Mental Health Screening (6-20 Years) : C&TC Requirements Procedure

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Mental Health Screening (6-20 Years)


C&TC Requirements Procedure

General Instruments
Mental health surveillance is required at all The following instruments are recommended:
C&TC visits for all ages. This includes obtaining
General Mental Health Screening
the child and family’s mental health history and
▪ Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC)
the child’s history of exposure to trauma.
▪ Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAIN-SS)
Mental health screening using an approved,
Depression Screening
standardized instrument is recommended for
▪ Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9 or
all C&TC visits age 6 through 11 years, and PHQ-9 Modified for Teens)
is required for age 12 through 20 years. A
▪ PHQ-2, followed by more robust validated
detailed comparison table of approved mental screener (e.g., PHQ-9) for positive results;
health screening instruments for more details, refer to PHQ-2 Review
( provides information on
each recommended instrument. ▪ Kutcher Adolescent Depression Scale (KADS)
▪ Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II)
Personnel ▪ Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI-2)
Mental health surveillance must be completed
by a licensed healthcare provider: physician, Referral
nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or
It is critical that children with identified
registered or public health nurse (RN, PHN)
concerns receive or be referred for specialized
who has completed the C&TC Comprehensive
services (Weitzman & Wegner, 2015). If care
Screening training through the Minnesota
for mental health concerns is not available
Department of Health (MDH).
onsite, refer to the DHS website for a map
Qualifications for mental health screening are ( of school-linked mental
instrument-specific; refer to the instrument’s health agencies across Minnesota, or search for
manual for more information. statewide mental health or substance use
disorder treatment agencies (
Document surveillance in the C&TC visit record.
Document screening with the name of the The Psychiatric Assistance Line (PAL)
instrument, the score, and anticipatory ( or 855.431.6468 is
guidance based on the results given to the a service available to health professionals. Any
parent/caregiver or youth. For positive results, provider can call for mental health triage and
document referral and follow-up plan. referral, or for a consultation with a Board
Certified Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
For documentation examples, refer to the regarding a patient. This is a free service
C&TC Documentation Forms for Providers and provided by PrairieCare Medical Group through
Clinics ( a grant from Department of Human Services.

Follow-Up ▪ C&TC Schedule of Age-Related Screening

Standards (
After making a referral, ensure the young
▪ Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP)
person or family obtained services without
Provider Manual - C&TC Section
encountering barriers, and that the services
were effective. Provide more frequent C&TC or
other follow-up visits in clinic if needed.
Minnesota Department of Health
▪ Child and Teen Checkups (C&TC)
Importance of Mental Health (
In any given year, 9% of MN school age children
Other Resources
experience severe emotional disturbance ▪ Resources to Support Adolescent Mental
(MMB, 2019). Identification of mental health Health (
problems improves with standardized
screening (SAMHSA, 2012). Half of all lifetime
cases of mental illness begin by early
adolescence (Weitzman & Wegner, 2015). American Academy of Pediatrics. (2017, February).
Substantial evidence shows that early mental Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care.
Retrieved from Bright Futures/American Academy of
health interventions help prevent behavior Pediatrics:
problems and poor school performance us/Documents/periodicity_schedule.pdf
(Weitzman & Wegner, 2015). CDC. (2013). Mental Health Surveillance among Children-
United States, 2005-2011. MMWR, 62(2), 1-35.

Professional Recommendations MMB. (2019). Children’s Mental Health Inventory and

Benefit-Cost Analysis. Retrieved February 17, 2021, from
American Academy of Pediatrics SAMHSA. (2012, April). Indentifying Mental Health and
Substance Use Problems of Children and Adolescents: A
Standardized depression screening is
Guide for Child-Serving Organizations. Retrieved from
recommended at all well-child checks
beginning at 12 years of age (American Health-and-Substance-Use-Problems-of-Children-and-
Academy of Pediatrics, 2017). Adolescents-A-Guide-for-Child-Serving-
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. (2016, November).
Screeninng for Depression in Children and Adolescents:
Screening for major depressive disorder at 12- USPSTF Recommendation Statement. Pediatrics. doi:DOI:
18 years when systems are in place to ensure 10.1542/peds.2015-4467 o
accurate diagnosis, psychotherapy, and follow- Weitzman, C., & Wegner, L. (2015). Promoting Optimal
up is a Grade B Recommendation (U.S. Development: Screening for Behavioral and Emotional
Problems. Pediatrics, 135(2), 385-395.
Preventive Services Task Force, 2016).
For More Information
Resources The Child and Teen Checkups (C&TC) program is
administered through a partnership between the
Minnesota Department of Human Minnesota Department of Human Services and the
Minnesota Department of Health.
For questions about this fact sheet or to obtain this
▪ Children's Mental Health Programs and information in a different format, call 651-201-3760
Services ( email
Revised 03/2021

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