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Analogy 1

31.Deer is to forest as whale is to ocean.

32.Pianist is to hands as ballerina is to feet.
33.Pound is to weight as mile is to distance.
34.Pencil is to writing as mop is to cleaning.
35.Faucet is to water as outlet is to electricity.
36.Arboretum is to garden as orchard is to farm.
37.Solitary is to hermit as greedy is to miser.
38.Abdicate is to monarch as resign is to governor.
39.Sculpture is to art as tango is to dance.
40.Trustworthy is to friend as caring is to parent.
41.Novel is to poem as marathon is to sprint.
42.Pious is to belief as athletic is to strength.
43.Mammal is to human as relationship is to friendship.
44.Wisdom is to fools as folly is to sages.
45.Telephone is to communication as stove is to cooking.
46.Physics is to science as calculus is to mathematics.
47.Jousting is to lance as fencing is to sword.
48.Tallow is to fat as leather is to skin.
49.Mitigate is to harm as alleviate is to suffering.
50.Yawn is to sleepy as fidget is to restless.
51.Website is to internet as book is to library.
52.Drought is to water as famine is to food.
53.Persuasive is to argument as compelling is to evidence.
54.Remorseful is to unrepentant as slender is to stout.
55.High school is to college as apprenticeship is to job.
56.Dilate is to contract as expand is to narrow.
57.Collusion is to cooperation as smuggling is to importing.
58.Plausible is to incredible as possible is to unlikely.
59.Annoyed is to furious as thin is to gaunt
60.Navigate is to destination as strive is to goal.

Analogy 2

31.Signature is to forgery as currency is to counterfeit.

32.Bench is to park as chair is to parlor.
33.List is to items as recipe is to ingredients.
34.Uncle is to brother as aunt is to sister.
35.Spoon is to soup as fork is to salad.
36.Diminish is to eliminate as suggest is to command.
37.Itinerary is to travel as blueprint is to construction.
38.Factory is to manufacturing as theater is to entertaining.
39.Unicorn is to mythical as dinosaur is to extinct.

40.Bee is to hive as ant is to hill.
41.Precipice is to abyss as shore is to ocean.
42.Enjoy is to promote as dislike is to discourage.
43.Kindle is to blaze as incite is to conflict.
44.Worker is to colleague as citizen is to compatriot.
45.Miner is to ores as lumberjack is to trees
46.Fare is to passenger as postage is to parcel.
47.Valor is to heroes as deception is to liars.
48.Steer is to rudder as row is to oar.
49.Imprison is to person as impound is to property.
50.Investigate is to ascertain as requisition is to acquire.
51.Swagger is to arrogance as slouch is to lethargy.
52.Punctual is to attendance as meticulous is to work.
53.Glacier is to ice cube as mountain is to pebble.
54.Harmonious is to contemporaneous as incompatible is to anachronistic.
55.Famine is to hunger as pestilence is to illness
56.Sharp is to fuzzy as distinct is to vague.
57.Dial is to turn as switch is to toggle.
58.Fire escape is to building as lifeboat is to ship.
59.Telegram is to text message as letter is to email.
60.Voracious is to insatiable as stubborn is to incorrigible.

Analogy 3

31. Pilot is to airplane as captain is to ship.

32. Snake is to python as dog is to terrier.
33. Mayor is to city as governor is to state.
34. Paper is to novel as canvas is to portrait.
35. Refined is to vulgar as submissive is to recalcitrant.
36. Whip is to lash as club is to beat.
37. Migrate is to swan as hibernate is to groundhog.
38. Weather is to meteorologist as vegetation is to botanist.
39. Track is to horse racing as court is to tennis.
40. Director is to actor as coach is to player.
41. Dessert is to meal as finale is to performance.
42. Confirm is to deny as accept is to reject.
43. Hostile is to nemesis as fortified is to stronghold.
44. Fidelity is to unfaithfulness as honesty is to deceit.
45. Widespread is to limited as broad is to narrow.
46. Saw is to carpenter as plow is to farmer.
47. Racket is to tennis as glove is to box.
48. Encourage is to demand as suggest is to order.
49. Grin is to delight as frown is to dismay.
50. Mysterious is to understandable as obscure is to clear.

51. Injury is to heal as malfunction is to repair.
52. Jog is to sprint as trot is to gallop.
53. Bone is to body as beam is to building.
54. Amorphous is to shape as odorless is to scent.
55. Vain is to humble as extroverted is to shy.
56. Test is to study as play is to rehearse.
57. Smile is to frown as cheer is to heckle.
58.Banana is to peel as corn is to husk.
59. Touch is to tactile as smell is to olfactory.
60. Articulateness is to speech as legibility is to handwriting.

Analogy 4

31.Menu is to foods as catalog is to merchandise.

32.Milk is to butter as wood is to paper.
33.Photography is to images as sculpture is to forms.
34.Eternity is to time as infinity is to number.
35.Teacher is to assignment as doctor is to prescription.
36.Farmer is to cook as lumberjack is to carpenter.
37.Creep is to run as trickle is to pour.
38.Copious is to abundant as docile is to meek.
39.Calendar is to days as chronometer is to time.
40.Avarice is to greed as fury is to anger.
41.Shelter is to protection as curtain is to privacy.
42.Evict is to home as banish is to country.
43.Paroled is to pardoned as conditional is to absolute.
44.Nonfiction is to biography as fiction is to novel.
45.Capitulate is to surrender as remonstrate is to protest.
46. Contract is to individuals as treaty is to nations.
47.Prune is to eradicate as abbreviate is to delete.
48.Discovering is to cache as overhearing is to secret.
49. Glare is to light as blare is to sound.
50. Competent is to worker as fluent is to speaker.
51.Paint is to corrosion as grease is to friction.
52.Stoicism is to endurance as awe is to astonishment.
53.Hinge is to door as fulcrum is to lever.
54.Song is to playlist as poem is to anthology.
55.Chronicle is to events as ledger is to transactions.
56.Drizzle is to downpour as kindle is to blaze.
57.Flowery is to prose as ornate is to furniture.
58. Contort is to straighten as entangle is to streamline.
59.Commission is to appointment as intermission is to break.
60.Autograph is to pen as data is to calculator.

Analogy 5

31. Acrid is to smell as sour is to taste.

32.Dish is to platter as placemat is to tablecloth.
33.Needle is to stitching as brush is to painting.
34.Flexibility is to agility as sleuth is to investigator.
35.Rind is to grapefruit as husk is to corn.
36.Shelve is to forward as hold is to advance.
37.Fleece is to llama as down is to duckling.
38.Illness is to epidemic as wave is to tsunami.
39. Apology is to acknowledgment as excuse is to justification.
40. Adversary is to enmity as underdog is to sympathy.
41.Haunting is to nightmare as throbbing is to headache.
42.Telescope is to astronomer as stethoscope is to physician.
43.Gasoline is to engines as steam is to turbines.
44.Tempest is to storm as conflagration is to fire.
45.Preface is to speech as homepage is to website.
46.Principle is to philosopher as presumption is to detective.
47.Resistant is to obstinate as thrilled is to glad.
48.Helium is to nitrogen as hydrogen is to oxygen.
49.Button is to collar as clasp is to purse.
50.Hurricane is to squall as torrent is to drizzle.
51.Tree is to forest as ship is to fleet.
52.Mischief is to kindness as disobedience is to conformity.
53.Ask is to order as appeal is to command.
54.Discern is to perceive as ascertain is to determine.
55.Unpleasant is to detestable as thin is to emaciated.
56.Trademark is to brand as copyright is to book.
57.Sufficient is to plentiful as adequate is to lavish.
58.Smile is to laugh as frown is to cry.
59. Reproduce is to experiment as reconstruct is to building.
60.Fuzzy is to thinking as hazy is to memory.

Analogy 6

31.Umbrella is to soak as shield is to wound.

32.Scale is to weight as speedometer is to velocity.
33.Famine is to food as drought is to rain.
34.Wax is to wane as advance is to retreat.
35.Sponsor is to funding as muse is to inspiration.
36.Crude is to refinement as bland is to flavor.
37.Swarm is to bees as drove is to cattle.
38.Barrier is to obstruct as camouflage is to conceal.
39.Flirt is to courtship as banter is to conversation.

40.Yacht is to boat as banquet is to meal.
41.Hover is to airborne as totter is to unstable.
42.Hungry is to ravenous as happy is to jubilant.
43.Flexibility is to bend as stamina is to endure.
44.Grope is to search as guess is to predict.
45.Incumbent is to office as champion is to title.
46.Writing is to erase as building is to demolish.
47.Versatile is to adapt as buoyant is to float.
48.Abbreviate is to short as fortify is to strong.
49.Invaluable is to worthless as belligerent is to peaceful.
50.Clientele is to customer as electorate is to voter.
51.Appease is to anger as enlighten is to ignorance.
52.Invade is to enter as dislodge is to remove.
53.Outcast is to shun as idol is to worship.
54.Divulge is to public as rectify is to right.
55.Plausible is to believe as conspicuous is to notice.
56.Survivor is to succumb as bachelor is to marry.
57.Merciful is to clemency as contrite is to remorse.
58.Pretense is to reason as façade is to appearance.
59.Obsolete is to disuse as chaotic is to confusion.
60.Impromptu is to preparation as reckless is to caution.

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