Analogy 2
40.Bee is to hive as ant is to hill.
41.Precipice is to abyss as shore is to ocean.
42.Enjoy is to promote as dislike is to discourage.
43.Kindle is to blaze as incite is to conflict.
44.Worker is to colleague as citizen is to compatriot.
45.Miner is to ores as lumberjack is to trees
46.Fare is to passenger as postage is to parcel.
47.Valor is to heroes as deception is to liars.
48.Steer is to rudder as row is to oar.
49.Imprison is to person as impound is to property.
50.Investigate is to ascertain as requisition is to acquire.
51.Swagger is to arrogance as slouch is to lethargy.
52.Punctual is to attendance as meticulous is to work.
53.Glacier is to ice cube as mountain is to pebble.
54.Harmonious is to contemporaneous as incompatible is to anachronistic.
55.Famine is to hunger as pestilence is to illness
56.Sharp is to fuzzy as distinct is to vague.
57.Dial is to turn as switch is to toggle.
58.Fire escape is to building as lifeboat is to ship.
59.Telegram is to text message as letter is to email.
60.Voracious is to insatiable as stubborn is to incorrigible.
Analogy 3
51. Injury is to heal as malfunction is to repair.
52. Jog is to sprint as trot is to gallop.
53. Bone is to body as beam is to building.
54. Amorphous is to shape as odorless is to scent.
55. Vain is to humble as extroverted is to shy.
56. Test is to study as play is to rehearse.
57. Smile is to frown as cheer is to heckle.
58.Banana is to peel as corn is to husk.
59. Touch is to tactile as smell is to olfactory.
60. Articulateness is to speech as legibility is to handwriting.
Analogy 4
Analogy 5
Analogy 6
40.Yacht is to boat as banquet is to meal.
41.Hover is to airborne as totter is to unstable.
42.Hungry is to ravenous as happy is to jubilant.
43.Flexibility is to bend as stamina is to endure.
44.Grope is to search as guess is to predict.
45.Incumbent is to office as champion is to title.
46.Writing is to erase as building is to demolish.
47.Versatile is to adapt as buoyant is to float.
48.Abbreviate is to short as fortify is to strong.
49.Invaluable is to worthless as belligerent is to peaceful.
50.Clientele is to customer as electorate is to voter.
51.Appease is to anger as enlighten is to ignorance.
52.Invade is to enter as dislodge is to remove.
53.Outcast is to shun as idol is to worship.
54.Divulge is to public as rectify is to right.
55.Plausible is to believe as conspicuous is to notice.
56.Survivor is to succumb as bachelor is to marry.
57.Merciful is to clemency as contrite is to remorse.
58.Pretense is to reason as façade is to appearance.
59.Obsolete is to disuse as chaotic is to confusion.
60.Impromptu is to preparation as reckless is to caution.