning of
scientific and technological study, and provision of ways to model real situations".
Mathematics is classified as a tool for solving problems, pillars of science and technology,
and provides a way to demonstrate real problems. In the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics (NCTM, 1989: 5) stated several objectives of mathematics learning, namely:
1) Learning to value mathematics, 2) Becoming a mathematical problem solver, 4)
Communicate mathematically, 5) Learning to reason mathematically
Therefore, mathematics was introduced from an early age, from elementary,
middle, and even to college students. Given the importance of mathematics in life, it
takes a variety of efforts in improving the quality of mathematics education in schools.
One effort that can be done is to create a meaningful learning process. Meaningful

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

learning will occur when students can relate between subject matter with daily life as
well as with other knowledge. Such linkage will require students to learn math well.
In the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia
No. 22 BSNP (2006) stated that: the purpose of mathematics subjects is that students
have the following capabilities: (1) understanding the concept of mathematics,
explaining the interconnection between concepts and applying concepts or algorithms,
flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately in problem solving, (2) using reasoning
on patterns and traits, performing mathematical manipulations in generalizing,
compiling evidence, or explaining mathematical ideas and statements, (3) solving
problems that include the ability to understand problems, designing mathematical
models, solving models and interpreting solutions obtained, (4) communicating ideas
with symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to explain the situation or problem, (5)
having an appreciative attitude to the use of mathematics in life ie possessing curiosity,
attention and interest in learning mathematics, and tenacious and confident in solution
to problem.Based on these statements it can be concluded that problem solving is
important in learning mathematics, to develop students' thinking skills to a higher level,
so that they can achieve the expected competencies. As Hudojo (2005) points out that
problem solving is essential in teaching mathematics, (1) students become skilled in
selecting relevant information, then analyzing it and finally examining the results, (2)
intellectual satisfaction will arise from within , And (3) students' intellectual potential
Although problem-solving skills are very important in mathematics teaching
activities, but based on previous journals and research, it was found that the problem
solving ability of high school students is still low. This is in line with Ratnaningsih's
opinion (in Nur, 2014) that the skills to solve problems of solving problems of high
school students or junior high school students are still low.
The low mathematical problem solving ability of students is caused by several
factors, one of which is multiple intelligence (multiple intelligence). Gardner (Hoerr,
2000: 2) defines multiple intelligences as the ability to solve problems or create a
product of value in society. This statement is in line with the opinion of Fleetham (2006:
11) which states that "multiple intelligences are the different skills and talents a learner
uses to make products and solve problems-to demonstrate learning". Multiple
Intelligence is the different abilities and talents of a student to create a product and solve
problems in learning. The diversity of students' intelligence does not require a teacher to
carry out individual learning activities. This statement is in accordance with the opinion
of Widjajanti (2012: 2), which states that the diversity of students' intelligence should be
used as a capital for a teacher to help each student to achieve their optimal performance.
In line with that statement, the theory of multiple intelligences also assumes that
humans basically have the ability to empower these intelligences to the max. A growing
skills depends on a conducive learning environment. Learning environment can be
created by teachers by applying a model or learning strategy that can facilitate students
'intelligence, So if students are involved in learning mathematics by using a model of
learning that can facilitate students' intelligence will affect the ability of students in
solving problems.
Therefore, the authors provide solutions one of the learning models that can
facilitate students' intelligence in solving problems is PBL. Arends (1997: 156) states

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

that PBL is one of the learning models used to improve problem-oriented high thinking
level, including learning how to learn.
PBL is a learning that makes the problem as the basis for thinking for students in
learning (CIDR, 2004). Problem-Based Learning is designed based on the problems of
real life and is capable of impacting the mindset and attitudes of students. Problem-
based learning involves students in investigation, real and relevant life situations.
Based on the above explanation, the writer is interested to describe the
mathematical problem solving skills of grade X high school students based on multiple
intelligences on PBL Learning. Therefore, it is necessary to do research "Analysis of
Mathematical Problem Solving skills of Class X High School Students Based on Multiple
Intellegence In Learning PBL"

This research includes descriptive qualitative research type. Where is the
instrument of data collection conducted in this research with written test, interview and
documentation. The data collection technique used is triangulation. Triangulation
technique is a data collection technique that combines from various data collection
techniques and existing sources (prastowo, 2009: 289).


Problem solving is a process of finding solutions to problems related to learning
materials using existing knowledge. The problem-solving process provides an
opportunity for students to be actively involved in studying, seeking, finding their own
information to be processed into concepts, principles, theories or conclusions. According
to Polya in Suherman (2003: 99) there are four main stages in the process of solving
mathematical problems are: a) Understand the problem; B) Develop a plan to resolve the
problem; C) Implement plans to resolve problems; D) Re-examine the results obtained
(looking back).
According to Gardner (Hoerr, 2000: 2) plural intelligence as the ability to solve
problems or create a product of value in society. This statement is in line with the
opinion of Fleetham (2006: 11) which states that "multiple intelligences are the different
skills and talents a learner uses to make products and solve problems-to demonstrate
learning".Multiple intelligence is the different abilities and talents of a student to create a
product and solve problems in learning. Gardner classifies multiple intelligences based
on specific parts of the brain. There are nine types of intelligence expressed by Gardner
(Bowles, 2008: 17), namely linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial,
bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalist, and existentialist. Compound
intelligence in learning is the theory of multiple intelligences provides an opportunity to
plan an educational program that is in accordance with the wishes of the students and
the theory of multiple intelligences enables students to study different subjects and
theories. Learning by applying the theory of multiple intelligences will be achieved in
conditions where students are trained in facilitating the intelligences in him. This means
students who do not like learning mathematics can learn through their strongest
intelligence to be able to understand a mathematical material. In line with that opinion,
Ula (2013: 127) states that "the student will be easy to capture the material presented by
the teacher, if the material is delivered using the prominent intelligence to the student".

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

This is the same as stated by Sulaiman, Bahruddin, Mohamad, et al (2013: 29), ie in

oneself there is at least one strongest intelligence in him.
According to Arends (1997: 156) PBL is one of the learning models used to improve
problem-oriented high thinking level, including learning how to learn. The
implementation of PBL has the main objectives as proposed by Christopher et al (2006):
to encourage students to be self-directed in learning at higher motivation, better
material memory, development in reasoning and problem-solving skills, Preferably in
students from group processes and skills needs for successful collaboration. Problem
Based Learning (PBL) is a learning model that can train learners to hone the ability to
think mathematically. PBL-based learning consists of 5 main steps that begin with the
teacher introduces learners to the problem situation and ends with the presentation and
analysis of the work of the learners.
Syntax or Step-Based Problem Learning.

Stage Activity Teachers and Learners

Stage 1 Orienting learners to the problem. The teacher explains the learning
objectives and the means or logistics required. Teachers motivate learners to
be actively involved in solve real or selected selected problem-solving
Stage 2 Organizing learners to learn. Teachers help learners define and organize
learning tasks related to problems that have been oriented in the previous
Stage 3 Guiding individual and group investigations. Teachers encourage learners to
gather appropriate information and carry out experiments to get the clarity
needed to solve the problem.
Stage 4 Develop and present the work. Teachers help learners to share assignments
and plan or prepare the appropriate work as a result of problem solving in the
form of reports, videos, or models.
Stage 5 Analyze and evaluate the problem-solving process. Teachers help learners to
reflect or evaluate the problem-solving process

Based on the above explanation, the following will be discussed how to analyze
students' mathematical problem solving abilities based on multiple intelligence on PBL
learning. The first stage is the students are given preliminary tests to see the students'
initial knowledge in problem-solving abilities. In the second phase, the researcher or
teacher uses the PBL model in learning which consists of 5 main steps that begin with
the teacher introduces the problem situation and ends with the presentation and
analysis of the work of the learners. In line with that opinion, Arends (1997: 156) stated
that PBL is one of the learning models used to improve problem-oriented high thinking
level, including learning how to learn. Furthermore, students are given math problem
solving problems. The third stage, from these results are seen various factors that affect
students in solving mathematical problems of intelligence or IQ that is owned by
students. Furthermore, to see the strongest intelligence that students have can be seen
through the provision of a questionnaire of multiple intelligences to students, where the
questionnaire contains statements containing the ninth intelligence. These statements
were modified from statements compiled by McKenzie (2005: 175).Based on the
questionnaire results can be known the strongest intelligences of students. In line with

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

that opinion, Ula (2013: 127) states that "the student will be easy to capture the material
the teacher submits, if the material is delivered using the prominent intelligence to the
student". This is the same as stated by Sulaiman, Bahruddin, Mohamad, et al (2013: 29),
ie in oneself there is at least one strongest intelligence in him. The intelligences will be
used in solving math problems.
This is also supported by the results of research that has been done by kurnia
hendra wijaya, sudarnim (2016) at junior level which concludes that the quality of
learning problem solving of mathematics based on multiple intelligence on PBL setting is
categorized well. It is seen from three aspects, namely preparation, learning process and
Based on the above description and supported by some previous relevant journals
and research, it is suspected that the problem solving skills of high school students based
on multiple intelligence on good categorized learning.


Problem solving is a process of finding solutions to problems related to learning
materials using existing knowledge. Multiple intelligence is the different abilities and
talents of a student to create a product and solve problems in learning. PBL is a learning
that makes the problem as the basis for thinking for students in learning (CIDR, 2004).
Problem-Based Learning is designed based on the problems of real life and is capable of
impacting the mindset and attitudes of students. Problem-based learning involves
students in investigation, real and relevant life situations, so that students' mathematical
problem-solving skills based on multiple intelligence on PBL learning can take place well.
Based on literature studies that have been done then the authors suggest:
1. For teachers or educators who want good problem solving skills, then see the
strongest intelligence of students and PBL models one of the alternatives in the learning
2. For the next author who wishes to analyze students' mathematical problem solving
skills based on multiple intelligence on PBL learning is suggested for other levels, such as

Abdurrahman, M., (2012), Anak Berkesulitan Belajar: Teori, Diagnosis, dan Remediasinya,
Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.
Carson, J., (2007), A Problem With Problem Solving: Teaching Thinking Without Teaching
Knowledge, The Mathematics Educator, Vol. 17, No. 2, 7–14.
Cockroft, W. H., (1982), Mathematics Count, Commercial Colour Press, London.
nsand results. Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Southern
African Association for Researchin Mathematics,Scienceand Technology
Hoiriyah, D., (2014), Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematik dan Self-
Efficacy Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah di MAN 1 Padangsidimpuan,
Tesis, FMIPA UNIMED [Online] http://www.repository.unimed.ac.id, 09 Mei 2015
Hudojo, H., (2005), Pengembangan Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran Matematika, Universitas
Negeri Malang, Malang.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Lestari, KaruniaEka. 2015. PenerapanModel PembelajaranM-Apos Untuk

MeningkatkanKemampuanPemecahanMasalah Matematis Siswa SMP. Jurnal
Pendidikan Unsika. Volume 3 Nomor 1. ISSN: 2338-2996
Maharaj, Aneshkumar. 2010. AnAPOS Analysis of Students’ Understandingof the
Conceptof a Limit of aFunction. School of Mathematical Sciences. University of
Parraguez, Marcela dan Asuman Oktac. 2009. ConstructionOfThe
VectorSpaceConceptFrom The ViewpointOfAPOSTheory.Linear
AlgebraanditsApplications432 (2010)2112–2124
Polya, G., (1973), How To Solve It, A New Aspect of Mathematical Method, Princeton
University Press, Princeton.
Sarbiyono. 2016. Penerapan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik Terhadap Kemampuan
Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa. JRPM, I(2), 163-173. ISSN:2503 – 1384
Weller,K.,Arnon,I.,&Dubinsky,E.(2009). Preserviceteachers' understanding
oftherelationbetween a fraction orinteger and its decimal

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Lita Lovia1, Lucky Heriyanti Jufri1, Dewi Estetikasari1

1Mathematics Education STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat
Jl. Gunung Pangilun Padang

English language skills in reading, writing and communication in learning
mathematics need to be improved. Mathematics literacy is an important factor in
mathematics readiness and aplication. This study aims to improve students' literacy skills
in understanding basic concepts, mathematical terms in English, writing definitions,
theorems and translating mathematical textbooks. The type of this research is
experimental research with the design is nonequivalent control group design. The
mathematic literacy capability data collection was obtained by giving the test to the
students. The instrument used is a matter of mathematics literacy ability test.
Mathematics literacy test is given before the learning or pre-tested strategy and after the
treatment or implementation of the strategy (post test). Pre-post test were based on
Indicators of mathematics literacy capability and English mathematics learning plan. The
steps were taken in making the pre-post test are 1) Establishing the scope of the measured
subject and the timing of the test; 2) make design of draft questions; 3) Conduct self-
evaluation and revise based on the results of self-evaluation; 4) Validate test questions; 5)
Make a revision in accordance with the suggestion of the validator. The subject measured
during the study included calculus, statistics and geometry. Making the draft matter
adjusted to the lattice of mathematical literacy ability. Problems in the form of text
accompanied by questions that contain indicators of literacy ability. Based on the results
of validation of the question of pre-test obtained a valid question with a good category,
with little revision required.

Key words: english for mathematics literacy, questions of pre-post test, validation

English is a universal language that is used today, then the English language be
important priority for students to learn in addition to Indonesian. Likewise in learning
mathematics, English skills are needed. English for mathematics literacy learning aims
to enable students to use English that has been actively studied, to understand and to
plan the vocabulary of mathematical texts and textbooks, to master and skillfully
communicate English in reading or related ideas in the field of mathematics both
written and oral , Designing learning by using English in learning mathematics and
knowing and utilizing various ways in teaching mathematics with English.
English language skills in reading and writing as well as communication between
students and students with lecturers in learning math needs to be improved. The ability
to read and write in mathematics is known as mathematical literacy (Mathematical
Literacy). De Lange (2003) argues that mathematical literacy does not merely include
the ability to execute a number of ways or procedures, and has a basic knowledge that

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

enables a member of a society to live in a difficult situation and sufficient with only what
they need but also knowledge, , and mathematical processes, which are exploited in
various contexts in ways that inspire and unlock the insights of thought. Mathematical
literacy is less formal but more intuitive, less abstract but more contextual, less
symbolic but more concrete. Mathematical literacy focuses on reasoning, thinking, and
interpretation, as well as other mathematical abilities.
To measure students' mathematical literacy skills required valid instrument. The
instrument used is a test. Problem tests are given before the learning or strategy
treatment is given (pre-test) and after the treatment or application of the strategy is
done (post test). The question of pre-post test was made based on the Indicator of
mathematical literacy capability based on the mathematics learning plan. Based on the
description above, in this paper discussed the validation of the instrument, especially
pre-post test.

In the study of mathematics education, research methods formulated after the research
problem was formulated and literature study was conducted. This research method is to
determine the instrument that will be used for data collection research. Instruments
used in the form of tests in the form of pre-post test. Associated with the research data,
then the instrument used must be valid. To obtain valid data and can be scientifically
accountable then the instrument used is validated. A valid instrument means that the
instrument can measure what it wants to measure.
The instrument used is the initial test and the final test of mathematical literacy ability.
The test will be used in essay form. The test material is in accordance with the material
provided during the study. Test preparation steps are as follows.
1. Make a test grille.
2. Prepare the test in accordance with the grid that has been made.
3. Validate the test.
Aspek yang diamati dalam melakukan validasi soal pre-post test sebagai berikut:

Tabel 1. Aspek-aspek yang diamati dalam melakukan validasi

NN Ada Tidak
1 2 3 4
11 Match material with RPS
22 The sentence used is in accordance
with the rules of writing in English
33 Problem pre-post test has been in
accordance with the indicator

44 Problem pre-post tests in

accordance with student ability
and easy to understand

Validation result to all observed aspect, presented in tabular form, then searched
average score using formula:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017
𝑗 =1 𝑉𝑗𝑖
𝑅= 𝑛𝑚
R the average result of the assessment from the experts / validator

𝑉𝑗𝑖 : score of the j th expert / practitioner's assessment of the i-th criterion

𝑛 : the number of experts / practitioners who judge
𝑚 : number of criteria
The average obtained is confirmed by the specified criteria. How to get the criteria is to
set a range of scores ranging from 1 (sr = low score) to 4 (st = high score). The range of
scores is divided into five interval classes. Criteria for each interval are categorized into
four levels as in Table 1.

Tabel 2. Instrument Validity Criteria and Worksheet

Rerata (R) Kriteria

3,00 < R ≤ 4,00 Valid

2,00 < R ≤ 3,00 Cukup Valid
1,00 < R ≤ 2,00 Kurang valid
0,00 < R ≤ 1,00 Tidak valid

(Modifikation of Arikunto, 2010: 270-272)

This study was conducted only until the validation stage of the instrument in the form of
pre-post test.


Research carried out at this stage is preparing the Instrument. The instrument
used is a test. The test used is a matter of pre-post test. The question of pre-post test
consists of a set of test questions to measure the ability of mathematical literacy. Matter
of Mathematical Literacy Test is given prior to learning or pre-tested strategy and after
treatment or implementation of the strategy (post test). Problem Pre-post test is made
based on the material presented the ability of mathematical literacy which is compiled
based on the plan of learning English mathematics. The steps taken in making the pre-
post test questions are 1) Establishing the scope of the measured material and the
timing of the test; 2) Designing draft questions; 3) Conduct self-evaluation and revise
based on the results of self-evaluation; 4) validate test questions; 5) Make a revision in
accordance with the suggestion of the validator.

1) Setting the coverage of the measured material

The material measured during the study included calculus, statistics and
geometry. After determining the scope of the material measured, a mathematical
literacy trap indicator was prepared. The details of mathematical indicators are
arranged in accordance with RPS and SAP which will be measured as follows:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Tabel 6 Detailed Literacy Capability Indicator

No Aspects Literacy Capability Literacy Capability Indicator

Literacy Indicators
Students are able to translate reading material in
1 Communication English into Indonesian

Students are able to expose the term into the language

2 Mathematising of mathematics

Students are able to translate the problem using

3 Representation graphs, tables, drawings, formulas and others so that
the problem is more clear

1) Designing draft questions

Based on materials and literacy literacy indicators draft about the pre-post test.
The essay-shaped question consisted of reading English text and accompanied by
questions in accordance with each indicator.

Figure 4. Draft Problem Pre-post literacy capability test with Geometry

Geometry problem consists of one essay with two questions. Selected material
about point, line, field and space.

2) Conduct self-evaluation and revise based on the results of self-evaluation

Self-evaluation is done by discussing the research team to analyze the pre-post
test that has been prepared based on the indicatr. Results of discussion and analysis of
the problem obtained the conclusion that the problem of pre-post test has not fulfilled

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

the literacy ability indicator. After performing self-evaluation of the pre-post test
problem, it will be repaired. Futhermore give an example of a problem that has been

Figure 5. Example Draft Problem Pre-post literacy capability test with Geometry
Geometry problem consists of one essay with two Exersice. Selected material
about point, line, field and space. After the self-evaluation question was asked plus one
question to bring up the indicator commucation and the second question was revised
because it has not met the repsentation indicator.

3) Conducting test validation

Validation about literacy ability is done by two experts. Based on the validation
results obtained that the matter declared vaild and need a little revised.


The question of pre-post test is made based on indicator of mathematical literacy
ability. The steps taken in making the pre-post test questions are 1) Establishing the
scope of the measured material and the timing of the test; 2) Designing draft questions;
3) Conduct self-evaluation and revise based on the results of self-evaluation; 4) validate
test questions; 5) Make a revision in accordance with the suggestion of the validator.
The validation result states that the resource and the question are valid with little
revision. This research is suggested to proceed at a later stage.

Arikunto, suharsimi.(2010). Manajemen Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta
De Lange, J. (2003). Mathematics For Literacy, In Quantitative Literacy, Why Numeracy
Matters For Schools and Colleges, Proceeding Of The National Forum On Quantitave
Literacy. Washington D.C : National Academy of

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Gilmour, S & Pothier, P. (2010). Literacy Foundation Mathematics Curriculum 2010.

British Columbia : Ministry Of Education.
Gilmour, S & Pothier, P. (2010). Literacy Foundation Mathematics Curriculum 2010.
British Columbia : Ministry Of Education.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Maiyastri1 Dodi Devianto1 Efa Yonedi2

Department, FMIPA, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia-
2Accountance Department, Fak. Ekonomi, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia

Dividend and stock price are indicators investment in stock market. A dividend is a
payment made by a corporation to its shareholders, usually as a distribution of profits.
While, a closing price represent a performance company in the stock market. Analysis of
both variables is started by describing of them and it is used descriptive statistics. After
that, checking relationship and modelling dividend and closing price with many financial
variables. The variables are; Profit (X1), Revenues (X2), Liabilities (X3), Capital (X4), Total
Asset Turnover (X5), Return on Equity (ROE; X6), Expenses (X7), Net profit Margin (X8),
Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR; X9), Dividend (X10), Closing Price (X11), Book Value per Share
(BV;X12) and Debt Equit Ratio (DER;X13). This paper investigate the separate but
simultaneous impact of firm characteristic on dividend and closing price by used path
analysis. The result analysis shows that a highly significant and positive size effect
between variables.

Keyword: dividend, closing price, stock market, descriptive statistics, path analysis

Investments in companies are aimed to obtaining stock price returns. The return can be
either capital gains or dividends. Dividends are net revenues after taxes and retained
earnings. Dividends can also be interpreted as compensation received by shareholders
as a profit of the company. The return on investment in the form of dividend is not easy
to predict. This is due to dividend policy is a difficult and dilemmatic policy for the
management company. Company decisions regarding dividends are sometimes
integrated with funding decisions and investment decisions. Low dividends may be
because management is very concerned about the survival of the company, making
retained earnings to make expectations or require cash for the company's operations.
Stock price fluctuations are a stock market reaction to a product, so stock price changes
are more to external influences for the company. Investors expect capital gain from the
stock. is the excess of the selling price over the purchase price of the stock. Dividend is
one of the causes of the emergence of investment in the capital market. Investors prefer
dividends rather than capital gains, this is because dividends are a more definite
acceptance than capital gains. It is therefore very interesting to examine what financial
factors affect to dividends and stock prices (as measured by closing prices). The
analysis used in this research is path analysis. This analysis can explain the variables
that directly and indirectly influence the dividend policy and stock price.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Path Analysis
Path analysis is often also called the causal models for directly observed variabels.
Basically path analysis is the development of regression analysis and it is used to
analyze the causal relationship between variables. In addition, path analysis aims to
determine the direct effect and indirect effect of a (independent) exogenous variable to
the dependent variables (endogenous)variables. The equations that show the
structured relationship of each endogenous variable with some exogenous variables are
called structural equations and diagrams which represent them called path diagrams.

Assumptions on path analysis:

1. The relationship between exogenous variables with endogenous variables are
2. The direction of the effect of causality of exogenous variables on endogenous
variables is only one direction.
3. All variables are numeric
4. All the variables used can be observed directly
5. The model is built on a particular theoretical framework and is able to explain
the causality relationship between the variables studied.

In the following will be given the most simple diagram of the path diagram. In the
digram is exemplified endogenous variable X2 will be influenced directly by exogenous
variable X1. In addition to X1 there is another variable affecting X2, but this variable is
not observed, this variable is called the residual variable and is denoted by ε.

𝜌𝑋2 𝑋1
X1 X2

𝜌𝑋2 𝜀

Figure 1. Path Diagram X2 and X2

The structural equation for Figure 1 is 𝑋2 = 𝜌𝑋1 𝑋2 𝑋1 + 𝜀 ,

where 𝜌𝑋2 𝑋1 = Path coefficient between exogenous variables X1 on endogenous variables
𝜌𝑋2 𝜀 = Path coefficient between residual 𝜀 on endogenous variables X2.

In Figure 2 will be described two structural relationships. First, the substructural

expressing the causal relationships of X1 and X2 to X3, as well as the second substructure
suggests a causal relation from X3 to X4. In the first substructure, X1 and X2 are
exogenous and X3 as endogenous variables. In the second substructure, X3 is an
exogenous variable and X4 is the endogenous variable.

X3 X4

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

𝜀1 𝜀2
Figure 2. Path Diagram for two structural relationships between X1, X2, X3 and X4

The structural equation for Figure 2 are:

𝑋3 = 𝜌𝑋3 𝑋1 𝑋1 + 𝜌𝑋3 𝑋2 𝑋2 + 𝜌𝑋3 𝜀 1 𝜀1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑋4 = 𝜌𝑋4 𝑋3 𝑋3 + 𝜌𝑋4 𝜀 2 𝜀2

The data used in this study is the data of companies listed in LQ45, Indonesia Stock
Exchange, based on data in December 2015 and taken from the financial report of
Indonesia Stock Exchange in August 2016.
Analysis of dividend and closing price ar started by describing of them and it is used
descriptive statistics. After that, checking relationship and modelling dividend and
closing price with many financial variables. The variables are; Profit (X1), Revenues
(X2), Liabilities (X3), Capital (X4), Total Asset Turnover (X5), Return on Equity (ROE;
X6), Expenses (X7), Net profit Margin (X8), Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR; X9), Dividend
(X10), Closing Price (X11), Book Value per Share (BV;X12) and Debt Equit Ratio
(DER;X13). This paper investigate the separate but simultaneous impact of firm
characteristic on dividend and closing price by used path analysis.

Figure 3. Path Diagram of Conceptual Framework of Research

The conceptual framework is the rationale of synthesized research from facts,

observations and literary studies. In accordance with the general financial management
function, the dividend payout aims to maximize shareholder wealth or stock prices.
Based on the facts from the literature review, the conceptual framework of this research
is described in Figure 3.

The structural equations of Figures are:

𝑋1 = 𝜌𝑋1 𝑋2 𝑋2 + 𝜌𝑋1 𝑋3 𝑋3 + 𝜌𝑋1 𝑋4 𝑋4 + 𝜌𝑋1 𝑋5 𝑋5 + 𝜌𝑋1 𝑋6 𝑋6 + 𝜌𝑋1 𝑋8 𝑋8 + 𝜌𝑋1 𝜀 1 𝜀1

𝑋6 = 𝜌𝑋6 𝑋2 𝑋2 + 𝜌𝑋6 𝑋4 𝑋4 + 𝜌𝑋6 𝑋5 𝑋5 + 𝜌𝑋6 𝑋7 𝑋7 + 𝜌𝑋6 𝑋8 𝑋8 + 𝜌𝑋6 𝜀 2 𝜀2

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

𝑋8 = 𝜌𝑋8 𝑋2 𝑋2 + 𝜌𝑋8 𝑋7 𝑋7 + 𝜌𝑋8 𝜀 3 𝜀3

𝑋10 = 𝜌𝑋10 𝑋1 𝑋1 + 𝜌𝑋10 𝑋2 𝑋2 + 𝜌𝑋10 𝑋3 𝑋3 + 𝜌𝑋10 𝑋5 𝑋5 + 𝜌𝑋10 𝑋6 𝑋6 + 𝜌𝑋10 𝜀4 𝜀4
𝑋11 = 𝜌𝑋11 𝑋7 𝑋7 + 𝜌𝑋11 𝑋12 𝑋12 + 𝜌𝑋11 𝑋13 𝑋1 + 𝜌3𝑋11 𝜀 5 𝜀5


Of the 45 companies listed on LQ 45 there are 2 companies whose profits are negative,
the company is excluded from the analysis, because it has poor performance. Therefore,
only 43 companies were analyzed

Boxplot of X1; X2; X3; X4; X5; X6; X7; X8; X9; X10; X11; X12; X13










X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13

Figure 4. The Box-Plot Diagram for all Variables (Original Data)

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Boxplot of ln(X1); ln(X2); ln(X3); ln(X4); ln(X5); ln(X6); ln(X7); ...





1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) X8 X9 0) 1) 2) 3
(X (X (X (X (X (X (X X1 X1 X1 X1
ln ln ln ln ln ln l n ( ( (
ln ln ln

Figure 5. The Box-Plot Diagram for all Variables (Transformed Data)

The first section will explain general information about the data. The presentation use
box-plot diagram in Figure 4. The diagram shows that most of variables not
homogenous, and the values are very varied, some are millions and some are a decimal
only, therefore variables whose value is too large to be transformed. The box-plot
diagram of Figure 5 illustrates data after transformation and it shows that all variables
are homogeneous. Linear relationship between exogenous variables and endogenous
variable are presented in appendices. The Figures show that linear assumptions
between variables are met.
There are four (4) path diagrams and structural equations are proposed in this study.
The results are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. The result of the estimation of structural
equation, the value of R2 and its residual are given by Table 1. While Table 2 shows the
amount of direct and indirect relationship between variables.

The best model is the first model, which explains the relationship of capital (X4) and
return on equity (X6) to profit (X1). The value of R2 is almost 100%, ie 99.9%, meaning
99.9% variation of profit (X1) can be explained ole X4 and X6. The second best model is
the fouth model, it expalin relationship between BV(X12) with closing price. The value
of R2 is 46%. The third best model explain relationship liabilities (X3) with dividend,
the R2 value is 21.1%. The others model are revenues(X2) with return on equity (X6)
(R2=16.6%) and revenues (X2) with net profit margin (X8) (R2=10.7%). The magnitude
of the direct and indirect effects between variables is shown in Table 2. Only Profit (X1)
variables, which have an indirect effect.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Table 1. Structural Equations, R2 and Residual

Structural Equations R2 Residual

Ln𝑋1 = 0,835 𝐿𝑛𝑋4 + 0,662 𝐿𝑛𝑋6 + 𝜌𝑋1 𝜀 1 𝜀1 0,999 0,031

𝐿𝑛𝑋6 = 0,407𝐿𝑛𝑋2 + 𝜌𝑋6 𝜀 2 𝜀2 0,166 0,913

𝑋8 = −0,326 𝐿𝑛𝑋2 + 𝜌𝑋8 𝜀 3 𝜀3 0,107 0,945
𝑋10 = 0,458𝐿𝑛𝑋3 + 𝜌𝑋10 𝜀 4 𝜀4 0,210 0,889
𝐿𝑛𝑋11 = 0,678𝐿𝑛𝑋12 + 𝜌3𝑋11 𝜀 5 𝜀5 0,460 0,735

Table 2. Path Diagram and Effects

Path Direct and Indirect Effects

LnX2 LnX8 LnX2 direct effect to Ln X8 is -0,326
LnX2 direct effect to LnX6 is 0,407
Ln X6 direct effect to LnX1 is 0,662
LnX6 LnX1 LnX2 inndirect effect to LnX1 is
Total effect to LnX1 is 0,662+0,270=0,932
LnX4 LnX4 direct effect to LnX1 is 0,835

LnX3 X10 LnX3 direct effect to X10 amount 0,458

LnX12 LnX11 LnX12 direct effect to LnX11 amount 0,678

After analyzing the data by using path analysis, it can be concluded that there is only
one variable affecting dividend is liabilities and only one variable that influence closing
price that is Book to Value (BV). Both of these variables (Liabilities and BV) are not
modeled with other variables, therefore there is no indirect effect on dividend and
closing price. Some hypothesized variables affect to the dividend and closing price are
not significant.

Another structural model is the capital and return on equity to profit, both have a direct
relationship with profit. However profit has no relationship with dividend and closing
price.Return on equty is influenced by revenues, therefore revenues indirectly affected
to Profit. In addition, revenues directly affect net profit margin
Perlaman, Yael. 2013. Causal Relationships in the Balance Scorecard: A Path Analysis
Approach. Journal of management Strategy, Vol. 4. No 1. 2013.
Badri, M. Abdullah, and Alshare, K. 2008. A path Analytic Model and Measurement of
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Brigham, Eugene & Houston, Joel. 2006. Fundamentals of Financial Management.
Salemba Empat, Jakarta.
Bursa Efek Indonesia. 2009. IDX LQ45. 2016. Indonesian Stock Exchange, Jakarta.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


Figure 1. Scatter Plot Between Exogenous Variables and Endogenous Variables

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


Media Rosha
Matematika FMIPA , Universitas Negeri Padang
Email: mediarosha@gmail.com

Solution of linearly differential equation is a linear combination of solutions, called
general solution. Each solution construct general solution which is linearly independent.
For example, differential equation of order-2,
𝑎0 𝑥 𝑦" + 𝑎1 (𝑥) 𝑦′ + 𝑎2 (𝑥) 𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑥)
With general solution:
𝑦 𝑥 = 𝐶1 𝑦1 𝑥 + 𝐶2 𝑦2 𝑥
forwhich 𝑦1 𝑥 and 𝑦2 𝑥 are independently functions.
Linear independent property of linear differential equation of order-2 is also do for order-
n, which can be check using Wronskian. System of Linear Differential Equation (SLDE) is a
system of some related differential equations. Solution of SLDE is a function which fulfill
the SLDE which a family of curves. It gives a question, how it linear independent property
and Wronskian form for SLDE? Function of it research are:1) determine solution of system
of linear deferential equation of order-1, 2)determine Wronskian form in system of linear
differential equation of order-n, and 3) discuss Wronskian and and linear independent
property of solutions of SLDE of order-1.
System of Linear Differential Equation of order-1
𝑑𝑦𝑖 𝑎𝑖𝑗 𝑥 𝑦𝑗 = 𝑓𝑖 𝑥 , 𝑖 = 1 , 2 , … , 𝑛
𝑗 =1

have𝑛 solutions,𝑦1 , 𝑦2 , ... , 𝑦𝑛 for which:

𝑦1𝑗 (𝑥)
𝑦2𝑗 (𝑥)
𝑦𝑗 𝑥 =

𝑦𝑛𝑗 (𝑥)
with Wronskian of solutions is:
𝑦11 (𝑡) 𝑦12 (𝑡) ⋯ 𝑦1𝑛 (𝑡)
𝑦 (𝑡) 𝑦22 (𝑡) ⋯ 𝑦2𝑛 (𝑡)
𝑊 = 21 …
⋮ ⋮ ⋮
𝑦𝑛1 (𝑡) 𝑦𝑛2 (𝑡) ⋯ 𝑦𝑛𝑛 (𝑡)

By check Wronskian of solutions of differential equation system, we reach solutions of

fundamental set constructor which is linearly independent if the Wroskian is not equal to

Keywords: Wronskian, Solutions of Differential Equation System, Linearly Independent

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Differential equation is equation contains derivatives (one or some) of an
unknown function. Differential equation are often use in modelling the real problem for
several area.
General form of linear differential equation of order-n is:
a 0 ( x) y ( n )  a 1 ( x) y ( n 1)  ...  a n 1( x) y '  a n x  y  f ( x)

with function f is continuous on its domain.

A function called solution of a differential equation if it fulfill the differential

equation itself. Let 𝑓 is solution of differential equation,
𝑎0 𝑥 𝑦 𝑛 + 𝑎1 𝑥 𝑦 𝑛−1 + ⋯ + 𝑎𝑛−1 𝑥 𝑦 ′ + 𝑎𝑛 𝑥 𝑦 = 0
𝑎0 𝑥 𝑓 𝑛 + 𝑎1 𝑥 𝑓 𝑛−1 + ⋯ + 𝑎𝑛−1 𝑥 𝑓 ′ + 𝑎𝑛 𝑥 𝑓 = 0

Let f1 , f2 , … , fn are nfunctions which are solutions of a differential equation, where

its derivatives until the (n-1)th derivatives continuous in an interval.
Wronskian off1 , f2 , … , fn which is calculated on x, is:
f1 f2 … fn
f1 ′ f2 ′
⋯ fn ′
W f1 , f2 , … , fn ; x =
⋮ … ⋮ ⋮
(n−1) (n−1)
f1 f1 ⋯ f1 (n−1)
Wronskian is used to check if the differential equation solution, linearly
independent of not. If each solution linearly independent, so the general solution can be
construct as linear combination of it solutions.
Some problem in the real world when formulated into mathematical model, fulfill
equations which contains one or more derivatives of unknown function. In other case,
we find the mathematical model contains two or more unknown function, such that it
construct a system of equation, which is system of differential equation.
General form of system of linear differential equation of order-1 is:
+ a11 x y1 + a12 x y2 + ⋯ + a1n x yn = f1 (x)
+ a21 x y1 + a22 x y2 + ⋯ + a2n x yn = f2 (x)

+ an1 x y1 + an2 x y2 + ⋯ + ann x yn = fn (x)
and can be write as follows
+A x y=f x

A system of differential equation can be approximate by construct a similar

differential equation and also it solution. It gives a question, how to construct Wronskian

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

form so we know the linear independent property among solution of differential

equation system.
Basic concept in discussing Wroskian on system of linear differential equation is:
1. Differential Equation
Differential Equation is an equation which fulfill derivatives of a functions with one
or more independent variables. Differential equation contains dependent variables and
it derivatives subject to independent variable. Ordinary differential equation is
differential equation with one independent variable. Partial differential equation is a
differential equation having a dependent variables with two or more independent
Ordinary differential equation of order-n with dependent variable y and
independent variable x, is equation in the form:
a 0 ( x) y ( n )  a 1 ( x) y ( n 1)  ...  a n 1( x) y '  a n x  y  f ( x)

Where 0 1
a , a ,... a n and f is real continuous on interval a  x  b , is called non-
homogeneous differential equation.
If f ( x)  0 , so
a 0 ( x) y ( n )  a 1 ( x) y ( n  1 )  ...  a n  1( x) y '  a n x  y  0
and called homogeneous differential equation.

2. Solution of Differential Equation

Solution of a differential equation is an important topic in differential equation
case. Solution of a differential equation is a function which fulfill variables of differential
equation and fulfill the given differential equation. If f(x) is a solution of differential
equation, so f(x) and it derivatives will also fulfill it differential equation.

A function is called solution of differential equation, if it fulfill that equation. Let f is

solution of differential equation,
a0 x y n + a1 x y n−1 + ⋯ + an−1 x y ′ + an x y = 0
a0 x f n + a1 x f n−1 + ⋯ + an−1 x f ′ + an x f = 0
is solution of differential equation and family of functions on XY-plane.

Each function of the curves family are special solution of differential equation by
giving a value for constant k. Graph of function of differential equation solution which is
family of curves, are not in touch one and other.
General solution of differential equation of order-n is a function contains all
solution. For general, general solution of ordinary differential equation of order-n
contains n unknown constant (where constant c is a real number).

Homogeneous differential equation of order-n

a0 x y n + a1 x y n−1 + ⋯ + an−1 x y ′ + an x y = 0
If f1 , f2 , … , fn are independent solution, so solution of it differential equation is
linear combination

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

c1 f1 + c2 f2 + ⋯ + cn fn
With c1 , c2 , … , cn are constant.
On determine the solution of differential equation we have to know it equation
form. To solve the non-homogeneous linear differential equation, we need it discuss
about it homogeneous equation. To reach it, we can use order reduction method, which
makes the order of differential equation reduce as number of reduction.

Homogeneous solution of linear differential equation of order-n, shows as

yh with
the following:
Theorem 1:
Let y1 , y2 ,, yn are n solution of homogeneous linear differential equation, so it
solution is:
yh  c1 y1 ( x)  c2 y2 ( x)    cn yn ( x)

For c1 , c2 ,, cn are constants.

3. Wronskian on Differential Equation

𝑦11 (𝑥) 𝑦11 (𝑥) … 𝑦1𝑛 (𝑥)
𝑦21 (𝑥) 𝑦22 (𝑥) ⋯ 𝑦2𝑛 (𝑥)
⋮ ⋮ ⋮
𝑦𝑛1 (𝑥) 𝑦𝑛2 (𝑥) ⋯ 𝑦𝑛𝑛 (𝑥)
Is called Wronskian of collection of vector functions
𝑦11 (𝑥) 𝑦1𝑛 (𝑥)
𝑦 𝑥 𝑦 𝑥
𝑦1 𝑥 = 21 , … , 𝑦𝑛 𝑥 = 2𝑛
⋮ ⋮
𝑦𝑛1 (𝑥) 𝑦𝑛𝑛 (𝑥)

Related to solution of differential equation, Wronskian is defined as follows.

Definition 1:
Let 𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , … , 𝑓𝑛 are 𝑛solution of homogeneous linear differential equation
Wronskian of𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , … , 𝑓𝑛 calculated on 𝑥 is
𝑓1 𝑓2 … 𝑓𝑛
𝑓1 ′ 𝑓2 ′ ⋯ 𝑓𝑛 ′
𝑊 𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , … , 𝑓𝑛 ; 𝑥 =
⋮ ⋮ … ⋮
𝑓1 (𝑛 −1) 𝑓1 (𝑛 −1) ⋯ 𝑓1 (𝑛−1)

Linear independently of n solutions on homogeneous solution can be seen from it


Theorem 2:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

If 𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , … , 𝑓𝑛 linear independent function are solution of homogeneous differential

Wronskian of𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , … , 𝑓𝑛 calculated on 𝑥 is
𝑓1 𝑓2 … 𝑓𝑛
𝑓1 ′ 𝑓2 ′ ⋯ 𝑓𝑛 ′
𝑊 𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , … , 𝑓𝑛 ; 𝑥 = ≠0
⋮ ⋮ … ⋮
𝑓1 (𝑛−1) 𝑓1 (𝑛−1) ⋯ 𝑓1 (𝑛 −1)

4. System of Differential Equation

n differential equation which is related on an other will construct a system called
system of differential equation. System of differential equation is group based on it
equation form, is linear equation system and system of non-linear equation.
System of first order linear equation are as follows:
=Ax + b t
Where A is coefficient matrices order n × n andb t is a continuous function. It
system is called system of linear differential equation of order-1. If b t = 0, the system
is called homogeneous and if b t ≠ 0, the system is non-homogeneous.

A solution of first order of differential equation system

= A t x + F(t)
is a vector function,

forϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕn having continuous derivatives on interval a ≤ t ≤such that ,
dϕ t
=A t ϕ t +F t

Methods using in this research is literature review, theory which is found are
described. Relevant theory and analyzed are write in the defenition or theorem form.
Research are startedwith study the problem, collect and relate the relevant theory into
problem such that it solved. Research work flow are as follows:
1. Collecting the relevant theory with Wronskian problem on linear differential
2. Describe/analyse solution on system of differential equation of order-1
3. Describe/analyse solution and Wronskian on system of differential equation of
4. Conclude the Wronskian on system of linear differential equation.


Consider form of linear system of n first-order differential equation in n unknown
function𝑥1 , 𝑥2 , … , 𝑥𝑛 :

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

= 𝑎11 𝑡 𝑥1 + 𝑎12 𝑡 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎1𝑛 𝑡 𝑥𝑛 + 𝐹1 𝑡
= 𝑎21 𝑡 𝑥1 + 𝑎22 𝑡 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎2𝑛 𝑡 𝑥𝑛 + 𝐹2 𝑡 (1)

= 𝑎𝑛1 𝑡 𝑥1 + 𝑎𝑛2 𝑡 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎𝑛𝑛 𝑡 𝑥𝑛 + 𝐹𝑛 𝑡
We shall assume𝑎𝑖𝑗 𝑡 , 𝑖 = 1,2, … , 𝑛, 𝑗 = 1,2, … , 𝑛
and𝐹𝑖 𝑡 , 𝑖 = 1,2, … , 𝑛, are continuous on a real interval𝑎 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑏.
If all 𝐹𝑖 𝑡 = 0, 𝑖 = 1,2, … , 𝑛, for all𝑡, then the system (1) is call homogeneous.
Otherwise, is called non-homogeneous.

The system (1) can be written as:

= 𝑎𝑖𝑗 𝑡 𝑥𝑗 + 𝐹𝑖 𝑡 𝑖 = 1,2, … , 𝑛 .
𝑗 =1
Introduce the matrix 𝐀defined by:
𝑎11 (𝑡) 𝑎12 (𝑡) ⋯ 𝑎1𝑛 (𝑡)
𝑎21 (𝑡) 𝑎22 (𝑡) ⋯ 𝑎2𝑛 (𝑡)
𝐀 𝑡 = (2)
⋮ ⋮ ⋮
𝑎𝑛1 (𝑡) 𝑎𝑛2 (𝑡) ⋯ 𝑎𝑛𝑛 (𝑡)
and the vector 𝐅 and𝐱 defined by:
𝐹1 𝑡 𝑥1
𝐹2 𝑡 𝑥 2
𝐅 𝑡 = dan 𝐱 = ⋮ (3)

𝐹𝑛 𝑡 𝑥𝑛
By definition of derivative of vector, system (1) defined:
𝑑𝐱 𝑑𝑥 2
= 𝑑𝑡

System (1) can be expression as the linear vector differential equation
= 𝐀 𝑡 𝐱+𝐅 𝑡 (4)

Definition 1:
Solution of the vector differential equation (4) we mean an 𝑛 × 1 colomn
𝛟= (5)

whose component𝜙1 , 𝜙2 , … , 𝜙𝑛 each have a continuous derivative on the real
interval 𝑎 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑏, such that

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

𝑑𝛟 𝑡
=𝐀 𝑡 𝛟 𝑡 +𝐅 𝑡 (6)
for all 𝑡 such that 𝑎 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑏.
In other word, 𝐱 = 𝛟 𝑡 satisfies the vector differential equation (4).

Component 𝜙1 , 𝜙2 , … , 𝜙𝑛 of 𝛟,
𝑥1 = 𝜙1 𝑡 ,
𝑥2 = 𝜙2 𝑡 ,
⋮ (7)
𝑥𝑛 = 𝜙𝑛 𝑡 ,
satisfies𝑛 equation ofsystem (1) of vector differential equation (4).

Theorem 1:
A linear combination of m solutions of the homogenuous vector differential
=𝐀 𝑡 𝐱
also solution..
If the vector functionϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑚 are𝑚 solution of (4) dan 𝑐1 , 𝑐2 , … , 𝑐𝑚 are m
number, then the vector function

𝛟= 𝑐𝑘 𝛟𝑘
is also solution (4).

We have,
𝑚 𝑚 𝑚
𝑑 𝑑 𝑑𝛟𝑘 (𝑡)
𝑐𝑘 𝛟𝑘 (𝑡) = 𝑐 𝛟 (𝑡) = 𝑐𝑘
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑘 𝑘 𝑑𝑡
𝑘=1 𝑘=1 𝑘=1
Since each𝛟𝑘 is a solution of (4),
𝑑𝛟𝑘 (𝑡)
= 𝐀 𝑡 𝛟𝑘 (𝑡)
for𝑘 = 1,2, … , 𝑚
𝑚 𝑚
𝑐𝑘 𝛟𝑘 (𝑡) = 𝑐𝑘 𝐀(𝑡) 𝛟𝑘 (𝑡)
𝑘=1 𝑘=1

𝑚 𝑚 𝑚

𝑐𝑘 𝐀(𝑡)𝛟𝑘 (𝑡) = 𝐀(𝑡)[𝑐𝑘 𝛟𝑘 (𝑡)] = 𝐀(𝑡) 𝑐𝑘 𝛟𝑘 (𝑡)

𝑘=1 𝑘=1 𝑘=1
We have,
𝑚 𝑚
𝑐𝑘 𝛟𝑘 (𝑡) = 𝐀(𝑡) 𝑐𝑘 𝛟𝑘 (𝑡)
𝑘=1 𝑘=1
that is

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

𝑑𝛟 𝑡
=𝐀 𝑡 𝛟 𝑡
Thus the linear combination

ϕ= 𝑐𝑘 ϕ𝑘
is also solution (4) ▄

Let ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 be the 𝑛 vector functions

𝜙11 (𝑡) 𝜙12 (𝑡) 𝜙1𝑛 (𝑡)
𝜙21 (𝑡) 𝜙22 (𝑡) 𝜙2𝑛 (𝑡)
𝛟1 𝑡 = , 𝛟2 𝑡 = , … 𝛟𝑛 𝑡 = (8)
⋮ ⋮ ⋮
𝜙𝑛1 (𝑡) 𝜙𝑛2 (𝑡) 𝜙𝑛𝑛 (𝑡)
Is solutions of system (1)
Definition 2:
The𝑛 × 𝑛 determinant
𝜙11 𝜙12 ⋯ 𝜙1𝑛
𝜙21 𝜙22 ⋯ 𝜙2𝑛
⋮ ⋮ ⋮
𝜙𝑛1 𝜙𝑛2 ⋯ 𝜙𝑛𝑛
Is call the Wronskian of 𝑛 vector functionsϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 defined by (8). We will
denoted Wronskian by 𝑊 ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 and its value by𝑊(ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 )(𝑡).

We get:
System of linear differential equation order-1 homogeneous
𝑑𝑦𝑖 𝑎𝑖𝑗 𝑥 𝑦𝑗 = 𝑓𝑖 𝑥 , 𝑖 = 1 , 2 , … , 𝑛
𝑗 =1

have n solution𝑦1 , 𝑦2 , ... , 𝑦𝑛 where:

𝑦1𝑗 (𝑥)
𝑦 (𝑥)
𝑦𝑗 𝑥 = 2𝑗 , j = 1, 2, ..., n

𝑦𝑛𝑗 (𝑥)
Wronskian of solutions is:

𝑦11 (𝑡) 𝑦12 (𝑡) ⋯ 𝑦1𝑛 (𝑡)

𝑦 (𝑡) 𝑦22 (𝑡) ⋯ 𝑦2𝑛 (𝑡)
𝑊 = 21
⋮ ⋮ ⋮
𝑦𝑛1 (𝑡) 𝑦𝑛2 (𝑡) ⋯ 𝑦𝑛𝑛 (𝑡)

The following section will discuss about linearly independent solutions (1)
by Wronskian:

Theorem 2:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

If the 𝑛 vector functionϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 defined by (8) are linearly dependent

on𝑎 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑏, then Wronskian𝑊 ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 𝑡 = 0 for all𝑡 on𝑎 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑏.

Let ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 are linearly independent on interval𝑎 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑏
There exist 𝑛 number 𝑐1 , 𝑐2 , … , 𝑐𝑛 not all zero, such that
𝑐1 ϕ1 𝑡 + 𝑐2 ϕ2 𝑡 + ⋯ + 𝑐𝑛 ϕ𝑛 𝑡 = 0
for all 𝑡𝜖 𝑎, 𝑏 .
Using equation (13) ofϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛
We have
𝑐1 ϕ11 𝑡 + 𝑐2 ϕ12 𝑡 + ⋯ + 𝑐𝑛 ϕ1𝑛 𝑡 = 0
𝑐1 ϕ21 𝑡 + 𝑐2 ϕ22 𝑡 + ⋯ + 𝑐𝑛 ϕ2𝑛 𝑡 = 0

𝑐1 ϕ𝑛1 𝑡 + 𝑐2 ϕ𝑛2 𝑡 + ⋯ + 𝑐𝑛 ϕ𝑛𝑛 𝑡 = 0
for all 𝑡𝜖 𝑎, 𝑏 .
Let 𝑡 = 𝑡0 , we have:
ϕ11 𝑡0 𝑐1 + ϕ12 𝑡0 𝑐2 + ⋯ + ϕ1𝑛 𝑡0 𝑐𝑛 = 0
ϕ21 𝑡0 𝑐1 + ϕ22 𝑡0 𝑐2 + ⋯ + ϕ2𝑛 𝑡0 𝑐𝑛 = 0

ϕ𝑛1 𝑡0 𝑐1 + ϕ𝑛2 𝑡0 𝑐2 + ⋯ + ϕ𝑛𝑛 𝑡0 𝑐𝑛 = 0
for𝑛 number𝑐1 , 𝑐2 , … , 𝑐𝑛 .
Since𝑐1 , 𝑐2 , … , 𝑐𝑛 are not all zero, we must have:
𝜙11 𝑡0 𝜙12 𝑡0 ⋯ 𝜙1𝑛 𝑡0
𝜙21 𝑡0 𝜙22 𝑡0 ⋯ 𝜙2𝑛 𝑡0
⋮ ⋮ ⋮
𝜙𝑛1 𝑡0 𝜙𝑛2 𝑡0 ⋯ 𝜙𝑛𝑛 𝑡0
But the left of Wronskian𝑊 ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 𝑡0 , we have:
𝑊 ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 𝑡0 = 0
Since 𝑡0 is an arbitrary point of 𝑎, 𝑏 , we must have:
𝑊 ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 𝑡 = 0
for all𝑎 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑏▄

Theorem 3:
Let the vector functions ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 defined by (8) be𝑛 solutions of the
homogeneous linear vector differential equation
=𝐀 𝑡 𝐱
on the real interval 𝑎, 𝑏 .
These𝑛 solutionsϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 are linearly independent on 𝑎, 𝑏 if and only if
𝑊 ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 𝑡 ≠ 0
for all 𝑡 𝜖 𝑎, 𝑏 .


ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Solutionsϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 are linearly dependent on[𝑎, 𝑏] if and only

if𝑊 ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 𝑡 = 0 for all 𝑡𝜖 𝑎, 𝑏 .
Hence, ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 are linearly independent on [𝑎, 𝑏] if and only
if𝑊 ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 𝑡0 ≠ 0 for some 𝑡0 𝜖 𝑎, 𝑏 .
Then, 𝑊 ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 𝑡0 ≠ 0 for some 𝑡0 𝜖 𝑎, 𝑏 if and only if
𝑊 ϕ1 , ϕ2 , … , ϕ𝑛 𝑡 ≠ 0 for all 𝑡 𝜖 𝑎, 𝑏 ▄

1. System of linear diferential equation order-1 is form
𝑑𝑦𝑖 𝑎𝑖𝑗 𝑥 𝑦𝑗 = 𝑓𝑖 𝑥 , 𝑖 = 1 , 2 , … , 𝑛
𝑗 =1

has n solution 𝑦1 , 𝑦2 , ... , 𝑦𝑛 where:

𝑦1𝑗 (𝑥)
𝑦 (𝑥)
𝑦𝑗 𝑥 = 2𝑗 , j = 1, 2, ..., n

𝑦𝑛𝑗 (𝑥)
2. Wronskian of solutions of system of linear differential equation order-1 is:
𝑦11 (𝑡) 𝑦12 (𝑡) ⋯ 𝑦1𝑛 (𝑡)
𝑦 (𝑡) 𝑦22 (𝑡) ⋯ 𝑦2𝑛 (𝑡)
𝑊 = 21
⋮ ⋮ ⋮
𝑦𝑛1 (𝑡) 𝑦𝑛2 (𝑡) ⋯ 𝑦𝑛𝑛 (𝑡)
3. Solutions of system of linear differential equation are linearly independent if
the Wronskian is not equal to zero.

Anton, H dan Rorres, C. 2004, Aljabar Linear Elementer Versi Aplikasi: Edisi 8 Jilid 1,
Jakarta: Erlangga.
Braun, M. 2000, Differential Equation and Their Aplication, 3rd Edition, Haedelberg
Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Kohler, Werner and Lee Johnson. 2006, Elementary Differential Equation with Boundary
Value Problems Second Edition, New York: Pearson Education Inc.
Perko, Lawrence. 2001. Differential Equations and Dynamical Sistems. Third Edition.
Ross Shepley R. 2000, Diffrential Equation Fifth Edition, Canada: John Wiley.
Simmons, George F., dan Krantz, Steven G. 2007. Differential Equation: Theory,
Technique, and Practice. New York: Mc Graw Hill.
William E Boyce. 1997, Elementary Differential Equations Sixth Edition, New York: John
Wiley & Sons Inc.
King J Billingham, 2003, Differential Equations, New York, Cambridge University Press

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Metha Husya Notika1 Yerizon1 Yuni Ahda

Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Korespondensi : Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email : methahusyanotika@yahoo.com

This paper aims to determine the differences in the ability of connections between
students who acquired learning mathematics with constructivism approach and
conventional learning. The ability of connections is an important competency that must be
possessed by students in order to create a meaningful mathematics learning environment.
The connection capability aims to enable students to: (1) Recognize the equivalent
representation of a similar concept, (2) Recognize the relation of a representative
procedure to equivalent representational procedures, (3) Use and assess the connection of
several mathematical topics, (4) Use and Assessing the connection between mathematics
and other disciplines. The facts about the low competence of students to mathematics in
Indonesia based on various surveys have been able to show the fact that math is still less
interested students. In this case the need for learning that can improve the ability of this
mathematical connection. One solution to overcome this is to provide effective efforts such
as the provision of appropriate methods, approaches or techniques. One is the
constructivism approach. With the constructivism learning model, the students are
directed to build their own knowledge, here the students are active and make the learning
process situation more interesting, while for the teacher can help and lead in giving the
lesson material in the form of concept, principle or theory so that the younger is
understood by the students, Constructivism gives students more experience. Based on the
study of constructivism approach and the ability of mathematical connections to have a
relationship that is the same learning process that will produce the same ability
indicators, so that constructivism approach is expected to develop the ability of
mathematical connection.

Keywords: Constructivism Approach, Mathematical Connection Ability

Depdiknas (2006: 345) states that mathematics lessons should be given to all
students starting from elementary school to equip students with logical, analytical,
systematic, critical and creative thinking skills, as well as the ability to cooperate. Such
competencies are required for students to have the ability to acquire, manage, and
utilize information for survival in an ever-changing, uncertain and competitive state.
This is in line with what Sabandar (2008), where in the mathematics lesson in
schools is not only aimed at getting students to understand the mathematical material
being taught, but the other major goals are student must have mathematical reasoning,
mathematical communication, mathematical connections, representation of

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

mathematics and problem-solving, certain that a student should earn after learning
According to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) 2000 in
America, there are five basic mathematical skills that are standard: problem solving,
reasoning and proof, communication, connections, And representation. With reference
to the five standards of NCTM capability above, the mathematics learning objectives set
out in the kurikulum 2006 issued by Depdikans essentially include: (1) the connection
between concepts in mathematics and their use in solving problems, (2) reasoning, (3)
problem solving , (4) communication and representation, and (5) affective factors.
Based on the above quotations it can be said that important connection ability
possessed by students. NCTM in Herdian (2010) states the goal of mathematical
connections given to students in secondary schools is that students can: (1) Recognize
equivalent representations of a similar concept, (2) Recognize the relationship of one
representation procedure to equivalent representational procedures, (3) ) Using and
assessing the connection of several mathematical topics, (4) Using and assessing
connections between mathematics and other disciplines. According to NCTM (Setiawan,
2009: 15), mathematical connections are divided into three classifications, there are (1)
connections between math topics, 2) connections with other sciences, and (3)
connections with problems in daily.
The important connections ability is owned by students so that they are able to
connect between the material one with the other material. Students can understand the
mathematical concepts they learn because they have mastered the prerequisite
materials related to everyday life. In addition, if students are able to associate the
material they have learned with previous subjects or with other subjects, then math
learning becomes more meaningful. According to Kusuma (2008: 2), students'
mathematical connection ability can be seen from the following indicators: (1)
recognizing the equivalent representation of the same concept; (2) recognizing the
relation of mathematical procedure to an equivalent representation of representation
procedures; (3) using and assessing the interrelationships between mathematical topics
and interconnectedness outside mathematics; and (4) using mathematics daily.
Trend in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), a study
organized by the International Association for the EEI of Educational Achievement
(IEA), in 2007 placed Indonesian VIII students in rank 36 out of 49 countries that
participated with a score of 397 , While the mean international score is 500 (Mullis, et
al., 2008). The scores obtained are significantly below the average international score.
The conclusions of the TIMSS study report are not much different from the
results of the 2009 PISA survey. Students' mathematics learning achievement in
Indonesia from PISA is ranked 61 out of 65 countries that participated with the average
score of 371, while the mean international score was 500 (Balitbang, 2011 ).
The fact in the field of mathematics learning still tends to focus on textbooks, still
often found the math teacher still teaching by using learning steps such as: presenting
learning materials, provide examples of questions and ask students to do the exercise
questions contained in the book The text they use in teaching and then discuss it with
the students. This is according to the findings of Wahyudin (1999) that most students
seem to follow well any explanation or information from the teacher, the students very
rarely ask questions to the teacher so that the teacher is absorbed in explaining what
Has been prepared, meaning that students only accept only what is delivered by the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

teacher. Teachers generally teach by lecture and expository methods (Wahyudin, 1999).
This is supported by Ruseffendi (2006) which states that during this time in the process
of learning mathematics class, in general students learn mathematics is only told by the
teacher and not through exploration activities. It all indicates that students are not
active in learning. Through this process of learning, it is unlikely that mathematical
ability can develop.
From the exposure of this fact, the need for learning that conditioned the
students actively in learning mathematics. Henningsen and Stein (1997) suggest that in
order to develop students' mathematical abilities, learning must be an environment
where students are able to be actively involved in many useful mathematical activities.
Students must be active in learning, not just copying or following examples without
knowing the meaning. One of student-centered learning is the constructivism approach.
According to Hudojo (1998:6) the study of mathematics in the view of
constructivism is to help students build mathematical concepts and principles with
their own ability through the process of internalization and transformation of the
concepts and principles that re-awakened into new concepts/principles. Therefore,
learning mathematics is an active process in an effort to help students build
understanding. Good & Brophy (in Kauchack & Eggen, 1998: 185) mentions the
characteristics of constructivism learning in general as follows. 1). Students build their
own understanding 2). New learning depends on previous understanding 3). Learning
facilitated by social interaction 4). Learning meaningful occur in self-study tasks.
According Sanjaya (2009: 264) constructivism is the process of building or composing
new knowledge in the cognitive structure of students based on experience. With the
constructivism learning model, the students are directed to build their own knowledge,
here the students are active and make the learning process situation more interesting,
while for the teacher can help and lead in giving the lesson material in the form of
concept, principle or theory so that the younger is understood by the students,
Constructivism gives students more experience.
According to Nurhadi (2003: 39) there are several learning steps with
constructivism approach that is as follows: “1) Activation of existing knowledge; 2)
acquisition of new knowledge; 3) Understanding of knowledge; 4) Applying the
knowledge and experience gained; 5) Reflecting”.

Table 1: Steps of Constructivism approach in the learning process

Stage Teacher’s Behavior
The teacher conveys the learning objectives to be
Stage 1 achieved on the lesson activities and emphasizes
Convey goals and motivate students the importance of the topics to be learned and
motivates the student to learn
Teachers convey information or previous
Stage 2
material so that students are able to connect
prior learning to the material to be discussed
The teacher delivers the material and explains
the material to be learned then the teacher gives
Stage 3
each student the material that must be
Submission of Lessons

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

The teacher acts as a facilitator in learning, with

Stage 4 the subject of students who play an active role in
Implementation of learning the process of problem solving through ideas and
thoughts and knowledge that students have
Teachers evaluate learning outcomes on
Stage 5
materials that have been assigned to each
Source: Trianto (2009: 29)

Based on the study of constructivism approach and the ability of mathematical

connections have the same learning process that will produce the same ability
indicators. Phase 1, that conveys the purpose and motivates the students, with the
delivery of this goal and motivation students know the benefits and importance of
learning to be learned. At this stage students are trained to recognize the appropriate
concept so as to present it, this corresponds to the first indicator of mathematical
connection ability. Stage 2 is apperception, the stage of attributing the material with
previous learning as the initial concept. At this stage students are trained to recognize
the relationship of mathematical procedures, this corresponds to the second indicator
of mathematical connection capability. Phase 3 is the delivery of subject matter, the
stage of delivery of concepts and stabilization, so that students can know fully about the
topic and provide problems related to other fields of science. At this stage students are
trained to use mathematical topics that correspond to the third indicator of
mathematical connection capability. Stage 4 is the implementation of learning, the stage
where the teacher only becomes a facilitator during the students using the knowledge
gained from the previous stage. At this stage students are trained to use mathematics in
life that corresponds to the fourth indicator of mathematical connection ability. In this
case, it is seen that every step of the constructivism approach meets every indicator of
mathematical connection ability.

From description above, it is known that constructivism approach has relevance to
indicator ability of mathematical connection. Stage 1 of constructivism approach will be
related to the first indicator of mathematical connection ability, stage 2 of
constructivism approach will be related to the second indicator of mathematical
connection ability, stage 3 constructivism approach will be related to third indicator of
mathematical connection ability, stage 4 constructivism approach will be related to
fourth indicator of connection capability mathematical. Therefore, constructivism
approach can improve students' mathematical connection ability.

Balitbang. 2011. Survei Internasional TIMSS (Trends In International Mathematics and
Science Study). (Online) http://litbang.kemdikbud.go.id/- detail.php?id=214.
Depdiknas. 2006. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Jakarta: Departemen
Pendidikan Nasional.
Herman, Hudojo. 1998. Mengajar Belajar Matematika. Jakarta: Deparfemen Pendidikan
dan Kebudayaan.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Marjorie, Henningsen dan Mary, Kay Stein. 1997. Mathematical Tasks and Student
Cognition : Classroom Based Factors that Support and Inhibit High-Level
Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning. Jurnal for research in mathematics
education 1997. Vol. 28. No. 5, 524-549.
NCTM. 2000. Principles and Standart for School Mathematics. Reston: NCTM.
Nurhadi, dkk. 2003. Pembelajaran Kontekstual (Cooperative Learning di Ruang-ruang
Kelas). Jakarta: Gramedia Widiasarana.
Russefendi, H.E.T. 2006. Pengantar kepada Membantu Guru Mengembangkan
Kompetensinya dalam Pengajaran Matematika untuk Mengingkatkan CBSA.
Bandung: Tarsito.
Sabandar, J. 2008. Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah dan Permasalahan Ketuntasan
Belajar Matematika. Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar. FPMIPA UPI Bandung:
Tidak diterbitkan.
Sanjaya, W. 2009. Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan.
Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media.
Trianto.2009. Mendesain Model Pembelajaran Inovatif-Progresif. Jakarta: Prenada Media
Wahyudin. 1999. Kemampuan Guru Matematika, Calon Guru Matematika, dan Siswa
dalam Mata Pelajaran Matematika. Disertasi Doktor pada PPS UPI Bandung:
Tidak diterbitkan.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Mira Dwinda Sari1, Ahmad Fauzan1, Lufri

1Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: Miradwindasari.Mds@Gmail.Com

This study aims to discuss the appropriate alternative theory used to improve the
ability of mathematical communication of students who are still low. One of the factors
that resulted in low mathematical communication of learners is the theory of learning that
teachers use less train students desire in improving students' mathematical
communication. The alternative theory used to improve mathematical communication
ability of learners in this writing is the model of learning Numbered Heads Together
(NHT). This type encourages students to improve the spirit of cooperation and mutual
relationships with colleagues so that the group is expected to facilitate students in
improving the ability of mathematical communication. This learning model also requires
students to engage in various activities that are done continuously, and the teacher
provides many opportunities for students to interact to convey ideas, reflect on ideas given
friends and discuss the idea of equating with friends, so more active in conducting
discussions Groups and also train students to skillfully demonstrate their existence when
answering questions and developing aspects of mathematical communication. The method
used in this study is a study of literature study by collecting data about the NHT model of
mathematical ability from various sources such as relevant research, books, etc. After
conducting literature studies by citing data from various sources it is suspected that NHT
model theory can improve the mathematical ability of learners at the junior high school
level (SMP).

Keywords - mathematic communication skills,NHT model

Mathematics is a very important science as the form of attitude and mindset.
Mathematics is taught in all levels of education, from basic education to college level.
Learning programs at all levels of education should be able to make students
consolidate their mathematical thoughts through logical and clear communication to
others, able to analyze other people's mathematical thoughts, and be able to use
mathematical language in expressing mathematical ideas.
Given the importance of the role of mathematics, various efforts have been
made by the government to improve the quality of mathematics education, such as
improving the curriculum, procurement and development of educational facilities and
infrastructure, and improving the quality of teaching staff.
The purpose of mathematics learning as stated in Permendikbud No. 58 year
2014 is that learners: understand the concept, using patterns, using reasoning,

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

communicate ideas, have an attitude of appreciation, have attitudes and behaviors that
are in accordance with the values in mathematics and learning, - motor activities, using
simple props [1]. Based on the objectives of mathematics learning above, it appears that
mathematical communication is one of the competencies that plays an important role in
the delivery of mathematical ideas either in writing or orally with symbols, tables, and
diagrams or other media to clarify a situation or problem. In learning mathematics
required the ability of good communication to communicate the message of
mathematical communication problems delivered can be understood by others and
mathematical problems can be answered clearly.
Students who have the ability to communicate ideas or mathematical ideas
well tends to have a good understanding of the concepts learned and able to solve
problems related to the concepts studied. This resulted in students the opportunity to
communicate their ideas, both orally and in writing, which is one of the important goals
in learning mathematics. In a study conducted by Dini Widyastuty 2014, the reality of
the field has not been as expected, the ability to communicate mathematics is not
optimal [2]. This can be seen when students are given the problem of daily repetition
time by the teacher seems lack of mathematical communication of students in
answering the given problem. Students are also often wrong in interpreting the intent of
the problem so it has not been able to present solutions of mathematical problems in
detail and correctly. This indicates a lack of students 'ability to illustrate mathematical
ideas into relevant forms of description resulting in a lack of students' ability to change
the shape of the description into the mathematical model.
To solve the above problem, in learning mathematics students need to be
accustomed to provide arguments for each answer and respond to answers given by
others, so that what is being learned becomes more meaningful for him. This means that
in learning, it gives time for students to discuss in answering, responding to questions,
and other people's questions with true and obvious arguments is very important.
Based on the above explanation, then the teacher is important to choose the
right learning model in order to improve students' mathematical communication ability
in learning. Therefore, it is necessary that there is a learning that emphasizes the active
student learning where in the learning there is active participation of students so that
there will be active multi-directional communication with both teachers and students
and among students themselves. Cooperative learning is one of the learning models that
can increase students' activeness and involvement. An effective learning that can be
applied to improve the communication skills of mathematics is one of them is
cooperative learning type Numbered Heads Together (NHT).
NHT type learning has four major phases: numbering, asking questions,
thinking together, and answering. Numbering is the students divided into multiple
groups heterogeneously and each student in each group gets the serial number. Asking
questions is the teacher asks the student questions. Together Thinking is on this
occasion each student brings together his head "Heads Together" from his information
and compiles their own knowledge by discussing to communicate his ideas so that
students are able to unite the final answer of the teacher's problem. Answering is a
teacher calling a number and students from each group with the same number raising
hands and communicating the answer in front of the class [3]
This type encourages students to improve the spirit of cooperation and
mutual relationships with colleagues so that the group is expected to facilitate students

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

in improving the ability of mathematical communication. This learning model also

requires students to engage in various activities that are done continuously, and the
teacher provides many opportunities for students to interact to convey ideas, reflect on
the ideas given friends and discuss the idea of equating with friends, so more active in
conducting discussions groups and also train students to skillfully demonstrate their
existence when answering questions and developing aspects of mathematical
communication. Thus the course of the learning process will be able to achieve the
expected goals with the visible increase in student achievement.
In the application of cooperative learning model type NHT can help students
in improving the ability of mathematical communication. This is seen in the learning
stages. In the numbering stage, by getting the serial number of each member of the
group will cause a sense of responsibility in the student self because if the serial number
is called then the student will go forward represent the group. With the numbering of
each group and group members will encourage students to improve the spirit of
cooperation and mutual relationships with colleagues so that the group is expected to
facilitate students in improving the ability of mathematical communication. In the
Asking Question stage, because of the high spirit of learning it will arise questions from
students to teachers and vice versa so that it can help students train communication
skills in answering questions either in writing or oral. The next stage of Mutual Thinking
can help students integrate the information they possess and organize their knowledge
by discussing to communicate their ideas so that students are able to integrate the final
answers to the problems given. Stage Answering, training students to express
communication skills in front of the classroom and from that answer the teacher can
develop student communication with deeper discussion between groups, so that will
find the final answer of the question as a complete answer. At times like this it will
appear that each student has a different experience and presents it in different ways.
The ability of students in communicating mathematics to the application of
this model is seen based on the final test results given. The indicator of mathematical
communication ability tested through the test question consists of three indicators,
namely: (1) presents mathematical statements in writing and drawings; (2) performing
mathematical manipulation; And (3) draw conclusions, construct evidence, or give
reasons for some solutions [4].

This study included a type of literature study. Where literature study is the
way used to collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study. These data
sources contain: mathematical communication skills and NHT learning models. The
sources are derived from relevant research, books, articles and internet sites.


Based on the results of the literature study, the Numbered Heads Together
(NHT) cooperative learning model is a form of learning developed by Spencer Kangen
(1993) [3] to engage more students in examining the material covered in a lesson and
checking their understanding of Content of the lesson. This learning provides an
opportunity for students to share ideas and consider the right answers. In addition, this
learning also encourages students to improve their cooperation spirit. Numbered Heads

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Together (NHT) has explicitly defined procedures to give students more time to think,
discuss, help each other in answering questions.
Learning using NHT method begins with Numbering. Teacher divides the class
into small groups. The number of groups should consider the number of concepts
studied. If the number of learners in a class consists of 30 people and is divided into 5
groups based on the number of concepts studied, then each group consists of 6 people.
Each person in the group is numbered 1-6.
Once the group is formed the teacher asks several questions that must be
answered by each group. Give each group a chance to put their heads together "Head
Together" to discuss the answers to the teacher's questions.
The next step is the teacher calls the learner who has the same number from
each group. They are given the opportunity to answer the questions they have received
from the teacher. This continues until all learners of the same number from each group
get a turn to explain the answers to the teacher's questions. Based on these answers
teachers can develop more in-depth discussion, so that learners can find the answer to
the question as a complete knowledge.
The structure used by teachers in asking questions in the classroom are four
phases as the syntax of NHT expressed by Muslims (2001: 28) [3] as follows:
a. Step 1: numbering
In this phase, the teacher divides the students into groups of 3-6 people
and to each member of the group given the numbers 1 through 6.
b. Step 2: ask questions
The teacher asks a question to the students. Questions may vary. Questions
can be very specific and in the form of a question sentence.
c. Step 3: think together
Students unite their opinions on the answers to these questions and
convince each member of his team to know the team's answers.
d. Step 4: answer
The teacher calls a certain number, then the appropriate student raises his
hand and tries to answer the question for the whole class.

Communication is a way to express ideas with words, symbols, and diagrams.

Through communication then one can clarify their thinking by issuing or writing words,
symbols, or diagrams while thinking about what they are doing. In connection with this,
in learning mathematics required a good communication skills so that math problems
can be answered clearly.
Mathematical communication is an important skill in mathematics, according
to The Intended Learning Outcomes (in Armiati, 2009: 2), Mathematical communication
is to express math ideas coherently to friends, teachers, and others through spoken and
written language [5]. This means that with the communication of mathematics teachers
can better understand the ability of students in interpreting and expressing their
understanding of the concepts they learn. Communication in mathematics education can
be developed by giving students opportunities to hear, talk, write, read, and present
mathematical ideas.
In line with Greenes and Schulman's opinion (in Armiati, 2009: 3), the
importance of communication because of several things is to express ideas through
conversation, writing, demonstration, and visual painting in different types;

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Understand, interpret, and evaluate ideas presented in writing or in visual form;

Construct, interpret, and relate various forms of representation of ideas and
relationships; Make observations and conjectures, formulate questions, carry and
evaluate information; Produce and state arguments persuasive [5].
From the above explanation and the study of literature in learning
mathematics students should be able to communicate their ideas and understanding.
With this mathematical communication the teacher can measure the extent to which
students' understanding of a material. The ability of students' mathematical
communication is one of the determinants of whether students already understand the
mathematical concepts that have been learned during the learning process. This math
communication not only states ideas but students can also explain, describe, hear, ask,
clarify, work the same and finally be able to report what it has gained. This is what will
be developed by applying NHT learning strategies.


Based on the literature study and discussion above, it can be concluded that
the mathematical communication ability of students learning by using cooperative
learning model of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) is better than the students'
mathematical communication ability that learn with conventional learning. This type
encourages students to improve the spirit of cooperation and mutual relationships with
colleagues so that the group is expected to facilitate students in improving the ability of
mathematical communication. This learning model also requires students to engage in
various activities that are done continuously, and the teacher provides many
opportunities for students to interact to convey ideas, reflect on ideas given friends and
discuss the idea of equating with friends, so more active in conducting discussions
Groups and also train students to skillfully demonstrate their existence when answering
questions and developing aspects of mathematical communication. Thus the course of
the learning process will be able to achieve the expected goals with the visible increase
in student achievement.
Based on the results of research, it is advisable:
1) NHT type cooperative learning model can be used as an alternative learning by
teachers in learning mathematics in school to improve students' mathematical
communication skills.
2) For other interested researchers, it is expected to design time allocations for
each of the steps on cooperative learning model of NHT type better and form
the right group members so that the learning process can run smoothly.
3) This research is still limited to students' mathematical communication ability.
Therefore, it is expected to further researchers to continue the research with
the ability and other subjects.

[1] Kemendikbud. 2014. Permendikbud Nomor 58 tentang Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur
Kurikulum Menengah Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah. Jakarta: Depdiknas.
[2]Widyastuty, Dini, 2014. “Penerapan Model Pembelajaran TPSQ untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 1 Padang” Skripsi,
Padang: Universitas Negeri Padang.
[3] Ibrahim, Muslim dkk. 2001. Pembelajaran Kooperatif. Surabaya: University Press.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

[4] Iryanti, Puji. 2004. Penilaian Unjuk Kerja. Yogyakarta: Pusat Pengembangan
Penataran Guru Matematika.
[5]Armiati. 2009. Komunikasi Matematis dan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah. Disajikan
dalam Semnas Matematika UNPAR. Bandung

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Nadia Alkhaira1, Yerizon1, Budhi Oktavia

1MathematicsEducation Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Correspondence: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Freshwater, Padang 25131
Email: nadia.alkhaira@ymail.com

Metacognition is a person's skills in organizing and controlling his thinking
process, that is why Metacognition can be said as a person’s thinking about the way he
thinks about himself. Thinking is bestowing the intellect's activity for a particular purpose.
Thinking is the identity that separate the humanitarian status of the human being with
another. Therefore how far the human called human can be distinguished from how far he
using his mind. thingking is distinguished in two levels of thinking. They are think to
figure out is the low level of thinking (lower) while the rate is the high level of thought
(higher). Metacognition has the features of public-domain and domain-specific. Therefore,
it makes sense to learn about Metacognition in the context of the public and also in the
context of the specific school discipline and even in the context of more specific learning
objectives. The purpose of this study is to present a general overview of how the role of
Metacognition in teaching Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in learning mathematics.
This research is the study of literature, with the spool data or resources related to the
approach of Metacognition and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Based on the results
of the research that has been done then it can be inferred that the higher order thinking
skills and Metacognition as the process of organizing knowledge, and higher-order
thinking serves as the refinement of knowledge. For students to have the skills of a high
level of Metacognition of thinking needs to be applied in achieving the success of the
process of thinking.

Keyword: Metacognition, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

2013 curriculum emphasize students to perform observation, do questioning,
reasoning, and communicate what they have acquired after receiving lessons. In
addition, 2013 curriculum see that knowledge cannot be transferred directly from the
teacher to the students (Nuh: 2013). In order to make students truely understand and
can apply what has been known, students must be trained to solve a problem, find
everything for themselves, and strive embody his ideas. In this case, a high level
thinking skills students are instrumental to achieve the educational goals of success.
High level thinking skills improvement has become one of the priorities in
learning mathematics. As expected on the core competency of knowledge Curriculum
2013 explained that the learners are expected to understand, implement, and analyze
factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural, and Metacognition based on curiosity about
science. So on core competency Skills learners are expected to cultivate,give reason,
and present in the real of concrete and abstract domains associated with the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

development of which he had learned in school independently, act effectively and

creatively, as well as being able to use the method according to academic rules
The evaluation or assessment of learning activities is aimed at building a
scientific attitude and thinking ability. From the data obtained, processed, classification
is made and found specific relationships. Activities can be designed by the teacher,
through a situation engineered in certain activities so that learners undertake activities
such as: analyzing data, classify, create categories, concludes, and predict or of the
discussion or practice. The results of the activities tried and associate allows the higher
order thinking skills (HOTS) to think metacognition.
Mathematic’s learning is expected for learners can develop themselves in
thinking. The students are required not only has lower order thinking skills, but to the
higher order thinking skills (HOTS). So that learners should be familiar to face problems
that require higher order thinking skills. Because the HOTS is the ability to think,
connect, to examine and evaluate all aspects of the situation and problems. This
includes collecting, organizing, remembering, and analyze information. Higher-order
thinking includes the ability to read with understanding and identifying material is
needed and not needed. The ability of the correct inferences from the data provided and
was able to determine an inconsistent state and its conflict in a group of data is part of
high-level thinking skills.
Training students to have the ability to higher order thinking skills (HOTS),
student need to be trained by approach that has access to the higher order thinking skills
(HOTS), one of them are Metacognition. Metacognition is a term introduced by Flavell in
1976 and havemuch debate at definition. Metacognition is an adjective of
Metacognition, Metacognition is derived from the word "metacognition" with prefix
"meta" and "cognition '. Derived from the Greek meta meaning "after", "beyond" or "on
top". Metacognition is essentially an activity the activities of "thinking about thinking",
which is an activity control consciously about the process of kognitifnya of its own.
Activities activities include Metacognition of thinking to plan, monitor, merefleksi how
to solve a problem.
According to McDevitt and Ormrod "the term metacognition refers both to the
knowledge that people have about their own cognitive processes and to the intentional use
of certain cognitive processes to improve learning and memory.". That is, knowledge of
someone about his thinking process and deliberately used to enhance learning and
memory. According to metakognition theory that students who learn certain skills to
organize and control what he had learned. This skill differs between individuals with
other individuals in accordance with the capabilities of his thinking process. The four
types of skills: problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, and creative thinking.
Since the beginning of the study, the training and instruction of Metacognition
Metacognition has been proved give a positive effect on the performance of children in
various fields. As we will see below, Metacognition has a feature of public-domain and
domain-specific. Therefore, it makes sense to learn about Metacognition in the context
of the public and also in the context of the specific school discipline and even in the
context of more specific learning objectives. Thus, this research is presenting an
overview on the role of Metacognition in increasing the ability of Higher Order Thinking
Skills(HOTS) in learning mathematics.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

This research is a research study of the literature. Study of literature is the way
used for collect data or resources related to the topics raised in a research. On the
research, it will be learn how the role of Metacognition in teaching Higher Order
Thinking Skills(HOTS).


Metacognition as a form of cognition, or thinking processes two or more levels
that involve control of cognitive activity. That is why Metacognition can be said to be as
much about a person's own thinking. When someone knows what are the factors that
affect the process of his own cognitive, figure out which tasks are considered heavy or
easily and knowing what is known, means a person that has mastered the her
metacognition. Metacognition is a form of the ability to see yourself so, what is done can
be optimally controlled. A person with ability as it is possible to have high abilities in
solving problems. This is because in every step he always emerges the question what do
I do?, why am I working on?, what can help me in solving this problem.
Metacognition refers to a person's understanding about his knowledge, so a
deep understanding about effective knowledge or a clear description of the knowledge
in question. This, suggests that knowledge cognition is consciousness a person about
what he knows and the regulation of cognition is how one governs the activity of
kognitifnya effectively.
Defenition of Metacognition expressed by experts at the top of the very diverse,
but in fact give emphasis on knowledge and awareness about his thinking process on its
own. Metacognition has a very important meaning, because knowledge about cognition
process itself can guide in setting the mood and choose a strategy to improve the
cognitive ability of our future comes. While Metacognition on study is the knowledge,
awareness and control of the process and the results of one's thinking.
In Theresia Kriswianti N (2008:121) according to Flavel a person's ability to
monitor a variety of activities conducted through kognisinya action and interaction
between 4 components namely (1) Knowledge Metacognition (metacognitive
knowledge) (2) the experience of Metacognition (metacognitive experience) (3) goals or
tasks (goals ortasks) (4) the actions or strategies (actions or strategies).
Knowledge of Metacognition is knowledge a person about the thought process
that is a personal perspective from the ability of others. Experience is the experience of
cognition or Metacognition affective accompaniments and cognitive activities relate to
all. In other words, the experience of Metacognition is a conscious consideration of
intellectual experiences that accompany a failure or success in the lessons. The goal or
task refers to objective thinking as read and understand a passage to the next quiz,
which will trigger the use of the knowledge and experience to encourage Metacognition
metacognition. Actions or strategies pointed to specific behavior or thinking that are
used to implement them, which can help to achieve the goal.
The role of Metacognition in teaching higher-order thinking (HOT) in the
learning of mathematics. In this case the term HOTS to describe cognitive activity is
beyond the stage of withdrawal and understanding. According to Bloom's taxonomy
(1956) and according to the latest revision of the model (for example, Krathwohl, 2002;
Leighton, 2011). Apply, analyze, evaluate, and create is the main educational objectives
at the level of HOT. Examples of cognitive activity are classified as HOT include building

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

arguments, asking questions of research, make a comparison, the face of controversy,

and build causal relationships (Zohar, 2004). Cognitive activity is used to carry out such
a process of scientific inquiry, problem solving, decision-making, critical thinking and
According to Heong's, dkk (2011) high level thinking ability was the use of the
mind to find new challenges. High level thinking ability demanding someone to apply
new information or knowledge which had belonged to him and manipulating
information to reach out to possible answers to new situations. According to Brookhart
in an instant sense of higher-order thinking is as follows:

Higher- order thnking conceived of as the top end of the Bloom's cognitive
taxonomy. The teaching goal behind any of the cognitive taxonomies is equipping
students to be able to do the transfer. "Being able to think" means students can
apply the knowledge and skills they developed during their learning to new
contexts. The "New" here means applications that the student has not thought of
before, not necessarily universally something new. Higherorder thinking is
conceived u.s. students being able to relate their learning to other elements
beyond those they were taught to associate with it.

Above definition explains that the purpose of teaching based on Bloom's

taxonomy of the cognitive is to require students to apply the knowledge and skills to
new contexts, i.e. students can apply the concepts that have not been thought of before.
In the revised Bloom's taxonomy of thinking ability involves high level analysis (C4),
evaluating (C5) and created (C6) is considered higher-order thinking (Andreson &
Krathworl, 2001). Anderson did the research and created the improvement against the
taxonomy of Bloom. The improvement has changed the Bloom taxonomy from a noun
(anoun) into a verb (verb). This is important to be done due to Bloom taxonomy actually
is description of thinking process. Besides that, there is also a the shift from lower-level
thought processes (low order thinking) to high level thinking processes (higher order
Table: Taxonomic Distinction Bloom and Anderson
Bloom's Taxonomy A Revision Of Bloom's Taxonomy
Knowledge Memorizing
Understanding Understanding
The application of the Applying
Anilisis Analyzing
Synthesis Judging
Assessment Creating
(Andrerson & Krathworl, 2001)

In the taksonomoi Bloom cognitive domain is known only one dimension but in
Anderson and Krathwohl's taxonomy into two dimensions. The first dimension is the
Knowledge Dimension (the dimension of knowledge) and CognitiveProcess Dimension
(the dimension of the process of cognition). Cognition process dimensions there are 6
categories, namely the ability of remembering, understanding, applying and which is the
lower-level thinking ability. In addition the ability to analyze, evaluate, and create
including high level thinking ability.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Skills such as critical and creative thinking, problem solving, analysis and
visualization capabilities included in higher-order thinking or Higher OrderThinking
Skills (HOTS). This skill involves categorizing the grain problem, compare and
distinguish ideas and theories, capable of writing as well as solving the problem. In this
study, high levels of Mathematics thinking ability that is developed is the ability to
analyze (analyze), evaluating (evaluate) and create (create) in the field of physics.
Anderson & Krathwohl (2001:30) defines the capabilities of the third as follows:

Analyzing the material is breaking the concepts into parts, determining how the
parts relate or interrelate to one another or to an overall structure orpurpose.
Evaluating is making judgments based on criteria and standardsthorough
checking and critiguing. Creating is putting element together toform a coherent
or functional whole; reorganizing elements into a newpattern or structure
thorough generating, producing and plabning.

This definition States that: (1) analyze is outlining the material or concepts into
parts, determining relationships between parts, or parts to the structure or relationship
goals overall. The appropriate action in the form of differentiating, organizing, and
linking, as well as being able to distinguish between components or parts; (2)
Evaluating is to make an assessment based on the criteria and standards with a through
examination and criticism; (3) Create is the inclusion of the elements to form a single
coherent unity or functional or reorganize elements into patterns or new structures
through the process evokes, plan, or produce. Activities include creating is synthesizing
the section into something new, new products.
Thus, the ability to Higher Order Thinking Skills(HOTS) is a thinking skills that
not only requires the capability of remembering, but also other higher capabilities
include the ability to analyze, evaluate, and create.
In higher-order thinking skills include learning activities in deciding against
things that are complex areas such as critical thinking and thinking in solving problems.
Despite the high level of thinking is indeed difficult to be learned and taught, but its
usefulness is already no doubt. Think on a higher level than just memorize facts or say
something to someone exactly like something that was told to us. At the moment a
person memorize and deliver returns that information without having to think about it,
called rote memory (rote memory). The person is not different from the robots, in fact
he did whatever he did, so he programmed also cannot think for himself. Higher-order
thinking in a nutshell can be described as the attainment of a high level of thinking to
thinking from the mere repetition of the facts. Higher-order thinking requires that we
do things over the facts. We must memahamnya, connecting to each other, manipulate,
categorize, put them together with new ways, and to apply them in the search for new
solutions to new problems. For some people think high level can be done easily, but for
oranglain would not necessarily be done. However it does not mean higher-order
thinking can not be studied, as well as skills in General, higher-order thinking can be
learned by everyone.
Current theories which grew about Higher-order Thinking Skills more focussed
on how these skills are learned and developed. Appropriate teaching strategies and
learning environment which can facilitate students ' thinking ability is an important

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

factor for the achievement of this approach. As with any student persistence,
monitoring, and an open and flexible attitude of thinking.
In high level thinking, needed the ability reasoning. Where critical thinking and
reasoning ability of these interconnected. This is in line with the opinion Krulik and
Rudnick (1995:2), that covers the basic thinking critical thinking, and creative thinking
It is this last thought two levels (critical thinking and creative thinking) is called a high
level thinking skills that should be developed in learning mathematics and will be
discussed in this paper.
Some of the main concepts in accordance with the approach of the HOTS is
following the third assumption about thinking and learning:
a. Think could not be linked from the level, they are interdependent of each other
b. The Thinking or not thinking can be learned without the content, only the theoretical
points. In real life, students will learn the subject matter based on the experiences of
his school. For example to be able to master the concept of calculus 2, they should
have mastered calculus 1 first. Experience on previous schools will help them learn
the higher the next year
c. HOTS include various ways of thinking, processing, as well as apply on combined and
variable situations multiples thereafter.
Therefore , Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is believed to better prepare
students to meet the challenges. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) placed the student
to manipulate information and ideas with car change the meaning and its implications.
The transformation occurs when students connect the facts and ideas in order to
mensisntesis, generalize, describe, hypothesize or even to draw conclusions or
interference of manipulating ideas. Through this process allows students to solve
problems and to find meaning and understand it.
Some of the questions that a teacher can use to cultivate students ' critical
thinks pattern among others: is there any other way? (What's another way?), what if ...?
(What if ...?), what is wrong? (What's wrong?), and what will be done? (What would you
do?) (Krulik & Rudnick, 1999).
Examples of innovative question "is there any other way?"
1. a company of furniture will create two types of three-legged stools and four-legged.
Both types of bench uses the same type of feet. On one occasion this company gets an
order for 340 feet for a 100 benches. How much does each type of stool that would be
With memisalkan: x = a lot of three-legged stool
y = a lot of four-legged stool
x + y = 100
3 x + 4y = 340
So in many ways will be retrieved a three-legged stool 60 and 40-four-legged stool.
Next the teacher may question the likelihood of another way to get the same
answer. Since there is no change in the problem, this question will motivate
students to find another way or another answer. Therefore, this activity became a
good way to practice critical thinking.
Unlike the example of the first event, the following activities were conducted
after the condition on the matter of amended. This change makes students re-examine
the problem and see if this changes against the influence of the process of settlement

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

and also the answer. By this way the student will analyze what happened so that it will
enhance their critical thinking. Here's an example:
5 17 3 11 10 25 9 15 31

Yani took four number cards are worth 31, 5, 9 and 10. What is the total value of
the cards the numbers?
With a simple summation process retrieved answer 55. Now ask the question:
What if...
a) What if Yani took four cards with a total value of 55? Where is the number of cards
Many answers to this question. That is, there are many correct answers. This last
question requires more analysis, not merely exercise the summation.
What if ...? 2
b) What if the card numbers 10 discarded? If Yani took four cards with a total value of
55, which cards taken
This problem makes students analyze further. After trying several
combinations students will realize that the numbers are impossible to obtain.
Why? What is its mathematical explanation? The sum of two even numbers is
always going to be fulfilled, so there may be obtained 55.
By asking what if ...? The issue of routine can be transformed into an activity of
interest to the member the opportunity to use critical thinking. But, while solving in
mathematics, students need to know what is the problem to be solved, for knowledge
Metacognition about when, why, and how do strategy, or, to use the terminology that is
served before, this was knowledge of metacognition. To truly control problems during
the process of problem solving students also need to plan their actions carefully, to
monitor their actions to see if everything goes according to plan, and to evaluate
whether they actually understand the issue correctly and if their conclusions are valid.
This evaluation can direct students to conclude that they need to devise a new strategy
and better. That is to say, the success of the strategy of the HOTS also requires skills
such as planning, monitoring, evaluation, and settings. In the next part we will look
deeper into why knowledge Metacognition and Metacognition skills is essential for a
competent and efficient HOTS.
Contribution of knowledge and skills in Metacognition in learning the HOTS
towards thinking is based on the observation that children at any given time have
different thinking strategies that they use with different relative frequencies (Kuhn,
2000a; Kuhn, Garcia-Mila, Zohar, & Andersen, 1995; Siegler, 1996). Therefore,
development is seen as an increased ability to choose effective strategies from a large
number of strategies with varying levels of effectiveness. According to Kuhn (1999,
2000b), at this point that knowledge becomes important, because it is an important
factor in the increased ability to choose strategies that are more accurate.
The claim that by increasing the knowledge of the student's Metacognition can
improve strategic thinking implies that the beneficial to try and teach that knowledge
rather than wait until it evolves itself. Help accessing knowledge Metacognition in class
often helps students see the structure of the public thinking that are embedded in the
difficulties they face. For example, students might not see the relationship between the
activity of the investigation that they did in class in terms of the experiment the dice
before they discuss topics regarding the chances of an event. The teacher, however, can

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

explicitly indicate that these two activities have featured the same investigation cycle
and that the rules they learned about the need to control problems that apply in both
cases. By using explicit general knowledge related to knowledge Metacognition in the
teaching of thinking, that's a kind of "bridging" activity that can increase the transfer
(Adey and Shayer, 1993).
Metacognition skills contribution against the HOTS for controlling and
regulating their thinking, learners use skills of Metacognition that use their knowledge
of Metacognition about cognitive prosses (Schraw & Moshman, 1995). Metacognition
skills can be seen as a procedural component of Executive or Metacognition (Brown,
1987; Paris & Winograd, 1990; Veenman, 2005). Metacognition skills is very important
to manage the process of thinking and gives the relationship between the level of meta-
knowledge about strategies and tasks and cognitive performance (Borkowski, Chan, &
Muthukrishna, 2000; Schraw, 1998; Veenman, 2011). For example, learners need to
plan a strategy which will be used HOT, based on the demands of the task, and then
monitor and govern your use of that strategy.
Developmental study shows that after age 15 skill Metacognition generally are
public (Van der Stel & Veenman, 2010, 2013; Veenman & Spaans, 2005; Veenman,
Wilhelm, & Beishuizen, 2004). Public-domain aspect of Metacognition skills suggests
that they may be easier to switch to a new domain and task. However, the development
of skills in Metacognition occurs gradually and some learners may not spontaneously
acquire MS a competent (Brown & DeLoache, 1978; Veenman, Kok, & Blöte, 2005).
Veenman (2011) show that learners have skills in Metacognition at their disposal but
failed to produce it appropriately can be aided by the cues and reminders. But the
students who do not have skills in Metacognition might not get the benefit of cues and
reminders. Learners with "deprivation" need to be instructed to use Metacognition
Skills to be able to get them effectively (Veenman, 2011). Veenman refers to
Metacognition skills instruction informed by using WWW & H regulations: "that means
that learners should be instructed, modelled and trained when to apply the skills, why
and how in the context of the task" (2011, p. 210). This means that knowledge
Metacognition about Metacognition Skills plays an important role in the acquisition of
skills in metacognition. Call this brings us full circle to the importance of Metacognition
knowledge strategies in promoting HOT by proposing that learners can benefit from
knowledge Metacognition strategy is not just about HOT, but also about Metacognition
Skills required to successfully execute this strategy.
Therefore, it can be said more specific Metacognition makes it easy for someone
to think more critically than conceptualizing Metacognition as a vast skills. In addition, a
more specific model will help when applying higher-order thinking. The individual
begins to use some meta level resource that serves as a bridge to reach the critical
thinking. When the student is able to control the cognitive processes, they tend to be
critical of the facts presented to them. So it can be dikatakab higher order thinking skills
and Metacognition as the process of organizing knowledge and higher-order thinking
serves as a refinement of knowledge, for students to have the skills of a high level of
Metacognition of thinking needs to be applied in achieving the success of the process of

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Based on this literature study it can be concluded that the ability of Higher
Order Thinking Skills(HOTS) is a process thinking that requires students to manipulate
information and ideas in a way that gives them the understanding and implications of
new. Metacognition is the approach can be helpful when applying Higher Order Thinking
Skills(HOTS) . The research on Metacognition is the knowledge, awareness and control
of the process and the results of one's thinking. The individual begins to use some meta
level resource that serves as a bridge to reach the critical thinking. When students are
able to control their cognitive processes, they tend to be critical of the facts presented to
them. So it can be said to be of higher order thinking skills and Metacognition as the
process of organizing knowledge and higher-order thinking serves as a refinement of
knowledge for students to have the skills of a high level of Metacognition of thinking
needs to be applied in achieving the success of the process of thinking.

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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Nike Marta Yola1, Edwin Musdi1, Dony Permana1

Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Correspondence: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: nikemartayola92@gmail.com

The purpose of this research is to know the influence of cooperative learning model
type Think Pair Share (TPS) to understanding the concept of mathematics and learning
outcomes in learners. Understanding the concept is one of the competencies that play an
important role in learning mathematics. By understanding the concepts expected students
can be able to master other mathematical skills. But until now, concept comprehension is
always a problem for the students so there is a need for research that can help teachers in
improving students' concept understanding, and model of cooperative learning type Think
Pair Share (TPS) is one of the learning model that can increase the understanding of
learners. The research method used is research literature study that is by collecting
various information about TPS. After conducting literature studies citing data on TPS from
various sources so that to the suspicion that TPS can improve students' mathematical

Keywords: Understanding concept, cooperative learning, Think Pair Share

Problems often faced by teachers in the learning process is that few students are
actively involved in the learning process. Then, less interested students to discuss
because the discussion activities conducted only learning in regular groups without the
formation of groups by teachers. Therefore it is necessary to implement learning that
can activate and develop student activities in expressing ideas and solving mathematical
problems to improve the quality of the learning process of mathematics. The meaning of
Sriati (1994: 4), reveals that the students' mistakes in working on math problems are a)
The concept's mistake is to understand abstract ideas, b) Mistakes Strategies are
mistakes that occur when students choose an improper path leading to a deadlock, and
c) Count is an error counting mathematical operations.
The same thing disclosed by Wiyanto (2010) The mastery of student math in
Indonesia is still low. This can be seen from the low achievement of Indonesian students
who ranked 32 of 38 participating countries in 1999 and ranked 37 out of 46
participating countries in 2003. One cause is the ineffectiveness of the learning process.
An interview with a mathematics teacher at school revealed that the students did not
understand the concepts of the material that had been taught. If the teacher gives a
slightly different problem then the student will be confused in answering it. Also when
teachers ask questions only some students respond to questions. Teachers have also

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

given students the opportunity to ask questions about materials that are not
understood but less responsive.
From various problems found, the authors conclude that the need to solve the
problem of understanding the concept of students. Hasnida (2011: 890) states that
conceptual understanding allows students to solve problems in various forms, even
highly capable students will be able to solve problems that have never been
encountered before. For that we need a study to try out what learning models can
improve or improve students' conceptual comprehension skills. Without the application
of a good learning model, then the learning process will not be directed so that the
learning objectives that have been set not achieved optimally. In addition, the process of
learning in the classroom can not take place effectively and efficiently without the
application of appropriate learning models.
Cooperative learning model can be an alternative to improve students' conceptual
understanding (Kagan, 1989). Celikten, Ipekcioglu, Ertepinar, & Geban (2012) in his
research also led to the conclusion that cooperative learning model can improve
students' concept understanding better than traditional learning model. And ultimately
cooperative learning can improve student learning outcomes (Russo, 2014). This is
because the ability to work together well in this research. In addition, with this learning,
students are more likely to explore their potential because students find themselves the
concept of the material they are studying, so the concept is well embedded (Winda et al.,
Based on the description above, we can estimate that the implementation of
cooperative learning model Think Pair Share type is a learning that can improve
understanding of mathematical concepts of learners so that in the end can improve
their learning achievement.

This study is a literature study. In this study the data collected from sources
related to the topic under study. The topic raised in this research is the understanding
of students' mathematical concepts and cooperative learning model Think Pair Share
type. While the source data from this study comes from journals, articles, books,
research reports, and the internet.


One of the goals of mathematics learning is to develop conceptual understanding
abilities. The ability to comprehend mathematical concepts is one of the determinants of
the learning objectives of mathematics. If students can understand the concept well, it is
expected that students are able to master other mathematical skills, such as: reasoning,
problem solving and communication (Winda et al., 2012). Thus, the learning system
implemented in the school should pay attention so that the concept can be embedded
properly to the students. This leads to the necessity of choosing the right model of
Think Pair Share cooperative learning model can be an alternative to improve
understanding of mathematical concepts of learners. According to Ibrahim (2000: 26)
cooperative learning steps think pair share type is Thingking (thinking), Pairing (pair),
and sharing (sharing). The existence of the stage students present their work results
and other students respond to the work of his friend can train students to express

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

mathematical ideas. This learning model emphasizes that students can actively develop
potential by creating groups consisting of two people who will create optimal
interaction patterns, develop a spirit of togetherness, the emergence of motivation and
foster effective communication. Through cooperative learning type Think Pair Share
students can actively express themselves in classroom learning. In TPS students get
more time thinking individually and in pairs to respond and help each other. In addition,
students will also develop the ability to test ideas and understanding as well as
comparing with the ideas put forward by other students so that social interaction can
occur. Thus, it is expected that all students understand the material. Therefore, the
application of cooperative learning model of TPS type can be an effort to improve
students' concept comprehension ability.
This type of TPS was developed by Frank Lyman, et al. from Universtas Maryland
in 1981. TPS type cooperative learning is one type of cooperative learning that is
considered effective to change the atmosphere of the pattern of discussion in the
classroom. According to Nurhadi (2004: 23) TPS is a learning structure designed to
influence the pattern of student interaction in order to create a cooperative learning
that can improve students' academic mastery and skills. TPS has a defined procedure to
give students more time in thinking, answering, and helping each other.
Frank Lyman in Trianto (2009: 82) suggests that the steps (TPS) of TPS are (a) thinking,
the teacher asks a question or problem associated with the lesson, and asks students to
take a few minutes to think for themselves problems, (b) pairs, the teacher asks the
students to pair up and discuss what they have gained, and (c) the sharing, the teacher
asks the couples to share with the whole class they have been talking about.
Furthermore, in the opinion of Arends in Trianto (2009: 81) which states that the
steps in the first TPS implementation is think (think) that the teacher ask a question or
problem associated with the lesson, and ask students to use a few minutes to think Own
answers or problems; Pair (pair) is the teacher ask students in pairs and discuss what
they have gained. Interactions during the time provided can unify the answer if a
question is asked or unites the idea when a specific problem is identified. Normally
teachers give no more than four or five minutes to pair; And the last is a share (shared)
that the teacher asks the couples to share with the whole class they have been talking
about. This is effective until some couples get a chance to report.
With the model of cooperative learning type of TPS, students are given more
opportunities to think, respond, and work independently and help other friends
positively to complete the task, in accordance with the opinion of Lie (2004: 57) stating
that TPS is one model of cooperative learning Simple that provides an opportunity for
students to work alone and work with others. Excellence
This learning model that is, able to optimize student participation. Furthermore,
according to Kagan in Eggen and Kauchak (2012: 134) TPS is a group working strategy
that asks individual students in a learning partner to first answer questions from the
teacher and then share that answer with a colleague. In its application, TPS will be
effective if each student actively participates in the TPS learning process. This is
consistent with the opinion of Eggen and Kauchak (2012: 134) which states that the
effectiveness of the TPS type cooperative learning model can occur if this learning
model can invite responses from everyone in the classroom and can place all students in
cognitively active roles , In addition each member of the couple is expected to
participate so that this strategy reduces the "free passenger" tendency which can be

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

problematic when using group work. So, it can be concluded that the TPS learning
begins with the Think process (thinking) that students first think individually to the
problems presented by the teacher, followed by the pair stage (pairs), the students are
asked to discuss with their partners about what he had thought Individually, and ends
with a share, once an agreement has been reached on his or her mind, one partner
shares with the class what is the agreement in the discussion and then continues with
another pair until some couples can report on the experiences or knowledge they have.
Then, the advantages of the think-pair-share cooperative learning model are as follows:
(a) allowing students to formulate and ask questions about the taught material as it
indirectly derives samples of questions asked by the teacher, and the opportunity to
think through the material taught ; (B) students will be trained to apply the concept for
exchanging opinions and thoughts with their friends to gain agreement on solving
problems; (C) students are more active in learning because they complete the task in
groups, where each group consists of only 2 people; (D) students have the opportunity
to present the results of their discussion with all students so that the ideas spread; (E)
enabling teachers to monitor more students in the learning process (Hartina, 2008: 19).
Meanwhile, according to Muslimin Ibrahim (2000: 6), Think-Pair-Share method has
advantages, among others: 1) Increase the time shedding on the task. 2) Improve
presence. 3) Decreased dropout, 4) Apathy is reduced, 5) Acceptance of larger
individuals, 6) More in-depth learning results, 7) Improve virtue, sensitivity and
In addition, Fogarty and Robin (1996) stated that the teaching techniques of Think
Pair Share have several advantages: 1) easy to implement in large classes, 2) giving
students time to reflect the content of the subject matter, 3) giving the students time to
Train opinions before sharing with small groups or classes as a whole.
Based on research result of Reysti Betharia Erinda (2016) with population of class
X MIA SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung, obtained by conclusion that model of cooperative
learning type think pair share (TPS) have an effect on understanding student's
mathematical concept. This can be seen from the understanding of mathematical
concepts of students who get cooperative learning TPS type better than the
understanding of mathematical concepts of students who get conventional learning.
The study by Abdullah abbas (2010) also resulted in the conclusion that
cooperative learning can improve the understanding of mathematical concepts of
students because in cooperative learning the teacher ensures the understanding of
student concepts is better than in traditional learning. This is also in line with More
(2005) and corroborates the results of research Abdul Rahim and Al Shakili (2005) As
for measuring students' concept of understanding can be measured through 4
indicators, namely:
1. Redefine a concept
2. Present concepts in various forms of mathematical representation
3. Use, utilize and select certain procedures or operations
4. Apply the concept or problem solving


This type of thinking pair share cooperative learning model can improve students'
conceptual understanding ability better than traditional learning. This is because the
model gives the learner a chance to exchange opinions with a friend after thinking for

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

themselves and then followed by explaining in front of the class and receiving
explanations from other friends. Thus, students will be more familiar with the concept
being discussed. In addition, this learning model can form the character of students,
namely tolerance, sensitivity, liveliness, and spirit togetherness. Based on this study, the
authors suggest:
1. To improve the ability of understanding mathematical concepts of learners, teachers
can apply cooperative learning model Think Pair Share type.
2. Researchers after this can observe the conceptual understanding of learners more
deeply, and
3. To further examine the influence of Think Pair Share on other mathematical

Abdul Rahim, Ahmad Yusuf and Al-Shakili, Bright Nasser. "The Effectiveness of the
Strategy of Collaborative Learning in the Omani Schools." The Educational
Magazine, Kuwait, Vol. 19, No. (75), (2005), 114-148.
The meaning of Sriati. (1994). Difficulty in Learning Mathematics in High School
Students (Diasnostic Assessment). Journal of education number 2 year XXIV
Celikten, O., Ipekcioglu, S., Ertepinar, H., & Geban, O. (2012). The effect of the conceptual
change oriented instruction through cooperative learning on 4th grade students'
understanding of earth and sky concepts. Science Education International, 23 (1),
84-96. Retrieved from www.eric.ed.gov
Eggen, Paul. and the Kauchak, Don. 2012. Learning Strategy and Model: Mind the
Content And Thinking Skills. Jakarta: Index.
Erinda, Reysti Betharia (2016). The Influence of Co-operative Learning ThinkPair Share
Type To Understanding Student Mathematical Concept (study on the students of
x x mia sma class of the country 1 bandar semester Even semester year
2015/2016). Essay. University of Lampung.
Gubbad, Abdullah Abbas Mohammed Ahmed. 2010. The Effect of Cooperative Learning
on the Academic Achievement and Retention of Mathematics Concepts at the
Primary School in Holy Makkah. Journal of Edu. Sci. & Islamic Studies (2) Vol.22,
pp. 13-23, Riyadh (2010 / 1431H.)
Hartina. 2008. The influence of cooperative learning model type think pair share on
learning result of chemistry class XI IPA SMA Negeri 5 Makassar (Study on
reaction rate material). Essay. Makassar: UNM.
Hasnida, Nor. C. G, et al. 2011. Students' procedural and conceptual understanding of
mathematics. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, ISSN 1991-8178
Volume 5 No 7
Ibrahim, Muslim, et al. 2000. Cooperative Learning Surabaya: University Press.
Moore, J. "Undergraduate Mathematics Achievement in the Emerging Ethnic Engineers
Program." International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and
Technology, Vol. 36, No. (5), (2005), 529-53
Muslimin Ibrahim. 2000. Cooperative Learning. Surabaya: University Press.
Nurhadi, et al. 2004. Curriculum 2004 (Questions and Answers). Jakarta: Gramedia
Widiasarana Indonesia.
Russo, Rose L. The Effects of A Cooperative Learning Strategy on Post-Secondary
Students' Mathematics Achievement. An unpublished thesis.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Sugiyanto. 2010. Innovative Learning Models. Yuma Pustaka. Surakarta.

Trianto. 2009. Designing a Progressive Innovative Learning Model: Concepts, Platforms
and Implementation of Education Unit Level Curriculum
Winda et al. (2012). The influence of applying cooperative learning model type think
pair share to understanding concept in learning mathematics. Journal of
Mathematics Education, part 3 vol. 1 number 1 in 2012.
Wiyanto, Yuli Tri. 2010. Mathematics Learning Experiment with Aptitude Treatment
Interaction Strategy Judging from the Motivation of Student Class VIII Semester
Even Junior High School Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta 2009/2010. Thesis.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Nikmatul Husna1, Ahmad Fauzan1, Latisma Dj

1Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Negeri Padang

The skill of problem solving and mathematical concept understanding of 7 th
grade in SMP N 7 Padang is low. It's caused by the learning activities that held by the
teachers are not optimal, its tend to be conventional. Teacher must consider the
different of cognitive style and prior knowledge of the students in designing learning
activities. Formore optimallearning outcomes, teachers shoulduse another
approachesthatcanhelpstudents get better skill in math, one of them is constructivist
approach. The aims of this research are knowing the influence of constructivist
approach on mathematical concept understanding and problem solving skill of the
students in consideration of students’ cognitive style and prior knowledge. This is
experimental research that using two class to be compared. The results showedthat:
1) there is no significant difference of the students’ concept understanding who
learned by constructivist approach and conventional learning, 2) there is an
interaction between prior knowledge and learning approach in mathematical
concept understanding of the students, constructivist approach doesn’t fit the
students that have low prior knowledge 3) the problem solving skill of students’
wholearned by constructivistapproach isbetter thanconventional learning.

Keywords – constructivist approach, problem solving skill, mathematical concept

understanding, cognitive style, prior knowledge

The aims of mathematics learning are to train and develop students thinking skills.
Through mathematics learning students are taught to think abstractly and an approach
to do problem solving. Mathematics teaches strategies to solve problems, how to behave
when facing problems and how to solve problems with different levels of complexity [1].
Problem-solving skills taught through mathe-matics learning is needed for students
to be used in the world of work later. The world of work re-quires workers to be open to
new ideas, adapt-able to change, overcome difficulties, understand patterns and solve
problems, which is not a tra-ditional problem. Solving the problem requires a scientific
method that demands logical, critical and creative thinking skills. Therefore, the
learning of mathematics is very necessary for students.
In practice, mathematical learning in schools is overwhelmed with problems. Based
on the data of another the research, the problem solving ability that should be
developed by learning mathematics, in fact still low [2]. Problem-solving skills are the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

ability of students to solve complex and complex non-routine problems, with no direct
procedure to solve them, one must experiment (an attempt) to find the solution [3].
The low ability of the students to solve the problem can be seen from the mistakes
made by students when solving problems, such as mis-takes in interpreting the problem
because of lack of understanding of the problems posed [4], the use of faulty operations,
carelessness, and values that are mutually exchanged [2]. Some student difficulties
when dealing with problem solving problems are students not knowing what ele-ments
are known and being questioned from the problem, students having difficulties in
solving math problems with specific strategies and explaining the outcome of problem
solving [5], [6].
One of the causes of low student problem solving skills is the problem-solving
approach used by students. Students do not understand the problem, they just search
for keywords from the problem, then memorize the process to be done [4]. Students
know many mathematical procedures, but do not know in what context the procedure
can be used. Thus, their procedural knowledge still can not help them in solving the
problem. This indicates another problem, that is, the students' mathematical soncept
understand-ing is also low. Mathematical concepts under-standing is the ability of
students to absorb the meaning of an abstract subject matter.
Students are not able to interpret and perform the correct procedures in solving a
problem because of their less understanding of the concept. Students who understand
the concept will know more than just separate facts and procedures. They know why
mathematical ideas are important and in what context can be used [7]. Therefore,
students will be able to understand the problem and devise a problem solving solution
if they understand the concept used to solve the problem.
From the observations in the field, found many students who have problems with
understanding the concept. Students feel dif-ficulties if the problem is not like the
matter that exemplified by the teacher. They also have trouble deciding what concepts
should be used to solve a problem on a test that contains many subjects. This, causing
many students who fail in tests such as mid-semester exam and semester exam.
Many reasons behind the failure of students in learning mathematics. However, most
of the reasons are related to the curriculum [8] and learning methods rather than the
lack of stu-dents in learning. The current curriculum for mathematics learning still
focuses on the ability of low-level thinking, which is evident from the evaluation tools
provided. In addition, in general teachers in schools still use conventional me-thods in
learning. In this study, conventional learning is meant the usual learning done by the
teacher. Conventional learning is more relying on memorization, the selection of
information is determined by the teacher, focusing on a par-ticular area, giving the
students information up to the time it is needed.
Based on the observations, the learning ac-tivities are more dominated by teachers.
Classroom activities are highly dependent on textbooks. However, not all activities in
the textbooks are conducted. For example, teacher Will pass through the
troubleshooting section and will only perform a simple concept discovery activity. In
addition, textbooks that are used have a systematic material that is less coherent so that
students have difficulty under-standing the concept of the undertaken acti-vities. As a
result, students can not construct and interpret the gained knowledge.
Besides the conventional methods that teach-ers often use, there are many other
methods can be used. However, there are things that need to be considered before

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

choosing the learning method, namely cognitive style and prior know-ledge of the
students. Elements that students understand in the past, how students under-stand and
organize concepts and rules students use to understand things all have an influence on
the formation of their new knowledge. Thus, teachers need to consider it before using a
teaching method.
Teachers need to choose a teaching strategy that fits the student's cognitive style, so
that learning provides optimal results. Cognitive style is the attitude or way a person in
organizing information and experience that determines the way a person in receiving,
remembering, think-ing and solving problems. The cognitive style is related to the
process by which students orga-nize, receive and transmit information and behavior.
There are two types of cognitive styles: field independence (FI) and field dependence
Students with FI cognitive style have charac-teristics such as analytical, competitive,
indivi-dualistic, can solve complex problems, remem--ber information, separate facts
and not facts, relevant and not, impose structures when the content is lacking, and have
a higher working memory capacity, have intrinsic motivation and are not easily
distracted. Of the many advantages of students with the FI cognitive style, they have a
lack of having a low interpersonal quality [9].
In contrast, students with FD cognitive styles have high interpersonal qualities.
However, they have lower memory work capacity, difficulty in solving complex
problems, easily distracted, less intrinsic motivation, difficulty in remembering
information and they are less flexible so they can’t impose a structure when the content
is lacking [9].
If the teaching methode matched the stu-dent's cognitive style, the learning process
became more productive and valuable [9]. The incompatibility of teaching methode
with cog-nitive style is not important for FI students, but this is very important for
students with FD cognitive style [10]. The things that need to be considered by the
teachers in designing a lesson related to differences in cognitive style of the student is in
teaching teachers should teach stra-tegies that can be used for many contexts and do
the learning in groups. Students with FD cogni-tive style have a smaller working
memory capacity than FI students and are more rigid. FD students find it difficult to
keep new knowledge in their memory and they are inclined to use fixed strategies to
solve problems. FD students need encouragement and guidance to help them remember
the knowledge they have. Thus, group learning with FI students fits very well with FD
students. In addition, if the FD students are assisted in receiving and processing
information in group learning, then FI students also help to improve the quality of their
Before doing the learning, teachers need to check the knowledge and skills of
students, what prerequisite materials they have not mastered, which need a little
review and what is not neces-sary to be reviewed again. Based on the infor-mation,
teachers can design appropriate learn-ing, so that students can follow the learning from
the beginning with a stock that is almost the same.
In addition to the cognitive style, in designing the learning teacher's should also pay
attention to the prior knowledge of students. Prior knowledge is a level of ability that
has been owned by students before following the process of learning. Prior knowledge
has very important role in improving the meaningfulness of teach-ing, which in turn has

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

an impact in facilitating the internal processes that take place within students when
learning [11].
To enable students to construct a new understanding, they must recognize the
relation to the knowledge they already possess. In addi-tion, the higher the students'
prior knowledge, the easier it will be for them to organize their knowledge and the less
students need the teacher's instruction in learning.
The skills that the student demonstrates as prior knowledge are individual. To know
him should be done individually as well. Know prior knowledge can be done through
interviews or tests. Teachers' tests can be a tool to familiarize themselves with prior
knowledge. Another way of determining prior knowledge is through learning analysis.
From the analysis of learning made can be known hierarchy level of ability or mastery
of subject matter. On this basis it can be stipulated that a lower level of subject matter to
be taught is a prior knowledge.
Based on the differences that these students have, teachers need to consider it in
their learn-ing to provide optimal results, especially on problem-solving and students
mathematical con-cept understanding. Teachers need to apply al-ternative learning
approaches other than those commonly used by teachers.
Teaching with knowledge transfer is no longer effective to be done in an effort to
overcome the low of problem-solving skills and mathematical concept understanding of
the stu-dents. Learning will be more successful if students actively construct their own
know-ledge. The knowledge construction process is necessary to organize knowledge
that matches the student's life experience, so it can be used when dealing with new
challenges and expe-riences. Through the construction process stu-dents are taught
how to think well, so they can use that way of thinking to face a new pheno-menon.
Learning that apply the process of this construction of knowledge is a constructivism
Learning with constructivist approach is the implementation of learning that done by
involv-ing students actively in constructing knowledge based on the knowledge that
they already owned. The constructivism expert states that knowledge is formed in the
minds of students as they seek to organize their new experiences based on the cognitive
framework already exist-ing in their minds. Students are directed to pro-vide their ideas
in solving problems on learning with constructivist approach. The emergence of many
ideas in a class of the same material further stimulates the students to construct their
knowledge in more detail and complete.
The constructivist approach places the student as a centered, the teacher acting as a
facilitator that creates an atmosphere of thought for the students. The atmosphere of
thought created in the form of problems close to the daily life of students. The
constructivist approach allows students to develop their understanding and problem-
solving skills through various acti-vities and the results that obtained in accor-dance
with their progress.
Mathematical learning with constructivist approach is done by applying the
principles [12], as follows:

1) Activation of prerequisites knowledge

Students are reminded of their prerequisite knowledge to facilitate understanding of
sub-sequent material, by providing some quest-ions that explore the prerequisites.
2) The acquisition of new knowledge

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Students are given issues to be discussed as groups to try to find answers and give
them a chance to find Ideas. Then the results are discussed.
3) Idea gathering
Teacher leads class discussions to collect student ideas from different groups.
Students are asked to construct ideas from each group to be agreed upon and correct.
The teacher acts as a facilitator in constructing the new idea.
4) Stabilization of ideas
Students are asked to solve a given mathe-matical problem (quiz/test/exercise), to
con-solidate the knowledge they have already established.
5) Reflection
Students are directed to make a summary of material are already studied and the
teacher checks the correctness of the concept by ask-ing questions, then giving
individual assign-ments/homeworks that will be collected at the next meeting and
the results assessed to find out how far students understand the concept.
The implementation of learning with a constructive approach makes students
personal-ly involved in the learning process and make students develop their thinking
skills. FD stu-dents tend to have difficulty keeping new know-ledge in their memory and
are likely to use fixed strategies to solve problems. Learning with cons-tructivist
approach is more emphasized on the development of thinking ability not just pro-
cedural capability. Students are trained to deve-lop their ability in approaching a
problem. Therefore, FD students do not need to memorize much more for each different
problem condition, because they have been trained in approaching to solve the problem.
In addition, in the learning with the cons-tructivist approach the activity begins with
the activation of prerequisite capability. It aims to equate students 'understanding to
cope with the diversity of students' prior knowledge level. Ena-bling this prerequisite
capability helps students with cognitive style FD Which has low memory working
capacity. Enabling pre-requisite know-ledge makes retrieval of information from me-
mory easier. Students' understanding of the prerequisite material, is expected to be the
basis for them to construct new, more meaningful knowledge.
Learning with constructivist approach is done in groups. This is because the students
have their respective views of the knowledge they are constructing. Through discussion
in groups stu-dents can compare and analyze their knowledge whether it is correct or
not. Learning in a group needs to be done if the learning objective is to build a
conceptual understanding or learn stra-tegies to solve more challenging problems.
In group learning FI and FD students will be combined in one group. This will make
learning more effective and reduce the dependence of FD students on guidance and
direction from teachers and train them to develop their own thinking. Group learning
has a positive effect on students' social skills and mathematics learning.
The constructivist approach has a positive effect on FI students who have low
interpersonal skills, ie on social skills, ethics and student personality development [13].
Students who are usually shy and closed, and less concerned with the environ-ment
becomes more active and expressive. The student demonstrates the desire to engage in
his learning community and shows a caring attitude towards his friend, and patiently
and diligently teaches his friends.
Based on the above explanation, this research is titled “The Influence of
Constructivist App-roach toward Mathematical Concept Under-standing and Problem

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Solving Skill of 7th Grade Students at SMP N 7 Padang Reviewed from Cognitive Style
and Prior Knowledge”.
The research design that used was factorial design, by comparing the result of test
about mathematical concept understanding and prob-lem solving skil of the students
based on cogni-tive style (FD & FI) and prior knowledge(Low & High). This research
uses two groups, namely experiment and control. The experimental group was taught
using a constructivist approach, while the control group was conventional learn-ing. At
the end of the lecture the two groups were given a mathematical concept understand-
ing and problem soving test.
The population in this study is the 7th grade students of SMP N 7 Padang. The
technique to take the sample is random sampling method. The samples that selected is
class VII2 and VII3 as experimental groups and classes VII6 and VII8 as control groups.
The instruments used to collect data in this research are test about concept
understanding and problem-solving skill, and GEFT (Group Embedded Figure Test). The
cognitive style of students is determined based on this GEFT. The test subjects are
expected to find simple images on 18 complex images within the allocatted time (12
minutes). Based on the correct number of students answered, the score on GEFT has a
range of 0 (most FD) up to 18 (the most FI). To group students based on their prior
knowledge, based on students' examination of Lines and Angles material. Students who
scored above the average, which is 57 were classified to a high prior knowledge group,
and conversely the low prior knowledge group.
The conceptual understanding test consists of 8 questions in the form of essays on
Triangle and Quadrilateral materials, one for each of the following indicators, 1)
reiterating the learned concepts, 2) classifying the objectives based on the requirements
(3) identifying the nature of operations or concepts, 4) applying logical concepts, 5)
giving examples or not examples of learned concepts, 6) presenting concepts in various
forms of mathematical representation, 7) linking various concepts in mathematics as
well as outside mathematics, 8) develop the necessary conditions and / or sufficient
terms of a concept.
While the problem-solving test consists of 2 essay questions, with assessment in
accordance with the infiser, 1) organizing the data and selecting relevant information in
identifying the problem, 2) presenting a systematic problematic formulation in various
forms, 3) using or develop problem-solving strategies, 4) interpret the results of
answers obtained to solve problems.

The data from the research is given in the Table 1.
Table 1
The Descriptive Statistics of The Result of Mathematical Concept Understanding Test
Concept Understanding (Y1)
Cognitive Style FI Cognitive Style FD
(A1) (A2)
Exp (X1) Cont(X2) Exp (X1) Cont(X2)
𝑁 14 12 53 50
𝑀𝑖𝑛. 14,29 35,71 0,00 7,14
𝑀𝑎𝑥. 92,86 92,86 100 78,57

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

𝑥 57,65 60,12 46,89 51,42

𝑆𝑡. 𝐷𝑒𝑣. 2,35 1,7 2,32 1,35
High Prior K. (B1) Low Prior K. (B2)
Exp (X1) Cont(X2) Exp (X1) Cont(X2)
𝑁 37 30 30 32
𝑀𝑖𝑛. 21,43 28,57 0,00 7,14
𝑀𝑎𝑥. 100 92,86 71,43 78,57
𝑥 60,81 57,14 34,76 49,29
𝑆𝑡. 𝐷𝑒𝑣. 2,06 1,47 1,85 1,35

From the results of the calculation, the average value of the highest concept of under-
standing is obtained by the experimental group with high prior knowledge. The worst
results were obtained by students of the experimental group with low aw-al
In general, without distinguishing cognitive styles and prior knowledge, when
compared to an understanding of the concepts of students learning with constructivist
approaches and those with conventional learning did not differ significantly. This
happens because the first, less used of the students who learning using constructivist
approach, so much time required to construct student knowledge, while the time
available is very limited. Therefore, the process of constructing knowledge does not
work optimally. Second, this is due to the quantity of tasks assigned to different
experiment and control class students. Control class students do more individual tasks
than experimental class students, due to the lack of number of classroom meetings.
The average test results of students' con-ceptual understanding with FI cognitive
style who taught by conventional show better out-comes than students who learn with
constructivist approaches, although they do not make a significant difference, after
being tested by U-Test. Students with FI cognitive style are not significantly affected by
the teaching methods used by teachers [10]. Therefore, they will get almost the same
achievement although the learning method is different.
The mean value of students' conceptual understanding with FD cognitive style who
taught by conventional is higher than that of students learning with constructivist
approach, but the difference in achievement is not very significant based on U-Test
statistics. If we traced the cause, this happens because the lack of effective discussion
activities that take place. Many students do not discuss but only copy the work of
friends. This is also related to students' difficulties adjusting to a new learning
approach, so that the material learned at the beginning of the meeting is poorly
understood by the students.
After testing to see the interaction between the cognitive style and the learning
approach in influencing the understanding of the concept, it turns out the result
obtained no interaction. This means that learning approaches and cognitive styles
together do not influence the students' mathematical concepts understanding
Students who learn with a constructivist approach that has a high prior knowledge
obtain a higher mean value of conceptual under-standing than students who learn
conven-tionally. However, the differences shown are not very significant, based on the
U-Test performed. This means that the constructivist approach does not give effect to
the conceptual under-standing of students who have high prior knowledge.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Conceptual understanding of students that has low prior knowledge that is studied
conven-tionally is higher than students who learn with constructivist approach.
Learning with a top-down in constructivist approach demands stu-dents to master the
prerequisite knowledge in order to construct knowledge of the problems they are
concerned with. It is very hard for students with low prior knowledge. Despite the
activation of knowledge prerequisite activities, but this does not necessarily make
students can use it in solving problems to construct new knowledge. Therefore, learning
with construc-tivist approach does not have a positive impact on students with low
prior knowledge.
After testing the interaction between the learning approach and the prior knowledge,
the result showed there is an interaction between the learning approach and the
students 'early ability to influence the students' math concept. Students with low prior
knowledge are better taught with a conventional approach than with a constructivist
The result of problem solving test is given in Table 2.
Table 2
The Descriptive Statistics of The Result of
Problem Solving Test
Problem Solving Skill (Y2)
High Prior K. (B1) Low Prior K. (B2)
Exp (X1) Cont (X2) Exp (X1) Cont (X2)
𝑁 37 30 30 32
𝑀𝑖𝑛. 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
𝑀𝑎𝑥. 93,75 85,71 62,5 71,43
𝑥 47,8 38,57 33,33 25,44
𝑆𝑡. 𝐷𝑒𝑣. 1,98 2,97 1,58 2,43
Cognitive Style FI Cognitive Style FD
Exp (X1) Cont (X2) Exp (X1) Cont (X2)
𝑁 14 12 53 50
𝑀𝑖𝑛. 0,00 7,14 0,00 0,00
𝑀𝑎𝑥. 75 85,71 93,75 85,71
𝑥 40,44 35,79 41,98 30,99
𝑆𝑡. 𝐷𝑒𝑣. 2,08 2,31 1,93 2,87
The mean value of student problem-solving skill with high prior knowledge that
learn with constructivist approach is the highest average among the other groups. While
the lowest average obtained students who learn conventionally have low prior
In general, students' problem-solving skill that learn with constructivist approaches
are higher than students learning with conventional learning. Students who study by
conventional approach generally only answer up to the stage of determining the
relevant information from the given problem. Most of them can not locate relevant
information from the given problem, resulting difficulties in designing a strategy to
solve the problem. Therefore, many control-class students can not solve the given
problem. Unlike control class students, experimental class stu-dents can generally
determine the relevant information of the problem, so they can con-struct a problem-
solving strategy. However, most of them are difficult in determining the right strategy
and many who make mis-calculations.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

The average of students' problem-solving test results with FI cognitive style learning
with constructivist approaches is higher than for con-ventional students. However, the
difference is not very significant, based on the results of U-Test. The cause of this is the
timing of the test is not appropriate, which is close to school hours, so students do not
concentrate anymore run the test.
Learning with constructivist approach greatly affects student problem-solving
abilities with FD cognitive style, seen from higher results obtained by experiment class
students compared to control class students.
The result of interaction test between learning approach and cognitive style is
obtain-ed by the result that there is no interaction between the learning approach and
the cognitive style of the students in influencing students' mathematical problem
solving skills. This shows that there is no effect of learning approach and cognitive style
together with students problem solving skills.
The mean value of students 'problem-solving test results with high prior knowledge
learning with a constructivist approach is higher than that of conventional students, but
the difference is not significant, based on T' Test statistics. This is thought to be caused
by the difference in timing of the test. The experimental class students perform the tests
at the end of the lesson where there are some disorders that make them less focused on
the tests. While the control class students do the test in a fairly quiet condition, did not
experience much interference.
Learning with constructivist approach does not significantly affect student with low
prior knowledge problem solving skill. The average grade of experiment class students
is higher but does not make a significant difference, based on T 'Test statistics. Low
prior knowledge students feel a bit difficulty attending classes because of their lack of
prior knowledge to develop stra-tegies for solving problems. Therefore, the dif-ferences
generated by experiment and control class students are not particularly noticeable.
For the interaction test between the learning approach and the prior knowledge, the
result of the lack of interaction between the learning approach and the student's prior
knowledge in influencing the problem solving skill of the students. Although students'
prior knowledge are different, students who learn with construc-tivist approach
provide better problem-solving results than students studying with conventional
approaches. This is caused by the differences in the frequency of students in working on
problem solving problems. The more students work on problem-solving problems, the
better their problem-solving skill.

The conceptual understanding of students with high prior knowledge, who have FI or
FD cognitive styles who learn with constructivist approach and conventional are not
different significantly. While for students with low prior knowledge have a higher
understanding of the concept if learn with conventional approach, compared with those
learning with constructivist approach.
There is an interaction between prior knowledge and learning approach in
influencing students' conceptual understanding. Students with low prior knowledge are
better off if learning with a conventional approach.
In general, regardless of prior knowledge and student cognitive style, students'
problem-solving skill that are studied with the cosntructivist approach are higher than
those studied conventionally. For students with high and low initial skills as well as

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

students with FI cognitive styles, their problem-solving skills are similar between those
studied with constructivist approaches and those with conventional approaches. As for
students with FD cognitive style, their problem-solving skills are higher when learning
by constructivist approach than those studied conventionally.
There is no interaction between cognitive style, prior knowledge and learning
approaches in influencing students problem solving abilities.

[1] George Polya, “The Goals of Mathematical Education”. The Association of Teachers of
Mathematics. [Online]. Tersedia www.atm.org.uk.
[2] Cruz, Jes Kier B.D. & Minie R. C. L., Students’ Difficulties in Translating Worded
Problems into Mathematical Symbols. Presented at the DLSU Research Congress, De
La Salle University, Manila, March 6-8, 2014.
[3] Brian R. Evans, Problem Solving Abilities and Perceptions in Alternative Certification
Mathematics Teachers. NERA Conference Proceeding, University of Connecticut,
[4] Yeo Kai Kow Joseph, An Exploratory Study of Primary Two Pupils’ Approach to Solve
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[5] Linda Jasman, Pengaruh Penerapan Pembelajaran Kontekstual terhadap Pemecahan
Masalah Matematik Pada Siswa Kelas X Teknologi Informatika SMK Negeri 2 Padang.
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[6] Yohanes, Pengaruh Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik terhadap
Kemampuan Komunikasi dan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa Kelas VII
Kecamatan Bangko Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013. Tesis. Padang: UNP, 2013.
[7] National Research Council, Helping Childern Learn Mathematics. Mathematics
Learning Study Committee, J.Kilpatrick and J. Swafford, Editors. Center for
Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington,
DC:National Academy Press, 2002.
[8] Michiel Doorman dkk, Problem Solving as a Challenge for Mathematics Education in
Netherlands. ZDM Mathematics Education, 39: 405-418, 2007.
[9] Bruno Uchenna Onyekuru, Field Dependence-Field Independence Cognitive Style,
gender, Career Choice and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in
Emohua Local Goverment Area of Rivers State. Journal of Education and Practice,
6(10), 2015.
[10] Sherly Mayfana P.Y., Penalaran Matematis Siswa dalam Pemecahan Masalah
Aljabar ditinjau dari Gaya Kognitif Field Dependent-Field Independen. JMEE, VI(2),
[11] Hamzah B. Uno, Perencanaan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2006.
[12] Paul Suparno, Filsafat Konstruktivisme dalam Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius,
[13] Irshad Hussain, The Use of Constructivist Approach in Higher Education: An
Instructors’ Observation. Creative Education, 3(2): 179-184, 2012.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Nonong Amalita, Yenni Kurniawati, Dina Fitria

Statistics Study Program of Mathematics Department
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Negeri Padang
2 yenni.mathunp@gmail.com

Bidikmisi scholarship is one of the cost assistance from Indonesian government to
student’s candidate who is weak from economic point of view but having a potential
academic ability to finish their education in higher level (university/institute) on time.
Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) is one of university who organize that scholarship. Aim
of this study to see the map of Bidikmisi scholarship awardee for each study program at
FMIPA based on indicators which are required using Biplot Analysis. Indicators which used
are parents income less than minimum wages average (UMR) (𝑋1 ), one of both parents not
work (𝑋2 ), house owner (join/rent) (𝑋3 ), family dependent more than 4 people (𝑋4 ), and
house area less than 50m2 (𝑋5 ). Result of the analysis are each study programs at FMIPA
having the same characteristics, except Physics and Statistics. The main characteristic for
them is their parent’s income less than UMR. But for Physics and Statistics, the working
status of their parents who one/both of their parents not work is the main characteristic
of awardee. The goodness of fit of biplot is 99%.

Keywords: Bidikmisi Scholarship, Biplot Analysis, Goodness of Fit, R

Study in the higher education (university/institute) is a wish of each high school
graduate. But not all of them can do that because of economic reason. Indonesian
government give a scholarship for each students having economic problem but having a
good ability to complete the course on time in the university/institute. It scholarship is
Criteria for candidate to be an awardee of Bidikmisi Scholarship based on the rule
of Ministry of Higher Education (Ristekdikti). Some criteria which are given by
Ristekdikti (2017) are less than 21 years old when submit an application; unable in
economic sides which means awardee of Beasiswa Siswa Miskin (BSM/ poor students
scholarship) or owner of Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP/ Indonesian Clever Card) or
equivalent or gross income of parents (both) maximize IDR 3.000.000 and/or parents
income divided by family dependent is less than IDR 750.000 per month; parents
education maximize bachelor/fourth diploma; and having good academic ability based
on reference from high school head master. Bidikmisi scholarship are available for state
and private higher education (university/institute).
Universitas Negeri Padang is one of organizer of Bidikmisi scholarship. Each
awardee receive monthly fees on IDR 600.000 and discharge of tuition fees for 8
semester for bachelor awardee and 6 semester for third diploma awardee.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Based on the previous criteria explained, we describe the characteristic of

Bidikmisi scholarship awardee at FMIPA UNP using Biplot Analysis. Biplot firstly
introduce by Gabriel on 1971. It is a multivariate descriptive analysis which shows the
conditions of awardee based on it indicators. Matjik (2011) explain that we can find
some information based on biplot analysis, they are neighborhood among variables,
relation among variables and variable value on an object. Object of research is Bidikmisi
scholarship awardees in FMIPA UNP in 2016 academic year. Thus, the aim of this study
is to see the map of Bidikmisi scholarship awardee for each study program at FMIPA
based on indicators which are required using Biplot Analysis. The indicators are parents
income less than minimum wages average (UMR) (𝑋1 ), one or both parents do(es) not
work (𝑋2 ), house owner (join/rent) (𝑋3 ), family dependent more than 4 people (𝑋4 ),
and house area less than 50M2 (𝑋5 ). This paper is organize as follows. First section is
introduction and continue by material and method, statistical analysis which is used
related to Biplot analysis for modelling the characteristics of Bidikmisi scholarship
awardee in FMIPA UNP in 2016 academic year. In the third part we show the result of
the study and in the last we give a discussion room.


Research goal is map the characteristics of Bidikmisi scholarship Awardee in
FMIPA UNP 2016. There are 180 students receive Bidikmisi scholarship scholarship in
2016. They are distributed into 9 study program which is 8 of them are bachelor
program and one the others is vocational program which is third diploma program.
Bachelor program in FMIPA UNP are Mathematics Education, Physics Education,
Chemistry Education, Biology Education, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
The third diploma program in FMIPA UNP is Statistics.
Research method is based on Udina (2005) with a general layout of computation
involved in Biplot like Figure 1. Computations start from a data matrix 𝑋 that is
frequency matrix of selected indicators of Bidikmisi scholarship. Then a singular value
decomposition extracts the dimensions conveying most of the variability of the
information included in the proportion of each awardee in each study program data
matrix. The final step consists in scaling the resulting vectors and points to include them
in Biplot.
Matjik (2011) gives information and interpretation of biplot analysis are as
a. Correlation between each variables described as a directed arrow. Two variables
having positive correlation if angle between both variables are acute, and if its angle
is obtuse, it means that they have negative correlation and also if they differ in right
angle explain that no correlation between both variables.
b. Variance of variables sketch as length of vector. Longer the vector, bigger the
variances among variables and vice versa shorter the vector, smaller the variances.
c. Neighborhood among object is sketched as objects having the same characteristics.
Nearest the object, having alike characteristic.
d. Variable’s value on object detected from the relative position amongst variable and
object. Object in a side with variables having the value upper average. If it have
opposite direction, the value under average.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Figure 1. General layout of computation involved in Biplot

Data is showed using a matrix, say matrix 𝑿 having 𝑝 variables and 𝑛 object as
𝑥11 𝑥12 … 𝑥1𝑝
𝑥21 𝑥22 … 𝑥2𝑝
⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
𝑥𝑛1 𝑥𝑛2 … 𝑥𝑛𝑝
Biplot is a multivariate analysis based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).
Jolliffe (2002) tells that biplot provide plots of the 𝑛 observations, but simultaneously
they give plots of the relative positions of the 𝑝 variables in two dimensions. Kurniawati
(2014), the direct approach for determining the singular value of matrix of 𝑛 × 𝑝
dimension, consist of 𝑛 objects and 𝑝 variables corrected into its means and also having
𝑟 rank. It can be write as 𝑿 = 𝑼𝑳𝑨′ . Matrix 𝑼 and 𝑨 respectively have 𝑛 × 𝑟 and 𝑝 × 𝑟
dimension, so 𝑼′ 𝑼 = 𝑨′ 𝑨 = 𝑰𝒓. Matrix𝑳 is a diagonal matrix 𝑟 × 𝑟 with entries on its
diagonal is square root of eigenvalue of 𝑿′𝑿 matrix, they are 𝜆1 ≥ 𝜆2 ≥ ⋯ ≥ 𝜆𝑟 or
in other words entries of matrix 𝑳 is a singular value of matrix 𝑿and column of matrix 𝑨
is eigenvector of 𝑿′𝑿. For column of matrix 𝑈 is 𝑢𝑖 = 𝑎𝑖 , 𝑖 = 1,2, … , 𝑟 for 𝑎𝑖 is column
of matrix 𝑨 and 𝜆𝑖 is 𝑖-th eigenvalue.
Jollife(2002) define 𝑳𝛼 for 0 ≤ 𝛼 ≤ 1 and 𝑮 = 𝑼𝑳𝛼 and also 𝑯′ = 𝑳1−𝛼 𝑨′, so that
𝑮𝑯 = 𝑼𝑳𝛼 𝑳1−𝛼 𝑨′ = 𝑼𝑳𝑨′ = 𝑿. For Bilpot interpretation we choose 𝛼 = 0 and 𝛼 = 1. If

𝛼 = 0, we have 𝑮 = 𝑼 and 𝑯′ = 𝑳𝑨′ so that 𝑿′ 𝑿 = 𝑮𝑯′ ′ 𝑮𝑯′ = 𝑯𝑯′ = 𝑛 − 1 𝑺

where 𝑺 is variance-covariance matrix of matrix 𝑿.
If 𝛼 = 1 we have 𝑮 = 𝑼𝑳 and 𝑯 = 𝑨 so that 𝑿𝑿′ = 𝑮𝑯′ 𝑮𝑯′ ′ = 𝑮𝑮′. Matjik
(2011), matrix 𝑮𝑮′is an Euclid distance between 𝑔𝑖 and 𝑔𝑗 which are same to object 𝑥𝑖
and 𝑥𝑗 . Matrix 𝑿approach in two dimension reach 𝑮and 𝑯 matrices which are 𝑮 is
coordinate points of 𝑛 objects and 𝑯is coordinate points of 𝑝 variables as follows.
𝑔11 𝑔12 𝑕11 𝑕12
⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮

𝐺 = 𝑖1 𝑔 𝑔𝑖2 and 𝐻 = 𝑕𝑖1 𝑕 𝑖2
⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮
𝑔𝑛1 𝑔𝑛2 𝑕𝑝1 𝑕𝑝2
𝜆 +𝜆 2
Measure of variance which explain by Biplot define by 𝜌2 = Σ 1𝑝 where 𝜆1 and 𝜆2 are
𝑖=1 𝑖
the first and second biggest eigenvalue and 𝜆𝑖 is the 𝑖th eigenvalue of 𝑿′𝑿. Sumertajaya

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

(1997) explain that the nearest the variance coefficient to one, Biplot shows better
information of the real data.


FMIPA is one of the faculty which students receive Bidikmisi Scholarship in UNP. Data of
number of Bidikmisi scholarship awardee in each study program can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1.Number of Students in FMIPA UNP in Academic Year 2016 who
Receive Bidikmisi Scholarship
Study Program Gender Sum
Men Women
Biology 6 11 17
Physics 8 11 19
Chemistry 4 13 17
Mathematics 4 15 19
Biology Education 1 26 27
Physics Education 4 22 26
Chemistry Education 3 22 25
Mathematics Education 6 21 27
Statistics 0 3 3
Sum 36 144 180
Source: UNP Student’s Welfare and Alumni Division

Greatest number of Bidikmisi Scholarship awardee are education study program. It

cause the number of the students for each study program. Education study program,
like Mathematics Education, Physics Education, Chemistry Education and Biology study
program have students more than 100 people. It can be seen in Table 2.
Tabel2. Number of Students for Each Study Program in FMIPA UNP Academic
Year 2016
Study Program Gender Sum
Men Women
Biology 21 64 135
Physics 22 44 66
Chemistry 20 78 98
Mathematics 12 69 81
Biology Education 6 117 123
Physics Education 12 101 113
Chemistry Education 20 108 128
Mathematics Education 22 113 135
Statistics 8 51 59
Sum 143 745 938
Source: http://sie.unp.ac.id/index.php/laporan/terdaftar_rekap

Based on Table 1 we see that number of awardee for each study program are different.
Because of that situation, we transform the data into its proportion, which is number of
awardee in each study program having 𝑖-th indicator divided by the number of awardee
in that study program, where 𝑖 = 1,2, … , 5. Proportion for each condition are shows in
Table 3 as matrix of data which is 𝑋 with 9 rows and 5 columns. The variable of research
are as follows.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

𝑋1 = parent’s income less than minimum wages average (UMR)

𝑋2 = one or both parents not work
𝑋3 = house owner (join/rent)
𝑋4 = family dependent more than 4 people
𝑋5 = house area less than 50 m2.

Table 3. Proportion of Bidikmisi Scholarship Awardee for Each Indicators

Study Program 𝑿𝟏 𝑿𝟐 𝑿𝟑 𝑿𝟒 𝑿𝟓
Biology 0.88 0.76 0.47 0.18 0.76
Physics 0.89 0.84 0.53 0.21 0.42
Chemistry 1.00 0.76 0.41 0.24 0.88
Mathematics 0.95 0.79 0.53 0.32 0.58
Biology Education 0.93 0.74 0.48 0.26 0.78
Physics Education 1.00 0.73 0.46 0.19 0.58
Chemistry Education 0.92 0.72 0.60 0.28 0.64
Mathematics Education 0.96 0.63 0.59 0.30 0.56
Statistics 0.67 1.00 0.33 0.00 0.33

From Table 3 we know that parents of all Chemistry and Physics Education’s awardee
have income lower than minimum wages average (UMR), and one or both parents of all
awardee of Statistics study program do not work. It means that they really need this
scholarship for continuing their study.
Analysis data using Biplot analysis is started from finding Singular Value
Decomposition of data matrix that shows by Table 3. SVD of data matrix 𝑿 = 𝑼𝑳𝑨′.
Matrix 𝐿 is singular value of matrix 𝑋 which is a diagonal matrix of square root of its
eigenvalue. Eigenvalue of matrix 𝑋 are
{ }

Matrix 𝐿 will be

Matrix 𝑼 consist of column which define by 𝑢𝑖 = 𝜆 𝑎𝑖 , 𝑖 = 1,2, ⋯ ,5 and 𝑎𝑖 is column of
matrix 𝑨 and also 𝜆𝑖 the 𝑖th eigenvalue matrix 𝑿

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Matrix 𝑯′ is a matrix that is constructed by 𝑯′ = 𝑳1−𝛼 𝑨′ for 𝛼 = 0 as identifier of Biplot


Because we use 𝛼 = 0, we have 𝐺 = 𝑈 and 𝐻 ′ = 𝐿𝐴′. And G2 and H2 matrices are Biplot
coordinate which explain first and second principal component of object and variables
in two dimension, they are

Biplot of Bidikmisi scholarship awardee of FMIPA UNP in 2016 academic year shows in
Figure 2.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Figure 2. Biplot of Bidikmisi Scholarship Awardee in FMIPA UNP in 2016

academic year
Based on Figure 2, we see that all characteristic of Bidikmisi scholarship awardee in
FMIPA UNP in academic year 2016 having positive correlation among each indicators. It
seen that direction of each arrow which represented characteristics of Bidikmisi
Scholarship awardee for each study program are into the left side. Size of angle of each
indicator vector are less than 900 which explain by correlation matrix. Correlation
matrix also show that correlation of it are positive like below

Beside the previous, in Figure 2 we also see that the length of vector which represented
the measure of variance of Bidikmisi Scholarship indicators are different. Vector of 𝑋1
which is parent’s income less than minimum wages average (UMR)is the longest one. It
tells that each awardee of Bidikmisi Scholarship in FMIPA UNP for all study program
based on parent’s income having high variety.Descriptively, we can see in Table 3 that
proportion of Bidikmisi Scholarship awardee from Statistics is the smallest one, but the
other study program having similar one. The shortest vector of biplot is 𝑋4 which is
family dependent more than 4 people. It means, characteristics for all study program in
FMIPA UNP are mostly uniform. It also support by matrix of variance below.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Based on the value of variance in variance-covariance matrix, we can see the measure
the variance of variable. Main diagonal of the matrix, the biggest is 𝑣𝑎𝑟 𝑋1 = 4.723 and
the smallest is 𝑣𝑎𝑟 𝑋4 = 0.247. It tells that parent’s income of awardee are really
different and family dependent of each family of Bidikmisi Scholarship awardee are
nearly uniform.
In general, each study programs at FMIPA having the same characteristic, except
Physics and Statistics. The main characteristic for them is their parent’s income less
than UMR. But for Physics and Statistics, the working status of their parents who
one/both of their parents not work is the main characteristic of awardee.

Ristekdikti (2017) www.bidikmisi.belmawa.ristekdikti.go.id/petunjuk/2
Jolliffe IT. 2002. Principal Component Analysis. Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, New
Matjik AA, Sumertajaya IM. 2011. Sidik Peubah Ganda Dengan Menggunakan SAS.
Udina, Frederic. 2005. Interactive Biplot Construction. Journal of Statistical Software, p.1-
Kurniawati, Yeni (2014). Penggunaan Bahasa R Pada Analisis Biplot dan Analisis
Procrustes. JMAP Vol.13 No.2 2014 p. 114-123
Sumertajaya IM, Sumantri B & Heriyanto. 1997. Aplikasi Analisis Biplot &
Procrustes untuk mengidentifikasi Karakteristik Daya Hasil Beberapa Galu Padi
[Forum Statistika dan Komputasi Vol. 2 No.2 Oktober 1997]. Bogor : Jurusan
Statistika, Institut Pertanian Bogor

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Nur Aliyyah Irsal, Hanifah

Mathematics Education Department, FKIP Universitas Bengkulu
email: 1)nairsal@unib.ac.id, 2)hanifah@unib.ac.id

Errors on solving linear algebra problems were still mostly done by mathematics
education students. Whereas, linear algebra is one of the important materials as the basis
of understanding other advanced mathematics materials. This study aims to find out the
mistakes made by students in solving final exam problems of linear algebra, especially on
the subject of vector space, also to identify the cause factors, so that it can be the basis in
designing appropriate learning to overcome difficulties faced by students. The method
used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The subject of this study is the second
semester student of FKIP University of Bengkulu academic year 2016-2017. The research
data was obtained from test result and interview. The result of the student test was
analyzed and then described where the errors had done. Interviews conducted to get the
deeper analysis about the errors made and about the factors causing those errors.
Researchers found that the most common mistakes students made were in creating vectors
in three dimensional spaces, and in defining the bases and dimensions of a vector space.
This is because students had difficulty in determining the location of the coordinates of the
vector’s endpoints. The scale they used was not regular. Some students still had difficulty in
using Elementary Row Operations, so students couldn’t determine the basis and dimension
of a vector space.

Keywords: students’ error, linear algebra, descriptive qualitative

Linear algebra is a basic course for a wide variety of disciplines, such as
mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering and so on. (Mirko, 2003;Hogben,
2007).Then Egodawate (2011) said that a better understanding of algebra improves
decision making capabilities in society. Through algebra, we can develop mathematical
reasoning which is important and affecting decisions we make in our life such as
personal finance, travel, cooking and real estate, etc. So,it is important to learn and
understand linear algebra well, especially for mathematics education students.
The importance of learning linear algebra were followed by the importence of
lecturers’ knowing of the errors occurred in students learning. El-Khateeb (2016) stated
Knowledge of the common errors made by students in teaching and learning
mathematics is a matter of concern, especially in the first stage of a university
education. His statement was supported by Veloo, Khrisnasamy, & Abdullah(2015).
They said that by following the learning process we can catch’ the loophole in the early
stage of learning. Also Hidayati (2010 in Kumalasari, 2016) state that errors made by
students show the difficulties they have in learning process.
Learning the students errors and the reason behind that errors help us to think
what learning design we have to use for a better understanding in students’ mind. El-

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Khateeb (2016) also state that the teacher Knowledge and understanding of the
common error of students help to develop strategies in teaching that address
mathematical errors and misunderstandings, on the other hand, the learner benefit
from the error, and through verification of assumptions and perceptions formed has
Edogawate (2011) said that an error is regarded as a mistake in the process of
solving a mathematical problem algorithmically, procedurally or by any other method.
Many university students also lack some basic understanding of algebra. Sometimes,
they commit the same mistakes as their secondary school counterparts. They
memorized only a few facts, formulas, and algorithms without understanding them
conceptually, even though they could manipulate those limited number of facts in a
correct or incorrect manner.
Mathematics education students in University of Bengkulu were still often
commit errors in solving linear algebra problems. In learning process, and also in quiz
and mid semester test, the errors often occur in their answer sheet. This condition made
us as a lecturer want to find out the mistakes made by students in solving final exam
problems of linear algebra, especially on the subject of vector space, also to identify the
cause factors, so that it can be the basis in designing appropriate learning to overcome
difficulties faced by students.


This research used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects were the second
semester student of FKIP University of Bengkulu academic year 2016-2017. The data
was obtained from test result and interview. The result of the student test was analyze
and then described where the errors had done. Interviews were conduct to get the
deeper analysis about the errors made and about the factors causing those errors.


This study was conduct by analyzing the results and the interview with some of
the student representatives who made mistakes. The analysis of students’ answers on
the final exam shows that most errors were occur in the problem no.1, no.3, no.7 and no.
8. In problem no.1, 70% of students make errors in solving it. For the problem no.3,
72.5% of students doing errors. In the problem no.7, errors were occur in 67.5% of
students answers, while in problem no.8, 37.5% of students make mistakes, and 40% of
students didn’t answer at all.
Problem no.1 asks students to describe the vector 𝑢 = 3,2,0 and 𝑣 = 2,3,4 .
The majority of students were wrong in determining the position of the point in three-
dimensional space. A lack of understanding of the three-dimensional coordinate system
was seen in student answers. Some students didn’t use scale on the Cartesian axis
correctly. In addition, for students who have been able to determine the position of the
point, there were still did not draw the directional segment correctly. Figure 2 below is
one example of an error made by M1 student.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Figure 1. M1 answer of problem no.1

M1’s Answer showed an error about the three-dimensional coordinate system.

When drawing vector 𝑢 = 3,2,0 , M1 can already determine the position 3,2,0 in
Cartesian system, because 𝑧 component is zero. But after determining the position, the
student did not make the vector image properly. Vector 𝑢 was only depicted with
dashed lines. When drawing 𝑣 = 2,3,4 , the student has difficulty determining the
position 2,3,4 , especially on the 𝑧 component which value was 4 in the three-
dimensional Cartesian system. It just drawn to 𝑧axis. Interview results showed that M1
is just familiar with two-dimensional coordinate system only, and difficult to
understanding the position of the point on the three-dimensional system.
Other students (M3) showed such more errors. M3 did not even draw the 𝑥, 𝑦
and 𝑧 axes. M3 misinterpret the problem of drawing two vectors on a three-dimensional
Cartesian system. M3 draws vector 𝑢 and vector 𝑣 as a two-dimensional axis, and
created a line with less understanding of the coordinates. After the interview, M3 only
focus on studying algebraic calculations only, not learn how to draw the graphics.
Whereas, M3 had not really understood about the three-dimensional cartesius system.
Answers M3 can be seen in figure 2.

Figure 2. M3 answer of problem no.1

A similar error was found in Barniol & Zavala research (2014). The research
showed that they have problems with the graphical interpretation of vectors. when they
are explicitly asked to make a sketch or when the solution of the problem leads them to
do so, the students have difficulties with the graphical interpretation of vectors.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

The next most errors made by student were on problem no.3, where students are
asked to add vector 𝑢 + 𝑣 on problem no.1. One example of the error done by M2. He
made a mistake in adding vector either graphically or algebraically. On completion,
instead of summing the two vectors, M2 sums the 𝑥, 𝑦 and𝑧 components of each vector.
Graphically, M2 still made error started from making a Cartesian axis with no
clear scale. M2 is also mistaken about the concept of adding two vectors graphically. M2
only follows the results of algebraic calculations had done, without understanding the
concept of adding two vectors properly.

Figure 3. M2’s answer of problem no.3

After being interviewed, M2 said that he did not read the book. He Just memorize
d the formulas. When the exam, he forgot the formula, specifically how to add two
vectors with different directions. So he solve the problem potluck. In addition there
were certain psychological factors every M2 facing an exam. M2 used to read the whole
questions, but when he saw a difficult problem, even if only one or two questions, M2
became nervous about the whole matter, so much matter was forgotten. This made he
couldn’t answer the whole test correctly.
Such errors were not only experienced by students of mathematics education,
but also in physics students. Fauzi, Kawuri & Pratiwi (2017) also found that a tip-to-tail
strategy add vectors graphically. The tip-to-tail "strategy of vector graphics when the
magnitude and direction of vectors are different.
Problems no.7 asked to determine the basis for the SPL solution space by using
Elementary Row Operations. An error example was done by M7 as seen in Figure 4.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Figure 4. M7’s answer of problem no.7

M7 False from the beginning change the linear equation into a matrix. M7 understood to
make the head of a row a value of 1, but did not understand to make the element in the
first row of the first column is zero and in the second column is 1 to obtain the identity
matrix. If M7 continues the answer, then the second row will be [1 0 24]. M7 confused
what next step should be done. Based on the results of this test, it appears that M7 does
not understand the Elementary Row Operations steps as a whole. What matrices should
be formed, and how to operate the matrix to obtain the required matrix. Therefore he
coldn’t determine the SPL solution space base on the problem. When interviewed, M7
admitted forgot about the Elementary Row Operations procedure due to the long and
complicated process.
Nursuprianah & Solikhah, (2009) revealed one of the difficulties in the
mathematics algebra learning process experienced by the student that is in completing
elementary row operation using Gauss Jordan elimination. Similarly, Suastika, Johni H, &
Utami (2015) in his study assume that compared to using the Cramer method, the row
reduction method requires more diligence and more precision in solving a system of
linear equations.
Problem no.8 asked students to make a problem and solve the rotation on the
linear transformation. Compared with other questions, problem no.8 is a problem with
the most number of students who did not answer at all. Based on interviews with some
students, the majority explained that, it is difficult to make a problem compared to
solving the problem. This is even more so when we do not really understand the
Students explained that in linear transformation materials, lectures were
conducted independently, where students are given the task of group discussion for one
type of transformation, then presented in the classroom accompanied by the lecturer.
The majority of the students only focus on the subject matter which be they group
discussion part, while for other linear transformation materials, they only listen to the
presentation of their classmates. Students feel less understood if the explaination is
from their own friend, they hope the material was explained by the lecturer.
From that facts on the process of solving problem no.8 it seems that the lack of
student reguloation and independences in studying one of the subjects linear algebra.
Though the basic material transformation they already get in high school. Fitria,
Arnawa, Lufri (2014) said that the lack of students' understanding of the material and
the accuracy of the students in working on the questions given because most students

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

are very dependent on the lecturer's explanation when the reality in the field is the
allocation of time provided by the university is limited considering also the amount of
material that must be students mastered.
Some of the causes of mistakes made by mathematics education students in this
study, are somewhat similar to those sources of students’ difficulties in Linear Algebra
which were synthesized by Dorier and Sierpinska (in Mirko, 2008) those are:
1) the axiomatic approach usually followed in teaching Linear Algebra which is
perceived by students as superfluous and meaningless;
2) the coexistence of different languages, systems of representations, modes of
description in Linear Algebra;
3) the need for developing theoretical thinking (as opposite to practical thinking) and
cognitive flexibility to cope with the ‘‘‘explosive compound’’ of languages, settings
and systems of representation charactering Linear Algebra, and to develop
theoretical thinking as opposite to practical thinking.

Researchers found that the most common mistakes students made were in
creating vectors in three dimensional spaces, in adding two vectors, and in defining the
bases and dimensions of a vector space. This is because students had difficulty in
determining the location of the coordinates of the vector’s endpoints. The scale they
used was not regular. Some students still had difficulty in using Elementary Row
Operations, so students couldn’t determine the basis and dimension of a vector space.
Factors causing difficulties experienced by students were: students only focus on
studying the calculation of algebra without understanding the interpretation
geometrically. The habit of memorizing the formula, so got forgotten when the exam. In
addition, the lack of diligence in solving of a problem, as well as the lack of student self-
regulation are also the cause of student errors.

Barniol , P. & Zavala , G. (2014). Students’ difficulties in problems that involve unit-
vector notation. Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. Vol.8, No. 4, Dec. 2014
Egodawatte , G. (2011). Secondary School Students’ Misconceptions in Algebra. A thesis of
University of Toronto.
El-Khateeb , M. M. A. (2016). Errors Analysis of Solving Linear Inequalities among the
Preparatory Year Students at King Saud University. Journal of Education and
PracticeVol.7, No.12, 2016.
Fauzi , A., Kawuri , K. R., Pratiwi , R. (2017). Multi-Perspective Views of Students’
Difficulties with One-Dimensional Vector and Two-Dimensional Vector. IOP Conf.
Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 795 (2017) 012054
Fitria , M., Arnawa , M., & Lufri . (2014). Pengembangan Modul Aljabar Linear Elementer
Bernuansa Konstruktivisme Berbantuan ICT. EKSAKTA Vol. 1 Tahun XV Februari
Hogben, L, dkk. (2007). Hanbook of Linear Algebra. Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis Group.
Kumalasari , E. (2016). Analisis Faktor Kesulitan terhadap Kesalahan Penyelesaian Soal
Persamaan Linier berdasarkan Klasifikasi Taksonomi Bloom (Studi Kasus
Terhadap Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika 2015/2016). Jurnal Penelitian

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Matematika Vol. 1 No. 3, hal. 195-204, September

Mirko, M. (2003). Difficulties in Vector Space Theory: A Compared Analysis In Terms of
Conceptions and Tacit Models. International Group for the Psychology of
Mathematics Education, Paper presented at the 27th International Group for the
Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference Held Jointly with the 25th
PME-NA Conference (Honolulu, HI, Jul 13-18, 2003), v3 p229-236
Mirko, M. (2008). Combining Different Theoretical Perspectives for Analyzing Students’
Difficulties in Vector Spaces Theory. ZDM Mathematics Education (2008) 40:265–
276 DOI 10.1007/s11858-008-0078-z.
Nursuprianah , I. & Sholikhah, M. 2009. Analisis Kesulitan Mahasiswa Dalam Memahami
Mata Kuliah Aljabar Matriks (Studi Kasus Pada Semester IV Tadris Matematika
Tahun Akademik 2008/2009 Di STAIN Cirebon). EduMa, Vol. 1, No. 1, Juni 2009:
75 – 84.
Suastika , Jhoni H, T., & Utami, T. (2015). Penelusuran Miskonsepsi Mahasiswa tentang
Matriks Menggunakan Certainty of Response Index. Prosiding Seminar Nasional
Fisika (E-Journal) SNF 2015 Volume IV, Oktober 2015.
Veloo, A., Krishnasamy , H. N., & Abdullah, W. S. (2015). Types of Student Errors in
Mathematical Symbols, Graphs and Problem-Solving. Asian Social Science; Vol. 11,
No. 15; 2015. Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Remmi Adi Putra1 Yerizon1 Latisma Dj2

Mathematics Departement, Universitas Negeri Padang
Jl.Prof. Dr. Hmaka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
1 Postgraduate Program of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNP,
2 Postgraduate Program of Chemistry Education Fmipa UNP


Problem-based learning is a model of learning that presents students various forms
of contextual problems in the learning process. The steps in problem-based learning are 1)
Student orientation on the problem, 2) Organizing students to learn, 3) Guiding individual
and group investigation, 4) Developing and presenting the work and 5) Analyzing and
evaluating problem-solving process. Many of the mathematical skills that can be
developed through problem-based learning include the ability of mathematical
communication. Mathematical communication is the ability to use mathematical language
to express ideas and arguments precisely, briefly and logically. This ability can be
represented through the students' ability to describe problem situations and express
problem solutions using images, explaining ideas, situations, and mathematical
relationships in writing, using mathematical language appropriately. The ability of
mathematical communication is very important for students. The more developing the
language of mathematics students, the better the students in evaluating and arguing. The
ability to evaluate and argue certainly provides students opportunities in understanding
the various concepts / principles in mathematics. The success of learning mathematics
should be coupled with the availability of learning tools. Therefore it is necessary to
develop learning tools in accordance with the demands of the curriculum and also
consider the needs of teachers and students so as to improve students' mathematical
communication skills, especially in solving problems in everyday life. In this paper will be
presented how the problem-based learning tools have the potential to improve students'
mathematical communication skills.

Keywords: learning tool, problem based learning, mathematical communication

Education is a thing that can not be separated from human life and lasts for life.
Great nation must have a quality education. Quality education is closely related to
quality human resources. To create qualified human resources, we need high quality
learning process.
The process of learning in schools occurs in various fields of study, one of which is
the subject of mathematics. Mathematics learning aims to learners have the ability to
communicate ideas with images or other media to clarify the situation or problem and
have an attitude appreciate the usefulness of mathematics in life. Therefore, to achieve

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

the purpose of learning mathematics, one aspect that must be mastered by students is
the ability of mathematical communication.
Lia (2013) suggests that communication is a process of transferring ideas from the
source to the recipient with the intention of changing his behavior. According Yonandi
(2011), Mathematical communication is a skill to convey ideas or ideas in everyday
language or in the language of mathematical symbols. According to Darmawan (2010)
The benefits of a communication in learning mathematics can encourage students to
learn new concepts in mathematics, because in learning mathematics students can
draw, provide explanations using writing, and use the symbols of mathematics.
Furthermore, Fachrurazi (2011), states that students' mathematical communication
skills are divided into three groups namely drawing, math expression and writing. By
developing mathematical communication skills, students are expected to understand
the concepts of what they learn and use to solve problems in their lives.
Esther (2012) states in fact the purpose of learning mathematics in Indonesia has
not been achieved properly. This is reflected in the results of The Trend International
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in 2011, Indonesia ranked 38th with a score of
386 from 42 countries whose students are tested with the average achievement of
achievement used TIMSS is 500, this score Down 11 points from the 2007 assessment.
Similarly, OECD (2013) discloses the results of the PESA survey in 2013, Indonesia
ranks only 64 out of 65 participants.
Sri, Wardhani (2011) stated that the low TIMSS and PISA results are of course
caused by many factors. One of the contributing factors is that Indonesian students have
not been able to solve problems with characteristics such as those in TIMMS and PISA
whose substance is contextual, demanding reasoning, creativity and argumentation in
completion. This shows that the mathematical communication ability of Indonesian
students is still low. This is because students are only accustomed to working on routine
questions or problems that have been commonly given teachers. When faced with a
problem that demands the ability to think mathematically and change the matter into
the form of mathematical models they are difficult to do. Based on classroom
observation, it is known that in the learning process it is seen that the students only
dare to express their answer to the next friend. Students have not dared to express the
answer of the questions given by the teacher.
One of the causes of poor students' mathematical communication skills is the way
teachers teach less accurately. The majority of the learning that is commonly applied so
far is monotonic and the learning activities are still dominated by teachers. Less
students are given the opportunity to express their own opinions. This cause the
potentials in the student can not be seen maximally and make students easy to give up
so easily. This indicates that there needs to be an innovative applied learning model that
can explore students' mathematical communication skills.
According Tatang, Herman (2007) PBM is one alternative to improve students'
mathematical communication skills. The teaching and learning process begins with
giving a contextual or meaningful problem or situation. Students are then invited to
understand the problem and start thinking how to solve the problem and train
sensitivity to the problem.
Furthermore, the process guides individual and group investigations that allow
students to exchange answers and produce a flexible solution of existing problems and
ideas conveyed from themselves. By conducting group discussions, each student gained

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

experience with others during the lesson. It can improve students' mathematical
communication skills. Students are trained to convey opinions within their group, so
that their verbal skills also increase. Then some students presented the results of the
discussion in detail and fluent in front of his friends so that found a right deal.
Based on the above background, then the issues studied in this journal are 1) what
is the masala based learning ?; 2) what is the mathematical communication ?; 3) how
the learning tool of problem-based learning model has the potential to improve
students' mathematical communication ability. In accordance with the formulation of
the above problem, then the purpose of this journal is 1) to know what is problem-
based learning; 2) to know what is the ability of mathematical communication; 3) to
find out how problem-based learning tools have the potential to improve students'
mathematical communication skills. Benefits of this journal is expected after reading
this journal readers can find out how the problem-based learning tools can improve
students' mathematical comunication ability and can as one reference learning model
that can dipraktekan to students to dig more leverage ability owned by students.

1. Problem Based Learning Model (PBM)
According to Sudarman (2007) Problem-based learning is a learning model that
uses contextual problems as a context for students to learn about critical thinking and
problem-solving skills, and to acquire essential knowledge and concepts from subject
Rusman stated that problem based learning is based on constructivism learning
theory with characteristics: (1) Understanding is gained from interaction with problem
scenario and learning environment; (2) The struggle with problems and problem
discovery processes creates cognitive dissonance that stimulates learning; (3)
Knowledge takes place through the process of collaboration of social negotiation and
evaluation of the existence of the point of view.
According to Made, Wena (2011) Problem-based learning, students are faced with
practical problems as a foothold in learning or in other words students learn through
the problems. Furthermore According to Tatang Herman (2007) Students are required
to solve problems that contain mathematical concepts with the knowledge and ability
The stages of implementation of problem-based learning by Darmawan (2010) are
presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Phases of Problem-Based Learning Model
Phase Indicator Master's Behavior
1 Student orientation on the The teacher explains the learning objectives,
problem explains the necessary logistics and motivates
the students to engage in problem-solving
2 Organize students to Teachers help students define and organize
learn learning tasks related to the problem......
3 Guiding individual and Teachers encourage students to gather
group investigations appropriate information, carry out
experiments to get explanations and problem

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

4 Develop and present the Teachers assist students in planning and

work preparing work accordingly such as reports
and helping them to share tasks with their
5 Analyze and evaluate the Help students reflect on or evaluate their
problem-solving process investigations and the processes they use

According to Rusman (2011) The role of a teacher in problem-based learning,

among others: (1) Designing and using the existing problems in the real world, so that
students can master the learning outcomes; (2) Become a student trainer in problem-
solving process, self-direction and peer learning; (3) Facilitating the PBM process that is
changing the way of thinking, developing inquiri skills and using cooperative learning;
(4) Train students on problem-solving strategies, critical thinking and systematic
thinking; (5) Being an intermediary of the process of using information.
Problem-based learning has 5 characteristics, among others: Through
collaborative activities, students are positioned as problem solvers, encouraging
students to be able to find problems and elaborate by proposing allegations and
planning solutions, students are facilitated in order to be able to exploit alternative
solutions and their implications and collect and distribute Information, students are
trained to skillfully present findings, as well as familiarize students to reflect on the
effectiveness of their way of thinking and problem solving.
According to Prametasari (2012) Problem-based learning model has several
advantages, including: (1) Students better understand the concepts taught because
students themselves who find the concept; (2) Students are actively involved in
problem-solving processes that require higher student thinking skills; (3) Knowledge is
embedded based on the students' schemata so that students are more meaningful; (4)
students can feel the benefits of learning because the problems solved directly related
to real life, this can increase students' motivation and interest in the material being
studied; (5) Making students more self-reliant capable of giving aspirations and
accepting the opinions of others, inculcating positive social attitudes among students;
(6) Conditioning students in learning groups that interact with each other so that the
achievement of student learning completeness can be expected.
The problem in PBM is contextual and engaging, so it stimulates students to ask
questions from different perspectives. Questions and discussions in the PMB test the
accuracy of the solution and reflect on the problem solving. PBM requires that students
actively solve problems they are facing by communicating with friends, books, and

2. The ability of mathematical communication

According to Ali (2009) "Communication is the use of symbols such as words,
pictures, figures, and others in conveying information, ideas, emotions, skills, etc.".
Mathematics is a science that the terms of symbols, terms, and images that demand
good communication skills in delivery. Therefore, students must have good
mathematical communication skills so that learning objectives can be achieved. This
causes the ability of mathematical communication becomes something that is important
to be explored by a teacher in learning mathematics.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Husna (2013) states "There are two reasons for focusing on mathematical
communication that is, (1) Mathematics is an essential language for mathematics itself;
(2) learning and teaching mathematics is a social activity that requires communication
skills so as to solve problems well ". Furthermore, Lia (2013) argues that "The benefits
of a communication in learning mathematics can encourage students to learn new
concepts in mathematics, because in learning mathematics students can use tools or
objects, drawing, giving explanations or considerations, using diagrams, writing, and
using Mathematical symbol ".
Disclosure of the importance of communication in learning mathematics, can be
found also in various textbooks of mathematics in the United States. For example, in the
book Connected Mathematics it is written that The Overarching of Goal of Connected
Mathematics is "All students should be able to reason and communicate proficiently in
mathematics" (Lappan, 2002). While in the book Mathematics: Applications and
Connections mentioned one of the goals to be achieved is to provide the widest
opportunity to the students to develop and integrate communication skills through
modeling, speaking, writing, talking, drawing, and presenting what has been learned
(Collins, Et al., 1995).
The "National 2006" curriculum based on the level of educational unit for
elementary, junior and senior high schools also promotes mathematical communication
skills as one of the basic skills students need to have.
According to Baroody (1993), on learning mathematics with traditional approach,
communication (oral) students are still very limited only on short verbal answers to
various questions posed by teachers. Even according to Cai (1996) 'it is so rare for
students to provide explanation in mathematics class, so strage to talk about
mathematics, and so surprising to justify answer ".
Mathematical communication needs to be the focus of attention in learning
mathematics, because through communication, students can organize and consolidate
their mathematical thinking (NCTM, 2000a), and students can convey mathematical
ideas (NCTM, 2000b). In addition, according to Atkins (1999), mathematical
conversational communication is a tool for measuring growth in understanding,
Awareness of the importance of paying attention to students' ability to
communicate using mathematics learned in schools needs to be grown, because one of
the functions of mathematics lessons is as a way of communicating ideas in a practical,
systematic, and efficient way. Or in Baroody (1993): "an invaluable tool for
communicating a variety of ideas clearly, precisely, and succintly."
The ability of mathematical communication includes 2 forms namely written and
oral. However, what is often discussed in the research - research is the ability of written
communication that includes the ability to draw (drawing), writing (written texts), and
mathematical expression (mathematical expression) with the following indicators
according to Latifah (2011):
A. Describe the problem situation and state the problem solution using the image.
B. Explain ideas, situations, and mathematical relations in writing.
C. Use mathematical language appropriately

Student's mathematical communication ability according to Darmawan (2010) can

be seen from students ability in:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

1) Write mathematically (written text). In this ability, students are required to be

able to write an explanation of the answer to the problem mathematically,
reasonable, clear and arranged logically and systematically;
2) Drawing mathematically (drawing). In this ability, students are required to be
able to paint pictures, diagrams and tables completely and correctly;
3) Mathematical expression (mathematical expression). In this ability, students are
expected to model mathematical problems correctly or express mathematical
concepts by declaring daily events in language or mathematical symbols
correctly, then performing calculations or getting a complete and correct

According to Cobb in (Sandra, 1999), by communicating students' knowledge,

renegotiation can occur among students, teachers only act as "filters". Cai and Patricia
(2000) argue that teachers can accelerate the improvement of mathematical
communication and students' reasoning by providing mathematical tasks in various
variations. According to Susan (1996), mathematical communication will play an
effective role when teachers also condition students to listen actively (listen actively) as
well as they communicate.

Findings relating to problem-based learning and mathematical communication


Based on Triana (2014), it is found that learning tools with problem-based

learning model can improve students' mathematical communication ability. This is
because the phase of this problem-based learning model requires many people to
exchange ideas so that communication often occurs and train their communication
skills. Starting from the student's orientation to the problem, organizing the students to
learn, guiding individual and group investigations, developing and presenting the work
and analyzing and evaluating the problem-solving process. While the results of research
by Sri Ismaya (2016) obtained that the learning tool of mathematics by using Problem
Based Learning approach can improve students' mathematical communication ability.
The increase is mentioned because the lesson is more emphasized on the activity of the
students, by conducting group discussions, giving each other opinion to determine the
solution of the given problem, thus making the students trained in communicating
mathematical ideas and thoughts that will ultimately be able to improve student
communication in learning mathematics.
The first step is the student's orientation to the problem. In this step, the teacher
explains the learning objectives and explains the things that are needed during the
lesson and motivates the students to engage in problem-solving activities with
examples of problem situations in everyday life related to learning materials.
Motivation and learning objectives described by the teacher will make students have
hope or goals to be achieved students after following the lesson.
The next step is the teacher organizes the students to learn and then guides
individual and group investigations. In this step the teacher divides the students into
heterogeneous groups and students are given Student Worksheets (LKDP). Then, the
students discuss with the group members to solve the problems that exist in the LKPD.
In the activity of the discussion, students are required to be able to communicate their

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

ideas into the mathematical symbols and illustrations of the image well and with a
logical explanation, it will certainly develop students' mathematical communication
skills. In addition, the interaction of students in a group of friends will form a view how
he plays in the group or make students more familiar with how the ability that he has
compared his friends. Some students have a positive view of their ability and some have
a negative view of the ability that he has. But the negative view will turn positive when
students with their group feel they have been able to solve the problem well. Based on
the description, then students' mathematical communication ability will increase after
students get problem based learning.
The next step is to develop and present the work. In this phase, some groups
present the results of the discussion in front of the classroom with guidance from
teachers and other groups responding. Through this learning process, students will be
actively involved and given the opportunity to express their ideas and opinions. In this
activity will develop students' mathematical communication skills.
The last step is to analyze and evaluate the problem-solving process. In this step,
the teacher helps students to reflect or evaluate and clarify the results of the discussion
then the teacher with the students concludes the material that has been studied.
Correspondingly, based on the results of research Fachrurazi (2011) Problem-
based learning is effective to improve students' mathematical communication skills.
This is because in the learning process based on the focus of learning activities are fully
located in the students is thinking find solutions and understand the mathematical
concepts contained in the problem. In such situations students' mathematical
communication skills are maximally explored, as students will utilize their cognitive
abilities in their search for solutions and confirmation of the knowledge they have in


1. The ability of mathematical communication is one of the heart in learning, so it
needs to develop in the activity of learning mathematics. Mathematical
communication skills is one of the basic capabilities that are needed to increase
as more basic abilities such as reasoning ability, the ability of mathematical
understanding, problem solving skills, mathematical communication skills and
connections, as well as representations of mathematical ability.
2. Problem-based learning tools is one alternative that can improve students'
mathematical communication skills. This is because each step in the learning can
support the development of students' mathematical communication skills.

Advice can be given to educators in an effort to improve communication
kemampun mathematically, it is recommended to use a learning device with a problem-
based learning model in math learning in the classroom.

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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

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NCTM (2000). Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, Reston, Virginia.
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Prametasari, Efektifitas Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah terhadap
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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Reni Septriwati1I Made Arnawa1 Atmazaki2

1Postgraduate Program of Mathematics Education
2Postgraduate Program of Indonesian Language Education
Universitas Negeri Padang
Korespondensi: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: reniseptri10@gmail.com

This study aims to see the effect of learning models to improve the ability of
understanding the concept and problem solving skills of mathematics learners. The lack of
ability to comprehend the concept and problem solving ability caused by the students
having difficulties in learning mathematics such as learners less able to dig their own
information in learning because they are accustomed to the explanation of teachers in
front of the class, learners are less able to understand the mathematics material that is
learned, the level of seriousness of the learners In reviewing the subject matter is still
relatively low, learners less involved in solving problems. As a result, the potential that
exists in students in learning and mastering the concept of mathematics can not develop
maximally so when given the problem of problem-solving ability is not able to solve it The
solution is used as an alternative in improving the problem solving ability of mathematical
learners through problem-based learning model. Problem-based learning is a learning
that confronts learners in real situations by linking every learning material in everyday
life and learning begins with a real experience-oriented experience by the learners
themselves. The research method used is research literature study that is by collecting
various information about problem-based learning model. After conducting a literature
study by citing data about problem-based learning mattles from various sources so it is
suspected that the problem learning model can improve the ability to understand the
concept and solve the mathematical problem of the learner

Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Ability to Understand Concepts, Problem Solving


One area of study that supports the development of science and technology is
mathematics. Math lessons need to be given to all learners to equip learners with
logical, analytical, systematic, critical, and creative thinking skills, as well as the ability
to work together. These competencies are necessary so that learners can have the
ability to acquire, manage, and utilize information to survive in an ever-changing,
uncertain, and competitive state.
The demand for mathematics has become the responsibility of the school
which is the educational environment. Mathematics is one of the conditional subjects
that every student should learn. Basically the purpose of learning mathematics in school
is to prepare students to be competent in understanding the concepts of mathematics.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Competence and proficiency in understanding mathematics is expected to be achieved

through mathematics learning. Depdiknas (2006) through Permendiknas No. 22 on the
content standard has been stated that the purpose of learning mathematics in SD / MI,
SMP / MTs, SMA / MA, and SMK / MAK is for learners (1) Understanding the concept of
mathematics, explaining the interconnection between concepts and apply the concept
or algorithm, flexible, accurate, efficient, and precise in problem solving. (2)
Communicating ideas with symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify the state
of a problem. (3) Have an appreciation of the usefulness of mathematics in life, which
has a curiosity, attention and interest in learning mathematics, as well as a tenacious
attitude and confidence in problem solving
The low ability of problem solving of students 'mathematical problem is caused
by several factors, one of them is the less innovative teacher in choosing the model, the
method, the approach, the strategy and the learning technique which can increase the
students' desire in solving the math problem. As revealed by Eva (2016), the main factor
causing low ability of problem solving of student math, that is learning which has been
done so far has not been able to develop problem solving ability of student
One-way teaching that uses only lecture methods so as to create an
atmosphere of learning is dominated by teachers. Although in this learning learners can
listen to statements that are pleased with the concept of mathematics, but there is an
impression that the active is the teacher itself, while the students only as a listener
explanation of the teacher while recording the information provided
The above learning resulted in learners tend to memorize the formulas and
stages of problem solving from understanding the concept. So that the potential that is
in the learners in learning and mastering the concept of mathematics can not develop
maximally. While the ability to understand the concept is needed so that learners are
accustomed to understand and use reasoning power to think so that it can be useful in
solving problems. To improve the ability of concept comprehension and problem
solving is not an easy task, but it is not impossible to realize. It all depends on the design
and the way of learning that teachers apply in the learning of mathematics.
One of the aspects contained in the learning of mathematics is the concept.
Dahar (1988: 95) mentions, "If likened, the concepts are the stones of development in
thinking". It would be very difficult for students to get to a higher learning process if
they had not understood the concept. Therefore, the ability to comprehend
mathematical concepts is one of the important goals in learning mathematics. As a
facilitator in learning, teachers should have the view that materials taught to students
are not just memorizing, but more than that, understanding the concepts given. By
understanding, students can better understand the concept of the subject matter itself,
not just memorized
Understanding mathematical concepts is important for learning mathematics
meaningfully, of course, teachers expect that students' understanding is not limited to
understanding but can connect to other concepts. This is the most important part of
mathematics learning as Zulkardi states (2003: 7) that "mathematics subjects
emphasize the concept". This means that in learning mathematics learners must
understand the concept of mathematics in advance in order to solve the problems and
able to apply the learning in the real world and able to develop other capabilities that
became the goal of learning mathematics. Therefore, students who have good

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

conceptual understanding skills will contribute greatly in solving and solving

mathematical problems
Seeing so complex problems in the learning of mathematics, it is necessary for
the efforts of teachers to overcome it. For that teachers need to design a learning that
creates conditions to allow the process of good interaction with learners, so that they
can perform various learning activities effectively. So Relate to the above problems of
learning it is necessary solution to solve the problem by applying a model of learning
that is able to create a variety of learning atmosphere, centered on students and able to
improve the ability of understanding the concept and problem solving in learning
mathematics. Learning in question is a problem-based learning model.

This study included a type of literature study. Where literature study is the way
used to collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study. These data sources
contain: Ability to understand concepts, problem-solving skills and School-Based
Learning. These sources are obtained from journals, books, research report articles and
internet sites


According to Joyce & Weil the learning model is a plan or pattern that can be
used to shape the curriculum (long-term learning plan), designing learning materials,
and guiding classroom or other learning (Rusman, 2012: 133). Furthermore, according
to Muslimin I (Boud and Felleti, 2000: 7), problem-based learning is an approach to
teaching students to develop thinking skills and problem-solving skills, studying the
role of adult auntentik and becoming an independent learner. Problem-based learning is
not designed to help teachers provide as much information to students as possible, but
problem-based learning is developed for intellectual skills, learning various adult roles
through their involvement in real-life experiences and becoming self-directed learning.
In agreement with the above opinion, Moffit (Depdiknas, 2002: 12) suggests
that problem-based learning is a learning approach that uses real-world problems as a
context for students to learn about critical thinking and problem-solving skills and to
acquire knowledge and concepts that are essentially subject matter. Then, according to
Rudi Hartono (Nurdin, S. 2016: 221) that problem-based learning is a learning process
that exposes students to a problem before starting the learning process. Students are
faced with a real problem that drives them to research, decipher and seek solutions.
Based on some of the experts above, it can be concluded that problem-based
learning is a learning that confronts students in real-world situations by linking each
learning material in everyday life and learning begins with a real experience-oriented
orientation by the students themselves. Thus, through the implementation of this
problem-based learning model will create an active learning atmosphere because this
learning will trigger students' curiosity about the material being studied because it is
related in their own life.
Ibrahim and Nur (2000: 13) and Ismail (2000: 1) suggest that the steps (syntax) of
problem-based learning, as follows.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Table 1 Problem-Based Learning Steps

Phase Indicator Teacher Behavior
1 Student orientation on Explain the learning objectives,
the problem explain the logistics required, propose
phenomena or demonstrations or
stories to raise issues, motivate
students to engage in problem
2 Organize students to Helps students to define and organize
learn learning tasks related to the problem.

3 Guiding individual / Encourage students to gather

group experiences appropriate information, carry out
experiments, to get explanations and
4 Develop and present the Assist students in planning and
work preparing appropriate works such as
reports, videos, and models and
helping them to share tasks with their
5 Analyze and evaluate the Helps students to reflect on or
problem-solving process evaluate their investigations and the
processes they use.

Meanwhile, according to Kemendikbud in the curriculum socialization

materials of 2013 the role of teachers, and problems in problem-based learning can be
described as follows:

Table 2 The Role of Teachers, Students and Problem-Based Problems of Learning

Teachers as trainers Student as The problem as an initial
problem solver challenge and motivation
1. Asking about thinking 1. Active 1. Interesting to solve
(bertanya tentang participants 2. Provide needs that
pemikiran) 2. Engage have to do with the
2. Monitoring Learning directly in lossons learned
3. Probbing (menantang learning
siswa untuk berpikir) 3. Building
4. Keep students engaged learning
5. Organize group dynamics
6. Keeping the process

Based on the above description, the following is discussed how the problem-
based learning model can improve the ability to understand the concept and solving the
problems of learners. The first stage of orienting learners on the issue, this stage is very
important where the teacher should explain in detail what should be done learners and
also by teachers, and explained how the teacher will evaluate the learning process. It is
very important to provide motivation so that learners can understand in the learning

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

done. The second stage of organizing learners to learn, problem solving requires
cooperation and sharing among members. According to Karatas and Adnan (2013) with
groups of learners can share and compare their thoughts with peers in discussing
different ideas. Therefore teachers can start learning activities by forming groups of
learners where each group will choose and solve different problems. Teachers are very
important to monitor and evaluate the work of each group to maintain group
performance and dynamics during learning. Once the learner is oriented to a problem
and has formed a further learning group teachers and learners establish specific
subtopics, investigative tasks, and schedules. The main challenge for teachers at this
stage is to ensure that all learners are actively involved in a number of investigative
activities and the results of this investigation can result in a resolution to the problem.
In the third stage it helps to develop and present the work, although each
problem situation requires different investigation techniques, but generally involves
identical characters, ie data collection and experimentation, hypothesizing and
explaining and providing solutions. According Ozsoy (2015) understanding of the
problem is the establishment of a mathematical relationship between what is given pa
funds needed. After learners collect enough data and provide problems about the
phenomena they investigate, they then begin to offer explanations in the form of
hypotheses, explanations and solutions. During teaching at this stage, the teacher
encourages the learner to convey all his ideas and fully accept the idea. Teachers should
also ask questions that make learners think about the feasibility of hypotheses and
solutions they make as well as about the quality of the information gathered.
The fourth stage develops and presents the work, at this stage of investigation
followed by creating artifacts (exhibitions) and exhibitions. Artifacts are more than a
written report, but can be a video tape (showing the problem situation and proposed
solutions), models (physical manifestations of problem situations and solutions),
computer programs, and multimedia presentations. The next step is to showcase the
results of his work and teacher ebrperan as organizer of the exhibition. It would be
better if in this exhibition involving other students, teachers, parents, and others who
can be an assessor or provide feedback. The fifth stage analyzes and evaluates the
problem-solving process. This phase is the final stage, intended to help learners analyze
and evaluate their own processes and the inquiry and intellectual skills they use. During
this stage the teacher asks the learners to reconstruct the thoughts and activities that
have been done during the learning process
In terms of learning is essentially learners directed in meaningful learning
where the subject matter taught is connected in the real life of learners or based on the
experience of the learners themselves. So this kind of presentation makes it easier for
learners to understand and understand the concept of mathematics as it is lifted from
real life. Then on this learning learners directed to solve the problems of mathematics
with activities to find and analyze every problem of mathematics and in learning
learners are required to be actively involved in learning. Based on the given problem,
learners will put forward the solution of each group task. This will lead to the
development of conceptual comprehension and problem-solving skills, as learners can
relate the problems given to the real world.
This is also supported by the results of research that has been done by
Dinandar (2014) in vocational students concluded that the ability to think critically
mathematically taught by using the model of Problem Based Learning is higher than the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

students' mathematical critical thinking skills are taught using conventional learning
model. So it can be interpreted that there is a good influence on the application of
Problem-Based Learning model to students' mathematical critical thinking skills. And
research Ageng Prakoso Rubi (2012) research results show that with the application of
problem-based learning to improve activity and learning achievement in the eyes of
PDIL training in SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta.


Problem-based learning model will have a positive effect on the ability of
concept comprehension and mathematical problem solving. This is because the stages
in the problem-based learning model, with this stage directing teachers to obtain the
maximum, the stages are: orientate learners to the problem, organize learners to learn,
guiding individual or group experience, develop and present the work As well as
analyzing and evaluating the problem-solving process.
Based on literature studies that have been done then the authors suggest:
1. For teachers or educators who want to improve the ability to understand the
concept and problem-solving skills of participants dididk then the problem-
based learning mazel is one alternative that can be applied to learners.
2. For the next author who wants to write about the problem-based learning model
is suggested to study how to improve students' mathematical thinking ability by
using problem-based learning model

Depdiknas. 2006. Kurikulum Satuan Tingkat Pendidikan. Jakarta. Depdiknas.
Eva, Satya Rani (2016), Pemahaman Konsep dan Motivasi Belajar Matematika Siswa
Kelas X Madrasyah Aliyah Negeri 1 Palu Melalui Model PBL dan Model
Pembelajaran Inkuiri, e-Jurnal Mitra Sain, Vol. 2, April 2016 hal 20-29.
Ismail Mohamad. (2004). Manajemen Operasional Sekolah. Bandung: PT Remaja
Karatas, Ilham dan Adnan Baki(2013)The Effect Of Learning Environments Based On
Problem Solving on Studenti A chievements of Problem Solving. International
Electronic Journal Of Elementary Education,2013, 5 (3),249-268.
Kemdikbud. 2013. Pengembangan Kurikulum 2013. Paparan Mendikbud dalam
Sosialisasi Kurikulum 2013. Jakarta :Kemdikbud
Lestari, KaruniaEka. 2015. PenerapanModel PembelajaranM-Apos Untuk
MeningkatkanKemampuanPemecahanMasalah Matematis Siswa SMP. Jurnal
Pendidikan Unsika. Volume 3 Nomor 1. ISSN: 2338-2996
Ozsoy Gokhan dan Ahmed Cakiroglu. 2015. Evaluation of Student’s Mathematical
Problem Solving Skill In Relation to Their Reading Levels. International Electronic
Journal of Elementary Education, 2015,8(1), 113-132
Pramujiyanti Khotimah, Rita dan Masduki (2016), Meningkatkan Kualitas dan Masalah
Pengajaran Memecahkan Kemampuan Melalui Pembelajaran Konstektual dan
Belajar dalam Persamaan Diferensial : Pendekatan Lesson Study. Jurnal Penelitian
dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Matematika. ISSN : 2503-3697. Volume 1 nomor
1, 1-13, Januari 2013.
Soedjadi 1985, Mencari Strategi Pengelolaan Pendidikan Matematika Menyongsong
Tinggal Landas Pembangunan Indonesia, Skripsi, Surabaya. IKIP Surabaya

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Reri Seprina Anggraini, Atus Amadi Putra, Mirna

Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Padang

Student’s mathematical concept understanding is one of the learning goals that
want to be developed optimally on students. Because the mathematical concepts are
irrelated, so to learn it must be coherent and sustainable. Based on the observation that
has been done in SMA Negeri 12 Padang, it was found that student’s mathematical concept
understanding not develop optimally. Student are less involved in the learning process and
tend to like to discuss with other students about the material that has not been
understood. The solution for this problem is applying learning cycle 7E model. This
research aim to see student’s mathematical concept understanding who attend learning
cycle 7E model better than student’s mathematical concept understanding who attend
conventional learning. This research was quasy experiment using Static Group Design. The
population of this research is the students of class X SMA Negeri 12 Padang which
amounted to 346 students. Sampling was done by random sampling technique. The
instrument used is the final test of essays to see student’s mathematical concepts. The test
data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. The result of this research showed that
student’s mathematical concept understanding who attend learning cycle 7E model is
better than student’s mathematical concept understanding who attend conventional
learning with a significance level of 0.05.

Keywords: learning cycle 7E, learning mathematics, mathematical concept


Mathematics is one of the lessons taught from elementary to college level. until
now there are still assuming mathematics is a difficult subject, boring, even scary. The
cause of the assumption is because mathematics has abstract properties so to learn it
requires a good understanding of the concept.
Understanding is the ability of a person to understand or understand something
after something is known and remembered (Sudijono, 2011: 50). A learner is said to
understand something if he could provide an explanation or give a more detailed
description about it using his own words. In learning mathematics, understanding the
concept is very important for students because the mathematical concepts that one with
the other are related so to study it must be coherent and sustainable. One of the goals of
learning mathematics in secondary education is that learners can understand the
concept of mathematics, is a competence in explaining interconnectedness between
concepts and using concepts and algorithms, flexibly, accurately, efficiently and
appropriately in problem solving. Learning mathematics will not work if students do
not understand the concept from the beginning. In accordance with the essence of

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

mathematics itself that the concept of mathematics arranged in a hierarchical,

structured, logical, and systematic from the concept of a simple to the most complex
concept (Suherman, 2003: 22).
Based on observations made in class X SMA Negeri 12 Padang, on 24, 25, 26, and
August 28, 2015 found that the concept of student understanding is low, it is seen from
the question and answer activities conducted between teachers and students, the basic
questions that needed answers to understand the concept of students, but students still
find it difficult to explain in their own words. Some students have tried to answer
correctly, but most of the answers given are still wrong. However, at the time the
learning process takes place students tend to be passive and only accept the material
given the teacher without being actively involved in the learning so that in doing the
exercise many difficulties experienced by students. But students do not appear to ask
the teacher but are more likely to ask their friends about the incomprehension. This
shows the students prefer to discuss in groups. This is also evident from the results of
mid semester I exam that has been done. Errors that many students experience is on the
matter no.1 and no.4, as follows:
1. Simplify and change in the form of positive rank.
4𝑥−3 𝑦5
12𝑥4 𝑦3
5 3 4
4. If log 3 = 𝑎 and log 2 = 𝑏. Determine the value of log 15 !

The problem represents several indicators of conceptualization, namely: re-

presenting a concept (question no.1) and presenting concepts in various forms of
mathematical representation and using, utilizing and selecting a particular procedure or
operation (question no.4). Here is one of the student answers.

Figure 1. One of the student's answers

Figure 1 is an incorrect student answer to question number 1. From the picture,

the student can not reiterate the concept of exponent (rank), which is about the
properties of integer integers and does not understand the concept of converting the
negative rank into positive rank. In general, students who solve the problem experience
the same error as in Figure 1, only a few students who can complete correctly and
correctly that is less than 30%.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Figure 2. One of the student's answers

Figure 2 represents the wrong student's answer for item number 4. From the
picture it can be seen that the students still do not understand the concept of logarithm
because it has not been able to present the concept in various forms of mathematical
representation correctly and still can not understand and choose the nature of
logarithm that can be used to solve the problem . Students have not been able to identify
the properties of a concept so that the final answer obtained is also wrong. It should be
a step that students can use to solve the problem by changing the form of 4 log 15
according to the logarithmic properties and known from the problem.
Similarly to question number 1, from question number 4 also only some students
who can give the correct answer that is about 20%. From the description shows that the
students still do not understand the concept of rank numbers and logarithms so that
they can not answer the problem by using the appropriate procedure. The number of
students whose value reaches the Minimum Completeness Criteria established by the
school, which is 80, is generally still less than 30%. Based on the data of mid semester I
mathematics lesson year 2015/2016 obtained from mathematics teacher class X SMA
Negeri 12 Padang, from 11 class X that exist, there is only one class with KKM
percentage level exceed 25% that is equal to 25,81%. While the other classes do not
reach 10% of students who complete. The completeness is still far from the expected
classical thoroughness, which is 85% (Depdikbud in Trianto, 2012: 241). The low
learning outcomes of students because the student’s mathematical concept
understanding is low.
The problem is caused by the lack of confidence of students in exposing their
opinions or ideas in solving a problem given by the teacher and not actively construct
their own concept of the material being studied. Learning models used in mathematics
learning tend to be conventional. Students only accept what is given by the teacher or
receive the result of a friend's work so they do not understand the concept and are more
likely to memorize the mathematical formula. As a result, the expected mathematical
capabilities appear not well developed. The low level of mathematical concepts leads to
other learning goals that will be difficult to achieve and students' mathematics learning
outcomes will be low as well.
Therefore, it is necessary to apply a learning model that supports students to
develop their conceptual understanding, and in accordance with the characteristics of
students who like to discuss. One of the learning model that seeks students to be active
in building and understanding the subject matter and in accordance with the
characteristics of students is the learning model of learning cycle 7E.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Learning cycle model is one of the learning model with constructivist approach
(Wena, 2012: 170). Students try to construct their own thoughts so that students'
understanding of the taught concept is obtained by their own cognitive thinking.
Learning is done not only in the direction (teacher to student), but the active role of the
students takes precedence so that will happen the learning process from various
direction. With this model students can also have the confidence to appear in front of
the class explaining the material being studied and expose their opinions or ideas in
solving problems and changing negative student habits as learning takes place into
positive and useful activities.
Learning cycle begins by testing three phases: (1) exploration, (2) concept
development, and (3) discovery (Marek, 2008: 63). Three cycles are developed into five
stages consisting of the stage of engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and
evaluation or referred to as Learning Cycle 5E (Wena, 2012: 171) . The proposed 7E
model extends the engagement stage into two components: elicit and engagement.
Similarly, in the elaborate and evaluate stage expanded into three stages of elaborate,
evaluate, and extend. The transition from model 5E to 7E model can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Change Learning Cycle 5E to Learning Cycle 7E

Source: Expanding the 5E Model (Eisenkraft, 2003: 57)

The change is not to add complexity, but to ensure that teachers do not remove the
essential elements to learn from their lessons, while with false assumptions they meet
the learning cycle requirements (Eisenkraft, 2003: 57). The 7E learning cycle learning
model consists of 7 stages, which is to elicit an early understanding of the students
(elicit), engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, evaluation, and extending. In
the elicit stage the teacher gives apperception by asking questions related to the
material to be conveyed, to find out where the initial knowledge of the students on the
subject matter; Stage engagement, teachers align students' perceptions with the
concepts brought by the teacher. The teacher's activity in this phase is to provide a
material explanation to clarify the perception of the wrong student. Teacher gives an
explanation but not fully discussed. Teachers invite students' knowledge by showing

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

interesting activities so that students have a curiosity and are interested in learning the
material further (Sumiyati et al, 2016: 43-44). The exploration stage of the students is
given the opportunity to discover and prove the concept of the material in a new
situation that will provide new experiences so that new questions and problems arise
which lead to debate and analysis of the reasons for the idea that will lead students to
acceptance or rejection of the idea (Yuliati in Pebriana, 2014: 3).
Student exploration results are presented in front of other friends, which is an
explanation stage. Teachers encourage students to explain a concept with their own
sentences or thoughts, ask for evidence and clarify the students' explanations, and
critically listen to each other's explanations between students or teachers. Teachers as
facilitators to guide the discussion, while students are managing the data, looking for
patterns, making comparisons, and identifying problems after students declare
conceptual understanding, teachers or students can introduce related scientific terms.
Then, students are asked to find many solutions and ideas, not just one "right" answer.
They may repeat the activity or they may wonder about some component or application
of the activity, thus starting the cycle again as they explore new ideas (Mecit, 2006: 4).
Furthermore, in the elaboration stage, students apply the concepts and skills that have
been learned in new situations in the form of tasks assigned by the teacher. From
several series of stages, teachers evaluate the understanding of concepts received by
students. At this stage can be used a variety of assessment strategies both formally and
informally teachers, assess how the development of knowledge that has been accepted
students. After the evaluation, in the final stage of the extend stage, students develop
elaborate results and submit it again required to think, seek, find, and explain examples
of application of new concepts and skills that have been studied and strengthened by
the existence of examples of applications and the linkage of concepts with other
concepts In everyday life. Teachers can direct students to obtain alternative
explanations using data or facts they explore in new situations as a step to further
solidify students' conceptual understanding (Azhar, 2012).
This research aim to see student’s mathematical concept understanding who
attend learning cycle 7E model better than student’s mathematical concept
understanding who attend conventional learning in class X SMA 12 Padang.

The type of research used in this study is quasy experimental research, where the
research variables are not possible to be fully controlled. In accordance with the
research, then used two classes of experimental class and control class. The design of
this study using Static Group Design is in the experimental class is treated by applying
the Learning Cycle 7E learning model, while the control class is not given treatment. At
the end of the learning the two classes were given a final test of mathematical concept
understanding based on the subject matter given during the study (Seniati, et al, 2011).
The population in this study is the students of class X SMA Negeri 12 Padang
consisting of 11 classes. In this study required 2 sample classes, sampling is done
randomly (random sampling) with draw. The draw is done by taking a roll of paper in
which the name of the class X 1 to X 11 is written. After the sampling, the class X7 is
obtained as experimental class and class X 9 as the control class.
Variable in this research consist of two, that is independent variable and
dependent variable. The independent variable in this research is the treatment given to

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

the experimental class, that is learning using learning cycle model 7E. The dependent
variable in this research is the understanding of mathematical concepts of class X
students of SMA Negeri 12 Padang in academic year 2015/2016.
Type of data in this study there are two primary data and secondary data. Primary
data used is the data taken from the sample through the final test of mathematical
concepts understanding to see the understanding of mathematical concepts of students
from the experimental class and control class. Secondary data used is data about the
number of students who become population and sample and the value of semester odd
semester examination of grade X students of SMA Negeri 12 Padang in academic year
The research procedure is divided into three stages: preparation stage,
implementation stage, and final stage. In accordance with the problems in this study, the
instrument used is the final test of mathematical concepts understanding. This test is
used to obtain quantitative data in the form of the final value of mathematical concepts
used to compare the student’s mathematical concepts understanding between the
experimental class and the control class. The material tested in the form of material
given during the research took place that is Mathematical Logic. Before the test was
given to a class of samples, testing the test item.
The data analysis technique used is the two equality test equation. Before carrying
out the two-sided equality test, the requirement that needs to be met is that the data
obtained from both samples are normally distributed and have homogeneous variance.
Hypothesis testing performed under significant level. Based on the research that has
been done, the samples are not normally distributed, the hypothesis test is done by non
parametric statistics using Mann-Whitney U test. Tests were conducted using Minitab
software assistance.


This study was conducted six times a meeting and one mathematics test with the
subject of Mathematical Logic. The research was conducted from February 29 to April
13, 2016. Description data of this research is the test data of mathematical concept
understanding arise through essay test which done at end of research. The test was
followed by 30 students in the experimental class and 29 students in the control class.
Based on test results can be made in Table 1.

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics Test Results of Mathematical Concepts Understanding

Total Standard
Class Minimum Maximum Average
Students Deviation
Experiment 30 47,92 95,83 77,15 12,05
Control 29 39,58 87,50 65,95 13,26

Based on Table 1 it is seen that the experimental class has an average test of 77.15
while the control class has an average test of 65.95 so it can be seen that the
experimental class has an average test higher than the average in the control class. The
standard deviation of the experimental class is lower than the control class, indicating
that the value in the experimental class is more uniform and better than the control
class because it has the same ability. In addition to the highest values of the two classes,

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

the experimental class has a higher value than the control class, as well as the lowest
values of the two classes.
Data test sample class understanding of the concept in more detail can be seen
through each item in accordance with the indicators of test understanding of concepts
being investigated. The students ability in each conceptual understanding indicator is
scaled 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 according to the criteria based on concept scoring rubric. The
results of concept comprehension tests that have been expressed as percentages for the
experimental class can be seen in Table 2.

Table 2. Percentage of Student’s Mathematical Concepts Understanding of Experiment

Ques. Percentage of Students Obtaining Scale (%)
No. 0 1 2 3 4
1 1 0,00 0,00 6,67 23,33 70,00
3(a) 3,33 3,33 3,33 6,67 83,33
2 3(b) 0,00 36,67 23,33 16,67 23,33
3(c) 3,33 16,67 10,00 16,67 53,33
2(a) 6,67 3,33 3,33 46,67 40,00
2(b) 0,00 13,33 13,33 33,33 40,00
2(c) 0,00 10,00 3,33 23,33 63,33
2(d) 0,00 16,67 6,67 23,33 53,33
4 5 0,00 0,00 30,00 53,33 16,67
5 6 0,00 6,67 10,00 30,00 53,33
6 4 10,00 3,33 10,00 33,33 43,33
7 5 0,00 3,33 26,67 40,00 30,00
Based on Table 2, it can be seen that in some indicators, the percentage of students
in the experimental class who got a scale of 4 more than 50% is on indicator 1, 2
(number 3a and 3c), 3 (question 2c and 2d,), and 5. In indicator 1, 2 (question 3b), 3
(item 2b, 2c, 2d), 4, 5, and 7 the students who get the scale 0 are 0.00%. Even on one of
the questions from indicator 2, the percentage of students who scored 4 reached
83.33%. This means understanding the concept of students in the experimental class is
good. While the percentage results for the control class can be seen in Table 3.

Table 3. Percentage of Student’s Mathematical Concepts Understanding of Control Class

Ques. Percentage of Students Obtaining Scale (%)
No. 0 1 2 3 4
1 1 0,00 3,45 3,45 41,38 52,72
3(a) 0,00 0,00 10,34 20,69 68,97
2 3(b) 0,00 58,62 13,79 20,69 6.90
3(c) 10,34 31,03 3,45 17,24 37,93
2(a) 0,00 3,45 31,03 27,59 37,93
2(b) 0,00 3,45 17,24 44,83 34,48
2(c) 0,00 10,34 27,59 27,59 34,48
2(d) 6,90 6,90 24,14 24,14 37,93
4 5 0,00 0,00 37,93 51,72 10,34
5 6 0,00 17,24 41,38 24,14 17,24
6 4 3,45 6,90 20,69 44,83 24,14
7 5 0,00 34,48 27,59 24,14 13,79

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

1 : The ability to re-state a concept.
2 : The ability to classify objects according to certain traits according to concepts.
3 : The ability to set an example and not an example of a concept.
4 : The ability to present concepts in various forms of mathematical representation.
5 : The ability to develop necessary terms or sufficient conditions from a concept.
6 : Ability to use and utilize and choose specific procedures or operations.
7 : Ability to apply concepts or algorithms in problem solving.

Table 3 shows that in indicators 1, 2 (questions 3a and 3b), 3 (questions 2a, 2b,
and 2c), 4, 5, and 7 students in the control class the scale 0 is 0.00%. In the control class
the percentage of students who get a scale of 4 more than 50% is for indicators 1 and 2
(question number 3a). But on the second indicator that is the number 3b it can be seen
that the percentage of students who get scale 1 reaches more than 50%. This means that
there are still students in the control class who have not mastered the mathematical
concepts understanding well.
Based on the description of Tables 2 and 3, from the two samples, the overall
average of the scale of the indicators obtained by the experimental class is higher than
the average obtained by the control class students. Hypothesis test that has been done
proves that student’s mathematical concepts understanding learning using learning
cycle 7E is better than the student’s mathematical concepts understanding learning
using conventional learning. This is evident from the hypothesis test is done.
The learning model 7E learning cycle that has been applied to the experimental
class influence on some indicators of student understanding of mathematical concepts,
namely the concept of understanding the indicator to 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6. It is proven by the
percentage of students in the experimental class were scored by a scale 4 more. Based
on a description of the mathematical concepts of understanding indicators, it can be
concluded that the students in the experimental class have demonstrated a better
understanding than the students in the control class. This is influenced by the
application of 7E learning cycle model in the learning process. The effect of the 7E
learning cycle model on the students' understanding of mathematical concepts is due to
the steps in this model giving the students a chance to discover the concept by
themselves rather than being given directly by the teacher. So students can understand
the concept better. From the discussion, it is also seen that there are some indicators
that show the sample class students have a mathematical understanding of equivalent
concepts. However, overall understanding of mathematical concepts of students
learning by applying the learning model of learning cycle 7E is better than
understanding the mathematical concepts of students learning by applying
conventional learning.
An upgraded indicator is to re-state a concept, classify objects according to specific
traits according to their concepts, provide examples and not examples of concepts,
develop necessary terms or sufficient terms of a concept, and use, utilize, and select
specific procedures or operations . As for other conceptual indicators of understanding
that presents concepts in various forms of mathematical representation and applying
concepts or algorithms in solving student problems in the experimental class still not

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

showing significant improvement. This is because the students are still a lot less
accurate in answering the questions given and in a hurry to do it.
Although in this study obtained the results of understanding the concept of
mathematics in the experimental class is better than the understanding of mathematical
concepts of students in the control class, but in its implementation can not be separated
from the constraints and limitations encountered. The obstacles faced are in terms of
time. This happened at the first meeting of the research that was held on Monday,
because the math lesson was held after the flag ceremony, there was a delay in the
hours of the day due to the length of the flag ceremony. As a result, the learning hours
should start at 08.00 am, starting at 08.30 WIB.
To overcome these problems, the material studied is divided into two, namely
open statements and sentences, so there are 4 groups that discuss the material about
the statement, and the other group discusses the material about open sentences. The
number of holidays, events held at school, and exam activities both mid semester and
national examinations make lessons less effective. Therefore the students are given
Homework (Homework) so that students can study at home repeat the material that has
been learned and prepare the material to be learned at the next meeting. Another
obstacle faced during the study is the length of time required by students in solving the
problems that exist in the LKS, so that the time used less effective. To overcome this, any
group that can complete the LKS faster and can present it in front of the class, given the
added value. In addition, the lack of interest of students to read the instructions in the
LKS, students tend to just solve the problems given, which resulted in students often ask
again to the teacher what the purpose of the given problem. To overcome this, need to
be reminded to each group to read in advance the commands contained in the LKS
given, then just discuss the answer.

Based on the results of data analysis has been done, it can be concluded that the
student’s mathematical concept understanding who attend learning cycle 7E model
better than student’s mathematical concept understanding who attend conventional
learning. This can be interpreted that the learning cycle 7E model gives a positive
influence in improving student’s mathematical concepts understanding.

Azhar, Rofa Yulia. 2012. Model Pembelajaran 7E. Tersedia online : http://share-
pangaweruh.blogspot.co.id/2012/07/model-pembelajaran-7E.html (diakses
tanggal 22 Desember 2015).
Eisenkraft. 2003. Expanding The 5E Model. The Science Teacher, 70(6), 56-59. Diakses
tanggal 26 Juli 2017 dari
Mecit, Özlem. 2006. The Effect Of 7E Learning Cycle Model On The Improvement Of Fifth
Grade Student’s Critical Thinking Skills. Thesis of Middle East Technical University.
Turkey: Middle East Technical University.
Marek. 2008. Why the Learning Cycle?, Article. Journal of Elementary Science Education,
Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 63-69. Diakses tanggal 26 Juli 2017, dari
http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ EJ849833.pdf.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Pebriana, Lucki Winandasari, Asim, Bambang Tahan. 2014. Penerapan Model

Pembelajaran Learning Cycle 7E untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Fisika dan
Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X-2 MAN 2 Malang Kota Batu. Malang: Universitas Negeri
Seniati, Liche, Aries Yulianto, dan Bernadette N. Setiadi. 2011. Psikologi
Eksperimen. Jakarta: PT. Indeks.
Sudijono, Anas. 2011. Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo
Suherman, Erman & dkk. 2003. Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Kontemporer.
Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Sumiyati, Yeti, Atep Sujana, Dadan Djuanda. 2016. Penerapan Model Learning Cycle 7E
untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Proses Daur Air. Jurnal Pena
Ilmiah: Vol. 1, No. 1 (2016). Diakses tanggal 25 Juli 2017 dari
Trianto. 2012. Mendesain Model Pembelajaran Inovatif-Regresif: Konsep, Landasan,
dan Implementasinya pada Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP).
Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.
Wena, Made. 2012. Strategi Pembelajaran Inovatif Kontemporer. Jakarta: Bumi

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Resi Novita Sari, Irwan, Yerizon

Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Korespondensi: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: ecinovita38@yahoo.co.id

The current curriculum is the 2013 curriculum that uses the basic scientific
approach. In the learning process students are required to play an active role especially in
discovery activities, while the teacher who originally acted as a learning resource to
switch the function of becoming a facilitator of learning activities that play a role
(guiding) students to solve problems encountered in learning or find their own concepts
Which is being studied. Scientific approaches include observing, asking, trying, processing,
presenting, summarizing and creating for all subjects. To be scientific, the method of
inquiry must be based on the evidence of observable, empirical, and measurable objects
with specific principles of reasoning. Inquiri learning is a series of learning activities that
emphasize the critical thinking process and analytical to seek and find their own answers
to a questionable problem. The process of inquiry is done through the following stages: 1)
orientation, 2) formulating the problem, 3) proposing the hypothesis, 4) collecting data, 5)
testing the hypothesis, 6) formulating the conclusion. The main purpose is to encourage
students in developing thinking skills by asking questions and getting answers based on
their curiosity. The methodology used in this paper is the literature study. Based on the
study, the process of learning mathematics with guided inquiry model based on scientific
approach can develop critical thinking ability.

Keywords: Guided Inquiry, Scientific Approach, Critical thinking ability

The curriculum according to Law No. 20 of 2003 is a set of plans and
arrangements concerning objectives, content, and lesson materials and ways used as
guidelines for the implementation of learning activities to achieve national education
objectives. Based on the above information then to achieve the national education goals
required a good curriculum, which can develop not only the character in the students
themselves, but also the skills that exist in the students. Now the current curriculum is
the 2013 curriculum that uses the basic scientific approach. The scientific approach
consists of two words, the approach and the scientific. According to Yulianto (2013), the
term approach comes from the English approach which means one is "Approach". In
teaching, approach is defined as a way of beginning something 'how to start something'.
Meanwhile, according to Big Indonesian Dictionary (2013), scientific is scientifically.
From both the above explanation can be concluded scientific approach is a way to start
learning and guidance of learning done scientifically.
The current scientific approach has the criteria of encouraging and inspiring
learners to understand, apply, and develop rational and objective thinking patterns in

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

response to learning materials based on empirical concepts, theories and facts that can
be accounted for, the objectives of learning formulated in a simple and Clear, but
interesting presentation system. Scientific learning not only views learning outcomes as
the final estuary, but the learning process is considered very important. In the learning
process students are required to play an active role especially in discovery activities,
while the teacher who originally acted as a learning resource to switch the function of
becoming a facilitator of learning activities that play a role (guiding) students to solve
problems encountered in learning or find their own concepts Which is being studied.
Scientific learning emphasizes process skills (Mendikbud, 2013).
Scientific approaches include observing, asking, trying, processing, presenting,
summarizing and creating for all subjects (Permendikbud, 2013). The use of a scientific
approach in applying the 2013 curriculum is appropriate with teachers encouraging
students to systematically study science through observing, questioning, gathering
information, processing, tasting, reasoning, drawing conclusions and communicating.
With the learning process, students can have critical thinking skills in applying in
everyday life (Leksono, 2013). The 2013 curriculum mandates the essence of a scientific
approach in learning. The scientific approach is believed to be the golden tool for the
development and development of students' attitudes, skills and knowledge. The
scientific method refers to investigative techniques for phenomena or symptoms,
acquires new knowledge, or corrects and integrates prior knowledge. To be scientific,
the method of inquiry must be based on the evidence of observable, empirical, and
measurable objects with specific principles of reasoning. (Mendikbud, 2013)
Math lessons should be given to all learners ranging from elementary to high
school to equip them with logical, analytical, systematic, critical, creative, meticulous,
effective and efficient thinking skills and the ability to work together in problem solving
(Attachment Permendiknas No. 23 Year 2006 ). Because mathematics is one branch of
science that has an important role in the development of science and technology, both
as a tool in the application of other fields of science and in the development of
mathematics itself.

This study included a type of literature study. Where literature study is the way
used to collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study. This study contains
about the ability of critical thinking, guided inquiry, and scientific approach


Based on the results of literature studies that have been done, on mathematical
material and critical thinking skills are two things that can not be separated, because
mathematical material is understood through critical thinking, and critical thinking
trained through learning mathematics (Labertus, 2009). Students need to be trained to
think critically starting from basic education level. Rusiyanti (2011) stated that in
learning mathematics critical thinking becomes a tool to gain understanding of
knowledge material as well as competence. This will affect the quality of student
learning which has an impact on the learning achievement in school. The lack of critical
thinking ability in learning mathematics of students caused by several factors, one of the
factors causing according to Zulkardi (2002) is a factor related to learning, for example
the method of learning mathematics that is still focused on the teacher so that students

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

tend to be passive and have no opportunity to think. The lack of variation in the use of
learning methods leads to the tendency of passive students, less motivated in learning
mathematics, and less optimized ability of students in critical thinking, creative,
analytical and logical.
According to Wade, identify eight critical thinking characters, which include 1)
formulate questions, 2) limit problems, 3) test data, 4) analyze opinions and biases, 5)
avoid very emotional considerations, 6) avoid over-simplification , 7) consider various
interpretations, 8) tolerate ambiguity. Learning will be successful if using learning
methods that guide students to be able to think critically. According Sanjaya (2011:
196) argued that inquiri learning is a series of learning activities that emphasize the
process of thinking critically and analytically to seek and find their own answers to a
questionable problem. The inquiry process is done through the following stages: 1)
orientation, 2) formulating the problem, 3) submitting the hypothesis, 4) collecting data,
5) testing the hypothesis, 6) formulating the conclusion (Sanjaya, 2011: 201). Inquiri
method of learning is essentially a process of discovery or investigation. The main
purpose is to encourage students in developing thinking skills by asking questions and
getting answers based on their curiosity. The learning process changes from teacher
dominated to domination by student (student dominated), because in guided inquiry is
a more active learning is the student, while the teacher acts as a facilitator or mentor
Based on the above study, the inquiry stage with critical thinking character has
relevance. Stage 1 on the inquiry is orientation, the teacher makes the introduction of
learning. While in stage 2 that is formulating the problem, at this stage students will
formulate the questions, conducted in accordance with the first critical thinking
character. Phase 3 is to propose a hypothesis, at this stage students will limit the
problem so as to form a hypothesis, done in accordance with the second critical thinking
character. Phase 4 collects data, at this stage students will test the data they get, done
according to the third critical thinking character. Stage 5 is to test the hypothesis,
obtained by analyzing various opinions, conducted in accordance with the fourth critical
thinking character. Stage 6 is the conclusion, at this stage students avoid emotional
considerations, avoid over-simplification, consider interpretation, tolerate ambigius,
done according to the fifth, sixth, and seventh critical thinking characters.
Guided inquiry method is a part of learning activity with constektual approach.
Knowledge and skills acquired by students are expected not only from the results of
remembering facts, but also from finding their own (syaiful Sagala, 2010: 89). According
to Robert B. Sund, Leslie W. Trowbridge (in Fathurrohman, 2015: 106-107) guided
inquiry learning is an inquiri learning strategy in which the teacher provides sufficient
guidance or instruction to learners. In the teaching and learning process with guided
inquiry learning model, students get the necessary guidance. They are generally guiding
questions for students. This type of inquiry is used primarily in inexperienced learners
with inquiry models. In the early stages given more new guidance then gradually less
Based on the character of critical thinking and learning process inquiry with a
scientific approach has a relationship that is the same learning process that will produce
the same ability indicators. From the above explanation it can be expected that guided
inquiry learning with scientific approach can develop and improve students' critical
thinking ability.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

From the description above, it is known that inquiry learning with scientific
approach runs every character contained in critical thinking ability. Therefore, inquiry
learning with scientific approach can improve students' critical thinking ability.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Rika Septianingsih1, Irwan1, Budi Oktavia2

1 Department of Mathematics Education
2Department of Chemistry Education
Universitas Negeri Padang
Address: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email : rikaseptia95@gmail.com

This research plan is aims to describe student's errors and causes in solving math
problems using Newman's Error Analysis (NEA). Population of this research is student in
senior high school or secondary levels with purposive sampling. NEA is a framework with
simple diagnostic procedures that include (1) decoding, (2) comprehension (3)
transformation (4) skill process and (5) encoding.Newman's developed diagnostic method
is used to identify the category of errors on the answers of an essay test.Analysis technique
of this research will using literature study with describe student’s errors while doing
math’s exercises.

Keywords: Student error, Newman’s Error Analysis (NEA)

The mindset that mathematics is a very scary lesson has not changed. This is
because many students have problem to learn mathematics which abstract matter. As
revealed by Soedjadi (2000) suggests the characteristics of mathematics are: (1) has an
abstract object matters; (2) based on agreement; (3) deductive mindset; (4) has a blank
symbol of meaning; (5) attention to the general issues; (6) consistent in the system.
Mullis, et al (2012) stated that the achievements of Trends in International
Mathematics and Science Stud (TIMSS) presented in the Ministry of Education and
Culture's presentation in the 2013 public test shows that "Only 5% of Indonesian
students can solve the mathematics exercises on high and advanced category ies
(Requires reasoning). In another perspective, 78% of Indonesian students can only
solve the mathematics exercises in the low category (concepts and memorization
levels).From data of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2009
(AriyadiWijaya; 2012) found that almost half of Indonesian students (43.5%) were
unable to solve the simplest PISA task. 33.1% of Indonesian students can only solve the
mathematics exercises from contextual problems given explicitly as well as all the data
needed to do the problem properly. Only 0.1% of Indonesian students are able to
develop and do mathematical modeling that demands thinking and reasoning skills.
Based on the data it can be concluded that the ability of Indonesian students in
identifying and understanding the role of mathematics in life is still low. So it is
necessary to attempt to describe the errors in solving math problems. Mistakes in
solving math problems can be used to detect the difficulty of learning mathematics so as
to find alternative solutions in solving math problems.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Analysis to find out what mistakes are mostly done and why the mistake always
done by student are needs to do. Through the error analysis will be obtained form and
cause of student error, so that teacher can give kind of aid to student. The mistakes
made by our students need further analysis, in order to get a clear and detailed
description of the students' weaknesses in solving math problems. Mistakes made by
students can be used as a consideration of teaching in an effort to improve teaching and
learning activities. The increase in learning and teaching activities is expected to
improve student learning outcomes or achievement. One of the tools and ways to know
or predict the student errors that can be used is error analysis with NEA procedure
(Newman's Error Analysis). The newman procedure is a method that analysis errors in
sentence problems. Thus method suppose that in the process of problem solving there
are two kinds of abstacles that hinder students from arriving at correct answer:
(1)decoding, (2) comprehension (3) transformation (4) process skill dan (5) encoding
(Natchadan Satoshi, 2006).

This research is a literature study. Literature study is a way used to collect data
and sources related to the research topics. These data sources contain: Analysis Error
and NEA. The sources are obtained from journals, books, proceedings, articles, research
reports and internet sites.


One of the characteristics of mathematics is the mathematical object. Hudojo
(1998) states that the objects of mathematics are facts, concepts and principles. While
Bell (1978) divides the mathematical objects in two groups, first direct object and
second indirect object. Direct objects are classified into facts, skills, concepts and
principles. While indirect objects are classified over the transfer of learning, inquiry
ability, problem-solving ability and appreciation for mathematical structure. In the
learning of mathematics, the role of the teacher is very important to instill a correct
understanding of the students about the mathematical objects mentioned earlier. Bell
(1978) argues that a mathematics teacher should develop testing and observation
techniques to assist students from their point of view of concepts and principles being
In fact that not all mathematics learning objects can be understood and
controlled by students. This can be seen from their ability to solve the problems given
by the teacher. This unability results in mistakes made by students in solving math
According to Sukirman the error is a deviation against the right thing that is
systematic, consistent, or incidental in certain areas. While Rahmat (2006) students'
mistakes in solving problems are concept errors, operating errors and careless
mistakes. Based on the description can be concluded that the error is a form of
deviation against the actual answer that is systematic.
Malau (1996) states that the causes of mistakes that students often make in
solving mathematical problems can be seen from several things, among others, due to
lack of understanding of prerequisite materials and subject matter learned, lack of
mastery of mathematics language, misinterpret or apply formulas, miscalculations, Less
conscientious and forget the concept. Hiebert and Levre (1986) stated that "Conceptual

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

knowledge is characterized as the knowledge rich in relationship. It can be thought of as

linked relationships as the prominent as discrete pieces of information ". In the opinion
that conceptual knowledge is a knowledge rich in relationships. This relationship
includes facts and properties so that all pieces of information are linked to a network.
To identify the error is done an analysis. According KBBI (1990) understanding
of analysis is the investigation of an event (essay, deeds and asanya). Analysis has a
purpose to know the situation sebanarnya. The errors of the students need to be
analyzed further, so that we get a picture of the weaknesses of the students we test
(Nurkancana: 1986). The form of analysis chosen to identify the error is Newman Error
Analysis (NEA).
The newman procedure is a method that analysis errors in sentence problems.
Thus method suppose that in the process of problem solving there are two kinds of
abstacles that hinder students from arriving at correct answer: (1)decoding, (2)
comprehension (3) transformation (4) process skill dan (5) encoding (Natchadan
Satoshi, 2006).
The reasons for the inclusion of NEA Counting On programs were primarily to
assist teachers when confronted with students who experienced difficulties with
mathematical word problems. Rather than give students ‘more of the same’ involving
drill and practice, NEA provided a framework for considering the reasons that underlay
the difficulties and a process that assisted teachers to determine where
misunderstandings occurred and where to target effective teaching strategies to
overcome them. Moreover, it provided excellent professional learning for teachers and
made a nice link between literacy and numeracy.
NEA was designed as a simple diagnostic procedure. Newman (1977, 1983)
maintained that when a person attempted to answer a standard, written, mathematics
word problemthen that person had to be able to pass over a number of successive
hurdles: Level 1 Reading(or Decoding), 2 Comprehension, 3 Transformation, 4 Process
Skills, and 5 Encoding.Newman defined five specific reading skills as crucial to
performance on mathematical wordproblems. They are reading, comprehension,
transformation, process skills, and encoding. She asked students the following questions
(prompts) as they attempted problems.
IV.Please read the question to me. If you don’t know a word, leave it out.
V.Tell me what the question is asking you to do.
VI.Tell me how you are going to find the answer.
VII.Show me what to do to get the answer. “Talk aloud” as you do it, so that I can
understand how you are thinking.
VIII.Now, write down your answer to the question.
While working through a word problem it was always possible for students to
make acareless error and there were some students who deliberately gave incorrect
answers due to a lack of motivation to answer to their level of ability.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Picture 1. Newman identified five basic steps

Decoding steps, is an error that occurs because students cannot read or

recognize the term in the matter, do not recognize the symbol or do not know the
purpose of the problem. Step of comprehension, errors are analyzed is the students do
not understand the terms, phrases or do not know the question comprehensively.
Transformation steps, is an error that is analyzed is when the student is not able to
change the information in question to the mathematical symbol. Process skill steps,
student error analysis to student's inability to apply the calculation steps correctly
when applying procedure or algorithm even though having successfully write
mathematical sentence according to question asked. Encoding steps, is when students
cannot write answers in the form of numbers, symbols or wordscorrectly even though it
has been through the process skill steps.

NEA is a method that analysis errors in sentence problems. NEA maintained that
when a person attempted to answer a standard, written, mathematics word
problemthen that person had to be able to pass over a number of successive hurdles:
Level 1 Reading(or Decoding), 2 Comprehension, 3 Transformation, 4 Process Skills,
and 5 Encoding.

Bell, F. H. 1978. Teaching and Learning Mathematics (In Secondary School). Lowa: Wm. C.
brown Company Publisher.
Hudojo, Herman. 2005. PembelajaranMatematika. Malang: UniversitasNegeri Malang.
Junaedi, Iwan. 2012. Tipe kesalahan Mahasiswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal-soal
Geometri Analitik Berdasar Newman’s Erros Analysis (NEA). Jurnal Kreano. Vol.3,
No. 2.
Natcha P. dan Satoshi N. 2006. Analysis Of Mathematics Performance Of Grade Five
Students In Thailand Using Newman Procedur. Journal of international
cooperation in education.Vol. 9, No. 1, Hal. 111-112.
Nurkancana, W danSumartono, P.P.N. 1986. UniversitasPendidikan. Surabaya: Usaha

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Mullis, I. V. S., Martin M. O., Foy P., & Arora A. (2012). TIMSS 2011 international results
in mathematics. Boston: TIMSS &PIRLS International Study Center.
Sudjadi. 2000. Kiat Pendidikan Matematika Di Indonesia. Jakarta: Dikti.
White, Allan Leslie. 2009. A Revaluation Of Newman’sError Analysis.Department of
Education and Training University of Western Sydney.
Wijaya, Ariyadi. 2012. Pendidikan Matematika Realistik. Yogyakarta: GrahaIlmu.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Rini Yanti1 Alyauma Hajjah2

1Departmentof Informatics, STMIK Amik Riau Indonesia 28294
2Department of Informatics, STIKOM Pelita Indonesia 28127


This paper discuss about a numerical solution for fuzzy differential equation or
fuzzy initial value problem by an application of third order Runge Kutta method based on
combination of arithmetic, harmonic and geometric mean. The algorithm is illustrated by
solving some linear and nonlinear fuzzy Cauchy problem. This numerical examples show
that the new method work properly and give a competitive result.

Keywords: fuzzy differential equation, third order Runge Kutta method, fuzzy Cauchy

The concept of fuzzy derivative, which attracted a growing interest for some time, in
particular, in relation to the fuzzy control, have been rapidly developed recent years.
First order linear fuzzy differential equations are one of the simplest fuzzy differential
equations, which appear in many applications. The concept of fuzzy derivative was first
introduced by S.L.Chang and L.A.Zadeh in [15]. And the numerical method was
introduced by M.Ma, M.FriedmandanA.Kandel [11] through Euler Method and
Kanagarajan,K. and Suresh,R [9] modified this method. Runge Kutta method have also
been studied by author [3,4,5,6,12,13,14].
The structure of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2, some basic results on
fuzzy numbers and definition of a fuzzy derivative are given. In section 3, we define the
problem that is a fuzzy Cauchy whose numerical solution is the main interest of this
work. Solving numerically the fuzzy differential equation by the third order Runge Kutta
method based on combination of means is discussed in section 4. The proposed
algorithm is illustrated by some examples in section 5 and the conclusion is in section 6.
1. PreliminaryNotes
Consider the initial value problem
 y ' t   f t , yt ; a  t  b

 y   
The basis of all Runge Kutta method is to express the difference between the value
of𝑡𝑛 +1 and 𝑡𝑛 as
𝑦𝑛+1 − 𝑦𝑛 = 𝑚 𝑖=0 𝑤𝑖 𝑘𝑖 (1)
where wi ' s are constants and
𝑘𝑖 = 𝑕𝑓 𝑡𝑛 + 𝑎𝑖 𝑕, 𝑦𝑛 + 𝑗 =1 𝑐𝑖𝑗 𝑘𝑗 . (2)

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

The Runge Kutta method of order 3 based on combination of arithmetic, harmonic and
geometric means is [16]
𝑕 2𝑘1 𝑘2 2𝑘2 𝑘3
𝑦𝑛+1 = 𝑦𝑛 + 7 𝑘1 + 2𝑘2 + 𝑘3 − +
90 𝑘1 + 𝑘2 𝑘2 + 𝑘3
+32 𝑘1 + 𝑘2 + 𝑘2 + 𝑘3 , (3)
𝑘1 = 𝑓 𝑡𝑛 , 𝑦𝑛 (4)
2𝑕 2𝑕
𝑘2 = 𝑓 𝑡𝑛 + 3 , 𝑦𝑛 + 3 𝑘1 (5)
2𝑕 4𝑕 10𝑕
𝑘3 = 𝑓 𝑡𝑛 + , 𝑦𝑛 − 𝑘1 + 𝑘2 , (6)
3 9 9

where a  t 0  t1    t N  b and h 
b  a   t
i 1  t i .
A triangular fuzzy number v is defined by three numbers a1  a 2  a3 , where the
graph of vx  , the member function of the fuzzy number v , is a triangle with the base on
the interval a1 , a3  and the vertex at x  a 2 . We specify v as a1 / a 2 / a3  and: (1) v  0
if a1  0 ; (2) v  0 if a1  0 ; (3) v  0 if a3  0 ; and (4) v  0 if a3  0 .
Let E be a set of all the upper semicontinuous normal convex fuzzy numbers with
bounded r  level sets. It means that if v  E , then the r  level set
vr  s vs   r, 0  r  1 ,
is a closed bounded interval which is denoted by
vr  v1 r , v2 r  .
Let I be a real interval. The mapping x : I  E is called fuzzy process and its r 
level set is denoted by
xt r  x1 t; r , x2 t; r , t  I , r  0,1 .
The derivative x' t  of the fuzzy process x is defined by
x' t r  x1 ' t; r , x2 ' t; r , t  I , r  0,1,
provided that this equation determines the fuzzy number.
Let  be the set of all nonempty compact subsets of R and  c be the subset of 
consisting of nonempty convex compact sets. Recall that
 x, A  min x  a
 A

is a distance of the point x  R from A   and that the Hausdorff separation   A, B  of

A, B   is defined as
  A, B   max  a, B  .
 A

2. A Fuzzy Cauchy Problem

Consider the fuzzy initial value problem
 y ' t   f t , yt , t  I  0, T 
 (7)
 y0  y0
where f is continuous mapping from R  R into R and y 0  E with r -level sets
y0 r  y1 0; r , y2 0; r , r  0,1 .
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

The extension principle of Zadeh leads to the following definition of f t , y  when

y  yt  is a fuzzy number
f t , y s   supy  s  f t , , s  R.
It follows that
 f t, y r   f1 t, y; r , f 2 t, y; r , r  0,1,
f1 t , y; r   min f t , u  u   y1 r , y2 r ,
f 2 t , y; r   max f t , u  u   y1 r , y 2 r .
Theorem 3.1. Let f satisfy
   
f t , v   f t , v  g t , v  v , t  0, v, v  R,
where g : R  R is a continuous mapping such that r  g t , r  is nondecreasing, the
initial value problem
u' t   g t , ut , u0  u0 , (8)
has a solution on R for u 0  0 , and that ut   0 is the only solution of (8) for u 0  0 .
Then the fuzzy initial value problem (7) has a unique solution.
3. The Third Order of Runge Kutta Based on Combinations of Means
Let the exact solution Y t r  Y1 t; r , Y2 t; r  is approximated by some
yt r  y1 t; r , y2 t; r  . From (1) we define
y1 t n 1 ; r   y1 t n ; r    wi ki ,1 t n , y t n ; r ,
i 1
y2 t n 1 ; r   y2 t n ; r    wi ki , 2 t n , y t n ; r ,
i 1

where the wi ‘s are constants and

ki t, yt; r r  ki,1 t, yt; r , ki,2 t, yt; r , i  1,2,3
 i 1 
ki ,1 t , yt; r   h. f  tn   i h, y1 t n     ij k j ,1 tn , ytn ; r ,
 j 1 

 i 1 
k i , 2 t , yt; r   h. f  t n   i h, y 2 t n     ij k j , 2 t n , yt n ; r .
 j 1 
k1,1 t , yt; r   min h. f t , u  u   y1 t; r , y2 t; r 
k1, 2 t , yt; r   max h. f t , u  u   y1 t; r , y2 t; r 
  2h  
k2,1 t , yt; r   min h. f  t  , u  u  z1,1 t , yt; r , z1, 2 t , yt; r 
  3  
  2h  
k2, 2 t , yt; r   max h. f  t  , u  u  z1,1 t , yt; r , z1, 2 t , yt; r 
  3  

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

  2h  
k3,1 t , yt; r   min h. f  t  , u  u  z2,1 t , yt; r , z2, 2 t , yt; r 
  3  
  2h  
k3, 2 t , yt; r   max h. f  t  , u  u  z2,1 t , yt; r , z2, 2 t , yt; r  .
  3  

Where in the Runge-Kutta method order 3 based on combination of arithmetic mean,

harmonic mean and geometric mean,
z1,1 t , yt; r   y1 t; r   k1,1 t , yt; r ,
z1, 2 t , yt; r   y2 t; r   k1, 2 t , yt; r ,
z2,1 t , yt; r   y1 t; r   k1,1 t , yt; r   k2,1 t , yt; r 
4 10
9 9

z 2, 2 t , yt; r   y 2 t; r   k1, 2 t , yt; r   k 2, 2 t , yt; r .

4 10
9 9
From Eq. (3), define
𝐹 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟
= 7 𝑘1,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 + 2𝑘2.1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 + 𝑘3,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟

2𝑘1,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 𝑘2,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟

𝑘1,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 + 𝑘2,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟
2𝑘2,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 𝑘3,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟
+ +32 𝑘1,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 + 𝑘2,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟
𝑘2,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 + 𝑘3,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟

+ 𝑘2,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 + 𝑘3,1 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 (9)

𝐺 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟
= 7 𝑘1,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 + 2𝑘2.2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 + 𝑘3,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟

2𝑘1,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 𝑘2,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟

𝑘1,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 + 𝑘2,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟
2𝑘2,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 𝑘3,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟
+ +32 𝑘1,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 + 𝑘2,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟
𝑘2,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 + 𝑘3,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟

+ 𝑘2,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 + 𝑘3,2 𝑡, 𝑦 𝑡; 𝑟 . (10)

The exact and approximate solutions at tn , 0  n  N are denoted by

Y t n r  Y1 t n ; r , Y2 t n ; r  and yt n r  y1 t n ; r , y 2 t n ; r  respectively. The solutions is
calculated by grid points at h   t i 1  t i . By (3) we have

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Y1 t n 1 ; r   Y1 t n ; r   F t n , Y t n ; r ,
90 (11)
Y2 t n 1 ; r   Y2 t n ; r   Gt n , Y t n ; r .
We define
y1 t n 1 ; r   y1 t n ; r   F t n , y t n ; r ,
y 2 t n 1 ; r   y 2 t n ; r   Gt n , y t n ; r .
The following lemmas will be applied to show convergence of these approximates, i.e.,
lim h0 y1 t; r   Y1 t; r ,
lim h0 y 2 t; r   Y2 t; r .
Lemma 4.1. Let a sequence of numbers Wn nN0 satisfy
Wn 1  AWn  B, 0  n  N  1
for some given positive constants A and B. Then
An  1
Wn  A N W0  B , 0  n  N  1.
A 1
The proof, using mathematical induction is straight forward.
Lemma 4.2. Let the sequences of numbers Wn nN0 and Vn nN0 satisfy
Wn 1  Wn  A max Wn , Vn   B,
Vn 1  Vn  A max Vn , Wn   B
for some given positive constants A and B, and denote
U n  Wn  Vn , 0  n  N .
An  1
Un  A U0  B
, 1 n  N (13)
A 1
where A  1  2 A and B  2 B .
Proof. From Eq. (12) we get
Wn 1  Vn 1  Wn  Vn  2 AWn  Vn   2 B
 1  2 AWn  Vn   2 B
And by applying Lemma 4.1 for U n , 0  n  N we conclude that Eq. (13) is valid.
Let F t , u, v  and Gt , u, v  are obtained by substituting  yt r  u, v in (9) and
F t , u, v   F t; yt 
Gt , u, v   Gt; yt .

The domain where F and G are defined is

K  t , u, v  0  t  T ,    v  ,    u  v.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Theorem 4.3. Let F t , u, v  and Gt , u, v  belong to C 2 K  and let the partial
derivatives of F and G be bounded over K . Then, for arbitrary fixed r , 0  r  1, the
third order Runge-Kutta based on combination of means approximates of Eq. (11)
converge to the exact solutions Y t; r  and Y  t; r  uniformly in t .
Proof. As an ordinary differential equations, it is sufficient to show
lim h0 y1 t N ; r   Y1 t N ; r ,
lim h0 y 2 t N ; r   Y2 t N ; r ,
where t N  T . For n  0,1, , N  1 , by using Taylor theorem we get

Y1 t n 1 ; r   Y1 t n ; r   F t n , Y1 t n ; r , Y2 t n ; r   h ML  Oh 5 ,
1 22 4 3
90 648
Y2 t n 1 ; r   Y2 t n ; r   Gt n , Y1 t n ; r , Y2 t n ; r   h ML  Oh 5 .
1 22 4 3
90 648
Wn  Y1 t n ; r   y1 t n ; r ,
Vn  Y2 t n ; r   y 2 t n ; r .
Hence from (9) and (10)
Wn 1  Wn 
F t n , Y1 t n ; r , Y2 t n ; r   F t n , y1 t n ; r , y 2 t n ; r 

22 4 3
h ML  O h 5 ,  
 Vn  Gt n , Y1 t n ; r , Y2 t n ; r   Gt n , y1 t n ; r , y 2 t n ; r 
Vn 1

22 4 3
h ML  O h 5 .  
Wn 1  Wn 
Lh  max Wn , Vn  
22 4 3
h ML  O h 5 ,  
Vn 1  Vn 
Lh  max Wn , Vn  
22 4 3
h ML  O h 5 ,  
for t  0, T  and L  0 is a bound for the partial derivatives of F and G . Thus by Lemma
 2 
n 1  Lh   1

W n  1 
2   22 4 3
Lh  U o  
h ML  O h 5 
45 
,  
 45   648  2
 2 
n 1  Lh   1

V n  1 
2   22 4 3
Lh  U o  
h ML  O h 5 
45 
,  
 45   648  2
where U 0  W0  V0 . In particular

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

 2 h
n 1  Lh   1

W n  1 
2   495 3 3
Lh  U o  
h ML  O h 4 
45 
  ,
 45   648  L

 2 
n 1  Lh   1

V n  1 
2   495 3 3
Lh  U o  
h ML  O h 4 
45 
  .
 45   648  L
Since W0  V0  0 , we obtain
1 3
 495 e
 
Wn   ML3  h  O h4 ,
 648  L
1 3
 495 e
 
Vn   ML3  h  O h4 ,
 648  L
and if h  0 we get N
W  0 and N
V  0 which complete the proof.
4. Numerical Examples
Now we will present some examples to show that our method works.
Example 5.1. Let us consider the nuclear decay equation y' t     yt , y0  y 0 ,
where y t  is the number radionuclides present in a given radioactive material,  is a
decay constant and y 0 is the initial number of radionuclides. In the model, uncertainty
is introduced if we have uncertain information on the initial number y 0 of
radionuclides present in the material. Note that phenomenon of nuclear disintegration
is considered a stochastic process, uncertainty being introduced by the lack of
information on the radioactive material under study. In order to take into account the
uncertainty we consider y 0 to be a fuzzy number.
Let   1, I  0,0.1 and y 0    1,1    . The exact solution is
 
yt ,      1e t , 1   e t . The result of numerical approximate and its comparison
with the exact solution at t  0.1 is shown in the following tables.
Table 5.1
Modified RK3 Method Exact Solution Error

y1 t i ;   y 2 t i ;   Y1 t i ;   Y2 t i ;   y1  Y1 y 2  Y2

0 -1.1046 -0.9044 -1.1052 -0.9048 0.5487e-3 0.4553e-3

0.1 -0.9941 -0.8139 -0.9946 -0.8143 0.4939e-3 0.4098e-3

0.2 -0.8837 -0.7235 -0.8841 -0.7237 0.4390e-3 0.3642e-3

0.3 -0.7732 -0.6331 -0.7736 -0.6334 0.3841e-3 0.3187e-3

0.4 -0.6628 -0.5426 -0.6631 -0.5429 0.3293e-3 0.2732e-3

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

0.5 -0.5523 -0.4522 -0.5526 -0.4524 0.2744e-3 0.2276e-3

0.6 -0.4418 -0.3618 -0.4421 -0.3619 0.2195e-3 0.1821e-3

0.7 -0.3314 -0.2713 -0.3316 -0.2715 0.1646e-3 0.1366e-3

0.8 -0.2209 -0.1809 -0.2210 -0.1810 0.1098e-3 0.0911e-3

0.9 -0.1105 -0.0904 -0.1105 -0.0905 0.0549e-3 0.0455e-3

1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Example 5.2. Consider the fuzzy initial value problem,

 y ' t   yt , t  0,1,

 y0  0.75  0.25r ,1.125  0.125r , 0  r  1.
The exact solution is given by
Y1 t; r   y1 0; r et , Y2 t; r   y2 0; r et
which at t  1
Y1 1; r   0.75  0.25r e, 1.125  0.125r e, 0  r  1.
The exact and approximate solutions by Euler’s method and modified Runge Kutta
method of order 3, are compared and plotted in the following tables.
Table 5.2
Improved Euler’s Exact Solution
Modified RK3 Method
y1 t i ; r  y 2 t i ; r  y1 t i ; r  y 2 t i ; r  Y1 t i ; r  Y2 t i ; r 

0.01 1.9812 2.9705 2.0453 3.0544 2.0394 3.0578

0.1 2.0465 2.9377 2.1064 3.0237 2.1067 3.0241
0.2 2.1125 2.9047 2.1743 2.9897 2.1746 2.9901
0.3 2.1785 2.8717 2.2423 2.9558 2.2426 2.9561
0.4 2.2446 2.8387 2.3102 2.9216 2.3105 2.9222
0.5 2.3106 2.8057 2.3781 2.8877 2.3785 2.8882
0.6 2.3766 2.7727 2.4460 2.8537 2.4465 2.8542
0.7 2.4425 2.7396 2.5141 2.8198 2.5144 2.8202
0.8 2.5087 2.7066 2.5820 2.7858 2.5824 2.7862
0.9 2.5746 2.6736 2.6500 2.7518 2.6503 2.7523
1 2.6406 2.6406 2.7179 2.7179 2.7183 2.7183

In this work we have applied iterative solution of Runge Kutta Method of order three
based on combination of arithmetic, harmonic and geometric means for numerical
solution of fuzzy differential equations. It is clear that the method introduced with
 
O h 3 works properly and performs better than Improved Euler’s Method.
This works has fully supported by the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher
Education of Indonesia.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Rini Yunita1, Ramacos Fardela1

1Computer Engineering, Technology Academy of Payakumbuh

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for lecturer performance assessment has been
purposed to see how much the influence of pedagogic competence, professional
competence, personality competence, and social competence toward lecturer performance.
Theoritically, each component is a laten construct which measured by some indicator
variables. Confirmatory factor analysis has been done to test validity each indicator
variable to know those variables were valid variable to measure laten construct. Variable
indicator was valid or achieve convergen validity if loading factor value was more than
0,5. Furthermore, it will be evaluated whether the hypothesized model was proper to use
or not. The hypothesized model was available to use if chi-square, GFI, AGFI, and RMSEA
value were achieve fit criteria.

Keywords: laten construct, indicator variable, loading factor

Lecturer’s performance in an academy is a real action that performed by every
lecturer as performance achievement done based on their role as professional worker
which has function to improve national education quality. There are four competences
which lecturer should be have; pedagogic competence, professional competence,
personality competence, and social competence (Dikti: 2015).
Lecturer’s performance assessment in Technology Academy of Payakumbuh was
using students’ perseptional assessment toward lecturer activity during whole semester
periode 2016/ 2017 by means of questionnaire admission filling about some questions
which involves the four competences that should be have by lecturer to measure
lecturer’s performance in a whole. The instrument used was certification educator for
lecturer, each variable measured in scale 7 likert likert very low, not enough, minus,
enough, good, very good, absolutely very good. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).
Based on description above, a research has been done to modelling a connection
to measure the influence of four competences; pedagogic competence, professional
competence, personality competence and social competence toward lecturer’s
Pedagogic competence, professional competence, personality competence, and
social competence were laten variable which formed based on theoritical concept with
some indicators or manifest, therefore testing is needed to test whether they are valid
indicators as latent constructors (Ghazali, 2011).

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

The Structural equation modeling is a statistical modeling technique that
combines confirmatory factor analysis with path analysis or regression.
2.1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Confirmatory Factor Analysis is used to test the validity of a theoritical construct
of hypothesized model. Models hypothesized based on theoritical concept consists of
one or more laten variables measured by one or more indicator variables. Laten
variables are unmeasurable indirectly measurable variables and require indicator
variables to measure them. Through the Confirmatory Factor Analysis will be tested
whether these indicators are valid indicators to measure latent variables.
Common model of Confirmatory Factor Analysis as follow:
x   x  ε
x is vector of the indicator variables
 is Loading factor matrix ( )
 is Vectors for latentvariables
 is Measurement error vector
2.2 Validity Test
In confirmatory factor analysis, a hypothesized model have to achieve
convergent validity which means factor loading value > 0,5.
2.3 Model Evaluation
Evaluation model have to do to value hypothesized model already proper to used
or not. These are some proper test used to test properity a model (Sharma, 1996 in
Maiyanti, 2008)
Expected value conclusion
Chi-Square small Fit Model
P-value  0.05 Fit Model
AGFI  0.8 Fit Model
GFI  0.9 Fit Model
RMSEA   0.08 Fit Model

This research was survey research, the data collected by using questionnaire
students’ perseptional assessment toward lecturer’s performance during whole
semester 2016/ 2017 in Computer Technique major Payakumbuh Technology
3.1 Steps in Research
Hair et all (1998) in Ghozali (2011) divide the steps in structural modeling as
 Develop model theoretically or conceptualitation model
Arrange concept to connect laten variable with another laten variable and its
indicator either. Model specification become measurement model and structural
model. Measurement model specification involves activity defined laten

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Tabel 1. Endogenous Latent Variables and Indicators

Endogenous Latent Variable Indicators
KD1 Lecturer performance overall
Lecturer Performance KD2 Discipline conduct lectures according to lecture

Tabel 2. Exsogenous Latent Variables and Indicators

Exsogenous Latent Indicators
KD3 Readiness to give lectures and / or practice / lab work
KD4 Regularity and ordering of lectures
KD5 Ability to live the classroom
KD6 Clarity of material delivery and answers to questions in
KD7 Utilization of media and learning technology
KD8 Diversity of measurement / assessment of learning
Pedagogic outcomes
Competence KD9 Providing feedback on assignments / assessments
KD10 The suitability of the exam and / or task materials with
the purpose of the course
KD11 Conformity of value provided with learning outcomes
KD12 Ability to explain the subject or topic appropriately
KD13 Ability to provide relevant examples of the concepts
KD14 Ability to explain the relevance of field / topic that is
taught with other fields / topics
KD15 Ability to explain the relevance of the field / topic taught
to the context of life
Professional KD16 Ruling on up-to-date issues in the taught field (Material
Competence updates / reference lectures)
KD17 Use of research results to improve the quality of lectures
KD18 Student involvement in research / study and / or
development / engineering / design by lecturers
KD19 Ability to use various communication technologies
KD20 Authority as a personal lecturer
KD21 Wisdom in decision making
Personality KD22 Be an example in behaving and behaving
Competence KD23 Only words and actions
KD24 The ability to control oneself in various situations and
KD25 Fair in treating students
KD26 Ability to receive criticism, suggestions and opinions
from students
Social Competence KD27 Familiar with the students who follow the lecture
KD28 Easy to get along with colleagues, employees and stude
KD29 Tolerance to the diversity of students
 Create Path Diagram
The Path Diagram is a digram connected free variable, mediator and dependent
variable. Path diagram used to describe effect directly and not directly of some

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

variables as cause variable toward some other variables as effect variable. The
pattern of that connection showed using an arrow.
 Single arrow shows cause-effect connection between exogen variables and one
or more endogen variable. This arrow also connecting the error (residual
variable) with all endogen variables.
 Double arrows shows correlation between exogen variable pairs.

Picture 1. Path Diagram Lecturer Performance Student’s Perseptional

Picture description:
a. There were 4 exogen laten variables; pedagogic competence, professional
competence, personality competence, and social competence. Eah of them
symbolized with (ksi) 1 , 2 , 3 ,dan 4 . Each is measured by several indicator
variables with an error value symbolized by e.b.There was 1 endogen laten
variable; lecturer’s performance that symbolized with  (eta) Measured by two
indicator variables, with error values e1 and e2 .
b. Among exogen laten variable have to covarianted by connecting both laten
variable ith 2 arrows (covariant connection or correlation) symbolized with 
Pedagogic competence  professional competence symbolized with 12
Pedagogic competence  personality competence symbolized with 13
Pedagogic competence v social competence symbolized with 14
Professional competence  personality competence symbolized with 23
Professional competence  social competence symbolized with 24

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Personality competence  social competence symbolized with 34

Endogen laten variable (z1) have to give error or regression residual value with
symbol 
c. Regression coefficient among exogen laten variable with endogen laten variable
Pedagogic competence  lecturer’s performance symbolized with  1
Profesional competence  lecturer’s performance symbolized with  2
Personality competence  lecturer’s performance symbolized with  3
Social competence  lecturer’s performance symbolized with  4
 Interpreting Line Diagram into Equation
Structural equation model consists of two models, they are structural and
measurement model.
 Structural Model
Structural model describes about connection among laten variable.
The form of structural model in this research are as follows:

Lecturer Performance   1Pedagogic. C   2 Professional. C   3Personality. C   4Social.C

In matrix form:
 1 0 0 0   Pedagogic.C 
0  0 0   Professional.C 
Lecturer performance=  2  
 0 0  3 0   Personality.C 
  
 0 0 0  4   Sosial.C 
 Measurement model
Measurement model describes about laten variable connection with
observed variables or indicator variables.

The form of measurement model in this research are as follow:

KD1 = 1.Lecturer Performance  e1
KD2 = 1.Lecturer Performance  e2

KD3 = 1.Pedagogic.C  e3
KD4 = 2 .Pedagogic.C  e4

KD11 = 9 .Pedagogic.C  e11
KD12 = 1.Professional.C  e12
  
KD19 = 16 .Professional.C  e19

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

KD20 = 1.Personality.C  e20

  
KD25 = 21.Personality. C  e25
KD26 = 1.Social.C  e26
  
KD29 = 24 .Social.C  e29
In matrix foam
 KD1   1 0 0 0 0   e1 
 KD 2    0 0 0 0  e 
   1  2
 KD3   0 1 0 0 0   e3 
     
 KD 4   0 2 0 0 0   e4 
 KD5   0 3 0 0 0   e5 
     
 KD 6   0 4 0 0 0   e6 
 KD 7   0 5 0 0 0  e 
     7
 KD8   0 6 0 0 0   e8 
 KD9   0 7 0 0 0  e 
     9
 KD10   0 8 0 0 0   e10 
     
 KD11   0 9 0 0 0   e11 
 KD12   0 0 1 0 0   e12 
     
 KD13   0 0 10 0 0   Lecturer Performance   e13 
 KD14   0 0 11 0 0   Pedagogic.C  e 
      14 
 KD15    0 0 12 0 0  Professional.C    e15 
 KD16   0    
0 13 0 0  Personality.C   e16 
   
 KD17   0 0 14 0 0   Social.C   e17 
     
 KD18   0 0 15 0 0   e18 
 KD19   0 0 16 0 0   e19 
     
 KD 20   0 0 0 1 0   e20 
 KD 21  0 0 0 17 0   e 
     21 
 KD 22   0 0 0 18 0   e22 
 KD 23   0 0 0 19 0  e 
     23 
 KD 24   0 0 0 20 0   e24 
 KD 25   0 0 0 21 0  e 
    25 
 KD 26   0 0 0 0 1   e26 
     
 KD 27   0 0 0 0 22   e27 
 KD 28   0 0 0 0 23   e28 
     
 KD 29   0 0 0 0 24   e29 
 Identification Model
Information gathered based on the data collected was tested to decide the model
can be estimated or not. The model that already achieved requisite to analyzed
was over identified model. (Ghozali, 2011). Over identified model, if t  and
degree of freedom (df > 0) where:
t= the number of parameters in estimation
s= number of variants and covariance between manifest variables (p+q).
p= number of endogenous latent variable indicator

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

q= number of exogenous latent variable indicator

The number of parameters estimated in this model is 68 parameters consisting

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6

e7 e8 e9 e10 e11 e12 e13 e14 e15 e16 e17 e18 e19 e20 e21 e22 e23

e24 e25 e26 e27 e28 e29 1 2 3 4 12 13 14 23 24 34 

29 x30
Known value t= 68, p= 2, q= 27and s= (p+q). (p+q+1)=(29).(30) So 68   435
( p  q)( p  q  1) 29 x30
then the model is over identified with df  t   68  367
2 2


Indicators (manifest variable) were tested as a valid laten construct
measurement by using confirmatory factor analysis.
4.1 Data Description
The basic assumption of structural equation modeling as continued data and
interval scale minimum.The data research was ordinal data with likert scale 1-7.
According to Joreskog (2002) ordinal data in this research has to treat as ordinal data,
not as continued data, so that analysis methode used was Generalized least Square
(GSL). Successive interval was used to converse ordinal data become interval data.
4.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis
a. Confirmatory test of exogenous constructs pedagogic competence
The result of processing confirmatory test for this construct was as follow:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Picture 2. Confirmatory Factor Analysis Pedagogic Competence

Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label
KD3 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.000
KD4 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.165 .092 12.696 ***
KD5 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.270 .105 12.097 ***
KD6 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.084 .098 11.110 ***
KD7 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.043 .093 11.246 ***
KD8 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.225 .106 11.585 ***
KD9 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.183 .099 11.946 ***
KD10 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.221 .103 11.810 ***
KD11 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.077 .103 10.482 ***
Based on convergen validity value, all loading factors value were more than 0.5
so that it can be concluded all indicators were valid to measure competence pedagogic
laten variable.
The p-value was less than 0.05 it means that there were differences between
population covariant variant matrix and sample covariant variant matrix. AGFI, GFI, and
RMSEA value were almost close to expected value. Moreover, it can be concluded that
model was fit and proper to be used.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

b. Confirmatory test of exogenous constructs Professional competence

Picture 3. Confirmatory Factor Analysis professional Competence

Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label

KD12 <--- Professional_Competence 1.000
KD13 <--- Professional_Competence .821 .141 5.822 ***
KD14 <--- Professional_Competence 1.029 .188 5.481 ***
KD15 <--- Professional_Competence .752 .175 4.299 ***
KD16 <--- Professional_Competence .925 .181 5.122 ***
KD17 <--- Professional_Competence .970 .214 4.523 ***
KD18 <--- Professional_Competence .935 .167 5.583 ***
KD19 <--- Professional_Competence .840 .189 4.440 ***
Based on convergen validity value, all loading factors were more than 0.5
so that it can be concluded that all indicators were valid to measure professional
competence laten variable.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

c. Confirmatory test of exogenous constructs personality competence

Picture 4. Confirmatory Factor Analysis personality competence

Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label

KD20 <--- Personality_Competence 1.000
KD21 <--- Personality_Competence 1.074 .190 5.643 ***
KD22 <--- Personality_Competence 1.121 .161 6.967 ***
KD23 <--- Personality_Competence 1.003 .189 5.312 ***
KD24 <--- Personality_Competence .866 .169 5.126 ***
KD25 <--- Personality_Competence 1.016 .152 6.664 ***
All loading factors value were more than 0.5 so that it can be concluded that
all indicators were valid to measure personality competence laten variable.
d. Confirmatory test of exogenous constructs sosial competence

Picture 5. Confirmatory Factor Analysis Sosial Competence

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label

KD26 <--- social_Competence 1.000
KD27 <--- social_Competence 1.067 .161 6.633 ***
KD28 <--- social_Competence .937 .153 6.111 ***
KD29 <--- social_Competence .748 .161 4.658 ***

All loading factors value were more than 0.5 so that it can be concluded that all
indicators were valid to measure social competence laten variable.
e. Confirmatory test among exogen construct

Picture 6. Confirmatory Factor Analysis among exogen construct

Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model)

Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label

KD3 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.000
KD4 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.308 .121 10.791 ***
KD5 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.329 .133 10.030 ***
KD6 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.240 .130 9.533 ***
KD7 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.210 .124 9.763 ***
KD8 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.368 .139 9.810 ***
KD9 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.174 .121 9.714 ***
KD10 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.302 .132 9.844 ***
KD11 <--- Pedagogic_Competence 1.347 .146 9.227 ***
KD15 <--- Professional_Competence .957 .086 11.106 ***
KD20 <--- Personality_Competence 1.000

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label

KD21 <--- Personality_Competence 1.040 .092 11.341 ***
KD22 <--- Personality_Competence 1.188 .112 10.571 ***
KD23 <--- Personality_Competence 1.145 .111 10.364 ***
KD24 <--- Personality_Competence 1.114 .120 9.254 ***
KD25 <--- Personality_Competence 1.235 .121 10.181 ***
KD26 <--- Social_Competence 1.000
KD27 <--- Social_Competence 1.014 .078 13.043 ***
KD28 <--- Social_Competence .956 .081 11.805 ***
KD29 <--- Social_Competence .853 .074 11.509 ***
KD14 <--- Professional_Competence .972 .076 12.797 ***
KD13 <--- Professional_Competence .835 .063 13.345 ***
KD16 <--- Professional_Competence .959 .080 11.917 ***
KD17 <--- Professional_Competence .891 .082 10.861 ***
KD18 <--- Professional_Competence .904 .081 11.177 ***
KD19 <--- Professional_Competence .746 .081 9.208 ***
KD12 <--- Professional_Competence 1.000
Covariances: (Group number 1 - Default model)
Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label
Pedagogic_Co Personality_Com
<--> .241 .050 4.816 ***
mpetence petence
Professional_C Social_Competen
<--> .387 .061 6.386 ***
ompetence ce
Pedagogic_Co Social_Competen
<--> .276 .052 5.250 ***
mpetence ce
Pedagogic_Co Professional_Co
<--> .324 .054 5.995 ***
mpetence mpetence
Personality_Co Social_Competen
<--> .316 .060 5.228 ***
mpetence ce
Professional_C Personality_Com
<--> .355 .059 6.039 ***
ompetence petence
Variances: (Group number 1 - Default model)
Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label
Pedagogic_Competence .228 .052 4.373 ***
Professional_Competence .487 .074 6.599 ***
Personality_Competence .274 .063 4.356 ***
Social_Competence .408 .072 5.671 ***

All loading factors were more than 0.5 so that it can be concluded that all
indicators were valid to measure social competence laten variable.
P-value was less than 0.05 it means that there were some differences between
population covariant variant matrix and sample covariant variant matrix. The value of
AGFI, GFI, and RMSEA were almost close to expected value. So that it can be concluded
that the model was fit and proper to be used.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


1. Confirmatory Factor Analysis toward all laten variables showed that all
loading factors from each indicator variable were more than 0.5 which means
that all indicators variable used to measure each laten variable were valid or
achieve convergent validity and can be used in model.
2. The value of Goodness of fit of the model was less fit compared with expected
value, but totally it was already fulfill fit criteria. So, the model of line diagram
which proposed can be used as lecturer’s performance assessment model by
3. Confirmatory factor analysis among exogen laten variable only can be done to
measure the data more than 150, not for small data.

The use of Generalized Least Square (GLS) still limited for data sample with
format more than 150. Based on the data research, the sample gathered was
less than 100 so that the estimation model suggested for lecturer’s performance
modelling was Bayesian estimation, especially for small sample with ordinal
data and normality assumption uncompleted.

Dikti, 2015. Buku Pedoman Sertifikasi Pendidik Untuk Dosen (Serdos) Terintegrasi Buku 2
Penilaian Portofolio.
Tim Fakultas Ilmu pendidikan UPI, 2009. Pedoman Penilaian Kinerja
Maiyanti, Sri Indra., 2008. Aplikasi Analisis Factor Konfirmatori Untuk Mengetahui
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Mahasiswa Di Jurusan Matematika Fmipa Unsri. Jurnal Pendidikan matematika,
Volume 2 No. 1 Januari.
Ghozali, Imam.,2011.Model Persamaan Struktural Konsep dan Aplikasi dengan Program
Amos 19.0. Undip Semarang.
Mundilarno, 2010. Implikasi Penilaian Kinerja Dosen Oleh Mahasiswa Terhadap
Pengembangan Perkuliahan Dan Dalam Kontks Sitem Penjamin Mutu Akademik Di
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Widhiarso, Wahyu, 2012. Pemodelan Persamaan Struktural (SEM) Pada Data yang Tidak
Normal.Fakultas Psikologi UGM. (Accessed july 2017)

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Riri Putri Yanni1, Ahmad Fauzan1, Edwin Musdi1

1Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Padang

Mathematic education needs to be more focus on exploring students’mathematical
communication and representation skills in order to improve the students' achievements in
mathematics. Mathematic education needs to mind the learning style difference.The
purpose of this reseach was to find out the influence of RME approach on mathematical
communication and representation skill. This was a quasi experimental researchthat has
been conducted at class VIII SMP in Bukittinggi. By using simple random sampling technique,
two class was choosen as the experiment class and as the control class from the high, middle
and low schools level.The hypotheses of the research was tested by using u-test Mann
Withney and h-test Kruskal Wallis. Based on the result of data analysis is concluded: (1)
student’s mathematical communication and representation skill by using RME approach is
better than student’s mathematical communication and representation skill by using
conventional approach, (2) there is no significant difference between auditory, kinesthetic,
and visual student’s learning style in mathematical communication and representation skill,
and (3) there is interaction between learning approach and learning style in student’s
mathematical communication and representation skill. The RME approach is more effective
for the kinesthetic’s students to influence the mathematical communication and
representation skill.

Keywords – mathematic communication, matematic representation, RME,


Mathematics is one of the disciplines of science and technology subjects. The
position of mathematics is recognized to have a major influence on other disciplines
and has an important role in various aspects of life. Mathematics is taught to students
at every level of education in Indonesia by making it a compulsory subject at school.
Students are prepared to have the ability to think logically, critically, creatively,
innovatively, and affectively and able to contribute to the life of society, nation, state,
and world civilization. Mathematics learning in schools is expected to equip students
to have good basic math skills so they can apply in everyday life.
The basic mathematical skills that students must possess include problem-
solving abilities, reasoning and verification, communication, connections, and
representation [1]. The process of learning mathematics is expected to provide space
to students to be able to present the mathematical concepts he has learned into
various forms of mathematical models to solve mathematical problems they
encounter. This can be fulfilled by providing opportunities for students to develop
mathematical communication and representation skills.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

mathematical communication and representation skills are important skills to

be developed in high school students. Students who have good communication skills
will be able to make a variety of representations that make it easier for them to find
alternative solutions. Communication skills and good representation will have an
impact on the increased ability to solve mathematical problems.
The ability of mathematical communication is the ability of students in using
mathematics as a communication tool (mathematics language) and the ability of
students to communicate the math learned as the content of the message to be
conveyed [2]. It is important for students to have good mathematical communication
skills in order to understand mathematical concepts so that they are able to solve
mathematical problems. Good communication process has the potential to trigger
students to develop ideas and build mathematical knowledge [3].
The ability of mathematical representation is the key of communication skills.
students will have good communication skills if they are able to represent their
mathematical ideas. Representation is a new form as a result of translations of the
problem or idea of translations or ideas into the form of visual images or translations
from diagrams or physical models into symbols Or words [1]. Students who have
good mathematical representation skills will support them to organize their thoughts
to communicate their ideas to a given mathematical problem.
The expectation that students have good mathematical communication and
representation skill, is inversely related to the facts that occur in the field based on
several studies that have been done. The ability of Indonesian students is ranked 64
out of the 72 participating countries that participated in the 2015 International
Program for Student Assessment (PISA) research [4]. PISA is a form of evaluation of
skills and knowledge designed for 15-year-old students. Skills and assessed abilities
include math, reading, and science. These results indicate that Indonesian students
still have low mathematical ability, since the questions tested on PISA are both
contextual and non-routine. Completion of non-routine questions require students to
communicate their ideas and represent them.
PISA research results reinforced by several research results that show that the
ability of students in representing and communicating is still low and need to be
developed. Preliminary research conducted by Hutagol [5] states that the ability of
representation of students, especially junior high school students is still less
developed. The mathematical communication ability of Indonesian students is still
low [6].
Along with the results of the above research, the final examination of the
subjects of mathematics subjects mathematics class VIII academic year 2016/2017 at
one of Junior High School in Bukittinggi City is still less satisfactory. Based on the
final semester test data from the three classes obtained, two classes of them are still
below the minimum completeness criterion with an average value of 66.70 and
54.06. In the final exam of the semester given to the students there are questions that
require mathematical communication and representation skills to solve them. So it
can indicate that mathematical communication and representation skills of students
are still not well developed.
The cause of low mathematical communication and representation skills that
gives the greatest impact is the strategies and learning methods used in schools.
Based on the results of interviews with one of the teachers who teach in one of Junior

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

High School in Bukittinggi City, it was revealed that the learning done in the
classroom did not give space to the students to be able to communicate and
represent their ideas. The learning that occurs only in the form of one and two-way
learning only. This is due to the teacher's belief that, if giving students the
opportunity to communicate and represent their ideas will take a lot of time, so that
learning objectives can not be met thoroughly. Along with that, teachers in
mathematics-related learning representations still use conventional means, so
students tend to imitate the teacher's steps, students are never given the opportunity
to present the ability of mathematical representation [7].
In addition to learning process factors, the lack of mathematical
communication and representation skills of students also influenced by individual
factors and demographic factors of students, such as the difference in learning styles.
Teachers pay less attention to how the delivery of materials in accordance with
learning styles that are owned by students Learning styles owned by students also
have an influence in building mathematical communication skills. Research
conducted revealed that students' style of learning affects the ability of mathematical
communication in solving the problem of mathematical description [8]. The results of
this study was accompanied by the disclosure that students who have visual learning
styles have higher communication skills than students with auditory and kinesthetic
learning styles.
To overcome these impacts, a more meaningful mathematics learning is
needed so that it can facilitate students who have different learning styles to develop
mathematical communication and representation skill. Mathematical learning given
to students is expected to provide space for students to express their ideas to the
solution of the mathematical problems they encountered. As expressed by Pugalee
[9] that in learning mathematics students need to be accustomed to provide an
argument of each of their answers And responding to the answers of others, so that
the learning process becomes meaningful. In line with Pugalee, [10] states that in
order to improve mathematically conceptual understanding, students can be trained
by bringing their mathematical ideas to others.
Mathematical learning using problems with a context will enhance the
mathematical communication skills of students [11]. RME is a learning approach that
uses realistic problems in the form of contextual problems that exist in the real world
and can be found in the daily life of students as well as real in the minds of students.
One characteristic of the RME approach is interactive activity. Through this
interactive activity is expected students get room to train their mathematical
communication skills. By working in groups, students have the opportunity to
exchange ideas and arguments so they can learn from each other [12].
Learning with the RME approach will also provide opportunities for students
to practice their representational skills. At the end of the discussion, students are
given the opportunity to choose which settlement they want. Representative forms
that have been chosen students can facilitate it in presenting or solving problems
The characteristics of RME in the form of the use of context, the use of models
for progressive mathematization, the utilization of students' constructive outcomes,
interactivity and relevance are expected to facilitate students with visual learning,
auditory, and kinesthetic styles as a whole in the learning process of mathematics. In

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

learning with RME approach students who have a visual learning style will be given
the opportunity to learn by serving the problem in the form of sentences, diagrams,
drawings and tables. While students with auditory learning style will be facilitated by
interactivity process where students will communicate their work and ideas in the
discussion process. Students with kinesthetic learning style will be facilitated by the
learning process of doing the math problems given.
It is expected that the RME approach will facilitate students with different
learning styles to develop mathematical communication and representation skill.
This study aims to describe (1) differences in mathematical communication and
representation skills of students using RME and conventional approaches, (2)
differences in mathematical communication and representation skills of students
with auditory, kinesthetic, and visual learning styles, and (3) The interaction between
the learning approach and the learning style of the student.

The effect of learning treatment with RME approach on mathematical
communication and representation skill of students will be seen through quasi
experimental research. There are two groups in this study that is experimental group
treated with the approach of RME and control group treated with the learning with
conventional approach.
The sample is determined by using purposive sampling technique by
considering research schedule and recommendation of mathematics subject teacher.
Selected three schools with top, middle and lower level. Each school selected two
classes as an experimental and control class. Class VIIIG was selected as experimental
class and VIIIF as control class at SMP N 1 Bukittinggi as high school. At the middle
school level selected SMP 5 Bukittinggi with class VIII6 as the experimental class and
class VIII4 as the control class. Class VIII1 was selected as experimental class and
class VIII2 as control class at SMP N 7 Bukittinggi as lower level school. The data used
in this study is primary data in the form of learning outcomes of students obtained
after treatment is given, and secondary data is data taken indirectly from other
parties, namely from the math teacher in each school.
The independent variables in this research are RME approach, while
mathematical communication and representation skill of VIII students of State Junior
High School of Bukittinggi as dependent variable. Moderator variables in this study
are learning style.
The procedure in this study is to carry out the learning in accordance with the
design of learning that has been made then provide the final test to measure
mathematical communication and representation skills after treatment is given. The
test results are measured using scoring rubrics, with indicators of communication
skills that are: (1) expressing mathematical situations or everyday events into
mathematical models and solving them, (2) expressing mathematical models
(images, algebraic expressions) into plain language (3) explaining mathematical
models and / or patterns, (4) analyzing and evaluating mathematical thinking and
strategies used by others. The indicators used to measure the ability of mathematical
representation are: (1) presenting data or information from a representation to a
representation of diagrams, graphs, or tables, (2) creating equations or mathematical
models of other representations provided, and (3) writing interpretations Of a

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

representation. The learning style of the students is determined by using a

questionnaire to determine the learning style of the students using a questionnaire
adapted from the learning style test developed [13].


After the research is done, the distribution of mathematical communi-cation
and representation of the result of communication ability test and the mathematical
representation result is presented in Table 1.

Table 1
Results Of Mathematical Communication And Representation Tests Of
Participants Classified Samples
School Level Sample Class Communication Ability Representation Ability
Experiment 82,143 78,571
Control 68,750 56,173
Experiment 67,578 65,625
Control 54,492 59,635
Experiment 68,958 79,444
Control 69,952 55,769

Table 1. shows that the experimen-tal class has a higher average than control
class in mathematical communication ability as well as mathematical representa-tion
capability, for upper level school, middle school, and lower level school. The standard
deviation of the lower experimental class compared with the standard deviation of
the control class indicates that the value of the communication ability test and the
experimental class representation are more uniform than the control class.
Data of mathematical communication and representation ability test result of
sample student in analysis using U Mann Withney test. Obtained sig. Smaller than the
real level (α = 0.05), then reject H0 and accept H1. This means that there is an
average difference in the results of mathematical communication and representation
skills tests of experimental class students and control class at high school and middle
school levels.
After collecting data on learning styles of students obtained the data
communication and representation tests in terms of differences in learning styles
that can be seen in Table 2 and Table 3.

Table 2Data Tests Mathematical Abilities Participants Learned From

Difference Learning Differences
School Communication Representation
Sample Class Learning Style
Level Ability Ability
Experiment Auditory 81,25 74,245
Kinesthetic 82,813 91,668
Visual 82,692 78,206
Control Auditory 67,411 52,381
Kinesthetic 75 63,333
Visual 67,188 58,333
Tengah Experiment Auditory 68,75 57,639

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

School Communication Representation

Sample Class Learning Style
Level Ability Ability
Kinesthetic 70 73,333
Visual 63,75 67,5
Control Auditory 55,208 60,417
Kinesthetic 53,125 56,25
Visual 54,688 61,111
Experiment Auditory 71,635 76,282
Kinesthetic 64,179 72,515
Visual 64,732 82,143
Control Auditory 69,922 56,25
Kinesthetic 72,917 55,556
Visual 68,75 54,762
In Table 2 it is seen that in upper level schools the average score of students'
communication ability test with kinesthetic learning style in the experiment and
control class is higher than the value of communication ability test of students with
auditory and visual learning style. While at the middle school level the average score
of communication ability tests of students with kinesthetic learning style in the
experimental class is higher than that of students with auditory and visual learning
styles. Whereas in control class the mean value of communication ability test of
students with higher auditory learning style compared with students with kinesthetic
and visual learning style. Meanwhile in lower level school the average score of
communication ability test of students with auditory learning style in experiment
class is higher compared with students with kinesthetic and visual learning style. In
the control class the average score of communication ability tests of students with a
kinesthetic learning style is higher than that of students with auditory and visual
learning styles.
The average score of representation skills of high school students with
kinesthetic learning styles in the experimental and control classes is higher than the
value of the student's representation skills tests with auditory and visual learning
styles. While at the middle school level the average score of representation skills of
students with kinesthetic learning style in the experimental class is higher than that
of students with auditory and visual learning style. Whereas in the control class the
average score of representation ability test of students with visual learning style is
higher compared to students with auditory and kinesthetic learning style. Meanwhile
in lower level schools the average score of representation ability of students with
visual learning style in the experimental class is higher than that of students with
auditory and kinesthetic learning style. In the control class the average score of the
student's representation ability test with higher auditory learning style compared
with the students with kinesthetic and visual learning style.
Data of communication ability test result and mathematical representation of
sample student lecturer in analysis using H Kruskal Wallis test. Obtained sig. Greater
the real level (α = 0.05), then accept H0. This means that there is no significant
difference between mathematical communication and representation skills of
students with different learning styles at the upper, middle, and lower level schools.
After interaction test using interaction graph it can be seen that the effect of
learning approach factor and the effect of learning style factor on mathematical

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

communication and representation skills have intersecting line, then reject H1 and
receive H0. This means that there is an interaction between learning approaches and
learning styles in influencing the mathematical communication ability of students.
Because of the interaction between learning approach and learning style in
influencing mathematical communication and representation skills of students,
further analysis is done to find out what effect factors are actually different from
others. The analysis is done by looking at the average difference of each combination.
Based on further analysis results obtained that the RME approach is more effective
for students with auditory and kinesthetic learning styles, and conventional
approaches are more effective for students with visual learning styles, in influencing
the mathematical communication skills of students. In addition, the RME approach is
more effective for students with kinesthetic learning styles, and conventional
approaches are more effective for students with auditory and visual learning styles in
influencing the mathematical representation of students.
The mathematical communication ability of experimental class students for
indicators 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be said to be at a satisfactory level with few shortcomings.
The mathematical communication ability of the students in the control class is at
satisfactory level with few disadvantages for indicator 1. While for indicator 2, 3, and
4 students keas control can be said to have a level of mathematical communication
ability is quite satisfactory but there are still many shortcomings. The ability of the
mathematical representation of experimental class students for indicators 1, 2, and 3
are at satisfactory levels with few shortcomings. The ability of the mathematical
representation of students in the control class is at a satisfactory level with few
disadvantages for indicator 2. While for indicators 1 and 3 control class students can
be said to have a mathematical representation level that is quite satisfactory but
there are still many shortcomings.
Based on data descriptions and data analysis, it is known that learning using
RME approach gives positive influence to mathematical communication and
representation skills of students. The mathematical communication and
representation skills of students following learning by using the RME approach is
better than the mathematical communication and representation skills of students
following the conventional learning.
It can be seen from the average of mathematical communication and
representation skills test result of students who follow the learning with RME
approach is higher than the mathematical communication and representation skills
of students who follow the conventional learning. The difference is caused in the
experimental class of students facilitated to train mathematical communication and
representation skills both in finding the concept and solve problems given. Therefore
it can be said that the mathematical communication and representation skills of
students who follow the learning with RME approach better. This is in line with what
is stated [12] by working in groups, students have the opportunity to exchange ideas
and arguments so they can learn from each other.
Mathematical learning using an effective RME approach is used for students
with an auditory learning style in influencing mathematical communication skills.
Students with auditory learning styles have learning characteristics by listening and
remembering what is being discussed rather than being viewed, liking to discuss and
explaining things at length, enjoy reading aloud and listening, and liking to talk [14].

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Through learning by using RME approach students with auditory learning style can
be facilitated with group discussion activities in the learning. In the group discussion
activity occurs the process of interactivity that became one of the characteristics of
RME. In accordance with those disclosed by Treffers [15] that interaction in
mathematics learning is useful in developing cognitive and affective abilities, in
which students will communicate their work and ideas in the process of discussion.
Learning with the RME approach will also provide opportunities for students
to practice their representational skills. At the end of the discussion, students are
given the opportunity to choose which settlement they want. Representative forms
that have been chosen students can facilitate it in presenting or solving problems
The RME approach gives better results to students with a kinesthetic learning
style in influencing the ability of mathematical representation. This means an
effective RME approach is used for students with a kinesthetic learning style.
Students with kinesthetic learning styles have learning characteristics through
manipulation and practice, like plot-oriented books, and want to do something [14].
Through learning by RME approach the students with facilitated kinesthetic learning
style with activities are given in the learning. One characteristic of RME is the
presence of group activities of students that provide interactivity opportunities. In
accordance with those disclosed by Treffers [15] that interaction in mathematics
learning is useful in developing cognitive and affective abilities. Group activities are
facilitated by the student's Worksheet. It is therefore suspected as a factor that the
RME approach is more effective for students with a kinesthetic learning style in
influencing mathematical communication and representation skills.

Based on the results of research and discussion on the conclusion that the
mathematical communication and representation skills of students who learn with
RME learning approach is better than the mathematical communication skills of
students who learn with conventional learning. This means that the RME learning
approach has a good impact on the communication skills of students in upper and
middle schools.There is no significant difference between learning approaches with
different learning styles in influencing mathematical communication and
representation skills of students. This means that students' different learning styles
differ in the level of communication skills of each student with auditory, kinesthetic,
and visual learning styles at upper, middle, and lower level schools.
There is an interaction between learning approaches and learning styles in
influencing mathematical communication and representation skills of students in
lower level schools. The RME approach is more effective for students with auditory
and kinesthetic learning styles, and conventional approaches are more effective for
students with visual learning styles in influencing the mathematical communication
skills of students. The RME approach is more effective for students with kinesthetic
learning styles, and conventional approaches are more effective for students with
auditory and visual learning styles in influencing the mathematical representation
skills of students.For Students with visual learning style more effective learning using
conventional approach. Most learners have a visual learning style. In mathematics
learning in the classroom students are more likely to remember with what they see

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

in the form of diagrams, images, tables, films, or materials conveyed by teachers [16].
This is what is thought to be a factor that the conventional approach is more effective
for learners with visual learning styles in influencing communication skills and
mathematical representation.

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[2] NCTM. 1989. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Reston. VA: NCTM.
[3] Mahmudi, Ali. 2009. Komunikasi dalam Pembelajaran Matematika. Makalah
termuat pada Jurnal MIPMIPA UNHALU Volume 8, Nomor 1, ISSN 1412-2318.
[4] Kemendikbud, 2016. Peningkatan dan pencapaian PISA Indonesia Mengalami
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Aris. Tesis SPs UPI. Bandung. Tidak diterbitkan.
[6] Prayitno, S. Suwarsono, dan Tatag. 2013. Komunikasi Matematis Siswa SMP dalam
Menyelesaikan Soal Matematika Berjenjang Ditinjau dari Perbedaan Gender.
Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika. ISBN: 978-979-16353-
9-4. Tersedia: eprints.uny.ac.id/10796/1/P%/20-%2073.pdf [15 November 2016].
[7] Amri. 2009. Peningkatan Kemampuan Representasi Matematik Siswa SMP Melalui
Pembelajaran dengan Pendekatan Induktif-Deduktif. Tesis. SPs UPI.
[8] Danaryanti, Agni dan Novianti, Herlina. 2015. Pengaruh Gaya Belajar Matematika
Siswa Kelas VII terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis di SMP. Edu-Mat
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Volume 3, Nomor 2, Oktober 2015, hlm 204-212.
[9] Anggraeni, 2012. Peningkatan Kemampuan Penalaran dan Komunikasi Matematis
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[14] DePorter, Bobbi & Hernacki, Mike. 2015. Quantum Learning: Membiasakan
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[15] Wijaya, Ariyadi. 2012. Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Suatu Alternatif
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[16] Adnan, Mazlini dkk. 2013. Learning Style and Mathematics Achievement among
High Performance School Student. World Applied Science Journal, 28(3), 392-399.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Riry Sriningsih, M. Subhan, dan Minora Longgom Nst

Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri
Padang, Indonesia

TORCH is an infection caused by Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Herpes
simplex virus. TORCH transmitted through 2 ways that is passive (congenital) and active
(obtained). TORCH is capable of attacking various age groups. This disease does not cause
death in adults, but in pregnant women can lead to defects in the fetus or miscarriage. In
addition, it also disrupts the fertility of men and women. Because TORCH is highly
contagious and seriously affected, investigations are conducted to determine the factors or
parameters that influence the spread of TORCH. Finally, in this article the mathematical
model is formed by determining the assumptions, parameters and variables based on
theories and problems found.

Index Terms— differential equations, mathematical models, TORCH, virus

An outbreak of disease is a very crucial issue for a country because of its
enormous impact. One of them is TORCH disease. TORCH is a term that refers to
infection caused by (Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Herpes simplex
virus II (HSV-II) in pregnant women.TORCH stands for (Toxoplasma, Rubella,
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Herpes simplex virus consisting of HSV 1 and HSV 2 and
possibly by other viruses whose clinical effects are more limited (eg Measles, Varicella,
Echovirus, Mumps, Vaccinia virus, Polio virus and Coxsackie-B virus).
Toxoplasma is not a virus, so it is not transmitted through sexual intercourse to a
partner. Toxoplasma can be infectious in offspring (eg pregnant women to babies who
are born later). While Rubella, CMV, and Herpes can be transmitted to a partner
(husband or wife) through sexual intercourse, because it is a virus. In addition to sexual
intercourse, the transmission of Rubella, CMV, and Herpes can also be through saliva,
sweat, urine, blood, and breast milk (ASI) so that if women experience Rubella, CMV and
Herpes then her husband can also be infected.
TORCH transmission in humans can be through 2 ways that is actively (obtained)
and passively (congenital). Transmission actively occurs when swallowing oosysts and
cysts, whereas passive transmission occurs via the placenta from mother to child
(Wishnuwardhani, 1990) in Sitepu 2011. Transmission actively can be due to several
things: 1) Eat half-cooked meat coming from infected animals ( containing sista). For
example beef, goat, chicken, and others. The greatest likelihood of TORCH transmission
to humans is through this pathway through half-baked cooking, 2) Eating foods
oosisticated and costes of cats suffering from TORCH. Feces of cats that contain oosysts

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

will pollute the soil (environment) and can be a source of transmission in both humans
and animals. The high risk of TORCH infection through contaminated soil caused by
oosystas can survive in the soil up to several months, 3) Blood transfusion (trofozoid),
organ transplantation, or tissue graft (trozoid, cyst), laboratory accidents that cause
TORCH to enter the body or accidentally enter through the wound. (Remington and
Mcleod 1981, and Levine 1987) in Sitepu 2011, 4) Sexual intercourse between men and
women, 5) Pregnant women suffering from TORCH when pregnant may have children
suffering from placenta-borne TORCH 6) Breast milk in mothers suffering from TORCH ,
7) Sweat clinging to the clothes or that is still attached to the skin, 8) The habit of eating
raw vegetables, and fresh fruits that are washed less clean, eat without washing hands
first, consuming food and drinks are served without a lid, so the possibility of
contamination of oosystas greater, 9) Saliva that way of transmission is almost the same
as the transmission of sexual intercourse.
Based on the above exposure, the disease is highly contagious. Therefore, in one
family usually if one of the family members affected by the disease then the other also
can be affected. The main causes are mostly animals around us such as cats, chickens,
birds, mice, goats, cows, dogs, pigs, and others that contain TORCH viruses and parasites
in their blood. The animals can be either direct carriers or as intermediaries (indirect
carriers). Indirect carrier through its dirt containing TORCH contaminates the soil, so it
can also contaminate the vegetables that grow on the ground. Animal waste infected
with TORCH can fly away with flies, insects or birds and stick to food, then the food goes
into the human mouth and lives in human blood.
The danger of this disease is that it can interfere with fertility not only for
women, but also for men. In TORCH women infect the egg cell so that the egg or cell
nucleus become damaged by the virus so that the egg cell is smaller and can not be
fertilized. Such infections in women can also cause the formation of myomas, blockage
or adhesion of the oviduct, so that the egg can not be fertilized and lead to difficult
pregnancy. While in men, TORCH infects sperm cells that will worsen and decrease
sperm quality, decrease sperm viscosity, and decrease the motility of sperm cells
making it difficult to reach the egg.
For pregnant women, the disease can be transmitted to the baby, which can
cause miscarriage and threaten the safety of the fetus to be born later (the baby is born
disabled). TORCH infection along with radiation exposure and teratogenic drugs can
cause damage to the embryo. Some fetal deformities that can arise due to TORCH that
attacks pregnant women include abnormalities in the nerves, eyes, abnormalities in the
brain, and etc.
Finally, this research discuss about mathematical model of diseases
transmission. Its’ start from formation model based on parameter, variable and
assumption using theories.


The research is a basic (theoretical) research. The method used is the analysis of
theories relevant to the issues discussed. The steps taken are to study the phenomenon
of the problem, collect and link the theories related to the problem, determine the
appropriate assumptions with the problems, define the variables and parameters used,
to form and analyze the model, and interpret the results of model analysis obtained to
answer the problem.
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


1.1. Form a Model
The population consists of 3 groups. They are susceptible group (S), infected
group (I), and recover group (R). Assumption of the model:
a. The presence of natural death is death that is not caused by the disease in
b. The presence of death caused by disease
c. Any individual born from a vulnerable group is assumed to be susceptible to
TORCH disease
d. Any individual born from an infected group of diseases is assumed to be directly
infected by the disease (vertical transmission, from mother to baby through the
e. Individuals who have recovered from TORCH disease may be re-infected by
TORCh disease due to weakened immune system (cure is not permanent)
f. Transmission of TORCH disease in 2 ways, ie
1) Passively (vertical). Transmission of the disease from the mother to her
baby through the placenta
2) Actively (obtained). Sexually transmitted diseases, saliva, blood
transfusions, sweat, eating oosista-tainted foods, eating half-baked foods
derived from infected animals, etc.
Parameter that use in model: 𝛼 is the birth rate; 𝛽1 is the rate of transmission
caused by direct contact between S and I, for example through sexual intercourse; 𝛽2 is
the rate of indirect transmission, for example through eating food contaminated with
oosystis, blood transfusions, organ transplants, etc; 𝛾1 is the level of individuals
recovering from TORCH; 𝛾2 is the level of individuals re-infected with TORCH disease
due to a weak immune system due to HIV disease or other; 𝜇1 is the natural rate of
death; and 𝜇2 is the death rate due to TORCH disease
The general overview of model showed in flow diagram.


Figure 1. Flow diagram of model

Here, the mathematical model formula. That is system (1)

𝑑𝑆 𝐼
= 𝛼 𝑁 − 𝐼 − 𝑆 𝛽1 𝑁 + 𝛽2 + 𝜇1 ,
𝑑𝐼 𝐼
= 𝑆 𝛽1 𝑁 + 𝛽2 + 𝛾2 𝑅 − 𝜇1 + 𝜇2 + 𝛾1 − 𝛼 𝐼, (1)

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

= 𝛾1 𝐼 − 𝜇1 + 𝛾2 𝑅,

with 𝑁 = 𝑆 + 𝐼 + 𝑅
after that, to simplify system (1) let 𝑆 = 𝑁𝑠, 𝐼 = 𝑁𝑖, and 𝑅 = 𝑁𝑟 so we get system
= 𝛼 1 − 𝑖 − 𝑠 𝛽1 𝑖 + 𝛽2 + 𝜇1 ,
= 𝑠 𝛽1 𝑖 + 𝛽2 + 𝛾2 𝑟 − 𝜇1 + 𝜇2 + 𝛾1 − 𝛼 𝑖, (2)
= 𝛾1 𝑖 − 𝜇1 + 𝛾2 𝑟,

With 𝑠 + 𝑖 + 𝑟 = 1 1

The research get the mathematical model of TORCH disease consist of 3 groups, that
are s is susceptible group, i is an infected group and r is recover group. The model is
= 𝛼 1 − 𝑖 − 𝑠 𝛽1 𝑖 + 𝛽2 + 𝜇1 ,
= 𝑠 𝛽1 𝑖 + 𝛽2 + 𝛾2 𝑟 − 𝜇1 + 𝜇2 + 𝛾1 − 𝛼 𝑖,
= 𝛾1 𝑖 − 𝜇1 + 𝛾2 𝑟,

with 𝑠 + 𝑖 + 𝑟 = 1 1.
The research that we discusses in this article is a part of a research entitle The
mathematical model of TORCH disease spread which funded by Universitas Negeri
Padang Indonesia.

[1] A. Lahrouz, L. Omari, D. Kionach. 2011. Global Analysis of Deterministic and
Stochastic Nonlinear SIRS Epidemic Model. J.Math.Biol 16 (1): 59-76.
[2] Brauer, Fred. Dkk. 2008. Mathematical Epidemiology. Math Biosci, Springer.
[3] Edelstein, Leah. Keshet. 1988. Mathematical Model in Biology. SIAM.
[4] Perko, Lawrence. 1996. Differential Equation and Dynamical System. Springer
[5] V. Capasso, G. Serio. 1978. A Generalization of the Kermack-Mckendrick
Deterministic Epidemic Model. Math Biosci. 42: 43-61
[6] Verhulst, Ferdinant. 1990. Nonlinear Differential Equation and Dynamical System.
Heldelberg: Springer-Verlag.
[7] Golalipur, B. Khodabakhshi and E. Ghaemi. 2009. Possible Role of TORCH Gents
Congenital Malformations in Gorgan, Northern Islamic Republic of Iran La Revue de
Sante de la Mediterance, Vol 15, No. 2.
[8] Jusuf S Effendi. 2014. Makalah OBGYN Terkini TORCH. Program Studi Magister
Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran UNDIP

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

[9] MS Sadik, Fatima, K Jamil, C Patil. 2012. Study of TORCH profile in Patients with Bad
Obstetic History, Research Article Biology and Medicine, Vol. 2, Issue 2, page 95-
101, ISSN: 09748369
[10] Septra Julitar Syamsul Huda SKM. 2014. Infeksi TORCH (Toxoplasma, Other Disease,
Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes Simplex Virus). My Life.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Risnawati1, Dini Wahyuningsih1

1Mathematics Education, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim, Riau
E-mail: rwati04@gmail.com, dwisurpah@gmail.com

This study aims to produce a valid educational games, practical, and able to
facilitate students' mathematical problem solving ability. This study is a development
research using Borg & Gall model which has been modified. The stages of research
procedures performed include needs analysis, product development, validity, revision 1,
limited user test, revision 2, test a large group of users, revision 3, and the final product.
This research was conducted at the Junior High School 1 Singingi. Subjects were
technologists and subject matter experts as validator and eighth grade junior high school
1 Singingi and the object of this study are educational games and mathematical problem
solving ability of students. The data were obtained through a validation process by the
validator, the practicalities of the students, and test students' mathematical problem
solving ability in the form of the posttest. Data collection instrument validation in the form
of sheets, sheet practicalities questionnaire and posttest about math problem-solving
abilities. The data were analyzed with descriptive analysis techniques. The educational
game development results have been tested with a validity rate of 84.1% (very valid) and
the degree of practicality 85.42% (very practical) as well as the level of students'
mathematical problem solving ability of 75.06% (moderate). From these results, it was
identified that the educational game developed was very valid, very practical and can
facilitate mathematical problem solving ability of students with moderate predicate.

Keywords: Development, Educational Games, Math Problem Solving Ability.

Mathematics as a basic knowledge is taught for all levels of education and has
many important components in its learning, one of which is problem solving, as stated
by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) that problem solving is an
integral part of all mathematics learning, It should not be the isolated part of the
mathematics program.
The ability to solve mathematical problems is very much needed by students, as
most mathematics learning will be problem solving. However, based on interviews with
one of the mathematics teachers at State Junior High School 1 Singingi and the tests that
have been done, most students still cannot solve mathematical problems well. Students
still cannot identify the elements that are known, asked, and the adequacy of the
required elements of the given story. The students also have not been able to formulate
mathematics’ problems and apply strategies to solve problems from the story problem.
Most students think that mathematics is a difficult and tedious lesson, so they are
less interested in learning that causes their low math problem solving ability.
Mathematics learning held at State Junior High School 1 Singingi using the supporting

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

books used by students in the library, teaching materials in the form of student
worksheets, and has used the media in the form of power point, video, and interactive
CD learning, but still cannot facilitate the students' math problem solving skills. One of
the media that has not been used by teachers is educational games, which is one of the
media that can facilitate student problem solving skills as stated by Moursund.
To find the solution of the problem, the researchers did observation to find what
is liked by the students. The researchers found that most students really liked games,
and because there were no teachers using games as learning media, the researchers
took the initiative to develop educational games to help facilitate students' math
problem solving skills.
Playing games are a primordial aspect of what it means to be a child and they
develop within a motivating environment; therefore, not to take advantage of games as a
learning resource would be to neglect an important asset. With regard to mathematics,
emphasis will be given to the advantages that this teaching and learning tool provides
for certain mathematical processes, such as problem-solving.
It is important to make changes in teaching process learning by developing
educational games. Educational games are games that teach users to learn by
developing certain concepts, an understanding that guides them to improve their
abilities, and motivates them to play. According to Sadiman, one of the advantages of the
game allows application on concepts or role to situations and solves real problems in
society. So this study aims to develop valid and practical game education to facilitate
problem-solving abilities.

This research used research and development (R & D) method. Research and
development is a process or steps to develop new products, or to improve the existing
products. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Singingi for 8th grade students
with purposive sampling. The study was developed using a modified Borg & Gall model
(researching and gathering information, planning, developing initial product forms,
initial field testing, major product revisions, primary field testing, product operating
revisions, final product revisions). The procedures involved are needs analysis, product
development, validity, revision 1, user-limited testing, revision 2, user group test,
revision 3, and end products.
The data analysis used the qualitative and quantitative descriptive
questionnaires. The descriptive qualitative analysis is used to analyse data from
technology experts and mathematicians; Lecturers for the proposal, and the comments
of the revised educational game. The descriptive quantitative analysis:

obtained score
Validity = × 100%
score criteria

obtained score
Practicality = × 100%
score criteria
The level of validity and practicality can be seen in the following table:
Table 1
Level of validity / practicality of educational games

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

No Ideal Percentage (%) Categories

1. 0-20 Not Valid/ Not Practical
2. 21-40 Less Valid / Less Practical
3. 41-60 Enough Valid/ Enough Practical
4. 61-80 Valid / Practical
5. 81-100 Very Valid / Very Practical
Source: Riduwan (2011:21)

The ability of students' mathematical problem solving can be seen from the
following table:
Table 2
Level of Student Mathematical Problem Solving
No Ability Level Predicate
1. 80% - 100% High
2. 60% - 79% Middle

3. < 60% Low

Source: Hartono & Amir Zubaidah (2010:30)

The procedures involved: needs analysis, found that there are students with low
ability to solve problems. And then, product development is used adobe flash
professional cc 2015. In developing the product focuses on the purpose of planning
facilitate the problem solving ability of eighth grade math students especially for
problem solving circle of subject, interface make (opening, menu, exercise, keyanswer,
and Score). Furthermore, validation test is done by technician, lecturer, and teacher, 1
subsequent revision, limited tester test consisting of seven people, 2nd revision, large
group user test consisting of 20 eighth grade students, and revision 3. Ultimately, it is
about research results using game education.
Table 3
Validation Result from Technologist of Educational Game
No The criteria of Educational Validity Criteria
1. Feasibility of Appearance 80,95% Very Valid
2. Feasibility of Presentation 83,33% Very Valid
3. Language 73,33% Valid
Average 79,2% Valid

The results of data analysis showed that this educational game displayed the
feasibility of appearance of 80.95%, feasibility of presentation 83.35%, and 73.33% for
language and with average of 79.2%.
Then validation results from lecturers and teachers of education games are
presented below:
Table 4
Validation Results from Lecturers and Teachers of Educational Games

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

No. Variable of Validity Validation Score Criteria

1. Feasibility of Contents 92% Very Valid
2. Language 85% Very Valid
3. Problem Solving 90% Very Valid
Average Score 89% Very Valid

The results of data analysis showed that education game performed feasibility of
content of 92%, language of 85%, and problem solving of 90% with average score
The test results of limiter users upon education game are presented as below.

Table 5
Test Results of Limited Users upon Education Game
No. Variable of Validity Score of Criteria
1. Feasibility of Performance 97,62% Very Practical
2. Feasibility of Presentation 95,71% Very Practical
Average Score 96,67% Very Practical
From the above data, it showed that the performance feasibility is very
practical or with score of 97.62%, while feasibility of presentation is 95.71%
and average score is96.67%; The test results of big groups on education game is
as described below:
Table 6
The test results of big groups on education game
No. Variable of Validity Score of Criteria
1. Feasibility of Performance 86,83% Very Practical
2. Feasibility of Presentation 84% Very Practical
Average Score 85,42% Very Practical

The data concluded that education game is very practical in performance

feasibility with the score of 86.83% and the feasibility of presentation is 84% with
average percentage of85.42%;
Finally, the results of post-test of problem solving ability in mathematics is

1) The validity of educational games as a medium of learning to facilitate the problem
solving skills of students of SMP class VIII is valid with the percentage of 79.2% for
technology validity and 89% for media validity used.
2) The practicality of educational games as a medium of learning to facilitate the math
skills of class VIII SMP students is very practical with 96.67% percentage for small
group users and 85.42% for large group users.
3) Memory problem solving skills of junior high school students of class VIII after using
the game of medium education with percentage of 75.1% and above KKM applicable
in school.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

4) The result of developing game education is 84.1% (very valid), and the practical level
is 85.42% (very practical), students' math problem solving ability is 71.5% (enough).
In conclusion the developed educational game is highly valid, very practical to
facilitate solving student math problems, and categorized into enough.

Aristin and Abidin. 2013. Penerapan Pembelajaran TGT Berbantuan Game Edukasi
terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa, Jurnal Kreano, Volume 4.
Campos, Helena and Rute Moreira. 2015. Games as an educational resource in the
teaching and learning of mathematics: an educational experiment in Portuguese
middle schools, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and
Technology, ISSN: 1464-5211.
Hartono and Zubaidah Amir. 2010. Pengaruh Pembelajaran dengan Pendekatan Open-
Ended Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah dan
Keguruan UIN SUSKA Riau, Penelitian (Tidak Diterbitkan). Pekanbaru: Lembaga
penelitian dan Pengembangan UIN SUSKA Riau.
NCTM. 2000. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA:
NCTM. 2000. Principles and Standards For School Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM
Polya. 1973. How to Solve It: a New Aspect of Mathematical Method (Second Edition).
New Jersey: Princeton University Press
Riduwan. 2011. Skala Pengukuran Variabel Penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta
S. Sadiman, Arief (dkk). 2012. Media Pendidikan: Pengertian, Pengembangan, dan
Pemanfaatannya. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindoPersada
Sundayana, Rostina. Media dan Alat Peraga dalam Pembelajaran Matematika. Bandung:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Riza Silfia1, Irwan1, Edwin Musdi1

Post Graduate Program Universitas Negeri Padang

A good understanding of mathematical concepts is very important for students, but
today students still consider mathematics as a formula memorizing lesson without
knowing the real concept. One effort to improve students' understanding of mathematical
concepts is through the application of guided discovery models. This study aims to
determine the ability of students' understanding of mathematical concepts through guided
discovery models. One of the causes of the low understanding of student concepts is the
way of teachers teach who still apply conventional learning. As a result students do not
understand concepts and students can not explain the interconnectedness among the
concepts. So the solution is used as an alternative in improving students' concept of
understanding by teaching using guided discovery model. This research uses quantitative
descriptive approach with quasi experimental method. The population of the research is
the students of class X SMK, the research sample is random two classes are taken randomly
which has 65 students. The first class is taught by guided discovery model while the other
class is taught by conventional model. Data collected by using questionnaires, and learning
test outcomes. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive statistics and inferential
statistics. The result of the research shows that the improvement of students'
mathematical concept comprehension ability. Students’ achievement of guided discovery
models are higher than control classes that use conventional learning. Thus it can be said
that guided discovery model can improve the ability of understanding mathematical
concepts of vocational students. In addition, students respond positively to guided
discovery models.

Keywords: concept comprehension, guided discovery

Mathematics is a subject that must be taught in a vocational high school for all
areas of expertise. Mathematics can train students to think critically, logically,
innovatively and imaginatively, it is very necessary for vocational high school students
to get a job or create their own jobs. Given the importance of the role of mathematics in
human life, the government made mathematics as a compulsory subject. It aims to make
the learning that can lead learners to achieve a competence that is expected, and can be
useful in life as the next generation of the nation.
Because mathematics has many functions in life, to achieve it all then compiled
the purpose of learning mathematics. All the objectives of mathematics learning are
contained in Permendiknas No.22, 2006 whose contents are: (1) Understanding the
concepts of Mathematics, explaining interconnectedness and applying concepts or
algorithms, flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately, in problem solving; (2)

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Using reasoning in patterns and traits, performing mathematical manipulations in

generalizing, compiling evidence, or explaining mathematical ideas and statements; (3)
Solve problems that include the ability to understand problems, design mathematical
models, solve models and interpret the solutions obtained; (4) Communicating ideas
with symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify circumstances or problems; (5)
Appreciate the usefulness of mathematics in life, which has a curiosity, attention, and
interest in learning mathematics, as well as a tenacious attitude and confidence in
problem solving.
Based on the above description can be seen the importance of mathematical
learning in human life. Mathematics learning in addition to developing students'
thinking skills can also shape the character and attitude of positive students. Therefore,
the process of learning mathematics that implemented in school must have an impact
on students' thinking ability, namely the ability to think in solving math problems and
problems in everyday life.The fact that happened today, the process of learning
mathematics that is implemented still can not develop students' mathematical thinking
ability maximally. This can be seen from the results of student learning is low. This can
be seen from the results of the National Examination of students of SMK Negeri 1 Lubuk
Basung Lesson Year 2016/2017 with an average of 35.86. Based on the results obtained
shows the low learning outcomes mathematics students SMK Negeri 1 Lubuk Basung.
The low learning outcome of students is caused by several factors, one of the
contributing factors is the low ability of students' concept comprehension.
Understanding the concept of a skill that becomes the basis for students in doing
mathematics. According to Duffan and Samson (in kesumawati, 2008: 230) students
have the ability to understand the concept when students are able to (1) Explain the
concept or be able to re-reveal what has been communicated to it. (2) Using concepts in
different situations, and (3) Developing some consequences of a concept.
When viewed from the mathematical concepts in the curriculum can be divided
into three groups, namely the planting of basic concepts, conceptual understanding, and
skill development (Heruman, 2007: 2). Here are the steps of learning that are
emphasized on the concepts of mathematics: 1) The Basic Concept Planting, that is
learning a new concept of mathematics, when students have never studied the concept.
The learning of basic concept planting is a bridge that must be able to connect the
concrete cognitive abilities of students with new abstract mathematical concepts. 2)
Understanding Concepts, conceptual understanding consists of two meanings. First, it is
a continuation of concept-planting learning in one meeting. Second, learning conceptual
understanding is done at different meetings, but is still a continuation of
conceptualization. 3) Fostering Skills, namely advanced learning from conceptualization
and conceptual understanding. Therefore it can be said that a student has a good
understanding of the concept if able to explain back the concepts that have been
studied, provide an example and not an example of the concept and use the concept of
problem solving.
Based on the above description, it can be seen that conceptual understanding
has an important role in learning mathematics, so the concept of understanding is an
ability that needs attention.
But the reality is found, the ability to understand the concept that students
currently have not demonstrated the ability of understanding a good concept. The low
ability of students to understand the concept of mathematics seen from the way
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

students in solving problems given. Students have difficulties solving different problems
from examples given by teachers. Students focus only on the examples teachers have
given. Students still can not re-express the complete concept that has been learned, as
well as using concepts in problem solving, there are still many students find difficulties
in answering the questions given by the teacher, because students do not understand
using the concept which is where to solve the problem.
The lack of ability to understand the mathematical concepts of students one of
the causes associated with the learning process mathematics dilijakan teachers at
school. Learning in schools today is still dominated by teachers as the main informers.
Teachers directly provide material explanations and concepts and examples related to
learning. Students are less actively involved in constructing their own knowledge to
understand the concepts being studied. Students are not much involved in constructing
their knowledge, just accepting the information conveyed from the teacher. Often
students are not able to answer different questions from the teacher's example. This is
because students only hear teacher explanations, model, and do the exercises follow the
pattern given by the teacher, not because the students understand the concept.
According to Shadiq (2009: 9) that the learning model as described above, can be said
more emphasis to students to memorizing or memorizing (rote learning) and less or
even not emphasize to students to reasoning, Problem solving or on understanding
(understanding). Thus such learning will make students' activity very low, and do not
allow students to think and participate actively in full. Learning done in this way also
can not develop or improve the ability of high-level mathematical thinking of students.
Looking at some of the above explanations, it can be said that the learning of
mathematics held in schools today still has not led to the improvement and
development of high-level mathematical thinking skills of students. According Minarni
(2013: 163) that to master advanced mathematics is required the ability of high-order
mathematics thinking (high order thinking skills) which includes the ability of
understanding, reasoning, connection and representation and problem-solving skills. If
students have good high-level metaphic thinking skills, so students will also have the
ability to solve problems.
Based on the above problems then we should as a teacher able to create
learning that can improve students' concept of understanding so that the purpose of
learning mathematics can be achieved. Because concept comprehension can be achieved
when students are exposed to conditions that can elicit students' desire to practice their
conceptual comprehension skills, the conditions are raised during the learning process.
This means that a teacher must choose a model, approach, strategy and learning
techniques that can improve students' conceptual comprehension skills.
The use of various theories and learning models in teaching becomes
imperative for a teacher when doing the learning process in the classroom. The
requirement is contained in Permendiknas no. 16 year 2007 regarding the standard of
academic qualification and teacher competence, competence related to the use of
various model or approach in teaching is pedagogic competence. One of the lessons
suggested and in accordance with developments and innovations in education is
discovery-based learning. Learning by invention is one way teachers can use in
mathematics learning, where students are actively involved in building their own
knowledge. Therefore, the authors provide solutions to one of the learning theories that

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

can support and improve the ability of understanding the concepts of mathematics
students of SMK that is with guided discovery learning model.
The guided discovery learning model is a learning model popularized by
Bruner. This model requires active involvement of students in understanding concepts
and principles, while teachers encourage students to have experience and experiment
that allows them to find principles for themselves. Discovery in learning mathematics
means the activity produces a mathematical idea, a rule, or a way of solving the
problem, the mathematical idea that students first discovered is not necessarily a
completely new idea, at least new to students. Ideas that are found alone will be better
understood and remembered by the inventor. Therefore, the invention is used as one of
the methods in learning mathematics. Bell (1981: 241) says that discovery learning can
occur in very regular situations, both students and teachers follow systematic steps. The
teacher guides and directs the students one step at a time by following the question-
and-answer form that has been systematically organized to make the discovery. Activity
steps or instructions can be set forth in the teacher work sheet. In addition, teacher
intervention is also needed to arouse students' attention to the tasks that are being
faced and reduce the waste of time. Bell calls this kind of learning called guided
discovery learning.
According to Prasad (2011: 32) guided discovery method encourages students
to think for themselves, self-study, without having to depend fully on the teacher.
Meanwhile, Shadiq (2009: 12) explains that guided discovery learning is a learning
where students are given a situation or problem, which then collects data, makes
conjectures, trial and error, searches and finds regularity ( Pattern), generalize or
arrange the formula along with the general form, prove whether or not the allegation is
correct. Therefore learning with guided discovery allows students to build their own
knowledge through activities designed by teachers, thus making a conclusion based on
students' understanding.
Learning by guided discovery method the teacher acts as a facilitator guiding
students through questions that lead students to connect their knowledge with the
knowledge being studied. Students are encouraged to think for themselves, analyze
themselves, so they can find concepts, principles, or procedures based on teaching
materials that have been provided. The teacher directs the students with the questions
presented on the student worksheet to make observations, make guesses, try and
formulate conclusions. Through this activity, students are expected to not directly
accept the concepts and principles and procedures that have been made in the learning
activities, but rather emphasized on the process of thinking, finding and finding
concepts, principles and procedures of mathematics without being informed entirely.
Based on the characteristics of guided discovery centered on the students and has
several advantages, and supported data from previous research that shows guided
discovery able to improve students 'mathematical thinking ability, then in this research
will be applied guided discovery method that is predicted to improve students'
mathematical concept understanding.
Thus, guided discovery learning involves maximum student and teacher
activity. Students actively make discoveries and teachers provide gradual coaching and
create environments that allow students to make the discovery process.
Based on the problems that have been found above, it is assumed that the
guided discovery learning model can improve students' concept comprehension ability.
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Therefore, the authors conducted a study using literature study method entitled
"Analysis of Understanding Ability of Student Concept Through Guided Discovery

This research uses quantitative descriptive approach with quasi quasi
experimental method implemented in SMK Negeri 1 Lubuk Basung class X odd semester
of academic year 2017/2018. The population in this study are students of SMK Negeri 1
Lubuk Basung class X odd semester of academic year 2017/2018. Sample determination
is done by random sampling. Based on the sampling technique, two classes are selected
on the condition that the class is not the superior class. The selected sample is class X
Accounting 1 consisting of 32 students as experiment class and X Accounting 2
consisting of 33 students as control class.
Instruments used in this study are learning devices, test instruments and non-
tests. Learning tools consist of Syllabus, RPP, LKS. The test instrument is a test of the
ability of understanding mathematical concepts. While the non-test instrument is a
student activity observation sheet.
Data collection techniques used in this study in the form of tests,
documentation, and questionnaire (questionnaire). This study used initial evaluation
and final evaluation tests in the form of essays with logarithmic materials used to
measure students' mathematical concepts. The data obtained is the cognitive value of
mathematical concepts in the form of the final evaluation of the learning program
analyzed by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
Results of understanding mathematical concepts achieved by students on tests
Preliminary evaluation and final evaluation test can be calculated by the following
N x100
With N as the final value.
Then the average value of the ability of understanding the mathematical concepts can
be interpreted using the table as follows:
Table 1 Interpretation of the ability to comprehend mathematical concepts
No. Criteria Value
1. ≥ 95,00 Specialties
2. 80,00-94,99 Very good
3. 65,00-79,99 Good
4. 55,00-64,99 Cukup
5. 40,00-54,99 Less
6. < 40,00 Very less
(Arikunto, 2013)
In addition, the percentage level of understanding of mathematical concepts per
indicator achieved By the student on the evaluation test can be calculated by the
formula as following:

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

P x100 0 0
With P as the percentage of students' answer scores. Furthermore, the percentage of the
ability to understand the mathematical concepts can be qualified as follows:
Table 2 Qualification of students' understanding of mathematical concepts

Percentage (%) Qualification Concept Understanding

81-100 Very high
61-80,99 Height
41-60,99 Enough
21-40,99 Low
0-20,99 Very low
(Arikunto, 2013)


The results of the initial evaluation of the ability of understanding mathematical
Table 3 Frequency distribution of students' mathematical concepts on the final
Class Class Class Description
Experiments Control
f % f %
≥ 95,00 3 9,38 1 3,03 Specialties
80,00-94,99 12 37,50 6 18,18 Very Good
65,00-79,99 13 40,63 10 30,30 Good
55,00-64,99 4 12,50 8 24,24 Enough
40,00-54,99 0 0,00 6 18,18 Less
< 40,00 0 0,00 2 6,06 Extremely less
Total 32 100,00 33 100,00

Based on Table 3, it is known from 32 experimental class students who follow

the learning, none of the students are in the qualification less up to very less. The
highest frequency is in a special qualification, very good, and good, that is equal to
87.51%. From the data obtained, it is known that the average value of the experimental
class is 76.30 and includes good qualification. While in the control class, of 33 control
class students who followed the lesson, which included less qualification until very less
there were 8 students or 24.24%. The highest frequency of qualification is excellent,
very good, and good, that is equal to 51,51%. The average grade of the control class is
60.90 and includes enough qualification.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Table 4 Percentage of achievement of each indicator of students' mathematical concepts

in the final evaluation
No. Understanding Mathematical Experimen Class Control Class
Concept Indicator Percentage QualificationPercentage
Achievement Achievement
(%) (%)
1. Redefine a concept 94,52 Sangat tinggi 70,39 Tinggi

2. Classify objects according to 96,05 Very high 89,14 Very

certain properties high high
according to their concepts
3. Provide examples and 61,84 high 57,24 Enough
not examples
4. Develop sufficient terms 55,26 Enough 48,68 Enough
or conditions of a concept
5. Using, utilizing, and selecting 57,89 Enough 57,24 Enough
certain procedures or operations
6. Presents concepts in various 65,13 high 64,47 high
forms of mathematical
7. Apply objects or algorithms 56,58 Enough 51,32 Enough
to troubleshooting
Average 69,61 high 62,64 high

From Table 4 it is known that the average percentage of students' mathematical

concepts in the experimental class and control class are high qualifications. In addition,
it can be seen also that for the percentage of achievement understanding of
mathematical concepts of students experimental class higher than the control class on
all indicators.
From these descriptions, it is known that mathematical learning using guided
discovery models gives a positive impact both on the ability of students 'mathematical
concepts and student responses. These results are in line with the opinion of Van De
Walle (2008) that students' involvement in reflective thinking processes in the model of
discovery Guided can influence students' understanding of mathematical concepts.
Thus, it can be concluded that guided discovery models can be applied to improve
students' mathematical concepts.


Based on the research results obtained can be taken several conclusions as
(1) The ability to understand the mathematical concepts of students learning by using
guided discovery learning models is in very high and high qualifications for each of
the two indicators, while the other indicators are in sufficient qualification. While
improving the ability to understand the concept of mathematics is in the
qualification is being.
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

(2) The ability to understand the mathematical concepts of students learning using
conventional learning is at a very high qualification for one indicator, high
qualification for two indicators and sufficient qualification for other indicators.
While improving the ability to understand the concept of mathematics is in the
qualification is being.
(3) Improved ability to understand the mathematical concepts of students learning by
using guided discovery learning models higher than students learning with
conventional learning.
(4) Students respond positively to guided teaching learning model.

Based on the conclusions obtained can be put forward some suggestions as follows:
(1) Students can train and develop their thinking ability in finding their own concept on
learning with guided discovery learning model.
(2) Teachers in the field of mathematics study can apply guided discovery learning
model as an alternative and variation in mathematics learning to reduce students
'saturation in learning and improve students' mathematical concept understanding.
(3) For teachers of mathematics study which will implement learning by using guided
discovery learning model is expected to pay attention to learning time and
readiness of students.

Arikunto, S. 2013. Manajemen Penelitian. Rineka Cipta, Jakarta
Bell, F.H. 1981, Teaching and Learning Mathematics (In Secondary Schools). Dubuque:
Wm C. Brown Company
Dahar, R.W. 2011. Teori-teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Depdiknas. 2006. Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, SK
danKDSMA/SMK. Jakarta: BNSP.
Karim, 2014. Pengaruh Model Penemuan Terbimbing terhadap KemampuanKonsep
Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII SMP. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika: Edu-Mat, Vol 2
Kesumawati, 2008. Pemahaman Konsep Matematik dalam
PembelajaranMatematika.Makalahdisajikan pada SEMNAS Matenatika dan
PendidikanMatematika P-18-2-229-235.
Minarni, A, 2013. Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah terhadap
KemampuanPemahaman Matematis dan Keterampilan Sosial Siswa SMP Negeri di
KotaBandung. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika: Paradikma, Vol 6 No. 2.
Prasad, K.S, 2011. Learning Mathematics by Discovery. Academic Voices
AMultidisciplinaryJournal Volume 1 Nomor 1.
Van de Walle, J. A. 2008. PengembanganPengajaran Sekolah Dasar
Zulkarnain, Iskandar, 2014. Model Penemuan Terbimbing dengan Teknik Mind Mapping
untuk Meningkatkan KemampuanPemahaman Konsep Matematis Siswa.. Jurnal
Pendidikan Matematika: Edu-Mat, Vol 2 No. 3.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Sabrina Indah Marni1, Mashadi1, Sri Gemawati1

1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, University of
*Email: sabrinaindah.ssi@gmail.com

LU factorizations is an alternative way to solve dual fully fuzzy linear system of the
𝐴⨂𝑥 = 𝐶 ⨂𝑥⨂𝑑, and the next we make LU factorizations from the matrix 𝐴 and 𝐶 . We
will contract a simple algorithm for the solution of these system. Finally we will illustrate
the method by solving some examples.

Keywords: dual fully fuzzy, trapezoidal fuzzy number, LU Decomposition

The fuzzy numbers was first discussed by Luthfi A. Zadeh in 1965. Due there is the
teory of fuzzy numbers, hence there is the teory of fuzzy linear system. Solve fuzzy
linear system have been discussed by researchers, among others M. Friedman et al.,
(1998). Various researchers, such as R. Ezzati et al.,(2012), S. Radhakrishnan et
al.,(2014) and N. Jayan Karthik et al.,(2013), have further extended the problem to the
fully fuzzy linear system (FFLS) of the form 𝐴𝑥 = 𝑏 where 𝐴 is a matrix of triangular
fuzzy numbers and 𝑏 is a fuzzy vectore with triangular fuzzy numbers as its
Another form of fuzzy linear system 𝐴⨂𝑥⨁𝑏 = 𝐶⨂𝑥⨁𝑑 is the dual fully fuzzy
linear system. In particular, for real matrix 𝐴 and 𝐶, in fuzzy numbers in the parametric
from 𝑏 and 𝑑, also in general. The dual fully fuzzy linear system has been discuss by
Mashadi,(2010) used LU factorizations of the coefficient matrix with triangular fuzzy
numbers, and then Ahmad, (2016), has been discuss dual fully fuzzy linear system of the
form 𝐴⨂𝑥 = 𝐶⨂𝑥⨁𝑑 used ST decomposition method with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.
In this paper, we will discuss about an alternative way to solve dual fully fuzzy
linear system of the form 𝐴⨂𝑥 = 𝐶⨂𝑥⨁𝑑 by used LU factorizations of the coefficient
matrix with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. In the next section, we will recall some main
definitions of the fuzzy numbers, dual fully fuzzy linear system, arithmetic of
trapezoidal fuzzy number and LU factorizations.

2.1 Fuzzy and dual fully fuzzy linear systems
Some of the basic definitions of fuzzy numbers have been Mashadi, (2010); S.
Radhakrisman, (2012); Ahmad Jafarian, (2016). We recall some definition:
Definition 2.1. Fuzzy numbers are the set of fuzzy 𝑢: 𝑅 → 0,1 which meets the
following conditions:
(I) 𝑢(r) monotonic increasing in 0,1 ,

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

(II) 𝑢(r) monotonic decreasing in 0,1 ,

(III) 𝑢 𝑟 ≤ 𝑢 𝑟 , 0 ≤ 𝑟 ≤ 1.

Definition 2.2. The fuzzy number 𝐴 = (𝑚, 𝑛, 𝛼, 𝛽) is said to be trapezoid fuzzy number
with membership function as follows:
1− , 𝑚 − 𝛼 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝑚, 𝛼 > 0
1 ,𝑚 < 𝑥 < 𝑛
𝐴= 𝑥−𝑛
1− , 𝑛 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝑛 + 𝛽, 𝛽 > 0
0, 𝑜𝑡𝑕𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
Definition 2.3. A fuzzy number 𝐴 is called positive (negative), denoted by 𝐴 > 0 (𝐴 <
0), if its memebership function 𝜇𝐴 (𝑥) satisfies:
a. A trapezoidal fuzzy number 𝐴 = 𝑚, 𝑛, 𝛼, 𝛽 is said to be non-negative trapezoidal
fuzzy number if 𝐴 ≥ 0 jika dan hanya jika 𝑚 − 𝛼 ≥ 0
b. Two fuzzy numbers 𝐴 = 𝑚, 𝑛, 𝛼, 𝛽 and 𝐵 = 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝛾, 𝛿 are said to be equal if only if
𝑚 = 𝑥, 𝑛 = 𝑦, 𝛼 = 𝛾, 𝛽 = 𝛿.
c. A matrix 𝐴 = 𝑎𝑖𝑗 is called a fuzzy matrix,if each element of 𝐴 is a fuzzy number. 𝐴
will be positive if 𝐴 > 0 and will be negative if 𝐴 < 0 and will be non positive if
Definition 2.4. Arithmetic of trapezoidal fuzzy number, let 𝐴 = 𝑚, 𝑛, 𝛼, 𝛽 and
𝐵 = 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝛾, 𝛿 are two trapezoidal fuzzy numbers :
 addition
𝐴⨁𝐵 = 𝑚, 𝑛, 𝛼, 𝛽 ⨁ 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝛾, 𝛿 = (𝑚 + 𝑥, 𝑛 + 𝑦, 𝛼 + 𝛾, 𝛽 + 𝛿)
 subtraction
−𝐵 = − 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝛾, 𝛿 = (−𝑦, −𝑥, 𝛿, 𝛾)
 multiplication
for 𝐴 ≥ 0 dan 𝐵 ≥ 0,
𝐴⨂𝐵 = 𝑚, 𝑛, 𝛼, 𝛽 ⨂ 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝛾, 𝛿 = 𝑚𝑥, 𝑛𝑦, 𝑚𝛾 + 𝑥𝛼, 𝑦 + 𝛽
In dual fully fuzzy linear system, all enties or elements of the dual fully fuzzy linear
system are fuzzy numbers, while the form of a dual fully fuzzy linear system with
trapezoid membership value is:
𝑎11 𝑥1 + 𝑎12 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎1𝑛 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑐11 𝑥1 + 𝑐12 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑐1𝑛 𝑥𝑛 + 𝑑1
𝑎21 𝑥1 + 𝑎22 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎2𝑛 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑐21 𝑥1 + 𝑐22 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑐2𝑛 𝑥𝑛 + 𝑑2
⋮ ⋮
𝑎𝑛1 𝑥1 + 𝑎𝑛2 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎𝑛𝑛 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑐𝑛1 𝑥1 + 𝑐𝑛2 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑐𝑛𝑛 𝑥𝑛 + 𝑑𝑛
We can be written into the form:
𝐴⨂𝑥 = 𝐶 ⨂𝑥 ⨁𝑑
We can define that 𝐴 = 𝑎𝑖𝑗 , 𝐶 = 𝑐𝑖𝑗 , 1 ≤ 𝑖, 𝑗 ≤ 𝑛 is a fuzzy matrix of size 𝑛 × 𝑛 and
𝑑 , 𝑥 adis a fuzzy vector. This system is called the dual fully fuzzy linear System
equations. Then, we define also that 𝐴, 𝐶 , 𝑑 , 𝑥 are positive.
The following will be given the definition of the invers multiplication of the matrix, as
discussed by H. Anton,(1998).
Definisi 2.5 The matrix 𝑛 × 𝑛 is said to be singular if there is a matrix B such that
𝐴𝐵 = 𝐵𝐴 = 𝐼. The matrix B is said to be the invers multiplication of the matrix A.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

2.2 LU Factorisation
Factorization is basically forming a square matrix as the multiplication of two triangular
matrix and the upper triangular matrix. Systematically can be written in the 𝐴 = 𝐿𝑈.
Suppose that 𝐴 = 𝐴, 𝑀, 𝑁, 𝑊 and 𝐶 = 𝐶, 𝑃, 𝑄, 𝑅 so that the 𝐿𝑈 factorization of the
matrix 𝐴 and 𝐶 is as follows:
𝐿1 , 0,0,0 ⨂ 𝑈1 , 𝑈, 𝑈3 , 𝑈4 = 𝐴 = 𝐴, 𝑀, 𝑁, 𝑊 (2.1)
(𝐿1 𝑜 , 0,0,0)⨂ 𝑈1 𝑜 , 𝑈2 𝑜 , 𝑈3 𝑜 , 𝑈4 𝑜 = 𝐶, 𝑃, 𝑄, 𝑅 (2.2)


In this paper we will discuss about determining the solve dual fully fuzzy linear system
use LU factorizations of the coefficient matixwith trapezoid fuzzy number, while the
steps are:
1. Give a dual fully fuzzy linear system
𝑎11 𝑥1 + 𝑎12 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎1𝑛 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑐11 𝑥1 + 𝑐12 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑐1𝑛 𝑥𝑛 + 𝑑1
𝑎21 𝑥1 + 𝑎22 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎2𝑛 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑐21 𝑥1 + 𝑐22 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑐2𝑛 𝑥𝑛 + 𝑑2
2. Change the system of equations in point 1 into the form of matrix A and C:
𝑎11 𝑎12 𝑐11 𝑐12
𝐴= 𝑎 𝑎22 , 𝐶 = 𝑐21 𝑐𝑐22
3. Next determine the LU factorization A and C
4. Then after obtain L and U from matrix C, then we can put 𝑈2 , 𝑈3 , 𝑈4 obtain from
multiplication invers matrix 𝐿(𝐿−1 ) with the entries in the system of the equation.
5. Based on the steps above, its will be obtained a simple formula to determine the
solution 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧, 𝑤.


1. Solving dual fully fuzzy linear system
Suppose there is a dual fully fuzzy linear system equations as follows:
𝑎11 𝑥1 + 𝑎12 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎1𝑛 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑐11 𝑥1 + 𝑐12 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑐1𝑛 𝑥𝑛 + 𝑑1
𝑎21 𝑥1 + 𝑎22 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎2𝑛 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑐21 𝑥1 + 𝑐22 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑐2𝑛 𝑥𝑛 + 𝑑2 (3.1)
⋮ ⋮
𝑎𝑛1 𝑥1 + 𝑎𝑛2 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑎𝑛𝑛 𝑥𝑛 = 𝑐𝑛1 𝑥1 + 𝑐𝑛2 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑐𝑛𝑛 𝑥𝑛 + 𝑑𝑛
We can written equation 3.1 into,
𝐴⨂𝑥 = 𝐶 ⨂𝑥 ⨁𝑑 (3.2)
We will define 𝐴 = 𝐴, 𝑀, 𝑁, 𝑊 , 𝐶 = 𝐶, 𝑃, 𝑄, 𝑅 , 𝑥 = 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧, 𝑤 , and 𝑑 = 𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , 𝑓3 , 𝑓4 ,
so the general from of a dual fully fuzzy linear system can be describe as follow:
𝐴, 𝑀, 𝑁, 𝑊 ⨂ 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧, 𝑤 = 𝐶, 𝑃, 𝑄, 𝑅 ⨂ 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧, 𝑤 ⨁ 𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , 𝑓3 , 𝑓4 (3.3)
Then, for the left equation in equation (4.2) then it can be written
 𝐿1 𝑈1 = 𝐴, ⟹ 𝑈1 = 𝐿1 −1 𝐴
 𝐿1 𝑈2 = 𝑀, ⟹ 𝑈2 = 𝐿1 −1 𝑀
 𝐿1 𝑈3 = 𝑁, ⟹ 𝑈3 = 𝐿1 −1 𝑁 (3.4)
 𝐿1 𝑈4 = 𝑊, ⟹ 𝑈4 = 𝐿1 𝑊
And for the right equation in equation (4.2) is:
 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈1 𝑜 = C, ⟹ (𝐿1 𝑜 ) 𝐶

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈2 𝑜 = P, ⟹ (𝐿1 𝑜 ) 𝑃 (3.5)
𝑜 𝑜 𝑜 −1
 𝐿1 𝑈3 = Q, ⟹ (𝐿1 ) 𝑄
 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈4 𝑜 = R, ⟹ (𝐿1 𝑜 ) 𝑅
Based on equation 2.1 and 2.2 then equation 4.3 can be written into the following from:
(𝐿1 𝑈1 , 𝐿1 𝑈2 , 𝐿1 𝑈3 , 𝐿1 𝑈4 )⨂ 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧, 𝑤 (3.6)
𝑜 𝑜 𝑜 𝑜 𝑜 𝑜 𝑜 𝑜
= (𝐿1 𝑈1 , 𝐿1 𝑈2 , 𝐿1 𝑈3 , 𝐿1 𝑈4 )⨂ 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧, 𝑤 ⨁ 𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , 𝑓3 , 𝑓4
Based on the rules of multiplication on fuzzy trapezium, then equation 3.6 can be
described as follows:
(𝐿1 𝑈1 )𝑥, (𝐿1 𝑈2 )𝑦, (𝐿1 𝑈1 𝑧 + (𝐿1 𝑈3 )𝑥], (𝐿1 𝑈2 𝑤 + (𝐿1 𝑈4 )𝑦]
= (𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈1 𝑜 )𝑥,(𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈2 𝑜 )𝑦, 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈1 𝑜 𝑧 + 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈3 𝑜 𝑥 , [(𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈2 𝑜 )𝑤
+ 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈4 𝑜 𝑦] ⨁ 𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , 𝑓3 , 𝑓4
And then,
(𝐿1 𝑈1 )𝑥, (𝐿1 𝑈2 )𝑦, (𝐿1 𝑈1 𝑧 + (𝐿1 𝑈3 )𝑥], (𝐿1 𝑈2 𝑤 + (𝐿1 𝑈4 )𝑦]
= (𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈1 𝑜 )𝑥 + 𝑓1 ,(𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈2 𝑜 )𝑦 + 𝑓2 , 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈1 𝑜 𝑧 + 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈3 𝑜 𝑥 + 𝑓3 ,
[(𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈2 𝑜 )𝑤 + 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈4 𝑜 𝑦]+𝑓4
The description of the above equation can be written as follows:
𝑥 = 𝐿1 𝑈1 − 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈1 𝑜 −1 𝑓1
𝑜 𝑜 −1
𝑦 = 𝐿1 𝑈2 − 𝐿1 𝑈2 𝑓2 (3.7)
𝑜 𝑜 −1 𝑜 𝑜
𝑧 = 𝐿1 𝑈1 − 𝐿1 𝑈1 [𝑓3 − 𝐿1 𝑈3 − 𝐿1 𝑈3 𝑥]
𝑜 𝑜 −1
𝑤 = 𝐿1 𝑈2 − 𝐿1 𝑈2 [𝑓4 − 𝐿1 𝑈3 − 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈3 𝑜 𝑦]

2. Computational example
Solve the following dual fully fuzzy linear system:
6,9,5,6 ⨂𝑥1 ⨁ 7,8,3,3 ⨂𝑥2 = 3,3,3,4 ⨂𝑥1 ⨁ 3,2,2,1 ⨂𝑥2 ⨁ 27,66,54,70
9,4,7,8 ⨂𝑥1 ⨁ 14,6,9,5 ⨂𝑥2 = (8,2,1,6)⨂𝑥1 ⨁(10,1,7,1)⨂𝑥2 ⨁(17,37,58,55)
Solution: first we obtain LU decompositions for matrices A and C as follows:
6 7 1 0 6 7
𝐴= = = 𝐿1 𝑈1
9 14 1.5 1 0 3.5
3 3 1 0 3 3
𝐶= = = 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈1 𝑜
8 10 2.66 1 0 2
So, we will find matrices 𝑈1 , 𝑈2 , 𝑈3 , 𝑈4 as follows
1 0 9 8 9 8
𝑈2 = 𝐿1 −1 𝑀 = =
1.5 1 4 6 −9.5 −6
−1 1 0 5 3 5 3
𝑈3 = 𝐿1 𝑁 = =
1.5 1 7 9 −0.5 4.5
1 0 6 3 6 3
𝑈4 = 𝐿1 −1 𝑊 = =
1.5 1 8 5 −1 0.5
1 0 3 2 3 2
𝑈2 𝑜 = (𝐿1 𝑜 )−1 𝑃 = =
−2.66 1 2 1 −5.98 −4.32
1 0 3 2 3 2
𝑈3 𝑜 = (𝐿1 𝑜 )−1 𝑄 = =
−2.66 1 1 7 −6.98 1.68
1 0 4 1 4 1
𝑈4 𝑜 = (𝐿1 𝑜 )−1 𝑅 = =
−2.66 1 6 1 −4.64 −1.66
The next we will obtain 𝑓1 ,𝑓2 , 𝑓3 , 𝑓4
27 66 54 70
17 37 58 55
27 66 54 70
𝑓1 = ,𝑓 = , 𝑓3 = , 𝑓4 =
17 2 37 58 55
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Therefore , by equation 3.7 conclude that

𝑥1 5.080
𝑥 = 𝑥 = 𝐿1 𝑈1 − 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈1 𝑜 −1 𝑓1 =
2 2.939
𝑦1 6
𝑦 = 𝑦 = 𝐿1 𝑈2 − 𝐿1 𝑜 𝑈2 𝑜 −1 𝑓2 =
2 4.99
𝑧1 𝑜 𝑜 −1 9.75
𝑧 = 𝑧 = 𝐿1 𝑈1 − 𝐿1 𝑈1 𝑓3 − 𝐿1 𝑈3 − 𝐿1 𝑈3 𝑜 𝑥 =
2 2.908
𝑤1 𝑜 𝑜 −1 𝑜 𝑜 5.65
𝑤 = 𝑤 = 𝐿1 𝑈2 − 𝐿1 𝑈2 𝑓4 − 𝐿1 𝑈3 − 𝐿1 𝑈3 𝑦 =
2 2.34
Hence we have the solution 𝑥1 = 𝑥1 , 𝑦1 , 𝑧1 , 𝑤1 = (5.080,6, 9.75, 5.65) dan
𝑥2 = 𝑥2 , 𝑦2 , 𝑧2 , 𝑤2 = (2.939, 4.99, 2.908, 2.34)

In this paper solution of dual fully fuzzy linear system 𝐴⨂𝑥 = 𝐶⨂𝑥⨁𝑑 where 𝐴 and 𝐶
are the coefficient matrices of trapezoidal numbers while 𝑑 is fuzzy vector obtained by
LU factorizations method of the coefficient matrix with substituting in the original

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with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, Canadian Journal on Engineering Mathematics, 1
(2010), 45-56.
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system with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, Iranian Journal of Optimization, 2 (2010),
[8] N. Jayan Karthik, E. Chandrasekaran, Solving fully fuzzy linear system with
trapezoidal fuzzy number matrices by partitioning, International Journal of
Computer Aplications, 64 (2013), 35-38.
[9] R. Ezzati, S. Khezerloo, A. Yousefzadeh, Solving fully fuzzy linear system of
equation in general form, Available Online at www.ispacs.com/jfsva, 2012 (2012),
[10] S. Radhakrishnan, P. Gajivaradhan, R. Govindarajan, A new simple method of
solving fully fuzzy linear system, Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 8
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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Saddam Al Aziz, Ahmad Fauzan, Irwan

Postgraduate Program of Mathematics Education, FMIPA UNP
Correspondence: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar Padang, 25131

Math is a study that helps students to improve the way of thinking critically,
logically, and creatively. Creative thinking is a process used to create a new idea. This
point shows that the students’ creative thinking skill is very important to be noted by the
teacher. In fact, the students’ creative thinking skill is still relatively in a low level. This
matter can be seen from the students learning achievement when a test requires creative
thinking skill is delivered, they find some problems to solve the test. The lack of an
appropriate teaching material used and the use of inappropriate teaching material for
students needs, resulting the students’ creative thinking skill become lower. Further, a
learning condition that facilitates the students to improve their creative thinking skill is
needed. Besides, it needs media instruction in the form of students’ worksheet which able
to guide the students to develop and enhance their creative thinking. One of the learning
approaches that hopes to improve students creativity is Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs).
MEAsis a learning approach that focuses on students’ activity in creating solutions for the
real problem given by applying mathematical procedures to form a math model. One of
MEAs characteristics is helping the students to improve high mathematical thinking skill,
in which creative thinking is one of high level thinking skills. MEAsis hoped in helping the
students to explore their creativity in designing math model from a real problem and
motivate them to participate actively during learning process.

Key words:Material instructional development, students’ worksheet, Model Eliciting

Activities, and creative thinking skill

A. Approach Of Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs)
There are two approaches in mathematics learning. According to Roy Killen in
Wulandari (2016: 13), there are two main approaches in mathematics learning: (1)
teacher-centered approaches and (2) student-centered approaches. A teacher-centered
approach is a condition where students are more passive in learning and learning are
generally taught directly so as to lack the creation of students' mathematical thinking
processes. While the student-centered approach is a condition in which the student is
more dominantly active than the teacher and the learning raises the students'
mathematical thinking activities. In this approach, the teacher acts as a facilitator who
must be able to arouse students' interest in a learning material and provide a variety of
approaches to the way of learning so that the students (who are different) get the most
appropriate learning method for them. One of the student-centered approaches is the
Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) approach.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) is a student-centered learning approach, where

students are facilitated to develop a mathematical model of a given problem. This
approach emerged in the mid-1970s. According to Chamberlin (2005: 4) "Model
Eliciting Activities (MEAs) are mathematical problems created by mathematics
educators, and are used by mathematics instructors. These group activities require
students to develop a mathematical model that is a conceptual allowing students to
make sense of certain kinds of mathematical experiences. This means that MEAs are
mathematical problems created by mathematics educators, professors and students
throughout the United States and Australia, for use by mathematics teachers. This group
activity requires students to develop a mathematical model that is a conceptual system
so that students gain a variety of mathematical experiences. In line with that, according
to Hamilton (2008: 4) that "MEAs is the problem that simulates real-world situations,
that small team of 3-5 students work to solve over one or two class periods. The crucial
problem-solving iteration of an MEAs is to express, test and revise models that will
solve the problem ". Meaning MEAs are a problem based on real-world situations, with
small teams of 3-5 students working to solve more than one or two problems. The most
important problem-solving process of the MEAs is to present, test and review the model
that will solve a problem. This shows that MEAs is a learning approach where students
in small groups are given real problems and students are expected to solve the problem
based on the understanding of the concept they have learned. Then Hidayat (2014: 58)
also states that the learning of MEAs is a learning approach based on realistic issues,
work and discussion in small groups, then presents a model. So learning with the MEAs
approach is a student-centered learning where students are facilitated to be more active
in solving realistic mathematical problems and then creating mathematical models that
are suitable to solve them
Some characteristics of the MEAs approach are: (1) real life based learning and able
to develop students' mathematical thinking, (2) students are more active in thinking
about solving problems, and (3) students are expected to be able to construct
mathematical models. According to Stohlmann (2013: 61) that MEAs are well-
structured, realistic MEAs mathematics allows students to innovate, synthesize,
communicate, and adapt gradually in developing a mathematical model that is a
problem solution. Accordingly, according to Hidayat (2014: 58), one of the
characteristics of the MEAs approach is to give students opportunities to take control of
their own learning with process guidance. Another characteristic of these MEAs is real
life based learning and able to develop students' mathematical thinking. Wulandari
(2016: 14) states that the learning approach of MEAs is a learning based on students'
real life and fosters student thinking because students create their own models to solve
mathematical problems. Permana in Siregar (2013: 529) also states that in this MEAs
approach, the model created does not have to be a new concept in mathematics. The
important thing is genuine student thought and is something new for students.
Based on the above description, the Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) approach is a
more student-centered approach where activities undertaken begin with the
presentation of real-life problems around students, then from the problem students
form a model of mathematical problem solving, then students Trying to find a solution
from the model as a solution. So with the application of MEAs approach, students are
expected to be more active in learning so that later expected to improve students'
mathematical thinking ability.
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

B. Principles of Approach Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs)

There are six principles in developing the Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs)
approach. Chamberlin and Moon (2005: 39) states that the six principles are: (1) Model
Construction Principle, (2) The Reality Principle, (3) The Self-Assessment Principle, (4) The
Construct Documentation Principle, (5) The Construct Shareability and Reusability
Principle, dan (6) The Effective Prototype Principle.Here's an explanation of the six
principles of the Model Eliciting Activities approach (MEAs) by Chamberlin and Moon
(2005: 39-40) is :
1. Model Construction Principle
This principle contains the construction, modification, extension and review of a
model. Creating models requires deep understanding of issues that help students
shape their thinking.
2. The Reality Principle
This principle states that the problems in the MEAs should be relevant and reflect
the real-life situation as well as build students' knowledge and experience. Because
such modeling activities not only serve to improve mathematical problem solving
skills, but also help students connect their mathematical learning with disciplines,
scientific, social, and environmental.
3. The Self-Assessment Principle (Prinsippenilaiandiri)
Students should be able to measure the feasibility and usefulness of solutions
without the help of teachers. This principle occurs when groups are looking for the
right answer. Usually students rarely find the best answer on the first attempt and
students will make the next attempt to get a more accurate answer.
4. The Construct Documentation Principle
This principle expressed students' own thinking during work and their thought
processes should be documented in the solution. The demands of the solution
documentation involve writing techniques.
5. The Construct Shareability and Reusability Principle
This principle explains the model that the student produces should apply to the
problem in other related situations. In creating a model, students must think that
the resulting model will be able to be used and re-modified in the face of similar
problems. To be able to assess whether the model is genelralisasi, usually the
teacher to discuss among students to discuss the advantages and beliefs of the
resulting model.
6. The Effective Prototype Principle
This principle states that the resulting model must be easily understood by others.
This principle helps students learn that creative solutions applied to math problems
are very useful and can be used generally.
C. Stages of Approach Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs)
There are several stages in the Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) approach.
Chamberlin (2005: 5) explains that , “MEAs is implemented in several steps. First, the
teacher reads a simulated newspaper article that develops a context for students.
Subsequently, the students respond to readiness questions that are based on the article.
Next, the teacher reads the problem statement with the students and makes sure each
group understands what is being asked and students subsequently attempt to solve the
problem. After creating multiple iterations of the solution and revising when necessary,
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

students present their models to the class. Typically, teachers provide about one hour to
solve the problem,but certain MEAs may require up to two periods of class time to
complete”. This means that the MEAs are implemented in several steps: (1) the teacher
reads a newspaper article developing a context for the student, (2) the student is ready
with the questions based on the article, (3) the teacher reads the problem statement
with the students and ensures that each the group understands what is being asked, (4)
the students attempt to solve the problem, (5) the students present their mathematical
model after discussing and reviewing the solution, and (6) the teacher typically
prepares an hour to solve the problem but some of the MEAs Requires more than two
classroom meetings to complete.
Corresponding to Chamberlin's point, NG Kit Ee Dawn in Ayuningtyas (2015: 26)
adds that in the MEAs there are several steps: the teacher for 20 minutes explains the
definition of modeling in mathematics; then, students are asked to work in groups
consisting of 4- 5 students to create a mathematical model, the students were given 1
hour to complete the modeling assignment, the students were asked to present the
results of their discussion in the form of the poster, each group appoint one of their
group members for presentation, during the presentation each group wrote Their
opinions are based on 3 criteria, namely representation, validity, and application using
reflection paper. The paper contains 3 questions related to the task being presented is:
a. Representation
That is how well the model is made to solve the problem?
b. Validity
Can you give suggestions to improve the model?
c. Application
That is the model that has been made used in other mathematical concepts?

MEAs is an approach that develops students' ability in constructing a model,

therefore the learning stage also prefers the cooperation of the students in the group in
building the mathematical model to solve a problem. Stage learning model eliciting
activities (MEAs) in learning in this study as follows:
a. Students are divided into groups of 3-4 students each group.
b. Each group is given Teaching Materials that have been compiled based on the
learning principles of the Model Eliciting Activities approach and demanded the
work using the MEA approach.
c. Students solve problems given by group discussion (group discussion). While
teachers around the class guided the students in mengorksi mistakes he made.
d. Representatives of students from several groups (groups with different answers)
presented the results of their work in front of the class.
e. During the presentation process, each group was given a reflection sheet to assess
the results of other group presentations.
f. Students or other groups are given the opportunity to respond to the results of their
friend's presentation (class discussion). In this case the teacher becomes the
facilitator of the course of the discussion and gives questions about the student's
Completing the MEAs stage, Ritonga (2017: 44) states in detail the activities of
teachers and students during the application of the Model Eliciting Activities

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Table 1. Steps of Model Eliciting Activities (MEA)

Teachers’Activity Students’Activity
Teacher gives a problem as early as the Students observe, understand and
introduction for students to understand and define the problems
then be able to resolve the problems well
Teachers give problems related to contextual Students build knowledge based on
Issues existing problems with their knowledge

Teachers monitor and guide the students to be Students create a mathematical model
able to model the problem in mathematical based on Issues that have been given
form for the purpose of demonstrating
Step4: Translating
Teachers lead studentsto solve problems Students solve problems based on a
mathematical model that they have
made at the stage of manipulation
Teachers urge students to check back Students check their work one by one
answers to problems that have diselesikan
so that there are no mistakes.
Teachers lead students to present their work Students present the work that has been
andthendiscussedtogetherwithotherstudents completed

D. The Ability of Mathematical Creative Thinking

Mathematics learning at the level of primary and secondary education is conducted
in an environment that facilitates students to be creative. The ability to think creatively
is the ability to create, develop, implement something new from what has been
previously obtained. This is in accordance with the opinion of Coleman and Hammen
(Sukmadinata, 2004a) in Istianah (2013: 46) that "Creative thinking is a mental activity
to enhance the originality and the grasping of insight in generating." The ability to think
creatively with regard to the ability to produce or develop something new, something
unusual that is different from the ideas generated by most people.
According to the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 103 of
2014 in Amalia (2015: 1-2) that learning in primary and secondary education is
conducted based on activities with (1) interactive and inspirational characteristics; (2)
fun, challenging, and motivating learners to participate actively; (3) contextual and
collaborative; (4) provide sufficient space for the initiative, creativity, and
independence of learners; And (5) in accordance with the talents, interests, abilities,
and physical and psychological development of learners. This shows that the ability to
think creatively is the ability that is expected to grow and develop in the process of
learning mathematics.
According to Nuriadin (2013: 68-69) that the ability to think creatively is a person's
ability to find new ideas or ideas in solving problems by using previous experience they
already have. Basically the experts have the same view of the characteristics of creative

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

thinking ability. However, to provide clarity and understanding of the appropriate, the
researchers will describe four common characteristics that will be an indicator that will
be used in this study, among others:
1. Smooth thinking skills (Fluency)
The fluency skills here are included in sparking many ideas, answers, problem
solving or questions. Provide many ways or suggestions to do things and always
think of more than one answer. This may be one of the most powerful indicators
of creative thinking, because the more ideas, the more likely it is to gain a
significant idea.
2. Flexibility thinking skills (Flexibility)
Flexibility is the ability to overcome mental obstacles, changing the approach to a
problem. Not stuck by assuming rules or conditions that can not be applied to a
problem. So that students can apply a concept or a principle in different ways.
3. Original thinking skills (Originality)
The category of originality refers to the uniqueness of any given response.
Originality is represented by an unusual, unique and rare response that can
create unusual combinations of parts or elements.
4. Detailed Skills (Elaboration)
The ability to describe a particular object, idea, or situation in detail so that it
becomes something more interesting.

Based on the descriptions mentioned above, it can be formulated that the notion of
creative thinking ability is a new thinking ability acquired by experiment and
characterized by the skills of smooth thinking, flexible, original, and elaboration.
In line with the above opinion, Balka (Mann, 2005) in Sumarmo (2012: 23) states
that the ability of mathematical creative thinking includes the ability to think
convergent and divergent thinking, broken down into: a) the ability to formulate
mathematical hypotheses related to cause and effect a situation of mathematical
problems, b) the ability to determine patterns in situations of mathematical problems;
c) the ability to break the deadlock of the mind by proposing new solutions of
mathematical problems; d) the ability to express unusual mathematical ideas and to
evaluate the consequences; e) the ability to identify missing information from a given
problem, and f) the ability to break down common issues into more specific sub-issues.
The essence of the Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) is the student's creativity in
learning. Chamberlin (2005: 42) states that the core of the Model Eliciting Activities
(MEAs) is the student's creativity in learning. Chamberlin (2005: 42) states that
“Creativity is at the heart of MEAs, and it plays a signif- icant role in student success in
mathematics. With respect to math solutions, diversity in thinking is a process that is
paramount to the successful development of models (Lesh & Doerr, 2003). However, the
significance of creativity in school mathematics may be minimized because it is not
formally assessed on standardized tests, which purport to thoroughly measure
mathematical learning. MEAs can act to fill the assessment void created by standardized
tests, and they provide performance-based assessment of the ability of students to
generate creative mathematical ideas in response to a well-structured problem.” This
means that creativity is the main thing that is attached to MEAs and plays an important
role in student success in mathematics. With the Meas, the students' ability to generate
creative mathematical ideas in response to well structured problems.
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

E. Student Work Sheet (LKPD)

Student Work Sheet (LKPD) can also be called Student Activity Sheet (LKS). In this
worksheet the students are led to find the concept of understanding of a subject matter
especially mathematics. In this worksheet contains instructions and how to work with
problems that are done together. In the process of learning mathematics, teachers are
expected to create good learning conditions in achieving the competence of learning.
Wafiqoh (2016: 40) states that the Government Regulation no. 19 of 2005 article 20,
suggests that teachers are expected to develop teaching materials as one of the learning
resources that are part of the Lesson Plan (RPP) through the development of teacher
teaching materials will be more helpful in achieving competence.
Prastowo (2014) in Wafiqoh (2016: 41) states that LKS is a printed material in the
form of sheets of paper containing the materials, summary, and instruction on the
implementation of learning tasks that must be done students, both theoretical and
practical that refers to the competence The basis for which students have to achieve and
their use depends on other teaching materials. Types of LKS: (1) LKS of discovery, this
type of LKS contains what the student should do; (2) LKS that is applicative-integrative
(helping students to apply and integrate the concepts that have been found; (3) LKS
guides (functioning as study guides); (4) strengthening LKS (functioning as
strengthening); (5) (Serves as a practicum manual) The LKS developed in this study is
the guiding LKS.
Completing the above, Prastowo (2011) in Loviana (2016: 35) LKPD consists of six
main elements and formats in the preparation. The following LKPD elements are viewed
from the structure and format:
Table 2. LKPD from its structure and format
No LKPD structure LKPD Format
1 Title Title
2 Study instructions Basic Competencies to be achieved
3 Basic Competence or material Settlement Time
4 Support information Equipment / Materials to complete the task
5 Tasks or steps Brief information
6 Kerja
Assessment Work steps
7 - The task to do
8 - Report to do

F. Learning Device Relationships in the form of Student Work Sheets (LKPD)

Based on Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) with the Ability of Creative
Mathematical Thinking

Mathematics learning activities in schools at this time tend to be oriented only on

the task of routine tasks and not a real problem. Students tend to be assigned tasks from
printed books or LKPD books that come from printing that provide less real problems
that are expected to improve students' creative thinking ability. This results in the
ability of students to tend to be more memorable than the understanding of the material
or on the high level of ability. In fact, learning in the classroom should be able to
facilitate students to develop other abilities.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

One of the abilities in mathematics is the ability to think creatively mathematically.

The ability of mathematical creative thinking is the ability of a person to find new ideas
or ideas in solving problems by using the previous experience they already have.
Therefore, a learning environment is needed that is able to facilitate students to develop
the ability of mathematical creative thinking.
One effort to create a learning environment that is able to facilitate students to
cultivate the ability of mathematical creative thinking is to apply a student-centered
learning. One of the student-centered approaches is the Model Eliciting Activities
(MEAs) approach. Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) is a student-centered learning
approach, where students are facilitated to develop a mathematical model of a given
problem. Wulandari (2016: 14) states that the learning approach of MEAs is a learning
based on students' real life and fosters student thinking because students create their
own models to solve mathematical problems. Permana in Siregar (2013: 529) also
states that in this MEAs approach, the model created does not have to be a new concept
in mathematics. The important thing is genuine student thought and is something new
for students.
The essence of the Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) is the student's creativity in
learning. Chamberlin (2005: 42) states that the core of the Model Eliciting Activities
(MEAs) is the student's creativity in learning. Chamberlin (2005: 42) states that
“Creativity is at the heart of MEAs, and it plays a signif- icant role in student success in
mathematics. With respect to math solutions, diversity in thinking is a process that is
paramount to the successful development of models (Lesh & Doerr, 2003). However, the
significance of creativity in school mathematics may be minimized because it is not
formally assessed on standardized tests, which purport to thoroughly measure
mathematical learning. MEAs can act to fill the assessment void created by standardized
tests, and they provide performance-based assessment of the ability of students to
generate creative mathematical ideas in response to a well-structured problem.” This
means that creativity is the main thing that is attached to MEAs and plays an important
role in student success in mathematics. With the Meas, students' ability to generate
creative mathematical ideas in their own models to solve mathematical problems in
response to well-structured problems. So hopefully this makes the creative thinking
ability of students will develop.
In order for the Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) approach to run optimally, a
learning device is needed to support the implementation of phases in the Model
Eliciting Activities (MEAs) approach, one of which is by using the Student Working
Sheet (LKPD). Loviana (2016: 39) states that LKPD that can be called LKS is a teaching
material that contains the tasks accompanied by instructions and steps in completing
the task so as to make students build knowledge and understanding independently and
develop the expected ability. The developed LKPD proposes contextual issues with
drawings and writings.
LKPD developed in the form of specially designed LKPD. The LKPD created has
components corresponding to the phases in the Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs)
approach. So with the LKPD-based approach Eliciting Activities Model (MEAs), is
expected to help students in menumbuhkembangkan mathematical creative thinking

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Amalia,Yuli dkk.2015.PenerapanModel Eliciting Activities untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis dan Self Confidence Siswa SMA Jurnal
Didaktik Matematika. (Jurnal),
(http://www.jurnal.unsyiah.ac.id/DM/article/view/2848/2711, 2 agustus 2017)
Berinderjeet Kaur and Jaguthsing Dindyal, Mathematical Applications and Modelling,
(Singapore: World Scientific, Association of Mathematics Educators, 2010), pp.
Chamberlin dan Moon. 2005. Model-Eliciting Activities as a Tool to Develop and Identify
Creatively Gifted Mathematicians. The Journal of Secondary Gifted Education.
NG2W40hc-HnBv3X-tdV-IZPg7H0qg , 2 agustus 2017)
Chamberlin,Scott A. 2005. “How Does the Problem Based Learning Approach Compare to
the Model-Eliciting Activities Approach in Mathematics?”, International Journal Of
Teaching and Learning. (Purdue University Jurnal Internasional),
(www.cimt.org.uk/journal/chamberlin.pdf , 2 agustus 2017)
Hamilton,Eric dkk.2008. Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs) as a Bridge Between
Engineering Education Research and Mathmatics Education Research, Advance in
Engineering Education, (Jurnal Internasional),
bridge between-engineering-education-research-and mathematics-education-
Hidayat,Wahtyu.2014.Prosiding "Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Matematika" (Jurnal),
2014.pdf#page=69 , 2 agustus 2017)
Istianah, Euis. 2013. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Dan Kreatif Matematik
Dengan Pendekatan Model Eliciting Activities (Meas) Pada Siswa SMA. Jurnal
Ilmiah Program Studi Matematika STKIP Siliwangi Bandung. (Jurnal), (http://e-
journal.stkipsiliwangi.ac.id/index.php/infinity/article/view/23 , 2 agustus 2017)
Loviana, Selvi. 2016. Pengembangan LKPD Dengan Menggunakan Model Problem Based
Learning Untuk Memfasilitasi Kemampuan Komunikasi Dan Disposisi
Komunikasi (Studi pada Siswa Kelas VIII Semester Ganjil SMP Negeri 9 Metro
Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016).
BAHASAN.pdf, 2 agustus 2017)
Nuriadin, Ishaq dkk .2013. Analisis Korelasi Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematik
Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik SMP Negeri 3 Lurangung
Kuningan Jawa Barat,
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Ritonga, Ezaita Maisyaroh dkk. 2017. Development of Learning Devices Oriented Model
Eliciting Activities to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Junior High
School Students. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

d&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=7336&path%5B%5D=3477, 2 agustus
Siregar,Indra.2013. Menerapkan Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Model-
Eliciting Activities Untuk Meningkatkan Self Confidence Siswa SMP. (Jurnal),
download%2F174.html&usg=AFQjCNGEHXo5SR2n68F1obTLCCK6yp3wS, 2
agustus 2017)
Stohlmann, Micah. 2013. Model Eliciting Activities: Fostering 21st Century Learners.
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Sugilart, Hamdan. 2013. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Dan Disposisi
Matematik Siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah Melalui Pembelajaran Generatif. Jurnal
Ilmiah Program Studi Matematika STKIP Siliwangi Bandung. (Jurnal)
KD14AAAAJ&citation_for_view=ET_KD14AAAAJ:eQOLeE2rZwMC, 2 agustus
Sumarmo, Utari dkk. 2012. Kemampuan Dan Disposisi Berpikir Logis, Kritis, Dan
Kreatif Matematik (Eksperimen terhadap Siswa SMA Menggunakan
Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah dan Strategi Think-Talk-Write)
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Wafiqoh, Risninan dkk. 2016. LKS Berbasis Model Eliciting Activities Untuk Mengetahui
Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Di Kelas VIII. (Jurnal)
AS%2520VIII&usg=AFQjCNGO47gXzW-460xM-UzWT67b_-jUXQ, 2 agustus
Wulandari, Eka Febriani. 2016. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika
Dengan Menggunakannpendekatan Model-Eliciting Activities (Meas) Pada Materi
Bilangan Pecahan. (Skripsi), (http://digilib.uinsby.ac.id/5070/ , 2 agustus 2017)

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Siti Ambarwati1, Ahmad Fauzan1, Ahmad Fauzi

1Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School

This research is motivated by not yet optimal communication ability and problem
solving of mathematical learners. Communication skills and mathematical problem
solving are very important to develop because communication skills and problem-solving
abilities is one of the goals of mathematics learning that must be mastered by learners.
The ability of mathematical communication is the ability of learners in communicating
ideas or ideas about mathematics material that learners learn, for example in the form of
concepts, formulas, or strategies to solve a problem through oral, written, and
demonstrate it and visualize it visually. Mathematical problem solving ability is the ability
of learners in finding solutions of difficulties that require creativity, understanding, and
thinking. Mathematical communication and problem solving skills of learners can be
developed together in the learning process of mathematics through the model of learning
PACE. The PACE learning model is a conceptual framework of learning based on
constructivism that has stages/phases: Project, Activity, Cooperative Learning, and
Exercise using the LKPD in the process Learning. In addition to applying PACE learning
model, other factors that must be considered by educators are factors of learners
themselves such as differences in learning styles and self-efficacy because the two factors
have an influence in learning mathematics. PACE learning model is good to be applied in
learning mathematics, because it can improve communication ability and solving
mathematical problem of learners.

Keyword:Communication Skill, Problem Solving, PACE Model Learning, Learning Style,


Mathematics as one of the basic science that has developed rapidly both the
material and its usefulness in real life. According to Yulianto and Sugeng (2017)
mathematics is a universal science that underlies the development of technology.
Soedjadi (2000) stated that the form of mathematics subjects in primary and secondary
education is school mathematics. School mathematics is the elements or parts of
mathematics that are selected oriented to the interests of education and interests to
master and utilize the technology in the future.
The purpose of mathematics education in schools emphasizes learners in order to
have skills related to mathematics, other subjects or problems related to real life; Ability
in mathematics as a means of communication; The ability to use mathematics as a viable
means of reasoning in any situation such as logical thinking, critical thinking, systematic
thinking, honesty, discipline in looking at, and problem solving.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) in 2000 established five

mathematical standards that students must possess, namely problem solving,
communication, connection, reasoning, And the ability of representation.
Communication skills and mathematical problem solving is very important to
develop because it is one of the goals of learning mathematics that must be mastered by
learners. In addition, communication skills and mathematical problem solving are also
related to each other. The ability of mathematical communication is the ability of
learners in communicating ideas or ideas about mathematical material that includes the
use of the skills of writing, listening, reviewing, interpreting, and evaluating the ideas,
symbols, terms, and mathematical information observed through the process of
listening, presenting, and discussion. A learner acquires the concept in learning then
when it happens the transformation of mathematical information from the source to the
learner. Learners respond by interpretation of the information, resulting in
mathematical communication.
Indicator of the ability of learners that can be developed in making mathematical
communication by Sumarmo (2014) is a situation or problem into the form of language,
symbol, idea, or mathematical model (can be in the form of drawings, diagrams, graphs,
or mathematical expressions); Explaining ideas, situations, and mathematical relations
in the form of plain language; Listening to discussions, and writing about mathematics;
Understand a mathematical representation; Reveals a math expression in its own
language. Therefore, through communication owned so that students will have the
ability to solve problems in mathematics.
In applying mathematical concepts to solve problems related to mathematics, such
as solving stories, solving non-routine problems, applying mathematics in everyday life
or other circumstances, and proving or creating or testing conjectures. This ability is not
only used in the process of learning mathematics in school but can be applied in real life
so that math will feel more meaningful.
Indicator of the ability of learners that can be developed in solving problems
according to Polya (1973) there are some activities or stages that can be done by
learners that is understanding the problem (understanding the problem), devising a
plan, carrying out the plan (carrying out the plan), And do the check back (looking
back). Therefore, in a given problem, learners identify what is known, what is asked,
and what elements to solve the problem so it is easy to complete
One way to cultivate communication skills and solving mathematical problems of
learners according to Yulianto and Sugeng (2017) is to train students to work on
problems related to these skills. Therefore, the condition of the learning of mathematics
needs to be a model of PACE learning, because the PACE learning model is a conceptual
framework of learning based on constructivism that has phase: Project, Activity,
Cooperative Learning and Exercise using the Student Working Sheet (LKPD) in the
learning process.
In addition to applying PACE learning model, other factors that must be
considered by educators are factors of learners themselves such as differences in
learning styles and self-efficacy because the two factors have an influence in learning
mathematics. This can be proved from the results of the study Alfian Saat Abdillah
(2017) with the conclusion of learners with visual learning style, aural, read/write, and
kinesthetic have different ways of understanding information. Then the results of
research Sri Hastuti Noer (2012) also concluded that a positive self-efficacy will affect a
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

person in making decisions and actions that will do. A person will tend to run something
when he feels competent and confident; Will determine how far the effort is doing; How
long he endures when he gets into trouble. Zimmerman (2000) reveals that one's self-
efficacy varies from one field to another. Therefore, the greater the self-efficacy of a
person, the greater his effort, persistence, and flexibility. Bandura (1997) reveals that
self-efficacy is defined as a person's judgment about his or her ability to achieve desired
or determined performance levels, which will influence the subsequent action in which
he seeks to assess the degree, the authenticity, and strength of all activities and contexts
Based on the above description, the researcher assumes that PACE learning model
can improve communication ability and solve the mathematical problems of learners in
terms of learning style differences and self-efficacy. Therefore, the researchers
conducted a study using literature study method entitled "Improving Communication
Ability and Problem Solving Mathematical by Using PACE Learning Model Learning
Reviewed from Differences Learning Styles and Self-Efficacy".

This research is literature study. Nazir (2003: 27) explains as that the technique of
collecting data by conducting a study of books, literature, records, and reports relating
to problems solved. In this study, researchers can collect information relating to the
background of research, theories that underlie the problem to be studied, reference
materials relevant to the problem or topic to be researched and the results of previous
similar research. In addition, literature study also deepens and adds to the researcher's
knowledge in terms of theory and research methodology.

The importance of communication and mathematical problem solving to be
developed in mathematics learning is not in line with the results achieved and causes
the quality of mathematics education to be not maximal. The purpose of mathematics
education that has not been achieved optimally, especially in communication and
problem solving of mathematics of course there is cause. According to Ruseffendi
(2006) in mathematics learning there are ten factors that influence the success of
learners, the readiness of learners, the talents of learners, the willingness of learners,
the interests of learners, the model of presentation of the material, personal and
educational attitudes, learning atmosphere, competence of educators and outside
conditions . When viewed the learning process, according to Sanjaya (2010) the low
quality of education due to less learning process encourages learners to develop
thinking skills because learners are more directed to the ability to memorize
information, so that learning becomes meaningless.
Based on the 2013 curriculum that has begun to be implemented in schools,
educators are given more flexibility in developing competency standards and basic
competencies to be considered by educators to change the views of learning approaches
directed to develop the potential and ability of learners. Ability to be developed is the
ability to solve problems, communication, understanding, reasoning, and mathematical
Communication skills and mathematical problem solving of learners will be seen
through the indicators and for the assessment of communication skills and problem
solving learners can be done as well as possible not only indicators of communication
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

skills and solving mathematical problems are required but also require scoring rubric.
The scoring rubric for mathematical communication ability can be seen in Table 1.
While the mathematical problem solving ability can be seen in Table 2.

Table 1. Matrix of Mathematical Communication Skill

No Criteria Score
1. Students are able to solve the problem completely and logically that is the final 4
answer of the student is correct, the student is able to write down his mathematical
idea in solving the problem clearly and coherently using the concept correctly and
using the strategy and the correct and complete completion steps.
2. Students are able to solve problems in a logical but incomplete way, that is, the final 3
answer of the student is correct, the student is able to solve the mathematical idea in
solving the problem clearly, using the concept correctly, and using the correct
settlement strategy, but there are some finishes that are not written down.
3. Students are able to solve the problem completely and logically that students are not 2
appropriate in using the strategy of completion and concept or there is a mistake in
the calculation, but able to complete the mathematical idea in solving the problem
4. Students are not able to solve the problem completely and logically that is the solving 1
of the students using the wrong steps and strategies, not coherently, resulting in a
wrong solution or not even get the final answer.
5. No communication (no answer) 0

Tabel 2. Matrix of Mathematical Problem Solving Skill

Preparing the Carry out the Summing up
Score Understanding the Problem
Settlement Plan Settlement Answers
0 Not knowing and unable to No settlement plan There is no carrying out There is no
elaborate the elements the solution conclusion
contained in the problem
1 Lack of knowing and detailing There is a Already carrying out There is a
the elements contained in the resolution plan the settlement is not in conclusion but
issues discussed but it does not fit accordance with the not in
the problem settlement plan and the accordance with
results are not true the original
2 Knowing the elements that exist There is a Already carrying out There are
but not clearly specified settlement plan the settlement in conclusions but
Already carrying out the but it is less accordance with the less suitable with
settlement in accordance with appropriate with settlement plan but the the original
the settlement plan but the the problem result is not correct problem
result is not correct
3 Identify and detail the elements There are Already carrying out There is a
contained in the problem settlement plans the settlement in conclusion and
clearly and according to accordance with the according to the
the problem settlement plan and the original problem
correct result
Max Score = 3 Max Score = 3 Max Score = 3 Max Score = 3
Source: Sumarmo (2003)

According to Lee (in Andri Suryana, 2013) learners taught by the PACE Model are
much more actively involved through group work and class discussions. The PACE
model is based on the principles of: (1) prioritizing the construction of its own
knowledge through guidance, (2) practice and feedback is an essential element in

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

maintaining new concepts, and (3) prioritizing active learning in solving a problem. The
PACE Learning Model was developed by Lee (1999) which stands for Project, Activity,
Cooperative Learning and Exercise.
The project (project) by Laviatan (in Andri Suryana, 2008) is an innovative form of
learning that emphasizes complex activities with the goal of solving problems based on
inquiry activities.
Andri Suryana (2013) suggests that Activity (activity) in the PACE model aims to
introduce learners to new information or concepts. This is done by assigning tasks in
the form of Worksheet Worksheet (LKT) which is one form of the Student Work Sheet
(LKPD) to study the material. The role as a guide learners in learning the material and
working on problems. Through LKT, learners are given the opportunity to find their
own concepts to be studied.
Cooperative Learning (cooperative learning) in PACE model according to Andri
Suryana (2013) implemented in class. In these lessons, learners work in groups and
should discuss solutions to problems in the Discussion Worksheet (LKD). LKD is a form
of Student Work Sheet (LKPD) to study material other than LKT. Through LKD, learners
have the opportunity to present the findings obtained during the discussion. During the
discussion, the exchange of information is complementary so that learners have a
correct understanding of a concept.
Andri Suryana (2013) suggests that Exercise (exercise) in the PACE Model aims to
reinforce concepts that have been constructed at the stage of activity and cooperative
learning in the form of problem solving. This exercise is given to the students in the
form of additional tasks in order to control the material better.
The PACE Model learning steps are as follows:
1. Educators divide learners into groups of 3 to 4 people with a heterogeneous level
of ability.
2. At the activity stage, the teacher checks the child's work sheet (LKT) whether it is
done at home or not before the lesson. Furthermore, educators ask learners about
the concepts to be discussed in order to improve conceptual understanding and
provide guidance in case of misconceptions.
3. At the cooperative learning stage, the educator provides LKD (Discussion
Worksheet) to each group related to the material discussed. This is a continuation
of the LKT and has a higher level of difficulty. At this stage, learners have the
opportunity to present the findings obtained at the time of discussion in order to
exchange information so as to establish a correct understanding of a concept.
4. At the training stage, the educator provides an additional task to reinforce
concepts that have been constructed at the stage of activity and cooperative
learning in the form of problem solving.
5. At the project stage, the educator assigns the project task to the students who are
working in group form. Learners can choose their own topics that are considered
interesting in accordance with the material. They are asked to find solutions /
solutions to the problems they choose. They are required to make reports of
projects that are worked on and collected at specific times according to the
agreement between the educator and the learner.
Furthermore, if learners are aware that the learning process is important, and if
learners see that the outcomes of the learning process will bring progress to
themselves, it is likely that they will seriously follow the learning process by applying
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

the PACE learning model and the learner will have the ability Communication and good
mathematical problem solving so that he will get good mathematics learning results in
accordance with the objectives of learning mathematics to be achieved.
Based on the results of Indah Setyo Wardhani (2015) study that the PACE learning
model is good to be applied in mathematics learning, because it can foster creative
thinking act mathematically. Then, the result of Jajo Firman Raharjo (2015) research
that 1) Learning mastery using scientific approach of PACE model in developing
algebraic thinking ability and student learning independence in algebra structure
course, 2) Learning using scientific approach PACE model is effective in developing
algebraic thinking ability and Student learning independence in the course of algebra
structure and 3) Activity, student's independence influence on students' algebra
thinking ability on learning by using scientific approach of PACE model of algebra
structure course.
Andri Suryana (2014) also stated in his research that the PACE Model is important
to apply in mathematics teaching, because it can improve mathematical representation
skills. That is, PACE learning model is important to be applied in learning mathematics,
because it can improve the skills of mathematical representation. Then the results of
research Andri Suryana (2013) that PACE learning model is important to apply in
learning mathematics, because it can improve the ability to prove mathematically.
In addition, the research results of Andri Suryana (2013) that PACE learning
model is important to be applied in mathematics learning, because it can make students
far actively involved in learning so as to improve Advanced Mathematical Thinking.
Then, in research Andri Suryana (2013) also concluded that the PACE learning model is
important to apply, because it can improve the ability of mathematical creative thinking.

Based on the discussion that has been presented and some previous research
results, it can be concluded that communication skills and mathematical problem
solving can be developed together through the model of learning PACE because PACE
learning model is based on principles that prioritize the construction of knowledge itself
through guidance, practice and Feedback is an important element in maintaining new
concepts, and prioritizing active learning in solving a problem. That is, PACE learning
model is good to be applied in learning mathematics because it can improve
communication ability and solving mathematical problem of learners.

[1] Alfian Saat, A. (2017). Profil Kemampuan Siswa dalam Mengajukan Masalah
Matematika Kontekstual ditinjau dari Gaya Belajar VARK. MATHEdunesa
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika Volume 2 Nomor 6 Tahun 2017 ISSN:
[2] Andri, S. (2013). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran PACE dalam Meningkatkan
Advanced Mathematical Thinking. Prosidng SNMPM STKIP Siliwangi
Bandung 2013
[3] ______. (2013). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran PACE dalam Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis. Prosiding SNMPM Universitas
Sebelas Maret 2013

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

[4] ______. (2013). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran PACE dalam Meningkatkan

Kemampuan Membuktikan Matematis. Makalah pada Seminar Nasional
Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika FMIPA Universitas Negeri
Yogyakarta Tahun 2013
[5] ______. (2014). Improving Mathematical Representation Skill by Using PACE Model.
Proceeding of International Conference on Research, Implementation and
Education of Mathematics and Sciences 2014 Yogyakarta State University
[6] Bandura, A. (1997). Self Efficacy The Exercise of Control. New York: W. H Freeman
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Pembelajaran PACE. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Matematika Vol. 1
No. 1 September 2015 ISSN 2460-7800
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Volume 1 Nomor 2 P-ISSN: 2502-7638; E-ISSN: 2502-8391
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Intan Lampung Tahun 2017

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Suci Kurnia Wati1, Edwin Musdi1

Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Email: Suciw532.@Gmail.Com

This study is based on the low ability of students’ mathematical connections. This
study aims to discuss a suitable approach used to improve the ability of mathematical
connections of students at the level of junior high is still low. Mathematical connection is
one of the abilities that became the purpose of learning mathematics. Mathematical
connections occur between mathematics with mathematics itself or mathematics with
outside mathematics. Previous studies have shown that one of the causes of low
mathematical connection ability is that the learning that has been done is still centered
on the teacher and in solving the mathematical problem consists of only one answer.
Students are not trained in developing mathematical connection capabilities. Students
are less adept at connecting between concepts. One effort that can be used as an
alternative to improve the ability of mathematical connections of students is the Open
Ended approach. The research method used is literature study that is by collecting data
about Open Ended approach to mathematical connection ability from various sources
such as relevant research, books, internet, journals, other relevant sources. After studying
the literature by citing data from various sources it is suspected that the Open Ended
approach can improve the ability of mathematical connections of students at the level of
junior high school (SMP) class VII. With the increased ability of mathematical connections
of learners, then learning will be more meaningful.

Keywords: Open Ended Approaches, Mathematical Connection ability

Mathematics has an important role in education because it is the basic knowledge
required by students to support their learning success in higher education. Mathematics
is taught in educational institutions, both at elementary, junior high, high school and
college level. But there are still many students who find it difficult to learn math.
According to NCTM (2000) the mathematics curriculum is viewed as a collection
of a number of topics, so the teaching of the results of calculations from a problem
solving in mathematics tends to be considered separate. In PERMENDIKNAS RI No. 20
Year 2007 stated that one of the goals of learning mathematics is to explain between
concepts. With connections, students only need to recognize the relevant general
principles of some knowledge. When mathematical ideas are connected daily to the
experience both inside and outside the school, students will be aware of the usefulness
and benefits of mathematics. As recommended by NCTM (2000: 29) the Process
Standards Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proof, Comunication, Conections, and
Representation, Highlight ways of acsquiring and using content knowledge. Thus,
connections are the five standard processes that NCTM emphasizes. Similarly

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

curriculum standards in China in 2006 for primary and secondary schools also
emphasize the importance of mathematical connections in the form of mathematical
applications, the connection between mathematics with real life and mathematical
removal with other lessons (http://www.apecneted.org).
The connection capability of each students is still low. It can be seen from the
result of research conducted by Sugiman (2008) which revealed that "the average
percentage of mastery for every aspect of connection is an interconnection of
mathematics topics 63%, among math topics 41%, mathematics with other lessons
56%, and mathematics with life 55% ". From these result seen that the percentage of
connection mathematical between topics the mathematical still low. During this math
learning is only teacher-centered, it is seen from the students who imitate what is
conveyed by the teacher. This causes in solving math problems students focus more on
the answers taught by the teacher or just focused on one step answer and when
presented another problem then students will be confused and difficulty. Students also
seem to have difficulty in connecting the material they learn with the pre-orders they
have mastered. The concepts that have been studied do not last long in the memory of
students, consequently their mathematical connection capabilities have not been
optimal. The ability of mathematical connections is important but students who master
mathematical concepts are not smart in mathematics. Thus the mathematical
connection ability of students needs to be trained in school.
The habit of building conceptual understanding through procedural connections
provides an opportunity for students to use, rewrite, and rediscover the necessary new
procedures. To achieve this ability, students should be given the opportunity to observe,
and arrange relationships between mathematical topics. According to Muhammad
(2016) the most important from of connections and relationships among various
structures in mathematics. In mathematics learning, teacher do not need to help
students to examine the different and diversity of structures in mathematics, but need
to be aware of the connection of various structures in mathematics.
To implement the learning done by teacher to improve the ability of mathematical
connections of students is to choose the appropriate learning approach and oriented to
the competence of learners, especially the ability of mathematical connections. From
this learning approach, it is expected to provide flexibility for students to apply ideas in
solving problems so as to improve the ability of mathematical connections of
participants. One alternatif mathematical learning that can meet these expectations is
open ended approach. Based Handayani (2014) research, open ended approach can
improve students’ mathematical connection ability.
The open ended approach as one of the approaches in learning mathematics is an
approach that uses open problems. Using open issues allows students to develop their
paradigms according to the interests and abilities of their students. Open problem is a
problem that has been formulated to have answers in many ways or many correct
answers. According to Shimada and Becker (Murni, 2013: 97) an open-ended approach
is a learning approach that gives a problem that has a method or there are several ways
to solve the problem. An open ended approach can provide learners with the
opportunity to gain knowledge or experience in finding problems, knowing, and solving
problems with several techniques. Other then, according to Ninomiya (2015) an open
problem or incomplete problem was formulated to have some correct answer and asked
to focus on different methods, ways, or approaches to get the correct answer.
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

In the learning of mathematics through an open ended approach, students are

asked to develop different methods and ways of getting the right answer. From the
answer of students can be seen the various possible ways of answer getting the right
answer. From the answer of students can be seen the various possible ways of
answering and perhaps with different outcomes (Nur Anwar, 2015). So that with
various answers in the end have the possibility will encourage learners to be trained to
make connections topic in mathematics.
Based on the above description it is suspected that the open ended approach can
improve the ability of mathematical connections. Therefore, the authors conducted a
study using literature study method entitled "Open Ended Approach To Improve
Students’ Mathematical Connection Ability".

This study included a type of literature study. Where literature study is the way
used to collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study. These data sources
contain: The ability of a mathematical connection and an Open Ended Approach. These
sources are obtained from journals, books, research report articles and internet sites.


The ability of important mathematical connections is owned by students so that
they are able to connect the material between one material with another material. As
explained by Bruner and Kenney (1963), in Bell (1978: 143-144), put forward the
theorem in the process of learning mathematics (Theorems on Learning Mathematics).
The two authors formulated four theorems in mathematics learning: (1) construction
theorem that looked at the importance of representational roles related to
mathematical concepts, principles and rules, (2) the notation theorem in which
representation would become simpler when using symbols, (3) theorem of contrast and
variation which sees the need for contrasting and diverse situations, and (4) theorem of
connectivity. The five theorems work simultaneously in every process of learning
In mathematics learning, one material may be a prerequisite for another, or one
that is necessary to explain the other. Therefore, if the connection ability of students is
good then their understanding of mathematics learning will be more profound and
durable, and broaden the knowledge of students knowledge. Students can understand
the mathematical concepts they are learning because they have imprinted the prelates
relating to everyday life. So with the increased ability of mathematical connections of
students, then learning becomes more meaningful.
The linkage between concepts or principles in mathematics plays an important
role in learning mathematics. With that knowledge then students understand
mathematics more thoroughly and more deeply. In addition to memorizing a concept is
also getting a little so that learning math becomes more easy and efficient.
According to NCTM (2000) the math connection can be divided into three aspects
of the connection group, namely:
1. Aspects of connections between mathematical topics
This aspect can help learners connect mathematical concepts to solve a
situation of mathematical problems.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Example: to calculate the remainder of the polynomial 𝑓 𝑥 = 3𝑥 3 − 2𝑥 2 +

𝑥 − 5 by 𝑥 − 1 then the settlement step can be done through the
process of algebra (substitution) or through the process chart
(stacking, Horner).
2. Aspects of connection with other disciplines.
This aspect shows that mathematics as a discipline, in addition can be useful
for the development of other disciplines, can also be useful to solve a problem
related to other fields of study.
Example: to solve problems related to parabolic motion in the field of physics
studies, ie calculate the furthest distance from a stone thrown by a
child with a certain initial velocity and elevation angle. This problem
is concerned with the concept of double corners in trigonometry in
3. Aspects of connections with real-world learners/connections with everyday
life. This aspect shows that mathematics can be useful for solving a problem in
everyday life.
Example: to solve problems related to social arithmetic, for example calculate
and determine the profit or loss of a sale and purchase transactions.
Through the three aspects of mathematical connections above and for example,
learners will be more aware that mathematical concepts are interconnected and they
will also understand the importance of math to solve everyday problems both in school
and out of school.
NCTM (2000: 64) describes the indicators of mathematical connections, among
1) Recognize and use relationships between ideas in mathematics
2) Understanding the interrelationship of mathematical ideas and forming ideas
with each other to produce a comprehensive relationship
3) Recognize and apply mathematics into the external and mathematical
According to Sumarmo (2006) Indicators for mathematical connections ability of
learners include:
a) Recognize the equivalent relationship representation of the same concept.
b) Recognize the relationship of a single representation procedure to an
equivalent representation procedure
c) Using and assessing the connection of several mathematical topics and
interrelationships between mathematical topics and interconnectedness
outside mathematics
d) Using mathematics in everyday life
One of the approaches that some research has referred to as improving students'
mathematical connection capability is learning with Open Ended approach. The open
ended approach was developed in Japan since the 1970s. According to Huda (2014:
278) Open-ended learning (OEL) is a learning process in which individual and student
goals and desires are developed and achieved openly. The open ended approach can
build interactive activities between students and math courses with the aim of
attracting learners to answer the problem to any strategy. The most impotant thing in
open ended question is the possibility and freedom for students to use some of the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

methods they think are best at solving the question, the meaning of open ended is
suggested to continue grow in understanding the problem.
In preparing open questions it is better if the question is based on the level of
thinking in Mathematics. Sanders (in Murni, 2013: 98) Understanding level is divided
into two categories: Translation and Interpretation. Interpretation is a skill of students
to find the relationship between fact, concept, principe, rule, and generalization.
Mathematical learning through an open-ended approach according to Shoimin
(2014: 110) is a learning that uses open-ended problems and begins by providing open
issues to students. Learning activities should bring students in answering the problem
in many ways and possibly also many correct answers that invite the intellectual
potential and experience of learners in the process of finding something new. According
to Nohda (in Munroe, 2015: 97) the open-ended approach is a flexible and centered-on
method of students who have recently gained popularity in the field of mathematics
education. Here students who work individually or in groups, are expected to apply
their own unique methodology to solve existing problems.
According to Huda (2014: 280) the steps teachers need to take in Open-Ended
learning are:
a) Facing students on open problems by emphasizing how learners arrive at a
b) Guiding learners to find patterns in constructing their own problems
c) Allowing students to solve problems with various solutions and answers
d) Ask students to present their findings.

A distinctive feature of the Open Ended approach is the diversity of settlement

methods. With the characteristics of the approach, the Open Ended approach gives the
freedom of thinking to students to find answers in solving a problem. Students are also
expected to better understand a topic and its relevance to other topics either in math or
other subjects and in everyday life. In addition, because of its open nature, students will
feel challenged in math lessons. Through presentations and discussions on some
alternatives, this approach makes the students aware of the various methods of
settlement. In the end the math skills of students to solve math problems can increase.
This can help students to make creative math connections and make students more
appreciative of the diversity of thinking during the process of completion. Thus will
appear the integration between students with mathematics (Suherman, 2003). Other
than, according to Sri (2015) learners who are able to connect the mahematical idea
that students will understand mathematics because it can see the relationship between
the topic in mathematics, with other mathematical contexts, and with the experience of
everyday life.
From the above description it is seen that the Open Ended approach can foster the
mathematical connections of students, because this approach does not require learners
to memorize facts, but encourages learners to construct knowledge in their own minds.
In this approach, students are taught to solve problems, find something useful for
themselves, and wrestle with ideas. In addition, students are able to make mathematical
connections with mathematics (inter-topic), other lessons or problems related to real

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


The Open Ended Approach is an approach by giving students an open problem and
giving their students freedom in solving problems with various correct resolution steps
or correct answers. In solving mathematical problems used various connections of
knowledge that has been previously owned. So with this Open Ended approach can
improve the ability of mathematical connections of students.
The following is an indicator of mathematical connection capability according to
NCTM (2000: 64) to be used in this study:
1) Recognize and use relationships between ideas in mathematics
2) Understanding the interrelationship of mathematical ideas and forming ideas
one with the other so as to produce a comprehensive linkage
3) Recognize and apply mathematics into and outside the mathematical
Based on literature studies that have been done, the authors suggest: 1) For
teachers or educators who want to improve the ability of mathematical connections of
students, Open Ended approach is one alternative that can be applied to learners. 2) For
the next writer who wants to write about Open Ended Finishing it is advisable to
examine how to improve students' mathematical abilities by using the Open Ended
approach at other levels, such as high school or vocational school.

-----. 2006. Innovation on Mathematics Curriculum and Textbooks. [Online]. Tersedia:
Bell, F.H. (1978). Teaching and Learning Mathematics (In SecondarySchools). Dubuque,
Iowa: WM. C. Brown Company Publisher
Handayani. 2014. Pengaruh Pendekatan Open Ended Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir
Kreatif Dan Koneksi Matematis Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri kota Batusangkar. Tesis.
Padang: Universitas Negeri Padang
Huda, Miftahul. 2014. Model-model pengajaran dan pembelajaran (isu-isu metodis dan
paradigmatis). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
Munroe, Lloyd. 2015. The Open-Ended Aproach Framework. European Joournal of
Education Research. Vol. 4. Japan: Hiroshima University. Diakses tanggal 10 Juli
2017 pukul 09.40 Wib
NCTM. 2000. Principles and standards for school mathematics. Tersedia di
Ninomiya, Hiro. 2015. The Study of Open-Ended Approach in Mathematics Teaching Using
Jigsaw Method. 埼玉大学紀要教育学部,64(2). Japan: Saitama University.
Diakses tanggal 10 agustus 2017 pukul 15.00 Wib
Nur Anwar, dkk. 2015. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Pendekatan
Open Ended untuk Meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa
SMP. Jurnal Didaktik Matematika. Vol. 2, No. 1. Halaman 52. Diaskses tanggal 24
Juli 2017 pukul 14.32 Wib
Muhammad, Daut Siagian. 2016. Kemampuan Koneksi Matematika Dalam Pembelajaran
Matematika. Journal of Mathematics Education and Science. Vol. 2, No. 1. Halaman
58. Diaksesn tanggal 1 Agustus 2017 pukul 12.50 Wib

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Murni. 2013. Open-Ended Approach in Learning to Improve Students Thinking Skills in

Banda Aceh. International Journal of Independent Reseach and Studies –IJIRS. Vo. 2,
No. 2. Indonesia: Universitas Serambi Mekkah. Diakses tanggal 10 Juli 2017 pukul
09.00 Wib
Shoimin, Aris. 2014. 68 Model Pembelajaran Inovatif dalam Kurikulum 2013. Yogyakarta:
Sugiman. 2008. “ Koneksi Matematika Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Di Sekolah
Menengah Pertama”. Jurnal. Yoyakarta: Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Sri, Riyanti. 2015. The Effect Of Open-Ended Approach And Beliefs About Math Toward
Students Mathematical Connection. Indonesian Journal Of Educational Review. Vol. 2,
N0. 2, Indonesia: Tanjungpura University. Diakses Tanggal 10 Agustus 2017 Pukul
14.50 Wib
Suherman, Erman dkk. 2003. Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Kontemporer. Bandung:
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Sumarmo, Utari. 2013. Kumpulan Makalah (Berpikir dan Disposisi Matematika serta
Pembelajarannya). Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Suci Putri M1, Edwin Musdi1, Yuni Ahda

1Postgraduated School, Universitas Negeri Padang
Korespondensi: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: suciputrim@gmail.com

This study aims to discuss the problem solving ability of mathematical learners
using guided discovery. Problem solving skills are important in mathematics, learners are
asked to solve math problems that are not routine by using the correct settlement steps.
Discovery learning is a mental process in assimilating the concepts and principles within
its cognitive structure to construct new knowledge. Guided discovery in question is that
learners find the concept through the guidance and direction of the teacher. Guided
discovery gives learners the opportunity to explore experiences they already have. Guided
discovery can enable learners to learn creatively in dealing with various problem solving.
The method used in this study is a study of literature study by collecting materials on
developing problem-solving skills by using guided invention from various sources such as
relevant research, books, and others. After conducting literature studies by citing data
from various sources it is suspected that guided discovery can improve students'
mathematical problem solving abilities.

Keywords: Guided Discovery, Problem Solving Abilities

Mathematics is one of the things that can’t be avoided from learning, either in
formal learning, or in practical everyday. So the importance of mathematics so that the
learning of mathematics has developed and adapted to the needs of the times. There are
two visions of mathematics learning, namely: (1) directing mathematics learning to
understanding concepts that are then needed to solve problems and other sciences; and
(2) directing to a broader future of mathematical problematic, systematic, critical ,
careful, objective and open. Such capability is indispensable in the face of an ever-
changing future (Sumarno in Bani, 2011).
As for the expected objectives of mathematical learning by the National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), NCTM (2000) sets out the five mathematical
standards that learners must possess: problem solving skills, communication skills,
connection capabilities, reasoning skills and representational capabilities . Based on the
description, the problem-solving capabilities are contained in NCTM's standard
capabilities. That is, this ability is an important ability developed and owned learners.
The importance of the proposed solution Branca (1980), he argued that the
problem-solving ability is the heart of mathematics. Problem-solving skills are of
considerable concern in education, particularly in mathematics learning. This is seen in
the purpose of learning mathematics, ie learners are expected to solve various problems
given. Problem solving skills are the main outcome of a learning process. Learners
should be able to solve math problems related to the real world.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Nitko & Brookhart (2011: 22) that“Problem solving revers to the kind of thinking
required when reaching A goal is not automatic and student must use one of more higher
order thinking processes to do it”. Each learner will encounter problems when they want
to reach a particular goal but not automatically and learners must use one or more high-
level thinking to complete.
Although the problem-solving ability is very important in the learning attitudes of
mathematics teaching, but based on the results of literature studies conducted by
analyzing previous studies of learners, found that problem-solving ability is still low.
This is obtained from the results of research that has been done by Sherly Ardila Fitri
(2016), learners are not familiar with the form of problems related to problem-solving
ability, this is seen from the percentage of questions given to learners. Problem solving
problems are not directly illustrated completion, but require specific strategies to find a
solution. Many learners are still unfamiliar with problem solving problems. Learners
can determine what is known and asked from the problem, but sometimes learners
difficult to understand the information implied from the problem.
The low ability of problem solving of mathematical learners is caused by several
factors, one of them is the less innovative teacher in choosing the model, the method,
the approach, the strategy and the learning technique which can increase the students'
desire in solving the math problem. As revealed by Tiara Fikriani (2016) in his research
that the learning model used in learning that tends to be monotonous and less involving
learners actively in learning, where learning centered on the teacher while learners only
memorize the information that has been given.
Based on the above problems then we should as an educator able to create
learning that can improve the problem solving ability of learners so that the purpose of
learning mathematics can be achieved. Improving problem solving skills can be
achieved when learners are confronted with conditions that can elicit the learner's
desire to practice their problem-solving abilities, the condition is raised during the
learning process. This means that a teacher must choose theories, models, methods,
approaches, strategies and learning techniques that can improve the problem solving
skills of learners.
In order for learning to run well that can condition learners active in learning
mathematics. The creativity needed by a teacher in creating Henningsen and Stein's
learning methods in Effendi (2012) suggests that in order to improve students'
mathematical abilities, learning must be an environment where learners are able to be
actively involved in useful mathematical activities. Therefore, in the literature study is
given solution one of the learning method that can improve the problem solving ability
of mathematical learners that is guided discovery.
The invention is that learners find the concept through the guidance and direction
of the teacher because in general most learners need a basic concept to determine
something. In the guided discovery the teacher acts as a facilitator who guides the
Based on the problems mentioned above, it is suspected that guided invention can
improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

This study included a type of literature study. Where literature study is the way
used to collect data or sources related to the topic of discussion raised in the study. This
research is about improving problem solving skills and guided discovery.


Solution is a process done to solve problems, while problems are challenging
questions and can not be solved (solved) by routine procedures that are known. So that
problem solving is one of the learning objectives that are very important especially in
teaching and learning activities in mathematics. So the ability to solve the problem is a
capability that the learners have in the process to solve a problem. Through problem-
solving skills, learners can practice in solving non-routine math problems.
In solving the problem of problem-solving abilities should be done with several
stages as follows (Fadjar, 2009: 4).
1) Understand the problem
2) Choosing a settlement strategy
3) Implement strategy
4) Check the truth of the answer
In learning mathematics, there are some indicators, according to (Sumarmo, 2010:
5) some indicators of problem solving ability in learning mathematics are: a) Identify
the elements that are known, questioned, and the adequacy of the necessary elements.
b) Formulate mathematical problems or develop mathematical models. c) Implement
strategies to solve various problems. d) Explain or interpret the results according to the
problem. e) Use mathematics meaningfully.
According to Jerome Bruner (Cooney, Davis: 1975,138) in Markaban (2006: 10)
that discovery is a process, a way of approaching problems rather than a product or
item of knowledge. Accordingly, according to Permendiknas number 58 (2014: 359)
said that guided discovery is a learning process in which not presented a concept in
final form, but learners are required to organize their own way of learning in finding the
concept. From the quotation it can be concluded that in learning activities not the result
so/ value expected, but how the process in learning so as to produce the final form.
Steps that must be taken by the teacher in determining the method of guided
discovery according to Markaban (2006: 16) as follows.
a) Formulate problems to be provided to learners with sufficient data.
b) The formulation of the problem should be clear.
c) From the data provided by the teacher, the learners prepare, process, organize,
and analyze the data.
d) Learners prepare conjectures (forecasts) from the results of the analysis it does.
e) When deemed necessary, the conjecture that the student has made is examined
by the teacher.
f) If it has been obtained certainty about the truth of the conjecture, then the
verbalization of conjecture should be submitted also to the learners to arrange
g) After learners find what they are looking for, the teacher should provide
additional exercises or questions to check whether the findings are true.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Learning by using guided invention provides opportunities for learners to

improve their mathematical problem-solving skills. Based on the above description and
supported by some relevant previous research, it is expected that the problem solving
ability of learners can be increased by using guided discovery.

Mathematical learning with guided discovery can improve problem solving skills
through learners in solving non-routine problems with teacher guidance in the learning
process. In the learning activity is not the finished result / value expected, but how the
process in learning so as to produce the final form.

Ariani, Wiga. 2016. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Matematika Berbasis Penemuan
Terbimbing Pada Materi Persamaan Garis Lurus Dan Teorema Pythagoras Di Smp
Kelas VIII. UNP: Padang. Tidak diterbitkan.
Bani, Asmar. 2011. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemahaman Dan Penalaran Matematika
Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Melalui Pembelajaran Penemuan Terbimbing,
SPS UPI, Bandung. Jurnal Edisi Khusus. No.1.
Branca, N.A (1980). Problem Solving as A Goal, Process and Basic Skill”, dalam Problem
Solving in School Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM.
Candrabirawa, Madia. 2015. Peningkatan Kemampuan Penalaran Dan Pemecahan
Masalah Matematika Melalui Pembelajaran Think Pair Share Di Kelas XI IPA 2 MAN
Balai Selasa. UNP : Padang. Tidak diterbitkan.
Depdiknas. 2001. Penyusunan Butir Soal dan Instrumen Penilaian. Jakarta: Depdiknas.
Effendi, Leo Adhar. 2012. Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan metode penemuan
terbimbing untuk meningkatkan kemampuan representasi dan pemecahan masalah
matematis siswa SMP. Jurnal Penelitian Penndidikan. Vol.13, No.2
Henningsen, M. dan Stein, M.K. 1997. Mathematical task and Student Cognition:
Classroom-Based Factors that Support and Inhibit High-Level Mathematical
Thinking and Reasoning. Journal for Reseacrh in Mathematics Education. 28, (5),
Markaban. 2006. Model Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Pendekatan Penemuan
Terbimbing. Yogyakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematic (NCTM). 2000. Principles and Standars for
School Mathematics. NCTM.
Sumarmo, Utari. 2010. ”Berfikir dan disposisi matematik apa, mengapa, dan bagaimana
dikembangkan pada peserta didik.” Jurnal. Hlm. 1-27.
Ruseffendi, E.T 2006. pengantar kepada membantu guru mengembangkan
kompetensinya dalam pengajaran matematika untuk meningkatkan CBSA (edisi
revisi). Bandung: Tarsito.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Sulis Ulianty S1, Ali Asmar1, Budhi Oktavia

Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Korespondensi: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: sulisembiring@gmail.com

This study aims to discuss the appropriate alternative theory used to improve the
ability of students' mathematical reasoning at the level of junior high school (SMP) is still
low. One of the factors that lead to low reasoning of learners is the theory of learning that
teachers use less train students desire in improving the reasoning of mathematics. As for
an alternative theory that is used to improve students' mathematical reasoning ability in
this writing is guided discovery method. Guided discovery method is a way of delivering
mathematical topics in such a way that in the learning process allows learners to find
their own patterns or mathematical structures through past learning experience and can
not be separated from the supervision and guidance of teachers. The method used in this
study is a study of literature study by collecting data about guided penemuman methods to
the ability of mathematical reasoning from various sources such as relevant research,
books, etc. After conducting literature studies by citing data from various sources it is
suspected that the theory of guided discovery methods can improve the ability of students'
mathematical reasoning in junior high school level (SMP).

Keywords: Guided Discovery, Mtatematic reasoning ability

Mathematics is an important tool for improving intellectual skills and skills.
Mathematics is also a science that has a big role in the development of modern
technology. Seeing the importance of mathematics, mathematics lessons are taught to
students from elementary school to college, Cockroft in Risnawati (2008: 12) states that
"Mathematics needs to be taught to learners because it is always used in all aspects of
life, all fields of study require skills Mathematics that is appropriate, is a powerful
means of communication, short and clear. In addition, mathematics can also be used to
present information in a variety of ways, improve logical thinking, precision and spatial
awareness and provide satisfaction to challenging problem solving. "
Because mathematics has many functions in life including for junior high school
students and to achieve all that then compiled the purpose of mathematics lesson in
junior high school which content has similarities with the purpose of learning
mathematics at high school and vocational high school level. All the objectives of
mathematics learning are contained in Wardhani (2005: 8) states that the objectives of
the mathematics course are to enable learners to have the ability: [1] to understand
mathematical concepts, to explain interconnectedness between concepts and apply
concepts or algorithms, flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and Right in problem solving, [2]
using reasoning in nature patterns, performing mathematical manipulations in

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

generalizing, compiling evidence, or explaining mathematical ideas and statements, [3]

solving problems that include the ability to understand problems, designing models and
interpreting solutions obtained, [4] communicating ideas with symbols, tables,
diagrams, or other media to clarify circumstances or problems, and [5] having an
appreciative attitude to the usefulness of mathematics in life, which has a curiosity,
attention, and interest in learning mathematics, And confident in problem solving.
From the purpose of learning mathematics above one important part is the
ability of students' mathematical reasoning. As expressed by Wardhani (2005: 23)
reasoning is a process or activity of thinking to draw conclusions or make a true new
statement based on a statement that has been proven.
Although the ability of mathematical reasoning is very important in teaching and
learning activities of mathematics, but based on the results of literature studies that
have been done by the author by analyzing the previous studies of junior high school
students, found that the ability of junior high school students' reasoning is still low. this
is obtained from the results of research that has been done by Febrivanny (2014),
namely that the percentage of mastery of learners in the first cycle only 28% ie in the
category of "less". In cycle II the percentage of mastery of learners has increased ie 68%
ie in the category of "good". The low ability of students 'mathematical reasoning is
caused by several factors, one of which is the less innovative teachers in choosing the
models, methods, approaches, strategies and learning techniques that can improve
students' mathematical reasoning ability.
The use of various theories and learning models in teaching becomes imperative
for a teacher when doing the learning process in the classroom. The requirement is
contained in Permendiknas no 16 of 2007 regarding the standard of academic
qualification and teacher competence, the competence related to the use of various
models or approach in teaching is pedagogic competence. Therefore, in this literature
study the author provides a solution of one theory of learning that can support and
improve the ability of junior high school students' reasoning reasoning is the method of
guided discovery.
Guided discovery method is defined as a teaching procedure that emphasizes
individual teaching, in which the method of discovery is a component of educational
practice that includes teaching methods that promote active learning, process-oriented,
self-directed and self-seeking (Suryosubroto 2002: 11). Teachers act as facilitators who
help learners to use the ideas, concepts, and skills they have learned to discover new
knowledge. So learning with guided discovery methods is an attempt to find concepts or
procedures or principles under the guidance of teachers. Thus, guided discovery
learning involves the activities of teachers and learners to the fullest. In accordance with
the opinion of Badjeber (Purwatiningsih, 2013: 61) which states that with this guided
discovery model learners become more active in following the learning process both in
doing LKPD given by the teacher and discussion between groups, and can construct
their understanding independently.
Based on the problems mentioned above it is suspected that guided discovery
methods can improve students' math reasoning ability. And therefore the authors
conducted a study using a literature study method entitled "Improving the
Mathematical Reasoning Skills of Learners Using the Guided Discovery Method".

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

This study included a type of literature study. Where literature study is the way
used to collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study. The data sources
contain: mathematical reasoning and guided discovery methods. These sources are
derived from relevant research, books, articles and internet sites.


Based on the results of literature studies that have been done, the method is a
regular way that has been thought through in depth for use in achieving a goal. Zuhdan
Kun Prasetyo, et al in Suprihatiningrum (2013: 245) argues that discovery learning is
divided into two, namely free discovery and guided discovery. Encyclopedia Education
research (Suryosubroto, 2002: 4) defines that discovery is a unique strategy that
teachers can provide in a variety of ways, including teaching investigating skills and
problem solving as a tool for learners to achieve educational goals. Discovery is a
process by which learners to achieve educational goals. Discovery is a process by which
learners are able to assimilate a concept or principle. From the above opinion, it can be
concluded that guided discovery method is a method where in the process of teaching
and learning teachers allow learners to find their own information that already exists in
the process of mental activity through the exchange of opinions and try to solve
problems themselves.
In guided discovery the teacher can find instructions, directives, statements to
LKPD so that to arrive at a conclusion about a subject taught on LKPD given by the
teacher depends on the ability of the learners and the topics to be studied and clarified
(Suherman, 2003: 6) . So it can be concluded that guided discovery method is a method
of teaching where learners are given the opportunity to find themselves or guided
learners find facts or relationships such as basics, kinds, relationships, traits or certain
There are several things that must be considered in the implementation of
guided discovery methods, one of which is the learning process must be adjusted with
the knowledge of learners obtained previously. In addition, according to Suherman
(2001: 213) in planning teaching with guided discovery methods there are several
things that must be considered, namely: a) the activities of learners in self-study is very
influential, b) the end result (form) must be found by the learners themselves, C)
required prerequisites already possessed by learners, d) teachers acting as directors
and supervisors, not informers. In addition to this learning by using this guided
discovery according to Widdiharto (2004) can be done individually / individually or in
Guided discovery method is done through several steps. first learners get the
problem or information in the form of data from the teacher through LKPD. The
learners then process the data to obtain an answer prediction and end by applying the
answers they have found in working out the practice questions that have been prepared
by the teacher on LKPD. Thus this guided discovery method can be used as a solution to
improve students' mathematical reasoning abilities.
Reasoning by Herdian (2010: 1) is a mental process in developing the mind of
some fact or principle. According to Fauzan (2012) reasoning ability in mathematics is
an ability to use rules, traits or mathematical logic to get a correct conclusion, reasoning
is inseparable from reality, because that is difigured is reality, the law of reality in line
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

with the rules of thinking and on the basis of clear reality and using the laws of
According to TEAM PPPG in Fauzan (2012) the indicators of Traffic reasoning
are: (1) Present mathematical statement orally, written, drawing and diagram, (2)
Conjegtures, (3) Math manipulation, (4) (5) Drawing the validity of an argument, (7)
Finding the pattern or nature of mathematical phenomena to make generalizations.
From the above explanation and literature study it can be assumed that guided
discovery methods can develop and improve students' mathematical reasoning abilities.

From the description above, it is suspected that guided discovery methods can
develop or improve students' mathematical reasoning abilities. Guided discovery is a
mental process whereby learners assimilate a concept or principle. Mental processes
such as learners are stimulated, encouraged, motivated to find themselves from
mathematical problems with teacher guidance. At the time of the learning process
teachers can help learners grow independently by obtaining information / data and
then processing the data through LKPD to obtain an answer forecast. Finally learners
apply the answers that have been found by doing the exercise questions that teachers
have prepared on LKPD in accordance with indicators of mathematical reasoning

Depdiknas. 2006. Pedoman Penyusunan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan di Sekolah
Fauzan, Ahmad. 2012. Modul2_Kemmapuan Penalaran dan Komunikasi, (Online),
Febrivanny. 2014. “Penerapan PAKEM Menggunakan Pendekatan Kontekstual Untuk
Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penalaran dan Komunikasi Matematika Siswa Kelas
VII SMPN 5 X Koto Singkarak”. Tesis. Padang: Program Pascasarjana UNP.
Purwatiningsi, Sri. 2013. Penerapan Metode Penemuan Terbimbing Untuk
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Materi Luas Permukaan dan
Volume Balok. Jurnal Elektronika Pendidikan Matematika Tandulako, volume 01
Nomor 01 September 2013.
Risnawati. 2008. Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika. Pekanbaru: Suska Press.
Suherman, Erman. 2001. Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Kontemporer. JICA.
Bandung: UPI.
_________. 2003. Strategi Belajar Mengajar Matematika. Jakarta: Depdikbud.
Wardhani, Sri. 2005. Pembelajaran Matematika Konstekstual. Bahan Ajar Diklat di PPPG
Matematika. Yogyakarta: PPPG Matematika.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Susanti1 I Made Arnawa1 Agustina2

1Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
2Indonesian Language Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Correspondence: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: Chantyarnis68@gmail.com

This study aims to see the effect of learning models to improve communication
skills and math problem solving skills of learners. Low ability of communication and
problem solving ability caused by learners having difficulties in learning mathematics such
as learners less able to dig their own information in learning because they are accustomed
to the explanation of teachers in front of the class, learners are less able to understand the
math materials learned, the level of seriousness of learners in reviewing the subject matter
is still relatively low, the learners are less involved in solving problems. As a result, the
potential that is in students in learning and mastering the concept of mathematics can’t
develop maximally so when given the problem of problem-solving ability is not able to
solve it. The solution is used as an alternative in improving the problem solving skills of
mathematical learners through STAD learning model. STAD learning model, the teacher
provides a subject matter and the students in the group ensure that all members of the
group can master the subject matter. The research method used is research literature
study that is by collecting various information about STAD type cooperative learning
model. After conducting literature study by citing data about STAD type cooperative
learning model from various sources so it is suspected that STAD learning model can
improve problem solving ability and mathematical communication of learners.

Keywords: STAD Learning Model, Communication Skill, Problem Solving Ability.

Mathematics is a subject that has important roles and functions for students at
every level of education ranging from elementary school (SD) even up to college for
some majors. There are many reasons why mathematics has an important role or
function for students. As suggested by Cornelius (in Abdurrahman, 2012: 204) that
there are five reasons for the need to study mathematics because mathematics is (1) a
clear and logical means of thinking, (2) the means to solve problems of everyday life, (3)
Patterns of relationship and generalization of experience, (4) means to develop
creativity, and (5) means to raise awareness of cultural development.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) states that problem-solving
and mathematical communication skills are two abilities that students must possess.
The skills that students need to have through the mathematics learning set by NCTM
(2000: 29) are: (1) problem solving; (2) reasoning and verification; (3) communication;

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

(4) connections; (5) representation. These skills include high-level mathematical

thinking that must be developed in the process of mathematical learning.
Based on the above description, the ability of problem solving and mathematical
communication are two very important capabilities and become the main focus to be
developed and owned by students through learning mathematics in school. Problem-
solving skills are needed to understand and solve problems.
With regard to the importance of problem-solving abilities, Sumarno (2010) states
that problem-solving skills are important, because through problem solving students
can (1) identify the adequacy of data for problem solving; (2) create a mathematical
model of a situation or everyday problem and solve it; (3) choosing and implementing
strategies for solving mathematical problems or outside mathematics; (4) explain and
interpret the results according to the problem of results according to the original
problem, and check the correctness of the result or answer; (5) applying mathematics
Furthermore, no less important than the problem solving is a mathematical
communication. According to Sumarno (2008) states that communication is a very
important part in learning mathematics, because through communication (1)
mathematical ideas can be exploited in various perspectives; (2) students' thinking can
be sharpened; (3) understanding growth can be measured; (4) students' thinking can be
consolidated and organized (5) mathematical knowledge and and development of
student problems are constructed; (6) students' reasoning can be improved; (7) student
communication can be established.
From some of the above descriptions indicate that the importance of possessing
problem solving skills and mathematical communication is of paramount importance.
Given the importance of problem solving skills and mathematical communication in
mathematics learning, problem-solving and mathematical communication skills should
be improved. The reality of the field shows that the problem solving ability and
mathematical communication of students is still low. Sumarmo's research (1993) shows
that the students' formal thinking level is still not optimally developed, and problem-
solving ability is still low. Then the research of Rohaeti (2003) states that the average of
KKM students are in less qualification in communicating mathematical ideas included in
the category less once.
Some opinions that have been described above show that problem solving ability
and mathematical communication of students is still low. The cause of low
mathematical problem solving ability is the level of formal thinking of the students is
still not developed optimally. Then, one of the causes of the low ability of students'
mathematical communication is because students are less able to communicate
mathematical ideas in learning mathematics. Therefore, students' problem solving and
mathematical communication skills must be developed and improved.
Based on the above problems then we should be as an educator able to create
learning that can improve problem solving skills and mathematical communication of
students so that the purpose of learning mathematics can be achieved. Because the
solving ability can be achieved when students are exposed to conditions that can elicit
students' desire to practice their problem-solving skills, the condition is raised during
the learning process. This means that a teacher must choose theories, models, methods,
approaches, strategies and learning techniques that can improve student problem
solving skills.
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

The use of various theories and learning models in teaching becomes imperative for
a teacher when doing the learning process in the classroom. The requirement is
contained in Permendiknas no. 16 year 2007 regarding standard of academic
qualification and teacher competence, competence related to use of various model or
approach in teaching is pedagogic competence. Therefore, in this literature study the
author gives solution one of the learning theory that can support and improve the
problem solving skills and mathematical communication of junior high school students
is cooperative learning model Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD).
Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) is a model of cooperative learning
that is considered to generate student interest in mathematics materials and make
students more active, encouraging cooperation among students in learning a material,
so as to improve problem solving skills and students' mathematical communication.
Learning STAD is considered as one type of cooperative learning that can motivate
learners to improve the quality of problem solving skills and students' mathematical
Based on the problems that have been found above, it is suspected that STAD
learning model can improve students' problem solving ability. And therefore the
authors conducted a study using literature study method entitled "the influence of STAD
learning model to improve communication skills and solving math problems to

This paper is a literature study which is a study of the literature. As it is conveyed
(M. Nazir, 2003: 27) that the technique of data collection by conducting studies of the
study of books of literature, records, and reports relating to the problem solved. Here
the researcher can gather information relating to the background of the research,
theories underlying the problem to be researched, the reference material relevant to the
problem or topic to be researched and the results of previous similar research. In
addition, literature studies also deepen and increase the knowledge of researchers in
terms of theory and research methodology.


Problem solving is a part of teaching and learning strategy that is very important
especially in teaching and learning activities of mathematics. This is as stated by Hudojo
(2005: 130) states that problem solving has an important function in teaching and
learning activities in mathematics. Through problem solving students can practice and
integrate the concepts, theorems and skills learned. Furthermore he also said that
teaching students to solve problems allows students to be more analytical in making
decisions in life.
In other words, when a student is trained to solve a problem, the student will be
able to make a decision because the student becomes skilled about how to gather
relevant information, analyze information and realize how much research needs to be
re-examined. In solving the problem it is necessary to consider the steps in its
completion. According to Polya (1973: 5), there are four main stages in the process of
solving mathematical problems, namely: First, we have to understand the problem; We
have to see what is required. Second, we have to link up to the data, in order to obtain
the idea of the solution, to make a plan.
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Third, we carry out our plan. Fourth, we look back at the completed solution, we
review and discussit.Meanwhile, according to Krulik and Rudnick (in Carson, 2007: 7)
says that there are five steps that can be done in solving problems, namely: 1) Read and
think (2) Explore and plan (3) ) Select a strategy, 4) Solve (solve problems), and 5)
Review and extend (review and discuss).
Dewey (Carson, 2007:7): (1) Confront problem, (2) Diagnose or define problem
(diagnose and define the problem), 3) Inventory multiple solutions, 4) Conversion
problems, (2) Diagnose or define problems (4) Conjecture consequences of solutions,
and 5) Test consequences. Based on the description of the troubleshooting steps
mentioned above it can be seen that activity in the second and third steps of Krulik and
Rudnick is similar to the second step of solving Polya problem. While the first and
second step activity of Dewey is the same as the first step of solving Polya problem. A
comparison of the troubleshooting steps from the three opinions above is summarized
in the following table.
Table 3.1 Comparison of Troubleshooting Steps
Troubleshooting steps
Krulik dan Rudnick Polya Dewey
2. Understand the 3. Confront problem
2. Rad and think
problem 4. Diagnose or define problem
3. Explore and plan
4. Devise a plan 5. Inventory several solutions
5. Select a strategy
7. Conjecture consequences of
6. Find an answer 6. Carry out the plan
8. Review and extend 6. Look back 7. Test consequences

Although there are different indicators of problem-solving abilities from some

experts, the ones that will be discussed in this literature study are indicators of
problem-solving skills according to the polya. Here are the troubleshooting steps
according to Polya along with the problem solving indicator.
Mathematical communication can be interpreted as a student's ability to convey
something he knows through dialogue or interrelated events that occur in the
classroom environment, where there is a transfer of messages. The transferred message
contains the mathematics material that the student is learning, for example in the form
of concepts, formulas, or problem solving strategies. Parties involved in communication
events in the classroom are teachers and students. The way the message can be
transmitted can be spoken or written. Opinion about the importance of communication
in learning mathematics also stated NCTM (2000: 63) that the school's mathematics
learning program should provide opportunities for students to:
 Develop and link their mathematical thinking through communication
 Communicate their mathematical thinking logically and clearly to their friends,
teachers, and others.
 Analyze and assess mathematical thinking and strategies used by others.
 Using mathematical language to express math ideas correctly.
NCTM states understanding of communication by mathematics is shown by writing
specifically in the form of communication skills. The abilities in question are: (1)
reading and writing mathematics and interpreting the meanings and ideas of the
writing; (2) expressing and explaining thinking about mathematical ideas and their

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

relationships; (3) formulating mathematical definitions and making generalizations

encountered through investigation (5) using vocabulary / language, mathematical
structural notation for presenting ideas, describing relationships, and modeling; (6)
understanding, interpreting and assessing ideas presented orally, written, or Visual, (7)
observing and making conjectures, formulating questions, collecting and valuing
information, and (8) generating and presenting convincing arguments.
According Sumarmo (2014), the ability of mathematical communication is an ability
that can include and contain various opportunities to communicate in the form of:
 Reflecting real objects, drawings, and diagrams into mathematical ideas.
 Model situations or problems using oral, written, concrete, graphic, and algebraic
 State day-to-day events in language or mathematical symbols.
 Listening, discussing, and writing about math.
 Reading with an understanding of a written mathematical presentation.
 Create connectors, construct arguments, formulate definitions, and generalize.
 Explain and make questions about mathematics learned.
The ability of mathematical communication can be seen from two aspects namely
oral communication (talking) and communication writing (writing). Oral
communication is expressed through the intensity of student involvement in small
groups during the learning process. While the meaning of mathematical communication
writing is the ability and skills of students using vocabulary (vocabulary), notation and
mathematical structure to express relationships and ideas and understand it in solving
problems. This ability is expressed through mathematical representation. Student math
representation is classified into three categories:
 Appearance of conceptual models, such as drawings, diagrams, tables and graphs
(drawing aspects)
 Establish mathematical model (aspect mathematical expression)
 Verbal arguments based on analysis of formal drawings and concepts (written
texts aspect).
Communication skills play a role in Mathematics Learning. In general, mathematics
focuses on representation and communication in various ideas, ideas, and relationships
that are numerical, spatial, and pertinent to the data. There are many learning activities
that support this theme, such as students who can interpret their own conceptual ideas,
ideas, or thoughts into symbolic forms and can be transformed into verbal images of the
situation. Other activities can be by investigating a problem, writing a problem, giving
information (notation) or allegations (hypothesis) to explain the observations in
mathematics. The role of communication in mathematics is enormous, because when
students communicate ideas, ideas or mathematical concepts, they learn to clarify,
refine and unite thoughts.
Jazuli (2009) states that communication is a very important part in learning
mathematics. The importance of mathematical communication is also put forward by
Peressini and Bassett (quoted Izzati and Suryadi, 2010) that without communication in
mathematics we will have little information, data, and facts about students'
understanding of the processes and applications of mathematics. This means,
communication can help students in understanding and exploring mathematics into the
concepts and processes of mathematics they learn.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

In the process of learning and teaching activities (KBM) there is an interaction

between teachers and students by communicating with each other both orally, writing,
eye contact, body language, and drawing. Through good teacher-student interaction, a
teacher can know the ability or potential of each student on the material that is viewed
from how the student responds, the student asks, and the student can inform the math
idea to the friend or teacher. Through communication, ideas and ideas become objects
of reflection and discussion and understanding. With the communication process can
help build the meaning of an idea to be known public. In the KBM process, students and
teachers engage in mathematical communication both orally and in writing that occur
both inside and outside the classroom so as to enhance their understanding of
mathematical concepts. Referring from the above exposure, then to improve problem
solving skills and mathematical communication of students it can be used cooperative
learning model learning type Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD).
This is also supported by the results of research that has been done by Rustam
Siregar (2012) at high school level concluded that STAD type cooperative learning
model can be one alternative to improve and improve students' mathematics learning
result especially for problem solving aspect and student mathematical communication .
It can be seen from the result of index data analysis from both variables which shows
that the improvement of problem solving ability and mathematical communication of
students is increasing by using learning model of cooperative learning STAD type.
Next, it is supported by the result of Dafriendri research (2014) that the STAD type
cooperative learning model enables students to express different ideas and ways in
problem solving process. And from analiss data about the achievement of research
objectives, obtained the fact that an increase in the number of students who reached the
KKM before the action. In other words the application of STAD type cooperative
learning model can improve the ability of mathematical communication. Based on some
of the above description and supported by previous relevant research, it is suspected
that the problem solving ability of mathematical communication of learners can be
improved by using cooperative learning model of STAD type learning.


Learning model of cooperative learning type STAD is a learning model that can
improve problem solving skills and mathematical communication of learners. Student
Teams Achievement Division (STAD) is a model of cooperative learning that is
considered to generate student interest in mathematics materials and make students
more active, encouraging cooperation among students in learning a material, so as to
improve problem solving skills and students' mathematical communication. Learning
STAD is considered as one type of cooperative learning that can motivate learners to
improve the quality of problem solving skills and students' mathematical
Based on literature studies that have been done then the authors suggest:
1. For teachers or educators who want to improve problem solving skills and
mathematical communication of students then the learning model cooperative learning
type STAD is one alternative that can be applied to learners.
2. For the next writer who wants to write about STAD it is suggested to study how
to improve students' mathematical ability by using STAD on other variables, such as
connection ability, student motivation and others.
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Abdurrahman, M., (2012), Anak Berkesulitan Belajar: Teori, Diagnosis, dan Remediasinya,
Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.
Carson, J., (2007), A Problem With Problem Solving: Teaching Thinking Without Teaching
Knowledge, The Mathematics Educator, Vol. 17, No. 2, 7–14.
Dafriendri. (2014). Peningkatan kepercayaan diri dan kemampuan komunikasi
matematis siswa dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD di kelas x
gambar SMKN 1 Padang. Tesis. Padang.
Hudojo, H., (2005), Pengembangan Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran Matematika,
Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang.
Izzati, N dan Suryadi, D. (2009). Komunikasi Matematik dan Pendidikan Matematika
Realistik. [online]. http://bundaiza.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/
komunikasi_matematik_dan_pmr-prosiding.pdf. [22 Agustus 2017].
Jazuli, Akhmad. 2009. Berfikir Kreatif dalam Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematika.
Makalah disampaikan dalam seminar nasional, pada tanggal 5 Desember 2009, di
NCTM. 2000. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for Scool Mathematics. [online]
http:// www.nctm.org /standards/content.aspx? id (6 Agustus 2017).
Polya, G., (1973), How To Solve It, A New Aspect of Mathematical Method, Princeton
University Press, Princeton.
Siregar, Rustam. (2012). Pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe stad terhadap
kemampuan komunikasi dan pemecahan masalah matematika siswa kelas x3-6
sma negeri 2 padangsidimpuan. Tesis. Padang
Sumarmo, U. (1993). Peranan Kemampuan Logik dan Kegiatan Belajar terhadap
Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika pada Siswa SMA di Kodya
Bandung. Laporan Penelitian, Bandung: Lembaga Penelitian.
Sumarmo,U. (2010). Berpikir dan Disposisi Matematik: Apa, Mengapa, dan Bagaimana
dikembangkan pada Peserta Didik. [Online]. Tersedia:
http://math.sps.upi.edu/wpcontent/upload/2010/02/ BERPIKIR-DAN-
DISPOSISIMATEMATIK-SPS-2010.pdf. [10 Mei 2011].
Sumarmo, U. (2013). Kumpulan Makalah Berpikir dan Disposisi Matematis serta
Pembelajarannya. Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Utari Oriyenta Mulia, Ahmad Fauzan, Irwan

Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: muliautarioriyenta@gmail.com

This research is background because the learning process is still dominated by
the teacher so that students' critical thinking ability does not develop. To create a learning
process that develops students' critical thinking skills, one alternative is to develop
learning tools with Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs). This study aims to produce RPP and
LKPD by using Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) approach which has good validity,
practicality and effectiveness. The critical thinking ability is one of the aspects that must
exist in the learning process, especially the learning of mathematics. This critical thinking
ability needs to be developed becauseby the critical thinking, students can more easily
understand the concept, sensitive to problems that occur so as to understand and solve
problems and able to apply the concept in different situations. Model Eliciting Activities
(MEAs) is a learning approach for understanding, explaining and communicating concepts
that contained in a problem through the stages of the mathematical modeling process.
This approach will focus students' activities on obtaining a settlement of the real problems
provided through the process of applying mathematical procedures to form a
mathematical model. So through the Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) its expected that
students' critical thinking skills can be good because students not only produce
mathematical models but also understand the concepts used in making mathematical
models of the given problems.

Keywords: RPP,LKDP, Model Elicitng Activities (MEAs), The critical thinking ability

One of the focus of the objectives of mathematics learning in Curriculum 2013
is to develop students' skills to understanding mathematical concepts, explaining
interconnectedness between concepts, and using concepts or algorithms in a flexible,
accurate, efficient and appropriate way to solve problems. Based on the demands of the
curriculum then today the development of learning process in Indonesia is very
demanding the students to be actively involved in the process of learning activities so
that their thinking ability become more developed. Related to this, students are
required to have a higher thinking ability. This is because thinking is a mental activity
that someone does to help formulate or solve problems and make the right decision in
accordance with what they want (Johnson, 2007).So it can be said that the activeness of
students to get the knowledge is something that is essential to instruct students'
thinking ability one of them think critically. Critical thinking ability is one of the

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

important aspects that students really need in the learning process of mathematics
especially to help students solve difficult mathematical problems
In fact, the learning process that occurs in the classroom has not been able to
make the students active so students' critical thinking ability undeveloped. Teachers
still use direct learning that makes students feel saturated and tortured so has been
cosequence to the students' critical thinking ability as an effort to facilitate students to
the ability to think critically develop, that is with a learning where the learning must
start from the learning that makes students active so that students freely to think and
question what they received from the teacher.It is proposed Ibrahim (2007) that to
bring to the learning that can develop the ability of critical thinking must depart from
the learning that makes students active. To create active students who can develop
critical thinking ability, in addition to the selection of appropriate learning approaches
and strategies, there is also a need for device development. Related to this, Lesh
proposed a learning approach that can explore students' thinking ability in
understanding the concept by communicating their mathematical thinking through
mathematical modeling that is Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs)
According to Chamberlin, mathematics learning with the Model-Eliciting
Activities approach (MEAs) is an alternative approach that seeks to enable students to
be actively involved in the learning process of mathematics in the classroom. The
eliciting activities model (MEA) will give students an enormous opportunity to explore
their knowledge in learning mathematics, it is expected to make the students change
their perception that mathematics as a lesson is not difficult and the students actually
learn math. Student learning process using model eliciting activities (MEA) becomes
meaningful because students can relate the concepts reviewed by familiar concept and
emphasize the students to learn actively
In the MEAs approach raises a real problem is one of its characteristics. By
raising real problems it can more easily to connect the abstract mathematical concepts
by students. Easily to understand the problems given, it is expected that students can
more easily translate the problem either into the form of images and mathematical
symbols. In addition to presenting a realistic problem, learning with the MEAs approach
involves the activity of creating mathematical models. So it can bring the student's
interest to the problem and make it active to find the solution. The Activeness of the
students is manifested in one of the characteristics of the MEAs approach of giving
students the opportunity to take control of their own learning by raising student-related
issues. With the realization of student activeness through the MEAs approach will also
make students' critical thinking skills develop. Thus, this learning is expected to lead
students to present the idea of mathematics by translating the problem into a
mathematical form either in the form of images or mathematical symbols so that
students' critical thinking ability development

This study includes a type of literature study, where literature studies are the
means used to collect data or source data related to the topic raised in a study. This
research is about Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) and critical thinking ability

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017


Based on the results of literature studies that have been done, it is found that
critical thinking is part of high-order thinking skills that must be owned in the learning
process, especially learning mathematics. Baron and Stemberg (1987) suggest that
critical thinking is a focused mind for deciding what is believed to be done. A similar
opinion was also expressed by Ennis (1991) that defines critical thinking as a process of
using rational and reflective thinking skills aimed at making decisions about what is
believed or done. Furthermore, John Chaffee (Ibrahim, 2007) defines critical thinking as
thinking that is used to systematically investigate one's thinking process in using
evidence and logic to the thinking process. Meanwhile, according to Wijaya (Ibrahim,
2007) that critical thinking leads to the activities of analyzing ideas in a more specific
direction, distinguishing things sharply, choosing, identifying, studying and developing
in a more perfect direction. From the opinion of the experts above can be concluded that
critical thinking is a rational, reflective and systematic mind to choose, identify, review
and develop in making
The ability to think critically is an important component that must be possessed
by students especially in the process of learning mathematics. It is intended that
students are able to create or formulate, identify, interpret and plan problem solving.
The important thing about critical thinking according to Ennis (2011), that is critical
thinking is focused into the notion of something done consciously and leads to a goal.
Where one of the most important goals is to help a person make the right and best
decision of his life. In addition, Ennis (1991) also revealed that there are six basic
elements of critical thinking that must be developed in learning that is; Focus, reason,
conclusion, situation, clarity and thorough examination
Students who are able to think critically mathematically are students who do
not just accept or reject something They will observe, analyze, and evaluate information
before determining whether they accept or reject information. In critical thinking
students are required to use certain appropriate cognitive strategies to test the
discernment of ideas, problem solving, and problem solving. This critical thinking ability
needs to be developed in the students because through the ability to think critically the
students can more easily understand the concept, sensitive to the problems that occur
so as to understand and solve problems and be able to apply the concept in different
Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) is a learning approach for understanding,
explaining and communicating concepts contained in a problem through the stages of
the mathematical modeling process. Activity Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs)
encourage students to create a test model. Teachers provide open issues designed to
challenge students to build models for solving problems. The activities of the MEAs lead
to how students can solve mathematical problems through a mathematical modeling
and are depicted into real-life.This can encourage students to be able to describe, revise,
or model the ideas they get into mathematical models. This approach will focus
students' activities on getting or obtaining a settlement of the real problems provided
through the process of applying mathematical procedures to form a mathematical
model. Through the process of modeling students are expected to develop their thinking
ability, especially critical thinking ability. During the modeling process, students will be
given guidance in making a model by considering the steps of forming a model

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

In the first stages, students identify real life-related problems and declare them
in the most precise form possible. In the second stage, students create a possible
mathematical model of the given problem situation. At this stage it is possible to
develop students' critical and creative thinking skills, as students repeatedly use their
thinking skills to determine the most appropriate mathematical model. The third stage,
students analyze the model so that the model can solve the existing problems. In the
fourth stage, students are asked to match the mathematical solution obtained into the
first situation.
After students pass through all four stages of the modeling, in the MEAs students
are asked to present their work results and examine the mathematical models that have
been made through the reflection sheet that have 3 questions related to the
mathematical model. The first question relates to the aspect of representation by asking
the answer made to have presented the mathematical model or not. The second
question relates to the aspect of validity by asking the mathematical model that is made
is correct or not. And the third question relates to aspects of application by asking
which mathematical model has been made can be used in other mathematical concepts
what not. Based on the learning stages of MEAs, it is possible to develop students'
thinking skills, especially critical thinking of the students, because each stage of learning
requires the ability to identify problems, give reasons, provide many different answers,
and determine possible answers. Thus, through the MEAs students are expected to
develop the ability to think in the field of mathematics, especially developing the ability
to think critically focused, reason, and overview and the ability to think creatively
aspects of fluency, flexibility, and originality. Thus, learning with learning approach of
Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) is expected to have an effect on students'
mathematical critical thinking ability

From the above description, it is suspected that the learning device development
of the Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) can improve or develop students' critical
thinking ability. Learning with the Model-Eliciting-Activities (MEAs) approach is an
alternative approach that seeks to enable students to be actively involved in the
learning process of mathematics in the classroom. The students' activity is manifested
in one of the characteristics of the MEAs approach of giving students the opportunity to
take control of their own learning with process guidance (Chamberlin, 2005). With the
active involvement of students in the learning process, it is expected that students'
critical thinking skills in mathematics will continue to be well trained.

Baron, J. B & Sternberg, R. J. (1987). Teaching Thinking Skills : Theory and Practice. New
York: W. H. Freeman and Company.
Chamberlin, S. A., Moon, S. M. (2005). How Does the Problem Based Learning Approach
Compare to the Model-Eliciting Activity Approach in Mathematics?.
Ennis, R.H. (1991). Critical Thinking: A Streamlined Conception [versi elektronik].
Teaching Philasophy, 14(1), 5-23.
Ennis, R.H. (2011). The Nature of Critical Thinking: An Outline of Critical Thinking
Dispositions and Abilities. Diakses pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2017 dari
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Ibrahim (2007). Pengembangan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Kreatif Siswa SMP
dalam Matematika melalui Pendekatan Advokasi dengan Penyajian Masalah Open-
Ended. Tesis Sekolah Pasca Sarjana UPI. Bandung: Tidak dipublikasikan.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Vivi Afdarni1, Irwan1, Hendra Syarifuddin1

Mathematic Education Department
Universitas Negeri Padang
Address: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: vivi.afdarni@gmail.com

This study aims to analyze the representation and disposition mathematical of
student’s skill in solving mathematical problems through Thinking Aloud Pair Problem
Solving (TAPPS) which is viewed from the early student’s skill of mathematical. The skill of
representation mathematical is the student’s skill to express mathematical ideas in the
form of diagrams, tables, graphics, mathematical symbols, mathematical models and
words as a tool to solve mathematical problems. The skill of disposition mathematical is
the skill to think and act positively that includes interest in learning, persistence and a
willingness to find solutions and appreciation toward mathematics. The skill of
representation and disposition mathematical is needed to develop student’s cognitive and
affective aspects. This skill to facilitate students in solving problems, express ideas, survive
in take on of problems and develop good job in learning mathematics. Thinking Aloud Pair
Problem Solving (TAPPS) is a learning method that uses a problem-solving approach by
hard thinking and involving two students working together in solving a problem. This
approach will focus on the analysis of student activities to solve mathematical problems
both in the form of representation and disposition mathematical seen in terms of early
student’s skill of mathematical (high, medium and low) by TAPPS. So by looking at early
student’s skill of mathematical can analyze the skill of representation and disposition
mathematical through Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving (TAPPS).

Key word: Representation Skill, Disposition Skill, TAPPS and Early Student’s Skill of

Based on the objectives of mathematics learning formulated by the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 2000), namely: (1) learning to
communicate, (2) learning to reason, (3) learning to solve problems, (4) learning to link
ideas, (5) learning to represent ideas. Every goal to be achieved in the process of
learning mathematics above basically to train students to solve a problem in learning
mathematics. Especially in the fourth and fifth items that are closely related to the skill
of mathematical representation and disposition. The standard of representation
contained in NCTM (2000) states that students during school learning have the skill to:
1. Creating and using representations to organize, record and communicate
mathematical ideas.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

2. Selecting, applying and translating mathematical representations to solve

3. Using representation to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical
4. Mathematics is an abstract subject, so it takes the skill to make mathematical
ideas become more concrete.

Based on the above standards, the usefulness of these skills can make students
free of imagination and creative thinking in the form of images, symbols, oral, graphic or
written text, so as not to memorize the concept alone. This is confirmed by Trianto
(2011) that the implication in the learning process is when teachers introduce
information that involves students using concepts, giving enough time to find ideas
using formal thinking patterns. In the introduction of Arnidha (2016) states that in the
learning activities of mathematics in schools, teachers usually use conventional learning
methods. Learning activities begin by explaining and giving examples of problems and
then proceed with giving practice to students. Learning is centered only on the teacher
while the students just sit quietly and listen to the teacher's explanation.
Other facts found by Pramitha (2016) in the preliminary study, the students are
less motivated and easily give up in solving mathematical problems that think high
level, in addition to the students' attention to the results obtained by students seem to
accept what is and "surrender", even when getting value below the minimum mastery
criteria students did not want to make improvements. The low positive attitude, self-
confidence, and curiosity of the students impact on low learning outcomes. This
happens because the learning of mathematics not only develops only cognitive aspects,
but also affective aspects, such as mathematical disposition.
Mathematical dispositions relate to how students perceive and solve problems;
whether confident, diligent, interested, and open minded to explore various alternative
problem-solving strategies. Disposition also relates to the tendency of students to
reflect on their own thinking (NCTM, 1991). Sumarmo (2012) agreed with the point (5)
Permendiknas No 22 of 2006 that describe affective sphere must be owned by students
who learn math. The development of affective aspects of students in mathematics
learning requires mathematical disposition, namely desire, awareness, dedication and
strong tendency in students to think and do mathematically in a positive way and based
on faith, taqwa, and noble character.
Therefore, mathematical disposition is one of the factors supporting the success
of students' mathematical learning. Students need a mathematical disposition to stay in
trouble, take responsibility, and develop good work habits in learning math. Thus,
students who have not understood the mathematical material they are studying can be
assured that students need a positive disposition to deal with problematic situations in
their lives.
Rosdiana, Subarjah and Isrok'atun (2016) said that through the mathematical
disposition is expected students can have a positive view of mathematics so as to
achieve the objectives of learning mathematics. Positive attitudes that students give to
the learning of mathematics can also affect the improvement of mathematical skill. In
addition, mathematical disposition is also the personality or character required by an
individual to survive in the face of various problems, have a sense of responsibility
towards learning and demonstrate good work habits in math. So the skill of disposition
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

can see student affective aspect analysis and representational skill to see cognitive
aspect analysis of students.
In Complete Dictionary of Indonesian Language (2005: 41), analysis is the
process of deciphering a subject or its various parts and the study of the part itself as
well as the relationships between parts to obtain a proper understanding and
understanding the meaning of the whole. The analysis in this research is a process of
investigation and quantitative data decomposition of student learning outcomes in
learning with TAPPS and qualitatively about the skill of representation and
mathematical disposition of students in solving test problems of mathematical
representation skill. By developing and analyzing the skill of mathematical
representation and disposition it can generate positive values in students and their
environment (including teachers and peers using TAPPS type of cooperative learning
model (Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving).
According to Pramitha (2016) the activity of TAPPS model is done on small
group consisting of two people in a heterogeneous and enabling positive interaction
among students. So as to increase students' confidence in solving mathematical
problems. The two students are given different roles from each other on each problem,
ie as problem solver (PS) and listener (L). Suparmono and Kusmanto (2015) The
application of cooperative learning model type TAPPS will be able to improve the
activity of learning mathematics of students in class VII A because with this learning
method students feel not think alone but think together to solve a common problem. So
if there are students who feel less able with mathematics can be assisted by friends in
groups who are more capable with mathematics.
Apart from the cognitive and affective aspects, the student's early mathematical
skill was also used as the focus of this research. This is related to the effectiveness of its
implementation in the learning process. The goal is to see whether the implementation
of TAPPS learning methods can be evenly distributed across all categories of students'
Mathematical skill or only certain mathematical beginning maternity categories. If it is
prevalent in all categories of mathematical preliminary skill, this research can be
generalized that the implementation of TAPPS learning is suitable for all levels of skill.
Based on the above problems, it is assumed that through TAPPS model can focus
the analysis of student activities to obtain the solution of mathematical problems both
in the form of representation and mathematical disposition seen from the faculty of
mathematical early students (high, medium and low). And therefore the author will
carry out research with the title "An Analysis Of Representation And Disposition
Mathematical Student’s Skill Through Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving (TAPPS)
Which Is Reviewed From Early Skill Of Mathematic".

This study included a type of literature study. Where literature study is a method
that uses to collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study. These data
sources contain the skill of representation, disposition, TAPPS and students' early
mathematical skills.


The skill of mathematical representation is the skill of students to express
mathematical ideas in the form of diagrams, tables, graphs, mathematical symbols,
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

mathematical models and words as a tool to solve mathematical problems. Cai, Lane and
Jacabcsin (Suparlan, 2005) state that representation is the way one uses to express the
answers or mathematical ideas in question. Hudoyo (2002) argues that basically
representations can be distinguished in two forms, namely internal representation and
external representation. Internal representation is the understanding of each student on
a material that has been described and translated according to each student's
understanding while external representation is the result of the embodiment to
describe what students do, teachers, or mathematicians. The result of the embodiment
may be oral, written, words, symbols, expression or mathematical notations, drawings,
graphs, diagrams, tables or through props.
The indicators used in assessing the skill of mathematical representation are
shown in the following table.
Table 1. Indicators of Student Mathematical Representation Skill
No Representation Operational Forms
1 Visual  Present data or information from a representation to a
Representation representation of diagrams, graphs, or tables.
a. Charts, tables  Using visual representations to solve problems.
or graphs
b. Picture  Draw geometry patterns.
 Make a drawing to clarify the problem and facilitate its completion.
2 Equations or  Create equations or mathematical models of other representations
mathematical provided.
expressions  Create conjectures of a number pattern.
 Problem solving by involving mathematical expressions.
3 Words or written  Create a problem situation based on data or representations
text provided.
 Write an interpretation of a representation.
 Write down steps to solve mathematical problems with words.
 Compile stories that correspond to a representation presented.
 Answering questions using written words or texts.
(Yudhanegara & Lestari, 2014)
These three aspects of representation are visual, mathematical, or mathematical
expressions, and the representation of written words or texts is noticed. In addition to
representational skills, this study also analyzes the skill of mathematical disposition.
According to NCTM (2000), mathematical dispositions include the willingness to take
risks and explore the solutions of diverse problems, persistence to solve challenging
problems, take responsibility for reflecting on the work, appreciate the communication
power of the mathematical language, the willingness to ask questions and propose
ideas, Other mathematical ideas, the willingness to try different ways or strategies, have
confidence, and view the problem as a challenge. NCTM (1989) describes mathematical
dispositions including the following components:
1. Confident in using math to solve problems, communicate mathematical ideas,
and give arguments.
2. Think flexible in exploring mathematical ideas and try alternative methods in
solving problems.
3. Being persistent in doing mathematical tasks.
4. Interested, have curiosity, and have creativity in bermatematis activity.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

5. Monitor and reflect on thinking and performance.

6. Appreciate mathematical applications in other disciplines or in everyday life.
7. Appreciate mathematical roles as a tool and as a language.

Based on the above indicators there are 7 components in the skill of

mathematical disposition that shows confidence, expectations and metacognition,
serious attention in learning mathematics, persistence in dealing with and solving
problems, high curiosity and the skill to share opinions with others. Tresnawati (2013)
Disposition is the character or personality that an individual needs to succeed. Students
need a mathematical disposition to stay in trouble, take responsibility in their learning
and develop good work habits in mathematics. Such characteristics are important for
students to develop and develop in the learning process to deal with problematic
situations in their lives. Merz (2009) There are two sketches in the disposition in which
teacher roles and perceptions play a role or equally important in observing and
developing a student's mathematical disposition.
Developing this analysis of mathematical representation and disposition skills
can bring positive values to students and their environment (including teachers and
peers). Therefore, the implementation of learning using cooperative learning model
TAPPS type. Keywords of this TAPPS are Thinking Aloud, Pair, and Problem Solving.
Musanif (2007) thinks that Thinking Aloud means thinking hard, Pair means pairing and
Problem Solving means problem solving. So TAPPS can be interpreted as a technique of
thinking hard in pairs in problem solving which is one of the learning methods that can
create active learning conditions to students. Here is the details of the task of problem
solver and listener which is a combination of Hartman (1998).
1. Task Problem Solver
A problem solver has the task of reading the problem and then proceeds to
reveal all the things that are thoughtful both in the form of ideas and ideas to
solve problems in the matter, revealing all the stages that will be done to solve
the problem not to be missed from the small, easy , Clear or unimportant, for
example: what to do, when, why, and how, expresses all thoughts used when
solving a problem.
2. Task Listener:
A listener on duty to help problem solver see what they are doing, this means a
listener must make problem solver reveal what problem solver do. A listener
should not give an answer to the problem being solved by problem solver. A
listener has a duty to think with Problem Solver, follow each stage and
understand each stage. Once the problem solver identifies and defines
important terms, variables, rules and procedures and then ensures that the
Problem Solver has done all the stages correctly. If the problem solver missed
the stages in solving the problem ask and ask for the missed explanation. Do not
work, listen and work together to solve problems. If you do not understand,
then ask the problem solver, follow and check the problem solving step taken
problem solver by checking the steps or calculations performed by problem
solver, if listener find errors made by problem solver avoid to correct, help
problem solver solve problem By providing a guiding question that leads to the
correct answer.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Based on the above task details, it is seen in the research of Pate, Wardlow and
Johnson (2004) Students who participated in the TAPPS group were given a listener
partner and verbally expressed their thought processes. Among the students who
successfully completed the problem-solving tasks in both groups, there were no
significant differences in the time required to complete them. Implementation of TAPPS
model that demands students' mental and psychological activity. Students must first be
conditioned to have an interest, linkage, spirit, and self-confidence, so that students do
not feel anxious and embarrassed and even reluctant when trying to solve mathematical
problem solving. So in this research will focus on student activity analysis to get the
solution of mathematics problem either in the form of representation and mathematical
disposition which seen from faculty mathematical early (high, middle and low) via
TAPPS model.


TAPPS is a learning method that uses a problem-solving approach by thinking
hard and involving two students working together in solving a problem. Groups are
divided heterogeneously as Problem Solver and Listener. In TAPPS, an analysis of the
skill of representation and mathematical disposition of students was performed. The
skill of mathematical representation is the skill of students to express mathematical
ideas in the form of diagrams, tables, graphs, mathematical symbols, mathematical
models and words as a tool to solve mathematical problems. The skill of disposition is
the willingness to take risks and explore the solutions of diverse problems, persistence
to solve challenging problems, take responsibility for reflecting on the work, appreciate
the communication power of the mathematical language, the willingness to ask and
propose other mathematical ideas, Try different ways or strategies, have confidence,
and view the problem as a challenge. The use of TAPPS can analyze students' activities
to solve mathematical problems both in the form of mathematical representation and
disposition seen in terms of early mathematical high school students (high, medium and
Based on literature studies that have been done, the authors recommendation:
1. To be able to analyze students' mathematical representation skills for each type
of early mathematical skill of students (high, medium and low) in the context of
TAPPS learning.
2. To be able to analyze students' mathematical disposition skills for each type of
early mathematical skill of students (high, medium and low) in the context of
TAPPS learning.
3. It is expected to analyze other mathematical skills.
4. For the next author to examine more extensively about the skill of
representation and disposition through TAPPS.

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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Wahid Umar1, Didi Suryadi2, Jozua Sabandar2, and Turmudi2

of Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia
2Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia
E-mail of the Corresponding author: wahidun0801@gmail.com

This article presents the results of the implementation of a modified Means-Ends-
Analysis (MEA) learning model with Didactical Engineering (DE) to enhance students’
mathematical critical thinking ability. Didactical engineering was implemented in
designing teaching materials. The research adopted a quasi-experimental method with a
pretest-posttest design. The population of this research was all eighth grade students of
state junior high schools in Subang regency. The sample involved 158 eighth grade
students from two junior high schools at the high and medium levels. The sample for the
experimental group and control group was randomly selected on the basis of grades. The
instruments used were tests of prior mathematical ability and critical thinking ability test.
Research data of students’ pretest, posttest, and normalized gain scores for mathematical
critical thinking ability were analyzed using mix-methods, i.e. a combination of
quantitative and qualitative analyses adapted to the existing data. Based on data analysis
results, it is found that there is a significant difference in the enhancement of students’
mathematical critical thinking ability between the experimental and control groups. The
enhancement of mathematical critical thinking ability of the experimental group students
who were taught with the modified MEA model with DE is significantly greater in each
category of their prior mathematical ability both in the schools of the high and medium
levels compared to the enhancement of the students who were taught with conventional
learning model. However, the greatest enhancement in the mathematical critical thinking
ability is attained by students with the high category of prior mathematical ability at a
high-level school, and the lowest enhancement was attained by students with low prior
mathematical ability from the medium-level school. The results of this study also show that
there is no interaction effect between the modified MEA model with DE, the conventional
learning model, and students’ prior mathematical ability on the enhancement of students’
mathematical disposition.

Keywords: Modified MEA Model, Didactical Engineering, Mathematical Critical Thinking


Enhancement in mathematical critical thinking ability is one of the foci in
mathematics instructional activities. Through mathematics instruction, all learners
starting from primary school are expected to acquire logical, analytic, systematic,
critical, and creative thinking skills, as well as cooperative skills (The National Agency
for Education Standards, 2013, p.146). Similarly, Sabandar (2010, p.178) suggested that
critical mathematical thinking ability is one of the main objectives in mathematics

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

activities, and is considered important by both teachers and students. Paul and Elder
(2008) also revealed that higher order thinking skills are currently required by students
to enhancethe quality and originality of their intellectual thinking. Thus, higher order
thinking skills, especially mathematical critical thinking skills, should and must be
continuously developed in the learning of mathematics. In other words, the ability to
think critically must be formed in students through learning mathematics. Improvement
in mathematical critical thinking ability is necessary because this ability is one of the
most important abilities for the future of each learner.
According to Hamid (2016, p. 497), mathematical critical thinking ability should
be developed in all students, because every human being has the potential to think
critically. Other authors, such as Duron, Limbach, and Waugh (2006, p. 163) believed
that thinking is a natural process, and when left alone, it is often biased, distorted,
partial, lacking information, and potentially prejudiced, so an excellent mind must be
developed. This is in line with the opinion of Cotton (cited in Umar, 2013, p. 4) which
said that although many people believe that humans are born with or without critical
thinking skills, research has shown that mathematical critical thinking can be taught
and learned. Thus, mathematical critical thinking ability should be trained and taught to
students through learning mathematics, as it will greatly assist them in solving the
problems they face.
There are four reasons put forward by Cotton (as cited in Umar, 2013, p. 6)
regarding the need to habitually develop mathematical critical thinking ability, namely:
(1) the demands of the times that require citizens to be able to seek, select, and use
information for the social and society and state; (2) every citizen is always faced with
various problems and choices so that they are required to think critically and creatively;
(3) the ability to see things differently in solving problems is important; and (4) critical
thinking is an aspect in solving problems creatively so that learners can compete fairly
and cooperate with other nations. Meanwhile, Kusumah (2008, p. 23) argued that
critical thinking ability, as part of mathematical thinking ability, is very important. It
should be developed through mathematical learning activities, which are focused on the
systems, structures, concepts, principles and strict relationships among elements. On
the other hand, Ruseffendi (2010, p. 64) said that mathematics is formed as a result of
human thoughts related to ideas, processes, and reasoning. He further stated that
mathematics is reasoning. In other words, mathematics as a discipline that develops
critical and dynamic thinking and open-mindedness cannot be separated from
reasoning. This argument is reinforced by Sumarmo (2013, p. 17) who declared that
mathematical critical thinking ability is part of reasoning.
Indeed, efforts to enhance the quality of education are inseparable from the role
and responsibility of educational institutions. Improving the quality of education,
especially mathematics subject in every school, should always be pursued. The efforts to
enhance the quality of mathematics subject by developing mathematical critical
thinking ability should be viewed as something urgent and cannot be underestimated.
Such efforts, of course, cannot possibly be made through the old ways that tend to rely
on a more procedural and less challenging capacity development. These efforts need to
be further developed so as to touch aspects that enable learners to develop their
potential optimally. It certainly indicates at least that to enhance students’ critical
thinking ability through mathematics learning is inseparable from the ability of
comprehension. Solihin (2011, p. 68) in his study reported that there was a positive
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

correlation between mathematical understanding ability and mathematical critical

thinking ability. The finding suggests that mathematical materials cannot be understood
properly and correctly if not studied with the correct mathematical critical thinking
ability. Conversely, for students to be able to think mathematically and critically, they
must understand mathematics well and correctly. Sutawidjaja (2013, p. 5) said that
mathematical critical thinking ability can only be understood and trained through
learning mathematics materials; it cannot be taught didactically.
In Indonesia, students have to this date not shown satisfactory results in their
mathematical ability; in other words, students’ achievements in mathematics learning
are still low. These low achievements can be seen from the results of the surveys of
measurement and assessment of education by the Program for International Student
Assessment (PISA) and The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS) in 2011 for the category of eighth grade students of junior high school, which
reported that Indonesian students’ mathematics mastery was ranked 39 out of 43
countries (Turmudi, 2012, p. 104). The results of PISA and TIMSS surveys are supported
by Noer's study (2010, p. 7) which showed that mathematical critical thinking ability of
the eighth grade junior high school students was less than optimal because only a small
percentage of the students (less than 15%) were able to complete various academic
tasks; they had only been able to identify the assumptions given, formulate subject
matters, and determine the consequences of a decision. Specifically for indicators of the
abilities to detect biases based on different points of view, uncover a concept/definition
or theorem in solving problems, and evaluate relevant arguments in solving the
problems, there were only a minority of the students (5%) who successfully completed
the tasks assigned by their teachers.
Furthermore, Noer (2010, p. 8) revealed that the students’ mathematical critical
thinking ability, which is less than optimal, is allegedly caused bythe inappropriate
instructional models and strategies used by teachers in mathematics instruction.
Meanwhile, Stacey’s (2010, p. 6) study reported that participants from Indonesia were
less successful in solving non-routine mathematical problems requiring mathematical
reasoning, generalization or conjecture, and finding links between data and facts
provided. Sharadgah (2014, p. 170) also reported that most students did not take the
meaning of the problem solving process; consequently, the process of constructing a
material was less successful. He further reported that the students had not fully
mastered the knowledge of problem-solving activities, and on the other hand, the
instructional process undertaken by teachers did not really encourage the enhancement
of students’ mathematical critical thinking ability.
Based on the above explanations, it is clear that an instructional process that can
meet the expectation of growing and developing students’ mathematical critical
thinking ability is absolutely necessary. Thus, in this study the authors implemented the
MEA model developed by Glass & Holyoak (cited in Umar, 2011, p. 9) combined with
Didactical Engineering (DE) in designing teaching materials. Emprin (2009) stated that
didactical engineering is subsumed under developmental research, as it relates to the
development of content and instructional materials. Meanwhile, according to Brousseau
(2013), DE framework can be formulated as a series of steps in a didactical design
aimed at improving the teaching process. On the other hand, Artigue (2009) and Godino
& Batanero et al. (2013) explained that DE is used when research positions “didactical
design” as an important product, so the research can be said to design a didactical
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

engineering framework. Therefore, according to Suryadi (2013, p. 6), a didactical design

basically consists of three stages: (1) analysis of didactic situational planning before
instruction, (2) metapedadidactical analysis to support instruction, and (3)
retrospective analysis of data generated between instructional planning and the results
of metapedadidactical analysis.
From the perspective of didactical engineering presented above, the MEA model
with DE implemented in this study is defined as an instructional design with student-
centered approach, while the teachers (researchers) only serve as facilitators. The
syntax of the modified MEA model with DE is as follow: (1) in the initial instructional
process, teachers provide open-ended contextual problems to the students; (2)
students, with cooperative learning method, elaborate the problem into simpler sub-
problems; (3) during the instructional process, students build their knowledge and
develop their mathematical critical thinking ability to solve the problems to be
addressed; (4) students independently determine the learning strategy to find solutions
to the problems given; and (5) teachers act as facilitators throughout the activities,
where if there are students who have difficulty, they will be guided using scaffolding
techniques, by asking such questions as: What information is known from the problem?
What is known and what to look for and what is the relationship between them? Such
questions lead students to take action on the existing situations so as to create a
didactical situation that is able to synergize every student’s potential to improve
students’ mathematical critical thinking ability.
Expressed in more detailed formulation, this research problem is formulated in the
form of questions as follows: (a) Is the students' enhancement in mathematical critical
thinking ability (MCTA) who worked under MEA model with DE better than the worked
under the conventional learning model?; (b) Is there any interaction effect between the
application of MEA model with DE and prior mathematical ability on the students'
enhancemenet in mathematical critical thinking ability? The purpose of this study is as
follows: (a) To describe comprehensively the students’ enhancement in mathematical
critical thinking abilitywho worked under the MEA model with DE and those who
worked under the conventional learning model. (b) Analyze the effect of interaction
between the application of MEA model with DE and prior mathematical ability on the
students' enhancement in mathematical critical thinking ability.


This research adopted the Research & Development method for one year, divided
into two stages as follows: (1) The first stage, preparation stage, is the design and
development of teaching materials, including development of the evaluation of modified
MEA model with DE, as well as the making of research instruments such as: Prior
Mathematical Ability (PMA) and Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability (MCTA) test
items; (2) The second phase is the implementation stage. In the first phase of the
research, for one semester, the research used the one group only design, without a
control group: X - O to determine the effectiveness of teaching materials and the
implementation of the modified MEA model with DE, and the level of validity, reliability,
discriminatory power, and difficulty index of PMA and MCTA test items to the eighth
grade students of class VIII-A in one state junior high school in Subang Regency.
In the second phase of the research, a trial of the modified MEA model was carried
out to 158 eighth grade students from two junior high schools in Subang Regency
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

representing the high and medium school levels, in which two classes of students were
involved from each school. The method used in the second stage was the quasi-
experimental one with pretest and posttest, with the following research design: O X O
and O---O, where O stands for the pretest-posttest, whereas X illustrates the
implementation of the modified MEA model with DE contrasted with the conventional
learning model. The experimental group was taught with the modified MEA model with
DE and the control group with the conventional learning model. Prior to the treatment,
both the experimental and control classes were given the PMA test. The test was to
classify students based on the level of mathematical ability that would have some
implications for the discussions of the instructional process and learning outcomes.
Data on the students’ enhancement improvement in mathematical critical thinking
ability were obtained through the posttest of MCTA, while data on mathematical
disposition of the students were obtained using the disposition scale. To solve the
problems addressed in this research, the data were processed and analyzed using mix-
methods, i.e. the combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses adjusted to the
existing data (Arikunto, 2012). Normality test and test of the assumption of
homogeneity of variance were carried out prior to using the combined statistical tests.


1.1. The Implementation of the Modified MEA Model with DE
Before the teaching materials were used on the actual instruction, the teachers
first developed teaching materials of the modified MEA with Didactical Engineering
(DE) in three stages: (1) Analysis of didactical situation by the teachers (researchers)
before the trial of teaching materials, consisting of predictions and anticipations for
each possible student response that would arise from the didactical and pedagogical
situations; (2) Metapedadidactical analysis by the teachers during the trial of the
teaching materials, including identification and analysis of learning barriers that might
arise during the instruction; (3) Retrospective analysis conducted after the trial of
teaching materials, containing a reflection of the conformity between the analysis of
didactical situation and the metapedadidactical analysis with further didactical and
pedagogical actions. So, before the implementation of the modified MEA learning model
with DE, the teaching materials were first tested and refined so that the learning
barriers that might arise could be anticipated by the teachers. Through the
implementation of the modified MEA model with DE, the enhancement of students’
mathematical critical thinking can be more optimal compared to the conventional
learning model (CLM).
The modified MEA learning strategy with ED can be implemented at the level of
individual, group, or class. In this research, the individual learning strategy was
implemented at the beginning of the instruction, where the teacher asked the readiness
of each student in terms of the materials to be studied. This strategy was implemented
to both the experimental and control classes. The group learning strategy was done
when students solved problems and presented their work. Finally, the class learning
strategy was applied to both the modified MEA group and control group students at the
end of the instruction, namely during discussion of the instructional materials.
Meanwhile, the techniques and tactics employed in the instruction using the MEA
learning model with DE are as follows: Teachers provide open-ended contextual
problems related to the daily life of the students. The problems are understood first by
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

students individually, and then the students determine the strategy to find a solution to
the problem given in groups. In this context, during the instructional process, students
are required to work in a group of three to four students in the hope of generating
problem solutions through written descriptions, explanations, and constructs by
repeatedly analyzing the problem to find a mathematical proof. Glass & Holyoak (in
Umar, 2011, p. 9) explained that in MEA learning model, students are given the
opportunity to use their own strategy, construct their own knowledge, and solve the
problem addressed to reach a mathematical proof. At the end of the lesson, students
guided by the teachers draw conclusions and make summaries.
The findings on the implementation, objectives, and outcomes of analysis of
didactical situation, metapedadidactical analysis, and retrospective analysis of the
development of teaching materials for the modified MEA model with DE were compared
to those of the conventional learning, as follows: (1) The results of didactical situation
analysis will enable the creation of an ideal didactical situation for students. This is
possible because the didactical engineering analysis contains teacher thinking about
prediction and anticipation of students’ responses that will be generated in the
didactical situation during the lesson; (2) With metapedadidactical analysis, learning
stages will run smoothly and student learning outcomes will be optimal. This can be
seen from the teacher’s ability to achieve learning targets and expected student
responses; (3) From retrospective analysis carried out after instruction, a very good
strategy for teacher’s self-development can be derived, so that quality of instruction
from time to time can be improved. Broadly speaking, the implication of these findings
is that there is a tendency that the modified MEA model with DE will have a great
influence on the enhancement of mathematical critical thinking ability and
mathematical disposition of students compared to the conventional learning model for
each category of students’ prior mathematical ability.

1.2. Enhancement of Students’ Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability (MCTA)

The enhancement of students' MCTA was determined based on the normalized
gain between the pretest and the posttest scores obtained by using the same MCTA test
items. Based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test results on learning models, school levels,
and each category of students’ PMA, it can be seen that the data of students'
enhancement of their MCTA were normally distributed. Next, based on the results of
homogeneity test of variance using Levene Test, it is known that the overall data
distribution of the students’ enhancement in MCTA were homogeneous at the
significance level of α = 0.05. Data on the attainment of students’ MCTA based on
learning models, school levels, and PMA are presented in Table 1
Table 1. Data of Students’ Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability based
Learning Model, School Level, and PMA Category
Learning Models
School Statistical
PMA Modified MEA Model CLM
Level Measure
Pretest Postest Gain Pretest Postest Gain
N 8 8 8 7 7 7
High Mean 12.5 36.5 0.65 6.00 28.29 0.51
High SD 3.34 7.84 0.19 2.58 9.41 0.22
N 25 25 25 24 24 24
Mean 7.52 26.08 0.45 6.17 20.17 0.31

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

SD 3.23 10.46 0.23 3.33 7.05 0.18

N 7 7 7 7 7 7
Low Mean 4.00 17.14 0.29 3.14 10.29 0.15
SD 4.00 7.38 0.12 1.57 4.23 0.09
N 7 7 7 8 8 8
High Mean 7.14 32.86 0.60 4.25 24.25 0.46
SD 3.44 5.98 0.15 1.67 7.96 0.20
N 23 23 23 23 23 23
Moderate Moderate Mean 7.04 24.09 0.40 4.52 19.22 0.33
SD 4.08 6.37 0.12 1.50 5.93 0.15
N 10 10 10 9 9 9
Low Mean 6.20 18.60 0.28 4.89 14.00 0.20
SD 3.19 7.24 0.15 2.26 5.10 0.11
Note: maximum ideal score 50; SD (standard deviation); N (the number of students)

The data in Table 1 show that in terms of both school levels and prior
mathematical ability (PMA), students with high or medium PMA who were taught with
the modified MEA model with DE improved their MCTA are better than the control
group students who received a conventional learning model. Meanwhile, students with
low PMA category who were taught with the modified MEA model with DE at the
medium school level achieved a greater normalized gain score for MCTA (18.60) than
the control group students at high school level (17.14). For the modified MEA model
with DE, the greatest enhancement of the students’ MCTA was achieved on the indicator
of “Students are able to identify assumptions used to solve a problem”. Based on
Meltzer’s classification (2002), the enhancement is included under the medium
category. On the other hand, for the conventional learning model, the lowest
enhancement of students’ MCTA was achieved on the indicator of "Students are able to
uncover a concept and use it in solving the problem", which belongs to the low category.
This finding is almost in line with that of Noer’s study (2010, p. 10) which found that the
most common student weaknesses were in the aspects of formulating the problem and
testing the correctness of the answer. Nevertheless, as a whole it turns out that the
higher the PMA category at both school levels, the higher the standardized gain of
students’ MCTA.
Based on the results of descriptive and inferential statistical analyses above, it can
be inferred that before the learning treatment, students’ mathematical critical thinking
ability (MCTA) from both school levels was significantly different. After the instructional
process, students’ MCTA from both high and medium school levels taught with MEA
models with DE was significantly greater than that of the control group students who
were taught with the conventional learning model. This finding reinforces the assertion
that the modified MEA model with DE is significantly superior to that of the
conventional learning model and low prior mathematical ability (PMA) in improving
students’ MCTA. The advantage of the modified MEA model with DE is also reinforced
by the results of a one-way ANOVA with post-hoc test of the interaction effect of
learning models, school levels, and PMA categories on the normalized gain of students’
MCTA. Theoretically, this advantage can be explained by better quality of teaching
materials of the modified MEA model with DE, along with more interactive and
meaningful instructional processes than the conventional learning model. Chamot

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

(2012) said that an ideal teacher is one who is able to choose the right task, encourage
students to learn meaningfully, set a discourse to create an atmosphere of learning, and
analyze classroom situations. Thus, it seems that the teaching and learning with the
modified MEA model with DE has been able to assist the students to head to Vygotsky’
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) (1978).
Another theoretical explanation is that the implementation of the MEA model with
DE is based on a constructivist philosophy that students must be mentally active in
building their knowledge structure based on their cognitive maturity. Subsequently, the
four principles underlying the modified MEA model with DE are in accordance with
Piaget’s cognitive development theory that learning is a process of assimilation and
accommodation. The process of assimilation in the modified MEA learning model with
DE occurs in the implementation of the principle of "presenting materials with heuristic
and holistic approaches", while the accommodation process takes place in the
implementation of the principle of "problem elaboration; documentation; reusability
and sharing-ability; and an effective prototype.” In general, the instructional process
with the modified MEA model with DE puts more emphasis on students’ active
participation. Hence, learning is not centered on the teacher but on the students who
actively learn and explore their knowledge independently. The constructivist view
assumes that students must construct their own knowledge (Suparno, 1997).
Meanwhile, Bruner’s constructivist theory (in Umar, 2011, p. 11) posits that the best
way of thinking for students to start learning concepts and principles in mathematics is
to construct on their own. The reason is that if students construct knowledge on their
own, they will easily remember and apply the knowledge in relevant situations.

1.3. The Interaction Effect between Learning Factors and Students’ PMA on the
Enhancement of Students’ Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability (MCTA)
Based on the results of descriptive statistical analysis of the mathematical critical
thinking ability (MCTA) of the students who were taught with the modified MEA model
with DE compared to those taught with the conventional learning model, it can be seen
that the data on the mean enhancement of the students’ MCTA based on learning
models and prior mathematical ability (PMA) categories were normally distributed, so a
two-way ANOVA test could not be performed. Thus, the analysis of the interaction effect
between learning models and PMA on students’ improved MCTA was done descriptively
from the resulting graph. The graph of the interaction effect between learning models
and students’ PMA on the enhancement of their MCTA is presented in Diagram 1.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability

The Students’Enhancement of

Diagram 1: Interaction between Learning Model and Students’

PMA toward Enhancement of Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability

From Diagram 1, it is clear that the mean of the enhancement of the students’
MCTA taught with modified MEA model with DE is above that of the students taught
with the conventional learning model. The graph shows that students with all PMA
categories (low, medium, high) who were treated with the modified MEA model with DE
obtained a greater enhancement in their MCTA than the students who received the
conventional learning model. Nonetheless, the difference in the enhancement of MCTA
between the students taught with the modified MEA model with DE and those with the
conventional learning model in the three categories of PMA was dissimilar. In the high
PMA category, the difference in the enhancement of MCTA between the students taught
with the modified MEA model with DE and those with the conventional learning model
was 0.147; meanwhile, the differences in the medium and low PMA categories between
students who got the modified MEA model with DE and those taught with the
conventional learning model were 0.1037 and 0.1103, respectively. These differences
indicate that the modified MEA model with DE had a greater influence on the students’
MCTA enhancement compared to the conventional learning model for each of the
students’ PMA categories.
When viewed from the mean in the diagram for both learning models, it appears
that students with higher prior mathematical ability (PMA) category had a greater
enhancement than students with medium or low PMA categories; and students with
medium PMA category had a greater enhancement than those with low PMA category.
In addition, it can also be seen that both “line” graphs have positive gradient, indicating
that both the learning models and the three categories of PMA had a significant effect on
the students’ mathematical critical thinking ability (MCTA) enhancement. The distance
between the two “line” in the graph shows that the line for each PMA category tends to
be relatively different and does not intersect with other lines. This means that there was
a significant interaction effect on the enhancement of students' MCTA based on learning
models and PMA. Thus, it can be concluded that the interaction effect between learning
models and PMA resulted in significant differences in the enhancements of students’
MCTA. The implication is that there is a tendency that the modified MEA model with DE

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

had a greater effect on the students’ MCTA enhancement compared to the conventional
learning model for each of the PMA categories. This finding reciprocates with that of
Fitriani’s research (2012, p. 53), which reported that the implementation of MEA
learning model could positively affect the enhancement of communication skills and
mathematical problem-solving skills of eighth grade junior high school students.

1.4. Enhancement of Students’ Mathematical Disposition

From the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test results, it is known that data on the
enhancement of students’ mathematical disposition from the control group with
medium PMA category at the medium school level were not normally distributed, while
data for the experimental group with high and low PMA categories at the high school
level were all normally distributed at the significance level (α) = 0.05. Furthermore,
from the homogeneity test of variance using the Non-Parametric Mann Whitney test, it
is found that the data on the enhancement of the students’ mathematical disposition at
the medium school level with low PMA category were not normally distributed,
whereas data for the students with high and low PMA at the high school level were
normally distributed at the level of significance of α = 0.05. Data on the enhancement of
students’ mathematical disposition based on learning models, school levels, and PMA
categories are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Data of Students’ Mathematical Dispositions Enhancement

based on Learning Model, School Level, and PMA Category
Learning Models
School Modified MEA CLM
Level PMA Model
Pret Poste Gain Prete Post Gain
est st st est
N 8 8 8 7 7 7
Mean 87.8 104.7 87.71 94.2 0.11
High 8 5 0.31 9 1
SD 12.07 11.2 0.69
7.97 14.14 0.16 9 80 8
N 25 25 25 24 24 24
Mean 86.4 81.38 94.1 0.19
High Moderate 8 98.68 0.21 7 7
SD 8.692 9.11 0.10
5.46 7.95 0.11 1 0
N 7 7 7 7 7 7
Mean 86.0 102.8 81.86 90.5 0.13
Low 0 6 0.29 7 5
SD 4.811 6.34 0.08
5.97 11.48 0.16 7 3
Moderate N 7 7 7 8 8 8
Mean 89.5 101.1 85.63 97.6 0.20
High 7 4 0.22 3 1
SD 10.7 5.502 6.94 0.06
5 14.57 0.14 8 6
Moderate N 23 23 23 23 23 23

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Mean 87.4 87.52 97.6 0.17

8 97.17 0.17 1 1
SD 6.052 7.58 0.10
8.56 10.45 0.18 4 7
N 10 10 10 9 9 9
Mean 86.4 83.00 96.0 0.19
Low 0 96.90 0.29 0 4
SD 13.52 10.1 0.13
5.32 9.89 0.10 8 37 9
Note: maximum ideal score 146; SD (standard deviation); N (the number of

Based on the data in Table 2, it is clear the modified MEA model with DE was
better compared to the conventional model in improving students’ mathematical
disposition as seen from both school level and each of the students’ PMA categories. The
advantages of the modified MEA model with the DE were more obvious for students
with high and low PMA categories at the high school level, in which the mean
enhancements of the students’ mathematical disposition were 0.31 and 0.29,
respectively. For the modified MEA model with DE the students’ highest mean of
mathematical disposition was achieved in the indicator of “the ability to survive” with
the measured aspects including: “I focus on working on problems whose solutions have
not yet been found” and “I try again when I could not solve the problem correctly.” The
mean enhancement of both aspects, when viewed from Meltzer’s classification (2002),
is included under the medium category.
Next, students at the high school level with high PMA who were taught with the
conventional learning model obtained an average enhancement in mathematical
disposition of 0.11, whereas those at the medium school level with medium PMA
obtained an average enhancement of 0.17. The lowest enhancement in mathematical
disposition was achieved for the indicator of "Being responsible and risk-taking" with
measured aspects including: “I set the way without considering the outcomes achieved”
and “the grade that I gain is not comparable to the work I have done.” The average
enhancements of both aspects, in terms of the average N-gain, are included under the
low category. Thus, the students who were taught with the conventional learning model
achieved a greater enhancement in their mathematical disposition compared to those
taught with the modified MEA model with DE. This finding is as seen in the results the
post hoc test of One-Way ANOVA on the interaction effect between learning models,
school levels, and PMA categories of the students on their N-gain mathematical
disposition. Stacey (2013) said that people who develop the capacity in a particular field
tend to be influenced by their habits of thinking and productive attitudes. Productive
attitudes, in Sumarmo (2012) opinion, are positive attitudes and habits developed in
viewing mathematics as being logical, growing confidence, and high metacognitive

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

1.5. The Interaction Effect between Learning Factors and Prior Mathematical
Ability on Students’ Mathematical Disposition
The two-way ANOVA test results for the interaction effect among the learning
models and students’ prior mathematical ability (PAM) on the enhancement of students'
mathematical disposition are presented in Diagram 2.

Diagram 2: Interaction among Learning Model and Students’ PMA

on Enhancement of Students’ Mathematical Disposition

From Diagram 2, it can be seen that the mean line graph for the modified MEA
model with DE for the experimental group students with high PMA category is higher
than that of the low or medium category PMA students; the same is true for the mean
line graph of the medium PMA category students compared to that of the low PMA
category students. In addition, the mean line graph for the conventional learning model
indicates that control group students with high PMA category was lower than that of the
students with low PMA category with respect to improving students’ mathematical
dispositions. The mean of both line graphs shows that both learning models had a
significant effect on the enhancement of students’ mathematical disposition.
Although the two lines in the diagram do not intersect, they show that both the
learning models and the three categories of PMA had a significant effect on the
enhancement of the students’ mathematical disposition. The distance between both
lines in the diagram for each PMA category tends to be relatively different, and the lines
do not intersect. This means that there was no significant interaction effect on the
enhancement of mathematical disposition of the students based on the learning models
and each category of PMA. This finding indicates that students with a high PMA category
tended to benefit more from the modified MEA model with DE in their enhancement of
mathematical disposition compared to the conventional learning model for the medium
and low PMA categories. Thus, it can be concluded that the interaction effect between
the learning models and the three categories of PMA resulted in a significant difference
in the mathematical disposition of the students, but there was no significant interaction
between the two learning models and the PMA category of students on the
enhancement of the students’ mathematical dispositions. The findings are in contrast to
other theoretical and research findings. Goldenberg et al. (2009) reported that the habit
of thinking mathematically has a close relationship to the success of each learner in

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

learning mathematics. Students with high mathematical disposition show greater

achievements and perseverance on difficult issues (Cuoco, 2010, p. 377).

Based on the results of data analysis, findings, and discussion the following things
can be summed up.
(1). The MEA learning model developed by Glass & Holyoak (cited in Umar, 2011) has
been modified by the researchers with DE through three stages: (1) Analysis of
didactical situation conducted by the researchers prior to the trial of the teaching
materials; (2) Metapedadidactical analysis conducted by the researchers during the
trial of teaching materials; and (3) Retrospective analysis carried out after the trial
of teaching materials. The modified MEA learning model with DE remains guided by
the four principles of MEA learning: Syntactic principles, social system principles,
heuristic principles, reaction principles of self-selection strategies, and the
principles of support systems. During the initial activity using the modified MEA
learning with DE, teachers ask a series of questions to determine the extent to
which students have mastered basic mathematical concepts, which are associated
with the materials to be taught. At the end of the lesson, the teachers assign the
students the task of self-study and the making of a concept map of the materials to
be taught at the next meeting.
(2). The enhancement of the students’ mathematical critical thinking ability (MCTA)
which received the implementation of the modified MEA model with DE was
significantly higher than that of the students who were taught with the
conventional learning model. However, there was no interaction effect between the
modified MEA model with DE and prior mathematical ability (PMA) categories on
the enhancement of the students’ mathematical disposition.
(3). Students’ MCTA could be improved more optimally by using the modified MEA
model with DE compared to the conventional learning model. In this case, the
indicators of students’ MCTA that still need to be improved are: “students are able
to provide further explanation”, and “students are able to draw conclusions”. Thus,
it is expected that future researchers continue this research by focusing more on
the two indicators of MCTA that had not been achieved by the students in this
(4). Finally, in terms of the scope of materials or mathematical concepts in junior high
school for both school levels (high and medium) which can be represented
figuratively in the findings; it can thus be said that the modified MEA model with DE
is strongly expected to have good effect on students’ MCTA and cultivate
mathematical disposition with each PMA category.

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Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

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Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Wulan Firma Putri1, Irwan1, Edwin Musdi1

Postgraduated School, Universitas Negeri Padang
Correspondence: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang 25131
Email: wulanfirma320@gmail.com

This study aims to discuss an alternative theory that is suitable to be used to
improve the ability of critical thinking mathematically learners using guided discovery.
The ability to think critically is one of the highest-order thinking skills, a person capable of
critical thinking, not only to solve problems, but also to make reasonable excuses for the
solutions he provides, since basically thinking is the activity undertaken to reach a
conclusion. One of the causes of the development of critical thinking ability of learners
because during this time in learners tend to be passive and learners are less involved in
finding concepts. Therefore it is necessary a way for teachers to increase the activity and
critical thinking skills of mathematics through learning by using guided discovery. Guided
discovery is a series of learning activities that emphasize critical and analytical thinking
processes to seek and find their own answers to questions about problems with teacher
guidance. The method used in this research is literature research that is by collecting data
about guided discovery based learning on the critical thinking ability of learners from
various sources such as relevant research, books, etc. After conducting literature studies by
citing data from various sources it is suspected that guided invention can improve the
ability of critical thinking mathematically learners.

Keywords: Guided Discovery, Critical Thinking Ability

Mathematics is an important science base given in an early state. Given the
importance of mathematics subjects should be given to all learners ranging from
elementary school to college to equip them with logical, analytical, systematic, critical
and creative thinking and cooperative skills (BSNP 2006: 345). According to Depdikbud
(1991:1) one of the goals given by mathematics at the level of primary and secondary
education is to prepare students to be able to “use mathematics and mathematical
mindset in daily life”.
Because by learning math, we will learn reasoning critically and actively. At the
same time, we will observe the power of mathematics by cultivating the ability to learn
to learn. So, to gain the power of mathematics in real life by facilitating the ability to
think, liveliness and increased confidence in math.
Various efforts are made by the government to improve the quality of quality
mathematics education, such as improving the quality of mathematics teachers,
completing educational facilities and infrastructure, preparing student and teacher
handbooks, and improving the curriculum. But the various efforts that have been done
have not shown satisfactory results. This can be seen from many students get low score
and not yet comprehend the concept of mathematical maximally.In research conducted

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

by Tika (2014), learners who study mathematics is only guided by a book, so that
students learn difficult to learn independently. The learning process still uses the
lecture method where learners are passive and the educator is active.
In research conducted by Gezi (2016), states in the learning process that
occurs in schools are more focused on the teacher. Learning process begins from the
teacher explains the advanced learning materials provide examples of problem andat
the end of the lesson provide training to leaners. Theproblem given by students is
usually a matter of a routin matter, so it is difficult to solve the problem of varied
question that require critical thinking. Such learning makes learners less active and not
independent and alwayswaiting for answer from teachers. So that leaners only receive
and are poorly trained in constructing or building their own knowledge in solving the
problem of mathematics presented in the subj ect matter. Therefore, mathematics
learning actvities like this do not show the critical thinking ability of leaners so that the
leaners learning out comes are less saticfactory.
The solution provided for students' critical thinking skills is improved by
providing a learning by using guided discovery. To produce active, easy-to-understand,
and fun learning for students requires a learning model that enables students to actively
participate in teaching and learning, a learning process that enables active student
participation during learning and student interests can be created by learning to use the
tools (Supriyono, Setiawan and Trapsilation, 2014). Developing learning devices based
on guided discovery, based on the understanding that the discovery model is self-
This study included a type of literature study. Where literature study is the way
used to collect data or sources related to the topic raised in a study. This study contains
guided discovery and critical mathematical thinking skills.
Based on the results of literature study, it is found that thinking learning is the
utmost utilization and use of the brain to create a generation of superior nation. The
ability to think critically is one of the highest-order thinking skills, a person capable of
critical thinking, not only to solve problems, but also to make reasonable excuses for the
solutions he provides, since basically thinking is the activity undertaken to reach a
conclusion. To produce active learning, easy to understand, and fun for students
requires a learning model that allows learners to actively participate in teaching and
learning process, the learning process that enables the active participation of learners
during the learning process and the interests of learners can be created by learning to
use the device (Supriyono , Setiawan and Trapsilasiwi, 2014). According to Hosnan
(2014: 342) dalam learning not only remember a number of facts, but learning is the
process of thinking (learning how to think), namely the process of developing the
potential of the entire brain.
Likewise, from this criticalthinking the need for an attitude of openess tothe
idea of a new idea. Indeed this is not something that is easy,but should and still be
implemented in an effort to develop the ability to think (Fisher, 2010). Learning
thinking is the utmost utilization and use of the brain to create a generation of superior
nations. The ability to think critically is one of the higher-order thinking skills, a person
capable of critical thinking, not only to solve problems, but also to make reasonable

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

excuses for the solutions he provides, since basically thinking is the activity undertaken
to reach a conclusion.
This is in line with the statement of Hasratuddin (2009) in the Journal of
Education and Practice Vol. 6 No. 24 which states that the ability to think critically is a
person's ability to analyze, reflect the results of his thinking and draw conclusions
based on reasonable and logical reasons. Meanwhile, according to Palinnusa (2013)
critical thinking ability is a person's ability to identify problems, connect, analyze and
solve math problems. Trilling and Fadel (2009) also states that critical thinking consists
of the ability to analyze, interpret, evaluate, summarize, and synthesize all information.
From the above opinion, it can be concluded that the ability of critical thinking is
the ability to think that has the characteristics of analyzing, synthesizing, recognizing
and solving problems, and concluded.
According to Markaban (2006) in Journal of Education and Practice Vol.6, No.24,
the guided discovery model is
(1) to formulate the problem that the student will provide with sufficient data;
(2) data provided by teachers, students prepare, process, organize, and analyze
(3) Students make guesswork (estimate) result of analysis done;
(4) if necessary, the allegations it holds have students examined by the teacher;
(5) alleged verbalization is also submitted to the students for compilation;
(6) Once students find what they need, teachers should provide additional
exercises or questions to check whether the findings are true.
The National Research Council (Sunismi and Nu'man, 2012) states, the guided
discovery model is a series of learning activities that emphasize critical and analytical
thinking processes to seek and find their own answers to questions about problems
with teacher guidance. From the above description, it is concluded that guided
discovery model is a learning model that presents a problem or question that makes
learners can think, observe, make guesses, explain, and analyze to seek knowledge with
guidance and instruction from teacher.
Mathematical critical thinking ability can be seen using guided discovery models.
The ability to think critically is the ability to think that has the characteristics of
analyzing, synthesizing, recognizing and solving problems, and concluded. The guided
discovery model is a learning model that presents a problem or question that allows
learners to think, observe, make guesses, explain, and analyze to seek knowledge with
guidance and instruction from the teacher. Thus it can be seen that in order to improve
the critical thinking ability of mathematic learners we can use guided discovery model
in the learning process.

Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP). (2006). Lampiran Peraturan Menteri
Pendidikan Nasional No 22 Tahun 2006 Tanggal 23 Mei 2006. Jakarta.
Fisher, Alec. (2009). Berpikir Kritis Sebuah Pengantar. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Gezi, Afrianti. (2016). Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis
Strategi Pembelajaran Inkuiri Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis
Siswa Kelas VIII Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Program Studi Pendidikan

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Matematika Program Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Padang. Tidak

Hosnan. 2014. Pendekatan Saintifik dan Kontekstual dalam Pembelajaran Abad 21.
Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia.
Luzviminda J. Achera. (2015). The Effect Of Group Guided Discovery Approach On
Theperformance Of Students In Geometry. International Journal of
Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME). Volume I, Issue II
SaefulBahri, A. (2015). The Influence of Learning Model Guided Findings of Student
Learning Outcomes. International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research.
Vol. 4, Issue 03
Somakin. (2011). Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa Sekolah
Menengah Pertama Dengan Penggunaan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik. Forum
MIPA. Vol.14 diakses 19 Agustus 2016
Septia, Tika. (2014). Pengembangan Modul Berbasis Penemuan Terbimbing Pada
Perkuliahan Kakulus 2 Di Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika STKIP PGRI
Sumatera Barat. Padang. Konsentrasi Pendidikan Matematika Program Studi
Teknologi Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Padang.Tidak
Yuliani, Kiki dan Saragih, Sahat. (2015).The Development of Learning Devices Based
Guided Discovery Model to Improve Understanding Concept and Critical
Thinking Mathematically Ability of Students at Islamic Junior High School of
Medan. Journal of Education and Practice. Vol.6, No.24

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Yulia Oktavianda1, Armiati1, Irwan1

Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Padang
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Padang. Indonesia
e-mail: yoktavianda7@gmail.com

This research to development guided discovery based learning device with mind map
that can improve mathematical communication ability of the learners, and to kow the
feasibility of the device that has been developed according to experts, techers and students of
junior eigh schools pariaman. Research method used is research and developmend (R&D) by
applying a model of plomp development that begins from the preliminary stage, prototype
development stage and assessment phase. Device developed in the form of RPP and LKPD. The
subject of the student to class VIII junior eigh school 7 pariaman. Data collection by
documentation study, interview and questionnaire techniques. Data from observation,
Questionnaires and test were analyzed quantitatively reinforced with the result of
documentation analyzed descriptively qualitative. The result of research based an data
obtained showed that the mathematics learning exparatus produced meet the valid
categories,practical and effective both in terms of the feasibility and validity of the validatore
validation test wich states that the learning role developed has been validbased on the
content, contructs and the corresponding language of EYD. practicality is know from the
result of one-to-one, small group and field test. Affectivenes obtained from small group, field
tes.This research ca be conlueded that the learning tool of mathematics deserve to be used as
reference material in learning mathematics especially mather of building of flat side room of
class VIII SMP.

Keywords: Guided Discovery Learning And Mind Map.

Education is one of the transformation of learning culture that plays a very
important role, because education is a vehicle to improve and develop human resources.
Through education is believed to be able to encourage and maximize the potential of
learners as a reliable and qualified human resources, which can behave educated, critical,
creative, logical and innovative. Therefore all efforts should be made to improve and
improve the quality of education.
Mathematics is a branch of science that plays a very important role, to develop the
ability of critical thinking, creative, logical and innovative learners (Russefendi, 1991). [1]
Because in learning mathematics learners are not only taught to simply memorize
mathematical formulas, but learners must also use mathematics to solve problems that
exist around them. therefore the learning of mathematics is taught in every level of
education. The abilities to be achieved in NCTM mathematics learning include problem
solving, reasoning, communication, pattern search or connection, and representation. "[2]

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Of the five capabilities mentioned by the NCTM, communication skills include one that
should be a concern and should be mastered by learners.
The ability of mathematical communication is needed in the learning of
mathematics, because by having good mathematical communication ability then students
will be able to write symbols, read diagrams and graphs, and will help students to solve the
existing problems (Huang, 2009) [3]. But in the field encountered many learners who are
not able to communicate his idea well. Learners like lack of words in conveying the idea.
This is not only experienced by learners with low ability but also experienced by smart
learners. They can answer or solve the given problem correctly, but are unable to explain
or write it well. The writing he made was only understood by himself.
Low communication ability of learners is due to learners not yet accustomed in
solving problems that measure communication skills. Based on research reports from some
researchers, the low ability of mathematical communication of learners is felt in many
schools throughout Indonesia, such as research conducted by M.Rezki Putra in 2016 at SMP
35 Padang, SMPN 20 Padang, SMPN 34 Padang [5]. Yerizon's research in 2015 on grade IX
Man Salido student in the southern coastal area [6], even outside the West Sumatera region
also felt it as stated in Edy Tandailing's research which was conducted on high school
students of Pontianak class X 2011 and [7] Conducted by Alvan Marali (2013) at SMPN 1
Kabila Bone Gorontalo [8]. To prove the truth of the previous research opinion the
researcher did observation of school at junior high school / Mts level in pariaman. From the
observations made the researchers also see the mathematical communication skills of
learners included in the low category. This can be seen from the results of communication
skills tests that researchers do on November 7, 2016 on students of class VIII SMPN 7
Pariaman and students of class VIII MTS 1 Kota Pariaman. Based on the results of
communication skills tests on indicators connecting real objects, images, into the idea of
mathematics SMPN7 Pariaman who no answer as much as 87% while MTS 1 students as
much as 77%. For the indicator explain the idea of mathematics students SMPN 7 who
answered correctly 17% while MTSN Padusunan students only 23% rest no answer. If seen
again from the indicators of students' ability to declare daily events into the symbols of
mathematics, students SMPN 7 Pariaman get a score of 2 which means 13% correct answer
and MTSN Padusunan students only 10%, the rest have no answer. This means showing the
low level of mathematical communication ability of class VIII students.
The lack of communication ability of learners is caused by several things such as, the
learning method used is still not support the learners in honing their communication skills,
as well as the learning tools used are also less facilitate learners to learn actively
communicate their own ideas. Learning tools in question are RPP and LKPD.
The RPP used by the teacher is an RPP designed based on subject teachers'
consultation(MGMP). From the observations made by the researchers see in the learning
process the teacher can not implement the learning in accordance with the RPP designed,
this is because the RPP has been designed not in accordance with the conditions and
environment of learners, and core activities in the RPP is still not detailed. In addition to
the use of RPP that supports the learning process.
LKPD also plays a role in supporting learners improve the ability of mathematical
communication. Because the activities in the LKPD will train learners to discover their own
concepts and knowledge about the material being studied. From the results of literature
study that researchers do, researchers see that LKPD used by learners is still less effective
in improving communication skills, this is because LKPD used already directly presents a
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

summary of the concept of the material, then learners are asked to do the exercises. Such
activity is one of the causes of low communication ability of learners.
Based on the description of the above problems, then to overcome these problems
researchers do research development of learning tools in the form of RPP and LKPD with
selected learning model that is guided discovery model. According to the theories and the
results of research done by previous researchers, guided discovery models can enable
learners in the learning process, as well as learners can construct their own thoughts and
ideas. This can be seen from the results of previous research ie Rizki Rahman (2014) [9],
Purnomo revelation (2011) [10], Khomsiatun Siwi (2012), Asrul Karim (2011) [11],
Yusnita Rahmawati (2014) 12], Alfieri l (2011) [13] However, in the process of finding the
learners are often constrained in connecting a concept with other concepts, this is because
learners often forget the material that has been studied, therefore researchers try to
combine This guided discovery model with mind map making at each end of the material
has been studied.
Mind map is a powerful graphic technique that provides a universal key to unlock
the full potential of the human brain so that it can utilize all the capabilities that exist in
both hemispheres such as word, image, number, logic, color, in a unique way (Buzan, 2007)
14]. In line with that Taufik (2011: 349) also explained that Mind Map is a graphical
technique that can provide ease in thinking and remembering and improving the recording,
which usually in the form of words or numbers, sentences, pragraf [15]. Mind-minded
learning has also been applied by some researchers such as research conducted by Rahma
Faelosofi (2016) [16], Sri Indriati Hasanah (2013) [17], Rezki Ramdhona (2014) [18], Sri
Adelia Sari (2016 ) [19] from their research obtained results that the use of mind map in
the learning process can improve student learning outcomes. Based on expert opinions and
previous research reports it can be concluded that the use of mind map in learning can help
students clearly and creatively identify what they have been, are and will learn, so using
Mind Map will familiarize learners to be able to communicate thinking and understanding
they are against matter through writing.
Learning Device Development is done for class VIII SMP semester 2. But in the trial
is only done on one material that is the matter of building a flat side space. The material of
building flat side space is a matter of geometry. Geometry is a field of science that is very
close to the environment of learners, almost all the objects that exist around the learner is a
scope of geometry problems. Seen from the results of tests conducted researchers see still
many learners who have difficulty in solving problems related to the field of geometry.
Therefore, for the experiment, the researcher did the material on the flat side room.The
formulation of the problem developed in this research is How are the characteristics of
learning based on guided discovery along with mind map to improve the mathematical
communication ability of junior high school students of class VIII that meet the valid,
practical and effective criteria?

This type of research is a combination of research development and experiment.
The development model used is the Tjererd ploom development model. The Plomp model
consists of three stages: preliminary research, prototype development or prototyping
phase, and assessment phase [24].
The preliminary research phase is a preparatory stage consisting of needs analysis,
curriculum analysis, and concept analysis. Phase development or prototype (development
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

or prototyping phase) is a process of designing and developing learning devices gradually

through formative evaluation stages to evaluate and improve the prototype developed. The
assessment phase "is an evaluation to test whether the final prototype or product is
consistent with valid, practical and effective criteria. To obtain an effective product,
experimental research is conducted, with the form of Posttest Only Control Design design.
The instruments used for data collection are as follows:
1) The validation sheet, to collect data on learning device validation results.
2) Interview guide, used to collect student opinion data and teacher's opinion on the
use of learning device at one-to-one stage.
3) Observation sheets, to collect data on learning practicability, especially the usability
and implementation of the compiled device.
4) Questionnaire response students and questionnaire teacher response, to see the
practicality of the use of learning tools
5) Tests Communication skills are used to see the effectiveness of learning tools in
improving the mathematical communication skills of learners


1. Preliminary Reseach Results
Activities undertaken at the preliminary stage of this research is Need analysis,
curriculum analysis and concept analysis.
Needs analysis is done to see what is needed by teachers and learners. Based on the
analysis of needs that researchers do from 7-8 November 2016 in SMPN 7 Pariaman with
the instrument used in the form of questionnaires and interview guidelines obtained the
result that teachers and learners need new innovations in learning mathematics in the
form of RPP and LKPD that can support the smooth process of learning. The required RPP
is adjusted to the level of student ability. And the required LKPD contains activities and
exercises that can help learners communicate their thoughts and ideas. Besides that
required LKPD made with attractive color display.
The curriculum analysis aims to study core competencies, basic competencies,
indicators, material coverage and learning objectives. Based on the analysis of the
curriculum, there is a description and development of indicators of the basic competencies
that have been determined. At KD 3.10 differentiate and determine the surface area and the
volume of the rise of flat side space (cubes, beams, prisms, and limas) at the beginning
contains four indicators of achievement of competence more elaborated into 8 indicators,
namely: 1) identifying elements of wake up flat side space, 2 ) Drew the nets of a flat side
room. 3) determining the surface area of the surface of the flat side room, 4) calculating the
surface area of the flat side room, 5) determining the volume formula of the flat side room
space of some activities, 6) calculating the volume of wake up flat side space 7) Flat side if
known volume of wake up flat side space, 8) calculate the volume of wake up flat side space
if known surface area of wake up flat side space. In KD 4.10 there is no addition of
indicators, the indicator used is an indicator that already exists.
Conceptual analysis is the identification of materials that will be needed on the
development of learning devices. These materials are arranged systematically by linking a
concept with another relevant concept to form a concept. The material of the flat-side
building is presented in the cube material for two meetings, the first meeting discussing the
width of the surface and the second meeting of the volume, then the third meeting of the
surface area Beam, the fourth meeting of the beam volume, the fifth encounter of the prism
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

surface area, the sixth meeting of the prism volume, the seventh meeting of the pyramid
surface area and the eighth meeting of the pyramid volume.
Based on the results of the preliminary stage analysis, a learning device based on
guided discovery model with mind map was developed. Furthermore, the device is self-
evaluated (self evaluation) and validated by experts (expert review). After a learning
device based on a guided discovery model along with a valid mind map, to see the
practicality and effectiveness of the learning model, one to one evaluation, small group
evaluation, and field test were conducted. Field tests conducted on students of class VIII6
SMPN 7 Pariaman

2. Phase Prototyping Results

a) Prototype 1
a.1 Designing RPP
The Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) is designed to guide teachers in delivering
learning materials. The RPP component is designed based on Permendiknas no 22 of 2016
on process standards for primary and secondary education units. The learning activities
presented are integrated into LKPD-based guided discovery along with mind map.
Presentation of RPP, Core Competency, Basic Competence, Indicators, Learning Objectives,
Teaching Materials, Time Allocation, Learning Resources and Assessment are similar to
RPP in general. The RPP components that are characteristic of this guided Discovery RPP
model are:
1) Writing learning objectives
Writing learning objectives in RPP commonly used by teachers who directly
mention the purpose in general, did not mention the form of activities undertaken as
through this learning is expected students are able to calculate the surface area of the cube.
Learning Objectives expected in the RPP is designed through the existing activities 2 In
LKPD learners can calculate the surface area of the cube. Once so on the writing of learning
objectives should be clear its activities and implementation to learners and the benefits to
be achieved by learners.
2) Core activities
Implementation of core activities is tailored to the guided discovery learning model
with mind map, where in the stimulation phase learners are asked to look at the
illustrations of the stories present in LKPD, then learners are asked to pay attention to the
context of the problems contained in LKPD, then through the questions that are in LKPD
learners can identify problems, then learners write answers from each question where
available as a form of learners activities in collecting information, from information
collected learners are asked to process information by paying attention and connecting
each answer that has been written. Through the discussion with friends or with other
groups learners are asked to check back or verify the correct answers made. then learners
are asked to conclude their understanding of the concept that has been learned by writing
it in the form of mind map. For the next meeting the mind map created by learners starting
from the mind map created at the previous meeting continued on the mind map of the
ongoing material
3) Closing activity
At the closing session, several group representatives were asked to present the
group discussion result in the form of mind map.
a.2 LKPD Design
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

LKPD based Guided discovery with Mind map created using Microsof Word 2008.
LKPD has several components covering Title contained in Cover, study guide, compotence
to be achieved, problem, activity steps, and training. LKPD has interesting Images in
accordance with the problem to be solved in finding the concept of the material being
studied, some of the images contained in LKPD are taken from the Internet
Presentation of material on LKPD at the first meeting presented Mind map first, the
goal is to facilitate learners in connecting a concept of material that has been studied with
the material to be studied. Presentation of the material begins by providing stimulation or
stimulation to learners through the experience often encountered in everyday life, with the
aim to stimulate the interest of learners following the learning process. Learners are asked
to solve the problems given through a trial activity. Based on experiments conducted imana
learners are guided to identify problems through questions that must be answered so that
learners can find their own concept of the material, and can make their own conclusions.
End of learning learners are asked to communicate their own understanding of the
material that has been learned by writing it in the form of mind map place available. Mind
map presented at the beginning of the meeting on LKPD 1 can be seen in Figure 5 below.
b) Prototype 2
After RPP and LKPD designed self-evaluation conducted by the researchers
themselves. Self evaluation conducted on RPP to see the completeness of RPP identity,
formulation of indicators, formulation of learning objectives, material selection,
correctness of guided discovery stage, correctness of mind map writing in guided discovery
stage, selection of learning resources, and assessment. While the self evaluation on LKPD
aspects that are seen are the accuracy of typing, the accuracy of the use of words and terms,
the accuracy of the use of punctuation, the accuracy of text size, the accuracy in the
placement of images, the availability of empty space to solve problems and make
conclusions, material accuracy of guided discovery steps . In general, many errors occur in
typing words and punctuation. Punctuation errors for example, after punctuation are not
spaced 1 spaces, lack of punctuation, capital letters after the dot. In LKPD there are typing
errors, lacking letters, poor punctuation, and some questions in LKPD are using the word
"Ananda" and "You" so that the word "You" is changed to "Ananda". After the self
evaluation is done then the revision is done, the revision result is called Prototype II

C) Prototype 3
After RPP and LKPD revised validation by experts, RPP validation is done by 4
experts, namely 3 lecturers of mathematics, 1 lecturer of Indonesian language. Aspects
assessed by the conformity of RPP components with the 2013 curriculum component,
suitability of activities with guided discovery model with mind map, language suitability
with EYD rules. Suggestion from Validator is the formulation of indicators in the RPP
adjusted to the basic competencies that have been. another suggestion from the validator is
to write the form of activities that exist in LKPD at each stage of guided discovery in the
core activities. After the revision in accordance with the suggestion of the validator and
discussed again, then revised again so that obtained a valid RPP. The result of RPP
validation is RPP component with average 3.58, Learning activity with average 3.42, and
language with average 3.5 so that the average total validation for all three aspects is
assessed is 3.5 with very valid category.
Similarly, LKPD Validation RPP is conducted by 5 expert lecturers. 3 lecturers of
mathematics, 1 lecturer of Indonesian language, 1 lecturer of education technology.
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Validation is done repeatedly, where every revision done according to the validator's
suggestion is discussed again with validator in question until obtained by valid LKPD.
Aspects that are assessed on LKPD-based guided discovery with mind map are: Didactic or
presentation aspects, content and material aspects, language aspects, and aspects of
kegrafikan. Validation results from the four aspects viewed obtained average total
validation is 3.43 with valid category.
RPP and LKPD that have been valid can be used to perform practicality test and
efketifitas in the next stage. The valid RPP and LKPD are called prototype 4.
D) Prototype 4
Prototype 4 that has been obtained then conducted individual trials called with one-
to-one. One-to-one results in LKPD found that the clues contained in the LKPD were
sufficiently clear. For LKPD 1 to LKPD 4 meetings there are no constraints, there is little
improvement in terms of writing, however in LKPD 5-8 learners have difficulty identifying
and gathering information. LKPD 5 to LKPD 8 is revised by adding several questions to
make it easier for learners to identify and gather information.
Data collection to see Mathematical communication ability of learners at one-to-one
stage is taken based on the observations made from the learners activities in doing the
exercises that exist in LKPD, at the first meeting for high-ability students have been able to
identify the problems properly, and the use of the symbols and the size is right and the
problem solving is also correct, so for the indicator of communication ability that is seen is
good, but for the lesser students with low-ability and moderate, at this first meeting the
communication skills of learners still not in accordance with measured indicators, through
Guidance and direction of the researcher, low and moderate learners at the second meeting
have begun to increase, and so on for the third and fourth meetings. Based on the work
done from each meeting, it can be concluded that LKPD based guided discovery with mind
map at one-toone stage is effective.
The implementation of one-to-one RPP-based discovery is guided by providing RPP
for 8 meetings to one of the SMPN 7 mathematics teachers. The researcher asks the teacher
to read and examine the RPP that has been designed, then the researcher asks for
suggestions for improvement of RPP. Based on the advice of the teacher revision of the RPP
has been designed.
E) Prototype 5
After the implementation of one-to-one prototype 5, then small group evaluation of
the prototype. in this small group evaluation, it is tested by practicality and effectiveness
test. this trial is done to 6 students with different levels of ability. Practicality test is done
by researcher using RPP and LKPD in learning process.
Instruments used to see the practicality of LKPD in the form of observation sheet of
the implementation of RPP filled by 2 people observer that is the researcher himself and
one of the math teachers. Based on the observation sheet the implementation of RPP
obtained practical level about 80% with practical criteria. While the instrument used to see
the practicality of using LKPD is 92.25% questionnaire with practical criteria. Test the
effectiveness of the test of communication skills, based on the results of communication
skills test obtained only 1 student who is not complete. After the implementation of small
group test done some revisions to RPP and LKPD, then the revision of RPP and LKPD is
called with prototype 6.
F) Prototype 6

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

The resulting prototype 6 was then tested by a large group, this large group was done
classically on the students of class VIII.6. The large group test aims to test the practicality
and effectiveness of the product. Practicality test is done by using RPP and LKPD in
learning process. Instrument used to collect information in the form of observation sheet of
RPP, teacher questionnaire response and questionnaire response of learners. Based on the
observation sheet of RPP is obtained practicality level 78.13% with practical category. This
means that the RPP can be said to be practical and can be used, then viewed from the
questionnaire teacher response and questionnaire response learners obtained the
sequential percentage of 87.5% and 79.91% This means that LKPD used is practically
practical, but in LKPD there are some revisions, LKPD 6 which contains questions that
answer the same, selected one of them only. After the device is revised, the device is called
prototype 7. LKPD guided discovery along with mind map obtained after prototype
development can be seen in Figure 1.2,3,4,5 below.

Gambar 1: Tahap Stimulation Pada LKPD 3

The Stimulation Stage in Figure 1 is an activity in which the teacher provides a stimulus
about the understanding of the surface area of the beam. Stimulus given in the form of
story illustrations, in the picture there is a box on the outside covered by wrapping paper,
learners can calculate how many wrapping paper needed to wrap the box. If learners find
how much wrapping paper is needed to wrap the box it means learners are looking for the
surface area of the beam. Based on the illustrations of the story it is hoped learners can
understand what is meant by the surface area of the beam and the object of building
another flat side space.

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

Gambar 2: Tahap Konteks masalah Pada LKPD 3

The phase context of the problem in Figure 2 is the problem given to the learner so that
learners can find their own surface area of the beam. From the size of the beam provided,
students are expected to be able to calculate the surface area of the beam.

Gambar 3: Tahap Mengumpulkan Informasi

The Gathering stage of information in Figure 3 is an activity in which learners can identify
the problem from the context of the given problem and then the information obtained from
each question item is written down in the available place.

Gambar 4: Tahap Menyimpulkan Informasi

The process of processing information in Figure 4 is an activity in which learners process
the information collected so that learners can calculate their own beam surface area
against the size of the beam given to the context of the problem. From the results obtained
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

calculations are expected to learners can conclude their own formula used to find the
surface of the beamAfter all the learning process using RPP and LKPD based guided
discovery with the mind map ends. To strengthen the learner's knowledge of the building
material on the flat side, the learners are asked to make a mind map from the beginning of
the meeting until the end of the meeting. Here's an example of a mind map created by one
of the learners can be seen in figure 5.

Gambar 5: Mind Map Yang Dibuat Oleh Salah Satu Peserta

3. Result of Phase Assessment
The prototype 7 that has been generated is then carried out by the phase
assessment test to see the practicality and effectiveness of the actual device. This test is
done by using two classes: experimental class and control class. The experimental class is a
class that uses a guided discovery-based device with a mind map in the learning process,
whereas in the control class does not use a guided discovery-based learning device with a
mind map, but at the end the material is tested for the same communication skills test.
Based on the results of practicality test against LKPD using questionnaire teacher response
and questionnaire response learners obtained the sequential results are 89.46% and
79.91% are categorized practical. Based on the observation sheet the implementation of
RPP obtained 80.4% results with the practical category.
Effectiveness test is done by comparing the two sample classes, because the two
sample classes are not normal then tested mann_whitney. Decision-making by looking at
probability numbers, provided that accept H0 if probability value> 0.05 and vice versa
reject H0 if probability value <0.05. Because the number in the ASYMP column. Sig (2-
tailed) is 0.000. which is less than 0.05, thus H0 is rejected. This means that there is a
difference in the communication skills of learners in the Experiment class and Control
class. Based on the exposure Mann Whitney Test it can be concluded that the use of
learning devices based on discovery guided with the mind has been effective in improving
the communication skills of learners. After the field test there is little revision in LKPD
while in the RPP there is no revision. After the RPP and LKPD were revised, the learning
tools were valid, practical and effective

This research is a development research that produces guided discovery based
learning device with mind map. The device is in the form of RPP and LKPD for class VIII
mathematics material on Bangun Ruang Ruang flat side. From the results of the
development can be concluded that the form of learning devices based on math discovery
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

along with a valid mind map is a learning device in which already based on the discovery of
guided mind map.
The form of learning-based math-based learning tools with a practical mind map is a
learning tool that allows teachers to apply the steps of existing activities in the RPP in
accordance with the time set. For learners, LKPD can improve their motivation and
construct their own knowledge through the steps of activities in the LKPD. And learners
can make a mind map of the material presented and learners can use the mind map in
connecting one concept with other concepts and can as a reminder for learners of the
material that has been studied
The form of guided learning-based math learning tools with an effective mind map
is a tool in which RPP and LKPD can direct learners to positive activities and minimize
negative activity. In addition, learning outcomes after the use of this learning tool already
meets the minimum mastery criteria.

The authors wish to thank Dr. Armiati, M.Pd and Dr. Irwan, M.Si as a lecturer and
lecturers graduate of Universitas Negeri Padang who has provided guidance and direction
with sincere and patient in the completion of this article. This article was prepared based
on a thesis written by Yulia Oktavianda entitled Development of Learning Based
Instructional Tool With Mind Map In Improving Communication Skills of Grade VIII Junior
High School Students

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Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
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ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017



Zulmen Suhendri
Mathematics Education Department of Postgraduated School
Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP)

This paper describes the results of research on the development of mathematics
learning devices that are characterized by project-based learning. The existing
mathematics learning tools have not encouraged students to participate actively in
learning mathematics. So students are not motivated to learn mathematics in using
these learning tools. Researchers want to develop a device of learning mathematics,
learning tools developed is a learning tool based mathematics Project Based Learning
(PjBL) on the material Build Space. The purpose of this study is to determine the process
of design, validation and practicality and the effectiveness of learning tools based on
Mathematics Project Based Learning (PjBL). The research type is Research &
Development with Plomp research design, preliminary research phase, prototyping
phase (phase of manufacture and development of prototype), and assessment phase
(assessment phase). Population and sample in this research is student of class VIII SMP /
MTs Batusangkar. The results showed that the learning tools based on Project Based
Learning (PjBL) are valid. This is indicated by a validation sheet score analysis with an
average of 4.11. After analyzed the score of questionnaires the response of students'
practice of students has a range of 77.00-86,00. Learning tools show ease / practicality
in learning mathematics. Thus, it can be concluded that the learning tools based on
Project Based Learning (PjBL) mathematics is very valid, practical and effective.

Keywords: Project Based Learning, Problem-solving Ability, Build a Flat Space Room

National education, as one of the national development sectors in the effort to educate
the life of the nation has a vision of the realization of an educational system as a
powerful and authoritative social institution to empower all Indonesian citizens to
develop into qualified human beings capable and proactively respond to the challenges
of an ever-changing era. In preparing students for the challenges of the future, the
Ministry of National Education (MONE)publishes the Curriculum.
One of the areas of science to be achieved is mathematics. In the Regulation of
the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 65 year 2013 on
Standard Process of Primary and Secondary Education, namely: Learning process in
education unit held interactive, inspiration, fun and challenging, motivate learners to
participate actively and give enough space for initiative, creativity and independence
according to talent, interest and Physical and psychological development of learners.
To encourage the creation of interactive learning, inspirational, fun and
challenging, motivating the learners is required Learning Tool. However, based on

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

observations of researchers in the field, Learning Devices used have not been able to
make students motivated and active in learning. So that the desired learning process has
not been done properly.
Based on the writer's analysis of Mathematics Learning Tool used by teacher of
class VIII SMP Batusangkar, Learning Device used in the school, Learning Tool has not
been practical in terms of content or presentation. So it has not encouraged students to
participate actively in learning. Teachers still use teaching materials in the form of a
printed book that is Erlangga book. Teachers has tried to make Devices and LKPD that
can summarize the subject matter from various books, but because of busy only
occasionally the teacher can make LKPD. LKPD made only consists of 1 material or 1
meeting only. The teacher has never used a project-based Mathematical Learning Tool.
From the above problems, learning tools have not been motivating and encouraging and
have not helped students to solve mathematical problems. It is necessary to develop a
Mathematics learning tool in which there is a project-based learning model. Devices
developed in the form of RPP, LKPD, and Intrumen assessment. In accordance with
Government Regulation No. 65 of 2013 on Standard Processes of Basic and
Intermediate Education which implies that teachers as educators to develop the Lesson
Plans (RPP). Thus, every educator is obliged to develop learning tools including RPP,
LKPD and evaluation tools that are complete and systematic so that learning takes place
interactively, inspiration, fun, so as to motivate learners during the learning process
take place.
Learning tools developed should help students in mathematical problem-solving
skills. The problem in KBBI (2008: 883) is defined as something to be solved or solved.
A question will be a problem only if one does not have certain rules / laws that can
immediately be used to find answers to the question (Hudojo, 2005: 123). Furthermore,
the problem according to some mathematicians is a question that must be answered
and responded, however, not all questions will automatically become a problem
A question will be a problem if the question indicates a challenge that can not be
solved simply by using a routine way or procedure that the learners already recognize.
In the learning of math each assignment for learners can be classified into two things,
namely exercise andproblems.Based on the description, then the problem in
mathematics is an issue that must be solved or solved by using an uncompleted
settlement procedure in which the settlement step must be processed by the learners
After knowing what is the problem, then we will discuss about the problem solving.
Problem solving is the process of applying the previously acquired knowledge into an
unfamiliar new situation.
Problem solving is also defined as trying to find a way out of a difficulty, reaching
a goal that is not immediately achievable. Because problem solving is a high level of
intellectual activity. Problem solving in mathematics includes the process of finding
answers to questions that require procedures or steps that are not routine and are
present in a form of text, non-routine puzzles and real-life situations (Hudojo, 2005: 74).
The learning objectives in the 2013 curriculum (Permendiknas no 58, 2014) state that
the indicators of achievement of problem-solving abilities, including.
A.Understandthe problem
B.Organize data and select relevant information in identifying problems
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

C. Present a problem formulation mathematically in various forms

D. Choose the right approach and strategy to solve the problem
E. Use or develop problem-solving strategies
F. Interpret the results of answers obtained to solve problems
One of the learning models that can improve students' mathematical problem
solving abilities is a project-based learning model. Project-based learning models can
stimulate motivation, process, and improve student learning achievement using
problems related to certain materials in real situations (Rais, 2010). In project-based
learning the given problem is a context for students to learn about critical thinking and
problem-solving skills and acquire essential knowledge and concepts from subject
matter (Nurhadi, et al., 2004). In the process of solving problems, students can exchange
opinions and work together so that the mastery of the material increases and finally
students are able to achieve optimal learning outcome.
Project-based learning is an innovative learning model that focuses on contextual
learning through complex activities. Buck institute for Education (in Sutirman 2003: 43)
states that project-based learning is "A systematic teaching method involving students
in learning knowledge and skills through structured processes, real-time and
meticulous experiences designed to produce products"Ministry of Education and
Culture (2014: 47) The steps of implementation of Project-Based Learning can be
explained by the following diagram:

Explanation of project-based learning steps,

A. Determination of the Basic Question (Start With the Essential Question). Namely the
question that can give the assignment of learners in doing an activity.
B. Designing the Project Plan (design a Plan for the Project)
Planning is done collaboratively between teachers and learners.
C. Arrange Schedule (Create a Schedule). Teachers and learners collaboratively
arrange an activity schedule to complete the project.
D. Monitor the Students and the Progress of the Project. The teacher is responsible for
monitoring the activities of the students to complete the project.
E. Test Results (Assess the Outcome). Assessment is done in measuring the achievement
of standards, play a role in evaluating the progress of each learner.
F. Evaluate the Experience. Teachers and learners reflect on the activities and results of
projects that have been run.
In accordance with the project-based Learning step begins with fundamental questions,
designs project planning, schedule, monitoring, assessing results and reflection. So the
steps of this project-based learning model in accordance with the indicators of problem-
solving capability that students understand the problem, organize the data, make the
formulation and appropriate strategies for problem solving and interpret the results
obtained answers to solve problems.
ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

The type of research used is research and development or Research and Development
(R & D). The project development model of project-based mathematics learning using
the Plomp model. This model was developed by Tjeerd Plomp. According to Plomp
(2013: 19) this model consists of 3 phases of preliminary research, prototyping phase,
and assessment phase.The steps of the development of project-based mathematics
learning tools are illustrated as the following diagram:
Preliminary research
A. Conducted interviews with teachers of mathematics class VIII SMP / MTs
B. Analyze the material syllabus
C. Analyze the learning tools of mathematics class VIII SMP / MTs
D. Analyze the needs of students of grade VIII SMP / MTs

Prototyping phase
Designing LKS project-based mathematics learning

Prototype I of project-based mathematics learning tool

self evaluation

Analysis Revision

Validity test by validator

Valid Revision

Prototipe II of project-based mathematics learning tool

Small group evaluation

Analysis Revision

Prototipe III of project-based mathematics learning tool

Assessment phase
Test Praktikalitas on large groups

Test the effectiveness and effectiveness by teachers and


Analysis Revision

A valid and effective project-based mathematics learning tool

ISBN : 978-602-50919-0-2
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2017)
Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia
Novotel Hotel, August 27th – 29th 2017

A. Preliminary research results
This stage is to define and define the requirements required in the development of a
project-based mathematics learning tool on the building material.
1) Conducting interviews with grade VIII mathematics teacher
2) Analyze the material syllabus waking up
3) Analysis of learning tools of mathematics class VIII SMP / MTs.
4) Analyze the needs of students of grade VIII MTs
B. Results Phase manufacture and development prototype (prototyping phase
The purpose of the phase prototyping phase is to design a project-based mathematics
learning tool that contains material in accordance with the basic competencies and
learning objectives that have been determined. The design process of this device are:
A. Designing RPP, LKPD and Assessment Instruments that contain project tasks, project
implementation steps and self-training and key answers.
B. The device is designed according to the time allocation contained in the syllabus ie
3x4 lesson hours (6 meetings).
C. Assessment phase (Assessment phase)
Design results at this stage produce prototype 1, then self-evaluation and expert or
expert judgment are performed.

4 Series 1
2 Series 2
Series 3
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Graph of tabulation results Validation Sheet Validation of Project Based Learning Tool

After a revision of the project-based mathematics learning tool based on small

group evaluation, field trials were conducted in one class.
1. Practical Results
A) Questionnaire result of student's practicality response
Based on the result of questionnaire of student's practicality response, it can be seen
that practicality value ranges from 77,00 - 86,00. Thus the learning based mathematics
tool based on Project Based Learning (PjBL) is stated practical from aspect of use and

Aspek Isi LKS Aspek Aspek Bahasa Aspek Bentuk Aspek Tujuan
Karakteristik fisik

Graph of tabulation results Validation Sheet Validation of Project Based Learning Tool

A. The process of designing learning tools based on Project Based Learning (PjBL)
mathematics on building materials begins with investigating initial problems, analyzing
student needs and performing syllabus analysis.
B. Learning based mathematics tools based on Project Based Learning (PjBL) on waking
material is categorized as valid.
C. Learning based mathematics tool based on Project Based Learning (PjBL) on building
materials has practicality / ease in learning mathematics.
D. Learning based mathematics tools based on Project Based Learning (PjBL) on waking
materials have effectiveness in learning mathematics.

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Grava Media
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Modul Pelatihan Implementasi Kurikulum
2013 untuk SMP/MTs Materi Matematika.
Plomp, T dan N. Nieveen.2013.Educational Design Research.Enshede: Netherland
Institute For Curriculum Development (SLO)
Riduwan. 2007.Belajar Mudah Penelitian. Jakarta: Alfabeta.
Sutirman. 2013. Media dan Model Model Pembelajaran Inovatif. Jakarta : Graha Ilmu
Tim Penyusun. 2014. Buku Panduan Penulisan Tesis. Padang: Universitas Negeri Padang


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