(EXT) - Monsternomicon Volume I
(EXT) - Monsternomicon Volume I
(EXT) - Monsternomicon Volume I
Page 16:
Delete the "Challenge Rating" line beneath "Feats." The one beneath "Organization" is correct.
Page 17:
Add the following to the bottom of the sample Progeny's stat block:
Climate/Terrain: Any aquatic and marsh
Organization: Gang (2-8)
Challenge Rating: 2
Alignment: Always lawful evil
Advancement: -
Page 28:
Page 29:
Page 32:
Page 38:
Page 53:
Dragonspawn Features: Base Hit Dice for Diminutive spawn should be ¼ d10 and ½ d10 for Tiny spawn
Page 54:
Dragonspawn stat block: Size should be Huge - AC should read: 21 (-1 Dex, +12 natural) - Face/Reach should
read: 10 ft. by 10 ft./ 15 ft.
Right column, line 22, should read: dragon) must make a Fortitude save equal to ½ the dragon's
Right column, line 26, should read: must make a Fortitude save equal to ¼ the dragon's Hit Dice +
Page 57:
Add the following to the bottom of the Dread template's stat block:
Climate/Terrain: Any land
Organization: Solitary
CR: As base character +3
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: By character class
Page 62:
Page 65:
Add the following to the bottom of the sample Sythyss's stat block:
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or gang (2-5)
CR: 2
Alignment: Always lawful evil
Advancement: By character class
Page 84:
Page 100:
Stat block, Change the Speed to: 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (good)
Right column, first & second line, change to "thudded into the creature's tough, dry flesh, and a horde of crawling
and flying spiders came bursting forth from the thing's body."
Page 102:
Page 106:
Page 111:
Page 148:
Stat block, Special Attacks: Head butt, should read: "Special Attacks: Head butt 1d6+1 subdual"
Page 162:
Page 170:
Page 174:
Under Skarlock: Spells: Should read:
"Skarlocks cast spells as 6th level sorcerors. These spells must be imbued by their creator and can only be drawn
from the creator's repertoire."
Page 175:
Under Create Thrall feat: Third line under "Benefit" should read, "You must spend 100 XP per hp of the thrall to
be created."
Page 177:
Under Hooks: Should read: "A wealthy political emissary from abroad has lost an ancient magical artifact, and
believes it to be lost somewhere in the Corvis Undercity. What he doesn't know is that the artifact is resting
safely in the depth's of the thrullg's lair, where the thrullg has been feeding off it like an ever-lasting
Page 200:
Page 218:
Right column, Under "Scholarly Reputation Score, Works written:" First two tomes should read: The Gobbers of
Caen, a twelve part series (currently eight volumes complete, each +1 tome of gobber-specific lore); Genera and
Species of Southern Trolls (+3 tome of troll-specific lore);
Page 231:
Right column, 1st line should read: "of their favored type. At 9th level they receive an additional"
Page 238:
Left column, under "Resistance", 1st line should read: "Trollkin gain poison resistance 4 (see page 188) and +4