System of Measurement
System of Measurement
System of Measurement
T.L.E. - Grade 10
I. Objectives
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities
1.) Prayer
2.) Attendance
3.) Classroom Management
B. Developmental Activities
1.) Drill:
Activities: Ask the students to form a big circle and the teacher will provide
a ball to throw from person to person. As each student catches the ball,
they can say the next number in a particular number sequence. This
sequence can be as easy or hard. However, a sequence that gets
progressively harder can be a lot of fun, as students try to pass the ball
once per second and think faster with every throw. Such sequences could
doubling the previous number
tripling the previous number
square numbers
cube numbers
adding the previous two numbers
multiplying the previous two numbers
2.) Review: What have you learned from the previous lesson?
3.) Motivation:
The teacher will play a video:
Ask the students the following questions:
1. What have you observe in the video?
2. How many feet in 1 yard?
3. How many inches in 1 foot?
4. How many inches in 1 yard?
Group 1
Choose the correct answer by matching column A to column B.
1.) 1 yard a.) 1 m
2.) 12 Inches b.) 3 feet
3.) 100 cm c.) 1 foot
4.) 10 mm d.) 1 dm
5.) 10 cm e.) 1 cm
Group 2
Converting Metric Units
1.) 1 cm = mm
2.) 4 cm = mm
3.) 4 m = cm
4.) 2km = m
5.) 3 cm = mm
Group 3
Converting the unit of measurement from English to English
1.) 10 feet = inches
2.) 5 yard = feet
3.) 36 inches = yard
4.) 3 feet = yard
5.) 72 inches = feet
B. Analysis
#1 In the Summer Olympic Games, athletes compete in races of the
following lengths: 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters, 1500
meters, 5000 meters and 10,000 meters. If a runner were to run in all
these races, how many kilometers would he run?
#2 Use a fraction to find the length in feet of a shoe that is 9 inches long.
C. Abstraction
How did you find the activity? What it is all about?
What measurement do we use in Metric System?
How about in English system?
D. Application
Answer that following questions.
1) The weight of a flash drive is 3 grams. Convert the measurement to
2) The distance between Cell Phone Company A and B is 87 m. convert
the measurement to cm.
3) 76.2 m of CL2 in-wall speaker cable was installed in an office for
background music.
a) Calculate that length in decameters.
b) Calculate that length in centimeters.
V. Evaluation
Directions: Convert the following system of measurements and write your
solutions in your EIM activity notebook.
1. 175 cm = ________ mm
2. 484 in. = ________ ft
3. 7 m = ________cm
4. 56 ft = ________ cm
5. 566 cm = ________ in
VI. Assignment: