Logical Reasoning Direction Sense Test

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CHAPTER Direction Sense Test

n•.ereare main direction viz. Enst, West, North and South. East and West as wen as Ncrth and 94th are
orvostte to each other as sboum bell'.e.


The ahwaysrises in the East and sets in the West.
Four Other Direction: There are four other directions which are also called as submain directions, which be
in Wtuæen the four main directions.
These are : North-East (N-E); North-West (N-W) ; South-East (SE); South-West (S-W).
Giwn these sub four directions with the main four directions on a plane paper.


Two Cyclic Directions : There are two cyclic directions namely clockwise and anticlockwise. The direction of
mcwinga clock's hands is called clockwise direction while its opposite direction is called anticlockwise direction as
shown belo.v.

Clockwise direction Anticlockwise direction

Solved examples
-1. Mohitwalks 6 km to the East and turns to the South and walk 5 km. Again he turns to the East and walks 6 km.
Next, he turns northwards and walks 10 km. How far is he from his starting point?
(1) 5 km (2) 12 km (3) 13 km (4) 17 km
Mohitstarts from A walks 6 km East upto B, tums southwards and moves 5 km upto C. At C, he tumsto the East
and walks 6 km upto D. He then turns northwardsand walks 10 km upto E.
Now, draw BO and AE.
Clearly,BO - CD - 6 km
AO (AB + BO) = (6 + 6)km - 12 km
OE - (DE - OD) - (DE-BC) 10km
—(10—5) km — 5 km o
6 km
Mohit's distance from the starting point A c
6 km

—13 km
Hence, the answer is (3).
turns 900 in the clockwise direction and then 1350 in the
Ex-2. A man is facing North-West. He
Which direction is he facing now?
(1) East (2) West (3) North
(4) South


sw SE

means he
Turning 900 from NW clockwise means, he is facing NE from NE moving 1350
facing West.
So, the man is facing West. Hence, the answer is (2).
travels thrice
A person starts from a point A and travels 3 km eastwardsto B and then turns left and
between A and B
distance to reach C. He again turns left and travels five times the distance he covereddestination.
reaches his destination D. Find the shortest distance between the starting point and the
(1) 12 km (2) 15 km (3) 16 km (4) 18 km
Sol. The movement of the person is as shown in the figure.
Clearly,AB 3 km,
BC = 3 AB = (3x3)km- 9 km West

CD 5 AB = (5<3) km - 15 km 12krn t 3km

Draw AE -L CD.
ThenCE = AB = 3 km and
AE = BC = 9 km
DE (15-3) km=12km.
In AADE, AD Z= AE2+ DE 2

—AD = ( 92 km = km = 15 km
The required distance is AD = 15 km. Hence, the answer is
A watch shows 4:30. If the minute hand points East, in
what direction will the hour hand point?
(1) North (2) North-West (3) South-East (4)North-East
o w
sw NW


Hence, the answer is (4).

pa-d directfn replaces the

the direction whk-h replaces in

Fir•dthe direction which replaces ? in the fgure


(1) NE
4. Find the direction which replaces ? in the folhving figure.


(2)NE (4) NW
5. find the direction which replaces ? in the figure given belou,'.

Find the direction which replaces ?' in the figure given below.

Class VI/
Directions (0.7 to Q. 14): In the questions, movements of rat
the diagrammatic representation of these movements. Match the two columns in
Note:- the initial point of the rat in which the arrow shows the face
Column I (Movements) Column Il (Diagram) of th

7. (A)
right right —+left —Yleft

8. left left —+right right

9. right left —5left —+right (C)

10. left —+right —+right —+left (D)

11. right —Yright —i right —+left (E)

12. left —Yleft left —i right (F)

13. left —+right —Yright —+right (G)

14. right —i left —+left —i left (H)

Direction (Q. 15 to Q. 17): In the followingdiagrams,if CW indicates

and arrow indicates the direction of movement. Then fill the ap propriate
direction in Indicate
the box





(1)sw (2)SE
18. 'X' startedwalking straight towards South. He walked a distance of 5 m and then took a left turn and walked a
distance of 3 m. Then he took a right turn and walked a distance of 5 m again. Which direction X' is facing now?

(1) North-East (2) South (3) North (4) South-West

19. A person starts towards South direction. Which of the following orders Of direction will lead him to East direction?

(1) Right, Right, Right (2) Left, Left, Left (3) Left, Right, Right (4) Right, Left, Right
20. Darsh startedfrom a point 'A' towards South and travelled 5 km. Then he turned right and travelled 2 km. Then
he turned right and travelled5 km. Then he turned left and travelled5 km. How far is he from the point 'A'?

(1) 5 km (3) 15 km (4) 17 km

4 5 6 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Any e 2 1 2 1 1 G c

EXERCISE-Z of the ex

(3! •odh
turns right and nrts 9
10m She then SK.

(3) s,uth (4) West

(21 North then go to the left. In which direction
again and
n.;ht. then r•ght
turn (3) East
3. Yo.' toa•ardsV-.rth,
(2) Sanh west and covered 10
North. Then he turned km
15 km to the km. direction is he
4. h6 to

(2) West to the East of village

Village Y is 18 km
the North of to villages Z village W, in which
5. W is 20 km to Y and goes direction
2 km
Manu starts from
the west of W. If
starting point? (3) North-East (4) East
(2) south is X with respect to Z?
in what direction
and Z is to the East of Y,
of Y
6. X is to the south (4) South-East
(2) North-West
will the hour
hand points East, in what direction hand point?
10:30. If the minute
7. A watchreads (3) North (4) South
(2) South-West
(l) North-East South-West and so on, then what will North-w
North, North becomes est
S. If South-Enst becomes (3) North (4) South
(2) North-West
(1) South-East hand points to North-East, in which
is quarter to three. If the minute direction
9. The time on the watch
hour hand pointso
(3) North-East (4) North-West
(1) South-East (2) South-West
Ankit and Tarun become
Tarun, Rohan and Sohan are friends. They play cards, partners.Soh
10. Ankit, towards South? anfacq
who faces
North. If Ankit faces West, then
(3)Sohan (4)Data
(1) Tarun (2) Rohan inadequate
table in such a way that at 6 pm hour hand points to North.
11. Abhishek puts his timepiece on the In which
the minute hand will point at 9:15 p.m.? direction
(2) South (3) North (4) West
(1) South-East
then turned right and cycled 5 km and then
12. Ajay left home and cycled 10 km towardssouth, again
and cycled 10 km. After this he turned left and cycled 10 km. How many kilometres will he have to cycleto
his home st.v,osnt'? reaå

(1) 10 km (2) 15 km (3) 20 km (4) 25 km

13. Four friendsA, B, C and D live in a same locality.The house of B is in the East of A's house butin
Cs house. The house of C is in the West of D'S house. DS house is in which direction of A's house? Noråof
(1) South-East (2) North-East (3) East (4) Data inadequate
Meena wants to go to the market
She start' ftotn bet i'
road to left ends in a park strabqhtahead the office corrvr&g In
from the crossing if the places be in different
(2) West (3) North (4) 9mMh
15. A man Is factryl towards West and turns thrcmyjh
450 clockwise, NFin 1800 twns
270 0 anti«bxkuAse In which direction
is he facing
(1) West (2) Northwest (4) Wed
16. I am facing East. I turn 1000 in the
directionand then 1430 in the Wt±-h
directim am I facing now?

(2) North-East (3) North (4) Synth

17. A man is facing North-West. He turns 900 in the
clockwise direction. then 1800 in
then another 900 in the anti<lockwise direction. Which
direction he facing now?
(1) South (2) South-West (4) SQJth-E.ast
(3) West
18. A girl leaves her house. She first walks 30 metres North-Westdirection then 30 metres in 9m»rVIest
direction. Next she walks 30 metres in Scn.lth±astdirection, Finany, she turns her Fun. In
direction is she moving now?
(1) North-East (2) NorthrWest (3) South-West (4) South-East
19. A is 40 m South-West of B.C is 40 m South-East of B. then, C is in which directionwith respect to AT

(2) west (3) North-East (4) South

20. One moming after sunrise, Govind's shadow fell exactly to his right. Which direction was he facing9
(1) South (3) West (4) Date inadequate
21. One evening before sunset, Hari was standing facing pole. The shadov.jof the pole fell exact}y to his right.
To which direction was he facing?
(1) East (2) North (3) West (4) Data inadequate
22. Varun wants to go to the school. He starts from his home which is in the East and comes to the crossing- Tne road
to the left ends in a theatre, straight ahead is the hospital. In which direction is the school?
(1) North (2) South (3) East (4)West

23. Reena walked from A to B 10 metres in 'theeast. Then she turnedto the right and walked 3 metres. Again she
tumed to the right and walked 14 metres. How far is she from A?
(1) 4m (3) 24 m (4) 25 m

24. A started from his house towards West. After walking a distance of 45 m, he tumed to frie right ard 'walked
20 m. He then again tumed to the right and walked 45 m. After this he has to turn to his right at 1350 and to
cover 30 m, In which direction should he go?
(1) West (2) South (3) South-West (4) South-East
took a left turn and
25. Vikas walked 10 metres towards North, took a left tum and walked 15 metres; and again
the starting point?
walked 10 metres and stopped walking. How far and in which direction is he no.*'from
(3) 5 m South (4) 10 m North
(1) 15 m East (2) 15 m West
26. A plane towards direction changed first

(1) South- West (2) North-East (3) west

27. P, Q, R s are playing a game of carrom. P, R and S ,Q are partners. s rth
West. Then Q is facing
(1)South (2) East (3) west
28. Riya walks 10 m facing the earfy morning sun and goes 10 m to the right.
She then
time tuming to her left. How far is she now from her starting point? Walks
5, 15
(1) 10m (2) 15m (3) 20 m
Two ladies and two men are playing a bridge game(cards) and are
facing towardsEast. Person sitt,ng opposite to each other are not of the samearound
sex. on

(1) East and West (2) South and East (3) North and West
30. (4) North
Ina hilly man road. After every
1 Km, ard
long and he takes total 5 bends. The first bend is a right turn and there is
the second is a
five bends he goes straight for 5 Km. How much distance has he left tum
totally travelled?
and finalb
(1) 11.5 Km after
(2)11 Km (3) 12 Km
(4) 12.5


Qué;t "21
1 3 2 4 2 2 4 2 1 2 4
2 2 4
2 1 4 1
4 3 4
Mental Ability

1. Kishan walks 10 km towards North. From there, he walks 6 km towards South. Then he walks 3 km towards
East. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his starting point?
(1)5 km West (2) 5 km North -East (3) 7 km East (4) 7 km West
2. Rohit left home and cycled 10 km towards South, then turned right and cycled 5 km and then again turned right
and cycled 10 km. After this he turned left and cycled 10 km. How many kilometres will he have to cycle to
reach his home straight?
(1) 10 km (2) 15 km (3) 20 km (4) 25 km
3. P started from his house towards West. After walking a distance of 25 m, he turned to the right and walked
10 m. He then again tumed to the right and walked 15 m. After this he has to turn to his right at 1350 and to
cover 30 m. In which direction should he go?
(1) West (2) South (3) South-West (4) South-East
4. Ashu, Bindu and Sonu are standing at the comers of an equilateraltriangle as shown in figure. They all run
along the sides in clockwise direction and stops after covering I and 1/2sides. Now which of the following
statement is true?


Bindu s Sonu
(1) Bindu is to the West of Sonu (2) Ashu is to South-East of Bindu
(3) Ashu is to South-West of Sonu (4) Sonu is to North-West of Ashu.
5. A clock is so placed that at 12 noon its minute hand points towards North-East. In which direction does its hour
hand points at 1:30 p.m.?
(1) North (2) South (3) East (4) West


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